PASJ: Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 54, 159–169, 2002 April 25 c 2002. Astronomical Society of Japan. The Multiwavelength Doppler Factors for a Sample of Gamma-Ray Loud Blazars Li Z HANG,1,2 Jui-Hui FAN,3 and Kwong-Sang C HENG2 1 Department of Physics, Yunnan University, Kunming, China [email protected] 2 Department of Physics, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, China 3 Center for Astrophysics, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510400, China (Received 2001 April 22; accepted 2002 January 18) Abstract The high luminosity and rapid variability detected in γ -ray loud blazars imply that the beaming effect plays an important role in these sources. The Doppler factor, depending on two unobservable parameters (Lorentz factor and viewing angle), is very important for understanding the basic properties of blazars. Although the viewing angle is unobservable, increasing direct and indirect evidence has shown up to indicate that the jet is bent, and therefore the viewing angle also varies. In this sense, the Doppler factor, which is dependent on the viewing angle and the Lorentz factor, should also vary. In the present paper, using available data of blazars at different (radio, optical, X-ray, and γ -ray) wavebands and assuming that multi-waveband radiation is produced by the radiation of accelerated particles in a jet, we discuss the properties of the Doppler factors of blazars at different wavebands. Our results indicate that the Doppler factor of a blazar is a function of frequency. The Doppler factor decreases with frequency from radio to X-ray bands, but increases with frequency from X-ray to γ -ray bands. The γ -ray Doppler factors found in the present paper are correlated with those by Ghisellini et al. (1998, AAA070.159.155), suggesting that our estimation is reasonable. Furthermore, BL Lacertae objects are found to show lower Doppler factors and higher synchrotron peak frequencies compared with FSRQs; the promising TeV sources are BL Lacertae objects. Key words: galaxies: active — galaxies: nuclei — jets: radiation mechanism 1. Introduction The observed broadband spectrum of a blazar indicates a two-component feature: low-frequency and high-frequency components (see, e.g., Ulrich et al. 1997 for a review; Ghisellini et al. 1998). The low-frequency component is up to the soft X-ray region, and its spectral energy distribution (SED) can be roughly described by a convex parabolic νFν spectrum, which is generally believed to be produced by the synchrotron radiation of relativistic electrons in the jet. The high-frequency component, which includes γ -rays, is usually believed to be produced by Compton radiation from these same electrons. In order to understand the spectra of blazars, there are two popular kinds of models for γ -ray emission, i.e., the external Compton (EC) models, in which soft photons are directly from a nearby accretion disk or from disk radiation reprocessed in some region of AGNs, e.g. broad emission line region (e.g. Dermer et al. 1992, 1997; Sikora et al. 1994; Zhang, Cheng 1997). The other is the synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) models, in which soft photons originate as synchrotron emission in the jet (e.g. Maraschi et al. 1992; Ghisellini 1993; Bloom, Marscher 1996). SSC models are responsible for some blazars, and thus EC models would be required for some blazars. At this moment, we would like to explain the overall spectrum by a combination of SSC and EC models. In these models, the Doppler factor, a key physical parameter, is assumed to be constant for all radiation in the EC model and in the SSC model. Therefore, the beaming effect on the radiation spectrum is the same for all bands. Because the Doppler factor depends on the bulk Lorentz factor of the jet and the viewing angle, a constant Doppler factor requires that the Lorentz factor of the jet and the view angle are the same for the radiation at different bands. Generally, this is not true; the emissions from different regions may result in different Lorentz factors (Ghisellini, Maraschi 1989) and various viewing angles are quite possible (Ciliegi et al. 1995). In fact, some observations in the radio to X-ray bands require that the jets change the angles with respect to the line of sight (see below). The various Lorentz factors and viewing angles will certainly result in various Doppler factors. For BL Lac objects, which constitute about 25% of the detected high-energy γ -ray sources by EGRET (Thompson et al. 1995, 1996; Hartman et al. 1999), the observed differences in the spectral properties between radio-selected and X-ray selected BL Lac objects can be understood if the Doppler factors in different bands are different (Fan et al. 1993, 1997; Fan, Xie 1996; Georganopoulos, Marascher 1999). Therefore, a possible case is that the Doppler factor is different at various bands and the observed multi-waveband radiation from blazars is a combination of the beaming effect and intrinsic radiation. Multi-frequency VLBI images of blazars show some interesting features. In 4C 39.25, three radio components (a, b, and c) are observed. The interesting behaviour of component b suggests that a shock wave travels along a bent relativistic jet (G´omez et al. 1994; Alberdi et al. 2000, and reference therein). For PKS 0735 + 178, to fit the kinematical properties of the superluminal components, Baath et al. (1991) suggested that a bending of the jet is required during the inner milliarcsecond, while direct evidence of a curved structure in the inner jet of 0735 + 178 was presented by Kellermann et al. (1998). Later, G´omez et al. (1999) confirmed the existence of a very twisted 160 L. Zhang, J.