Korean Edition 1400만명의 미국 COPD 환자가 진단받지 못하고 있다 About 14 Million Americans Have Undiagnosed COPD BY BRUCE JANCIN IMNG Medical News NEW ORLEANS – The most likely place to look for missed cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – and they exist in abundance – is among women younger than age 65. COPD, the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, is far and away the most widely underdiagnosed serious illness. The best available prevalence data on COPD come from the NHANES III (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III), which included spirometric testing in a proportionate sample of the U.S. population. ROUGHLY A THIRD OF UNDIAGNOSED INDIVIDUALS HAVE CLINICALLY RELEVANT COPD WARRANTING APPLICATION OF TREATMENT GUIDELINES. Extrapolating from those data, roughly 12 million Americans carry the diagnosis of COPD, and another 12 million have evidence of impaired lung function consistent with COPD but remain undiagnosed. Of those 12 million undiagnosed individuals, NHANES III data indicate that roughly a third have clinically relevant COPD warranting application of treat- ment guidelines, according to Dr. Fernando J. Martinez, FCCP, professor of internal medicine and director of pulmonary diagnostic services at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He added that the latest data from NHANES IV, now under review, bump those estimates up to roughly 14 million patients with diagnosed COPD, and an equal number with undiagnosed COPD. The NHANES III data showed that 70% of individuals with undiagnosed COPD are younger than age 65. Other studies point to a marked sex discrepancy in misdiagnosis. In one landmark study, investigators presented American and Canadian primary care physicians with a classic clinical scenario for COPD (that is, a patient with a strong smoking history, progressive shortness of breath, and chronic cough with morning sputum production). Half the time, investigators identified this hypothetical patient as male, the other half female. Physicians diagnosed COPD 58% of the time when the patient was male, but in only 42% of cases when the otherwise identical hypothetical patient wasfemale (Chest 2001;119:1691-5). This sex discrepancy in COPD diagnosis has been replicated in similar studies conducted in Spain and Israel, Dr. Martinez added. See Undiagnosed · page 2 CHEST PHYSICIAN Elsevier Korea LLC, 4FL, Chunwoo Bldg, 534 Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-861, S. Korea V OL . 1 / N O . 2 / D ECEMBER 2012 C O N T E N T S PULMONARY MEDICINE 1400만명의 미국 COPD 환자가 진단받지 못하고 있다 Mometasone/Formoterol 복합제, COPD 치료의 또 다른 치료 옵션 Carboplatin과 Pemetrexed 병합요법: ECOG2, IIIB/IV 환자에서 생존기간 향상 증명 FDG-PET을 이용한 제 1기 비소세포폐암 진단 유용성 낮아 Delamanid, MDR TB 치료에 한단계 업그레이드 Afatinib: EGFR mutated lung cancer에서 Pemetrexed/Cisplatin보다 무진행 생존기간 2배 Erythromycin, 기관지확장증의 악화 감소와 증상 개선 백일해의 유행: 백신이 유일한 대안 입원환자 대상 프로토콜 개선으로 독감예방접종률 향상 가능 Pemetrexed 유지요법이 비소세포폐암 환자의 생존율을 개선시킬 수 있다 Genomic project, Lung squamous cell cancer의 새로운 치료표적 개발에 도움 H3N2변종 독감의 급속한 발생 증가 1 1 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 패혈증 환자에서 Hydroxyethyl Starch는 사망률을 증가시킨다 Enoxaparin 예방치료에도 입원환자 사망률엔 변화없어 류마티스 관절염 환자에서 정맥혈전색전증의 발생위험이 증가 입원시 발생하는 섬망의 이해에 새로운 도약 성인 중환자 섬망 발생 예측을 향상시키는 도구 10 11 11 12 12 PEDIATRIC CHEST MEDICINE 저위험 소아천식 환자에서 매일 ICS 요법의 필요성은 떨어져 간접흡연이 소아의 방광 기능에 문제를 가져올 수 있어 13 13 PULMONARY PERSPECTIVES COPD에 대한 생물표지자 14 음악칼럼 15 Mometasone/Formoterol 복합제, COPD 치료의 또 다른 치료 옵션 Combination Provides Another Option for COPD BY MIRIAM E. TUCKER IMNG Medical News ORLANDO – A combination of fixed-dose mometasone furoate and formoterol fumarate improved lung function in patients with moderate to very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The finding came from a 26week, phase III, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 1,055 adults who were current or former smokers and had a prebronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1)/ forced vital capacity ratio of 0.70 or less. Currently, three combinations of inhaled corticosteroid plus long-acting beta agonists are available for the treatment of COPD, but not this particular combination of mometasone furoate with formoterol fumarate administered with a metered-dose in- haler, which is licensed for asthma treatment in the United States under the name Dulera, Dr. Edward Kerwin said at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. The patients were randomized to one of five twice-daily metered-dose inhaler treatment arms: mometasone furoate 400 See Combination · page 2 PULMONARY MEDICINE Undiagnosed COPD See Undiagnosed · from page 1 Interestingly, the first diagnostic test most participating primary care physicians indicated they would order for this hypothetical patient was a chest x-ray, which Dr. Martinez dismissed as a “terrible” tool for diagnosing COPD. Spirometry, which is in fact the diagnostic test for COPD, would have been ordered initially by only 22% of the physicians. The pulmonologist stressed that even though spirometry is the diagnostic test for airflow obstruction, three major sets of guidelines released within the past year uniformly emphasize that its use should be restricted to patients with respiratory symptoms. The recent guidelines he referred to are the latest update from the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, which Dr. Martinez coauthored; the joint American College of Physicians/American College of Chest Physicians/American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society guidelines (Ann. Intern. Med. 2011;155:179-91); and the U.K. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guideline. Vitalunderutilized Signs in Spirometry continues to be greatly IMNG M EDICAL M EDIA primary care medicine, perhaps in part because some insurers are unwilling to pay for the test in the office setting, insisting instead that it be performed in a specialized pulmonary clinic. That policy is destined for the scrap heap, Dr. Martinez predicted. In the study that identified sex bias in COPD diagnosis, classic COPD symptoms in women were misdiagnosed most frequently as asthma. That’s a crucial mistake, because the first-choice treatments for these two common respiratory diseases are “diametrically opposite,” Dr. Martinez said at the annual meeting of the American College of Physicians. “In asthma, you use inhaled corticosteroids up front as first-line therapy. That’s not the case in COPD. In COPD you use a long-acting bronchodilator up front, and you add an inhaled corticosteroid to reduce the exacerbation rate in people83278.CH.graphic at increased risk based on a history of two or more exacerbations in the past CH91 year,” he explained. All of the latest guidelines emphasize exacerbation reduction as a key component of COPD management. Exacerbations accelerate disease progression by D A T A W A T C H worsening lung function and symptoms, and they Cost of COPD and Asthma 51% Higher for Women drive up costs as well. The National Heart, Heart disease Lung, and Blood Institute Cancer is interested in developing Mental disorders a novel, practical means of screening the general Trauma-related disorders population for COPD in $26.8 bn Osteoarthritis primary care physicians’ COPD, asthma offices. Toward that end, $17.7 bn the institute recently Hypertension awarded a large research Women Diabetes grant to a team of investiBack problems Men gators that includes Dr. Hyperlipidemia Martinez. He said that while he and his cowork0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 ers are still in the brainBillions storming stage, they are Note: Based on data for adults from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2008. drawn to a staged apSource: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality statistical brief 331 (July 2011) proach involving a very Another Option for COPD See Combination · from page 1 VITALS mcg/formoterol 10 mcg (MF400/ F10), mometasone furoate 200 mcg/formoterol 10 mcg (MF200/F10), mometasone furoate 400 mcg alone (MF400), formoterol 10 mcg alone (F10), or placebo. A total of 840 of the 1,055 randomized patients completed the treatment period. About 80% of the patients were male, with a mean age of 59 years, and about three-quarters were white. Nearly half were current smokers, and all had smoked at one point in time, with an average of 40 pack-years. The findings of this study also were published online in the International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Int. J. Chron. Obstruct. Pulmon. Dis. 2012;7:43-55). One of the two coprimary end points, the contribution of F10 to the MF400/ F10 combination at week 13, was reached with a statistically significant 109-mL difference in FEV1 area under the curve, compared with MF 400 alone. The overall effect size was a 163mL difference for MF400/F10 over placebo at 13 weeks. A comparison of MF 400/F10 with MF 400 monotherapy also demonstrated a statistically significant effect of the F10, with an improvement of 69 mL, reported Dr. Kerwin, of the Clinical Research Institute of Southern Oregon, Medford. The other coprimary end point, the Major Finding: The contribution of F10 to the MF400/F10 combination at week 13 was shown by a statistically significant 109-mL difference in FEV1 area under the curve, compared with MF400 alone. The mean change from baseline in morning predose FEV1 at the week 13 end point showed the contribution of the MF400 component, with a statistically significant difference of 111 mL between MF400/F10 and F10 alone. Data Source: Data are from a 26-week, phase III, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 1,055 adults with moderate to very severe COPD. Disclosures: The study was sponsored by Merck Sharp & Dohme. Dr. Kerwin disclosed receiving consulting fees and/or speaking fees from Dey Laboratories, GlaxoSmithKline, MAP Pharma (AstraZeneca), Merck, Teva, and Sepracor. SUMMARY CHEST Physician • December 2012 미국 4차 국민건강영양조사의 최신 결과에 따르면 미국인 중 1400만명 정도가 COPD가 있음에도 진단받지 못하고 있는데 이를 해결하기 위해서 효과적인 COPD screening test의 개발이 절실히 요구되고 있다 brief questionnaire, in-office measurement of peak expiratory flow via a pocket spirometer, followed by diagnostic-quality spirometry when indicated. Polls of busy general internists and family physicians indicate that if this screening questionnaire is more than four questions long, they won’t use it. So, hypothetically, Dr. Martinez said, a three-item questionnaire might consist of something along these lines: How old are you? (Epidemiologic data indicate COPD risk rises at about age 40.) How much do you smoke? (COPD risk begins climbing with a lifetime history of just 100 cigarettes, a mere five packs.) And, do you have symptoms? Dr. Martinez said that he would like to incorporate in-office peak expiratory flow measurement using a pocket spirometer into the future screening tool in light of the findings of a recent study in which he was a principal investigator. This study of 5,761 patients demonstrated that it’s rare to find severe airflow obstruction in an individual whose FEV1 is at least 60% of the predicted value (Chest 2011 Dec. 22 [Epub ahead of print; PMID 22194590]).“A peak flow measurement has very good negative predictive value. That could be a useful part of a screening instrument that’s going to need to be very practical,” he observed. The use of peak expiratory flow meters for this use in COPD is currentlyWomen still under investigation. Dr. Martinez reported that he serves as a consultant to Actelion, Almirall, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Forest, GlaxoSmithKline, Ikaria,Men MedImmune, Merck, Novartis, Nycomed, Pearl, and Pfizer. COMMENTARY 2 Dr. Darcy Marciniuk, FCCP, comments: It is clear that spirometry is underutilized and COPD is underdiagnosed. COPD is both treatable and preventable, and utilizing spirometry to appropriately diagnosis COPD in symptomatic patients is the first step in achieving those goals. It’s time to spread the word! mean change from baseline in morning predose FEV1 at the week 13 end point, showed the contribution of the MF component. It was statistically significant for MF400/F10 over F10 alone, at 111 mL, and for MF200/F10 over F10 alone, at Continued on following page Korean Edition Editor-in-Chief 유광하 건국의대 건국대병원 호흡기내과 Editors 김덕겸 서울의대 보라매병원 호흡기내과 박주헌 아주의대 아주대학교병원 호흡기내과 김태형 한양의대 한양대구리병원 호흡기내과 신경철 영남의대 영남대학교병원 호흡기내과 김영삼 연세의대 세브란스병원 호흡기내과 윤형규 가톨릭의대 여의도성모병원 호흡기내과 박용범 한림의대 강동성심병원 호흡기내과 이상엽 고려의대 고대안암병원 호흡기내과 CHEST PHYSICIAN, the newspaper of the American College of Chest Physicians, provides cutting-edge reports from clinical meetings, FDA coverage, clinical trial results, expert commentary, and reporting on the business and politics of chest medicine. Each issue also provides material exclusive to the members of the American College of Chest Physicians. Content for CHEST PHYSICIAN is provided by International Medical News Group, an Elsevier company. Content for NEWS FROM THE COLLEGE is provided by the American College of Chest Physicians. No responsibility is assumed by Elsevier Korea LLC for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a result of any actual or alleged libelous statements, infringement of intellectual property or privacy rights, or products liability, whether resulting from negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any ideas, instructions, procedures, products or methods contained in the material therein. The publication of an advertisement in the CHEST PHYSICIAN /Korean Edition does not constitute on the part of Elsevier Korea LLC a guarantee or endorsement of the quality or value of the advertised products or services described therein or of any of the representations or the claims made by the advertisers with respect to such products or services. CHEST PHYSICIAN NEWS, Korean Edition is published by Elsevier Korea LLC, 4FL, Chunwoo Bldg, 534 Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-861, S. Korea T: 82-2-6714-3000 F: 82-2-725-4698 ⓒ Copyright 2012, by Elsevier Inc. PULMONARY MEDICINE December 2012 The proportion of COPD symptom– free nights improved by 0.15 with MF400/F10, compared with 0.06 for placebo, a significant difference over the 26-week period. However, there was no treatment difference between MF400/F10 and placebo in the proportion of patients with partly stable COPD at 26 weeks, with percentages ranging from 38% to 46% across treatment groups. Time to first COPD exacerbation significantly improved