Mednarodni miting Maribor,

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Mednarodni miting Maribor,
Organizator tekmovanja / Organizer of the competition:
Plavalni klub Branik Maribor
Koroška cesta 33
2000 Maribor, Slovenija
tel/GSM: +386 2 250 11 77 e­mail: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) Starostne kategorije / Age categories:
moški/male: ženske/female:
M3 1999, 2000 W3 2001, 2002
M2 1997, 1998 W2 1999, 2000
M1 1996 in starejši/and older W1 1998 in starejše/and older
Program tekmovanja / Competition Program:
1. del ­ sobota/Saturday ­ 09.00
50 m prsno / breaststroke M1+M2+M3, W1+W2+W3 predtek./heats
50 m prosto / freestyle M1+M2+M3, W1+W2+W3 predtek./heats
100 m hrbtno / backstroke M1+M2+M3, W1+W2+W3 predtek./heats
200 m prosto / freestyle M1+M2+M3, W1+W2+W3 predtek./heats
100 m delfin / butterfly M1+M2+M3, W1+W2+W3 predtek./heats
200 m prsno / breaststroke M1+M2+M3, W1+W2+W3 predtek./heats
200 m mešano / ind. medley M1+M2+M3, W1+W2+W3 predtek./heats
1500 m prosto / freestyle M (absolutno/open) 800 m prosto / freestyle W (absolutno/open)
2. del ­ sobota/Saturday – glej urnik tekmovanaja/see competition schedule 50 m prsno / breaststroke M, W Finale
50 m prosto / freestyle M, W Finale
100 m hrbtno / backstroke M, W Finale
200 m prosto / freestyle M, W Finale
100 m delfin / butterfly M, W Finale
200 m prsno / breaststroke M, W Finale
200 m mešano / ind. medley M, W Finale
1500 m prosto / freestyle M (absolutno/open) boljša sk./best group
800 m prosto / freestyle W (absolutno/open) boljša sk./best group
1. del ­ nedelja/Sunday ­ 09.00
50 m delfin / butterfly M1+M2+M3, W1+W2+W3 predtek./heats
50 m hrbtno / backstroke M1+M2+M3, W1+W2+W3 predtek./heats
400 m prosto / freestyle M1+M2+M3, W1+W2+W3 predtek./heats
200 m delfin / butterfly M1+M2+M3, W1+W2+W3 predtek./heats
100 m prsno / breaststroke M1+M2+M3, W1+W2+W3 predtek./heats
200 m hrbtno / backstroke M1+M2+M3, W1+W2+W3 predtek./heats
400 m mešano / ind. medley M, W (absolutno/open) 100 m prosto / freestyle M1+M2+M3, W1+W2+W3 predtek./heats
2. del ­ nedelja/Sunday ­ – glej urnik tekmovanaja/see competition schedule 50 m delfin / butterfly M, W Finale
50 m hrbtno / backstroke M, W Finale
400 m prosto / freestyle M, W Finale
200 m delfin / butterfly M, W Finale
100 m prsno / breaststroke M, W Finale
200 m hrbtno / backstroke M, W Finale
400 m mešano / ind. medley M, W (absolutno/open) boljša sk./best group
100 m prosto / freestyle M, W Finale
800 m prosto / freestyle M (absolutno/open) boljša sk./best group 1500 m prosto / freestyle W (absolutno/open) boljša sk./best group
Tekmovanje bo potekalo v pokritem olimpijskem bazenu, 50 m, 8 prog, globina 2,2 m, temperatura
vode 26,5oC, v soboto in nedeljo 21. decembra in 22. decembra 2013
Urnik tekmovanja:
predtekmovanja: segrevanje ob 8:00, tekmovanje ob 9:00,
finala: segrevanje ob 16:00 uri, tekmovanje ob 17:00 uri.
Startnina bo 5 € na start in jo bo potrebno vplačati pred pričetkom dopoldanskega dela tekmovanja.
Merjenje časov bo elektronsko.
Tekmovanje bo potekalo po pravilih PZS in FINA.
