K-SAMPLE ANDERSON-DARLING TESTS OF FIT, FOR CONTINUOUS AND DISCRETE CASES by F.W.SCHOLZ M.A. STEPHENS TECHNICAL REPORT No. 81 May 1986 Department of Statistics, GN-22 University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 USA K-Sample Anderson-Darling Tests of Fit, for Continuous and Discrete Cases F.W. Scholz! and M.A. Stephens/ 1 BoeingComputer Services, MS 9C-Ol,Seattle, Wa. 98124-0346, P.O. Box 24346, USA 2 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SimonFraser University, Burnaby, B.C., V5A IS6, Canada ABSTRACT Two k-sample versions of the Anderson-Darling (AD) test of fit are proposed and their asymptotic null distributions are derived for the continuous as well as the discrete case. In the continuous case the asymptotic distributions coincide with the (k-l)-fold convolution of the l-sample AD asymptotic distribution. Monte Carlo simulation is used to investigate the null distribution small sample behaviour of the two versions under various degrees of data rounding and sample size imbalances. Tables for carrying out these tests are provided and their usage in combining independent 1- or k-sample AD-tests is pointed out. Some key words: Combining tests, Convolution, Empirical processes, Midranks, Pearson curves, Simulation. 20, 1986 K-Sample Anderson-Darling Tests of Fit, for Continuous and Discrete Cases F.W. Scholz! and M.A. Stephens/ 1 Boeing ComputerServices, MS 9C-Ol,Seattle,Wa. 98124-0346, P.O. Box 24346, USA 2 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SimonFraser University, Burnaby, B.C., V5A IS6, Canada 1. Introduction and Summary Anderson and Darling (1952, 1954) introduce the goodness of fit statistic 2 1 00 Am = m (Fm(x) - F O(x)} 2 F O(x){1 _ F O(x)} dF O(x) to test the hypothesis that a random sample X l' ... , Xm , with empirical distribution F m (x), comes from a continuous population with distribution function where F (x) F (x) = F o(x ) for some completely specified distribution function F o(x). Here F m(x) is defined as the proportion of the sample X l' ... , Xm which is not greater than x. The corresponding twosample version (I) A 2 = mn mn N j -<>0 (Fmex) - G n(x)}2 dHN(x) H N(x){1 - HN(x)} was proposed by Darling (1957) and studied in detail by Pettitt (1976). Here G n (x) is the empirical distribution function of the second (independent) sample Y t- ... , Yn obtained from a continuous population with distribution function G(x) and HN(x)={m Fm(x)+n Gn(x)}IN, with N=m +n, is the empirical distribution function of the pooled sample. The above integrand is appropriately defined to be zero whenever H N (x) = 1. ~~L'~LV case 2 common contmuous distribution runcuon, -2- In Sections 2 and 3 two k -sample versions of the Anderson-Darling test are proposed for the continuous as well as discrete case and computational formulae are given. Section 4 discusses the finite sample distribution of these statistics and gives a variance formula for one of the two statistics. Section 5 derives the asymptotic null distribution of both versions which in the continuous case is the (k-l)-fold convolution of the l-sample Anderson-Darling asymptotic distribution. Section 6 describes the proposed test procedures and gives a table for carrying out the tests. Section 7 reports the results of a Monte Carlo simulation testing the adequacy of the table for the continuous and discrete case. Section 8 presents two examples and Section 9 points out another use of the above table for combining independent 1- and k -sample Anderson-Darling tests of fit. 2. The K-Sample Anderson-Darling Test On the surface it is not immediately obvious how to extend the twosample test to the k -sample situation. There are several reasonable possibilities but not all are mathematically tractable as far as asymptotic theory is concerned. Kiefer's (1959) treatment of the k-sample analogue of the Cramer-v. Mises test shows the appropriate path. To set the stage the following notation is introduced. Let Xij be the j tk observation in the i th sample, j = 1,...., ni' i = 1,..., k . All observations are independent. Suppose the i tk sample has distribution function F i . We wish to test the hypothesis H o: F 1 = ... =Fk without specifying the common distribution F. Since rounding of data occurs routinely in practice we will not necessarily assume that the Fi , and hence the common F under H 0' are continuous. Denote the empirical distribution function of the i tk sample by Fn.