-H. Fan, and K.-S. Cheng structure in the inner region of the jet in 0735 + 178. The direction change of the radio components is also found in other sources, such as 3C 345, 3C 120, and 3C 279 (von Montigny et al. 1995). G´omez et al. (1999) also pointed out that many jets in BL Lacertae objects and quasars appear to be curved. It has been proposed that a binary black hole model can explain the orbital periods of a few tens of years in quasars, such as the BL Lacertae object OJ 287 (Begelman et al. 1980; Sillanp¨aa¨ et al. 1988). Such a model is also used to explain the observational properties in both the radio and optical bands of 3C 273 (Abraham, Romero 1999; Romero et al. 2000a) and the observational properties of Mkn 501 (Villata, Raiteri 1999). To explain the symmetric optical light curve in 3C 345, a jet which is rotating about its axis due to the conservation of angular momentum carried by the accreted plasma is proposed (Schramm et al. 1993). In such a scenario, density perturbations within the jet travel on helical paths. If the fluid moves relativistically, the emission is beamed into the forward direction. Because the direction of the boosted emission changes, its inclination to the line of sight of the observer also changes (e.g. Camenzind, Krockenberger 1992; Wagner et al. 1995; Chiaberge, Ghisellini 1999). In addition, it is also possible that relativistic particles move along the radius in the jet cone. Although the particles on the shock front should be identically accelerated, the moving direction is different to the observer. Thus, the synchrotron emissions from the same shock front are the same in speed, but different in viewing angle. Therefore, the emissions at different frequencies will have different Doppler factors. In principle, the Doppler factor can be obtained if the Lorentz factor and the viewing angle are known. Unfortunately, the two parameters are unobservable. Therefore, it can only be obtained by other methods. There are some methods to estimate the Doppler factor: (i) the Doppler factor (δssc ) can be derived by using VLBI observations combined with X-ray flux density in the SSC model (see Ghisellini et al. 1993); (ii) the Doppler factor (δeq ) is estimated using single-epoch radio data by assuming that the sources are in equipartition of energy between radiating particles and the magnetic field (Readhead 1994; Guerra, Daly 1997) and (iii) the Doppler factor (δvar ) is estimated using radio flux density variations (L¨ahteenm¨aki, Valtaoja 1999). Furthermore, the lower limits of the Doppler factor have been estimated for the γ -ray-loud blazars (Mattox et al. 1993; Dondi, Ghisellini, 1995; Cheng et al. 1999a; Fan et al. 1999; Ghisellini et al. 1998). Since the Doppler factors were estimated by L¨ahteenm¨aki and Valtaoja (1999), we describe their method in a little more detail. That method is based on the total flux density flares associated with new VLBI components emerging from the AGN core (Valtaoja et al. 1999), which gives an observed variability brightness temperature in the source frame λ2 Smax √ Tb,var = 5.87 × 1021 h−2 2 ( 1 + z − 1)2 , τobs where λ is the observed wavelength in meters, z is the redshift, Smax is the maximum amplitude of the outburst in Jy, and τobs = dt/d(ln S) is the observed variability timescale in days (e.g. Valtaoja et al. 1999). The variability Doppler factors can be obtained by comparing Tb,var and the intrinsic brightness [Vol. 54, temperature, Tb,int , which can be replaced by the equipartition brightness temperature, Teq = 5 × 1010 K during the flare state. Therefore, 1/3 Tb,var δvar = . 5 × 1010 K In this paper, we consider whether the Doppler factors at different frequencies are different. To do so, we use the Doppler factors for active galactic nuclei given by L¨ahteenm¨aki and Valtaoja (1999). Then we analyze the properties of the Doppler factors at different wavebands by using the data (e.g. Cheng et al. 2000; Fossati et al. 1998; Ter¨asranta et al. 1998) and assuming that the multi-waveband intrinsic radiation (S int ) from a blazar is non-thermal and that the observed data (S obs ) are boosted. They are associated with each other, S obs = δ β S int (1 + z )α−1 (here Sν ∝ ν −α ). The value of β depends on the shape of the emitted spectrum and the detailed physics of the jet (Lind, Blandford 1985); β = 3 + α is for a moving sphere and β = 2 + α is for the case of a continuous jet. 2. Observation Data and Analysis Results The observed data used here are as follows. For the Doppler factors, L¨ahteenm¨aki and Valtaoja (1999) have estimated the Doppler factors of 81 AGNs using radio flux variation monitoring data at 22 and 37 GHz, in which 31 AGNs are