FUTURE MATERIALS FOR WIND TURBINE BLADES – A CRITICAL REVIEW R.T. Durai Prabhakaran Section of Composites and Materials Mechanics, Department of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Risø Campus, Frederiksborgvej 399, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark ABSTRACT Wind turbine industry is continuously evaluating material systems to replace the current thermoset composite technologies. Since turbine blades are the key component in the wind turbines and the size of the blade is increasing in today’s wind design, the material selection has become crucial focusing several factors like less weight, less price, higher performance, longer life, ease of processing, and capability of recycling. In the present market scenario, wind industry needs to improve their business for onshore and for off-shore applications demonstrating the new blade designs and stating higher performance under severe environmental conditions. The current article reviews various material alternatives and demonstrates the advantageous and disadvantageous for future wind turbine blade developments. Keywords: Thermoplastics, Thermosets, Glass fibres, Natural fibres, Hybrid composites, Compression properties. 1. INTRODUCTION In the present market scenario, wind industry needs to improve their business both for onshore and off-shore applications demonstrating the new blade designs and stating higher performances of alternative material systems for the development of future wind turbine blade structures. Blade designers are continuously trying for new innovative blade design solutions, which can open up options to utilize the benefits of the new material systems. Wind industry is finding out alternate material systems for turbine blades which can compete the current thermoset technology. Since turbine blades are the key component in the wind turbines and the size of the blade is increasing in today’s wind turbines, the blade designer should focus material systems with less expensive, higher performance, low density, longer life, ease of processing, and capability of recycling. These factors can lead to a blade structure with optimal aerodynamic performance, reduce gravity forces and reduce material degradation during its operational stage leading better life-cycle. Several research articles reported in literature, demonstrate the material performance and its suitability for future wind turbine blades. Composite materials like thermosets [1], thermoplastics [2-5], natural fibre systems [6], and upcoming hybrid material technologies are the possible options for future blade materials. Carbon-/glass fibre hybrid reinforcements can offer an interesting solution by combining the performance of carbon fibre with the good processability of glass fibre [7]. Similar to carbon/glass fibre, combining glass fibre or carbon fibre with natural fibre as hybrid reinforcements also give better performance compared to current thermoset composites [8]. Thomsen [9] discussed the potential advantages and challenges of the use of sandwich materials for the load-carrying parts of wind turbine blades such as spar flanges (or spar caps). It would be advantageous to use flanges on the suction side of the airfoil, since sandwich design will provide additional buckling capacity and/or provide a more lightweight design with similar buckling capacity [9-10]. Processing large composite structures like turbine blades (with an overall length of 80m long) is a challenging task for blade manufacturers. In general, all materials have a great influence from the processing parameters on the structural performance, but composite materials have a much more intimate materials/processing/structural performance connection due to their macroscopic in-homogeneities. Prior to implementation of any new material systems, industry need to investigate the issues, challenges, process and material limitations associated with it in order to utilize the benefits associated with the materials. *[email protected], phone (+45) 46 77 57 17 The current article reviews the pros and cons of various material systems i.e. thermoset, thermoplastic, natural and hybrid composites. With noted issues of processing and performance characteristics, these materials are evaluated with respect to their suitability for wind turbine blade designs. Assessment of these material systems mainly focuses on properties like static and fatigue performance of composites (at laminate level). The material systems used for blade construction requires very high static compression and fatigue properties with a minimum compression strength equal to compression strength of glass/polyester system. Figure 1 Schematic diagram for a blade profile 2. FUTURE MATERIALS The wind turbine is a complex system consisting of several components where turbine blades form key structural elements for achieving higher power generation. Due to their size, wind turbines are costly to manufacture and since they should have a long lifetime such as a life cycle of 20-25 years, it is of high importance that the turbine blades are well designed with innovative blade design concepts (see figure 1). The biggest challenge for blade designers include finding out suitable material systems which can give of huge cost saving as well can deliver both performance and weight reductions. Thus the possible candidate materials and their pros and cons are explained in the upcoming sections. 