Bacterial diversity Australian in a soil sample environment from a subtropical as determined by 16S rDNA analysis E. STACK1BRANIYr W. LIESACX,1 Department of Mkrobiolog Lucia, Qld. 4072, Australia Centre AND B. M. GOEBEL for Bacterial Diversity ABSTRACT In order to investigate the genetic diversity of streptomycetes in an acid forested soil sample from Mt. Coot-tha, Brisbane, Australia, cells were mechanically lysed within the soil matrix and genomic DNA was isolated and purified. 16S ribosomal (r)DNA was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method using one primer conserved for members of the domain Bacteria and a second designed specifically for streptomycetes and related taxa. PCR amplification products were cloned into phage vector M13 mpl9 and the diversity of 16S rDNA genes was determined by sequence analysis and oligonucleotide probing of the resultant clone library. Comparison of partial 16S rDNA sequences with published sequences revealed that few sequences originated from streptomycetes. The majority of sequences belonged to members of the alpha subclass of Proteobacteria. Other clones were related to planctomycetes, actinomycetes, or represented novel lines of descent. Bacteria that are customarily isolated from soil of pH 4-7 such as thiobacilli, bacilli, spore- and nonsporeforming actinomycetes, and pseudomonads are represented in the clone library in small numbers or were not detected at all. Parameters influencing the recovery, amplification, quantification, and interpretation of genetic information from natural sites are discussed.Stackebrandt, E., Liesack, W., Goebel, B. M. Bacterial diversity in a soil sample from a subtropical Australian environment as determined by 16S rDNA analysis. FASEBJ 7: 232-236; 1993. Key Words: phylogenetic analysis genetic and Identification, St. MATERIAL AND METHODS diversity STUDIES THAT MEASURE THE physiological activities of microorganisms in situ are typical examples of a “black box” approach to understanding the role and significance organisms play in ecosystem functioning. Measurements of actual microbial and genetic diversity, population size, spatial distribution, and the fraction of metabolically active members within a complex microbial community have proved to be difficult using conventional enrichment and isolation techniques. A combination of modern molecular ecological approaches designed to reveal a more accurate reflection of the microbial and genetic diversity, with classical and novel isolation techniques, will allow a more directed approach to environmental studies. Ultimately, the fluctuations occurring within a natural microbial community due to changes in physicochemical conditions could be monitored, quantified, and even manipulated. The failure of traditional enrichment techniques to cultivate the majority of prokaryotes that were shown to exist in natural samples-estimates of unculturable and as yet 232 of Queensland, unknown prokaryotic species are as high as 99% of the known diversity (1, 2)-calls for novel approaches. The first step was the application of molecular techniques to the characterization of microbial diversity in the environment. This was a logical consequence of strategies developed for the determination of relationships between pure cultures, i.e., the elucidation of the primary structure of ubiquitously distributed genes that were also evolutionary and functionally conserved such as ribosomal RNA and rRNA genes (3). The first of such strategies was introduced by Pace and coworkers in the middle 1980s (4, 5). Variations thereof were later applied to a variety of samples such as the marine environment (6-10), hot springs (11, 12), and soil (13, 14). Results of these studies confirmed earlier suggestions that the number of described prokaryotic species (about 3000) is a gross underestimation of the diversity that actually exists. Molecular evidence indicates that of the rDNA sequences recovered from biomass, not only was none identical to those of described species, but most of the sequences were not even related to culturable species at the genus level. In this communication we summarize (13, 14) and provide new data on the microbial diversity of a random soil sample from a subtropical Australian region that indicates the presence of several novel types of prokaryotic taxa within the domain Bacteria. DNA isolation, sequencing ECOLOGICAL The University 16S rDNA amplification, cloning, and A subsurface sample, 5 through 10 cm in depth, was collected from the Mount Coot-tha region, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The methods applied for the molecular analysis of microbial diversity, including extraction and purification of bulk DNA, PCR-mediated amplification of 16S rDNA, cloning of the amplified fragments, and sequencing analysis, have been described (14). Here only the important steps of the strategy will be summarized: genomic bulk DNA released from strains after mechanical disruption of the cells within their natural habitat with glass beads was isolated and purified according to Steffan et al. (15). As a modification, the hydroxyapatite column chromatography ‘To whom correspondence should be addressed, at: Max-PlanckInstitut f#{252}r Terrestrische Mikrobiologie, D-W 3550 Marburg, Federal Republic of Germany. 