Dear Santa, I have been really, really good this year. Here’s my wish list for Christmas! A baby doll, clothes and xmas hat. I also want to ask you to bring some very special presents to all the other kids around the world who aren’t as lucky as I am. Thanks for making such wonderful presents every year( and thank all the elks too!) Also could you please give the reindeer some carrots from me. Love ( no name) Dear Santa, I hav been really, really good this year. Here’s my wish list for Christmas! A Spiderman bike, Red Robot with remote, Dancing Elmo and candles scented, Blend pens, cologne and deodorant, underwear and 3-D viewer. I also want to ask you to bring some very special presents to all the other kids around the world who aren’t as lucky as I am. Thanks for makin such wonderful presents evey year (And thank all of your elves, too!) Also, could you please give the reindeer some carrots from me? Love Kennith Dear Santa, I want a stor war glon war. It’s safe for Chrosmas. Isaiah Luna. Dear Santa, I want a skateboard and a new Christmas tree for my momma. I also want a bicycle, a new picture frame, a Wii, a batman computer from Toys “R” Us, a snowglobe with Santa in it, a red rider BB gun. I also need a target to practice my shooting,. Do you have robot elves at the North Pole? I would like a train set. Merry Christmas to you, Santa! Sincerely, Carson Walker P.S. Thank you Santa! Dear Santa, I want a baby doll, a bottle, car, bike, Gloves, toys, phone, wagon, make-up, swing set. Also Santa I would like to get rid of my bottles and let you and sis do my hair. Love Yeah! McKenzie Coogler Dear Santa, I wanta pet shop house and a pet shop back pack. Love Jordan Johnson (P.S. Thanks for the $1 IOU but spend it on your family!! Love Santa) Dear Santa, My name is Kaiden and I want a Bumbo seat and Buggy Buddy and some rattlers and teether rings and some sleeper clothes and shoes for Christmas. Oh, and I need some corners so I don’t roll off the couch. I am 2 months old. Love… Kaiden Uvalle–Merry Christmas Dear Santa, I want a race car, a fire truck, the movie Wall-E and a Wall-E backpack. Love Tyler Uvalle Dear Santa Clause, How R U doing in the North Pole? Me down here Im Ok. How are the elves, tell everybody there that I said Hi!!! For Christmas this year I would really love a Nintendo DS (a ice blue one). I could also live with a nice scooter. And here some other stuff: I would like some P Js cause I need those and maybe a nice case for the Nintendo DS. And some Barbie kids. I would need some winter clothes. I need some little nicknacks for my room. And some boots that have fure on top of the boot. Please bring Daisy my dog a new bed and clothes. Shimira perfume & some nice jewelry for me. I would like either a stuffed fake lion or tiger or elephant. Hope that this is not a hole lot of stuff. If not a lice blue on then a red and black one & the new taylor swift and Jordan Sparks CD and the new movie Bolt or walle or Narnia. I would like the gymnast game and the Incredible hulk game for the Nintendo DS. I love you Santa and all you do. Love Brooke Dear Santa, For Christmas! I would like a Pet Shope, Pjs and Pet Shoe house. Most favorite thing is a Nintendo DS and little kid Barbies and New winter clothes and cowgirl boots and hair bands and stuff for my room and new clothes for my dog and a new bed, new bone and new Jordan Spakrs and New Miley cyrus cd and New jewelry and the Movie Wallie and New Barbie clothes and for the NintenDo DS I want the pink one and the baby Game and the Hannah Montana Game and jimmnatic Game! I love you lots Santa Clause. Thanks Alexis Edwards Dear Santa, My name is Kylie and I’ve been a very good girl this year. I will leave out a special kind of cookies for you. Please bring me: Chip and Dale pajamas, Fur Real Kitty with white fur and blue eyes, stuffed toy birds, Pixos Dots, Toy Westie dog, something for mommy, daddy, granny & grandpa, anything Tinkerbell, Tinkertoys for girls. I’ll be in town for Christmas at my grandparents house but you can leave me presents at both houses if you want. Love Kylie Seaback Dear Santa, How are you doing? Well for Christsams I want a laptop. The second thing I want is a camoflouge pocket knife. The third thing I want is a wii. Nuber 4 is the thing that I really want is a blonde weeny dog. Number 5 is a 72 inch plasma flatscreen. My sixth one is a metal detector. Number 7 is my last one it is a camoflouge 4x4 four wheeler. Sorry I have to go now but I will see you next Christsams. Love C. J. Tomlimson Dear Santa, I would like a purple car, a pink car and a pink jeep. I also want a Shoe-Shoe, a fashion pup and a bye-bye baby. Will you please bring my sissy a pink and purple curtain. My grandma and Mow-Mow would like a fashion pup too. And please bring my grandpas two sweet deer. Love Bailey Booth Dear Santa, This year I would like a guitar, stylen studio, psp, Are you smarter than a fifth grater DS game, camera, video camera, high school musical dolls and boots and house dress, photo cube, yearbook memories clock, high school masical 3 senier year movie. Hannah Montana house jewelry box, plug in guitar, fleece boots, dance lounge, holiday doll, juke box movies. New Tinkerbell movie. Littlest pet shop Digital planner. Bratz mugic hair color doll. Tinipuppini Tisha carry case. Puppy clap litter fur real. Rescue pets, shinning stars assortment, Friends biscuit, My Lovin pup, all easy bakes, DS games, Tinker bell Madaszascar Escape from Africa 2, Littlest pet shop, guitar hero, Wii games and Wii Portable text messenger, D-R Ex, night vision, Bionicam, cellphone, new bike, Electrik scooter, glow station, Hannah Montana color Explosion, totally Funkey Science, Dream Designer, Magic Light brash, Blacklight Diary, cake activity kits, Li”l Luvables Factory, Moonsand, Girl spa, The moment of truth hahtzee. Love Alexis Dear Santa, I love you Santa. Nintendo 5 DS. Love Emily Burris Dear Santa Claus, How are you and Mrs Claus? I am now 4 years old and I have really tried to be a good boy this year. Please bring me a dinosaur with batteries and anew big boy football. I also wants Chutes and Ladders to play with my family. Tell the reindeer “Hi!” for me. I will leave you cookies and milk and a special treat for the reindeer. Be careful! Love Breckett Weston Long Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I have been fine. I have been nice because I have been helping my mom and roland. I wish for a littlel sukuter a big boy bike. And a girl bike Chrismis.Iw ish I had a xbox for Christmis. I wish I had gamboy for Chrismis. Love Mackenzie Dear Santa, Hi! How are you I have been I would I want a computer for crismit because to do my homework on computer. I want a Barbie because they are fun, I want a McGruff because my bobsy sisdr love it. I want a fis tank because I want to put my fis in it. Love Randi Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I been fine. I have been nice because I have been helping my mom and roland. I was noughty because I was fighting with her. I was nice because I helped roland cook win my mom was sick. I wish for a Hannah Montana wig and the close for itto because I want it for Hallowin. I wish for a laptop because I want to do my homework on it. I wish for a Wii because I want to play with it. I wish for one Little gril bike and a nather girl bike and boy bike because I want to give the little bike to my little cusin for chrismis. Love Mackenize Dear Santa, Hi! How are you. I have been nice because I been nice to my friends. I wood lick of I cad git a black laptop. My brother wood like a wii for crismis. My mom licks cups that have frots on thim because she likes thim. My Dad would like some tools becayse he likes the tools. My mom would likes jewelry and necklace because she likes to yos thim. My cusain would like a wii like my brither too. I would like a psp and a wii a d s too because I like thim. My brother likes a black bick. Love Mariana Dear Santa, I have been nice to others n I half friends. I want a bike in the colorls black because I hulf a bike but my bike is broke. I will sit up sum cookie for ya Santa. I want a Nintendo DS because last Christmiss I want Nintendo DS I goa play sashin 2 but it is brok. Christmis is fun I want a present I want a wii game because my is broke. Marry Christmiss to you and mary Christmiss to all. Love Chris Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I have neem Naughty and nice because I get into fights with my sister. O have done stuff for my dad and mom. I wante a blue like because my other bike my knees hit the handl. My mom won’ts a dimeind nackles because I want to give her a gift from you. I wont book’s because I need to read. I wont a sadle cause I can ride on coco. I wont a puppy because my other puppy dead. I wont a black lab. Brittany Dear Santa, Hi! How are you doing? I have been naughty and nice. I have been naughty because me and my brother alwaze get in a fight. I have been nice because I listened to my mom. What I want for Christmas is $20 in ones. Please so I can buy me stuff. I alsoe want some high school muical clothes because so I have some clothes for school. I want to have a good Chrismas and my family and you to Santa. Cassie Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I have been good a little bet because I was not doing my math. My cusin wants a blue loptop because he like’s games. I want a supersury lab and a slime lab because I want to make experiments, a drit birk. I want cell phone for emnchsees. Nathan Dear Santa, Hi! How are you. I have been nice and naughty. I want a book and a talk bird. I would like you to bring my mom a jewelry and a necklace. My dad would like a tols because my borther what a ball. My sister wate a Hannah Montana jote because she want it. My papa wate a tool because he want to build. Katelyn Dear Santa. Hi! How are you? I have been naughty in nice because I yelld at my brother. I would like a blue Nintendo DS because it is fun to play with. I would like some those slip on shoes. I would like for to bing something for my mom like a china dool because she like a china dool for christas. Would you bing me a songs like marry Christas songs for christas because it is fun to song some songs. I would like to you bing a blue hats like a John Deer because he likes hats. Brianna Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I have been good. My sister wants a laptop because she wants to play on it. I want a wii gams. We are go t omake you those oreo balls. I want a slassasa tv. I wanta games because I will play them. Drew Dear Santa, Hi how are you? I have been waiting for a wii and I have been nice because O have been chaging my sisters diper and feeding my dogs or I have been cleaning after eather my mom dad or sister and I always got to watch after her. And sometimes I will eather do the dishes or clean the living room. And could I get a fourwheeler and one of them scooters that have three wheels that tells you how much you got and when you feel it up it will make a train noise and could I get some games with the wii and I want the wii because you can swing the romote and you can play bowling baseball tennis and you can play army games. Brody Dear Santa, Hi how are you? I have been nice this year. Santa can you bring me a pink laptop I’ve always wanted a pink laptop oh and one more thing can you bring my sister a blue laptop she’s always wanted one of her own laptops. Me and my sister have always been nice to each other all the time. When we don’t have enough we share whith each other. We will be spending a lot of time whith our new laptops that you gave us. We won’t event do our homework whith the laptops in our way. We have always been nice to each other all the time. Santa please come to our house we will leave some cookies on the table for you and there will be a glass of milk for you in the table for you. Berenice Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I have been naughty and nice I have been nice by help others and took cary of others. I have been naughty by fight with my brother said not nicewrids to my brother. But I got beter. I want a D.J. and I want the crole to be black and I want the Poke’Mon Ranger qust to capcher the cool Poke;Mon and a case and pens to come with it and I want the pens to be black and the case to be black to. AND I WANT A Wii and four remocantroos and a sport game. Sebastian Dear Santa, Hi! How are you I have been god because. I want a present because for my mom because a lachet because my mom. How or yor day. Because et was fi sed Santa. I want a game because en a loot. Because tu plya because en entengo for gor dod because en for my sester because en was for my ebtader my. Edgar Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I have been nice and good job. Because good every day. Santa like to gave us a present lots. Santa like people because they nice to Santa. People like santa because santa is nice. And I want bike because I like my bike. I want a loptop because I like that, I want a nentendo DS and I want a book. I want a litter bike to my sister. Nancy Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I have been a little naughty because I pshed some childrens down he felt and cryed when his knee hit the ground and I would like a X360 and I would like something for my mom she would like a red pretty dress. My dad would like a working shovle because my dad can dig a hole. My brother would like a toy guitar because he never played a guitar that is all. Adrian Dear Santa, Hi how are you? I have been nice. I want a bobafett toy and I want a Legofett transtomr because is nice. I want a trenfomr because is nice. I want a laptop and I want a dort vetr toy because is calwd. I wont a dort vetr latopand I wont a pet shopt because I ne et.I wont a laco sart wars shart and I wont a sart wors jemust because I wont the as2. I wont a noon shocun of my dad because isot hem. I wont a pastn 3 because I lic ing. I wont a pesls because I lice t. I wont a 3 pens and 4 pens because I liceting. I wont a pen because I liceting. I wont a boba talt pen because I liceing. Alan Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? I have been naughty and nice. I been naughty because I did not go to sleep when my mom told me to. I been nice because I hava did all the work in the house for Christmas. I want a p.s.p because I never had a p.s.p. and I wont a cupcakemaker. Because I never had a cupcakemaker. I would like a wii game because a boy broke my mom game. I would like a bratz doll because I well hava lots of doll. I would like pixs because I like them so mush. My brrther a new fishingpole because his old fishingpole is mess up. My sis would like a jewelry box because hes cue put all her suff and. My sis would like a baseball because hes like baseball. Sis he would like a doll because he like doll. Tera Dear Santa. I can’t wait until Chrismas comes. Ride careful. How are your elves? How is Rudolph and the other raindeers doing? Please bring me these thangs a bickgetor ease and that’s all I want so have a Merry Chrismas! Vanessa Baldebino Dear Santa, See you at church on Sinday. Have a Merry Christmas! What I really want for Christmas is the Christmas spirit that what I want for Christmas. Santa can you give my mom a speshal gift where someone cleans up the house and that is my dad. And for my dad can you give him a new spakin puble. And for my brother give him drums for my sister giver her a new puppy name chloe for mud giver her own crown and cape. For bud give him a large babyrouth bag and for nanny a new bed and for pappa he needs a bike for Christmas. And for meme a new car and for Jim a jhon deer room. Oh and one more thing for my brother a john deer gameboy for me a Christmas play puppet that looks like a stable a baby Jesus a mary and a Josove. Aubrey Cherry Dear Santa. what are your favorite cookies? How are your elves? How are Rudolp and the other reindeer doing. Pleasea bring me and my brother and my mom and father these things please. Danielle wants a Intendo D S please. Dalton wants a jhon deer tenter please. Seth wants a hole rodeo set please. Traive wonts a radeyo please. My mom wants a new truck please. My dad wants a new tractor that works please. Have a happy Christmas!!!! Danielle Johnson Dear Santa, What are your favote cookies How are rudoplho and the other reindeer doing. I can’t waint until Chrismas comes. How are your elves. Ses you elves. Daniel Alvarado Dear Santa. What are your faverret cookies? How is your elves? Please bring me these things…Martion Mocker, Indiana jones Noise Whip. Kirk Wiggins Dear Santa. Have a merry Christmas! What are your favorite cookies? How are Rudolph and the other reindeer. O can’t wait until Christmas comes Fly careful. Have fun and we all be good and voes your Santa and will you have fun and cookies are good for you are you being good . Santa and I miss you do you love me He siade Yes I do love you and I always love you. See you at church and I allawasy see you at church. You have pretye Iess. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indvisble with libery and justice for all. Honor the Texas flag I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas one State under God one indivisible. Do you love cats do you love dog. Brianna Loftin Dear Santa, How or you doing I wat a doll for Christmas and O love Christmas because it is Gpd birthday. I love putting or Christmas tree it lookes prettey and I wat makeup for Christmas. I like to eat cookies what cookies do you like? I like Rudolph the reindeer because he has a red noise like a berrey and I like to be a good gril so you can give me the doll and the makeup I hopp you have a Merry Christmas. Love Vianey Dear Santa. Santa for Christmas I want new shoes for Christmas and wat ever you give a new game go in the ds santa and a cookie cupcake all to gaves maker in Santa. Fly careful with your deers to Santa I love you and and Santa at ory school we got a song of I Soye Momy kissing Santa Claus and whatever you give me that I will like Santa Claus. Keyoyonia Smith Dear Santa. How are Rudolph and the other reindeer doning? I can’t wait until Christmas comes. How are your elves? Check for holes. Fly careful. See you at church. How are asher, Preanser, doner, vikson, cupit, Blitson. My mother would like a black dress. My Dad would like a new clock. My Nana would like earings like mine. My PaPa would like a new wolit. My dog would like a dog boun and the other dog would like a litte boun. I would like a Hanana Montan beanbag and alrm clock and that is all. What are your favorite cookies? Have a Merry Christmas. Will you make sher I am good in till Christmas? Alexia Brasher Dear Santa. You are the best Dag ever. And can you bring a prien for me pleace I am surprise to see you at my house can you Bring me a game for me pleace and my little baby brother and my brother and can you get me a new Book and a computer for my little brother and I want to see you at my house and my bedroom I like Santa Cluas and can you buy a piresin for my baby brother buy him a mickey moise club house and that all for Santa Cluas. The end I love you Santa is at motel. Juan Olivares Dear Santa. I hope you have a Merry Christmas! Please bring me my mom dad and brother these thing. I want an mp3 player. Mommy would like a nice warm coat. Daddy would like a drill. Buba wants a rattle for Chritmas. Oh, yah santa I’ve been getting good grades. Have a Holly Jolly Christmas to Miss Clase and Santa. Christian Dear Santa, What are your favorite cookies? How are Rudolph and the other reindeer are doing? I can’t wait until Christmas come. How are your elves? See you at church. Please bring me these things. Have a Merry Christmas. Fly careful. I love Christmas. I want a doll. I wood love to have book of Christmas. I love Santa. Mackenize Dear Santa, How are you doing. I hope you have a great critmas. I want a brown saeo kit and the Indiana Jones Whip and a fa door. What are your favorite cookies. I hope you like my house. I wont have a fire on. How is Rudolph and the other reindeer doing how are the elves this Chrismas what wold you like for crismas. Frederick Criswell Dear Santa, I want to know your favorite kind of cookie is so I could leave that kind of cookies for you. These are some of the the things I want for Christmas. I would like Pixos, dendoroos, seasons 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, of Sponge bob square pants the game parana panicm nadegascar escaoe 2 Africam D.S. games, and the last thing I would like is every vol. of magic tree house books. I also want to know how the reindeer are doing. I can’t wait until Christmas, even thoe it’s 21 days until Christmas I still can’t wait. I love you Santa. Zane Pixley Dear Santa, How are misses claus what are your favorite cookies I can’t wait until Christmas comes how are your elves Please bring me these things BB gun, light saber spy camera, spy gear, pet dog, Xbox 360. Please bring my cousin these things hanna Montana doll, brabie doll have a merry Christmas. Deonare Dear Santa, I want a crossbow and I want a stunt bick and a dirt bik and a modersicki and a dog and snar drums. The end. Love Eric Dear Santa, Hi Santa. How or you ding. This is what I Chrismas 2 star wars plysets and 9 Dallas cowboys back pack aprim and migachro batl pasats and form and for my cousin and. Love Jason Wade Waldrep Dear Santa. How you Rudolph and the other reindeer? What are your favorite cookies? My Christmas tree is in the dineg room by the window? See you at church. Can’t waint until Christmas comes. I hope you make it. Please bring me these things, I want a cool pone, and a skatbord. Ol vlashrek git or and bring my sisters gifts. And my momy and dadys and me a dirtbike. That’s all have a Christmas! Fly careful. Landon Dear Santa, You are the Best. I want for chrismis is a fishing poll and tell Mrs. Clas she is doing good and tell the elvs th they are doing good to tell everdotea is doing good. Tell all the girl elves and boy elvss all of them are doing good. Wat are yor favrit cookeas? Can you tell one elv can he make a ring for my mom. Can you make my dad a fishing pall to. And can you make my sister a Hanna Montana wig. Thank you Love Dustin Evans Dear Santa, I can’t wait until Christmas comes. How are Rudolph and the other reindeer doing? How are your elves? Please bring me these things. A Nintendo DS with a spongebob game called drawn to life that is all I need please Santa. Eduardo Rios Dear Santa, Hi Santa Clause. I been god I want for Christmas is a Hannah Montana bak pak I want a Hannah Montana jakitI want a Hannah Montana book I want have you git in my hous. I mes you. Bicus you ar my best frend. Haw ar you okay is mses clas is find I want you to bring wat I want you to bring me I want Monica Dear Santa, Are you ding good how are the reinder Santa are the elves doing good? How many letter do you haft to read? Santa Clause for Christmas I wat a durtbick an horse. I been good how bowt you. Did one of the bells