Sample Investigation of 201216 and 201217 Boreholes in the Frame of Technical Cooperation Namibia; “Groundwater Investigation in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin“ vom 04.05. - 31.07.2009 Berichterstatter: André Walzer Auftraggeber: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) BMZ Projekt-Nr.: 2006.2073.2 BGR Projekt-Nr.: 05-2326 Datum: December 2009 Kurzfassung In dem vorliegenden Bericht wird Sedimentgestein im zentralen Norden von Namibia hydrogeologisch untersucht. Motiviert ist diese Arbeit durch die im Norden Namibias ans¨assige l¨andliche und st¨adtische Bev¨olkerung, zu deren ausreichender Versorgung mit Trinkwasser guter Qualit¨at ein wesentlicher Beitrag geleistet werden soll. Im Rahmen eines Projektes des Deutschen Bundesministeriums f¨ur wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung soll die ges¨attigte hydraulische Leitf¨ahigkeit einer s¨ußwasser¨uberlagernden Schicht abgebildet werden um anhand dessen Aussagen, u¨ ber eine m¨ogliche Verunreinigung durch Salzwasserintrusion treffen zu k¨onnen. Geophysikalische Messungen bilden die Grundlage f¨ur die Untersuchung dieser Arbeit und lassen die Existenz eines kontinuierlichen S¨ußwasseraquifers von ca. 3400 km2 Fl¨ache vermuten. Die Datenerhebung wurde in Form von drei Sp¨ulbohrungen und zwei Kernbohrungen get¨atigt. Die Proben wurden lithologisch angesprochen und im weiteren Verlauf mehreren Laboranalysen unterzogen. Dabei wurde sowohl die ges¨attigte hydraulische Leitf¨ahigkeit des Kernmaterials mit Hilfe einer Triaxzelle bestimmt, als auch der mineralogische Aufbau des Sediments, die Korngr¨oßenverteilung und die Porosit¨at. Zus¨atzlich erfolgte die Auswertung eines Pumpversuches unter Ausschluss von Beobachtungsbrunnen. Dennoch konnte die hydraulische Leitf¨ahigkeit und Transmissivit¨at der s¨ußwasserf¨uhrenden Schicht abgebildet werden. Bei hydrogeologischer Betrachtungsweise der Sedimentabfolge und unter Kombination der genannten Daten und Analyseergebnisse kann best¨atigt werden, dass ein oberer, weitgehend salziger Aquifer durch eine hydraulisch wirksame Trennschicht von einem unteren, gespannten S¨ußwasseraquifer separiert wird. Die Existenz der jeweiligen Schichten im Projektgebiet wurde f¨ur s¨amtliche aufgef¨uhrten Bohrl¨ocher ermittelt. Abschließend l¨asst sich feststellen, dass die hydraulisch wirksame Trennschicht durch die Eigenschaften eines Aquitards im oberen und unteren Bereich gekennzeichnet ist, w¨ahrend sie im Zentrum die Eigenschaften eines Grundwasserstauers widerspiegelt. V Abstract This report covers a hydrogeological investigation of sedimentary rocks in the central-north of Namibia. The study has been motivated by the rural and urban population in the north of Namibia. It is intended to provide drinking water of good quality to the resident population. In the framework of a project by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the saturated hydraulic conductivity of a layer is investigated which overlies a layer containing fresh water. It is intended to determine a possible degradation of the fresh water by intrusion of saline water. The investigation of this report has been done on the basis of geophysical measurements which indicate the existence of a continuous fresh water aquifer with a covered area of about 3400 km2 . Data acquisition has been done by means of three mud rotary drilled boreholes and two cored boreholes. Laboratory analyses were performed after lithological description of the core samples. These analyses comprise of an evaluation of the saturated hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing, determination of the porosity as well as grainsize analyses. Additionally, interpretation of pumping test in absence of observation wells provided hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity of the fresh water layer. Corresponding to all data and results of laboratory analysis, the hydrogeological succession of the sediment can be determined by an upper, mostly saline aquifer and a lower, confined fresh water aquifer which is separated by an hydraulic non-conductive layer. The existence of the relevant layers is confirmed within all drilled boreholes. Finally, it can be concluded that the separating layer is characterised by the attributes of an aquitard at the upper and lower margins whereas it shows the attributes of an aquiclude within the centre. VI Contents Kurzfassung V Abstract VI Acknowledgments VII Contents VIII List of Figures XI List of Tables XIII Abbreviations XV 1. Introduction 1.1. Background . . . . . . . 1.2. Framework of the Project 1.3. Objectives . . . . . . . . 1.4. Report Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 3 3 2. Description of the Study Site 2.1. Location & Demarcation . . . . . . . . 2.2. Natural Environment in Near-Surface . 2.2.1. Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2. Vegetation & Land Use . . . . . 2.2.3. Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3. Topography & Surface Water Drainage . 2.4. Geology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.1. Pre-Kalahari Geology . . . . . 2.4.2. Kalahari Geology . . . . . . . . 2.5. Hydrogeology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.1. Kalahari Sequence Aquifers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 11 12 13 16 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Methods & Techniques 3.1. Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1. Mud Rotary Drilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2. Core Drilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2. Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1. Evaluation of k-Value on Basis of Pressure Depending Perfusion in Triaxial Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 21 23 25 30 31 VIII 3.2.2. Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity after Darcy . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.3. Grainsize Analysis & Porosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.4. Indirect Evaluation of Hydraulic Conductivity Based on Grainsize Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.5. Mineralogy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.6. Methods for Analysation of Pumping Test Data . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Results & Interpretation 4.1. Previous Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1. TEM Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2. Boreholes Prior to TEM Investigation . . . . . 4.2. Lithological Characterisation of Mud Rotary Boreholes 4.2.1. Borehole 201045 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2. Borehole 201046 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.3. Borehole 201047 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3. Lithological Characterisation of Cored Boreholes . . . 4.3.1. Borehole 201216 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2. Borehole 201217 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4. Overview of Drilling and Logging Results . . . . . . . 4.5. Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.1. Triaxial Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6. Grainsize Analysis & Porosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.1. Grainsize Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.2. Porosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7. Mineralogy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8. Test pumping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Discussion 5.1. Hydrogeologic Estimation of Layers 5.1.1. Lateral . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.2. Vertical . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2. Aquitard or Aquiclude? . . . . . . . 5.3. Aquifer Capacity & Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 36 36 39 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 45 45 46 47 47 50 53 56 56 59 62 65 65 71 71 74 76 81 . . . . . 87 87 87 90 91 93 Bibliography 95 Appendix 99 A. Hydraulic Conductivity - Triax 100 B. Grainsize Analysis 132 C. Geophysical Measurements of Drilling Fluid 137 D. Photos 139 E. Mineralogical Report 167 IX List of Figures 1.1. Geographical location of Namibia in relation to Africa . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.1. Location of the investigation area within the CEB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2. The annual average rainfall across north-central Namibia (modified after Mendelsohn et al. (2000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3. Topography of the Cuvelai Etosha basin based on SRTM data . . . . . . . . 2.4. Simplified drainage system of Owambo basin in northern Namibia (remade after Mendelsohn et al., 2000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5. Water-bearing ”Iishana” in the Eenhana region, Namibia (May 2009) . . . . 2.6. Location of the Owambo Basin (after Miller, 1997) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7. Geological cross-section across the Owambo basin from Rucana to Tsumeb (Vertical exaggeration 1:30; Hipondoka, 2005) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8. Kunene & Cubango Megafan in relation to core-drilling boreholes (modified from Google, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9. Cross-section of the Kalahari Group Sediments in the Owambo Basin along the 16◦ 41’ longitude; Hipondoka (2005)(modified from Kempf, 2000) . . . 2.10. Aquifersystems of the CEB (abbreviated after Bittner, 2006), arrows indicate groundwater flow direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 16 17 3.1. TEM - Transient Electromagnetic Measurements within the project area . . 3.2. EDI Fluid-Finder (van Wyk, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3. Tube with core catcher holding core (top-left) & wire line - diamond coring drill bit (bottom-right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4. Drilling rig of Major drilling used for the project. Supply of rods at the bottom left. Mud pit at the bottom. 5 m3 tank of drilling fluid can be seen on the right. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5. Photo & schematic image of breadboard construction ’triaxial cell’ . . . . . 3.6. Example of recorded data during testing of hydraulic conductivity & adapting of best-fit line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 24 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 46 49 52 55 Estimated lateral extend of deeper fresh water aquifer KOH2 . . . . . . . . Litholog and geophysical log of borehole 201045 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Litholog and geophysical log of borehole 201046 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Litholog and geophysical log of borehole 201047 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Litholog of core borehole 201216 and comparison to 201045, dots point out core samples and their relevant depth, red bars refer to core loss . . . . . . 4.6. Litholog of core borehole 201216 and comparison to 201047, dots point out core samples and their relevant depth, red bars refer to core loss . . . . . . 4.7. Summary of cumulative grainsize curves of investigated core samples . . . 26 27 33 35 58 61 72 XI 4.8. Comparison of evaluated hydraulic conductivity values of samples from borehole 201216 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9. DTA-MS analysis for core samples of borehole 201216; DSC-graph (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10. SEM - Scanning Electron Microscope comparing undisturbed (l.) and dried (r.) sample containing smectite, of borehole 201216 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11. Specific capacity curves of step test pumping in 201045, -46, -47 . . . . . . 5.1. Lithology of project boreholes in relation to their location within the assumed area of the aquifer KOH2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 79 80 83 89 XII List of Tables 2.1. Stratigraphy of the Owambo basin (abbreviated after Miller, 1997) . . . . . 2.2. Stratigraphy of the Kalahari Sequence (abbreviated after Miller, 1997) . . . 12 15 3.1. Overview of field work & data collection for the project ’Groundwater Investigation in the CEB’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2. Overview of laboratory work in technical cooperation with the BGR . . . . 3.3. Depth related core samples for laboratory analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 31 32 4.1. Evaluation of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Triaxial testing - borehole 201216) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2. Evaluation of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Triaxial testing - borehole 201217) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3. Evaluation of saturated hydraulic conductivity (grainsize analysis) . . . . . 4.4. Porosity for samples of borehole 201216 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5. Mineralogical composition of core samples at 201216 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6. C-/S- analysis of core samples at 201216 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7. Summary of step drawdown test data for 201045, -46, -47 . . . . . . . . . . 4.8. Aquifer parameters evaluated on basis of test pumping . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9. Recovery analysis after constant rate pumping test for boreholes 201046 and 201047 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 68 74 75 77 78 82 85 86 XIII Abbreviations a.m.s.l. . . . . . . . . . above mean sea level BGR . . . . . . . . . . . Bundesanstalt f¨ur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe - Federal Institute for Geoscience and Natural Resources BMZ . . . . . . . . . . . Bundesministerium f¨ur wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung - Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development CEB . . . . . . . . . . . Cuvelai-Etosha Basin CEC . . . . . . . . . . . Cation Exchange Capacity DIN . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutsches Institut f¨ur Normung - German Institute for Standardization DTA-MS . . . . . . . Differential Thermal Analysis - Mass Spectrometer DWAF . . . . . . . . . . Department of Water Affairs and Forestry EC . . . . . . . . . . . . . electric conductivity EDI . . . . . . . . . . . . Exploration Drilling International GCS . . . . . . . . . . . Geographical Coordinates GWL . . . . . . . . . . . Groundwater Level ICP-OES . . . . . . . Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer IRS . . . . . . . . . . . . Infrared Spectroscopy IUPAC . . . . . . . . . International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry LOI . . . . . . . . . . . . Loss On Ignition LWL . . . . . . . . . . . Lowered Water Level - influenced WL by depression cone of well SEM . . . . . . . . . . . Scanning Electron Microscope SRTM . . . . . . . . . . Shuttle Radar Topography Mission SWL . . . . . . . . . . . Static Water Level - uninfluenced GWL TC . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Carbon TDS . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Dissolved Solids XIV TEM . . . . . . . . . . . Transient Electromagnetic TIC . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Inorganic Carbon TOC . . . . . . . . . . . Total Organic Carbon TS . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Sulphur XRD . . . . . . . . . . . X-ray diffraction XRF . . . . . . . . . . . X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer XV Chapter 1. Introduction 1. Introduction 1.1. Background Namibia is an arid to semi-arid country with high annual mean air temperatures and a low amount of precipitation. The country is very susceptible to droughts as the major amount of precipitation falls only within a few months of the year and its distribution alternates vastly. Additionally, the high potential evaporation rate inflicts high losses of water which implies that a surface water supply system is very susceptible. The Namibian population is estimated with about 2 million inhabitants in which the Cuvelai-Etosha Fig. 1.1.: Geographical location of Namibia basin (CEB) is the most densely populated part of the in relation to Africa country and one of the fastest growing areas from an economic point of view (Zauter, personal communication). The location of the CEB is demonstrated in figure 2.1 on page 5. Most of the population in the CEB live in concentrated zones where fresh water is available due to abundant water points or seasonal floods (Bittner, 2006). Since independence in 1990 a drinking water pipeline system supplies most of the population in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin with drinking water from the Kunene River/Calueque dam (Angola) in the north-west (Zauter & Katjimune, 2007). More than 3400 km of pipeline were constructed between 1990 and 2003 with about 2100 water points which are mainly storage tanks at schools and clinics as well as taps spaced along the pipelines (Bittner, 2006). Whereas the design capacity of the lined canal feeding the pipeline system was build for 6 [m3 /s] only about 2.2 [m3 /s] are pumped from the Calque dam in Angola. In other areas of the CEB more than 240 boreholes have been drilled to provide groundwater for human consumption and livestock (Bittner, 2006). While the groundwater is provided in sufficient quantity the quality varies intensely within the CEB. Prior investigations have proven that the groundwater is of better quality at the margins of the CEB while it contains a higher salinity within the center (Schildknecht, 2007). -1- 1.2 Framework of the Project Chapter 1. Introduction Wisely coordinated management of the water resources is necessary for sustainable water supply. The aim of the Namibian government is to provide access to safe drinking water for every inhabitant within a radius of 2.5 km around the living area (Bittner, 2006). The project ’Groundwater Investigation in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin’ was launched to improve the insecure condition of fresh water supply and to decrease the dependency on water from the Angolan Calueque dam. 1.2. Framework of the Project The project ’Groundwater Investigation in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin’ has a duration of 6 years and runs its first phase from October 2006 to April 2010. The project is in the framework of German-Namibian Technical Cooperation, executed between the Republic of Namibia and the Federal Republic of Germany. The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) acts on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) . The Namibian counterpart institution is the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry. For a successful operation of the envisaged objectives in water management, the understanding of the hydrogeological situation in the Cuvelai-Etosha basin is essential. The proposed project should provide the hydrogeological base information and hence contribute to (Zauter & Katjimune, 2007): • supply adequate, clean and safe water to the rural population of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin; • improve the health and standard of living of the people through the provision of a more accessible water distribution network; • increase agricultural and livestock production, and possible aquaculture; • ascertain to what extent the available water will be able to support infrastructure development including possible new growth points; • investigate possibilities of economical use of the saline groundwater; • become more independent from shared water resources. -2- 1.3 Objectives Chapter 1. Introduction 1.3. Objectives In the first phase of the project an intermediate objective is to determine the groundwater resources of the Iishana- and Nipele-subbasin in a quantitative and qualitative manner. Investigation boreholes were drilled on this account whereby fresh water was encountered in the depth of 241 m during drilling of a borehole in the Nipele-subbasin. As part of further examinations of the groundwater system in the Cuvelai-Etosha basin, geophysical investigations were performed in the relevant subbasins to receive information on the lateral distribution of the encountered fresh water (Schildknecht, 2008). A regional extend was assumed after interpretation of the geophysical data which will be referred to as the investigation area respectively project area of this report. Due to the upper reaches of the sediment which are known to comprise of saline water it was furthermore assumed that fresh water is separated from saline water by a confining or semi-confining layer which occurs with a regional extend within the project area as well. To check on the correctness of these interpretations, five boreholes were drilled in two stages. The boreholes are situated at positions of lowest interpretation error in combination with a maximum thickness of the fresh water aquifer according to the geophysical investigations. The Institute of Groundwater Management at Dresden University of Technology was appointed to supervise the second stage drilling and secure undisturbed core material for further laboratory analyses. The recovered cores are the first cores of sufficient length of the unconsolidated Kalahari sediment in Namibia and probably of the whole Kalahari basin of central and southern Africa. They offer the first opportunity to study the sedimentology of a thick section of this succession and to obtain therefrom a better understanding of its hydrogeological condition. The main objective of this investigation is thereby to determine the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the core material and give a conceptual view on the hydrogeological mechanisms of the sediment and of the separating layer in particular. It is intended to specify the separating layer in terms of being aquitard or aquiclude. This includes the implementation of other discovered results within the laboratories of the BGR such as mineralogy and grain size analysis. Lithological description of the five boreholes and geophysical investigation will be elaborated. All received information of the project area and core material is then combined in a significant context to describe the hydrogeological condition of the sediment as accurately as possible. 1.4. Report Outline Chapter 2 provides a general description of the study site and introduces the natural environment of the project area which provides the main parameters and conditions for all further modeling purposes. Thorough attention is given to the geological and hydrogeological de- -3- 1.4 Report Outline Chapter 1. Introduction scription as the main focus of this investigation is a confined layer and a deep seated fresh water aquifer. Chapter 3 presents the methods and techniques used within this work. Data acquisition in terms of field and laboratory work is described. The methods of data evaluation for hydrogeological parameters and the content of the core material are introduced within this chapter as this investigation covers interdisciplinary aspects of research. Chapter 4 presents the received results of all methods and techniques described in this report. This is the main part of the work and more information is presented as the results are interpreted and analysed within their subchapters. Critical inspection on possible analysing errors of the applied methods are seen in context to the received results. The last chapter (chapter 5) combines the presented and interpreted results in a coherent context to determine the hydrogeological condition of the project area from a conceptual point of view. -4- Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site 2. Description of the Study Site 2.1. Location & Demarcation The Cuvelai-Etosha basin (CEB) is located in the central north of Namibia and is one of the most densely populated parts of the country (figure 2.1). It is part of the greater Owambo basin, extends over an area of about 97600 km2 which stretches from E 14◦ 10’to 18◦ latitude and S 17◦ 20’ to 20◦ longitude. Furthermore, the CEB is divided into four sub basins which were defined by the basin demarcation project. The demarcation project was carried out in the framework of integrated water resources management of Namibia and had the main objective to establish equally sized basins throughout the country where relevant matters of water can be addressed adequately (Bittner, 2006). The basins and sub basins were not only demarcated by means of hydrological parameters but with regard to physiographic parameters, water supply and consumption, population density and political/administrative regions, infrastructure, socio-economic and cultural units. All available criteria for the delimitation was rated with regard to importance, accuracy and relevance (Bittner, 2006). Fig. 2.1.: Location of the investigation area within the CEB -5- Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site 2.2 Natural Environment in Near-Surface The location of the investigation area is highlighted by the pink square in figure 2.1, contains about 8800 km2 and extends over a length of 110 km by a width of 80 km. The cored boreholes 201216 and 201217 which were drilled as part of the data collection of this investigation are located at (GCS (Geographical Coordinates, WGS-84) [decimal degrees]: 201216 - latitude: -17.597 and longitude: 16.252 201217 - latitude: -17.396 and longitude: 16.680 2.2. Natural Environment in Near-Surface This chapter provides information about the natural environment in near-surface. The climate, vegetation, land use and soils of the Cuvelai-Etosha basin and the project area in particular will be elaborated. More information on theses topics can be found in Mendelsohn et al. (2000) and Struckmeier & Christelis (2001). 2.2.1. Climate Namibia is an arid country which is according to the common K¨oppen classification characterised as a dry climate (Pl¨othner & Bittner, 2001). The climate of the Cuvelai-Etosha basin in particular is defined as semi-arid with a huge gradient of rainfall across the region (Mendelsohn et al., 2000). The CEB demonstrates low values of precipitation in the west with about 250 to 300 mm per year to high values in the east which vary from 550 to 600 mm. The potential evaporation increases in the same direction with about 2700 to 3000 mm per year (Pl¨othner & Bittner, 2001). Most of the precipitation occurs between November and April while carrying about 96 % of the annual rainfall. Due to high evaporation rates, low humidity, frequently blowing wind and limited vegetation cover, the effective rainfall of the area is reduced to about 80 mm per year (Bittner, 2006). The average temperatures range from 17◦ C in June and July to about 25◦ C within October and December (Mendelsohn et al., 2000). Maximum temperatures of about 30 to 35◦ C can be reached from September to December whereas the minimum varies from 7 to 8◦ C in June. The groundwater temperature is affected also due to the high mean air temperatures. An in-situ measurement showed values of 23 to 26◦ C (June 2009). 