Official Publication of the Cagayan de Oro Port Community on Port Security, Safety, Health & Environment VOL 2 NO.1, JANUARY— MARCH 2009 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Philippine Biodiversity: An Overview P. 12 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Editorial 2 PMO Inaugurates 3 Kiddie Station PPA Strengthens Implementation of Waste Management 4 BFAR 10: Committed to Conser- 4 vation of Fishery Resources Port Community Members Attend Oil Spill Exercise 4 Cold Storage 5 Facility: A breakthrough for PMO CDO PMO Supports Environmental Concerns 6 ATSCI Improves 7 Services, Operates its own ConEnvilens 8 The navigational buoy at TMO Balingoan warns incoming vessels of shallow waters to ensure safety. EO 769 Declares and Delineates the Cagayan de Oro Port Zone Under the Administrative Jurisdiction of PPA P resident Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo issued Executive Order 769 on November 19, 2008 declaring and delineating the Cagayan de Oro Port Zone under the administrative jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority. The Cagayan de Oro Port Zone has a total area of 364 hectares composed of a land area of about 24 hectares and sea area of 340 hectares. It is bounded on the North by the new tourist destination, MacArthur Memorial Marker and on the Southeast by the shores of Barangay Lapasan. Classified in 2000 as “Class A” port at par with the Manila International Container Terminal, North Harbor, South Harbor and Batangas, the Port of Cagayan de Oro is now the busiest in Mindanao with the anticipated upsurge of the local economy brought about by the entry of big business enterprises like SM, Robinsons, Ayala, the on-going construction of the 21-storey Hotel within the heart of Limketkai Center, the influx of foreign tourists and the strengthening of development clusters such as the Misamis Oriental Eastern Towns (MISORET), Gingoog Bay Development Area (GBDA) and the Cagayan de Oro-Iligan-Cebu Industrial and Trade Triangle. See EO 769 details on Page 6 OTS COMMENDS CDO SECURITY REGULATED PORTS FOR SUCCESSFUL DESKTOP SECURITY EXERCISE The Office of Transportation Security commended the Security Regulated Ports (SRPs) of Cagayan de Oro for its successful Desktop Port Level Security Exercise conducted last 26 August 2008 under the Philippine-Australia Port Facility, Port Security Capacity Building Project. The recognition was made during the culminating activity of the Port Level Security Exercise of the SRPs of Cebu headed by the Cebu Port Authority under the same Capacity Building Project . Under the project, the stakeholders are required to come up with their own security regulations and are assigned their respective roles in order to validate the command and control, coordination and communication arrangements among them in case of security threats. The exercise is strongly supported by no less than the Undersecretary of OTS, Cecilio R. Penilla as the Administrator, to protect domestic shipping and and maritime infrastructures against future terrorist incidents or to mitigate against any actual Continue on page 5 PPA DONATES LUMBER TO FLASH FLOOD VICTIMS Heavy Rains In January Hamper Port Operations The Philippine Ports Authority through its Port Management Office-Cagayan de Oro donated lumber to the Archdiocese of San Antonio De Padua and the City Government of Cagayan de Oro in simple ceremonies last 10 February 2009 for use by the flash flood victims of the parish. Directed by the Office of the President and conscious of its commitment to social responsibility and the environment, PPA through its General Manager Atty. Oscar M. Sevilla approved the PMO’s request for the donation to the Archdiocese and the LGU which were represented by Msgr. Tex Legitimas and the Honorable Mayor Constantino Jaraula, respectively, during the turnover. PPA was represented by its Port Manager Engr. Efren B. Bollozos. The donation consists of 151,953 board feet of hardwood lumber confiscated by the Department of Environment and Natural Continue on page 5 PAGE 2 Editorial Shall We Help Fix Mother Earth? Editorial cartoons here The rate at which the earth’s resources are being depleted to cope with the demands of an ever growing population and the conveniences and luxuries in life is more real than we could ever imagine and is indeed frightening. Around the world, freshwater aquifers are being depleted at an alarming rate. Soil erosion threatens the earth’s capacity to feed its still growing population. Coastal pollution and habitat destruction in both fresh and salt water threaten to deplete or eliminate fish stocks. According to experts, almost 70% of ocean fisheries are either fully exploited or overfished, and some rich ones, such as the Grand Banks off eastern North America, have all but collapsed. Aside from the chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) molecules which is thinning the earth’s stratospheric ozone layer, the earth’s shield from the deadly ultraviolet radiation, persistent organic pollutants such as dioxins and the