-_'$j TPV PRIKOLICEd.o.o. CestabratovCerjakov13,Sl - 8250 BreZice tel.:++3867 49 91 950,fax:++ 3867 49 91 960 [email protected] Opentop trailer Basicequipement * Galvanisedforkedtow bar (threeor four bars) . 1 additional longitudinal holder(standard) longitudinal holders(from2,5mup) " 2 additional " Mudguardsmadeof steelsheet * Full-bathgalvanized * Stableframeconstruction * The sidesmadeof steelsheet - 1,2mm thickness withaluminium zincspecialcoating * The sidesmadeof steelsheet - 1,5mm thicknesswithaluminium zincspecialcoating(from2,5mup) " Floor- slideresistant,waterresistantphenolwoodenplate " Buttonsfor tarpaulinattachmentat the side * Additionalpossibilities: Sparewheelor jockeywheelwith holders, tarpaulinwith or withoutframework,polyestercover... 1,2 mm thicksides EU2 750 kg Brakeless Technicaldata: Type EU0(brakeless) EUl(brakeless) EU2(brakeless) EU3(brakeless) EB2 (with the brakes) EB2(with.thebrakes) EB3(withthe brakes) Boxdimensions Lenght Width Height (mm) (mm) (mm) Trailerdimensions Lenght Width Height (mm) (mm) (mm) Total weight Useful weight (ks) (ks) 1.325 1.735 2.020 2.435 2.020 2.020 2.435 2.370 2.790 2.960 3.505 3.085 3.085 3.750 750 750 750 750 750 1.000 1.300 648 616 1.075 1.075 1.075 1.235 1.075 1.075 1.235 345 345 345 340 345 345 340 1.520 1.520 1.520 1.680 1.520 1.520 1.780 860 860 860 870 855 q55 905 600 569 660 806 1.005 :($j TPVPRIKOLICE d.o.o. CestabratovCerjakov13, Sl - 8250 BreZice tel.:++386 7 49 91 950,fax: ++ 386 7 49 91 960 [email protected] AIuminium trailers Basic equipement * * Galvanisedforkedtow bar (threeor four bars) * 1 additionallongitudinal holde(standard) * 2 additionallongitudinal holders(from2,5m up) * Mudguardsmade of polyester * stablealuminumserratedsheet2/3 mm * Stableframe construction " Floor- slide resistant,water resistantphenolwoodenplate * Buttonsfor tarpaulinattachmentat the side * Additionalpossibilities:Sparewheelor jockeywheelwith holders, tarpaulinwith or withoutframework,polyestercover... Polyestermudguard Jockeywheel aluminumsenated sheet 2/3 mm EU2-4R750 kg brakeless Technicaldata: Type EUO-AR EUl.AR EU2.AR EU3-AR E82.AR EB2-AR EB3.AR Box dimensions Lenght Width Height (mm) (mm) (mm) Trailerdimensions Lenght Width Height (mm) (mm) (mm) Total weight Useful weight (ks) (ks) 1.325 1.735 2.020 2.435 2.020 2.020 2.435 2.370 2.790 2.960 3.750 3.075 3.075 3.750 750 750 750 750 850 1.000 1.300 643 630 616 588 676 822 1.O24 1.075 1.075 1.075 1.235 1.075 1.075 1.235 345 345 345 340 345 345 340 1.520 1.520 1.520 1.760 1.520 1.520 1.760 860 850 860 860 860 860 905 *i l!i::i .-,."i:,i: ,i,tii.:-)'.n',-} :($j TPV PRIKOLIGE d.o.o. CestabratovCerjakov13,Sl - 8250BreZice tef.:++3867 49 91 950,fax:++ 3867 49 91 960 [email protected] Universal trailers Basic equioement * Galvanisedforked tow bar (three or four bars) * 1 additionallongitudinalholder(standard) " 2 additionallongitudinalholders(from2,5m up) * Mudguardsmade of steel sheet * Full-bathgalvanized * Stable frame construction " The sides made of steel sheet - 1,2 mm thicknesswith aluminiumzinc specialcoating * The sides made of steel sheet - 1,5 mm thicknesswith aluminiumzinc specialcoating(from 2,5m up) * Floor - slide resistant,water resistant phenolwooden plate * Buftonsfor