with MF400/F10 over F10 alone; an analysis excluding mild exacerbations showed that moderate to severe exacerbations were significantly more frequent with placebo than with MF400/F10 (16.5% vs. 8.8%), he said. 58 mL. An overall effect size of 128 mL was seen for MF400/F10 over placebo. Among the secondary efficacy variables, the MF 400/F10 group exceeded the 4-point minimum clinically important difference on the St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire, compared with placebo, with a significant effect size of 4.56 points at week 26. Statistically significant improvements in questionnaire total score for MF400/F10 over placebo were demonstrated at weeks 4, 13, and 26. However, the MF200/F10 dosage did not achieve the minimum clinically important difference, with only a 2.82 reduction, compared with placebo. with Treatment MF400/F10 was well tolDr. Darcy Marciniuk, FCCP, erated, and the proporcomments: This registration tion of patients reporting study confirms prior findings treatment-emergent adwith other similar agen-ts. verse events during the Co-mbination ICS/LABA 26-week treatment therapy once again led to eanperiod was similar beingful improvement in lung tween treatment groups, function, quality of life, and ranging from 26% in the exacerbations in this cohort MF400/F10 group to of patients with moderate to 33% in the F10 alone very severe COPD. group. The most common of these were headache, upper respiratory tract infec- dence of oral candidiasis was low, occurtion, cough, COPD, and hypertension. ring in no more than 2.4% of any group Pneumonia did not occur in more than (five of the MF 400 alone patients), he re1% of any treatment group. The inci- ported. COMMENTARY Continued from previous page 3 Carboplatin과 Pemetrexed 병합요법: ECOG2, IIIB/IV 환자에서 생존기간 향상 증명 NSCLC에서 생존기간 12개월 Survival Boosted With Carboplatin Plus Pemetrexed More NSCLC patients alive at 1 year. B Y PAT R I C E W E N D L I N G IMNG Medical News PATRICE W ENDLING /IMNG M EDICAL M EDIA CHICAGO – Coupling carboplatin chemotherapy with pemetrexed significantly improved survival in the subset of hard-to-treat patients with advanced non–small cell lung cancer and an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status of 2. Progression-free survival increased from a median of 3.0 months to 5.9 months (hazard ratio, 0.46; P less than Overall survival increased from 5.6 to 9.1 months, Dr. Rogerio Lilenbaum said. .001), and overall survival from 5.6 months to 9.1 months (HR, 0.57; P = .001) with the addition of carboplatin to pemetrexed (Alimta), according to final results of a phase III trial. This represents a 43% reduction in the risk of death, with 43% of patients on the combination alive at 12 months vs. 18% on pemetrexed alone. None of the patients had received prior chemotherapy. The results can be generalized to patients of all histologic subtypes who have an ECOG performance status of 2, Dr. Rogerio Lilenbaum said at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. “Although carboplatin plus pemetrexed may be a particularly suitable regimen in this population because of its safety profile, we do not think these results are unique to this regimen or nonsquamous patients,” he said. “Given the magnitude of the benefit seen in this study, and the immediate applicability of these data to clinical practice, we urge the appropriate organizations to revise their guidelines, which to this date, by and large, still recommend single-agent therapy for these patients.” Patients with non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and an ECOG performance status (PS) of 2 are ambulatory and can care for themselves, but are unable to work. The optimal management strategy for these patients remains unresolved in the wake of mixed results from several phase III trials, including the IFCT-0501 (Intergroupe Francophone de Cancerologie Thoracique 1501) trial of carboplatin and paclitaxel vs. vinorelbine or gemcitabine (Gemzar) monotherapy (Lancet 2011;378:1079-88) and the U.S. Oncology trial of gemcitabine plus carboplatin vs. gemcitabine (J. Clin. Oncol. 2009;27:5808-15). In contrast, the current results were so robust that one audience member asked whether they were “contaminated” with patients with better performance status. Discussant Dr. Gregory P. Kalemkerian, codirector of thoracic oncology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, said the results clearly demonstrate – as other trials have suggested – that twodrug regimens can improve response rate and survival, and should be an option in PS 2 patients. He applauded the investigators for choosing a tolerable regimen and avoiding the “cult of cisplatin,” but went on to say that PS 2 denotes a very heterogeneous population. Thus, single-agent therapy should remain an option for very elderly patients, those with excessive comorbidities, and those who do not tolerate a two-drug therapy. Investigators at eight centers in Brazil and one in the United States stratified 203 chemotherapy-naive patients with stage IIIB or IV advanced NSCLC by stage, age, and weight loss, and then randomly assigned them to pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 or the same pemetrexed dose plus carboplatin AUC (area under the curve) 5 every 3 weeks for four cycles. All patients received folic acid, vitamin B12, and dexamethasone. The protocol was amended in May 2009 to exclude patients with squamous cell histology, for which pemetrexed is not indicated. Median follow-up was 6.1 months in all patients. Their median age was 65 years, 95% had stage IV disease, twothirds were former smokers, and 81% had adenocarcinoma histology. Squamous cell histology was slightly imbalanced at 11% of the single-agent and 3% of the pemetrexed/carboplatin arm, but the difference was not significant. The overall response rate was 24% with the combination vs. 10.5% with pemetrexed alone (P less than .029), despite the fact that 33.3% and 23.3% of patients, respectively, did not reach the point of a formal response assessment, said Dr. Lilenbaum, chair of solid tumor oncology at the Cleveland Clinic Florida in Weston. The investigators repeated the survival analysis excluding patients with squa- mous cell or unknown histology, and the hazard ratios were nearly identical to the intent-to-treat population for both progression-free and overall survival (HR, 0.45 and 0.59, respectively). Subgroup analyses revealed a significant reduction in the risk of death with pemetrexed plus carboplatin in elderly patients (HR, 0.49; P less than .015) and never smokers (HR, 0.47; P less than .035). The use of second-line therapy was similar, at 31% in the pemetrexed arm and 29.5% in the combination arm. Docetaxel was most commonly used among the pemetrexed-plus-carboplatin patients (30% vs. 19%), whereas carboplatin was more common in the singleagent pemetrexed arm (31% vs. 15%). Toxicity was mild, although the combination arm had slightly more grade 3/4 anemia (11.7% vs. 3.9%) and neutropenia (5.8% vs. 1%). Nonhematologic toxicity was largely absent. There were four treatment-related deaths in the combination arm and none in the pemetrexed alone arm (P = .121). Dr. Lilenbaum disclosed research funding from Eli Lilly, and a coauthor reported serving as a consultant for Lilly. Dr. Kalemkerian reported research funding from Lilly. PULMONARY MEDICINE 4 CHEST Physician • December 2012 FDG-PET을 이용한 제 1기 비소세포 폐암 진단 유용성 낮아 FDG-PET Performs Poorly in Lung Cancer Diagnosis Results generalizable to clinical practice. B Y PAT R I C E W E N D L I N G IMNG Medical News COMMENTARY CHICAGO – The diagnostic accuracy of FDG-PET in lung cancer performed below previous reports and varied widely among U.S. centers in a secondary analysis of a large phase III clinical trial. “FDG-PET performed poorly for diagnosing non–small cell lung cancer in a national sample of clinical stage 1 patients,” Dr. Eric L. Grogan, FCCP, said at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. The current National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines recommend fluorodeoxyglucose positron-emission tomography (FDG-PET) for the diagnosis of NSCLC based on studies showing Dr. Lary Robinson, FCCP, comments: Although this report stems from a secondary analysis of the PET scan data obtained from an ACOSOG (Z4031) clinical trial on using proteomic profiling to diagnose lung cancer, nevertheless this analysis of PET scan results is quite useful and, frankly, its results are expected. Current FDGPET scans have a large number of false-positives and falsenegatives, especially in evaluating smaller nodules and in areas where fungal diseases are endemic. These results reinforce my own experience with PET scanning in lung cancer: 1) A PET scan is not a “cancer” scan, but rather it’s a scan for metabolic a high degree of accuracy for this diagnostic tool, notably a sensitivity of 94% and a median specificity of 83% in a meta-analysis of 40 studies (JAMA 2001;285:914-24). Others have reported, however, that FDG-PET performs poorly at single institutions in regions of endemic fungal lung diseases (Ann. Thor. Surg. 2011;92:428-32 and Lung Cancer 2002;36:297-301), observed Dr. Grogan, of Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center in Nashville, Tenn. Among 682 patients in the American College of Surgeons Oncology Group (ACOSOG) Z4031 trial, the overall accuracy of FDG-PET was 73%, the sensitivity 82%, and the specificity only 31%. The series is the largest to date evaluating the accuracy of FDG-PET in patients activity (benign inflammatory lesions may well be strongly positive); 2) Do not assume an equivocally sized PET-positive lymph node or other distant area contains cancer unless it is histologically confirmed (low specificity rates in PET); and 3) There is a significant variability of the effectiveness of the PET scan hardware and the radiographic interpretation of scans based on frequency of use and geographic location. PET scans are a quite useful adjunct to lung cancer diagnosis and staging, but the clinician must factor in the high falsenegative rate (in bronchioloalveolar carcinomas, for example) and high false-positive rate in their decision making. with known or suspected clinical stage 1 NSCLC. In addition, it is generalizable to clinical practice because multiple FDG-PET scanners were used and the scans were performed in community and academic centers and interpreted by multiple radiologists, Dr. Grogan said. “Results of PET scans in this population should be interpreted cautiously, and reasons for the poor test performance should be explored in other studies,” he said. Discussant Dr. Tetsuya Mitsudomi, chief of thoracic surgery at Aichi Cancer Center Hospital in Nagoya, Japan, said FDG-PET shows reasonable sensitivity but very low specificity, compared with previous studies. “I think this reflects the real world,” he said. “So, the lung cancer diagnosis cannot be made on the basis of PET positivity alone.” Investigators at 51 sites in 39 cities enrolled 969 patients with known or clinically suspicious stage 1 lesions between 2004 and 2006 to evaluate the value of proteomic analysis in diagnosing NSCLC (the results were presented at ASCO 2010). FDG-PET scans were available for 682 patients. All underwent surgical resection. Analyses were performed for all patients and for sites with more than 25 patients. PET avidity was determined by the radiologist’s description of lesion activity or by the reported maximum standard uptake value (SUV). Avidity was classified in four categories: category 1 was no avidity/not cancer (SUV = 0), category 2 was low avidity/not likely cancer (SUV 0 to less than 2.5), category 3 was avidity/possibly cancer (SUV 2.5 to less than 5.0), and category 4 was high avidity/likely cancer (SUV 5.0 or more). Among the 682 patients, there were 566 cancers and 116 benign cases. In all, 82% of the cancerous lesions were PET avid, and “surprisingly, 69% of the benign lesions were avid,” Dr. Grogan said. Patients with cancer were significantly older (67 vs. 61 years; P less than .001) and had larger lesions (26 mm vs. 20 mm; P less than .001). The positive predictive value of FDGPET was 85% and negative predictive value 26%. This translates into 80 false positives and 101 false negatives. The majority of false positives were granulomas (69%), he observed. Eleven of the false negatives were 10 mm or less. Not surprising, FDG-PET accuracy improved with lesion size, Dr. Grogan said. The accuracy was less than 50% for lesions less than 20 mm, but greater than 80% for lesions larger than 30 mm. “Above 30 mm, the accuracy did not seem to improve,” he observed. In the eight cities with more than 25 patients, the sensitivity varied significantly, from a low of 67% in Los Angeles to a high of 91% in Durham, N.C. (P = .03), Dr. Grogan said, without explanation. Specificity ranged from 15% in Birmingham, Ala., to 46% in Philadelphia, but this did not reach statistical significance because of the small number of benign cases at each institution (P = .72). Dr. Mitsudomi said he could not explain the reason for the heterogeneity, especially in terms of the specificity, between centers. “It’s not possible to remove all the false positives if you use FDG, but newer tracers are being developed and they may increase the specificity rate,” he added. Dr. Grogan reported no disclosures. Dr. Mitsudomi reported having a consulting/advisory role with Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Hakko Kirin, Lilly, and Pfizer, and receiving honoraria from AstraZeneca, Chugai Pharma, Lilly, and Roche. Delamanid, MDR TB 치료에 한단계 업그레이드 Delamanid Boosts Treatment Punch in Resistant TB BY MICHELE G. SULLIVAN IMNG Medical News C ombining the investigational drug delamanid with standard tuberculosis treatment significantly increased sputum-culture conversion rates in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, an international study showed. The results could be particularly good news for China, which now has one-quarter of the world’s cases of MDR TB, according to a second study. In the delamanid study, the conversion proportion was 45% after 2 months of treatment among those who received the new drug plus standard therapy, compared with a 30% rate for standard therapy alone, Dr. Maria T. Gler and her coauthors reported. “It is important to learn more about the use of delamanid in combination with other new and existing