39.DELTA Kitchen Kuhinja DELTA 40.SELENA Kitchen Kuhinja SELENA 53 51 41. HERA Kitchen Kuhinja HERA 42.Living room ITALO Dnevna soba ITALO 43.NOLA Kitchen Kuhinja NOLA 50 49 48 52 54 47 55 44.SIBILA Kitchen Kuhinja SIBILA 46 45.AIDA Kitchen Kuhinja AIDA 56 46.ROMA Kitchen Kuhinja ROMA 57 HIGHLIGHTS 47. TEMIDA Kitchen Kuhinja TEMIDA 45 48.ARKADA Kitchen Kuhinja ARKADA 58 49.LIRA Kitchen with Gorenje Simplicity appliances Kuhinja LIRA z aparati Gorenje Simplicity 50.REA Kitchen with Gorenje Ora-Ïto White Collection Kuhinja REA s kolekcijo Gorenje Ora-Ïto White Gorenje Trade Show 2010@Home Interior 51. Living room MATRIX Dnevna soba MATRIX 44 52. Bedroom TAJA Spalnica TAJA 53. GRACIA Kitchen Kuhinja GRACIA 43 54.VITA Kitchen Kuhinja VITA 55. MINA Kitchen Kuhinja MINA 56.ALEA Kitchen with Gorenje Simplicity appliances Kuhinja ALEA z aparati Gorenje Simplicity 42 39 40 41 57. REA Kitchen Kuhinja REA Established 60 years ago and present in more than 70 countries, Gorenje continuously raises quality standards among Europe’s leading home appliance manufacturers. With its innovative, technologically perfected, environmentally friendly and stylish products, Gorenje aims to become the creator of the most innovative design-led home appliances in the world. Gorenje inspires. 58.NELLA Kitchen Kuhinja NELLA Gorenje, ki je prisotno na več kot 70-ih trgih sveta, sodi med vodilne evropske proizvajalce gospodinjskih aparatov. S svojimi inovativnimi, tehnološko in oblikovno dovršenimi ter okolju prijaznimi aparati nenehno dviguje standarde in uresničuje pričakovanja kupcev. Vizija Gorenja je postati najizvirnejši, v oblikovanje usmerjen ustvarjalec izdelkov za dom na svetu. Gorenje navdihuje. Že 60 let. G AL LE RY / G ALE R IJA www.gorenje.com 08 27 18 19 20 21 30 05 06 22 31 29 33 07 26 35 17 25 29 16 21 32 31 29 33 34 36 24 15 23 04 38 INFO DESK 14 16 09 28 03 10 02 11 13 12 01 ENTRANCE/ VHOD 01. Gorenje fridge freezers made with CRYSTALLIZEDTM – Swarovski Elements Hladilno-zamrzovalni aparati Gorenje made with CRYSTALLIZEDTM – Swarovski Elements 02.QUBE – “All-around design” QUBE – “All-around design” 03.Gorenje Competence Paradni konji velikih gospodinjskih aparatov 04.Gorenje for iPod Gorenje for iPod 05.Gorenje Simplicity Gorenje Simplicity 06.FORTUNA Kitchen & Akril multicolour - material testing Kuhinja FORTUNA & Test materiala Akril multikolor 07. Gorenje Retro Collection Gorenje Retro kolekcija 08.Demo kitchen with Gorenje designed by Karim Rashid Collection Demonstracijska kuhinja s kolekcijo Gorenje designed by Karim Rashid 09.Gorenje Pininfarina Black Collection Kolekcija Gorenje Pininfarina Black 10. SmarTable by Gorenje SmarTable by Gorenje 11. American-style refrigeration Hladilni aparati v ameriškem stilu 12. Gorenje Ora-Ïto Collection Kolekcija Gorenje Ora-Ïto 13. CARAT - 3D Kitchen planning and display CARAT - 3D Projektiranje in ogled kuhinj 14. Dishwashers Pomivalni stroji 28. Cooking Kuhalni aparati 15. Washing and drying Pralni in sušilni aparati 29.DELTA Kitchen Kuhinja DELTA 16. Small domestic appliances Mali gospodinjski aparati 30.KIRA Kitchen with Gorenje Ora-Ïto Collection Kuhinja KIRA s kolekcijo Gorenje Ora-Ïto 17. Entryway JAZZ Predsoba JAZZ 31. FORTUNA Kitchen Kuhinja FORTUNA 18. Living room MODEM Dnevna soba MODEM 32. FORTUNA Kitchen with Gorenje Ora-Ïto Collection Kuhinja FORTUNA s kolekcijo Gorenje Ora-Ïto 19. Living room and entryway SIX Dnevna soba in predsoba SIX 33. LORIMA Kitchen Kuhinja LORIMA 20.LCDs and plasmas LCD televizorji in plazme 34.SIGMA Kitchen Kuhinja SIGMA 21. Ceramic tiles Keramične ploščice 35. Living room ITALO Dnevna soba ITALO 22. Bathrooms Kopalnice 36.LIBRA Kitchen with Gorenje Ora-Ïto White Collection Kuhinja LIBRA s kolekcijo Gorenje Ora-Ïto White 23. Bathroom KUBA Kopalnica KUBA 37. Side by side fridge freezer Side by side hladilnik-zamrzovalnik 24.Bathroom ROMEO Kopalnica ROMEO 38.Cooling Hladilno-zamrzovalni aparati 25. Bathroom JULIJA Kopalnica JULIJA 26.Bathroom MARKIZ Kopalnica MARKIZ 27. Bathroom JAZZ KARBON Kopalnica JAZZ KARBON G RO U N D F LOO R / P R ITL IČ J E 37 RESTAURANT/ RESTAVRACIJA
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