Proceedings of the Eleventh (2001) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Stavanger, Norway, June 17-22, 2001 Copyright © 2001 by Tile International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers ISBN 1-880653-51-6 (Set); ISBN 1-880653-53-2 (VoL II); ISSN 1098-6189 (Set) Sample Quality Evaluation of Soft Clays Using Six Types of Samplers Masanori Tanaka, Hiroyuki Tanaka and Dinesh R. Shiwakoti Port and Harbour Research Institute Yokosuka, Japan ABSTRACT based on the assumption that strong relationship exists between residual effective stress and shear strength of soil. The validity of such assumptions has also been investigated in this paper. To investigate the effect of sampling method in sample quality, six types of samplers were used and three boring methods were employed to retrieve coastal clays of Japan (Ariake), Thailand (Bangkok), and United Kingdom (Bothkennar). Unconfined compression tests and residual effective stress measurements were carried out in soil samples taken by the various types of samplers and sampling methods. It has been found that the sample quality from the Japanese sampler is equivalent to that of the large diameter Laval sampler and Sherbrooke sampler. Sample quality of Japanese sampler is significantly influenced by the method of boring. SAMPLE DISTURBANCE BASED ON SAMPLER TYPES SAMPLER TYPES USED Since there is no international standard or unified code on sampler types and sampling methods, various types of samplers are being used in various countries based on the characteristics of soil, availability of regional expertise and technology, and subjective preferences of geotechnical engineers. In this research 6 distinct types of samplers being used in practice in various countries have been investigated. Table 1 shows main feature of these samplers, and are briefly described below. KEY WORDS: sampling method, residual effective stress, shear strength, shear modulus, sample disturbance, soft clay, boring method Table 1 Main features of samplers INTRODUCTION Sampler type Geotechnical engineers have recognized the importance of sample quality in evaluating reliable design parameters. However, although some countries or organizations have developed their own sampling methods suitable for their soil conditions and characteristics, still there is no international standard for collecting undisturbed soils. Similarly, although the measurement methods of residual effective stress of soil is getting easier and more precise than before due to the advancement of technology, there is no internationally accepted standard method for suction measurement and for the evaluation of the sample quality. In this paper influences of samplers and sampling techniques in sample quality have been investigated using six types of samplers and the corresponding sampling techniques for several clay deposits. Some researchers (e. g. Hight et at., 1992) have claimed that residual effective stress of a soil reduces with storage time. We have checked the p h e n o m e n a o f residual effective stress, and compared our results with the data available in literature. Some researchers (e. g. Shogaki, 1995) have been insisting that the residual effective stress of samples can be estimated, even if the samples are disturbed, and therefore, shear strength of a ground can be estimated from it. Such ideas are Inside Sampler diameter length (ram) (ram) Sample Thicklength hess (mm) (ram) Area Inside Piston ratio~ clearance (%) ratio" (%) Developer JPN 75 1000 800 1.5 7.5 0 SHT 72 610 500 1.65 8.6 I yes Japanese Geotechnical Society no ASTM D1587 NGI 54 768 650 0.5 yes ELE 101 500 330 1.7 6.4 0 LVL 208 660 600 4 7.3 0 SS 250 ~ 350 13 42 Norwagean Geotechnical Institute yes Engineering Lab. Equipmem, UK no Laval University, I Canada no Sherbrooke University, Canada l):sample diameter 2): (Do:-D~:)/D," × 100 where, Do: outer diameter o f sampler, D,: tip diameter of sampler 3) : (D,-D.)