2.2.2. Vegetation & Land Use Due to the more humid conditions in the north-eastern part of the CEB the major type of vegetation in these regions is made of woodlands and forest savannas (Struckmeier & Christelis, 2001). Further westwards the woodlands shift more and more into savannas which -6- 2.2 Natural Environment in Near-Surface Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site Fig. 2.2.: The annual average rainfall across north-central Namibia (modified after Mendelsohn et al. (2000) dominate the western part of the CEB. The project area which is situated in the north-central of the CEB shows a transfer of both types with a preponderate share of savanna type vegetation. Under consideration that the CEB is the most densely populated area of Namibia with most of the inhabitants living in rural communities a high dependency on agriculture can be deduced. Therefore, it is detected that about a third of the land belongs to small-scale farmers, so called communal farmers (Bittner, 2006). Their agriculture is dominated by livestock farming, i.e. cattle, goats, donkeys and poultry while some small-scale irrigation is also practiced by various communities and farm holdings. Fountain and borehole water of shallow aquifers is used for irrigation purposes (Struckmeier & Christelis, 2001). 2.2.3. Soils The soil of the CEB is classified into nine soil types comprising mainly of sand and clay (Mendelsohn et al., 2000). All soil types differ in their potential for crop cultivation but a general poor water-holding capacity and a low nutrient but high salt content is noticeable (Bittner, 2006). The soils of the project area have been highly influenced during the history of Namibian geology. Continuous water erosion and aeolian denudation processes as well as alternating sedimentation rates caused the typical Kalahari lithology (Miller, 2009, personal communication). The rivers Cobango/Okavango and Kunene as well as an ephemeral river -7- 2.3 Topography & Surface Water Drainage Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site system brought a mixture of gravel, sand, silt and clay with variable sorting into the project area (see chapter 2.3). 2.3. Topography & Surface Water Drainage The Etosha Pan is the lowest point of the CEB with a minimum elevation of about 1000 m a.m.s.l. (see figure 2.3). The surrounding mountains show elevations of 1400 m a.m.s.l. on average on the western rim, of about 1900 m at the highest point south-east of Tsumeb, as well as about 1200 m a.m.s.l. in the north-eastern part of the CEB. So the topography declines from all directions towards the Etosha Pan, which has consequently no outflow and is the major discharge area of almost the entire region. It receives water not only from the Cuvelai catchment area but also from the Otavi Mountain Land and the dolomite arc located in the south and west of the CEB (Bittner, 2006). Furthermore, it exhibits the lake Etosha when it was flooded due to heavy rainfalls in the rainy season. Without any surface runoff the drained water must either evaporate, or percolate into the ground. As the project area is part of the Cuvelai/Oshana drainage system it is also situated within this intercontinental basin. Moreover, the project area follows a very shallow morphology that increases from the south-west with 1044 m to the north-east with 1159 m a.m.s.l.. Fig. 2.3.: Topography of the Cuvelai Etosha basin based on SRTM data -8- 2.3 Topography & Surface Water Drainage Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site Fig. 2.4.: Simplified drainage system of Owambo basin in northern Namibia (remade after Mendelsohn et al., 2000) Figure 2.4 gives an overview of the three main drainage systems within the Owambo basin: The Kunene, the Okavango and the Cuvelai/Oshana river system. A high amount of interconnected river channels is recognisable in the latter which result from flooding of the so called ”Iishana” and lead to an extensive inland river delta. The Iishana (singular: Oshana) originate because of recurring heavy rainfalls in Angola and northern Namibia during the summer months when the drained water cuts into the underlying plane Kalahari Sands, forming raised areas in between (Bittner, 2006). Due to their high appearance in the centralnorth of the CEB, the relevant sub basin is named Iishana. The nature and pattern of water flows in the Iishana are extremely variable (Mendelsohn et al., 2000). They depend on spatial and seasonal distribution in Angola and the CEB itself. When ’good’ rain falls over the area, a large flood, named ’Efundja’ comes down bringing large numbers of fish and yet sometimes danger with it as flash floods threaten peoples homes and lifes. Flooded Iishana are nonetheless essential for north Namibia not only because the water is used for drinking, pasture farming, irrigations, washing, etc. but as well it ensures fishing grounds and recharges groundwater supplies. Figure 2.5 shows remains of water-bearing Iishana during the Namibian autumn. Accumulation of salt as a result of the high evaporation rates are visible within the Iishana during the dry season. Due to these Iishana, the small elevation gradient of the project area and the geology (see chapter 2.4), the landscape of the project -9- 2.3 Topography & Surface Water Drainage Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site Fig. 2.5.: Water-bearing ”Iishana” in the Eenhana region, Namibia (May 2009) area shows a gently undulating relief that has a major influence on the entire drainage system. Figure 2.4 points out that the Cuvelai/Oshana river system is recharged in Angola and its lateral extent stretches from the Kunene catchment in the west to the Okavango catchment in the east. Data on the mean annual discharge of the catchment is not recorded due to the highly variable runoff characteristics. The Kunene River in the west has its source in the Bi´e highlands of Angola and flows into the Atlantic on the border of Angola and Namibia. For much of its course, it flows southwards, as if towards the Etosha Pan but then it turns westwards sharply. The characteristic flow of the upper Kunene River is quite different from the one of the lower Kunene River. Whereas upstream of the Calueque dam, the river shows a mature profile with a lower gradient it reveals a steeper gradient further downstream as well as it passes several rapids. Hipondoka (2005) believes, that these distinct geomorphological expressions have been rooted in the regional geological development of the subcontinent. While the upper Kunene which is believed to follow still the old river course and has drained historically into the Etosha Pan, the lower Kunene could have been either an eroded late carboniferous glacial valley or built up through graben tectonics. However, it is assumed that the two parts of this surface drainage have been merged during the Pliocene/Early Pleistocene (Hipondoka, 2005). In addition, the Kunene refers to a catchment area of about 106500 km2 with a mean annual discharge of ca. 5.5 billion m3 /a (Nakayama, 2003). The Okavango River has its source at the Benguela Plateau of eastern Angola and terminates in the Okavango Delta in Botswana. As the third largest river in southern Africa, it has a headwater basin of 121700 km2 and a mean annual discharge of ca. 9.2 billion m3 /a. The Okavango forms the border between Namibia and Angola for about 400 km (Hipondoka, 2005). - 10 - 2.4 Geology Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site Generally, the surface runoff in the CEB is very limited due to an overall sandy substrate which causes all surface water soak away immediately, or it is captured in one of the numerous clayey and salty pans (Bittner, 2006). Both, the northern Cuvelai drainage as well as the Etosha Pan which drains also the south-western dolometic arc, are the reason for naming the basin Cuvelai-Etosha. 2.4. Geology The study area is situated in the intra-continental Owambo Basin which was formed during the post-cretaceous tectonic development of southern Africa (Momper, 1982). Then again, the Owambo Basin owes its origin to the break-up of a super-continent named Rodinia (see Hipondoka, 2005) and is located on the Congo Craton between 14◦ E to 18◦ E and between the northern border of Namibia to 19◦ 15’S (Miller, 1997). It extends northwards into southern Angola and could continue into western Zambia (figure 2.6). Furthermore, it is floored by mid-Proterozoic crustal rocks of the mentioned Congo Craton and contains about 8000 m of sedimentary rocks of the Nosib, Otavi and Mulden Groups of the late-Proterozoic Damara Sequence (Miller, 1997). In addition to about 360 m of Karoo rocks the basin is overlain by a blanket of semi-consolidated to unconsolidated Cretaceous to Recent Kalahari sequence sediments of approximately 600 m. The Name Owambo basin is often interchanged with Etosha basin or Cuvelai-Etosha basin. However, The Etosha basin is merely a subbasin of the wider Owambo. Throughout history the CEB was filled with various sediments at very mixed sedimentation rates. Occasionally, the CEB Fig. 2.6.: Location of the Owambo Basin (after Miller, 1997) was drained south east while most of the times it had no outflow at all (see chapter 2.3). A short introduction to the stratigraphy of the Owambo basin is given in table 2.1. The geological information on the Owambo basin was generally achieved from outcrops along its margins, interpretation of aeromagnetic, seismic and gravity surveys as well as thinly distributed wells. - 11 - Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site 2.4 Geology Table 2.1.: Stratigraphy of the Owambo basin (abbreviated after Miller, 1997) Era Sequence Recent to Tertiary Cretaceous Jurassic Juras.-U. Trias Lower Permian Late Proterozoic Kalahari Sequence Group Karoo Sequence Damara Sequence Mulden Group Otavi Group Nossib Group Max. thickness [m] 750 80 500 137 379 5200 6800 1300 Mid-Proterozoic 2.4.1. Pre-Kalahari Geology During the Late Precambrian the super-continent Rodinia started to break up. Within this protracted, multiphase process a variety of sandstones, known as the Nosib Group were deposited and formed the basis of the Damara Sequence (Miller, 1997; Mendelsohn et al., 2000). This occurred between roughly 900 and 730 Ma ago (Miller, 1983). As the rifting continued, a stable platform was evolved on which dolomites and limestones were deposited. This accumulation of carbonated rocks is named Otavi Group and took place between 730 and 700 Ma ago. Spreading of Rodinia and with that spreading in the Damara Orogen was followed by reverse plate motion. This tectonical movement lead to collision of continental fragments and resulted in development of the super-continent Gondwana. Furthermore, it caused the dolomites and limestones along the edge of the Owambo basin to be folded and tilted upwards to form a rim to the basin (Mendelsohn et al., 2000). That rim now forms the hills around Tsumeb, Otavi and Grootfontein. Erosion of the mountain belts around the basin and with that, accumulation of new sediments of the Mulden Group followed around 650 to 600 Ma ago (Miller, 1997). The Dwyka glacial period which was an almost worldwide period of glaciation occurred 300 Ma ago. It also affected Namibia, including the Owambo basin. The deposition of the Karoo sediments started during this time (Mendelsohn et al., 2000). The glaciers cut deep valleys from the western edge of the Owambo basin across the Kunene Region to the Atlantic Ocean. Evidence to these glacial valleys is still visible today as the Kunene river follows one. The Dwyka formation, caused by the glacial period is overlain by the Prince - 12 - 2.4 Geology Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site Fig. 2.7.: Geological cross-section across the Owambo basin from Rucana to Tsumeb (Vertical exaggeration 1:30; Hipondoka, 2005) Albert formation which started when conditions began to change about 280 Ma ago (after Miller, 1997). Glaciers melted and retreated, the sea level rose as warmer climates prevailed gradually. Carbonaceous shales, sandstones, siltstones and beds of organic material derived from plants were deposited in the basin due to the seawater (Hipondoka, 2005). The early Permian (250 Ma) and the end of the Triassic (200 Ma) were characterised by desert conditions and by aeolian sandstone deposition which resulted in the Etjo formation (Miller, 1997). These latter events were overlapped by a passive rifting of Gondwanaland that started during the middle Jurassic. 2.4.2. Kalahari Geology For the past 70 Ma years the Owambo basin has been filling up with sand, silt and clay that was eroded from higher grounds surrounding the area. Cycles of climate change with wet and dry periods followed each other (Mendelsohn et al., 2000). Rivers drained into the basin bringing sediments with them known by deposits called Ombalantu, Beisep, Olukonda and Andoni formation. Ombalantu represents the base and Andoni the top of the named formations. These four formations form the youngest unit of the basin - the Kalahari Sequence. The following lithological and stratigraphical descriptions of the Kalahari formations are based on the work of Miller (1997, 2008c) and mainly consider the sediments and distribution within the Cuvelai-Etosha basin as part of the larger Owambo basin. - 13 - 2.4 Geology Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site Fig. 2.8.: Kunene & Cubango Megafan in relation to core-drilling boreholes (modified from Google, 2009) Generally, the Kalahari Succession close to the Angolan border may be up to 600 m thick and thins eastwards to the pre-Kalahari basement outcrops along the Okavango river. Figure 2.9 on page 16 displays a cross section of the Kalahari Sediments within the Owambo basin and the relevant project area. Much of the sediment in the Owambo basin is largely unconsolidated or only partially consolidated and appears to have been deposited by the sand-dominated Cubango megafan in the east and the much smaller, mud-dominated Kunene fan in the west (see figure 2.8). Some cemented sands were logged as sandstones, although cementing is usually limited. Due to the unconsolidated to generally poorly consolidated nature of the Kalahari sediments, it has only been possible to core this succession on rare occasions. In addition to this, drilling companies experience significant difficulties while retrieving unconsolidated core material, so core loss is the consequence. Because of this reason boreholes 201216 and 201217 of the relevant project were abandoned at a depth of 266 m respectively 235 m when 390 m respectively 330 m were planned originally. Exactly when Kalahari deposition began and what constitutes the base of the Kalahari in the Kalahari basin is not well defined. In Namibia, Botswana and South Africa, the base of the Kalahari Group is taken as the first unconsolidated or semi-consolidated sediments that overlie hard basement rocks, commonly of the Karoo Supergroup. - 14 - Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site 2.4 Geology Table 2.2.: Stratigraphy of the Kalahari Sequence (abbreviated after Miller, 1997) Era Sequence Formation Lithology Recent to Tertiary Kalahari Sequence Andoni white sand, light green clayey sand, green clay reddish brown, poorly sorted sand red sand and clay red semi consolidated clay Cretaceous Olukonda Beisep Ombalantu Max. thickness [m] 550 152 50 80 Ombalantu Formation - A basal, red, fine grained, semi consolidated but friable formation with variably siclified mudstones but almost entirely consisting of clay. It does not crop out, has a broad elongate distribution extending from the southeast to the northwest of the basin and reaches a maximum thickness of 80 m. Gypsum and Gypsum crystals occur in the upper part of the formation. Miller (2008c) evaluates its deposition to be mainly of the accumulation of fine clastics in a shallow, low energetic, deltaic environment. A restricted continental basin with a significant and sufficient amount of evaporation was required to lead to the appearance of gypsum. Beisep Formation - A gravel deposit which is widespread, generally reddish in colour and represents a period of rapid and extensive input of material from the basin margins. With a maximum thickness of 50 m it is the thinnest of the Kalahari Formations. It consists of well rounded sand and clay stone clasts which are set in a matrix of fine to medium grained, argillaceous, calcareous to dolomitic sandstone. Olukonda Formation - A friable, poorly consolidated, reddish brown, poorly sorted massive sand and sandstone formation with a limited distribution but a broad elongate sub outcrop similar to the Ombalantu Formation. It contains a few thin gritty and pebbly layers and is up to 152 m thick. Andoni Formation - It occurs throughout the Owambo basin as a cover to all underlying units and consists of interbedded white medium grained sand, light greenish clayey sand and green clay. In zones, the predominantly sand varies between 10 and 200 m and shows an unconsolidated, slightly pyritic or hematitic condition. The top part of the section contains numerous irregular shaped dolocrete and calcrete nodules which are embedded in polished, angular to sub rounded grains of quartz which in turn make up to 90 % of the sand. Sorting improves upwards in the sequence. The appearing of clay layers within this formation varies in thickness between a few centimeters and 150 m (Ombalantu borehole in Miller (2008c)). They are often silty and/or sandy. - 15 - 2.5 Hydrogeology Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site Fig. 2.9.: Cross-section of the Kalahari Group Sediments in the Owambo Basin along the 16◦ 41’ longitude; Hipondoka (2005)(modified from Kempf, 2000) 2.5. Hydrogeology After Pl¨othner & Bittner (2001), all groundwater within the CEB flows towards the Etosha Pan which is the base level of the groundwater flow system due to the structure of the basin and because the pan is the deepest point. Three main groundwater flow systems can be determined within the CEB due to its basic topography (Bittner, 2006). 1. Groundwater that is recharged in the fractured dolomites of the Otavi Mountain Land at the southern and western rim of the basin. It flows northwards and feeds the aquifer system of the Karoo and Kalahari sequences (Pl¨othner & Bittner, 2001). The major part of this water evaporates rapidly as it discharges through springs along the southern margin of the Etosha Pan. 2. A deep seated, multi-layered Kalahari Aquifer System which flows from Angola in southern direction towards the Etosha Pan and the Okavango river. This groundwater flow system forms the focus of analysis within this investigation. 3. A shallow Kalahari Aquifer in the central part of the CEB which superimposes both previously described groundwater flow systems (Bittner, 2006). It mainly consists of saline water and originates from regular floods, respectively from the Efundjas whose runoff is determined by the ephemeral stream, respectively Iishana. The schematic map demonstrated in figure 2.10 was the first attempt by Bittner (2006) to give a rough overview of the aquifer locations within the intra-continental Cuvelai-Etosha basin. Bittner (2006) defined names for the relevant aquifer systems which are used within this investigation as well. Detailed descriptions can be found in Bittner (2006) and Pl¨othner & Bittner (2001). - 16 - 2.5 Hydrogeology Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site Fig. 2.10.: Aquifersystems of the CEB (abbreviated after Bittner, 2006), arrows indicate groundwater flow direction Aquifers which have their headwaters in the Otavi Mountain Land are estimated and differentiated on geological units rather than local occurrence (Bittner, 2006). Geological information and aquifer potential are for practical reasons considered to determine one large aquifer unit even if inhomogeneities and facies changes occur throughout the basin. Experience and information of similar geological lithology were used to estimate aquifers, aquicludes or aquitards in combination to determine the Otavi Dolomite aquifer system (DO). DO is a thick fractured aquifer system which represents the main hardrock aquifers of the southern and western CEB (Bittner, 2006). 2.5.1. Kalahari Sequence Aquifers The following descriptions of the five major Kalahari aquifers are based on the work of Bittner (2006) and were named after the region or locality where they occur or where they were first described. - 17 - 2.5 Hydrogeology Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site Etosha Limestone Aquifer - KEL The KEL is present at the southern and western margin of the CEB and shows a thickness of more than 100 m in certain areas. It has an easy accessibility due to a shallow groundwater table, provides good yields of a likewise water quality and is therefor constituted as an economically important aquifer. It is recharged to a minor extend by the DO aquifers but isotope studies showed that the major recharge of the KEL contributes to the north-westerly groundwater flow. Oshivelo Multi-layered Aquifer - KOV The KOV was first encountered at Oshivelo from where its extends in a north-western and eastern direction. While parts are confined, the aquifer is artesian for elevations of lower than 1100 m a.m.s.l. (at Oshivelo & towards Etosha Pan) and provides yields of up to 200 [m3 /h]. It is mainly comprised by gravel sand and its recharge is assumed to be of throughflow from KEL in major quantity. Omusati Multi-zoned Aquifer - KOM The KOM is present in the west of the Etosha Pan and comprises of unconsolidated and semi-consolidated sediments of the Kalahari sequence. The sediments are mainly sand and clay but also calcrete/dolocrete and evaporitic deposits. Furthermore, it comprises of mainly brackish groundwater with fresh water lenses in places. KEL and DO aquifers recharge the the Omusati-Multilayered aquifer. The salinity of the subsurface sediments is generally very high causing the groundwater quality to decline. Changes can be very sudden with fresh water occurring in boreholes of the KEL only a few kilometers away from boreholes with saline groundwater in the KOM. The KOM is separated from the KOS as it is not recharged by the Cuvelai drainage system. Oshana Aquifer - KOS The Oshana aquifer is a shallow aquifer system with a maximum thickness of 80 m and an average thickness of 10 to 15 m. The KOS superimposes the confined multi-layered aquifer system of interest (KOH) within the northern part of the CEB. It is an unconfined and perched aquifer system that comprises of a relatively thick sequence of Andoni Formation and is recharged by the regular flooding of the Cuvelai/Oshana drainage system described in chapter 2.3. The water level gradient is very flat and as a consequence of the high evaporation rate described in chapter 2.2.1 the Iishana leave salts as products which can be hydrated to portion during flooding. This in turn leads to an increasing salinity of the shallow aquifer. The degree of salinity within this aquifer relates directly to the amount of precipitation. The - 18 - 2.5 Hydrogeology Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site higher the precipitation rate, the greater the amount of groundwater and the lesser the concentration of solutes. Due to the seasonal and constantly shifting depositional environment, a cross bedding of sandy and clayey layers appears within the aquifer proportions. Correspondingly, local aquifers, aquitards and/or aquicludes are alternating which limits an areal determination of the hydrogeological properties. The KOS is known to be encountered in the entire region of the project area in general although some boreholes reveal its absence. It is therefore stated that the KOS is a discontinuous aquifer system which consists of small groundwater lenses with variable groundwater quality. Ohangwena Aquifer - KOH The drilling and with that the whole data collection of this investigation has been done in the Ohangwena Aquifer system. The KOH is a multi-layered porous aquifer system which was encountered east of Ohangwena. It lies in the Iishana and Nipele subbasin and the groundwater is estimated to flow southwards in the direction of the Etosha Pan. Moreover, it is assumed that an upper Aquifer KOH1 is separated by an aquiclude or aquitard to a lower aquifer KOH2 . KOH1 has been intersected between Eenhana and Okongo at depths between 60 and 160 m and represents a major water source within the region (Pl¨othner & Bittner, 2001). It consists of the light greenish clayey sand of the Andoni Formation and appears in terms of fresh water close to the Angolan border. Towards the south it becomes brackish to saline within the distance of a few kilometers and is therefore not developed for drinking water purposes. The interesting and deeper seated fresh water aquifer KOH2 was intersected in the same area as KOH1 . It was encountered in the Nipele-subbasin and is assumed to have a continuous and regional extend. Due to its great depth of 130 to 380 m it is situated partly within the Olukonda Formation and has not been explored precisely. Like KOH1 , the recharge area is assumed to be in southern Angola. The water quality is fresh for the east and north of Eenhana but becomes more saline towards the south-west where it is still regarded as water of good quality according to the Namibian Drinking Water Classification System (based on values of electric conductivity). The general salinity of the aquifer, however, is lower than any salinity measured in the upper aquifer KOH1 (Pl¨othner & Bittner, 2001). After Schildknecht (2007), the existence of the fresh water aquifer was reconfirmed during drilling of two boreholes close to Eenhana. Significant decrease of electric conductivity measurements were observed at greater depths of borehole 37070 which indicates a non-saline environment. Furthermore, Schildknecht (2007) reasoned that the existence of a fresh water aquifer subjacent to a high saline aquifer implies that a separating layer parts both aquifers and that the hydrostatic pressure of the KOH2 must be greater than of KOH1 . Otherwise would the - 19 - 2.5 Hydrogeology Chapter 2. Description of the Study Site upper saline water percolate into greater depths and mix with the fresh water of KOH2 due to the higher density of saline water. The greater hydraulic pressure must further on result from a hydraulic connection to a higher recharge area which lies probably in a north-eastern direction (Angola). The exact geometric proportions and expansion of the aquifer and the separating layer have not been determined yet. After detailed research it was not possible to obtain sensible information of the recharge area in Angola. It is therefore assumed that these natural actualities resemble the actualities of the CEB which are described in chapter 2.2. - 20 - Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques 3. Methods & Techniques The methods and techniques of data acquisition are described within this chapter. It is divided into two main subchapters. The first subchapter deals with field work and sampling. This includes information on five drilled boreholes which were drilled in two stages. The first stage comprised of 3 mud rotary drilled boreholes while the second stage drilling was performed to receive undisturbed core material of the Kalahari sediment and the KOH multilayered aquifer system (chapter 2.5) in particular. The second subchapter deals with laboratory work and methods of calculation. All analyses and evaluation methods applied to the sample material are described thoroughly. These analyses are necessary to understand the hydrogeological characteristics of the sediment. 