Eastpointe August 20, 2014 10:00am until 1:00pm University of Mount Olive • Welcome and Overview Karen Salacki • CFAC Updates Nancy Moore • Eastpointe Provider Network Council Barry Dixon • AHEC Presentation La-Lisa Hewett-Robinson (Southeastern Regional AHEC) Debbie Canton Rogers (Eastern AHEC) Olivia Herndon (Southeastern AHEC) • External Operations Karen Salacki Current Applications Accepted Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Contracts- IPRS and Medicaid State and Local Updates Mystery Shopper Disaster Preparedness Kate Abell DMH/DD/SAS Provider Monitoring Program Integrity Susan Bryan Utilization Management Updates Mike Baldwin Eastpointe Claims and Funding Jessica Bulluck Network Operations Linda Hawley Isbell Contract Terminations Closing a Site or Service Transition Team Calcium Calendars & Member Appointment Follow-Up Form Agency Grid Sheets Provider Choice Database Provider Residential Bed Vacancy Reporting Resolving Attending Provider Denials Melanie Weatherford Eastpointe Training Dept. Dildra Jessup Eastpointe’s List Serve Karen Salacki Provider Meeting Schedule 2014 Karen Salacki If you have a questions following this meeting please contact Network Operations at (888)9772160 or [email protected] . If you have topics that you would like us to discuss at upcoming meetings please also send those to [email protected] . Nancy Moore La-Lisa Hewett-Robinson (Southeastern Regional AHEC) Debbie Canton Rogers (Eastern AHEC) Olivia Herndon (Southeastern AHEC) Barry Dixon, Chair Eastpointe Provider Network Council For Council Information: Go to www.eastpointe.net, then For Provider Community, the Eastpointe Provider Network Council Information Contact Information: [email protected] Eastpointe is accepting MCO applications from Hospitals. An Agency can add Psychiatrists. We will also accept applications from Psychiatrists in private practice. They will need to submit an LIP application to [email protected] . We are not accepting applications for contracts for LIP’s in private practice. Agencies can add LIP’s to provide Outpatient Services. They will not be linked to your your agency until they are Credentialed. They cannot provide services to our Members until they are credentialed. You will need to submit the LIP Application and Release form. You will also need to submit a Grid Sheet. If the LIP is an Associate you must list the physician that they will be bill Incident To. The physician must be already credentialed with Eastpointe. You can add an LIP to replace an LIP on a team that has left your agency. Please submit on your letterhead to indicate which LIP is leaving that the new LIP will be replacing. Please remember that it is a requirement to notify us that an LIP has left your agency and when you hire someone to replace them. Additional teams are not being credentialed at this time. Fiscal Year 2014/2015 ContractsIPRS and Medicaid Thank you to all providers who submitted the entire contract packet in a timely manner. All 2014/2015 IPRS and Medicaid contracts were due to Eastpointe on 5/15/14. There are still a number of providers who have not returned their Medicaid contracts. Providers who did not return their contracts or returned them without the required documents will be unable to obtain authorizations or bill at this time. Please be advised that the cover letter that went out with contracts stated that you needed to address any changes that you felt needed to be made to your contract in a letter. Please note that just because you hand wrote changes on your contract that it does not mean that this items will automatically be added to your contract. You must have a Certificate of Insurance (COI) with the required amount of insurance per your contract to be able to have a fully executed contract. There will be no exceptions. Please be reminded that our network is closed and we are not adding new services to contracts. If you have questions about this please contact [email protected] . We conducted a Mystery Shopper project in April 2014. All providers were sent a letter to notify them of any out of compliance information. We will be conducting another Mystery Shopper project in the future. Please review all of your information to make sure that all of it is complete and up to date on the Provider Choice Database. Please review the information from Communication Bulletin #14. Please remember that it is not appropriate to leave the phone number for a local hospital as your crisis number. You will be found out of compliance if you do this. All instructions on your voicemail should be clear. Please remember that Members or their family members may use your Crisis number when the Member is in crisis. If a provider has one or more out of compliance issues during this review they will be issued a Plan of Correction. Kate Abell DMH/DD/SAS Susan Bryan Director, Provider Monitoring and Program Integrity [email protected] 08/15/2014 Unlicensed Alternative Family Living (U-AFL): When a provider agency identifies a potential U-AFL Home in which they would like to subcontract to provide Innovations Residential Supports, the provider agency will follow the following procedures. Consumers are NOT to be placed in the U-AFL until approval of the subcontract has been granted by the Chief of External Operations. Eastpointe consumers residing