RECEIVED APR t 9 23G't BRAZIL LAKE PROPERTY GEOSCIENCE ASSfSSWENT _____OFFICE_____ Assessment report on sample collection and assays LOCATION: near several past producmg gold mines OGS map 23 iz .m the 16 2 million tonne fosrung tungsten deposrt OGS map 1 1. ACCESS: a 2 5 L northward foot trail leads to the property. One unparented staked claim unit S1214966 recorded April 20, 1998. PROPERTY: OWNERSHIP: 1 0007o by Mr. Gordon Richard Salo Box 46 Site 12, RR#1, Whitefish, Ontano, Canada. Phone: 705-866-1437 Fax: 705-866-1684 E-mail [email protected] GEOLOGY: horizontal displacement. The intrusion of Gabbro into the calcareous unit created a skarn-type ^cubic and pyritohedral cobaltite crystal specimens up to l (2.5 cm) across have been obtained here. 41I05SE2020 2.27535 FOSTER 010 WORK HISTORY: 1954 Bullet Mining Co. Magnetometer survey with readings not contoured. 1957 Prosco Mines Ltd. "On the Karl Occurrence" Assays, magnetometer, electromagnetic and geological surveys. 1963 E. J. Maki. "On the smith claims" Three drill holes for a total of 305 feet, Pyrrhotite mineralization noted in the log for one hole. 7969 E. J. Rivers. Stripping and trenching. 7977 Dauphin Iron Mines Co. Ltd 12 drill holes for a total of 3176.5 feet with sulphide mineralization noted in drill logs for all holes. Assay data on one hole for Cu, Ni. 1976 J. J. Billoki Stripping and trenching. 1987 E. Stringer Stripping, trenching and drilling. 7999 Gordon Salo Prospecting The above work history was pieced together from a summary within Ontario geological data inventory folio GDIF 147 and OGS open file 5943 page 370. It is interesting to note that there is also an adit on the property that was driven about 27 meters into the main mineralized zone reportedly to mine and extract cobaltite specimens of up to one inch across (2.5cm). No one knows who completed this activity and when, most likely before the 1950's as the assessment files system did not exist before that time. The rock dump resulting from the adits construction has been almost completed picked clean by rock hounds and specimen collectors resulting in material that looks more like a large pile of crushed driveway gravel than larger blast rock from a rock excavation. On the Internet several mineral dealers actually have cobaltite specimens for sale collected from this property. PRESENT WORK: Six field visits were made in an attempt to locate additional areas of mineralization on the claim. An adit can be found at the end of an old walking trail and about halfway up the side of a steep hill near the center of the claim. A large rock dump exists at the mouth of the Adit and old mine workings. The tunnel measures about 2.25 meters wide by 2 meters high and was driven into the rock face for 9 meters at 55" where it turns slightly and continues for an additional 18 meters at 35" giving it a total distance of about 27 meters (88'). At around 2/3 of the way inside a pile of sulphide bearing rock partially blocks the passageway and above evidence can be seen of a blocked up shaft that at one time may of led to the surface. On the surface immediately above can be found a large rock trench within a quartz vein cutting gabbroic rock and containing massive blocks of sulphides Po, Cpy and Pyrite up to a meter across. This trench con tained the only mineralization that seemed to be worth sampling at the time. Four grab samples were collected from the main trench area and shipped to ALS Chemex Test ing Services in Val-d'or Quebec for Platinum, Palladium and Gold analyses. Tools and equipment used in this project included. A Chevrolet 3/4 ton four wheel drive pickup truck with a flat bed tandem wheeled trailer