2011 - Inštitut za antropološke in prostorske študije

COBISS Co-operative Online Bibliographic system & services COBISS
Group bibliography for the year 2011
Library of SASA, 2013-04-29
Institute of Anthropological and Spatial Studies
1.01 Original scientific article
1. DEBEVEC, Liza. To share or not to share : hierarchy in the distribution of family meals in
urban Burkina Faso. Anthropol. noteb.. [Tiskana izd.], 2011, vol. 17, no. 3, str. 29-49.
[COBISS.SI-ID 33530157]
2. DEBEVEC, Liza. Vloga televizije v vsakdanjem druţinskem ţivljenju v urbanem Burkina
Fasu. Glas. Slov. etnol. druš., 2011, 51, št. 3/4, str. 19-27. [COBISS.SI-ID 33410093]
3. GREGORIĈ BON, Nataša. Materialna ţivljenja in potovanja ţensk v Dhërmiju/Drimadesu,
juţna Albanija. Dve domov.. [Tiskana izd.], 2011, [Št] 34, str. 21-34. [COBISS.SI-ID
4. KOKALJ, Ţiga, ZAKŠEK, Klemen, OŠTIR, Krištof. Application of sky-view factor for the
visualisation of historic landscape features in lidar-derived relief models. Antiquity, 2011, 85,
str. 263-273, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 32351021]
5. SMOLE, Domen, ĈEH, Marjan, PODOBNIKAR, Tomaţ. Evaluation of inductive logic
programming for information extraction from natural language texts to support spatial data
recommendation services. International journal of geographical information science, 2011,
vol. 25, issue 11, str. 1809-1827, doi: 10.1080/13658816.2011.556640. [COBISS.SI-ID
6. ZAKŠEK, Klemen, OŠTIR, Krištof, KOKALJ, Ţiga. Sky-view factor as a relief
visualization technique. Remote sens. (Basel). [Online ed.], 2011, 3, 2, str. 398-415, ilustr.
http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/3/2/398/pdf, doi: 10.3390/rs3020398. [COBISS.SI-ID
1.02 Review article
7. LAMOVEC, Peter, MIKOŠ, Matjaţ. Analiza poplav z uporabo satelitskih posnetkov primer hudourniške poplave v Selški dolini leta 2007 = Analysis of floods using satellite
images - case study of the 2007 torrential flood in the Selška valley. Geod. vestn.. [Tiskana
izd.], 2011, letn. 55, št. 3, str. 483-494. http://www.geodetski-vestnik.com/55/3/gv55-3_483494.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 5547105]
8. PODOBNIKAR, Tomaţ. Old maps for spatial application : written by Tomaţ Podobnikar.
V1 magazine. [Online ed.], 8 str. http://www.vector1media.com/article/features/17952-oldmaps-for-spatia, http://www.sensysmag.com/article/features/17952-old-maps-for-spatia.
[COBISS.SI-ID 32339501]
9. VELJANOVSKI, Tatjana, KANJIR, Urška, OŠTIR, Krištof. Objektno usmerjena analiza
podatkov daljinskega zaznavanja = Object-based image analysis of remote sensing data.
Geod. vestn.. [Tiskana izd.], 2011, letn. 55, št. 4, str. 641-688, ilustr. http://www.geodetskivestnik.com/index.htm. [COBISS.SI-ID 33536301]
1.03 Short scientific article
10. ŠPRAJC, Ivan, SÁNCHEZ NAVA, Pedro Francisco. Chanarturo, a newly discovered site
in southeastern Campeche, Mexico. Mexicon, Aug. 2011, vol. 33, nr. 4, str. 90-92, fotogr.,
risbi. [COBISS.SI-ID 32995885]
1.04 Professional article
11. VELJANOVSKI, Tatjana, PEHANI, Peter, OŠTIR, Krištof. Flood indentification from
radar imagery : mapping flooded urban and rural areas in Slovenia. GIM international, sep.
2011, vol. 25, issue 9, str. 17, 19, 21, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 33192749]
1.06 Published scientific conference contribution (invited lecture)
12. ŠPRAJC, Ivan. Astronomy and its role in ancient Mesoamerica. V: VALLS-GABAUD,
David (ur.), BOKSENBERG, Alec (ur.). The role of astronomy in society and culture :
proceedings of the 260th symposium of the International Astronomical Union held at the
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, January 19-23, 2009, (Proceedings of the
International Astronomical Union, 260). [Cambridge; New York; Melbourne]: Academic
Press, cop. 2011, str. 87-95. [COBISS.SI-ID 32922413]
1.08 Published scientific conference contribution
13. GREGORIĈ BON, Nataša, Vera, Juliana (translator). Himara in history. V: E kaluara
2.600 vjecare : një thesar për të ardhmen e krahines së Himarës : punimet e konferencës III
Pan-Himariote, Dhërmi, 17-18 qershor 2011. Tiranë: FLESH, 2011, str. 364-374, 375-385.