highly toxic insulator polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) continuously circle the globe on winds and may reach the Arctic from Mexico, for example, in less than a week. The burning of Indonesia’s tropical forests in the late 1990’s not only depleted the global storehouse of biological diversity but boosted the atmosphere’s carbon dioxide load and its rate of climate change. Trade in pesticides and hazardous wastes spread contamination of land and waters internationally. Today, most scientists believe that carbon from burning fossil fuel is causing global climate change: raising temperatures and sea levels, breeding more violent tropical storms, threatening low-lying coastal areas with more frequent flooding, speeding desertification in some areas and threatening to change regional climate faster than some species can adjust or migrate. The impacts of these on human health are disturbing. How do we fix our sick, dear planet, Mother Earth? Regionally, closer to home, we can help conserve and improve our environment through individual and corporate responsibility. We can practice sustainable management of resources and stewardship of our environment. At the Port of Cagayan de Oro, the Clean, Green and Blue Port Project is a continuing endeavor to help protect the environment and conserve natural resources. Others may want to go a bit further by actively influencing the political process through advocacy, lobbying, activism and education to initiate change in public policy on environmental issues and concerns. Lastly, everybody must be involved in raising consciousness and awareness about the environment including the children, as they are the ones who will inherit an either RECUPERATING or DYING Earth. VOLUME 2, NO.1 News PMO Inaugurates Kiddie Station at E.S. Baclig Administration Building The Gender and Development Program of PMO Cagayan de Oro adds another feather on its cap with the inauguration of the Kiddie Station at Guest Room #4, 3rd floor of E.S. Baclig Administration Building. No less than the Port Manager Engr. Efren B. Bollozos and his wife Synthia cut the ceremonial ribbon which signaled the opening of the Kiddie Station to the children of PMO employees on 30 October 2008. About 30 children attended the inauguration. The opening of the Station which is in essence a playroom was made to coincide `with the annual Halloween Party where the children of PMO employees attend regularly. They played and watched “Shrek”, “Barney” and the “Prince of Egypt.” The Port Manager has strongly advocated for the provision of this amenity especially at the Administration Building to enable PPA women personnel to take care of their children, especially the toddlers while working. Children of employees who have no nannies can also be accommodated at the Station during regular office hours from 8 AM-5 PM. Gender sensitivity, health and children issues are important gender concerns of PPA to ease the burden of employees, most especially women and the Kiddie Station is indeed a an amenity that made this concern concrete and real.—By IDA S. AGUILAR PAGE 3 PLAYROOM RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. The Playroom is open Mondays to Fridays from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 2. An employee from PPA Sunrise Multi-Purpose Cooperative will be assigned as the authorized attendant of the Playroom. 3. Only children ages 10 and below are allowed inside the Playroom. An authorized attendant will attend to the needs of the children while inside the area. 4. The child’s name must be recorded in the Log book prior to entry to the Playroom. 5. Children who are in good physical condition are allowed inside the Playroom. Those with apparent communicable disease shall, for the time being, not be allowed inside until such time that he or she is fit to mingle with the other children and/or engage in recreational activities. 6. Slippers and shoes must be removed and placed in the shoe rack before entering the Playroom. 7. All other personal belongings must be placed at the designated baggage area. 8. In order to maintain the cleanliness and sanitation of the area, eating and drinking are not allowed inside the Playroom. Eating and drinking may be done at the adjacent pantry. 9. Courtesy must be observed at all times. Strictly, no shouting, tumbling, flipping, wrestling, chasing and running. 10. Children with unruly behavior maybe removed from the Playroom anytime, if deemed proper, and will be temporarily transferred to a separate time-out room. 11. Users must see to it that toys are returned to its proper place and the area is clean before leaving to preserve the condition of the Playroom. 12. Please ask for assistance from an authorized employee in the use of the audio-visual equipment. All toys and audiovisual equipment are property of the Philippine Ports Authority. Unauthorized removal or withdrawal of such things from the Playroom is considered as qualified theft or malversation and will be sanctioned accordingly. 