to transport the 4 wheel drive ATV and numerous small hand tools such as hammer, sledge, grub hoe, shovel, axe etc. RESULTS: The samples assayed values in the following metals. Assay Data converted to parts per billion ( ppb ) Samples GS-04-05 GS-04-06 GS-04-07 GS-04-08 Gold 229 ppb 27 ppb 57 ppb 38 ppb Platinum *^5 ppb *^5 ppb ^ppb ^ppb Palladium < 1 ppb < 1 ppb 242 ppb 120 ppb Sample GS-04-05 Dark fine grained altered wall rock possibly gabbro with \ or 2 07o disseminated chalcopyrite in grab sample. Sample GS-04-06 White Quartz with half inch wide chalcopyrite vein comprising 10 or 15 "/o of grab sample. Sample GS-04-07 Massive Sulphide within grab sample composed of 30 "/a Pyrrhotite, 2007o Chal copyrite and 50 "/o White quartz. Sample GS-04-08 Massive Sulphide grab sample composed of 90 "/o Pyrrhotite, REMARKS: Qtz-Carbonate. Previous operators have sporadically examined this property with some what out dated survey equipment as compared to todays. The diamond drilling activity has most likely tested the obvious mineralized quartz veining on the property and at only shallow depths. No IP geophysical or advanced survey work has yet been performed on the property and the claims have never been backhoe trenched. The immediate area should definitely be investigated for signs of white albite alteration such a recently discovered zone on the Salo Lac Panache property contains abundant cobaltite proving to be a new type of host for such mineralization. Recent discovery of such alteration has uncovered cobalt mineralization which mayindicate the presence of a deposit of potential economic significance. Albitization and associated mineralization appears to follow lithological contacts but it is also known to be spatially related to the regional faults in the area. The discovery of highly anomalous Palladium and Gold values warrants further investigation and prospecting of the gabbroic rocks on the northern half of the claim as well as its contact with the underlying Huronian sediments. The stratigraphy is more complex than previously indicated and lack of exposure makes interpretation and prospecting difficult. The property presents considerable potential for discovery of Platinum, Palladium, Gold, Copper, Nickel and Cobalt. Dates Worked on Project: September l to September 15, 2003. Total ^ 6 days Names and address of workers: Gordon Richard Salo Box 46 site 12 RR#1 Whitefish Ontario POM3EO So toO ira l ^ ro l/i C f Vp, t (f] J x -p r O P J V) P l M o 0 4- ^ 3/ r (A •••/V-. j. •-" m yfft- ei GL V *V* Lo r *x^*o -4 o-C 06 S Ontario Geological Survey Map 2360 Sudbury-Manitoulin LEGEND PHANEROZOIC Scale, l inch (o 200 miles CENOZOIC* N.T.S. Reference 411 QUATERNARY r PLEISTOCENE AND RECENT 34 34a 34b 34c 34d Unsubdivided. Gravel. Sand. Clay. silt. Swamp deposits. UNCONFORMITY QUIRKE LAKE GROUP Serpent Formation PALEOZOIC — 14 14s — 14b ORDOVICIAN-SILURIAN* Unsubdivided. QuartZ'fetdspar sandstone, calcareous sandstone. Siltstone, calcareous siltstone, silly limestone. I4c Conglomerate. ————— 13 Unsubdivided. 33 33a Manitoulin formation. —————— 33b Georgian Bay formation. 33c Whitby formation. 33d Lindsay formation. 33e Verulam formation. 331 Bobcaygeon formation. 33g Gull River formation. 33h Basal beds. Espanola Formation 859) 13 efKJ 13a 85H 13b 13c UNCONFORMITY PRECAMBRIAN Bruce Formation rp Unsubdivided. GRENVILLE PROVINCE MIDDLE TO LATE PRECAMBRIAN FELSIC PLUTONIC ROCKS 3! Unsubdivided. 3?a Gneissic and miomatilic quartz monzonite, Granodiorite, tonalite. 3!b Pegmatite. PARAGNEISS AND METASEDIMENTS 30 Unsubdivided. 30a Biotite gneiss and migmatite bio tite gneiss. 30b Quartz-feldspar gneiss. 30c Metacong/omerate. 