2Abbreviation: PCR, polymerase chain reaction. 0892-6638/93/0007-0232/$01 .50. © FASEB step was replaced by a preparative agarose gel (0.7%) electrophoresis to remove low-molecular-weight DNA. The 5 and 3’ primers used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR)2-mediated amplification of a large region of 16S rDNA were 5-’ CCCCCATCC/GAGTVII3ATCCTGGCThAG3 (Escherichia coli positions 9 through 27, IUB nomenclature) and 5- CCCCCTCCAC/GCCATTGTAGCACGTGTGCA3 (positions 1224 through 1243). The underlined regions represent overhangs with a BamHI and a Sail restriction site, respectively. During the course of this investigation, a survey of about 400 16S rDNA sequences for internal BamHI/SalI restriction sites indicated that a higher proportion of rDNA operons was susceptible to these enzymes than was originally expected. Between 1000 and 1130 nucleotides were determined for clones MCs 4, 9, 13, 19, 22, 24, 26, 27, 58, 74, 77, and 106. After an initial phylogenetic survey demonstrated that additional clone sequences were related to the long sequence versions, the analysis of the new clones was restricted to about 450 to 500 nucleotides (MC’S 42, 47, 64, 65, 66, 87, 101, 103, and 114). The sequences for the 20 sequenced clones have been deposited in EMBL (Heidelberg) under the accession numbers X68454 to X68474. Phylogenetic analyses The 16S rDNA clone sequences were entered into the Ribosomal RNA Database Project (16), supplemented with previously published sequences from the same clone library (13, 14). Evolutionary distance values were calculated by the algorithm of Jukes and Cantor (17) using only those sequence positions for which all strains or clones had data and could be aligned unambiguously, omitting undetermined positions and alignment gaps. Phylogenetic trees were constructed from dissimilarity matrices by the Neighbor-joining method of de Soete (18). The reproducibility of the branching nodes was examined by changing the number and taxa of reference organisms as well as by the neighbor-joining bootstrapping program PDFIND and NJBOOT (kindly provided by T S. Whittam, Institute of Molecular Evolution and Genetics, Pennsylvania State University). One thousand bootstrap trees were generated and examined. Analyses were done on a SUN Sparc ICP Workstation. Cultivation land, Australia (G. Kervin, Department of Agriculture, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QId. Australia, personal communication). Slightly elevated aluminum (128 sM) and iron (14.8 tM) levels were present in solution, which can be due to the low pH ofthis soil. Nitrate (1233 tiM) and ammonium (151 ,sM) levels were also quite high, which could indicate an active nitrifying population uninhibited by the low pH. The dissolved organic carbon concentration was 178.4 mg/I, of which only a small percentage was measured as aromatic or aliphatic acids. Although not determined, humic acids were probably present in high levels as indicated by the dark brown color of the extracted soil solution (G. Kervin, personal communication). Enrichment cultures More than 50 strains of the genus Streptomyces were isolated and the 16S rDNA of most of them were subsequently sequenced. None of these sequences were identical to the two streptomycetes clones recovered from the clone library (Naomi Ward, personal communication). Although bacterial cells were observed in the primary enrichment cultures, set up for the TH3-type organisms, chemical data indicated that the supplied inorganic substrates were not oxidized by bacterial action. The pH of sulfur-containing enrichments did not fall below that of the negative controls, nor was the ferrous iron oxidation rate of the enrichments ever greater than chemical oxidation rate in the uninoculated control. No growth or iron oxidation was observed on agarose-gelled media. Phylogenetic sequences analysis of the novel clone 16S rDNA As demonstrated previously, the majority