Sam M. Pickering, Jr. 31F08SW2001 DARLING 2.20249 010 o Industrial Mineral Services, Inc. —— 1414 Twin Pines Lane Macon, Georgia 31211 Mobile: 912-747-7030 EMail: [email protected] Tel: 912-743-9323 Fax: 912-745-6623 TATMARBLEl RECEIVED DATE: 7 December, 1999 TO: Al Connolly, Jacob Wise FROM: Sam Pickering APR 1 3 2000 SUBJECT: Testing Results, Marble Sample from Tatlock Quarry, Ontario, Canada. We have completed analysis of the better-appearing of the two marble samples which you delivered to us for testing. As we discussed, we processed the sample with more favorable appearance first, to avoid your expense of testing both if the better one did not achieve industry standards. Your sample was hand-trimmed to remove all surficial weathering stains, and then crushed in a chipmunk jaw crusher to less than 1A inch size chunks. These were dry milled in a high speed Bico ceramic mill to finer than 200 mesh size, and then wet milled in an attrition mill to 92 percent finer than 2 microns particle size. The resulting slurry was then centrifuged to 96 percent finer than 2 microns to remove remnant quartz and other silicate minerals. Product yield from crude stone was 95.5 weight percent. The slurry sample was then passed through the equivalent of a 20,000 Gauss field strength magnetic separator to improve brightness and color by removal of magnetic iron oxides, and then reduction leached with sodium hydrosulfite to dissolve any remaining iron pigmentation. These are standard industry processes to improve product brightness and whiteness. These optical factors were measured at each of the processing steps on the Technidyne TB-lc Brightmeter, with the following results: PROCESS STEP GE (TAPPI) BRIGHTNESS HUNTER GRAYNESS HUNTER RED/GREEN milled only centrifuged magnetic sep. chemical leach 90.3 90.8 91.1 92.1 94.0 94.4 94.4 94.9 +0.2 (slightly pink) +0.1 (hardly pink) -0.2 (slightly green) +0.1 (hardly pink) HUNTER BLUE/YELLOW -0.2 (slightly blue) -0.2 (slightly blue) -0.2 (slightly blue) -0.5 (pale blue) Although the red and blue color values are favorable, both GE brightness and grayness are not. To be competitive as a paper coating pigment, white marble must be in at least the 95 to 96 GE brightness range and have a grayness (relative whiteness) value higher than 97. The strong gray tinge of your sample indicates an excessive graphite content, which is confirmed by hand lens examination. A.I.P.G. Certification No. 2544; and Certified Minerals Appraiser Graphite is a very difficult mineral to remove from marble, as during the milling process it is so soft that it tends to smear over the harder calcite crystals from which it cannot be economically separated. Many of the Grenville marbles in eastern Ontario tend to be graphitic, which is the reason that they are not more used by the pigment industry. The Tatlock marble in the area quarried by Omya is a rather rare exception in that it is very nearly graphite-free. I am sorry that your marble was not of better quality, and that we therefore cannot recommend it as a fevorable commercial prospect. Unless we hear from you to the contrary, we will discard the remnant of your samples. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you need further information. I appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this material. Best regards, Industrial Minerals Geologist SOQ1 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Sam M. Pickering, Jr. Industrial Mineral Services, Inc. SUMMARY: A dedicated mineral scientist with background and experience in kaolin and other industrial mineral discovery, leasing, reserve development and authentication, ore analysis, mine planning and permitting, processing, new product development, market analysis, and mineral property and leasehold appraisal. 