tarpaulinaftachmentat the side * Additionalpossibilities: Sparewheel or jockeywheelwith holders PAKET M. FOR MOTORCYCLES PAKET Q - FOR QUADS, SMALL TRACTORS... ,k Universal bailer with Paket M Universaltrailer with PaketQ Mudguards madeof steelsheet additional longitudinalholder MU-P2750kg brat(eress- base rnode, Technische Daten rype MU-P2 MU-P3 MU-P4 MB-P2 MB-P2 ilB-P3 MB-P4 with additional sides Boxdimensions Trailerdimensions Lenght Width Height Lenght Width Height (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Total weight (ks) Useful weight (ks) 2.020 2.435 2.435 2.020 2.020 2.435 2.435 750 750 750 850 1.000 1.300 1.300 630 605 584 670 810 1020 1. 0 1 0 1.075 1.235 1.435 1.075 1.075 1.235 1.435 100 OF 95 100 100 95 95 2.960 3.560 3.560 3-075 3-075 3.765 3.765 1.540 1.700 1.900 1.540 f .ilo 1.780 1.980 665 695 665 665 665 720 720 :(&j TPVPRIKOLICE d.o.o. CestabratovCerjakov13,Sl - 8250BreZice tel.:++3867 49 91 950,fax:++ 3867 49 91 960 d [email protected] Trai lers for m otorcycles Data: * Galvanisedforkedtow bar (fourbars) * 2 antivibrational mudguardholders for additionalstability " Mudguardsmadeof steelsheet * Full-bathgalvanized * Suitablefor transporting2 or 3 motorcycles * Stablefame construction : 3 Transportingcanals 1 Loadingcanal ilU2750 kg bnketess TechnicalData Type MU2brakeless MB2 with a brake MB2 with a brake Boxdimensions Height Lenght Width (mm) (mm) (mm) 2.050 2.050 2.050 1.150 1.150 1.150 Trailerdimensions Height Lenght Width (mm) (mm) (mm) Total weight Useful weighl (ks) (ks) 2.950 3 060 3 060 750 850 1.000 595 646 794 1.540 1.540 't.540 650 900 900 :E= TPV PRIKOLICE d.o.o. CestabratovCerjakov13,8250BreZice tel:07 49 91 950,fax:07 49 91 960 d [email protected] Trailersfor boafs DATAfor BA 550 * StableV-frameconstruction * Full-bath galvanized * maintenance-free Axle * water-resistant wheelhubs *Coursepipe,exposable and removable * Lightcarrier,exposable;bnd removable AccessoriesBA 550 * Slipequipmenteonsisting of - 3 keelroles !J - 1 adjustable winchtrestle DATAfor BA 750 - BA 1300 * StableV-frameconstruction * Full-bath galvanized * maintenance-free Axle * water-resistant wheelhubs i *Coursepipe,exposable andremovable * Lightcarrier,exposable and removable *Winchwithrope BA 750 without brakes removable light canier Technicaldata Type and Total weight (kg) BA 550 rlnbraked BA 750 unbraked BA 1300 braked Usefullweight (ks) 450 590 990 Frame lenoth (mm) width (mm) 4,725 5.230 6.505 1.585 1.740 1.980 '-f$r TPV PRIKOLICEd.o.o. Cesta bratovCerjakov13, Sl - 8250 BreZice tef.:++ 386 7 49 91 950, fax: ++ 386 7 49 91 960 [email protected] Trailerfor transporting cars Basicequipement * 4 stronglongitudinal holders * 'V'form of towbar * Springaxle-no needfor specialcare phenolwoodenplate waterresistant " Floor- slideresistant, * Automatic supportwheel * 10"wheels * Loadingcanals(to be storedunderthetrailer) " Winch * Railing Aut.support+ TBH26A with winch and ioading canals Place for storing loading canals Technical Data Type TBH26-A Boxdimensions Height Lenght Width (mm) (mm) (mm) Trailerdimensions Width Lenght Height (mm) (mm) (mm) Total weight Useful weight (ks) (ks) 4.045 5.600 2 . 10 5 2.600 2.000 2.040 95 920
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