in U-AFL homes not approved via the below detailed procedure MAY result in a sanction Submit a written request for subcontract approval to Karen Salacki, Chief of External Operations. This request must include a copy of your Certificate of Insurance showing the physical site address of the AFL and contains required coverage as outlined in the Request for LME Approval Letter to Subcontract. The Request For LME Approval Letter to Subcontract can be found on Eastpointe’s website www.eastpointe.net Go to For Provider Community and Provider Forms. After review by the Chief of External Operations she will refer the information to a Provider Relations Specialist to review the Certificate of Insurance. Once the Certificate of Insurance has been confirmed accurate a Health and Safety Onsite Review will be scheduled by Provider Monitoring Staff. The Provider Monitoring Specialist will schedule a time within the next thirty (30) days to complete the Health and Safety Review Check sheet. The Provider Monitoring Specialist will submit the completed check sheet to the Chief of External Operations for review. The Chief of External Operations will notify the Provider Relations Specialist as to whether the subcontract has been approved or not approved. The Provider Relations Specialist will send a letter to the provider agency to notify them if the subcontract request has been approved or not approved. The procedure is listed on the Eastpointe website: go to => www.eastpointe.net http://www.eastpointe.net/providers/providerf orms/contracts/Procedure%20for%20Subcontra ct%20Approval%20for%20an%20Unlicensed%2 0Alternative%20Family%20Living.pdf Announcements with updates and changes to the Routine Monitoring Tools are sent out via Constant Contact to the Eastpointe Network. Once a provider has received the outcomes of the Routine Monitoring from Eastpointe, the provider is requested by NC DHHS to complete a survey. In order to access this survey, go to: http://www.ncdhhs.gov/mhddsas/providers/pr ovidermonitoring/index.htm The PPR is an integral part of monitoring's, special investigations and just cause audits, including when following up on incidents and complaints. PPR’s are required for licensed facilities. Susan Bryan Director, Provider Monitoring and Program Integrity [email protected] 08/15/2014 Need to report suspicious activity related to fraud, waste and abuse: www.eastpointe.net =>For Provider Community =>Program Integrity =>Complete the Forms Desk Form. The referral may be anonymous; however, Eastpointe will not be able to follow up with the referral if the referral is anonymous. Eastpointe has posted at www.eastpointe.net both a webinar and training documents for the provider community. Below is a snapshot on how to access the Program Integrity information. Additional information will be posted on the Eastpointe website for providers for continued education. Fraud, waste and abuse affect both Eastpointe members and providers. Program Integrity referrals can be made by calling our Corporate Compliance toll free line at 855-243-3147 or completing the web submission form. Monitoring questions can be sent to [email protected] Program Integrity questions can be sent to [email protected] • Process created in response to Bulletin #72 • It is a Step-Down Plan • Designed to ensure a smooth transition for the member in the event of an adverse decision • On 8/1/14, we updated the TAR to accommodate for DSM-V. .• As DSM –V no longer requires reporting of an axis, those fields will no longer be required on the TAR. • Instead, you will have the ability to put up to four diagnoses on the TAR when you fill it out. • For all existing TARs, you will have the ability to go back and review what you had entered in the past. • The 2014-2015 fiscal year benefit plan is currently being reviewed and will be . posted to Eastpointe’s website once completed. • Please continue to utilize the fiscal year 2013-2014 benefit plan until further notice. Best Clinical Practice Guidelines Links can be found on Eastpointe website under provider community/ Medicaid Utilization Review/ top three links on left hand side • Network Operations Call Center: 1-888-977-2160 Network Operations Call Center staff will forward question to the appropriate UM staff to assist if additional information needed • Lynnette Gordon, UM Director [email protected] 910-298-7036 • Requesting a peer to peer 1-888-977-2160 • Requesting a copy of the clinical rationale 1-800-513-4002 option 3 Updates; Effective 8/1/2014 TIMEFRAME FOR CLAIM SUBMISSION CHANGES State or Local Funded Services • Denied claims must be re-submitted within 20 days of the receipt date of the denial. Medicaid Funded Services • Denied claims must be re-submitted within 90 days of the receipt date of the denial. • If 90 days from the “date of service” has expired, the resubmission must be done using a claims inquiry form with the reason marked as “claims inquiry”. This is to avoid a system denial for timely filing if the resubmission is within the additional 90 days allowed to resubmit a correctable denied claims. • Coordination of Benefit Claims Providers shall submit a claim within 30 days of the date of determination of coverage or payment response from a third party if it is past the 90 day timely filing guideline for submitting claims. • Updates; Effective 