(x) and that of the pooled I sample of all N = n 1 + ... + nk observations by HN(x). The k-sample Anderson-Darling test statistic is then defined as =L =1 -3- R: HN(x) < I}. For k =2 (2) reduces to (1). In the case of untied observations, i.e. the pooled ordered sample is Z 1 < ... < ZN' a is computational formula for where BN = [x E AJv A 2 = - (3) kN k I N -1 (N M·· - j n.)2 1 L - L I) I j(N - j) N i=1 ni j=1 where Mij is the number of observations in the i th sample which are not greater than Zj • 3. Discrete Parent Population If continuous data is grouped, or if the parent populations are discrete, tied observations can occur. To give the computational formula in the case of tied observations we introduce the following notation. Let denote the L (> 1) distinct ordered observations in the Z ~ < ... < zt pooled sample. Further let be the number of observations in the /ij l th k sample coinciding with Z/' and let Ij = Z/'. Using (2) as the definition of AJv L /ij denote the multiplicity of i=1 the computing formula in the case of ties becomes AJv = Lk (4) - 1 L-l L I· (N M .. -n.B.)2 .L I) I} i=1 ni j=1 N Bj(N - B) where M··I} =/'1 + ... +/..I and B· =/ 1 + .. , +1·} • I }} An alternate way of dealing with ties is to change the definition of the empirical distribution function to the average of the left and right limit of the ordinary empirical distribution function, i.e. Fan.(x):= t 1 -2 (Fn·(x) + Fn·(x-» t t and similarly HaN (x ). Using these modified distribution functions we modify (2) slightly to =-- -4- for (nondegenerate) samples whose observations do not all coincide. Otherwise let Aak = O. The denominator of the integrand of Aak is chosen to simplify the mean of Aak. For nondegenerate samples the computational formula for 2 (5) A akN = N - 1 k N Aak 1 becomes Ij L L- L- i=1 ni j=1 N (N M aij - ni B aj ) 2 Ba/N - B aj) - N 1/4 , where M aij = i, 1 + ... + lij-l + li/2 and B aj = II + ... + I j _ 1 + 1/2. The formula (5) is valid provided not all the Xij are the same. This latter way of dealing with ties corresponds to the treatment of ties through midranks in the case of the Wilcoxon two-sample and the Kruskall-Wallis k-sample tests, see Lehmann (1975). 4. The Finite Sample Distribution under H 0 Under H 0 the expected value of E(Al!v) =(k AlN is -1) N ~ 1 [1 - 1 J(\V(u)}N-l du] , o where \V(u):= F (F- 1(u » with \V(u) ~ u and \V(u) == u if and only if F is continuous, see Section 5 for some details. In the continuous case the expected value becomes k - 1. In general, as N ~ 00 , the expected value converges to (k -1) P(\V(U) < 1) where U - U(O,l) is uniform. The expected value of Aak under H 0 is E(Aak) = (k - 1) (l- pr(X 11 = .. , =Xknk )} , which is k - 1 for continuous F and otherwise becomes k - 1 in the nondegenerate case as N ~ 00. Higher moments of Al!v and Aak are very difficult to compute. Pettitt (1976) gives an approximate variance formula for A:iv as var(A:iv) :::: 0 2 (1 - 3.lIN) where 0 2 = 2 (x 2 - 9)/3 is the variance of A f. -5continuous case. 2 ._ (6) (1 N .- var A 2 _ (kN ) - 3 2 a N + b N + eN + d (N _ 1)(N - 2)(N - 3) , with a b =(2 g =(4 g -6) k + (10 - - 4) k 2 + 8 h k + (2 g 6 g) H - 4 g + 6 - 14 h - 4) H - 8 h +4 g - 6 c = (6 h + 2 g - 2) k 2 + (4 h - 4 g + 6) k + (2 h - 6) H + 4 h d =(2 h + 6) k 2 - 4h k where k 1 H='Li=1 ni , N- 1 1 h = 4.J. "\:'- . 1 I z= and g = N-2 'L i=1 N-l 'L j=i+l (N 1 .. ' -I) ] Note that 1 1 g~fJ 1 Oyx(1-y) 2 dxdy=~. 