/Do × 100 where. D,: inner diameter o f sampler a) Japanese fixed piston sampler (JPN or Japanese sampler) Japanese stationary piston sampler has been specified by Japanese Geotechnical Society (JGS, 1995). This sampler is the most common type of sampler used in Japan (Adachi, 1979). Tube of this sampler has inner diameter of 75 mm and length of sample that can be obtained is 800 ram. Extension inner rods are used to fix the piston in the tube. 493 b) Shelby tube sampler (SHT) On the other hand, Shelby tube is an open drive sampler without a piston, and has been specified by ASTM (D1587). This sampler is extensively used in practice in many parts of the world. Samples of 72 mm in diameter and 500 mm in length can be obtained from SHT. c) NGI sampler (NGI) NGI sampler, developed by Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, is a stationary piston sampler with extension inner rods (Andersen and Kolstad, 1979). Since this is a composite type sampler, its thickness and area ratio are several times larger, compared with other tube samplers. Sample obtained using NGI sampler is 54 mm in diameter and 650 mm in length. sample obtained using this sampler. SAMPLE DISTURBANCE Figure 1 shows typical s t r e s s - s t r a i n curves of Ariake clay at a depth of l0 m, obtained by unconfined compression tests using various samplers described above (Tanaka and Tanaka, 1999). The curves for the specimen obtained by JPN and LVL sampler are almost identical, and their corresponding peak shear strengths and secant moduli are practically equal. The shear strength and secant modulus from Sherbrooke sampler are the greatest of all samplers used in this investigation. On the contrary, Shelby tube and ELE sampler highly underestimate the peak shear strength and also yield large strain at failure. d) ELE sampler (ELE) 40 ELE sampler was developed by the Engineering Laboratory Equipment in England. This sampler is also a stationary piston sampler. Sample obtained using this sampler is 101 mm in diameter and 330 mm in length. Although the dimensions of ELE are different from that of JPN, the mechanism and treatment are almost same for both the ELE and JPN samplers. .' ' ' ' i L 35 2 ' ' I <> . d k L ' ' ' t ' ' ' L '"" <~ • JPN ~. × S.T I; NGI I~ [] E Eli" t~ 25 F- a- v e) Laval sampler (LVL) O-= • e ~ ' xXXx ~"^~x~ L "~ ~<~Z~~ 15 ~ ss o ~ v 5 J~ Sherbrooke sampler (SS) ~ A ~ depth o XX 1 ,,,x .L~.x x 10 0 Sherbrooke sampler was developed by the University of Sherbrooke in Canada (Lefebvre and Poulin, 1979). This sampler is not a tube sampler. It has three rotating cutting tools. During sampling, water or bentonite mud is fed in from the surface to help carve the sample, which flows out from the c u t t i n g tools. Photo 1 shows a view o f the SS s a m p l e r and a 2O ~4 Laval sampler was developed by the Geotechnical group at Laval University in Canada (La Rochelle et al., 1981). A ball valve keeps vacuum in the tube while the sample is lifted up. Sample obtained from this sampler is 208 mm in diameter and 600 mm in length. ~ 2 4 6 strain 8 f lOm 10 12 14 (~) Fig. 1 Typical stress-strain curves of Ariake clay I ' r , • i[ 4 I ~ I xx ' I' I ' I' i' ~ i'' ~ l 0 LVL [ xx'~ s: 10 JPN succPT) oa • <> x " x~ 4 , "o 15 x 20 I I I 10 i i 20 X I ×1 30 qu/2 (a) shear I [] ~ tt 40 50 i t 60 o rlllll,l,,,O,5, ~ (kPa) strength z 3 4 ~, (b) strain o LVL S I 6 7 (%) at failure Fig. 2 Strength profile of Ariake clay Figure 2 shows the profiles of undrained strengths (qJ2) as well as strains at failure (el) of Ariake clay, obtained by the six types of samplers. Also included in the figure is the undrained shear strength, s,(CPT), profile obtained by cone penetration test (CPT), as defined below. su(CPT) Photo 1 Soil sampling at Ariake using Sherbrooke sampler 494 (qt-cvo) Nkt (1) where, Table 3 Comparison of s, from unconfined compression, laboratory vane shear and triaxial tests normalized by .