[COBISS.SI-ID 34143533]
14. KANJIR, Urška, VELJANOVSKI, Tatjana, OŠTIR, Krištof. Change detection of urban
areas - the Ljubljana, Slovenia case study. V: STILLA, Uwe (ur.). JURSE 2011 : proceedings
of IEEE-GRSS/ISPRS Joint urban remote sensing event, TUM, Munich, Germany, April 1113, 2011. Munich, 2011, [4] str. [COBISS.SI-ID 32522285]
15. MARSETIĈ, Aleš, KOKALJ, Ţiga, OŠTIR, Krištof. The effect of lossy image
compression on object based image classification - WorldView-2 case study. V: HEIPKE,
Christian (ur.). High-resolution earth imaging for geospatial information : ISPRS Hannover
Workshop 2011, Hannover, Germany, Tuesday, June 14 to Friday, June 17, 2011, (The
international archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information
sciences, 4/W19, Vol. 38). Hannover, 2011, [6] str. [COBISS.SI-ID 32985645]
16. MATKO, Drago, RODIĈ, Tomaţ, OŠTIR, Krištof, MARSETIĈ, Aleš, PELJHAN,
Marko, BLAŢIĈ, Sašo, KLANĈAR, Gregor, MUŠIĈ, Gašper. Optimization of fuel
consumption with respect to orbital requirements for high resolution remote sensing satellite
constellations. V: 25th Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, Aug. 8-11 2011,
Logan, Utah, USA. 25 years of progress, endless prospects for the future! : proceedings.
[Logan: Utah State University], 2011, str. 1-16, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 8542548]
17. PETROVIĈ, Dušan, PODOBNIKAR, Tomaţ. Use of airborne laser scanning data for
updating topographic maps in hilly andmountain areas. V: Proceedings of the 25th
International Cartographic Conference : Paris, 3-8 July 2011. Paris: ICC, 2011, str. 1-7,
http://icaci.org/documents/ICC_proceedings/ICC2011/Oral%20Presentations%20PDF/A4Mountain%20cartography/CO-042.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 5488481]
18. POPIT, Tomislav, KOKALJ, Ţiga, VERBOVŠEK, Timotej. Uporaba LiDARja pri
prouĉevanju geomorfoloških oblik na obmoĉju Rebrnic in Vipavskih brd. V: ROŢIĈ, Boštjan
(ur.). 20. posvetovanje slovenskih geologov = 20th Meeting of Slovenian Geologists,
Ljubljana, november 2011. Razprave, poročila, (Geološki zbornik, 21). Ljubljana: Univerza v
Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za geologijo, 2011, 2011, 21, str. 104108. [COBISS.SI-ID 938334]
Krištof. Flooded areas determination using radar satellite images in Slovenia. V: SOILLE,
Pierre (ur.). ESA-EUSC-JRC 2011 : the seventh conference on Image Information Mining:
geospatial intelligence from Earth observation, March 30 - April 1 2011, Joint Research
Centre, Ispra, Italy : conference proceedings. [S. l.: European Union, 2011], str. 141-144,
ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 32515373]
20. VELJANOVSKI, Tatjana, LAMOVEC, Peter, PEHANI, Peter, OŠTIR, Krištof.
Comparison of three techniques for detection of flooded areas on ENVISAT and
RADARSAT-2 satellite images. V: Geoinformation for disaster management : Gi4DM 2011,
May 3-8, 2011, Talya Convention Center Antalya / Turkey. Antalya: [s. n.], 2011, [6] str.
[COBISS.SI-ID 32702509]
21. VELJANOVSKI, Tatjana, OŠTIR, Krištof. Influence of radiometric pre-processing on
image properties and comparability consistency. V: International Conference on Sensors and
Models in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing : SMPR2011, May 18-19, Tehran-Iran.
