I herewith definitely register for the dex summer school From 005.7.to 10.7.2015 in Rottenbach _________________________________________________________ Title or Function _________________________________________________________ First- and Family name Company/Affiliation _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Address Country/Postcode/city_________________________________________________________ E-Mail / mobile phone _________________________________________________________ The total amount of EUR 350.- (no VAT) will be transferred to the bank account BLZ 70040041 Kto.333438000/ BIC COBADEFFXXX / IBAN DE91700400410333438000 Please indicate on your bank transfer document your name and the reference „dex-summer school”. __________________________________________________ Signature City date Please transfer your registration form either by fax to 0043 (0)7732/2270 or by e-mail to [email protected] Registrations will be accepted until May 15, 2015 Registration Please register until May 15, 2015 by Fax or e-mail) using the attached form. 350, - € The fee includes full board and the bus transfer for accommodation and excursions. Accommodation in double bed rooms from 05.7. – 10.7.2015 Single bed rooms additional costs: Confirmation of registration is sent after payment of € 350, - has been received. Bank account Commerzbank (Germany): BLZ 700 400 41 Kto-Nr.: 333438000 Abroad: BIC COBADEFFXXX IBAN DE91 7004 0041 0333 4380 00 Venue VTA Austria GmbH Umweltpark 1 A-4681Rottenbach / OÖ Austria dex summer school www.expertenrat.org 05.7.2015 – 10.7.2014 Costs Fee and Accommodation th 7 Water Quality Management Prof. Dr.-Ing. F.-B. Frechen Prof. Dr.-Ing. F.W.Günthert Prof. Dr. R. Haberl Prof. Dr.-Ing. N. Jardin Prof. Dr. techn. H. Kainz Prof. Dr. techn. Th. Ertl Prof. Dr. techn. N. Matsche Prof. Dr.-Ing K.-H.Rosenwinkel Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Krampe Organiser: Deutscher Expertenrat Venue : A-4681 Rottenbach, Umweltpark 1 Austria VTA Austria GmbH dex German Experts Association for Environmental Technology and Infrastructure options Goals of dex summer school Transfer of scientific background, advanced knowledge and actual experience on methodologies and technologies for water quality management as it is required to implement European Water legislation (Water Framework Directive) and is supported by new scientific research results. Seventh dex summer school 2015 Advanced course on waste water treatment Sunday, 05.July 2015 2015 Monday, 06.July 2015 Dex summer school startet in 2009 and was successfully continued since then with more than 120 young water professionals from more than 12 different countries.The 2015 program follows the strategy of maintaining basic lectures enriched with new topics of interest 8:30 – 09:00 Participants Post graduate and doctoral students (civil/ environmental engineering or similar), young water professionals from consulting companies utilities and equipment suppliers from all of Europe. Special emphasis on young professional. from the new EU and accession countries in Central and Eastern Europe (sponsoring of fee is possible with a seperate application supportet by a supervisor.) Max.~25 participants . 8:30 – 12:00 Rottenbach / Austria Progress in this trans-disciplinary field of expertise relies on a common professional language which will promote international human networking of (young) water professionals and enhance team working. The contents of the course covers: Advanced scientific background, actual knowledge,experience and practical aspects for design and operation of: sewer systems, waste water treatment plants,sludge-handling and energie management Wednesday, 08.July 2015 Anaerobic Waste-and Process Water Treatment Prof. Dr.-Ing.K.-H. Rosenwinkel Leibn.Uni.Hannover D 13.00– 16.00 Operation of WWTP Prof. Dr. techn.H.Kainz 17:00 Arrival at Geboltskirchen 19:00 – 22:00 Dinner with dex professors TU Graz A Professional excursion to WWTP Introduction Prof.Dr.-Ing.F.W. Günthert Uni Bw München D 9:00 – 12:00 Activated sludge process,design, nitri-,deni, phosphourus removal Prof. Dr. Norbert Matsché TU Wien, A 13:00 - 13.30 Introduction VTA/ Dr.hc Kubinger 13:30 – 17:30 Laboratory work Prof. Matsché /Dr. B. Auer VTA A Barbecue evening Thursday, 09.July 2015 8:30 – 11:00 Wastewater treatment in rural areas and developing countries Prof.Dr. Haberl Boku Wien A 11:00– 13.00 Membrane technology Prof. Dr.-Ing. F.-B. Frechen Uni-Kassel D 14:00 - 16:00 Tuesday, 07.July 2015 8:30 – 11:00 11.00-17.30 Secondary settling tank and sludge mass balance Prof. Dr.-Ing F.W. Günthert Uni-Bw München D Sewerage Master Plan Afternoon excursion: Cultural Linz Prof.Dr. Th.Ertl BoKu Wien A Friday, 10.July 2015 Planning and Construction of waste water treatment systems 8:30 – 11:00 -design data 11:00 – 13:30 Energy consumption and energy produktion on WWTP`s -planing and construction Prof. Dr. Ing J.Krampe TU Wien A Prof. Dr.-Ing Norbert Jardin Ruhrverband - D Sludge treatment and disposal Prof. Dr. Ing J.Krampe 13.30 – 14.30 Closing ceremony
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