6 as N ~ 00 and thus var(AJv) ~ (k - 1) (12 as min(n l' ..., nk) ~ 00. The effect of the individual sample sizes is reflected through H and is not was not derived. negligible to order liN. A variance formula for Aak However, simulations showed that the variances of AJv Aak and are very close to each other in the continuous case. Here closeness was judged and that by the discrepancy between the simulated variance of obtained by (6). AJv In principle it is possible to derive the conditional null distribution (under H 0) of (3), (4) or (5) given the pooled (ordered) vector 2 = (2 1 ' ... , 2N ) of observations 2 1::; ... ::; 2N by recording the distribution of (3), (4) or (5) as one traverses through all possible ways of splitting 2 into k samples of sizes n 1 ' ... , nk respectively. Thus the test is truly non-parametric in this sense. For small sample sizes it may be -6- as k gets larger. Not only will the null distribution be required for all possible combinations (n 1 ' ... , nk) but also for all combinations of ties. A more pragmatic approach would be to record the relative frequency p with which the observed value a 2 of (3), (4) or (5) is matched or exceeded when computing (3), (4) or (5) for a large number Q of random partitions of Z into k samples of sizes n 1 ' ... ,nk respectively. This was done, for example, to get the distribution of the two-sample Watson statistic Un~ in Watson (1962). This bootstrap like method is applicable equally well in small and large samples. p is an unbiased estimator of the true conditional as well as unconditional P -value of a 2, and the variance of p can be controlled by the choice of Q. In the next section the unconditional asymptotic distribution of (3), (4) and (5) will be derived. AJv 5. Asymptotic Distribution of under H 0 Since the asymptotic distribution of (4) reduces to that of (3) in the case that the common distribution function F is assumed continuous, only the case of (4) will be treated in detail and the result in the case of (5) will only be stated with the proof following similar lines. In deriving the asymptotic distribution of (4) we combine the techniques of Kiefer (1959) and Pettitt (1976) with a slight shortening in the argument of the latter and track the effect of a discontinuous F. Using the special construction of Pyke and Shorack (1968), see also Shorack and Wellner (1986), we can assume that on a common probability ,nb space 11 there exist for each N, and corresponding n rindependent uniform samples U isN - U(O,l), s = 1 , ... , ni, i = 1 , ,k and independent Brownian bridges U 1 ' IIUiN for every co E 11 as ni = := - t ~ 00. sup E [0,1] ... , Uk such that I UiN(t) - Ui(t) I ~ ° Here 1: =1 St -7is the empirical process corresponding to the i th uniform sample. Let X isN := F-1(UisN) and U iN {F (x)} =ni 112 (FiN (x) - F (x)} . 1 nj l s=l =--;:; L FiN (x) With I [X isN s x] so that FiN (x ) is equal in distribution to F n'(x). The empirical distribution I function of the pooled sample of the X isN is also denoted by H N (x) and that of the pooled uniform sample of the U isN is denoted by KN(t) so that HN(x) =KN(F(x». This double use of H N as empirical distribution of the X isN and of the Xis should cause no confusion as long as only distributional conclusions concerning (4) are drawn. Following Kiefer (1959), let C = (Cij) denote a k xk orthonormal matrix with C lj = (n/N/I 2, j = 1 , ... , k. If U = (U I" .. , ukl then the components of V = (V I ' ... , Vkl = C U are again independent Brownian bridges. Further, if = (V IN , = C UN , VkN)t i = 1, k L UN = and (U IN , ... , UkN)t then IIViN - Vi/I ~ 0 2 2 for all VN (0 E n, , k and ni{FiN(x) -HN(x)} 2 = Lk i=l UiN{F(x)} - V IN {F (x)} = Lk i=2 i=l for all x E 2 ViN{F(x)} R. This suggests that AlN, which is equal in distribution to k k L Vi~{F(x)} LH~~~){l- L Vi~{W(U)} HN(x )} dHN(x) = LKN{\jI::~} [1 - KN{IjI(u )}] dKN(u), converges in distribution to k f 2 L V/{W(U)} i=2 A k - 1 := A -W-(u -)-{-l---'V-(u-)-} du $ = E .. 