Modified QuEChERS Extraction and Shoot-and-Dilute GC: Fast Sample Preparation and Analysis of Halogenated Flame Retardants in Fish Michelle Misselwitz, Jack Cochran, Julie Kowalski; Restek Corporation, 110 Benner Circle; Bellefonte, PA, USA Introduction Ø Halogenated flame retardants (HFRs), including polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), have been added to numerous household and office products including polyurethane foams, electronics and plastics, and can eventually migrate into household dust and the fatty tissue of animals. Ø The health concerns of PBDEs are similar to that of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and at the most recent Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, two technical mixtures (pentaBDE and octaBDE) were added to the priority pollutant list. The production of the last remaining technical mixture (decaBDE) has been recently phased out. Ø Other halogenated flame retardants are now being used to replace the PBDEs and there is still debate whether these replacements will be more environmentally and health friendly than their PBDE counterparts. Ø Monitoring HFRs in food and environmental matrices can be difficult due to the complexity of the sample, structural isomers that must be separated chromatographically, and thermally-labile compounds that can break down during gas chromatography (GC). Ø Screening fish and other fatty foods for the presence of HFRs is important from a human health perspective and some of the newer high-production flame retardants do not have any available food occurrence data. Ø In order to develop a screening method for halogenated flame retardants in fish, we paired a modified QuEChERS extraction and a quick extract pass-through with a PSA (primary secondary amine) cleanup cartridge. Ø While splitless injections have been primarily used for trace-level analysis by GC, relying on the sensitivity of the electron capture detector (GC Micro-ECD) or tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) for multiply halogenated compounds allows the possibility to perform a split injection. Ø This “Shoot-and-Dilute” technique is analogous to Dilute-and-Shoot for LC-MS/MS analysis in that it can reduce the impact of matrix-changed compound response, and increase instrumental ruggedness. Shoot-andDilute GC (split injection) is also advantageous over typical splitless injection because it decreases the residence time of thermally labile compounds in the hot GC inlet. Ø GC inlet and column maintenance is especially important for BDE analysis, because nonvolatile material persists in sample extracts and deposits onto the inlet liner and front of the column. This can cause poor transfer of BDEs ,which compromises quantification, sensitivity and also leads to poor peak shapes. Materials and Methods Sample Cleanup – PSA Cartridge Pass Through Modified QuEChERS Extraction 1. Homogenize with LN2 5. Vortex 30 min using Ø Rinse PSA Cartridge (6 mL, 500 mg) with 10 mL acetone Glas-Col Shaker 2. Weigh 5 g sample Ø Dry cartridge under vacuum for 2 min + 5 mL water 6. Add Extraction Salts Ø Add magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) to the 3. Add 100 µL IS, and top of the cartridge (~ 0.5 g or 1 cm) 4 g MgSO4, 1 g NaCl hydrate 30 min Ø Add 1 mL extract then pull vacuum 7. Shake 1 min quickly to elute sample through 4. Add 10 mL completely (~ 10 sec) Hexane:Acetone* (1:1) 8. Centrifuge 5 min Ø Transfer to limited vial insert for analysis 4,4’-dibromooctafluorobiphenyl, pentachloronitrobenzene, PCB 122 and decachlorobiphenyl were used as internal standards. Analysis Conditions Column: Rtx-1614, 15 m x 0.25 mm x 0.10 µm Oven: 75°C (1.5 min) to 330°C (3.57 min) at 18.3°C/min Injection: 1µL split (10:1) Inlet Temp: 300°C Inlet Liner: 4mm Sky Split Precision® with wool Carrier Gas: He, constant flow, 1.4 mL/min GC-Micro ECD Temp: 350°C Data collection: 10 Hz N2 makeup + column flow constant: 50 mL/min Results and Discussion Ø Sample preparation is often the bottleneck in the analytical laboratory. Soxhlet or pressurized liquid extractions (PLE) are commonly used for the analysis of flame retardants and can take many hours and hundreds of milliliters of solvents. With the modified QuEChERS extraction and the quick PSA cSPE pass-through the solvent usage is cut to 50 mL and preparation time is reduced to a few hours per sample. Ø