Korean Edition 베타 차단제: COPD에서는 너무 적게, 심근경색에서는 너무 조기에 사용하는 경향 Beta-Blockers: Too Little in COPD, Too Soon in MI Bronchospasm concerns may be ebbing. V OL . 2 / N O . 1 / A PRIL 2013 C O N T E N T S NEWS 베타 차단제: COPD에서는 너무 적게, 심근경색에서는 너무 조기에 사용하는 경향 COPD 진료지침, 일차의료에서 적절하게 활용되고 있는가? 아스피린 복용 시 주요 혈관의 합병증 및 정맥혈전증 재발 줄어 새로운 지침에서 제시하는 Troponin 검사의 로드맵 중증 안정 COPD에서 비침습적 양압호흡환기(NIPPV) 사용이 도움 줄 수 있어 1 1 4 5 5 PULMONARY MEDICINE 이차 항결핵제에 대한 내성이 증가하고 있다 LABA 사용 중지로 천식은 악화될 수 있어 정위적방사선치료; 폐암 생존율 향상을 위한 새로운 치료전략 환자가 느끼는 호흡곤란 정도가 COPD 결과에 영향을 미쳐 Crizotinib이 진행된 ALK 양성 비소세포폐암 치료를 바꾼다 Tiotropium 추가요법이 조절되지 않는 천식환자의 악화 감소에 도움 6 7 7 8 9 10 PEDIATRIC CHEST MEDICINE 소아에서 Budesonide 사용이 성인신장을 감소시킴 10 PULMONARY PERSPECTIVES BY BRUCE JANCIN IMNG Medical News ESTES PARK, COLO. – Betablockers may be underprescribed in the setting of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, yet overused in the early treatment of acute myocardial infarction, recent surprising evidence suggests. Cardiovascular disease and COPD are closely intertwined through the effects of smoking. Yet the notion of prescribing beta-blockers in patients with COPD challenges the conventional wisdom. Most physicians avoid the practice, even in patients with concomitant cardiovascular disease, because of worries about triggering bronchospasm and perhaps blocking the bronchodilating benefits of beta-agonist inhaler therapy. But data from a Scottish retrospective cohort study strongly suggest these concerns are misplaced, asserted Dr. Mel L. Anderson, chief of the hospital medicine section and associate chief of the medical service at the Denver VA Medical Center. He spoke at a conference on Internal Medicine sponsored by the University of Colorado The NHS Tayside Respirato- ry Disease Information System (TARDIS) is a disease-specific database developed 11 years ago to help Scottish primary care physicians and pulmonologists manage patients with COPD. The TAYSIDE investigators recently reported on 5,977 patients above age 50 with confirmed COPD who were followed for a mean of 4.4 years. The study population included 819 patients on betablockers, nearly 90% of which were relatively cardioselective agents such as bisoprolol or atenolol. THE STUDY SHOULD AT LEAST MAKE YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE THAT IT’S SAFE TO OFFER BETA-BLOCKER THERAPY TO COPD PATIENTS, PROVIDED THEY DON’T HAVE ASTHMA. In a matched propensity score analysis, patients on a beta-blocker plus various combinations of respiratory med- See Therapy · page 3 CHEST PHYSICIAN Elsevier Korea LLC, 4FL, Chunwoo Bldg, 534 Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-861, S. Korea COPD에서 성별에 따른 차이점: 아직도 문제가 되는가? 11 CRITICAL CARE 급성호흡곤란: 생리학적 접근을 시도해야.. 새로 개정된 패혈증 치료 지침 말기 암 환자에서 임종에 대비한 상의를 일찍 하는 것은 공격적인 치료를 줄인다 12 13 14 음악칼럼 15 COPD 진료지침, 일차의료에서 적절하게 활용되고 있는가? Left to Primary Care, COPD Guidelines Often Underutilized BY SHARON WORCESTER IMNG Medical News ATLANTA – Regardless of disease severity, guideline-concordant treatment is not provided to nearly half of all patients who have stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and are treated in the ambulatory care setting, findings from an observational study suggest. The study showed that guideline-concordant treatment was more likely to be provided when patients were comanaged by a pulmonologist and a primary care physician. Of 450 patients, 56% received guideline-concordant care as outlined by the 2010 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) stage-specific recommendations, Dr. Gulshan Shar- ma, FCCP, reported at the annual meeting of the ACCP. No differences were found in treatment level with respect to age, gender, race, disease severity, or comorbidities on multivariate analysis, but patients comanaged by a primary care physician and a pulmonologist were more likely to receive an appropriate level of See COPD Guidelines · page 2 2 NEWS CHEST Physician • April 2013 Need for increased awareness of COPD guidelines See COPD Guidelines · from page 1 SUMMARY care, compared to patients treated by a primary care physician (odds ratio, 4.6), said Dr. Sharma of the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston. Clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of patients with COPD in the ambulatory care setting are issued and updated regularly. Studies have demonstrated the value of these guidelines for improving the quality of care and for reducing exacerbations and hospitalizations. However, the degree to which these guidelines are implemented in clinical practice has been unclear, Dr. Sharma said. The study findings suggest that they are underutilized, particularly by 미국 일차의료에서 56%의 환자만이 COPD 진료지침에 의한 치료를 받고 있다. 반면에 호흡기전문의사와 일차의료의사가 공동으로 환자를 치료할 경우 거의 모든 환자가 진료 지침에 의한 치료를 받고 있어 일차의료현 장에서 COPD 진료지침에 대한 인식재고가 필요하다. Korean Edition Editor-in-Chief primary care physicians. Study subjects were adults with a clinical diagnosis of COPD and at least one outpatient visit between January and December 2010. Mean age was 67 years, 46% were women, 20% had no comorbidities, and 75% had one or two comorbidities. About 7% had GOLD stage I disease, more than 46% had GOLD stage II disease, 33% had stage III disease, and 13% had stage IV disease. Also, 47% were managed by a primary care physician alone, 41% were comanaged by a primary care physician and a pulmonologist, 10% did not have a primary care physician and received care mainly from a specialist, and about 2% had no regular care provider. The findings indicate a need for increased awareness of clinical practice guidelines and the importance of adherence to the guidelines in patients with COPD, particularly among primary care physicians, said Dr. Sharma, who reported having no disclosures. 유광하 건국의대 건국대병원 호흡기내과 Editors 김덕겸 서울의대 보라매병원 호흡기내과 박주헌 아주의대 아주대학교병원 호흡기내과 김태형 한양의대 한양대구리병원 호흡기내과 신경철 영남의대 영남대학교병원 호흡기내과 김영삼 연세의대 세브란스병원 호흡기내과 윤형규 가톨릭의대 여의도성모병원 호흡기내과 박용범 한림의대 강동성심병원 호흡기내과 이상엽 고려의대 고대안암병원 호흡기내과 CHEST PHYSICIAN, the newspaper of the American College of Chest Physicians, provides cutting-edge reports from clinical meetings, FDA coverage, clinical trial results, expert commentary, and reporting on the business and politics of chest medicine. Each issue also provides material exclusive to the members of the American College of Chest Physicians. Content for CHEST PHYSICIAN is provided by International Medical News Group, an Elsevier company. Content for NEWS FROM THE COLLEGE is provided by the American College of Chest Physicians. No responsibility is assumed by Elsevier Korea LLC for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a result of any actual or alleged libelous statements, infringement of intellectual property or privacy rights, or products liability, whether resulting from negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any ideas, instructions, procedures, products or methods contained in the material therein. The publication of an advertisement in the CHEST PHYSICIAN /Korean Edition does not constitute on the part of Elsevier Korea LLC a guarantee or endorsement of the quality or value of the advertised products or services described therein or of any of the representations or the claims made by the advertisers with respect to such products or services. CHEST PHYSICIAN NEWS, Korean Edition is published by Elsevier Korea LLC, 4FL, Chunwoo Bldg, 534 Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-861, S. Korea T: 82-2-6714-3000 F: 82-2-725-4698 ⓒ Copyright 2013, by Elsevier Inc. [알려드립니다] •소개된 기사 내용과 관련하여 의견이 있는 분께서는 아래의 연락처로 기고를 부탁 드립니다, 편집위원단의 승인하에 원고기고를 부탁 드리도록 하겠습니다. •본 뉴스지의 보완할 부분이나 질문이 있는 경우 언제든지 아래의 연락처로 문의 부탁 드립니다. E-mail. [email protected] Tel. 02-6714-3151 Fax. 02-725-4388 COPD SCHOOL 2013 •일자 : 2013년 4월 20일(토) Program •장소 : 서울아산병원 동관 6층 소강당 14 : 00 ~ 14 : 30 등록 14 : 30 ~ 14 : 40 Opening remark 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 이사장 유지홍 좌장 : 김원동(건국의대 내과) Session 1 Session 2 좌장 : 김관형(가톨릭의대 내과) 14 : 40 ~ 15 : 05 Stable COPD 치료 - 한국진료지침과 GOLD 차이 황용일(한림의대 내과) : : 15 05 ~ 15 30 Stable COPD 치료- 흡입 스테로이드 역할 이창훈(서울의대 내과) 15 : 30 ~ 15 : 55 PDE4 inhibitor vs. theophylline in COPD treatment 김유일(전남의대 내과) 15 : 55 ~ 16 : 10 Panel Discussion; All Speakers 16 : 30 ~ 16 : 55 COPD Comorbidity - Cardiovascular disease 유광하(건국의대 내과) 16 : 55 ~ 17 : 20 COPD Comorbidity - Depression 신경철(영남의대 내과) : : ~ 17 20 17 45 COPD Comorbidity - Osteoporosis 이영민(인제의대 내과) 17 : 45 ~ 18 : 00 Panel Discussion; All Speakers 16 : 10 ~ 16 : 30 18 : 00 ~ 18 : 10 Closing remark COPD 연구회장 김원동 18 : 10 ~ Dinner Coffee Break To learn more or request trial, please contact Elsevier Sales Representative. Tel (02)-6714-3000 | Email [email protected] NEWS Beta-Blockers May Be COPD Tool See Therapy · from page 1 COMMENTARY ications had a 22% decreased risk of allcause mortality and a 50% reduction in the risk of hospitalizations for COPD during the follow-up period. The mortality benefit associated with beta-blocker therapy proved independent of the presence or absence of overt cardiovascular disease, as similar reductions were seen in deaths as a result of COPD and myocardial infarction (BMJ 2011;342:d2549]). “Yes, this is an observational study and so you have to worry about selection bias, but if anything, it should at least make you feel comfortable that it’s safe to offer beta-blocker therapy to COPD patients, provided you’re sure Dr. Vera DePalo, FCCP, comments: COPD 환자의 입원율을 줄이 고 예후를 향상 시키는데 중점 을 두고 볼 때, 새로운 방법은 임상의들이 이 런 목표에 도달 하는데 도움을 주는 것으로 확인된 듯하다. NHS TARDIS 자료 분석에서 여러 조합의 호 흡기약물과 상대적으로 심장선택적인 베타 차단제를 함께 사용해 온 COPD 환자에서 전체 사망률을 줄이고, COPD로 인한 입원 을 50% 정도 줄이는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 일 부의 선택적인 COPD 환자를 대상으로 베 타 차단제를 시작하거나 심인성 쇼크가 발 생할 위험요인을 가진 심근경색 환자에서 24시간 이내에 베타 차단제를 투여할 때는 주의 깊은 결정을 내리는 것이 권고된다. they don’t have asthma,” Dr. Anderson remarked. He also highlighted another emerging issue with regard to beta-blockers, this one involving their widespread inappropriate use in the early treatment of MI in patients with one or more risk factors for cardiogenic shock. Investigators utilized the American College of Cardiology registry known as ACTION Registry-GWTG to study outcomes in 34,661 patients with ST elevation MI (STEMI) and non–ST-segment MI (non-STEMI) who received beta-blocker therapy within the first 24 hours after MI presentation at 291 participating U.S. hospitals. The registry is part of the American College of Cardiology’s National Cardiovascular Data Registry. The relevant ACC/American Heart Association Guidelines for Unstable Angina/Non-STEMI (J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2007;50:e1-e157) and STEMI (J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2008;51:210-47) recommend caution in giving beta-blockers in the first 24 hours in patients with risk factors for cardiogenic shock. Yet in the ACTION Registry-GWTG study, 45% of the STEMI patients treated with early beta-blockers and 63% of early beta-blocker recipients with non-STEMI had one or more cardiogenic shock risk factors identified in the guidelines on the basis of findings in the earlier COMMIT (Clopidogrel and Metoprolol in Myocardial Infarction Trial) study (Lancet 2005; 366:1,622-32). Moreover, the ACTION Registry data demonstrated that early beta-blocker therapy in patients with risk factors for cardiogenic shock was associated with significantly worse outcomes. For example, the combined rate of in-hospital cardiogenic shock or death was 1.3% in betablocker recipients with no shock risk factors, 4.8% in those with one of the risk factors, and 8.1% in those with two or more (Am. Heart J. 2011;161:864-70). The cardiogenic shock risk factors that grew out of the COMMIT study are age greater than 70 years, systolic blood pressure below 120 mm Hg at presentation, SUMMARY April 2013 COPD에서는 베타 차단제 사용이 저조한 반면에 급성 심근경색에서는 조기 투여로 과하게 사용하 는 경향이 있다. 