Tehran: Department of Geomatics, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, 2011, [8]
str. [COBISS.SI-ID 32694573]
1.09 Published professional conference contribution
22. OŠTIR, Krištof, KOKALJ, Ţiga, VELJANOVSKI, Tatjana, RAKOVEC, Joţe, ŢAGAR,
Nedjeljka. Uporaba satelitskega daljinskega zaznavanja za napovedovanje in opazovanje
poplav. V: KUHAR, Miran (ur.). Raziskave s področja geodezije in geofizike 2010 : zbornik
predavanj. V Ljubljani: Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, 2011, str. 87-89. [COBISS.SIID 2303844]
23. OŠTIR, Krištof, RAKOVEC, Joţe, ŢAGAR, Nedjeljka, RODIĈ, Tomaţ. Uporaba
vesoljskih tehnologij v zemeljskih aplikacijah. V: KUHAR, Miran (ur.). Raziskave s področja
geodezije in geofizike 2010 : zbornik predavanj. V Ljubljani: Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in
geodezijo, 2011, str. 65-67. [COBISS.SI-ID 2303076]
24. PETROVIĈ, Dušan, PODOBNIKAR, Tomaţ, GRIGILLO, Dejan, KOZMUS, Klemen,
VREĈKO, Anja, URBANĈIĈ, Tilen, KOSMATIN FRAS, Mojca. Kaj pa topografija? Stanje
in kakovost topografskih podatkov v Sloveniji = What about topography? Status and quality
of topographic data in Slovenia. V: 40. geodetski dan, 6. in 7. maj 2011, Grand hotel Primus,
Ptuj : [zbornik prispevkov], (Geodetski vestnik, Letn. 55, št. 2, 2011). Ljubljana: Zveza
geodetov Slovenije, 2011, 2011, letn. 55, št. 2, str. 304-318, ilustr. http://www.geodetskivestnik.com/55/2/gv55-2_304-318.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 5463905]
1.12 Published scientific conference contribution abstract
25. GREGORIĈ BON, Nataša. Trans-forming the "European border" : pilgrimage to Stavridi
in Himarë/Himara area, Southern Albania. V: Remaking borders : Program. [s.l.]: [s.n.],
[2011], str. 62. [COBISS.SI-ID 32324653]
26. SODNIK, Jošt, PODOBNIKAR, Tomaţ, PETJE, Urška, MIKOŠ, Matjaţ. Topographic
data and numerical debris-flow modeling. V: CATANI, Filippo (ur.). Abstract book : The
Second World Landslide Forum : Putting Science into Practice : Under the High Patronage
of the President of the Italian Republic : FAO Headquaetes, Roma, 3-9 October 2011. Rome:
ISPRA, 2011, str. 151. [COBISS.SI-ID 5565537]
27. SZEKELY, Balazs, DORNINGER, Peter, JANSA, Josef, PODOBNIKAR, Tomaţ,
KOMA, Zsofia, TROSITS, Dalma, DOSA, Melinda. Martian and Terrestrial debris slopes :
automated recognition attempts using a multi-method approach. Geophys. res. abstr. (Online),
2011, letn. 13, 1 str. http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-134671.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 5359969]
28. ŠPRAJC, Ivan. (Ne)ravnovesje med naravo in kulturo : primer Majev = (Im)balance
between nature and culture : the example of Maya. V: ZDRAVIĈ POLIĈ, Nina (ur.).
Staroselske kulture kot opomin sodobni družbi pri varstvu okolja in zaščiti dediščine :
mednarodni simpozij, [Ljubljana, 26. oktober 2011] : povzetki : international symposium,
[Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26 October 2011] : abstracts. Ljubljana: Slovenski etnografski muzej: =
Slovene Ethnographic Museum, 2011, str. 17-18. [COBISS.SI-ID 33179949]
29. ŠPRAJC, Ivan. El preclásico en el sureste del estado de Campeche, México. V: Simposio
de investigaciones arqueológicas en Guatemala, 18-22 de julio 2011. Programa. [Ciudad
Guatemala]: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Dirección General del Patrimonio Cultural y
Natural, [2011], str. 69. [COBISS.SI-ID 32931117]
30. ŠPRAJC, Ivan, SÁNCHEZ NAVA, Pedro Francisco. Orientaciones astronómicas en la
arquitectura maya de las tierras bajas : nuevos datos e interpretaciones. V: Simposio de
investigaciones arqueológicas en Guatemala, 18-22 de julio 2011. Programa. [Ciudad
Guatemala]: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Dirección General del Patrimonio Cultural y
Natural, [2011], str. 90. [COBISS.SI-ID 32931373]
31. ŠPRAJC, Ivan, SÁNCHEZ NAVA, Pedro Francisco, OŠTIR, Krištof. Astronomical
significance of architectural orientations in the Maya lowlands : new data, analyses and
interpretations. V: Stars and stones : voyages in archaeoastronomy and cultural astronomy :
abstract book. [Évora: Associaçao Portuguesa de Investigaçao Arqueológica, 2011], str. 87.
[COBISS.SI-ID 33074221]
32. ŠPRAJC, Ivan, SÁNCHEZ NAVA, Pedro Francisco, OŠTIR, Krištof. Significado
astronómico y orientaciones en la arquitectura maya de las tierras bajas : análisis estadísticos
e interpretaciones contextuales. V: Los mayas y las concepciones del tiempo. [Ciudad de
México]: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2011, str. 24-25. [COBISS.SI-ID
33. VREĈKO, Anja, PODOBNIKAR, Tomaţ. Error Assessment of DEM generated from
Contours. Geophys. res. abstr. (Online), 2011, letn. 13, 1 str.