γ -ray loud blazars, 20 of which are included in the paper by Fossati et al. (1998), who obtained the average flux densities in the radio and optical bands. In the present paper, the averaged radio flux densities of these blazars are taken from Ter¨asranta et al. (1998). The optical data are from the paper of Fossati et al. (1998) for the 20 objects. As for the optical data of the remaining 11 objects and the X-ray data, we use the observed multi-waveband data of the blazars complied by Cheng et al. (2000), in which the flux densities in both low and high states are given. The average flux density is obtained by averaging the values in the low and high states. For the average flux densities and spectral index of these blazars in γ -ray band, we use the data given by Hartman et al. (1999). Therefore, we have a sample including 31 blazars shown in table 1. To analyze them, we need to convert the gamma-ray photon flux into flux density at a given energy. The γ -ray flux density at average energy E is αγ − 1 Sγ (E) ≈ 66 Fγ (> 100 MeV) 1 − 100αγ −1 −(αγ −1) E pJy, (1) × 100 MeV where αγ is the differential spectral index of γ -rays and Fγ (> 100 MeV) is the γ -ray flux above 100 MeV in units of 10−7 cm−2 s−1 . In deriving the above equation, we have assumed that the γ -ray energy range is from 100 MeV to 10 GeV and that the average energy E is in units of 100 MeV. In the beaming model, the observed flux density can be written in the form Siobs = δiβ Siint (1 + z )αi −1 , (2) where Siobs and Siint are the observed and intrinsic flux densities No. 2] Doppler Factors of Gamma-Ray Loud Blazars 161 Table 1. Sample of 31 blazars. Source Class z SR SO SX Fγ αγ log νp 0202 + 149 0219 + 428 0234 + 285 0235 + 164 0336−019 0440−003 0446 + 112 0458−020 0528 + 134 0735 + 178 0804 + 499 0827 + 243 0836 + 710 0851 + 202 0954 + 556 0954 + 658 1156 + 295 1219 + 285 1222 + 216 1226 + 023 1253−055 1406−076 1510−089 1606 + 106 1611 + 343 1633 + 382 1739 + 522 1741−038 2200 + 420 2230 + 114 2251 + 158 Q B Q B Q Q Q Q Q B Q Q Q B Q B Q B Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q B Q Q 1.202 0.444 1.213 0.940 0.852 0.844 1.207 2.286 2.070 0.424 1.433 2.050 2.172 0.306 0.901 0.368 0.729 0.102 0.435 0.158 0.538 1.494 0.361 1.227 1.404 1.814 1.375 1.054 0.069 1.037 0.859 2.61 0.97 2.63 2.51 2.56 1.33 1.60 2.73 5.24 2.21 1.44 1.17 1.51 2.20 1.05 0.72 1.65 0.56 1.88 35.12 16.35 1.17 2.88 1.28 3.44 1.99 1.61 3.68 2.39 2.59 10.31 0.01 4.034 0.14 2.969 0.245 0.108 0.04 0.11 0.375 1.783 0.38 0.33 1.938 2.639 0.405 1.835 9.10 3.047 0.19 29.834 2.073 0.09 1.276 0.15 0.553 0.401 0.15 0.753 5.527 0.701 1.407 0.05 1.558 0.14 1.70 0.253 0.109 ··· 0.07 0.951 0.248 0.20 0.22 0.819 1.063 0.112 0.158 0.65 0.409 0.20 12.074 1.246 ··· 0.718 0.04 0.194 0.258 0.13 0.213 0.936 0.486 1.082 0.87 1.87 1.38 2.59 1.51 1.63 1.49 1.12 9.35 1.64 1.07 2.49 1.02 1.06 0.91 0.60 0.75 1.15 1.39 1.54 7.42 2.74 1.80 2.50 2.65 5.84 1.82 1.17 1.11 1.92 5.37 2.23 2.01 2.53 1.85 1.84 2.37 2.27 2.45 2.46 2.60 2.15 2.42 2.62 2.03 2.12 2.08 1.98 1.73 2.28 2.58 1.96 2.29 2.47 2.63 2.42 2.15 2.23 2.42 2.60 2.48 2.21 ··· 15.01 ··· 15.21 13.06 13.29 ··· ··· 13.55 14.18 ··· ··· 15.27 13.40 14.52 14.18 ··· 14.50 ··· 14.51 13.19 ··· 13.36 ··· 15.01 14.87 ··· 13.85 14.17 13.51 13.52 Note. SR , SO and SX are flux densities at radio, optical and X-ray bands in units of Jy, mJy and µJy respectively. Fγ is the γ -ray flux above 100 MeV with a differential spectral index, αγ , in units of 10−7 cm−2 s−1 . at the ith waveband, respectively. δi is the Doppler factor at the ith waveband. The factor (1 + z )αi −1 represents a K-correction, where αi is the spectral index (Si ∝ νi−αi ). In principle, the intrinsic flux densities at different wavebands can be estimated if the Doppler factor of a blazar is assumed to be constant. However, a constant Doppler factor requires the same region of the broadband emission and the same view angle. Although simultaneous observations in some cases (Wagner et al. 1995; McHardy 1996; Romero et al. 2000b; and references therein) suggest that the emissions are from the same regions, this is not at all the case for most objects; one possible case is that the broadband emissions of the blazar is produced in different emission regions and high energy emission is produced in the region nearer to the central engine (Blandford, Levinson 1995; Levinson, Blandford 1995; Levinson 1996). If the Doppler factors are the same in different frequencies, then equation (2) gives int , Siobs νiαi (1 + z )1−αi = δiβ S0,i (3) int −αi ν . In this sense, we know that the ratio of where Siint = S0,i S obs ν α (1 + z )1−α at any two frequencies, say νi and νj , should be only a function of δ, αi , and αj , namely Ri,j = Siobs νiαi (1 + z )1−αi = δ (αi −αj ) , α Sjobs νj j (1 + z )1−αj which suggests that the ratio between the radio and X-ray bands should be less than unity, while that between the γ -ray and X-ray bands should be unity. This can be tested by observations. When the data listed in table 1 were adopted to this calculation, we found that the ratios are RRadio,X-ray = 9.29 ± 3.21, ROptical,X-ray = 3.33 ± 0.59, and RGamma,X-ray = 173.4 ± 45.40, respectively. Therefore, the Doppler factors are likely not to be constant at different frequencies. This implies that either the viewing angle is changeable, as observed in the radio observations and shown in the theoretical discussions (Kellermann et al. 1998; G´omez et al. 1999; Wagner et al. 1995), or that the Lorentz factor is changeable, as proposed by Ghisellini and Maraschi (1989), or the spectral index, α, varies because of further acceleration and the radiation loss of 162 L. Zhang, J.