8/1/2014 REPLACEMENT CLAIMS (MCO Standardization) • Billing days for a replacement claim is 180 days from the original billing date for Medicaid and State Funded Services. • Claims submitted past 180 days from the original billing date will be denied for exceeding billing days. • For State Funded Services, if the 180 day correction window crosses into a subsequent fiscal year, the allowed days will be the number of days left in the current fiscal year. Example: If a claim is originally billed on March 31, the billing days for a replacement claim will be 91 days. (April 1 through June 30; the last day of the fiscal year. • MCO STANDARDIZATION • REPLACEMENT CLAIM GUIDELINES Found on Claims & Billing web page. www.eastpointe.net • UNIFORM RATE TEMPLATE • PLACE OF SERVICE CODES • DENIAL AND ADJUSTMENT CODES • Updates to Claims & Billing Web Page • Reminder FY14 IPRS/NCTRACKS FINAL CUT-OFF The deadline to submit claims for dates of service 7/1/2013 – 6/30/2014 for State Funded (IPRS/NCTracks) services will be the last scheduled check write cutoff in August. All state funded claims for FY 2013-2014 must be received by Eastpointe on or before 5PM on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 for claims to be considered for payment. Claims & Billing Web Page WWW.EASTPOINTE.NET • For Provider Community • • Medicaid 1915 b/c Waiver Information Claims and Billing Your contract states that all Providers will comply with the North Carolina Continuity of Care statute (GS 122C-63). This statute requires a 60 day notice to Eastpointe of intent to close a facility or discharge a Member with IDD services and 30 day notice for a Member with an Mental Illness/Substance Abuse services from the stated termination date. Process to Terminate Submit that in writing on your agency letterhead Requires the signature of your CEO or other authorized individual Must state the effective date of the termination Complete and submit the Transition Forms on our website www.eastpointe.net Please note that if you are serving Members at the time that you decide to terminate a service, a site or terminate your contract it is you or your agencies responsibility to offer choice of other Providers to the Members that you are serving. You will need to offer provide choice through the list of Providers on the Provider Choice Database. Your contract states that all Providers will comply with the North Carolina Continuity of Care statute (GS 122C-63). This statute requires a 60 day notice to Eastpointe of intent to close a facility or discharge a Member with IDD services and 30 day notice for a Member with an Mental Illness/Substance Abuse services. It is our priority to ensure continuity of care for our Members. We expect this to be your priority as well. Any notice other than listed above is unacceptable We are going to be tracking this and if you do not meet this timeline you will be out of compliance with your contract which may affect the status of your contract. When we are notified that you have made a decision to close a site or service or if a decision has been made to terminate a service or your contract you will receive a letter from our Transition Team. The letter from our Transition Team reminds you of your responsibility to complete the Initial and Final Caseload Transition Forms as well as the Medical Records Storage Form. All three of these forms are required. The Transition Team also sends a letter to all Members that you have been serving to notify them of the termination. If you have any questions about this process please contact [email protected] or call (888) 977-2160. Please make sure that you have appointments available on their Calcium Calendars to be able to ensure that Members can receive services within the timeframe needed for Emergent, Urgent or Routine. Who needs to have a Calcium Calendar and submit a Member Appointment Follow-up Form (formerly known as Appointment Follow-Up Submission Form)? Agencies who are a Mental Health/Substance Abuse Provider who provides enhanced services and basic benefit services. All Intellectual and Developmental Disability Providers that provide assessments. Licensed Independent Practitioners who have an LIP contract with Eastpointe. This form must be completed and submitted to Eastpointe by the end of the business day of the appointment scheduled for Urgent and within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment date for routine. There are providers who are not complying with this requirement. Providers who are not complying will be contacted through certified mail to attend a mandatory training. Providers who fail to attend the mandatory training will be required to submit a Plan of Correction (POC) to address the systemic issues identified. If you have questions about your Calcium Calendar or the Member Appointment FollowUp Form please contact [email protected] or call (888) 977-2160. To locate the form please go to For Provider Community, then Web Submission Forms and then Member Appointment Follow-Up Form. Please note that when an agency submits an LIP application to add an LIP to provide Outpatient Therapy or to replace an LIP on a team they must also submit a Grid Sheet. The Grid Sheet is used to connect the LIP to your agency once they are credentialed. It is also required that an agency submit a Grid