Experiments to determine the best extraction solvent resulted in using hexane:acetone (1:1) as the extraction solvent because it yielded more consistent recoveries in the 70 – 130% range compared to acetonitrile (Table I). This also correlates with a previous project where hexane:acetone was used to extract flame retardants and PCBs from human breast milk. Ø Using a split injection when analyzing high fat matrices, like fish, that have not been through an extensive cleanup procedure, increases system uptime over a splitless injection by depositing less nonvolatile material onto the column (Figure 1). Chub mackerel has a high fat content (14%) and had 38 mg/mL of nonvolatile fat remaining after the PSA cleanup. Ø More frequent inlet and column maintenance would need to be performed using a splitless injection compared to a split (10:1) injection. With a split injection, the system remained operational for a total of 15 mackerel injections compared to less than 3 mackerel injections using splitless injection. Ø Recovery experiments were also evaluated using a Thermo TSQ 8000 GC-MS/MS. Analysis conditions were translated from the GC-ECD to vacuum outlet using the Restek EZGCTM Method Translator. Two transitions were monitored for each analyte and target ion ratios within 30% confirmed a match (Table II). Ø Potential incurred flame retardants include TCEP and TDCPP. These chlorinated Tris flame retardants have been linked to reproductive effects and potential neurotoxicity. Other possibly incurred flame retardants, TBB and TBPH, are the main components of Firemaster 550®, a newer high production flame retardant used in replacement of pentaBDE (Table III). Figure 1: Ruggedness study comparing splitless injections (top) and split injections (bottom) of a 10 pg on-column HFR standard. A chub mackerel extract was repeatedly injected and alternated with a standard in split and splitless injection mode to monitor analyte response and system uptime. The response for Dechlorane Plus isomers (red circle) in the splitless injection were dramatically reduced after only a few (3) mackerel injections. Splitless Table I: Comparison of the average (n=3) percent recovery of spiked chub mackerel using different extraction solvents. 0 µg fat 400 500 600 700 800 900 114 µg fat 400 500 600 700 800 900 380 µg fat Tetrabromo-o-chlorotoluene Pentabromotoluene TDCPP BDE 47 BDE 100 BDE 99 TBB BB 153 BDE 153 TBPH syn-Dechlorane Plus anti-Dechlorane Plus Hexane:Acetone 74 60 108 108 120 125 118 97 104 102 106 104 Acetonitrile 51 49 253 109 104 93 80 129 156 113 160 161 Table III: Possible incurred flame retardants found in albacore tuna. Text in red represents values where the target confirmation ion ratio was > 30%. TCEP TDCPP TBB TBPH Dechlorane Plus (total) Prep Blank Avg ng/g 0.75 0.56 0.05 0.06 Tuna No Spike 1 ng/g 1.67 1.90 0.39 1.77 Tuna No Spike 2 ng/g 1.98 1.67 0.17 0.57 Average Incurred(?) ng/g 1.82 1.78 0.28 1.17 0.02 0.08 0.06 0.07 Table II: Percent recoveries of tuna fortified at 10 ng/g and 1 ng/g analyzed by GC-MS/MS with a split injection (10:1). Text in red represents values where the target confirmation ion ratio was > 30%. 400 500 600 700 800 900 Split (10:1) 0 µg fat 400 500 600 700 800 900 114 µg fat 400 500 600 700 800 900 380 µg fat 400 500 600 700 800 900 tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate (TCEP) Pentabromobenzene Tetrabromo-o-chlorotoluene Pentabromotoluene tris(1,3-dichloroisopropyl)phosphate (TDCPP) BDE 47 BDE 100 BDE 99 2-Ethylhexyl-2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate (TBB) BB 153 BDE 153 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)tetrabromophthalate (TBPH) syn-Dechlorane Plus anti-Dechlorane Plus Percent Recovery, 10 ng/g spike Tuna (500 fg on-column) S1 S2 S3 Avg %RSD 73 61 55 63 12 83 98 104 95 9 95 93 121 103 12 100 104 103 102 1 94 79 90 88 7 89 97 102 96 6 91 98 99 96 4 98 96 118 104 10 107 104 103 105 2 100 85 103 96 8 85 94 97 92 6 155 161 195 171 10 109 110 117 112 3 106 112 125 115 7 Percent Recovery, 1 ng/g spike Tuna (50 fg on-column) S1 S2 S3 Avg %RSD 295 359 287 314 10 69 94 116 93 20 130 95 112 112 13 114 105 104 108 4 362 313 281 319 10 106 135 115 119 10 119 103 115 113 6 132 109 101 114 11 165 171 123 153 14 110 100 130 113 11 118 93 125 112 12 341 147 392 293 36 132 114 127 124 6 117 119 119 118 1
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