1: " := 'j < E < - 8- To make this rigorous we follow Pettitt and claim that for each oE (0,112) and S (0) = (u E [0,1]: 0::S; u , \V(u) ::s; 1 - o} we have (see Billingsley, theorem 5.2) k k L Vi~{\V(U)} f i=2 dKN(u) ANnS(O) KN{\V(u)} [l-KN{\V(u)}] f S(o) L V/{\V(u)} i=2 dKN(u) \V(u) (l-\V(u)} k L + f i(=\{1_ ()} d{KN(u)-u}-tO \V u \V u S(o) n for all ro E If W as M V/{\V(u)} -t =(W I ' ... , 00. WN) with W I < ... < WN denote the order statistics of the pooled sample of the UisN then the conditional expectation of given W is KN{\V(Wj )} [l - KN{\V(Wj )}] (k - 1)N /(N - 1). Thus the unconditional expectation of i: i DIN Vi~{\V(U)} =f I [O,o)(u) IAN(u) KN{\V~:~} [1 KN{o/(u )}] dKN(u) IS Similarly the unconditional expectation of k L > - {o/(u -9IS E(D m ) = (k -1) N N _ 1 pr[w(U lIN) > 1- 0, KN{W(U lIN)} < 1] . If W(t) = 1 for some if W(t) < 1 for all t t < 1 then E (D m) = 0 for 0 sufficiently small, and < 1 then s (kN-~)lN E(D 2N) (l- W- 1(1 - a)} . In either case E (D IN + D 2N ) ~ 0 as 0 ~ 0 , uniformly in N. Thus by Markov's inequality pr(D 1N +D 2N z e) ~O as M ~oo and then ~ O. Theorem 4.2 of Billingsley (1968) and the fact that for all ro E o n k A 2 (0) k-l - L f V?{W(u)} i=2 S (0) W(u) (l - W(u)} du ~Al-l as 0 ~ 0 (monotone convergence theorem) proves the claim that Ak~ converges in distribution to finite for almost all ro E n A/:_1 . The integral defining Ak~1 exists and is by Fubini's theorem upon taking expectation of Ak~I' Similarly one can show that under H 0 the modified version AdkN converges in distribution to k 1 '-f L [Vdw(u)} + Vdw_(u )}]2 2 A a(k-l)'- = i=2 = - - - - - : = , - - - - - - - - - du , o 4 W(u) (l - W(u)} - (W(u) - W_(u)} where W_(u) =F (F- 1(u )-) and W(u) =(W(u) + W_(u ))/2 and V 2,' .. Vk are the same independent Brownian bridges as before. Note 1 that Al- 1 and A}(k-l) coincide when F is continuous. Thus the limiting distribution in the continuous case can be considered an approximation to the limiting distributions of Ak~ and AalV under rounding of data provided the rounding is not too severe. Analytically it appears difficult to continuous case. - 10- diagonal better than 'If, appears to point to A}kN as the better approximand. Only a simulation can bear this out. 6. Table of Critical Points Since for the 1- and 2-sample Anderson-Darling tests of fit the use of asymptotic percentiles works very well even in small samples, Stephens (1974) and Pettitt (1976), the use of the asymptotic percentiles is suggested here as well. To obtain a somewhat better accuracy in the approximation we follow Pettitt (1976) and reject H 0 at significance level a whenever Ak~ - (k -1) ----aN ~ zk-1 (1 - a) where zk-1(1 - a) is the (1 - a)-percentile of the standardized asymptotic Zk-1 = {A/'_1 - (k - l))/a distribution and aN is given in (6). If Y l' Y 2' ... are independent chi-square random variables with k-l degrees of freedom then Al-1 has the same distribution as Li (i1+1) Y" . z=1 z Its cumulants and first four moments are easily calculated and approximate percentiles of this distribution were obtained by fitting Pearson curves as in Stephens (1976) and Solomon and Stephens (1978). This approximation works very well in the case k -1 = 1 and can be expected to improve as k increases. A limited number of standardized percentiles zm (1 - a) of Zm are given in Table 1. The test using A}kN is carried out the same way by just replacing AJv lNabove. with A a - 11 Table 1 Percentiles zm (y) of the 2 m -Distribution y m .75 .90 .95 .975 .99 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 .326 .449 .498 .525 .557 .576 .590 .674 1.225 1.309 1.324 1.329 1.332 1.330 1.329 1.282 1.960 1.945 1.915 1.894 1.859 1.839 1.823 1.645 2.719 2.576 2.493 2.438 2.365 2.318 2.284 1.960 3.752 3.414 3.246 3.139 3.005 2.920 2.862 2.326 00 For values of m not covered by Table 1 the following interpolation formula should give satisfactory percentiles. It reproduces the entries in Table 1 to within half a percent relative error. The general form of the interpolation formula is where the coefficients for each y may be found in Table 2. Table 2 Interpolation Coefficients Y bo bI b2 .75 .90 .95 .975 .675 1.281 1.645 1.960 -.245 .250 .678 1.149 -.105 -.305 -.362 -.391 - 12to Y III order to establish an approximate P-value for the observed Anderson-Darling statistic, see Section 8 for examples. 