30+ years industrial mineral experience. EDUCATION: B.S. Degree in Geology, Emory University, 1963 M.S. Degree in Geology, The University of Tennessee, 1966 In addition to the above, Post-Graduate courses in industrial minerals, mine investment, mineral lease negotiation, clay minerals technology, appraisal of mineral property, mine planning, etc., 1 966 to present. HONORS AND AWARDS: Elected a Fellow of the Geological Society of America, 1984 U.S. Patents No. 5,545,599: 67137'96 and 5,735,946: 4777'98 for brightening and multi-stage delaminating kaolin clays. First Place, Georgia Mine Reclamation Award: 1986, 1988, and 1990 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: INDUSTRIAL MINERAL SERVICES, INC. 1991 to present. President. * Exploration, analysis, and development of kaolin, bentonite, white marble, silica, fullers earth, talc, diatomite, cement limestone, granite, halloysite, bauxite, and other industrial minerals worldwide. * Marketing of favorable industrial mineral properties, and structuring of advantageous mineral lease or sale contracts, for major mining companies and large landowners such as pulpwood and timber companies. * Defending client's mineral rights to leases or owned properties as expert witness in court or by deposition. * Appraisal of commercial value of pigment and dimension marble, slate, kaolin, granite, fullers earth, and other valuable mineral properties for purposes of partitioning, estate division, and investment. * Discovery and patenting of new processing technology to enable the successful working of low grade mineral deposits, or the introduction of new value-added mineral products to emerging markets. l GEORGIA KAOLIN COMPANY, Inc. 1 978 to 1991: Exploration Geologist, Chief Geologist, and then Lands and Exploration Director. * Responsible for discovery and acquisition by lease or purchase of more than 4 million tons each year of new proven kaolin, microcrystalline silica, white marble, bentonite, etc. mineral reserves; * Managed 68 geologists, laboratory technicians, drillers, etc. and 100,000-1- acres of owned and leased mineral land; * Prepared annual mining plans for a S500 million mining company. Was responsible for selection of more than 4 million tons of favorable and cost effective kaolin, white marble, white microcrystalline silica, and thixotropic bentonite clay for new mining each year; * Initiated new products, projects, and acquisitions with a variety of other mineral ventures. GEORGIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Ga. DNR: 1 966 TO 1978: Geologist, Chief Geologist, and then State Geologist and Survey Director. * Responsible for a high level of mapping, research, and exploration of the geologic, mineral, and ground water framework of all parts of the State of Georgia. Completion and publication of a new Geologic Map of Georgia and complete state coverage with detailed l'^2,000' and l cm^l km. topographic maps. * Managed the work of 32 geologists, chemists, topographic cartographers, and technicians. Drafted new land, mineral, and water legislation and advised on State natural resource policy. CERTIFICATION AND LICENSES: Certified to practice geology and do mineral exploration throughout the United States by the American Institute of Professional Geologists (Certificate No. 2544); currently on AIPG Board of Directors for the Georgia Section. Certified to do inground mineral appraisals and valuations by the American Institute of Minerals Appraisers. Registered to practice geology and do mineral exploration in Georgia and other states; Ga. License No. 0006. PROFESSIONAL AND ETHICAL REFERENCES: An extensive listing of responsible individuals and clients familiar with my work is available upon request. To avoid any possible conflict of interest, a full listing of my present and recently completed clients is attached. Of course, all work with any client is always held in complete and total confidence. BUSINESS LOCATION A COMMUNICATION: Sam M. Pickering, Jr. Industrial Mineral