2.1 Fibre reinforcements When the composite structure is loaded, fibres are the key constituent carries the loads along their longitudinal directions. It is essentially the reinforcement ‘architecture’ that determines the load-bearing characteristics of a fibre reinforced polymer composite. Fibres can be long (continuous), short, chopped, or in the form of elongated single crystals. Continuous fibres come in the form of untwisted bundles as strands, or twisted bundles as yarns, and also as a collection of parallel continuous strands, which are referred to as roving. The reinforcements readily available in the markets for composite product developments are glass fibres (E- and S-glass), carbon fibres (IM- and HS-carbon), aramid fibres, steel fibres, natural fibres (jute fibre, hemp fibres, flax fibres, etc), hybrid fibres (glass/carbon), and thermoplastic polymer fibres (polyamide fibres, PET fibres, PP fibres, etc). Current turbine blades are made by either glass fibre or carbon fibre reinforcements. The stress-strain curves for few standard fibre reinforcements published in literature [11] are shown in Figure 2. The significant benefit associated with glass fibres are higher strain to failure with acceptable strengths. Whereas the carbon fibres demonstrate very high tensile and compression strengths compared to other fibre reinforcements, but they have a drawback of very low values of strain to failure (Figure 2). A resin compatible fibre surface treatment is another important requirement for reinforcements. Sizing is the treatment of fibre surface with coupling agents (that couple resin to fibres), to protect the fibre against moisture and reactive fluid attacks. Sizing chemicals improves wettability of the fibre surface against the polymers used for processing, therefore creates stronger bond between the fibre and resin. It is necessary for effective transfer of stresses between the fibres and the matrix. The better the interface bond between polymer (resin) and fibre reinforcements can deliver higher compression and fatigue strengths. For thermosets polymers both glass and carbon fibres has compatible sizing, but with thermoplastic polymer the sizing chemicals for glass and carbon fibres are still under development stage. Latest developments in reinforcement industry are hybrid reinforcements such as glass/carbon hybrid fabrics [7, 12]. Combining glass fibres with carbon fibre with optimal mix ratios for composite applications are expected to deliver better strength and strain to failures. Figure 2 Stress-Strain curves for standard fibre reinforcements [11] 2.2 Thermoset composites Wind industry currently produces turbine blades using thermoset technologies such as glass or carbon fibres reinforced with thermoset polymers (polyester or epoxy resins). The drawbacks with the current thermoset blades include styrene emissions (polyester resins) while processing (by vacuum infusion techniques), and cost issues with epoxy resins. The big issue is after life cycle of the blade, recycling is a big issue with thermoset blades. Another disadvantage include repair or joining of thermoset composites which is possible only with special adhesives. Selection of polymer for blade manufacturing has become an important economical factor in today’s wind industry. Blade lengths are increasing and the cost of the blade also increasing a lot, in this critical situation the industry needs to find a polymer which costs less and give similar processability like thermoset polymers as well perform better than current blade materials. For example, the largest blade with 80 m long weighs around 23 tons out of that 30% of the weight is the polymer. For a turbine with 3 blades this means polymer used in turbine blades production takes space of 21 tons. This demonstrates significance of the polymer in terms of weight and cost savings for a wind turbine blade development. Among the wind industries, there is huge competition to develop the new blades with entirely different material systems compared to current blade materials. The above reasons initiate special interests among material researchers for finding out an alternative material system which can benefit wind industry to overcome the current issues. Several literature reports demonstrate that the new materials such as polyurethane (PU), and dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) are suitable for future blade materials. Younes and Bradish [13] discussed the development of new polyurethane class of resins and its implication in the manufacture of large wind turbine blades, and compare its performance in composite systems to systems made from epoxy and vinyl ester. The author also demonstrated polyurethane systems which are adapted to current blade manufacturing processes and could be retrofitted into existing designs at minimal cost. These urethane systems showed much improved fatigue and fracture toughness properties as well as faster demold than resins currently used in wind turbine blade manufacture. Gardiner [14] and McCarthy [15] demonstrated a new resin system aimed at infusion of wind turbine blades, “new proxima polydicyclopentadiene (pDCPD) resin” takes viscosity to a low value of 10 to 20 cps at 23°C under processing. Materia, USA claims, the resin enables one-shot infusion of thick sections (e.g., blade root areas), reduced void content and higher fibre volume fractions of 58 to 60 percent. (It also is recommended as a solution for complete wetout during infusion of traditionally problematic carbon fibre laminates.) Infusion rates are up to 10 times faster than standard infusion resins, and cured parts weigh less but have greater fracture toughness and fatigue resistance [14-15]. 