Quantile Estimation – sample quantiles versus kernel quantiles PillarOne Conference, St. Gallen, September 10, 2010 Jessika Walter, PhD, Intuitive Collaboration Markus Stricker, PhD, Intuitive Collaboration Introduction • VaR, TVaR/CVaR is one of the most frequently used key figures in risk management • Solvency II: VaR 99.5% • SST: TVaR 99% • Most partial-internal and internal risk management models are Monte-Carlo simulation models • VaR has to be estimated from simulated samples Everybody talks about modeling, but • Are the key figures derived from the samples stable? • Are they biased? • How do they converge? Ultimate goal • Derive confidence intervals for VaR • Derive criteria for required sample sizes, i.e. required number of iterations PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source Aug. 29, 2008 2 Content Sample quantile estimators: Definitions Asymptotic considerations Kernel quantile estimators: Kernel density estimation Selecting the appropriate bandwidth Sample quantiles versus kernel estimators technique Conclusion and outlook PillarOne – Result Analysis and Reporting April 2, 2009 3 Quantile function Probability function f ( x) : ∫ f ( x)dx = 1, f ≥0 Cumulative distribution F ( x) : x F ( x) = ∫ f ( y )dy Q p = 0.8 −∞ Interpreta tion : X ∝ f ( x)dx ⇒ P[ X ∈ (a, b]] = F (b) − F (a ) Quantile function Q p is defined as the generalized inverse of F Q p = inf{x ∈ R : P[ X ≤ x] ≥ p} PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source Aug. 29, 2008 4 Sample quantile Assumption : 1. X 1,X 2 ,...,X N i.i.d. random variables according to X ∝ f(x)dx 2. Let x1,...,x N denote a realization of {X n }n ordered by increasing size (order statistics) Prop : Under certain assumption s, as N → ∞ the following is satisfied : 1. The stationary density fˆ (x) of {x } converges to f(x) in L1(dx). N n n 2. If Qˆ p denotes a sample quantile, then Qˆ p converges pointwise to the real quantile Q p . Popular choice : Qˆ p := x⎣ Np ⎦+1 Note: There is not a unique definition for sample quantiles and magnitude of bias highly depends on the specific choice and the underlying distribution. Sample quantiles are biased, but asymptotically unbiased: E[Qˆ p , N ] ≠ Q p for all N , PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source lim E[Qˆ p , N ] = Q p N →∞ Aug. 29, 2008 5 Illustrative Example: variability of sample quantile p=0.9 Qˆ p := x⎣ Np ⎦+1 N=10000 f(x) standard lognormal PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source Aug. 29, 2008 6 Distribution of sample quantile f(x) is standard gaussian N=1000 N=1010 N=1022 Qˆ p := x⎣ Np ⎦+1 here: p=0.95 N=1000: Np=950 N=1010: Np=959.50 N=1022: Np=970.90 PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source Aug. 29, 2008 7 Asymptotic behaviour of expectation N=[100:5:5000], p=0.95 Qˆ p := x⎣ Np ⎦+1 Np such that Np ϵ Z Np such that Np ϵ (Z+0.25) Np such that Np ϵ (Z+0.50) Np such that Np ϵ (Z+0.75) PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source Aug. 29, 2008 8 Comparison of sample quantiles (L-estimators) N=[100:5:500], p=0.95 QˆU ( p ) := x⎣ Np ⎦+1 Qˆ L ( p ) := x⎣ Np ⎦ linear interpolation between Qˆ := x and Qˆ := x U ⎣ Np ⎦ L ⎣ Np ⎦+1 Estimator of Hyndman and Fan lies between low side and high side Qˆ HF ( p) := (1 − γ ) x g + γ x g +1 PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source g = ⎣( N + 1 / 3) p + 1 / 3⎦, γ = ( N + 1 / 3) p + 1 / 3 − g Aug. 29, 2008 9 HF-estimator L-Estimator of Hyndman and Fan: Qˆ HF ( p) := (1 − γ ) x g + γ x g +1 g = ⎣( n + 1 / 3) p + 1 / 3⎦, γ = (n + 1 / 3) p + 1 / 3 − g Example with p=0.95: 1. N = 100 ⇒ Np = 95 Then p/3+1/3 = 0.65 ⇒ 3. N = 110 ⇒ Np = 104.5 ⇒ Qˆ HF = 0.35 x95 + 0.65 x96 Qˆ HF = 0.60 x100 + 0.40 x101 Qˆ = 0.85 x + 0.15 x 4. N = 115 ⇒ Np = 109.25 ⇒ Qˆ HF = 0.10 x109 + 0.90 x110 2. N = 105 ⇒ Np = 99.75 ⇒ PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source HF 105 106 Aug. 29, 2008 10 Standard error of sample quantiles N=[100:5:5000], p=0.95 Qˆ p := x⎣ Np ⎦+1 Qˆ p := x⎣ Np ⎦ Bahadur representation: PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source d Qˆ p → N (Q p , σ2 N ) with σ= p(1 − p) f (Q p ) Aug. 29, 2008 11 Kernel density estimation Let x1,x2 ,...,x N denote a sample of size N from a random variable with density f Kernel density estimate: N 1 ⎛ x − xi ⎞ fˆN ( x) = ∑ K ⎜ ⎟ Nh i =1 ⎝ h ⎠ Kernel K is nonnegative, bounded, Lipschitz function with ∫ K ( y)dy = 1, ∫ yK ( y)dy = 0, Gaussian Kernel : K ( y) = 1 exp(− y 2 / 2) 2π 2 2 y K ( y ) dy = σ >0 ∫ Convergenc e assumption : lim