3.1. Sampling The cornerstone of further investigations on the hydrogeological condition in the project area was laid between March and September 2008. Several TEM (Transient Electromagnetic) measurements were carried out in cooperation with the DWAF as part of the investigation on the groundwater system in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin. The TEM measurements provide the basis for all further investigation purposes on the KOH aquifer system, including this investigation. Table 3.1.: Overview of field work & data collection for the project ’Groundwater Investigation in the CEB’ Investigation method TEM ID Date Amount Comment March-Sep. ’08 440 71 in investigation area Mud rotary drilling 201045 201046 201047 Feb.-April ’09 3 In-situ geophysic Core drilling 201216 201217 May-July ’09 2 Laboratory work - 21 - 3.1 Sampling Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques Fig. 3.1.: TEM - Transient Electromagnetic Measurements within the project area TEM was developed to determine the electric conductivity of the ground to a depth of a few hundred meters without the expensive procedure of drilling. It is an active method of measurement in which a periodical electromagnetic signal is induced into the ground. Conclusions to the distribution of the electric resistance can be drawn from the measurement of the subsiding voltage in its relation to time. A vertical profile can be established that shows the electric conductivity (EC) of the ground. High EC values relate thereby to a high salinity whereas low EC values relate to a non-saline environment. Analysis of these measurements indicated non-saline layers at depths greater than 200 m that were assumed to be a deep fresh water aquifer with a regional occurrence within the basin. Three boreholes were drilled between February and April 2009 to confirm the existence of the deep fresh water aquifer. The three boreholes were situated in areas where the existence of the fresh water aquifer is well established by the sounding curves and where interpretation of the sounding curves exhibits the lowest modeling errors. Metzger Drilling was contracted for mud rotary drilling as well as geophysical sampling of these three boreholes (201045, 201046, 201047 (see figure 3.1)). Two core boreholes were drilled between May and July 2009 since the motivation for further investigations on the hydrogeological characteristics of the project area was laid by boreholes 201045, -46 and -47. Again, these two core boreholes (201216, 201217) were positioned close to the sites of best TEM sounding curve interpretation due to the already - 22 - Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques 3.1 Sampling gathered information on mud rotary boreholes and to check on the correctness of the TEM interpretation. Core borehole 201216 was positioned in 12 m distance to 201045 while 100 m distance are between 201217 and 201047. 3.1.1. Mud Rotary Drilling Most of the information within chapter 3.1.1 is based on the scientific investigation and work of Braam van Wyk and his report ’Groundwater Investigation of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, 2009’. According to the interpretation possibilities of the TEM soundings, it was planned to penetrate and sample the sediment to the depth of 390 m. This depth should intersect subjacent layers to the assumed aquifer KOH2 which were estimated to comprise of clay to a large extend. Therefore, the three mud rotary boreholes were drilled to a depth of 390 m at 201045, whilst 201046 and 201047 were drilled to 266 m and 383 m respectively. Borehole 201046 had to be abandoned at 266 m due to problems in the alignment, respectively straightness of the borehole. Afterwards these boreholes were developed into wells with PVC casings and screens in the region of the assumed aquifer KOH2 . The screens have an area of 50 mm2 each and were installed at the depth of: 201045: 243.70 - 266.50 m and 283.60 m - 346.30 m 201046: 236.50 - 259.30 m 201047: 214.50 - 294.30 m Mud rotary drilling was done throughout the entire drilling process. The drill string consisted of a 311 mm tri-cone roller bit, followed by the EDI ’Fluid-Finder’, a centralizer, seven or eight drill collars and smaller drill pipes. The drill collars measures 204 mm OD (outer diameter) and 70 mm ID (inner diameter), and weighed a 1000 kg each, whilst the drill pipes were 146 mm OD and 136 mm ID, weighing 200 kg per pipe. The drilling fluid was a synthetic polymer mix made up of CAP 21, EEZI-MIX and clear water. Circulation of the drilling fluid was done by means of a centrifugal pump where the rates depended on the drilling depth as the flow rate of the centrifugal pump decreases at depth. - 23 - 3.1 Sampling Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques The EDI Fluid-Finder is a useful tool for sampling an testing of specific groundwater bearing horizons. Its dimensions are 0.17 m in diameter, 1.9 m in length and an open area of 45 cm2 through which water flow can occur. It is attached between the drill bit and the centralizer while the reason for applying the FluidFinder is to investigate the sediment in-situ. Hydrogeological parameters can be evaluated by withdrawal of groundwater samples during drilling process and without demounting of the drill rods. The Fluid-Finder requires mud rotary drilling, direct flush only which is a disadvantage when accurate geological samples are required. Undisturbed ground samples cannot be taken if drilled that way. Fig. 3.2.: EDI Fluid-Finder (van Wyk, 2009) Data recorded on site The geological logging was done as accurately as possible by taking out mud samples as a mixture of every five meters. The samples were described immediately on site to minimize errors caused by colour shifting due to redox reactions. For exploration purposes the direct flush rotary technique did not turn out to be a useful technique since the time lag in sampling was to high for accurate logging at great depths (van Wyk, 2009). The Fluid-Finder was used, as already described above, to take water samples at specific aquifer horizons with the purpose of receiving information on the hydrogeological condition of the sediment as well as the general chemistry and stable isotopes of the groundwater. Except for that, penetration rates [m/min] as well as the conductivity of the drilling fluid were recorded during drilling process. In addition to the geological information derived from the drilling, borehole geophysics were executed on each borehole after completion. The following parameters were logged in situ: • Gamma [CPS] • Induced conductivity [mmho] resp. [mS] • Temperature [◦ C] The natural gamma is principally radiated among the naturally occurring elements uranium, thorium, their derivates, as well as the potassium isotope 40 K. Generally bound in clay minerals, the potassium isotope reflects therefore the clay content of the investigated soils or - 24 - 3.1 Sampling Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques rocks (F¨uchtbauer et al., 1967). Hence, in situ measured gamma radiation was plotted in so called ’gamma-ray logs’. That helped in identifying interesting layers and stretches of the rock formation as a higher gamma radiation implied a higher clay content. Test pumping was performed in ways of a step-drawdown-test followed by a 48-hour constant rate test, both containing a respective recovery period. Four steps were implemented during step testing with a one hour duration for each step. The constant rate test was done to at least 95 % recovery. Wyk (2009) believes that with a maximum discharge of 16 m3 /h the aquifer parameters were described adequately. The data collection gathered during test pumping includes rest-, as well as pumped water levels, regular discharge measurements and electric conductivity recordings. 3.1.2. Core Drilling According to TEM sounding curve interpretation it was intended to core the Kalahari sediment and receive sample material of the upper aquifer KOH1 , the presumed separating layer and of the possible deeper seated aquifer KOH2 . Data was collected for boreholes 201216 and 201217 in terms of geophysical investigations and core material during a six week field trip. The core material comprised of Kalahari sediment and was withdrawn from the depth of 80 m to 390 m at site 201216, respectively 80 m to 320 m at site 201217. Observation of core drilling and gathering of relevant geological and hydrogeological data started on site 201216 when drilling was already at the advanced depth of 212 m. Mud rotary drilling was done for the first 80 m below surface. After that coring took place based on the wire line diamond coring HQ-3 size. This includes a tube with inner diameter of 61.1 mm inside a rod which shows an inner diameter of 96 mm. Figure 3.3 gives an example of the used diamond core drilling bits (bottom-right) and shows the core catcher (top-left) that is preventing the core from sliding out of the tube during operation. Both tube and rod had a length of 3 meters. The method of counter rotating pipes was used to receive ’undisturbed’ data, respectively cores of highest possible quality. Rods moved clockwise during operation. Simultaneously, the tube rotated counter clockwise with lesser speed. A slightly smaller layer inside the tube which was barely moving at all rotated clockwise again and ’jacketed’ the core carefully. To guarantee smooth rotating all pipes ran on ball bearings. The drilling fluid was a synthetic polymer mix made up of CAP21 and water. Recurring core loss and immense water loss was detected during coring. The water loss in particular was suspected to relate to cavities within the unconsolidated rock. Therefore, DRILLVIS was added to the drilling fluid from the depth of 263.15 m at site 201216. DRILLVIS is a drilling viscosifier with a high molecular weight comprised of polyacrylamide/acrylic acid - 25 - 3.1 Sampling Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques Fig. 3.3.: Tube with core catcher holding core (top-left) & wire line - diamond coring drill bit (bottom-right) copolymers. It provides faster hardening and a higher viscosity compared to CAP21. Hence, decrease of water loss as well as a very viscous drilling fluid was observed from 263.15 m at borehole 201216. Throughout the drilling of borehole 201217 DRILLVIS was used merely. Constant circulation of drilling fluid could not be monitored. The drilling fluid was recycled whenever mud pits where almost full so that at least a minimum of 10000 liters (two 5000 liter tanks) was provided at all times. During normal operation 3 m where cored in one go. The drilled meters per run were reduced as a first step due to core loss which was experienced on almost every run from the depth of 212 m at borehole 201216 until it was abandoned at a depth of 266.15 m. Thereby, the weight of the core lessened and it was more likely that the unconsolidated rock within the tube will not slide out. Several problems emerged at the drilling sites 201216 and 201217 which lead to water and/or core loss and made a constant repetition of collecting data impossible. They will be described here shortly. From the 9th until the 13th of May the drilling machines where out of operation at site 201216. Decay of the drilling fluid causes it to lose its binding properties after approximately six days so that the risk of wall cake collapse increases (van Wyk, 2009). As casing was driven down to a depth of 80 m the upper part of the borehole was secured. Small, partly - 26 - 3.1 Sampling Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques Fig. 3.4.: Drilling rig of Major drilling used for the project. Supply of rods at the bottom left. Mud pit at the bottom. 5 m3 tank of drilling fluid can be seen on the right. wall cake collapses at circa 187 m were observed in the later days of the total operating time which comprised 20 days at borehole 201216. To avoid this problem on site 201217 the drilling team split up and worked in two shifts. The second shift drove the casing down after the first drilled core in the morning. A maximum of 15 meters distance between drilling depth and casing intended to minimize the risk of a borehole collapse as well as the risk of water loss due to cavities. After the depth of the assumed aquifer was reached at approximately 220 m of borehole 201216 difficulties appeared which were caused by the then encountered, extremely soft and muddy material. Appendix D gives evidence as it shows pictures of soft core material with a very high water content. One of the drilling fluid purposes is to stabilise the borehole by hardening and creating a wall cake with the surrounding rock. Furthermore, it prevents the rods from getting stuck by building up pressure to the surrounding rock masses. As soon as the drilling stops, the pressure is not upheld because the tube has to be pulled upwards. The nearby ground was extremely soft and even mobile so it pressed on the rods and hold them tight as soon as the pressure was absent. Additionally, particles of the unconsolidated - 27 - 3.1 Sampling Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques material were sucked into the rods as a vacuum effect occurred whilst lifting the tube. As a consequence, the tube could not be lowered to basal level on the next run. The logging of core and mud rotary boreholes will outline that the lithological development in the project area is extremely heterogeneous and often intersected by pebbles or layers of calc- and dolocretes (chapter 4.4). These hard calc- and dolocretes can get dragged along during drilling process in the softer sandy environment which can lead to core loss. Calcretes and/or dolocretes can block the tube and grind the soft environment by rotating along with the drilling bit. Major Drilling used water of mud rotary boreholes 201045 and 201047 as the water supply for coring at 201216 and 201217. The approximate distance between mud rotary borehole 201045 and core borehole 201216 is 12 m. This short distance could be a reason for some of the observed difficulties as interferences due to pressure fluctuations must be taken into account. To avoid interferences at the second drill site due to water withdrawal out of 201047, core borehole 201217 was relocated at a distance of about 100 m to 201047. Personal observation of the drilling progress stopped on the 11th of June at a depth of 202 m on site 201217. Information was received constantly in the following weeks, with reports on recurring core loss and casing that got stuck. The decision was made to abandon borehole 201217 at a depth of 235 m due to the already described difficulties and resulting delays. Data Recorded during Drilling & Logging of Cores A pre-log of the core material was executed immediately after core withdrawal. This included a provisional estimation of the main rock type, determination of rock colour as well as the notes on the condition of the sediment. Temperature [◦ C], pH value and the electric conductivity (EC) [µS/cm] were recorded of the drilling fluid during working process. A constant repetition of collecting data was impossible due to the described problems and irregular drilling rate but recording of data was done in a sensible framework and whenever possible. It was attempted to receive mud samples whenever core loss was detected. The attempt was abandoned due to the lesser rotating velocity and slower penetration rate in core drill procedure and the resulting poor yield of particles washed out by the drilling fluid. The logging of cores started in the end of June and was done within the grounds of the Geological Survey of Namibia by Dr. Roy Miller, an expert in Namibian Geology. The entire core material had to be transported to Windhoek which was done after drilling had finished - 28 - 3.1 Sampling Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques on each site. Thereby, a few weeks time lie between core withdrawal and logging. The core material was protected from evaporation and solar radiation by means of shade and plastic tubes during all times of storage and transport. Protection measurements were performed immediately after withdrawal of undisturbed samples from the ground to guarantee cores of highest possible quality. - 29 - 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques 3.2. Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation To receive significant results in numerical modeling and/or establishing a conceptual model it is essential to describe the complex processes of nature as best as possible. The modeling parameters, initial and boundary conditions must either be known or estimated. A plan for several laboratory test was established in July 2009 in which it is intended to characterise the hydrogeological condition of the CEB as accurate as possible. Table 3.2 presents all ideas to analyse the samples of core boreholes 201216 & 201217. The laboratories could not deliver data to all analyses in time. Therefore, it should be noted that in account of the time consuming laboratory work the other analysis results have to be interpreted at later stages. Representative samples of the entire core material were chosen to characterise the hydrogeologic condition of the area as best as possible. These samples were send to the BGR for analysing methods presented in table 3.3. The dispatched selection was based on information derived from: • Geological logging of cores such as: – Rock – Colour – Grain size – Amount of calcretes & dolocretes • Photos of cores and taken during drilling process • Geophysical logging of hole 201045, -46, -47 such as: – Natural Gamma radiation [CPS - counts per second] - referring to a possible clay content – EC values [mS] - referring to the salinity • Personal observation – Preliminary rock type determination – Qualitative condition of the cores The total of 19 samples were send via two consignments whereas 9 samples were taken from 201216 plus 10 samples taken from 201217. In order to allow different laboratory analyses, it was indispensable to divide each sample into smaller parts. - 30 - 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques Table 3.2.: Overview of laboratory work in technical cooperation with the BGR Analyser Eluate & centrifugal outcome Geophysical measurements Pressure depending perfusion in triaxial cell He - porosity Mineralogy of clay Grainsize analysis Mineralogy of sands Micropaleontologic measurements Morphometry Carbon - Oxygen isotopes analysis Carbon 14 dating Progress In process In process Results received (Rr) Rr Rr Rr Rr In process In process In process In process 3.2.1. Evaluation of k-Value on Basis of Pressure Depending Perfusion in Triaxial Cell Origination The hydraulic conductivity of the ground is highly influenced by pore volume and pore size distribution. It is related to the structure and texture of the ground to a large extend, and determines the flow behaviour of the groundwater (Reimann, 2004). Moreover, it is an anisotropic value, i.e. it varies within the three directions of space. Under laboratory conditions it is usually tested for one dimension, mostly vertical which was done within this investigation also. After DIN, 18130 (Deutsches Institut f¨ur Normung - German Institute for Standardization), a convenient method for specifying the hydraulic conductivity (k-value [m/s]) can be performed by using a triaxial cell. To draw conclusions from triaxial testing it is necessary to describe the rate of flow through a porous medium in a framework that implies the condition of continuity as well as conditions of Darcy’s law. Basically, this requires laminar flow, steady state and analysis in a macroscopic range. An image of the breadboard construction can be seen in figure 3.5 on page 33 and will be described within this chapter. Groundwater flows through an aquifer are driven by the difference in water pressure (or head) over the aquifer (Brassington, 2007). While the imbalance in groundwater levels is called head loss (∆h) and is usually expressed in meters, the slope of the water table is named the hydraulic gradient (∆h/L) which is the dimensionless ratio of head to distance. - 31 - 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques Table 3.3.: Depth related core samples for laboratory analyses (Column layer def.: ’s’ - salty aquifer or overburden; ’b’ - brackish aquifer or overburden; ’c’ - confining layer; ’f’ - fresh water aquifer, layer expressions are preliminary assumptions that might differ with final determinations) Sample-ID 201216-19 201216-22 201216-28 201216-45 201216-52 201216-54 201216-72 201216-73 201216-81 201216 Depth [m] 126.90 - 127.25 136.69 - 137.17 153.80 - 154.22 201.26 - 201.76 218.45 - 218.87 219.50 - 219.92 248.50 - 249 249 - 249.45 265.65 - 266.13 Layer c c c c c c f f f Sample-ID 201217-9 201217-18 201217-25 201217-38 201217-43 201217-55 201217-70 201217-73 201217-84 201217-98 201217 Depth [m] Layer 89.90 - 90.30 b 99.50 - 100.01 b 105.05 - 105.60 c 117.99 - 118.50 c 126.43 - 126.87 c 151.62 - 152.18 c 195.60 - 196.10 c 199.60 - 200.08 f 213.20 - 213.70 f 228.50 - 228.99 f The Darcy equation relates the groundwater flow rate Q [m/s] to the hydraulic gradient ∆h/L and the cross-sectional area A [m2 ](see equation (3.1) on page 34). Breadboard Construction & Realisation In preparation for triaxial testing it was convenient to undertake several steps. The cored diameter of 61 mm had to be reduced to 50 mm due to the measurements of the triaxial cell. Chapter 3.1.2 outlined that all samples demonstrated a very soft texture. To avoid damages or destruction each sample was stripped off to the desired diameter by hand. More preparations were done by means of chemical analysis of the core solution. Afterwards, its essential ingredients were combined in a drafted aqueous solution to express the actualities of the natural environment as best as possible. To avoid misunderstandings this drafted solution is meant when speaking about ’the solution’ in the course of this report. The solution showed a pH value of 9.8 while it had a concentration of 12 mg/l NaHCO3 and 159 mg/l Na2 CO3 . The adding of sodium hydrogen carbonate and sodium carbonate was done to prevent the samples, respectively clay minerals of the samples from swelling. If samples would swell out during triaxial testing the hydrogeological properties of the unconsolidated rock matrix would change. This in turn would lead to errors of the flow rate and cause changes of the hydraulic conductivity. A hydraulic connection throughout the whole system is imperative to establish any flow rate. Consequently, the core sample as well as filter stones had to be in a saturated condition. Filter stones were added to the construction for well balanced distribution of the solution. It was intended to eliminate selective flows within the samples. - 32 - 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques Fig. 3.5.: Photo & schematic image of breadboard construction ’triaxial cell’ The saturation of samples was managed by adding lead time on the testing procedure whereas the filter stones were saturated before installation. The whole equipment consisted of two pumps applying the needed pressure, the degasified solution, a metal bonded glassen cage that could withstand pressures up to 10 bar, filter stones on either end of the sample, a rubber sleeve that jacketed the core sample and rubber pipes for connections. Having undertaken all preliminary steps, the undisturbed sample was jacketed by the rubber sleeve and filter stones were added on either end. Now the whole devise was inserted carefully into the cell. It was important to not smear the material as pores might close and flow characteristics would be changed. Afterwards, the glassen cage was added and filled with water. It becomes apparent that the rubber sleeve separated core and solution from surrounding water. To meet approximate states of pressure in depths of core withdrawal the first pump was used to apply ambient pressures that ranged between 5 and 8 bar. After set up, the testing of pressure depending perfusion could start eventually. The second pump was filled with solution to establish a constant rate of flow which was needed to generate a constant head loss (∆h). This was carried out by applying a constant pressure (or head) on the ’inflow side’ of the sample. Small changes on the head due to barometric conditions or the constant outflow of the solution were corrected automatically. By means of this investigation the implemented heads ranged from 0.2 to 6 bar. To guarantee laminar flow, the applied pressure was not greater than 6 bar. Lesser hydraulic gradients were not generated due to the extremely small permeability revealed within this report (see chapter - 33 - Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation 4.5). Hence, hydraulic gradients which would equal the natural conditions were not applied during testing as originally planned. The applied hydraulic gradient resulted in a laminar flow from bottom to top which was digitally recorded at a constant interval. Besides, the flow through a sample in a bottom-up process enables possible air entrapments to exhaust. For validation reasons ∆h was modified as often as possible during multiple executions of the test (see table 4.1 on page 66 and 4.2 on page 68), though some samples were just tested once as the procedure is very time-consuming. In any case, the applied pressures of the first pump had to be greater than pressures of the pump generating the hydraulic gradient at all times. Thereby securing that water flow occurs through the porous material and not between sample and rubber sleeve. Testing times varied for each analysis because flow char 3.2.2. Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity after Darcy As already mentioned, the saturated hydraulic conductivity was evaluated based on steady state and laminar flow. Therefore, the flow rate was visualised for each sample. The outflow of solution by the pressure pump was plotted against its chronological sequence. An example is given in figure 3.6 (All graphs can be seen in appendix A). With regard to a preliminary lead time, a linear line of best-fit was used to determine an average flow rate as accurately as possible, thereby representing the required constant conditions and rate of flow. Considering sample proportions and terms of steady state, the saturated hydraulic conductivity was evaluated after Darcy: K= V t ·L A · ∆h [ ms ] (3.1) K - Saturated hydraulic conductivity [m/s] V - Volume of discharge respectively solution [m3 ] t - Time of discharge [s] L - Core sample length [m] A - Cross-sectional area [m2 ] ∆h - Difference in water levels - head loss [m − water column] at 21◦ C Conversion of pressure units can be estimated roughly with: 1 bar = 100 kPa ≈ 10 m water column. - 34 - Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation Fig. 3.6.: Example of recorded data during testing of hydraulic conductivity & adapting of best-fit line The exact equation that was used to converse from kPa to [m − water column] and is shown in equation (3.2) kPa [m − H2 O] = (3.2) g · ρ · 0.001 with ρ = 998.1 kg m3 and g = 9.81 m . s2 When hydraulic conductivity is measured either in laboratory analyses or in the field it is important to ensure that the temperature of the test water equals the usual groundwater temperature in the investigated aquifer. Otherwise, a correction factor has to be applied to the results (Brassington, 2007). As the average in-situ temperature of the groundwater was measured with 24◦ C the relevant conversion factor of cT = 1.09 was used (Reimann, 2004). K 24◦ C = K · cT = k · 1.09 [ ms ] (3.3) As the whole analysing equipment, including core samples and solution, were stored in the same room and protected from direct solar radiation at all times, their temperature was determined to equal the air temperature within the laboratory. Random samples of solution and core temperature were taken occasionally, confirming this estimation. The average air - 35 - 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques temperature was amounted with 21◦ C, hence all calculations of the hydraulic conductivity were done on this basis and transferred to conditions of 24◦ C afterwards by applying the conversion factor cT . 