HOROSCOPE SAMPLE 1 January 2013 • 01:00:00 hrs. • New Delhi, India Provided by PARASHAR ASTRO RESEARCH CENTRE 3rd Floor, Cyber Tower,Vibhuti Khand Gomti Nagar, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0091-522- ......, Cell No:0091-8960485009, Toll Free No:..... E-mail: [email protected], website: www.parasharastro.com Processed On: 5 February 2013 SAMPLE Birth Particulars Sex Date of birth Day of birth Time of birth Ishtkaal Place of birth Country : : : : : : : Male 1 J anuar y 2013 Tuesday 01:00:00 hr s 44:15:57 ghatis New Delhi India Latitude Longitude Time zone War/daylight Corr. GMT at birth LMT Corr. Local Mean Time Sidereal Time Sunsign (Western) Lagna : : : : : : : : : : 28N36'00 77E12'00 -05:30:00 hrs 00:00:00 hrs 19:30:00 hrs -00:21:12 hrs 00:38:48 hrs 07:21:18 hrs Capricorn Vir 23:49:47 Hindu Calendar Chaitradi System Vikram Samvat Lunar Month Kartikadi System Vikram Samvat Lunar Month Saka Samvat Sun's Ayana/Gola Season Paksha Hindu Weekday Tithi at sunrise Tithi ending time Tithi at birth Nak. At sunrise Nak. ending time Family Particulars Grand Father Father Mother Caste Gotra : : : : : Avakhada Chakra 1. Varna 2. Vashya 3. Nakshatra - Pada 4. Yoni 5. Rashish 6. Gana 7. Rashi 8. Nadi Varga Yunja Hansak (Tatwa) Naamakshar Paya (Rashi) Paya (Nakshatra) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Brahmin Jalachara Ashlesha - 3 Marjara Moon Rakshasa Cancer Antya Shwana Madya Jala Ms Gold Silver Nak. at birth : : 2069 Pausha : : : : : : : 2069 Margshirsha 1934 Uttarayan/Dakshin Shishir Kr ishna Monday : : : : Krishna Tritiya 20:52:20 hrs 33:56:46 ghatis Kr ishna Chatur thi : : : : Pushya 10:07:25 hrs 7:4:30 ghatis Ashlesha Yoga at sunrise : Yoga ending time : : Yoga at birth : Vishkumbha 05:31:54 hrs 55:35:43 ghatis Vishkumbha Karana at sunrise : Karana ending time : : Karana at birth : Vanija 08:16:08 2:26:17 ghatis Bava Sunrise Time Degree Sunset Time Degree Next - day Sunrise : : : : : 07:17:37 hrs Sag 15:40:10 17:30:22 hrs Sag 16:05:43 Tue 07:17:47 hrs. Moon Nak. entry Moon Nak. exit Bhayat Bhabhog Dasha at Birth Balance of Dasha Ayanamsha : : : : : : : 31 Dec 2012 10:07:25 1 Jan 2013 11:45:27 37:11:26 ghatis 26:53:38 ghatis Mercury-Rahu-Rahu Mercury 7y 2m 1d -24:02:34 Lahiri PAE2500 • 2 ¬ SAMPLE ~ Vedic Astrology ~ The Vedas are the foremost among all ancient books. All the classics of the world have been born out of the Vedas. The root verb of the word ‘Veda' is ‘vid' meaning knowledge. Through the classics of Indian astrology, one can easily acquire knowledge about God while learning about living beings. For this reason, astrology is considered to be the eyes of the Vedas. Thousands of years ago, the Saints who were knowledgeable about the past, the present and the future, through the power of their meditation and yoga, have described in detail in their astrological classics the characteristics, features, appearance and nature of the planets and their auspicious and inauspicious effects on the living and non living world. The depiction of the position of planets in the zodiac at the time and place of a person's birth is called the Janma Kundali or the Horoscope. The sign which was rising in the eastern horizon at the time of birth is called Lagna or the Ascendant. The sign where the Moon is positioned is called the Birth Rashi and the constellation in which the Moon is situated is called the Birth Nakshatra. A description of the different parts of the Panchanga or the Hindu calendar at the time of your birth are given below: Avakhada Chakr a Lagna Rashi (Moon Sign) Rashi lord Birth Nakshatra Nakshatra Charana First alphabet of name Rashi paya Nakshatra paya Varana Vashya Nadi Yoni Gana : : : : : : : : : : : : : Virgo Cancer Moon Ashlesha 3 Ms Gold Silver Brahmin Jalachara Antya Marjara Rakshasa Indian Calendar Vikram Samvat Lunar Month Birth Tithi Yoga Karana Western Weekday Astrological weekday : : : : : : : 2069 Pausha Krishna Chaturthi Vishkumbha Bava Tuesday Monday Ghat Chakr a Ghat Month Ghat Tithi Ghat Day Ghat Nakshatra : : : : Pausha 2/7/12 Wednesday Anuradha Ghat Yoga Ghat Karana Ghat Prahar Ghat Chandra : : : : Vyaghata Naga 1 Simha PAE2500 • 3 ¬ SAMPLE Date of birth Time of birth Place of birth : : : Birth Chart Longitude/Latitude Time zone DST 1 J anuar y 2013, Tuesday 01:00:00 hr s New Delhi, Delhi, India : : : 77E12'00 28N36'00 -05:30:00 hrs 00:00:00 hrs Planetar y Details Planet R/C Sign Degr ee Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury C R Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Uranus Neptune Pluto Abbreviations : Vir Sag Can Cap Sag Tau Sco Lib Sco Tau Pis Aqu Sag 23:49:47 16:24:11 24:22:44 10:28:26 06:13:43 13:46:53 25:24:08 15:28:21 00:59:19 00:59:19 10:43:14 07:01:29 15:16:05 Speed Nakshatr a 00:59:42 12:41:17 00:45:58 01:28:23 -00:05:33 01:14:34 00:04:42 -00:06:00 -00:06:00 00:00:52 00:01:32 00:02:05 Chitra Poorvashadha Ashlesha Shravana Moola Rohini Jyeshtha Swati Vishakha Krittika Uttarabhadra Shatabhishak Poorvashadha R/C : Retrograde/Combust SB : Shadbala strength of planets Pada RL NL SL SS 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 3 4 2 3 1 1 RL : Rashi lord NL : Nakshatra lord Me Ju Mo Sa Ju Ve Ma Ve Ma Ve Ju Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Ke Mo Me Ra Ju Su Sa Ra Ve Ma Mo Ra Mo Ra Ra Ra Ve Ma Ra Su Ra Ve Status SB Me Ra Ra Sa Sa Ma Ve Ve Me Mo Sa Ju Me Neutr. 