13. Restroom is available in the adjoining Nursing Station where children can also take a nap during the day. Editorial Board Efren B. Bollozos Franklin M. Siao Francisco Descallar Carlos M. Canon Isidro V. Butaslac, Jr. Chairman Member Member Member Member Port Eye is the official publication of the Cagayan de Oro Port Community on port security, safety, health and environment with office address at Philippine Ports Authority, Port Management Office-Cagayan de Oro, Port Area, Macabalan, Cagayan de Oro City, 9000. (Above) PM Efren Bollozos cut the ceremonial ribbon signifying the opening of the GAD Child Care Center at the Admin Bldg., (Below) PMO personnel pose happily with their kids. Editorial Staff Jessica D. Angeles Saerah M. Pascasio Edsel A. Calo Jorice A. Naranjo Jurylie Abordo Core Suan Marc M. Avellana Cyril Beja Marissa Mendoza Coordinators Amor G. Mann Guilbert Anthony Gimeno Valiente Camay Executive Editor Editor-In-Chief Associate/Lay-Out Editor News/Features News/Features Envilens Editor Photo Editor Circulation Manager Circulation Passenger Terminal Complex Terminal Port of Balingoan Terminal Port of Benoni PAGE News 4 PPA Strengthens Implementation of Waste Management & Other Environment-Friendly Practices The Philippine Ports Authority has issued supplemental guidelines on the implementation of the Waste Management and Other Environment-Friendly Practices to give more teeth to Republic Act No. 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, PPA Memorandum Order No. 29-2004 (Guidelines To Implement RA No. 9003) and Executive Order No. 774 (Reorganizing the Presidential Task Force on Climate Change). PM Efren B. Bollozos & PDM Liberto C. dela Rosa listen intently during the Eco Waste Management Seminar at Head Office, Manila on 24 March 2009 To refresh PPA officials and top executives on the importance of Waste Management, a one-day seminar on Ecological Waste Management was conducted 24 March 2009 at the Head Office in Manila where they were reminded to attain the targets under EO No. 774 as follows: • Immediate practice of proper solid management, the most basic form of environmental responsibility pursuant to RA 9003 (Section 1.b); Under PPA Memorandum Order No. 13-2009, all PPA offices including Port District and Port • Reduction of solid waste genManagement Offices are required eration by fifty percent (50%) to provide and post their respecwithin the next six (6) months tive matrix for compliance with the through the full implementaprovisions of the above cited laws tion of RA 9003 (Section 2); and regulations particularly PPA and, MO No. 29-04 such as the provision of color-coded container bins • Reduction by fifty percent for recyclables and wet garbage, (50%) the consumption of adoption of reuse or recycling fossil fuels within two (2) years practices, other energy conservafrom the issuance of EO 774 tion and economy measures and (Section 9.c). periodic reporting and monitoring — By EDSEL A. CALO of accomplishments. BFAR-10 Celebrates 45th Fish Conservation Week In compliance with Presidential Proclamation No. 176 issued by then President Diosdado Macapagal on October 21, 1963, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic ResourcesRegional Office 10, together with other BFAR offices nationwide, celebrated the 45th Fish Conservation Week last October 19-24, 2008 with the theme “Pagbabago ng Klima: Hamon sa Likas-Kayang Pangisdaan.” The weeklong celebration was divided into Public Information Day, CFRE Day, Technology & Livelihood Day, Fishery Enforcement Day and the Culmination Activity. The purpose of said celebration is to emphasize to stakeholders the importance of conservation and proper management of fishery resources. — By SAERAH M. PASCASIO Port Community Members Attend Oil Spill Exercise Members of the Port Community attended a twoday training on how to respond in case of oil and chemical spill at the sea that maybe caused by maritime accidents such as oil spills, ship grounding, collision or industrial oil discharge. PMO Cagayan de Oro in cooperation with Harbor Star Shipping Services, Inc. coordinated the activity which started with a one-day oil spill briefing at the PMO Conference Room last 16 February 2009. The training culminated on February 17 with an actual demonstration on how to lay the inflatable oil spill boom, contain the oil spill and remove the same. PM Efren B. Bollozos, Msgr. Tex Legitimas & Mayor Constantino Jaraula posed with PMO staff during the turnover of lumber to calamity victims through San Antonio de Padua Parish and Local Government of Cagayan de Oro. During the briefing, the participants were given their respective roles and responsibilities using a model exercise format. They also familiarized themselves with the geographic coverage of the exercise, identified the risks involved and This is how the dispersant sprayer system works during an oil spill (left) and the 200meter oil spill boom to contain the oil (right) as demonstrated during the training. how to act accordingly, learned how to manipulate the equipment for oil and chemical spill and how to execute