Pravico nastopa na tekmovanju bodo imeli vsi registrirani tekmovalci matičnih plavalnih zvez. Na
tekmovanju bodo lahko nastopili vsi plavalci rojeni 2000 in starejši ter plavalke, rojene leta 2002 in
Sistem tekmovanja: tekmovanje bo potekalo v dopoldanskem (predtekmovalnem) in popoldanskem delu
s finali. V dopoldanskem delu bodo tekmovalci razvrščeni v skupine po prijavljenih rezultatih, ne glede na
starost. V popoldanskem delu bo nastopilo osem absolutnih finalistov v A finalu ter osem najhitrejših v
kategoriji M2, M3, W2, W3 v B finalu (razen tistih, ki plavajo v absolutnem finalu). Izjemi sta disciplini
800/1500m prosto ter 400m mešano, kjer bodo tekmovalci razvrščeni v skupine po prijavljenih časih,
zadnja ­ najboljša skupina pa bo nastopila v popoldanskem finalnem delu tekmovanja. Organizator si
pridržuje pravico, da v primeru prevelikega števila prijavljenih tekmovalcev v disciplinah 800m/1500m K in
400m mešano omeji nastop samo 16­ih najhitrejših
Najboljši trije iz kategorije M3, M2, W3, W2 v vsaki disciplini (z ozirom na dosežene rezultate v
dopoldanskem predtekmovanju) bodo nagrajeni z medaljami. Izjeme so discipline 800/1500m prosto ter
400m mešano, ki se bodo podelile zgolj medalje v absolutni kategoriji.
Najboljši trije v popoldanskem absolutnem finalu bodo v vsaki disciplini nagrajeni z medaljami.
Prvi trije plavalci in plavalke z najboljšim seštevkom LEN točk iz treh (3) finalnih nastopov, bodo
nagrajeni s pokali.
Rok za prijavo je 1. december 2014.
Veselimo se vaše udeležbe na tekmovanju in vas športno pozdravljamo!
The competition will take place in Maribor (Slovenia) In­door Olympic Swimming­Pool: 50 m, 8 lines,
depth 2,2 m, water temperature 26,5oC, on Saturday 13st December and Sunday 14th December 2014.
Competition Schedule:
qualifying rounds: warming­up at 8 a.m., 9 a.m. competition.
finals: warming­up at 16.00 p.m., 17.00 p.m. start ob competition.
Entry fee of 5 € is to be paid prior to commencement of the morning part of the competition.
Electronic measurement.
The competition will be governed by the PZS and FINA regulations.
The Competition right is given to all the registered competitors of the swimming organizations who have
reached the qualifying norms for participating (in the previous competitions). At the competition all the
male swimmers born 2000 or older and female swimmers born 2002 or older are allowed to participate.
Competition system: the championship itself includes the qualifying rounds in the morning and finals in
the afternoon. Groups for the morning part will be composed on the basis of the submitted results,
regardless of competitor’s age. The eight (8) best competitors (regardless of their age) in the preliminary
rounds will compete in the afternoon A finals and the eight (8) best competitors from categories M2, M3,
W2, W3 will compete in B finals (with the exception of those who will be swimming in A finals). The
exceptions are: the 800m/1500m freestyle and 400m individual medley, where the competitors will be
grouped according to the submitted time results. The last group of the above mentioned events will,
however, compete in the afternoon (final) part of the competition.
The best three competitors from category of M3, M2, W3, W2 in each event (with regard to the
preliminary competition results) shall be awarded with medals, except in events (800m/1500m free style
and 400m individual medley) which are valid only for the open class.
The best three competitors in open class in the afternoon (final) part of the competition shall be awarded
with the medals in each event.
The first three male and female competitors in open class, who will by LEN Score tables gain the highest
sum of points in three (3) events of final part, will be awarded. Preliminary applications should be submitted on forms by 24th November 2014. Final applications
should be submitted till 1st December 2014.
We are looking forward to Your participation at Swimming Competition Maribor ‘14!
© 2004­2014 ­ Plavalni klub branik Maribor
+386 41 682 016 | mailto:[email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) | avtorji (avtorji)
Aquasystems (
Grawe zavarovalnica (
Občina Maribor (
Energetika Maribor (http://www.energetika­
Aquamania (
Fundacija za šport (