0.83 Own 1.24 Exalt. 1.38 Enemy 1.05 Grt.En. 0.94 Frnd. 1.35 Exalt. 1.42 Debil. Debil. SL : Nakshatra Sub lord SS : Nakshatra Sub Sub lord Bir th Char t Sa 15:28 Ra 00:59 Ve 25:24 7 8 As 23:49 Me 06:13 Su 16:24 Ma 10:28 5 Mo 24:22 2 JuR 13:46 Ke 00:59 6 9 3 12 10 11 4 1 PAE2500 • 4 ¬ SAMPLE Chandra, Navamsha and Bhava Moon Chart As 6 5 Sa Ra 8 Ve 9 Me Su 3 Mo 7 Navamsha 2 JuR Ke 7 6 As Su 4 1 10 Ra 4 3 5 2 JuR Me 11 Mo Ve 1 Ma Sa 12 8 Ma 12 11 9 10 Ke Bhava(Sripati) Ra Sa Me 7 8 Ve Su Ma 10 5 As 9 4 Mo 6 3 12 11 1 Ke 2 JuR Bhava Spashta - Sripati System Bhava Number Bhava Ar ambha House beginning Bhava Madhya Middle of House Bhava Antya House ending 1. First 2. Second 3. Third 4. Fourth 5. Fifth 6. Sixth 7. Seventh 8. Eight 9. Ninth 10. Tenth 11. Eleventh 12. Twelfth Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir 08:58:46 08:58:46 09:16:45 09:34:43 09:34:43 09:16:45 08:58:46 08:58:46 09:16:45 09:34:43 09:34:43 09:16:45 23:49:47 24:07:45 24:25:44 24:43:42 24:25:44 24:07:45 23:49:47 24:07:45 24:25:44 24:43:42 24:25:44 24:07:45 08:58:46 09:16:45 09:34:43 09:34:43 09:16:45 08:58:46 08:58:46 09:16:45 09:34:43 09:34:43 09:16:45 08:58:46 PAE2500 • 5 SAMPLE Tue 1 Jan 2013 01:00:00 City : New Delhi State : Delhi Country : India 8. Alternate Lagnas Ishtakal : 44:15:57 Sunrise : 31 Dec 12 07:17:37 Sunset : 31 Dec 12 17:30:22 Ayanamsha : -24:02:34 Lahiri Timezone: -5:30:00 Daylightsaving : 0 Longitude: 77E12'00 Latitude: 28N36'00 Birth Chart Moon Chart Sun Chart Sa Ra Ve 8 7 Me Su 9 Ma 5 As 6 12 4 Mo As 6 5 Sa 3 Ma 10 11 1 2 JuR Ra Ke Ve Birth Chart Karakamsha 7 4 10 Ma 8 9 Me Su 12 Ke JuR 2 3 11 5 8 9 6 Su Me Ma 1 12 Mo As 7 Sa 3 11 5 Ve Me Su 9 Ma 10 11 3 6 1 6 12 4 Mo Sa 7 6 Ra Ve 3 1 2 JuR Me Ke Su 9 10 Ma Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to As Bhava (Sripati) 10 9 Ra Sa Me Ve 8 7 Su 8 6 7 Ghatika Lagna 23:39:06 5 7 Sa 5 4 Mo 2 Ke JuR 5 As 9 6 12 4 Mo 3 Ma 10 11 1 2 JuR Krishnamurti chart Mo As 8 Ke Sa 7 9 Ra Bhava Lagna 11:15:58 8 12 11 Su 4 Me Su 12 Ve Sa JuR Me 2 Mo Ra 10 11 Ke Ke Ra Ve 4 JuR KarakamshaD9 (...) 10 As 2 1 Ma 1 3 Mo Ra Ve As 8 5 11 4 3 2 Ke JuR 12 Ra Me Su Sa As Ve Ma Mo 1 Ke JuR ¬ SAMPLE Sudarshan Chakra Sudarshan Chakra Outer Circle : Surya Chart Middle Circle : Chandra Chart Inner Circle : Birth Chart Su Ma 10 11 As 5 Sa 7 Me Ve 9 Mo 4 As 6 3 JuR 5 Ra 6 Ve 8 4 ¬ Me 12 Sa 7 9 Su Ra 1 8 Ma Mo 1 Sa Ke 1 6 As 5 12 9 2 7 2 JuR Ke 12 11 Me 2 3 10 Ve Ke Ra 8 Su JuR 11 10 Ma 3 4 Mo Sudarshan Chakra represents the comparative positions of the planets in the Sun Chart, the Moon Chart and the Birth Chart simultaneously, from outer to inner circle respectively. To study a house, consider the signs in all the three charts simultaneously. PAE2500 • 7 SAMPLE Hor a 7 9 Dr eshkana 6 Sa Ra Ke Su Ma JuR Me As Mo Ve 5 8 2 11 10 4 3 12 1 Saptamsha 9 10 Me Sa As 8 5 2 11 JuR 4 3 Mo 4 Ve JuR 7 12 Su 1 11 Me 10 Ve Ma 12 As Mo 1 2 10 9 Me 11 8 5 Sa 6 7 As 2 5 11 8 Ra Ke Ma 6 7 9 10 Ke 10 11 As Su 3 6 12 9 10 9 Me Ra 4 3 5 2 JuR Me 11 Mo Ve 1 Ma Sa 12 Sa As 2 Mo Ma As JuR Ke 4 6 Su 7 5 6 Me 8 7 Ve Ma Su 9 10 1 10 7 Mo As Ke 10 Me 11 9 Me Sa Sa 12 1 Mo JuR 11 10 Ma As Mo 8 7 9 Sa Ve 12 6 3 1 2 Su JuR 4 Ra Me Ra Ke 9 As 10 Sa 8 11 5 2 12 1 Ve 12 11 Me 11 JuR12 Ra 5 Ma 7 6 JuR Mo 3 Su As Mo 1 9 8 Ve Sa 4 Sa Su 9 8 Ve 10 7 4 Ra 2 Ke 3 5 6 Ma Shashtiamsha Ve 7 Ke 6 Me Ra Ma 6 7 8 11 5 2 10 Su Me 8 Ra Tr imshamsha Akshavedamsha JuR 1 12 7 Vimshamsha Su 5 4 Ra Ke 1 2 As Su Ke 2 Ma 1 Sa Mo Dashamsha 9 Me JuR 12 6 3 Su 3 Ve 4 5 JuR Sa Saptvimshamsha Khavedamsha Mo 3 Ve 4 Su 1 12 Mo Shodashamsha Chatur vimshamsha 4 Ra Ke Chatur thamsha 8 Ma Ke 2 Mo As Su 1 Sa 3 6 12 9 8 Ra JuR 3 Ra 7 Ra Dwadashamsha 5 JuR 6 Ma Ke As 2 5 11 8 Divisional Charts Navamsha Ma 6 Ve 7 Ke 3 Ve 4 ¬ 3 4 Ma Me 9 Ra 10 Ve JuR As Su 5 8 2 11 Mo 4 3 Ke 12 1 Sa PAE2500 • 8 ¬ SAMPLE Date of birth Time of birth Place of birth : : : Moon Char t Sa Ra 7 8 Ve As Me Su 9 5 4 Mo JuR 1 Ke Sr ipati Bhava 9 5 4 Mo 6 3 12 Ma10 11 1 Ke Ar udha Lagna Char t Ke 1 2 JuR Mo 4 12 9 Me Su 6 Ve As 8 7 Ra Sa Bhava Lagna Sa Ra 7 8 Ve Me Su 9 Ma10 11 7 Ra 8 Ve 9 Me Su 3 JuR 2 Ke 5 4 Mo Ma As 12 11 1 As 5 4 Mo 2 Ke JuR Ra Me Su 5 4 Mo Ve 6 3 12 Sa As Ma Mo JuR 1 Ke Ma10 11 2 Ke JuR 1 Ma 10 Su 9 Me 12 Ke JuR 2 11 8 Ra Ve 5 7 Sa 6 As 3 4 Mo Sa 7 8 Ra Ve Kar kamsha in Navamsha Ke 12 Mo Ve 10 Ma 1 9 Sa 11 JuR Me 2 8 5 3 4 Ra As Su 6 7 Ghatika Lagna Mo 4 5 As JuR 1 Ke Ra Ve 8 Me Su 7 Sa KP Bhava Sa Ra 7 8 Ve 6 3 12 2 77E12'00 28N36'00 -05:30:00 hrs 00:00:00 hrs 9 12 6 3 Hor a Lagna As Ma 10 11 4 1 10 Kar kamsha in Bir th Char t 11 10 Ma 5 Mo Me Su 9 2 JuR 3 5 