7. Monte Carlo Simulation To see how well the percentiles given in Table 1 perform in small samples a number of Monte Carlo simulations were performed. Samples were generated from a Weibull distribution, with scale parameter a = 1 and shape b = 3.6, to approximate a normal distribution reasonably well. The underlying uniform random numbers were generated using Schrage's (1979) portable random number generator. The results of the simulations are summarized in Tables 3-17 of the Appendix. For each of these tables 5000 pooled samples were generated. Each pooled sample was then broken down into the indicated number of subsamples with the given sample sizes. The observed false alarm rates are recorded in columns 2 and 3 for the two versions of the statistic. Next, for each pooled sample created above the scale was changed to a = 150, a = 100 and a = 30 and the sample values were rounded to the nearest integer. The observed false alarm rates are given respectively in columns (4,5), (6,7) and (8,9). On top of these columns the degree of rounding is expressed in terms of the average proportion of distinct observations in the pooled sample. It appears that the proposed tests maintain their levels quite well even for samples as small as ni = 5. Another simulation implementing the tests without the finite sample variance adjustment did not perform quite as well although the results were good once the individual sample sizes reached 30. It is not clear whether a has any clear advantage over as far as A1N 1N data rounding is concerned. At level .01 Aa AJv AJv seems to perform better than although that is somewhat offset at level .25. power behavior of these has not been studied one can expect that the good behavior 2-sample test A';n' as demonstrated by (1 over k -sampie case as IJp't't,'t't - 13 - 8. Two Examples As a first example consider the paper smoothness data used by Lehmann (1968, p. 209, Example 3 and reproduced in Table 18 of the Appendix) as an illustration of the Kruskal-Wallis test adjusted for ties. According to this test the four sets of eight laboratory measurements show significant differences with P -value > .005. Applying the two versions of the Anderson-Darling k-sample test to this set of data yields AJr = 8.3559 and A}kN = 8.3926. Together with aN = 1.2038 this yields standardized Z -scores of 4.449 and 4.480 respectively, which are outside the range of Table 1. Plotting the log-odds of y versus z 3(Y) a strong linear pattern indicates that simple linear extrapolation should give good approximate P -values. They are .0023 and .0022 respectively, somewhat smaller than that of the Kruskal-Wallis test. As a second example consider the air conditioning failure data analyzed by Proschan (1963) who showed that the data sets are significantly different (P -value ::::.007) under the assumption that the data sets are individually exponentially distributed. The data consists of operating hours between failures of the air conditioning system on a fleet of Boeing 720 jet airplanes. For some of the airplanes the sequence of intervals between failures is interrupted by a major overhaul. For this reason segments of data from separate airplanes, which are not separated by a major overhaul, are treated as separate samples. Also, only segments of length at least 5 are considered. These are reproduced in Table 19 of the Appendix. Applying the Anderson-Darling tests to these 14 data sets yields AJr =21.6948 and Aaltv =21.7116. Together with aN =2.6448 this yields standardized Z -scores of 3.288 and 3.294 respectively, which are outside the range of Table 1. Using Table 2, the interpolation formula for zm (y) yields appropriate percentiles for m = 13. Plotting the log-odds of y versus Z 13(Y) suggests