30d Calcareous metasediments, paraamphibolite and pyroxene-bearing gneiss. 30e Orthoquartzite, muscovitic quart zose gneiss. 301 Migmatitic quartz-feldspar gneiss. FAULT CONTACT LATE PRECAMBRIAN MAFIC INTRUSIVE ROCKS ?S Diabase, olivine diabase dikes.c Aegirine-Riebeckite-Feldspar Fenite B 37a Nemos Lake fenite, m !7b Kus/t Lake fenite. Conglomerate. 12b Quartz-feldspar sandstone. 12c Siltstone, calcareous siltstone, greywacke. LOCAL DISCONFORMITY HOUSH LAKE GROUP Mississagi Formation It Unsubdivided. 110. Quartz-feldspar sandstone, quirt! sandstone. tib Siltstone, argillite, greywacke. 1lc Conglomerite, 11d Hemotitic micaceous sandstone. Pecors Formation to Unsubdivided. lOa Siltstone, argillite, greywacke. tOb Quartz-feldspar sandstone, con glomeratic sandstone. Ramsay Lake Formation 9 Unsubdivided. 9a Conglomerate, ab Quartz-feldspar sandstone. PC Siltstone, greywacke. LOCAL DISCONFORMITY SOUTHERN PROVINCE 28 Ampftibolite. metagabbro, lamprophyre dikes. Unsubdivided. Limestone, dolostone. Siltstone, greywacke. Quartz-feldspar sandstone. trap, ELLIOT LAKE GROUP McKim Formation 8 Unsubdivided. 8a Laminated argillite, siltstone. Sb Greywacke, siltstone. Se Quartz-feldspar sandstone, silty sandstone. Matinenda Formation g 7 Unsubdivided. S 7a Quartz-feldspar sandstone, conSI glomeratic and silty sandstone. 7b Siltstone, argillite. 7c Polymictic conglomerate. 7d Quartz-pebble conglomerate. SYMBOLS Geological boundary, position interpreted. Geological boundary, position assumed. Lineament or fault. Grenville front Boundary fault. Anticline, syncline with plunge. Motor road, provincial highway number encircled where applicable. Other road. Railway with station, siding or similar facility. Aircraft landing facilities. District boundary, approximate location only. Township boundary, meridian or base line approximate position only. Altitude in feet above mean sea level. Past producer. (DOLE TO LATE PRECAMBRIAN MONGOWIN PLUTON 26a Peridotite, pyroxenite, amphibolite. 26b Quartz diorite. Sfc Trondhjemite, granophyric trondh jemite. EDEN LAKE PLUTONS 25 Unsubdivided. SSa Trondhjemite, minor quartz mon zonite, granodiorite, syenite. 25b Diorite. 25c Gabbro. GRENVILLE FRONT PLUTONS (Killarney. Chief Lake, Bell Lake Plutons) 24 Unsubdivided. 24a Quartz monzonite, quartz diorite, granodiorite and minor trondhje mite, tonalite, pegmatite, aplite and granite. 24b Cataclastic quartz monzonite, quartz diorite, granodiorite.. 24c Agmatitic and migmatitic quartz monzonite, granodiorite, quartz diorite. Copper Cliff Formation -] ea Massive and flow-layered rhyolite, .y dacite. ^i 56 Quartz-feldspar porphyry, crystal tuff. Se Felsic pyroclaslics-lithic tuff and breed*. td Metabasalt. 6e Greywacke. 6f Stobie Formation f 5 Unsubdivided. K 5a Massive amygdaloidal, and pillowed E mettbasatl. 5b Porphyritic metabfsalt. 5c Fragmental mafic metavolcanics; luff, breccia, agglomerate. 5d Mafic schist. 5e Argillite, siltstone and greywacke, commonly containing sulphide minerals. 5f Aluminous (staurolite, muscovite, garnet) metapelite. Sg Quartz-feldspar sandstone. Salmay Lake Formation'' Massive, amygdaloidal, and pil lowed metabasaft. Fragmental mafic metavolcanics, tuff, agglomerate. MIDDLE PRECAMBRIAN SUDBURY NICKEL IRRUPTIVE Granophyre gjSRHHI 23 Unsubdivided. jj&fffmSi 23a Felsic granophyre. V^SnHBB 236 Mafic granophyre. 4c Siltstone, greywacke. 4d Quartz-feldspar sandstone, fine grained orthoquartzite. 4e Conglomerate. Elsie Mountain Formation Norite 22 Unsubdivided. 22a Felsic norite, gabbro, quartz norite and gabbro. 22b Mafic norite and gabbro. 22c Sublayer and offset dike rocks. INTRUSIVE CONTACT WHITEWATER GROUP Onaping Formation 21 Unsubdivided. 