Equal Bhava As : : : Sun Char t Sa 2 Ra Sa Me 7 8 Ve As 6 6 3 12 Ma10 11 Su Longitude/Latitude Time zone DST 1 J anuar y 2013, Tuesday 01:00:00 hr s New Delhi, Delhi, India Bir th Char t Birth Charts Ke JuR 2 1 3 6 12 9 Me Su Sa 7 As 6 Ra Ve 8 11 10 Ma Me 9 Su 10 Ma Mo 4 3 5 2 Ke JuR 11 12 1 PAE2500 • 9 ¬ SAMPLE Planetary Friendship Naisar gik Maitr i Chakr a (Natur al Relationship) Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Sun Friend Friend Friend Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Mon Friend Friend Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Mar Friend Neutral Neutral Friend Neutral Enemy Enemy Friend Mer Neutral Friend Enemy Enemy Friend Friend Neutral Neutral Jup Friend Neutral Friend Neutral Neutral Neutral Friend Neutral Ven Enemy Neutral Neutral Friend Enemy Friend Friend Friend Sat Enemy Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Friend Friend Enemy Rah Enemy Enemy Enemy Neutral Neutral Friend Friend Enemy Ket Enemy Enemy Friend Neutral Neutral Friend Enemy Enemy - Rah Friend Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy Ket Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy - Tatkalik Maitr i Chakr a (Tempor al Relationship) Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Sun Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Friend Friend Friend Enemy Mon Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy Friend Enemy Friend Mar Friend Enemy Friend Enemy Friend Friend Friend Enemy Mer Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy Friend Friend Friend Enemy Jup Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Ven Friend Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Sat Friend Friend Friend Friend Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Panchadha Maitr i Chakr a (Compound Relationship) Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Neutral Grt. FriendEnemy Neutral Neutral Enemy Neutral Friend Grt. FriendNeutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Grt. EnemyFriend Enemy Neutral Grt. FriendNeutral Grt. EnemyNeutral Grt. EnemyFriend Grt. FriendEnemy Neutral Neutral Neutral Grt. FriendEnemy Neutral Grt. EnemyNeutral Friend Neutral Grt. EnemyNeutral Neutral Enemy Enemy Ven Sat Rah Ket Neutral Neutral Neutral Grt. Enemy Enemy Friend Grt. EnemyNeutral Friend Friend Neutral Neutral Grt. FriendFriend Friend Enemy Grt. EnemyEnemy Enemy Enemy Grt. FriendNeutral Neutral Grt. FriendGrt. FriendGrt. Enemy Neutral Grt. FriendGrt. Enemy Neutral Grt. EnemyGrt. Enemy- Note: The tables show the relation of the planets in the column headings to the planets in the row headings. Nakshatr a Spatial Matr ix Asc Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Asc Vadha Pratyari P.mitra Sadhaka P.mitra Pratyari Sampat Vipat Mitra Sun Kshema Mitra Vipat P.mitra Vipat Mitra Pratyari Sadhaka Sampat Mon Sadhaka Vipat Pratyari Sampat Pratyari Janma Vadha Mitra Kshema Mar Sampat Mitra Sadhaka Vadha Janma Sadhaka Vipat Kshema P.mitra Mer Pratyari Sampat P.mitra Kshema Kshema P.mitra Sadhaka Vadha Vipat Jup Sampat Mitra Sadhaka Janma Vadha Sadhaka Vipat Kshema P.mitra Ven Sadhaka Vipat Janma Pratyari Sampat Pratyari Vadha Mitra Kshema Sat P.mitra Sadhaka Kshema Mitra Pratyari Mitra Kshema Sampat Vadha Rah Mitra Pratyari Vipat Vadha Kshema Vadha Vipat P.mitra Sadhaka Ket Vipat P.mitra Vadha Sampat Mitra Sampat Vadha Kshema Pratyari - Sampat, Kshema, Sadhaka, Mitra, Paramamitra. Auspicious: Inauspicious: Janma, Vipat, Pratyari, Vadha. Note: Tara bala is based on the distance counted from the planets in column headings to the planets in the row headings. PAE2500 • 10 ¬ SAMPLE Shodashvarga Summary Shodashvarga Summary Signs occupied by planets in Shodashvar gas Lagna Janma Vir Hora Leo Dreshkana Tau Chaturthamsha Gem Saptamsha Leo Navamsha Leo Dashamsha Sag Dwadashamsha Gem Shodashamsha Sag Vimshamsha Sco Chaturvimshamsha Aqu Saptavimshamsha Ari Trimshamsha Cap Khavedamsha Tau Akshavedamsha Sco Shashtiamsha Leo Sun Sag Can Ari Gem Pis Leo Tau Gem Leo Gem Vir Gem Sag Cap Sag Leo Moon Can Leo Pis Ari Gem Aqu Sco Ari Tau Leo Aqu Lib Cap Gem Ari Can Mar s Cap Can Tau Ari Vir Ari Sag Tau Vir Lib Pis Ari Vir Sco Can Vir Mer cur y Sag Leo Sag Sag Cap Tau Aqu Aqu Pis Sag Sag Vir Aqu Sag Vir Sag J upiter Tau Can Vir Leo Aqu Tau Tau Lib Pis Vir Gem Can Pis Ari Ari Leo Venus Sco Leo Can Leo Lib Aqu Pis Vir Vir Ari Pis Sco Sco Can Lib Cap Satur n Lib Can Aqu Ari Cap Aqu Pis Ari Sag Aqu Leo Sco Sag Sag Pis Ari Rahu Sco Can Sco Sco Tau Can Can Sco Leo Sag Can Cap Tau Sco Vir Sag Ketu Tau Can Tau Tau Sco Cap Cap Tau Leo Sag Can Can Tau Sco Vir Gem Dignities of planets in Shodashvar gas Sun Janma Neutr. Hora Grt.Fr. Dreshkana Exalt. Chaturthamsha Enemy Saptamsha Grt.Fr. Navamsha Own Dashamsha Neutr. Dwadashamsha Enemy Shodashamsha Own Vimshamsha Enemy Chaturvimshamsha Frnd. Saptavimshamsha Frnd. Trimshamsha Grt.Fr. Khavedamsha Neutr. Akshavedamsha Neutr. Shashtiamsha Own Moon Own Grt.Fr. Enemy Enemy Neutr. Enemy