antimycobacterial agents to develop better regimens for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis,” wrote Dr. Gler, of Makati Medical Center and the Tropical Disease Foundation, Makati City, Philippines, and her colleagues (N. Engl. J. Med. 2012;366:2151-60). Delamanid, which inhibits mycolic acid synthesis, has shown effectiveness against drug-susceptible and drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in preclinical tests. The team investigated the drug’s effect at 200 mg/day and 400 mg/day, plus a background treatment regimen approved by the World Health Organization for MDR TB. A placebo group received only the background treatment – the current standard of care. The 2-month study was carried out in nine countries: China, Egypt, Estonia, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Peru, the Philippines, and the United States. The study group included 481 patients with sputum culture–proven MDR tuberculosis infections. The patients’ mean age was 35 years. More than 90% of the group had received prior treatment for tuberculosis, including 50% who had already taken only first-line antitubercular agents and 40% who had received a second- or third-line agent. Only four of the patients were coinfected with HIV. By the end of 2 months, both groups receiving delamanid had significantly higher proportions of sputumculture conversion than the placebo groups. Similar conversion proportions occurred in both active groups: 45% of the 200-mg/day delamanid group, and 42% of the 400-mg/day group. Conversion in the placebo group (30%) was significantly less than in both of the active groups. The time to conversion also differed significantly between the active and placebo groups, with conversion proportions beginning to separate by 30 days of treatment. There were more adverse events in the delamanid groups, although the investigators found that only the incidence of QT prolongation was significantly less in the placebo group (4%) than in the 200- and 400mg/day delamanid groups (10% and 13%, respectively). None of the arrhythmias were clinically significant, Continued on following page PULMONARY MEDICINE Continued from previous page ZVITALS they noted. There were no between-group differences in the rate of hepatotoxicity. One patient died from TB during the trial. A longer trial is underway to more closely examine delamanid’s effect on the hard-to-treat disease in patients taking antiretroviral drugs for HIV infections. Finding an effective treatment for MDR tuberculosis is especially important in China, which has the greatest number of cases in the world, Yanlin Zhao, Ph.D., reported in an accompanying study (N. Engl. J. Med. 2012;366:2161-70). Dr. Zhao, of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and colleagues reported on a national disease survey conducted in 2007. The survey showed that about 110,000 MDR cases were reported that year, and that 8,200 showed extensive drug resistance (XDR) – defined as resistance to isoniazid, rifampin, ofloxacin, and kanamycin. Major Finding: Delamanid combined with a standard tuberculosis treatment regimen was associated with significantly greater sputum-culture conversion rates than standard treatment alone (45% vs. 30%) in patients with MDR TB. Data Source: This was a 2-month placebo-controlled trial of 481 patients with MDR TB. Disclosures: Otsuka Novel Products sponsored the study. Dr. Gler reported that she has received consulting fees from the company. China’s prevalence rate of multidrug resistance among new cases of tuberculosis was 3.5 times greater than the global median, and nearly twice the global average. “With the use of the World Health Organization estimate of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in various countries as a reference, China has the highest annual number of cases of MDR tuberculosis in the world – a quarter of the cases worldwide,” the authors wrote. A number of factors were linked to drug-resistant disease. Patients with multiple previous treatments – with the most recent taken in a tuberculosis hospital – were at the highest risk. Poor compliance also influenced drug resistance. In a subanalysis of 226 patients who had received prior treatment, 44% had not completed their prior regimen. Among the 127 patients who had completed treatment, 115 had relapsed TB, and 62% had received that last treatment in the Chinese Center for Disease Control (CDC) system. “This finding points to the need for interventions that will increase the continuity of treatment and reduce the rate of treatment default, especially among patients treated within the hospital system,” the authors noted. Because national facilities provide limited followup, the Chinese Ministry of Health has strengthened the hospitals’ follow-up capabilities, they added. More needs to be done, however, they noted. China’s CDC system, which is responsible for monitoring patients with tuberculosis in the community, could COMMENTARY December 2012 5 Dr. Marcos Restrepo, FCCP, comments: There is a great need for finding new alternatives to treat patients with multidrugresistant tuberculosis, and it seems that delamanid may have efficacy in addition to the standard tuberculous medications. Although the results are encouraging for countries like China, where higher rates of MDR tuberculosis are a major public health problem, the agent’s higher rate of QT prolongation may need further evaluation regarding patient safety. test new approaches to improving adherence to treatment, such as mobile-phone text messaging, and expand such approaches if they prove to be effective. Improvements are imperative, the study authors cautioned, as the future does not bode well. About 11% of new cases and 16% of previously treated cases are already resistant to either isoniazid or rifampin, “placing them one step away from having MDR tuberculosis.” In addition, in patients with MDR but not XDR tuberculosis, more than one-third of cases were resistant to either ofloxacin or kanamycin – leaving those patients also just one step away from XDR tuberculosis. Afatinib: EGFR mutated lung cancer에서 Pemetrexed/Cisplatin보다 무진행 생존기간 2배 Afatinib Beats Chemo in EGFR-Positive Lung Cancer B Y PAT R I C E W E N D L I N G IMNG Medical News VITALS CHICAGO – First-line afatinib delayed progression for nearly a year in patients with advanced lung cancer carrying epidermal growth factor mutations, according to much-anticipated results from the phase III LUXLung 3 trial. Median progression-free survival reached 11.1 months with the experimental oral agent, compared with 6.9 months with cisplatin plus pemetrexed (Alimta) chemotherapy (hazard ratio, 0.58; P = .0004), investigators reported. At 1 year, more than twice as many patients were progression free on afatinib (47% vs. 22%). The median reached 13.6 months in afatinib-treated patients who harbored the most common EGFR mutations – exon deletion 19 or exon 21 L858R – which account for 90% of all EGFR mutations, but stayed at 6.9 months in the control group (HR, 0.47; P less than .0001). The progression-free survival rate in those with EGFR mutations was more than twice as high at 1 year with afatinib (51% vs. 21%). Patients who were treated with the novel, secondgeneration tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) also had better sustained tumor shrinkage and improved quality of life than did those treated with standard cisplatin plus pemetrexed chemotherapy, Dr. James Chih-Hsin Yang said at the annual meeting of the American SociMajor Finding: Progression-free survival was 11.1 months with afatinib and 6.9 months with cisplatin plus pemetrexed (HR, 0.58; P = .0004). Data Source: Investigators conducted a phase III, open-label, randomized trial in 345 patients with advanced adenocarcinoma harboring EGFRactivating mutations. Disclosures: Dr. Yang reported serving as a consultant or adviser and receiving honoraria from Boehringer Ingelheim, the study sponsor. Several coauthors had financial relationships with firms including Boehringer Ingelheim. Dr. Solomon reported serving as a consultant or adviser to AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Clovis Oncology, Lilly, Pfizer, and Roche. ety of Clinical Oncology. Overall survival data, from what was described as the largest global prospective trial in EGFR mutation– positive lung cancer to date, are expected in about 18-24 months, he said. The available data cannot, however, answer questions of how afatinib compares against the first-generation TKIs in this setting, nor whether the increased efficacy outweighs any additional toxicity, said discussant Benjamin J. Solomon, Ph.D. Notably, the LUXLung 7 trial has begun comparing afatinib 40 mg/day with gefitinib 250 mg/day in EGFR mutation–positive, non–small cell lung cancer. In the current trial, the efficacy of afatinib came at a cost of increased rates of diarrhea, rash, stomatitis, and paronychia that appear higher than those seen with the first-generation TKIs, added Dr. Solomon of the lung cancer service at Australia’s Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in East Melbourne, Victoria. Still, the rate of afatinib discontinuation was lower than with chemotherapy. LUX-Lung 3 investigators at 133 sites in 25 countries in North and South America, Europe, and Asia randomized 345 chemotherapy-naive patients with stage IIIB or IV adenocarcinoma of the lung and EGFR mutations confirmed by central lab testing. In all, 230 were assigned to afatinib 40 mg daily and 115 to intravenous pemetrexed (500 mg/m2) plus cisplatin (75 mg/m2) every 21 days for up to six cycles. In all, 61% of patients had an ECOG (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group) performance status of 1, 65% were women, 72% were Asian, 89% had stage IV disease, 49% had the exon 19 deletion, 40% had the L858R mutation, and 11% had other mutations. Their median age was 61 years. Median follow-up was 16.4 months. The investigators had hypothesized that afatinib would be stronger than first-generation, reversible EGFR TKIs because it irreversibly binds to and inhibits the entire ErbB family of receptors (ErbB1, HER2, ErbB3, and ErbB4). The ErbB family plays a critical role in tumor cell growth and is overexpressed or mutated in most cancers, including lung cancers. In all, 56% of afatinib and 22.6% of the chemotherapy patients had an objective response by independent review (P less than .001), said Dr. Yang of the National Taiwan University Hospital in Taipei. The median duration of response was 11.1 months with afatinib vs. 5.5 months with chemotherapy. There was also a delay in the time to deterioration of the lung cancer–related symptoms of cough (HR, 0.60; P = .007), dyspnea (HR, 0.68; P = .015), and pain (HR, 0.83; P = .19). A subgroup analysis revealed that the benefit of afatinib on progression extended to most subgroups, including different races and EGFR mutations, neversmokers, and smokers with less than 15 pack-years who had stopped for at least 1 year, he said. Only current and “other” ex-smokers did not benefit. Quality of life for those treated with afatinib was better than with cisplatin plus pemetrexed in all five domains measured on the EORTC (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer) Quality of Life Questionnaire–C30 including physical, cognitive, and social functioning. The most common grade 3 adverse events with afatinib were diarrhea (14.4%), rash (16.2%), stomatitis/ mucositis (8.3%) and paronychia (11.4%), with one case of grade 4 stomatitis/mucositis (0.4%). There were four deaths related to afatinib. The duration of treatment likely had an impact on adverse events, as patients received 16 cycles of afatinib (median, 336 days) vs. just 6 cycles of chemotherapy, Dr. Yang pointed out. Drug-related adverse events leading to discontinuation were reported in 7.9% of patients who were given afatinib and in 11.7% of those given cisplatin plus pemetrexed chemotherapy. Finally, Dr. Solomon said that “as impressive as the progression-free survival seen with afatinib is … all these patients eventually develop acquired resistance.” He highlighted a recent study in which the T790M secondary mutation was implicated as a mechanism of acquired resistance to second-generation irreversible TKIs in a clinical case and in an in vitro cell culture model (Mol. Cancer Ther. 2012;11:784-91). PULMONARY MEDICINE 6 CHEST Physician • December 2012 Erythromycin, 기관지확장증의 악화 감소와 증상 개선 Bronchiectasis Responds Well to Erythromycin IMNG Medical News VITALS SAN FRANCISCO – Long-term, low-dose erythromycin reduces pulmonary exacerbations, sputum production, and breathing problems in patients with non–cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis, according to a randomized, placebocontrolled Australian study. Low-dose erythromycin also may be less likely to induce antibiotic resistance than is azithromycin, the usual choice for prophylaxis. For these reasons, erythromycin should be considered for non-CF bronchiectasis, said lead investigator Dr. David Serisier at an international conference of the American Thoracic Society. A total of 59 nonsmoking adults with the disease were randomized to erythromycin ethylsuccinate 400 mg twice daily and 58 to placebo, for 48 weeks. (The dosage of the better-tolerated salt is the equivalent of 250 mg of erythromycin b.i.d.) All patients had at least two infective exacerbations in the preceding year, said Dr. Serisier, a chest physician and Major Finding: Non-CF bronchiectasis patients have almost 40% fewer exacerbations when treated with low-dose erythromycin, compared with placebo. Data Source: Data are from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled 48-week trial in 117 patients with non-CF bronchiectasis. Disclosures: Dr. Serisier said he had no relevant disclosures. associate professor of medicine at the University of tance, according to a randomized Belgian trial that Queensland in Brisbane. found a 53.4% increase (P less than .0001) in macrolideThe erythromycin group had almost 40% fewer ex- resistant oral streptococci after just 3 days of treatment acerbations (odds ratio, 0.64; 95% confidence interval (Lancet 2007;369:482-90). “We are not exactly comparing apples with apples, [CI], 0.48-0.86; P = .02), corresponding to a mean reduction of 0.7 exacerbations per patient per year. About but there’s a suggestion that this effect is less with erya third of the erythromycin patients (19) and more thromycin,” even after an entire year of therapy, Dr. than half (30) of the placebo patients had two or more Serisier said. exacerbations during the trial (P = .039). One eryEven so, erythromycin “should be reserved for subthromycin patient was withdrawn for possible QTc jects who have evidence of more severe airway infecprolongation. tion. I don’t think it’s something we should be throwFEV1 declined slightly in both groups, but more so ing at all non-CF bronchiectasis patients, and not in the placebo arm, with a treatment effect of 2.02% those who just have a mild, troublesome cough. I (95% CI, 0.04-4.2; P = .046) in favor of erythromycin. want this drug to be used in patients who really need Erythromycin patients also produced about 6 g less of it,” he said. sputum per day. By study’s end, about 36% of oropharyngeal Dr. Marcos I. Restrepo, compared with placebo. streptococci isolates in the FCCP, comments: This However, despite no diferythromycin group were study provides more eviferences in QT prolongresistant vs. about 5% in dence suggesting that ation, the higher rate of the placebo group (P less macrolides (e.g., eryerythromcyin-resistant than .0001). “Erythromycin thromycin) used as impathogens in the eryresulted in a very substanmunomodulators imthromycin-treated group is tial increase in the proporproved outcomes in cause for concern. Clinition of macrolide-resistant non-CF bronchiectasis. cians should be cautious in streptococci,” Dr. Serisier Erythromycin reduced generalizing this informsaid. the number and frequency of exac- ation and assessing the clinical benefit Azithromycin, howeverbations and resulted in less decline with the risk of adverse events and er, appears to be a more in FEV1 and less sputum production, antimicrobial resistance. potent inducer of resis- COMMENTARY BY M. ALEXANDER OTTO 백일해의 유행: 백신이 유일한 대안 Whooping Cough Epidemic: Vaccination Is Key B Y E L I Z A B E T H M E C H C AT I E IMNG Medical News T he current pertussis epidemic in Washington state and increased rates being seen nationwide underline the critical importance of pertussis vaccination in pregnant women and other adults who are in contact with babies, Dr. Anne Schuchat said during a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention telebriefing. Reports of pertussis have been increasing in infants, as well as among children aged 10, 13, and 14 years in Washington and nationwide, making the recommended Tdap booster vaccine essential for children, said Dr. Schuchat, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the CDC in Atlanta. Pertussis vaccination “remains the single most effective approach to preventing infection,” she said, noting that unvaccinated children are at an eightfold greater risk of getting pertussis than are those who have been fully vaccinated with DTaP. And vaccinated children who do contract pertussis typically have milder cases. In 2010, only 8% of adults had any history of having ever received a Tdap booster, she said. In addition to encouraging patients to get vaccinated, clinicians are being urged to consider pertussis as a possible diagnosis in their patients who have a persistent cough, she said. Since the middle of 2011, cases of pertussis have been increasing in Washington state, and in April 2012, a pertussis epidemic was declared after 640 cases had been reported. As of June 16, 2,520 cases had been reported in 2012, a 1,300% increase from the same time period the year before, and the highest number of cases reported since the early 1940s (MMWR 2012; 61:517-22). To date, nine babies in the United States have died of whooping cough (one more than reported in the MMWR), Dr. Schuchat reported. A higher-than-expected number of cases also have been reported in other states, with similar trends in the age groups affected, “and there may be many more coming,” Dr. Schuchat said. In 2010, more than 27,000 cases were reported nationally, with 27 deaths (25 in infants). Pertussis outbreaks occur in waves, with peaks every 3-5 years. During this current wave, the women and adults who are around babies are being urged to get vaccinated, she said. The rates of pertussis have started to increase after late childhood, with a higher rate in 10-year-olds. Although the rate decreases in 11- to 12-year-olds, it subsequently increases again among 13-yearolds, Dr. Schuchat said. These trends also point to the importance of the recommended Tdap booster vaccine in those aged 11 and 12 years. The increase in pertussis cases reported in adolescents aged 13-14 in Washington state and nationThe number of ally is a concern, and possible pertussis cases is causes are being studied furthe highest since ther. A contributing factor the early 1940s could be the switch from the (gram-stained whole cell to the acellular photomicrograph at vaccine, which may have an left depicts the effect on how long immunity Bordetella pertussis persists. “Waning of protecbacteria, the tion over time may be part of etiologic pathogen the story,” she said. Howevfor pertussis). er, she pointed out that unvaccinated people are not highest rates have been thought to be driving this current in infants under 1 year of wave of infection. age, with over half in babies under Dr. Schuchat said that the increase in 3 months. These children are too pertussis cases goes beyond Washington young to be protected by the vaccine state. that is first administered at age 2 “We really think the disease is spreadmonths, so they are dependent on the ing around the country. …We’re in for immunity of people around them. This a tough year and a tough couple of gap in immunity is why pregnant years,” she said. C OURTESY CDC Pertussis cases have increased 1,300% from the same time period last year. PULMONARY MEDICINE December 2012 7 입원환자 대상 프로토콜 개선으로 독감예방접종률 향상 가능 Inpatient Protocols Can Up Flu Vax Rates ©C ATHERINE L ANE / I S TOCKPHOTO . COM cines while you have them there,” to protect them against influenza, and also pneumococcal disease, he said. Inpatient But it’s not always an easy thing to do, Dr. Talbot influenza said. immunization “It is challenging to implement an inpatient vaccinabecame a tion program,” he said. “During a hospitalization, you Joint are trying to get the patient supported for the illness Commission that brought them into the hospital. You don’t want core measure to do anything that may interrupt that care plan,” he set for hospital said. accreditation “I think the places that have seemed to hard-wire [a programs in vaccination program] have locked it into a nurse-diJanuary 2012. rected order set that may be implemented upon discharge, along with education. Or, [it] may be impleBY HEIDI SPLETE mented a few days into the hospitalization so as to IMNG Medical News avoid that first 48 hours when a lot of activity is happening around the acute illness,” Dr. Talbot said. This t’s late October, and a 70-year-old woman with a approach helps ensure that vaccination doesn’t fall off medical history of type 2 diabetes and hypothy- the radar, and allows time to get the vaccine as well as roidism, as well as a remote history of laryngeal educate patients, he said. cancer, presents with a COPD exacerbation. The “One of the challenges with this type of program is records say she hasn’t had a flu shot. Would she get making sure that the patient’s outpatient provider is one at your center? aware that they have received immunizations,” Dr. Experience says if there’s a protocol in place designed Talbot added. “We don’t want individuals to get an for people like her, she’s in luck. But if there’s not … unnecessary additional flu shot or pneumococcal vacher case points to room for quality improvement. cination.” Documentation and communication are key “The reason vaccinating patients has become a safety factors, as is having a mechanism in the health care fameasure is that we have found that many patients will cility or hospital to track vaccinations so a returning encounter health care by being seen in an emergency patient does not receive a second vaccine unnecessarily, department, being admitted to a hospital, or being he said. seen by their physician, and not receive the recomAnother challenge to implementing inpatient immended vaccines, and later go on to develop illnesses munization is the concern that some sick patients who that might be quite serious,” said Dr. Thomas Talbot, receive a flu vaccine won’t mount the same immune author of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology’s response as they would while healthy, Dr. Talbot said. vaccination guidelines and chief hospital epidemiologist “In particular populations, such as those immediately at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, post transplant, where we know that the immune reTenn. sponse would not be robust, immunization should be “These are missed opportunities when we have had deferred,” he emphasized. patients in our health care system and haven’t taken “However, there is no evidence to suggest that advantage of the opportunity to vaccinate them,” Dr. giving a vaccine during a hospitalization will adversely Talbot said. impact the course of most illnesses for which people “That has been the impetus for a lot of new quality are admitted,” he said. measures for those patients who are admitted to the Dr. Talbot also emphasized the importance of vachospital. Once their acute issue has been cared for and cination for health care workers. (See box below.) they are getting ready to go home, get them their vacIn developing its Hospital Inpatient Quality measures, the Joint Commission looked to a 2006 National Quality Forum workgroup recommendammunization. It’s not just for pa- formation about barriers to successful tion that “influenza and flu vaccine programs along with tients anymore. But was it ever? pneumococcal vaccina“It is extremely important for strategies for overcoming them. The tion measures should aphealth care workers to get vaccinated Centers for Disease Control and Preply to all patients regardevery year,” said Dr. Talbot. Health vention has also weighed in, recomless of diagnosis.” care workers are diligent by nature, mending flu vaccination for all health As of August 2012, a and they often come to work when care personnel, based on the advice proposal from the Centers they are sick, he said. Also, healthy of the Advisory Committee on Imfor Medicare and Medicadults often shed the flu virus before munization Practices and the Hospital aid Services requiring certhey are infected, and they might Infection Control Practices Advisory tain Medicare providers attribute a runny nose or early flu Committee. and suppliers to offer all According to the CDC, health care symptoms to a cold, he added. eligible and consenting paSafety issues aside, some hospitals facilities should offer easy-access vactients flu vaccination durand organizations have made immu- cination sites and “targeted education ing flu season had not nization a condition of employment, about the disease, including disease been approved, and flu Dr. Talbot said. “It is now being seen risk among HCP and patients, and vaccination policies and as a professional responsibility,” he about the vaccine.” practices vary among hos“You have to really try to address said. The Joint Commission made staff pitals. immunization a core measure for hos- the misconceptions of the vaccine and However, inpatient imthere are things that are not proven pitals in July of this year. munization is becoming a Dr. Talbot served on the review by science,” Dr. Talbot said. quality measure for hosFlu immunization programs for panel for “Strategies for Implementpitals, and it will be necing Successful Influenza Immuniza- health care workers are more likely to essary for reaccreditation, tion Programs for Health Care Per- succeed if they are presented in a nonaccording to the Joint sonnel Project.” A 10-month effort adversarial way, with an emphasis on Commission. Starting on completed in 2009, the Joint Com- improving safety for patients, Dr. TalJan. 1, 2012, inpatient inmission project sought to provide in- bot added. fluenza immunization officially became a core I Stopping the Flu Starts With You I measure set for hospital accreditation programs, and will be phased in over time for different programs. Polishing a Protocol An inpatient immunization program is working in Boston at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. BIDMC first initiated an inpatient flu immunization protocol in 2006, and it has been refined over time, according to Dr. Alexander Carbo, a hospitalist in the division of general medicine and primary care at BIDMC; Jaime Levash, project administrator for QI and professional development; and Margie Serrano, RN, who work together as part of the medical center’s Influenza Inpatient Immunization Initiative. They described the BIDMC protocol as follows: ▶ When adult patients (aged 18 years and older) are admitted to BIDMC, the online medical record automatically checks to see when patients have been immunized (or have contraindications such as an allergy). ▶ If the patient’s vaccine status is unknown in the BIDMC system, or if the patient previously refused vaccine, upon admission the ordering providers are prompted to write for the influenza vaccine protocol, or to provide a reason for not initiating the protocol (such as a prior immunization, or allergy). ▶ If the protocol is initiated, the nursing staff screens the patient for appropriateness for vaccine and then either provides vaccine (with documentation) or documents the contraindication in the online medical record. ▶ During subsequent admissions, providers will be reprompted to write for the vaccine protocol if the patient previously refused vaccine or if vaccine was not given (for a reason other than listed contraindications); otherwise, the prompt will not appear (the computer system tracks prior immunizations and contraindications, so as not to revaccinate patients or reprompt for patients with contraindications during the same influenza season). The BIDMC team has tweaked the protocol over time to make it more effective at the 650-bed center. For example, “we have added a hard stop at discharge to ensure that each patient’s immunization status is accounted for during their admission,” Dr. Carbo said. Plans for the 2012-2013 flu season are similar to last year’s protocols, but will incorporate some of the newer CDC guidelines for