천식이 없는 COPD 환자에서는 베 타 차단제 사용이 전체사망률이나 COPD 및 심근 a heart rate in excess of 110 bpm, and 12 hours or longer since symptom onset in STEMI patients. “I bring this to your attention because these risk factors are not going to jump out at you. They fit a lot of the patients we see, but statistically they have an excess risk for cardiogenic shock, and you should either not use beta-blockers early or be incredibly careful in doing so in those patients,” Dr. Anderson advised. Asked by a concerned audience member how physicians who decline to prescribe a beta-blocker for patients with 3 경색으로 인한 사망률을 낮추는 것으로 보고되었 다. 반면에 심인성쇼크 발생 위험인자가 있는 급성 심근경색 환자에서 24시간 이내에 조기에 베타 차 단제를 투여하는것은 예후를 악화시킬 수 있다. acute coronary syndrome and one or more shock risk factors can avoid taking a hit for noncompliance with a Joint Commission and Medicare core performance indicator, the hospitalist replied that the key is to avoid “early” use of the medication in patients with cardiogenic shock risk factors. Once 24 hours have gone by and the patient has been stabilized and has better blood flow to the heart, prescribing a beta-blocker may well be appropriate, he said. Dr. Anderson reported having no financial conflicts. NEWS 4 CHEST Physician • April 2013 아스피린 복용 시 주요 혈관의 합병증 및 정맥혈전증 재발 줄어 정맥혈전증, 심근경색증, 뇌졸중, 출혈 또는 사망과 같은 합병증이 33% 감소 BY HEIDI SPLETE IMNG Medical News A V I TA L S 100-mg daily dose of aspirin reduced by one-third the rate of recurrent major vascular events for patients who had one acute unprovoked venous thromboembolism and were switched from anticoagulant therapy to either aspirin or placebo after 3 months of anticoagulant therapy. Patients with one episode of unprovoked VTE often discontinue anticoagulant therapy due to inconvenience and the risk of bleeding, said Dr. Timothy A. Brighton of the University of Sydney, Australia, and his colleagues. For those patients, 100 mg of aspirin per day appears to be a safe alternative. Dr. Brighton and his colleagues reported the findings based on combined data from the ASPIRE (Aspirin to Prevent Recurrent Venous Thromboembolism) study and the WARFASA (Warfarin and Aspirin) study. The findings of ASPIRE were simultaneously published in the New England Journal of Medicine and presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association in Los 주요 결과: ASPIRE와 WARFASA 두 임상 시험의 결과를 합쳐 분석한 결과 aspirin 100 mg을 매일 복용한 군에서 정맥혈전증 의 재발률이 32% 감소하였고, 주요 혈관에 관련된 합병증의 발생빈도는 34% 감소하 였다. 출처: ASPIRE trial에 등록된 성인 822명과 WARFASA trial에 등록된 402명에 대한 임 상시험 결과를 분석하여 나온 결과. Angeles. The findings of WARFASA were previously published in the same journal. ASPIRE examined the effect of a 100mg daily dose of aspirin in patients who had a history of a first-ever unprovoked VTE and had completed initial anticoagulation therapy. The study population included 822 adults who were randomized to a placebo or aspirin at 56 sites in five countries from May 2003 and August 2011. Roughly half of the patients were men; 56% had a proximal deep-vein thrombosis as an index event; 29% had a pulmonary embolism as an index event, and 14% had both conditions as an index event (N. Engl. J. Med. 2012 Nov. 4 [doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1210384]). Overall, VTE recurred in 57 patients (14%) in the aspirin group, compared with 73 patients (18%) in the placebo group (rates of 5% and 7% per year, respectively, a nonsignificant difference). However, the rates of two secondary composite outcomes were significantly reduced in patients who took aspirin compared with those on placebo, the researchers noted. The rate of a composite outcome including VTE, myocardial infarction, stroke, or cardiovascular death was reduced by 34% in aspirin patients (5% per year for aspirin vs. 8% per year for placebo). The rate of a composite outcome including VTE, myocardial infarction, stroke, major bleeding, or death from any cause was reduced by 33% in aspirin patients (6% per year for aspirin vs. 9% per year for placebo).No signifi- cant differences in serious adverse events or in the rates of major or clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding were observed between the aspirin and placebo groups, researchers noted. The findings were limited by the low number of patients in the study, however. The ASPIRE data alone were not adequately powered to show a significant reduction in the recurrence of VTE. To address the issue, researchers combined the ASPIRE data with data from a similar population of 402 patients in the WARFASA (Warfarin and Aspirin) study (N Engl J Med 2012; 366:1959-67). In this multicenter, double-blind study, patients with first-ever unprovoked venous thromboembolism completed 6-18 months of oral anticoagulant treatment and were randomly assigned to aspirin, 100 mg daily, or placebo for 2 years. VTE recurred in 28 of the 205 patients who received aspirin and in 43 of the 197 patients who received placebo (6.6% vs. 11.2% per year; hazard ratio, 0.58). One patient in each treatment group had a major bleeding episode. Adverse events were similar in the two groups. Using the combined data from both studies, the researchers found “a highly significant reduction of 32% in the rate of recurrence of venous thromboembolism and a reduction of 34% in the rate of major vascular events with no excess of bleeding.” Therefore, the combined results of the two studies support the use of low-dose aspirin to prevent both recurrent VTE and major vascular events in patients who have had a first episode of unprovoked VTE, the researchers said. The study was supported by grants from the National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia), the Health Research Council (New Zealand), the COMMENTARY Aspirin Cuts Recurrence of Vascular Events, VTEs Dr. TheodoreWarkentin comments: 수술 후 정맥혈전증의 예방에 있어 항응고 제의 효과는 잘 알려져 있어서 aspirin의 효 과가 과소 평가되어 왔다. 최근에 시행된 무작위 임상시험인 ASPIRE와 WARFASA trial의 연구결과에 의하면 aspirin이 정맥혈 전증을 예방하는 효과가 있다고 추측할 수 있다. Warkentin은 원인 없이 정맥혈전증 이 발생한 환자에서 장기간에 걸쳐 정맥혈 전증이 재발하는 위험에 대해 다음과 같이 언급하였다. 평생 항응고제를 복용하는 대 신 아스피린을 사용하면 정맥혈전증의 재 발을 예방할 수 있고, 동맥혈전증의 발생 도 줄일 수 있다는 장점이 있다. ASPIRE 와 WARFASA 두 가지 임상연구결과를 합 쳐 분석한 결과 아스피린을 복용하면 정맥 혈전증의 재발이 방지되고, 주요 혈관에서 색전증과 관련되어 나타나는 합병증의 발 생빈도 역시 감소한다. Dr. Warkentin은 이 두 가지 임상시험의 결과를 바탕으로, aspirin을 실제 임상에서 사용하는 방법에 대 해 다음과 같이 설명하였다. 원인 모를 정 맥혈전증이 발생한 환자에서 aspirin을 처 방하기에 앞서 최소 3개월 이상 효과가 증 명된 항응고요법을 시행하여 초기에 많이 발생하는 재발을 방지하는 것이 중요하다 . 항응고제를 계속 복용하기 원하지 않는 환자에게 하루 100 mg의 aspirin을 복용하 게 하면 정맥혈전증의 재발을 1/3 가량 감 소시킬 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 주요 동맥에 서 생길 수 있는 폐쇄 관련 합병증의 발생 도 예방할 수 있고, 경구 항응고제의 복용 을 중단한 직후에 자주 나타나는 혈전증의 발생을 감소시킬 수 있다. 게다가 가격이 저렴하고 약물 농도를 확인하기 위한 혈액 검사를 할 필요도 없고 신장 기능이 저하 되어 있는 환자에서도 약물 대사물이 축적 되지 않아 안심하여 사용할 수 있다는 추 가적인 장점이 있다. National Heart Foundation of Australia, Bayer HealthCare (Germany), and the Australasian Society of Haematology and Thrombosis. NEWS April 2013 5 새로운 지침에서 제시하는 Troponin 검사의 로드맵 B Y A L I C I A A U LT IMNG Medical News A COMMENTARY s the sensitivity of troponin testing improves, so must clinicians refine the way they order and interpret such tests, according to a new consensus statement issued by seven professional societies. Clinicians have used troponin as a biomarker for myocardial infarction since the early 1990s. However, while an elevated level indicates myocardial necrosis, it does not necessarily mean that a myocardial infarction has occurred. There can be other myriad reasons for an increase in troponin. The consensus statement – written by a 14-member group of experts – reviews the most recent research on troponin testing and its clinical applications. It also Dr. Jun Chiong, FCCP, comments: 급성 심근경색을 진단하거나 배제 하기 위한 심장 troponin 검사의 알 고리즘은 매우 다양하다. 최근에 출판된 troponin 지침은 임상의사 들이 언제, 또 왜 troponin 검사를 지시해야 하는지 감별하는데 도움 이 될 것이며, 현재의 건강관리 체 계에서는 언제 troponin 검사가 필 수적이 아닌지를 이해하는 것도 똑같이 중요하다. 위험도가 낮은 인구 혹은 개연성이 적은 상황에서 troponin 검사의 비 용 효과 관계를 평가하는 연구들이 요구된다. addresses frequently asked questions on what an elevated troponin level means, when the test should be ordered, and prognosis with a positive test. The statement also gives a schematic look at potential causes of a positive troponin test. The schematic is divided into ischemic and nonischemic causes, and then further broken down. “We need to be thinking about why we are ordering the troponin test before we order it,” said Dr. L. Kristin Newby, who is the cochair of the writing committee for the American College of Cardiology Foundation 2012 Expert Consensus Document on Practical Clinical Considerations in the Interpretation of Troponin Elevations. “We hope this document provides a road map to help clinicians be more deliberate when ordering these tests and interpreting the results,” said Dr. Newby, who is a professor of medicine in the division of cardiovascular medicine at Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C. Troponin may be elevated because of heart failure, surgery, trauma, kidney disease, or pulmonary embolism, among other conditions. The biomarker may also show up in patients who have sepsis or those who are taking certain chemotherapies, such as anthracyclines and cyclophosphamide, which are known to cause cardiac damage. “If we are indiscriminate in how we order these tests or we aren’t paying attention to the clinical scenario before us, we may miss something important,” said Dr. Newby. Further complicating testing, the statement warns clinicians that “all troponin assays are not created equal,” and that there “is a wide spectrum of assay quality in practice.” The measurement of cardiac troponin is also not standardized, though there have been recommenda- “2012 Expert Consensus Document on Practical Clinical Considerations in the Interpretation of Troponin Elevation”은 7개 전문가 협회의 협의 발표로서 troponin 증가가 의 미하는 것, troponin 검사의 적응증 및 troponin 검사 양성 시 예후는 어떤지 기술하고 있다. 또한, troponin 검사 양성의 경 우 먼저 허혈성 및 비허혈성, 그리고 그 이후 좀더 세밀한 추 정 원인을 밝히는 단계적 과정을 보여준다. tions by the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry on how to achieve standardization. Most assays, however, are “able to selectively detect cardiac troponin to the exclusion of troponin from other tissues,” according to the statement. The statement also documents that elevated troponin deserves investigation because it is associated with worse outcomes. “If you have a pulmonary embolism or end-stage renal disease and your troponin is elevated, your prognosis – how you are expected to do – is worse,” said Dr. Newby. According to the statement, for clinicians, the “best value of troponin testing remains in the diagnosis of MI.” But even with that use, “it is important to understand the clinical context as treatment may vary considerably.” The 37-page statement was developed by the ACCF, the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, the American College of Chest Physicians, the American College of Emergency Physicians, the American College of Physicians, the American Heart Association, and the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions. The statement was published online in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC 2012;60) and is available on the ACC’s website at (http://content.onlinejacc.org/article.aspx?articleid=1389700). 중증 안정 COPD에서 비침습적 양압호흡환기 (NIPPV) 사용이 도움 줄 수 있어 NIPPV Benefits Severe Stable COPD BY SHARON WORCESTER IMNG Medical News COMMENTARY ATLANTA – Long-term nocturnal use of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation significantly reduced the likelihood of intensive care unit admission in patients with severe stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, according to findings from a systematic review of 582 patients in 13 randomized, controlled clinical trials. After 1 year, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) was associated with a significant decrease in ICU admissions (odds ratio, 0.41) compared with standard medical therapy. Patients using NIPPV for more than 3 months also had improvements in oxygenation (mean difference of –2.43 mm Hg), reduction in Pco2 (mean difference, –2.96 mm Hg), and an improvement in 6-minute walk distance (mean difference 45.15 m), Dr. Monali Patil said at the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians. A trend toward improved mortality at 1 year did not reach statistical significance, and no significant improvements in lung function were noted, according to Dr. Patil, of the University at Buffalo (N.Y.). Dr. Patil selected the 13 trials from a review of more than 700 studies conducted between 1991 and 2011. The Dr. Darcy D. Marciniuk, FCCP, comments: 이산화탄소 저류가 있는 중증 안정 COPD환자를 대상으로 한 소규모 의 무작위대조연구들에 대한 리뷰에서, 장기적으로 야간에 NIPPV를 적용하는 것이 유의하게 병원입원율을 감소시키고, 가스교환 개선이 있으며, 6분 보행 거리를 늘리는 것으로 밝혀졌다. NIPPV가 COPD 급성 악화에서 기본적인 치료로 자리잡은 것처럼 호흡부전이 동반된 중중의 안정된 COPD에서도 NIPPV가 도움을 줄 수 있다. 