Services, Inc. 1414 Twin Pines Lane Macon, Georgia 31211 USA Tel. 9127439323 Fax. 912 745 6623 Mobile: 9127477030 E-mail: [email protected] 31F08SW2001 2.20249 DARLING n, 0 020 July 17, 2000 Post Office Box 28143 Atlanta, GA 3035? Fax: 404.255.0489 Jim McCauley Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Geoscience Assessment Office 933 Ramsey Lake Road 6th Floor Sudbury Ontario P3E6BE Fax:(877)670-1555 re: Response to Work on Submission Number 2.20249 Dear Mr. MCauley: This response will act as an addendum to the Captioned Work Report. Our efforts on the subject property are to, hopefully, establish the existence of a white crystalline marble with a G. E. Brightness factor that would appeal to the paper manufacturing industry. The standard certainty for Grenville marbles, the Omya Quarry is in the same Darling Township as our claims at Tatlock Ontario. This Tatlock Quarry was developed originally as a joint venture between Steep Rock Mining and Georgia Kaolin, late of Sandersville, Georgia. Georgia Kaolins' geologists on the Tatlock project were Sam Pickering and David Avant. Both of these gentlemen are currently available to us for consultations. David Avant is President of Georgia Industrial Minerals, Inc., Sanderville, Georgia. From conversations and work reports by the above-mentioned geologists, it was established that Tatlock Quarry evolved into existence by extensive quarry development efforts culminating with deep drilling. The original Tatlock quarry area was opened only to discover high concentrations of actinolites and silicas in the.marbles. After substantial quarrying, a high purity low contaminate, i.e., negligible silica was discovered. There is abundant outcropping of marble on our claim. In fact, the "Lamark Highlands Road Maintenance" personnel cannot keep sections of their roadway covered with gravel. The gravel will not adhere to the outcropping marble along the roadway. This marbled roadway is of no interest because of colour. RECEIVED AUG O 3 2000 GEOSCIENCE ASSESSMENT Our efforts, however, were to identify sites for the potential existence of underlying high quality white marble. We collected numerous samples; some extracted from deep in sand dunes. We sent these collected samples to the Sam Perkering, Jr., PG materials lab for testing. Mr. Pickering test samples from all over the world from Nova Scotia to India. From visual inspection, it was concluded by Pickering that only one sample was worth the cost of testing for brightness. The lab report on this specimen was attached to our above-mentioned Work Report. We have made a number of trips to the captioned claim site and have met with as diverse regulatory individuals as Natural Resources and County Permitting personnel. Obviously, our concerns have to extend beyond just proving the commercial potential of our claim. Permitting the quarry is a factor to be considered. I have framed a letter dated 1972, signed by Jim McGinn of your Ministry, in which he (Jim McGinn) requests a cheque for SIO so he can send this correspondent a quarry permit for a claim in Cavendish Township, Ontario. The above meetings with present day quarry permitting people have convinced us that this said S10 quarry permitting process does not exist any longer! ! ! On a more serious note, we trust that this letter delineates the substantial efforts, which have been expended to prove the viability of our claim. Thank you. Yours truly, Albert J. Connolly PG Cc: RECEIVED AUG032( GEOSCIENCE ASSESSMENT OFFICE Ontario Minnlryd Transaction Number (office use) Declaration of Assessment Work Performed on Mining Land Norr*m andMkm Assessment Files Research Imaging Mining Act, Subsection 65(2) and 66(3), R.S.O. 1990 ter the authority of subsections 65(2) and 66(3) of the Mining Act. Undi record. This information will be used to review the assesment work at i collection should be directed to a Provincial