% ofJPN (P) s~ (CPT): Undrained shear strength from CPT qt: Corrected cone resistance O'v0: Overburden pressure, in total stress Nkt: Cone factor Inside Since strength profile of a soil varies with depth, and since sampling depths of all the sampler types might not always correspond with each other, it is essential to establish a standard benchmark strength profile against which the performance of various samples could be tested. For this reason, a standard benchmark undrained shear strength [s~(CPT)] profile has been defined using the point resistance qt measured from CPT. Cone factor (Nkt) of 10 has been derived by comparing the CPT strength profile with the strength profile obtained by field vane shear t e s t s . Comparing the undrained strength profiles obtained by various samplers with that of CPT, it is evident that values from JPN, LVL and SS samplers are very close to the benchmark strength profile. Strength profile obtained by NGI samplers is in slightly lower side, however, the result is still not so low compared to the benchmark strength profile. Thus, JPN, LVL, SS and NGI samplers provide reliable strength results. But, the strength values from SHT and ELE samplers have large scatter and consistently underestimate the strength values throughout the soil profile. This suggests that strengths obtained by SHT and ELE are not reliable. It is interesting to note that ELE provides significantly underestimates the strength of a soil, despite its significantly large tube diameter (101 mm). Strain at failure (el) is also an indicator of level of sample disturbance. Generally speaking, larger the ey, higher the degree of sample disturbance. Figure 2(b) shows corresponding strength profile data of Figure 2(a). As can be seen, er for SS, JPN and LVL samples do not exceed 3.5 at any point in the profile. In general, ELE yields largest er followed closely by SHT. Position of NGl samples falls in between these two groups. Mean values and standard deviations of erfor various samplers from Figure 2(b) have been calculated and tabulated in Table 2. For SS, JPN and LVL samples, efc,~) is less than 3%, while it is significantly larger than 3% for the NGI, SHT, ELE, in increasing order. It is also interesting to note that standard deviation from the mean strain at failure of JPN sample is even lower than that of SS, and that of ELE is the largest. SS JPN LVL NGI SHT ELE (RB) 2' (RB) (RB) (RB) (RB) (RB) 2.70 2.81 2.95 3.56 3.67 3.76 SD ~ 0.50 0.44 0.70 0.38 0.59 1.16 ratio J P N ( O ) ~,.4, SHT 4 O O I nI 17 20 m ~ 1.00 0.74 16 q J2 0.53 n 11 10 5 (Lab. vane) m 1.00 0.98 0.68 ~'~ ~'~ n 27 24 12 (CIUC) m 1.00 0.91 0.88 of samples 1) n: n u m b e r 2) m: normalized 3) JPN (P) :Japanese f~xed piston sampler, JPN (O): 4) JPN (O) figure by strength obtained from JPN (P) Japanese open sampler a n d S H T are i d e n t i c a l a c c e p t the d e f e r e n c e in c l e a r a n c e ratio 1%. Many textbooks including ASTM D1587 state that the inside clearance ratio of a sampling tube should be increased with an increase in plasticity index of a soil. It has, however, been established that if the inside clearance ratio is eliminated, sample quality of soft soils gets greatly improved. This point has largely been overlooked by many geotechnical engineers, and m a n y others may not even bother to think of this issue. Table 3 shows average normalized strengths of Kinkai site obtained by open tube samplers having clearance ratios of 0 and 1% (Tanaka et al., 1996). The soil strengths of samples obtained by these two samplers were measured by unconfined compression tests, laboratory vane tests and triaxial compression tests. Resulting strengths have been normalized by corresponding strengths of fixed piston sampler having inside clearance ratio of 0%. As can be seen from Table 3, depending upon the test type, strength increase of as high as 47% can be achieved by reducing the inside clearance ratio from 1% to 0%. Second major reason for strength reduction by SHT is due to its not having fixed piston. As shown in Table 2, strength underestimation due to not providing a fixed piston could be as much as 26%. ELE yielded the lowest strengths of all, which is quite surprising because, it has been believed that larger the sample diameter, better the sample quality. It may be noted that inner diameter ratios of ELE and JPN are both 1.35. Area ratio of ELE is even lower than that of JPN, as shown in Table 1. All the sampling mechanisms of ELE are identical to JPN. Therefore, ELE was expected to yield better quality sample than that of JPN sample. If we look at the ratio of retrieved sample length (Ls) to sample diameter (Di), JPN sample has the Ls/Di of 10.7, while the ELE has Ls/Di of only 3.2. Even if we consider that a sample gets