immunizing patients with egg allergies, Dr. Carbo said. In addition, “BIDMC mandates immunization for all employees in patient care areas (allowing exceptions for previously noted contraindications) and strongly encourages vaccination for all other staff,” he noted. Dr. Carbo’s advice to physicians about how to succeed in inpatient immunizations: “Work with a multidisciplinary team,” he said. “When we started in 2006, I did this in collaboration with one of the nursing leaders. Now we have a multidisciplinary team that includes representatives from the nursing staff, the pharmacy staff, information systems, and communications,” he said. Read the Sign The 566-bed University of Wisconsin Hospital Center (UWHC) in Madison is also harnessing the power of protocol. “We realized that, as one of our quality control measures, we were monitoring what proportion of our patient population was being vaccinated against pneumonia and influenza and we weren’t doing as well as we would have liked,” said Dr. Nasia Safdar, hospital epidemiologist for the UWHC. Immunizing inpatients was a top choice among UWHC’s efforts to optimize vaccination, but “it turned out quickly that it was easier said than done,” Dr. Continued on following page 8 PULMONARY MEDICINE Continued from previous page Safdar said. The Wisconsin hospital faced the challenge with a protocol similar to the one used at BIDMC. “It took a lot of the repeated questioning and thinking out of the equation because everyone is familiar with the protocol,” Dr. Safdar said. “If a patient meets the criteria, they will be vaccinated.” CHEST Physician • December 2012 Status is checked upon admission, and barring any specific objection or event, eligible patients get the vaccine at some point during their relationship with the Wisconsin hospital. For example, a transplant patient would not receive a vaccine at the time of the hospital stay for the transplant, but could be vaccinated at a follow-up visit 6 months later, she explained. “Another thing we have done is to put notices on patients’ doors that say, ‘Eligible for Vaccination Before Discharge,’ and the pharmacist, who is typically involved in the discharge medication process, knows right away that this is a patient who needs to be vaccinated,” she said. “It is a visible marker of something that needs to be done,” Dr. Safdar said. Dr. Talbot, Dr. Carbo, and Dr. Safdar reported having no financial conflicts to disclose. Pemetrexed 유지요법이 비소세포폐암 환자의 생존율을 개선시킬 수 있다 B Y PAT R I C E W E N D L I N G IMNG Medical News COMMENTARY CHICAGO – Final results of the phase III PARAMOUNT trial support continued use of pemetrexed after pemetrexedplus-cisplatin induction therapy for advanced, nonsquamous non–small cell lung cancer. More patients on pemetrexed (Alimta) maintenance were alive at 1 year (58% vs. 45% of the control group) and 2 years (32% vs. 21%), Dr. Luis Paz-Ares said at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. With nearly all patients off study treatment, median overall survival from randomization was 13.9 months with pemetrexed maintenance plus best supportive care (BSC) vs. 11.0 months with BSC plus placebo. This translates into a 22% reduction in the risk of death (hazard ratio [HR], 0.78; log-rank P = .0195). An analysis of overall survival from the start of inducDr. Jeana O’Brien, FCCP, comments: This phase III trial of different chemotherapeutic regimens for patients with advanced nonsquam o u s NSCLC showed a small improvement in median survival. Additional investigation is warranted to determine overall benefit. tion yielded the same risk reduction, with the median reaching 16.9 months in patients maintained on pemetrexed vs. 14.0 months in the control group (HR 0.78; log-rank P = .0191). The benefit of pemetrexed maintenance was consistent across all subgroups, including patients with a complete or partial response (HR 0.81) and those with stable disease (HR 0.76) after induction therapy, Dr. Paz-Ares said. “This is the first study to show that continuation maintenance had a clear impact on the natural course” of advanced NSCLC, including an improvement in progression-free survival and overall survival, and “may support a change in the treatment paradigm in this clinical setting,” said Dr. Paz-Ares of University Hospital Virgen del Rocio in Seville, Spain. “I think we should share with our patients the information about the role of maintenance treatment, but it doesn’t mean that every single patient should be treated in this way,” he said. At last year’s ASCO meeting, the investigators reported that pemetrexed maintenance significantly reduced the study’s primary end point, the risk of disease progression (HR 0.62) (Lancet Oncol. 2012;13:247-55). The overall survival data were not mature at the time, leaving some clinicians to question the overall efficacy of pemetrexed maintenance and whether the delay in progression was enough to justify the potential increased toxicity with continued therapy. In the PARAMOUNT trial, 939 chemotherapy-naive patients with advanced nonsquamous NSCLC, at least one measurable lesion, and an ECOG PATRICE W ENDLING /IMNG M EDICAL M EDIA Pemetrexed Maintenance May Up Survival in NSCLC The results of this study “may support a change in the treatment paradigm,” Dr. Luis Paz-Ares said. performance status of 0 or 1 received four cycles of induction pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 plus cisplatin 75 mg/m2 on day 1 of a 21-day cycle. The 539 patients who responded were stratified by disease stage, performance status, and induction response and randomly assigned to maintenance with pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 every 21 days plus BSC or to BSC and placebo. The median age was 61 years, about 90% of patients had stage IV disease, 86%-89% had adenocarcinoma histology, and 42%-44% had a complete or partial response to induction therapy. The mean number of maintenance cycles was 7.9 (range 1-44) for the 359 pemetrexed patients and 5 cycles for the 180 placebo patients (range 1-38). Median follow-up for all patients was 12.5 months, and reached 24.3 months among all patients still alive. Reassessment of progression-free survival at final analysis once again favored pemetrexed (HR 0.60), confirming the robustness of the results, Dr. Paz-Ares said. The pemetrexed maintenance arm had more grade 3/4 events than did the placebo arm, notably fatigue (4.7% vs. 1.1%), anemia (6.4% vs. 0.6%), and neutropenia (5.8% vs. 0%). In all, 64% of the pemetrexed arm and 72% of the placebo arm received postdiscontinuation therapy, mainly erlotinib (40% of the pemetrexed arm and 43% of the control group). Only docetaxel usage differed significantly between arms (32% vs. 43%; P = .013), he said. “We have very few drugs that are active in non–small cell lung cancer and we have to be able to squeeze most of the benefit from each of them, and this is why I’m really in favor of this maintenance kind of treatment,” he added. PARAMOUNT was supported by Eli Lilly. Dr. Paz-Ares disclosed ties with Bayer, Lilly, Pfizer, and Roche. Coauthors include employees of Eli Lilly. PULMONARY MEDICINE December 2012 9 Genomic project, Lung squamous cell cancer의 새로운 치료표적 개발에 도움 Genomics Project Begins to Unravel Lung Cancer B Y PAT R I C E W E N D L I N G IMNG Medical News CHICAGO – Researchers are beginning to unravel the genomics of lung squamous cell carcinoma, revealing a disease characterized by complex genomes with frequent and unique rearrangements. Exome and RNA sequence analyses of 178 patients identified 48,690 nonsilent mutations in total, Dr. Ramaswamy Govindan reported at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. “This is not a disease like CML [chronic myeloid leukemia] with one mutation,” he said. “This is a tobacco-related lung cancer with an average of 228 nonsilent mutations per tumor.” Lung squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) was found to have 8.3 somatic mutations/megabase, far surpassing, for example, the 0.5 mutations/megabase found in acute myeloid leukemia. The average number of mutations was 360 per tumor. “It’s quite significant the amount of mutational burden,” Dr. Govindan said. “Many of them are passenger muta- tions, but still it’s a fairly disordered genome.” Dr. Govindan and his fellow researchers with The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Lung Cancer Project are attempting to characterize the poorly understood genomic and epigenomic landscape of LSCC and to identify potential therapeutic targets. No molecularly targeted therapy has been approved for use in LSCC, which accounts for roughly 30% of lung cancer deaths or 45,000 deaths/year in the United States. The researchers hope to sequence about 1,000 lung cancers in the next year, with data presented on 178 LSCC patients, most of whom smoked (96%), were male (74%), and had early stage I/II disease (76%). Their median age was 68 years. The tumor protein 53 (TP53) gene was almost universally altered in the cohort, along with frequent loss of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (CDKN2A) function, said Dr. Govindan, an oncologist/hematologist and professor of medicine at Washington University in St. Louis. Other significantly mutated genes were phos- phatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (KEAP1), nuclear factor-erythroid 2 related factor 2 (NFE2L2), human leukocyte antigen–A (HLA-A), and phosphoinositide-3-kinase catalytic alpha (PIK3CA). Therapeutic targets were identified in 127 patients or roughly three-fourths of patients with LSCC. “So it’s really rich in targets,” he said. Most of the samples had distinct genes that are significant in terms of therapy and that are altered in a mutually exclusive fashion. Targets include the fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR), phosphoinositide-3 (PI3) kinase pathway (47%), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)/erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2 (ErbB-2), and the cyclin-cyclin dependant kinase complexes. The researchers also conducted whole genome sequencing on 19 tumors, detecting an average of 165 rearrangements/tumor. This is far more than has been seen in the TCGA database for breast or colon cancer, Dr. Govindan said. mRNA expression profiling confirmed a recent report that LSCC is composed of four biologically distinct mRNA expression subtypes, suggesting the need for different therapies (Clin. Cancer Res. 2010;16:4864-75). Pathway alterations in LSCC fell into two major categories. Not surprisingly, the squamous differentiation pathway was altered in 44% of patients, but the oxidative stress response was also found to be altered in 34% of patients and 62% of those with the classic mRNA subtype. Oxidative stress has a role in chemotherapy resistance. Finally, Dr. Govindan said the lung cancer community is witnessing a revolution. “We are at the dawn of a new era. … We used to see the alterations in the cancer genes through a key hole, and now we can actually have this panoramic view.” The full paper on the TCGA Lung Cancer Project findings is expected to be published shortly and will be deposited in a public database, Dr. Govindan said. The Cancer Genome Atlas is supported by the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Govindan reported ties to Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Merck Serono. H3N2변종 독감의 급속한 발생 증가 H3N2v Flu Infections Take a Big Jump In early August, the CDC provided guidance to state laboratories and is now allowing states to confirm their own H3N2v cases, prior to laboratory confirmanfections due to the influenza A(H3N2) variant tion at CDC. “Cases that were positive at the state virus have soared to 276 cases as of Aug. 24, ac- level were overwhelmingly being confirmed also at cording to the Centers for Disease Control and CDC,” said Dr. Bresee, who is a medical epidemiologist with the CDC’s influenza division. Prevention. “Given this, and in the context of an outbreak situa“This increase is partly based on the change in reporting requirements … but in fact, the increase reflects tion, with very little seasonal influenza circulating, we accurately what is going on in these outbreaks,” Dr. felt that it was appropriate for states to begin reporting Joseph Bresee said during a telephone press conference their positives as confirmed cases rather than waiting for CDC confirmation,” he said. “We anticipate that held by the CDC. The 276 confirmed cases of Influenza A(H3N2) vari- the change in reporting requirements will provide for ant infection include 113 cases in Indiana, 56 cases in a more real-time indication of how these outbreaks Ohio, 12 in Maryland, and 6 in Wisconsin. are evolving.” Positive samples will still be forwarded to the Dr. Vera DePalo, FCCP, comments: of influenza A variant virus CDC, where these will Normally swine flu viruses do not (H3N2v) cases may pose diagnostic be confirmed using gedifficulties for the cliniinfect humans. But sponetic sequencing. cian. If suspected, tests radic human infections “The severity of huof respiratory speciwith influenza viruses man illness associated mens should be perthat normally circulate with this virus continues formed at state health in swine have occurred, to resemble that of seadepartment labs as the CDC notes. When sonal flu. Most of the casrapid influenza diagnosthis happens, these es are mild, self-limited, tic tests may not detect viruses are called “variand resolve on their H3N2v virus. The CDC ant viruses” and are deown,” Dr. Bresee said. confirms the diagnosis. noted by adding the letThe CDC has not reIt should be suspected ter “v” to the end of the ceived any reports of in those who had convirus subtype designadeaths associated with tion. With the approach of flu sea- tact with or exposure to swine prior the virus and only two son, the rapid rise in the number to illness onset. hospitalizations. Importantly, there is COMMENTARY I SUMMARY BY KERRI WACHTER IMNG Medical News H3N2변종 독감 감염이 미국 전역에서 최근 276례가 발생하 였다고 미국질병통제예방센터(CDC)에서 발표하였다. H3N2 변종 독감은 사람 사이의 전염은 되지 않아 범유행은 되지 않 는 상황이고 임상 양상이 계절성 독감과 유사하며 사망례는 보고되지 않고 있다. no evidence of sustained human-to-human spread in the community. “This is not a pandemic situation,” Dr. Bresee said. However, “these viruses are all the same. They’re not completely genetically identical, but they’re very close to being so. All of the viruses that we’re seeing so far, in this latest increase