Debil. Frnd. Exalt. Grt.Fr. Enemy Frnd. Frnd. Neutr. Frnd. Own Mar s Exalt. Debil. Frnd. Moolt. Grt.En. Moolt. Neutr. Enemy Grt.En. Enemy Grt.Fr. Own Grt.En. Own Debil. Neutr. Mer cur y Enemy Grt.Fr. Frnd. Enemy Enemy Grt.Fr. Frnd. Frnd. Debil. Frnd. Enemy Moolt. Frnd. Enemy Exalt. Enemy J upiter Grt.En. Exalt. Neutr. Grt.Fr. Frnd. Neutr. Neutr. Neutr. Own Neutr. Grt.En. Exalt. Own Neutr. Grt.Fr. Neutr. Venus Frnd. Neutr. Grt.En. Neutr. Own Neutr. Exalt. Debil. Debil. Enemy Exalt. Enemy Frnd. Neutr. Moolt. Grt.Fr. Satur n Exalt. Neutr. Moolt. Debil. Own Moolt. Frnd. Debil. Frnd. Moolt. Neutr. Grt.En. Frnd. Enemy Frnd. Debil. Rahu Debil. Neutr. Debil. Debil. Exalt. Neutr. Neutr. Debil. Neutr. Neutr. Neutr. Neutr. Frnd. Debil. Own Neutr. Ketu Debil. Neutr. Debil. Debil. Exalt. Neutr. Neutr. Debil. Neutr. Moolt. Neutr. Neutr. Debil. Exalt. Neutr. Neutr. Moon 15 14 14 14 Mar s 16 14 12 14 Mer cur y 11 12 10 10 J upiter 7 8 10 10 Venus 14 14 15 15 Satur n 17 15 13 13 Rahu 8 9 9 9 Ketu 9 9 8 8 Vimshopaka Bala Shadavarga Saptavarga Dashavarga Shodashavarga Sun 14 12 14 15 Dispositor s in 6 divisions (Shad Var ga) Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Ju (2) Mo (1) Ma (1) Me (1) Su (1) Sa (2) Mo (1) Ma (1) Ju (1) Su (1) Ve (2) Mo (1) Ma (1) Me (1) Sa (1) Ju (2) Sa (2) Su (1) Ve (1) Ma (2) Mo (1) Su (1) Me (1) Sa (1) Sa (2) Mo (1) Ma (1) Ju (1) Ve (1) Ma (3) Mo (2) Ve (1) Ve (4) Mo (1) Sa (1) Ve (3) Mo (1) Me (1) Ju (1) PAE2500 • 11 ¬ SAMPLE Aspects on Planets and Bhavas Aspects on Planets Aspecting Planets Sun Moon Mars MercuryJupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu 256:24 114:22 280:28 246:13 43:46 235:24 195:28 210:59 30:59 Aspected Planets Degree Sun 256:24 - (7) - - 3/4 (46) - 4/4 (59) (7) 3/4 (52) Moon 114:22 3/4 (41) - 4/4 (60) 3/4 (35) 1/4 (25) 1/2 (30) 4/4 (42) 4/4 (36) 1/4 (38) Mars 280:28 - 4/4 (32) - (2) 4/4 (58) 1/4 (7) 3/4 (47) 1/4 (24) 4/4 (50) Mercury 246:13 - (18) - - 3/4 (48) - 4/4 (41) (2) 3/4 (47) Jupiter 43:46 (2) (5) 1/2 (26) (15) - 4/4 (36) 3/4 (45) 4/4 (53) - Venus 235:24 - 1/2 (28) - - 4/4 (54) - (19) - 4/4 (47) Saturn 195:28 - 3/4 (36) 1/4 (12) - (3) - - - (28) Rahu 210:59 - 1/2 (41) (4) - 4/4 (34) - - - 4/4 (60) Ketu 30:59 (15) (11) 1/2 (39) (5) - 4/4 (11) 3/4 (52) 4/4 (60) - Aspects on Bhavas Aspecting Planets Aspected Bhava Degree First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth 150:00 180:00 210:00 240:00 270:00 300:00 330:00 360:00 30:00 60:00 90:00 120:00 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu 256:24 114:22 280:28 246:13 43:46 235:24 195:28 210:59 30:59 11 3 22 41 22 14 56 41 26 14 44 30 58 45 30 15 - 23 8 6 35 46 16 26 60 46 6 8 32 36 12 35 51 36 21 49 20 54 50 49 9 5 25 50 14 43 30 1 56 45 30 15 16 55 40 21 16 55 40 38 43 - 11 37 56 37 45 48 56 37 3 37 45 48 56 37 3 11 37 56 PAE2500 • 12 SAMPLE Tue 1 Jan 2013 01:00:00 City : New Delhi State : Delhi Country : India 21. Aspects on planets Ishtakal : 44:15:57 Sunrise : 31 Dec 12 07:17:37 Sunset : 31 Dec 12 17:30:22 Ayanamsha : -24:02:34 Lahiri Timezone: -5:30:00 Daylightsaving : 0 Longitude: 77E12'00 Latitude: 28N36'00 Aspects between planets (top line: planets giving aspects, in parenthesis the exact aspect in virupas) Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket 3/4(41) - (2) - (15) - (7) 4/4(32) - (18) - (5) 1/2(28) 3/4(36) 1/2(41) - (11) 4/4(60) 1/2(26) 1/4(12) - (4) 1/2(39) 3/4(35) - (2) - (15) - (5) 3/4(46) 1/4(25) 4/4(58) 3/4(48) 4/4(54) - (3) 4/4(34) - 1/2(30) 1/4(7) 4/4(36) 4/4(11) 4/4(59) 4/4(42) 3/4(47) 4/4(41) 3/4(45) - (19) 3/4(52) - (7) 4/4(36) 1/4(24) - (2) 4/4(53) 4/4(60) 3/4(52) 1/4(38) 4/4(50) 3/4(47) 4/4(47) - (28) 4/4(60) - Aspects from Sun Aspects on Sun Aspects from Sun SuMoMaMe Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke Aspected planets (Birth Chart) Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% % aspects % aspects 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Aspects on Sun SuMoMaMe Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Aspects from Moon Aspects from Sun Aspects from Mercury Su MoMaMe Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke Aspected planets (Birth Chart) Aspects from Jupiter Aspects from Mercury Su MoMaMe Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke Aspected planets (Birth Chart) Aspects from Saturn Su MoMaMe Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke Aspected planets (Birth Chart) Aspects from Rahu Aspects from Saturn Su MoMaMe Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke Aspected planets (Birth Chart) Aspects from Venus Aspects from Venus 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Su MoMaMe Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke Aspected planets (Birth Chart) Aspects from Ketu Aspects from Rahu 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% % aspects % aspects 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Su MoMaMe Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke Aspected planets (Birth Chart) Aspects from