the spill response strategies of basic oil and chemical spill options, limiting and adverse conditions and procedures in call outs. and facilities during the training. The same equipment and facilities are kept and readily available in case of emergency at the port premises in Area Q where Harbor Star leased an area for their Oil Spill Equipment Shed. Other participants include Pilipinas Shell, Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), PCG-Auxiliary, members of the Philippine Liners Shipping Association, Pilipinas Kao, Phividec, among others. Pilipinas Shell Corporation likewise, has spearheaded the conduct of two previous oil spill drills in 2008 and 2007 and has the same equipment and facilities available in case of emergency at its depot near the port. —- By CRIS ANISLAG Harbor Star provided the tugboat and the oil spill equipment VOLUME 2, News NO.1 PAGE 5 Cold Storage Facility: A Breakthrough for PMO Cagayan de Oro The installation of the cold storage facility at the Port of Cagayan de Oro with a capacity of 93,312 boxes in palette position at one time is another breakthrough for the Port Management Office of Cagayan de Oro as it is the biggest storage facility for fresh fruits in Mindanao which is operating in a government-owned or controlled corporation. Inaugurated and made operational last 17 December 2008, the cold storage facility has been installed with private sector funding and is a new addition to the list of port facilities at the Port of Cagayan de Oro which is at par restricted to basic supervisory be recovered even 5 years after to allow trending and other with international standard. level intervention. analytical auditing. In addition, Oroport Cargohandling For example, a PLC may electrical forklift is used inside Services, Inc. made possible the control the flow of cooling water the facility to prohibit emission installation of the state-of-the-art through part of an industrial proc- of forklift monoxide which four-room cold storage facility ess, but the SCADA system may might affect the freshness of which primarily caters to fresh allow operators to change the set stored fruits. Other ancillary fruits for exports such as bananas points for the flow and enable services useful and vital in the and pineapple. The facility is a alarm conditions, such as loss of optimum utilization of the facilcentralized system using the so- flow and high temperature to be ity which includes generators, called SCADA or Supervisory displayed and recorded. Data road network, drainage system, Control and Data Acquisition acquisition such as meter readings administration building, security which monitors and controls the and equipment status report may and safety are provided and entire system. Most control ac- be compiled and formatted by the sustained in close coordination tions of the facility are performed control operator to make supervi- with the PMO. —- By JORICE A. automatically by programmable sory decision. Data is filed at dataNARANJO logic controllers (PLCs) that are base management system that can OTS Commends CDO... PPA Donates Lumber ... Continued from page 1 Resources (DENR)-10 and voluntarily given by its winning bidderowner in favor of the PMO for payment of storage charges. As the lumber were exposed to weather inclement and showed signs of decay, PPA deemed it best to turn them over to the Archdiocese to alleviate the plight of the flash flood victims. The donation benefited hundreds of families who immediately reconstructed their homes after staying at the evacuation centers for several weeks. The City of Cagayan de Oro and nearby municipalities of Misamis Oriental were declared calamity areas on 05 January 2009 by the City Council due to heavy rainfall and strong winds induced by the storm “Auring” and reported cold front resulting to flashfloods and landslides. The rains continued for more than a week bringing more devastation on January 11, causing the Cagayan River and the Iponan River, West of Cagayan de Oro to overflow and submerging lowlying areas near the river bank. The heavy rains also caused flooding in areas leading to the Baseport which unfortunately hampered port operations while two fully-grown Mahogany trees along 1st Avenue inside the port were uprooted due to strong wind. Several regular and hired employees of the PMO were severely affected as their houses were flooded and some were destroyed. —— By REYNALDO B. LUMBAY Continued from Page 1 security incident given the vulnerability of ships and port facilities. It is directed and supervised by the Technical Advisers from both the OTS and the Australia Team and financed by the Capacity Building Project. Just like the Port Level Security Exercise conducted at the Port of Cagayan de Oro last August 2008, the Desktop Exercise in Cebu consisted of two scenarios: land-based bomb explosion at the Cebu Domestic Terminal and sea-side interception and neutralization of a suspected terrorist watercraft. The exercise was witnessed by no less than the Australian Ambassador to the Philippines Rod Smith and