disturbed as far as 1.5De on both sides due to end effects, it can be visualized that, along the ELE sampler tube, almost all the samples gets disturbed due to the end effects. Similarly, large area ratio and existence of 0.5% inside clearance ratio of NGI are believed to be the principal causes of strength underestimation by this sampler (Table 1). Table 2 Mean of strain at failure •t- .... (%) clearance (%5 JPN(P) ~ Piston No Yes No Yes No Yes BORING METHODS AND SAMPLE DISTURBANCE 1) SD: standard deviation of strain 2) RB: samples obtained by rotary boring In this research, three types of drilling methods were investigated to examine sample disturbance associated with boring. Two types of pre-boring (PB) methods namely, rotary boring (RB) and wash boring (WB), and a displacement boring (DB) method examined in this research, have been described below. Reasons for strength underestimation by various samplers: The reasons for underestimation of shear strength values by ELE sample and SHT sample are as follows. SHT has two distinct problems: firstly, its tube has inside clearance ratio of 495 PRE-BORING METHODS AND SAMPLE DISTURBANCE a) Pre-boring methods: (i) Rotary boi'ing method (RB) In Japan, rotary boring method, which is a pre-boring method, is commonly used for sampling. Before sampling, borehole o f uniform diameter is made using drilling bit by rotating and pushing the bit into the soil. Cuttings are generally transported to the ground surface by drilling fluid (IMSSCS, 1981). After that, the borehole is protected by casing or drilling mud. To retrieve soil sample using Japanese sampler and sampling method, first the JPN sampler is lowered to the bottom o f the borehole. Position of the sampler piston is then fixed by locking the upper end of the extension rod to a suitable point of the drilling tower. The sampler tube is then penetrated into the ground by drilling rod to retrieve the sample. (ii) Wash boring method (WB) This method is commonly used in some Asian countries. In this method, borehole is advanced by chopping and twisting actions of a cutting bit with jetting of water from the tip o f the bit. In wash boring sampling method using SHT, the sampler is set at the bottom of the borehole. Then, the sampler is penetrated into the ground by drilling rod and the sample is retrieved. b) Sample disturbance in pre-boring method: Figure 3 compares th~ strengths and ef profiles of Bangkok soil samples obtained by rotary boring and wash boring methods. The q,/2 values obtained by Japanese sampler using rotary boring method (JPN (RB)) are considerably larger than that obtained by SHT sampler using wash boring method (SHT (WB)). It can be seen that strength reduction o f samples obtained by (SHT (WB)) is more than 50% compared to that by (JPN (RB)). 0 I , I , I ' I , i ' J 2 )< 4 SHT(wJPN(RB)B)I I • xj • JPN(RB) X SHT(W B) DISPLACEMENT BORING METHOD AND SAMPLE DISTURBANCE a) Displacement boring (DB) method In practice, displacement boring method is generally used to retrieve samples using NGI and ELE samplers. Therefore, in this research, to investigate the effect o f displacement boring on sample quality, soil samples were retrieved using displacement boring method by Japanese samplers. Figure 4 shows a diagram o f displacement boring procedure. In this method, until the desired sampling depth is reached, sampler is pushed into the ground without making a borehole. While pushing the sampler down to the desired depth, position o f the piston relative to the sampler is fixed by a locking mechanism such that tip o f the piston flushes out o f the sampler. When the sampler tip reaches the sampling depth, the piston is unlocked from the sampler, and then the sampler is penetrated to the desired final sampling depth, to retrieve a sample. I XO 6 £ X• ________J I ' ' ' ' JyJ Ariake clay is almost equal to that of Bangkok soil. It then, follows that ef of SHT (RB) is not likely to exceed 5% for Bangkok soil. Therefore, it implies that wash boring for Bangkok soil caused additional 5-10% increase in ef. Wash boring invariably induces vibration to surrounding soil during the boring operation, the intensity and extent o f which depends on machine type, soil