Jupiter 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% % aspects % aspects 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Aspects from Mars 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% % aspects Su MoMaMe Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke Aspected planets (Birth Chart) Aspects from Mars Aspects from Moon 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% % aspects % aspects 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 22. Aspects from planets Ishtakal : 44:15:57 Sunrise : 31 Dec 12 07:17:37 Sunset : 31 Dec 12 17:30:22 Ayanamsha : -24:02:34 Lahiri % aspects Aspects from Sun Timezone: -5:30:00 Daylightsaving : 0 Longitude: 77E12'00 Latitude: 28N36'00 Su MoMaMe Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke Aspected planets (Birth Chart) Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to Aspects from Ketu 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% % aspects SAMPLE Tue 1 Jan 2013 01:00:00 City : New Delhi State : Delhi Country : India Su MoMaMe Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke Aspected planets (Birth Chart) SAMPLE Tue 1 Jan 2013 01:00:00 City : New Delhi State : Delhi Country : India 23. Aspects on Houses 1-3 Ishtakal : 44:15:57 Sunrise : 31 Dec 12 07:17:37 Sunset : 31 Dec 12 17:30:22 Ayanamsha : -24:02:34 Lahiri Timezone: -5:30:00 Daylightsaving : 0 Longitude: 77E12'00 Latitude: 28N36'00 Aspects on 1st house Aspect on house + lord: 1st house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Aspect on house + lord: 1st house % aspects % aspects Aspects on 1st house Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Sa Ra Ke Aspects on 2nd house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Sa Ra Ke % aspects Aspects on 3rd house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) % aspects Ke Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Sa Ra Ke Sa Ra Ke Aspect on house + lord: 3rd house % aspects Su Ra Aspect on house + lord: 3rd house Aspects on 3rd house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Sa Aspect on house + lord: 2nd house % aspects Su Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Aspect on house + lord: 2nd house Aspects on 2nd house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Mo Sa Ra Ke Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) SAMPLE Tue 1 Jan 2013 01:00:00 City : New Delhi State : Delhi Country : India 24. Aspects on Houses 4-6 Ishtakal : 44:15:57 Sunrise : 31 Dec 12 07:17:37 Sunset : 31 Dec 12 17:30:22 Ayanamsha : -24:02:34 Lahiri Timezone: -5:30:00 Daylightsaving : 0 Longitude: 77E12'00 Latitude: 28N36'00 Aspects on 4th house Aspect on house + lord: 4th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Aspect on house + lord: 4th house % aspects % aspects Aspects on 4th house Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Sa Ra Ke Aspects on 5th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Sa Ra Ke % aspects Aspects on 6th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) % aspects Ke Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Sa Ra Ke Sa Ra Ke Aspect on house + lord: 6th house % aspects Su Ra Aspect on house + lord: 6th house Aspects on 6th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Sa Aspect on house + lord: 5th house % aspects Su Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Aspect on house + lord: 5th house Aspects on 5th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Mo Sa Ra Ke Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) SAMPLE Tue 1 Jan 2013 01:00:00 City : New Delhi State : Delhi Country : India 25. Aspects on Houses 7-9 Ishtakal : 44:15:57 Sunrise : 31 Dec 12 07:17:37 Sunset : 31 Dec 12 17:30:22 Ayanamsha : -24:02:34 Lahiri Timezone: -5:30:00 Daylightsaving : 0 Longitude: 77E12'00 Latitude: 28N36'00 Aspects on 7th house Aspect on house + lord: 7th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Aspect on house + lord: 7th house % aspects % aspects Aspects on 7th house Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Sa Ra Ke Aspects on 8th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Sa Ra Ke % aspects Aspects on 9th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) % aspects Ke Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Sa Ra Ke Sa Ra Ke Aspect on house + lord: 9th house % aspects Su Ra Aspect on house + lord: 9th house Aspects on 9th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Sa Aspect on house + lord: 8th house % aspects Su Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Aspect on house + lord: 8th house Aspects on 8th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Mo Sa Ra Ke Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) SAMPLE Tue 1 Jan 2013 01:00:00 City : New Delhi State : Delhi Country : India 26. Aspects on Houses 10-12 Ishtakal : 44:15:57 Sunrise : 31 Dec 12 07:17:37 Sunset : 31 Dec 12 17:30:22 Ayanamsha : -24:02:34 Lahiri Timezone: -5:30:00 Daylightsaving : 0 Longitude: 77E12'00 Latitude: 28N36'00 