다양한 임 상, 삶의 질 및 경제적 이득 등을 목표로 한 대규모 무작위대조연구 가 뒤따라야 할 것이다. analysis included only randomized, controlled trials of COPD patients who had an FEV1 less than 50% of predicted and a Pco2 greater than 45 mm Hg and were receiving bilevel positive airway pressure (BIPAP). The patients in the studies were aged 18-75 years, and had no COPD exacerbations within 2 weeks prior to study enrollment. SUMMARY 언제, 어떻게 troponin 검사를 이용할 것인가? SUMMARY In New Guideline, A Road Map to Troponin Testing 13개 무작위대조연구를 분석한 연구에서 중 증 안정 COPD에 장기간 야간에 적용한 NIPPV가 통상적인 내과적 치료와 비교하여 ICU 입원 위험을 낮추고, 산소포화도를 향상 시키며, 이산화탄소 저류를 개선하고, 6분 보 행 거리를 늘리는 것으로 나타났다. 중증 안 정 COPD 관리를 위한 보조 치료로 NIPPV가 사용될 수 있을 것이다. The long-term use of NIPPV in patients with severe stable COPD has been controversial, but these findings demonstrate significant benefits. “So NIPPV can be used as adjuvant treatment for management of severe stable COPD patients,” she concluded. Dr Patil reported having no financial disclosures. 6 PULMONARY MEDICINE CHEST Physician • April 2013 이차 항결핵제에 대한 내성이 증가하고 있다 BY MICHELE G. SULLIVAN IMNG Medical News N early 44% of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis cases tested in eight countries were also resistant to at least one second-line tuberculosis drug, according to results of an international prospective cohort study. Extensively drug-resistant (XDR) strains were unexpectedly prevalent as well, particularly in South Korea and Russia, reported Tracy Dalton, Ph.D., of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, and colleagues. The report was published in The Lancet. These XDR isolates were detected in 6.7% of patients overall, with prevalence in South Korea (15%) and Russia (11%) exceeding the current World Health Organization global estimate (9.4%). The risk of XDR disease was four times greater in previously treated patients, and previous treatment with second-line drugs was consistently the strongest risk factor for resistance to these drugs (Lancet 2012 Aug. 30 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ S01406736(12)60734-X]). Multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis is resistant to at least rifampicin and isoniazid, and accounts for 3·6%-4·8% of new tuberculosis cases worldwide. XDR tuberculosis is resistant to at least rifampicin, isoniazid, and one or more of the second-line antituberculosis drugs. XDR tuberculosis has been reported in 77 countries. While the numbers varied between nations, investigators with the international Preserving Effective TB Treatment Study (PETTS) saw a concerning pattern: The prevalence of drug-resistant strains correlated with the time that the second-line drugs had become available through the Green Light Committee, a World Health Organization program designed to increase access to second-line antituberculosis agents. “[Second-line drugs] had been available for 10 years or less in Thailand (7 years), the Philippines (9 years), and Peru (10 years), and these countries had the lowest rates of resistance,” wrote Dr. Dalton of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “By contrast, South Korea and Russia had the longest histories of availability (more than 20 years) and the highest rates of resistance.” PETTS was launched in 2003 to determine the risk factors for and frequency of acquired resistance to second-line therapies in people with MDR tuberculosis. In 2005, in light of burgeoning numbers, the program was modified to include data on people with XDR tuberculosis. The current report focused on eight countries: Es- Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is resistant to at least rifampicin and isoniazid, tonia, Latvia, Peru, the and accounts for 3·6%-4·8% of new tuberculosis cases worldwide. Philippines, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, and Thailand. Samples from pa- South Africa had the lowest rate of second-line treattients with MDR tuberculosis were obtained from ment (3%), while South Korea had the highest (54%). large clinical centers in each country during 2005-2008. The overall prevalence of resistance to any secondInclusion criteria were at least 30 days of treatment line drug was 43.7%, but the rate varied among the with a second-line antituberculosis drug, with sputum countries, from 33% in Thailand to 62% in Latvia. collection within 30 days before or after the initiation Overall, 20% of isolates were resistant to at least of therapy. one second-line injectable drug, ranging from 2% in Of 1,540 isolates tested, 1,278 (83%) were MDR. the Philippines to 47% in Latvia. The Philippines also Most of those patients (94%) had a history of tubercu- had the lowest prevalence of resistance to all injectables losis, and of those, 71% had experienced it at least (0.3%), while South Africa had the highest (26%). once before the tested case. The overall resistance rate to at least one secondOf the entire group, 93% had received first-line ther- line oral drug was 27%. Resistance to at least one oral apy, but only 15% had received second-line drugs. drug ranged from 13% in Estonia to 38% in Latvia; however, other countries also had a high prevalence, including South Korea (36%), the Philippines (32%), Russia (26%), and South Africa (22%). A total of 6.7% of the isolates were XDR, with the highest prevalence in South Korea (15%) and the lowest in the Philippines (0.8%). Prior treatment for MDR strains with the secondline drugs was the strongest risk factor for XDR tuberculosis, with a relative risk of 4.75 for injectables and 4 for oral medications. Although countries with Green Light projects did have more cases, the risks ratios for different resistance types did not reflect the actual numbers, the authors noted. Resistance to fluoroquinolones and second-line injectable drugs – but not to other oral second-line drugs – was significantly less prevalent in countries that had Green Light Committee-approved projects. “This difference was due to the very low prevalence of resistance to second-line drugs in the Philippines, which had the largest Green Light Committee project,” the authors said. The individualized numbers should be useful to national disease management efforts, the researchers added. “Our country-specific results can be extrapolated to guide in-country policy for laboratory capacity and for designing effective treatment recommendations.” PETTS data collection continues, they noted. “The effect of the Green Light Committee initiative in combating acquired resistance to second-line drugs, the timing of acquired resistance, and the role of specific genetic mutations in different regions of the world are also being assessed.” The U.S. Agency for International Development, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, and the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare sponsored the study. The authors declared no financial conflicts. © LISAFX / I S TOCKPHOTO . COM Resistance to Second-Line TB Drugs Rises PULMONARY MEDICINE April 2013 7 LABA 사용 중지로 천식은 악화될 수 있어 BY MARY ANN MOON IMNG Medical News W VITALS ithdrawing long-acting betaagonist therapy worsened refractory asthma that had been controlled with a combination of LABAs and inhaled cortico-steroids, according to a meta-analysis. The findings run counter to the Food and Drug Administration’s black-box warning that patients should reduce use of LABAs such as salmeterol or formoterol once they achieve asthma control. Stopping LABAs after achieving asthma control was associated with reduced asthma control, increased symptom frequency, increased use of rescue bronchodilators, decreased asthma-related quality of life, and similar rates of adverse events and serious adverse events, com- pared with continuing LABAs in combination therapy, according to the metaanalysis’ authors, who focused on the only five randomized, controlled clinical trials (RCTs) to examine this issue. “Thus, in contrast to FDA recommendations of stepping off LABA therapy [once] asthma is controlled, our analysis supports the continued use of LABAs to maintain asthma control,” Dr. Jan L. Brozek of the department of clinical epidemiology and biostatistics and medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont., and his associates wrote in Archives of Internal Medicine (Arch. Intern. Med. 2012 [doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2012.3250]). However, they noted that this conclusion is based on the pooled results of only five studies, all of which had substantial limitations. The researchers undertook the meta- 주요 결과: ICS와 LABA 복합제로 잘 조절되고 있는 난치성 천식에서 LABA 사용을 중지하면 삶의 질 점수가 0.24점 낮아지고 무증상 일(symptom-free days)이 9.2% 감소되며, 증상완화제(rescue bronchodilator) 사용빈도가 하루 평균 0.71회(0.71회/일) 증가한다. 출처: 청소년과 성인을 대상으로 한 다섯 개의 무작위배정 비교연구를 메타분석함 (천식이 조절된 후 계속 ICS와 LABA 복합제를 사용한 682명과 LABA를 중지하고 ICS를 단독으로 사용한 660명을 대 상으로 분석). analysis because of the ongoing controversy over whether to withdraw or continue LABA therapy once asthma is adequately controlled, as the Food and Drug Administration recommends in a black-box warning for the drugs. The five RCTs included in the metaanalysis were all sponsored by the manufacturers of the study drugs. Four were published in peer-reviewed journals, and one was a conference abstract. All the RCTs involved adolescents or adults with at least a 6-month history of mild to moderate asthma, but four of the five trials did not specify whether combined therapy with inhaled corticosteroids and LABAs had been required to control symptoms at enrollment. Compared with continued combination therapy, LABA step-down therapy was associated with an average 0.24point drop in Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire scores for control of asthma, 9.2% fewer symptom-free days, and an average of 0.71 more puffs/day from a rescue bronchodilator. Despite the meta-analysis results, the investigators cautioned that the duration of well-controlled asthma on combination therapy was shorter than the 3 SUMMARY Stopping LABA Therapy May Worsen Controlled Asthma FDA는 ICS와 LABA 복합제로 천식이 조절된 다면 LABA를 더 이상 사용하지 말 것을 권 고하고 있다. 그러나 이 권고에 따라 난치성 천식에서 LABA 투여를 중지할 경우 천식이 악화될 수 있음이 보고되었다. LABA stepdown 전략! 다시 고려해볼 때이다. months that are recommended to adequately judge the treatment effect. None of the RCTs reported emergency department visits, unscheduled office visits for asthma, days missed from work or school, costs, or complications associated with the corticosteroids, the authors said. All were of short duration, none provided information on treatment adherence, and some had high dropout rates. Nevertheless, “our findings likely represent the current best evidence about stepping off LABA therapy in patients with asthma,” the investigators asserted. The pooled analysis showed “no statistically significant results for any of the reported asthma outcomes of interest showing a benefit from [the] LABA stepoff approach, compared with continued use of the same dose of inhaled corticosteroids and LABA,” Dr. Brozek and his associates said. 