type and the skill of the operator. In worst case, hydro- fracturing is also likely to occur in WB. Therefore, a sample is likely to get more disturbed in WB. On the contrary, RB cuts soils without exerting vibration and disturbance. Therefore, the resulting sample disturbance by RB is minimum. × • -s 8 - X • gl0 • 12 • x 14 16 • • [ n i , l i [ , I , 0 20 40 60 80 100120 qu/'Z (kPa) • Bangkok ~x IIF +r , , , + i + , , , I , + , ! S 10 S Ef (~) (a) shear strength (b) s t r a i n at f a i l u r e Fig. 3 Comparison between boring methods soil s a m p l e Similarly, ey values o f JPN (RB) are 2-3%, while that of SHT (WB) vary between 5 to 15%. Although no direct evidences are available to estimate the extent o f sample disturbance due to WB relative to that o f R B , a comparison of ef of JPN (RB) and SHT (RB) from Figure 2(b) (and Table 2) with e f o f JPN (RB) and SHT (WB) from Figure 3(b)'can be done. Core boring was done for JPN and SHT for the Ariake soil shown in Figure 2(b), which shows that the resulting strain difference between JPN and SHT is not due to the difference in boring method, but due to the difference in sampling method. For JPN (RB) samples, eRmea,Ois 2.81, and that is 3.67 for SHT samples. Furthermore, Figure 2(b) suggests that, for RB, ef has not exceeded 4.5% at any depth. Comparing the tf o f JPN (RB) for Bangkok soil and Ariake soil, it can be seen that efof tube Fig. 4 Diagram of displacement procedure b) Sample disturbance in displacement boring method Figure 5 compares the profiles of normalized undrained shear strength and ef for Ariake clay obtained by RB and DB methods for JPN, NGI, and ELE samplers. It is clear that JPN sampler with RB method invariably yields the highest strength. Similarly, regardless o f boring methods, ELE samplers yield the 496 • JPN(RB) O JPN(DB) I • NGI(RB) = NG I(OB) I @ ELE(RB) o ELE(DB)I •. ,' Regulator _. "~,'" .-/Mr ~'fCS$IIUO ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4"-- u , ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ariake i Cell o oo 5 ooo o * • o o I I=., I • io c •~ • Spec~en m x: o ~o e *• * o 0 s o @ 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (q~/2)/s CeramicDisc [ DataLogger j A.E.V. 1981d~ * o • • 0 • "c ,o ol l0 I • • D o oo I im ~ 1.2 (CPT) Ca) s t r a r g l t h r:ormalized by su(CFf) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 wa%~" --.t. 7 e, (%) (b) strain at failure I m Pore"eaterpressure "98~4911ff~a l Fig. 5 Comparison of rotary with displacement methods Fig. 6 Suction measurement apparatus lowest strength. It can be seen that, in general, displacement method yields lower undrained strength for JPN as well as NGI samplers. Figure 5 shows, that JPN (DB) underestimates the undrained shear strength o f Ariake soil by as much as 20-30%, compared to that of JPN (RB). Similarly, NGI (DB) underestimates %,12 typically by 5-10%, compared to that by NGI (RB). However, the trend is not clear for ELE sampler. Looking at the etprofile for JPN sampler (Figure 5b), it can be seen that, in general, ef of JPN (RB) is smaller than that o f JPN (DB). For example, in average, e f o f JPN (DB) increased by about 13% when compared to that of JPN (RB). However, the trends for ELE and NGI are not clear, and it seems that regardless o f boring methods, e/ values do not change significantly for these samplers. The results indicate that DB induces sample disturbance to a variable degree, depending upon the dimension o f sampler as well as the overall quality of the sample. For JPN sampler, which has the best performance among the three types o f samplers, reductions in strength as well as increases in efare the largest, when RB is replaced by DB. NGI sampler, which retrieves medium quality sample, shows somewhat decrease in strength but no clear trend in change o f failure strain can be seen due to the use o f DB method. This may be explained by two points, firstly because the sample retrieved by NGI sampler is already moderately disturbed, and therefore, the effect o f boring method is not as pronounced as in the case o f JPN sampler. The other reason is that since the tube diameter o f NGI sampler is quite small compared to ELE or JPN sampler, the extent o f