-H. Fan, and K.-S. Cheng [Vol. 54, Fig. 1. Spectral energy distributions of 20 blazars. The filled circles represent the observed data and the solid curves are the fit results using equation (14). the relativistic particles. We now relax the limitation of the constant Doppler factor. Using equation (2), the ratio of two different waveband flux densities gives 1/βi Sjint Siobs βj /βi η δi = δj (1 + z ) , (4) Sjobs Siint where η = (αj − αi )/βi , βi = 3 + αi or βi = 2 + αi , depending on the physics of the jet. From equation (4), in order to estimate the Doppler factor, we need to know the ratio of the intrinsic energy densities between different wavebands, which is unknown. Therefore, we make the following assumptions. The relativistic particles satisfy a power-law distribution with a spectral index, p. The radiation from a blazar in the radio to X-ray regions is produced by the synchrotron radiation of these No. 2] Doppler Factors of Gamma-Ray Loud Blazars particles in the jet, which gives S(ν) ∝ ν −(p−1)/2 for ν ≤ νp and S(ν) ∝ ν −p/2 for ν > νp , where νp is the peak frequency (see Ghisellini et al. 1993). The γ -rays are produced by Compton scattering of the same particles and S(ν) ∝ ν −p/2 . Under above assumptions, we have 10(2.87p−3) νR(1−p)/2 νp−0.5 if νp < νO SRint (5) = SOint 10(2.87p−2.87) ν (1−p)/2 if νp > νO , SRint SXint = 10(4.19p−3) and SRint = 10(6.69p−3) Sγint R νX νR p/2 E νR νp νR p/2 −0.5 νp νR , (6) −0.5 , (7) where SRint , SOint , SXint , and Sγint are the intrinsic flux densities in the radio (νR in GHz), optical (V band), X-ray (νX in KeV) and γ -ray (E in units of 100 MeV) bands respectively, νp (in units of 1015 Hz) is the peak frequency. Therefore, we have the following relations for the optical Doppler factor: (5 + p)/(6 + p) δ (1 + z )−1/(6 + p) R 2/(6 + p) SOobs (mJy) × a1 obs , if νp ≤ νO (8) δO ≈ SR (Jy) 2/(5 + p) S obs (mJy) δR a2 O , if νp > νO SRobs (Jy) with the X-ray Doppler factor being δX ≈ δR(5 + p)/(6 + p) (1 + z )−1/(6 + p) p/2 −1/2 νp (4.19p−9) νX × 10 νR νR 2/(6 + p) SXobs (µJy) × obs SR (Jy) (9) and the γ -ray Doppler factor being δγ ≈ δR(5 + p)/(6 + p) (1 + z )−1/(6 + p) p/2 −0.5 νp (6.69p−15) E × 10 νR νR 2/(6 + p) Sγobs (pJy) × obs SR (Jy) (10) for β = 3 + α, where a1 = 10(2.87p−6) νR(1−p)/2 νp−0.5 and a2 = 10(2.87p−5.87) νR(1−p)/2 . Further (3 + p)/(4 + p) δR (1 + z )−1/(4 + p) S obs (mJy) 2/(4 + p) × b1 Oobs , if νp ≤ νO , δO ≈ (11) SR (Jy) 2/(3 + p) SOobs (mJy) δ , if νp > νO b R 2 obs SR (Jy) with the X-ray Doppler factor being δX ≈ δR(3 + p)/(4 + p) (1 + z )−1/(4 + p) p/2 −1/2 νp νX × 10(4.19p−9) νR νR 2/(4 + p) SXobs (µJy) × obs SR (Jy) 163 (12) and the γ -ray Doppler factor being δγ ≈ δR(3 + p)/(4 + p) (1 + z )−1/(4 + p) p/2 −0.5 νp E × 10(6.69p−15) νR νR 2/(4 + p) Sγobs (pJy) × obs SR (Jy) (13) for β = 2 + α, where b1 = 10(2.87p−6) νR(1−p)/2 νp−0.5 and b2 = 10(2.87p−5.87) νR(1−p)/2 . Using the Doppler factor at the radio band given by L¨ahteenm¨aki and Valtaoja (1999), the flux densities at different wavebands given in table 1, and equations (8)–(13), we can estimate the Doppler factors at the optical, X-ray and γ -ray bands, respectively, if the frequency, νp , is known. Now we estimate the νp . 2.1. Synchrotron Peak Frequency In order to determine the position of the peak of the synchrotron emission in a γ -ray loud blazar, we fitted the data for each source in a log ν − log νSν plot using the following parabolic fits as did Landau et al. (1986), Sambruna et al. (1996), and Fossati et al. (1998): log(νSν ) = A(log ν)2 + B log ν + C (14) where A, B, and C were obtained from the fitting (cf. figure 1). The data adopted for the fitting were from the paper of Fossati et al. (1998). When the parabolic fitting was employed to the relevant data of the sources, the peak frequencies, which can be expressed as log νp = −B/2A, were obtained, as shown in table 1 for the 20 sources with available data. The average peak frequency is log νp = 14.11 ± 0.16 for all 20 sources, log νp = 14.37 ± 0.23 for the lower synchrotron peak frequency BL Lacertae objects and log νp = 13.96 ± 0.21 for flat spectral radio sources (FSRQs), respectively. In a following analysis, we will adopt the average peak frequency of FSRQs for the remaining 11 objects, since they are all FSRQs. 2.2. Doppler Factors With the relevant peak frequencies and the data in the radio, optical, X-ray, γ -ray bands, and the radio Doppler factors, we could estimate the Doppler factors in other bands. The observed data are K-corrected using Si = Siobs (1 + z )(αi −1) . Adopting p = 2.2, the corresponding Doppler factors were obtained with the averaged values being as follows: δO = 5.74 ± 0.65, δX = 4.69 ± 0.54 and δγ = 11.22 ± 1.04 for β = 3 + α case, and δO = 4.78 ± 0.59, δX = 3.58 ± 0.45 and δγ = 11.16 ± 1.06 for β = 2 + α case, respectively, where 164 L. Zhang, J.