3.2.3. Grainsize Analysis & Porosity Grainsize Analysis A basic method in hydrogeology is the presentation of results based on the grain size distribution. Defined rock names and important statistical parameters can be derived from the grain size frequency distribution and the cumulative grainsize curve (F¨uchtbauer et al., 1967). The grainsize analysis defined the grain composition of core samples from sedimentary rocks in the project area. This was done by shaking the sedimentary samples through a series of sieves with decreasing mesh openings. This procedure is reasonable for grainsize diameters of more than 0.063 mm (Reimann, 2004). All sieves residues were weighed separately while their sum must comply to the their total weight. Then, the weight is transformed into the cumulative ’percent finer by weight’ which can be plotted on semilogarithmic paper (see figure 4.7 in chapter 4.6.1, page 72). Normally, the grainsize distribution of the fines (clay & silt, with grain sizes ≤ 0.063 mm) is determined by a hydrometer test which is based on the fundamentals of Stokes’ law. This describes the connection between specific gravity of grains, settling velocity and grain size. Upon consultation of several BGR scientists it was decided not to perform a hydrometer test as this would change the natural occurring aggregates of the sediment and would provide results which do not represent the natural actualities. This decision implies that further division into grain sizes smaller than 0.063 mm was not performed. If it becomes apparent during the course of this project that further examination of the fines is necessary, hydrometic analysation can be done at a later stage. 3.2.4. Indirect Evaluation of Hydraulic Conductivity Based on Grainsize Analysis Three methods are presented within this chapter to estimate the hydraulic conductivity based on the effective grain size (dW ) which represents the mixture of grain sizes of an investigated sediment. - 36 - Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation Hazen In need for finding an effective grain size Hazen (1893) performed several experiments and came to the following conclusion (H¨olting, 1996): 2 K = C · d10 [ ms ] , if dW ∽ d10 (3.4) 0.7 + 0.03T 86.4 d60 U= d10 C= C - Empiric coefficient, depending on the water temperature, the lithological structure of the rock and its uniformity coefficient U U - Uniformity coefficient d10 - Grain size corresponding to the 10% line on the grainsize curve [mm] d60 - Grain size corresponding to the 60% line on the grainsize curve [mm] T - Water temperature in ◦ C Beyer Beyer (1964) found a functional connection between dW and d10 based on graphical evaluation of the effective grain size on well rounded, quaternary and tertiary sands and gravels in northern Germany (H¨olting, 1996). After numerous comparisons of the hydraulic conductivity determined in laboratory analyses and pumping tests he was able to evaluate a hydraulic conductivity that depended on d10 , which again showed a dependency on the uniformity coefficient U. He presented his results in graphs and tables that can be found in various books and technical literature about hydrogeology (amongst others on pages 69 - 70 in Langguth & Voigt (1980)). These tables were used to estimate the hydraulic conductivity in the case of known percentages for d10 and d60 . Therefore, d10 and d60 were read off the relevant grain size curves (Appendix B). - 37 - Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation Kozeny & K¨ ohler Kozeny & K¨ohler modified the original equation of Hazen with regard to porosity and roughness parameters of the investigated rocks: τ ε3 2 2 K = C · dW = 405 · 10−4 d r 1+ε W ε= ε - Void ratio [ ms ] (3.5) n 1−n n - Porosity τ - Ratio of the kinematic viscosity at 10◦ C to its matching value at aquifer temperature dW - Effective grain size r - Roughness parameter - Varies from 1 (smooth sphere) to 5.5 (sharp-edged grains) (after H¨utte, 1951) The effective grain size was evaluated after K¨ohler: ∑ d1i ∆Gi 1 = dW ∑ ∆Gi (3.6) 1 1 1 1 = ( + ) di 2 du dl (3.7) Gi - Percentage of grain size classification i du - Grain diameter at the upper limit dl - Grain diameter at the lower limit i - Index of a grain size classification which corresponds to the mesh diameters of the sieves Porosity Density and porosity are important parameters which describe the micro textural conditions of the ground. The porosity and the pore size distribution influence the grounds ability on hydraulic, thermal and aerial conductivity as well as on sorption processes and its ability to distort (Klinkenberg, 2008). The total pore volume was not investigated completely. In fact, the porosity was determined within the dried state and up to a pore diameter of 100 to 150 µm, thus excluding macropores partly. Pores are classified after IUPAC (1985) into - 38 - Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation micropores (< 0.002 µm), mesopores (0.002 − 0.05 µm) and macropores (> 0.05 µm). The porosity was calculated for all samples by: n= (ρs − ρ) · 100 ρs (3.8) n - Porosity [Vol. − %] ρs - Grain density [g/cm3 ] ρ - Bulk density (excluding macropores) [g/cm3 ] The grain density was evaluated by helium pycnometry. Helium can even enter the smallest voids or pores and gives therefore a grain density of very high accuracy. Within this procedure, the volume of the solid phase was determined for all samples by the expansion of helium in its relation to the assigned pressure. With knowledge of their respective weight, ρs and can be identified for each sample. The bulk density in turn, was determined in an equivR alent procedure. But instead of helium, DryFlowas used which is a quasi fluid medium. It is a powder comprised of spherules with varying diameters (Klinkenberg, 2008). The finest spherules (diameter of 50 µm) fit thereby in the gores of larger ones, which in turn fit into gores of still larger spherules and so on. Thereby, pores which are smaller than 50 µm are not filled with medium. If the same sample is used, this implies differences in density results for both procedures (helium and Dryflo). The according value is smaller for Dryflo. If all pores larger than 50 µm were filled by Dryflo the resulting density could be evaluated up to a pore diameter of 50 µm. In reality, Dryflo cannot reach all pores. The resulting density is rather evaluated up to a pore diameter of 100 to 150 µm. As the density evaluated by Dryflo is set as bulk density while the grain density is defined by the helium procedure, the porosity can then be calculated by equation (3.8). 3.2.5. Mineralogy The mineralogic examination contributes to the hydrogeological investigation of this work as it provides information on the composition and contents of the investigated ground. This can reconfirm the determination of hydrogeological layers. Several analysis methods were performed to determine the mineralogic composition of the CEBs’ sediment. Visual, thermo analytical, chemical, and other tests were applied with the assistance of several BGR scientists to describe the minerals in a quantitative and qualitative way. 10 g of each core sample was dried at 60◦ C and ground by a mortar mill as a necessary preparation. The following explanations on mineralogic analyses are based on the work of Klinkenberg (2008). - 39 - 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques XRD A qualitative examination of the mineralogical composition was done using XRD (X-ray diffraction). The basic idea of X-ray analysis is that each crystalline substance has its own characteristic atomic structure which diffracts X-rays in a characteristic manner (F¨uchtbauer et al., 1967). Cu − Kα - radiation was generated employing a diffractometer. The samples had a diameter of 28 mm and were investigated from 2◦ to 80◦ 2Θ with a step size of 0.02◦ 2Θ. DTA-MS Thermo analytical investigations were performed using the method of DTA-MS (Differential Thermal Analysis - Mass Spectrometer). 100 mg of powdered sample material was equilibrated at 53% relative humidity and heated from 25 to 1000◦ C with a heating rate of 10 K/min. Its use is to identify minerals as well as their stability which are conditioned partly by their degree of crystallinity. XRF Chemical composition of the powdered samples was determined by using a XRF (X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer) . Therefore, the samples were mixed with a flux material and melted into tablets. These tablets were analysed by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (WD-XRF). LOI (Loss On Ignition) was measured as 1000 mg were heated to 1030◦ C for 10 min. The samples were not dried to constant weight at 105◦ C prior to LOI investigation and due to the fact that they were exposed to 1030◦ C, the mass reduction during LOI does not correspond to the content of organic matter. It was rather used as a verification value to determine the chemical components. Carbonate & Sulphur Another method to examine the carbon content, both organic and inorganic was performed by measuring the TC (Total Carbon) with a LECO CS-444-Analysator. Moreover, the TS (Total Sulphur) content was investigated simultaneously. The device was used to heat 170 180 mg of the sample material within an oxygen atmosphere up to 1800 - 2000◦ C. Carbon as well as sulphur were emitted in the form of CO2 and SO2 which was recorded by an infrared detector. To distinguish between TIC (Total Inorganic Carbon) and TOC (Total Organic Carbon) , the carbonates had been removed in a second procedure prior to analysation. The samples were treated several times with HCl (hydrochloric acid) for as long as gas evolution could be observed. Then, TIC is the difference of TC and TOC. - 40 - 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques CEC CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity) was measured using a modified Cu-Triethylenetetramine method after Meier & Kahr (1999). Methods to determine CEC involve the complete exchange of the naturally-occurring cations by a cationic species, such as ammonium, K, Na, methylene blue and Cu(II) ethylendiamine complex. To obtain an accurate estimation of CEC, it is necessary to exchange the ions completely. Therefore, it must either be a high surplus of exchanged cations or the relevant cations need to have a high affinity for the clay mineral (Meier & Kahr, 1999). Compared to other methods, Cu(II) complexes with triethylenetetramine and tetraethylenepentamine allow an easy and rapid CEC determination. Firstly, because they form stable complexes with high affinity for clay, and secondly, it is possible to record the CEC in accurate manner by photometric analysis. The samples were mixed with 50 ml of de-ionized water and 10 ml of 0.01 mol Cu-triethylenetetramine solution. Afterwards, the samples were shaked for 2 hours, followed by centrifugation. The supernatant solution was removed carefully (Meier & Kahr, 1999), and the exchangeable cations were recorded with a ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer). IRS A further method for qualitative identification of minerals was done by applying the nondestructive mineral analysation of IRS (Infrared Spectroscopy). According to F¨uchtbauer et al. (1967), the main use of IRS is the possibility of identifying carbonates and feldspars for sedimentary rocks. The rate of 1 mg sample per 200 mg KBr was applied to measure IR (KBr pellet technique). Again, a thermo spectrometer was used to measure the issued bandwidths of IR. A good evaluation of minerals is possible due to using his procedure on undisturbed as well as on dried samples. ESEM SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) enabled the optical characterisation of core material . SEM was operated in two modes, in low vacuum mode (0.6 mbar) and ESEM (Environmental SEM - up to 10 mbar). The advantage of ESEM-mode is that investigations of moist samples is possible by which the risk of changes within the samples structure due to collapsing minerals is excluded (Klinkenberg, 2008). - 41 - 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques 3.2.6. Methods for Analysation of Pumping Test Data The assumed aquifer KOH2 was investigated by means of pumping tests to identify hydrogeological parameters such as hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity. Pumping tests could not be executed in the cored boreholes. The idea of a well construction in boreholes 201216 & 201217 was abandoned due to the in chapter 3.1.2 described difficulties and problems. Further, it was not possible to execute any pumping tests while coring because the operating drill manager did not want to increase the risk of a wall cake collapse as both boreholes showed a high instability besides, the EDI-Fluidfinder cannot be used during the core drilling procedure (see chapter 3.1.1). Some pumping tests were performed in the direct environment of the cored boreholes i.e. within the wells of boreholes 201045 and 201047. An additional test was executed at borehole 201046. The approach to interpret the recorded data was to analyse both, the step test data and the constant rate test data for transmissivity (van Wyk, 2009). Interpretation of the step-drawdown-test has been done by using Cooper & Jacobs’ method for unsteady state flow in confined aquifers. For verification reasons, the transmissivity was evaluated additionally by means of the method of steady state flow in confined aquifers after Thiem & Dupuit. Both methods will be described here shortly. All calculations were done on data provided by van Wyk (2009). As presented in chapter 3.1.1, the recorded data included rest and pumped water levels, EC and discharge measurements. Discharge rates were taken both by using a 20 l bucket and a stop-watch as well as flow meter readings. Assumptions which underlie both methods are (Kruseman & de Ridder, 1970): • The aquifer has a seemingly infinity areal extent. • The aquifer is homogeneous, isotropic and of uniform thickness over an area influenced by the pumping test. • Prior to pumping, the piezometric surface and/or phreatic surface are (nearly) horizontal over the area influenced by the pumping test while during pumping groundwater is only flowing horizontally. • The pumped well penetrates the entire aquifer and thus receives water from the entire thickness of the aquifer. • The aquifer is confined. Further assumptions are needed for the method of Cooper & Jacob: • The aquifer is pumped with a variable discharge rate. - 42 - Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation • Flow to the well is in unsteady state. Whereas the method of Thiem & Dupuit needs the following assumptions: • The aquifer is pumped at a constant discharge rate. • The flow to the well is in steady state. Kruseman & de Ridder (1970) write also that some of the assumptions can seldom be satisfied in nature. Slight deviations are therefore not prohibitive to the methods of application. Cooper & Jacobs’ Method Cooper & Jacobs’ method is a modified version of the Jacobs’ method which in turn is based on the Theis’ formula (Kruseman & de Ridder, 1970). For the excact derivation of the function refer to Kruseman & de Ridder (1970). An important step of this method is, however, the plot the measured drawdown s on the ordinate against the logarithm of time t on the abscissa. The resulting values form a straight line with a positive slope. This positive slope is essential as the values of t0 , ∆(s/Q) and t have to be read off this line if equation (3.9) and (3.11) shall be used. The basic expression of Jacobs’ formula can be changed with regard to the variable discharge during step pumping. This implies that the drawdown s has to be replaced by the specific drawdown s/Q which is the drawdown per unit discharge. Furthermore, the time t has to be replaced by t which is the weighted logarithmic time of a log cycle (Kruseman & de Ridder, 1970). As a result, the transmissivity is calculated by: T = k·D = 2.30 1 4π ∆(s/Q) (3.9) T - Transmissivity [m2 /s] k - Saturated hydraulic conductivity [m/s] D - Thickness of the water-bearing layer [m] ∆(s/Q) - Difference in the specific drawdown per log cycle of t [s/m2 ] Thiem & Dupuits’ Method On the other hand, the well function of Thiem & Dupuit is derivated from Darcys’ law and the water flow through a cylindric barrel surface in a porous rock (Walther et al., 2004). For further information on the derivation of the method, please refer to Kruseman & de Ridder - 43 - Chapter 3. Methods & Techniques 3.2 Laboratory Work & Methods of Calculation (1970), Langguth & Voigt (1980) and Walther et al. (2004). The final equation for confined aquifers which was used within the context of this report is expressed by: Q = 2π · k · D h2 − h1 lnr2 − lnr1 and with h1 = h2 − s (3.10) r2 > r1 h1 - Height from bottom of the Aquifer to the drawdown water level [m] h2 - Height from bottom of the Aquifer to the piezometric surface before pumping [m] r1 - Effective radius of pumping well [m] r2 - Distance between pumping well and its point of influence, resp. the radius of the cone of depression [m] The storativity coefficient was calculated with the known values for kD, and t0 which is the time t = t0 at s/Q = 0. S= 2.25 · kD · t0 r2 (3.11) The radius of the depression cone (r2 ) is not defined precisely as it depends on various influences such as boundary conditions, inhomogeneities, gradient conditions, recharge of groundwater, etc. (Walther et al., 2004). r2 was calculated by the common used and an often cited empiric approaches of Sichardt and Kusakin in equation (3.12) resp. (3.13). √ r2 = 3000 · s · k p r2 = 575 · s · k · h2 (3.12) (3.13) These empiric estimations for r2 may vary. Still, Langguth & Voigt (1980) prove that even modifications of about 100 % on values of r2 just have small influences on equation (3.10). Equations (3.12) and (3.13) provide sufficient values of r2 . - 44 - Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 4. Results & Interpretation The introduction reveals that a main objective of the project is to secure the water supply of the project area. The fresh water aquifer KOH2 as a future groundwater resource is a matter of great importance for local and national development. This investigation contributes to the entire project by characterisation of the overlying layer which is assumed to be either a confining and/or semi-confining layer. More information is given by this work as the separating layer was not investigated solitary but in combination with aquifers KOH1 and KOH2 . Therefore, the following chapter gives detailed descriptions and interpretations of the received results. Attention will be turned towards all data recordings, methods and calculations described in chapter 3. 4.1. Previous Results The most interesting hydrogeological section of the examined sediment is of course the deeper seated fresh water aquifer KOH2 . The reason for a more detailed investigation of its lateral extend was given during the drilling of borehole 37070 in Eenyama. The village Eenyama is situated about 13 km south-east of Eenhana and is highlighted by the cluster of TEM (Transient Electromagnetic) measurement points in figure 4.1. During the drilling of 37070 two water samples were taken at the depth of 151 m and 241 m. While saline water was encountered at 151 m the low value of electric conductivity (EC) indicated the existence of the fresh water aquifer KOH2 at the depth of 241 m with 745 mg/l TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) . 4.1.1. TEM Investigation Several TEM measurements which are described in chapter 3.1 were performed based on the measured EC in borehole 37070. 71 TEM (440 in total) measurements in the project area provided data of electric conductivity up to the depths of a few hundred meters. Interpretation has been done whereas high values of EC refer to a saline environment and low values to a possible fresh water aquifer. The first TEM measurements were executed in the village Eenyama at borehole 37070 as it is the origin for the entire investigation campaign of KOH2 . - 45 - 4.1 Previous Results Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation Fig. 4.1.: Estimated lateral extend of deeper fresh water aquifer KOH2 The first estimation on the lateral extend of KOH2 has been done by Harald Zauter (project manager) by means of interpretation of all provided TEM results (figure 4.1). As there have not been further investigations along the margins of the estimated aquifer the lateral extend which is demonstrated in figure 4.1 is the best possible evaluation till this day. It was used as the basis for all considerations. 4.1.2. Boreholes Prior to TEM Investigation Various boreholes have been drilled within the project area but only eight are deep enough to penetrate the assumed aquifer KOH2 . The location of all eight boreholes is presented in figure 4.1, of which boreholes 37070, 34355 and 34470 were drilled prior to the TEM measurements and therefore prior to the current groundwater investigation project. Of these three boreholes, 37070 and 34335 lie within the area of KOH2 whereas 34470 is situated outside. All three were drilled with the mud rotary technique and to a depth of 260 m for 34470 and 37070 whereas 34335 was drilled to a depth of 240 m. Lithologs of the main rock types are presented in Appendix F. The lithologs of boreholes 34470, 37070 and 34335 show similar results. Sequently layers of sand and clayey sand are alternating throughout the entire borehole. The logging of cored boreholes 201216 and 201217 will outline that the major difference between sand and clayey sand is hard to distinguish for the upper 240 m of the sediment. These regions reveal an - 46 - 4.2 Lithological Characterisation of Mud Rotary Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation overall unsorted and inhomogen nature. For instance, it is possible that the main rock type of clayey sand in borehole 34470 is logged as sand in borehole 34335. A remarkable unison is still visible as all boreholes are intersected by a clay layer which is varying only in thickness and depth. Boreholes 37070 and 34335 reveal the clay layer at the depth of about 230 m, whereas it is found at the depth of 160 m for 34470 respectively. Subjacent layers of clayey sand are shown in all boreholes which are underlain by sand in 34470 and 37070 from the depth of 240 m onwards. From the hydrogeological and top to bottom point of view it is concluded that all boreholes show a section of better hydraulic conductivity, respectively a possible aquifer, followed by a possible aquitard and/or aquiclude which is again followed by a possible aquifer. 4.2. Lithological Characterisation of Mud Rotary Boreholes The mud rotary boreholes 201245, 201046 and 201047 are the first boreholes established on behalf of the current project. They cover the first stage drilling to investigate the hydrogeological characteristics of the project area. The lithological description of these boreholes was done by Braam van Wyk and Roy Miller on composite samples of every five meters. It should be noted that van Wyk logged the mud samples directly on site while Millers descriptions were made a few weeks later, within the grounds of the Geological Survey of Namibia. The presented results are the supplemented composition of information based on their elaborations. The obtained depth is 390 m for 201045, whilst 201046 and 201047 were drilled to 266 m and 383 m respectively (van Wyk, 2009). 4.2.1. Borehole 201045 Lithological overview and in-situ measured geophysical values can be seen in figure 4.2. The lithology encountered, consisted of fine, poorly sorted, clayey sands which become more cemented at depths greater than 250 m. The upper 10 to 40 m of the matrix reveal a stickiness even though the sediment does not appear to have any clay content. This phenomenon does occur for various boreholes drilled in the CEB and while it is clearly visible immediately after drilling it is hard to detect after the sample has dried out (van Wyk, 2009). 0 − 200 m: Unconsolidated, fine to medium grained sand with an abundant content of silt and/or clay. Grainsize distribution shows that medium grained sand dominates this section whilst coarse grained sand increases from depths of 150 m. Generally, poorly sorted sediment is observed with colours ranging from white/grey, light green to purple - 47 - 4.2 Lithological Characterisation of Mud Rotary Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation in the deeper regions. Sedated increase of gamma values are observed with greater depths. This indicates the existence of clay even if the percentage of clay which is highlighted by the pink bar in figure 4.2 does not show an increase within the clay fraction. Parts of the sand fraction might in truth be cemented clay particles due to the results of the grainsize analyses on core material from borehole 201216 which are demonstrated in chapter 4.6.1. EC measurements signalize a saline environment. According to the stickiness between 10 and 40 m the upper part of the unit is regarded as an aquitard while it is considered to be a saline or brackish aquifer between 40 and 80 m. From 80 to 202 m the continuously increasing gamma log indicates that this part is an aquitard with decreasing hydraulic conductivity. 200 − 230 m: Sandy clay, containing fine grained sand of fair sorting. Eventual appearance of calcretes. The overall percentage of grains smaller than 63 µm shows increased values compared to the section above. The gamma log shows two peaks which indicate an increase of the clay fraction as well. First occurrence of light red colour. The grainsize distribution refers to a main rock type of fine sand. On this account it should be noted that the grainsize distribution of all boreholes has been done by dry sieving only. Hence, the share of the fines (clay, silt) differs in actual values compared to the percentages which are presented in the following figures (see also chapter 4.6.1). This section is considered to be an aquitard. 230 − 270 m: Well rounded, fine sand with better sorting and of white colour. Cemented sand and calcrete nodules up to 240 m. The lower section is comprised by slightly limy but unconsolidated sand. A strong decrease of the electric conductivity is visible. Gamma values decrease as well but less excessive. 