fell off the reindeer? We get to fill stocings at school. I here up at the North Pole it’s cold in witer. How is mrs Clause? Tell the elves I seid hellow.I like the bells that are small. Do you climb down the chimney an do you prak the slae on th roof? Do you rille live in the North pole? How many reindeer do you have? I have a small Christmas tree and I live in a kaper. Dalton Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope you or doing good. You are the best. I have lots of spirit. How is the weather? I bet it is cold. I don’t have a chimney. Doz my mom let you in? I love you Santa. I have another list. How are the reindeer? How is mrs. Clause? Tell the elfs that I said hello. Well I want a yu-ei-oh et the begind of destiny, a skateboard. I want a laptop. I want you. Bubba Dear Santa, Hi Santa are you Ok becuseI hop you are because I lov Christmas and I like your elves to oh you to. I want a new socre ball. I want my mom dad to have the very best Christmas avre osole me my dogs treesland you your mom did your dogs your cats are hair. Sckane theu north Pole the reindeers winters to we have to have winter snow days of the week months of the year foes names last names so that is it. Carlye Dear Santa, Are you oky? Are you going to make it to Christmas? Santa I would like to have my 1# thing a John cena atograf pirtuo. I want a wresling bike. I have been a good boy. I love you. Why do you wear a red suit? How are the elf’s doing? How is Mrs. Clause doing? Does it get cold when you fly? I know you are a good man. I believe in your. Remember my hous is on brock street. I have a silver car. The monny in the bank ladder mach. I know you haven’t heard from me but I am still alive. It is snowing a lot. Why is your nose red? Why do you wear boots that are black? Is your beard relly white or black. I like you. What coler are your eyes? Is Santa your real name. I would like to have a puppy. Zachary Dear Santa, Hiy Santa! How are you doing at the north poll So I hope that your reindeers is bing good I wish it was snowing up here So what I want for crismas is my to front teeth. So can you by me a Nintindo DS cues. I do not have it and I wish I could get a new World Record Book and the most thing that I want is a forweeler. I love Santa. Alexis Dear Santa, How are you doing? I have been a good boy this year. I haven’t see your for a wile. How are the reindeer. How are the elves. Why do you sneak into my house? Why do you live in the North Pole? I want a Ds. I wand a skateboard. Christmas is my fafrat holiday. I want a dirt bike. I want a game. It’s cold where I live. I am good. Thank you for my skateboard. Thank your for my WII. Thank you for my game boy. Josh Dear Santa, How are you? Are you still dilvring presents? How are your reindeer? Is Mrs. Clause bakeing you sum good cookies? Are the elves in bisnic? Do you reamiber were my house it? Reamiber it is the white rocked house. It will have a black are in the carport. I just was wondring. If you would want to know that I been a good girl. If you beleve me. For Christmas I would like a boy dog, sum games for my game boy. I would also like a hair ion. It is cold in the north pole? I bet it is. Love Heaven Compton Dear Santa. How are you doing? How are your reindeer? I wish I can have a bike. I wish I can have a dog. I wish I can have a new bed. I hope you are doing good! How is Mrs. Clause doing? I mis you a lot. See you on Christmas. I cante wate intill Christmas. It will be reall really really fun. I hope the elves are doing their worke. There will be kookees in my kitchen table. I hope you like them. Love Dylan Brightwell Dear Santa, How are you Santa Claus? How are the elves. I love Christmas. I been good. boy. I had a happy year. I am good boy at school. How are you at North Pole. How are the reindeer. I do not have a chimney. How is Mrs. Santa Clause. I wont a Ds. I wont a Psp. I wont games for DS and Psp. Christmas is the bust of the year. I have not cut a letr to you in a long tume. Is thre snow there. My dad and mom is good. It is clod where I live. I am good good up here. How are you and Mrs. Santa Clause. I am thack you for the theing for us to year. But most of all I would like snow. Justin Dear Santa, How are you Santa Clause? I hope your doing good. Are the reindeer are they doing good too? Are the elves doing good too? I hope you thank I been doing good. I want a good Christmas. Christmas is fun. Just so you know my Nana is doing ok. My papa is doing ok. My brother are dong ok. Wath I want for Christmas my number one thing is a IPod. Wath I want for Christmas is a dirt bike. Wath I want for Christmas is moon sand. Wath I want to get my mom for Christmas is shart. When you get this in the North pole I wish it comes troue. Jake Dear Santa, Santa Clause love me. Ayrionnia love Santa, Mrs. Bookman love Santa. My nume is Santa Clause. My mom see me. To her name is Sum girl? Mrs. Bookman see a Santa Clause. Keyonia love Santa Clause. I love Santa Clause for me. Yes of no Santa Clouse. I love STAR. I love Chimney. Ayrionnia Dear Santa, How are you. For Christmas I Want a motorcycle. A dog. A surprice. Dear Santa Claus. Wi do you coneat nogte. Santa, I love your hat. I like your elves. Santa. Remember what color is my haoes, I been good at school. I live in Lake Livingston come to my hous Stanta. Thank you Santa for the presents last yaer. Thay are cookies in the table. Hugo Deleon Dear Santa, I have been waiting for you Santa clause how are the elves are they good. Does roodoff guide your slay. I like your cheeks there pretty. I hope you find a way to get in my house. Do you still now where my house is. Do you like Berrys I want stikers I want a biycicle and a real precles but you can’t buy a real book. How is Mrs Clause is it cold there tell the elves I said hello to bad I don’t have a chimmny. I hope your not late for Christmas! Mira Dear Santa, Hy Santaclause. I have not right to you for a long time have I been a good gril. Please right back I love you. Santa Claus. I win ter like a DS I want like a pupy. I winter a new speaker for my tarther. But most of all I would like a horse. On and Santa clause have a good Christmas. Cecilia Rose Flores Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa Clause? How are the reindeer! How is Mrs Clause doing? For Christmas I would like a sprise present. I would like a completer for Christmas. I would like a sprisie present. How many letters did you get? How are the elves? Is every thoung Julia Dear Santa, Hy Santa I been good. have you been good? I love you I want a baby alive I want a dog. Emma Dear Santa, Con I have a codog, bick ples. For my mom dimbracslit ples and for my dad a codogs bick to and for my sister can you get my sistra wee to can you brig a loom formy dog for my grandp can you git him a car ples to for my cousin can you get him oc p.s.p. and for my cat Sam coct tase ocm for my gramady git her sum jurey and for mt brother can you git him sum food ples and for me to can I git me a p.s.p. and for my erth can git ien sum awp. Donaven Perez Dear Santa, How did you get a big beard. I want MP3 player for cristmas my sister wants a d.s. my mom wants a wring my teachers wants a choclate bar. My brother’s wants a wii. My cosin wants a fish that is big and fat. My ant wants a Pull. My other ant wants a julery box. My other ants wants you to have a happy cristmas. Santa how do get down the chimney. How do you get in the house whim ther is no chimney in the house. How meny days of cristmas Jessie Baker Dear Santa, How are you doing and how is Mrs Claus doing has she been making you cookies? I would like a wii.and I would like a game for it. And I would like a new game for my DS. I want a new MP3 player. Thank you James Dixon Dear Santa, How are the reindeer hiw is miss claws how is roudoff and I hope you can make it to my house and I been a good boy this year and I hope you can go to every bodeys house on Christmas and for Christmas I won’t a puppy. Broch Holmes Dear Santa, How are you dowing Santa. Can I ples have a now bike and a now telukop and a nite veshen and tow kule cors that gos on the selen oh and 7 mur. Thank can I ples have a sumpThing that whud sker my aprens. I love you Santa clos can I ples have a now fore weler and my sester a now dike and my techer a big, big, big chocklet bar. Cody Lee Rains Dear Santa. How are you santa. How is Mrs. Claus. Have she baked you some good cookies. How is roodoff and all the other raindeers. Have they been good. Santa I have been good can I have a play house so me and my sister want a club. My mom want a car because her car is broken. My sister want a new pone because pone want work. My other sister wants a toomgouch because she don’t have one. My cause want a car too because she have dinses in her car. My grandmother wants a new kichen because her kichen don’t work. My dad want some shoes and cloths. My Franid want a toy. Keimoria Renfro Dear Santa, Are you doing good down there. I am doing good down here. I want a pull weller for Christmas and a Xbox 360 for Christmas. How do you get down the chimne when you are fat. And I want a new par of heelys for Christmas. And my mom wants a new tahoe and my dad wants a new jaket for Christmas. And I wish my mom get her tahoe. And I hope my dad gets his jaket. and my sister wants a new set of pokemon cards. Andrew Rhodes Dear Santa. How do you get in the houses that do not have chimnes? How do you get so fat? I wold like some heeles, a woope coshen, fake teeth, the Arthur book’s, light up out fit’s, And lots of other suprises. For my mom a pare of gold jorey, penicle’s with eracers. For my dad a sliver watch, a black wig. For my dog a little ball, coler with bells on it. For my grandma makeup. For my grandpa a new truck. For my ant a toy dog. For my baby cusint a rattle, a baby blankit. For my cusint a doll house. For my sister a stuffed animal. Aubrey Caskey Dear Santa, How are you doing and how is miss clows doing has she been making a lot of cookies. How do you go down the houses that don’t have chimnes, What I want for cristmes is a holuhop and a skatbord. What I whant for my sister is some clotheings for her and some now shows. What I want for my mom is a baby puppy and a cat. What I want for my dad is a new rotrilr and a handdog. What I want for my brother is a cat and a big dog. What I want for my ant is a new car’s. What i want for my baby cuson is a Barbie to car and a new swimmimg pol. What I want for my incl is a hot ride and a truk. I been a good gril. Madision Hammond Dear Santa, Can you show rudof to me. Santa how are you dowing. Santa can you wack me up please. Give my pape a new job. My NaNa neesz a new pers. And me the Spiderman toys. Broderick Cooper Dear Santa, I hope the north pole is good. Santa have you ever got a cold in the north pole? And guess what I know a boy who has a Birthday in December the 15th and I have a Birthday in December the 14th! So is Rudolph good? Santa clause could I have a surprise for Christmas? Because I want something to surprise me this Christmas. Has mrs. Clause Been making you good cookies? And mr. Santa can you bring my mother a diamaind necklace? and could you sign it hope and Santa. Just asking. Oh, and could you bring me papa a new fishing rod? Because his is not working very well. And could you bring my meme a new Box of jewelry? Well have a good Christmas! Hope Bifgi Dear Santa. Are you good today Santa. And Santa is your waf doing good. Is she making cookies for you Can I ask you whant I want I want some Book’s please. I want a Ipd please. Dear Santa can you give my sister a star so she can wish she had a boyfriend. Victoria Flores Dear Santa, How do you get in house with no chimenee? How is miss chlos doing? Like a PlayStation 2. I would like a DS my sister wood like a mp3play. My dad wood like a new par of boots. My mom wood like a prsh. Tyler Bell Dear Santa, I love you Santa, how are you and Mrs. Santa. How do you get down the chimne. You are very nise. I would live a PsP for chriams. And my dad would lake a new car. And my mom would lake new house. My gram would lake a TV. An Case would lake a Ds. My brother PSP. My borther iPide. An My Grann would lake a new house. My caesn would like a fone. My Aunt Lind would like a new bed. And aunt would like a car. My Breazya Bookman Dear Santa, How are you doing. How is Mrs Close doing. I love you Santa. How do you get down a chimne if there is no chimne. You are so cool. I bet you will go too heaven. You are nice. is it cold at the north pole. How do you face the cold. I know you where a worm jacket and boots. But you are so brave. I am a little bit nice too my teacher. But today I did verey good. Could you send me a letter lik sended you one. You are so special too me can I have a little citty cat. My mom want’s a car. My Grandma like too so a lot can you giver her a soing set. My dad want’s a nif. Autumn Hebert Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I have listed a few things I would like for Christmas. Please take this list in consideration when you visit me this year. A remote, lego set, Sly 2, Sly 3, a memory card, a scatebord, bb gun, arrows for my bow a new bike wheel a bire. Love Jacob Charlie Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I have listed a few things that I would like for Christmas. Please take this list in consideration when you visit me this year. T.V., memory card, Arc remote control car, slift, tent, garot, toon town, hamster, hat beanbag. Love Jordan Charlie Dear Santa, For Christmas I want money, wii games & a paintball gun. Thank you. Sincerely Justin Dear Santa, This year I would like some webkins and littles & pet shop. I would also like Bellasara cards. I would also like the tv game Dreamlife like I gave Kawrin. Most of all I would like a robotic dog. Thank you for your time, Love Jordan Dear Santa, This Christmas I would like a choo-choo. I also want a helicopter. I want a piggy toy and a horsey toy too. I tried to be nice to Justy, Jordy and Jaxson but sometimes they are rude! I will leave you milk and cookies. Thank you! Jayson Dear Santa, I tried to be good! For Christmas I want a tool box with a screwdriver and tool glasses. I also want a policeman dressup, gun, hat, key and policeman locker. I need a pretend policeman jail too. I want a duck toy and a polar bear toy. I want a horsey toy. Maybe just one of everything! Thank you! Jaxson Dear Santa, I want a wii computer games. Isaac Dear Santa, I want a tendo DS and a compass and a crash games and a conic game and a with the tendos and the game. And a roo bik. Devin Dear Santa, This is Dareone I want a new cell phone, digital camera, legos, jeans, shoes, shirts, trampoline, Bratz, labtop, myspace, PS3, guitar hero, will game console, drawing stuff. I Pod. Love TGIR Dareone Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I pick up my toys when I finish playing with them. I help my mommy and daddy take care of all the animals. I take good, good care of my new puppy Maddie. I would like to get for Chrishmas the dog named Biscuit, a Barbie walking horse, a Clifford game for my LeapFrog, some make-up, a build-a-bear machine and a heart ring. I promise to continue to be a good girl and do good in school. I will get all green marks and no pink marks. I love Santa!!! Sidney Walters Dear Santa, I been a good boy this year and I want action figures, cars, a toy alligator, roller skates, bike, race track and my baby sister early. Don’t worry the logs are fake in the fireplace and don’t stomp you will wake us up. Tristan Brown Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a Hannah Montana Holiday doll, a couple of U.B. Funkeys, some Nascar things it doesn’t matter what it is, and anything else you would like to give me. Also how is mrs. Claus? Have a great year! Love Layla Anzahdua Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a 4-wheeler or a phone for Christmas this year. Love Marlinda Dunham Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a PSP or a big toy truck for Christmas this year. Love Caleb Johns Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a laptop or a jeep for Christmas this year. Love Margo Shamp Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please sem ne a Wii or a kitty cat for Christmas this year. Love Francis Zungia Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a Incredible Hulk toy or an airplane for Christmas this year. Love John Aguero Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a race car track or a computer for Christmas this year. Love Xavier Perkins Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a Spiderman Lego Game or a soccer ball for Christmas this year. Love Dominic Boone Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a dog or a Transformer toy for Christmas this year. Love Jack Ball Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a Leap Pad or a toy giant for Christmas this year. Love Andrew Rodriquez Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a Leapster or a playhouse for Christmas this year. Love Dustin Bland Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a dog or a toy train for Christmas this year. Love Zane Goff Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a heart shaped ring or a Build-A Bear machine for Christmas this year. Love Sydney Walters Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a new pieces for my saddle or a laptop for Christmas this year. Love Krislyn Patterson Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a tiger or a bull for Christmas this year. Love Kieland Doherty Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a new toy truck or play handcuffs for Christmas this year. Love Walker Findley Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a doll or a ball for Christmas this year. Love Jaidn Bennett Dear Santa, I have been very good all year long! Please send me a laptop or a phone for Christmas this year. Love Regan antley Dear Santa, I would really like a Guitar Hero for Christmas! Thank you, A J Hester Dear Santa, I would really like a guitar for Christmas! Thank you, Tara Tolar Dear Santa, I would really like a baseball and bat for Christmas! Thank you, Christian Washinton Dear Santa, I would really like a Barbie doll for Christmas! Thank you, Arionna Shine Dear Santa, I would really like a train for Christmas! Thank you, Bobby Ryans Dear Santa, I would really like a remote control bull dozer for Christmas! Thank you, Chris Smith Dear Santa, I would really like a Dora Scooter for Christmas! Thank you, Alexandria Brown Dear Santa, I would really like a Wall-E game for Christmas! Thank you, Cody Roth Dear Santa, I would really like a blue bike for Christmas! Thank you, Nathan Perkins Dear Santa, I would really like a pocket knife for Christmas! Thank you, Hallie Alexander Dear Santa, I would really like a Hannah Montana stage, wig and microphone for Christmas! Thank you, Audrey Simmons Dear Santa, I would really like a toy Santa Claus for Christmas! Thank you, Kaitlyn Collins Dear Santa, I would really like a drum set for Christmas! Thank you, Sam Ray Dear Santa, I would really like baseballs and a baseball bat for Christmas! Thank you, Joshua Richardson Dear Santa, I would really like boots for Christmas! Thank you, Bailey Whisenhunt Dear Santa, I have been good all year. I want a ATV, a puppy, a nitindo DS lite, a game boy and game boy games and BB gun. Your friend, Travis Ellisor Dear Santa, I have been good all year. I would like to have a necklace, tools, heilies, and a necklace for my mom because she takes care of me. Your friend, Dylan Harrison Dear Santa, This year I have been good. I would like a big truck, buzz lightyear, woody and race cars. Your friend, Wesley Slocomn Dear Santa, I have been good all year. This year I want a basketball goal, dirt bike, a 4-wheeler and a soccer ball. Your friend, Brenden Ogletree Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a workshop and some art supplies. Your friend, James Berdan Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Please bring me a Hannah Montana guitar and a princess doll. Love Shyanne McLoud Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Please bring me a wagon and a phone. Love you, Adrianna Shaw Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Please bring me a Barbie guitar and a big Barbie doll. Love, Ambria Holcomb Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a sword and a dragon. Love you, Hunter Burkett Dear Santa, I have been an okay boy this year. Please bring me a Nintendo DS and some heelees. Your friend, Diego Gonzalez Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Please bring me some heelees, wheels for my shoes and a Barbie car. Love, Erika Ramirez Dear Santa, I have been a really good girl this year. Please bring me a Barbie computer and a Barbie car. Love, Emileigh James Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a motorcycle with minutes and a gocart with minutes too. Your friend, John Clowers Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a white motorcycle and some heelees. Your friend, Wyatt Bogany Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a Nintendo DS and a PSP. Your friend, Caleb Cooper Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a electric guitar and a regular guitar. Love, Shawn Hogue Dear Santa, I have been an okay girl this year. Please bring me a little playhouse with an every year thing that has humans and a little car and a Greenbay Packer necklace. Love, Carolyn Yarborough Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a car and a clock. Your friend, Angel Valenzuela Dear Santa, I have been an okay boy this year. Please bring me some cars and a PSP. Your friend, Juan Torres Dear Santa, I have been an okay boy this year. Please bring me some Hot Wheels tracks and some drums. Your friend, Evan Williams Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a car and a clock. Your friend, Antonio Villanueava Dear Santa, I have been an okay boy this year. Please bring me some Heelees and some Power Ranger stuff. Your friend, Blake Amberson Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Please bring me some Heelees and some boots. Love, Kelsi Whiteker Dear Santa, My name is Jade. I have been a very good girl this year. Please bring me a cpudar and skoodr. Love, Jade Norman Dear Santa, My name is Devin. I have been a very good boy this year. Please bring a tendo DS and a crash game feling ever bae I lost it. Love, Devin Elliott Dear Santa, My name is Anazio. I have been very good. Please send me bick with no shan wel. Love, Anozio Gorzo Dear Santa, My name is Bryan. I have been a very good boy this year. Please bring me a playstation and a x-box 360. Love Bryan Fourcroy Dear Santa, My name is Jasmin. I have been a very good girl this year. Please brimg me a sticker and x-box 360. Love, Yasmin Garcia Dear Santa, My name is Bradene. I have been a very good boy this year. Please brig me a game Sonick rixr ulish and sabrd game. Love, Braeden Watson Dear Santa, My name is Matthew. I have been a very good boy this year. Please bring me Ben lo game for x-box 360 and a naruto baduve the ban or somthen liyc that for x-box 360. Love, Matthew Stovall Dear Santa, My name is Kelsey. I have been very good girl. Please bring me a doll and a hoolu. Love, Kelsey Dear Santa, Ny name is Dale, I have been a very good boy this year. Please bring me a wii and crash games. Love, Dale Bolton Dear Santa, My name is Haley. I have been a very good girl this year. Please bring me a DS and a dog is fack with a jres with a hoose. Love, Haley Racke Dear Santa, My name is Jonathhan. I have been a very good boy this year. Please bring me X-Box,notebrop, notwsharrith hard fith dod nthmotnw. Love, Jonahan Guynes Dear Santa, My name is Camryn. I have been a good girl this year. Please bring me a intindo dees and clos. Love, Camryn Robison Dear Santa, My name is Isaiah. I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a skatborde and scate. Love, Isaiah Luna Dear Santa, My name is Destiny. I have been a very girl this year. Please bring a karoke and x-box 360. Love, Destiny Simmons Dear Santa, My name is Leahann. I have been a very good girl this year. Please bring me ball and a babe cardl. Loves, Leahann Laird Dear Santa, My name is Maison. I have been a very good boy this year. Please bring a skateboard, wii, a put flas and please bring me a x-box game for a x-box wod gos. Love, Maison Rivers Dear Santa, The students in Mrs. Barnes class have been on their best behavior this year. Please check your list twice as you always promise! Mark Arenas wants a shirt. Shelly Lamb wants an x-box. Ashlyn Dudley wants a Nintendo DS and X-box. Clay Wright wants a Nintendo Ds and X-Box. Bryana Juarez wants a bunny. Elijah Franklin wants an X-box. Caleb hoot wants a Nintendo DS. Dooley Calcote wants a Nintendo DS. Julia Pulley wants a doll house and Nintendo DS Brooke Kouba wants a cupcake maker Brendan Hall wants a cork gun Gauge Decker wants an X-box Jacob Haley wants a game case Diangelo Ortiz wants an X-box. Ryder Henson wants a Nintendo DS Kurt Best-McCullar wants a trampoline Joe Lewis wants an X-Box Mrs. Barnes wants her students to have a magical Christmas holiday!!! Dear Santa, The students in Mrs. Patranella Pre-K class have been very good this year. Here are a few things we would like for Christmas. Kayla—Ninetendo DS Latiana—Dora and Boots Nadia—Red Bike Gabriela—Computer Riley—Singing bear Ethan—Bakugans Jesslyn—Dora glasses Brayden—airplane John—4-wheeler Juan—big swimming pool Hannah—Barbie doll Deaja—princess doll Harley—Ben Ten Watch Jasmin—Horse that goes William—Transformer Angel—Doll with a hat Jose—Batman car Destiny—Hannah Montanna Doll Jeremiah—Batman and the Joker We have all made some snacks for your reindeer so they won’t get too hungry! Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I want a car, dump truck, dinosaurs, bicycle, and a tiger for Christmas. Love, Mason Hoelewyn Dear Santa, I have been very good this y ear. I want baby dolls, j, make-up, dress up clothes and a pretty dress for Christmas. Love Alejandra Dominguez Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I want trucks, music, toys, puzzles, books, blocks for Christmas. Love, Cavanaugh Waits Dear Santa, I want toys, books, cars, trucks, blocks for Christmas this year. I have been a very good boy this year. Love, John Johnson Dear Santa, For Christmas I want anything Spiderman, anything Batman, anything with spiders on it, playdough and playdough toys. I have been very good this year. Love, Oscar Ruiz Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me an X-Box or a Playstation. Love Drake Kirkland Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a new bunny or a new coloring book. Love, Madelyn Moscicki Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a Pirate Ship for my dog, Snowball, or a Cars ghost light. Love, Duncan Begg Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a Barbie truck or a Barbie computer. Love, Madisun Contreras Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a Barbie computer or an electric scooter. Love, Alicyn Steffey Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a rocket toy or a monster truck. Love, Nathan Kinsela Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me some pants or play cooking stuff. Love, Marissa Moore Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a remote control airplane or a toy rocket ship. Love, Keenan Landers Dear Santa, I have been a good this year. Please bring me a dirt bike or a new bike. Love Derrick Simmons Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a Barbie or a Princess doll. Love Montanna Przyborski Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a car or a Barbie. Love, Kania Wyatt Dear Santa, I have been good this year, Please bring me a dinosaur basket or Thomas the train. Love, Joshua Pridgen Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a 4-wheeler or a go-cart. Love, Brandon Smith Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a Transformer or Lightning McQueen. Love, Jason Lopez Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me Mario Racing with a steering wheel or a Wii. Love, Ryker Workman Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a Barbie or a glasses. Love, Kaytlynn Sackett Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a Star Wars game or a toy tractor. Love, Quentin Gregory Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a tea party set or a fishing pole. Love, Meagan Potter Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a little train or a little truck. Love, Kegan Reynolds Dear Santa, How are you ? I have been a good boy this year. I would like a dirt bike for Christmas. I love you! Blake Baggett Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good boy this year. I would like a Nintendo DS for Christmas. I love you! Brandon Blackwell Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good girl this year. I would like a cars for Christmas I love you! Kayla Calabria Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good girl this year. I would like a doll house for Christmas. I love you! Summer Chandler Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good boy this year. I would like a Nintendo DS for Christmas. I love you. Tristan Hill Dear Santa, How are you? I have Been a good boy this year. Would like a Nintendo on Christmas I love you! Nigel Henderson Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good boy this year. I would like a tractor for Christmas. I love you! Matt Hindsman Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good boy this year. I would like a video game for Christmas. I love you! Justin Holliman Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good girl this year. I would like a Nintendo DS for Christmas. I love you! Daijuyana Living Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good boy this year. I would like a army tank for Christmas. I love you! Ryan Marsh Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good boy this year. I would like a kitten for Christmas. I love you! Dylan Mayton Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good boy this year. I would like a Nintendo DS for Christmas. I love you! Bryce Olvera Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good girl t his year. I would like a jeep for Christmas. I love you! Chloe O’Neal Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good girl this year. I would like for Christmas. I love you! Nataly Rogers Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good boy this year. I would like a dirt bike for Christmas. I love you! Haydn Smith Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good boy this year. I would like spinners for Christmas. I love you! Justin Spradlin Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good girl this year. I would like a jeep for Christmas. I love you! Ashlynn Stewart Dear Santa, How are you? I have been a good boy this year! I would like a bus for Christmas. I love you! Hayden Swanson Dear Santa, I wate a D.S. with PS game and fashion dez and babbysitre game. And I wate Jackson to have his one moe a prtg 5. Olyz for Jackson. Love, Kirston Paggett Dear Santa, I love you my little brother loves you. My big brother loves you. Merry Christmas Santa Claus. I will give you for your present kookys and milk. I wish I could see you for christmis but your to bisey giving to others. Why they are sleeping. Love Trastan Dear Santa, I want a regler X-Box Playstation 3, DS game box, bike, new toys, new games X-Box 360. Love Tyler Franklin Dear Santa, This is what for Chrishtmiss a pet, 100 stuf animals, some books, a clok, toys, t.v., moves VHS & DVD, shows, clothing. Love, Hanna Dear Santa, I want new god and I want a new fish and I want a new barbes and a new flag and I wunt to get clos and I wunt a new unby for crismis. I been good. and I want a cat and I wunt Snata Elfs and a new bat and I wunt to go swimming nooth plan and I wunt a happy famle. Love, Tammy Watson Dear Santa, I want I want is a my bar. I want a car. I want to my babiey. I want is my high school musical. I want a my a fish for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Elizabeth Dear Santa, I want? Brat dolls, games, mairmade computer, jeep, drye race board with marcers for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Elantra Lee Dear Santa, I want a dirt bike, Mashadey, bed, DS, nife, X-box, Wii, Lillys, skateboard, big screen T.V. for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Mason Parker Dear Santa, I want a guitar hero and a ex-box 360. Love, Billy Kennedy Dear Santa, I want heelys and a bascitbol and a Christmas move and a dog postre and a branow biskol for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Jade Gerlach Dear Santa, I want a Hannah Montana doll and a lava lamp and a watch and a swimming pool. Merry Christmas. I have been good this year. Love Daijiana morgan Dear Santa, I want a toy car and a puzzol and a new game and a toy ball for Christmas. i have been good this year. Lov, Javier Ramirez Dear Santa, I whant pokemon that has 1000 poynts. I been good in school. Love Chase Dear Santa, I want a Wii and a modrsicl and with gas. And plastishen 3 for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Jonathan Zuniga Dear Santa, I want a playstaytion and a four by four and a 504 methang truck for Christmas. I have been good this year. Love, Cameron Dear Santa, A mony maker, some cards, a eze bake oven, a lava lamp, food for the oven for chrismas. I have been good this year. I love you. Love, Tosha Phares Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a teddy bear and a play set and a toy car and a book and a doll that all but if you give me something else it is ok. Love, Srey Mers Dear Santa, I want Hannah Montana slippers Size 13 L. I want a nintindo D.S. with the sweet life of Zack and Cody. I want a track suite Size M -7-8. Micayla Dear Santa, I want my Christmas to be the best. I want lots of toys and I want my mom and dad to get along. D’Vontre Dear Santa, I want a go car. I want a wii. I want a dirt bike. I want some loo dolers. I want a toy. I want a wii games. I want a Canta light. I want a D.S. Miguel Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is Iron Man Toys. Dylan T Dear Santa, I want nintindo ds and a wii and a bike and a skateboard. Alexia Dear Santa, I dog. PSP. Puppy. A wii game. DS, candy. Aturgagit. Some money 100. Hannah Fassler Dear Santa, I want a real motorcycle. And a 1000 dollars for my and me and my bother and mama W. Hunter Dear Santa, I want a D S and I love you Santa. Game boy. I want kicker boll. Hannah Dear Santa, Guitar hero for a DS and a wii and iphone and I want the Trew meaning of Christmas. Marcus Moffett Dear Santa, I want a Hannah chair and a dog and a math book and a toy car. And a toy fish and a toy Santa Close. Brianna Dear Santa, I want a wii I want a game boy. Tys Dear Santa, I want some toys and a bike Santa. Geresis Dear Santa, I want star wars lego ship and I want a red light saiber that pops out and I want the lego boctman video game. Aeden Hudson Dear Santa, I want a bed and a gun of a toy, a car, ball, a pet, bick and a big pool. Abraham Dear Santa, I wath for Christmas is a playstachon 3. For my brothere he what a what a dear. Fr my nathr brother my wath a chewalla. For my mom I wath a caver for her baby. Michael Dear Santa, A fish and a brother and a dog and a cat and a stark and a bell and a move and a nother fish and a bike. Chasity Dear Santa, I want a good Christmas. And I have a question? How do you buy all the toys? And I love you. Eternity Dear Santa, Me a gameboy PSP, des plecs she shun 2 guttor, football game and basketball, x-box, rasler game and flowewiller. I love Santa. Thainez Dear Santa, That me Christmas reindeer, frie, mic me mick, me inglendia men me. Patrick Dear Santa, I want is a 20 gag and a wii and a 22-250 gun and a four willer and now toys. JW Dear Santa, I want a ipod and lost time I found your reindeers bell. And I want a sum shoos for my neis. Kristen Dear Santa, I want a 12 gate I want gooru the move I want a barne the move I want a buzzoo cku. Javier Dear Santa, I bin good can you give me 410 papa it is a gun. Plese can you give me a PSP Santa can you give me a xbox 360. I want a Mr. ntr Wbout and a bik. Kenneth Dear Santa, I want a panet ball gun and a 270 pistol dad come home for Christmas. Stereo good life. Stop yelling at people and don’t pinch me. Brian Dear Santa, I want is a happy new year and my family to hav one to and a l p sitis a moues. I whoud love you and god to hav a happy new year to. Gracie Dear Santa, I want a carryoke. I want a swimming pool. I want a clock. I want a ring. I want a bike. I want TV for my room. I want a scooter. I want a computer. I want a jump rop. Klarissa Casaa Dear Santa, I want a playstation and playstachone but most of all evory won to be ok. William Plymam Dear Santa, I want DS, a MP 3 player, a bog, I want my cousin to come home, x-box 360. I want my cousin to come home. Call phone. Michaelle Dear Santa, How are your Reindeer Will you please bring my mon a glass merrygoround? And my dad a fake buck target. My brother a helicopter? And me a Ipod? Please! Thank you Santa. Samantha Horton Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? Can you get my brother Jarven a Diego toy, my mom ruby a hair dryer me, Isaiah a swimming pool. Isaiah Thompson Dear Santa, How is roodoff and how are you Santa? Please bring my daddy a forweller for Christmas and my mommy a makeup kit and please bring my brother an X-box 360 and the fame Halow. Please bring my sister a lotte of teacher stuff. And last some thing for me. I won’t a go cart for Cjristmas. Please rite me back. Love Morgan Cheyann Lawrence Dear Santa, My dady wants a fourwheeler. Can my mom have a fourwheeler too? Can Dylan get a new guitar? Gus wants a drum set. Grady wants a pupy. Me, I need new pants and a PSP. Grant Tolar Dear Santa, I have been nice and naughty. How are the Elves? My dad needs new pick up truck. My palpal needs new tools. Please bring my brouther a poket knife. Please bring a 4 wheeler for me. William Hooks Dear Santa, Hi Santa how’s roudoff doing? Well, I have been kind of bad but kind of good. Will you get my mom a new car and more baby toys for my sister and tools for my daledale? I want a phone, a game boy and Yugio cards. Keegan Kilby Dear Santa, I am nice but some times naughty. I have a nice family. My mom needs a washrag and some nice cloths. My dad needs some boots and some shoes. I want a password Book and I want a Hanna Montana house. Alicia Romcho Dear Santa, How are the elves? My family wants something. I want my mom to get a flower and earings and my dad like fishing and golf. My sister Chantel needs a neckless and puppy, Leila Barbie car doll, Alicia a colar book, Hannah Montana doll, Bruce a psp, wii, Shakyla an xbox 360 playstation. Shakyla Dear Santa, I have been naughty and nice. Please just make me nice so I can inpress my mom. I want my brother to kill his first deer and my dad to have a 12 pointer. And for my biggest brother, I would like for him to have a new shotgun. And for me I would like for my forwheeler to get fixed. Cody Adams Dear Santa, Can you bring my little brother Vance fishing pole and please bring Jo a dog. And my Dad a gun. And I want a mp3 player and Stylin studio and a camra. Caitlyn Cain Dear Santa, I have been very nice to everyone. Santa bring Ryan a new bike. My dad would like new cooking stuff. And I want new cooking toys, play food, Bardies, and a new cat. And Santa my Mom new work clothes. Kelsey Brown Dear Santa, Good luck on the trip. How has Mirs. Claus been doing? I have been Nauty and Nice. Can the St. Jude’s hospital have a happy Christmas? Please give my mom a new house and my little brother a santa toy please. Can I have a glass baby Jesus and a Christmas tree? Thank you for our Merry Christmas. Skyler Dear Santa Get my sisters some baby doll, easy bake ovens. Get Tyler some bow and arrows and toy guns and get my brother a kitten and a stuff animal. I want a puppy and a new bike and a 4-wheeler. Neil King Dear Santa I am putting some cookies out for you. Please bring mommy a bredsped, father a spotlight Bubba a bebegun, sister a babydoll. Myself, I want a baby in a stroller, a angle doll, bebe gun and a baby bed. Amanda Griffin Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs.Claus? I hopr you and Mrs.Claus are ok. I have been naughty or nice. Can you give presents to st. jude hospital? Can you get my mother a nive neckless? Can you get my father a red car? Can you get my brother the star war movies and books and pajames? Can you get my sister Hannah Montana makeup, pajames, braizts, and shoes? Can get my little brother and sister toys. Boy toys, and girl toys? Can you get me a Baribies house car, and Baribies. I love you Nita Polite Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? Please give my mom a ring. Give Grant Bullock a paintball gun. And for my Dad a new bow and arrow. And get Mr.Laird better soon. I wont a Hocky game, cat ,will, and a star wars, game for my will. I want a trampoline. Aaron Thompson Dear Santa, Are you doing well? Is Rudolph doing good? I am very good a lot and bad a little bit. Can you give my mom some Jewrey and sister a play house and my dog a chew toy and great grandmother a bb gun and paintball gun? Giv a puppy for my sister, and pots and pans for my mom and grandmother. I want a Nintendo DS and more games for my playstation. Grayam Thompson Dear Santa, Are the elves ok because I want them to not be sick. I been bad and good. Would you give people presents at each hospital? Would you get my cousin a bow with arrows? My Dad needs new very soft bed. My sister needs a doll. My two brothers a psp 2. All I need is love. Griffin Renfro Dear Santa, How cold is it at the North Pole? Please bring my mom clothes, and my dad wont a wallet. Blaine wonts a Holister shirt and Walker wants a Nido DS. Whittney wonts a Nido DS and I wont a Nido DS, and tenny shoes. Kamryn Wideman Dear Santa, Hey Santa. Please bring my mom a new car, my dad a dirt bike, Jamess a gun, Cory a new Xbox 360 game and me a psp ds, bull riding vest, bull riding rope, cowboy hat, and spurs, The End Kiley Cox Dear Santa, How is mrs. Claus doing? My mom wants a motacycle. Justin whants a base ball glove. Garth wants usher colagne. Kayla wants DS games. Bryana wants a sun roof. I wants a x box 360. love you Santa. Brandon Beene Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? Please braing my dad a new loader and my mom a wii and my brother a new forwhealar. And me… lets get started! Please bring me a ripstck and knives. Cade Sutherland Dear Santa, Are you okay? Is the rainder okay? What my mom wants is a car. And far my dad a truck. And for my brouther a neckles and for me a hunting game. Anthony Parrish Dear Santa, How are you? Can you get my mom a new tv, my dad a new truck, my brother Jhna new fourwheeler, and me and my whole family a new house? Merry Christmas! Lora Cain Dear Santa, How are you? Are the reindeer being nice to Rudolph? Please bring my mom, Monica and my family everything they need. I know the meaning for Christmas and that its not about what you get its about what you give For Christmas I just want anything that ‘s possible. Please give everyone some things that they want. I love you Santa, and have a very Merry Christmas! XOXOX Marie Parkinson Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? My sister Makenzie wants Imagine Babysitter for her Nintendo Ds. My little sister Kalyssa wants Barbie dolls. My brother Zach wants a Roboqicad. My Dad wants a new truck, My mom wants a electric dishwasher. I want a Ripstick. Britton Dickens Dear Santa, Hi Santa! How are you? Santa I want you to bring my mom Maribel a bottle of Perfume a beautiful Earings. I want you to bring my dad, Pace. A new Radio, a new Truck and clothes. I want you to bring my sisters Stephanie and Samantha, A Hannah Montana Malibu House, 2 Nintido D.S, and a Wii. I want you to bring my little brother Paquito A Diego Railroad track toy, a army toy pack and something about power rangers, and I Selena want a Nintendo and an Ipod. P.S. If its too much help the Elves. Selena Flores Dear Santa, Youre Awsome! How is Prancer? My little brother Elijah would like Army toys. My big brother Anthony wants Puma clothes. My mother wants a new ring. My sister wants adoll. My big sister wants cologne. I want a Nintendo DS. Walter Tanton Dear Santa, How is the reindeer? Can you get my Brother Corey some stuff for his car? Can you get my mom April some Santas for her collection? May you get my sister Brandi some angels for her collection? May you get my dad Gearld some more race car games or some Dallis Cowbot stuff? Now me! Shayna Scott! I want a game for a D.s. the game id Dogs. Shayna Scott Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing? But Santa will you get my mom Amber, a 4 wille, and my dady Michael a intendoe Ds. And my brother Dylan a girl Friend. And my brother. Grant some case knives? And my brother Gus a new dog. Grady Tolar Dear Santa, How are the Raindeer? Can you get my mom a ring, and meckeles? Can you get my brother a xbox 360 game? Can you get my dad a gun? Can you get my sister a princess noinvile? Can you get me a swingset and heeleys? From Merry Christmas Rance Duff Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is crash-mind over mutant- for ds. I would also like a wii with games, and other stuff. I’ve been good most the times. I will leave cookies and milk out. P.s. Keep my big bubbaDavid safe in Iraq til he comes home. Dale Bolton Dear Santa, How are you and the reindeer doing? Please bring me Pixos and Littlest Pet Shop game. Please bring me a Bye Bye Baby doll and a baby bed and a baby swing. Merry Christmas I love you Maci Grace Hill Dear Santa, I would like a Bike. Joop pool Makeup. High Heel Shoes. X Box 360 Laptop. Tv Gutiar ipod. Cameron Dear Santa, I would like in good feeng four My