Sheet when an LIP leaves your agency. No LIP should be providing services unless they have been credentialed through Eastpointe. You can locate the Grid Sheets by going to our website then For Provider Community Provider Forms Agency Grid Sheet The Provider Choice Database is a critical information system for our Members, their family members, providers, our community and for Eastpointe. The Database gives Members options of providers for services. It gives providers the ability to list their information to be used for choice by Members. It gives our community information about the behavioral health services in our community. Please review each site location as well as your corporate location that is listed on our website. If there is no information listed than this means that you or your agency have not submitted an Eastpointe Provider Change Form. If there is incomplete information than this means that you have not submitted an Eastpointe Provider Change Form with all required information. What information is required? Demographic Information Contact Person After Hours Crisis # CABHA Status Counties Served- (one or more counties need to be listed) Culture(s) Served- (one or more cultures needs to be listed) Language(s)- (one or more languages need to be listed) Operating Hours Served Payer Sources Accepted-(one or more payer source must be listed) Presenting Disability Type- (one or more disability type must be listed) Services provided- (Only services that you are contracted for should be submitted on the Eastpointe Provider Change Form) The following item needs to be listed if applicable: Specialty Service(s) Effective 8/1/14 it became MANDATORY that all Eastpointe Network Providers who have residential beds submit a Provider Residential Bed Vacancy Form when: They have bed availability/vacancy When that bed availability/vacancy has been filled. Providers who have the following Residential bed types are required to submit this information: Residential Treatment Level II Family (Therapeutic Foster Care) Residential Treatment Level II Group Home Residential Treatment Level III Residential Treatment Level IV Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) All licensed group homes including 5600A, 5600B, 5600C, 5600-ICF, 5600D, 5600E and 5600F 5600F (Licensed AFL’s) Unlicensed AFL’s ICF/IDD 15 beds or more To locate the Provider Residential Bed Vacancy Form please go to our website, www.eastpointe.net then For Provider Community then Residential Vacancies. You will also find a tab with an Instruction Sheet for using this form. We have added a tab for a Provider Residential Vacancy Report . You can run this report to see immediate availability of residential beds. There is a power point on Resolving Attending Provider denials that was recently recorded. The purpose of this training is to help clearinghouses and providers to resolve denials associated with NPI errors. NPI errors occur when a claim is submitted on an 837 and contains an NPI number that is not recognized by our billing system. This could occur due to NPI numbers not being set up correctly in the system or if an NPI number was not submitted by the provider. Network Operations will begin to send out certified letters to providers that have submitted an 837 and NPI attending provider errors have occurred. There are 3 different types of letters being mailed to providers that provide necessary steps to correct NPI Attending Errors. A letter will be sent to Contracted In-Network providers to correct NPI Attending Errors. If there is an NPI attending provider error the agency grid sheet needs to be updated. Send completed form to [email protected] Please remember that LIPs will be linked to your agency after they have been credentialed into the network. The effective date will be the date that all required forms are received by the MCO. A letter will be sent to Physician Groups/Hospitals for ER Claims to correct NPI Attending Provider Errors. Physician Groups/Hospitals are required to send in an Emergency Department set up form. This is required prior to billing for Medicaid. If a physician group/hospital has not completed the attached form specifically for Emergency Departments it can be found on the Eastpointe website under Provider Forms. If additional physicians are hired after the form has been submitted, the hospital registration worksheet needs to be completed to show any updates. This also can be located on the website under provider forms. Please send completed forms to [email protected] A letter will be sent to Contracted Hospitals in the Network to correct NPI Attending Provider Errors. If you have physicians or other licensed clinicians that are employed by the hospital providing behavioral health services, a hospital registration worksheet should be completed so these physicians can be linked with the hospital. The form can be located on the Eastpointe website under Provider forms. Send completed forms to [email protected] Once the appropriate forms are received within (10) business days from the date of receipt or attempted delivery of the letter, Eastpointe staff will update the billing system with the NPI’s. Any errors that were previously billed for “Attending Provider ID is missing, Invalid, or Unresolved” may be resubmitted and will be processed against Eastpointe’s