disturbance caused by DB method is not significant. On the other hand, in case o f ELE, since there has been already very large disturbance caused by the sampling method, the results are not sensitive to the type o f boring. soil. In this research, characteristics o f a', have been investigated and the results have been compared with the data available in literature. Furthermore, to examine the claim that G 'r of a soil reduces with storage time, response of o"r with time has also been investigated. MEASUREMENT OF RESIDUAL EFFECTIVE STRESS OF SOIL Figure 6 shows schematic diagram of suction measurement apparatus used. It consists of a ceramic disc, a pore pressure transducer, inner and outer cells, a data logger and a personal computer (PC). The pore pressure transducer can measure pore water pressure from -98 to 491 kPa. Air entry value of the ceramic disc is 200 kPa. The inner cell protects specimen from drying. To measure the suction and also to determine unconfined compressive strength from the same specimen, soil specimen was trimmed with a wire saw to the dimension of 35 mm diameter and 80 mm height. Specimen thus prepared was first subjected to (7', measuring test, and then to unconfined compression test. To measure the tYr, t h e specimen was placed on a saturated ceramic il v %0' -j a.6m m !:l ° t!'6ml :i I :, ...~'..(:°° °° ° °olo o o o o o 4 o o o o o o b o o ! ~-'-~3~tO I0 rlEIDOEIt30 tt3QCal313Ulht30.O io i <> ! g 10 %. g RESIDUAL EFFECTIVE STRESS AND SAMPLE QUALITY EVALUATION .... o~ ............................................................................... : Ar i a k e : °°°° ° o o ~ > o o o o o o o : o°°°oooooooo~oOoo Some researchers have been insisting that the residual effective stress (G'~) o f samples can be estimated, even if the samples are disturbed, and therefore, shear strength o f the ground can be estimated from it. Such ideas are based on the assumption that strong relationship exists between o"r and shear strength o f 15 . . . . . . . . . 200 400 elapsed i . . . . . . . . . 600 time 800 (see) Fig. 7 Typical (7'r monitoring data 497 o 1000 1200 0.3 0.2 I I I I O, 25 O 3 W~ek~7~) I • on-site(9m) [] 3Woeks(8m) • on-slto(lOm) J 0.15 . Ariake . ~ 0.1 ~ I 0.2 • 0.15 • o 40 50 o [2 0.1 O.05 ~JPN(6.4m I I On s i t e 3 weeks O,05 JPN(IO.4m)I ELE(6,2m) ELE(IO.2•) I I I 2 months 0 10 20 Distance 2 years 30 fro• the sa•pler 60 70 80 edge(c•) Fig. 8 Variation in effective stress with storage time Fig. 10 Effective stress and distance from the sample edge disc and its negative pressure was monitored until it attained a constant value, which was taken as o"r of the specimen. Figure 7 shows a typical o"r monitoring data of Holocene clay. As can be seen, negative pore pressure decreases with time, and it takes about 20-30 minutes to achieve crr. To investigate the time effect on or'r, suction measurements were done immediately after the sampling, as well as three weeks, two months and two years after the sampling. Figure 8 shows a typical relationship between o"r and sample storage time for JPN (RB) samples and ELE samples of Ariake clay. It may be noted that values of o"r have been normalized by the corresponding effective overburden pressures (o"~0). Figure 8 reveals that o'~ from JPN sampler, which yielded good quality samples, doesn't change with storage time. On the other hand, o", from ELE, which yielded had quality samples, has low value immediately after the sampling, but the values of three weeks, two months and two years of sampling are almost constant. Thus, for ELE samples, suction measurement immediately after the sampling showed low values of o"~ due to poor sample quality. However, its o", did not change with storage time. SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF RESIDUAL EFFECTIVE STRESS To investigate the influence of sample extraction time on soil properties, soil samples were extruded at various time intervals after sampling. Sample extrusion time is defined as the time duration from the time of sampling to the time of sample extrusion from the sampling tube. Figure 9 shows a schematic view of G'r distribution along the sample length obtained by Japanese sampler. Distribution characteristics of cr ~ along