mom and dad and I wont somteen four my Nicole and horse. Jonathan Dear Santa, I would like a gas rose and. Boll Hmomtaua. Ipod. Laptop. Brook Loman Dear Santa, I want a gmc and a dog asap. I luv toels. I want a bik. X box 360 Andy Dear Santa, I would like a bike. A tv and a spider man toy. I also want blocks, a dog and some toys. Thank you Yoatzin Angel-Reyes Dear Santa, I would like a Bike Tv book 4wheeler dog new toy sonic handy many toys toys xbox Clifford PokeMon Box Jackit Javarius Dear Santa, I would like a big present for my mom and dad and me and Tj and Amber and Kresten and Jer. Christina Dear Santa, I would like Hannah Montana Ball. And a cindere room and a Hanna Montana make up kit. Emily Dear Santa, I would like ipod mp3 hannah Montana ronn laptop boom box Hannah Montana x box 360 bike tv spider man computer clocks dog 4wheeler 3wheelw Elaina Dear Santa, I would like a nccw pars av shoes and high school musical Dorothy Dear Santa, I wat Barbie Cpholder. I wut folder pendls. I wut doll purse I wut shoes toys. I wut cblhs jacken Yariele Manelio Dear Santa, I would like Hannah Montana Burbbies. I would. Like Honnah Montana ball. And. A flowes. Four my teacher. Stephanie Dear Santa, I would like a new bike, psp, pool, a Nintendo ds ipod lap top blocks Hannah Montana. Lizett Angel Dear Santa, I wodl lik a ipod 3weeler bedroom tv futbol Dutsy Dear Santa, I would like a bb gun bullet an da water gun. I would also like a guitar. Thank you and I love you Chase Grant Dear Santa, 4 Wheeler Nintendos lamp od Spider Man psp bascit I dgo Spider- man room Spider-man cd and v dampy ion. Love, Juan Machuca Dear Santa, Huw are you and huw is miss sat clos. Had she made cookes and will you mack me a dole and will you and I love you and you are good and you are duing a goode gode and you are a good and. Will you bring me a hot dot and will you bring me a houw are you Sante, will you made me a sckutere and how do you come donw the chimne at u closa and how do you come in howse when thay don't have chines and I love you. Caylyn Baskin Dear Santa, Santa how are you getting in my house I have no chimney. My window is good thou maybe I can see you come thru it. Can you bring me a wii and some Barbie dolls Love, Chris Dear Santa, I have been good for Christmas. I would like a four wheeler and a gameboy. Love, Jared Dear Santa, Here is my Chritmas List: Mp3 Player Blur Ds Lego Airplane set, Lego 18 wheeler, shox tennsi shoes Ds game, New skateboard, Abrecrombie hoody and Nerf longshot gun. I have tried to be really good this yea, so please come to my house. Love, Lane Cockrell Dear Santa, I have been trying to be good this year. Here is my Christmas List. Walkman slider phone, red DS, Boots, Nerf long shot gun, Abercrombie hoody, Abercrombie jeans, guitar hero, shox, Ds games and Wii games. I will leave you milk and cookies. Love, Karson Cockrell Dear Santa, This is my wish list 3 Bakugans, a psp mx vs. Atv for Ps2, 007 game for PSP, Beast Quest book called : The Beast Giant, Kung Fu Panda for Ps2, Nascar cars. Take a picture of Rudoplh and send it to me please. Love, Logan Youngblood Dear Santa, We have been very good this year and we are learning lots of new things in Pre-K. We are writing this letter to let you know all of our Christmas wishes. Kyle….Basketball Frank….Art Stuff Trey….DS Hailea….Jeep Brad….Bouncy Ball Antwone….DS Lane….Big ol’ Gun Kevin….Hummer Jonathan….Shotgun Cameron….Dirt Bike Maddie Marsh….Biscuit Dog Randall….Train Maddie Massie….Princess Kitchen Damian….Hot wheels car Deniehsa….Barbie Car Mason….Boat Abraham….Narnia Movie and Sword Matthew….Race Car Wendy….Princess Dress Katelyn….Horse We hope that you and Mrs. Claus have a Merry Christmas! Love, Mrs.McDainel’s Pre-K Class Timber Creek Elementary Dear Santa, What I want this year is a didgital camera and for the soliders fighting for everyone to come home for Christmas. For the ones that can’t come home and people who don’t have much to have prayers, a merry Christmas and to know they’re loved. Love, Brandi Scott Dear Santa, Marry Christmas and I hope my family gets what they want for Christmas I wasn’t a lot of stuff to but I can’t namt them. O also hope that my family comes from New Jersey this year. Love, Steven Renfro Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! How have you been doing? I’ve been doing good. Is it really cold in the North Pole? Anyways I want lego sets for Christmas. Hope you have been doing well. Love, Zachary Dickens Dear Santa, I wish for stuff all the time and I hope that you got me what I wanted and everyone else. I want a silver xbox 360, a new drawing pad, a dirt bike, a pellet gun, a puppy, and al lot of other stuff and I hope that everyone else gets what they want to. Love, Seth W. Dear Santa, Me and My sister would like a DS for Christmas. My dad wants a shotgun and mom wants a new car and I also want a puppy. Love, Ryan Dear Santa, This Christmas I would like a mini-bike. I would also like that you let other people have a good Chritsmas. Love, Ethan Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a irp-stick, x-box 360, and a lab-top. Amywyas can I see your reindeer? I want to see Dasher I hope you’ll have a great Christmas Love Benson P.S. Say hi to the elves for me. Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a shot un and a lab puppy so I can track rodoph down when I shoot him. Also I hope all of the soldiers have a good Christmas and they all make it home. Love, Gus Tolar P.S. I am just playing about shooting rudoph. Dear Santa, Would you help brother get better and please give me another hsirt like you did last year I liked the t-shirt that you gave me. I jst want that shirt and for you to give my brother his health back. Love, Blaine Celestine Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I want a i-pod nano. I want my big brotyher to have some night vision goggles. I also want a pair of pink text messagers. I also want my big brother to have a toy car. I want my mom to have some perfume. I want my dad to have a pin for his linghorn watch. Love, Allison Dear Santa, I want a bow, some boots and a 30-30 scope and the best Christmas ever for my family. Love, Seth Dickens Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I want a electric guitar a Nintendo DS with a Main Brain game. I want for everyone to have a good Christmas Love, Kalin Dear Santa For Christmas I want some Jonas Brothers tickets a skateboard, and a wii. I want more stuff but Christmas isn’t about getting it is about Jesus. I have been good this year. Love, Elaina Dear Santa, My name is Dakota Piper. I have been very good this year. Please bring me a bow, ripstick, hunting stuff, new football, maybe a four wheeler, air soft gun, machine gun air soft gun, Nerf machine gun, new shox, wii. Please bring my sister some new heelyes, she;s been good to. My mom a deer antler lamp. My dad some police gear for his new police motorcycle. We will leave you some of my mom’s special cookies on the table. Hope you have a safe trip. Thank you Santa. Love Dakota Piper Dear Santa, My name is Montana Piper. I have been extra good this year. Please see of you could bring me these few gifts for Christmas this year. Little pet shops, baby dolls, heeleys, play horses, clothes, new running shoes, swim to me puppy, bunkbeds for my room, a ripstick for my big brother, Dakota, police lights for my dads new motorcycle. My mom some good smelly lotion, some reading books, Horton Hears a Whomovie and King Fu Panda movie. I will leave you some of my mom’s special cookies and a glass of milk on the table. Thank you, Montana Piper Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Hear are some things i want for Christmas. i want a tarbo pro weely cycle, a bike, WW Smack down resellers and the cage mach and the regular mach. The power fanser thng el robot. Apspads the grainy race set. A skateboard, skates a I dog, and a bb gun. Your friend, Ryan Thomson Dear Santa, I hope you are doing well. As well as everyone else! For Christmas I would like a new Dragonology Book, a bigger bike (size twenty four or twenty six) an original rubics cube and a plush gizmo. Thank you for being a good listener. Your friend, Maddie Crew Dear Santa, Wow where did the year go! We have tried very hard to be good all year but some days that is just really hard. We have made a list of what we want for Christmas. We hope this helps make your job easier. Mrs. Aileen’s Class…… Averi G. – a baseball glove Kylie C—a bunch of babies & cars Kolton C.—a football, a football T & stickers Caden V—a football & bouncy ball Drew D—A great big truck & some really cool cars London S—presents Sabian—A big truck & markers Maya L—A Dora and a green guitar Macie C—A puppy dog, a baby and a Barbie Erikka M—a lot of toys Raylea L—A kitty cat, a dog, snakes and a Winnie the Pooh Lainey G- barbies, a puppy and a basketball goal so she & her daddy can play basketball Gavin S—A Christmas tree & some presents Blake M—a truck & trailer, a car shed, a John Deere, Tractor, a big puppy & kitten and new boots for my daddy Mrs Mary’s ClassDylan Snook—Veggie Tales movies, trucks and stickers Gage M—a 4-wheeler, carrots and dog bones for his puppy Elijah M- a truck & fire truck Logan W—a truck, a trailer & a tractor Copeland B—a deer, dirt, a tractor, a truck, a zoo & Santa Clause Faith A- A truck and toys Kayla W—a puppy dog, a pony, a baby, a kitten, fish & a cow Riley S—DVDs and a DS Lilly H- a cheerleader outfit & a Barbie Zoie C—a pink baby doll, something for Mim for Christmas, tools for Daddy, buba the dog, a birthday party & Hannah Montana stuff. Brennen M—trucks, airplanes, boats & trains Fisher B—Batman & robin Kylie R—a baby doll & baby bottles Dakota S—ninja turtles & spider man toys Mrs Mary—for my family & all the children I take care of everyday to have a wonderful Christmas & God Bless each one. Mrs. Teresa’s Class….. Brannon B—a hippo games, movies, a bear &? A truck Leia B- a train, bears, babies, coloring books, cloths, shoes, balls, socks and a truck for Lane. Laila S—4 wheeler, a real fire truck and a dirt bike Chad O- a big truck with 2 guns, a truck and army men Aaron W- a truck, a robot, a T-Rex and transformers Hailee V- a baby & Cinderela Ashley M---A DS, a new baby, baby bed, a stroller & a CD Carrie P- A DS, a Hannah Montana game, a movie & a coloring book Megan P—A DS, a jeep, a 4 wheeler, a DS bag & games Kailee B—A DS, DS games, a baby, a bed, a chair, paper Jacob H—A DS, DS games, a tractor, a truck, a jeep, a four-wheeler Rachel E—a chair & moon sand Adriana C- a rodeo horse, boots, cowgirl bedding, a cowgirl coloring book & white paper Krislynn H- A baby doll, a stroller and a doll house Tanner I- a gun, a knife & a sword Landon—rescue team, a 4 wheeler & transformers Well that’s everyone in the 3 yr old, 4 yr old & 5 yr old classes at Little Britches Day Care. We hope this makes your job a little easier. Merry Christmas to all !!! From the children and staff Dear Santa, For Christmas I want some Jonas Brothers tickets, a skateboard, and a wii. I want some stuff but Christmas isn’t about getting present it is about Jesus. Sincerely. Elaina Bullock P.S. I have been good this year!! Dear Santy, For Christmas I want more arrow and a 22 pistol. By Ben Griffin Dear Santa, All I want is my dad to come home more and for my family to get along. Sincerely, Savana G Dear Santa, My name is Maci Alexander. What I would like for Christmas is not for me it’s for poor children and orpans. I hope you will give these children toys for Christmas. Sincerely, Maci Alexander Dear Santa, I would a play station 3, swimming pool, and another dog that protects me. I want to pray for the people that is lonely out there that needs a home. I also want to pray for my family and my friends. Angel Bullock Dear Santa., I’m Stephanie Flores. I know Christmas is near so I wanted to tell you that I want to have the most wonderful Christmas. I ever had and if you can a lot of toys to the poor kids and the orphans so they can play with lots of toys. I bet we have a wonderful Christmas. Sincerely Stephanie Flores Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a PSP. Austin says I am jealus but I am jealus. I wanta gun that is called 223 Remington. Love, Ashley Vanya Dear Santa. I want a big swimming pool, markers and some cloths please. Please give every good kid what they want. (also I would like a lot of snow) Olivia Battise Dear Santa, I want a dirt bike. Merry Christmas! From Dean Harrell Dear Santa, My name is Austin Weaver. I want a computer, sell phone, sniper rifel. That’s all I want for Christmas. Austin Weaver Dear Santa, Here is my Christmas list… A cup maker, blendy pens, a braclet for mom, a drill for dad, a reble flag for my brother Walter, a electric scooter, a white Christmas, a high school musical 3 soundtrack, a paint set, a drawing kit and new outfits (cute). I may have left stuff out but that ok. Love Faith Rodriguez Dear Santa, Santa one thank I want is that big buck I seen on opening weekend for dee season. I also want a new playstation game for my playstation. My brother want a wii. By Justin Dear Santa, Please help the kids with cancer and kids who don’t have food and a home. For Christmas, I would like a IPod naro, Wii and a ripstik. From Joseph Williams Dear Santa, I could use a bike for my brother Jp. I need a wii for Christmas. My step brother need phone. P S I beliven you. Your friend, Blake Ferri Dear Santa, My name is Remington Richardson. Wat I want for Christmas is a gun, durt bike, with gas. I want bulits for my gun, best to held my ducks. I want a pant balls. From Remington Richardson ‘ Dear Santa, Please help my cousin Brandon Hendrix he has a bad brocken arm. I really want you to have angels watching over the soldiers serving on Christmas. Pleas let everyone have a good Christmas and let my brother get a four wheeler and if you can, put a meshete under my tree. Sincerely D J Lilley Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like a FX lightsaber pellet gun, an guitar hero, matalica and a wii. Thank you I don’t care uf you only get me one have a verry merry chrismas. Your friend, Tayle Lenox Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like a easy share camera with a printer for Christmas this year. My parents said I could get it! Thank you for the gift. Your friend, Zoey Shotwell Merry Christmas send me a letter back Dear Santa, All’s I want for Christmas is back stage tickets to a Jonas Brouthers concert. For my mom I wnt her braks to be fixed. For my dad I want him to be with us. For my bubba, I want him to get a four wheeler. Thanks for what you get us. Love, Balie Humble Dear Santa Claus, My name is Rebekah and I cam 10 years old. I want makeup, DS games. X-box, wii, game boy, and a playstation II. Clothes for my little dog his name is Buppy. I also want some jewelry, a Hannah Montana quitar hero and play dough, a new pix game, and moon sand. And a digital camera. Also some clothes. I would like a picture of you and your family. Take care of all the other children to. We have all been good. Love to you, Rebekah Gonzales P S I will leave you cookies and milk. Dear Santa. All I want four Christmas is it to snow. I would prance around the snow and do snow angels. Love Preston Cain Dear Santa, I would like to have the best Christmas ever. A Nintendo DS, a soccer ball, a Taylor Swift CD, blackberry cell phone, all of my friends and family to have a wonderful Christmas time. Your friend, Carol Tanton Dear Mr. Clause, For Christmas, I want DS games, a Wii, a laptop, bloodhound pups and BB gun. Love, Colby White Thunder P S two doghouses and four bows. Dear Santa, I love how Christmas is almost here. If you ask me Christmas is the best holiday. I hope that you can give me a really nice Christmas. And my brother he is coming down from college in Arkansas and we barly get to see him. So I want him to have a good time. And my mom to she really misses him a lot. So can you give them a really nice Christmas. Your friend, Seth Maze Dear Santa. This Christmas I want all most everything on my Christmas list will all the High School Musical stuff because I love High School Musical so much I want all the stuff please Santa. Craulee Battise Dear Santa, Can you get me a PSP game and prodle a four weler would be good to. The most thing I want is you to tell mother natrer to let it snow again. Hope you get to everybody’s house. Your friend Travis P S There will be cookies. Dear Santa, First of all, I would like to say Merry Christmas. I really do believe in you! I hope things are going good in the North Pole. The other day it snowed here! Here goes the present talking. For my mom I want her to see pawpaw for his birthday. For my dad, I want a G I Joe aircraft carrier set. For my sister, I want a Barbie computer. And for me I want a leather jacket. I would also like a beagle and a for wheeler. Your friend. Karis PS There might be a present for you this year from me. Dear Santa, I want a flat screen tv. I would also like a baby kitty. Can you bring me a go-cart? The smallest thing I am expecting is a hamster. I would like some clothes and some pretty flip-flops. That is all I want for Christmas. Your friend. Selena Battise P S Have a very Merry Christmas! Dear Santa, I have been good for Christmas- I purse. Dear Santa, I have been good for Christmas I would like DS A Dear Santa. I have been good for Christmas I like DS Anna Dear Santa, I have been good for cheeristmas I would like Dear Santa, I have been good for Christmas would like angel. Krista Dear Santa. I have been good for Christmas would like game boy. Dear Santa. I have been good. For Christmas I would like four wheeler. Kelly Dear Santa, I have been good. For Christmas o would like toys. Shawn Dear Santa, I have been so good. For Christmas would like DS. Dear Santa, I have been good. For Christmas, I would like red rider. Dear Santa. I have been good. For Christmas I would like the DS. Dear Santa. I have been good. For Christmas like bike. Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a zero gravity microinric SOS. Andrew Dear Santa, I want a doll house. Let Jocelyn Perez Dear Santa, I have been good. I want DS. Madisyn Moedisyn Dear Santa. Dog. I have been good. doll house. Morgan Loug Dear Santa, I have been good. I wanta motor cicle. Ryan Dear Santa, I have been good. new shirt DS Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a laptop. Manieta Dear Santa, I have been good. I want pone, Hwwnah Mantai BRBDR Alexandria Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a Spiderman picture. Tlygue Dear Santa, Have been good. Want motorcycle. Dear Santa, I have been good I want train set and hot wheels. Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a pony. Bailey Dear Santa, I have been good I want laptop. Jesus Dear Santa Dear, I have been good. I want a blackberry. I have been good. Blake Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a remote control truck. Bradden Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a play station. Roy Dear Santa, I have been good. For Christmas, I would like Wii Kyndall Dear Santa, I have been good for Christmas I would like motorcycle and wii Jason Glasgow Dear Santa, I have been good for Christmas. I would like a game for my DS Chandria Dear Santa, I have been good. for Christmas, I would a car. Joe Gaconnet Dear Santa, I have been good for Christmas, I would like a horse. Halle Ohm Dear Santa, I have been good for Christmas. O would like a teddy bear. Monnie Daniel Dear Santa, I have been good. For Christmas I would like a robot. Horacio Cardona Dear Santa, I have been good for Christmas. I would like a skateboard. Jaylon Haynes Dear Santa, I have been good. For Christmas, I would like a games called Mario. Dustin Johnson Dear Santa, I have been good. For Christmas, I would like a Barbie game for Wii. Jasmine Ethridge Dear Santa, I have been good for Christmas I would like a wii system. A J Carlin Dear Santa, I have been good for Christmas. I would like a scooter. Jamiyah Wills Dear Santa, I have been good for Christmas I would like Hannah Montana Tyreanna Guilotte Dear Santa, I have been good. For Christmas I would like a Nintendo. Mason Waldrep Dear Santa, I have been good. For Christmas I would like big. E J Harrell Dear Santa, I have been good for Christmas I would like a shoes. Kaitlyn Mitchell Dear Santa, I have been good. For Christmas, I would like darth vador. Chance Dupre Dear Santa, I have been good. For Christmas, I would like a toy monster truck. Cody Bradley Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a truck with a trailer and tractor. Owen Placker Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a play weedeater. Jorge Kecero Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like a Barbie. Hallie Ferguson Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a Barbie dollhouse. Destiny Hancock Dear Santa, I have been very would like a Barbie doll. Maddison Fleetwood Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like a baby stroller. Cierra Horton Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a four wheeler. Bryce Dunaway Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a doll that dances. Belen Arrendondo Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a motorcycle. Jose Medina Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a brat purse. Aaliyah Lewis Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a kitchen. Lyndsay Singleton Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a toy weedeater. Lucas Johnson Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a Barbie doll house. Kaytlin Salinas Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a dog that shakes his tail. Sara White Dear Santa. I have been very good I would like a water gun. Jeston Kowis Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a snow globe. Anthony Tolar Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a DS game. Marrett Mitchell Dear Santa. I would like a nerf gun. Joshua Celestine Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like a stuffed animal. Mila Love Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like motorcycle. Andy Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like motorcycle. Austin Dear Santa, I have been good. would like DS. Cameron Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like a bike. Kaltin Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like a DS. Love Clabi Dear Santa, I have been god. I would like toy gator. Inia Dear Santa, I would like a clothes. Amilia Dear Santa, I have been good. Please get me a bike. Chelsea Dear Santa, I have been good. Please get me a barbee. Dear Santa, I have been good. Please me motrsikl. Fred Dear Santa, I have been good. Please get me a canoe can. Cole Dear Santa, I have been good. Please set me a pinsl. Dear Santa, I have been please get me a girt. Ann Dear Santa, I have been good. Please get me a bic. Cody Dear Santa, I have been good. Please me a remote car. NA Dear Santa, I have been good. Please