Aspects on 10th house Aspect on house + lord: 10th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Aspect on house + lord: 10th house % aspects % aspects Aspects on 10th house Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Sa Ra Ke Aspects on 11th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Sa Ra Ke % aspects Aspects on 12th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) % aspects Ke Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Sa Ra Ke Sa Ra Ke Aspect on house + lord: 12th house % aspects Su Ra Aspect on house + lord: 12th house Aspects on 12th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Sa Aspect on house + lord: 11th house % aspects Su Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) Aspect on house + lord: 11th house Aspects on 11th house 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Mo Sa Ra Ke Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Aspecting planets (Birth Chart) ¬ SAMPLE Planetary Avasthas Graha Avasthas - Planets and their Moods Planet J agr adadi Avastha (set of 3) Baladi Avastha (set of 5) Sun Swapna (Dreamful) Yuvavastha (Adulthood) Moon Jagrad (Wakefulness) Balavastha (Childhood) Mar s Jagrad (Wakefulness) Mer cur y Lajjitadi Avastha Deeptadi Avastha (set of 9) Shyanadi Avastha (set of 12) Deena (Deficient) Prakashana (Luminous) Trushit Swastha (Stable) Nrityalipsa (desire to dance) Vridhha (Old age) Lajjit Garvit Mudit Deepta (Luminous) Nrityalipsa (desire to dance) Swapna (Dreamful) Kumaravastha (Adolescence) Kshudit Kshobit Dukhi (Tormented) Agama (Arriving) J upiter Sushupti (State of sleep) Yuvavastha (Adulthood) Kshudit Mudit Khala (Wicked) Prakashana (Luminous) Venus Swapna (Dreamful) Balavastha (Childhood) Mudit Shanta (Quiescent) Nrityalipsa (desire to dance) Satur n Jagrad (Wakefulness) Yuvavastha (Adulthood) Garvit Deepta (Luminous) Bhojana (Eating) Rahu Sushupti (State of sleep) Mrita (State of death) Mudit Khala (Wicked) Agama (Arriving) Ketu Sushupti (State of sleep) Mrita (State of death) Mudit Khala (Wicked) Netrapani (hands on eyes) (set of 6) Neecha-bhanga Yogas (Cancellation of debilitation) Neech-bhanga yogas for Rahu - The dispositor of Rahu is in a Kendra from Moon. - The dispositor of Rahu is Exalted. - Rahu is with Venus, the lord of the exaltation Rashi. Neech-bhanga yogas for Ketu - Mars, the lord of the exaltation Rashi is in a Kendra from the Moon. PAE2500 • 19 ¬ SAMPLE Graha Bala and Bhava Bala Shad Bala 1. Sthana Bala 2. Dig-Bala 3. Kaala Bala 4. Chesta Bala 5. Naisargika Bala 6. Drig Bala Total Shadbala Shadbala in Rupas Minimum requirements Percentage of required Relative Rank Ishta Phala Kashta Phala Sun Moon 198.38 2.78 30.99 0.50 60.00 29.43 322.08 5.37 390 0.83 7 12.81 47.19 186.62 9.88 189.59 47.34 51.42 -38.50 446.36 7.44 360 1.24 4 40.11 19.89 Mars Mercury 196.66 5.25 135.10 20.31 17.16 38.19 412.66 6.88 300 1.38 2 37.23 22.77 190.42 35.87 132.66 20.71 25.74 33.86 439.27 7.32 420 1.05 5 26.82 33.18 Jupiter Venus Saturn 121.68 16.65 167.96 52.03 34.26 -26.03 366.55 6.11 390 0.94 6 47.48 12.52 178.84 50.22 110.69 20.40 42.84 41.98 444.98 7.42 330 1.35 3 19.93 40.07 264.74 7.21 118.91 34.53 8.58 -8.88 425.09 7.08 300 1.42 1 46.51 13.49 Bhava Bala Rashi Degree I Vir 23 II Lib 23 III Sco 23 IV Sag 23 V VI Cap Aqu 23 23 VII VIII Pis Ari 23 23 IX X Tau Gem 23 23 XI Can 23 XII Leo 23 From Lord Dig Bala Drishti Planets in Day-Night 439 60 31 0 0 444 50 6 -60 0 412 20 43 0 0 366 0 35 0 15 425 50 18 -60 15 425 10 -35 0 0 366 30 -59 0 0 412 40 -47 0 15 444 50 -39 60 15 439 30 -65 0 0 446 20 -39 0 15 322 40 14 0 0 Bhava Bala Total 531 442 476 417 449 399 337 421 531 404 442 377 Vimshopaka Bala Shadavarga Saptavarga Dashavarga Shodashavarga Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu 14 12 14 15 15 14 14 14 16 14 12 14 11 12 10 10 14 14 15 15 17 15 13 13 8 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 7 8 10 10 Dispositors in Shad Varga Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Ju(2) Mo(1) Ma (1) Me (1) Su(1) Sa (2) Mo(1) Ma (1) Ju(1) Su(1) Ve (2) Mo(1) Ma (1) Me (1) Sa (1) Ju(2) Sa (2) Su(1) Ve (1) Sa (2) Mo(1) Ma (1) Ju(1) Ve (1) Ma (3) Mo(2) Ve (1) Ve (4) Mo(1) Sa (1) Ve (3) Mo(1) Me (1) Ju(1) Ma (2) Mo(1) Su(1) Me (1) Sa (1) PAE2500 • 20 SAMPLE Tue 1 Jan 2013 01:00:00 City : New Delhi State : Delhi Country : India Bhinnashtaka Varga for Sun 6 4 8 3 5 5 9 4 10 11 3 6 12 3 2 3 4 4 1 5 7 2 4 5 4 9 3 10 11 6 12 3 2 5 2 4 1 10 11 2 5 6 9 6 12 4 3 7 5 5 9 6 12 3 7 5 10 11 4 Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to 5 9 6 12 6 3 4 5 5 8 12 3 1 2 4 1 6 5 5 9 4 10 11 6 12 3 4 4 5 2 5 2 Samudaya Ashtakavarga 35 25 8 27 7 29 2 4 2 4 4 1 5 4 4 3 4 7 5 5 1 1 6 4 2 4 9 4 3 Bhinnashtaka Varga for Venus 3 1 5 4 2 10 11 5 3 7 4 2 3 2 5 2 7 1 Bhinnashtaka Varga for Lagna 5 8 2 8 6 5 4 3 4 5 4 1 3 5 3 1 2 12 3 5 5 10 11 2 7 5 3 8 6 Bhinnashtaka Varga for Saturn 3 8 6 6 Bhinnashtaka Varga for Jupiter 7 5 9 2 10 11 7 3 1 5 5 4 4 4 Bhinnashtaka Varga for Mars 3 7 4 5 7 