the Hon- orable Secretary of the Department of Transportation and Communication Leandro R. Mendoza. SRP-CDO is headed by no less than the Port Manager of the Port Management Office -CDO of the Philippine Ports Authority as the Security Officer and include other government and private ports within the administrative jurisdiction of PPA. — By MA. AMOR G. MANN Security exercise on combating terrorist attack on board watercraft. PAGE 6 News MALACAÑANG PMO Supports DENR’s Environmental Concerns EMB-DENR Establishes Regional Communication Center for CFC Phase Out The Port Management Office of Cagayan de Oro strongly supports the implementation by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources-10 of various measures to protect the environment namely eventual phase out of ozone depleting substances and water quality. The Environmental Management Bureau of the DepartmentDENR-10 conducted an orientation-seminar among representatives from various agencies and interest groups last 18 February 2009 at the VIP Hotel for the establishment of a Regional Information Center and Networks (RICN) for the CFC Phase Out Plan. The RICN aims to set up a communication plan for the Ozone Depleting Substances Phase Out Program for 2009. This is in line with the Philippine Government’s commitment to the 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. The Philippines is among the 193 countries that drew up an agreement which committed to the reduction on the use of ozone depleting substances. measures and the country’s commitment to it and the government’s ozone depleting substance projects. PMO’s Acting Safety Officer Arnel M. Taqueban and Acting Environment Officer Core D. Suan attended the orientation. In a related development, EMB-DENR in cooperation with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Innogy Solutions also consulted the various stakeholders on the result of the Industry-Specific Effluent Standards (ISES) Study for Sugar Milling and Refining, Alcohol Distillery, Abaca Pulp and Paper Mills as per Section 12 of the Clean Water Act of 2004 last 27 January 2009 at Pearmont Inn, Limketkai Drive. The ISES study aims to assist the EMB in the development of the ISES prioritized industries and the Industry Profiles for prioritized sectors for improved water quality based on Water Quality Guidelines of DAO 34 and General Effluent Standards of DAO 35. In this regard, water is classified based on its beneficial use as to the following criteria: impact to human health and aquatic and other terresAmong others, the orienta- trial life, sources of pollution and tion discussed the following issues: capacity for enforcement and comproblems on ozone layer, the pliance. —— By CORE D. SUAN Montreal Protocol, its control ATSCI Improves Services, Operates Its Own Container Yard With Amenities Aboitiz Transport Shipping Services, Inc. transferred to its new 20,000 sq.m. paved container yard facility near the port this April 2009.The new facility boasts of a spacious area vast enough to cater to voluminous cargoes both containerized and non containerized. The facility has a new customized container van office building and offers high warehousing, consolidated cargo terminal operation, RoRo operation, LCL set up, cool storage area for refrigerated van and a highly standardized and computerized procedure. with PPA’s mandate to provide reliable and responsive services to its port clientele. Moreover, he said, the company’s proposed electronic guarding also complies with the international standard in port safety and security which the Port of Cagayan de Oro is already compliant. With the continued growth of cargo traffic and progressively growing local economy, ATSCI’s new container yard helps avoid delay and alleviate cargo congestion within the Port of Cagayan de Oro, provide convenience to port ATSCI Area Finance Manage users and help them save on for Northern Mindanao Paolo charges on storage fees inside the Gasatan said that the construction port. —- By JURYLIE L. ABORDO of the new container yard is in line MANILA EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 769 DECLARING AND DELINEATING THE CAGAYAN DE ORO PORT ZONE UNDER THE ADMINSITRATIVE JURISDICTION OF THE PHILIPPINE PORTS AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Port of Cagayan of Cagayan de Oro is one of the major and busiest ports in the country; WHEREAS, there is a need to expand the Port Zone of Cagayan de Oro for planning purposes to accommodate projected increases in port traffic and to program the development of the necessary port facilities thereat to support the demands of the shipping trade within the region; NOW THEREFORE, I, GLORIA MACAPAGALARROYO, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the power vested in me by law, do hereby orders; Section 1. The territorial jurisdiction of the Port of Cagayan de Oro is hereby expanded and particularly described as follows: “Beginning at point market 1 on the plan, thence to point 2 at a distance of 533.30m with bearing N 86o37’, thence to point 3 at a distance