http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-9504-3.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID
1.16 Independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph
34. ĈAVAL, Saša, ŠPRAJC, Ivan. Astronomska orientacija cerkva na Tonovcovem gradu =
Astronomical orientation of churches at Tonovcov grad. V: MODRIJAN, Zvezdana (ur.),
CIGLENEĈKI, Slavko, MODRIJAN, Zvezdana, MILAVEC, Tina. Poznoantična utrjena
naselbina Tonovcov grad pri Kobaridu : naselbinski ostanki in interpretacija : settlement
remains and interpretation, (Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae, 23). Ljubljana: Inštitut
za arheologijo ZRC SAZU, Zaloţba ZRC, 2011, str. 247-255, tabela. [COBISS.SI-ID
35. DEBEVEC, Liza. Burkina Faso. V: ALBALA, Ken (ur.). Food cultures of the world
encyclopedia. Santa Barbara (Calif.); Denver (Colo.); Oxford: Greenwood, 2011, vol. 1:
Africa and the Middle-East, str. 23-30, fotogr. [COBISS.SI-ID 32892461]
36. DEBEVEC, Liza. Kontinuiteta in spremembe v prazniĉni prehrani pri muslimanih v
urbanem Burkina Fasu. V: MLEKUŢ, Jernej (ur.). Klepetavi predmeti : ko predmeti
spregovorijo o nas in drugih, (Migracije, 21). Ljubljana: Zaloţba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2011,
2011, str. 95-110, fotogr. [COBISS.SI-ID 33230893]
37. GREGORIĈ BON, Nataša. Reconstructing the past of Himarë/Himara, southern Albania.
V: ĈAPO ŢMEGAĈ, Jasna (ur.), GULIN ZRNIĆ, Valentina (ur.). Mjesto, nemjesto :
interdisciplinarna promišljanja prostora i kulture, (Biblioteka Nova etnografija). Zagreb:
Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku; Ljubljana: Inštitut za antropološke in prostorske študije,
Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, 2011, str. 167186. [COBISS.SI-ID 32892205]
38. NUNINGER, Laure, OŠTIR, Krištof, KOKALJ, Ţiga, GEORGES-LEROY, Murielle,
OPITZ, Rachel. La télédétection. V: RODIER, Xavier. Information spatiale et archeologie,
(Archeologiques). Paris: Éditions Errance, 2011, str. 108-116, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID
39. VELJANOVSKI, Tatjana, PEHANI, Peter, KOKALJ, Ţiga, OŠTIR, Krištof. Zaznavanje
poplav s ĉasovno vrsto radarskih satelitskih posnetkov ENVISAT in RADARSAT-2. V:
ZORN, Matija (ur.), KOMAC, Blaţ (ur.), CIGLIĈ, Rok (ur.), PAVŠEK, Miha (ur.).
Neodgovorna odgovornost, (Knjiţna zbirka Naravne nesreĉe, 2). Ljubljana: Zaloţba ZRC,
2011, str. 81-89, ilustr., zvd. http://giam.zrc-sazu.si/sites/default/files/Naravne-nesrece-02.pdf.
[COBISS.SI-ID 32486957]
1.19 Review, book review, critique
40. OŠTIR, Krištof. Introduction to 3D data: modeling with ArcGIS 3D Analyst and Google
Earth. Heather Kennedy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ, USA. 2009. 360 pp.,
diagrams, maps, photos, images, index. ISBN: 978-0-470-38124-3. Paperback. $80 : book
review. Photogramm. eng. remote sensing. [Print ed.], 2011, vol. 77, no. 5, str. 455, fotogr.
[COBISS.SI-ID 33361197]
41. TELBAN, Borut. Re-counting knowledge in song: change reflected in Kaulong music.
Birgit Drüppel. Apwitihire: Studies in Papua New Guinea Music 10. Boroko: Institute of
Papua New Guinea Studies, 2009, 324 pages. Pac. arts, 2011, vol. 11, no. 1, str. 57-59.
[COBISS.SI-ID 33907501]
1.22 Interview
42. ŠPRAJC, Ivan, Golubov, Suzana (interviewer), Antley, Goran (photographer). Sonce nas
v resnici ogreva, luna dejansko povzroĉa plimo : intervju. Lisa (Ljubl.), 13. jan. 2011, 3, str.
20-23, fotogr. [COBISS.SI-ID 32326445]
43. ŠPRAJC, Ivan, Ivanc, Staš (interviewer). Bo leta 2012 konec sveta? Ne. : kaj so vedeli
stari Maji?. Delo (Ljubl.), 3. jan. 2011, letn. 53, št. 1, str. 18, fotogr. [COBISS.SI-ID
44. ŠPRAJC, Ivan, Tišler, Blaţ (interviewer). Maje so s prizorišĉa zgodovine odstranile
prenaseljenost in suše : pogovor z dr. Ivanom Šprajcem, strokovnjakom za Maje. MMC RTV
SLO, 17. jan. 2011. http://www.rtvslo.si/kultura/drugo/maje-so-s-prizorisca-zgodovineodstranile-prenaseljenost-in-suse/248662. [COBISS.SI-ID 32169005]
1.25 Other component parts
45. KANJIR, Urška. Poletna šola jeseni : poroĉilo o obisku 5. poletne šole ISPRS SC v
Hanoju, Vietnam. Geod. vestn.. [Tiskana izd.], 2011, letn. 55, št. 1, str. 144-146, ilustr.