21a Coarse breccia. 21b Fine to medium breccia (ash-lapillituff). 2lc Medium to coarse breccia (lapilli- 3 Unsubdivided. 3a Massive, amygdaloidal, and pil lowed metabasalt. 3b Porphyritic metabasalt. 3c Fragmental mafic metavolcankstuff, breccia. 3d Mafic schist. 3e Siltstone, greywacke. 3f Aluminous (staurolite, muscovite, garnet) metapelite. 3rj Quartz-feldspar sandstone. MAFIC INTRUSIVE ROCKS GABBRO ANORTHOSITE PLUTONS AND MAFIC DIKES Amphibolite. Gabbro, melagabbro. Anorthositic gabbro and metagab bro, gabbroic anorthosite. Syenite, granophyric granite. Amphibolite, metagabbro. and por phyritic metagabbro dikes.* NIPISSING DIABASE 20 Unsubdivided. 20a Hornblende metagabbro, amphibo\lite. 20b pyroxene gabbro. 20c Granophyric gabbro, granophyre. CREIGHTON PLUTON 19 Unsubdivided. 19a Quartz monzonite, hybrid granitic rocks. I9b Granite. INTRUSIVE CONTACT HURONIAN SUPERGROUP COBALT GROUP Bar River Formation IS ISa IBb 1Sc Felsic dikes and small felsic intru sions. Unsubdivided. Orthoquartzite. Hematitic siltstone. Hematitic sandstone. INTRUSIVE CONTACT 15a Conglomerate. 15b Argillite, siltstone, greywacke. I5c Quartz-feldspar sandstone. LOCAL DISCONFORMITY 2. 3. 4. 5. Clarabelle pit.................Nickel, copper Creighton mine............... Nickel, copper Copper Cliff North mine...... .Nickel, copper Copper Cliff South mine....... Nickel, copper 6. Lawson quarry .............,......... .Silica 7. Victoria mine ................ .Nickel, copper S. Panache Lake Quartz Ltd. ................ Silica PAST PRODUCERS 3. Aer Nickel Corp. Ltd. Kidd Copper mine ..... . ...... Nickel, copper 10. Birch Island quarry. ................... .Stone 1 1. Bousquet mine........... ............... Gold 12. Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd. Lockerby property............. Nickel, copper 13. IndusminUd. Killarney quarry..................... .Silica International Nickel Co. of Canada Ltd., The 14. 15. Copper Cliff mine............ .Nickel, copper Copper Cliff No. 1 mine....... .Nickel, copper 1 e. 17. Copper Cliff No. 2 mine.. ..... .Nickel, copper Chicago (Inez) mine.......... .Nickel, copper 18. Crean Hill mine.... .......... .Nickel copper 19. 20. Ellen pit.................... .Nickel, copper Evans mine................. .Nickel, copper 21. Gertrude mine............... .Nickel, copper 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Howland mine.............. ..Nickel, copper Mcintyre mine............... .Nickel, copper North Star mine..... ........ .Nickel, copper Totten mine.....,............Nickel, copper Vermilion mine.. .. .......... .Nickel, copper Worthington mine............ .Nickel, copper Long Lake mine......................... Gold McMillian mine..... ....................Gold Shakespeare mine....................... Gold Sheguiandah quarry..... . .......,..... .Silica Spanish River Mines Ltd.. ............ .Copper For mineral occurrences in the map area consult Chart A, accompanying the Sudbury-Manitoulin report. UNCONFORMITY FELSIC PLUTONIC ROCKS BIRCH LAKE BATHOLITH ; Unsubdivided. la Quartz monzonite, minor grano diorite and granite, and gneissic equivalents. 1b le Granodiorite, quartz diorite. Migmatitic and gneissic hybrid quartz monzonite,andgranodiorite, diorite. Only the thickest and most extensive Cenozoic de posits in which bedrock outcrops are absent or scarce are shown. Gowganda Formation 15 Unsubdivided. 1. IndusminUrJ. Badoety Island quarry. .............,. .Silica International Nickel Co. of Canada Ltd., The SUPERIOR PROVINCE EARLY PRECAMBRIAN Gordon Lake Formation Lorrain Formation 16 Unsubdivided. 16a Feldspathic sandstone. 16b Micaceous and hematitic sand stone. 16c Orthoquartzite, aluminous ortho quartzite. 