BayCareLaboratories LLC Sample Collection - Transport - Stability Guidelines Storage / Transport / Stability Test name Test code Acceptable samples Minimum volume [Room Temp = 15-30°C ] [Refrig. = 2-8°C] Preferred Transport Where Performed Turnaround time Molecular - Infectious Diseases Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) PCR AFB AMP PROBE Bordetella pertussis/parapertussis BORD PERT/PARA PCR Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) Neisseria gonnorheae (GC) CytoMegalovirus (CMV) PCR (viral load) CytoMegalovirus (CMV) PCR Qualitative Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) viral load Form Revised 10/05/2012 MP CT NG AMP PRB (always ordered together) CMV PCR QUANT CMV PCR QUAL HBV PCR Mycobacteria positive cultures from Micro (cannot run test on direct specimens) 1 mL positive culture Refrig. 1 week media or a few colonies Frozen at -20ºC or lower > 7 (slant) days Naso-pharyngeal swab or Nasal 1 naso-pharyngeal swab Room Temp 1 day Wash (red top or blue top) Refrig. 5 days BD Qx cervical swab (pink) BD Qx male urethral swab (blue) Urine (Dirty Catch) Thin Prep sample Peripheral Blood EDTA or plasma - according to physician's order Urine Cerebral Spinal Fluid Respiratory sample 1 swab 5 mL urine 2 mL Thin Prep Molecular Lab 1 week from positive culture Molecular Lab 24 hrs BD Qx swab - Room Temp 5 days Molecular Lab Urine - Refrig. 7 days 24 hrs ThinPrep - Room Temp 2 weeks 0.5 mL Whole Blood - Refrig. Plasma - Refrigerated or Frozen at -20ºC Stability 1 week Molecular Lab 1 week 0.5 mL Refrig. or Frozen at -20ºC Stability 1 week Molecular Lab 1 week Whole Blood - Refrig. 24 hrs Serum or Plasma separated 0.5 mL serum or plasma Plasma or Serum - Refrig. 7 from EDTA tube < 24 hrs from (1 mL preferred) - draw 1 days - Frozen at -20ºC or lower collection SST or 1-2 purple tops >7 days Cytogenetics/FISH - 813 443 8098; Flow Cytometry - 813 870 4128; Molecular - 813 443 8097 Molecular Lab 1 week 1 Storage / Transport / Stability Test name Test code Acceptable samples Minimum volume [Room Temp = 15-30°C ] [Refrig. = 2-8°C] Preferred Transport Whole Blood - Refrig. 6 hrs 2 mL plasma- draw 2-3 Plasma - Refrig. 3 days purple tops - good for Plasma -Frozen at -20ºC or both tests lower > 3 days Where Performed Turnaround time Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) viral load HCV VL U Plasma separated from EDTA tube < 6 hrs from collection Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) genotype HCV GENO HCV VL U +GENO Plasma separated from EDTA tube < 6 hrs from collection Molecular Lab 1 week HCV PCR QUAL Whole Blood - Refrig. 6 hrs Plasma or Serum - Refrig. 3 1 mL plasma or serum (2 days Plasma separated from EDTA mL preferred) - draw 2-3 Plasma or serum - Frozen at tube < 6 hrs from collection tubes 20ºC or lower > 3 days Molecular Lab 1 week Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) qualitative PCR Herpes Virus (HSV) 1 and 2 PCR CSF HSV 1+2 PCR HSV 1+2 Ano-Genital Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) viral load Form Revised 10/05/2012 MP HSV 1+2 DNA Ano Genital HIV PCR ULTRA Cerebal Spinal Fluid (CSF) Ano-Genital swab Plasma separated from EDTA tube < 24 hrs from collection 0.5 mL CSF (1 mL preferred) Refrig. 1 week Frozen at -20ºC or lower >7 days e-swab placed in viral transport medium (1 mL red cap) or Room Temp 2 days BD Qx swab Refrig. 14 days 1 mL plasma (2 mL preferred) - draw 2-3 purple tops Whole Blood - Refrig. 24 hrs Plasma - Refrig. 6 days Plasma - Frozen at -20ºC or lower > 6 days Cytogenetics/FISH - 813 443 8098; Flow Cytometry - 813 870 4128; Molecular - 813 443 8097 Molecular Lab 1 week Molecular Lab 24 hrs Molecular Lab 24 hrs Molecular Lab 1 week 2 Storage / Transport / Stability Test name Test code Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) High Risk HPV HR Acceptable samples Thin Prep Minimum volume 1 mL Thin Prep [Room Temp = 15-30°C ] [Refrig. = 2-8°C] Preferred Transport Room Temp 2 weeks Refrig. 