http://www.geodetski-vestnik.com/55/1/gv55-1_144-146.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 5366113]
2.12 Final research report
46. NUNINGER, Laure, OŠTIR, Krištof, KOKALJ, Ţiga, MARSETIĈ, Aleš. Lidor :
acquisition, traitement et analyse d'images LiDAR pour la modélisation des paléo-reliefs de
la plaine littorale du Languedoc oriental : rapport d'ATIP jeunes chercheurs. Besançon: LEA
ModeLTER, [2011]. 95 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 34499373]
47. SÁNCHEZ NAVA, Pedro Francisco, ŠPRAJC, Ivan. Propiedades astronómicas de la
arquitectura y el urbanismo en Mesoamérica : informe de la temporada 2010. México, D.F.:
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia; Ljubljana: Centro de Investigaciones
Científicas de la Academia Eslovena de Ciencias y Artes, 2011. VI, 81 f., tabele, graf. prikazi,
fotogr. [COBISS.SI-ID 35363629]
48. SÁNCHEZ NAVA, Pedro Francisco, ŠPRAJC, Ivan. Propiedades astronómicas de la
arquitectura y el urbanismo en Mesoamérica : informe de la temporada 2011. México, D.F.:
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia; Ljubljana: Centro de Investigaciones
Científicas de la Academia Eslovena de Ciencias y Artes, 2011. IV, 38 f., fotogr., risbe,
tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 35363885]
3.14 Invited lecture at foreign university
49. DEBEVEC, Liza. Seminar in Culture Change : [predavanje študentom 1.letnika
doktorskega studija "Kulturne spremembe", Addis Ababa University, IX.2010-I.2011]. Addis
Ababa, 2010-2011. [COBISS.SI-ID 32652845]
3.15 Unpublished conference contribution
50. KANJIR, Urška. Multi level segmentation of soil sealing in urban areas : predavanje na
The 32nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, October 3 to 7, 2011, Taipei. Taipei, 2011.
[COBISS.SI-ID 33203245]
3.16 Unpublished invited conference lecture
51. KOKALJ, Ţiga. DEM visualization techniques for archaeological interpretation :
[vabljeno predavanje na 16. kongresu International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric
sciences (UIPPS), Florianopolis (Brazilija), 8.sep.2011]. Florianopolis, 2011. [COBISS.SIID 33272877]
52. KOKALJ, Ţiga. DEM visualization techniques for archaeological interpretation :
[vabljeno predavanje na "Technological Advances in Landscape and Heritage Management
and Recording Symposium", Dublin (Irska), 12.avg.2011]. Dublin, 2011. [COBISS.SI-ID
53. KOKALJ, Ţiga. LIDAR data visualization - complementary techniques : [vabljeno
predavanje na mednarodni delavnici "Training and research in the archaeological
interpretation of LIDAR", European Research Centre, Bibracte (Francija), 15.mar.2011].
Bibracte, 2011. [COBISS.SI-ID 32358957]
54. ŠPRAJC, Ivan. (Ne)ravnovesje med naravo in kulturo : primer Majev : [predavanje na
znanstvenem posvetovanju "Staroselske kulture kot opomin sodobni družbi pri varstvu okolja
in zaščiti dediščine", Slovenski etnografski muzej, 26.X.2011]. Ljubljana, 2011. [COBISS.SIID 33180205]
55. ŠPRAJC, Ivan. El preclásico en el sureste del estado de Campeche, México : [predavanje
na okrogli mizi "25 anos de investigaciones arqueológicas sobre el preclásico en la Meseta
Kárstica Central" v okviru "25. Simposio de Investigaciones arqueológicas en Guatemala,
2011", Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, 18.-22.VII.2011]. Ciudad Guatemala,
2011. [COBISS.SI-ID 32931629]
56. ŠPRAJC, Ivan, SÁNCHEZ NAVA, Pedro Francisco. Arquitectura y planeacíon urbana
en Calakmul, Campeche, México : astronomía, calendario y geografía simbólica :
[predavanje na mednarodnem posvetovanju Los investigadores de la Cultura Maya 2011 "El
agua", Cine-Teatro Universítario "Joaquín Lanz", 15.-18.XI.2011]. Campeche (Campeche,
Mexico), 2011. [COBISS.SI-ID 33425709]
57. ŠPRAJC, Ivan, SÁNCHEZ NAVA, Pedro Francisco. Orientaciones astronómicas en la
arquitectura maya de las tierras bajas : nuevos datos e interpretaciones : [predavanje, "25.