h = 0, N →∞ lim ( Nh) = ∞ N →∞ What is the optimal bandwidth h? PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source Aug. 29, 2008 12 Optimal global bandwidth N=1000, f(x)=N(0,1) slight oversmoothing undersmoothing for for h=0.27 h=0.05 hopt = hopt ( I ( K ), I (( f ' ' ) ), N ) = O( N 2 2 −1 / 5 ) The optimal bandwidth minimizes the asymptotic mean integrated squared error MISE = ∫ Bias( fˆh ( y )) 2 dy + ∫ Var ( fˆh ( y ))dy PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source Aug. 29, 2008 13 Illustrative Example: Optimal global bandwidth for standard Gaussian N=1000 N=5000 N=50000 h=0.27 h=0.19 h=0.12 PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source Aug. 29, 2008 14 Illustrative Example: Optimal global bandwidth for standard lognormal distribution N=1000 N=5000 N=50000 h=0.05 h=0.036 h=0.023 PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source Aug. 29, 2008 15 Distribution of kernel quantile estimator with global bandwidth σ = 0.075 σ = 0.094 Bad news: Optimal bandwidth for minimizing error in Lebesgue space is not a good candidate for quantile estimation Good news: There exists a locally adapted optimal bandwidth for quantile estimation h p = h p ( f (Q p ), f ' (Q p ), N ) = O( N −1/ 3 ) PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source Aug. 29, 2008 16 Illustrative Example: Optimal local bandwidth for p=0.9 applied to standard Gaussian sample N=1000 hopt = 0.27 h p = 0.125 PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source N=5000 N=50000 hopt = 0.19 hopt = 0.12 h p = 0.073 h p = 0.034 Aug. 29, 2008 17 Illustrative Example: Optimal local bandwidth for p=0.9 applied to standard Lognormal sample N=1000 N=50000 N=5000 hopt = 0.05 h p = 0.306 PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source hopt = 0.036 h p = 0.180 hopt = 0.023 h p = 0.130 Aug. 29, 2008 18 Asymptotic behaviour of kernel quantile estimators versus sample quantiles f(x) standard Gaussian, p=0.95 d Qˆ ker nel → N (Q p , σ2 N ), σ= PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source p (1 − p ) f (Q p ) Aug. 29, 2008 19 Conclusions and forthcoming considerations • Sample quantiles are biased and magnitude and direction depends on the selected estimator • To reduce systematic errors use L-estimators that use at least two observations • There are L-estimators that include three or more observations: one of them mixes L-estimation with kernel density estimation Kernel smoothing the order statistics : N Qˆ p , N := ∑ xi i =1 i n 1 ⎛ p−x⎞ ∫i −1 h K ⎜⎝ h ⎟⎠dx n strongly depends on choosing the optimal bandwidth one of the next tasks !!! PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source Aug. 29, 2008 20 Forthcoming considerations • Derivation of stopping criteria for required sample size: Let ε and confidence level 1-α be given : N such that for all N ≥ N we have Qˆ ∈ [Q 0 0 p p −ε , Q p +ε ] Here, the crucial problem is to estimate the function value at the quantile All of the results will be considered for the implementation in Pillar One! PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source Aug. 29, 2008 21 Contacts Dr. Markus Stricker; Partner, Managing Director +41 44 926 10 88; +41 76 423 26 67 [email protected] Dr. Jessika Walter; Consultant, Actuarial Consulting +41 44 926 14 07; +41 79 364 83 62 [email protected] Intuitive Collaboration AG; Seestrasse 16; CH-8712 Staefa PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source Aug. 29, 2008 22 Appendix: asymptotic results for lognormal PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source Aug. 29, 2008 23 Asymptotic behaviour of expectations of sample quantiles for standard Lognormal QˆU ( p ) := x⎣ Np ⎦+1 Qˆ L ( p ) := x⎣ Np ⎦ linear interpolation between Qˆ := x and Qˆ := x U Qˆ HF ( p ) := (1 − γ ) x g + γ x g +1 PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source ⎣ Np ⎦ L ⎣ Np ⎦+1 g = ⎣( N + 1 / 3) p + 1 / 3⎦, γ = ( N + 1 / 3) p + 1 / 3 − g Aug. 29, 2008 24 Standard error of sample quantiles for standard lognormal N=[100:5:5000 6000 8000 10000], p=0.95 Qˆ p := x⎣ Np ⎦+1 Qˆ p := x⎣ Np ⎦ Bahadur representation: PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source d Qˆ p → N (Q p , σ2 N ) with σ= p (1 − p ) f (Q p ) Aug. 29, 2008 25 Asymptotic behaviour of kernel quantile estimators versus sample quantiles f(x) standard Lognormal, p=0.95 d Qˆ ker nel → N (Q p , σ2 N ), σ= PillarOne – Risk Management meets Open Source p (1 − p ) f (Q p ) Aug. 29, 2008 26
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