정위적방사선치료; 폐암 생존율 향상을 위한 새로운 치료전략 BY NEIL OSTERWEIL IMNG Medical News VITALS BOSTON – Delivering stereotactic body radiation for early-stage, inoperable non–small cell lung cancer doubled overall survival rates achieved in historical series with conventional radiation, investigators reported at the annual meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology. The 3-year overall survival rate reached 59.9% for 100 patients whose stage IA non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was treated with stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), said Dr. Yasushi Nagata. He compared results of the nonrandomized phase II trial with 31%-39% in historical series with conventional radiation. The 5-year overall survival rate was 40.8%, compared with 13%-22.2% historically, added Dr. Nagata from Hiroshima University, Japan. He described SBRT as well tolerated with only mild toxicities, making it a suitable alternative to other therapies, particularly in older patients. “Patients with early inoperable lung cancer should consider this treatment,” Dr. Nagata advised in a briefing. The investigators concluded that the treatment should be the new standard, replacing conventional radiotherapy in this population. Similar in concept to stereotactic radiosurgery with a cyberknife, SBRT is a technique for precise high주요 결과: IA병기 비소세포폐암을 정위적방사선치료를 할 경우 3년 생존률은 59%로 종래의 방사선치료에 의한 생존율 31%에 비하여 높았다. 출처: 비무작위 2상 연구 자료. dose targeting of tissues from multiple angles and planes, allowing delivery of much larger doses by fraction than conformal 3-dimensional or intensity-modulated radiation therapy. With SBRT, radiation therapy sessions can often be compressed into as little as 4-6 fractions delivered over 2 to 2.5 weeks, compared with 8 to 9 weeks of daily fractions for other techniques. The phase II Japanese Clinical Oncology Group trial, JCOG-0403, is said to be the first to evaluate SBRT in both operable and nonoperable Stereotactic body NSCLC. At the 2010 ASTRO annual meeting, the investigators radiation should reported 3-year survival rates for replace 64 patients with surgically reconventional sectable NSCLC: overall survival radiotherapy for was 76%; progression-free surearly inoperable vival, 54.5%; local progressionlung cancer. free survival, 68.5%; and eventDR. NAGATA free survival, 51.4%. In the current study, 77 men and 27 women with a median age of 78 years (range 59-90 years) were enrolled; four patients were later excluded from the study, three because they developed a second primary cancer within 5 years of registration, and one was “unexpectedly” treated with SBRT and chemotherapy. The median tumor size was 21 mm (range 9-30 mm). Fifty patients had adenocarcinomas, 40 had squamous cell carcinomas, and 14 had other tumor histologies. All patients had histologically or cytologically proven NSCLC, clinical T1N0M0 disease, and were determined by thoracic surgeons to be inoperable. All patients completed the treatment protocol, consisting of a dose of 48 Gy at the isocenter divided into 4 fractions over 4-8 days. The progression-free survival rate at 3 years was 49.8%; the local progression-free survival rate was 52.8%, and event-free survival, 46.8%. SUMMARY Stereotactic Radiation Boosts Lung Cancer Survival 초기폐암이지만 수술을 할 수 없는 경우 정위적방사선치료에 의한 생존율이 기존의 방사선치료결과보다 훨씬 높아 폐암치 료의 새로운 대안으로 부상하였다. Grade 3 adverse events include dyspnea in 10 patients, hypoxia in 8, pneumonitis in 7, chest pain in 2 and cough in 1. There was one case each of grade 4 dyspnea and hypoxia, but no treatment-related deaths. 8 PULMONARY MEDICINE CHEST Physician • April 2013 환자가 느끼는 호흡곤란 정도가 COPD 결과에 영향을 미쳐 IMNG Medical News VITALS ATLANTA – The perception of dyspnea among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder plays a bigger role in quality of life, functional status, and depression than do objective measures of disease severity, according to findings from cross-sectional study involving 158 patients. The findings suggest that assessing and addressing dyspnea in COPD patients could play an important role in improving quality of life outcomes, Dr. Sandra Adams reported at the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians. 주요 결과: 호흡곤란을 더 심하게 느끼는 환 자들이 삶의 질 지표, 기능적 상태 및 우울 증의 측면에서 더 나쁜 결과를 보였다. 출처: CASCADE trial에 포함된 158명의 환자 들에서 시행한 단면 연구 결과 The patients included in this analysis are part of the CASCADE study, a 2year longitudinal observational study of genes and depression in COPD. They completed spirometry, the modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) dyspnea scale, questions related to exacerbation risk within the last year, the Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ), a nine-item depression interview, the Personal Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and a 6-minute walk test at baseline. Study participants had a mean age of about 67 years, about 25% were women, 40% were on supplemental oxygen, and the mean forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) percent predicted was 43%. Exacerbations were self-reported. More than 60% had a self-reported physician diagnosis of depression. About 20% of the patients were found to be grade A patients, based on the revised Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) released in December 2011, about 10% were grade B patients, about 20% were grade C patients, and about 50% were grade D patients, said Dr. Adams of the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio. Patients with grade A disease have mild disease severity, airflow limitation, and few exacerbations; those with grade B disease are similar to those with grade A, except they have more symptoms (in this study, the grade B patients had no exacerbations). Those who have grade C disease experience minimal symptoms, severe airflow limitation, and/or two or more exacerbations each year; those with grade D disease are similar to those with grade C disease, except they have more symptoms. “One thing we were actually really surprised to find is that the group of A and C with minimal symptoms may be a lot more similar than we think, whereas D and B with the severe symptoms – even though they have significant differences in exacerbations and/or airflow limitation, may be very similar,” she said. Indeed, no differences on the various measures used in this study were seen between the A and C patients, and between the B and D patients. But when the A and C patients were combined and compared with the combined group of B and D patients, significant differences emerged for every measure. “Again, the big difference is symptoms; A and C have minimal symptoms and B and D have severe symptoms,” Dr. Adams said. As it turned out, grades A and C patients had significantly higher CRQ scores (higher scores are better) than did grades B and D patients (mean of 105 and 98 for A and C vs. 80 and 84 for B and D, respectively). Grades A and C also had COPD Severity Criteria statistically and clinically Grade Patient Description significantly greater 6minute walk test disMild disease severity, airflow A tances, Dr. Adams noted. limitation, and few exacerbations. On a physical function B Similar to grade A, but with measure of steps walked more symptoms. in a day, the A and C patients averaged 7,900, and C Minimal symptoms, severe airflow the B and D patients avlimitation, and/or two or more eraged only 4,800, she exacerbations each year. added. D Similar to grade C, but with more That’s 3,900 fewer steps despite inclusion of Bsymptoms. group patient (10% of the Source: Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung total study population) in Disease the B/D combined group, Dr. Adams noted. “Again … grade B had relatively nor- and/or the number of exacerbations, mal lung function and no exacerbations, Dr. Adams said, explaining that it apbut yet they’re severely dyspneic,” she pears that the perception of dyspnea is the main factor associated with these noted. As for depression, the history was sim- outcomes. “And, in fact, those who report severe ilar across all grades, although more grade B and D patients than A and C pa- dyspnea may be even more limited than tients had PHQ-9 scores of 10 or greater, those with frequent exacerbations,” she which indicates significant depression. said. What are the clinical implications of On linear regression, an mMRC dyspnea scale score of 2 or higher was associated the findings? “We ask our patients, ‘How are you with a significant increase in depression doing? How is your shortness of breath?’ (odds ratio, 2.8). “So the bottom line to this is grades A but actually getting an assessment and and C have similar levels of depression, also trying to really address the dyspnea quality of life, physical function, and in addition to the exacerbations is going physical activity despite significant dif- to be really key in this population,” Dr. ferences in FEV1 percent predicted and Adams concluded. COMMENTARY BY SHARON WORCESTER Dr. Darcy D. Marciniuk, FCCP, comments: COPD 환자에서 환자가 느끼는 호흡곤란 증상의 정도는 6분 보행검사 결과로 평가되는 활동성의 감소 및 PHQ-9 우울증 척도로 평가되는 우 울증의 증가와 관련을 보였다. 최근 개정된 GOLD Group A와 B에 속 하는, 폐기능이 FEV1 50%까지 감소된 환자들을 ‘상대적으로 정상 폐기 능을 가진’ 군으로 구분하는 것이 잘못된 용어 선택이라고 할지라도, 폐 기능 저하 한 가지만으로 COPD환자의 주관적 경험을 모두 설명할 수 없다는 것은 확실하다. 이 연구의 결과는 COPD 환자에서 다면적 평가 및 다양한 임상적 표현형의 중요성을 보여주고 있다. IMNG M EDICAL M EDIA Perceived Dyspnea May Affect COPD Outcomes PULMONARY MEDICINE April 2013 9 Crizotinib이 진행된 ALK 양성 비소세포폐암 치료를 바꾼다 VIENNA – Long-awaited data from the phase III PROFILE 1007 confirm that crizotinib provides superior progressionfree survival and responses, compared with second-line chemotherapy in advanced anaplastic lymphoma kinase– positive non–small cell lung cancer. Median progression-free survival more than doubled from 3.0 months with single-agent chemotherapy to 7.7 months with crizotinib, according to an independent radiologic review (P value less than .0001; hazard ratio, 0.49). Crizotinib (Xalkori) remained superior regardless of whether chemotherapy contained docetaxel (Taxotere) (7.7 vs. 2.6 months; P less than .0001) or pemetrexed (Alimta) (7.7 vs. 4.2; P = .0004), an agent previously shown to be effective against ALK-positive NSCLC. The overall response rate was 65.3% for crizotinib and 19.5% for chemotherapy in the intent-to-treat population of 347 patients (overall response rate ratio 3.4; P less than .0001). Crizotinib changed the natural history of the disease, Dr. Jean-Charles Soria said. Crizotinib was also associated with significantly greater improvement in lung cancer symptoms and quality of life, Dr. Alice Shaw reported during a presidential symposium at the European Society for Medical Oncology Congress. “Taken together, these results establish crizotinib as the standard of care for patients with advanced, previously treated ALK-positive non–small cell lung cancer,” she said. ALK rearrangements are present in about 5% of lung cancers, typically in younger, never smokers. Overall survival in the study was 22.8 months for chemotherapy and 20.3 months for crizotinib (P = .5394; HR, 1.02). The interim survival analysis was immature with just 40% of expected deaths reported and likely confounded by the high number (87%) of chemotherapy patients who crossed over to crizotinib after progression, she noted. After adjustment for crossover, the hazard ratio suggests a survival advantage with crizotinib (HR, 0.83). Discussant Dr. Jean-Charles Soria of Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France, agreed and said the survival 주요 결과: 중간 무진행 생존기간이 항암요 법을 사용한 경우 3개월이었으나 crizotinib을 사용한 경우 7.7개월이었다. (P<.0001, 위험률 0.49) 출처: 318명의 진행된 ALK 양성 비소세포폐 암 환자를 대상으로 한 3상시험 결과. times in either arm were impressive, observing that just 2 years ago survival in second-line ALK-positive NSCLC was just 9 months. “This is really changing the natural history of the disease,” he said. Crizotinib, an oral, first in class ALK inhibitor, was given accelerated approval in 2011 in the United States to treat advanced ALK-positive NSCLC but is not approved in Europe, where regulatory agencies have required data from the randomized trial. “While the U.S. treats, Europe randomizes,” Dr. Soria lamented to a loud round of laughter. He observed that worldwide use of crizotinib will require that several financial and practical issues surrounding implementation of molecular testing in daily practice be addressed including the