Simposio de Investigaciones arqueológicas en Guatemala, 2011", Museo Nacional de
Arqueología y Etnología, 18.-22.VII.2011]. Ciudad Guatemala, 2011. [COBISS.SI-ID
58. VELJANOVSKI, Tatjana, PEHANI, Peter, KOKALJ, Ţiga, OŠTIR, Krištof. Kartiranje
poplav z radarskimi in optičnimi satelitskimi posnetki : vabljeno predavanje na ARSO posvetu
Posvet o daljinskem zaznavanju poplavnih območij, ARSO, Ljubljana, 17. februar 2011.
Ljubljana, 2011. [COBISS.SI-ID 32534829]
59. ZORN, Matija, KOKALJ, Ţiga. The Soča Front (WW 1) : landscape recovery in a
mountainous karst landscape : [vabljeno predavanje na konferenci American Society for
Environmental History "History and sustainability: stories of progress, hubris, decline, and
resilience", Phoenix (ZDA), 16.apr.2011]. Phoenix, 2011. [COBISS.SI-ID 32586797]
3.25 Other performed works
60. ĈELIK, Tatjana, MUROVEC, Barbara, VELJANOVSKI, Tatjana, VELUŠĈEK, Anton,
OROŢEN ADAMIĈ, Milan, SMREKAR, Aleš, ZUPANC, Barbara. Ljubljansko barje : med
teorijo in prakso : [okrogla miza, Atrij ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 8.nov.2011]. Ljubljana, 2011.
[COBISS.SI-ID 33327661]
61. GREGORIĈ BON, Nataša. Pogajanja o smeteh : pogledi na turizem v vasi
Dhërmi/Drimades, južna Albanija : [gostujoče predavanje študentom Oddelka za etnologijo
in kulturno antropologijo pri predmetu "Antropologija turizma", Filozofska fakulteta,
11.IV.2011]. Ljubljana, 2011. [COBISS.SI-ID 32519213]
62. Social anthropology. Debevec, Liza (field editor 2007-2011). Oxford (OX): Blackwell,
[1993]-. ISSN 0964-0282. [COBISS.SI-ID 31468032]
63. Geodetski vestnik. Podobnikar, Tomaţ (editor). [Tiskana izd.]. Ljubljana: Zveza geodetov
Slovenije, [197-]-. ISSN 0351-0271. http://www.geodetski-vestnik.com/. [COBISS.SI-ID
64. International journal of Euro-Mediterranean studies. Šprajc, Ivan (member of editorial
board 2008-). Porotoroţ: Center EMUNI, University Centre for Euro-Mediterranean Studies,
2008-. ISSN 1855-3362. [COBISS.SI-ID 238025728]
65. Studia humanitatis. Apes. Šprajc, Ivan (member of editorial board 2005-). Ljubljana:
Studia humanitatis, 1995-. ISSN 1580-3120. [COBISS.SI-ID 106381312]
66. Asia Pacific journal of anthropology. Telban, Borut (member of editorial board 2011-).
Canberra: Department of Anthropology, School of Culture, History and Language, College of
Asia and the Pacific: School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College of Arts and Social
Sciences atthe Australian National University, 2000-. ISSN 1444-2213. [COBISS.SI-ID
67. Ethnos. Telban, Borut (member of editorial council 2006-). Stockholm: Etnografiska
museet, 1936-. ISSN 0014-1844. [COBISS.SI-ID 143750]
68. Suomen antropologi. Telban, Borut (member of editorial board 2002-). Helsinki: Suomen
antropologinen seura, 1976-. ISSN 0355-3930. [COBISS.SI-ID 19562285]
69. Anthropological notebooks. Telban, Borut (editor in chief 2003-), Debevec, Liza (member
of editorial board 2007-), Šprajc, Ivan (member of editorial board 2004-), Gregoriĉ Bon,
Nataša (field editor 2007-). [Tiskana izd.]. Ljubljana: Društvo antropologov Slovenije: =
Slovene Anthropological Society, 1995-. ISSN 1408-032X. http://www.drustvoantropologov.si/anthropological_notebooks1.html. [COBISS.SI-ID 62755072]
70. GLAVNIK, Aleš, ROTOVNIK, Bojan, KADIŠ, Franc, PERŠOLJA, Borut, ZORN,
Matija, Burnik, Stojan (editor), Golnar, Tone (editor), Krpaĉ, Franc (editor), Pehani, Peter
(editor), Ivanek, Branko (illustrator), Pavšek, Bojan (illustrator), Zorn, Matija (illustrator),
Peršolja, Borut (editor). Planinska šola : [učbenik]. 2., dopolnjena izd. Ljubljana: Planinska
zveza Slovenije, 2011. 350 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6156-95-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 255612672]
Supervisor for Doctoral Dissertations
71. KOBLER, Andrej, Kogoj, Dušan (mentor), Dţeroski, Sašo (comentor), Mikoš, Matjaţ
(member of the commission for defense), Kosmatin Fras, Mojca (member of the commission
for defense), Veljanovski, Tatjana (member of the commission for defense), Debeljak, Marko
(member of the commission for defense), Oštir, Krištof (mentor). Nove metode za obdelavo
podatkov letalskega laserskega skenerja za monitoring gozdnih ekosistemov : doktorska
disertacija = New methods of prosessing [!] aerial laser scanner data for forest ecosystem
monitoring : doctoral thesis. Ljubljana: [A. Kobler], 2011. XVIII, 131 str., ilustr.