normal billing guidelines. If the requested information is not received within the timeframe, the claim will be denied. Agency Grid Sheet can be located at the following link: http://www.eastpointe.net/providers/providerf orms/providerforms_main.aspx Emergency Department set up form can be located at the following link: http://www.eastpointe.net/providers/providerf orms/providerforms_main.aspx The hospital registration worksheet can be located at the following link: http://www.eastpointe.net/providers/providerf orms/providerforms_main.aspx Partnership with providers Evidenced Based Practice Trainings Reputable and knowledgeable trainers Affiliation with Local Area Health Education Centers for CEUs. Positive outcomes in service delivery process Members benefit when staff are trained All Training announcements are listed on the Calendar of Events on our website. Go to www.eastpointe.net then to For Provider Community and then click on Calendar of Events. Training announcements are sent out monthly via Constant Contact. Eastpointe recognizes and embraces the importance of serving individuals in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner. Eastpointe is committed to ensuring that its personnel and its provider partners, as well as its infrastructure, policies, procedures, and programs are structured in such a way as to meet the diverse needs of all members. Eastpointe believes that addressing cultural and linguistic issues not only improves access to services and the services themselves, but it enhances the cost-effectiveness of care provided. Establishment of Eastpointe Cultural Competency Committee. Eastpointe has established a Cultural Competence Advisory Committee consisting of: 1. Eastpointe staff members. 2. Consumer Family Advisory Committee representatives. 3. Underserved populations, professional/community organizations 4. Network provider representatives. Development of Eastpointe Cultural Competency Program Description. Development and implementation of SelfAssessment Tool. Development of Cultural Competency Training. Recruitment Needs. Developing respect for differences. Cultivating successful approaches to diversity. Increasing awareness of one’s self and of unstated institutional cultural norms and practices. Gaining a working knowledge of the history, culture, beliefs, values and needs of diverse consumers and communities. Requires that agencies examine and potentially transform components of services, including but not limited to: 1. Assessment 2. Treatment 3. Habilitation 4. Evaluation The journey towards cultural competence must be in partnership and collaboration with members, families and community members as guides and cultural brokers, not just as passive recipients of services. Review the Eastpointe Cultural Competency Program Description. Take an active interest in increasing your cultural competence by attending cultural competence trainings. View these training as both desirable and clinically necessary. Actively reflect on personal biases and beliefs as compared to the cultural majority in the United States. Utilize appropriate translation services and well-validated instruments to enhance cultural communication skills . Become familiar with the basic vocabulary of cultural competence and regularly assess your level of cultural competence on an informal basis. Make sincere attempts to avoid stereotyping individuals and acting upon cultural generalizations without verifying whether this generalization fits a particular individual. Cultural Competency for Adults and Children September 19, 2014 - Eastpointe MCO Rocky Mount, NC Presenter: Tonya D. Armstrong, Ph.D., M.T.S., is the founder and CEO of The Armstrong Center for Hope (www.armstrongcfh.com), an interdisciplinary group practice cultivating psychological and spiritual wellness for all ages. Dr. Armstrong has published consistently in the areas of spirituality, AfricanAmerican mental health, end-of-life care, and grief, and focuses clinically on culturally-competent interventions that optimize mental health and holistic care for children, adolescents, and their families. Credits: 0.6 CEUs and/or 6.0 Contact Hours credit Cost: Free Additional Information: www.eastpointe.net To Register: Fill out registration form electronically & email it to: [email protected] Or fax form to: 910-323-0674 Constant Contact Directions for signing up for the new list serve: 1. Go to Eastpointe’s website at http://www.eastpointe.net 2. Click on For Provider Community 3. Go to Provider Listserv, then click on Eastpointe Provider Listserv Sign-Up Form 4. Enter your email address (make sure you type it correctly), enter your first and last name, and agency 5. Click on the Sign Up button 6. After you sign up, a Thank you page will open. You have been added to the mailing list and can exit You will receive an email that your request has been submitted Please remember to register on our website under Provider Community and then Calendar of Events to make sure you reserve a seat. Our next meeting is scheduled for September 17, 2014 from 10:00am until 1:00pm and it will be a webinar. Website: www.eastpointe.net Network Operations Phone: 888-977-2160 Email: [email protected] Fax: 252-407-2450 Member Call Center 800-913-6109 Fax: (910) 345-8971
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