-H. Fan, and K.-S. Cheng [Vol. 54, Table 2. Doppler factors of 31 blazars at different wavebands and the SSC frequencies. Source δR δO δX δγ log νSSC 0202 + 149 0219 + 428 0234 + 285 0235 + 164 0336−019 0440−003 0446 + 112 0458−020 0528 + 134 0735 + 178 0804 + 499 0827 + 243 0836 + 710 0851 + 202 0954 + 556 0954 + 658 1156 + 295 1219 + 285 1222 + 216 1226 + 023 1253−055 1406−076 1510−089 1606 + 106 1611 + 343 1633 + 382 1739 + 522 1741−038 2200 + 420 2230 + 114 2251 + 158 5.93 1.99 7.29 16.32 19.01 11.46 4.90 17.80 14.22 3.17 26.21 15.46 10.67 18.03 4.63 6.62 9.42 1.56 8.16 5.71 16.77 8.26 13.18 9.32 5.04 8.83 12.12 8.92 3.91 14.23 21.84 0.67 1.54 1.85 8.10 7.66 4.36 1.04 3.35 4.43 2.27 8.92 5.64 5.82 14.88 2.13 6.11 10.65 2.09 2.68 3.38 7.27 2.27 8.40 2.93 1.19 2.33 3.35 3.85 3.88 7.07 8.13 1.04 0.97 1.72 3.96 4.64 2.96 ··· 2.69 5.34 1.10 6.73 4.60 3.63 10.68 0.94 3.16 4.22 1.05 2.53 2.53 5.08 ··· 6.07 1.77 0.77 1.99 2.97 3.20 2.79 5.53 9.08 7.07 2.18 8.36 8.90 18.86 16.50 8.36 17.62 19.15 3.83 19.64 18.47 6.06 16.44 4.04 6.37 12.50 2.17 12.75 2.29 15.71 17.08 15.73 18.06 3.66 8.56 18.87 7.00 4.12 15.75 18.81 23.33 22.17 22.50 23.44 20.20 21.27 22.90 22.83 20.95 21.08 22.95 22.90 22.89 20.65 22.08 21.61 20.90 22.16 23.02 20.85 20.46 23.25 20.87 23.15 23.03 23.40 23.05 20.78 21.61 20.86 21.06 the average γ -ray energy of 31 blazars is 360 ± 20 MeV. It is clear that the Doppler factors are not the same at different frequencies for the both cases (β = 2 + α and β = 3 + α) with the Doppler factor at the X-ray band being minimum on average. The averaged radio Doppler factor is δR = 10.7 ± 1.1 for the sample considered in this paper. The Doppler factors obtained under the condition of p = 2.2 and β = 2 + α are shown in table 2 and the average Doppler factors are plotted against frequency in figure 2, which shows that the Doppler factors of most blazars decrease with frequency from radio to X-ray bands, but increase from X-ray to γ -ray bands. This frequency-dependent tendency is not caused by the selection effect, because (1) the sample was compiled based on their γ -ray detection and radio Doppler factors, (2) the frequency-dependent tendency obtained in the present paper from X-ray to radio band is consistent with the proposal by Ghisellini and Maraschi (1989), and it is therefore reasonable that the X-ray Doppler factor is lower than the radio Doppler factor, and (3) γ -ray observations indicated that the γ -ray emissions are strongly beamed, which implies that the γ -ray Doppler factor is higher. In this sense, there should be a tendency that the Doppler factor increases from the X-ray to γ -ray bands. In deriving equations (8) to (13), we used two assumptions: (i) that the emission from radio to γ -rays is produced from the accelerated electrons with a single distribution through SSC mechanism and (ii) that the X-ray emission is due to the synchrotron radiation above the synchrotron peak frequency. In such assumptions, the ratio of the intrinsic energy densities between different wavebands are estimated [see equations (5) to (7)], and the variation of Doppler factor with frequency shown in figure 2 is obtained. It should be pointed out, however, that modeling based on the standard SSC model of the single electron distribution often fails to reproduce the spectrum in the radio waveband, where a constant Doppler factor is assumed (Fossati et al. 1998; Ghisellini et al. 1998). Therefore, there is a possibility that the emissions, especially in the radio waveband, are the integrated emission from different region in the jet. Furthermore, the intrinsic energy density ratio between X-rays and γ -rays for each blazar is estimated based on assumption (ii). However, this assumption may not be true for some blazars with high radio luminosities. In fact, Fossati et al. (1998) derived the average spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of a blazar sample binned according to the radio luminosity. The SEDs define a spectral sequence from No. 2] Doppler Factors of Gamma-Ray Loud Blazars 165 Doppler factor decreases with frequency from radio to X-ray bands, but increases from X-ray to γ -ray bands (see figure 2). Our result suggests that the emissions from a blazar at different wavebands are produced in different emission regions and/or in the same emission region with a different viewing angle. Fan et al. (1993) found a relation between the Doppler factor and the frequency based on an analysis of observed X-ray, optical and radio flux densities from BL Lac objects, and expressed it 1 + 1 log(ν /ν) Fig. 2. Variation of the Doppler factor with frequency. The filled circles with error bars represent the average Doppler factors at the radio, optical, X-ray and γ -ray bands and the solid curve is given by equation (15). red to blue. For most red blazars with their radio luminosities > 1045 erg s−1 , the X-ray emissions are thought to be due to inverse Compton emission. In this case, the spectral index of X-rays is ∼ (p − 1)/2 and the Doppler factor, (δX )IC , at X-ray band should be changed. In order to account for this, we use (δX )syn to represent the Doppler factor at the Xray band given by equation (9) or equation (12) and consider (δX )IC /(δX )syn . This ratio is {νX /[δR (1 + z )νp ]}1/(6 + p) for β = 3 + α and {νX /[δR (1 + z )νp ]}1/(4 + p) for β = 2 + α. Therefore, (δX )IC > (δX )syn . For 0336−019, whose break frequency is minimum in our sample (see table 1), (δX )IC /(δX )syn ∼ 2.2 [or (δX )IC ∼ 10.20] for β = 3 + α and ∼ 2.9 [or (δX )IC ∼ 13.46] for β = 2 + α. If we take this effect into our estimate of the Doppler factors at the X-ray band for the most luminous blazars, the average Doppler factor at the X-ray band will increase, though δX is also less than δR and δγ . 