1 month Where Performed Turnaround time Molecular Lab 1 week Mycoplasma pneumoniae by PCR M pneumo PCR 0.5 mL nasal wash or NP swab in viral NP specimen or Nasal Wash transport media (red top Refrig. 5 days tube) (wire swab culturette or red-top Frozen at -20ºC or lower > 5 e-swab) days Molecular Lab 24 hrs Respiratory Viral Panel by PCR 0.5 mL nasal wash or NP swab in viral transport media (red top Refrig. 5 days tube) Naso-pharyngeal swab or Nasal Frozen at -20ºC or lower > 5 Wash days Molecular Lab 24 hrs Form Revised 10/05/2012 MP RVP by PCR Cytogenetics/FISH - 813 443 8098; Flow Cytometry - 813 870 4128; Molecular - 813 443 8097 3 Storage / Transport / Stability Test name Test code Acceptable samples Minimum volume [Room Temp = 15-30°C ] [Refrig. = 2-8°C] Preferred Transport Where Performed Turnaround time Molecular - Human Genetics CF Carrier CF CARRIER FV MUT Factor V Leiden mutation FV/FII MUT Whole blood (EDTA) 0.5 mL whole blooddraw 1 purple top Room Temp 1 week Molecular Lab 1 week Molecular Lab 1 week Whole blood (EDTA) 0.5 mL whole blooddraw 1 purple top - 1 Room Temp 1 week tube good for all 3 tests Prothrombin mutation (Factor II) FII MUT FV/FII MUT Whole blood (EDTA) Molecular Lab 1 week Methylene tetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) MTHFR RFLX Whole blood (EDTA) Molecular Lab 1 week Form Revised 10/05/2012 MP Cytogenetics/FISH - 813 443 8098; Flow Cytometry - 813 870 4128; Molecular - 813 443 8097 4 Storage / Transport / Stability Test name Test code Acceptable samples Minimum volume [Room Temp = 15-30°C ] [Refrig. = 2-8°C] Preferred Transport Where Performed Turnaround time Molecular Oncology Refrig. 1 day **Transport to Lab within 1 day of collection BCR/ABL1 by PCR BCR/ABL1 by PCR request BRAF V600E mutation BRAF Whole blood or Bone Marrow (EDTA) Molecular Lab 1 week 5 sections + 1 H/E Room Temp Molecular Lab 1 week Paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue 5 sections + 1 H/E Room Temp Molecular Lab 1 week EGFR-ALK Paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue 5 sections + 1 H/E PLUS 2 unstained slides for ALK Room Temp Molecular and FISH Lab 1 week EGFR-KRAS Paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue 5 sections + 1 H/E Room Temp Molecular Lab 1 week EGFR Mutation EGFR Mutation (3 options available) Form Revised 10/05/2012 MP 3 mL whole blood or 1 mL bone marrow Cytogenetics/FISH - 813 443 8098; Flow Cytometry - 813 870 4128; Molecular - 813 443 8097 5 Storage / Transport / Stability Test name JAK2 V617F mutation Test code Acceptable samples Minimum volume Whole blood or bone marrow (EDTA) 0.5 mL whole blood or bone marrow- draw 1 purple top KRAS reflex BRAF Paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue KRAS Mutation JAK2 [Room Temp = 15-30°C ] [Refrig. = 2-8°C] Preferred Transport Where Performed Turnaround time Room Temp 1 week Molecular Lab 1 week 5 sections + 1 H/E Room Temp Molecular Lab 1 week Paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue 5 sections + 1 H/E Room Temp Molecular Lab 1 week Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) Normal and Tumor tissue mounted on slides- (from same or different blocks) 5 sections + 1 H/E mounted on slides Normal and Tumor needed Room Temp Molecular Lab 1 week KRAS Mutation (2 options available) MSI - Microsatellite Instability B-cell rearrangement MSI B-cell RR Paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue, fresh tissue, whole blood, bone marrow (EDTA) T-cell rearrangement Form Revised 10/05/2012 MP 0.5 mL whole blood or bone marrow- draw 1 purple top Blood/Bone Marrow If FFPE tissue (archival Room Temp - 1 week tissue block) - 5 sections Tissue sections - Room Temp + 1 H&E Fresh cell pellet also acceptable T-cell RR Cytogenetics/FISH - 813 443 8098; Flow Cytometry - 813 870 4128; Molecular - 813 443 8097 Molecular Lab 1 week Molecular Lab 1 week 6 Storage / Transport / Stability Test name Test code Acceptable samples Minimum volume [Room Temp = 15-30°C ] [Refrig. = 2-8°C] Preferred Transport Where Performed Turnaround time FISH ONCOLOGY Her-2 neu by FISH Urovysion HER2 by FISH request Urovysion by FISH request Sections on slides cut by Histology Urine Sections on slides cut by Histology ALK by FISH ALK by FISH request AML Panel by FISH AML Panel by FISH request Blood or bone marrow in Na heparin tube MDS by FISH MDS by FISH request Blood or bone marrow in Na heparin tube MYC breakapart by FISH MYC breakapart by FISH 2 unstained and + 1 H&E stained sections, 4 um FFPE on positively charged slides Room Temp FISH LAB 1 week > 50 mL urine neat- or in Urocyte container- obtain Refrig. 1 day, Do not spin Urovysion kit from FISH **Transport to Lab within 1 day lab of collection FISH LAB 3 days 2 unstained and + 1 H&E stained sections, 4 um FFPE on positively charged slides Room Temp FISH LAB 1 week 1 mL Room Temp 3 days, Do not spin FISH LAB 3 days 1 mL Room Temp 3 days, Do not spin FISH LAB 3 days or 1 day if requested Sections of slides slides cut by Histology, blood or bone marrow in Na heparin tube 2 sections + 1 H&E or 1 Room Temp 3 days, Do not spin FISH LAB mL of bone marrow Sections - Room Temp 3 days 15;17 by FISH, also called PML/RARA by FISH t(15;17) by FISH 9;22 by FISH also called BCR/ABL by BCR/ABL1 (9;22) FISH FISH request Sections of slides slides cut by Histology, blood or bone marrow in Na heparin tube FISH LAB 2 sections + 1 H&E or 1 Room Temp 3 days, Do not spin 3 days or 1 day if mL of bone marrow Sections - Room Temp requested 14;18 by FISH, also called IGH/BCL2 by FISH Sections on slides slides cut by Histology, blood or bone 2 sections + 1 H&E or 1 Room Temp 3 days, Do not spin FISH LAB marrow in Na heparin tube mL of bone marrow Sections - Room Temp 3 days Form Revised 10/05/2012 MP t(14;18) by FISH Blood or bone marrow in Na heparin tube 1 mL Room Temp 3 days, Do not spin Cytogenetics/FISH - 813 443 8098; Flow Cytometry - 813 870 4128; Molecular - 813 443 8097 FISH LAB 3 days 7 Storage / Transport / Stability Test name 11;14 by FISH, also called CCND1/IGH by FISH 8;14 by FISH, also called MYC/IGH by FISH Test code Acceptable samples Minimum volume [Room Temp = 15-30°C ] [Refrig. = 2-8°C] Preferred Transport Where Performed Turnaround time t(11;14) by FISH Sections of slides slides cut by Histology, blood or bone marrow in Na heparin tube 2 sections + 1 H&E or 1 Room Temp 3 days, Do not spin FISH LAB mL of bone marrow Sections - Room Temp 3 days t(8;14) by FISH Sections of slides slides cut by Histology, blood or bone marrow in Na heparin tube 2 sections + 1 H&E or 1 Room Temp 3 days, Do not spin FISH LAB mL of bone marrow Sections - Room Temp 3 days FISH - HUMAN GENETICS DiGeorge syndrome, also called 22q deletion Angelman syndrome Prader-Willi syndrome DiGeorge syndrome by FISH request Blood in Na heparin tube. When FISH and chromosomes Angelman syndrome ordered together, need only one by FISH request tube of blood. (Provide reason for referral) Prader-Willi by FISH request 4 mL of blood (1 mL minimum) Room Temp 3 days, Do not spin FISH LAB 5 days 4 mL of blood (1 mL minimum) Room Temp 3 days, Do not spin FISH LAB 5 days 4 mL of blood (1 mL minimum) Room Temp 3 days, Do not spin FISH LAB 5 days CYTOGENETICS, also called Chromosome Analysis or Karyotype Constitutional Chromosome Analysis also called Congenital Chromosome Analysis (all ages) Products of Conception Chromosome Analysis LIVE JANUARY 1st 2013 Oncology Chromosome Analysis (age 19 yrs and older) Form Revised 10/05/2012 MP Chromosome Constitutional Request Blood in Na heparin tube. When FISH and chromosomes ordered together, need only one tube of blood. (Provide reason for referral) Chromosome POC Request 