5 3 8 3 Bhinnashtaka Varga for Mercury 5 8 Bhinnashtaka Varga for Moon 5 7 47. Binnashtakavarga for planets Ishtakal : 44:15:57 Sunrise : 31 Dec 12 07:17:37 Sunset : 31 Dec 12 17:30:22 Ayanamsha : -24:02:34 Lahiri Timezone: -5:30:00 Daylightsaving : 0 Longitude: 77E12'00 Latitude: 28N36'00 21 10 11 32 5 34 9 6 12 25 3 4 29 23 1 28 2 29 SAMPLE Tue 1 Jan 2013 01:00:00 City : New Delhi State : Delhi Country : India Timezone: -5:30:00 Daylightsaving : 0 Longitude: 77E12'00 Latitude: 28N36'00 Prastarashtaka Varga Prastarashtaka Varga Prastarashtaka Varga Sun Sign 9 1011121 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Moon Sign 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121 2 3 Mars Sign 1011121 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon Lagna 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon Lagna 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon Lagna 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 4 3 2 5 4 3 4 5 5 6 4 48 Totals 5 3 5 3 3 4 2 7 5 3 5 4 49 Totals 2 5 1 6 4 3 3 2 4 6 2 1 39 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 8 4 8 8 3 7 4 6 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 48. Prastarashtakavarga Ishtakal : 44:15:57 Sunrise : 31 Dec 12 07:17:37 Sunset : 31 Dec 12 17:30:22 Ayanamsha : -24:02:34 Lahiri 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 4 7 7 6 7 8 6 4 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 4 7 5 4 4 3 5 Prastarashtaka Varga Prastarashtaka Varga Prastarashtaka Varga Mercury Sign 9 1011121 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Jupiter Sign 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121 Venus Sign 8 9 1011121 2 3 4 5 6 7 Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon Lagna 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon Lagna 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 Totals 4 3 5 6 5 4 3 6 5 5 7 3 56 Totals 5 5 4 5 4 2 5 4 5 4 5 4 52 Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon Lagna 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 8 4 8 5 8 8 6 7 Totals 5 3 5 2 7 4 3 4 5 4 7 5 54 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 4 8 7 9 6 8 5 9 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 7 5 6 3 9 5 9 8 Prastarashtaka Varga Prastarashtaka Varga Samudaya Ashtakavarga Saturn Sign 7 8 9 1011121 2 3 4 5 6 Lagna Sign 6 7 8 9 1011121 2 3 4 5 Sign 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon Lagna 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon Lagna 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn 1 5 3 6 7 3 2 2 Totals 5 3 5 1 2 4 2 3 3 3 2 6 39 Totals 4 5 5 4 5 4 6 1 4 5 4 2 49 Totals 282923292734352529213225 337 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 6 7 3 6 3 6 Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 9 5 6 7 7 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 3 5 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 5 3 4 5 5 3 2 5 3 2 5 6 4 2 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 6 5 6 3 6 7 4 4 5 5 4 3 2 5 3 5 3 4 3 4 1 5 6 5 5 5 4 2 2 3 5 4 1 4 3 7 5 5 5 5 2 6 2 5 1 2 7 4 4 49 48 49 39 54 56 52 39 ¬ SAMPLE Divisional Charts - Ashtakavarga Divisional Charts - Ashtakavarga Birth chart Samudaya Ashtakavarga Sa Ra Ve 8 35 7 5 As Me Su 9 6 12 4 Mo 25 8 JuR Ma 10 11 7 29 3 2 1 Ke 21 10 11 Ve 4 3 Ma Ke 9 6 12 JuR 6 2 8 11 25 8 5 11 24 6 Ve JuR 7 6 3 9 25 4 32 7 3 1 Ma 33 9 2 1 Sa 29 5 Trimshamsha (misfortunes) 22 7 1 10 4 9 2 3 12 27 31 8 Ve 3 29 5 19 2 27 9 1 28 4 As 8 5 11 2 3 Mo 30 7 33 2 26 Me Sa Su 1 27 9 Ma As 9 3 8 27 Su JuR Ra 1 3 5 35 21 34 22 6 Sa As 9 3 6 7 5 8 7 26 1 29 Shashtiamsha (all areas) Ma 8 29 7 6 17 10 12 31 26 6 27 4 Su 8 5 11 9 10 Ve 1 25 35 8 7 34 24 4 25 26 5 22 20 28 8 7 35 9 32Shodashamsha 24 12 6 3 19 1 27 2 4 30 35 5 26 Samudaya Ashtakavarga 3 Ke 28 29 7 6 24 27 4 3 37 5 28 Shashtiamsha 38 8 2 11 2 Me Ra 3 34 24 2 10 30 11 Mo JuR As 4 Samudaya Ashtakavarga Ve Ma Su 5 4 Ra Ke 2 1 32 24 33 Mo 26 32 12 9 31 Dashamsha 31 12 6 3 4 Me JuR 12 28 9 23 10 26 11 6 2 10 11 44 10 31 1 31 3 36 Samudaya Ashtakavarga Mo Shodashamsha (conveyances) 11 34 10 28 5 8Hora2 11 4 5 36 Saptamsha 29 8 2 11 Ra 12 1 23 Samudaya Ashtakavarga JuR 10 27 Trimshamsha 39 1 7 4 6 Ma 1 20 29 Sa Ve 12 8 11 28 12 12 10 10 Me 11 6 24 22 26 7 Ra Ke 28 10 4 31 7 2 Ke Samudaya Ashtakavarga Sa Su As Mo 9 3 27Dwadashamsha 27 6 12 9 Ra 11 JuR12 22 31 Mo 3 Dashamsha (great successes) Samudaya Ashtakavarga 11 Me 10 Me Ke 5 25 Navamsha 30 8 2 11 12 8 27 6 Ma Ke As Su 30 27 12 Ve 7 10 25 9 4 Dwadashamsha (parents) 4 24 7 Ra Ke 5 12 28 Samudaya Ashtakavarga 2 JuR Me Sa 10 35 2 31 Dreshkana 35 5 11 8 10 4 Saptamsha (children) 6 Sa 21 28 Ma 27 4 5 11 10 1 Mo Ve 9 9 26 9 As Su 8 2 29 1 Me As Mo Ve 3 Navamsha (spouse) 7 6 23 Samudaya Ashtakavarga Me 6 7 25 Ra 7 3 4 29 1 12 Mo Samudaya Ashtakavarga Sa Ra Ke Su Ma JuR Su As 5 5 34 32 Dreshkana (happiness siblings) Hora (wealth) 27 12 1 Sa 26 9 26 10 12 25 23 1 26 PAE2500 • 23 ¬ SAMPLE Befor e Reduction Sun