16d Quartz-jasper pebble conglomer ate. 16e Siltstone, silly sandstone. PRODUCERS Formation subdivisions of the Phanerozoic rocks are according to Liberty (1973). c''Malic dikes that intrude rocks ol the Grenville Prov ince may be younger than diabase dikes cutting the Huronian rocks of the Southern Province. The Salmay Lake Formation is probably approxi mately correlative with the Stobie and Elsie Mountain Formations. 9Most of the mafic dikes cutting the Early Precam brian rocks of the Superior Province are probably of pre-Huronian age, although some are undoubtedly correlative with the post-Huronian Nipissing Diabase and late amphibolite, trap, and lamprophyre dikes. Where in places a formation is too narrow lo show colour, and must be represented in black, a short black bar appears in the appropriate legend block. Ontario Geological Survey Map 236O SOURCES OF INFORMATION Geology by K. D. Card, 1965-73. Additional information from published maps of the Geological Survey of Canada and the Ministry of Natural Resources (ODM) and unpublished maps by F. W. Chandler, J. fi. Henderson, S. B. Lumbers and maps of mining companies. Aeromagnetic maps Geological Survey of Canada, IStSG, 15I6G, 1517G, 1522G, 1S23G and ODM-GSC 2270G, Cartography by D. G. James and assistants. Surveys and Mapping Branch, 1976. Base maps derived from maps of the Forest Resources Inventory, Surveys and Mapping Branch, with addi tional information by K. O. Card. Magnetic declination in the area varied from 7*30'W in the western part to efSffW in the eastern part in 1970. EXCELLENCE IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY ALS Canada Lid. 212 Brooksbank Avenue North Vancouver BC V7J 2C1 Canada Phone: 604 984 0221 Fax: 604 984 0218 SAMPLE PREPARATION CERTIFICATE VO04015201 Project: PANACHE P.O. No.: This report is for 8 Rock samples submitted to our lab in Val d'Or, Quebec, Canada on 15-MAR-2004. The following have access to data associated with this certificate: ALS CODE DESCRIPTION WEI-21 LOG-22 Received Sample Weight Sample login - Red w/o BarCode Fine crushing - 7007o <2mm Split sample - riffle splitter Pulverize split to 8507o ^5 um CRU-31 SPL-21 PUL-31 GORDON SALO To: Page: 1 Date: 2-APR-2004 Account: SALGOR To: SALO GORDON SITE 12, BOX 46 RR1 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES ALS CODE DESCRIPTION INSTRUMENT PGM-ICP23 Pt, Pd, Au 30g FA ICP ICP-AES SALO GORDON ATTN: GORDON SALO SITE 12, BOX 46 RR1 This is the Final Report and supersedes any preliminary report with this certificate number. Results apply to samples as submitted. All pages of this report have been checked and approved for release. Signature: To: SALO GORDON SITE 12, BOX 46 RR1 EXCELLENCE IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY ALS Canada Lid. 212 BrooksbankAvenue North Vancouver BC V7J 2C1 Canada Phone: 604 984 0221 Project: PANACHE Fax: 604 984 0218 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS WEI-21 PGM-ICP23 PGM-ICP23 PGM-ICP23 RacvdWt kg 0.02 Au ppm 0.001 Pt ppm 0.005 Pd ppm 0.001 GS-04-01 GS-04-02 GS-04-03 GS-04-04 GS-04-05 1.21 0.68 2.45 0.54 0.92 0.021 0.013 0.212 0.233 0.229 0.035 0.013 0.256 0.176 O.005 GS-04-06 GS-04-07 GS-04-08 0.50 1.38 1.89 0.027 0.057 0.038 0.005 0.006 0.006 Sample Description Method Analyte Units LOR ^. •:0.001 0.242 0.120 Page: 2-A Total # Pages: 2 (A) Date: 2-APR-2004 Account: SALGOR ^ VO04015201 To: EXCELLENCE IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY ALS Canada Ltd. 212 Brooksbank Avenue North Vancouver BC V7J 2C1 Canada Phone: 604 984 0221 Fax: 604 984 0218 SALO GORDON SITE 12, BOX 46 RR1 WITHEFISH ON POM 3EO Page 1 of 1 INVOICE NUMBER 1083685 ANALYSED FOR