Sample Sizes for Attributes Inspection When Strata are Heterogeneous John L. Jaech and Marian Donoho International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, Austria ABSTRACT that at least one of the M/yx defects that are hypothesized to exist among the N population (or stratum) items will be contained in the sample of size n. This statement implies that IAEA attributes inspection is generally based on zero-acceptance number sampling plans. Such plans require a minimum amount of inspection which is an important consideration when inspection resources are limited. The formula that is in common usage at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) when calculating sample sizes for inspection by attributes is based on the assumption that the stratum in question is homogeneous with respect to element/isotope weight, i.e., all items in the stratum have the same weight. In practice, this assumption is generally invalid to some extent. This paper examines the effect of heterogeneity in item weights on the probability of detection, and indicates how sample sizes might be altered to account for the heterogeneity. After considering the simplest type of heterogeneity that occurs when the item weights cluster tightly about a small number of modal points, a more general pattern of heterogeneity is examined. Modifications to the sample sizes to account for this general pattern are derived based on a specific diversion strategy. A number of numerical results are presented in the form of plots relating sample size to mean item weight and to the scatter in item weights. An important feature of the sample size formula is its simplicity. The IAEA inspectors quickly commit the formula to memory through repeated usage. The sample size calculation itself is very simple with the aid of a pocket calculator. Notwithstanding the widespread application of formula (1), it is not without potential shortcomings. One question that has reoccurred on frequent occasions is the impact of heterogeneity in item weights on the validity of the formula. Formula (1) is based on the assumption that all item weights are equal to x, although it is realized in practice that this is never exactly true. One purpose of stratification is to limit the scatter in the item weights within each stratum so that formula (1) yields the sample size that will guarantee a detection probability of 1-|3. INTRODUCTION In calculating inspection sample sizes for the detection of gross/partial defects by attributes inspection, the formula in common usage at the IAEA is of the form where y = 1 for gross defects and is some value less than one for partial defects. In (1), (3 is the nondetection probability, x is the mean item weight (element or isotope), M is the goal amount, N the number of items in the stratum, and n the sample size. In practice, limitations on the number of strata that can be reasonably accommodated result in strata that may well be quite heterogeneous with respect to item weights. This introduces concern about the validity of applying the sample size formula (1), and about how sample sizes should be calculated to provide the desired detection probability if the degree of heterogeneity is excessive. Of course, a basic question to consider is just how much heterogeneity can be tolerated without concern, i.e., how much is "excessive". Formula (1) has been applied virtually since the beginning of IAEA inspections. It is based on an approximation to the hypergeometric probability density function and is the sample size needed to assure with probability (1 - |3) In addressing the question, a particular type of heterogeneity is examined first with respect to its effect on the sample size detection probability question. The type of heterogeneity in question is that in which n/N = (1 - P (1) 173 respect to permissible variation in item weights within a stratum on the one hand, and problems of implementation and data evaluation that are associated with moderately large heterogeneity in item weights on the other hand. In practice, item weights within a stratum may vary by a considerable amount. A particular pattern of heterogeneity is considered here. individual item weights may cluster tightly around a small number of mean weights. This would occur, e.g., when two or more homogeneous strata that differ only in mean item weights are combined into a single stratum in order to reduce the number of strata. The obvious solution to the sample size problem in this instance is to compute the total sample size by summing the sample sizes calculated separately for each "sub-stratum". Under appropriate assumptions, this is equivalent to simply calculating the sample size for the combined stratum. However, the detection probability is not necessarily > (1-0), as will be illustrated. Characterize this specific pattern as one in which item weights are clustered around m modal points. In the limiting case, Nj items have item weight xj; i = 1, 2, ..., m. In essence, the stratum consists of m sub-strata. Without loss of generality, set y = 1 in formula (1), in which case the sample size in substratum i would be The major focus of the paper is to consider a general pattern of heterogeneity in item weights in which the heterogeneity is characterized by the standard deviation in stratum item weights. No further distributional assumptions are made. A conservative approach is to insert some value other than x in formula (1), where this value exceeds x by some amount, the amount depending on the value of the standard deviation. This conservative approach assumes inherently that the adversary will choose to falsify the items with the largest weights, thus minimizing the number of items that need be falsified. The increased sample size may be quite excessive, but the desired detection probability of (1-P) should be virtually guaranteed. nj and £ nj is the total sample size. For small ij/M, say x^/M < 0.1 as is often the case, the