of 1,493.53m with bearing S 01o06’E, thence to point 4 at a distance of 664.96m with bearing S 89o 04’ W, thence to point 5 at a distance of 408.65m with bearing N 24o 27’ W, thence to point 6 at a distance of 29.81m with bearing N 25o 16’ W, thence to point 7 at a distance of 45.75m with bearing N 67o 08’ W, thence to point 8 at a distance of 19.44m with bearing S 77o 50’ W, thence to point 9 at a distance of 48.74m with bearing S 54o 54’ W, thence to point 10 at a distance of 2.94m with bearing S 63o 35’ W, thence to point 11 at a distance of 26.28m with bearing S 63o 35’ W, thence to point 12 at a distance of 11.09m with bearing S 86o 17’ W, thence to point 13 at a distance of 237.17m with bearing N 17o 01’ E, thence to point 14 at a distance of 145.65m with bearing N 00o 03’W, thence to point 15 at distance of 82.56m with bearing N 19o 09’ W, thence to point 16 at a distance of 95.50m with bearing N 17o 33’ W, thence to point 17 at a distance of 8.82m with bearing N 87o 20’ W, thence to point 18 at a distance of 162.28m with bearing N 00o 11’ W, thence to point 19 at distance of 48.93m with bearing N 01o 19’ W, thence to point 20 at a distance of 55.45m with bearing N 71o 21’ E, thence to point21 at a distance of 121.93m with bearing N 70o 05’ E, thence to point 22 at a distance of 149.95m with bearing N 65o 15’ E, thence to point 23 at a distance of 3.07m with bearing N 39o 43’E, thence to point 24 at a distance of 10.06m with bearing N 67o 37’ E, thence to point 25 at a distance of 7.98m with bearing N 62o 07’ E, thence to point 26 at a distance of 8.16m with bearing N 54o 50’ E, thence to point 27 at a distance of 9.02m with bearing N 50o 23’ E, thence to point 28 at a distance of 4.87m with bearing N 63o 10’ E, thence to point 29 at a distance of 7.76m with bearing N 26o 34’ E, thence to point 30 at a distance of 12.61m with bearing N 29o 23’ E, thence to point 31 at a distance of 6.17m with bearing N 19o 37’ E, thence to point 32 at a distance of 9.48m with bearing N 17o 53’ E, thence to point 33 at a distance of 3.13m with bearing N 15o 57’ E, thence to point 34 at a distance of 127.87m with bearing N 15o 12’ E, thence to point 1, the point of beginning at a distance of 46.17m with bearing N 15o 32’ E, all in all comprising a total area of 1,184,151.74 sq.m. more or less.” Section 2. The Cagayan de Oro Port Zone, as expanded, is hereby placed under the administrative jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority, which shall, consistent with the regional industrial plans of the Government, implement a program for the proper zoning, planning, development and utilization of the port. Section 3. All other orders, proclamations and issuances or portions thereof which are inconsistent with this Executive Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. Section 4. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately. Done in the City of Manila, this 8th day of November in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Nine. (Sgd.) President of the Philippines VOLUME 2, NO.1 Features PAGE 7 Important Species for Protection Philippine Biodiversity: An Overview Dugong Marine Turtle (Pawikan (Pawikan)) Philippine Eagle Bleeding Heart Pigeon Philippine Duck Rufous Hornbill Mindanao Lorikeet Philippine Falconet Philippine Crocodile Philippine Hawk Eagle Philippine Tarsier Philippine Deer Everywhere, there is life and more than one distinct type of organism. Even a drop of seawater offers a multitude of different microscopic plants and animals. The rich diversity of the living world is interconnected in many ways that biodiversity exists. What is biodiversity? Biodiversity or Biological Diversity is the sum of all different species of animals, plants, fungi, and microbial organisms living on Earth and the variety of habitats in which they live. Scientists estimate that more than 10 million and some suggest that more than 100 million different species inhabit the Earth. One may think of the Wild Nature… it is not just birds and whales. It is not just ocean, mountain or woodland habitats. It is each species adapted to its unique function in the environment. The Wild Nature is the richness and variety of life itself and life’s interaction with the planet. Individual species, habitats and places have important cultural, spiritual, recreational and personal values. Biodiversity underlies everything from food production to medical research. Humans all over the world use at least 40,000 species of plants and animals on a daily basis. All of our domesticated plants and animals came from wild-living ancestral species and until now, people still depend on wild species for some or all of their food, shelter and clothing. It is then, ironic and unfortunate that the single greatest threat to global diversity is the human destruction of natural habitats. The conversion of forests, grasslands and wetlands for agricultural purposes coupled with the growing urban centers and the buildings of dams, canals and highways has physically altered the ecosystem to the point that the extinction