optimal technique, type of sample, and tissue availability. Testing for epidermal growth factor receptor, another molecular alteration that directs targeted therapy in lung cancer, “should not compete with ALK,” he said, adding that multiplexing test strategies “are key.” Investigators at 105 sites across 21 countries in Europe, the Americas, and Asia-Pacific randomized 173 patients to crizotinib 250 mg twice daily in a 21-day cycle and 174 patients to chemotherapy containing pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 or docetaxel 75 mg/m2 given intravenously on day 1 of a 21-day cycle. Treatment duration varied significantly, with patients receiving a median of 11 cycles of crizotinib vs. 4 cycles of chemotherapy. This may have influenced the higher number of all-cause deaths among crizotinib patients (25 deaths vs. 7 deaths), said Dr. Shaw, a thoracic oncologist at Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center in Boston. Crizotinib patients were more likely than were chemotherapy patients to experience the now well-known side effect of visual disturbances (any grade 60% vs. 9%), as well as diarrhea, nausea, elevated transaminases (16% grade 3/4 ), edema, upper respiratory infection, dysgeusia, and dizziness. In contrast, fatigue, alopecia, dyspnea, and rash were more common in those receiving chemotherapy. Despite the fact that patients on crizotinib experienced more nausea and vomiting, antiemetic use was significantly higher in the chemotherapy arm (67% vs. 20%), observed Dr. Shaw, who said the majority of adverse events were grades 1/2, generally manageable and tolerable. This was reflected in patient-reported lung cancer symptoms and quality of life. Based on the EORTC Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ C-30) and QLQ-LC 13, crizotinib patients had greater improvement from baseline in cough, dyspnea, fatigue, alopecia, insomnia, and pain as well as global quality of life (both P less than .0001). “This is a compound with very mild toxicity,” commented Dr. Soria. He said clinicians need to be aware of crizotinib’s distinct side-effect profile, including other rare events such as renal cysts, pneumonitis, asymptomatic bradycardia, and low testosterone, “although we don’t really know if it impacts sexual life.” The topic of hypogonadism was raised in a separate session on second-generation ALK inhibitors at the meeting and in a recent report of rapid-onset hypogonadism secondary to crizotinib use in 19 men with metastatic NSCLC (Cancer 2012 [doi:10.1002/cncr.27450]). Dr. Shaw said in an interview that the study was small and “requires a lot more validation.” Although testosterone levels were not checked in PROFILE 1007, it is being done for the next generation of ALK inhibitors, she added. Dr. Soria said resistance to crizotinib will become a problem with increasing worldwide use, and that strategies to counter this may include the secondgeneration ALK inhibitors, increased crizotinib dosing, and crizotinib plus ablative therapy given the poor penetration of crizotinib in the brain. Brain metastases were present in 35% Data now support crizotinib as the standard of care, said Dr. Alice Shaw. of patients in both arms. Three-fourths of patients were never smokers, roughly 95% had adenocarcinoma, and their median age was about 50 years. SUMMARY IMNG Medical News VITALS B Y PAT R I C E W E N D L I N G P HOTOS PATRICE W ENDLING /IMNG M EDICAL M EDIA Crizotinib Changes Advanced ALK-Positive NSCLC Tx 3상 임상연구인 PROFILE 1007 결과에 따 르면 crizotinib이 ALK 양성 진행된 비소세 포폐암 치료에서 2차 항암제인 docetaxol이 나 pemetrexed를 포함한 항암요법에 비해 월등하게 우수한 중간 무진행 생존기간과 반 응률을 보임이 확인되었다. 10 PULMONARY MEDICINE CHEST Physician • April 2013 Tiotropium 추가요법이 조절되지 않는 천식환자의 악화 감소에 도움 BY MARY ANN MOON IMNG Medical News A dding tiotropium to standard combination therapy may help reduce exacerbations in some adults whose asthma is poorly controlled despite the use of inhaled glucocorticoids and long-acting beta-agonists, according to two randomized, controlled trials published in the New England Journal of Medicine. However, tiotropium use did not increase the number of symptom-free days or boost patients’ asthmarelated quality of life scores. Compared with placebo, tiotropium administered once daily via a soft-mist inhaler significantly lengthened the time to a severe exacerbation of asthma, reduced the number of exacerbations, and provided “modest” bronchodilation when added to inhaled glucocorticoids and LABAs, said Dr. Huib A.M. Kerstjens of the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) and the Groningen Research Institute for Asthma and COPD, and his associates (N. Engl. J. Med. 2012 Sept. 3 [doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1208606]). However, the improvements in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) were “relatively small (less than 10%),” and the number of symptom-free days did not differ between patients who received tiotropium and those who received placebo. Moreover, the use of rescue medications was the same between the two groups, and patient ratings of asthma-related quality of life also were the same on two measures, the researchers noted. Tiotropium is the most widely used long-acting anticholinergic inhaled bronchodilator in the world for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but it has only recently been investigated as a potential adjunctive therapy for asthma. Dr. Kerstjens and his colleagues assessed the drug’s effects in two 48-week randomized, controlled trials conducted in 15 countries, both of which were funded by Boehringer Ingelheim and Pfizer. They presented their findings at the annual meeting of the European Respiratory Society simultaneously with publication. The studies included 912 adults aged 18-75 years who had a 5-year or longer history of asthma and persistent airflow limitation despite self-reported daily use of inhaled glucocorticoids and LABAs. They were randomly assigned to self administer puffs of either tiotropium (237 patients in study 1 and 219 patients in study 2) or placebo (222 patients in study 1 and 234 patients in study 2) every morning as add-on therapy. Patients were allowed to continue the use of stable doses of sustained-release theophylline, leukotriene modifiers, anti-immunoglobulin E antibody, or oral glucocorticoids, and were given open-label inhalers of salbutamol or albuterol for use as rescue medication. The first two lung-function end points of both studies were the peak FEV1 response and the trough FEV1 response at week 24, expressed as the change from baseline FEV1. Tiotropium topped placebo in peak FEV1 response by an average of 86 mL in trial 1 and 154 mL in trial 2, differences that were significant. The average difference in trough FEV1 response between tiotropium and placebo groups was 88 mL in trial 1 and 111 mL in trial 2. Those differences were “relatively small” but also statistically significant. “It should be noted that [these differences occurred] in patients who were already receiving a long-acting bronchodilator and had fixed airflow limitation,” the investigators noted. The results also should be considered “in the context of the need for additional treatments for this patient population and the limitations of current alternatives,” they added. A third lung-function end point was the time until at least 25% of patients had their first severe exacerbation of asthma. That interval was 56 days longer with tiotropium (282 days), compared with placebo (226 days). The number of severe exacerbations was a secondary end point of both trials. That number was 0.53 exacerbations per patient-year with tiotropium, significantly fewer than the 0.66 per patient-year with placebo. In addition, 27% of patients in both tiotropium groups had at least one severe exacerbation, which was significantly less than the 33% rate in both placebo groups. However, asthma-related quality of life did not differ significantly between tiotropium and placebo groups SUMARRY Tiotropium Cut Asthma Exacerbations 2개의 무작위 대조군 연구에서 기존의 치료에도 조절되지 않 는 천식 환자에서 지속성 흡입 항콜린제의 병용요법은 추가 적인 이득과 안전성을 보였다. ICS/LABA의 사용에도 지속적 인 기도폐쇄가 있는 천식환자에서 하루 한번 tiotropium 1년 간 사용은 폐기능의 개선과 악화까지의 기간 연장을 보였으 며, 부작용의 차이는 없었다. in either trial. The minimal clinically important difference between the two groups was not achieved when measured by both the Asthma Control Questionnaire 7 and the 32-item Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire. Similarly, daily symptom diaries showed “small or nonsignificant” differences between the active drug and the placebo groups in symptom-free days. And the use of rescue medications also was similar. Adverse events occurred in 73.5% of the tiotropium group and 80.3% of the placebo group, and allergic rhinitis was the only one that occurred more often in the tiotropium group. Adverse events were judged to be treatment related in 5.7% of the tiotropium group and 4.6% of the placebo group. Serious adverse events occurred in 8.1% of the tiotropium group and 8.8% of the placebo group. Three of those events – two asthma exacerbations and one cerebral infarction – occurred in the tiotropium group and were considered life threatening. Cardiac events occurred in less than 2% of both study groups; they were considered drug related in 0.4% of patients in the tiotropium group and 0.2% of those in the placebo group. Adverse changes in blood pressure, pulse rate, laboratory measures, and electrocardiograms were balanced between the two study groups. Less than 2% of all patients experienced dry mouth – a typical adverse event with anticholinergic agents – but it was reported more frequently in the tiotropium group (eight patients vs. three patients), Dr. Kerstjens and his associates said. Dr. Kerstjens reported additional associations with Almirall, Chiesi, Novartis, and Nycomed, and his associates reported ties to numerous industry sources. PEDIATRIC CHEST MEDICINE 소아에서 Budesonide 사용이 성인신장을 감소시킴 Budesonide for Kids Reduces Adult Height IMNG Medical News L ong-term use of inhaled budesonide is associated not only with slowed growth in prepubertal children, but with reduced final adult height as well. An 8-year observational study found that children who had used budesonide during an asthma treatment trial were more than 1 cm shorter than those who used nedocromil or placebo. The findings suggest that glucocorticoid-related growth impairment has a lasting effect on potential adult height, H. William Kelly, Pharm.D., and his colleagues wrote in the the New England Journal of Medicine (N. Engl. J. Med. 2012;367:904-12 [doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1203229]). The prospective study followed 943 children who had participated in the Childhood Asthma Management Program (CAMP) trial. CAMP randomized children with asthma aged 5-13 years to placebo, 400 mcg/day budesonide, or 16 mg/day nedocromil. Initial follow-up averaged 4.3 years, with height measured once or twice a year for the subsequent 8 years. Final height was measured at a mean age of 25 years. The mean adult height in the budesonide group was 171.1 cm – significantly shorter than the 172.3 cm in the placebo group. Mean adult height in the nedocromil group was almost the same as in the placebo group (172.1 cm). Women in the budesonide group were particularly affected; they were a mean of 1.8 cm shorter than women in the Continued on following page ©C OMSTOCK /T HINKSTOCKPHOTOS . COM BY MICHELE G. SULLIVAN Glucocorticoid-related growth impairment has a lasting effect on potential adult height, study findings suggest. Continued from previous page COMMENTARY Final height was related to daily dosage during the randomized trial, with placebo group. Men who took budes- a decrement of 0.1 cm for each microonide were a mean of 0.8 cm shorter gram per kilogram of budesonide. Sevthan men who took placebo as children. eral baseline characteristics were also During the first 2 years of the CAMP significantly related to lower adult trial, rates of growth had already slowed, height, including Hispanic ethnicity and showing a 1.3-cm difference between being female, or having a higher Tanner the budesonide and placebo groups. At stage, greater body mass index, longer the end of that trial, the difference was duration of asthma, and low vitamin D 1.2 cm, a deficit that did not change as levels. Since the CAMP trial concluded, rethe patients entered young adulthood. search has shown that 200 mcg/day budesonide in a Dr. Susan Millard, FCCP, comments: dry-powder inNEJM 에 발표된 이 논문은 소아환자를 진 haler is sufficient 료하는 모든 의사들에게 중요한 정보를 준 to control mild to 다. 