get me a bic. Breana Dear Santa, I have good girl. Please me a girt. Anita Dear Santa, I have been good please get me a bik. Love Rannk Dear Santa, I have been good. Please me a motorsickle. Deare Santa, I have been good. Please get me a girt. William Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a bike. Titihna Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a Hannah Montana dress. Thanks Santa. Kristian Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a spiderman bike. Thanks Santa, Isaac Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a Hannah Montana gameboy. Santa thanks. Brianna Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a make up box. Thanks Santa, Christi Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is Hannah Montana a dress. Thanks Santa. Jordyn Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a play staton. Thanks Santa, Jagger Deqr Santa, All I want for Christmas is a Hannah Montanta game. Thanks Santa, Kaleigh Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a fire gun. Thanks Julian Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a Starwars game. Thanks Santa Chase Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a bb gun and a rockiet ship. Thanks Santa, Will Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a Nintendo. Tanks Santa, Bubba Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a marshmallow shooter. Thanks Santa, Cole Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is necklace and bracelets. Thanks Santa, Tori Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is Monster Trucks. Thanks Santa, Donovan Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is north pole. S Thanks Faith Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a playstation. Thanks Santa, Cody Dear Santa, Hi my name is Ryan Nelson. I go to elementary school. I wont to thank you for the gifts I got last year . I have been really naughty Santa. However I am working hard to impove my conduct at home and school. I think I deserve a good gift this year. Please bring my dad a truck for Christmas. He has been wanting a truck for a long time. Further more I wont a go cart, laptop computer, new closes and shoes and a helicopter. Finally tell Rodolph hello for me. Sincerely, Ryan Dear Santa, My name is Kameron Jace Washington. I want to thank you for giving me the spiderman 3 video game for the Wii last Christmas. I’ve been helpful doing chores around the house and helping my mom carry things in the house. I also get good grades at school. I want you to give my mom and dad a wii fit for Christmas with the Mario Cart game with Wii sterring wheel. Also for me I want the Wii Music Burnout Legends and MP3 player with the touch screen. My mom and dad deserve those things because they have been good parents and they never got anything from me for Christmas. I also deserve the present I go because I’ve been good. Tell Mrs. Claus and Roldoph hello. Sincerely, Kameron Dear Santa Claus, My favorite sport is basketball and soccer. My name is Rachel. Thank you for the bike I got last year. I been really good to everyone. I help people get their materials in their lockers. At breakfast, I let the yonger children get in front of me in line. This year, please bring me a mp3 player and Bratz doll. I deserve these gifts because I help people. Please, bring my mother a board game and I want a cell phone, I want my cousin to come and see me. I would like my family to have a good Christmas. Finally tell Mrs. Claus and the reindeer, Rudolph I love them. Sincerely, Rachel Dear Santa, My name is Siarra Holcomb. I really love my parents. I’m writing this letter. I want to get something nice for my mom and dad this year. I will put some cookies out just for you Santa. For this year I want a cell phone, bb gun, and a four wheeler. Also some new clothes and shoes. Santa I have worked so hard on helping people this year. Send my love to Mrs. Claus. Sincerely, Ciarra Dear Santa Claus, I am always nice; I help others and I like playing video games. My name is Shawn. I have not been that good but I am trying to improve my behavior. For this Christmas I wanted my big brother to stay safe in Afghanistan and a x-box, Halo 3 a D-Rex and a watch. At last my family wants some things. My mom wants me to obey her, my sister wants a nentindo DS, hello kitty big city dreams, a robot and a D-Rex. Alos I want a x-box 360, Halo 3, a D-Rex, a watch, a Nerf Hunting gearset, a Havic Helicopter. I hope Mrs. Calus and all of the non-glowing noses and glowing noes. Reindeer. Sincerely, Shawn Dear Santa, I want to think you for the bike you gave me last year. I have really enjoyed it. I love to play football and basketball. I would really like a basketball goal and a new basketball. So I can practice and be on the basketball team in high school someday. I deserve these gift because I try to make good grades in school and my conduct is not bad. I would like a basketball goal and a basketball, a podgo stick and a socker ball would be nice to have. Mrs. Claus is dasher and dancer and prancer and vixen comet and couped and donor and blitzen. Santa have a greate Christmas and a happy new year. Sincerely, Caleb Erwin Dear Santa, My name is Maribel Machuca. I want a bike because I like to ride; I like to take my dog with me. My dog’s name is biscuit. Also this year I want a coloring book and some books on Spelling, reading, and writing. Moreover, a Barbie doll would be nice to have. I an trying to improve my grades at school – I have been a good girl most of the time—my conduct has improved. I want a Nintendo DS and a MP 3. Please Santa Claus bring my family some gifts. Finally, Santa Claus don’t forget that I love you like a friend and tell Rodolph the same thing I told you. Sincerely Maribel Machuca Dear Santa, My name is Travis. I want a new bike for Christmas a wii and a lot of money. I hope the wii is under my tree. Last year I help my dad build a shop in the backyard. I helped my sister decorate her room. Santa, I hope to see you soon and tell Mrs. Claus hello. Sincerely, Travis Dear Santa, My name is Steffani and go to elementary school. I want a bike and a back ball. I deserve these gifts because I have been trying to improve my grades at school. Tell Rudolph and Mrs. Claus I said hellp. Love, Steffani Dear Santa, My name is Roland. Thanks for giving me my PRS last year. I have been good and want some hunting gear, a new bike and a new war game. I want some hunting gear so my cousin and can go hunting. Furthermore a new bike would be awesome because my old one broke. Finally say hello to Mrs. Claus and Rudolph. Sincerely, Roland Dear Santa Claus, My name is Aracelia. I have been a good girl this year. For this year I wand a bicycle, a computer, a WPP is a little video game, Nintendo DS and a MP 3. Finally please bring some presents for my sister and my two brothers. Sicerely, Araceli Flores Dear Santa, My name is Epitacio. Thank you for the skateboard you got me last year. I really enjoyed and loved it. I have been good. So for this year I want you to abring me a bike and a Nintendo DS I would really love these gifts. Finally Santa tell Mrs. Claus and Rudolph that I said hello I would really appreciate it. Sincerely, Epitacio Capteillo III Dear Santa, My name is Lavarius and I want a nice jewlrey present for my mom , a nice tool present for my dad, a nice phone for my brother and for me a nice x-bpx 360 and a PSP. I know that I have had bad behavior t his year abut I’m doing my best I can pass my Taks test. Santa, tell Mrs. Claus and your reindeer Rudolph hello. I am looking forward to see you so on Santa. Lavarius Dear Santa, My name is Jamariyao and I want for Chirstmas is a dog, a toler suit shark, and CD Love Story and the new Wii game ans tuch screen MP 3 player. Also thank mrs. Claus and Rudolph and all the other reindeer. Santa have a merry Christmas and new year. Sincerely, Jamariyao Dear Santa, My name is Cristian Garzon and I am having fun in school. O thank you for the gifts from lat year. I’ ve been helpful person by helping my mom with the dishes and my helping my dad cut logs. For Christmas I want a four wheeler. I conclusion, tell Mrs. Claus and Rduolph that I want a wii. Sincerely, Chistian Dear Santa, I like to climb trees and I like to jump. My name is Katie and I have been very helpful this year. I want my sister a dill, my moma some clothes and my daddy a heating pad for his neck. I love my parents so much. Again I want a four weler, a puppy, a girl cat and a cat bed. Finally give my love to Mrs. Claus and Rudolph. Thank you, Katie LaRose Dear Santa, My name is Brent. What I want for Christmas this year is a dirt bike, a R6 Helicopter, and a zero gravity car. I have been good. I have improved some too. Sincerely, Brent Dear Santa, I hope it snow. Tell the elves hi. I want two dinoshors for baby and me. My baby sister wants a tricycle. I want a little pet a Legatr. Love, Michael Dear Santa, My name is Ashley Chavez. For I want for Christmas a D.S. Pink game with Barbi harse. I want a Hannh Montane Barbi. I want a Hannh Montana guitar. Love, Ashley Dear Santa, I an an A B onarol student in school. I want a new forweelr and a mine bick and apoole to dive in and a new room and a chack bord. Love, Jeremy H Dear Santa, What I wath for Christmas width a psp and a nindds and a opod and the roht bin game. I width a new bik and a new game sty. Love, Ryan H Dear Santa, My name is Blayne and I want a x-box and a cars and thas all. Love Blayne Dear Santa, My name is Selena, I want a new bike, and I want my mom a new car. Love, Selena Dear Santa, My name is Matalie Merina. I wont Christmas is a Big Bratz Doll with legs, a Hannah Montana guitar, and a pupy that his name is Biscuit. Love, Natalie Dear Santa, I want a fon, a tai DS, a x-box 360 and a crayola box. Love, Diavid Dear Santa, My name is Samuel. I want toy cars and atv and a x-box 360 and shoe for my sister and I want for Christmas is a hores and sheeps. Love Samuel Dear Santa, My name is Beyonca and I want for Christmas is a for welr and a x-box and a Bratz Bick. Love Beyonca Walker Dear Santa, I wish I had a donosur that did triks I am Justin and I want you to get me a noo dove theid a fundecr toy. Love Justin Dear Santa, Ny name is Erika. I want Christmas to come and I love Christmas. I am a good student, Santa. I am having a sister, Santa I wish it is a girl. Love, Erika Dear Santa, My name is Gabriel and I wish for a robot and a bunch of toys and a x-box 360! Love, Gabriel Dear Santa, I wot a zx-Box 360 with loo gams, I wot a dog O wotta 150 toys. I wot a four welrs. I wot a wii with 190 games and a lot fovmane. I wot a baskball and DS and a ber. Love, Cris Dear Santa, My name is Isaih. I what a toy truck and a tv and de my class to bee good to the teacher, play station and a 160 toys and a book. Love Isaih Dear Santa, My name is Karen. I’ll appreciated of you bring me a Nintendo DS. I’ll also be thankful if you bring some gifts to my family. Some tools for my dad because he is a plumber, besides he loves to fix things. My baby brother Adrian would love to get some little toys, some flower pots for my mom, games for my brother, Angel, computer games for my brother, Alex, and a Nintendo DS for my sister, Yasmin. With this in mind, we will be able to spend quality time together. I also would like you to bring a make-up kit for my big sister, Nalley. She likes to look pretty. I want to see smiles on all their faces and to be very happy playing with their new toys and games. Merry Christmas Santa and Rudolph. Love, Karen Dear Santa, My name is Alisa. The reason I am writing this to you is so you will know what I want for Christmas. I want a laptop—a laptop is a portable computer. You can bring it every where you go. I want it because I will be able to look up anything I want to any were I go. It would be awesome to be able to do that. See my dad and my mom has one and it seems pretty cool. So I want one to but what ever I get I will be happy with. Say hello to Mrs. Claus and to the reindeer. Love, Alisa Dear Santa, My name is Ashley and this year I want some clothes and a new bicycle. I need some more clothes and a bike because my old bike broke. What I want for my family to get for Christmas is happiness and excitement. I really want my family to be happy and we be together. I sure hope you bring my bike this year. Wow! I can not wait for Christmas because I will see my bike under the Christmas tree. Finally I send my love to Mrs Claus and Rudolph (reindeer). Sincerely, Ashley Dear Santa, My name is Jordan and this year Santa, I have been really good. I want a X-box 360, a PSP, a playstation 3 and a new pair of shoes. Santa, can you send my mom money to get the trunk fixed on the car and to get a bigger house for all five of us. Santa, for Christmas I want a PSP playstation 3, a new pair of Jordan shoes and a X-box 360. Also I want a lot of games to go with the video games. Santa, tell Mrs. Claus I said Hi and tell Rudolph I said hi too. Sincerely, Jordan Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a MP 3 player, clothes of the latest fashion, some flats shoes, boots and a nentendo DS. All I want for you to keep my family safe. Therefore, I want you to give my baby brother some instruments such as drums, piano and a trumpet for my big brother some cars and a Star War shirt. Give my love to Mrs. Claus and Rudolph. Love, Mary Dear Santa, This year I want a yellow remote controlled car. I really want a yellow remote controlled car. Even if you don’t feel that I need nothing, please bring the children in need some presents. But I truly wish for that yellow remote controlled car. Tell Rudolph and Mrs. Claus that I wish them a Merry Christmas! Sincerely yours, Denny Silva Dear Santa, Can you bring me a PS 2 video games and a 4x4 hummer? I would like that a lot. Will you bring my family and I something we can do together? Thank you Mrs. Claus for all the great things you have done for Santa this year. Thanks Rudolph for guiding Santa through the night every year and especially to my house! Sincerely, Jacob Dear Santa, I would like for you to get me a motorcycle and some clothes for Christmas. It would be really nice if you bring something for my family too. For example a video camera and my sister a lap top computer. Finally Santa, I send my love to Mrs. Claus and your reindeer tell them I love them and I thank them for keep you happy Big Guy! Sincerely, Kristian James Dear Santa, I have helped my mom with the work around the house and I want to ask you for a couple of gifts. I want some money, shoes and an ipod for Christmas. Also if you would bring some gifts for my family it would be greatly appreciated. For example they would love to get cars, dolls, PS3 and a MP3 player. I would like to thank Mrs. Santa Claus and Rudolph. Sincerely, Elizabeth Galvez Dear Santa, I want to thank you for the gifts I got last year they were nice and I liked them and I have been helpful. This is what I want for Christmas a iPod, a Chris Brown CD, Soutaboy CD, posters, money, clothes and shoes. With love, Biyonca Bailey Dear Santa, I want a new flat silver PSP and the game star ocean; First Departure for Christmas. Because so I can play with it and share it with my cousins and friends. I am going to be really happy when I get the new Silver PSP and the game Santa Clause, tell Mrs. Clause and Rudolph hi for me. Give them hugs and kisses for me. Don’t forget to tell them that I said Merry Christmas! Sincerely, Jerry Espinoza Dear Santa, Hi, my name is Karla. I would like a Nintendo DS for Christmas. I would like a Nintendo DS because the one I go last year broke. I send my love to Mrs. Claus and Rudolph. Thanks for all the gifts this Christmas. Sincerely, Karla Mejia Dear Santa, I want a cell phone for Christmas is because I can call and talk to my friends from school. Furthermore, I can call my parents in case I get into any danger. Santa, I hope you can manage to get what I want but if not it will be fine because Christmas is about the gift of giving and the birth of Christ. I want to thank Mrs. Claus and the reindeer for these nice things. I hope you all have a great Christmas. Your friend, Kristen Coker Dear Santa, I deserve a Nintendo DS because I have been good at home by helping my mom take care of my little brothers; I help clean the house. I would like for you to bring my little brothers some cars so they can play with them. Furthermore, I want you to bring me a Nintendo DS because wen I get home I will have something to entertain me. I want to send love to Rudolph and Mrs. Claus because you are going to bring me the things I want. Have a wonderful Christmas. Sincerely, Yasmin Andrade Dear Santa, My name is Thomas James Grabel and I have 1 mom and 1 dad. My mom is Tamara and my dad is James. My sisters names are Kristen, Amber and Christine. All I want for Christmas is a happy holiday and to see my family. The reason why is because I love them and they are the best present I could ever have. Well that is all I want for Christmas have a happy Christmas and keep your self and everybody else safe. Sencerly, Thomas James Grabel Dear Santa, My name is Antasia. I w ould love to have a laptop computer for Christmas because I could do my class work on it. Santa, I need a laptop computer I deserve it for Christmas so I can do my class assignments and homework. Besides I am a very good person and I love to help people and especially my family. I’m asking for my family to be safe for Christmas. Finally, all I want for Christmas is a laptop computer and for my family to be safe. Sincerely, Antasia Wyatt Dear Samta, My name is DeAndre. Santa, I want a playstation 3, and a nintindo wii. I would like for you to get my brother a basketball game for his x-box 360. For my mom, I want you to bring her some decorations for the house as for my dad I think he would like some tools so he can fix our porch. So to repeat, Santa I would live for you to get those things mentioned above for my family. Sincerely, DeAndre Brown Dear Santa, My name is Gricelda.This year I would like to have a Nintendo DS, clothes and some shoes. I would like for you to bring an X-Box 360 to my brother and a nice car for my parents. Moreover, I would like for you to bring a very special present to my baby sister, for example she needs some shoes. The very special thing I want is the Nintendo DS. Furthermore, I want some clothes and some new shoes. I would like to send my love to Mrs. Claus and the reindeer, Sincerely, Gricelda Oropeza Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me lipstick, & a pink present, a Hannah Montana shirt with a pink doll and pink dog and horsie. MaKenna Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me a cupcake maker, Hannah Montan Barbie with a house and a doll, a doggie and Hannah Montanta puzzle and Hannah Montana guitar, a Hannah Montana book. I want a Tinkerbell necklace. Callie Dear Santa, I want a dog present, a horse, a pumpkin shirt, a pink dog and that’s all I want Santa to bring me. Emilee Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me Hannah Montana hair, high school musical book, a high school musical shirt, Hannah Montana board, a ghost TV with a pen on it. Isabella Dear Santa, I want a big monster truck, and video game with monster trucks on it. And I want a video with race cars in it to. I want a train with music and a monster truck Jeep with music in it. And a regular kind of jeep a lighting naqueen Jeep that’s all. Reid Dear Santa, I want a race car, candy and I like a toy, I want a toy basket, a jacket and a hat and another hat. I want Santa to brimg me gloves. Collin Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me a swimming Barbie and I want a new 4 wheeler so I can flip it, a new play kitchen and bathroom. Hannah Montana Barbie and house, Millie Cirris Barbie, a new cellphone, make up for my Barbie, hair bands and clips. I wanna look pretty. Shelby Dear Santa, I want a baby doll, Hannah Montana Barbie, toys and present. Jessica Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me a mp 3 player, a cowboy hat because I tear up my other one. I want a medal shovel and its at baskin and a rake and I want a remote control car, a Batman puzzle, a c camera to take pictures of my dog. Can I get a big jeep from Wal-Mart. Brayden Dear Santa, I want to bring to bring me lipstick, a baby doll and Hannah shirt, pink doggie, and a Christmas tree and a Christmas party. Brooklyn Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me a present, toys I want Santa to bring me a motorcycle. Dylan Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me a car and Santa to bring me a little mom, a batman puzzle, a big marker and a little marker to and a turkey race car. Jeremy Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me a Rudolph Reindeer with a shinie nose. I want Santa to bring me a sled and one of Santa’s reindeer. That all I want for Christmas. Elijah Dear Santa, I want a big dump truck, a bike. Chad Dear Santa, I want a bee bee gun, gold shovel and a motorcycle so I can ride it. Batman puzzle and race car to wipe the queen. And I want 2 four wheelers and some new markers and a wipe the queen book. Kyle Dear Santa, I want the super hero movie but with the hat to and some candy and a electric guitar. Aidan Luna Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me a tricycle, a Hannah Montan bike, a book, a cupcake kitchen. I want shirts and shorts, pants and panties you go that right. I want some Dora flip flops shoes. Okay I want my finger to paint to at some crayon box, pencil I want sand box and shovel so I’ll have a dirt to dig in dirt. I have my three finger up to point at stuff. Ja’Nayah Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me my birthday present a car and pete a truck. Kaighnen Dear Santa, I want candy and presents. Danielle Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me a car, a cinnamon candy, I want a big dump truck. Joshua Dear Santa, I want a doll, a Barbie presents and presents. Melanie Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me a motorcycle jeep, my mom wants a tv and some new clothes. Kaden Dear Santa, I want a car, candy. Lane Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. What I want for Christmas is rolskats, a roking hrose, bitsk a lovseing pup, bend a roos, make up set, Nintendo DS. Thank you Love, Elise Smith Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. What I want for Christmas is a little water fountain, RC Truck, globes, for it to snow agin, soler panel science, Kit, Kawisoke mule, bendaroos, Nintendo DS. Gavin Smith Dear Santa, Thank you for the TV you got me two years ago. And please give my mom, Karen and Dad, Garvey Jackson both very good presents. I would like a little money because I’m a little broke. Sam Jackson Dear Santa, This year I want to have a puppy for Chritmas and guitar hero world tour for Playstation 3. And thank you for the camra last year sorry for losing it. Can I have my own Christmas tree in my