3. Discussion In the EGRET detected sources, the detected short time scale variability and the high flux suggested that the γ -ray emission is beamed and that the relativistic jets are involved in the emission. The beaming effect has also been supported by the fact that some γ -ray loud AGNs show superluminal radio components. In the 3rd catalogue, about a quarter of (14 out of 60) the confirmed γ -ray loud sources show superluminal radio components (Hartman et al. 1999; Fan et al. 1997). However, not all of the superluminal radio sources were detected with EGRET, nor did all of the EGRET detected sources show superluminal radio components, although the superluminal radio sources detected with EGRET are not different from those undetected with EGRET (von Montigny et al. 1995). Why is this the situation? 3.1. Superluminal Motion According to our analysis, the Doppler factor of a blazar is a function of the frequency (see table 1). On the average, the O , where δO and νO are the optical Doppler as δ(ν) ∼ δO 8 factor and the optical frequency, respectively. This relation is valid for the radiation from radio to X-ray bands of Seyfert galaxies as well as FSRQs and BL Lacertae objects (Fan 1997; Mei et al. 1999). Thus, this relation should be satisfied for the radiation from radio to X-ray emissions of blazars. The relation suggests that the Doppler factors in the radio (δR ), optical (δO ), and X-ray (δX ) bands satisfy δR > δO > δX and the relation in Fan et al. (1993) can be expressed in the form of δ(ν) ∼ δX1 + 0.2 log(νX /ν) , from the X-ray to γ -ray region. Cheng et al. (1999b), who found that the relation for the Doppler factor with frequency can be expressed by δ(ν) ∼ δX1−b log(νX /ν) for the X-ray to γ -ray bands, used b = 0.28 to fit the X-ray and γ -ray spectra of 3C 279. The relation suggests that the Doppler factor increases with frequency in the X-ray and γ ray regions. Similar results have been obtained by other authors. To avoid the photon–photon collisions and to let the γ -rays escape, Protheroe et al. (1998) found that the Doppler factors in the γ -ray region are frequency-dependent with the Doppler factor increasing with frequency in the γ -ray region. That the X-ray Doppler factors are lower in our analysis is consistent with the proposal by Ghisellini and Maraschi (1989). In some analysis, no Doppler correction is requested for X-ray data, suggesting that the X-ray Doppler factors is small (see Maccagni et al. 1989; Fan et al. 1994; Fan, Xie 1996). From our estimation, we also can say that there is such a tendency of the Doppler factor decreasing with frequency from radio to X-ray, but the γ -ray Doppler factor is higher than the X-ray one. The averaged values of the estimated Doppler factors satisfy following relation: δX1 + 0.15 log(νX /ν) if ν < νX δν = (15) δ 1−0.18 log(νX /ν) if ν > ν X X for the β = 2 + α case and δX1 + 0.09 log(νX /ν) if δν = δ 1−0.11 log(νX /ν) if X ν < νX ν > νX for the β = 3 + α case. Comparing the Doppler-factor tendency and the discussions in Fan et al. (1993) and Cheng et al. (1999b), we can see that the Doppler-frequency relation in the β = 2 + α case is near to those presented in our previous papers (Fan et al. 1993; Cheng et al. 1999b). This suggests that a continuous jet is more reasonable than a moving sphere, as we concluded based on the Doppler factors and a polarization analysis in 1997 (Fan et al. 1997). Recently, Jose-Luis G´omez (private communication) pointed out that a continuous jet should be the real situation. From the definition, the Doppler factor at the ith waveband 166 is −1 δi = Γi − (Γ2i − 1)1/2 cos θi , L. Zhang, J.-H. Fan, and K.-S. Cheng [Vol. 54, (16) where Γi is the Lorentz factor corresponding to the bulk velocity of the jet and θi is the angle between the line of sight and the bulk velocity (viewing angle). Generally, a frequencydependent Doppler factor indicates that the Lorentz factors and/or viewing angles at different wavebands are different. In the relativistic beaming model, for small θ , δi ∝ Γi , the frequency-dependent Doppler factor requires that the Lorentz factor of the jet is a function of the distance to the central engine, as proposed by Ghisellini and Maraschi (1989). If the emission region in some frequency range (e.g. X-ray and γ -ray bands) is the same (i.e. co-spatial), then different Doppler factors at different wavebands are due to various viewing angles. It should also be pointed out that other reasonable values of the spectral index of the relativistic particles (p) can produce similar results, which