that a cubic extrapolation should provide good approximate P -values. are .0042 and .0043 respectively. Hence even witnout - 14- 9. Combining Independent Anderson-Darling Tests Due to the convolution nature of the asymptotic distribution of the ksample Anderson-Darling tests of fit the following additional use of Table 1 is possible. If m independent I-sample Anderson-Darling tests of fit, see Section 1, are performed for various hypotheses then the joint statement of these hypotheses may be tested by using the sum S of the m l-sample test statistics as the new test statistic and by comparing the appropriately standardized S against the row corresponding to m in Table 1. To standardize S note that the variance of a l-sample Anderson-Darling test based on ni observations can either be computed directly or can be deduced from the variance formula (6) for k size go to infinity as: =2 by letting the other sample var(A;) = 2 (n 2 - 9)/3 + (10 -n2)/ni . I It should be noted that these l-sample tests can only be combined this way if no unknown parameters are estimated. In that case different tables would be required. This problem is discussed further by Stephens (1986), where tables are given for combining tests of normality or of exponentiality. Similarly, independent k-sample Anderson-Darling tests can be combined. Here the value of k may change from one group of samples to the next and the common distribution function may also be different from group to group. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Steve Rust for drawing our attention to this problem and Galen Shorack and Jon Wellner for several helpful conversations and the use of galleys of their book. The variance formula (6) was derived with the partial aid of MACSYMA (1984), a large symbolic manipulation program. This research was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and by the U.S. Office Naval Research. - 15 - References Anderson, T.W. and Darling, D.A. (1952), Asymptotic theory of certain "goodness of fit" criteria based on stochastic processes. Ann. Math. Statist., 23, 193-212 Anderson, T.W. and Darling, D.A. (1954), A test of goodness of fit, J. Amer. Stat. Assn., 49, 765-769 Billingsley, P. (1968), Convergence of Probability Measures. Wiley; New York Darling, D.A. (1957), The Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramer-von Mises Tests, Ann. Math. Statist., 28, 823-838 Kiefer, J. (1959), K-sample analogues of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramer-v. Mises tests, Ann. Math. Statist., 30, 420-447 Lehmann, E.L. (1968), Nonparametrics, Statistical Methods Based on Ranks, Holden Day; San Francisco MACSYMA (1984), Symbolics Inc., Eleven Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA.02142 Pettitt, A.N. (1976), A two-sample Anderson-Darling rank statistic, Biometrika, 63,161-168 Pyke, R. and Shorack, G.R. (1968), Weak convergence of a two-sample empirical process and a new approach to Chernoff-Savage theorems, Ann. Math. Statist., 39, 755-771 Schrage, L. (1979), A more portable Fortran random number generator, ACM Trans. Math. Software, 5, 132-138 Shorack, G.R. and Wellner lA. (1986), Empirical Processes with Applications to Statistics, Wiley; New York Solomon, H. and Stephens, M.A. (1978), Approximations to Density Functions Using Pearson Curves, J. Amer. Stat. Assoc., 73, 153-160 Stephens, M.A. (1974), EDF statistics for goodness of fit and some compansons Amer. Stat. Assoc. 