in cases, are the viruses with the M gene.” The M gene may confer increased transmissibility to and among humans. Most of the cases have involved contact or exposure to swine prior to illness onset, and many have been associated with state agricultural fairs, where swine were present. Signs and symptoms of H3N2v virus infection are similar to those of seasonal influenza virus infection. If H3N2v virus infection is suspected because of recent exposure to pigs, testing of respiratory specimens should be performed at a state health department; rapid influenza diagnostic tests may not detect H3N2v virus in human respiratory specimens, resulting in false-negative results. Two antivirals – oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) – are expected to be effective for treating H3N2v illness. Antiviral treatment is most effective when started as soon as possible after illness onset, according to the CDC. CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 10 CHEST Physician • December 2012 패혈증 환자에서 Hydroxyethyl Starch는 사망률을 증가시킨다 Sepsis Deaths Increased With Hydroxyethyl Starch IMNG Medical News H ydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4, widely used for fluid resuscitation in hypovolemia due to severe sepsis, raises the risk of death within 90 days, compared with Ringer’s acetate, according to a report published online in the New England Journal of Medicine. The low-molecular-weight hydrox- yethyl starch (HES) is a colloid solution thought to afford more rapid and lasting circulatory stabilization, compared with standard IV fluids such as Ringer’s acetate. HES 130/0.4 has been widely adopted in ICUs around the world, even though data about its effectiveness are limited and several trials have raised concerns about its safety, said Dr. Anders Perner of the department of intensive care, Copenhagen University Hospital, and his associates. Their Scandinavian Starch for Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock study was an international trial to compare the effects of HES 130/0.4 against Ringer’s acetate on the composite outcome of death or endstage kidney failure within 90 days of treatment. The study population comprised 800 septic shock patients treated at 13 university-affiliated ICUs and 13 nonacademic general ICUs in Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Iceland between December 2009 and November 2011. When their physicians decided that volume expansion was required, the study participants were randomly assigned in equal numbers to receive fluid resuscitation with either HES 130/0.4 or Ringer’s acetate in a manner that concealed treatment assignment from patients, clinicians, research staff, and study committee members. The median cumulative volume of fluid administered was 3,000 mL. The primary outcome measure (a composite of death or dependence on dialysis), occurred in 51% of patients who received the starch, compared with 43% of those who received Ringer’s solution. When the two outcomes were analyzed separately, this difference was found to be entirely due to an increased risk of death in the starch group, the investigators said (N. Engl. J. Med. 2012 July 27 [doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1204242]). In multiple further analyses of the data, including logistic regression and per-protocol analyses, these results persisted. The separation of the survival curves indicated that HES 130/0.4 tends to induce death late in the course of hospitalization, Dr. Perner and his colleagues said. In addition, more patients in the starch group than in the Ringer’s group required renal replacement therapy (61% vs. 44%) or developed bleeding complications (10% vs. 6%). Previous studies suggested that a high proportion of HES “is taken up and deposited in tissues, where it cannot be metabolized and it acts as a foreign body. Long-term toxic effects of HES deposition have been described in the kidney, liver, and bone marrow. “Together, all these negative effects of HES may have caused the late deaths observed in our trial” and in previous studies, the researchers noted. This study also raises the question of whether HES 130/0.4 is actually more potent than crystalloids in patients with severe sepsis. “We did not observe significant differences in trial fluid volumes between the study groups,” a result that has been reported in a previous study, they added. The study findings should be applicable to other populations because this trial had broad inclusion criteria and very few exclusion criteria. It even included patients who had acute kidney injury at baseline, the authors said. VITALS BY MARY ANN MOON Major Finding: Death or kidney failure occurred within 90 days in 51% of sepsis patients treated with colloidal HES 130/0.4, compared with 43% of those treated with Ringer’s acetate. Data Source: A 2-year, blinded, randomized international clinical trial compared outcomes between 400 ICU patients with severe sepsis who received HES 130/0.4 vs. 400 who received Ringer’s acetate for hypovolemia. Disclosures: This study was supported by the Danish Research Council, the Rigshospitalet Research Council, and the Scandinavian Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine. Dr. Perner reported receiving grant support from Fresenius Kabi. CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE December 2012 11 Enoxaparin 예방치료에도 입원환자 사망률엔 변화없어 Inpatient Mortality Unchanged by Enoxaparin Prophylaxis BY M. ALEXANDER OTTO IMNG Medical News VITALS SAN FRANCISCO – Thromboprophylaxis with enoxaparin did not reduce mortality in acutely ill medical inpatients in a trial funded by the maker of the lowmolecular-weight heparin, Sanofi-Aventis. Among 4,171 patients randomized to enoxaparin (Lovenox) 40 mg subcutaneously for 10 ± 4 days, all-cause 30-day mortality was 4.9%; among 4,136 randomized to placebo for the same amount of time, it was 4.8% (relative risk, 1.0; 95% CI, 0.8-1.2; P = .83). The major bleeding rate was below a half percent in both groups and not statistically different. Minor bleeding was seen in 1.8% with enoxaparin and 1.1% with placebo, a statistically significant difference, Dr. Samuel Goldhaber, FCCP, said at an international conference of the American Thoracic Society. Commenting on the study, New England Journal of Medicine editor Dr. Jeffrey Drazen, FCCP, noted that, in the United States, the reflex has been to use prophylaxis on even low-risk patients for VTE. “The reason we published these data was that maybe we should rethink this. Maybe we should be making decisions about who should be receiving pharmacologic prophylaxis based on factors other than the fact that they are in the hospital for an acute medical illness,” he said. Patients were hospitalized for acute decompensated heart failure, severe systemic infections, or active cancer. No mortality benefit was found for enoxaparin on subgroup analysis. Both groups wore knee-high elastic graduated com- Major Finding: Among 4,171 acutely ill hospitalized medical patients randomized to enoxaparin 40 mg subcutaneously for 10 ± 4 days, all-cause 30-day mortality was 4.9%; among 4,136 randomized to placebo for the same amount of time, it was 4.8%. Data Source: Data were taken from a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Disclosures: The trial was funded by Sanofi-Aventis, the maker of enoxaparin. The presenter of the findings, also an investigator, disclosed that he is a paid consultant for Sanofi-Aventis, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol Myers Squibb, Merck, and several other companies. Dr. Goldhaber disclosed that he is a paid consultant for Sanofi-Aventis, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol Myers Squibb, Merck, and several other companies. Dr. Drazen reported having no disclosures. pression stockings during the treatment phase of the trial (N. Engl. J. Med. ‘We were quite surprised’ that the all-cause 1-90 day mortality curves ‘were absolutely superimposable.’ DR. GOLDHABER 2011;365:2463-72). The all-cause 1-90 day mortality curves for the two groups “were absolutely superimposable. We were quite surprised by the results,” said Dr. Goldhaber, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and director of the venous thromboembolism research group at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, both in Boston. They were surprised because enoxaparin has been shown to reduce VTE in both surgical and medical patients, and to reduce the incidence of fatal PE and all-cause mortality in surgical patients. There was a presumption it would save medical patients’ lives, too, although they have a lower PE rate. Current U.S. treatment guidelines recommend pharmacologic prophylaxis in both sur- gical and acutely ill medical inpatients. The study was conducted in China, India, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, and Tunisia because, in those places, enoxaparin prophylaxis for medical patients is “still considered an open question,” Dr. Goldhaber said. About 88% of the subjects were Asian, and 63% were men. Their average age was 65 years. There were no statistically significant baseline differences between the placebo and enoxaparin groups. Perhaps enoxaparin didn’t cut mortality in the trial because “the natural history of deep vein thrombosis differs between medical and surgical patients.” It’s been assumed that “the natural history would be the same. This assumption may be incorrect,” Dr. Goldhaber said. It’s also possible that the elastic stockings used in the trial were enough to prevent fatal PE in the Asian subjects, a group known to have a lower PE risk than Westerners. Just one patient in each group died from a PE in the study; infections were the main cause of death. Dr. Goldhaber said he still tends to prophylaxis low-risk medical inpatients. “In our world, the quality measures are in place, but I’d be thinking to myself” that they are probably not going to develop a PE, he said. 류마티스 관절염 환자에서 정맥혈전색전증의 발생위험이 증가 VTE Risk Heightened in Rheumatoid Arthritis VITALS BERLIN – Rheumatoid arthritis patients face a moderately elevated risk of venous thromboembolism that continues unabated for many years, according to findings from two large studies that were presented at the European Congress of Rheumatology. Dr. Seoyoung C. Kim offered a retrospective cohort study involving 22,143 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and 88,572 age- and sex-matched controls. None of the subjects had a baseline history of malignancy or venous Major Finding: The risk of venous thromboembolism was 40% greater in RA patients than controls in one 2-year study, whereas a second study found the risk of pulmonary embolism to be 80%100% higher in RA patients than controls who were followed for as long as 15 years. Data Source: The U.S. retrospective cohort study included more than 22,000 RA patients, whereas the Swedish prospective cohort study involved 8,077. Disclosures: Neither study had commercial sponsorship. Dr. Holmqvist and Dr. Kim reported having no financial conflicts. thromboembolism (VTE). The data came from a large U.S. commercial insurance plan. During a mean follow-up of 2 years (starting when the RA patients received their first prescription for a diseasemodifying antirheumatic drug), deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism occurred in 1.2% of RA patients and 0.5% of controls. The incidence among RA patients was 6.1 cases per 1,000 person-years, a rate 2.4-fold greater than in controls. The pulmonary embolism rate was 2.7 times higher than in controls, whereas the deep vein thrombosis rate was 2.2-fold higher, according to Dr. Kim of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, where she is a rheumatologist. After adjustment for known risk factors for VTE, including surgery, hospitalization, and cardiovascular disease, the VTE risk associated with having RA remained moderately elevated, with a 40% increase compared with controls. The mechanism underlying this increased risk is believed to hinge upon the systemic inflammation that is a central feature of RA. This inflammation is thought to predispose to thrombus formation, up-regulation of procoagulants, down-regulation of anticoagu- lants, and suppression of fibrinolysis, Dr. Kim noted. Dr. Marie Holmqvist presented a prospective population-based cohort study including 8,077 patients who were newly diagnosed with RA during 19972009, as well as 203,329 controls. In all, 84 RA patients were diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism during 43,178 person-years of prospective follow-up. That translated to an incidence of 1.9 cases per 1,000 person-years, compared with 1.1 cases per 1,000 personyears among controls. The increased risk of pulmonary embolism was evident 1 year after diagnosis of RA and remained unchanged thereafter. In the period 1-4 years after diagnosis of RA, the RA group had a 1.8-fold greater risk of pulmonary embolism than did controls drawn from the general population. During years 5-9, the risk was increased 2.0-fold, and in years 10-15 the risk of pulmonary embolism in RA patients was 1.9-fold greater than in controls, although only a small number of subjects were followed that long. Control subjects who were hospitalized for any reason had a 5.4-fold increased risk of pulmonary embolism for the next year, compared with non- hospitalized controls. The risk of pulmonary embolism in hospitalized RA patients was elevated for the next year to the same extent as in hospitalized controls. In other words, having RA didn’t pile on additional risk beyond hospitalization itself, according to Dr. Holmqvist of the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm. COMMENTARY BY BRUCE JANCIN IMNG Medical News Dr. Jun Chiong, FCCP, comments: Rheumatoid arthritis is not generally considered to be a risk factor for VTE, although abnormalities of coagulation factors have been found in patients with RA. T h e s e studies suggest that RA patients may have higher rates of VTE and raise our awareness of the risks to lower the threshold for VTE prophylaxis as well as evaluation of patients suspected for possible VTE or PE. 12 CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE CHEST Physician • December 2012 COMMENTARY 입원시 발생하는 섬망의 이해에 새로운 도약 New Steps in In-Hospital Delirium expect that [insert patient name here] will have a BY STEPHEN J. hospital stay measured in BEKANICH, M.D. a period of days. During that time we will do our best to prevent complications of hospitalization, which include things such as blood clots and infections. We will also do our best to quickly recognize and treat other complications such as confusion or pain.” This is a conversation I have with most patients’ families when their medically complicated loved one is hospitalized. I was certain that one gentleman, who had esophageal cancer with metastasis to the spine causing cord compression, would suffer from delirium during his hospital stay. His advanced age, multiple comorbidities, urgent surgery, ICU stay, and pain medications (which initially included a fentanyl PCA [patient-controlled analgesia] later augmented by a ketamine infusion) all seemed to put him at high risk for delirium. Yet, even during his time on our ketamine protocol, he had clear and appropriate conversations with our team. Another elderly woman, with previously undiagnosed dementia, was living at home with family assistance until coming to the hospital after a fall. During her hospital stay, she experienced side effects of pain medications and developed a urinary tract infection. COMMENTARY “I Dr. Carl Kaplan, FCCP, comments: It is one thing to successfully treat a disease and another to make an early diagnosis, but it is the most rewarding if you can identify a focused vulnerable population at risk and provide the resources to prevent the occurrence of the disease altogether. This material expands our knowledge and understanding of delirium in the ICU, which is a common problem. The delirium that ensued was severe. She required ICU admission because of the intense nursing supervision she needed to keep her out of physical restraints. After 2 weeks, she was discharged to a skilled nursing facility rather than home because of persistent cognitive problems. Delirium in hospitalized patients is a common problem. Its presence is often partnered with extended lengths of stay, escalation of care, and poorer outcomes. Once it occurs, we turn to screening tools and treatment protocols that evidence has shown to be useful. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that a hospital’s approach to delirium management is now recognized as a quality-of-care marker. Two new studies highlight the impact of delirium and provide a new tool for predicting this condition. They expand our body of knowledge, and one may even allow us to head off delirium before it occurs. The first study is a prospective cohort enrolled between 1991 and 2006 into a patient registry for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The 771 participants were over the age of 65 years with a clinical diagnosis of AD in this community setting. Databases identified those who were hospitalized, experienced delirium, died, or were institutionalized. Cognitive decline was also evaluated and based upon a validated test score (Ann. Intern. Med. 2012;156:848-56). A total of 367 patients (48%) were hospitalized, and 194 (25%) developed delirium. Patients who did not experience delirium in the hospital had an increased risk of death or institutionalization (relative risks of 4.7 and 6.9, respectively), but an even more dramatic increase in risk was noted in those with delirium (RRs of 5.4 and 9.3). Delirium was associated with 6% of deaths, 15% of institutionalizations, and 21% of cognitive declines in hospitalized patients with AD. This is the first time the relative contributions of hospitalizations and episodes of delirium to adverse outcomes for AD patients have been evaluated. The results clearly showed that hospitalization is a danger to this patient population and that the outcomes are worse for those with delirium. This clinical cohort was created by merging multiple databases, so incomplete medical records were a limitation. Two other as- pects of the study are worth noting. As this study was nonrandomized, the hospitalized patients had lower baseline cognitive function than those who avoided admission. Also, ethnic minorities made up only 5% of the study population. The second work is a multicenter observational study that entailed the development of the Prediction of Delirium in ICU Patients (PRE-DELIRIC) model in a prospective cohort of 1,613 patients (see story below). The PRE-DELIRIC model contains 10 risk factors (see graphic below). The main outcome measured was development of delirium within the ICU. The model’s ability to predict delirium was compared with the ability of ICU physicians and nurses to independently predict delirium within 24 hours of admission. The model’s area under receiver operating characteristics curve (AUROC) was 0.85 pooled across three cohorts. The AUROC for both physicians’ and nurses’ predictions of delirium was 0.59. Providers’ predictive accuracy did not differ by level of clinical experience. PRE-DELIRIC is the first predictive model published for the ICU population experiencing delirium. The model clearly outperformed the physicians and nurses, who were equally inferior when it came to predicting delirium, and more experienced clinicians fared no better than their greener colleagues. Limitations included a varied case mix from multiple specialties and inclusion of risk factors that were not based on the authors’ systematic review for factors associated with delirium. Both of these studies move us forward. The first should heighten our level of awareness that hospitalization with delirium is a major marker for adverse outcomes. It also should prompt proactive communication with our AD patients’ families about expectations in this scenario. The second study should help create a mindset of predicting and preventing delirium rather than our current model, which is to screen and then treat. DR. BEKANICH is an internist and medical director of palliative care at Seton Healthcare in Austin, Tex. 성인 중환자 섬망 발생 예측을 향상시키는 도구 Tool Boosts Power to Predict Delirium in Adult ICU A recently developed tool could help doctors stay ahead of the game in preventing delirium in ICU patients. Dutch researchers say their delirium prediction model was significantly more successful than doctors and nurses at predicting delirium in ICU patients. Preventive measures for delirium can limit its incidence, severity, and duration. While several assessment tools exist for other populations of hospitalized patients, “no evidence-based prediction model for general intensive care patients is available,” Mark van den Boogaard, Ph.D., of Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands) Medical Centre and his colleagues said (BMJ 2012;344:e420 [doi: 10.1136/bmj.e420]). For PRE-DELIRIC (Prediction of Delirium in ICU Patients), the authors defined 10 risk factors that can be assessed within 24 hours of admission (see graphic). “The use of the PRE-DELIRIC model to identify and consequently preventively treat high-risk patients could offer an important contribution to intensive care practice and ensure efficient use of research resources to study only high-risk patients,” the researchers said. Clinically, the model may improve the use of nondrug measures to prevent delirium in high-risk patients, the researchers added. Such measures include cognitive stimulation, early mobilization, and listening to music, they said. PREDELIRIC also could inform the choice to use prophylactic haloperidol in ICU patients, the authors said. After testing their model for temporal validation, the researchers conducted an Continued on following page Formula for PRE-DELIRIC Model Risk of Delirium = 1/(1 + exp – (–6.31 + all applicable risk factors below) 0.04 × age 0.06 × APACHE-II score 1.05 for infection 0.29 for metabolic acidosis 0 for 0.31 1.13 1.38 Admission category surgical for medical for trauma for neurology/neurosurgical 0 for 0.41 0.13 0.51 Morphine use none for 0.01-7.1 mg/24h for 7.2-18.6 mg/24h for >18.6 mg/24h 1.39 for use of sedatives 0.03 × urea concentration (mmol/L) 0.40 for urgent admission 0 for 0.55 2.70 2.84 Coma non-coma for drug-induced coma for miscellaneous coma for combination coma Note: Model was developed with data for 1,613 consecutive patients from one hospital ICU. Source: BMJ 2012;344:e420 (doi:10.1136/bmj.e420) IMNG M EDICAL M EDIA BY HEIDI SPLETE IMNG Medical News PEDIATRIC CHEST MEDICINE December 2012 13 저위험 소아천식 환자에서 매일 ICS 요법의 필요성은 떨어져 Low-Risk Kids With Asthma May Not Need Daily ICS IMNG Medical News VITALS SAN FRANCISCO – Children aged 12 years and older may be less likely to have asthma exacerbations than are younger children, according a 44-week trial in 288 children with mild, persistent asthma. Girls also may be less likely to have asthma exacerbations than are boys. The lower risk in girls and older children means that these patients probably don’t need inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) daily, but only for symptoms or rescue, said Dr. Joseph Gerald of the University of Major Finding: Over 44 weeks, almost 30% of boys but only 15% of girls with mild, persistent asthma had more than two exacerbations requiring oral corticosteroids. Data Source: This was a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of 288 children with mild, persistent asthma. Disclosures: The investigators said they have no relevant disclosures. Arizona, Tucson. “It’s a reasonable” approach that limits impaired growth and other potential ICS side effects when “the benefit to be gained from daily inhaled steroids is not that great,” he said at an international conference of the American Thoracic Society. The researchers randomized 72 children to daily ICS, 71 to rescue ICS only, 71 to combined treatment with ICS and inhaled albuterol, and 74 to placebo. The daily ICS regimen consisted of one 40-mcg puff of beclomethasone twice daily; combined treatment consisted of one 40-mcg puff of beclomethasone with each albuterol puff used for symptom relief. Dummy inhalers were used as needed to maintain blinding. The participants were 618 years old. Compared with placebo, all three ICS regimens reduced treatment failures (defined as more than two exacerbations requiring oral corticosteroids) in boys, in children 6-11 years old, and in children with allergic forms of the disease as indicated by eczema, positive skin tests, methacholine PC20 (a provocative concentration of methacholine causing a CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE Continued from previous page external validation study of data from patients admitted to four Dutch ICUs between Jan. 1 and Sept. 1, 2009. The pooled data included information from 3,056 patients aged 18 years and older. The researchers compared the predictions of patient delirium made using their model to predictions made by doctors and nurses in the hospital, using a convenience sample of 124 patients. The pooled area under the receiver operation charactertics curve (AUROC) for the PRE-DELIRIC model (0.85) was significantly higher than that for the doctors and nurses (0.59). No significant differences were seen in the predictions of ICU nurses, student ICU nurses, intensivists, fellow-intensivists, and residents, the researchers said. The findings were limited by the static nature of the model, which does not account for changes in health status that might affect the development of delirium. The researchers reported having no financial conflicts of interest. THE INVESTIGATORS WERE UNABLE TO SHOW A SIGNIFICANT BENEFIT FOR ANY ICS STRATEGY IN GIRLS. The investigators were unable to show a statistically significant benefit for any ICS strategy in girls, in children 12-18 years old, and in those with higher methacholine PC20 levels, lower IgE levels, negative skin tests, and no eczema. That’s probably not because inhaled steroids work better in boys and other responders, but rather because nonresponders had lower exacerbation rates in general, making it harder to detect a benefit, Dr. Gerald said. For example, although almost 30% of boys in the placebo group failed treatment, only 15.2% of girls (5 of 33) in the placebo group failed. Similarly, 26% of children aged 6-11 years (13 of 50) failed treatment in the placebo arm, but only 16.7% of children aged 12-18 years (4 of 24) did so. “We think the baseline [exacerbation] risk is what we are detecting here. [Nonresponders] started from a lower risk and just didn’t benefit as much,” Dr. Gerald said. The study did not determine the best ICS regimen among responders. Dr. Burt Lesnick, FCCP, comments: At CHEST 2012, on Oct. 23 at 4:30 p.m., a pro/con session is dedicated to this topic. Dr. Leonard Bacharier will present the “pro” position in favor of using intermittent ICS in mild asthma. Dr. Craig Schramm will present the “con” position. We encourage those interested to attend what should be a lively discussion. 간접흡연이 소아의 방광 기능에 문제를 가져올 수 있어 Secondhand Smoke May Harm Kids’ Bladders BY MICHELE G. SULLIVAN IMNG Medical News ATLANTA – Children exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke have an increased risk of urinary urgency, frequency, and incontinence, prospective data showed. Among children with these bladder symptoms, 28% were exposed to tobacco smoke on a daily basis – 13% higher than the overall child exposure rate in New Jersey, Dr. Kelly Johnson said at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association. In addition to irritating a child’s bladder, childhood exposure to tobacco smoke is directly linked to the development of bladder cancer as an adult, she said in a press briefing. Dr. Johnson, chief urology resident at the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, N.J., presented prospective data on 45 children, aged 4-17 years, who presented with irritative bladder symptoms – frequency, urgency, and incontinence. About half of the group (21) had very mild or mild symptoms, while the rest had moderate or severe symptoms. COMMENT BY M. ALEXANDER OTTO 20% fall in forced expiratory volume in 1 second) at or below 12.5 mg/dL, and IgE levels at or above 185 kU/L. For instance, 29.3% of boys (12 of 41) in the placebo group failed treatment, but only 2.4% of boys (1 of 42) in the daily ICS group did so. COMMENTARY Older children (those aged 12-18 years) did not benefit from daily ICS. Dr. Susan Millard, FCCP, comments: Now we have more information to tell parents who pollute their homes and cars with secondhand smoke. None of the children with mild scores were exposed to secondhand smoke on a daily basis, and none had mothers who smoked. However, 23% of those with moderate to severe scores had mothers who smoked, and 50% were exposed to smoke in a car on a regular basis. “On our measures of environmental tobacco smoke exposure, children with greater exposure had significantly higher symptom severity scores than children who weren’t exposed,” Dr. Johnson said. “This relationship was particularly striking for the younger children aged 4-10 years old.” Physicians who see children with bladder dysfunction should ask parents about smoke exposure, she advised. “It’s a teachable moment” that can have a long-lasting positive impact on both the child and the parent. Dr. Johnson said that she had no relevant financial disclosures. 