228 m might be the upper edge of fresh water aquifer KOH2 . Only one mud sample could be analysed between 250 and 300 m. 270 − 380 m: Mainly, medium grained sand of poor sorting. Remarkable change of colour from white to red and the degree of cementation/consolidation increases from this level downwards. The unit becomes solid from 300 m. Calcrete occurs throughout the section. Low values of gamma and EC are comparable to section above up to about 350 m. Both show increased values from 350 m onwards. Probably, aquifer KOH2 ends at this depth. Discrepancies are visible between the lithological and geophysical log. They occur due to the drilling technique which generates a time lag for samples delivered from great depths. - 48 - 4.2 Lithological Characterisation of Mud Rotary Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation Fig. 4.2.: Litholog and geophysical log of borehole 201045, Grain size distribution: pink = clay, grey = silt, yellow = fine sand, orange = medium sand, brown = coarse sand - 49 - 4.2 Lithological Characterisation of Mud Rotary Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 380 − 390 m: Red clay, also signalised by higher average values of the gamma log. A single mud sample of this depth has been investigated mineralogically. It shows a major presence of smectite (about 20 %) and minor presence of illite and muscovite. The overall content of clay is about 35 %. The content of carbon refers to calcite whilst organic matter is absent. The smectite occurs in Na-form which is rare. In summary, all parameters suggest that the smectite is derived authigenic and hence from the alteration of mafic minerals (see also chapter 4.7, mineralogy). Fluid Finder Two water sampling and aquifer testing procedures were performed using the EDI Fluid Finder. Investigations at 201045 were done in sections 278 to 280 m and 339 to 342 m. Both testings provided excellent water, Group A after the Namibian Water Quality Classification System which is based on EC values only. van Wyk (2009) provides a range of extrapolated transmissivity values for a possible aquifer thickness with 110 to 240 [m2 /d]. Due to the fact that the exact lengths of the tested sections are unknown, precise values of hydraulic conductivity cannot be derived. The estimated range is given by 1.3E-5 to 2.8E-5 [m/s]. 4.2.2. Borehole 201046 Lithological overview and in-situ measured geophysical values can be seen in figure 4.3. The encountered lithology is comparable to borehole 201045 although 201046 contains more coarse grained sand and calcretes. Again, the stickiness is visible for the upper 10 to 75 m of the material which is considered to be hydraulic non-conductive. The sequence of colours is similar to 201045 (van Wyk, 2009). The upper reaches start off with a light grey/white that turns into green at about 90 m which is typical for the Andoni formation. From about 170 m onwards the lithology turns red which is characteristic for the Olukonda formation. 0 − 90 m: Poorly sorted, silty sand which is logged as fine sand. Grainsize distribtion reveals that this section is dominated by medium grained sand of white/grey colour. The whole section contains grains with diameters between silt and coarse grained sand. The section has a sticky appearance between 10 and 75 m and calcrete nodules occur from 30 m onwards. Therefore, it is estimated that the aquitard starts at a depth of 75 m. Moreover, gamma log and penetration rate show a peak at 80 m which is indicative for a higher clay content and contributes to the appearance of an aquitard. EC values of this section signalise a saline environment. 90 − 164 m: Poorly sorted, fine sand of light green colour. Again, the distribution of grains shows that medium sized grains dominate this section. Gamma values increase slowly - 50 - 4.2 Lithological Characterisation of Mud Rotary Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation but constantly from 134 m downwards, thereby indicating the increase of the clay content. Moreover, the penetration rate starts to alternate which signalises a hard-soft-hard environment. It is likely that this formation cemented to a large degree by calcretes, with sand showing a generally high content of lime. In addition to this, the sand is cemented by clay in places. 164 − 190 m: Poorly sorted, fine sand of purple red colour. It is likely that the Olukonda formation is reached in this section. According to van Wyk (2009), it has to be taken note of that a considerable lag occurred in the delivery of the samples due to insufficient flush velocities. This causes mixing of samples to a high degree. An increased content of clay was observed due to grainsize distribution and gamma log. This section is considered to be an aquitard. 190 − 230 m: Poorly sorted sand with a high lime content. Penetration rates of more than 10 [min/m] were recorded. A slow reaction was visible which signalises dolocrete after applying 10 % HCl on samples. High gama values appear in this section, again refering to a high clay content. This section is considered to be an aquitard. 230 − 258 m: Poorly sorted, unconsolidated white to light grey sand. Gamma values as well as electric conductivity values decrease from the start of this section. Therefore, this unit is considered to be the fresh water aquifer KOH2 . 258 − 266 m: Miller logged this section as fine sand of red colour. Braam van Wyk on the other hand describes this section as pure clay that matches the gamma values of this section to a higher account. The induced conductivity log shows significant changes compared to the section above and demonstrates an environment of low salinity. Due to the premature termination of drilling described in chapter 3.1.1, no information can be provided of the deeper units. It is not clear if these clay layers mark the bottom of the KOH2 aquifer already but it is assumed that these clays are merely an intermediate layer. - 51 - 4.2 Lithological Characterisation of Mud Rotary Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation Fig. 4.3.: Litholog and geophysical log of borehole 201046, Grain size distribution: pink = clay, grey = silt, yellow = fine sand, orange = medium sand, brown = coarse sand - 52 - 4.2 Lithological Characterisation of Mud Rotary Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation Fluid Finder Due to problems with the alignment, respectively straightness of the borehole which are described in chapter 3.1.1 this borehole had to be abandoned at a depth of 266 m. Hence, only one unsuccessful test was executed with the EDI Fluid Finder (van Wyk, 2009). The test was performed in a depth from 128 to 130 m. Aquifer parameters were not provided as no water samples could be taken. Considering the geophysical investigations it is not clear if this section is seen either to be a saline aquifer of very low hydraulic conductivity or an aquitard already (see also chapter 4.4). It was definitely detected by the performed EC measurements that this section demonstrates a saline environment. 4.2.3. Borehole 201047 Lithological overview and in-situ measured geophysical values are presented in figure 4.4. The lithology is generally dominated by fine to medium grained sand. Again, the ’sticky matrix’ is visible between the depth of 0 and 80 m. Two remarkable differences are observed as this borehole contains more soft lime as well as it shows a higher amount of silt in general. 0 − 80 m: Poorly sorted, white to light brown silty sand. Sand is unconsolidated and consists mostly of fine to medium sized grains with a few coarse grains embedded. Gamma log shows low values which indicate that clay is absent. Due to the high silt content this section is still considered to be an non-aquifer, respectively aquitard. 80 − 110 m: Poorly sorted, white to light brown fine to medium grained sand. Stickiness of matrix is absent from 63 m downwards. A few sparsely occurring, hard patches of sand which are cemented by calcretes. This section was already known to be aquifer KOH1 prior to this project. At this location, KOH1 is comprised by fresh water which was already encountered at borehole 200651 in close distance. 110 − 200 m: Poorly sorted, white to light brown, clayey sand that turns red from 140 m. Again, this is typical for the Olukonda formation. A remarkable and rapid change of gamma and electric conductivity values can be seen at both the upper and lower edge of the section. The high values of gamma indicate a high clay content even if logging of mud samples just reveal small amounts of clay. It is possible that the clay fraction was taken into solution by the drilling fluid which would result in washed out clay particles which in turn explains the minor amount of clay in the mud samples. Due to the high variation of the penetration rate, this section is considered to be of hard and soft layers alternating sequently. Summing up, it is reasoned that this section comprises aquicludes and aquitards with a varying but low hydraulic conductivity. - 53 - 4.2 Lithological Characterisation of Mud Rotary Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 200 − 300 m: Poorly sorted, red to brown, medium grained sand with some coarse grained sized particles embedded. Higher appearance of calcrete nodules and lime. Penetration rate shows a higher progress per meter compared to section above. From the depth of 240 m onwards a mixture of red and grey, unconsolidated sand is visible within the same horizontal level. The entire section reveals low values of gamma and electric conductivity (EC ranges between 43 - 132 [mS/m]) which indicates that the fresh water aquifer KOH2 is intersected at this depth. 300 − 383 m: generally poorly sorted, red brown, sandy clay showing some patches of fine sand with better sorting. Increased values of EC signalise an environment of high salinity while gamma log matches the high clay content shown in the litholog. This section is considered to be an aquitard of very low hydraulic conductivity, respectively an aquiclude at greater depths. Fluid Finder Two water sampling and aquifer testing procedures were performed using the EDI Fluid Finder. Investigations at 201047 were done in sections from 265 to 267 m and from 329 to 331 m. Both samples showed EC values which classify them as ’Group A’, excellent water. Van Wyk provides a transmissivity value with 5 [m2 /d] for the upper testing which is situated in the section of the aquifer KOH2 . Again, a precise derivation of the hydraulic conductivity is not possible but an estimated value can be given with 6.43E-7 [m/s]. - 54 - 4.2 Lithological Characterisation of Mud Rotary Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation Fig. 4.4.: Litholog and geophysical log of borehole 201047 - 55 - 4.3 Lithological Characterisation of Cored Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 4.3. Lithological Characterisation of Cored Boreholes The recovered cores are the first cores of any length of the unconsolidated Kalahari Group in Namibia and probably in the whole Kalahari Basin of Central and Southern Africa (Miller, 2009, personal communication). It is the first opportunity to study the sedimentology of this succession and obtain a better understanding of its evolution. The lithological logging of core material is based on the work of R. Miller and has been carried out on the grounds of the Geological Survey of Namibia. Pre-logging of cores and additional information was collected by the author prior to the official logging of core samples (see chapter 3.1.2). The provided results of boreholes 201216 and 201217 are therefore a combination of both. Major Drilling Group Inc. could deliver 142.62 m for 201216 and 136.99 m for 201217 of the originally desired 310 m of core material from borehole 201216 and 260 m from borehole 201217 respectively. The described difficulties in chapter 3.1.2 caused core loss of 16 % at 201216 and 9 % at borehole 201217. In addition to this, instabilities of both core boreholes led to the decision to abandon the boreholes at depths of 266 m for 201216 and 235 m for 201217 respectively. Exact core description can be seen in Appendix F and it has to be pointed out that the lithologs presented in figures 4.5 and 4.6 show a summarised version of the very detaild logs provided by Miller. Temperature [◦ C], pH value and the electric conductivity (EC) [µS/cm] were recorded of the drilling fluid during coring and are presented in appendix C. They do not reveal a depth related behaviour and are highly influenced by the synthetic drilling viscosifier DRILLVIS and CAP21. 4.3.1. Borehole 201216 This borehole is situated 12.20 m away from borehole 201045 and Miller used information from the log of the latter to fill in the core log where there was no core recovery. A general difference between the logging of cores and mud rotary samples is visible in figure 4.5. As coring was done to deliver undisturbed samples of the sediment it can be assumed that it provides results of higher precision compared to log of mud samples. The logging of core borehole 201216 shows that it consists almost entirely of highly unusual sediment which is dominated by unbedded clayey sand with about 10 to 30 % of clay. The main grain size of the sediment is defined by fine to medium grained sand of poor sorting. The drilling fluid showed the average pH-value of 9.06 and the average temperature of 27◦ C. 0 − 80 m: No core withdrawn of borehole 201216 within this section. Lithologgical unit of sand has been used to describe the main rock type of the section due to elaborations of Miller and Wyk (compare log of borehole 201045 on page 47). - 56 - 4.3 Lithological Characterisation of Cored Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 80 − 200 m: Poorly sorted, light grey to light green, clayey sand. The dominating grain size is fine sand but a minor and variable as well as fairly uniformly scattered coarseto very coarse-grained sand component, as well as few granule-sized (2 - 4 mm) grains are occurring in patches throughout the entire section. Scattered calcretes are also visible and a hard zone of dolocrete nods is found at 174 m with a thickness of 33 cm. The colour turns to light red purple from this depth downwards. A few thin zones of sandy clay with a thickness of 6 to 30 cm appear which contain a fine grained sand component that makes up between 30 and 50 % of the clay. The section shows a high unsorted condition. Samples of this section are mainly comprised by quartz and feldspar and a minor component of muscovite and iilite. The lithological description of this section and the continuously increasing gamma log of borehole 201045 indicate that this part is an aquitard with decreasing hydraulic conductivity at increasing depth. 200 − 220 m: Generally, good sorted fine sand of light green colour which is intersected by patches of purple red colour which in turn are comprised by finer sand and a clay content with values of up to 30 %. Drilling fluid matches the purple red colour for parts of the section. Patches of white calcrete nods are observed in places. This section of clayey sand demonstrates a higher cohesion of the sediment compared to the section above. It is detected that the grain size decreases while the sorting increases. Core samples of this section show in addition to quartz and feldspar a variable content of smectite. 220 − 230 m: Fairly well sorted, light green and purple red, sandy clay. An even higher cohesion of the sediment is observed. A remarkable 11 cm thick, almost solid calcrete layer from 227.40 to 227.51 m. Due to the high core loss that started at about 210 m no samples could be investigated in the laboratories of BGR. This and the last section are considered to be aquitards of very low permeability which is backed up by results of investigations in borehole 201045. - 57 - 4.3 Lithological Characterisation of Cored Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation Fig. 4.5.: Litholog of core borehole 201216 and comparison to 201045, dots point out core samples and their relevant depth, red bars refer to core loss - 58 - 4.3 Lithological Characterisation of Cored Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 230 − 250 m: A high core loss of 66 % was observed within this section, but retrieved core is well sorted, light grey to green clayey sand which is cemented up to 239 m. Abrupt change from 239 m to dark red and grey, unconsolidated sand without changing of grain size. Occasionally occuring calcretes from 247 m. Between 239 and 243 m, thin (few centimeters) sandy clay layers intersect the generally and continuously decreasing amount of clay and increasing amount of fine to medium grained sand which is visible with preceding depth. The largest occurring sandy clay layer is visible from 240.70 to 241 m which has an estimated percentage of clay with about 60 % and shows a high cohesive condition. Due to mineralogic investigations done on samples taken from this section, the relevant hydrogeological layer is considered to be a ’fuzzy layer’ which shows all signs of an aquitard with low hydraulic conductivity in the upper reaches while the hydraulic conductivity increases continuously with depth. An abrupt change to KOH2 is not visible. This will be discussed more detailed in chapter 4.4. 250 − 266 m: Well sorted, fine sand of red or brown colour in general. Brown sand shows less clay than red or grey sands and reveals a very unconsolidated condition. Drilling fluid matches brown colour of sand. This section is considered to be the fresh water aquifer KOH2 . 4.3.2. Borehole 201217 This borehole is situated close to the border of Namibia and Angola with a distance of about 100 m to the mud rotary borehole 201047. Again, Miller used the information of the latter to fill in the core log in sections where core loss appeared. The logging of core material from 201217 shows that it consists, like borehole 201216, of the same highly unusual sediment which is dominated by unbedded clayey sand almost throughout the entire borehole. The main grain size of the sediment is defined by fine to medium grained sand of poor sorting but unlike borehole 201216 a higher content of silt is visible. The drilling fluid showed the average pH-value of 8.98 and the average temperature of 23◦ C. 0 − 80 m: No core withdrawn from borehole 201217 in this section. Lithologgical unit of sand has been used to describe the main rock type of the section due to elaborations of Miller and Wyk (compare log of borehole 201047 on page 53). 80 − 110 m: Poorly sorted, light green, clayey sand which shows the dominating grain size of fine sand. About 50 % core loss within this section. Core is characterised by consolidated sand which is intersected by layers of white silcretes up to a thickness of 15 cm and to the depth of 90 m. Calcrete layers appear as well. From the depth of 90 m the sand becomes less consolidated and very wet. The last five meters of this section - 59 - 4.3 Lithological Characterisation of Cored Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation are occasionally intersected by ferrous indurated sandstone. The section is considered to contain fresh water due to the already given descriptions at logging of 201047 and due to the low values of electric conductivity measured within the drilling fluid. 110 − 144 m: Poorly sorted, alternating zones of green, clayey sand and sandy clay. A variable but abundant silt content is observed throughout the section. White calcretes, dolocretes as well as silcretes interlaminate the entire section and become more abundant towards the deeper reaches. A thick dolocrete layer of 43 cm is observed at 140 m. The colour of the drilling fluid changes from grey which was observed in the last section to green-brown. 144 − 170 m: This section consists of sandy clay that changes abruptly to a purple grey which is the typical colour of the Olukonda formation. Drilling fluid matches the core description. A low amount of calcretes and dolocretes is visible but has definitely decreased compared to section above. Only a little core loss is observed in this section which is due to the finer material and the detected cohesion of the sediment. This section is considered to be an aquitard and furthermore, the region of the lowest permeability encountered within this borehole. 170 − 200 m: Well sorted, green grey, clayey and fine sand which is consolidated in the upper 5 meters. A few purple grey streaks of sandy clay are still visible but appear only in patches. A high amount of clay and silt is observed between 185 and 195 m. Again, this region shows more purple grey intersections of sandy clay which match the gamma values recorded in the relevant depth of borehole 201047. 200 − 235 m: Well sorted, grey, clayey sand for the upper five meters which turns into dark grey sand with threads of clay still present. From 210 m downwards clay is almost none existent anymore. Sand of this section is comprised by fine to medium grained particles and the colour changes to red brown while the sand still reveals a fair sorting but is completely unconsolidated. The core of the entire section is very soft and wet which results in a high brittleness. This section is considered to be the clay-poor and sand-rich fresh water aquifer KOH2 . This statement is confirmed by results from test pumping and triaxial testing of samples withdrawn from this section. - 60 - 4.3 Lithological Characterisation of Cored Boreholes Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation Fig. 4.6.: Litholog of core borehole 201216 and comparison to 201047, dots point out core samples and their relevant depth, red bars refer to core loss - 61 - 4.4 Overview of Drilling and Logging Results Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 4.4. Overview of Drilling and Logging Results From a hydrogeological point of view, the TEM soundings, all lithological and geophysical information presented, and especially the composition of the core material demonstrate, that the sediment can be divided into five hydrogeological sections. The first, or upper section is generally considered to be an aquitard due to the clayey sand which dominates the sediment. These upper reaches are defined by van Wyk (2009) as ’sticky matrix’ which are not clearly identified by gamma values. Gamma values do not always identify the appearance of clay as gamma responds mainly to potassium (K 40 ) containing clays but the potassium isotope is not a necessary component of clay minerals (compare chapter 3.1.1). However, it is known, that section I can contain seasonal and very shallow (10 - 15 m), perched groundwater resources of saline and/or fresh water. They are recharged by heavy rain falls during the rainy season. As a conclusion section I is determined to be part of the KOS aquifer system described in chapter 2.5.1. The second section is generally considered to be an aquifer. Lithology of the cored boreholes and geophysics measured in the mud rotary boreholes as well as earlier drilled boreholes prove that it was encountered at all drilling sites. Therefore, a regional extend is detected. The electric conductivity measurements performed in boreholes 201045 and 201047 show that the water of this aquifer shows a high content of solutes at 201045 which implies a saline groundwater condition, while it shows a low content of solutes at 201047, implying a fresh water resource. This is the typical aquifer condition for the region and has been encountered during drilling of various boreholes prior to this investigation. Fresh water along the margins of the CEB becomes more and more saline towards the centre. As this relates to the typical condition of the known aquifer KOH1 , section II is determined to be part of it. All lithologs and geophysics show that section II is underlain by a layer of high clay and/or silt content. Just as section II, this section (section III) is determined to have a regional occurrence. Investigations of boreholes 201045, 201046 and 201216 show a sedated gradation from section II into III. The clay content increases slowly but constantly from about 80 m which can be seen in the litholog of 201216 as well as in the measured gamma values of 201045 and 201046. Therefore, section III is considered to be an aquitard with decreasing hydraulic conductivity at increasing depth. The aquitard reveals the highest amount of clay at the depth from 200 to 230 m. It is still not clear if this region should be defined as aquiclude because neither litholog nor the performed geophysical investigations permit a qualified declaration. Results of triaxial testing in chapter 4.5 and mineralogy in chapter 4.7 will give further information on this topic. The clay content decreases below 230 m which is assumed to result in a higher hydraulic conductivity. Investigations on boreholes 201047 and 201217 reveal a more abrupt change of grain sizes, colours and measured geophysics at the change - 62 - 4.4 Overview of Drilling and Logging Results Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation of sections II and III. This indicates a stratigraphic break which could have been influenced by fluvial sedimentation. Another indication for the lack of sedimentation is given due to the thickness and depth of this section. Section III, respectively the aquitard is encountered between 110 and 200 m. Unlike investigations at previously described boreholes (201045, -46, 201216), these boreholes reveal their clay maximum closer to the surface and in depths between 144 and 170 m. The clay maximum is accompanied by the strongest appearance of purple colour. The purple colour can relate to a ferric (Fe3+ ) sediment with small pore diameters. Water can seep into ferric sediments containing bigger pores, thus reducing the iron to Fe2+ what results in a loss of the purple colour. As streaks of purple are visible throughout section III, this indicates that patches of higher water permeability are alternating with impervious patches. Summing up, it can be concluded that section III separates the aquifer KOH1 from underlying layers and is therefore the confining layer of fresh water aquifer KOH2 . Section IV is only partly explored in the cored boreholes but investigations of mud rotary boreholes include its entire length. It ranges between 200 and 290 m at boreholes 201047 and 201216, while between 230 and 350 m at boreholes 201045 and 201216 respectively. The abundant amount of good sorted sand grains, and the decreasing amount of clay which is completely absent at greater depths of section IV signalise to have intersected the aquifer KOH2 . Corresponding to the TEM results, an environment of low electric conductivity was encountered in all boreholes within this section. Hence, the regional extend of the aquifer is assumptive. An exception is spotted upon regarding borehole 34470. The results of natural gamma and electric conductivity measured up to the depth of 240 m in borehole 34470 conclude that it does not intersect the fresh water aquifer. Gamma values do not show significant changes throughout the borehole and the electric conductivity presents values which relate to a high salinity. The bottom end of the fresh water unit and beginning of the section V was only encountered in borehole 201045 at 370 m and at 300 m for borehole 201047 respectively. All other boreholes either were abandoned beforehand or were not planned to reach such depths. High gamma values and a high clay content are observed upon investigating section V of borehole 201046. It is not defined certainly if this represents the end of the fresh water unit or is merely a smaller, intersecting layer. It is guessed, however, that the clay refers to an intermediate layer. An overall unsorted nature of the upper sediment was observed during investigations. This statement refers to the sorting of section I to III. Due to being an inland river delta with a very shallow morphology river beds shifted regularly during the sedimentary history of the CEB. - 63 - 4.4 Overview of Drilling and Logging Results Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation In addition to this, water levels changed frequently due to droughts, flash floods and meanflow conditions which alternated periodically in height. The flash floods in particular which are floods of high intensity and short duration, resulted in an irregular erosion of sediment. Eroded material was deposited rapidly at dwindling of discharge. This rapid deposition in combination with an insufficient transport distance are typical for an unsorted nature in the sediment. Bioturbation is another reason for the poor sorting of the sediment. During the detailed examination of the core material some offset colours were observed in form of purple streaks which were already described in section III. These streaks seem to follow old root systems and burrow passages generated by benthic flora and fauna. Some few of these passages are calcretised due to precipitations of calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ) which forms often along root systems in a calcareous environment. The poor sorting is accompanied by an overall inhomogen condition of the sediment. Almost all sections show grain sizes from clay to coarse grained sand (compare core log, Appendix F). For instance, granule-sized grains were observed in many clayey patches respectively layers. Moreover, variations of grain shapes are observed as well. Well rounded grains signalising a long transport distance are in close contact with sharp edged grains transported just over a short distance. The overall unsorted nature improves from the depth of about 200 m at borehole 201216, respectively 144 m at 201217 and the sediment is in a well sorted condition. Especially in regions where fine sand occurs to a high account. Therefore, it appears that the finer the grain size of the sand fraction becomes the better the sorting of this section becomes. The layer of the finest sands is as well the layer with the maximum amount of clay and/or silt. Again, all boreholes reveal such a layer but with varying thickness. Core loss was a general problem during the drilling procedure. In addition to the given explanations of core loss in chapter 3.1.2, a sedimentary dependency is visible when regarding core loss in its relation to depth. Layers of non-cohesive material, i.e aquifers KOH1 and KOH2 show a higher rate of core loss compared to the intersecting layer which is comprised by cohesive material. A picture of the used drill bit and core catcher is presented on page 26. This particular core equipment is used normally for indurated rocks. As the investigated sediment consists of unconsolidated material in the reaches of KOH1 and KOH2 it is likely that a different core catcher would have caused less core loss. All withdrawn material, i.e. mud samples and cores, were taken out of the Andoni and partly out of the Olukonda formation. The withdrawn material consists of highly unusual sediment that in regions can neither be defined as Andoni nor Olukonda formation (Miller, 2009, personal communication). For instance, the aquifer unit in core borehole 201217 seems to be underlain by more clayey, vary coloured sediment before typical Olukonda is reached. Upon consultation of R. Miller it is considered to give the sediment between Andoni - 64 - 4.5 Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation and Olukonda formation a new name, either as a formation in its own right or as a member in the Andoni Formation. The name Ohangwena Formation or Member seems suitable. After Miller, the following stratigraphy is suggested: 201216 : 0 - 260 m Andoni formation, 260 - 266 m new formation, 266 - 390 m Olukonda Formation 201217 : 0 - 212 m Andoni formation, 212 - 297 m new formation, 297 - 383 m Olukonda Formation 4.5. Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity 4.5.1. Triaxial Cell The results of triaxial testing are presented within this chapter. Core samples out of the following hydrogeologic layers were investigated to receive further knowledge on hydrogeological parameters and flow characteristics of the groundwater in the project area. Aquifer KOH1 , the intersecting layer and the underlying and confined aquifer KOH2 . Tables 4.1 & 4.2 show values of the saturated hydraulic conductivity based on evaluations of Darcys’ law. It should be pointed out that the lithological determination in these tables differs compared to the lithological description given in chapter 4.3. Table 4.1 & 4.2 relate to a more detailed lithology whereas results presented in chapter 4.3 relate to a summarized lithological description. Hydraulic conductivity values range between 7.45 · 10−6 [m/s] and 3.51 · 10−12 [m/s] at borehole 201217 and from 8.94 · 10−8 [m/s] to 7.10 · 10−13 [m/s] at borehole 201216. According to DIN 18130, all received values relate to a poor or very poor water permeability. Core samples 201216 and 201217 demonstrate a similar vertical development. Higher kvalues in the upper regions are decreasing downwards and show their minimum at 201 m for 201216 and 151 m for 201217 respectively. The hydraulic conductivity of underlying samples reveals an increasing development at increasing depth. To draw further conclusions from the examined sediment, it is essential to refer these values to the evaluated hydrogeological layers and rock formations they have been taken from. As the coring started on borehole 201216 with a depth of 80 m it was not possible to investigate samples from layers which are certainly defined as KOH1 . Samples 201216-19 & 201216-22 were taken on the assumption of being withdrawn from the fuzzy layer (see also chapter 4.4). This means, that it was not clear if they were taken either from KOH1 , the upper, - 65 - Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 4.5 Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Table 4.1.: Evaluation of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Triaxial testing - borehole 201216) ID Depth 201216X [m] -19 127.14 - 127.25 -22 136.80 - 136.90 -28 153.95 - 154.04 -45 201.53 - 201.63 -52 218.45 - 218.56 -54 219.52 - 219.60 -72 248.50 - 248.60 -73 249.02 - 249.13 -81 266.02 - 266.13 Testing hyd. Rock time conductivity formation after [m−H2 O] [min] [m/s] Miller 7 1225 7.11E-10 clayey 20 1580 1.54E-10 sand 50 1418 3.36E-10 355 2.47E-11 clayey 20 950 4.26E-12 sand 7000 4.49E-12 20 2830 1.35E-11 clayey 60 1380 6.36E-12 sand 20 4000 clayey n.a. 20 3500 sand 20 8050 2.16E-12 clayey 60 330 7.10E-13 sand 20 7062 6.79E-12 silty 60 2640 4.98E-12 clay 20 6050 5.97E-10 clayey 60 319 2.50E-8 sand 5 107 9.77E-10 sand 10 90 2.14E-9 20 1590 7.75E-9 2 105 8.35E-9 sand 5 130 8.94E-8 ∆h Layer aquitard aquitard aquitard aquiclude aquiclude aquiclude aquitard aquitard aquifer brackish aquifer, or already from the aquitard. When seen in context to the entire borehole, sample 201216-19 shows a high value of hydraulic conductivity. The sedated but constant increase of clay, described in chapter 4.4 reflects the results of the hydraulic conductivity values based on triaxial testing. Sample 201216-19 is comprised by a clay content that refers to 10 - 16 CPS natural gamma (measured in 201045). Its k-values are located in the region of 10−10 [m/s]. Followed by the subjacent lying material of sample 201216-22 with values of 23 to 39 CPS that results in a hydraulic conductivity in the range of 10−11 to 10−12 [m/s]. The results of sample 201216-28 are similar whereas the hydraulic conductivity becomes still lower for samples below the depth of 201216-28. Samples 201216-45, -52, -54 provide the lowest hydraulic conductivities evaluated. Again, this reflects the high clay content determined by litholog and geophysical investigations which shows proportions of 30 to 40 % in this region. With 7.1 · 10−13 [m/s], the least measured k-value relates to the depth of 218.50 m. Sample 201216-45 is determined as hydraulic - 66 - 4.5 Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation non-conductive due to the fact that the flow through sample was not established during triaxial testing. This corresponds to the high clay content detected by litholog and natural gamma radiation because around the depth of 201 m the maximum of natural gamma with more than 61 CPS was measured in borehole 201045. Results of samples that were taken below 230 m show values comparable to sample 20121619. It was difficult to assign a hydrogeological layer for samples 201216-72 and 201216-73 as they show signals of both aquiclude/aquitard and aquifer. Core log and grain size analysis both indicate that samples 201216-72 and 201216-73 are dominated by fine and medium grained sand. They are located at the depth of 248 to 249 m where the lithological description changes from clayey sand to sand, although clay is still visible in the latter. The measured EC values of 201045 at an equal depth refer to an environment of low salinity. This indicates that samples -72 and -73 are located in the fresh water aquifer KOH2 . On the contrary, the stickiness of these samples which was observed during core withdrawal, and the evaluated hydraulic conductivity values relate to a very poor water permeability. It seems as if samples -72 and -73 are located in a transitory zone. The very inhomogen condition of the sediment matches with the just presented considerations as it means that grains of all sizes are in close contact, thereby rejecting the development of uniform layers. The boundary lines between layers become fuzzy which implies that the geohydrological parameters show a condition of smooth transition between layers. Therefore, the investigated samples are seen to be withdrawn out of the fuzzy layer on the threshold from aquitard to aquifer of very poor permeability. Sample 201216-81 shows the highest value of hydraulic conductivity. Even if logged as sand, the grainsize distribution reveals a comparatively average share in the fractions of silt and clay (see figure 4.7). Therefore, it is located in the fuzzy layer between aquiclude and aquifer KOH2 . Core material was not received below this depth as the sediment was very soft, brittle and unconsolidated. Considering the geophysical information of the relevant depth in borehole 201045 it is assumed that this sample refers to the bottom end of the fuzzy layer and can be seen to be part of the deeper aquifer for modeling purposes. With regard to the depth related developing observed for cores of 201216, likewise outcomes were found after testing of cores from borehole 201217. Samples taken from the upper and lower regions of the succession show k-values which range from 1 · 10−6 [m/s] to 1 · 10−8 [m/s]. Samples from the separating layer result in values of 1 · 10−11 [m/s] and 1 · 10−12 [m/s] which reflects the clay content determined by natural gamma and core log. Furthermore, these samples (201217-38, -43, -55, -70) resemble the results of the aquitard section determined for 201216. Again, the lowest evaluated hydraulic conductivity can be found at the maximum of clay content and hence for sample 201217-55. Corresponding to - 67 - Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 4.5 Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Table 4.2.: Evaluation of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Triaxial testing - borehole 201217) ID Depth 201217X [m] -9 90.02 - 90.13 -18 99.68 - 99.80 -25 105.19 - 105.30 -38 118.26 - 118.38 -43 126.43 - 126.55 -55 151.76 - 151.88 -70 195.91 - 196.03 -84 213.56 - 213.70 -98 228.99 - 229.09 Testing hyd. Rock time conductivity formation after [m−H2 O] [min] [m/s] Miller clayey 4 160 2.21E-7 sand clayey 1.9 540 6.27E-8 sand clayey 1.13 540 1.06E-6 sand sandy 10 5440 9.07E-12 clay clayey 20 8873 2.94E-11 sand 20 1120 4.6E-12 clayey 20 12830 3.51E-12 sand sandy 20 11365 3.29E-11 clay 0.19 152 4.57E-6 sand 0.24 350 7.45E-6 ∆h 0.25 380 6.85E-6 sand Layer aquifer aquifer aquifer aquitard aquitard aquiclude aquitard aquifer aquifer the inhomogeneity of the sediment (see chapter 4.4) and that all investigations were done on spot samples it is assumed that the layer of highest clay content consists of hydraulic non conductive sections for borehole 201217 as well. It is noticeable that the hydraulic conductivity shows generally higher values in the upper and lower reaches compared to borehole 201216. According to DIN 18130 these values are still described by ’poor permeability’. Higher values in these regions can be explained by the hydrogeological layers these samples have been taken from. Samples 201217-9, -18, -25 were taken from the depth of the upper aquifer KOH1 whereas samples -84 and -98 were withdrawn from the deeper fresh water aquifer KOH2 . The fuzziness of borehole 201216 is not observed upon triaxial testing of 201217. This contributes to the stratigraphic break described in chapter 4.4. Considering the core log as well as geophysics of 201047, the more abrupt change in gamma, EC-values, rock colour and grain size are reflected on the results of triaxial testing. Usually, a hydraulic conductivity of less than 1 · 10−6 [m/s] represents a rock formation which is dominated by silt or clay as the major component. The results received by triaxial testing are quite uncommon as all examined samples are dominated by sand, either fine or - 68 - 4.5 Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation medium grained (compare with core log, appendix F & grain size distribution, figure 4.7). However, the expected behaviour of the hydraulic conductivity in its relation do depth is identifiably as regions of aquifers are showing higher values compared to the confining layer. Due to the very low and therefore unexpected results of samples from borehole 201216, the usefulness of the procedure, i.e. triaxial testing and evaluation after Darcy was called into question. Is the use of a constant-head for determining the K-value still worthwhile in zones of 10−12 [m/s] and 10−13 [m/s], or is it compulsive to use falling-head permeameters for testing as well as a different flow law? Schildknecht & Schneider (1987) wrote on this account that experimental work done on cohesive sediments produces extremely contradictory statements. Further investigation indicated that divergences applying Darcys’ law in laboratory analyses result from inadequate, metrological consideration of side effects and of insufficient establishment of conditions which reflect the natural actualities of the situation. Schildknecht & Schneider (1987) also say that the validity of Darcys’ law cannot be deduced by experimental investigation. Nevertheless, there is no reason for using a different flow law. To sum up, it is concluded that the existence of a non-linear flow in cohesive sediments is not exclusionary. To regard divergences due to side effects some samples were tested under the condition of different pressure heads. It was detected that a few samples show an increase of hydraulic conductivity with increasing pressure. This contradicts with the applied method of evaluating the hydraulic conductivity after Darcy. An explanation was found after examination of the filter stones used on either end of the sample. While extraordinary features were not visible applying small heads, pores of the filter stones showed fine particles (clay and/or silt) if high pressures were used. That might indicate a turbulent flow which changed the hydrogeologic parameters of the samples due to transportation of very fine material within the sediment. It was not possible to perform the testing with a hydraulic gradient close to real conditions as most of the samples then should have been tested for several months. The lower, confined Aquifer (KOH2 ) shows a piezometric surface of 13.6 m below surface at 201216 while it is 37.7 m below surface at borehole 201217 (compare chapter 4.8). On the other hand, the upper aquifer reveals an average phreatic surface between 50 and 80 m below surface (Zauter, 2009, personal communication). Roughly estimated, these groundwater levels would result in a head loss ∆h of 50 m water column. Considering the thickness of the confining layer, respectively the distance that has to be covered by water between these two aquifers, the implemented pressure on the sample would result in approximately 0.005 bar. That implies 1061 d of testing if transferred to the existent laboratory conditions, a sample length of 9 cm and assuming a hydraulic conductivity of 10−10 [m/s]. Moreover, small head gradients and long testings generate errors due to noise-effects which result in an impure representation - 69 - 4.5 Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation of the constant calculation parameters. Hence, the minimum generated pressure head on samples of 201216 resulted in 2 [m − water column], resp. 0.19 [m − water column] for 201217. Divergences in k-values of ’very poor permeability’ are varying in a very small and therefore still reasonable zone which can be explained by the following. The outflow of solution during testing of samples which lead to results between 10−11 [m/s] and 10−13 [m/s] was extremely sparse (compare Appendix A. Consequently, small variations in determining the average outflow lead to greater relative errors in the calculation of the hydraulic conductivity, while the absolute error was insignificant. The very minor outflow of solution caused further problems. Some graphs in Appendix A demonstrate a supposed back flow of solution. That, of course, is impossible as there was no reversed pressure gradient. A daily reoccurrence of this ’back flow behaviour’ was observed upon examination. After checking on air temperature and barometric pressure, it became clear, that these diurnal variations respectively their effects on the testing procedure could not be eliminated completely. The so-called back flow can be interpreted on account of the operation sequence of the pressure pumps. Continuous verification of the hydraulic head was required to guarantee a constant hydraulic gradient. Both pumps hold therefore an internal pressure sensor which is responsible for all modifications provided by an automatic mechanism of the pressure pumps. As fluids react on thermal and barometric alterations by expansion or contraction, the pressure sensor is affected as well and causes the relevant changes. Again, these effects are negligible in zones of K > 1 · 10−10 [m/s] while this declaration cannot be made for samples with lower k-values. Miscalculations due to this problem were avoided by ignoring error containing measurements on determining the average outflow. Errors in terms of a reduced hydraulic conductivity due to swelling of the clay minerals were minimised by using a solution that matches the real pore solution in its major contents and are therefore negligible. In summary, most of the encounterd problems result from the very poor permeability of the tested samples. In zones of K < 1 · 10−10 [m/s] carry problems such as rounding errors a greater weight compared to zones of K > 1 · 10−10 [m/s]. Nonetheless, satisfactory results were received. It is discovered that two layers of better hydraulic conductivity are separated by a layer of extremely poor to no permeability. From the hydrogeological point of view, the results of the lower and upper core samples from borehole 201216 seem to be referring to a transition zone between aquifer layers and confining layer as they vary only in small range. Nevertheless, it is assumed that the sediment in the area around borehole 201216 shows kvalues in the range of K > 1 · 10−6 [m/s] as well but that these sections were not intersected during coring. Aquifer KOH1 is situated above 80 m at 201216 while the deepest sample - 70 - 4.6 Grainsize Analysis & Porosity Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation taken refers to the region of transition from aquitard to KOH2 . Borehole 201217 reveals results which make a more precise definition of hydrogeological layers possible. Based on the investigations of triaxial testing, the intersecting layer between aquifer KOH1 and KOH2 is seen as an aquitard on the upper and lower ends while it is determined to be hydraulic non-conductive in the depths of the highest clay content (see litholog). 4.6. Grainsize Analysis & Porosity Results of grainsize analysis and porosity are presented within this chapter. They provide statistical parameters and additional information which contributes to characterise the hydrogeological condition of the investigated area. Hydraulic conductivity values are evaluated based on the grainsize distribution to compare the results to values derived from triaxial testing (compare chapter 4.5). 4.6.1. Grainsize Analysis Figure 4.7 displays a summary of the cumulative grain size curves of the investigated samples. It should be noted that only results of samples from borehole 201216 can be presented as no data has been received of borehole 201217 and of samples 201216-73, -81 which were observed during second stage testing. Single graphs can be seen in Appendix B. Every cumulative grainsize curve is described by three general elements (Langguth & Voigt, 1980). 1. The preponderant grainsize 2. The slope of the curve which can be determined by the uniformity coefficient U = d60 d10 3. The shape of the curve, either S- or concave shaped All investigated samples demonstrate a well developed S-shape. Unconsolidated sediments with a low uniformity coefficient and a preponderant grainsize of fine or medium grained sand are indicated by this shape. In addition, a good permeability is not uncommon compared to sediments comprised by silt or clay. All samples have their dominant grain size in the region of fine to medium grained sand and a low uniformity coefficient which ranges between 1.98 and 3.12. The use of estimating the hydraulic conductivity after Hazen, Beyer and K¨ohler provides therefore good results in a sandy environment (see table 4.3). The grainsize distribution reveals that almost all samples are normally distributed, with some showing a skewness. - 71 - 4.6 Grainsize Analysis & Porosity Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation Fig. 4.7.: Summary of cumulative grainsize curves of investigated core samples The depth related location of all samples can be seen in figure 4.8. Samples 201216-19, -22, -28 and -45 show a wider array of grain diameters as they reveal a few aggregates bigger than 1.12 mm. These samples show the lowest share in the fraction of silt and clay. The fraction of clay and silt increases for deeper located samples whereas the fraction of coarse grained sand decreases. Less than 1 % of grains are classified as coarse sand if regarding samples 201216-52, -54 and -72. With 10%, the maximum of clay is found in sample 201216-52 thereby reflecting lithological investigations between 200 and 230 m of borehole 201216. It was detected that the occurrence of finer material increases with depth up to about 200 - 230 m from where this behaviour is reversed. A particular feature is visible for sample -72. While the general amount of sand increases, the grain diameter shows its maximum increase in grain sizes of less than 0.355 mm. This implies a finer sand fraction for sample 201216-72 compared to the upper samples. Samples 201216-19, -22, -28, -45 and -72 were logged as clayey sand. Sample -72 shows a higher share in the fine sand fraction whereas the other samples are comprised by a higher share in the medium to coarse grained fraction. Furthermore, the cumulative grainsize curve of sample 201216-72 appears to have the steepest slope between 0.112 mm and 0.2 mm, what again points to the high amount of fine sand. Compared with this, samples 201216-19, -22, -28 display the most broadly based distribution of grains that matches the inhomogenity described in chapter 4.4. All results of estimating the hydraulic conductivity after Hazen et al. (see table 4.3 on page 74) provide values in the region of ’permeable’ (after DIN 18130). The lowest values were found after calculations based on the method of K¨ohler, whereas Hazen generally pro- - 72 - 4.6 Grainsize Analysis & Porosity Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation Fig. 4.8.: Comparison of evaluated hydraulic conductivity values of samples from borehole 201216, -X refers to sample ID vides the highest k-values. The minimum difference appears between calculations of Beyer and Hazen. It is suspected that K¨ohlers’ method gives best estimations as it is influenced by the most sediment parameters measured. Though, all values must be seen as a rough estimation because huge differences are recognisable if compared to the hydraulic conductivity estimated on basis of triaxial testing which is seen to provide results of higher precision (see figure 4.8). The appearance of a ’smectite gel’ which will be explained in chapter 4.7 provides a possible explanation for these difference. A low amount of hydrated smectite minerals in a gel-like condition increase the influence of the smectite minerals. They show equal characteristics compared to sediments containing a higher amount of clay. This refers to the low hydraulic conductivities of samples 201216-45, -52 and -54 derived by triaxial testing. Grainsize analyses are performed in a dried condition which causes the ’gel’ respectively smectite solution to evaporate, leaving smectite residuals. These residuals have a lower influence and lead to higher values of hydraulic conductivity which were evaluated based on grainsize analyses. Still, figure 4.8 shows that all applied methods reveal the same vertical sequence of k-values. Higher values of hydraulic conductivity in the upper and lower reaches are intersected by lower values in the centre. It is important to note that it was expected to receive a higher content of clay and/or silt from the grainsize analysis because almost the entire core material withdrawn from 201216 - 73 - Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 4.6 Grainsize Analysis & Porosity Table 4.3.: Evaluation of saturated hydraulic conductivity (grainsize analysis) Sample-ID saturated hydraulic conductivity - k-value Depth U = dd60 Hazen 10 Beyer K¨ohler 201216-19 201216-22 201216-28 201216-45 201216-52 201216-54 201216-72 [m] 127.09 136.91 154.04 201.63 218.70 219.83 248.67 [m/s] 1.2E-4 7.9E-5 9.5E-5 7.5E-5 2.5E-5 3.4E-5 5.3E-5 [m/s] 3.04E-5 1.44E-5 2.91E-5 8.86E-6 2.81E-6 6.73E-6 3.28E-5 2.38 2.88 3.12 2.97 2.89 2.62 1.98 [m/s] 2.14E-4 1.52E-4 1.91E-4 1.28E-4 6.53E-5 9.42E-5 1.44E-4 was logged as clayey sand. Keeping this in mind and due to the background presumption on investigating two aquifers separated by a confining layer, all samples demonstrate a low share in the fraction of smaller than 63 µm. With regard to the information derived from mineral composition in chapter 4.7 and especially the mineral composition of the smectite containing samples (201216-45, -52, -54), it becomes obvious that the share of the fines (< 63 µm) is not displayed correctly by the grainsize distribution. Correspondingly, huge differences are identified if the k-value based on grainsize analysis is compared to the k-value based on triaxial testing. According to the fact that all grainsize sections were determined by dry sieving, the low contents of clay and silt indicate that the clay minerals are arranged as stable aggregates in addition to the occurrence of the smectite gel. These aggregates which show a grainsize of fine to medium grained sand are in truth clogged clay particles. Therefore, it is necessary to destroy these aggregates prior to the grainsize investigation by which the fine clay could be extracted. This would result in a share of the ’fines’ that reflects at least the smectite content determined in chapter 4.7. According to research assistants of the BGR, all aggregates were left in their primitive state to guarantee an appearance of natural actuality. 