Reflex PCA3 mRNA Testing: Validation of Post-Biopsy Urine Sample and... with Prostate Biopsy Findings in ~2000 Patients.

Reflex PCA3 mRNA Testing: Validation of Post-Biopsy Urine Sample and Correlation
with Prostate Biopsy Findings in ~2000 Patients.
Jeffrey G. Brown *, John R. Fulmer , Javier Romano , John Pownell , Wayne Rigler , Amery Wirtshafter , Mark Sarno , Scott B. Shappell
Avero Diagnostics, Irving, TX; Urology Center of Florida, Miami, FL; Vision Biotechnology Consulting, Encinitas, CA
· Serum test widely used for detecting prostate cancer
· Lacks adequate specificity, resulting in large numbers of negative
prostate biopsies (bxs)
· Men with elevated PSA and one or more negative bxs represent
a management dilemma
· Urine-based molecular test that measures PCA3 and PSA mRNA in
whole urine
· Validated for urine specimens collected after “attentive DRE”
· Improved specificity compared to PSA when correlated to
subsequent bx results
· May be useful in facilitating repeat bx decisions in men with
elevated PSA and negative initial bx
· Such test use with post-DRE collection requires return visit to urologist
(following negative prostate bx)
• Mean/median age: 66/66 (range 39-91) (n=1909)
• Mean/median PSA : 6.7/5.1 ng/ml (n=1794)
PSA <2.50 ng/ml (n=148 (8.3 %))
PSA 2.50 – 10.00 ng/ml (n=1404 (78.3 %))
PSA > 10.00 ng/ml (n=242 (13.5 %))
• Mean/median number of cores (concurrent biopsy) 12/12
• PCA3 test informative in 1887 (98.8%)
• Correlation between PSA and post-bx void PCA3 score was significant, but only
- (Pearson 0.0785; Spearman Rho 0.0919). Mean/median PCA3 scores
• Bx was benign in 970 (50.8%), CaP in 726 (38%), HGPIN in 124 (6.5%), atypical in 89 (4.7%)
- “Negative” includes benign, HGPIN, and Atypical unless otherwise stated)
Figure One: Comparison of PCA3 and PSA ROC’s (n=1724
available pairs)
PCA3 AUC = 0.700 (0.676-0.724) p<0.0001
PSA AUC = 0.564 (0.536-0.591) p<0.0001
AUC Difference = 0.136 (0.101-0.171) p<0.0001
Figure Two: Biopsy CaP by PCA3 score range
• Optimal PCA3 score cutoff was 21.7,
with 65% sensitivity and 65% specificity
• CaP risk increased with progressively
higher PCA3 score ranges (Figure Two)
· Collection of urine at the time of TRUS-guided bx represents a
novel approach for performing PCA3 testing.
· PCA3 is then performed as a “reflex” test for patients with a
negative biopsy.
• Performance of PCA3 test was similar for
men with no prior bx compared to men
with at least one prior non-positive bx
(Figure Three)
· The objectives of this study were:
· To validate the use of post-bx urine for PCA3 testing
· To correlate post-bx void PCA3 scores with concurrent biopsy
results and compare to performance of PSA.
· 2015 men (July 2008 to July 2010) had urine collected immediately
following TRUS-guided prostate bx.
· Excluded from the study were:
· Men with history of CaP (n=73)
· Men with bxs of < 6 cores (n=3) or ≥ 24 cores (n=4)
· Men with PSA ≥ 50 ng/ml (n=28) (100 % with CaP on bx)
· Final n=1909 men with prostate bx and post-bx voided urine
· PCA3 and PSA mRNA were quantitated with a laboratory
developed test using transcription-mediated amplification
(Gen-Probe, Inc.).
· A PCA3 score (PCA3/PSA mRNA x 10) ≥ 35 was considered positive
Figure Three: PCA3 ROC in Men Without and With Prior Bx: Overlap indicates
no significant difference (AUC 0.716; n=633/1058, no previous
bx; AUC 0.702, n=425/1058, prior non-positive bx)
• Univariate OR is significant for all PSAs, PSA 2.5-10.0, and PSA > 10.0 (not significant for smaller number of men in PSA <2.5
category (95% CIs overlap 1.0)).
• In multivariate logistic regression including PSA, PCA3 is significant either as a continuous marker or as a categorical marker with
cutpoint at 35.
PCA3 AUC is significantly greater than PSA AUC (p<0.0001) for all PSAs, PSA 2.5-10.0, and PSA > 10.0 (for PSA <2.5 ng/ml, analysis
yields marginal diagnostic value; 95% CI of AUC overlaps 0.500 but p=0.0354). (See Figure One.)
The performance of the PCA3 test for predicting CaP on concurrent bx was essentially the
same (similar or higher AUC) as noted in multicenter trials using post-DRE urine.
• Post-bx urine is a valid sample for PCA3 testing and presents an efficient way to apply
reflex PCA3 testing.
• Patients with a negative bx and negative reflex PCA3 test may be followed more
• Men with a negative bx and an elevated PCA3 score on reflex PCA3 test may be at
increased risk for subsequent CaP detection on bx, impacting follow-up.
• With this testing approach, for men with a positive bx the PCA3 score is available for
potential use in prognostication.
• Future expanded repeat bx data incorporating multi-variable risk predictors should
allow for optimization of PCA3 testing for improved repeat bx decisions.