69, 730-737 - 16- Stephens, M.A. (1976), Asymptotic Results for Goodness-of-Fit Statistics with Unknown Parameters, Ann. Statist., Vol. 4, 2, 357-369 Stephens, M.A. (1986), Tests based on EDF Statistics, Chap. 4 of Goodness-of-Fit Techniques (ed. R.B. d' Agostino and M.A. Stephens), Marcel Dekker; New York. Watson, G.S. (1962), Goodness-of-fit tests on a circle II, Biometrika, 49, 57-63 - 17 - Appendix Results of the Monte Carlo Simulations Observed Significance Levels of AJ" and Aa1v Table 3 Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes 555 I nominal , significance level a .250 .100 .050 .025 .010 1.0000 A2 .2654 .1000 .0476 .0228 .0070 average proportion of distinct observations .9555 .9346 Aa2 .2656 .1040 .0502 .0252 .0086 A2 .2656 .0998 .0488 .0230 .0058 Aa2 .2714 .1062 .0526 .0256 .0086 A2 .2614 .0994 .0486 .0224 .0062 Aa2 .2702 .1046 .0532 .0262 .0084 .8034 A2 .2632 .1034 .0500 .0220 .0054 Aa2 .2770 .1146 .0586 .0298 .0096 Observed Significance Levels of AJ" and Aa1v Table 4 Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes 10 10 10 nominal significance level a .250 .100 .050 .025 .010 1.0000 A2 .2416 .1044 .0496 .0238 .0102 average proportion of distinct observations .9099 .8700 Aa2 .2438 .1066 .0524 .0244 .0108 A2 .2418 .1040 .0502 .0240 .0102 Aa2 .2464 .1086 .0542 .0256 .0112 A2 .2438 .1050 .0490 .0242 .0100 Aa2 .2482 .1078 .0530 .0254 .0114 .6520 A2 .2432 .1026 .0512 .0236 .0110 Aa2 .2534 .1126 .0588 .0314 .0128 - 18 - Observed Significance Levels of Al;.; and A,lv Table 5 Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes 30 30 30 nominal significance level ex .250 II .100 I .050 .025 .010 average proportion of distinct observations .7594 .6719 1.0000 A2 Aa2 A2 .2504 .0964 .0466 .0228 .0092 .2508 .0972 .0474 .0236 .0092 .2488 .0946 .0474 .0238 .0094 Aa2 .2532 .0978 .0482 .0244 .0096 .3552 A2 Aa2 A2 Aa2 .2502 .0950 .0480 .0242 .0090 .2556 .0998 .0500 .0252 .0094 .2478 .0956 .0462 .0228 .0086 .2572 .1048 .0532 .0268 .0104 I Observed Significance Levels of Al;.; and A,lv Table 6 Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes 5 5 5 5 5 nominal significance level ex .250 .100 .050 I .025 I .010 I average proportion of distinct observations .9249 .8904 1.0000 A2 A a2 A2 .2576 .1068 .0498 .0202 .0068 .2618 .1100 .0528 .0226 .0074 .2580 .1062 .0492 .0188 .0064 Table 7 Aa2 .2636 .1130 .0544 .0234 .0074 .6971 A2 A a2 A2 Aa2 .2600 .1044 .0490 .0196 .0070 .2646 .1128 .0550 .0232 .0078 .2568 .1036 .0476 .0214 .0060 .2704 .1210 .0592 I .0280 I .0094 i Observed Significance Levels of Al;.; and Aak Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes 10 10 10 10 10 nominal significance level ex .250 .100 .050 average proportion of distinct observations .8551 .7951 1.0000 2 .2526 .1042 .0512 A2 .2524 .1034 .0498 Aa2 .2548 .1070 .0524 A2 Aa2 .2562 .1066 .0528 .5134 A2 .2522 .1018 .0478 2 .2604 .1114 .0566 - 19- Observed Significance Levels of AJ., and A"k Table 8 Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes 30 30 30 30 30 nominal significance level ex .250 .100 .050 .025 .0lD I average proportion of distinct observations .6461 .5402 1.0000 A2 Aa2 A2 .2524 .1036 .0520 .0256 .0114 .2532 .1042 .0522 .0260 .0114 .2516 .1022 .0518 .0266 .0116 .2417 Aa2 A2 Aa2 A2 Aa2 .2542 .1056 .0532 .0266 .0120 .2526 .1034 .0514 .0262 .0112 .2552 .1068 .0550 .0266 .0122 .2522 .1028 .0512 .0264 .0108 .2596 1138 . .0588 .0306 .0136 Observed Significance Levels of AJ., and A"k Table 9 Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 nominal significance level ex .250 .100 .050 .025 .010 average proportion of distinct observations .8678 .8126 1.0000 A2 Aa2 A2 Aa2 .2610 .1108 .0470 .0206 .0064 .2650 .1128 .0486 .0226 .0070 .2618 .1114 .0460 .0204 .0064 .2674 .1142 .0504 .0242 .0076 .5438 A2 Aa2 A2 Aa2 .2616 .1096 .0462 .0198 .0068 .2692 .1150 .0510 .0246 .0078 .2584 .1056 .0470 .0204 .0058 .2722 .1234 .0562 .0290 .0080 Observed Significance Levels of AJ., and A"k Table 10 Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 nominal significance 1.0000 average proportion of distinct observations .7598 .6721 .3551 1 - 20- Observed Significance Levels of AJ., and Aalv Table 11 Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 nominal significance level a. .250 .100 .050 .025 .010 average proportion of distinct observations .3816 .4900 1.0000 A2 Aa2 A2 .2494 .0956 .0454 .0222 .0076 .2498 .0958 .0456 .0224 .0076 .2522 .0964 .0450 .0220 .0078 Table 12 Aa2 .2534 .0978 .0462 .0230 .0080 .1486 A2 Aa2 A2 Aa2 .2520 .0956 .0448 .0224 .0076 .2542 .0994 .0468 .0230 .0078 .2512 .0968 .0438 .0214 .0078 .2612 .1058 .0504 .0260 .0098 Observed Significance Levels of AJ., and Aalv Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes 5 10 15 20 25 nominal significance level a. .250 .100 .050 .025 .010 average proportion of distinct observations .7938 .7152 1.0000 A2 A a2 A2 .2522 .1016 .0494 .0228 .0110 .2552 .1026 .0510 .0234 .0110 .2538 .1020 .0496 .0222 .0114 I Aa2 .2582 .1044 .0516 .0248 .0114 .4035 A2 Aa2 A2 Aa2 .2528 .1024 .0496 .0234 .0114 .2572 .1056 .0526 .0252 .0118 .2544 .1016 .0492 .0230 .0108 .2632 .1090 .0566 0302 . .0142 Observed Significance Levels of AJ., and Aa~ Table 13 Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes 5 5 5 5 25 nominal significance level a. 1.0000 average proportion of distinct observations .8688 .8124 Aa2 .2512 .0998 .0488 A2 Aa2 .2550 .1022 .0506 A2 2 .2554 .1024 .0502 .5432 A2 .2608 .1076 .0544 1 - 21 - Observed Significance Levels of AJ, and AJ,y Table 14 Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes 5 25 25 25 25 nominal significance level a .250 .100 .050 .025 .010 1.0000 A2 .2620 .1040 .0512 .0248 .0090 average proportion of distinct observations .7286 .6347 Aa2 .2626 .1056 .0520 .0252 .0090 A2 .2606 .1028 .0514 .0252 .0090 Aa2 .2640 .1068 .0530 .0260 .0092 A2 .2618 .1028 .0522 .0250 .0090 Aa2 .2662 .1084 .0538 .0268 .0096 .3180 A2 .2580 .1042 .0494 .0242 .0088 Observed Significance Levels of AJ, and AJ,y Table 15 Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes 10 20 30 40 50 nominal significance level a .250 .100 .050 .025 .010 1.0000 A2 .2596 .1052 .0526 .0266 .0074 average proportion of distinct observations .6465 .5407 Aa2 .2610 .1062 .0528 .0270 .0078 Table 16 A2 .2592 .1054 .0528 .0268 .0078 Aa2 .2644 .1072 .0554 .0280 .0084 A2 .2590 .1056 .0530 .0258 .0078 Aa2 .2638 .1078 .0566 .0282 .0086 .2417 A2 .2602 .1040 .0540 .0240 .0076 Aa2 .2682 .1136 .0606 .0312 .0098 Observed Significance Levels of AJ, and A;kN Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes 10 10 10 10 50 nominal significance level a 1.0000 average proportion of distinct observations .7607 .6733 Aa2 .2634 .1104 .0534 A2 .2630 .1098 .0530 Aa2 A2 Aa2 .2678 .1124 .0560 A2 I Aa2 I .2686 .1144 .0588 .0290 .0102 .3561 - 22- Table 17 Observed Significance Levels of AJ., and Aa1v Number of Replications = 5000 Sample Sizes nominal significance level ex. .250 .100 .050 .025 .010 10 50 50 50 50 average proportion of distinct observations .5594 .4483 1.0000 A2 A a2 .2480 .1016 .0506 .0254 .01l0 .2490 .1012 .0510 .0258 .0110 A2 .2478 .1010 .0508 .0254 .0104 A a2 .2486 .1030 .0532 .0266 .0110 .1837 A2 A a2 A2 A a2 .2468 .1018 .0514 .0262 .0102 .2500 .1040 .0540 .0272 .01l2 .2490 .1010 .0500 .0268 .0108 .2544 .1074 .0582 .0290 .0126 Data Sets Table 18 Four sets of eight measurements each of the smoothness of a certain type of paper, obtained in four laboratories laboratory A B C D smoothness 44.5 45.5 41.4 41.8 40.0 43.0 35.4 37.2 38.7 39.2 34.0 34.0 41.5 39.3 35.0 34.8 43.8 39.7 39.0 34.8 46.0 42.9 43.0 37.8 47.7 43.3 44.0 41.2 58.0 45.8 45.0 42.8 - 23I Table 19 Operating hours between failures of air conditioning systems for separate airplanes and major overhaul (MO) segments airplane operating hours 7907 7908 7908MO 7909 7909MO 7910 7911 7912 7913 7914 7915 7916 8044 194 413 36 34 90 79 26 130 74 59 55 33 23 246 71 97 1 39 50 79 30 359 50 487 3 8045 102 27 15 14 201 31 10 84 44 208 57 27 320 41 58 118 18 60 44 23 70 48 29 37 33 100 181 65 9 169 447 184 18 186 59 62 101 29 67 61 29 57 49 118 62 14 25 7 24 156 22 56 310 34 20 76 208 502 12 70 21 29 386 56 104 220 239 47 246 176 182 261 21 11 51 16 63 87 42 14 11 106 18 102 46 13 12 5 100 7 20 11 4 206 191 72 5 14 270 283 7 120 5 16 141 82 18 22 5 14 12 90 18 54 163 39 36 62 120 1 142 31 24 3 22 47 11 16 68 216 225 3 52 77 46 71 14 95 80 111 15 139 197 210 188 97 603 35 98 3 104 2 438 12 5 85 91 43 230 14 230 57 66 54 61 32 34 67 59 134 152 44 88 23 9 254 18 130 209 14
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