하지만 모든 의사들과 부모들에게 남겨 moderate asthma 지는 최종 질문은 ‘기도의 구조변화, 결근과 and prevent exac결석으로 인한 경제적, 교육적 부담, 천식의 erbations in chil악화로 인한 사망의 위험성과 성인 신장 1.2 dren. cm의 감소를 어떻게 받아들여야 하는 것인 “Even at this 가?’ 이다. lower dose, there was a reported mean reduction of 1.0 cm in height during the first 2 years of therapy,” the investigators noted. “Although the systemic effects of inhaled glucocorticoids are dose dependent, they are also dependent on the therapeutic index of the specific inhaled glucocorticoid and the delivery device used. Thus, it seems prudent to select inhaled glucocorticoids and devices with higher therapeutic indexes, and to use them in the lowest effective doses in children with persistent asthma.” Ultimately, they concluded, parents and physicians must work together to decide the risk-benefit ratio that is most appropriate and acceptable for each individual patient. “In the information about inhaled glucocorticoids and their side effects that is provided to parents, the potential effect on adult height must be balanced against the large and well-established benefits of these drugs in controlling persistent VITALS PEDIATRIC CHEST MEDICINE April 2013 11 주요 결과: 소아 때부터 budesonide를 400 mcg 흡입해온 성인들은 nedocromil 혹은 위약을 사용한 성인들보다 신장이 1 cm가 작 았다. 출처: 이 연구는 8년간의 관찰연구로 소아기 천식관리 프로그램연구에 참여한 943명의 환자들을 포함하였다. asthma,” concluded Dr. Kelly of the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, and his coauthors. The CAMP trial and its observational study were funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the National Center for Research Resources. Dr. Kelly serves on steering committees for and has received consulting fees from AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmith-Kline, and other companies. His coauthors reported that they have multiple financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies. PULMONARY PERSPECTIVES COPD에서 성별에 따른 차이점: 아직도 문제가 되는가? An ongoing concern has been whether women with COPD are less frequently diagnosed. C OPD is currently the third leading cause of mortality in the United States (Heron M. National vital statistics reports; vol 60(6). Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics 2012, http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/ nvsr60/nvsr60_06.pdf), but this burden is disproportionately shared by women. COPD-related deaths in the United States among women now outnumber those of men (Han et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2007;176[12]:1179). While it is tempting to presume that this is completely attributable to a relative increase in tobacco use among women, there are epidemiologic and biological data supporting the idea that COPD disease presentation and progression may DR. CARLOS differ in women, MARTINEZ revealing significant opportunities to improve clinical care and consider new avenues for research. Diagnosis An ongoing concern has been whether women with COPD are less frequently diagnosed. Two studies with similar design have attempted to answer that question. In the first, when a clinical vignette suggestive of a diagnosis of COPD was presented to physicians, the diagnosis of COPD was less frequent when the subject was a woman (Chapman et al. Chest. 2001;119[6]:1691). In the second study, published 5 years later, the gender discrepancy in diagnosis disappeared when physicians were presented with spirometry (Miravitlles et al. Arch Bronconeumol. 2006;42[1]:3). These data underscore the importance of obtaining spirometry data to counter the risk of physician gender bias in diagnosis of the disease. Furthermore, the implications for diagnosis in women may be even more important for women than men. A meta-analysis of 11 longitudinal studies concluded that for the same amount of tobacco smoked, women experienced a greater rate of lung function decline (Gan et al. Respir Res. 2006;7:52). The Lung Health Study also demonstrated more rapid lung function decline in women who continued to smoke but, importantly, an even greater potential to recover lung function after smoking cessation comDR. MEILAN HAN pared with men (Bjornson et al. Am J Public Health. 1995;85[2]:223). Unfortunately, multiple studies have also concluded that smoking cessation is actually more difficult for women to achieve and maintain (Han et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2007;176[12]:1179). Biological Basis There may be a biological basis to differences in tobacco susceptibility. Each cigarette smoked may represent a relatively higher “dose,” given that women are, on average, smaller than men. Clinical studies suggest that the plasma clearance of nicotine is also lower in women than men; women may have lower capacity for DNA repair than men and are more prone to oxidative damage (Rivera et al. Clin Chest Med. 2004;25[2]:391). Adipokines have also recently gained interest as potential mediators in the deregulated pro- and anti-inflammatory balance responsible for the development of COPD, with both systemic and bronchial leptin levels being associated with the disease and with more severe local inflammation (Assad et al. Biochimie. 2012 Mar 14 [epub ahead of print]). New evidence points toward a stronger association between leptin levels and other inflammatory markers in women with COPD than men (Breyer et al. Respir Med. 2011;105[7]:1046). Mortality Rates Conflicting data exist regarding differences in mortality rates between men and women with COPD. A recent analysis of the TORCH study demonstrated that women, in general, had lower allcause mortality, which is consistent with population-based data. However, after ‘EACH CIGARETTE SMOKED MAY REPRESENT A RELATIVELY HIGHER “DOSE,” GIVEN THAT WOMEN ARE, ON AVERAGE, SMALLER THAN MEN.’ adjusting for baseline variables, including FEV1, BMI, geographic region, and history of myocardial infarction, the difference was no longer statistically significant (Celli et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;183[3]317). While respiratory-related deaths were the most frequent cause of death, overall, the causes of death appeared to be similarly distributed between men and women. Symptom Differences One of the most interesting and ubiquitous findings in women with COPD is a SUMMARY Gender Differences in COPD: Do They Still Matter? 여성에서는 COPD의 임상양상과 병의 진행 이 다를 수 있다는 여러 가지 역학적, 생물학 적인 연구 결과들이 있으며, 따라서 앞으로 COPD 환자 개개인에 대한 맞춤 치료를 개 발하기 위해서는 성별에 따른 차이점을 탐구 하고 이해하는 것이 중요하다. lower frequency of phlegm production (de Torres et al. Chest. 2005;128(4):2012), even when the frequency of cough is similar or higher and the reported dyspnea more severe (Celli et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;183[3]: 317). Women are also under-represented among patients with a chronic bronchitic COPD phenotype (Kim et al. Chest. 2011;140[3]: 626). The differences in phlegm and bronchitic symptoms, in general, are intriguing, as among advanced COPD subjects in the National Emphysema Treatment Trial (NETT), women exhibited less radiologic emphysema and smaller airway lumen area with thicker bronchial walls as compared with men (Martinez et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2007;176[3]:243). Studies also suggest women report more severe dyspnea during exercise as compared with men with similar lung function (de Torres et al. Respir Res. 2007;8:18), but the reasons for this are still not well understood. Quality of Life Gender differences are also evident in personal experiences from COPD. In mild to moderate COPD, quality of life (QOL) is significantly worse among women (Celli et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;183[3]:317), and the factors related to poorer QOL in women are also not well understood. In trying to understand factors that predict QOL, a combination of dyspnea, exercise capacity, and comorbidities were significantly associated with QOL in men with Continued on following page 12 PULMONARY PERSPECTIVES Continued from previous page COPD. In women, however, only dyspnea and oxygenation were significant predictors of QOL (de Torres et al. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2006;4:72). Evidence from other chronic diseases (Ng et al. Womens Health Issues. 2010;20[5]:316) suggests that a patient’s experience with the medical system and their relationship with their health-care provider may also contribute to gender differences in a patient’s experience of the disease. Differences in comorbidities may also contribute to variation in QOL (Ninot et al. Heart Lung. 2006;35[2]:130). In general, women with COPD report more anxiety, depression, obesity, and CHEST Physician • April 2013 physician-diagnosed osteoporosis than men (Almagro et al. Respir Med. 2010;104[2]:253). Another factor that may also contribute to gender discrepancies in QOL is the finding that women report more frequent exacerbations. This has been documented in several large clinical trials, including TORCH (Celli et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;183[3]:317), UPLIFT (Tashkin et al. Respir Med. 2010;104[10]:1495) and the NIH-sponsored azithromycin in COPD trial (Albert et al. N Engl J Med. 2011;365[8]:689). Whether this is due to a difference in reporting threshold or disease biology is unknown, but it is a topic worthy of further investigation. Medications Importantly, these trials did not demonstrate significant differences in the efficacy of the therapies being studied, including tiotropium, fluticasone/salmeterol, and azithromycin, respectively. However, it is only recently that gender differences in therapeutics have even been examined. It was 1994 when the US National Institutes of Health issued a guideline that gender differences in clinical trials must be evaluated to ensure the safety and efficacy of the drug in all of the patients who might be receiving that drug (Federal Register of March 28, 1994; FR 59 14508-14513). Prior to 1994, women had been largely excluded from drug studies due to safety con- cerns. Even if data up to this point suggest that existing pharmacotherapies for COPD are equally efficacious in men and women, it is important that we continue to examine the efficacy of all future medications developed for COPD in both men and women. In our quest to define personalized medicine for COPD, gender-related differences can be exploited to help us better understand the disease and must remain an important consideration in our future approach to diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, and research. Dr. Carlos Martinez; and Dr. MeiLan Han University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan CRITICAL CARE 급성호흡곤란: 생리학적 접근을 시도해야.. Acute Dyspnea: Try Physiologic Approach BY SHERRY BOSCHERT IMNG Medical News DENVER – If you presume that a patient who comes to the emergency department with acute dyspnea primarily has a pulmonary cause, you’ll almost always be right. Those few other cases, though, take a bit of detective work. In the approximately 5% of cases in which dyspnea is not easily referable to the lungs, the culprit may be a cardiac problem (usually in a very young child) or, rarely, other problems – hemoglobinopathies, diseases that cause metabolic acidosis, or neurologic disorders, Dr. Jeffrey Sankoff said at the annual meeting of the American College of Emergency Physicians. Take a physiologic approach that can guide you through the differential diagnosis, he