of 113 analyzed clones could be allocated to three major clusters: ct-2 Proteobacteria (cluster I; [13]), planctomycetes, and a novel group that was found to be remotely related to planctomycetes and chlamydiae (clusters II and III, respectively; [14]). Phylogenetic analysis of 20 additional clones revealed the presence of three novel clusters (clusters IV-VI). The position of each cluster within the radiation of its phylum remained unaltered whether the analyses were based on about procedures Streptomycetes were isolated using standard medium (growth medium No. 65, Catalog of Strains of the German Collection for Microorganisms) and isolation protocols. Several of the clones shared a distinct but remote relationship to the bacterial strain TH3, a moderately thermophiic, iron-oxidizing organism originally isolated from a copperleaching dump (19). Protocols used for the enrichment of bacteria with physiologies similar to that of this strain were comparable to the original isolation methods (19, 20). AcidiphiliuR AcidiphiliuR cryptuL rubruR RESULTS Chemical analysis of the soil A SOO-g sample of freshly collected soil, which represents a 5- to 10-cm surface horizon, was chemically analyzed using a soil solution technique (21). This method of analysis was chosen as it was assumed that the soluble fraction of the soil would have the greatest effect on the bacterial population. The acid soil sample, pH 4.2, was not unusual in composition when compared with other acid soils found in Queens- GENETIC DIVERSITY OF A NATURAL MICROBIAL COMMUNITY 5% 1. Dendrogram of 16S rDNA relatedness between a-i Proteobacteria (cluster IV) and their cultured relatives. Bootstrap values (in percent) areindicated at branching points. Bar represents 5% nucleotide differences. Figure 233 1000 or 450 nucleotides. Cluster IV represents clones originating from members of the cr-i subgroup of the Proteobacteria (Fig. 1). Clones MC74 and MCIO6 show between 5.0 and 5.8% sequence difference to Rhodopila globfonnis, whereas slightly lower values are found with Thiobacillus acidophilus and strains ofAcidiphilium (5.8-8.2%). The finding that certain signature nucleotides published for members of the a subclass of Proteobacteria (22) are missing in the clone sequences and in Rpl. globformis strengthens the relationship between these sequences. Clone MC77 stand isolated within this subclass. Sequence dissimilarity values between 8.9 and 10.7%, and the low bootstrap value, however, indicate that the degree of relatedness between clone MC77 and its phylogenetic neighbors is remote and ill defined. The remaining 16 clones exhibited the 165 rDNA nucleotide signatures of Gram-positive bacteria (23) but did not cluster with any of the described taxa of the subphyla of actinomycetes or Bacillus/Clostridium. As shown by their branching points (Fig. 2), two clusters (V and VI) emerged from the phylogenetic analysis. Individual clone groups occur within each cluster. The bootstrap value of287/1000 (Fig. 2) indicates an extremely low degree of possibility that members of the two clusters are actually descendents of a common ancestor. The eight clones of cluster V, ranging from MC65 to MC87 in Fig. 2, appear to be remotely related to the iron oxidizing Gram-indeterminate strain TH3 (19, 24). Based on the distribution of signature nucleotides, this organism has recently been shown to represent a deep branch of the actinomyces subphylum (24). The range of genetic diversity between strain TH3 and the relevant clone sequences is approximately as low as those found between members of two distantly related ta.xa of the actinomycetes subphylum, i.e., Art hrobacter and B1dobaathum (13-17% dissimilarity). On the other hand, as judged from the presence of signature nucleotides and bootstrap values, the phylogenetic coherency of the enlarged TH3 cluster is apparent, and even more so for each of the three clone groups, i.e., MC66 and MC47 (cluster Va) and MC19 (cluster Vb). Clone sequences of subcluster Vb appear slightly more closely related to strain TH3 (11.5% sequence divergence) than the other two clone groups (13-16.7% sequence divergence). Members of cluster Va and Vb can be defined by oligonucleotides 5’ T1EGGC[C,T]’TCC 3’ (positions 204 through 219, B. subtilis nomenclature (25) and 5’ TGGATTCC 3’ (positions 202 through 209), respectively. The eight clone sequences of cluster VI (MCIO1 to MC 103 in Fig. 2) form an individual line of descent, the coherency of which is reflected by a number of common signature nucleotides and the presence of a diagnostic oligonucleotide 5’ AGAAAG[T,G]GGAGCAAICC [A,C]TGAGTAC 