Send a Letter from Santa £5

Visit:, call: 0845 839 9304*, text: Santa to 65599*
OR fill in and return this form to:
Santa’s Little Helpers, PO Box 232, Melksham SN12 6WF
Please note: You can request your letter between 1 October and 17 December 2012 (30 November for Republic of
Ireland and other overseas addresses). Letters will be posted between 26 November and 19 December 2012.
SECTION 1: Who ’s your letter for?
Child 1: (Please write the name exactly as they would like to see it)
First name
Age at Christmas
Is this Baby’s First Christmas?
What is their best friend’s first name? (Leave blank if unsure)
Child 2: (Please write the name exactly as they would like to see it)
First name
Age at Christmas
Is this Baby’s First Christmas?
What is their best friend’s first name? (Leave blank if unsure)
Tick if you would like Santa to send the letter(s) in Welsh: child 1
child 2
ChildLine is a service provided by the NSPCC. NSPCC registered charity number
216401 and SC037717. © 2012 Illustration by Jason Chapman. 0854/12.
Send a Letter from Santa
SECTION 2: Who are you?
We may need to contact you about your letter(s) so please provide the following details:
The NSPCC would like to keep you informed about our work, how your support has helped children and how you can be
involved in the future.
I do not wish to be reminded about Letter from Santa again next year
I do not wish to receive information by post
by telephone
about the NSPCC’s other work.
Using email and text messages helps us to be more cost-effective. Please tick here if you’re happy to receive communications
by text
about the NSPCC’s other work by email
If you are an existing NSPCC supporter we will continue to communicate with you as we currently do.
SECTION 3: Your donation
May we suggest a
£5 donation* per letter?
Thank you
Number of letters
Donation for letters
Any extra donation
Any extra donation you can afford
will be very much appreciated.
Thank you for your kind support.
SECTION 4: Gift Aid
Increase your donation at no extra cost! Simply tick below.
I want the NSPCC to treat all gifts of money that I have made in the past four years and all future
gifts of money that I make from the date of this declaration as Gift Aid donations.
You must pay an amount of UK income tax and/or capital gains tax for each year (6 April one year to 5 April the next) that is at
least equal to the tax that the NSPCC and any other charities or CASC’s you support will reclaim on your donations for that tax
year (council tax and VAT do not count). The NSPCC will claim 25p in tax back for every £1 gift aided.
SECTION 5: Your payment details
Please enclose a cheque or PO payable to ‘NSPCC registered charity’ OR complete
the following for debit/credit card payments.
We accept: MasterCard, Visa, Visa Debit, CAF card.
Card no.
Issue no. (if applicable)
All personal data about the child/children receiving a Letter from Santa will be destroyed after the
letter has been posted. Unfortunately we cannot accept any responsibility for any postal delays.
Texts are charged at your standard rate.
I weld fersiwn Gymraeg o’r cerdyn post hwn, ewch i visit
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*Calls from a BT landline are charged at your calling plan’s standard network rate.
Mobile and other providers’ charges may vary. Please ask the bill payers permission.