the tube length of samples extruded from the tube immediately after sampling and after three weeks of sampling have been shown. As can be seen, if a sample is extruded immediately after sampling, resulting o'r is distributed non-uniformly; there is lager stress concentration n e a r front edge of sampler, which gradually becomes smaller towards the rear edge. As shown in lower part of the figure, if a sample is not extracted from the sampling tube immediately after the sampling, o"r gets re-distributed along the tube, with a reduction of (7', near the front edge, and an increase towards the rear end, thereby setting more uniform stress distribution. These results suggest that, samples should be extruded from sampler immediately after the sampling, and should be cut into suitable pieces and preserved, in order to retain initial G'r condition of each piece. Figure 10 shows the relationship between o"r and distance from the sampler edge, for samples extruded immediately after sampling and after three weeks of sampling. The cr'r in each sampler has larger value near its front edge, which keeps on reduc!ng away from sampler front edge. It may also be noted that the or, obtained from in-situ measurement are lager than that from samples extruded three weeks after sampling. The effect is more pronounced, especially near the front edge. This suggests that if a sample is kept in the sampling tube without extruding it out from the sampler, re-distribution of O"r takes place with time, in which reduction of stress takes place near the front edge of the sample and increase in stress takes place towards the rear edge. Figure 11 shows the relationship between undrained shear strength and distance from the sampler edge, for the corresponding samples of Figure 10. Data for two types of samples have been included, one series of samples were extruded immediately after the sampling, while the other series of samptes were extruded three weeks after sampling. It can be seen that in immediatelyaftersampling , O"~r / 0 10 ~ 3 weeksaftersampling I I I I I I I 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 (cm) front edge 1) samplenumber JPN sampler rear edge Fig. 9 Schematic view of residual effective stress distribution 498 0.3 l ] 0 3 Woeks(Tm) • on-site(9~) the vicinity o f the front edge, q,,/2 of in-situ sampler is larger than that o f the sample extruded three weeks after sampling. Thus, this result also suggests that, after the sampling, we need to extrude samples as soon as possible. 3Weoks(Sm) 0.25 I I on-site(lO=) i - ~ EVALUATION OF SOIL PROPERTIES FROM Or' O.2~- i t~ 0,15 o D o • • o 40 50 To examine the relationship between (r'~ and engineerin~ properties of soils, case studies of Bothkennar and Ariake site have been done. Ariake site is located 1000 km south-west o~ Tokyo in Japan, while Bothkennar site is located 50 km west o~ Edinburgh in United Kingdom. Figures 12 and 13 show typical soil profile of Ariake and Bothkennar clay deposits. Ariake site has clay deposit frorr ground surface to G.L. -18m, while the Bothkennar site has cla2, deposit from surface to G.L. - 1 9 m. Particle density of Ariak~ clay (typical value: 2.60-2.66) is lower than that o f Bothkennal (typical value: 2.70). Distinct feature o f Ariake site is that it., water content (typically: 75-I 50%) is larger than its liquid l i m i t yielding liquidity index of more than unity throughout the depth Plasticity index o f Ariake clay (60-110) is significantly higher El 0'I I r 0.05 ~I t 0 I ~0 20 30 60 70 80 Distance from the sampler edge(cm) Fig 11 Shear stress distribution with distance from the sampler edge I I I ' I ' ] ' I ' ' I ~ I I I ' A• A El ' •oO I I I o• • •; o o silt 13 A• Z3.• a¥ °11 10 g m D ,Se A• e 15 Z~ ~ Am 20 2.5 , I , 2.6 density I of part icles 2. 20 40 60 80 gradation (g/cm ~) WL Wp El o El•Z3. -4 t I T I ~ , I ~I 50 100 150 200 250 , 2.7 soil A m 100 •ater (~) content e I .2 ~ I 1.3 ~ 1,4 wet d e n s i t y (~) I , , 1,5 I , 50 .6 I , 100 I r 150 200 c o n s o l i d a t ion y i e l d s t r e s s (kPa) (g/cm s) Fig. 12 Soil profile of Ariake clay I I 1 ' I ' I ' I I ' I ' I ' ' I ,' ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' El sand e v a= $ 7 :°, A WL • oA W t W D eA silt o o ~ o • z~ D g •O o. I ".azx OA -5~_L~\ e, r 2.5 I 2.6 density particles , I , 2.7 of soil (g/cm 3) 2.8 20 40 60 gradation 80 (~) 100 - A ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I , 20 40 60 80 1 0 0 1 . 