following approximation holds: (1 - P>*i/M) * - (Xi/MHnp (3) so that Another approach is to assume a random strategy for the adversary, one in which he selects items to falsify at random from the stratum, stopping when the sum of the selected item weights equals or exceeds the goal amount. One benefit of this approach from the adversary's viewpoint is that the particular items that are defected are completely unpredictable to the inspector, and he must therefore tailor his sampling plan to cover all possibilities. It is also noted that this model is certainly a reasonable one in a non- adversarial situation in which the defects are the results of mistakes in the records as opposed to data falsifications. In this situation, it is entirely reasonable to assume that the defected items are selected at random. (4) Now, the stratum average is m (5) = I and it is noted that if x In the next section, the pattern of heterogeneity in which individual item weights cluster about a small number of mean weights is considered. In the section to follow, the effect of a general pattern of heterogeneity is examined. and N = are used in formula (1), the sample size is - pX/M> CMJSTKK HETEKOGKNKITY Whenever strata are created within some component of a material balance, decisions must be made regarding the definition of specific criteria for stratification. The IAKA has developed guidelines for stratification in attempting to strike a compromise between the excessively large number of strata that would result in the event of rigid criteria with - ififi I NjXi (6) which is identical to (4). Thus, the sample size for the stratum is the same as the total sample size for m pseudo- substrata. A numerical example may enhance 174 understanding of this result. Table 1 gives the frequency distribution for grams pluLonium in containers of mixed oxide powders. The frequencies are given in terms of Nj/N. for P = 0.05, the sample size calculations are also indicated in the table. The goal amount, M = 8000 g Pu. T a b l e PATTKKN OK In Table 1, a l l N^ itenis in substratum i are assumed to have the same item weight. . In generalizing the heterogeneity pattern, this assumption is no longer made. Rather, the heterogeneity is characterized by the standard deviation in stratum item weights. No other distributional assumptions are made, i.e., the density function for item weights is not specified. 1 Frequency Distribution of Grains Plutonium in Containers of MOX Powder As previously indicated, for this general model a random strategy is assumed for the adversary. Items to falsify (defects) are selected at random from the stratum, this process continuing until the goal amount is achieved. Nj/N 700-800 600- 700 500-600 400-500 300-400 200-300 100- 200 0-100 Pu. 750 650 550 450 350 250 150 50 0.28 0.30 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.20 0.06 0.02 1.00 0.2486 0.2160 0..1861 0..1551 0..1228 0.0893 0.0546 0.0185 0..0696 0..0648 0.0186 0.0031 0..0024 0..0179 0..0033 0.0004 0.1801 Under this assumption the number of defects among the N items is a random variable, denoted by Z. The distribution of 2 is difficult to determine, but it may be inferred by proceeding as follows. For a given value of Z, denoted by zj, the probability that the sum of the item weights exceeds M may be calculated assuming, (by appealing to the Central Limit Theorem) that this sum is normally distributed. Let this probability be denoted by fz{- For the next integer, the corresponding probability is Pzi_l, and hence, the probability that Z = Zi is qzi = pzi - Pzi.iThen, for given zj, the nondetection probability is approximately The stratum average item weight is 536 g From (1), n/N = (1 - pS36/8°°°) = 0.1819 as compared with n/N = 0.1801 pseudo-substrata. NKTK.WC l-'NK IT Y when forming the (1 - n/N) l = a * It is noted that although the total sample size is essentially the same whether or not the substrata are actually formed, the item weights for the items sampled at random from the entire stratum will not have the same frequency distribution as indicated in the last column of Table 1 except on an expectation basis. For example, the expected number of items sampled that have item weights between 700-800 g Pu is 0.0696N; the actual number sampled may be quite different. For example, if N = 100, on the average 7 items would be sampled from this substratum. The actual number sampled in a given realization of the sample could easily range between 3 and 12. The overall nondetection probability is then z v I qzi a (8) and a is found by trial and error such that the indicated sum is <_ P. This process is illustrated. data, For the Table 1 x = 536 g Pu The conclusion with respect to combining the substrata into a single stratum and selecting the n items at random from this single stratum may be stated from another equivalent perceptive. s = 220 g Pu and also, Conclusion: (7) If sampling is performed within each substratum by repeated application of formula (1), the overall nondetection probability probability is P independent of how the defects may be distributed. If sampling is performed within the overall stratum, then the expected nondetection probability is P; the actual probability may be cither greater than or less than p. M = 8000 g Pu. (It is noted that x and s, being population values rather than sample values should be replaced by M and a respectively. The results are, of course, independent of the notation, and since the accepted notation at the IAEA for a stratum average weight is x, the notation is preserved in this discussion. for 175 = 13, say. p l3 = Prob( I mean item weight, the sample size given by application of equation (1) is actually slightly larger than needed to achieve the desired value of P. Only when the standard deviation exceeds roughly 80 % of the mean need additional items be inspected. Xi > M) = Prob(t /13s = Prob(t > 1.301). where t is N<0,1). From a table of the standardized normal distribution