QUANTITY CODE DESCRIPTION BILLING INFORMATION Certificate: Account: Date: Project: P.O. No.: Quote: Terms: 1 8 9.55 8 V004015201 SALGOR 1-APR-2004 BAT-01 PREP-31 PREP-31 PGM-ICP23 UNIT PRICE Administration Fee Crush, Split, Pulverize Weight Charge (kg) - Crush, Split, Pulverize Pt, Pd, Au 30g FA ICP 30.00 6.00 0.25 TOTAL 15.00 30.00 48.00 2.39 120.00 SUBTOTAL (CAD) S 200.39 GST R100938885 S 14.03 TOTAL PAYABLE (CAD) S 214.42 PANACHE Net 30 Days C3 Comments: To: SALO GORDON ATTN: GORDON SALO SITE 12, BOX 46 RR1 WITHEFISH ON POM 3EO Please Remit Payments To : ALS Chemex 212 Brooksbank Avenue North Vancouver BC V7J 2C1 Canada ONTMIO MINISTRY OF NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT AND MINES Work Report Summary Transaction No: W0470.00605 Recording Date: 2004-APR-19 Work Done from: 2003-SEP-01 Approval Date: 2004-APR-26 to: Status: APPROVED 2003-SEP-15 Client(s): 191069 SALO, GORDON RICHARD Survey Type(s): ASSAY PROSP Work Report Details: Claim* S Perform Perform Approve Applied Applied Approve Assign Assign Approve Reserve S2.000 52,000 52,000 52,000 SO 0 SO SO 2009-APR-20 S2.000 52,000 52,000 S2.000 50 SO SO SO 1214966 External Credits: Reserve Approve Due Date SO Reserve: SO Reserve of Work Report#: W0470.00605 SO Total Remaining Status of claim is based on information currently on record. 41I05SE2020 2.27535 2004-Apr-29 13:20 armstrong-d FOSTER 900 Page 1 of 1 Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Ontario Ministers du Developpement du Nord et des Mines GEOSCIENCE ASSESSMENT OFFICE 933 RAMSEY LAKE ROAD, 6th FLOOR SUDBURY, ONTARIO P3E 6B5 Date: 2004-APR-27 Tel: (888)415-9845 Fax:(877)670-1555 GORDON RICHARD SALO SITE 12, BOX 46 R.R. #1 WHITEFISH, ONTARIO P3E 4N3 CANADA Submission Number: 2.27535 Transaction Number(s): W0470.00605 Dear Sir or Madam Subject: Approval of Assessment Work We have approved your Assessment Work Submission with the above noted Transaction Number(s). The attached Work Report Summary indicates the results of the approval. At the discretion of the Ministry, the assessment work performed on the mining lands noted in this work report may be subject to inspection and/or investigation at any time. If you have any question regarding this correspondence, please contact [email protected] or by phone at (705) 670-5856. BRUCE GATES by email at Yours Sincerely, for Ron C. Gashinski Senior Manager, Mining Lands Section Gc: Resident Geologist Gordon Richard Salo (Claim Holder) Assessment File Library Gordon Richard Salo (Assessment Office) Visit our website at Page: 1 Correspondence 10:19333 Mining Land Tenure Map Date l Tims of Issue; Won Apr 26 13:53:18 EOT 2004 448000E 449000E 4S3000E '*y 454000E 456000E 4S7000E 4SBOOOE TOWNSHIP l AREA FOSTER PLAN G-3192 ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICTS l DIVISIONS Mining Division Land Titles/Registry Division Ministry of Natural Resources District Sudbury SUDBURY SUDBURY Land Tenure TOPOGRAPHIC St^lMCW Aim MHHnu Itlqhu -f. Buriire* HwM* Ovily il u"* ill s™" i^jjj LflmtLoWPi TOW! LAND TENURE WITHDRAWALS Odnr In fttwtRif Wthdnffc-ol f IMPORTANT NOTICES LAND TENURE WITHDRAWAL DESCRIPTIONS o Ul M to "d O CO H M 466000E to O General Information and Limitations o st fteotatfy 0(1 BO, II Ilw Mmtslfy "l Ntllwl tfeaou Cwfl- Aho tQflom ttn) tanure- avtJ tooJ UKU) ttwri "sslret c-r (trohM Neu wlri' to s la (a mkilrv tlatim irn^ "*l idwWififfli 7y|ia Dft w Dflwrlpiltin 7811 W*m J*n1,200i SSC.42/70BRO. 1 TBw fm WTtm Warn *in i. Bijiii tan t. 2WI noociiN© Etev*i PfOtwuwl Dump 3^ W-LL-F*'IU WOT Pol) J6, J004 -.-d Wol-'rHllff^W*. Wu Ow la 11*1 E eEC,aJ,.ei)w,jft'SENEr( 12.12^5 G,R,O-
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