of species has reached its current alarming state. According to the PAWD – DENR (Protected Areas Wildlife Division – Department of Environment and Natural Resources), more than 380 animal species are threatened and endangered largely due to loss of habitat. This is caused mainly by deforestation which poses the most direct threat to the biodiversity of the Philippines. Also, water pollution has damaged the fragile marine ecosystems of the country’s coastal wetlands, mangrove swamps, and coral reefs. While serious air pollution is another environmental concern primarily in the metropolitan cities. How is it that we have come to live a lifestyle that destroys nature? Sure, God said man could take control over the earth, but He never said we could change it. Given that we live in a world of unintended consequences, we don’t have to be paranoid to imagine a terrible, disastrous future. But indeed it will be because it is man-made and we are far from perfect. What has taken billions of years to evolve, we have played, messed up and upset in only a hundred years. Serpent Eagle By Ruby Ma. O. Gumapon STATUS OF PHILIPPINE BIODIVERSITY 5th in the World in number of plant species 4th in the World in bird endemism 5th in the World in mammal endemism Depletion of Philippine Biodiversity: Coral Reefs - only 24% of the total 44,000 square kilometers of coral reef within Philippine waters is in good condition Mangrove forest – only 149,000 hectares remain from the original 450,000 hectares in 1918 Forest – only 6 million of the 17 million hectares of forest in 1938 remain, and of these 800,000 hectares are old growth BIODIVERSITY STATUS OF REGION 10 Important Area for Biodiversity Conservation (Protected Areas): - Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park (Bukidnon) - Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park (Bukidnon) - Mt. Balakutan Range Natural Park (Misamis Oriental) - Initao–Libertad Protected Landscape & Seascape (Misamis Oriental) - Timpoong – Hibok-hibok Natural Landmark (Camiguin) - Mt. Malindang Range Natural Park (Misamis Occidental) - Balingao Protected Landscape & Seascape (Misamis Occidental) Mindanao Warty Pig T he world’s largest individual flower Rafflesia schadenbergiana was discovered in Mt. Apo, Davao in 1882 and said species was never seen again and thus, presumed to be extinct. In mid 2007, this rare giant flower Rafflesia was found blooming in the mountains of Region 10, specifically Baungon, Bukidnon after 125 years! This latest sighting is not just of one flower but rather what PAWDDENR 10 calls a “population” It is the only known population existing in the Philippines of Rafflesia schandenbergiana that is actively flowering. PAWD says that the Philippines has the highest density of the Rafflesia in the world, relative to land area. Threats to its existence include rampant deforestation, mining and encroachment of communities. As such, Ms. Marilou M. Clarete of DENR said that they can not divulge the exact location of the population pending the declaration of the area as a critical habitat. DENR is still conducting a site assessment of the area. The flower is actually a parasite. It grows within its host vine. In its early states appears as but a tangle of fibers. It only starts manifesting itself during its reproductive cycle. Outgrowths appear on the root vine, then cabbage-like buds bloom into flowers, a lot of buds decay before they can even open. Too much rain causes the buds to rot, while too little rain causes them to shrivel up dry. Each flower is either male or female. Female flower are rare, and of these fewer still are fertilized. It could take from 9-10 months after they first appear for buds to bloom. The flowering period is brief and will last no more than a couple of days. For a female flower to get pollinated, a male flower must be nearby and also in bloom. After a period of 3-5 days, whether or not they are successful at pollination, the flowers begin to wither and turn black. If the female flower was successfully pollinated, it will bear fruits that get buried somewhere near the bottom, waiting to be picked up by forest rats, insects or other animals. Finally, for the seeds to form another bloom, they need to find their way to the right kind of vine. They also need to receive the right amount of water and nutrients. Sources: DENR & Haribon Foundation OIL SPILL EnviLens A closer look on environment matters. Climate Change to Increase Dengue Cases Global warming also affects mosquitoes, which slowly adapts to the changes in the environment. Dramatic changes in climate variables , such as temperature and humidity, could lead to the spreading of dengue fever, cholera & other climate-related diseases. Global warming would not only increase the mosquitoes range but also reduce the size of the Aedes Aegypti larvae. Oil does several things when it’s spilled. The light oils (like gasoline) tend to evaporate into the air, and if the spill is all light, the oil will disappear (into the air) by itself. Some of the oil mixes with the water forming