3’ (positions 70 through 100 B. subtilis nomenclature). However, neither its common branch with Lactobacillus minulus nor its membership to the actinomycetes subphylum is reproducible by bootstrap analysis. The clone numbers indicated above are not a reflection of the actual numerical distribution of taxa within the sample. As outlined below, several selective parameters prevent quantifiable data from being obtained. DISCUSSION The phylogenetic analysis acid forested soil sample microbial diversity. Most 234 Vol. 7 January 1993 of genomic DNA isolated from an revealed a significant degree of of 113 16S rDNA clone sequences Bifidob. bifidum globi Lactobacillus -MCi 01 subtilis Clostridium Clostridium formis minutus aminova1erjcun perfringens 10% Figure 2. Dendrogram of 165 rDNA relatedness between clones of clusters V, VI, and members of the phylum of Gram-positive bacteria. Bootstrap values (in percent) are indicated at branching points. Bar represents 10% nucleotide differences. analyzed belong to novel types of organisms, with no close relatedness to sequenced, culturable representatives. In this respect our results are in accord with the information obtained from studies about the genetic diversity of unculturable organisms in marine and hot spring environments (6-12). The highest degree of relationship we could detect was that between a small fraction of clone sequences and the a-2 Proteobacteria, e.g., Rhodopseudomonas palustris, members of Rhizobium and “Photorhizobium” (13) and related taxa, such as Nitrobacter (for which no complete 16S rDNA sequence exists). The rather high content of ammonium and nitrate in the soil sample (nitrite has not been analyzed) could suggest the presence of nitrifying bacteria. Sequences of the beta subclass of Proteobacteria, to which ammonium oxidizing bacteria belong, have not been detected in the clone library, and Nitrobacter species-specific oligonucleotides (26) were absent in the short stretches of about 200 nucleotides available for the eight a-2 clone sequences. Certain clone sequences branch adjacent to members of genera which themselves stand phylogenetically isolated, i.e., Gemrnata, Planctomyces, and Isosphaera (14), as well as Rhodopila globformis and the iron-oxidizing actinomycete strain TH3. Whether or not these sequences represent organisms that resemble the culturable strains phenotypically and physiologically remains an open question until the relevant organisms are cultured. Attempts to enrich and cultivate relatives of planctomycetes (14), Acidiplzilium, and strain TH3 under conditions optimal for these bacteria have so far been unsuccessful. This may not be surprising considering The FASEB journal STACKEBRANDT ET AL. that the metabolic variation within taxa, separated by these sequence differences of more than 5%, embraces a wide range of physiological types. Compared with the diversity of prokaryotes that have been cultivated from acidic soils, e.g., thiobacilli and streptomycetes, the diversity of bacteria from the Mt. Coot-tha acidic forested soil appears to be significantly different. From information available from similar soil types, not a single representative sequence of the culturable strains shows a close relatedness to the clone sequences that would point toward membership of the same species (extensive attempts to determine the diversity of culturable prokaryotes within this soil are currently under investigation), although the 16S rDNA of acidophilic streptomycetes is yet to be analyzed. A simple explanation would characterize the Australian habitat as so unique that the microbial diversity is markedly different from those populations isolated from acidic environments in other parts of the world. However, it seems to be more appropriate to think of alternate solutions. First, the typical acidiphilic microflora is actually present, but too low in numbers, to be detected in only a limited clone library of about 110 clones. Second, the analysis represents a single time point sampling taken after a long period of no rain, thus favoring organisms that survive as resting forms. Third, the presence of a high concentration of ammonium in the Mt. Coot-tha soil sample would indicate that microsites are present in the soil matrix with higher pH values than that of the pooled soil sample. The question is raised as to whether the strategy applied in this study is actually apt to determine the whole range of genomic diversity, or, alternatively, do certain factors influence a selective recovery of specific bacterial taxa? A number of problems associated with molecular methods in community analysis have been recognized and need to be addressed; in addition to unknown factors such as differential amplification rates due to the base composition of DNA, the following technical problems arise. 