room and can I have a snow board because I like to go snowboarding and some ear muffs so my ears wont get cold. Thank you for all the gifts you have gave me. Charlie Dear Santa, Would really like if you could spend more time with the other children that needs you the most. I would also love it if it would snow. That would be the coolest present I have ever gotten. I think it is really nice that you give gifts to every single in the world. I hope all is good with you and your family. Terisia Joseph Dear Santa, Are elfs cool? Are they hard workers? Do they work for you? How is Vick doing? Is it cool up there? How high is the now up there? Stephan Dear Santa, This year I want a Simi automatic boureta, 12 guage and a dodge viper and a dodge vinum. I also would like something nice for my sister, parents and my little brother. Anthony Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me a motorcycle, a car and a dump truck, Old McDonald. Marcos Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me a bulldozer, trailer and a truck and a car. Blane Dear Santa, I want Santa to bring me a motorcycle, candy, and a big truck. Stephan Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus doing? Well hi. Can my brother have a Thomas Train cause my brother loves Thomas. Can my mom please, please, please, have a new home. Can my dad have a new car? Can Mrs. Kuehn have some hair spray for her hair? Can Mrs. Hoover have a red shirt> Can people who don’t have food give them some and a home. And Santa I’ve been good this year. So can I have my very own captain underpants book. Buy Santa see you next year. Your friend, Damien Reed Dear Santa, How is the north pole is it fun down there. I thank it is. My mom loves jewelry. It does make here happy and me a neckles and my sister a new house and a pet snake for my sister. She won’t stop deging my mom. And I want a dirt bike and get some flowers to my grandma. All my friends love chrisms and the north pole to and we love on earth. By Santa I had a good Christmas. Your friend, Austin Dear Santa, Hi Santa! How are you doing? How are your reindeer? What kind of cookies do you want? This Christmas my mama will love a new book. My nana could get better. My grandma can have something to rember my grandpa by. Cliff as a happy birthday. I wish Sabrina could do will at church. I wish nobody will go hunger and everyone could have cloths to were. Bye, Bye, Santa! You friend, Briana Dear Santa, How are you doing today. Do you have little kids? And you know what you are a nice Santa. Can you get a present for my cousin, Damien. Does not have any toys to play with. I wont you to give him some real fun stuff so he can play with them. Santa, can you give my friends Arely a fun, fun present to play with. And can you giver her a ipod. Santa Claus can you give homeless people food, clothes, toys and money so they can buy stuff. Santa, I want you to give me a very good puppy. Your friend Breanna Durar Dear Santa, My brother wants new drums and stiks. My dad wants his foot beater. Now, my mom wants money. My little sister wants a new shirt. My friends want a new game cube. Santa, please help the ones who are fighting in the war. I have been good and I want a new tamgotchi connection. I want 10 of them. Your friend, Carlos Dear Santa, How are you? And how is Mrs. Claus? And how are the reindeer? Santa let the people in Asia have cloths. This is why they have no clothes to ware. And get my mom a wii to play on and let everybody have a marry Christmas. Let Kinsy, Brianna, gady, Samtha, Jeanfier, Destiny and Zach have a DS. Let the people have pace. And let there be no war. By Santa, your friend Sabrina Dear Santa, I want to ask if you can get something for some other people can you do that for me thanks. I have only three grate grandmothers how and two of them are helthie but they will got old and they both don’t have hubinds and there very lonely. So I want yo to find something to help them and my other grandmother had to go to the hospital but she is ok now. She has to walk in a walker. There is a girl from last year and she had a very hard time with school and I want you to git her something that will help her oh year and when you go around the world, please drop food on the ground for people who have nothing well that’s about it. Thanks your friend, Kenzie Dear Santa, how is the reindeer and miss claus. Please get my sister a doll cribbe because she cant put her dolls anywere. Rachel a laptop so she can talk to her friend on line, Trina a new pare of glasses so she will not get sun in her eyes and mom a new pare of sandles. Please get Miss Kuehn some crayons. Please get the homeless a home and no hunger and no war and peace and baby dippers and close. By santa say by to Miss Claus and the north pole. Love your friend, Samantha Dear Santa, Hello Santa, I am a friend of yours. I hope my mom can have a great birthday. I want my brother to have a longhorn playstation and the new guitar hero. I want Kayla and Tiffany to not get kicked out of the home. I want Miss Kuehn to have a good job because I want her to be a teacher. I wish the people that don’t have anything to have clothes and food I want them to have what they need. Santa I want for Christmas is a high school musicial 3 movie and a high school musical play station and game. I had a nice talk with you bye, Love Angelica Dear Santa, Have you had a great year? How are Mrs. Clause and reindeer? My mom is sick please giver her helth. My dad is dead it scares me please help me to not be scared. Cambodia has no cloths please give them food, cloths and dripers. Jennifer is schared her baby is going to die. Please help all these people. Please Jordan get better and help him do his homework he has been getting As, Bs and Cs. I hope know wun in the world turns into a murder, and help the people in the world that don’t have no cars to get cars and the people who need helth. Please fix my bike. Your friend, Charles Simmons Dear Santa, How or you doing today in the north pole. I wont to give my cusen Magene for a little pony and give my cusen Hunter for anew nerfgame. I wont to give my mom some gory and necles wit me and makalla in it. I wont to give my dad a new workout agitmitnt, I want to give my sister some new DS Ga,es. I wont to give my steth and grandma PaPa Ray and a new wii games and ethan new xbox control. I wont to give my frends good thing that they want. I wont to give the people that don’t have shoes and clos and hats. I wont to gove the things to other. Santa thanks for the gifs when it is chrismas. Your friend, Kane Dear Santa, How is it in the north pole. How is Rudolph. I wish that people will not have any problems. They can have a good Christmas. I wont them to have a very, very good Christmas including tucker conn. I don’t want them to go hungry. Good by Santa and have a good Christmas. Love Gregory Ray Dear Santa, How are you and how is the north pole and how is miss claus and the raindeers. My mom wants a new car my sister wants a laptop my baby sister wants a baby my uncle wants new shoes to go to work my other uncle wants a new car to go to work. My friends are Kenzie, Gaby, Destiny, Sabrina, Sammatha and Brianna. My friends want a DS and some want Ipod or a mpthree and some want a laptop. Santa, can you give people clothes if t hey need some clothes and for the people in the Army can you give them food for them to eat. Santa I have been good this year. I want a bike. Bye Santa, say hi to everyone. Your friend, Jennifer Anguiano Dear Santa, How are you doing at the north pole? How are your reindeer and the elves? I wont to give my cusen Mage for a little pony and give Hunter my cusen a new nerf game. I wont to give my mom some new goy and some work out equmint? I wnt to give Kayla some new DS games and give Grandma and pope troy and seruself and some new wii gams and a new control for the I wont to give my frends good things. I wont to give the people that don’t have closs, soks and hats to them. From your frend, Kane Dear Santa, How are the reindeer and Mrs. Claus? I wish my mom had more earings and my grandma to I wish that my grandpa gets a hunting bow? Can you help my great great great grandpa in the hospital. I wish for Gregory to have more bonk a gown for cristmas and tucker to have a PS3 and kane too? I wish for the people in war to have more wepons and army jeeps and to have a safe trip. I would like a brand new wii and a resta ling ring. Your friend, Zachary Dear Santa, Hi! Santa how are you and the raindeers too. I like them all. I really won’t to get my sister a laptop for Christmas but I don’t have the money to buy it for her so Santa can you please buy my sister a laptop. Santa, can you buy my mom and dad a new bed because my mom and dad bed broked and I won’t to get them one. I really wont my friend Isis to get a TinkerBell bed and a Tinker Bel clothes. I won’t my friend Isis to get a lot of Tinker Bell. For people how is hunger and no war, peace and homeless I won’t to give them food to eat and a home to live in and clothes and family and friends. Santa, I won’t a new radio for Christmas good-by. Have a good and safe trip. Your friend, Destiny Dear Sant, Hi! I’m Tucker Conn. This Christmas I want a star war storm trooper action helmet and blaster, Well let’s get on to the others ok. I want my daddy to get a pick up truck for Cristmas. My friends I might talk about getting them something. Well it was good talking to again. Bye see you next year. Your friend, Tucker Conn Dear Santa, I would like …Clothes, Rocking horse, babr boll, hair stuff, shoes, Teddy bear, blanket, bath toys, earings, ring. Thanks Santa, Alexis Paige Jones Dear Santa, I would like…..make up, doll, bike, high school musica notepad, phone, bratz laptop, I pod, game boy, brazt backpack with purse and bratz Barbie doll. Thanks Santa, Madison Faith Jones Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Would you bring me a teddy bear, a littie pony that this black and white and I dog and a dolly. Shannon Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Would you bring me a I dog and a Hannah Montana microphone and a Nintendo DS and PSP and a Hannah Montana phone and a I pond and a Tennessee tickit. Love Stephanie Dear Santa, Merry Christmas would you bring me Hannah Montana nobc and I Dog. Love Savannah Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Would you bring me a Dans pad and a nintendo ds and gut arher and a x-box 3 22 and I dog and a cat and grunstix and a big bike. Love Kelsey Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Would you bring me a mr stick and a car that goes up and down. Love Tugnnier Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! would you bring me a ranbr pup! Anllegs! Love! Ronie Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! Would you bring me igthneing k me nchace rg ac clor ne rsd 20. Chance Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Would you bring me a will and a I Dog and a gugey and a ps 2 a guitar hero and a Nintendo DS. Love Kit Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Would botthms nos no gt o e was I Michaela you bring me dog hm pc toy Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Would you bring me a robot dog we conv. Love Trace Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! Would you bring me MP 3. Love, Airza Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Would you bring me a PS Polnd, a I dog and toy cat and a co and a wii. Love, Kallie Dear Santa, Merry Christmas, Would you bring me love is imon an ex-box and girt o roord. No name Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! Would you being me a growing prg and SD and Wii. Colin Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Would you bring me legos, a robot dog, cars and atrcuks and a radio and a new fishing pole. Love, Travis Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Would you bring me a black I Dog and bot dog transformer wdnc paints. Love Blake Dear Santa, I would like a doll with a potty. And a charm necklace Cinderella with her horses. Your friend, Veronica Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Please bring me a baby. And a big Barbie. A video games would be great also a Hannah Montana toy, a skateboard too. Your friend, Haley Dear Santa, I want a stuffed Batman fuzzy ball, a wolfman bobble head, By the way, how is the reindeer doing Santa? How are you working? How are the elves doing? Your friend, Miles Grace Dear Santa, I want candy, a spiderman, a bicycle with training wheels, a truck to push and a big sicker. Thank you your friend, Marcus Dear Santa, My name is Trevor. I want a chain saw for Christmas so I can cut down trees. I also want some new tools and a new skateboard. Please bring my sister Savanna new softball gear. I love you Santa, I am a good boy sometimes. Your friend, Trevor O’Bannon Dear Santa, I want a snowman. I am being good. My brother is good too he was sharing his cookies with me. He likes car. We are making chocolate cookies with marshmallows for you to eat. I like cookies and Christmas trees too. Your friend, Jada Moss Dear Santa, I want a helicopter and a H3 Hummer radio control and ipod. Thank you Jacob D Dear Santa, Pleae get me a blocks, Barbie puppy, Dora night gown, Barbie jeep. Love you Kascy Dear Santa, Please bring me a I-Pod, a new cell phone, the best Christmas ever a teddy bear, boots, purse, earrings, make up Love always, Macie Dear Santa, My name is Brianna. I have been a good girl. For Christmas I want a spongebob bike and toys. Thanks Santa, Brianna Johnson Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl for Christmas. I want a Nintendo DS, games, 4 wheeler, lots of clothes, make up. Thank you Hailea Shae Sampson Dear Santa, I want Optimus Prime Scooter, Big Remote Control tractor, black remote control mud truck, a big, big, bog old rocket ship, tree house, a bird for the top of my tree house, a candle for your bird so he won’t be scared. A new bike, a texas long horns, my own table for my food, Christmas bowl, drum set, Texas boots, TV, little remote control motorcycle with pop a wheelies, own little night light so I can touch it. My own fridgerator for my tree house. Your friend, Jordan Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a skateboard and a bike and ninja turtle and a power ranger. I also want some skate shoes please. Your friend, Trevor A Moore Dear Santa, I would like candy , big truck, Miceky mouse Clubhouse, Dora and Boot Soccer ball, new light up shoes. All the truck, Mickey Mouse rack track and some cookies please. Thank you. Your friend, Seth Raul Vega Dear Santa, I had mom write to you & let you know what I want for Christmas. I would like a new bike, a green basketball & a Alvin and the Chipmuck movie because my big brother lost my other one… and a lot of toys. Your friend, Eyan Hitchens Dear Santa, Would you come see my Wall-E poster and bring me a Wall-E toy? I hope you like the cookies on Christmas Eve. Your friend, Carter Dear Santa, Icy, icy zebra was his name-0. Like a crayon I can color what you pick. Like a dream, like a monkey, give you a toy. Batman liked the joker. Your friend, Ty Hurtt Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? For Christmas, I would like a shiny red nose. Your friend, Tiffany Dear Santa, This is what I want for Christmas: trackhoe, guitar, Wall-E Toy, light for my desk, movies, books, bull dozer, puppy dog toy, new overalls, learning games with cool movies. Your friend, Christopher Dear Santa, I want Hannah Montana make up, tinkerbell stuff, Barbie movie, and an easy bake oven. Your friend, Taryn Orn Dear Santa, I want brush toys, shirt, toes, pants and new pillow. Your friend, Cheyenne Dear Santa, I have been super good! Please send me a 4 wheeler, and a toy box for all my cars. Thank you! Your friend, Bryce Dear Santa, I want braklrs that ligt up and new wii and p3 game of 2009 and a new house and a new car, snow. Your friend, Tristen Simple Dear Santa, I want a puppy for Christmas. I want a guitar for Christmas. I want tow shelfs for Christmas too. I want model cars for my shelfs for Christmas. I want sherts, boots and jense for Christmas too. I want more poster for my room for Christmas. I want a new bed for Christmas and plane kits for Christmas. I want it to snow on Christmas very much. Robby Dear Santa, I wish I can have more snow and I wish that the world was a good place and that anyone who was sick or hurt in any way will be well. I wish I can have a pet and I hope that I wish I could go in a rocket. Jamarcus Dear Santa, Thanks for all the presents in the past, I liked all of them but know I m growing and some are to young for me but I still like Tazzy the singing monkey and the other monkey. This Christmas I really want Ellie ( my dog) to have babies and if you cant do that then I want an ipod touch or laptop, the DS game, Dog Fashion Designer and for a good Christmas to everybody in the world. I would also want is one elfs hat and a new cool Santa hat that looks just like your and a fresh new year for everybody!!!!!! And a new easy horse skech book!! Merry Christmas!!!!! Kendall Benfer Dear Santa, I would like my family to have a very good Christmas. and I would like my mamma to get new car for Christmas. and I like my daddy to get cologne and a couple of shirts. And I would like mu bigger to get her driving license. And now its time for my animals. I want my horse to get a new sattle. And I would like my dog to get some more clothes. And now it’s time for me! I want a x-box 360, PSP, some video games, video game chair, Hannah Montanah doll, Hannah Montah Malibu beach house, a tinker bell doll,. A I-pod nano, a laptop and a to car. And that all I want for Christmas! Denedra Taylor Dear Santa, I really want a sugar glider. I think in Conroe we went to a market there were for SALE! I wanted it so BAD! They are so cute! I want a wii too! I like them. I want an x-box 360 too! P S Hopefully I am on the good list. Oh yea, please give us snow!! Dannielle Dear Santa, I would like a phone and touch I-Pod and a set of cool cars so I can play whith them and a box of makeup please and supres me on more please. Love you Victoria Dear Santa, I want a car a nd a cool white jacket, make up bag, and a new bike. Santa I will get you new boots because you have old boots. And I want a flag, and a slide and a cool hair style! Emily Landsman Dear Santa, I wood like a I-Pod and some film for my camera. And if you can do this for me it would be a big favor for me if you could give the orphans a home with lots of loveing people so they will take good care of them and I hope they get toys also and I hope they celibrate Jesuses birthday to and have a very grate, happy and joyful Christmas that is all that matters right now to have a grate Christmas. Eleanor Dear Santa, I want some toys, fore weeler, panets, soks, turmpien, wii, remote Ds, the Wii, bike toy box, leggos, caryons, paint, culering books, marks, some more new clothes, hors set and pants, blue jens, pants, boots, cowgirl shirts, cowgirl boots, cowgirl pants and some cards,srose drss sheours DS. Mikayea Spurgeon Dear Santa, I have been good thos week in. I wont old ds and a x-box 360 and a new boke and a fishing pole and a skateboard with goste on it and a toy modrsikl. Jerry Spurgeon Dear Santa, I have been so good so I do get something. I want some shoes, DS, x-box 360, make up, will, clothes, sacks, earrings, hair band, dresser, radio, binder and a bedset. Thank you Santa Claus, Christina Spurgeon Dear Santa, I have been a great boy this year so I have made a list of things I hope to get when you come to my house. I would lkike the bogikan 3-pack and the bogukan DVD. I also want a Pokemon Nintendo game. I love to learn about history so some books about history would be nice. Santa, will you please bring me some boots. I also like to hunt and fish and would love to get some hunting and fishing supplies so I can go with my dad at Reece Ranch. Merry Christmas Daddy, Tdazih, Momma, Rick and Elizabeth. David Peltier Dear Santa, I have been a great little girl this year and I am excited to see what you bring me. These are a few of the things that I would like for Christmas. I want a little guitar and drum set. I also want the movie Dark Knights and a microft e-phone. If you have room could you also bring me some monkey books. I would also like to shoot my first deer this Christmas but not one of your reindeer. Merry Christmas Santa, Elizabeth Peltier Dear Santa, I have been a great boy this year and I’m excited for you to bring me my presents. This year I would like some balls like a basketball and a football. I would also like you to a bring me a power wheels truck, I would like some toy cars and action figures too please. The last thing that I want is a bicycle with traing wheels and pads to go with it. Thank you Santa, J’shun S Dear Santa, I have been very good this year so I can’t wait until you come to my house. I would like you to bring me a tricycle, some cars and some action figure men. I also want some balls like a basketball and football. If you could would you please bring me the movie Everyone’s Hero. Thank you Santa, Sean M Dear Santa, I have been an extra good boy this year. Some of the toys I would like for Christmas are some balls (basketball, football, baseball, bouncy balls, etc) I also want the Everyone’s Hero DVD. A bike with traing wheels and a helmet would be nice too. I would also like my own camera to take pictures with and a toy cell phone. Also I love to sing and dance so a karoke machine would be perfect. I also love to read so some starter books for young readers would be nice too. Thank you Santa, Cory D Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. When you come to my house will you please bring me some baby dolls and some toys to go with my baby dolls like clothes, a stroller and a bed. I would also like some coloring books and colors. I love to fix my hair pretty every day so if you could bring me some things for my hair I would be happy. Thank you Santa, Emerald H Dear Santa, I have been good this year so I have made a list of a few toys that I would like for Christmas. I would like some cars, balls and some action figures, I would also like a basketball goal and a slide. Some new clothes and shoes would be nice also. Thank you Santa, Jace R Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year so I know you are going to bring me some presents. I would like some toy cars, some balls and some action figures. I would also like some new DVDs to watch. You cold also bring me some spongebob toys. Thank you Santa, David P Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. Here are some of the things that I would like for Christmas. I want some toys from the movie Cars because that is my favorite movie. I also want the new Elsmo. The other thing that I hope to get is my own art supplies and table because I love to color and draw pictures for my mommy. Thank you Santa, Javion B Dear Santa, I have been a great girl