Mining Recorder, Xinisu ke Road, Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 685. .s 31F08SW2001 2.20249 Instructions: 1. - For work performed on Crown Lands before recording a clai*, use form 0240. - Please type or print in ink. Recorded holder(s) Mame 4 A41413 Tele^7iS-8I2Mlr-7708 Addre"P.O. Box 29083, 125 Carlton St. St. Catharines, Ontario Fax Number 770-643-6701 L2R 7P9 Client Number Jacob Wise Address . Telephone Nunber 6400 Lona Island Drivp Atlanta, GA 30328 404 ?q?.8169 FaX WT-257-03 51 and report on only ONE of the following groups for this declaration. Type of work performed: Check 2. LJ Geotechnical: prospecting, surveys, assays and work under section 18 (regs) Work Type D Physical: drilling stripping, trenching and associated assays CoRBodity Total t Value of Work Claimed Dates Work Performed From 21 Day 10 | Month 1 999 | tear Global Positioning System Data (if available) To 27 Day | 10 Month Mining Division Township/Area fV tx.- \~njL,\.n^. (4,.-^ Ld( Cc or G-plan Number rt . n ,, v arling (M-0080) - provide proper notice complete and attach a provide a map showing include two copies of to surface rights holders before starting work; S tatement of Costs, fora 0212; contiguous Mining lands that are linked for assigning work; your technical report. Person or companies who prepared the technical report (Attach a list if necessary) Telephone Number MJITM* Albert J. Connolly Address as above 770-621-7708 Fax Hunber 770-643-6701 Telephone Number Sam M. Pickering Jr. 912-743-9323 Industrial Mineral Services, Inc. 1414 Twin Pines Lane 1 Macon, GA I, 31211 Fax Number 912-745-6623 Telephone Number Fax Number Address It. Resident Geologi5t -District " TTjiJCC cJ^ - obtain a work permit from the Ministry of Natural Resources as required; Please remember to: ress c ^ '.A& X ^ NTS Reference DarlingTWP 5 Name 1 999 | Year- Rehabilitation Office Use . Geotechnical: prospecting assays and work under section 18/rep 3. r\ (Attach a list if necessary) Albert J. Connolly ""^ f) DARLING f ?rtifiraHnn by Recorded Holder or Agent Albert J. Connolly , do hereby certify that I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in ih-lnt **t. this Declaration of Assessment Work having caused the work to be performed or witnessed the same during or after its completion and, to the best of my knowledge, the annexed report is true. RECEIVED 0241 (06/97) APR 1 3 2000 GEOSCIENCE ASSESSMENT _____OFFICE ' MPS 13 'oe 1J:J" F K GEOS'IIENCE TO 91 .IPN \ 4 ' 00 15:50 F9 GKSCIENCE SSSESSMCNT t 7056705891 TO 9-1-770-643-6701 P.83/04 s work to be raeordtd and distributed. Work can only b* assigned to claims that are contiguous (ediommg) to the mir land wharo work was perfwmed. at the time work was performed A map showing Ihe contiguous link must accompany form. ' ^ ,~. \jU(J(J^*-'' '-*-"-**"~i fining CKim Nvmbc. Or it v*xk wt i darn on etiir tidbit mining Itntf. iho* In *vs oolu^vi v^t i^cfbfln numM' j ^ ,TM- y ^* Nvimbtr of Cltm Unlli. Fer olhtr •fl IS 7877 K ha M I2WB4T U ** 12341M 1184025 1 2 , pvnQfinvc on ln|} da'"i o'Olher mining '*fl ^- *M.ezs S 1,892 J •pplixl le *i5 IJ'.OOO N/A 0 ^ rC^^3* I2.8M 121000 0 0 14,000 0 S4.89Z V*ftfl JO 4 •i/tk. Wu* of w 10 M aiitrfeuUd it a Kiln'* d*tt Viiut o' we'll tssiQAtd to offisf mitiiofl om^t Vilu* el we'll VlllM 0( WOIV 1083.13 fr-f)————————— lC,cc^-^ 2 u 2 si -L* —— 3 - 4 J e 7 B 9 10 11 12 ,j 14 li Column To1*U l Albert J. Connolly . do hereby certify that ine above work credits ara eligible i/ lubnectlon T (1 ) of the Assessment Work Regulation 8/98 fw as,siyriiii*nt !o contiguous oloims or (or application to i*, the work was don*. \Wnlng S^p. B. Instruction for culling back credits thai ire not approved. Some of the credits claimed in Wits declaration maybe cut back. Please check (O in Uie boxes below to *how how you wls prioritize in* delation of credits O l. Credit* ara to be cut beck from the Bank