an emulsion where everything mixes together because of the waves (think of shaking up a jar of oil and vinegar). Some of the emulsified oil (an oil/water mixture, sometimes called mousse) sinks and attaches to the rocks and sand at the bottom of the ocean or lake. Some of the oil breaks down from the sun (photo-oxidation), and some of it is eaten by the microorganisms in the water (biodegradation). Of course, some of the oil makes it to shore where it mixes with the sand, the rocks, the trees, and the marsh grass. Spilled oil can be removed from the water in a variety of ways. It can be skimmed off the surface (like a vacuum) with "skimmers", burned, absorbed with "sorbent" pads, dispersed with chemicals, corralled with "booms", and filtered through pumps such as an "oil/water separator" to remove the water that has mixed with the oil. —- What is SWINE FLU? Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease The incubation period of mosquitoes is much shorter —- 4 to 5 days. This enables them to breed at a faster rae at any time of the year. As a result, it has been observed that mosquitoes have been getting smaller and they fly faster than in the past years, hence they are harder to catch. They become “nervous biters”— flying away at the first sight of movement from its host. —— OFF!cial Newsletter of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses. Outbreaks Mosquito repellents don't actually repel. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there. -—- or pork products. Cooking pork to an internal temperature of 160°F kills the swine flu of swine flu happen regularly in pigs. People do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen. Most commonly, human cases of swine flu happen in people who are around pigs but it’s possible for swine flu viruses to spread from person to person also. Luckily, swine flu viruses are not transmitted by food. You can not get swine influenza from eating pork virus as it does other bacteria and viruses. The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some Gardening makes sense … Urban garden- people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with swine flu. ing is a way to bring ecological balance and offset the effects of global warming. Vegetable gardening is an activity that can involve all members of the family or community. Like any other garden, a vegetable garden can be therapeutic relief from the stress and pressures of everyday city life. A garden is also an antidote to dry, drab and polluted surroundings. And to top off the list of benefits, the crops produced will add nourishment to the table, not to mention save the money spent on buying costly food ingredients. — is quite easy. Simply practice appropriate personal hygiene measures such as regular Gardening's Better Than SEX !?! There is no vaccine available right now to protect against swine flu but protection hand washing and covering of nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. —— Science & CbncpP! ! ! ! ! Here are the top reasons why gardening is better than sex: 1. Gardeners are not embarrassed explaining the birds and the bees to their kids. 2. If your regular gardening partner isn't available, he/she won't object if you garden with someone else. 3. It's absolutely acceptable to garden before you're married. 4. You don't have to shower and shave before gardening. 5. You'll always be able to garden, no matter how old you are. 6. Telling gardening jokes, and invite co-workers to garden with you is not considered workplace harassment. 7. When you become famous, you don't have to worry about pictures and videotapes of you gardening being shown on the Internet. 8. Every time you garden, you hope to produce fruit. 9. There are no gardening-transmitted diseases. 10.Your partner will never say, "Not again? We just gardened last week! " — Did you know that bamboo was used as the first commercial filament in light bulbs? In 1878, Thomas Edison was camping in Wyoming when someone accidentally knocked a bamboo fishing pole into a campfire. He noticed its resistance to burning. When he went back to his lab in New Jersey, he proceeded to produce millions and millions of light bulbs with bamboo filaments, until he got the bright idea that tungsten worked even better. — EARTH WATCH Despite all of the damage we have caused the environment most of it is reversible. We can restore habitats and return species to them; clean rivers; renovate buildings; replenish the topsoil, replant forests. However, these activities do not relieve the worst symptoms of the damage. We still have to fix the source of these problems, us and our vision that we must progress. — Amazing Tree One tree can remove 26 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere annually, equaling 11,000 miles of car emissions. Landscape plants, such as shrubs and turf, remove smoke, dust, and other pollutants from the air. One study showed that 1 acre of trees has the ability to remove 13 tons of particles and gases annually. —–
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