2.3 Thermoplastic composites Despite of the growing maturity and acceptance of thermoplastic composites for several industrial product applications, it is important not to over-hype their promise for large structural developments. For instance, it is easy to overlook the arising issues for processing blade structures of 60-80 m long as explained by the authors [2-4]. Several researchers trying hard to improve design concepts for future thermoplastic blade [16], polymer performance and also to decrease process temperatures by adding special particles like nano, fillers, etc in order to replace the current thermosets by utilizing the benefits associated with the thermoplastics like emission free (styrene), process-ability, recyclability, and weld-ability. Bersee and Rijswijk [17] working for the last ten years with thermoplastic reactive polymers, selected Anionic Polyamide 6 (APA6) resin for developing future thermoplastic blade. The authors developed processing technology as the resin is low viscous (10 times lower than that of epoxy), tooling system to account drying and a process cycle which accounts both crystallization and polymerization simultaneously, with roughly half of its crystallization formed at this point. When cooling, crystallization continues. But, due to the toughness of the material, no matrix cracking occurs and finally leads to very high quality laminates [2]. Teuwen [18] demonstrated further, APA-6 retains the toughness of PA-6 and it achieves a higher interfacial bond strength, which improves fatigue strength. This is expected to improve with the optimized sizing, and fatigue testing to demonstrate this is in process. Thermoplastic materials offer higher strength to weight properties than thermosets, therefore leading to lighter aerofoils which can lead to cheaper transport costs and reduced turret weights. Therefore few European research projects focused in developing the future blades using thermoplastics [19-20]: 1. “Green Blade” project (finished December 2004) – Eire Composites and their project partners developed a 12.6m long turbine blade from CBT/Glass thermoplastic composite material. They even patented an innovative tooling system designed for thermoplastic composite processing [19]. 2. “Blade King” 5 Yrs project [20] (started Oct 2008) – This project screened all thermoplastic composites (see Table 1) and selected few systems for further evaluation. Thermoplastics specialist (Dr. Hans Knudsen) from Comfill industry, Denmark on developing new materials and technology jointly with project partners (Department of wind energy, DK and Aalborg University, DK) which will significantly reduce the production time of large rotor blades. Table 1. Mechanical properties – Unidirectional thermoplastic composites (prepreg, commingled and reactive polymers) Sl. No. Material System Fibre Volume Fraction Vf (%) 1 2 3 4 5 GF/PP GF/HDPE GF/mPET GF/PBT GF/PA6 50.9 45.2 49.5 46.0 47.0 1 2 3 4 GF/PP GF/LPET GF/PA6 GF/PBT 50.3 49.4 47.8 50.0 1 2 GF/CBT160 GF/APA6 [21] 50 46 1 2 GF/Polyester GF/Epoxy [22] 50 48 Compression Modulus Compression Strength EC (GPa) σC (MPa) Prepreg Laminates 36.2 335 34.8 205 32.9 372 31.3 517 34.6 534 Commingled Laminates 41.4 516 40.6 624 39.1 577 37.5 601 Reactive polymer based Laminates 36 487 39 634 Thermoset Laminates 38 910 36 650 Compression Strain to Failure ϵC (%) Inter-Laminar Shear Strength 1.0 0.6 1.2 1.6 1.6 25.9 11.1 22.6 48.6 59.3 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.7 37.4 59.1 69.8 35.5 1.4 1.7 48 --- 1.5 1.7 76 --- ILSS MPa 2.4 Natural fibre composites Natural fibres have become popular reinforcement material for fibre reinforced polymer composite developments. The reinforcement can replace the conventional fibre, such as glass, aramid and carbon as an alternative material [23-24]. The main advantageous of natural fibres (flax, hemp, and jute fibres) include low cost, fairly good mechanical properties, high specific strength, non-abrasive, eco-friendly and bio-degradability characteristics. In spite of impressive specific mechanical properties, the main challenges associated with these reinforcements include severe moisture absorption, fire resistance, mechanical properties and durability, variability, and manufacturing/processing of natural FRP composites [23]. Bamboo is another interesting material considered as plant fibre and has a great potential to be used in polymer composite industry. Bamboo has 60% cellulose with high content of lignin and its microfibrillar angle is 2–10 deg, which is relatively small. This characteristic property has made bamboo fibre as fibre for reinforcement in variety of polymeric matrices [25-26]. As the blade design requires very high strengths and stiffness with very less moisture absorption criterias, natural fibres are not yet fully considered as future materials for blade developments. But in the recent days, some research projects focusing on small wind turbine blades using natural fibres are listed below: 1. “NATEX” is a collaborative project funded by the European Commission under 7th framework programme [27]. The project partners solved several research issues associated with the natural fibre composites mainly – to promote the use of natural fibres (hemp and flax) in structural applications, to identify and develop innovative applications and processes, to shift from resource intensive to knowledge based industry, to significant the potential impacts for various sectors and actors in the supply chain (see Figure 3). 