firit. followed by option 2 or 3 or 4 as indicated. D 2 . Credits are lo be cut back sterling with Die claims listed last, working backward*; or O 3 Credits orv to b* cut back equally over all claims listed in this declaration; of O 4. Credits are lo bi cut beck at prioritized on trie attached appendix or as follows (describe): Note: If you h*ve not indicated how your credit* are to be deleted, credits will be cut beck from the Bank first followed by option number 2 if necesiary. JF?f Otnct Use Only O*.m*i Afpta~ri Oil* 2.1. Mallloton Vjlu* 0* C/MII Appro^rt fHcrj^lt/^tn APR 1 3 ' ! j DfFICF ' ** TOT&L PAGE.32 ** PPR 14 '08 10:48 9 (S) Ontario Northern Development and Mines for Assessment Credit Personal information collected on this form is obtained unde.r the authority of subsection 6 (1) of the Assessment Work Regulation 6/96. Under section 8 of the Mining Act, this Information is a public record. This Information will be used to review the assessment work and correspond wilh the mining land holder. Questions about this collection should be direcled to a Provincial Mining Recorder. Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, 3rd Floor, 033 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury. Ontario, P3E 685. Units of work Depending on the type of work, list the number of hours/day worked, metres of drilling, kilometres of grid line, number of samples, etc. Work Type Sampling, Prospecting, Stripping s 2 Samples Professional time of 2 Days Albtfi-tr-jrr-connolly, PU ' Cost P*r Unit of work Total Cost 948.25 CAN 948.25 350.00 700.00 f* " * 5fr*i^fl ' v Z-* Si ———^^a— ***' ^-f- Associated Costs (e.g. supplies, mobilization and demobilization). Supplies, Mobilization S demob *r^ *y 356.68 356.68 . f i" Transportation Costs 1294 km @ .30 Food and Lodging Costs 388.20 •iafl.20 .290.00 290.00 Total Value of Assessment Work 2683.13 Calculations of Filing Discounts: 1. Work filed within two years of performance Is claimed at 100*ft of the above Total Value of Assessrnent Work, 2. If work is filed after two years and up to five years after performance, it can only be claimed at 60^ of the Total Value of Assessment Work. If this situation applies to your claims, use the calculation below: TOTAL VALUE OF ASSESSMENT WORK x 0.50 ' Note: Total S value of worked claimed. ... - Work older than 6 years is not eligible for credit. ; ,; - A recorded holder may be required to verify expenditures claimed in this statement of costs within 46 days of a request for verification and/or correction/clarification. If verification and/or correction/clarification is not made, the ' Minister may\eject all or part of the assessment work submitted. r Certification verifying costs: l. Albert J. Connolly {please print full name) t do hereby certify, that the amounts shown are as accurate as may reasonably be determined and the costs were incurred while conducting assessment work on the lands indicated'bn the accompanying Declaration of Work form as record holder (recorded holdar. agent, or slate company position with signing authority) am authorized t&make this certification. Signature Ml? (03/97) c/ RECEIVED APR l 3 ""l GEOSCIENCE ASSESSMENT _____Of FI C E ** TQTflL PflCE.04 ** Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Ontario Ministers du Developpement du Nord et des Mines Geoscience Assessment Office 933 Ramsey Lake Road 6th Floor August 9, 2000 Sudbury, Ontario ALBERT JOSEPH CONNOLLY 125 CARLTON ST. P.O. BOX 29083 ST. CATHERINES, ONTARIO L2R-7P9 P3E6B5 Telephone: (888) 415-9845 Fax: (877)670-1555 Visit our website at: Dear Sir or Madam: Subject: Transaction Number(s): S ubmission Number: 2 .20249 Status W0090.00038 Approval After Notice We have reviewed your Assessment Work submission with the above noted Transaction Number(s). The attached summary page(s) indicate the results of the review. WE RECOMMEND YOU READ THIS SUMMARY FOR THE DETAILS PERTAINING