
Europe an Perspec tives – Journal on Europe an Perspec tives of the Western Balk ans
Vol . 2, No. 1, pp 99 -116, April 2010
Security Personnel Training in
Southeast Europe: An Analysis of
Solutions in Slovenia
Tomaž Čas1
This paper begins with an outline of the significance of private security
entities within modern national security systems. The paper focuses on
the training system in some EU member states, especially the countries of
southeast Europe and the Balkans. Special emphasis is placed on the latest
developments in the education and training received by security personnel in Slovenia. The paper concludes with an analysis of the education and
training system in Slovenia and focuses on the latest solutions established
private security, private security agencies, private security personnel, education and training
Correspondence Address: Tomaž Čas, Ph.D., Director, Čas - Zasebna šola za varnostno
izobraževanje d.o.o., Prušnikova 74, 1210 Ljubljana - Šentvid, Slovenia, e-mail: [email protected].
ISSN 1855-7694 © 2010 European Perspectives, UDK: 327 (4)