DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE OF A NEW HIGH ACCURACY COMBINED SMALL SAMPLE NEUTRON/GAMMA DETECTOR* R. Wellum and B. Brandelise Commission of the European Communities, Institute for Transuranium Elements, ITU P. 0. Box 2340, D-7500 Karlsruhe, Germany Howard Menlove, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 USA D. Davidson, J. Verplancke, and P. Vermeulen, Canberra Industries, Jomar Systems Division, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544 USA K. Mayer Commission of the European Communities, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, IRMM B-2440 Geel, Belgium H. G. Wagner Commission of the European Communities, EURATOM Safeguards Directorate, L- 2920 Luxembourg ABSTRACT This paper describes the design of an optimized combined neutron and gamma detector installed around a measurement well protruding from the floor of a glove box. The objective of this design was to achieve an overall accuracy for the plutonium element concentration in gramsized samples of plutonium oxide powder approaching the -0.1-0.2% accuracies routinely achieved by inspectors' chemical analysis. The efficiency of the clam-shell neutron detector was increased and the flat response zone extended in axial and radial directions. The sample holder introduced from within the glove box was designed to form the upper reflector, while two graphite half-shells fitted around the thin neck of the high-resolution LEGe detector replaced the lower plug. The Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) in Geel prepared special plutonium oxide test samples whose plutonium concentration was determined to better than 0.05%. During a three week initial performance test in July 1992 at ITU Karlsruhe and in long term tests, it was established that the target accuracy can be achieved provided sufficient care is taken to assure the reproducibility of sample bottling and sample positioning. The paper presents and discusses the results of all test measurements. INTRODUCTION Nondestructive analytical methods are essential to the EURATOM Safeguards Directorate's (ESD) concept for on-site laboratories.1-2 The use of such methods reduces *Work supported by the Commission of European Committees and the US Department of Energy, Office of 872 Arms Control and Nonproliferation, International Safeguards Division. the quantity of analytical waste, and measurement results are generally available 1-2 hours after receipt of samples. Nondestructive methods, however, are generally not as accurate as classical chemical analysis. ESD therefore embarked on a special program to push the accuracy of suitable nondestructive analysis techniques as close as possible to that of chemical analysis. For the case of plutonium oxide powder samples, the typical operator-inspector differences in plutonium concentration are on the order of 0.2% provided the uptake of oxygen and humidity is carefully controlled and corrected.3''* The operator-inspector differences observed for the standard neutron coincidence counter for small samples, the inventory sample counter (INVS)5-6 range from 0.6% to ~1%.7 The main factors limiting performance of the INVS are the uncertainties in sample positioning and the effects of packaging for samples contained in bottles within double polyethylene bags and the insufficient accuracy of the calibration curves. In 1991 ESD placed a contract with Canberra to modify the INVS counter to increase the detector efficiency, increase axially and radially the flat response zones, include a clam-shell design to allow installation around a measurement well protruding from the floor of a glove box, and insert a high-purity germanium detector for simultaneous measurements of high-resolution gamma spectra. Jointly with Los Alamos National Laboratory and ESD, Canberra designed a combined neutron/gamma detector, which was delivered to ESD in June 1992. In parallel the European Commission's Research Center for transuranium elements, ITU Karlsruhe, had designed and built a special glove box with a measurement finger and a sledge arrangement to allow easy installation of the combined detector. The European Commission's IRMM at Geel prepared and characterized special test samples of high-purity plutonium oxide powder. These samples, ranging from 1 to 10 g of oxide powder and weighed into two types of standard sample bottles, were measured repeatedly during an initial test exercise of three weeks and in several campaigns since. DETECTOR DESIGN To achieve the target performance and to allow the detector to be installed below a glove box around a measurement well protruding from the floor of the glove box, eighteen 3He tubes embedded in high-density polyethylene were arranged in two concentric rings around the cylindrical counting cavity (Fig. 1). The rings were split asymmetrically into a clam-shell arrangement with external hinges. The diameter of the counting cavity was set at 5.1 cm and the active length of the neutron detector tubes was 39.4 cm. The 3 He gas pressure was 6 atm. The detector efficiency was 40% and a gate setting of 128 (is was used for the coincidence criteria. To