3-10 mm3 of tissue, in Tissue from spontaneous abortions, stillborns, or autopsy sterile media in a sterile Refrig - Transport to lab within Cytogenetics LAB specimens container 1 day of collection 2 to 3 weeks Chromosome Oncology Request Blood or Bone Marrow in Na heparin tube. When FISH and chromosomes ordered together, 2 to 3 mL of bone need only one tube of blood. marrow or 8 mL of blood Room Temp - Transport to lab Cytogenetics LAB (Provide reason for referral) (0.5 mL minimum) within 1 day of collection 7 to 10 days 4 mL of blood (1 mL minimum) Room Temp - Transport to lab Cytogenetics LAB within 1 day of collection 7 to 10 days Cytogenetics/FISH - 813 443 8098; Flow Cytometry - 813 870 4128; Molecular - 813 443 8097 8 Storage / Transport / Stability Test name Test code Acceptable samples Minimum volume [Room Temp = 15-30°C ] [Refrig. = 2-8°C] Preferred Transport Where Performed Turnaround time Flow Cytometry Peripheral Blood and Bone 5 ml EDTA and 7 ml Marrow. Provide CBC, clinical Sodium heparin. history, differential diagnosis and any relevant pathology reports. If a CBC is not available, please include an order for a CBC to be 2 ml Sodium heparin. performed. Minimum volume of 0.5 ml is dependent on cellularity. Flow Cytometric Phenotypic Analysis for Leukemia or Lymphoma After review of clinical history and morphology, a panel of markers are selected for each case by a pathologist. Flow Leuk/Lymph Room Temp 48-72 hours Flow Cytometry Lab 1 day Room Temp 48-72 hours Flow Cytometry Lab 1 day Fresh Tissue , Lymph node, Fine Needle core or aspirate sumbitted in RPMI. Specify Fresh unfixed tissue. site. RPMI should be orange in Minimum volume of 100 color. Pink or yellow RPMI Refrig.. 48-72 hours. mg is dependent on should be discarded. Please cellularity. provide clinical history, differential diagnosis and any relevant pathology reports. Flow Cytometry Lab 1 day Two 50 ml conical tubes. Minimum volume is dependent on cellularity. Body fluid. Specify site. Please provide clinical history, Refrig. 48-72 hours. or differential diagnosis and any 20 ml in Sodium Heparin relevant pathology reports. tube. Minimum volume is dependent on cellularity. CSF Form Revised 10/05/2012 MP 5 ml original collection container. Minimum Refrig. 48-72 hours. volume is dependent on cellularity. Cytogenetics/FISH - 813 443 8098; Flow Cytometry - 813 870 4128; Molecular - 813 443 8097 Flow Cytometry LAB 1 day Flow Cytometry Lab 1 day 9 Storage / Transport / Stability Test name Test code Acceptable samples Minimum volume [Room Temp = 15-30°C ] [Refrig. = 2-8°C] Preferred Transport Where Performed Turnaround time T cell subset. Blood Lymphocyte Subset Enumeration. Synonym: T, B and NK cell surface markers Abbreviated Blood Lymphocyte Subset Enumeration. Synomym:CD4 and CD8 count. DNA Ploidy and S-Phase analysis Absolute and % are reported for CD3,CD4,CD8,CD19, CD16+56 and CD4/CD8 ratio. DNA Ploidy Room Temp 48- 72 hours Flow Cytometry Lab 1 day 3 ml preferred 0.5 ml minimum Room Temp 48-72 hours Flow Cytometry Lab 1 day Paraffin Embedded Block with tumor. Room Temp Flow Cyotometry Lab 7 days Whole Blood- EDTA (lavender top tube). CD4/CD8 Abbrev. panel. Absolute and % are reported for CD3, CD4, CD8 and CD4/CD8 ratio 3 ml preferred 0.5 ml minimum Whole Blood- EDTA (lavender top tube). Paraffin Embedded Block with representative H&E slide with tumor clearly marked. Please provide preliminary pathology report. If no normal tissue is included in the block, please provide a control tissue block to be run in parallel. Fresh unfixed tissue submitted Minimum volume is Refrig. in RPMI with representative dependent on cellularity. 48-72 hours H&E slide . Form Revised 10/05/2012 MP Cytogenetics/FISH - 813 443 8098; Flow Cytometry - 813 870 4128; Molecular - 813 443 8097 Flow Cytometry Lab. 7 days 10
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