4.6.2. Porosity As can be seen in table 4.4 show all samples a porosity in the range of 20 to 35%. The grain density does not indicate a depth relating behaviour. The bulk density on the other hand shows increasing values the finer the sediment becomes. Its maximum is found in a depth of 218 m where the fines have their maximum also. Accordingly, the evaluated porosity follows an equal developing that expresses itself in a higher porosity for samples dominated by sand (201216-19, -22, -28 and -72). Lower porosity values are observed for - 74 - Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 4.6 Grainsize Analysis & Porosity Table 4.4.: Porosity for samples of borehole 201216, up to 150 µm, rounded values Grain density Bulk density Porosity [g/cm3 ] [g/cm3 ] % -19 2.6 1.8 30.2 -22 2.6 1.9 25.7 Samples 201216 - X -28 -45 -52 2.6 2.5 2.6 1.9 1.9 2.0 29.0 23.5 20.7 -54 2.5 1.9 24.3 -72 2.7 1.7 35.9 samples containing a higher amount of clay (201216-45, -52, -54). This would be unusual if investigating the entire porosity of an unconsolidated sediment but not if the porosity is evaluated for pores of less than 150 µm. As described in chapter 3.2.4, DryFlo was used to evaluate the bulk density. DryFlo cannot embed itself in pores < 50 µm. If a sediment is investigated that consists of much, small pores just few DryFlo spherules can embed themself into the sediment. The measured volume of the solid phase increases correspondingly which again increases the bulk density and therefore the porosity. To conclude from the evaluated porosity on a groundwater flow is only suitable to a limited extend. In this respect it is important to note that the porosity is determined in the dried state, excluding macropores (pores > 150 µm). This causes the ’smectite gel’, respectively the solution containing hydrated smectite colloids to evaporate (see also chapter 4.7) in addition to a collapse of the swelled clay minerals. This in turn creates some porosity not being present in the natural, probably water saturated state. Moreover, it is extremely complicate to determine the density of clayey sediments containing smectite. This includes samples 201216-45, -52 and -54. The swelling capacity of these sediments is highly dependent on the fluid conditions. Variation in moisture percentage and cationic occupancy result in a change of swelling. According to this, all density measurements were based on the referred state of 105 ◦ C. Summing up, it can be said that all investigated samples show typical results under the presented circumstances. A depth related development which reflects the lithology, geophysics and triaxial testing is visible for both, the grainsize analysis as well as the porosity. - 75 - 4.7 Mineralogy Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 4.7. Mineralogy First and foremost the mineral examination was carried out to characterise the mineralogic composition of the confining layer as accurate as possible. Knowledge on the quality and quantity of minerals and clay minerals in particular can provide profound information on the groundwater flow. Various procedures undertaken are for fine grained (clayey) minerals and material mixtures but may be employed with the same degree of success for coarse grained sediments. The methods of investigation to characterise the mineralogy of the CEBs’ sediment were applied on all core samples and provided the following results. A summary of all analytical methods is demonstrated in table 4.5 while all relevant graphs are presented in Appendix E. Interpretations were elaborated in cooperation, and are based on the data provided by S. Kaufhold (BGR). Again, it should be noted that so far, no data was received of the laboratories on samples of core borehole 201217 and the additionally observed samples 201216-73 and -81. As can be seen in core log of 201216 and which is confirmed by table 4.5, all samples are mainly composed of quartz. The qualitative identification of quartz and all other minerals was done by X-ray diffractometry, infraredspectroscopy and differential thermal analysis. All samples reveal the for quartz characteristic diffraction at X-ray irradiation, which lies ˚ This statement is reconfirmed after inspection of the IR-graphs. between 3.34 and 4.26 A. The typical double peak for quartz at 780 and 800 cm−1 is shown by all investigated samples. More prove on the high quartz content can be found in logs of earlier drilled boreholes in the Cuvelai-Etosha basin. Regarding the high amount of SiO2 in all samples which is in fact representative for all silicates, it is detected that all samples comprise of more than 80 % quartz. Feldspar is another important component of all samples in addition to quartz. The feldspar component could only be assumed after infraredspectroscopy as its typical infrared bands show low peaks. A subsequent XRD provided an explicit detection of the feldspar component in quality. ˚ When regarding the IR and All samples show a broad XRD intensity between 10 and 14 A. comparing of the undisturbed samples with their dried equivalent (dried at 150◦ C for 24 h), a characteristic AlMgOH-stretching vibration is visible at about 3630 cm−1 . This, and the XRD intensities are both indicative for smectite and/or ilite. Some samples show a diffuse XRD intensity in the relevant region. In this respect it is important to note that if methods of investigation do not determine and distinguish the sample components certainly, it was decided not to present this information in table 4.5. Therefore, it is possible that traces of minerals were found by XRD even if they are not marked in table 4.5. Smectite, however, - 76 - Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 4.7 Mineralogy Table 4.5.: Mineralogic composition of core samples at 201216 (* appearance, + major appearance, - minor appearance, ? unsure) Samples 201216 - X Qualitative analysis on mineralogical composition (XRD) -19 -22 -28 -45 -52 -54 -72 + + + + + + + ± ± ± ? ± ? ? ? ? ? - Quartz Smectite Feldspar Calcite Ankerite Analcime Clinoptilolite Muscovite/illite -19 * * * * Quartz Smectite Illite Clinoptilolite Feldspar Carbonate SIO2 T IO2 AL2 O3 Fe2 O3 MgO CaO Na2 O K2 O P2 O5 LOI Sum -28 * * * * * -45 * * * Differential Thermal Analysis - Mass Spectrometry (DTA-MS) -19 -22 -28 -45 -52 -54 -72 * * * * * * * * * * * * Quartz Carbonate Organic material Pyrite T value (VIS) -22 * * * * Infraredspectroscopy (IRS) -52 -54 -72 * * * * * * * * * * * * * meq [ 100g ] % % % % % % % % % % % -19 3.8 94.3 0.1 1.9 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.6 0 1.6 99.9 -22 15.8 84.9 0.2 5.2 1.7 1.1 0 0.9 1.2 0 4.5 99.7 -28 7.5 Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) -45 -52 -54 -72 21.2 20.6 20.4 3.5 Chemical composition of main elements (XRF) 89.3 74.2 76.0 74.1 81.9 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 4.2 9.9 9.1 9.3 3.7 1.0 2.9 2.4 2.9 0.7 0.5 1.3 1.1 1.3 2.0 0.1 0.6 1.1 1.1 3.3 0.6 1.3 1.1 1.3 0.3 1.5 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.1 0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0 2.5 6.2 5.7 6.5 5.6 99.9 99.7 99.8 99.7 99.8 - 77 - Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 4.7 Mineralogy was definitely recognised in samples 201216-45, -52, -54. The lack respectively very minor content of carbonates in relation to the high CEC values measured for these samples indicate the presence of smectite additionally. The occurring carbonates were again determined by means of XRD and IR. A rise of the relative absorbance at the characteristic bands of carbonates (1420 - 1440 cm−1 ) is shown in the IR graphs of samples 201216-52, -54, -72 (Appendix E). After linking this information to the reflexion horizon at XRD testing, a possible carbonate classification can be made. Calcite might occur in all three samples while only sample 201216-72 shows small values of ankerite. The carbonate content could be determined by the help of the LECO-CS-444 analyser. Table 4.6 shows that the overall found carbon just exists in minor amounts. The highest per cent by weight is found in 201216-72, the only sample that contains ankerite. 1.2 % of inorganic carbon refer to about 10 % of ankerite due to the fact that pure ankerite consists of 11.6 % carbon (Matthes, 1993). Conversely, this means that Cinorg. < 0.2 relates to a carbonate content of less than 2 %. The measured carbonates of sample 201216-45 could not be classified exactly. An additional conclusion can be drawn from the low values of carbon as this implies that the drilling fluid, which is highly carbonic did not percolate into the core material. Samples 201216-19, -22, -45 show the existence of zeolites. X-ray diffractometry is the best method to identify zeolites at present due to the good detection sensitivity (Kaufhold, 2009, personal communication). Analcime and clinoptilolite could be specified using XRD. An identification of zeolites by means of IR could not certainly be made. This indicates that the zeolites occur in minor concentrations in the relative samples. Muscovite was certainly identified in samples 201216-28, -45 by using the XRD. Sample 201216-22 on the other hand reveals a diffuse intensity in the relevant region of 10 A˚ which could definitely identified to refer to muscovite after enrichment of the relevant grain fractions. Table 4.6.: C-/S- analysis of core samples at 201216 Organic C % Inorganic C % Total C % Total S % -19 0 0 0 0 -22 0 0 0 0 Samples 201216 - X -28 -45 -52 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0 0 0 -54 0 0.1 0.1 0 -72 0 1.2 1.2 0 - 78 - 4.7 Mineralogy Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation Fig. 4.9.: DTA-MS analysis for core samples of borehole 201216; DSC-graph (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) Upon inspection of the graph displaying the DTA-MS curve the following features could be determined (see figure 4.9). At about 100◦ C all samples show the energetic response characteristic for water. Another energetic response can be seen at about 500◦ C. The Hydroxyl group (OH-group) of the montmorillonites which belong to the smectite minerals is dehydroxylised at this temperature. Due to the fact that the clay minerals of the investigated samples are composed of smectites it is concluded that the higher the clay content, the higher the energetic response at 500◦ C. Samples 201216-45, -52, -54 show the highest peaks at this temperature. Moreover, these samples show an energetic response at about 700◦ C. Due to mass-spectrometic investigation of carbon dioxide these peaks could be identified to refer to the thermic dissociation of carbonates. Furthermore, are peaks at 578◦ C visible for all samples. At this temperature the so called ’quartz inversion’ takes place, whereas α-quartz turns into β -quartz. All curves reveal a spreading above the temperature of 700◦ C which can be explained by the recristallisation of minerals. Only sample 201216-72 shows a peak at about 800◦ C. Mass spectrometry of SO2 revealed that this energetic response occurred due to sulphate which in turn was generated by the two-step oxidation of pyrite. SEM investigations prove that the smectites are embedded partly in the pores of the quartz grains (please note that all following explanations refer to smectite containing samples only). While smectite aggregates are visible on the left of figure 4.10, the right side just shows smecite threads crossing the quartz grains which is the typical result of an evaporated soft - 79 - 4.7 Mineralogy Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation Fig. 4.10.: SEM - Scanning Electron Microscope comparing undisturbed (l.) and dried (r.) sample containing smectite, of borehole 201216 smectite gel (Kaufhold, 2009, personal communication). The possible existence of a smectite gel results from the following reasons. According to Kaufhold, a porosity of minimum 20 % is classified as highly porous, if evaluated only for pores of less than 150 µm and within the dried state (compare chapter 3.2.4 & chapter 4.6.2). During the dried state are all smectite minerals in a desiccated condition. Upon adding of water the smectites swell out and develop a smectite-water solution of high viscosity which shows a gel-like behaviour. The appearance of smectites within a solution implies a good mobility of the smectite containing clay minerals which can therefore embed themselves within the gores of quartz grains. It was observed that the smectite content is minor if seen in relation to the entire volume of the sediment. As the smectite minerals are hydrated partly it can be assumed that a minor amount of smectite causes a very low hydraulic conductivity as they fill the pore volume of the sediment to a large extent. Samples 201216-45, -52 and -54 were taken from the depth of 201 m to 220 m. They reveal the highest amount of clay which is confirmed by the definite determination of smectite using the XRD and the peaks at about 500◦ C in the DTA-MS curve which refers to the montmorillonites of the smectite minerals. Another cue for the high clay content is given due the highest values of alumina (Al2 O3 ) which is a typical component of aluminum silicates, in turn a typical component of kaolinites. The high clay content of these samples contributes to the conclusion drawn from lithology and hydraulic conductivity within this depth which states that the highest clay content of the sediment at drill site 201216 is found in the depth from 200 to 230 m. Considering the good mobility of the smectites revealed within this chapter, this layer is likely to be an aquiclude. - 80 - 4.8 Test pumping Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation Upon examination almost all samples reveal an unsorted and inhomogen nature. In accordance with the statement of Miller who described this phenomenon during logging of cores it is also agreed that the sorting improves with increasing depth (see also chapter 4.3). Mineralogic examination of borehole 201216 shows that the grainsize fraction of the sediment is distinguished by a major amount of sand and a minor amount of clay. Furthermore, there is no gradation in between which means that the silt contingent is very rare. This results in a bimodal distribution and implies that the grains which were logged as silt are in actual fact agglomerations of clay. Single pieces of volcanic ash and valves of freshwater diatoms together with authigenic minerals which are clinoptilolite and analcim were found during silt fraction analysis. The presence of these very silica-rich authigenic minerals which can be interpreted to have formed from siliceous particles like diatom valves and volcanic ashes as well as some other minerals, suggest that also the smectite has formed in situ (Fenner, 2010, personal communication). As smectite is the dominating clay mineral observed for this sediment and in particular for the clay-rich interval between the two aquifers, it is concluded that at least some smectite minerals are generated authigenetic. This diagenesis could explain the bimodal distribution of clay and sand. Furthermore, it could explain the unsorted and inhomogen nature of the sediment as the diagenesis is not restricted to layers but highly influenced by the chemical composition of a watery solution percolating through the sediment. To sum up, all samples are mainly composed of quartz and feldspar. In addition, minor components as zeolites and carbonates could be identified. All samples reveal a share in the clay fraction. Samples 201216-45, -52 and -54 which are withdrawn from the depth of the confining layer show the highest clay content in terms of smectite and/or illite. Sample 201216-72 which is withdrawn from the fuzzy layer contains more carbonates and some pyrite. 4.8. Test pumping Pumping tests were analysed to identify hydrogeological parameters such as hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity of the deeper seated aquifer KOH2 . Basically, pumping tests serve two objectives. Firstly, they may be performed in order to determine the hydraulic characteristics of aquifers or water bearing layers and secondly, they may provide information about the yield and drawdown of the well (Kruseman & de Ridder, 1970). Chapter 3.1.1 shows that three mud rotary boreholes were drilled to a depth of 390 m at 201045, whilst 201046 and 201047 were drilled to 266 m and 383 m respectively. Afterwards, they were developed into wells with screens in the area of KOH2 . Pump test within the cored boreholes were not possible as both boreholes were extremely unstable and abandoned at 266 m in the - 81 - Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 4.8 Test pumping Table 4.7.: Summary of step drawdown test data for 201045, -46, -47; measured values provided by van Wyk (2009) 201045: static water level - SWL = 13.6 m, 201046: SWL = 21.55 m, 201047: SWL = 37.71 m; lowered water level - LWL Step I II III IV t [min] 60 120 180 240 201045 Q LWL [m3 /h] [m] 4.2 14.4 8.1 15.2 11.9 15.8 16 16.4 s [m] 0.8 1.6 2.2 2.8 201046 Q LWL [m3 /h] [m] 6.2 25.25 15.3 29.11 16 29.4 s [m] 3.7 7.56 7.85 201047 Q LWL [m3 /h] [m] 3.2 39.1 7.8 40.1 11.9 41.07 16 41.66 s [m] 1.39 2.39 3.36 3.95 case of 201216 while 201217 was abandoned at 235 m. Due to the fact that borehole 201045 was drilled in a distance of 12.2 m to cored borehole 201216, respectively 100 m distance between 201047 and 201217 a direct comparison is feasible. The presented results are based on pump test investigations of the three mud rotary boreholes and give information about the parameters of the fresh water aquifer as well as estimations on the yield in terms of specific capacity curves of the investigated wells. A first measurement of the water table revealed that the investigated aquifer is under considerable hydraulic pressure. It is assumed that the aquifer is located between 200 m and 348 m in depth due to information on geophysics, lithology and hydraulic parameters which is presented by this report (compare chapter 5). The static water level (SWL) was already encountered at 13.6 m below surface in borehole 201045 while at 21.55 m for 201046 and 37.71 m for 201217 respectively. Step test data was analysed to determine the specific capacity of the well. It is defined as the relationship between pumping rates and drawdown (Langguth & Voigt, 1980). A summary of the step drawdown test data is given in table 4.7 while the specific capacity curve for all wells can be seen in figure 4.11. It should be noted that these curves were plotted in a single graph to give an overview but cannot be compared directly as they all refer to a variable thickness of the water bearing layer. Figure 4.11 gives inforamtion about the yield of the wells. It is observed that all values follow a continuous curve shape which indicates that no flow boundaries have been encountered during pumping. The depression cone of the pumping wells has therefore not extended to the aquifer boundaries as this would result in major bends of the specific capacity curves. With regard to the thickness of the water bearing layer the water level behaviour is typical for large scale aquifers as the drawdown is minor in comparison to the discharge rate. The thickness at borehole 201045 was evaluated with 98 m whereas 28 m for 201046 and 96 m - 82 - 4.8 Test pumping Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation Fig. 4.11.: Specific capacity curves of step test pumping in 201045, -46, -47 for 201047 respectively. Storage capacity of the aquifer was not evaluated as this requires observation wells within the area of the depression cone. Interpolated values of the drawdown can be read off the specific capacity curves. Points in figure 4.11 show actual measured values whereas connective lines display interpolated ones. They show that if pumping the borehole at 10 m3 /h, a drawdown of 1.9 m is caused at borehole 201045 while the same discharge results in a drawdown of 2.9 m at 201047 respectively 5.4 m at 201046. These interpolated values provide sufficient results to estimate the drawdown in the planning period of further withdrawals. This becomes obvious if interpolated values are compared to actual measured lower water levels LWL of the constant rate test. After pumping with a constant discharge at all boreholes for 48 h the measured water levels showed just small variations versus their evaluated equivalent. 201045: at discharge of 15.5 m3 /h measured s : 2.60 m estimated s : 2.74 m 201046: at discharge of 8.9 m3 /h measured s : 4.38 m estimated s : 4.93 m - 83 - 4.8 Test pumping Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 201047: at discharge of 15.9 m3 /h measured s : 3.86 m estimated s : 3.97 m In linear flow conditions and with constant groundwater withdrawal the capacity curve would show a straight line due to the fact that it is determined by the drawdown and the discharge rate. Basically, the specific capacity is affected by two elements, the well loss and the aquifer loss (Brassington, 2007). The latter is defined by the aquifer parameters, i.e. the hydraulic conductivity. The well loss on the other hand is caused by the hydraulic gradient which is generated by withdrawal of water from a well. A radial convergent flow field is generated which can be described by the following. The cross sectional area of ’through-flow’ reduces radially towards the pumped borehole. Therefore, it requires more energy to move the same volume of water through the same volume of aquifer material in a radial flow field compared to a linear flow field at similar pumping rates (van Wyk, 2009). The additional energy required manifests as well loss. Hence, the standard capacity curves which are normally appearing in technical literature show a higher and unsteady increase of drawdown at steady increase of discharge. Table 4.7 and figure 4.11 both show that the actual measured relationship between pumping rates and drawdown is based on a reverse non-linear dependency. The higher the discharge the lesser the increase of the drawdown. This is the typical indication for a confined aquifer under considerable pressure. In confined aquifers the well loss can be counterbalanced by static hydraulic pressures (van Wyk, 2009). Being in this aquifer condition, large hydraulic pressures exceed the flow resistance so that more groundwater flows into the well as actually predefined by linear flow and the relevant well loss. This results in the non-linear behaviour seen in figure 4.11. Due to the just described phenomenon it was not possible to determine the transmissivity, storativity coefficient and the hydraulic conductivity by means of standard procedures for multi-step pump tests such as Cooper & Jacob. In chapter 3.2.6 was explained that a straight line with a positive slope is necessary to determine the transmissivity and the storativity coefficient of the investigated aquifer by equations (3.9) and (3.11) on page 43. While the method of Cooper & Jacob was applied, the relevant values formed a line with a negative slope which made further calculations impossible. The method had to be modified to the Neumans’ method which is a less common method that allows evaluations based on the demonstrated non-linear behaviour. A transmissivity chart is created where the measured values of discharge Q [m3 /s] are plotted (abscissa) against the ratio of discharge to drawdown Q/s [m2 /s] (ordinate). Again, - 84 - Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 4.8 Test pumping Table 4.8.: Aquifer parameters evaluated on basis of test pumping Step test Borehole 201045 201046 201047 D T 2 [m] [m /d] 98 28 96 106.9 34.6 50.6 Constant rate test Sichardt Kusakin k [m/s] [m2 /d] k [m/s] [m2 /d] k [m/s] 1.26E-5 1.43E-5 6.51E-6 121.93 46.7 87.92 1.44E-5 1.93E-5 1.06E-5 153.26 55.64 107.00 1.81E-5 2.30E-5 1.29E-5 T T these values form a straight line with a positive slope. The slope is called the loss/gain factor (van Wyk, 2009). The point of intersection between a virtual expanded line and the ordinate gives the so called ’predicted transmissivity’ which is the transmissivity for linear flow conditions. The loss/gain factor refers to the non-linear component. Both values can then be used to simulate drawdowns at different discharge rates. Results of the transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity evaluated on basis of the multistep, as well as the constant rate test can be seen in table 4.8. The three investigated boreholes extend over an area of about 559 km2 . Despite the large distance to each other it is detected that the calculated values show similar order of magnitudes in the region of ’permeable’ (after DIN 18130). Hence, the regional extend can be reconfirmed for the investigated aquifer KOH2 . The constant rate test has been analysed by means of Thiem & Dupuits’ method and shows slightly higher estimated values compared to the analysation of the multi-step pump test after Neuman. Slight variations are observed for the two k-values based on the constant rate analysation due to the fact that the only contrast in their equations is given by the difference in estimating the radius of the depression cone r2 . The method after Sichardt shows slightly lower values to estimate the radius of the depression cone compared to evaluations based on the depression cone after Kusakin. As the hydraulic conductivity is calculated by the function of Thiem & Dupuit, r2 is the only variable within equation (3.10) on page 44 because all other factors are fixed values of the aquifer such as discharge rate, piezometric height and thickness of the saturated layer (aquifer parameters). Hence, the radius of depression cone has only a minor influence on the well function of Thiem & Dupuit. To sum up, sufficient results were received of the aquifer parameters which indicate a sediment respectively aquifer of average water permeability. A recovery analysis was performed for boreholes 201046 and 201047 after the constant rate pumping test. The results can be seen in table 4.9. After 48 hours of constant pumping both boreholes showed a lowered water level (LWL) which results in a drawdown of 4.45 m for borehole 201046 and 3.71 m for 201047 respectively. After a recovery period of 4 hours - 85 - Chapter 4. Results & Interpretation 4.8 Test pumping Table 4.9.: Recovery analysis after constant rate pumping test for boreholes 201046 and 201047 SWL Pump duration [m] [h] 201046 21.55 48 201047 37.71 48 Pump rate [m3 /h] 8.9 15.9 LWL Recovery time [m] [h] 26.00 4 41.42 4 RWL Recovery [m] [%] 21.58 99.86 37.73 99.94 both boreholes show a recovery water level (RWL) which differs to the static water level (SWL) in only 3, respectively 2 cm. This refers to a recovery rate of more than 99.8 % within 4 hours which is fast. Considering all presented results whithin this chapter it is concluded that the deeper seated fresh water aquifer KOH2 occurs with a regional extend and that it is a groundwater resource of large capacity. The evaluations were elaborated as accurate as possible but it must be noted that the geometrical dimensions of the aquifer such as thickness of the water bearing layer, depth of the capping bed and depths of subjacent layers are subjective estimations. Van Wyk (2009) provides values of the hydraulic conductivity based on pump test interpretation as well. Differences to his work result from upgrading the geometric dimensions due to elaborated results of the cored boreholes 201216 and 201217 which are presented in this report. For example, the thickness of the water bearing layer D at borehole 201045 and 201216 was modified based on the evaluated hydraulic conductivity of triaxial testing. Table 4.1 on page 66 shows that the measured hydraulic conductivity of the deepest samples demonstrate a k-value of ’poor permeability’. Chapter 4.4 and chapter 4.5 show that these samples refer to a fuzzy layer which describes the structural change from confining layer to aquifer. Prior to laboratory analyses, the thickness of the water bearing layer (D) was estimated with 120 m wheres it was changed to 98 m after considering all presented results such as k-values (triaxial testing), natural gamma, EC-values, etc.. - 86 - Chapter 5. Discussion 5. Discussion The investigation of hydrogeological processes of a multi layered aquifer system addresses several scientific disciplines. This chapter discusses and integrates the results presented in chapter 4 of the investigated multi layered Ohangwena aquifer system (KOH) in a coherent context. The combined results will be compared to a reasonable degree to evaluate the vertical and horizontal extend of the hydrogeological layers. Furthermore, it is intended to give a conceptual view on the hydrogeological mechanisms of the separating layer between the two aquifers KOH1 and KOH2 . 