[COBISS.SI-ID 5489249]
Supervisor for Master's Theses (Bologna study programme)
72. ORLIĆ, Ana, Oštir, Krištof (mentor), Mulahusić, Admir (mentor). Praktično korištenje
lidar tehnologije : završni rad = Practical use of lidar technology : final paper. Sarajevo: [A.
Orlić], 2011. XXI, 98, [V] f., [15] f. pril., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 33265453]
Supervisor for Undergraduate Theses
73. MILOST, Katja, Podobnikar, Tomaţ (mentor). Analiza za opredelitev položaja naselij po
prostorskih danostih : diplomsko delo. Nova Gorica: [K. Milost], 2011. XIV, 75 str., ilustr.
http://www.ung.si/~library/diplome/OKOLJE/71Milost.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 1976827]
74. PROSENIK, Igor, Podobnikar, Tomaţ (mentor), Kogoj, Dušan (member of the
commission for defense), Lisec, Anka (member of the commission for defense), Drobne,
Samo (member of the commission for defense), Kosmatin Fras, Mojca (member of the
commission for defense). Modeliranje lokacij arheoloških najdišč z metodami GIS-a na
območju Slovenskih goric : diplomska naloga = GIS-based modelling archaeological sites
locations for the Slovenske gorice study area : graduation thesis. Ljubljana: [I. Prosenik],
2011. XIX, 78 str., [6] str. pril., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5639521]
75. URBAS, Ana, Oštir, Krištof (mentor), Kogoj, Dušan (member of the commission for
defense), Ambroţiĉ, Tomaţ (member of the commission for defense). Vpliv instrumentalnih
pogreškov na satelitski zajem porazdelitve antropogenih plinov v atmosferi : diplomska
naloga = Effects instrumental errors in the retrieval of anthropogenicgas distribution from
satellite : graduation thesis. Ljubljana: [A. Urbas], 2011. XVIII, 80 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SIID 5634145]
Author of introduction
76. CIGLENEĈKI, Slavko, MODRIJAN, Zvezdana, MILAVEC, Tina, Štular, Benjamin
(author of introduction, etc.), Ĉaval, Saša (author of introduction, etc.), Šprajc, Ivan (author of
introduction, etc.), Modrijan, Zvezdana (editor), Stone, Sunĉan (translator), Horvat, Jana
(reviewer), Guštin, Mitja (reviewer). Poznoantična utrjena naselbina Tonovcov grad pri
Kobaridu : naselbinski ostanki in interpretacija = Late antique fortified settlement Tonovcov
grad near Kobarid : settlement remains and interpretation, (Opera Instituti Archaeologici
Sloveniae, 23). Ljubljana: Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU, Zaloţba ZRC, 2011. 304 str.,
ilustr. ISBN 978-961-254-331-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 258819584]
Co-Supervisor for Undergraduate Theses
77. ĐURIĆ, Nataša, Kosmatin Fras, Mojca (mentor), Kanjir, Urška (comentor), Lisec, Anka
(member of the commission for defense), Kogoj, Dušan (member of the commission for
defense). Objektno usmerjena klasifikacija za določanje drevesnih vrst in zaznavanje
japonskega dresnika : diplomska naloga = Object oriented classification for tree species
identification and detection of japanese knotweed : graduation thesis. Ljubljana: [N. Đurić],
2011. XV, 96 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5677153]
78. OBU, Jaroslav, Krevs, Marko (mentor), Podobnikar, Tomaţ (comentor). Prepoznavanje
kraških kotanj na podlagi digitalnega modela višin : diplomsko delo. Ljubljana: [J. Obu],
2011. 103 f., [30] f. pril., ilustr. http://geo.ff.unilj.si/pisnadela/pdfs/dipl_201103_jaroslav_obu.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 45077090]
79. Acta geodaetica et geophysica Hungarica. Podobnikar, Tomaţ (reviewer 2009-).
Budapest: Akad. Kiadó. ISSN 1217-8977. [COBISS.SI-ID 894817]
80. Geodetski vestnik. Podobnikar, Tomaţ (reviewer 2004-, 2010-). [Tiskana izd.]. Ljubljana:
Zveza geodetov Slovenije, [197-]-. ISSN 0351-0271. http://www.geodetski-vestnik.com/.