suggested. “As somebody who trained in critical care, everything boils down to physiology,” said Dr. Sankoff of the University of Colorado, Denver, and director of quality and patient safety at Denver Health Medical Center. To begin, think of diseases that cause hypoxemia, hypercapnia, or metabolic acidosis, which lead to dyspnea. Hypoxemia The most common cause of hypoxemia is ventilationperfusion (V-Q) mismatch, in which blood flows in the lungs but areas are not getting oxygen. Diffusion abnormalities, in which oxygen gets into alveoli but oxygen transit to the bloodstream is impaired, also cause hypoxemia. These occur in primary pulmonary disease. Extrapulmonary disease processes create four causes of hypoxemia: a shunt, low mixed venous oxygen saturation (Mvo2), decreased fraction of inspired oxygen (Fio2), and alveolar hypoventilation. A V-Q mismatch at its most extreme is a shunt, in which blood bypasses the lungs altogether, he said. Disease processes that cause blood to go directly from the right to the left side of circulation result in hypoxemia. A shunt is almost always intracardiac, rarely intrapulmonary. In children, shunts are seen at characteristic times for the development of cyanotic congenital heart disease, most commonly patent ductus arteriosus in an infant. Look for a shunt by its hallmark – oxygen saturation will not improve when you give the patient oxygen. “This is the test for any young child under the age of 6 weeks who comes to the emergency department hypoxemic,” Dr. Sankoff said. Adults with shunts will have a murmur as well as dyspnea. “Adults don’t develop shunts de novo. This is going to be happening as part of some acute process,” he said. The chest x-rays in adults with shunts often are normal. The second cause of hypoxemia – low Mvo2 – occurs mainly when blood flows too slowly through the capillary bed, allowing excess oxygen extraction, and blood returns to the heart in a deoxygenated state. Focus on right ventricular impairment to identify the etiology. Left ventricular impairment will show up on x-ray as pulmonary edema. A right-sided infarction or cor pulmonale from pulmonary embolism will impair right ventricular function. Cardiac tamponade from infectious, inflammatory, or neoplastic processes also can cause low Mvo2 and dyspnea, though nobody really understands why, he added. The third cause of hypoxemia – decreased Fio2 – usually is a problem relegated to people at high altitudes or industrial workers in enclosed spaces, where hypoxemia (low partial pressure of oxygen in blood) causes hypoxia (low oxygen levels in tissues). Dr. Sankoff uses this category to remind himself to look for diseases that are not associated with lower Fio2 and hypoxemia but still are associated with hypoxia – primarily hemoglobinopathies. “If a patient has 100% oxygen saturation yet is hypoxic, they have a problem with hemoglobin,” Dr. Sankoff said. It may be a severe or acute gardenvariety anemia causing the dyspnea, or occasionally a hereditary hemoglobinopathy such as thalassemia or sickle cell disease. To diagnose these, have a high index of suspicion. You’ll see no patient improvement on oxygen therapy, and some diseases create a characteristic appearance of the blood. Alveolar hypoventilation may be the most insidious cause of hypoxemia, and dyspnea and may be a flag for impending respiratory compromise if there is peripheral weakness. The most common acquired causes of peripheral neuromuscular weakness are Guillain-Barré syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Colorado tick paralysis. Make the diagnosis in context with other findings, he said. Expect an abnormal motor exam. Check the negative inspiratory force; if it isn’t at least –20 cm H2O, it’s abnormal and the patient likely will need respiratory support. Hypercapnia Diseases that cause hypercapnia can cause dyspnea. Three things cause carbon dioxide levels in the blood to rise: increased metabolic rate (more likely in the ICU than in the emergency department), decreased minute ventilation, and increased pulmonary dead space. All can be diagnosed by checking arterial blood gases. Metabolic Acidosis Acidosis, usually due to high levels of lactate, stimulates respiratory drive to try to balance pH. Sepsis is the most important cause of acidosis. When sepsis is developing, dyspnea frequently is a subtle sign. Have a high index of suspicion for sepsis, and be wary of a normal oxygen saturation level in a patient with dyspnea, he said. Other causes of metabolic acidosis that lead to dyspnea include diabetic or alcoholic ketoacidosis. Putting this physiologic approach to dyspnea into context, consider three scenarios, Dr. Sankoff suggested. A patient with dyspnea who responds to oxy- IT TAKES A BIT OF DETECTIVE WORK TO FIND THE CAUSE IN THE FEW CASES OF DYSPNEA THAT ARE NOT EASILY REFERABLE TO THE LUNGS. gen therapy and has an abnormal chest x-ray has a primary pulmonary problem. A patient who responds to oxygen but has a normal chest x-ray may have sepsis, another cause of acidosis, or alveolar hypoventilation; their response to oxygen may be transient. They will respond to oxygen but continue to be tachypneic. The third scenario – normal x-ray, but the patient does not respond to oxygen therapy – raises a broad differential diagnosis including sepsis, other causes of acidosis, hypercapnia, cardiac causes, and hemoglobinopathies. Narrow the differential by recalling the history and physical findings and getting arterial blood gas tests. Dr. Sankoff reported having no relevant financial disclosures. CRITICAL CARE April 2013 13 새로 개정된 패혈증 치료 지침 BY BRUCE JANCIN IMNG Medical News DENVER – Look for some big changes ahead in the forthcoming update of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign international guidelines. In the 4 years since the last version of the guidelines came out, major studies have been released that resolved hot debates regarding sepsis management and in some cases overturned established dogma. At the annual American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) meeting, emergency physicians deeply involved in crafting the Surviving Sepsis Campaign 2012 guidelines provided a preview of what’s to come. Among the areas that will see key new recommendations are antibiotic therapy, fluid resuscitation, vasopressors, and lactate monitoring. ‘At this time, we’re thinking stay away from low-molecularweight starches for resuscitation.’ DR. OSBORN SUMMARY ▶ Antibiotics ASAP. The critical importance of getting empiric antibiotics on board within 6 hours after recognizing that a patient has sepsis has been effectively hammered home over the years. But how fast is fast enough? Several recent small studies have reached conflicting conclusions. Now, however, an 800-lb gorilla of a study has provided a definitive answer. This study, now in press, involved 14,895 patients enrolled in the Surviving Sepsis Campaign’s worldwide database. All had severe sepsis or septic shock, and all received antibiotics within the first 6 hours, explained Dr. Tiffany M. Osborn, a coauthor of the study and of the forthcoming guidelines. “This was a big question for us. The results strengthen the importance of getting antibiotics started as soon as possible – within the first hour if possible. We found there’s about a 4% increase in mortality for every hour delay. And it’s cumulative: it’s 4% after the first hour, 8% after the second, 12% after the third, 2012년에 새로 개정된 패혈증 치료 지침에 의하면, 패혈증이 진단되면 항생제는 가능한 1시간 이내에 투여해야 한다. 패혈성 쇼크 초 기에는 crystalloid 수액제제와 albumin을 투 여하고, 저분자량 콜로이드용액이나 starche 용액의 사용은 피해야 한다. 충분히 수액을 공급했는데도 불구하고 평균 혈압을 65 mmHg 이상 유지할 수 없을 때는 dopamin 보다는 norepinephrine을 사용할 것을 권고 하였다. and so on,” according to Dr. Osborn of Washington University at St. Louis. A similar time-dependent increase in mortality was observed in patients with severe sepsis as well as in those in septic shock, she added. ▶ Fluid resuscitation. The initial fluid of choice for resuscitation in severe sepsis and septic shock remains crystalloids, as before. That’s a grade 1A recommendation. What’s brand new is a recommendation to consider adding albumin in the initial fluid resuscitation (grade 2B). This guidance was heavily influenced by a meta-analysis of 17 studies involving close to 2,000 patients that demonstrated a significant protective effect for the use of albumin as an initial resuscitation fluid (Crit. Care Med. 2011;39:386-91). At this late date, Dr. Osborn said, the guideline panel is strongly leaning toward a recommendation against the use of low-molecular-weight colloids or starches such as hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.42. That would be ground shaking, as synthetic colloids or starches, particularly those of low molecular weight, are a very popular resuscitation fluid both in the United States and abroad. However, recent studies implicate these fluids in increased risks of 90-day mortality and renal failure, compared with the use of Ringer’s lactate. “Having said this, there are two other trials currently pending. Any month now the results will come out, and we’ll see ‘By far and away, I’m going to choose norepinephrine as the initial vasopressor agent.’ DR. WINTERS where we are at that point. But at this time, we’re thinking stay away from low-molecular-weight starches for resuscitation,” Dr. Osborn said. One of the main reasons the Surviving Sepsis Campaign 2012 guidelines won’t actually be published before January 2013 is the guideline panel’s eagerness to see the results of those two studies, she added. ▶ Vasopressor therapy. The initial target remains, as before, a mean arterial pressure of at least 65 mm Hg. But while the 2008 guidelines recommended either norepinephrine or dopamine as the firstchoice vasopressor to correct hypotension in patients not sufficiently responsive to fluid resuscitation, the new guidelines will state that norepinephrine is the preferred agent (grade 1B). That’s a major change. Dopamine has been essentially kicked to the curb in response to multiple studies in the last 4 years implicating it in an increased incidence of arrhythmias and, in some studies, higher mortality. The final nail in dopamine’s coffin for use in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock was a recent meta-analysis involving five observational and six interventional studies totaling nearly 2,800 patients (Crit. Care Med. 2012;40:725-30). “Dopamine has actually fallen by the wayside. By far and away, I’m going to choose norepinephrine as the initial vasopressor agent,” declared Dr. Michael E. Winters of the University of Maryland, Baltimore. The new guidelines will suggest that be reserved for highly selected patients: those at very low arrhythmia risk and with a low cardiac output and/or low heart rate (grade 2C), he noted. Another change in the new guidelines will be a recommen- Fluid: ‘‘We want to give patients what they need dation that epinephrine be but not more,” Dr. Tiffany M. Osborn said. added when an additional agent is needed in order to maintain adequate the bundle plus lactate clearance, morblood pressure (grade 2B). tality further fell to about 22% (J. In▶ Don’t overdo the fluids. “We want tensive Care Med. 2012 [doi:10.1177/ to give patients what they need but not 0885066612453025]). more,” Dr. Osborn explained. The 2012 Thus, the coming Surviving Sepsis guidelines will recommend that physi- Campaign 2012 guidelines will suggest cians use some sort of fluid challenge that in patients with elevated lactate levtest while administering fluid boluses. els as a marker of hypoperfusion, resusThe goal is to keep giving fluid only so citation should be targeted at normalizlong as hemodynamic improvement is ing lactate as rapidly as possible (grade seen in response. This can be achieved 2C). Having said that, however, a norin a variety of ways, including monitor- mal lactate doesn’t indicate absence of ing change in pulse pressure, stroke vol- shock. Other factors, such as the patient’s ume variation, heart rate, or arterial central venous oxygen saturation level, pressure. need to be considered as well, the physi▶ Lactate clearance. Serum lactate is cians emphasized. recognized as an indicator of global orThe Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidegan hypoperfusion and shock. But in- lines are sponsored by 27 medical orgacorporating lactate clearance as one of nizations. Among them are the Society the goals of early sepsis therapy has been of Critical Care Medicine, ACEP, the “a very hot topic,” Dr. Winters observed. Society of Hospital Medicine, the AmerImproved clarity was provided by a ican College of Chest Physicians, the prospective 556-patient quality improve- American Thoracic Society, the Infecment study by investigators in the Asian tious Diseases Society of America, the Network to Regulate Sepsis Care. Pa- Surgical Infection Society, the Pediatric tients who got the primary severe sepsis Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigamanagement bundle of care as recom- tors, and a host of international groups. mended in the 2008 Surviving Sepsis Dr. Osborn and Dr. Winter reported Campaign guidelines had an unadjusted having no financial conflicts. mortality of 43.6%. This bundle includes early antibiotic administration, hemodynamic monitoring and support, and Dr. Vera De Palo, FCCP, comments: achievement of a central venous oxygen 패혈증 환자에게 적절한 시기에 최적의 치 saturation level greater than 70% by 6 료를 하면 치료성적을 향상시킬 수 있다는 hours. However, patients who got the 것이 임상연구를 통해 증명되었다. 