5.1. Hydrogeologic Estimation of Layers For future groundwater withdrawals and numerical modeling purposes it is essential to have a thorough idea on the thickness of the hydrogeological layers in a sediment. Hydrogeological parameters and mineralogic data can give additional information which contributes to the estimation of layer boundaries. The sediment of the project area can be divided into five different hydrogeological layers as was already done in chapter 4.4. The sections of particular interest can be referred to as section II, III and IV . With the additional information on hydrogeological parameters and mineralogy given in chapter 4, section II relates to the upper Ohangwena aquifer KOH1 , whereas section III relates to the separating layer which besides, is the confining layer of the deeper seated, fresh water aquifer KOH2 . The Ohangwena aquifer KOH2 is determined to be section IV . 5.1.1. Lateral The existence for a regional extend can be assumed for all sections. The KOH1 aquifer is commonly known by Namibian scientists and has been intersected by many prior drilling procedures (compare also Struckmeier & Christelis (2001), Bittner (2006) and Hipondoka (2005)). Laboratory analyses on the sediment material as well as the lithology of all investigated boreholes and in situ measured geophysics contribute to the regional extend. Prior to this investigation, section III has only been assumed. This investigation covers therefore the first detailed geologic and hydrogeologic investigation of the separating layer. - 87 - 5.1 Hydrogeologic Estimation of Layers Chapter 5. Discussion Its existence is reinforced by the geophysical investigations of boreholes 201045, 201046 and 201047 which can be interpreted to relate to a high clay content. The high clay content has been confirmed due to mineralogic examination of core samples and comprises mainly of smectite (see chapter 4.7). Laboratory evaluations of the hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing have proven the existence of a confining layer. Therefore, it is concluded, that section III underlies aquifer KOH1 and is a separating layer of high clay content which was encountered in all boreholes presented in chapter 4. Considering the average distance of 40 km between these boreholes and that they all show similar characteristics of geophysics, lithology while additionally, 201216 and 201217 show a similarity in the value pattern of hydraulic conductivity, it is stated that section III extends over the region of the project area as well. The existence of section IV respectively the aquifer KOH2 is also indicated due to the geophysical investigations on the sediment. The lithology as well as the low natural gamma and electric conductivity values indicate the fresh water aquifer. Results of triaxial testing contribute to the existence of KOH2 as they confirm a poor water permeability of the sediment (10−8 - 10−6 [m/s] after DIN 18130). Pumping tests which are described in chapter 4.8 gave proof to the existence of the aquifer. In addition to these investigations, the TEM soundings contribute to delineate the regional extend of the fresh water aquifer. Another cue for a continuous aquifer is given by the absolute groundwater level of the encountered fresh water in boreholes 201045, -46 and -47. The height of these boreholes was evaluated based on SRTM data which has a vertical accuracy of 5.6 m for Africa (Farr et al., 2007). Borehole 201045 is located at 1116 m a.m.s.l. whereas 201046 at 1123 m and 201047 at 1137 m. In addition to the values of the encountered groundwater table given in chapter 4.8, the absolute height of the phreatic surface above mean sea level results in 1102.4 m for 201045 while borehole 201046 reveals an absolute groundwater level of 1101.45 m and 1099.29 m for 201047 respectively. With regard to the absolute height error, it can still be stated that the groundwater levels resemble closely to each other. As these boreholes mount up to an area of 560 km2 , section IV is estimated to have a regional extend within the project area. From a lateral point of view the location of the aquifer can only be estimated by means of transient electromagnetic (TEM) measurements (see also chapter 3.1 and chapter 4.1.1). According to a first evaluation of the TEM measurements, the area covered by the aquifer mounts up to 3440 km2 and can be seen in figure 5.1. For numerical modeling purposes it is advised to refer to the estimation of the demonstrated aquifer area as it is the best evaluation till this day. It should be noted that figure 5.1 is just a draft and not true to scale. It shows the covered area of KOH2 and to relates the lithologs of the investigated boreholes to their geographical location. The demonstrated thickness of the aquifer does not relate to a sound calculation. - 88 - 5.1 Hydrogeologic Estimation of Layers Chapter 5. Discussion - 89 Fig. 5.1.: Lithology of project boreholes in relation to their location within the assumed area of the aquifer KOH2 5.1 Hydrogeologic Estimation of Layers Chapter 5. Discussion 5.1.2. Vertical The vertical extend of section II, III and IV can be determined partly due to the performed investigations at the drill sites of 201216/201045, 201046 and 201217/201047. Section II has been intersected several times but scientific investigations on its thickness have not been carried out so far. An areal determination on the height of groundwater table or the upper boundary of section II can therefore not be given. It is, however, possible to evaluate its lower boundary due to examination of core material, in situ measured natural gamma values and electric conductivity (EC). The abrupt change of natural gamma and EC at the depth of 110 m at borehole 201047 indicates a section change which is confirmed by lithology (see chapter 4.3.2) as well as evaluation of hydraulic conductivity of the core material. k-values based on triaxial testing range from 10−6 to 10−8 [m/s] above 110 m whereas below, values are found that range from 10−11 to 10−12 [m/s]. At boreholes 201216 and 201045 the section change is evaluated to be at a depth of 80 m. Continuous increasing of natural gamma as well as hydraulic conductivity values confirm the change from aquifer to aquitard. The results of triaxial testing show values of 10−10 [m/s] and smaller below 80 m. More proof is given due to the lithology which consists an increasing amount of clay from this depth. The increasing clay content was also confirmed by the mineralogical investigation described in chapter 4.7. The boundary between section II and III at borehole 201046 is situated at the depth of 75 m which has been estimated based on in situ measured gamma values which increase from the depth of 75 m. The upper boundary of section III has already been evaluated in the last paragraph and refers to the depth of 80 m for 201216/201045, 75 m at 201046 and 110 m at 201217/201047 respectively. The lower boundary of section III is well pronounced at borehole 201047 due to the abrupt change of geophysics at the depth of 200 m. Lithological description of the core material of 201217 and results of triaxial testing in particular contribute to this determination. The hydraulic conductivity reveals values of 10−11 [m/s] at 195 m whereas the next deeper situated sample which is in the depth of 213 m shows a k-value of 10−6 [m/s]. The lower boundary is in a condition of continuous transition at drilling site 201045 respectively 201216. Gamma values and the clay content are decreasing continuously from the depth of 230 m. The same characteristics are visible for the hydraulic conductivity. The only distinct change is visible upon observing the measured electric conductivity values. Lower values are shown from the depth of 235 m. This indicates a change to an environment of low salinity but it does not, however, determine the beginning of the deeper seated fresh water aquifer. In this case, the EC values can only be used to identify a saline and/or fresh water environment because they do not relate to the amount of clay or a water permeability of the sediment. According to the given considerations it can be deduced that the boundary becomes fuzzy. - 90 - 5.2 Aquitard or Aquiclude? Chapter 5. Discussion With regard to the results of triaxial testing it is advised to estimate the change from section III to IV in the depth of 250 m for modeling purposes as the highest hydraulic conductivity values were found below this level. Similar characteristics are found at borehole 201046. The gamma decreases downwards constantly from about 210 m whereas EC values change abruptly from 220 m. As the hydraulic conductivity was not evaluated for the sediment of borehole 201046 it is assumed that the condition of the sediment follows the characteristics of the sediment at 201045. The lower boundary of section III is thereby estimated to be found at the depth of 230 m. Again, the boundary between section III and IV has been evaluated in the last paragraph. It is located at depths of 250 m for 201216/201045, 230 m for 201046 and 200 m for 201217/201047 respectively. Chapter 3.1 explains that the geographical position of boreholes drilled during this project has been chosen due to the interpretation of the TEM sounding curves. It was intended to drill at locations where the thickness of the water bearing layer is assumed to be maximised. All relevant project boreholes are situated at drilling sites with an assumed aquifer thickness of more than 100 m. Boreholes 201045 and -47 have been drilled over the entire thickness of the water bearing layer. The other relevant boreholes were abandoned beforehand due to problems described in chapter 3.1 and thus the entire thickness of section IV can only be determined at drilling sites 201216/201045 and 201217/201047. The basis for an estimation on the bottom end of the aquifer are given by the in-situ measured geophysics and the lithology of the sediment. Both boreholes show abrupt increase of gamma and EC values at a certain depth. This is accompanied by an increase of clay content. Clay is accounted for the end of water permeability and consequently the end of section IV . Accordingly, the boundary level is 348 m for borehole 201045 and 296 m for borehole 201047. This implies a thickness of the fresh water aquifer of 98 m respectively 96 m. The thickness of the water bearing layer at other locations of the project area can only be assumed. As the drill sites were chosen according to the interpretation of the TEM sounding curves with the maximum thickness of the fresh water layer, it is assumed that the water bearing layer appears with the thickness of about 100 m in the central part of the project area and shows variations down to 10 to 15 m in marginal areas (Zauter, 2009, personal communication). In the south west of the project area a thickness of less than 10 m is assumed. 5.2. Aquitard or Aquiclude? An essential part of this investigation is to determine the confining layer respectively section III as an aquitard or aquiclude to give a conceptual view on the hydrogeological mechanisms and generate the basis for numerical modeling purposes. The existence of the aquitard - 91 - 5.2 Aquitard or Aquiclude? Chapter 5. Discussion or aquiclude has been proven by laboratory evaluation of the hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing. These results show that the confining layer is determined to be an aquitard in the upper and lower reaches whereas it changes into an aquiclude within the center. This is reconfirmed by the high clay content which increases towards the center where furthermore, it shows the maximum of clay. A similar vertical alignment can be determined for the water permeability (see also chapter 4.5). It is evaluated that the sediment at the two core boreholes consists of: 201216 - 080 to 200 m 0000200 to 230 m 0000230 to 250 m aquitard of poor to very poor permeability aquiclude aquitard of very poor to poor permeability 201217 - 110 to 144 m 0000144 to 170 m 0000170 to 200 m aquitard of poor to very poor permeability aquiclude aquitard of very poor to poor permeability These estimation can be confirmed by the mineralogic results. The appearance of smectite minerals in a gel-like condition which was explained in chapter 4.7 implies a good mobility of the smectite containing clay fraction. Therefore, the clay minerals can embed themselves in the gores between larger grains which can seal off the lower fresh water aquifer KOH2 from the upper aquifer KOH1 . At this stage and upon consideration of all presented results it can be concluded that the separating layer is hydraulic non-conductive within the center and for a resting state. If a continuous withdrawal of groundwater is performed in the pumping wells, a groundwater flow is induced. With regard in the long-term this mechanical disturbance of the resting state could result in a transportation of the mobile clay minerals towards the pumping well. This occurs if the groundwater flow exceeds the critical flow velocity which is needed to disembed the smectite minerals from the gores of sand grains. Subsequently, the separating layer could develop an increased hydraulic conductivity due to the absence of the ’smectite gel’. A possibility for salt water intrusion at the deeper fresh water aquifer can result due to the drawdown of the piezometric height of the confined aquifer KOH2 . If the piezometric height drops below the phreatic surface of the upper aquifer KOH1 , the existent hydraulic gradient would be reversed so that the possible groundwater flow is directed from KOH1 to KOH2 . The groundwater table of the upper aquifer is estimated based on the lithology and geophysics for borehole 201045 with 55 m and for 201047 with 80 m below surface. With the measured water tables of KOH2 given in chapter 4.8, the drawdown on the piezometric height of KOH2 would have to be greater than 45 m to reverse the hydraulic gradient. Corresponding to the evaluated hydraulic conductivity values, the estimated radii of the depression - 92 - 5.3 Aquifer Capacity & Outlook Chapter 5. Discussion cone and the thickness of the relevant layers, the well function of Thiem & Dupuit (equation (3.10), page 44) was used to estimate the required pumping rate. Hence, a drawdown of 45 m implies a groundwater withdrawal of more than 100 [m3 /h]. Considering the thickness of the separating layer and a corresponding pressure head of only a few meters this eventuation is extremely unlikely. With a reversed hydraulic gradient and in the case of absence of the hydrated smectite minerals it is important to investigate if the sediment region containing the clay maximum is still hydraulic non-conductive. Mehnert & Jennings (1985) show that the hydraulic conductivity of aquitards containing swelling clays increases with a higher salinity of the water. In the event of a salt water intrusion in the lower regions of the separating layer, i.e. the region of the fresh water aquitard the water permeability might be enhanced. 5.3. Aquifer Capacity & Outlook At the present moment it is not possible to give a significant estimation on the yield of the confined fresh water aquifer. It is assumed that KOH2 is a groundwater source of high volume due to the measured piezometric height, its good recovery rate after groundwater withdrawal (chapter 4.8) and its considerable extend within the project area. While this investigation covers the first evaluation of the hydrogeological parameters of the sediment it is advised to perform further investigations, such as long term pumping tests in combination with observation wells to gain information on the storage capacity, recovery ability and yield of the aquifer. Upon consultation with the project manager a one year pumping test has been initiated to collect the relevant data. In this connection it is suggested to take regular water samples in order to analyse the content of smectite colloids. An increase of smectite upon continuous pumping could show if there are hydrated smectite minerals of good mobility and if they are transported from the confining layer towards the well. So far, the direction of the groundwater flow has been estimated based on the CEBs’ topography. A precise measurement of the phreatic surface in relation to the mean sea level for all boreholes could determine the flow direction as well as a global flow system for modeling purposes. A pressure gauge would furthermore identify annual changes of the groundwater table. Another identification of the flow direction could be done by the injection of tracers. More boundary conditions should be investigated such as sources and sinks of the aquifer. The groundwater recharge area is estimated to be situated in Angola and it is recommended to record the precipitation of this area as well as the lithology of its sediment. For a significant - 93 - 5.3 Aquifer Capacity & Outlook Chapter 5. Discussion result in numerical modeling it is suggested to determine the lateral and vertical boundaries of the aquifer. As proof of its existence has been given by drilling of boreholes in the northeast and centre, the interpretation of the TEM sounding curves needs to be confirmed for the southern and western part of the project area. It should attach great importance to examine the continuity and thinning of the aquifer towards its margins. It is questionable why the aquifer should end in the regions declared by TEM measurements. An identification of a non-permeable barrier would also define boundary conditions for numerical modeling. - 94 - Bibliography B ITTNER , A RNOLD. 2006 (November). Desk Study Report: Cuvelai-Etosha Groundwater Investigation. Tech. rept. Bittner Water Consult CC, P.O. Box 86386, Windhoek, Namibia. BGR internal report. B RASSINGTON , R ICK. 2007. Field Hydrogeology. Third edn. 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Hydraulic Conductivity - Triax Borehole 201216 100 Fig. A.1.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-19, ∆h = 7 m H2 O - water column, depth: 127.14 - 127.25 m 101 Fig. A.2.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-19, ∆h = 20 m H2 O - water column, depth: 127.14 - 127.25 m 102 Fig. A.3.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-19, ∆h = 50 m H2 O - water column, depth: 127.14 - 127.25 m 103 Fig. A.4.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-22, ∆h = 20 m H2 O - water column, depth: 136.80 - 136.90 m 104 Fig. A.5.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-22, ∆h = 20 m H2 O - water column, depth: 136.80 - 136.90 m 105 Fig. A.6.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-22, ∆h = 20 m H2 O - water column, depth: 136.80 - 136.90 m 106 Fig. A.7.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-28, ∆h = 20 m H2 O - water column, depth: 153.95 - 154.04 m 107 Fig. A.8.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-28, ∆h = 60 m H2 O - water column, depth: 153.95 - 154.04 m 108 Fig. A.9.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-52, ∆h = 20 m H2 O - water column, depth: 218.45 - 218.56 m 109 Fig. A.10.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-52, ∆h = 60 m H2 O - water column, depth: 218.45 - 218.56 m 110 Fig. A.11.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-54, ∆h = 20 m H2 O - water column, depth: 219.52 - 219.60 m 111 Fig. A.12.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-54, ∆h = 60 m H2 O - water column, depth: 219.52 - 219.60 m 112 Fig. A.13.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-72, ∆h = 20 m H2 O - water column, depth: 248.50 - 248.60 m 113 Fig. A.14.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-72, ∆h = 60 m H2 O - water column, depth: 248.50 - 248.60 m 114 Fig. A.15.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-73, ∆h = 5 m H2 O - water column, depth: 249.02 - 249.13 m 115 Fig. A.16.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-73, ∆h = 10 m H2 O - water column, depth: 249.02 - 249.13 m 116 Fig. A.17.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-73, ∆h = 20 m H2 O - water column, depth: 249.02 - 249.13 m 117 Fig. A.18.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-81, ∆h = 2 m H2 O - water column, depth: 266.02 - 266.13 m 118 Fig. A.19.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201216-81, ∆h = 5 m H2 O - water column, depth: 266.02 - 266.13 m 119 Borehole 201217 120 Fig. A.20.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201217-9, ∆h = 4 m H2 O - water column, depth: 90.02 - 90.13 m 121 Fig. A.21.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201217-18, ∆h = 1.9 m H2 O - water column, depth: 99.68 - 99.80 m 122 Fig. A.22.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201217-25, ∆h = 1.13 m H2 O - water column, depth: 105.19 - 105.30 m 123 Fig. A.23.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201217-38, ∆h = 10 m H2 O - water column, depth: 118.26 - 118.38 m 124 Fig. A.24.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201217-43, ∆h = 20 m H2 O - water column, depth: 126.43 - 126.55 m 125 Fig. A.25.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201217-55, ∆h = 20 m H2 O - water column, depth: 151.76 - 151.88 m 126 Fig. A.26.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201217-55, ∆h = 20 m H2 O - water column, depth: 151.76 - 151.88 m 127 Fig. A.27.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201217-70, ∆h = 20 m H2 O - water column, depth: 195.91 - 196.03 m 128 Fig. A.28.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201217-84, ∆h = 0.19 m H2 O - water column, depth: 213.56 - 213.70 m 129 Fig. A.29.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201217-84, ∆h = 0.24 m H2 O - water column, depth: 213.56 - 213.70 m 130 Fig. A.30.: Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity on basis of triaxial testing for sample 201217-98, ∆h = 0.25 m H2 O - water column, depth: 228.99 - 229.09 m 131 B. Grainsize Analysis Borehole 201216 132 Fig. B.1.: Grainsize Analysis of sample 201216-19, borehole 201216, depth: 127.14 - 127.25 m Fig. B.2.: Grainsize Analysis of sample 201216-22, borehole 201216, depth: 136.80 - 136.90 m 133 Fig. B.3.: Grainsize Analysis of sample 201216-28, borehole 201216, depth: 153.95 - 154.04 m Fig. B.4.: Grainsize Analysis of sample 201216-45, borehole 201216, depth: 201.53 - 201.63 m 134 Fig. B.5.: Grainsize Analysis of sample 201216-52, borehole 201216, depth: 218.45 - 218.56 m Fig. B.6.: Grainsize Analysis of sample 201216-54, borehole 201216, depth: 219.52 - 219.60 m 135 Fig. B.7.: Grainsize Analysis of sample 201216-72, borehole 201216, depth: 248.50 - 248.60 m 136 C. Geophysical Measurements of Drilling Fluid 137 Fig. C.1.: Geophysical measurements of the drilling fluid during core drilling, values highly influenced by synthetic drilling viscosifier (DRILLVIS & CAP21) which concentration could not be recorded 138 D. Photos Borehole 201216 139 Fig. D.1.: Borehole 201216, corebox 1, depth: 80 - 87 m Fig. D.2.: Borehole 201216, corebox 2, depth: 87 - 94 m Fig. D.3.: Borehole 201216, corebox 3, depth: 94 - 103 m 140 Fig. D.4.: Borehole 201216, corebox 4, depth: 103 - 110 m Fig. D.5.: Borehole 201216, corebox 5, depth: 110 - 120 m Fig. D.6.: Borehole 201216, corebox 6, depth: 120 - 127 m 141 Fig. D.7.: Borehole 201216, corebox 7, depth: 128 - 135 m Fig. D.8.: Borehole 201216, corebox 8, depth: 135 - 142 m Fig. D.9.: Borehole 201216, corebox 9, depth: 142 - 151 m 142 Fig. D.10.: Borehole 201216, corebox 10, depth: 151 - 158 m Fig. D.11.: Borehole 201216, corebox 11, depth: 158 - 166 m Fig. D.12.: Borehole 201216, corebox 12, depth: 166 - 172 m 143 Fig. D.13.: Borehole 201216, corebox 13, depth: 172 - 180 m Fig. D.14.: Borehole 201216, corebox 14, depth: 180 - 187 m Fig. D.15.: Borehole 201216, corebox 15, depth: 187 - 194 m 144 Fig. D.16.: Borehole 201216, corebox 16, depth: 194 - 202 m Fig. D.17.: Borehole 201216, corebox 17, depth: 202 - 209 m Fig. D.18.: Borehole 201216, corebox 18, depth: 209 - 218 m 145 Fig. D.19.: Borehole 201216, corebox 19, depth: 218 - 232 m Fig. D.20.: Borehole 201216, corebox 20, depth: 232 - 243 m Fig. D.21.: Borehole 201216, corebox 21, depth: 243 - 266 m 146 Borehole 201217 147 Fig. D.22.: Borehole 201217, corebox 1, depth: 78 - 92 m Fig. D.23.: Borehole 201217, corebox 2, depth: 92 - 103 m Fig. D.24.: Borehole 201217, corebox 3, depth: 103 - 112 m 148 Fig. D.25.: Borehole 201217, corebox 4, depth: 112 - 119 m Fig. D.26.: Borehole 201217, corebox 5, depth: 119 - 127 m Fig. D.27.: Borehole 201217, corebox 6, depth: 127 - 133 m 149 Fig. D.28.: Borehole 201217, corebox 7, depth: 133 - 141 m Fig. D.29.: Borehole 201217, corebox 8, depth: 141 - 148 m Fig. D.30.: Borehole 201217, corebox 9, depth: 148 - 155 m 150 Fig. D.31.: Borehole 201217, corebox 10, depth: 155 - 163 m Fig. D.32.: Borehole 201217, corebox 11, depth: 163 - 169 m Fig. D.33.: Borehole 201217, corebox 12, depth: 169 - 176 m 151 Fig. D.34.: Borehole 201217, corebox 13, depth: 176 - 184 m Fig. D.35.: Borehole 201217, corebox 14, depth: 184 - 191 m Fig. D.36.: Borehole 201217, corebox 15, depth: 191 - 199 m 152 Fig. D.37.: Borehole 201217, corebox 16, depth: 199 - 205 m Fig. D.38.: Borehole 201217, corebox 17, depth: 205 - 212 m Fig. D.39.: Borehole 201217, corebox 18, depth: 212 - 220 m 153 Fig. D.40.: Borehole 201217, corebox 19, depth: 220 - 227 m Fig. D.41.: Borehole 201217, corebox 20, depth: 227 - 234 m Fig. D.42.: Borehole 201217, corebox 21, depth: 234 - 235 m 154 Samples of borehole 201216 155 Fig. D.43.: Sample 201216-19, 126.90 - 127.25 m Fig. D.44.: Sample 201216-22, 136.69 - 137.17 m 156 Fig. D.45.: Sample 201216-28, 153.80 - 154.22 m Fig. D.46.: Sample 201216-45, 201.26 - 201.76 m 157 Fig. D.47.: Sample 201216-52, 218.45 - 218.87 m Fig. D.48.: Sample 201216-54, 219.50 - 219.92 m 158 Fig. D.49.: Sample 201216-72, 248.50 - 249 m Fig. D.50.: Sample 201216-73, 249 - 249.45 m 159 Fig. D.51.: Sample 201216-81, 265.65 - 266.13 m 160 Samples of borehole 201217 161 Fig. D.52.: Sample 201217-9, 89.90 - 90.30 m Fig. D.53.: Sample 201217-18, 99.50 - 100.01 m 162 Fig. D.54.: Sample 201217-25, 105.05 - 105.60 m Fig. D.55.: Sample 201217-38, 117.99 - 118.50 m 163 Fig. D.56.: Sample 201217-43, 126.43 - 126.87 m Fig. D.57.: Sample 201217-55, 151.62 - 152.18 m 164 Fig. D.58.: Sample 201217-70, 195.60 - 196.10 m Fig. D.59.: Sample 201217-73, 199.60 - 200.08 m 165 Fig. D.60.: Sample 201217-84, 213.20 - 213.70 m Fig. D.61.: Sample 201217-98, 228.50 - 228.99 m 166 E. Mineralogical Report 167 F. Lithologs 180
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