function, P13 = 0.097. For z A simple example will serve to explain this phenomenon. Consider the case where M/x = 4 and c = 0. In this case, all items in the stratum weigh M/4 units (e.g., g Pu) and no matter which items are included in the random sample, exactly 4 would have to be falsified to accumulate to the goal amount, H. Now suppose that c is just slightly larger than 0, i.e., s it 0 but is small relative to x. Then the required number of items needed to accumulate to M units is either 4 or 5, and each value of Z is equally likely. Thus, with probability 0.5, Z = 4 and the required sample size is the same as that required for s = c = 0. But also with probability 0.5, Z = 5, and the required sample is smaller than that needed for s = c = 0 , there being more defects in the population. Thus, on an expectation basis, the required sample size is actually smaller for c > 0 by some amount that it is for c = 0. At some point, however, at about c = s/x = 0.8, the required sample size is greater than for c = 0 because the standard deviation of Z becomes so large relative to its mean. It is noted that c ^ 0.8 corresponds to a stratum with a considerable degree of heterogeneity, and very few strata have coefficients of variation that exceed 0.8. =14, i P14 = Prob(t > --JUX) = Prob(t > 0.603) = 0.273 vO4~ s Since 0.097 is the probability that the goal amount would be exceeded by the sum of the weights of 13 randomly selected items, and 0.273 is the corresponding probability for 14 items, the probability that z = 14 is Pl4 0.176 In this way the probability distribution of the random variable Z is inferred. Some small scale simulations were performed with good results to verify the validity of this approach to finding the distribution of Z. Now, for a given value of Z - zj, detection probability is approximately SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS non- the A computer program was written to permit calculation of a large number of results. The results are displayed in graphical form, Figures (l)-(4). In the figures, "SQ" refers to a significant quantity, the usual value for M in the previous discussion. The parameter c is the ratio s/x, i.e., is the coefficient of variation. The parameter re is the ratio of the sample size for given c to that given by formula (1), i.e., at c = 0. Two approaches were used to study the effect of heterogeneity in item weights on required inspection sample sizes for attributes inspection. In the event that item weights are clustered tightly around a number of modal points, the overall sample size found by forming pseudo-substrata as defined by the modal points is essentially the same as that found for the overall stratum when the stratum average item weight is used in the sample size formula (1). When sample items are selected randomly from the entire stratum, the detection probability is (1 - p) on an expectation basis, although in a given realization of the sample, the detection probability is a function of the diversion strategy. If the sample items were to be drawn at random from each of the pseudo-substrata by applying formula (1) to each substratum m, then the detection probability is essentially (1 - P) independent of the diversion strategy. Under the assumption that it is appropriate to calculate the detection probability on an expectation basis, it is valid to apply formula (1) to the entire stratum in spite of the degreee of heterogeneity when the item weights exhibit the "cluster" pattern of heterogeneity. Rather surprisingly, perhaps, the analysis shows that for values of the standard deviation of item weights that are as large as 80 % of the For a more general pattern of heterogeneity characterized by the coefficient of variation, c = s/x, and for a diversion strategy in which - n/N)Zi (9) Since Z = zj with probability qz,, the overall expected nondetection probability, P, is equal to the sum z i (10) For a desired value of |3, equation (10) may be solved by trial and error for the fractional sample size, n/N. 176 weights. This conclusion holds as long as it is judged satisfactory to characterize detection probabilities on an expectation basis. Otherwise, one can as one alternative form the pseudo substrata indicated in the discussion on the cluster pattern of heterogeneity and inspect the appropriate number of items from each substratum by repeated application of formula (1). This obviously may greatly increase the inspection planning implementation, and evaluation effort. As another alternative, given inspection resources, the conservative approach of adjusting x upwards to characterize the items with the large weights may be utilized. Of course, it would be necessary in this latter instance to randomly sample the items from the entire stratum, and not just inspect those with the largest item weights. The required sample size with this conservative approach might well exceed that given by formula (1) by a large amount. items are selected at random until the goal amount is attained, an algorithm was developed that gives the sample size needed to achieve the required detection probability on an expectation basis. The necessary computer software was developed and calculations performed for a large number of cases. The results indicate that even for reasonably large values of s/x, i.e., as large as 0.8, the sample size is actually smaller for the heterogeneous stratum than for the limiting case in which s = 0. Thus, formula (1) tends to be conservative on the high side for the very few instances in which s/x becomes quite large, i.e., > 0.8. In such instances, figures (l)-(4) may be used to calculate required sample sizes. The overall major general, the commonly (1) may be applied in being concerned about f conclusion is that in used sample size formula most instances without heterogeneity in item «.l •.4 ••• Fig. Fig. 1 3 9Q/XBAH far • • ! • • • .I E 1.1 " ^_ Fig. 2 177 S
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