SampleTeachingOutline GroupDevelopmentandDecisionMaking Keri Wriglrt COaL: To ProvideParticipantswith a frameworkfor understandingdecision-making styles,stagesof group developmentandrelationshipbetweenthe two subjects. OUTLINE: I. LeadershipPersonality Quadrants II. CategorizingDecisionMaking styles ilI. Choosinga DecisionMaking style iV. Stagesof Group Development V. Review I. LeadershipPersonalitv Ouadrants -How do I make decisions? -Which melhod am I comfortable with? -What do thesequadrantsmean in a group setting? -Four quadrantsrepresentkey aspectsneededin functional groups. -What doesthis mean when I am the group Leader? -Preferredstyle is less important than the ability to move around the quadrantsas needed. DecisionMakine Stvles: II. Cateeorizine Directive Leader decides and jnforms the group. Leader asks for paraphraseto make sure that he or.she has been clear and that people know what is expected of them. Consultative Leader decides after consultationsor recommendationsfrom the group. There are two ways to do this: theleader solicits the group ideas and recommendations, then decidesor .L^ lrrc Group Decision Delegate Decision l^-r^-.^-.^.:.,^1., rlrtrao lcdusl vuJ i-^il-- L.,+ vu! ^^li^:+^ Jvrrwr.o --^.,6,vsP i--,.+. urPu6 --J 4uq --^^+:^-- Laf^-evrvle *^l;-^ r!,s^!rr5 +Lurv final decision. The followers shareequally in the decision making process. Vote: group decides by voting. Leader has one vote, and no veto power except for safety. Consensus: whole group comes to a decision that everyonecan support. Consensusmust be defined before it is used. Leader defines parametersand under what conditions he or she will intercede (if any), then the group or individual makes dre decision without the leader. III. Choosine'aDecisionMakine Style: -When is eachstyle appropriate? of accident, Factorsto consider: possibilityof an accident,consequences encv of the and Low Consequence HighPossibiliry Think about it Low Possibility Okay High Consequence STOP STOP -HersheyBlanchard: How To Choose Decision-Making Style (Modified) Based On Hersey-Blanchard G;**l fV. Stagesof Group Development: 1. Forming Behavior: During this stagethe group initiaily joins together. People are feeling out the group and how they fit in. Expectationsarehigh; there are feelings of ambiguity and insecurity. Decisions to be made; Establishcriteria for membership/expedition behavior, goals and objectivesfor the group and the trip. Decisiotr making style: The group will usually want guidance. The leader should facilitate a safe environrnent.Direct the group without being demaniling. Z. Storming Behavior: This stageis generally chracteized by someturmoil or conflict. . Peopleare breaking group expectations. Sometimesthere is a struggle for power. Decisiortsto be made.' How will the group deal with conflict? What decision making style doesthe group prefer? Decision rnakingstyle: This is the time to educatethe group on various decision-makingstyles. Do not allow one person in the group to make ail of the decisions. Don't hold reignStoo tightly, but uphold values, enough structureand high expectations.Allow the group to consult with you on appropriateissues. 3. Norming Behavior: The group becomespretty comfortable. Efforts for group cohesion,negotiation,insights and growth are being developed. Decisions to be ntade: What are the group "norms." Does the group work togetherefficiently? Decision making style: The $oup leams to effectively communicate and make decisicnsin an effective and tinrely rnanner. Allow the group tc make sife decisionsand come up with their own solutions 4. Performing Behavior: Group becomesproductive, efficient and functional. Individual strengthsare recognizedandutilized. There is a strong senseof group collaboration,trust and cooperation. Decisions to be made: The goup should now be a "self-sustainingu.nit," . capableof making all important decisionsaccording to their skill leyel and knowledgebase.. Decision making style: The ieadershould now be able to step away and allow the group to function alone, steppingin only for safety precautions. Delegate most if not all decisionsto the group to make. V. Review 1. What are the 4 decision.makingstyles? 2. What factors are consideredwhen deciding which decisionmaking style is appropriate? 3. What are the stagesof group development? How doesthis apply to decisionmakins? References ' , Absolon, M. (Ed). (1999). NOLS Ililderness Edttcator Notebook National Outdoor Leadership Schoo!. Drury J. & Bo:rney, F. (1992). The Backcountry Classroom. Old Saybrook, Ct Globe Pequot Press. Gookin,'J., Dora, M. & Green, R (Eds). (2001). 2001 NOLS Leadership Education Toolbox. National Outdoor LeadershipSchool. Hurricnne Islarul Outward Bound lr\struc!or ManunI )
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