show that the Doppler factor decreases from radio to X-ray, but increases from the X-ray to γ -ray bands. The result presented in figure 2 clearly shows that Doppler factor is changing with frequency, with the minimum being in the X-ray region and that the γ -ray and radio Doppler factors are comparable on the average. However, for individual source this is not the total situation. A source, whose minimum Doppler factor is at a frequency lower than the X-ray region, would tend to show that the γ -ray Doppler factor is higher than the radio Doppler factor; this source would possibly be detected in the γ -ray region, but would show no superluminal radio components. On the contrary, for a source, whose minimum Doppler factor is at a frequency higher than the Xray region, would tend to show that the γ -ray Doppler factor is lower than the radio Doppler factor; therefore, it would possibly show a superluminal radio component but could not be detected in the γ -ray region. In this sense, the superluminal radio components and the γ -ray detection do not necessarily correspond to each other. 3.2. Doppler Factor Comparison The Doppler factors in the γ -ray region are estimated for many γ -ray loud blazars (see Dondi, Ghisellini 1995; Mattox et al. 1993; Cheng et al. 1999a; Fan et al. 1999; Ghisellini et al. 1998). In Ghisellini et al. (1998), the γ -ray Doppler factors are as high as 20, which is comparable to the radio Doppler factors. In our analysis, the derived γ -ray Doppler factors are in the range of 3 to 21. When we plotted a diagram of our results against those by Ghisellini et al. (1998), we found that these two sets of values are very closely correlated with a correlation coefficient, r = 0.77, for the left-hand part of sources with δOurs < 11. The value of the Doppler factors of the points in the right-hand part are perhaps underestimated in the paper by Ghiselliini et al. (1998), since the Doppler factors are constrained so as not to exceed a value of 20–25 in their paper, and thus the Doppler factor values are consistent with the observed superluminal speeds. It is quite possible that the variability time scale, 1 day for those sources, has been overestimated. For example, for 2251 + 158, a 0.08 d variability time scale (see Dondi, Ghisellini 1995) was detected, which would result in the Doppler factor being 1.5-times as high as the Doppler factor estimated from a 1 day time scale; namely, the Doppler Fig. 3. Comparison of our Doppler factors (δOurs ) with those (δG ) given by Ghisellini et al. (1998). For 1253−055, 1156 + 295, and 2251 + 158, the Doppler factors estimated by Ghisellini et al. (1998) become larger if their observed shorter time scales are used (we label their increases as the arrows; also see text.). factor would be 15, as we show in figure 3 by the arrow. For 3C 279, if the doubling time of 6 h (see Cheng et al. 1999a; Fan et al. 1999) is taken into account, the Doppler factor would be 1.2-times as high as that estimated from the 1 day time scale, which is also shown in figure 3 by an arrow. For 1156 + 295, the 0.46 d time scale also results in a larger Doppler factor, as shown in figure 3 by an arrow. In fact, it is understandable for the sources in the right-hand part of figure 3 to have shorter variability time scales, because the derived γ -ray Doppler factors are comparable with the radio ones, and to some extent the higher radio Doppler factors are associated with shorter time scales; therefore, the higher Doppler factors suggest a shorter time scale. In this sense, if a shorter time scale is used, the points in the right-hand part of the figure would move up and make the linear correlation be closer. This correlation also implies that our estimation of the γ -ray Doppler factors is reasonable. We can also expect a shorter-than-one-day time scale for the sources located in the right-hand part. 3.3. Correlation between the Doppler Factor and the Peak Frequency From an observational point of view, there are some differences between BL Lacertae objects and flat spectra radio quasars (FSRQs), although they both show many common properties. In the present work, some differences were shown to exist between those two subgroups of active galactic nuclei. From a parabolic fitting, the average peak frequency of BL Lacertae objects, log νp = 14.37, is higher than that of FSRQs, log νp = 13.96, which is consistent with the results by Fossati et al. (1998). Besides, the ratios of the γ -ray luminosity to the peak synchrotron luminosity, logνγ Sγ /νp Sp , were calculated for BL Lacertae objects and FSRQs, respectively, giving average values of −0.06 ± 0.07 and 0.69 ± 0.12 for the BL Lacertae objects and FSRQs. If the γ -ray emissions are from synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) emission, the inverse Compton emission would dominate the synchrotron emission in FSRQs, while the Compton emissions would be comparable to the synchrotron emission in the BL Lacertae objects. On No. 2] Doppler Factors of Gamma-Ray Loud Blazars 167 Fig. 5. Relation between the γ -ray flux density in pJy against the γ -ray Doppler factor. The filled points are for BL Lacertae objects and the open circles are for