시간이 bundle plus lactate clearance had a 20.5% 지나면서 새로 mortality rate (Crit. Care 2011;15:R229 운 연구결과가 [doi:10.1186/cc10469]). 누적되면 최근 The importance of lactate clearance 에 시행한 임 was further underscored by the findings 상시험의 결과 in the GENESIS Project (Generalized 를 근거로 하 Early Sepsis Intervention Strategies). 여, 이전에 만 This quality improvement initiative, 든 지침을 재 conducted at five U.S. community hos분석하고 새로 pitals and six tertiary centers, showed 운 지식을 반 a 42.8% mortality in 1,554 historical 영하여 치료지침을 개정하는 것이 중요하 controls treated for sepsis before im다. 이런 과정을 통해 중증 패혈증과 패혈 plementation of the Surviving Sepsis 성쇼크 환자를 치료하는 protocol의 내용 Campaign resuscitation bundle. In an을 발전시키고 임상에 잘 적용함으로써 사 other 4,801 patients who got the bun망률이 높은 이 질환의 생존율을 향상시킬 dle, mortality was significantly lower 수 있기를 기대한다. at 28.8%. And, in those who received COMMENTARY 새로운 지침에 따르면, dopamine의 사용은 피하고, 진단 후 1시간 이내에는 반드시 항생제를 투여해야 한다. © SUPOJPP / FOTOLIA . COM Update Ahead for Surviving Sepsis Guidelines CRITICAL CARE 14 CHEST Physician • April 2013 말기 암 환자에서 임종에 대비한 상의를 일찍 하는 것은 공격적인 치료를 줄인다 Early End-of-Life Discussions Cut Aggressive Care IMNG Medical News P VITALS atients with stage IV lung cancer who had end-of-life discussions with caregivers before the last 30 days of life were less likely to receive aggressive care in their final days and more likely to get hospice care and to enter hospice earlier, a study of 1,231 patients found. Nearly half received aggressive care in their last 30 days (47%), including chemotherapy in the last 14 days (16%), ICU care in the last 30 days (6%), and/or acute hospital-based care in the last 30 days of life (40%), Dr. Jennifer W. Mack and her associates reported. Guidelines advise starting end-of-life care planning for patients with incurable cancer early in the course of the disease while patients are relatively stable, not when they are acutely deteriorating. Many physicians in the study postponed the discussion until the final month of life, and many patients didn’t remember or didn’t recognize the endof-life discussions. Discussions that were documented in charts were not associated with less-aggressive care or greater hospice use, if patients or their surrogates said no end-of-life discussions took place. In the study, 88% of patients had endof-life discussions. Among the 794 patients with end-of-life discussions documented in medical records, 39% took place in the last 30 days of life and 63% happened in the inpatient setting. Fiftyeight percent of patients entered hospice care, reported Dr. Mack, a pediatric oncologist at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, Boston, who studies patient-related communications issues. The study was published the Journal of Clinical Oncology (doi:10.1200/ JCO.2012.43.6055). Chemotherapy in the last 2 weeks of life was 59% less likely, acute care in the last 30 days was 57% less likely, and ICU care in the last 30 days was 23% less likely when patients or surrogates reported having end-of-life discussions. Patients whose first end-of-life discussion happened while they were hospitalized were more than twice as likely to get any kind of aggressive care at the end of life and three times more likely to get acute care or ICU care in the last 30 days and to have hospice care start within the last week before death. Having a medical oncologist present 주요 결과: 환자 또는 보호자들이 임종에 대비한 상의를 받은 경우, 임종 전 마지막 2주내에 항암약 물치료는 59%, 마지막 30일내에 급성 치료는 57%, 마지막 30일 내에 중환자실 치료는 23% 감소하 였다. 출처: 미국 5개 주의 HMO 또는 재향군인병원에서 제 4병기 폐암 또는 대장암 환자 1,231명을 대상 으로 한 종단적 연구 at the first end-of-life discussion increased the odds of having chemotherapy in the last 2 weeks of life by 48%, decreased the odds of ICU care in the last 30 days by 56%, increased the likelihood of hospice care by 43%, and doubled the chance of hospice care starting in the last 7 days of life. All of these odds ratios were significant after controlling for other factors. Data came from a larger cohort of 2,155 patients with stage IV lung or colorectal cancer receiving care in HMOs or Veterans Affairs medical centers in five states. All were followed for 15 months after diagnosis in the Cancer Care Outcomes Research and Surveillance Consortium. An earlier analysis by the same investigators showed that 87% of the 1,470 patients who died and 41% of the 685 still alive by the end of follow-up had end-of-life care discussions. Oncologists documented end-of-life discussions with 27% of their patients, suggesting that most discussions were with non-oncologists. (Ann. Intern. Med. 2012;156:20410). The current study analyzed data for 1,231 of the patients who died but who lived at least 1 month after diagnosis, in order to assess whether the timing of discussions influenced end-of-life care. Patients were significantly less likely to say they’d had an end-of-life discussion if they were unmarried, black or nonwhite Hispanic, or not in an HMO. When discussions don’t begin until the last 30 days of life, the end-of-life period usually is already underway, the investigators noted. Physicians should consider moving end-of-life care discussions closer to diagnosis, they suggested, while patients are relatively well and have time to plan for what’s ahead. “It’s something that any physician can do,” but some previous studies report that physicians are reluctant to start endof-life discussions early because these are emotionally difficult conversations, they worry about taking away hope, and they are concerned about the psycho- logical impact on patients – though there is no clear evidence that it does have psychological consequences for patients, Dr. Mack said. “It’s a compassionate instinct,” she said. “Being in the room with a family when I deliver this kind of news, that emotional impact is right in front of me. I believe there are bigger consequences” from not discussing end-of-life care, such as perpetuating false hopes and asking people to make decisions about what’s ahead without a clear picture of the situation, she added. The conversation should take place more than once because patient preferences may change over time and patients need time to process the information and their thoughts about it, Dr. Mack said. Further work is needed on why some documented end-of-life discussions were not reported by patients/surrogates. “Every physician can relate to this – that sometimes we have conversations but they’re not heard or understood by patients,” she said. “It reminds me that I need to ask patients what they’re taking away from these conversations and use that to guide me going forward.” That finding echoes two recent large, population-based studies that found many patients with terminal cancer mistakenly think that palliative chemotherapy or radiation will cure their disease. Some previous studies suggest that patients dying of cancer increasingly are receiving aggressive care at the end of life and that this trend may be modifiable. Other studies have reported an association between having end-of-life discussions and reduced intensity in care. The current study was longitudinal and is one of the first to look at the effects of the timing of these discussions. Most patients who realize that they are dying do not want aggressive care. Also, studies report that less-aggressive 91823 end-of-life care is easier on family members and less expensive. Dr. Mack and her associates reported having no financial disclosures. When Patients or Surrogates Had End-of-Life Discussions ... ICU care in the last 30 days was 23% Chemotherapy in the last 2 weeks was 59% Acute care in the last 30 days was 57% less likely less likely Note: Based on a study of 1,231 patients. Source: J. Clin. Oncol. 2012 (doi:10.1200/JCO.2012.43.6055) less likely 63% of discussions occurred in the inpatient setting. IMNG M EDICAL M EDIA BY SHERRY BOSCHERT 음악칼럼 April 2013 15 지오반니 페르골레시 <성모 애가> Giovanni Battista Pergolesi <Stabat Mater> 오 재 원 교수 한양대학교구리병원 소아청소년과 *** 생의 마지막 순간 좀먹어 들어가는 폐를 웅크려 잡고 피를 토 하듯 써 내려간 페르골레시의 신앙고백 ‘스타바트 마테르’란 라틴어로 '어머니가 서 계시다'는 뜻으로 ‘예수 그리스도 달리신 십자가 곁에 비통하게 우시며 성모님이 서 계시 네’라는 말로 시작되는 곡이어서 이런 제목이 붙었다. 우리말로는 ' 슬픔의 성모', 또는 ‘성모애가’라고 번역된다. 13세기 이탈리아 시인 이었던 야코포네 디 토디가 쓴 시에 프란체스코 수도회 수사가 곡을 붙인 것이 최초의 <스타바트 마테르>였고, 그 후 많은 작곡가들이 같은 시에 곡을 붙였다. 비발디, 로시니, 구노 등이 작곡한 <스타바 트 마테르>도 사순절 기간에 자주 연주된다. 트리엔트 공의회 이후 가톨릭 전례에서 제외되었던 <스타바트 마테르>는 1727년 다시 정식 으로 전례서에 채택되었고, 이 무렵 이탈리아에서는 도메니코 스카 를라티의 <스타바트 마테르>가 사순절 및 성모의 고통을 묵상하는 축일마다 연주되고 있었다. 나폴리의 산타마리아 성당에서는 스카 를라티 곡의 오랜 반복에 식상하여 당시 오페라 작곡가로 명성을 떨치기 시작한 신진 작곡가 페르골레시에게 새로운 <스타바트 마 테르>작곡을 의뢰하게 된다. 이 곡은 성모의 고통을 노래하며 깊은 공감을 표현하는 작품으로 십자가위에서 죽음을 맞이하는 아들을 지켜보는 어머니의 참혹한 고통이 오히려 우리가 세상에서 겪는 고통에 따뜻한 위로가 됨을 느낄 수 있게 한다. 이탈리아 작곡가 페르골레시는 ‘소규모 음악’의 효과에 능숙한 작곡가였다. 이 곡은 소규모 앙상블과 소프라노 및 알토 두 성악가 만이 연주하는 작은 작품이지만, 그 평온하고 고요한 음악 안에 담긴 슬픔의 폭발력은 가히 대단하다. 어릴 때부터 소아마비로 다리가 불편했고 늘 병약했던 페르골레시는 오로지 음악에만 빠져 살다가 열세 살에 나폴리 음악원에 입학했다. 교회음악뿐만 아니라 단막극 오페라 '마님이 된 하녀'의 대성공으로 그는 유럽 음악계에서 대단 한 명성을 얻었다. 그러나 불과 스물여섯 살이었던 1736년 폐결핵이 악화된 페르골레시는 프란체스코 수도원에 몸을 의탁했다. 삶이 곧 끝난다는 것을 알고 있었던 그는 재산을 모두 다른 사람들에게 넘 겨주었고 남은 것은 그 무렵 작곡 중이던 <스타바트 마테르> 뿐이 었다. 병고 속에서도 천국을 염원하며 그는 이 최후 작품에 혼신의 힘을 기울였다. 수도원에 보존된 자료에 따르면 그는 이 작품을 2 년에 걸쳐 꼼꼼히 다듬고 손질한 것으로 보인다. 페르골레시는 천재성을 다 풀어헤치지도 못하고 미처 사랑 같은 것은 해볼 겨를도 없이 생의 종말을 맞아야 했다. 생의 마지막 순간에 좀먹어 들어 가는 폐를 웅크려 잡고 피를 토하듯 써 내려간 <스타바트 마테르>가 더욱 페르골레시의 아픈 초상을 떠올리게 한다. 제1곡 비탄에 잠긴 어머니 서 계셨네 슬픈 선율로 시작하면서 소프라노와 알토가 번갈아 노래를 한다. 제2곡 탄식하는 어머니의 마음 호소력 강한 소프라노 솔로 곡이다. 제3곡 오! 그토록 고통 하며 소프라노와 알토가 함께 부르는 비교적 간결한 곡이다. 제4 곡 근심하며 비탄에 잠겨 알토 솔로와 대조적으로 아주 밝은 곡으로 독백하는 느낌이다. 제5곡 울지 않을 사람이 있을까 느린 곡으로 소프라노가 부르고 그 후 알토가 받아 부른 후 듀엣으로 부른다. 제 6곡 슬퍼지지 않을 사람이 있을까 간단한 3부 형식으로 바로크 특 유의 지속음이 연출되고 경쾌하게 끝난다. 제7곡 자기 백성의 죄 들을 위하여 소프라노 솔로 곡으로 슬픈 선율은 마치 모차르트 <레 퀴엠> ‘라크리모사’를 연상케 한다. 제8곡 사랑하는 아들을 보았네 알토솔로의 담백한 곡이다. 제9곡 아 어머니, 사랑의 샘이여 이중 창으로 폭풍과 같이 빠른 템포로 대위법적 조화를 이룬다. 제10곡 나의 심장을 타오르게 하소서 평화로운 바로크적 전원풍 음악 이다. 제11곡 거룩하신 어머니 알토 솔로로서 명상적이고 아름답다. 제12곡 상처 입은 당신의 아드님 밝고 화려한 분위기이다. 제13곡 당신과 함께 울게 하소서 ‘paradisi gloria’라고 노래 부르며 절망적 상황에서 천국을 그리고 있다. 제14곡 십자가 가까이 당신과 함께 제15곡 처녀들 중 빛나는 처녀시여 제16곡 그리스도의 죽음을 제 17곡 그분의 상처들에 제18곡 처녀여, 당신에 의해 제19곡 십자가 로 내가 보호 받게 하시고 제20곡 이 몸이 죽을 때에 마지막 ‘아 멘’ 부분은 영화 <아마데우스>에서 어린 살리에리가 성당에서 기 도할 때 그의 아버지가 식사도중 죽는 장면에서 드라마틱하게 나 온다. 들을만한 음반 마가렛 마살(소프라노), 루치아 발렌티니-테라니(메조소프라노), 클라우디오 아바도(지휘), 런던 심포니오케스트라[DG, 1985] 엠마 커크비(소프라노), 제임스 보우먼(알토), 크리스토퍼 호그우드(지휘), 고음악 아카데미 챔버 오케스트라[Decca 1988] 준 앤더슨(소프라노), 세실리아 바르톨리(메조소프라노), 샤를 뒤투아(지휘), 몬트리올 신포니에타[Decca, 1991]
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