14 PULMONARY PERSPECTIVES CHEST Physician • December 2012 COPD에 대한 생물표지자 Biomarkers in COPD Chest Imaging as Biomarkers in COPD biomarker discovery because the primary site of disease in COPD is the airways. To facilitate this research, international guidelines have been developed to promote standardization of methods for sputum collection and processing to ensure comparability of results across centers and between studies (Efthimiadis et al. Eur Respir J Suppl. 2002;37:19s). The most promising data have been generated with the cellular components of induced sputum. Sputum eosinophilia, for instance, defined as eosinophil counts 3% in the sputum, which affects about 25% of patients with COPD, is associated with increased clinical responsiveness to both inhaled and oral corticosteroids (Brightling et al. Lancet. 2000;356[9240]:1480; Brightling et al. Thorax. 2005;60[3]:193). Sputum neutrophilia, on the other hand, is associated with poor therapeutic responses or no therapeutic responses to corticosteroids. Sputum cell counts may also be used to classify etiologies for exacerbations. For instance, in approximately 30% of exacerbations, patients demonstrate a significant increase in sputum eosinophils, and these patients may be more responsive to corticosteroids than those with “pauciinflammatory” features in sputum (Bafadhel et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;184[6]:662). Assessment of proteins or mediators in induced sputum, on the other hand, does not appear to provide incremental information beyond that achieved by sputum cell differentials (Liesker et al. Respir Med. 2011;105[12]:1853). With the advent of high-resolution CT scans, several studies have evaluated the possibility of using CT scans to classify patients by phenotype to assess health outcomes in COPD. Compared with spirometry, the use of inspiratory and expiratory low-dose thoracic CT scans can provide diagnostic information regarding COPD with a positive predictive value of 76% and a negative predictive value of 79% (corresponding to a sensitivity of 63% and a specificity of 88%) in heavy current or ex-smokers with >16.5 pack-years of smoking history (Mets et al. JAMA. 2011;306[16]: 1775). Low-dose CT scans can also provide prognostic information. For instance, one study (Mohamed Hoesein et al. Thorax. 2011;66[9]:782) found that heavy smokers with evidence of emphysema on baseline CT scans experienced a rapid fall in lung function, especially those with upper lobe predominance. Another study (Yuan et al. Thorax. 2009;64[11]:944) found that smokers with emphysema had, on average, 15 to 20 mL/y greater decline in FEV1 on CT scans than those without emphysema. Moreover, the presence of emphysema on thoracic CT scan is associated with a two-fold increase in lung cancer risk compared with thoracic CT scans which do not demonstrate any emphysema (Zurawaska et al. Chest. 2012;[5]:). However, to date, there is little knowledge on whether the changes from emphysema on CT scans are modifiable or provide incremental prognostic or diagnostic information beyond that achieved with lung function measurements. Nevertheless, CT-based measurements are being used as surrogate endpoints for therapeutic evaluation of alpha1-antitrypsin augmentation therapies for emphysema related to alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency (Stockley et al. Respir Res. 2010;11:136). 1999 Sputum Parameters as Biomarkers in COPD Sputum is an attractive source of Table 1. Candidate Plasma or Serum Biomarkers Associated With Important Health Outcomes Reported in ECLIPSE Study and Lung Health Study Exacerbation Yes No data Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Possibly No data ACRP-30 = adipocyte complement-related protein of 30 25 kDa PARC/CCL-18 = pulmonary and activation-regulated chemokine/chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 18 Note: Adapted from Vestbo et al. N Engl J Med 2011;365[13]:1184; Sin et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011;183[9]:1187; Hurst et al. N Engl J Med 2010;363[12]:1128; Yoon H. et al. Chest Dec. 29, 2011 [doi:10.1378/chest.11-2173]. 2003 899 Other Sources of Biomarkers Various investigators have interrogated other sources for potential biomarkers. These include exhaled volatile gases Continued on following page Figure 1. Number of Publications in PubMed Identified Using the Search Terms ‘Biomarker’ and ‘COPD’ FEV1 Decline Yes Possibly No No No No data No data No No No No 200 Number of Publications Mortality No Yes Yes Yes 175 Yes No data No data 125 No Yes Yes 75 No data IMNG M EDICAL M EDIA Biomarker ACRP-30 Clara cell secretary protein 16 C-reactive protein Fibrinogen Interleukin-6 Interferon-inducible protein 10 Matrix metalloproteinase 9 Myeloid progenitor inhibitory factor 1 PARC/CCL-18 Surfactant protein-D Tumor necrosis factor-infinity 2001 Blood Parameters as Biomarkers in COPD The most promising source of biomarker in blood is plasma or serum. This area of investigation has ballooned in recent years with the realization that COPD is a systemic disorder with multiple extrapulmonary manifestations (Rabe et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2007;176[6]:532). There are several promising proteins that are candidate biomarkers in COPD (Table 1). The most promising are interleukin (IL)-6, surfactant protein-D, and Clara cell secretory protein (CC)-16. Of all the plasma proteins commonly assayed among patients with COPD, IL-6 has shown the strongest association with total mortality (Celli et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012;185[10]:1065). Lung-predominant proteins, such as surfactant protein-D and CC-16, have been associated with mortality and accelerated decline in lung function, respectively (Vestbo et al. N Engl J Med. 2011;365[13]:1184; Hurst et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;363[12]:1128). Plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) is a promising biomarker for diagnosing acute (bacterial) exacerbations and blood eosinophilia, defined by a peripheral blood eosinophil count of 2%, and it may be a therapeutic biomarker to predict steroid responsiveness in acute exacerbations (Bafadhel et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;184[6]:662). However, none of these biomarkers has high enough performance characteristics to be useful as a clinical tool. To enrich the pool of candidate protein biomarkers, some investigators have used unbiased or multiplex proteomics platforms. Although several promising peptides and proteins have been identified through this process, none of them are ready for clinical translation owing to poor performance characteristics, lack of reproducibility, or the high cost of assay development. Other investigators (Bhattacharya et al. J Clin Bioinforma. 2011;1[1]:12) have explored the possibility of using gene expression data as biomarkers in COPD. While the use of microarrays has led to the discovery of many differentially expressed genes between COPD and control 2011 subjects, 2015 2007 2009 limitations, which include lack of consistent reproducibility of findings across studies, the large number of false-positive results (owing to multiple comparisons), and the variability in the measurement of gene expression levels, have precluded the translation of research findings into clinical practice. 150 100 50 0 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Calendar Year 2008 2010 2012 IMNG M EDICAL M EDIA T he National Institutes of Health (NIH) defines biomarkers as “a characteristic (or variable) that is objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal biologic processes, pathogenic processes, or pharmacologic responses to a therapeutic intervention.” In practical terms, a biomarker is an objective and reproducible measurement that reflects how patients or individuals feel, function, or survive with the disease in question. Clinically, biomarkers can be used for diagnosis, prognosis, severity assessment, staging of disease, and monitoring disease activity or clinical response to therapeutic interventions. In clinical trials, biomarkers are used as surrogate endpoints for patient-focused clinical outcomes such as survival. In COPD, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) currently indicates that “with exception of the lung function tests, there are no well-validated biomarkers or surrogate endpoints that can be used to establish efficacy of a drug for COPD.” Although FEV1 is relatively easy to obtain, highly reproducible, and tracks certain health outcomes in COPD, it is not an ideal biomarker for COPD because it is hard to modify with therapies, does not reflect disease activity, and correlates only loosely with clinically important health endpoints such as mortality, hospitalization, and even the quality of life of patients. Thus, over the past decade, there has been an explosion of research activities to identify and discover novel biomarkers in COPD. A quick search of PubMed using search terms “biomarker” and “COPD” reveals an exponential growth in the number of publications in the literature since 2000 (Fig 1), reflecting the growing interest in discovering novel biomarkers in COPD using noninvasive or minimally invasive procedures. This paper provides a short synopsis on the current state of knowledge on COPD biomarkers. PULMONARY PERSPECTIVES December 2012 Continued from previous page SUMMARY such as nitric oxide, exhaled breath condensate, bronchoscopic brushings, and BAL fluid and urine. Although some interesting findings have been generated in these studies, there are major limitations with all of these sources, including invasiveness of test FEV1 이외에도 객담내의 호산구분획, 혈액 내의 CRP, IL-6, 사망률 또는 폐기능 악화 등과 관련. 대규모 코호트를 이용한 유전 학적 분석정보가 새로운 생물표지자로서 기대된다. in the case of bronchoscopy and lack of reproducibility of data in the case of other sources, which preclude their use in the clinic. Summary and Future Directions Research on biomarker discovery in COPD is progressing at a rapid pace. There are several promising biomarkers on the horizon. In the sputum, eosinophilia is a promising biomarker for COPD exacerbation and steroid responsiveness. In the blood, promising plasma proteins include C-reactive protein (for exacerbation, especially if the levels are >10 mg/L), IL-6 (for predicting total mortality), and CC-16 (for predicting accelerated decline in lung function). Additionally, blood eosinophilia (>2% of total cell count) may be a good predictor of steroid responsiveness in acute exacerbations. Evolving technology in gene sequencing, micro-RNA interrogation, and robust, high throughput proteomics, coupled with large scale cohort studies in COPD (eg, ECLIPSE [Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate Endpoints], SPIROMICS [Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study], COPDGene, CanCOLD [Canadian Cohort of Obstructive Lung Disease]) will enable identification, validation, and qualification of even better bio- 15 markers in the near future for the diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring of therapeutics in COPD. Dr. Jin Woo Kim UBC James Hogg Research Centre Vancouver, BC, Canada The Catholic University of Korea Department of Internal Medicine Division of Pulmonology Seoul, Korea Dr. Don D. Sin, FCCP UBC James Hogg Research Centre St. Paul’s Hospital Department of Medicine Respiratory Division Vancouver, BC, Canada 음악칼럼 보로딘 현악사중주 제2번 D장조 Alexander Borodin String quartet No.2 D major 오 재 원 교수 한양대학교구리병원 소아청소년과 보로딘은 평소 “나의 일은 과학이고, 음악은 취미이다.”라면 서 스스로 ‘일요작곡가’라 칭할 정도로 음악은 단순한 취미정 도처럼 말하곤 하였지만 그의 음악세계는 결코 아마추어 영역 에 머물러 있지 않았다. 오스트리아 명지휘자 바인가르트너는 “러시아와 러시아 국민성을 알려면 차이코프스키의 교향곡 제 6번 <비창>과 보로딘 교향곡 제2번을 듣는 것으로 충분하다.” 라고 말할 정도로 그는 큐이, 발라키레프, 무소륵스키, 림스키 코르사코프와 함께 러시아 민족주의 국민악파 5인조로 러시아 음악을 대변하는 작곡가 중 한 명이었다. 흥미로운 것은 이들 국민악파 5인중 음악을 전공한 사람은 아무도 없다. 보로딘은 화학을 전공하였고 모교인 페테르부르크 의과대학 병리학교수 이었고, 발라키레프는 수학을 전공하였고 무소륵스키는 육군사 관학교 출신이었고, 림스키코르사코프는 해군학교 출신이었다. 이러한 이력의 배경으로 그들은 서유럽의 기성 음악형식에 얽 매이지 않고 흙냄새가 물씬 풍기는 슬라브 민족의 향토적인 선 율에 기초하여 작품을 쓸 수 있었다. 보로딘의 대표 작품으로 는 3개의 교향곡, 2개의 현악사중주와 오페라 <이고르 공>, 교 향시 <중앙아시아의 초원에서> 등이 있다. 오페라 <이고르 공>은 러시아 국민주의 대표적인 오페라로 국민악파 5인조의 이론적 지도자인 블라디미르 스타코프의 권유로 1869년부터 작곡하였 는데 10년 동안 부분적으로만 작곡되어 그가 사망할 당시엔 대 부분 초고인 미완의 상태로 남아있었다. 보로딘이 사망한 후에 야 그의 동료인 림스키코르사코프와 제자 글라주노프가 공동 으로 작품을 정리 보충하여 완성하게 된다. 특히 이 오페라 제 2막에 등장하는 ‘폴로비치안 댄스’는 보로딘이 합창 중심으로 쓴 곡을 림스키코르사코프가 관현악곡으로 편곡한 곡으로 보 로딘만의 동양적 우수와 화려한 색채를 띠며 요즘에도 많이 연 주되고 있다. 보로딘은 그루지야 지방 호족의 후예인 루커스 게데아노프 공작의 사생아로 페테르부르크에서 태어난 사생아였기에 아버 지의 성을 따르지 못하고 농노였던 포르피리 보로딘의 아들로 입적되었다. 아마 그의 음악에 동양적 요소가 깔려있는 것도 생 부의 동양적 혈통과 무관하지 않다. 페테르부르크 의과대학 교 수시절 성격이 온화하고 친근했던 그는 가난한 친척과 친구, 동 료 과학자들이 항상 그의 집에 북적거려 언제나 집안은 북새통 이었고, 하이델베르크 유학 시절 결혼한 피아니스트인 아내 에 카테리나는 폐결핵으로 항상 병상에 누워 지냈다. 이런 와중에 그가 어떻게 작곡에 몰두할 수 있었는지는 아직도 수수께끼로 남아 있다. 1880년대에는 과중한 업무와 급격히 나빠진 건강 때문에 거의 작곡할 시간적인 여유가 없었으며 1886년 어느 무 도회에서 갑자기 심장마비를 일으켜 사망하게 된다. 현악사중주 제2번은 차이코프스키의 현악사중주 제1번 <안단 테 칸타빌레>와 함께 러시아 실내악 작품 가운데 가장 뛰어난 수작으로 뽑을 수 있다. 이 현악사중주는 그의 작품세계가 원 숙한 시절의 사중주로 보로딘이 그의 아내를 위해 작곡한 작품 이다. 제3악장 녹턴에서 첼로와 바이올린이 번갈아 들려주는 선 율은 바로 이 사랑하는 연인들이 나누는 달콤한 사랑이야기를 그리고 있다. 전반적으로 러시아의 서정성이 풍부하게 묘사되 어 있다. 제1악장 Allegro moderato 마치 물 흐르는 느낌의 유려한 선율 로 그린 아름답고 투명한 주제가 노래되면서 그 주변에 파도와 같은 반주가 계속된다. 잠시 후 약간 심오한 분위기의 선율로 넘어가면서 계속되는 반음들에 의해 마치 폭포수처럼 흘러내리 면서 절정을 이루고 마지막에는 고요하게 잔잔해지며 막을 내 린다. 제2악장 Scherzo Allegro 재치 발랄한 선율로 분위기가 전환 되면서 시종 빠른 멜로디로 가다가 재치 있게 조용히 피치카토 로 결말을 맺는다. 제3악장 Nocturne Andante 러시아 평원을 그린 듯 매우 서정 적이고 고아한 아름다움으로 가득 찬 선율로 가슴을 시리게 한 다. 3부 형식이며 이 감동은 더욱 깊은 감동으로 젖어들게 하 면서 그 시린 가슴이 꿈속의 선율처럼 차분하게 가라앉는다. 제4악장 Finale Andante-Vivace 조용한 첼로 위로 빠른 갑자 기 선율의 비올라가 등장하면서 분위기가 전환된다. 앞 다투어 서로 번갈아가며 멜로디를 노래하면서 멋진 화음으로 결말을 맺는다. 들을만한 음반 보로딘 현악사중주단[Decca, 1962] 드롤츠 현악사중주단[DG, 1970] 보로딘 현 악사중주 단[Melo diya, 1 982] , 1994] 단[Alto 주 중 사 비치 쇼스타코
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