FSRQs. Fig. 4. Relation between the synchrotron peak frequency against the γ -ray Doppler factor. The filled points are for BL Lacertae objects and the open circles are for FSRQs. the other hand, it is possible that the inverse Compton emission in the BL Lacertae objects would peak at the higher-than-GeV regions; therefore, the γ -ray emissions used to calculate the ratios are not the peak luminosity. If this is true, one cannot expect TeV emissions from FSRQs, and the promising TeV blazars should be BL Lacertae objects. Fortunately, up to now, the known TeV γ -ray blazars are all BL Lacertae objects (see Catanese, Weekes 1999). From the synchrotron peak frequency and the derived γ ray Doppler factor, one can find that both parameters are anticorrelated, as plotted in figure 4. In fact, equation (6) implies that the γ -ray Doppler factor is anti-correlated with the peak frequency, log δγ = −0.125 log νp + c, if other parameters are constant. If the three sources that deviate from the other 17 sources are excluded, a close anti-correlation, logδγ = −0.49logνp + 7.24 with r = 0.91 and p = 2.5 × 10−6 can be obtained. The difference between the expected correlation and the obtained correlation is due to the fact that the obtained Doppler factors are associated with not only the peak frequency, but also with the radio Doppler factor, the redshift, the observed radio and γ -ray fluxes, and the radio and γ -ray spectral indices. Figure 4 also indicates that BL Lacertae objects have a lower Doppler factor and a higher peak frequency as compared with FSRQs. This finding is consistent with the above results concerning the ratio log νγ Sγ /νp Sp and suggests that the lower ratio of BL Lacertae objects is due to the fact that BL Lacertae objects have a higher inverse Compton frequency than FSRQs. Equations (7) and (10) imply that there are possibly systematic effects in which the higher is the flux in γ -ray band, the higher are the Doppler factors. To investigate this we give a plot of the γ -ray Doppler factor and the γ -ray flux density in figure 5, which indicates that there is no correlation between them. It is known that the intensity of the Compton component with respect to the Synchrotron component is different from objects to objects (Kubo et al. 1998) from simultaneous observations. Perhaps different Doppler factors are the reason. We now consider the location of the Synchrotron Self-Compton frequency. To do so, we can use formula (4) derived by Kubo et al. (1998), namely 2 Lsync νSSC 4 12 Lsync δ ≥ 1.6 × 10 3 2 , 4 c ∆t LSSC νsync where Lsync and LSSC are the synchrotron and Compton luminosities in units of erg s−1 , νsync and νSSC are the synchrotron and the Compton frequencies in Hz, c is the speed of light in units of cm s−1 , and ∆t is the variability time scale in units of second. Assuming νsync = νp and Lsync = Lp , while adopting 1 day for the variability time scale in the γ -ray region, as did by Ghisellini et al. (1998), we can estimate the νSSC by means of the obtained γ -ray Doppler factor and the γ -ray luminosity; the resulting νSSC are listed in the last column in table 2. The difference between νsync and νSSC falls in the range of 2.2 × 106–9 Hz in the present sample. 168 4. L. Zhang, J.-H. Fan, and K.-S. Cheng Conclusion In the present work, using the available multiwavelength data, the synchrotron peak frequency was obtained, based on the known radio Doppler factors and the assumption that the intrinsic spectra of blazars are from the SSC model and the observed emissions are boosted; we thus derived a relation for the Doppler factors, and obtained them in the optical, X-ray and the γ -ray regions. Generally, those Doppler factors are found to be a function of the frequency, with the Doppler factor decreasing with frequency from the radio to X-ray regions, and then increasing from the X-ray to γ -ray regions. The γ ray Doppler factors found in the present paper are correlated with those by Ghisellini et al. (1998), suggesting that our es- [Vol. 54, timation is reasonable. In addition, BL Lacertae objects are found to show lower Doppler factors and a higher synchrotron peak frequency as compared with the values for FSRQs, and the promising TeV sources are BL Lacertae objects. This work is partially supported by Outstanding Researcher Awards of the University of Hong Kong, a Croucher Foundation Senior Fellowship and the National 973 project of China (NKBRAF G19990754), the National Natural Scientific Foundation of China (19973001), and National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (10125315). The authors thank an anonymous referee for significant comments, and Dr. Esko Valtaoja, Dr. G. E. Romero, and Dr. Jose-luis G´omez for their useful suggestions and comments on the manuscript. References Abraham, Z., & Romero, G. E. 1999, A&A, 344, 61 Alberdi, A., G´omez, J. L., Marcaide, J. M., Marscher, A. P., & P´erez-Torres, M. A. 2000, A&A, 361, 529 Baath, L. B., Zhang, F. J., & Chu, H. S. 1991, A&A, 243, 328 Begelman, M. C., Blandford, R. D., & Rees, M. J. 1980, Nature, 287, 307 Blandford, R., & Levinson, A. 1995, ApJ, 441, 79 Bloom, S. D., & Marscher, A. 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