satisfy fire protection rules, the whole detector body is enclosed in a stainless steel housing. The gamma detector is a 500-mm2- upward-looking, Canberra LEGe detector with a 19-mm-diam. cold finger extending vertically upwards from the usual full-diameter horizontal cold finger. Two graphite shells enclose the cold finger to form the lower end plug of the neutron detector. The detector capsule fits into a matching cut-out in the polyethylene shell of the counting cavity (Fig. 2). Sample bottles are fixed to the bottom of the sample holder with a spring action clamp inside the glove box. The sample holder is then lowered into the measurement well. A hollow aluminum cylinder filled with graphite, the sample holder forms the upper plug of the neutron Upper neutron counter mount Lower neutron counter mount Slider mount (boll—bearing) Co! d finger Fig. 1. Diagram of INVS-FV and LEGe detector located underneath the sample handling glove box. The LEGe detector is positioned near the center of the neutron detector. 873 ings along two rails screwed to the glove box support frame. Similarly the dewar mount for the germanium detector slides along the same rails. Docking trolleys attach to either side of the rails to allow easy removal of either detector. Mechanical interlocks reduce the danger of the measurement well being sheared off by movements of the closed clam-shell detector body. NUCLEONICS AND DATA EVALUATION Neutron pulses are collected and pre-processed in three banks of AMPTEK amplifiers. Coincident neutron counts are determined in a nuclear instrumentation module (NIM) JSR 12 shift register. The gamma pulses are amplified and shaped in a high-resolution spectroscopy amplifier (Canberra model 2025) and converted in a matching analog to digital converter (Canberra model 8077). The counters to be installed in the on-site laboratories will have computer controlled NIM models (Canberra ICB series). Neutron counts and gamma spectra are transferred to a VAX computer running GENIE™ spectroscopy software under VMS 5.3, through an AIM unit and a DECserver 90. They are analyzed by the Los Alamos National Laboratory neutron coincidence counter code8 and the Lawrence Livermore MGA algorithm.9-10 Canberra is developing a special software package for integrated evaluation of neutron coincidence counts and gamma spectra based on these two evaluation packages. Fig. 2. Photograph of INVS-FV with the side-door section open to expose the glove box sample-well and the LEGe detector covered by a tin cap. SAMPLES detector. The mechanical re-positioning accuracy of the sample bottles was better than 0.5 mm both axially and radially with this arrangement The measurement well is a flanged stainless steel cylinder with a welded bottom plate. It is fixed to a matching flange on the glove box floor and the glove box is sealed by an O-ring between the flanges. A rim within the glove box and a thin aluminum liner protect the well from contamination. The detector is not shielded against neutron and gamma background radiation beyond its own self-shielding. To minimize the effect of Compton scattering, both the well and the gamma detector capsule are enclosed by 1—mm-thick tin caps. The neutron detector body is fixed to the glove box floor by a mounting ring and additionally supported by an aluminum table. For easy positioning and removal of the neutron detector, the aluminum table slides on ball bear874 Samples for calibrating and testing the on-site laboratory counter in the range from 1-10 g of Pu02 were prepared by IRMM from special reference material (EC-NRM 210). Before dispensing, the PuO2 powder was calcined at 1250 °C for 4 hours and then allowed to cool down over night. Samples were weighed into specially prepared and pre-weighed bottles: one series made of polycarbonate, the other of stainless steel. Special precautions were taken during weighing to avoid errors caused by buoyancy effects and electrostatic effects. Element content was certified to 0.05% relative (la). Additionally, the isotopic abundances were determined through isotopic ratio measurements of purified aliquots of dissolved PuC*2 powder on a Finnigan MAT 261 mass spectrometer. This instrument was calibrated directly with IRMM primary isotopic reference materials. Sample weights and isotopic abundances are listed in Tables I and II. N E U T R O N MEASUREMENTS Problems with the gamma system caused most of the test measurements to be neutron counts only. Samples For one sample, we studied the effects of powder filling (tapped, untapped, deliberately loose powder), of defined positioning errors (sample moved by 1 cm from correct measurement position), and of adding up to 0.1 wt% of water to the sample. TABLE I. Samples and Masses Weight PuO2 Vial type Vial No. (R) 1 P 1.0050 P 2 2.0012 P 3 2.9903 4 P 4.0473 P 4.9907 5 P 6.0392 6 P 7 7.0203 P 8.0211 8 P 9.0056' 9 P 10 10.0215 11 S 1.0233 12 S 2.9976 S 13 5.0138 14 S 7.0200 15 S 8.9905 P: polycarbonate, S: Stainless-steel Relative weighing errors (Is) were 10"4 for all samples except numbers 1 and 1 1 which were 2- 1(H The neutron counts of one sample were observed over a