this year that’s why I cant wait for you to come to my house and bring me my presents. The first thing on my list is a baby doll and all the baby doll stuff ( clothes, a stroller and a bed). The next thing I would like for you to bring is a rocking horse. I would also like to get my very first ring. The last thing is some new shoes and clothes for me. Thank you Santa, De’Gueriuna J Dear Santa, My name is MJ. Christmas is fun. You get lots and lots of toys from mommie and daddy. But some of the toys only you can give. Like a police car that make sounds, a Elmo talking story doll its says all kinds of things, A four wheeler that goes by itself, Santa, you are the best. I know you came through for all the kids in the world. Thank you Santa, MJ Dear Santa, I have been really good. I would like a Barbie car, fake food to play with, motorcycle, a 4 wheeler. Thank you, Jurnie Washington Dear Santa, I have been sort of good this year. Could you please bring me a Nintendo DS, woody set, Bizz set, train set, football & basketball. Also a teddy bear, car and some trucks. Iron man set. Thank you Santa! Brandon Dear Santa, I would like a horse, puppies, stroller, baby doll with clothes. Some princess dress up clothes and a play cell phone. Trinity Hancock Dear Santa, I have been real good this year. Would you please bring me a play princess dress up set, Barbie doll, stroller, clothes, shoes and some bows for my hair. Thank you Santa. Trinity Railey Dear Santa, I ve been kinda good this year. Could you please bring me a princess dress, princess slippers, brush and a princess crown. Thank you. Isabella Manning Dear Santa, I would like some Diego toys, lego blocks, cars and some trucks. Thank you Brent Dawson Dear Santa, I would like a 4 wheeler, a really big truck, some clothes and some shoes. Devon Davilla Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year so here goes. I would like a big truck, some cars, clothes, shoes, mp 3 player and some candy canes. Thank you Santa, Bradley Baylock Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year so for Christmas I would like a set a drums with some drum sticks, playstation 3, clothes, jordans, cars, trucks and a football. Thank you Santa, Jontavian McNeal Dear Santa, I’ve been really good this year. I would like for you to bring me a cell phone—real one, a big truck, some jorgans, clothes and a basketball goal so I can practice my shot. Thank you Santa, Jonathan McNeal Jr Dear Santa, I have been sort of good this year. But I would love for you to bring me a drum set, piano, mp 3 player, a real cell phone, pajamas, baby doll with a bed for her, some apple bottom jeans, some jordans, a bubble jacket along with a Nintendo DS with games. Thank you Santa, Jon’Toyrian McNeal Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a game to play with my family and friends. And High school musical decorations for my bedroom. And I want my own avt set with colored pencils, crayons, makers, earasers, and a ruler! And I want a baby alive doll. And high school misical set…any set! And I want finger nail polish to paint my nails. And a little bit of lip gloss. And I wants lots of hair assesories. And some nice close that are appropret for school! I love you Santa! Breezie ( Breanna) Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a play station , grand theft auto San Andreas. I would like a 60 dollar guitar. the drums, guitar hero III and a pack of song sheets and Santa Claus tell Mrs. Clause I said Hi and Santa we will be spending the night at my granny’s house on Christmas eve. And Santa we will have cookies for you on Christmas eve so be surprised. Thank you, Damon Potts Dear Santa, My name is Carson Meyer. I want a guitar, baby horse, and a big house, a hamster, big fish, a red train toy with red animals, a helmet. Love, Carson Meyer Dear Santa, My name is Raymond Vondrom. I want a skateboard, a hamster with cage, a horse, a spiderman fishing pole, a DS for Christmas and games. Love Raymond Vondran Dear Santa, I want a princess fish pole, a hamster cage with hamster in it, baby dolls, make up scooter, clothes, pink train with pink tracks, tinkerbell shirt and the movie Timberbell and the movie Dora with toy. Love Alyssa Vondran Dear Santa, Please bring me a truck, two airplane and a race car, Thank you, Varish Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I love you Santa, For Christmas I want a Hannah Montan guitar, Dora toy, a bike a cooking kitchen. Talcan Dear Santa, I want a venom toy. I wants perphrio with sonic game. Love, PBI Dear Santa, Hanna Montana house, barn for ponies. Taylor Dear Santa, This year I was very nice. That’s why I want you to bring me a Hannah Montant doll that sings, rocking around the Christmas tree, house and I want you to bring me a little fur real friend baby panda and a pixie hollow tinker belle and a Bratz doll that comes with a puppy. Sincerely, Samantha Flores Dear Santa, A Nintendo, baby, ball train, jewelry and rocle. Love Morgan Dear Santa, I love you, Thank youfor my roller skating Barbie you gave me last year. I would like some princess things. I would also like an Easy Bake oven for cupcakes. Brianna Hendrix Dear Santa, I want a fire truck, pirate ship, deer hunting game. Justin Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I have been some good and some bad. I would like a gun, an airplane, and feed for y horse Hitch. Bring daddy a red truck, momma a broom, Olivia a Barbie and Landon a gun. Thank you for everything, Rooster aka Clay Dear Santa, I would like for Christmas Barbie house, tree house, swimming too, Nintendo DF. Baili Dear Santa, I would like a DS, a wii, I want a bike, I wont a scooter and I want a gketchers. Bent G Dear Santa, I would love to get an elimination chamber, a big buck, raw wrestling studio, a new pair of boots, some new wrestlers, a hundred lbs of candy and I believe that I’ve been good boy at school and I’ve also been nice and listend to my parents and have been nice to my sister. Jason Murray Jr Dear Santa, My name is Caris and I have been good this year. I want my family to be together on Christmas day and I want dolls and also bring my sisters Cayley and Contessa something too. Merry Christmas Love, Caris Dear Santa, I would like for Christmas a bow, a four wheeler, tree house. Trint Dear Santa, I would like a big monster truck, a transformer and a laptop computer. Enjoy the cookies. Garren Dear Santa, I would like to have a real motorcycle so I can pop wheelies. Jo Johnson Dear Santa, I really like the presents that you bring to me. Merry Christmas. Collin Kaleb Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a nintento DS and a Hannah Montana Barbie. Gladys Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I want a 4- wheeler for Christmas. Thank you Love, Nathan Davis Dear Santa, I want a puppy, I also want to be able to play basketball. Thank you, Isaac Dear Santa, I would like candy, dolls, games and jewelry. Nicole Shaw Dear Santa, For Christmas I wont a speed racer toy, a nicer sister, shirt and DS. Dante Williams Dear Santa, I want pajamas, Hannah Montana necklace. Lauren Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. Please send me make up, baby dolls, stroller carrier and clothes. Jewelry, clothes, clock Brat Suit case and movies. Thank you Lorna Alec Dear Santa, I want a car, flashlight, airplane, video games for Christmas this year. I also want a skateboard and blendy pens. Thank you Santa, I love you so much. Tristan Dear Santa, Hi! It’s me Elijah. I have been really good this year. So I want all army stuff, for Christmas. That’s all. Merry Christmas Santa, Thank you. Elijah T Dear Santa, I want a jeep. I want a 4-wheeler, I want a toy. I have been a good boy. Gabriel Harrell Dear Santa, I want a Batman suit. I want a playstation 3. Thank you. Marcus Matthews Dear Santa. I want a new I pod for Christmas. I whant a care okemushin for Christmas. I whant a computer for Christmas. I whant a computer for Christmas I whant a move. I whant sum chos and shoes and I whant a new dadeo. Briana Dear Santa, I would love a new tama they ae so cute and loveable and I collect them I would also love a wii. I have a DS but Wiis are taking DS out just like DSs took out game boys. The last thing I would love is a doll house. Because I had to leave my old one when I moved. Love Tamie Dear Santa, I want for is a swing set because last hurricane Ikek made a tree fell on it. And I want a fore wheeler. Because I never had a fore wheeler rest my life. And I even want a DS because I never had one in my life. Love April Dear Santa, I want a mermat crab because my other one dide. I want HSM slippers because I don’t have any slippers. I also want a HSM CD and I want an MP 3 player. I wont one because the one I have is not working, I want a HSM CD because I don’t lave one. Love, Emily Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a DS with DS games too! Because they are awesome I want spongebob drawn to life globs of doom and soni unleashed and crash mitch over mutants and bolt and a new merry Christmas your friend, Jonathan Dear Santa, I whant a toy gun, please and a pogostik to jump with it. I want one more thing dart tag. That is all. Love Adam Uzelac Dear Santa, I want a x-box 360, a train set, a soft blanket, rockband video game, because most of the time I’m preddy board. And a soft blanket because I collect them. Thank you Love Nick Dear Santa, I want a Nintendo DS. I want a Wii I nenver ahd one. I want a hat for my mom. I want doll. I will give it to my dog. Love Cassady Dear Santa, I love Santa. Well like a bilck and a PS games and want a playstation 3th and a meotsickel for kids and a mp3 player and a robet dinosaurs to. A a ramotel car toy a man toy in a car in a geat Christmas Day. Ooo I believe in Santa, Love Jaden Card Dear Santa, For This Christmas I want a wii because during the hurricane Ike all of my games systems got eliminated. I realy want a wii because it’s the newest game system plus it has some cool games to. But the DS dosent have that many cool games. Love Ryan Dear Santa, I would like a MP 3 player because I like music. And a big dollhouse and dolls with it and a new while puppy because my puppy died. And a new lipgloss kit because I loss my other one and a pink pures but last but not less out of all thing I wont my dad to come home. Toni Dear Santa, I would like t have a cute goden rever youg puppy becuese I always want a yong golden retrver puppy with a coler in my socking. Name Sasy a gril. I want some gook you know my sect favite thing. Love, Kierra Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a farrot for a pet. The reason that I want a farrot is because that when me and mom and my brother all went to the pet store to buy some wooden chips for my hamster I walked down the hall where all of the fishes wee to a very little room where there was a komdo and them I turned around and I saw a cage but I did not no what was in it but under a towel there was a farrot. And that how I wanted a farrot. No name Dear Santa, I want a DS of little pet work shop because it is fun to play because you take care of animals and feed them. And you can take a walk with your pets or ride them. Then I want the movie of Rudolph the red nose reindeer because I like the movie. It is a fun movie to watch. Then I want a doll or stuffed animal of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer because its nose litghs up and it is so cudlely. Then I want a doll of Santa because his beard is snowy white and soft. And he is very cute. Then I want the carnival of Sunday to play with my ponys. Then I want a club house to play with my friends and make a club. Then I want a rainbow reading and playing room to read and play with my friends. And I want a evle that looks like me so it can go to school and no one will notice I’m not their. And I’ll be home playing and watching tv. And resting and not get so sleepy and tierd to play. No name Dear Santa, I wont a drum becase I never had one before and a pet shop because I like animals and I want a car truck it is not real and it dose not get rained on case it is covered because it is my favrit thing I like and so when it rains outside I could go outside and play with it. I want one of those play horses because they are fun to play with it in the house and I want one of those play dog because they are cool and I think they fetch and I think that they eat real dog food and you can really play with them and I want to have a room of books because they are fun and I a room of paper becaue I use a lot of paper and I want a tree house so I can tell my friends and that is going to be our club house and I want one of those play people that are big like us people and I want a wheel chair room because I want to ride a wheel chair before and I want a pet duck because it will be friendly to people and I want a cool book because they are fun. Love, Lania Dear Santa, How or you and your reind. I will like a anitdow for Christmas. See you soon. Your friend, Charism Dear Santa, I want a new pair of shous, a dog pello, a high school musical doll, some bored games, books, cookis. P.S. Guess what I will be wating this time. Love, Makayla Cari Cruzan Dear Santa, How are you and your reindeer? I am fine I am ready for Christmas! I want a Nintendo DS and a laptop and a guitar I want a bidr pet and a happy Christmas. I will have make and cookies waiting fo you. See you soon. Your friend, Nataly Rocha Dear Santa, I wish I had a sell phone and a dog is nice and I wish I was good not bad. You’r a good santa and I wish I had a wii and games. I wish I could see my dady and live with him and have a new life it would be fun if I see my dady. Shawn Mallard Dear Santa, How are you I am reddy for Christmas. I wunt a MP 3 player. I wunt a game boy. I wunt make up. I wunt a purs. I want a playstation 2. I wunt a puppy. I wunt a kitten. Esmeradla Casas Dear Santa, How are you pleas come to town I will be good on Christmas my sister will be good too my hole family will be good too I have fun whith my family. See you son , Nicole Dear Santa, How are your reindeer. I am fine I want to have a DS for crismas pleas and I want a psp for crismas. I want to have a playboy and see you to huge you to. See you later Harold Simons Dear Santa, I want a DS and a hot wheel with cars and a ball and a dinosaur. Alex Garcia Dear Santa, I wat a PS2 and a 22. with boolis and a drtlike. And a new pere of shoos. And a copooter. To Santa. From, Branden McCarty Dear Santa, I love you you are rely it is g in to snow torrow at the I will like a laptop and ipod and pond and good doisnd year and we will get you and cokies. How is tirrow and you reindeer at north pole. I am redy for Christmas. See you Jada Wade Dear Santa. How are you and your reindeer? I am fine. I am ready for Christmas/ I what a Nintendo DS, DVDS, toys, Nintendo DS games, I will have milk and cookies waiting on you. I like you very much! See you seen, Alex Black Dear Santa, I what a DS, DS games, littest pet shop broad game, hrose, laptop, I pod, pizzea. Love, Haley Bower Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? And your wife. I am fine to. I am ready for Christmas! I want a Bratz changing hair coler for Christmas and a two dolles of the Dimand Casele it one whote and the other one is is not so brown it’s light brown. I will have milk and cookies waiting for you. Your frund, Karen Diosdedo Dear Santa, Well, I want a computer a horse and a nintindo DS and a whight and black will and a horse and I want a phone a laptop and my won desk so I can my work at home and a lazer and I wish I had a lot of money and I want a whole lot of candy I want a diary a lot of them because I lik to right and give me a 14 pack of pencils and I want my own board with markers and I want a chalk board with chalk and with the computer a printer would be nice for me and I want earrings an I Pod and some boots and a lots of close so I could have a lot of close so mome want by any. Your friend, Vanee Scott Dear Santa, How are you and your reindeer. I am fine. I am read for chrismas! I want a labtop for chrismas. And I want a cell phone. I want a high school musical diary and a pony. I will have milk and cookis waiting for you. See you soon, Kimberly Bynog Dear Santa, How are the reindeers. I wish I meet you? Mason Dear Santa, I want a laptop for crismas Santa? How is Mis Clos? How is Rudolph and danser, pranser, blitzin and frare? Katelyn Dear Santa, How is miss clos how os the randers how ae you Santa I wont a we and a laptop and a holes and a puppy. I love you Santa and Miss Clos. Brad Dear Santa, Are you read for Christmas to bean me presents for my brought and sister? I want you to bring a DS, x box for my family. Haley Sullivan Dear Santa, Hi Santa! How is the reindeer. And how are you how is the people that work for you. You are cool. And will you bring me a imp playr. And I want a bike and a poket nife. And a dirt bike and a basketball and a inglish puppy dog. Seth Lalymardeer Dear Santa, Have I been good or bad? Will I get a lot of toys? Who has been good in my family? Have Dancer, Prancer, Vicksin, Quped, Doner, Blisen and Rodulph been good? I want a High School Musical game please? High School Musical 3 Sear year, Hanna Montana game, New cloathes, New shoe and New shirts, shirts, pant. Desiree Dear Santa, Hi Santa show are you and Mis Close doing. How is the reindeer doing to. I love you Mis Clise, and the reindeer and all the ealfs to. What shood I get for my mom and Billy to. Ramie Madison David Dear Santa, We love you and the reindeer and Mrs. Claus. How is the reindeer. How is Mrs. Claus. How is the elfs. I can not wate for Christmas. Will you get me some preseten. I can’t wate to see you. I love Rodolph the red nose reindeer. I love santa, Brayden Lenox Dear Santa, May I please have some sceehers? How are you? How is Rudolph? You are the best. May I please have a red and whote cutar I want two of thime with a cd player with Hit Me with your Best Shot and I’m Sorry I’m, Bad I’m sorry I’m blue? Sabian Moulber Dear Santa, How is your wife? How is your reindeer? How are you Santa? I want High School Musicle 3 DVD? I want a for weeler please? Thank you Lauren Shaw Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is Mrs. Clause? How is the raindeers? I’ve been good. I don’t know what I want for Christmas yet. I think I want a dog my other dog ran away. I’v made my ant faith a neclece. This Christmas Isn’t going to ne very happy. My Great Grandma went to Heaven. I’m so sad about that. Thank you, Heaven Nelson Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa> How are the reindeer? I want a Nerf N-Strike EBF Valcan, Abercrobie gray hat, gray jacket, necklace and a bracelet, a phone and Eye clops. Nate Campbell Dear Santa, I want a many drtbike for Christmas and a laptop, a nife, a pistl and a reke lit safer and make it green. Ps how are the reindeer. Graden Emmons Dear Santa, I have been very, very good Santa I don’t know want for chrismist yet. Santa can you tell misis clas I said ho pleas. I love you Santa clos oh and teel the rain dears I said hi. Blake Eaton Dear Santa, Hi. Santa, how are you doing. I have been good all day at school. I want a touch screen phone. My brother Brad W. went to Heaven. I was sad about that. Thank you. Taiana Langley Dear Santa, How is the reindeers? Has your elves been bad? Have you been snowboarding yet? I want a airhog for Chrismas? I want a Jurman bulldog? I want a mp3 player> and a laptop? A blue fone. Delane Boddie Dear Santa, I love you Wine you give my a prasit than you and I whant to thak for the prasits to ever bide I love you Santa and ever bide loves you to Santa bcuse the prasins. I love you!!!!!! Layna Dear Santa, I want a trampolean and a pool and a horse to ride at home yay I love Santa! Paula Jo Chumley Dear Santa, I want a dert bike for weler mokevtroll for weler. Tyelor Dear Santa, How is mis cluse? Are the elf working hard? How are you? You do a great job. How are the deers? Is giving presents fun? What is the north pole like? Michael Dear Santa, May I have a horse, rane bradle, and sadle. The horse I want is a black stilyin. Sierra H Dear Santa, Can I have a tank, can I have a pocket knofe. Can I have a dirt bike blue one. Can I have a nerf gun, can I have some I Spy books. Thanks Santa, Bryan Dear Santa, How are you doing? Santa are you real? Santa, I want a x-box. Santa, I want a bebe gun. Santa, I want a giant house. Santa, I want to be rich. Daylin Dear Santa, How many randeer do you have Santa? How is Mrs. Closs? Are you real? Santa, I want a pink bebe gun. Santa, I want 12$. Kaitlyn Alston Dear Santa, How is the north powl Santa? Can you make me a picture frame. I love you Santa and Rudolph. Thank you Santa and Rudolph. Are you making Jesus a picture for his birthday. Santa can you give my brothers some army toys for Christmas eve. They’ll like them a hole lot. Love Haley P. Dear Santa, I would like it if you got me a UB funke, PS3. PSP. A perfect Christmas, pokemon items, turtle, air hokey set, 1000000000 pounds of games and books, labtop, computer, games and for you Santa a glass of warm milk and gingerbreadk cookies. Wii, wii games, PS games, rockband 2, let me see you Kingdom heart, 9 millions pounds of candy, Thank you Love, Daniel Dear Santa, Can I have a wii? How is Mrs. Claus doing? Help my brother be very good. do you fiht with Ms. Claus? Sam G. Dear Santa, I would like a regler red spiderman, a toy, venum, a sandman toy, a old green goblen toys, a ben wolf toy, and movies that are Ben 10 ho and how is mrs, clos do you fite with the elfs? Cody S. Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa? I’m going to leave some cookies, milk for you. I’ll see you in sixteen days. For chrismiss I want a hores, a neckles and bike. By santa I hope I see you again!!! Ho, ho, ho Seslee Wood Dear Santa, I all ways wanted a spiecal, special present, Can you give me a special present. I want a real dirt bike. And a wii can you get me for it a video game for and a skooter thank you. Brandon H. Dear Santa, Will you get me a Hannah Montana for me Christmas and heelys and a baby doll and a candy. Cantessa Dear Santa, We wish you Marry Cristmas and a happy new year. Love, Sabrina Dear Santa, How are you? This year I want to have a good that I want to have a DS. calender, Bible, pitcer from and thats it ok I’am good. Could you give my sister a DS please. Please give Zack a drum and a DS. Please give Kinsy Jennefr Branda, Gaby a laptop, DS. let my Grandma have Marry Cristmas on the 25th let my Grat Grandma have New red curtain. let Mrs. Hoover have loveing hart forever. let Miss Kuehne have a husband by Santa have a Marry Cristmas. Love,, Cristmass Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year and i would like a wowweealive tiger but be a ware of bubba the beast, my cat. I will have two stockings, one for me and one for my cat. A kitty toy will be all right for my cat. Love, Sabrina Fisher Dear Santa, I have bin as good as I can go I hope you can get me a magnufinegass that I can fold and ejust how well I can see in to it. And hear are some ways that I have erned it. I help my grandparents around the house, I help my little brother with his home work, and I don’t be mean inles I half to be. Love, Kenyan Dear Santa, This year I have been really good I have been so good that I deserve to get a portable DVD player. Sometimes I don’t do what my mama tells me to do. I won’t movies for it. Then I won’t the top of it to be red. Then I won’t a PLay Station 2 for Christmas. I know you are not real, But some people think you are real, But I don’t think you are real. Love, Tyundra Shunquetta Shine Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. I have been so good that I deserve to get a Mp3 player this year because I been really good at clening my room. Flow it looks it is skar. How it sounds it can be loud if you turn it up all the way. It’s small. you can download songs. Sincerly, Yannis Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. I have been so good that I deserve to get a XBox, 25 game’s the Xbox. Looks like a box but in the mintul has a crcle and say’s XBox and It feels like yell the Xbox has a big X. On the front and the back of it has a big X to back to what it feels like. Let me think It feels smoosh and little. Runf the games are like CD’s on and the box has a CD player opener and the games can be inine gamero. Love, Armando Dear Santa, I’ve been really good this year and I think I want a playstation portible. It looks like playstation 2 but smaller and it feels soft. When you put a game it sound are so cool. Love, Adam Zavala Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. I have been so good that I deserve to get and Ipos. An Ipod looks like a flat box and doesn’t make noise. I should get it becasue I behave in school and do my homework everyday unless I can’t. I like playing on the computer so I sometimes stay up all night becasue I play the computer until nine o’clock. But that doesn’t happen but once ot twice a year. I’m sure you know why I want an Ipod because its like a computer. I’ll try not to do that so I won’t have to hear my dad say “do your homework?”. I won’t do that . I hope you give me an Ipod for Christmas and I’ll leave out Chocolate Chip cookies. If you get me something else you decide. Sinserly, Jonas Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. get a PSP. Bee cas I ours wed my mom or dad tois me to do dot do it. Sincerly, Julio Dear Santa, To Santa I’ve been so good that I deserve to get a PSP because I make good grades. I also deserve it becasue I’ve been doing whatever my mom say. The PSP I want is red and it comes with a game. I also want a new bike for Christmas. I is orange with tiger skin on the tires. Sencerly, malik Dear Santa, Dear mom and dad I want a transforming walle. It is so cool I have to have it. It is so cool. I love it. It transforms In to a box and walle. I love it. I’ve changed my ways. I am good thank you. Love, Kamron Dear Santa, This year I have been really good I have been so good that I derserv to get a Nitendo DS. It haves two screen sound like a vido game and it feel hard. I think I deserve it becuase I help my Dad on his truck and my Mom with her grocerys and I share my stuff. Love, Dustin Dear Santa, This year I have been really, really, really, really good. I have been so good that I deserve to get a Game Boy Spanda game of Mairo. because I help my Grandmo, Grandpo, my neihon, my sister, my couis, mom I do they choosez help with they have homework, play with thim outside. Go pratetes everyday, clean my house. Love, Isais Dear Santa, I think well at least I think that I’ve been good that I deserve to get a new gitar that’s not broken. it’s color is light blue whith yellowbutterflys on it. Also, I’d like a make-up set with lipglooss, lipstick, nail polish, and blush. The colors are to the lipgloss is pink, the lipstick is dark pink and red, the nail polish it red, blue, white, pink, and any coloer for the bblush. Oh..yeh before I forget if it’s no trouble if you can get me a Hannah Montana p-j set whith a eye mask. Also a toatal warm counfe jacket the color is pink whith gray fuss inside. like katie Barlows jaket. plese, plese, plese! Thank you! Love, Rachelle Mosley Dear Santa, This year I have been very good. I been so good that I deserve to get a Dog that named Bisuct. It looks like a real dog that yellow. It feels soft and can bark like a real dog, sit. and lie down. You name can even feed it a treat it can go to sleep. Love, Rebecca White Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. I have been so good that I deserve to get a baby alive. Because I obey my parents and I don’t lie to them. Its the size of a real baby has a shirt thats purple and a pamper thats whit it comes with food a plate, spoon, and a bottle also its black. Also it has hair thats brown and curly and she uses the restroom in her pamper and its cute to. By Merry Christmas! Love, Yazmine Dear Santa, This year I have been really good I have been so good that I deserve to get a DS. want a blue DA it looks like a rectanlge shape you can turn up the sound and you can turn it down it feels hard it can break. I want rockband for a playstation 2 it is loud it can not break. I want baseball cards they look cool I have some cards and I want a Ipod it looks like a rectangle it is loud it can break. Love, Katelynn Valderez Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. I have been so good that I deserve to get a dirtbike. I hope it sound so cool and it feels so soft and it looks so tight. I want to show my cousin and he thinks it is so cool. Love, Andrew Dear Santa, This year I’ve been really good. I have been so good that I deserve to get a bike, skateboard, and a skooter. I want my bike to be a next and it be orenge. I want my skatebord to be white and say I love Christmas. I want my skooter to be red with flames and shokes. P.S. I also want a new pare of skate bording shoes. Love, Daniel Landriault Dear Santa, This year i have been really good I have been so good I think I deserve a mini forwheeler ive been wanting one since last year. Last year on christmas morning I looked everywhere in my house for a mini forwheeler and when I figured out I did not get one i almost started to cry but this year i REALLY want one please if you do I hope so please get my kets? Love, Katie Barlow Dear Santa, This year IU have been so good, That I deserve to get a Playstation 3, another Ipod, 1 million dollars, Ipod and I want, a phone, a gameboy. But I want the bests thing is want so shoes and same jacket. Love, Shaun Dre Dear Santa, This year I have been really good that I deserve to get StarWars force unslhd on psp a memory stick to my psp and Iron Man on psp. I deserve this becasue every time when my mom tells me to do this I do it and when it is time to go sleep I brush my teeth I brush them. My games I want looks square. They don’t taste tohing. It doesn’t sound nothing Doesn’t smell. Love, Noe Dear Santa, This year I been really good. I have been so good that I deserve to get a Gameboy. It looks like a 3-d rectangle. The top opens and you will see that there are bottens that will say A and B. There is one more botten, well its not relly a botten it’s a cross to more the player. Love, Daniel Gonzalez Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. I have been so good that I deserve to get a cellphone. I deserve a cellphone because I helped load the trailer and unload the trailer and unloaded the food out of the truck and when we have big lims in the yard and threw them on the burn pile and the tire turned to ashes so my mom told me to go get the gas and I got to pour the gas on the ashes and the fire grew like 20 ft. and I almost got burned. and I helped Jake out the trash and feed the dog’s. Love, Braden Alan Baldwin Dear Santa, This year I have been really good I have been so good that I deserve to get a wii for chrismas for me and my brother please it looks white it sounds like music feels soft. Why I deserve it because I do my homework everyday. Please bring it. Love, Odalis Dear Santa, This year I have been really good I have been so good that I desurved to get a box of colone and it looks like a square box and it smells really good so I hope i get that colone. Love, Johnathan Krier Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. I have been so good that deserve to get a guatra. Its light brown, it has ring, and it hard. I clean my house. I listen to my mom. Love, Gabriel Dear Santa, I’ve been really good this year so I think that I deserve a Hamster. It looks like a rat. It smells bad. It does not have a taste. It does not make sounds it lease I don’t think so. It feels really soft. Please dilever this present to 507 North Jackson in Livingston. Love, Mattie Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. I have been so good that I deserve to get a rifle. long, heavy, big, camo. I deserve it because I helped my dad fix his truck, carryed in groceyres, walked our dog and helped with my baby sister. Love, Ross Blackmon Dear Santa, This year I been so good I deserve a New bike. with a basket in the front I deserve it becose I helped my class mates parents siplings gradma. I want my bike to look Asome big Whills basket 2 seats cup holder. It need to smell like my mom. Love, Brooklyn Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. I have been so good that I deserve to get a wii. It is white and it has three bottonw on it with two contolers. When you turn it on it make noise depented on what game you put in. The controlers are a three-demenchanl. I deserve it becuase I try really hard not to right with my brother and sister. I take out the trash almost eveyday. i clean my room almost eveyday too. i do my chores and feed my brothers, sisters and my moms animals. I try not to be mean. So santa try to find it your soul to come to my house again. Love, Aspen Martin Dear Santa,This year I have been really good I have been so good that I deserve to get a shoes and a game to go with it and I want a makeup kit and I would like to have this is my most favorite teh and I whant for christmas an Ipod and I have another most favorite thank is again is the DS and i what some cloths and boots with fur and some new pants and I whant the movie it is called the bait shop and the movie the bratz and barbie and the dimond castle lorait does not mater Love, your friend, Emily McKeone Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. I have been so good that Ideserve to get a baby alive. Look like a barbie doll. It make sounds I comes with pampers. I deserve it becuse every weekend I help my grandma clean up, insted of going to stay with my uncle i alway help my sister and bother and my grandma and me. Love, Star Dear Santa, This year I have been really good I have been so good that I deserve to get a psp. it is a game sistam it is a game a small gargin of a playstation. Love, Cody Hall Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. I have been so good that I deserve to get a walkman slider.for christmas. It looks black. It does not have a smell. It does not have a taste. It sounds clicky. And it feels hard! Love, Karson Cockrell Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. i have been so good that I deseve to get a wii. Because I have been helping my mom and grandma decorate. It looks like a book. and feels hard. Love, Michael Young Dear Santa, This year I have been really good I have been so good that I deserve to get a wii. It looks white with two controls that go in each hand it has many sounds to it. It feels smoth and it is in many deffernt colors. The wii also has a ton of different games. Thanks for reading my letter. Love, Courtney Miller Dear Santa, I have been so good. So I think i deserve a purse. I haven’t led to my mom in forever. I beleve you my brother don’t he say that you are stupid and that my mom gives all the stuff to us and that she buys it and gaps it up. Love, your fried, Destiny Dear Santa, I have been good this year and I been watting for Christmas because christmas is my favorite holiday of the year. But what I want for christmas is a camera because I have been good this whole year but some tomes I can be a pain the but and a BIG BRAT. What the camera looks like is it’s pink it lfeels kind of hard Love, Clara W. Dear Santa, I’ve been so good this year I deserve a rifle. I deserve a rifle becuse I don’t want to bernk my arm wen I go hunting agin. Love, Thomas Dear Santa, This year I been realy good. So good that I deserve a Inuyasha (inewyosha) Movie box set. I serve it because I do chores every single day. Love, Elizabeth Johnson Dear Santa,, I have work real hard so i think that i deserve a ds. becoves they are rely fun to play. Love, Heaven Rasbarry Dear Santa, I have been thinking that I cood get a wii. Becase I have been wanting a wii last chrismas. so can you get me one. A wii don’t forget it is white it is hard. it is a good game for a family. I shood geet a wii becase I clened my room. And I have been good this year. And I helped my mom load a deer in the back of a mule. Love uer frend Hunter Blant Dear Santa, I want a pink bed spread and corforter and a t.v. I want this because it will match my room! And I will be able to watch t.v. boy thats a relive! I also want a lamp that’s the color of my room. Love, Branyd Lashell Kolthoff Dear Santa, I have been really really good. So good that I deserve a gold or silver necklace with my name on it. I deserve it because I mind my mom and dad. Love, Rachel Mosley Dear Santa, I have been realy realy good this year! So good that I deserve a Nitindo D.S. and I would like some dog games to go withi t. Love, your friend Allison Dry Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. So good that I deserve a laptop. and I want some bratz dolls and the clothes and the car and also the house that comes with it to. And also I want a puppy that has a leash and a cage to. Love, Nykiah Youngblood Dear Santa, I;ve been good this year and I think I deserve a plasma screen tv. a dirt bike, a brand new knif dradon ball z cards the cards are bendy not strechy and new nintindo ds games like stat waes the clone wats game. and I dezer this stuff becaus Ive been good and not lien. Love Cole Stanford! Dear Santa, I luv you I am a God Boy. I wnt Basbal and Bat Love, Alonzo Bullock Dear Santa, I love you ples B M Pr Love, Olego Zuniga Dear Santa, I lov you I wt a toy. I love you Love, Ellison Poncho Dear Santa, I love you I wynt a Pone. Wynt a Prinses dres. Love, Kodee Butcher Dear Santa, I love you. I want some transformers. Love, Caulden Dear Santa, Do you really have Rudolph? Fo cims I wud lic gams Love, Jon Dear Santa, I luv you, wil you plez bre my a prezint. Love, Elizabeth Varnell Dear Santa, My name is Javari and I am in First Grade. I am seven years old. I want a MP3 player. I have been good for it. I go to Pine Elementary. That’s my school. Have a safe trip OK. That’s all. That’s not all. I want a xbox 360 and I want a playstation. My brother wants a skateboard. My mom wants a ring. My stepdad wants a game that’s name is gaers of war I. Love, Javari Criswell Dear Santa, My name is Rafael. I am in first grade. I have been good today. I want some wrestling toys. My sister wants a Barbie in the Diamond Castle and my lttle sister wants one too. My dad wants a bike and my mom wants a Christmas Tree. I will leave you cookies. Love, Rafael Hernandez Dear Santa, My name is Isai and I am seven years old. I have been a little good. I go to school at Pine Ridge Elementary. I want a Guitar Heros. My dad wants a xbox 360 and a Gameboy. My sister Elizabeth wants a ipod and my mom wants some shoues. my little baby sister EmaLee wants baby toys. I will give your reindeer some carrots. Love, Isai Alvarado Dear Santa, My name is Viviana and I have been good. I am in first grade and I am six years old. I want a cheetah girls dress and a baby and a box of make-up. Please can you bring a baby doll for my sisters and a book. I will leave you some apples. My mom wants a tv and my dad wants a bike. I love you Santa. Love, Viviana Gonzalez Dear Santa, My name is Hunter and I am six years old. I want a firetruck and white dog with black spots. I am at Pine Ridge Elementary and I am in first grade. i want a four wheeler to ride on. I will leave you a present under my Christmas tree. Love, Hunter Hill Dear Santa, My name is Tyler and I am seven years old. I am in first grade at Pine Elementary. I have been kind of good. I want the grand theft auto. I want the playstation 3 and a mini crash rocket. My dad wants a extended cab pickup truck. My mom wants a pickup truck too. Sis wants a Hannah Montana dvd. My other Sis wants a lot of candy. My other Sis wants a big big present. Ashton wants a cat and Billy wants a dirtbike. My baby brother wants a baby toys. I will leave you some milk to drink. Love, Tyler Sloan Dear Santa, My name is Za’Miya and I am in first grade at Pine Ridge Elementary. i am seven years old. I have been very good. Can you bring me a new tv? And can you bring me a new phone? And can you bring me a new bed? And for your reindeer I will have some carrots. Love, Za’Miya Henderson Dear Santa, My name is Seth and I am six years old. I have been good every day. I want some stuffed animals and I want a brand new chair. My sister Bailey wants some chapter books and a clock. My dogs want some dog shirts. My mom wants some shoes and some shirts. My dad wants some boots and an ax. I want some car toys too. I will leave you some milk and cookies. Love, Seth Hoagland Dear Santa, My name is Maisie and I go to Pine Ridge Elementary. I want a Barbie jeep and a Nintendo ds. And I want a cupcake maker and a wii. My brother wants a lot of toys! I want a fish and radio. My mom and dad want a flat screen tv. I want my own phone and a Barbie dollhouse. I want a butterfly net and my brother wants farm animals. My sister wants a Nintendo ds. We have been good all day and we want games. I want a guitar and a microphone. I want movies and a move about dancing. I want a laptop with games. I want a Barbie and the Castle movie and a pink Christmas tree. I will leave you some cookies. I will give your reindeer some food. Please be safe. Love, Maisie Cherry Dear Santa, My name is Harley and I am six years old. My school is Pine Ridge Elementary School. I am being good at school and at home too. Can I have a ipod and a Joe Jonas poster? My dad would like a hat. My brother wants a car blanket and my stepmom wants a purse. have a safe trip. I am leaving you cookies and a apple for your reindeer. Love, Harley Terry Dear Santa, I have been good. My name is Finnley and I am in Mrs. langston’s class. I am seven years old and I go to Pine Ridge Elementary. My mom wants a dog and my dad wants a toolbox. My baby brother wants a train. I want a ipod. I will leave you cookies and I will leave your reindeer some carrots. I hope you and Miss Claus are OK. I hope you and your reindeer will make the trip. Love, Finnley Walker Dear Santa, My name Giovanni and I am six years old. I have been good and I am in first grade. I want one of your reindeer bells. My sister wants a Nintendo ds. My brother wants a wii. My mom wants clothes. I will leave you cookies and milk. Can you bring me a ipod and a lava lamp? Love, Giovanni Olivares Dear Santa, My name is Tatum and I am six years old. I am in first grade and I have been kinda good. I want a life size Barbie and four wheeler. My sister Trinity wants clothes for Barbies. My other sister Lori wants a cd. My mommy wants a necklace. I will leave apples for the reindeer and chocolate chip cookies for you Santa. Love, Tatum Smth Dear Santa, My name is jaren and I have been good at Pine Ridge Elementary. I want a guna dn a game. I want psp and a gameboy. I want a xbox and a playstation 2. My brother wants a ds. My mom wants a tv. My dad wants a gun. I will leave you some cookies. Love, Jaren Caldwell Dear Santa, My name is EmaLee and I am six years old. I go to Pine Ridge Elementary and I have been good. I want a wii and Nintendo ds and a cell phone. My brother wants a dirtbike and a Nintendo ds and mp3 player. My mom wants a big screen t.v. Andrew wants a shotgun and a ipod. I will leave you and your reindeer some food. Love, EmaLee Aguero Dear Santa, My name is Cody. I want a flat screen t.v. My mom wants a scrubber. Logan wants a rattle. I need a ipod. My brother wats a yo-yo and black spiderman. My dad needs some tools. I will leave you some cookies. Love, Cody Lewis Dear Santa, My name is Lauren and I six years old. I want a baby dog and a scooter. My sister wants a scooter too. I want ds and toys for my baby doll. I want a ipod and earphones. My dad wants a ipod and earphones too. My brother wants money. I want roller skates and money. I want a baby dog and baby cat and a hamster. I will leave you chocoloate chip cookies and a apple for Rudolph. Love, Lauren Ellisor Dear Santa, My name is Regan. I go to Pine Ridge Elementary. I am in first grade. I have been good. I want a Nintendo ds. My sister wants a Nintendo ds. My mom anbd dad want a gameboy. Bub wants a cars. I want a bike and coloring book and colors. I will leave you some cookies and some apples for your reindeer. Love, Regan Schupska Dear Santa, My name is Hannah. i have been good at Pine Ridge Elementary School. I want a baby cat and a ds. I want a gameboy and Barbie in the Diamond Castle. I will leave you some cookies. Love, Hannah Mason Dear Santa, I want a DS and a bike and a puppy and a brat puppy to play with and blease pens and for the family 2 playstaint brat 2 Love Tyler Miochael Bell Dear I want a dirtbike for chrismas. Sometimes me and my brother want a PSP for chrismus. What do you want? Ben Johnson Dear Santa, How is your raindier? Amd how is misis clos. I hope she is ok. Mathew Beck Dear Santa, I want a ball and I want irngs, plese. So who is Rduolph boing. I want a puppy and a ring and can I have a doll house with a dath tudan and a dog and a cat and a kaoch and a cher and some bontrees. Kendra Dear Santa, Hello how are things in the north pole well im 12 this year have been very good.. here is mylist a baby alive, baby playset, IPOD Nano, movies, DVD’s, cloths from pacson Hollister ect, new etnie DC and good sk8board shoes My family to be happy, PSP, game system (Gutar hero or rock band) Love Taetha Borgfeld Dear Santa, I hope you have been good because I have and this is what I want for christmas nurf gun and a guitar Hero World Tour games on Wii and a rock band on playstation 2 . and I hope you get to everyone on christmas night. From your friend, Fabian Cuevas Dear Santa. I think I am Edwin . I want a opo gun, I want a teddy bear then I want a choo choo train, then I want a robot. Then I want a robot cat, then I want a robot dog. then I want a Power Ranger Jungle Fury. I love you. Santa dad was a good . I am good to day/ Edwin was good yesterday. Love, Edwin
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