1) Isolated bulk DNA should reflect the actually existing genetic diversity. Two different strategies for isolation of bulk DNA from soil have been applied: the separation of cells from the soil matrix (cell extraction technique [27, 28]) and the direct lysis of bacteria within their natural habitat by mechanical disruption (direct lysis technique [15, 29]). Because previous research suggests (15, 30) that direct lysis technique recovers a more representative fraction of the genetic diversity than the cell extraction technique, this approach was applied in this study. One drawback of mechanical lysis is the substantial shearing of extracted DNA (14). A final electrophoretic purification step therefore had the additional advantage of removing low-molecular-weight DNA that would otherwise increase the possibility of chimeric (shuffle gene) products (6, 31). 2) Oligonucleotide primers used for PCR-mediated amplification of 16S rDNA should cover the phylogenetic diversity present in a sample. The primer pair used in this study represents a compromise between detection of a broad range of bacteria combined with the aim to favor the amplification of 16S rRNA genes from streptomycetes. The 5’ oligonucleotide primer targets a highly conserved stretch within the 16S rDNA of members of the domain Bacteria, but does not amplify 16S rRNA genes from archaeae (it is worth noting that archaeal rDNA was not detected in the genomic DNA recovered from the sample as determined by oligonucleotide probing with an archaeal consensus probe [Fred Rainey, personal communication]). The 3’ oligonucleotide primer was designed to be completely complementary to the 16S rDNA target sequence of the streptomycetes. As a consequence, mismatches exist between this oligonucleotide primer and target stretches from almost all representatives of other phyla of the domain Bacteria (Fig. 3). Studies of the influence of primer-template mismatches on the polymerase chain reaction have since reyealed that 1) a single base mismatch between the PCR primer and template that is either one, two, or three bases from the 3’ nucleotide of the primer will be extended without a significant effect on the overall PCR yield, and 2) the presence of two mismatches within the last four bases of the 3’ nucleotide of a primer is mostly detrimental to the PCR reaction unless the terminal base is a Thymidin (32). Consequently, as judged from the comparison of primer and target sites, the 3’ primer used will allow amplification of 16S rDNA spanning a broad range of taxa of the domain Bacteria. 3’ primer (target region 1224-1243) #{149} ACGTGTGCACGATGTTACCG Streptomyces Uycobacterlum Bacillus 5, ambofaclens bovis subtllls ATGTCTTGGGC TGCACACGTGCTACAATGOC CGGTACAA3 ATGTCCA000C -T CGGTACA& ATGACTTGGGC -A nidulans Agrobacterium tumefaciens ACATCCT000C -A AC000CTOGOC -A Camonaa ATAGOTOGGOC -A ACGACCA000C -A Anacy.tls testosteroni Eacherichia coil Desulfovlbrjo desulfuricans ACGCCTAGGGC -A Campylobactar jejuni ATGCCCA000C GA -A Chiamydia paittaci ATGCCCA000C Pirellula ataleyi ATGAT?A000C Bacteroidea fragilla C.blorobium vlbriofoxiie Leptospira .illlni Delnococcua radiodurans Thermcalcrobium roseum Thermotoga maritime A A CAGAACAA CT CCGGACAG A t A GGTGACAA TGGTACAA GCATACAA A OCGCACAA ATATACAA CAGTACAG t C GCACACAA ACGTCC0000C -A t 0 000TACAG ACO?CC0000C -A A T AACTACAO ATOTCC0000C -A T CGGTACA0 ACGTCCT000C -A A TAGGACAA ACGCCC?000C GA ATGCCCT000C GA AC C C000ACAO g--A- 0 COGTACAA Figure 3. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences between the 3’ PCR primer used in the amplification of 16S rDNA and its target sites in 16S rDNA from representatives of bacterial phyla. The primer was designed to amplify streptomycetes rDNA but was shown to amplify DNA from other firmicutes, Proteobacteria, planctomycetes, and chlamydiae and relatives as well (see text). GENETIC DIVERSITY OF A NATURAL MICROBIAL COMMUNITY 235 3) The applied cloning strategy should be a reliable tool with a low risk of loosing detectable genetic diversity. Problems encountered with “sticky end” cloning technique can be avoided by “blunt end” cloning (33). However, the low yield of recombinants is a major technical disadvantage. The detection of genetic diversity within a natural environment can be considered the very first step toward the understanding ofthe role that bacteria play in an ecosystem. 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