2. Nottingham Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre, UK is developing a sustainable small wind turbine blade with fully natural fibre (flax, jute, hemp and sisal) and resin (polyester/epoxy) composite [6]. The small wind turbine industries has expanded considerably following initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions but has faced challenges in manufacturing efficient small-size wind turbine blades. 3. A research project at “Roskilde University, Denmark” studied the properties of bamboo material and made a LCA to compare the performance between bamboo turbine blades and glass fibre turbine blades with sustainable perspective [25]. The result concluded that bamboo material fulfilled the requirement of constructing a turbine blade and has a high performance associated with sustainable development. Currently several researchers are working in the development of natural fibre composites for future blades, but to satisfy the blade design requirements the possible options could be foreseen as the hybrid fibre reinforced polymer composites with natural fibres. Figure 3. a) Wind turbine car and b) blade geometry and blade with carbon fibre, flax fibre, and carbon/flax fibres [8] 2.5 Hybrid fibre composites Reinforcement industry introduces advanced stitching technology bringing out a new hybrid fabric (Non-Crimp Fabric (NCF)) as shown in Figure 4a (which is Devold’s proprietary technology [12]). The fabric consists of both glass and carbon fibres with a predefined optimum mix ratios of fibre contents. Roman [7] from “Devold AMT” claims the hybrid fabric permeability was increased four times higher than with the glass fabric allowing for a much more rapid, quality infusion. The other way of developing a hybrid composites were by placing few layers of carbon and more layers of glass in a predefined optimal stacking layups as shown in Figure 4b. The two methods of hybridization helps to tailor the composite mechanical properties bringing up the properties in between glass and carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites (close to carbon fibre reinforced composite properties). The biggest challenges with hybrid fabrics include translate of the higher carbon fibre properties such as stiffness, strength, and fatigue properties in to accountable composite properties. This is mainly possible, if the reinforcement layers of carbon and glass fibres have suitable and compatible fibre surface treatments (i.e. sizings) with the polymeric resin used for infusion process. The author [7] demonstrated the increase in tensile and compression properties for hybrid fabrics compared to glass fibre reinforced epoxy resin systems. Figure 4. Hybrid materials a) hybrid fabric (glass/carbon fibres) b) hybrid layup with alternate layers of glass and carbon fibre reinforcements Prabhakaran et. al. [28] demonstrated the benefits associated with hybridization regarding flexural performance of hybrid fibre composites. The experimental assessments show outer skin layers with high strength fibres such as glass fabrics combined with flax layers give better flexural properties (with the optimal stacking layups shown in Figure 4b). Whereas Mikkelsen et al. [8] demonstrated the optimized hybrid blade for wind turbine car (figure 3a) with a dominating amount of flax fibres perform almost as good as the pure carbon blade while the pure flax did not perform as well. 3. CONCLUSIONS The present article presents a critical review of various material systems for future wind turbine blade developments. The materials considered in this study include various fibre reinforcements, thermoset composites, thermoplastic composites, natural fibre composites, and hybrid composites. Advantages and disadvantages of various materials and its limitations are explained, which can give good insight for material selection for both large and small turbine blades. The processing challenges for various materials systems needs to resolve first, in order to consider the materials for blade design. At the end-of-life of the wind turbine blades, thermoplastics blades can be recycled, which is a major advantage compared to its thermoset counterpart but it needs few more advances before implementing as blade materials. Whereas the natural fibre composites cannot be an immediate solution for large blades, but for smaller blades these materials can become a good choice. For future blades, another interesting material could be hybrid composites. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The work reported was conducted at Department of Wind Energy, a research study sponsored by the Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation. Special thanks to Hans Knudsen (Comfil, Denmark), Prof. Ole Thybo Thomsen (Aalborg University (AAU)), Dr Saju Pillai (AAU), & Dr. Samuel M. Charca (AAU), Bent F. Sørensen (Technical University of Denmark (DTU)), Povl Brøndsted (DTU), Helmuth Langmaack Toftegaard (DTU), Christen Malte Markussen (DTU), Bo Madsen (DTU), Hans Lilholt (DTU), Lars P. Mikkelsen (DTU), Tom Løgstrup Andersen (DTU), Aage Lystrup (Risø DTU), for supporting with the experiments and technical discussions. REFERENCES [1] Povl Brøndsted, Hans Lilholt, Aage Lystrup, “Composite Materials for wind power turbine blades”, Annual Reviews of Materials Research, 2005, Vol. 35, Pages 505 – 538. [2] Ginger Gardiner, “Thermoplastic Wind Blades: To be or not?”, Composites Technology, April 2012, Vol. 18, No. 2, Pages: 30-38. [3] R.T. 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