long period from July 1992 to March 1993 to study the long-term stability of the system. GAMMA-RAY MEASUREMENTS The few gamma measurements that could be carried out at design resolution produced clean gamma spectra with reasonable MGA fits. The resulting plutonium isotopic abundance vector however, showed biases of up to 1.3% depending on the exact measurement conditions. For measurements outside the neutron detector well with a lower counting rate, larger distance between sample and detector, and less gamma scattering, the bias in 240Pu-eff fell to 0.17%. The model to be installed in the OSL will have a smaller LEGe crystal (200mm2) and the gamma radiation from the sample will be collimated. The detailed results from the gamma measurements will be reported at a later date. TABLE II. Isotopic Compositions of Plutonium Samples (valid for 30 June 1992) Isotope Mass % Accuracy (2o) 238 0.0115 0.0002 239 93.446 0.0022 240 6.3168 0.0019 241 0.1667 0.0006 242 0.0390 0.0003 244 < 0.0001 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the long neutron measurements on the samples in the plastic vials are given in Table III. For three of the samples, a second value is given, consisting of the average of three short runs. The coincidence backgrounds were measured and subtracted from the data. These background values were small: between 0.1 and 0.4 real counts per second. were introduced into the glove box in groups of approximately 15 g total weight and kept in borated, high-density polyethylene containers with walls at least 2 cm thick. Each sample was inserted for long (-12 hour) counts and for short (~2 hour) counts repeatedly. The measurements should thus reflect any sample re-positioning errors. To detect and reject short counting rate excursions caused by cosmic radiation or electric counts spikes, we accumulated data as a series of 30-second counts and averaged them subsequently to "reals" and "totals" counts. If the reals count deviated from the average by more than 2.5 standard deviations, that count was ejected from the data set. 11 875 The reals counts of the 16 sample runs in Table III were fitted using the Deming code to a second-order polynomial against the declared 240Pu-eff, and the results are shown in Fig. 3. The average absolute mass residual for the 16-point data set was 0.183%, compared to the average statistical uncertainty in the counting of 0.147%. We can conclude that the error contributions from factors such as electronic stability, positioning, sample geometry, and density are less than 0.1%. The short runs, repeated on six of the samples, gave an average mass residual of 0.442%, comparing well with the individual counting statistical errors of between 0.3% and 0.5% (Table IV). TABLE III. Long-Run Measurement Results on Polyethylene Vial Samples Run No. Sample ID 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 5 7 6 8 9 6 7 10 11 7 8 12 8 13 14 9 15 10 16 10 9 24 °Pu-eff (9) 0.05669 0.11288 0.16868 0.22830 0.28149 0.28149 0.34066 0.34066 0.39600 0.39600 0.45245 0.45245 0.50799 0.50799 0.56529 0.56529 Netf (counts/s) Net ft (counts/s) 6.253 12.899 19.565 26.892 33.603 33.450 40.970 40.900 48.148 48.010 55.482 55.27 62.232 62.750 70.108 70.220 40 80 121 163 201 (201 )b 239 (239) 288 (288) 329 327 368 369 410 (410) Statistical o (counts/s) 0.015 0.023 0.039 0.035 0.040 0.070 0.044 0.077 0.051 0.104 0.074 0.056 0.060 0.060 0.067 0.093 |Avj = o (%) 0.24 0.18 0.20 0.13 0.12 0.21 0.11 0.19 0.11 0.22 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.14 0.147 Meas. Diff.a (%) + 0.18 -0.11 -0.35 -0.12 +0.23 -0.20 +0.03 -0.13 +0.27 +0.00 +0.31 -0.05 -0.50 +0.28 -0.08 +0.07 0.183 a The measured differences are the mass residuals from the calibration curve (quadratic polynomial) compared to the tag mass. '-'The (totals) are duplicates of the first run because of uncertainties in the totals background from the glove box. 80 y E 15.28« + 116.18X • 0.3941 AV. ABS. MASS RESIDUALS = 0.183% 60 c 3 o U 40 Fig. 3. Reals rate versus 240Pu-eff (g) calibration curve for the INVS-IV. UJ 20 0.10 0.20 240 0.30 Pu-eff 0.40 0.50 0.60 (g) 876 TABLE IV. Short-Time Measurement Results No. Sample 1 2 5 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 Netfl (counts/s) 33.48 33.33 33.55 40.76 41.08 40.86 47.94 48.34 47.76 55.32 55.67 55.97 63.17 63.25 69.92 70.25 70.48 Gate. 240Pu Calc. PuO2 Tag PuO2 (g) (g) (g) 0.2812 0.2800 0.2817 0.3391 0.3415 0.3399 0.3955 0.3986 0.3940 0.4526 0.4553 0.4576 0.5126 0.5132 0.5635 0.5659 0.5676 Diff. (%) 4.985 4.990 4.964 4.990 4.994 4.990 6.012 6.039 6.051 6.039 6.026 6.039 7.011 7.020 7.066 7.020 6.985 7.020 8.024 8.021 8.072 8.021 8.112 8.021 9.087 9.006 9.098 9.006 10.022 9.990 10.032 10.022 10.062 10.022 Av absolute residual = 0.442 -0.102 -0.531 +0.076 -0.460 +0.276 -0.223 -0.127 +0.656 -0.508 +0.032 +0.629 +1.137 +0.908 +1.010 -0.318 +0.107 +0.408 130 For typical high-burnup samples, a neutron multiplication of less than 2% is expected, which can conveniently be included in the calibration curve. The samples in this experiment however, have high ^Pu concentra0) tions and fissile density and the multiplication is rela- o 120 