TO YOUR ASSESSMENT WORK. If the status for a transaction is a 45 Day Notice, the summary will outline the reasons for the notice, and any steps you can take to remedy deficiencies. The 90-day deemed approval provision, subsection 6(7) of the Assessment Work Regulation, will no longer be in effect for assessment work which has received a 45 Day Notice. Allowable changes to your credit distribution can be made by contacting the Geoscience Assessment Office within this 45 Day period, otherwise assessment credit will be cut back and distributed as outlined in Section #6 of the Declaration of Assessment work form. Please note any revisions must be submitted in DUPLICATE to the Geoscience Assessment Office, by the response date on the summary. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact JIM MCAULEY by e-mail at [email protected] or by telephone at (705) 670-5880. Yours sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Steve B. Beneteau Acting Supervisor, Geoscience Assessment Office Mining Lands Section Correspondence ID: 15129 Copy for: Assessment Library Work Report Assessment Results 2 .20249 Submission Number: Date Correspondence Sent: August 09, 2000______________________AssessorJIM MCAULEY^—^^^^^^————^^^^^ Transaction Number First Claim Number Township(s) l Area(s) W0090.00038 1184025 DARLING Status Approval After Notice Approval Date August 08,2000 Section: 18 Other INDUS 17 Assays ASSAY The revisions outlined in the Notice dated July 5, 2000 have been corrected. Accordingly, assessment work credit has been approved as outlined on the Declaration of Assessment Work Form accompanying this submission. Note that an example of a typical stripping, trenching report has been enclosed for your future reference. At the discretion of the Ministry, the assessment work performed on the mining lands noted in this work report may be subject to inspection and/or investigation at any time. Correspondence to: Recorded Holder(s) and/or Agent(s): Resident Geologist Tweed, ON ALBERT JOSEPH CONNOLLY ST. CATHERINES, ONTARIO Assessment Files Library Sudbury, ON Page: 1 Correspondence ID: 15129 THE TOWNSHIP OF Bagot Twp. (M.47] VI 4^;,',.,.^ ^Nv1 TT" ^ y" XI DARLING V" /* H/ r* COUNTY OF LANARK SOUTHERN ONTARIO MINING DIVISION SCALE'1- INO^40 CHAINS DISPOSITION OF CHOWN LANDS PATENT LEASE SURFACE AND MWIN6 RIGHTS——— SURFttCt RIGHTS ONLY ———.——— MINING RIGHTS OWL* ..__——— SURFACE AND MINING RIGHTS.—— RIGHTS ONLY______— * * 9 B H RIGHTS ONLY _____. H LICENCE OF OCCUPATION .______ ~~ KINGS HIGHWAY RAILWAYS POWER LINES MARSH OR MUSKEG MIMES flOADS IMPROVED R OADS NOTES This Map Is Not To Be Used FOR SURVEY PURPOSES TM /A* LOT AND CONCESSION LINES SHOWN HER EON ARE PROJECTED FROM THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE BUT THEIR TRUE POSITION IS NOT GUARANTEED FOR OFFICIAL SURVEY PURPOSES CONSULT THE ORIGINAL SURVEr PLANS AND FtELDNOTtS OF RECORD IN THE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCFS O, 4OO' Surface Righls Reservation of all IC'ke* end rivers H E o c O) along l h* RESERVES lurfocc r 1 5*111 wifhdrav" , Fil*. 306*0 MMR Rncrvi , . 35 W - LL Fil* 5StO3 C48fl9 MAY 08/99 M*S o a. SAND and GRAVE L Gr. .il , Quaf r y M or bit vi——f" •y j * l V" J. ———---I-———-**v. . ^ ' /TV x ^ JC -"^^ 31F08SW2001 2.20249 DARLING 200 p t r mil Fil* 17321 ON THE snerus o^ THE uMsina SHOWN * * * - ^- XII Lanark Twp. (M.3392) 33 ZOl v.Z THE INFORMATION THAT APPCAA8 ON THIS MAP HAS BEEN COMPILED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. AND ACCURACY IS NOt GUARANTEED- THOSE WISHING TO STAKE MN INQ C1AIMB SHOULD CON SULT WITH THE MINING HECOrWeR, MINISTBY OF NORTHERN DEVELOP MENT AND MINES, FOR A& OrflONAL INFORMATION . * \f ^ - —— —l •/to*" Fil, PLAN N O.-M. 80 ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES SURVEYS AND MAPPING BRANCH 31F08SW2001 2.20249 DARLING 210
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