[COBISS.SI-ID 5091842]
81. Geographica Pannonica. Podobnikar, Tomaţ (reviewer 2008-). Novi Sad: Institute of
Geography, 1997-. ISSN 0354-8724. [COBISS.SI-ID 17860141]
82. International journal of geographical information science. Podobnikar, Tomaţ (reviewer
2004-). London: Taylor & Francis, 1997-. ISSN 1365-8816. [COBISS.SI-ID 67569152]
83. ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing. Podobnikar, Tomaţ (reviewer
2010-). [Print ed.]. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers. ISSN 0924-2716. [COBISS.SIID 15374853]
Member of thesis defence committee
84. KOBLER, Andrej, Kogoj, Dušan (mentor), Dţeroski, Sašo (comentor), Mikoš, Matjaţ
(member of the commission for defense), Kosmatin Fras, Mojca (member of the commission
for defense), Veljanovski, Tatjana (member of the commission for defense), Debeljak, Marko
(member of the commission for defense), Oštir, Krištof (mentor). Nove metode za obdelavo
podatkov letalskega laserskega skenerja za monitoring gozdnih ekosistemov : doktorska
disertacija = New methods of prosessing [!] aerial laser scanner data for forest ecosystem
monitoring : doctoral thesis. Ljubljana: [A. Kobler], 2011. XVIII, 131 str., ilustr.
[COBISS.SI-ID 5489249]
85. MEGLA, Alenka, Lisec, Anka (mentor), Drobne, Samo (comentor), Kogoj, Dušan
(member of the commission for defense), Kosmatin Fras, Mojca (member of the commission
for defense), Podobnikar, Tomaţ (member of the commission for defense). Raziskava vloge
lastnikov zemljišč pri izvajanju upravnih komasacij v Sloveniji na primeru komasacijskega
območja Ptujsko polje I ter primerjalna analiza z Avstrijo : diplomska naloga = Research on
the role of land owners by land consolidation procedures in Slovenia fot the case of land
consolidation area of Ptujsko polje I and the comparative analysis with Austria : graduation
thesis. Ljubljana: [A. Megla], 2011. XIV, 92 str., [5] str. pril., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID
86. MIHELIĈ, Miha, Terţan, Biba (mentor), Šmitek, Zmago (comentor), Šprajc, Ivan
(member of the commission for defense). Simbolni in mitološki vidiki poznobronastodobne
zakladne najdbe Kanalski Vrh I : diplomsko delo. Ljubljana: [M. Miheliĉ], 2011. 119 f.,
ilustr., zvd., tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 46733410]
87. ŠTEBE, Gašper, Ambroţiĉ, Tomaţ (mentor), Kogoj, Dušan (comentor), Kregar, Klemen
(comentor), Oštir, Krištof (member of the commission for defense). Ponovna obdelava
meritev v položajni mreži HE Moste od 1950 do 2010 : diplomska naloga = Recalculation of
horizontal geodetic network HE Moste from 1950 to 2010 : graduation thesis. Ljubljana: [G.
Štebe], 2011. XX, 116 str., [117] str. pril., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5637729]
88. TOMŠIĈ, Marko, Kosmatin Fras, Mojca (mentor), Kogoj, Dušan (member of the
commission for defense), Lisec, Anka (member of the commission for defense), Drobne,
Samo (member of the commission for defense), Podobnikar, Tomaţ (member of the
commission for defense). Uporaba laserskega skeniranja za evidentiranje kulturne dediščine
na primeru gradu Klanc : diplomska naloga = Application of terrestrial laser scanning for
the recording of cultural heriage on the castle Kalc case : graduation thesis. Ljubljana: [M.
Tomšiĉ], 2011. X, 53 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5641057]
89. VEZOĈNIK, Rok, Ambroţiĉ, Tomaţ (mentor), Pfeifer, Norbert (comentor), Mikoš,
Matjaţ (member of the commission for defense), Kogoj, Dušan (member of the commission
for defense), Kosmatin Fras, Mojca (member of the commission for defense), Veljanovski,
Tatjana (member of the commission for defense). Analiza tehnologije terestričnega
laserskega skeniranja za spremljanje deformacij na objektih : doktorska disertacija =
Analysis of terrestrial laser scanning technology for structural deformation monitoring :
doctoral thesis. Ljubljana: [R. Vezoĉnik], 2011. XI, 224 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5623905]
90. MAZI, Blaţ, Bavec, Miloš (associated name), Zwitter, Tomaţ (associated name), Šprajc,
Ivan (associated name). Severni in juţni magnetni pol : nova jezdeca apokalipse : premikanje
polov. Dnev. online. [Spletna izd.], 19. feb. 2011.
http://www.dnevnik.si/objektiv/vec_vsebin/1042425340. [COBISS.SI-ID 1871189]