tively high. Thus the 10 g PuO2 sample has a leakage CM multiplication M of about 1.02 and a neutron coincidence rate enhancement of -12%. A summary of the multiplication-corrected results for the 16 long runs is given in 110 o Table V. R^. is the multiplication-corrected reals rate and 12 M is the leakage multiplication. The value of Rmdg is almost constant for the entire mass range. However the scatter of 1.3% is considerably higher than the 0.183% for R values before multiplication corrections (see Fig. 4). This arises from uncertainties in the background counts from samples waiting to be counted in the glove-box and other plutonium samples in the laboratory. The background was uncertain to approximately ±2%. A plot of M as a function of sample mass is shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen that the value of M increases rapidly for low masses as the sample shape progresses to a right-cylinder at about 5 g. For the tall samples, with heights greater than diameters, M is almost constant. 877 ° UNCORRECTED REALS O MULTIPLICATION CORR. + 2% O -2% 100 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Pu-240eff 0.4 0.5 0.6 (9) Fig. 4. Reals rate per gram versus grams of 240Pu-eff before and after the multiplication correction. both Both plastic (polycarbonate) and stainless-steel vials were used in this experiment. Differences are expected between the two types from the change in material end in geometry. The steel vials were slightly narrower and longer than the plastic vials. The masses of the samples in stainless-steel vials were calculated from the neutron samples. The neutron counting showed that the errors from positioning, density, and electronic variation sources are less than 0.1% and that slight variations in positioning and moisture content do not have an appreciable effect on the results. The accuracy obtained under normal circumstances depends on the count time. Short counts showed typical counting statistics of between 0.3% and 0.5%, depending on the sample weight; long counts (1012 hours) had average counting statistics of 0.147%. 1.03 Ox D 1.02 1.01 FILL HEIGHT=DIAM. 1.00O 0.99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 Pu02 (g) Fig. 5. Leakage multiplication M versus PuO2 mass showing the saturation ofM at a mass of about 6 g. counts using the fit to the plastic vials. The relative difference for the two types of vials is small (-0.84%) but it is clear that separate calibration curves will be needed for different containers. One of the plastic containers, containing 4 g of plutonium has been regularly counted to determine the longterm stability of the counter. The same container was also used to determine the effect on the reals counts from the positioning and addition of water. The addition of 0.1% water by weight, the displacement of the sample by 4, 6, and 8 mm, and the shaking of the powder for density reduction did not perturb the measurements outside the statistical limits of -0.4% (Icr). For the period from July 1992 to March 1993, there was excellent long-term stability (0.44%,la) that was consistent with the counting statistics. For a subset of the total data set, a series of 10 consecutive counts of at least 10 hours counting time, taken over a period of one month gave a standard deviation of 0.13%, entirely consistent with the calculated statistical value of 0.126% for single measurements. CONCLUSIONS The combined neutron-coincidence/gamma counter, designed for the on-site laboratories in Sellafield and La Hague has been tested for the determination of plutonium element concentration with a special set of standard PuO2 878 The neutron multiplication factor was relatively high for these samples. For the samples to be expected at Sellafield and La Hague, with higher burnups than the present material, the multiplication factor will not be so high. Individual, burnup-dependent calibration curves may be called for. Further experiments will be carried out on plutonium material with different isotopic composition. This material will then be used to optimize the gamma counting. The gamma-ray isotopic results inside the INVS-IV were degraded because of gamma scattering in the CH2 detector and the high-counting rates. Future gamma measurements will use a smaller LEGe detector combined with additional shielding and collimation to reduce the scattering and count rate problems. REFERENCES 1. B. Rowney, K. Leslie, R. May, H. G. Wagner, S. Kaiser, L. Koch, R. Wellum, P. Stanwix, and R. Foulkes, "Design Concept for an Analytical Facility (On-Site Laboratory) for the Euratom Safeguards Directorate at BNFL Sellafield Works," Proc. 13th Annual Symposium ESARDA (CEC, Brussels and Luxembourg, 1991), pp. 99-105. 2. H. G. Wagner, S. Kaiser, L. Koch, R. Wellum, B. Brandelise, B. Rowney, K. Leslie, R. May, P. Stanwix, and R. Foulkes, "On-Site Analytical Facilities for Euratom Safeguards," Proc. 4th International Conference on Facility OperationsSafeguards Interface, (American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Illinois, 1992) pp. 144-153. 3. P. De Bievre, R. Lesser, L. 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