MATHEMATICS IN MY MIND MIRJANA SAVIĆ - OBRADOVIĆ, ANA OBRADOVIĆ and VERA OBRADOVIĆ September 2012, Celje, Slovenia “The highest form of pure thought is in mathematics” Plato "Numbers Man" by Tariq Yousef Shishani Ed McLachlan Cartoon by Bernd Pohlenz M3 Event: a) Initial presentation by prof. Gunter M. Ziegler, b) Debate on ‘Calendar’ by archpriest prof. Radomir V. Popović and prof. Dragoljub Kečkić, c) World Competition in Solving Rubik’s Cube A desperate man A girl in love The great nineteenth-century Niels Henrik Abel mathematician (1802 ― 29) was one Peter Gustav Lejeune of the most prominent Dirichlet (1805 ― 59) mathematicians in the studied in Paris, coming first half of the nineteenth under the influence century. His of scholars including Fourier pioneering work in and Legendre. diverse areas such as He then taught at Berlin and algebra, analysis, Göttingen geometry and mechanics universities, where he was… has made the adjective 'abelian'... University has attracted some of the world's greatest mathematicians. This 1889 book gives a compelling account of how mathematics developed at Cambridge from the middle ages to the late nineteenth century... DMFA Slovenije Jadranska ulica 19 1000 Ljubljana Mednarodna matematična olimpijada 2012 Na 53. mednarodni matematični olimpijadi, ki je bila od 4. 7. do 16. 7. v Mar del Plati v Argentini in na kateri je sodelovalo 548 tekmovalcev iz 100 držav sveta, je lep uspeh dosegla tudi slovenska ekipa v sestavi: Vesna Iršič, Gimnazija Bežigrad, Gimnazija (4. letnik) Amadej Kristjan Kocbek, II. gimnazija Maribor (1. letnik) Juan Gabriel Kostelec, Gimnazija Bežigrad, Gimnazija (2. letnik) Žiga Krajnik, Gimnazija Škofja Loka (2. letnik) Matjaž Leonardis, I. gimnazija v Celju (4. letnik) Veno Mramor, Gimnazija Bežigrad, Gimnazija (4. letnik) Upon Reading the Mathematical Intelligencer In infinite dimension spaces Mathematics and the end of the world Quaternions were at Brougham Bridge Like springtime violets in the woods Aside from classical equations of motion Exploding bubbles and garden ― of ― Eden The essential singularity at - infinity The world according to mathematics. ( Mirjana Savić - Obradović, ELTA Newsletter, July 2011) Brougham bridge GFTA Conference in Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia MIND READER The Authors
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