Are you teaching the Framework? The Métro 1 Framework Pack provides essential support for teaching the Framework with Year 7 French. NEW ➜ Métro 1 Framework Pack Essential support for teaching the Framework with Métro The Métro 1 Framework Pack provides lesson starters and plenaries, thinking skills activities and writing activities. There are assessment for learning sheets, to help your pupils with self-assessment and target setting. The Métro 1 Framework Pack ✓ covers the Framework and Foundation Subjects MFL in a simple and easy-to-use format; ✓ fits Métro exactly; ✓ cuts down on planning time; ✓ provides varied and motivating activities for teachers and pupils; ✓ contains flexible activities covering the full ability range; ✓ comes with a CD-ROM to allow you to customise the worksheets. Matching grids at the beginning of the pack show how the Framework is covered by Métro. 9 Sam Work disk:3105 Metro 1 FW Blad: U MOD LE B Example of an instruction page for starters and plenaries. 1 IE N VE N U E MÉTRO 1 Fr amework Pa St a r t e r s a n d ck plenaries ! Unit 2 Starter 3: Back-to-fro nt Pupil’s book page 8 (can be used Aims: All the activities in the pack are matched to the Framework objectives. sentences from the start of To develop rea ding skills by requiring pupil focus very clo s to sely on the tex t the spread) Timing: 5 minutes Framework ob jectives: Resources: Words 1 OHT 3 (Back-t o-front senten ces), Language: Bonjour, Ça va ? Ça va très bie n merci, Au rev Comment tu t’appelles? Je oir, m’appelle …, Et toi? page 30 Activity Starters and plenaries are matched to every core teaching spread. Place the tex t on OHT 3 ba ck to front on Pupils read the the OHP, revea short exchan ling the first fou ge aloud in pa revealed at a r lines only. irs. If necessa time, depend ry, one phras ing on the ab short dialogue e could be ilit y of the class. aloud. The pr Finally, selec ocess can the t pupils to rea n be repeated d the with the secon d exchange. Unit 2 Starter 4: Odd-one-o ut Pupil’s book page 9 (can be used Aims: after Exercise 3b) To reinforce the gender of no uns using cla objects; to us ssroom e thinking ski lls A variety of activities to work on literacy and pronunciation means you’ve go all the resources you need to cover this area. Framework ob jectives: Timing: 10 minutes Resources: Words 4 Language: cahier, crayon, feu à bille, taille-cr tre, gomme, livre, règle, sty lo, stylo ayon, trousse OHT 4 (Odd-o ne-out), page 30 Activity Use OHT 4 or copy out the grid onto the one-out in ea board. Pupils ch column. Ve work in pairs ry able pupil find three od to find the od s could be sh d-ones-out, wh down the whole ich all have a grid and asked common link. Then ask pupil to s for their an swers and a jus encourage an tification for d accept all va their choices. lid suggestion Ma s. ke Finally, emph sure you asise the gend er difference s. Unit 2 Plena ry Pupil’s book pages 8–9 Framework ob jectives: Word s 4, 6. Pupils work in pairs to look through this French which and the previou is different fro s spread for an m English. Pr the way we wr ything about ompt with su ite letters (ac ch questions ce nts); the differ (masculine an as: difference ences betwee d feminine in s in n the gender French but no said in Frenc of nouns t in English); h (often not pr differences in onouncing the the last letter how words are last letter) an ). d English (us ually pronou ncing Métro 1 Frame work Pack © Harcourt Educ ation 2003 19 An example of a customisable OHT on thinking skills. The Pack includes starters and some longer activities involving thinking skills. Activities are accompanied by clear OHT and worksheet templates which are ready to use in class. A writing frame OHT. Supported writing activities with writing frames help improve your pupils writing skills. There is one writing activity for every module of the Pupil Book. The Pack features pupil-friendly descriptions of Attainment Target Levels. Assessment for Learning sheets make Attainment Target Levels clear to pupils. The Assessment for Learning sheets accompanied by target setting sheets and can be used alongside existing contrôle sections in the Resource and Assessment Files. Métro Framework Pack 1 0 435 37210 6 £79.99* Available from August 2003 Métro Framework Pack 2 Vert 0435 38357 4 £79.99* Available from February 2004 Métro Framework Pack 2 Rouge 0435 37211 4 £79.99* Available from February 2004 Métro Framework Pack 3 Vert 0435 38384 1 £79.99* Available from August 2004 Métro Framework Pack 3 Rouge 0435 38398 1 £79.99* *Price is provisional until publication. 0435 38325 6 Available from August 2004
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