5 water content (~) I ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ wet d e n s i t y Fig. 13 Soil profile of Bothkennar clay 499 . (g/c~) I00 200 c o n s o l i d a t ion y i e l d s t r e s s (kPa) 300 site, there isn't any correlation between these parameters. Thus, Figures 14 and 15 reveal that depending upon soil type, o'r may be or may not be correlated with soil properties. Therefore, one should be careful in correlating soil properties with o'r. JPN NGI t • 5 --r--r"o. x ELE SHT LVL SS > u_ CONCLUSIONS .<>~°I,,<> x~ × ¢ 'ax = o" O, 5 I o I I 0.1 I I 0.2 I The following conclusions have been drawn from the present study. 1. It has been found that the sample quality from the Japanese sampler depends on the method of sampling, and its sample quality is equivalent to that of the large diameter Laval sampler and Sherbrooke sampler. 2. Rotary boring method provides superior quality samples compared to that o f wash boring or displacement boring method. 3. To avoid the change in properties o f soil after sampling, samples should be extruded from sampling tubes as soon as possible. 4, Residual effective stress o f a soil sample does not change with storage time. 5. Depending upon soil type, effective residual stress may be or may not be correlated with soil properties. Therefore, one should be careful in correlating soil properties with effective residual stress. o % i 0.3 0.1 .4 0.2 o,/ov0 o Ar i a k e (a) o (b) ", 0.3 1.4 io',0 Bothkennar Fig. 14 Relationship between q~/2 and o-'~ 140 I I I 120 100 •. JPN NGI ELE SHT LVL SS o x ,~, m i t - • ¢s .~ 8 0 - o LU ~ JPN ELE LVL REFERENCES 6O e.m Adachi, K. (1979). "Current practice of the sampling of soft clay in Japan," Proc. of the International Symposium of soil sampling, Singapore, pp. 1-12. Andersen, A. and Kolstad, P. (1979). 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" Comparative study on sample quality using several types of samplers," Soils and Foundations, Japan Geotechnical Society, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 57-68. Tanaka, H, and Tanaka M. (1999). "Key factors governing sample quality," Proc. of the International Symposium on Characterization oJ ~ 40 o ox 0 0 o 0.1 0.2 , 0.3 M L 0.2 0.3 ~'/(~'0 o,/a'~o (a) I 0.1 (b) Bothkennar Ar l a k e Fig. 15 Relationship between E50 and O" r than that of Bothkennar clay (30-45). Similarly, over consolidation ratio o f Ariake clay varies from 1.1 to 1.6 while that o f Bothkennar clay is about 2. Figure 14 shows the relationship between q,/2 a n d o " r for Ariake and Bothkennar clays. The q J2 values have been normalized by s,(FV) and o'r is normalized by o",0, where s~ (FV) is shear strength of corresponding depth obtained by field vane test. It can be seen that for Ariake clay, (qu/2)/s,(FV) values are strongly correlated with (r'Jo"v0 values, the relation being almost linear. On the other hand, for Bothkennar clay, there is no obvious relation between (q J2)~ su(FV) and (r'flo" ~0. Figure 15 shows relationship between modulus of deformation (Es0) and (Y',, both o f these parameters having been normalized by the corresponding o'v0. Here, Es0 is defined by equation (2). E50 = ~ x 100 Soft Marine Clays -Bothkennar, Drammen, Quebec and Ariake clays-. Yokosuka, Japan, Balkema, pp,57-81. The Sub-committee on Soil Sampling International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (1981 ). "International Manual for the Sampling of Soft Cohesive Soils," Tokai University Press, pp.23-42. JGS ! 22 l-1995 (1998). "Method for obtaining undisturbed soil samples using thin-walled tube sampler with fixed piston," Standards oJ (2) where, q,: unconfined compressive strength and. es0: strain at qu/2 Japanese Geotechnical Society for soil sampling-standards explanation, Japan Geotechnical Society, pp. 1-7. Figure 15 reveals that for the Ariake site, Es0/o-~0 values are almost linearly correlated to (r'/o"v0, whereas for the Bothkennar 500 and
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