Rashi Pinda Graha Pinda Sodhya Pinda 4 71 39 110 Moon Rashi Pinda Graha Pinda Sodhya Pinda Mar s Rashi Pinda Graha Pinda Sodhya Pinda 98 61 159 Venus Rashi Pinda Graha Pinda Sodhya Pinda 86 52 138 Lagna Rashi Pinda Graha Pinda Sodhya Pinda 11 7 6 7 8 11 5 7 7 5 3 10 8 11 5 4 7 6 5 10 8 11 5 4 7 5 4 10 8 11 5 5 7 5 1 10 5 65 50 115 8 2 10 3 98 65 163 3 7 1 5 Satur n Rashi Pinda Graha Pinda Sodhya Pinda 2 10 3 106 53 159 8 11 3 4 5 J upiter Rashi Pinda Graha Pinda Sodhya Pinda 4 10 2 129 52 181 Mer cur y Rashi Pinda Graha Pinda Sodhya Pinda 3 3 121 50 171 8 6 7 8 11 2 5 7 4 5 10 11 4 5 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 2 5 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 5 4 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 1 4 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 2 5 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 7 5 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 4 6 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 4 4 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 6 5 5 4 Ashtakavarga - Reductions Tr ikona Reduction 4 2 8 3 1 5 3 5 0 2 4 0 10 4 5 0 8 4 1 3 2 5 5 5 2 4 5 3 0 10 1 8 6 5 2 4 0 10 4 4 3 8 4 5 2 4 0 10 4 5 0 8 2 5 2 4 1 10 4 5 1 8 2 5 2 5 0 10 4 3 0 8 4 7 11 2 1 7 11 2 0 7 11 1 3 7 3 2 4 3 4 0 10 1 8 5 1 1 11 2 3 3 1 2 3 7 3 4 1 2 11 4 0 3 1 3 0 7 0 3 1 7 11 0 1 3 1 6 3 7 11 0 1 7 3 2 4 1 10 11 0 1 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 0 3 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 2 2 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 0 1 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 0 1 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 4 1 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 0 5 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 1 0 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 2 2 5 4 Ekadhipatya Reduction 2 2 8 0 1 2 0 5 0 2 0 0 10 4 2 0 8 1 1 0 1 5 0 5 2 4 3 2 0 10 1 8 3 5 2 2 0 10 4 2 3 8 2 5 2 1 0 10 4 2 0 8 0 5 2 0 1 10 4 1 1 8 1 5 2 1 0 10 4 0 0 8 4 7 11 2 1 7 11 1 0 7 11 1 3 7 3 2 4 2 0 0 10 1 8 1 1 0 11 2 3 1 1 0 3 7 3 0 1 0 11 4 0 0 1 0 0 7 0 0 1 2 11 0 1 0 1 5 3 7 11 0 1 7 3 2 0 1 10 11 0 2 5 1 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 0 0 5 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 1 1 5 2 0 0 5 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 0 3 5 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 1 2 5 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 0 0 5 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 0 1 5 0 0 3 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 1 4 2 2 0 4 1 2 1 4 0 2 2 4 0 2 0 0 1 0 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 2 0 1 0 5 2 0 1 0 1 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 4 1 2 0 1 0 6 Shashtiamsha 9 3 12 2 0 1 0 3 4 1 1 0 PAE2500 • 24 ¬ SAMPLE Sarvashtaka & Chancha Chakra Sarvashtakvarga Sign 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn 1 5 3 6 7 3 2 2 Totals 28 29 23 29 27 34 35 25 29 21 32 25 337 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 3 5 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 5 3 4 5 5 3 2 5 3 2 5 6 4 2 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 6 5 6 3 6 7 4 4 5 5 4 3 2 5 3 5 3 4 3 4 1 5 6 5 5 5 4 2 2 3 5 4 1 4 3 7 5 5 5 5 2 6 2 5 1 2 7 4 4 Samudaya Ashtakavarga 35 27 7 5 25 8 34 4 29 49 48 49 39 54 56 52 39 29 9 21 10 11 32 6 3 12 23 25 1 28 2 29 Sarva Chancha Chakra Ma Ju Sa Me Ve Su Ma Ju As Mo Sa As Mo Me Su Ve Ve Su Me Ma Mo Ju As Sa Sa As Ju Mo Ma Me Su Ve Ve 36 76 4 4 35 Me Mo Su 6554455 2 34 46 5 27 2 3 As Ma Ju 5 5 4 3 Sa 3 5 2 5 Vir 5 Lib Leo 2943 3 25 Ra 5 5 Mo 3 4 Ve 2 1 12 Sco Can 3 3 3 11 4 4 Me 1 3 Sag 4 5 29 10 Gem 23 3 6 3 Su 5 4 5 9 5 3 Cap Tau 6 7 8 Ju 4 3 Ma 2 5 2 21 4 Ke Aqu Ari 29 3 4 Pis 5 4 4 5 1 4 37 2 2 32 28 55 3 55 67 2 2 5 25 4 4 5 3 127 As Sa Ju Ma Su Ve Me Mo As Sa Ju Ma Su Sa As Mo Me Ve Su Ma Ju Sa As Mo Me Ve Ve Su Me Ma Mo Ju As Sa Sa As Ju Mo Ma Me Su Ve Ve Su Me Mo As Sa Ju Ma Su Ve Me Mo As Sa Ju Ma PAE2500 • 25 ¬ SAMPLE Sub-Planets Upagrahas or Sub-planets Gulikaadi Group Birth between midnight and sun-rise • Sunrise-Sunset : 07:17-17:30 • Astrological Weekday : Monday Upagr aha Kaalavela Par idhi Mr ityu Ar dhapr ahar a Yamakantaka Kodanda Gulika Lor d Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Dur ation of Beginning (Par ashar a Method) Upagr aha Sign Degr ee Nakshatr a P Ending (Kalidasa method) Sign Degr ee Nakshatr a P 20:57-22:40 22:40-00:24 00:24-02:07 02:07-03:50 03:50-05:34 17:30-19:13 19:13-20:57 Leo Vir Lib Sco Sco Can Leo 23:05:49 15:55:41 08:32:08 00:41:54 22:56:12 08:25:14 00:32:46 P.Phalg. Hasta Swati Vishakha Jyeshtha Pushya Magha Leo Leo Vir Lib Sco Gem Can 00:32:46 23:05:49 15:55:41 08:32:08 00:41:54 16:05:27 08:25:14 Magha P.Phalg. Hasta Swati Vishakha Ardra Pushya 1 3 2 1 4 3 2 3 2 1 4 2 2 1 Dhoomadi Group Upagr aha Lor d Sign Degr ee Nakshatr a Pd. Dhooma Vyatipata Par ivesha Inder chapa Upaketu Mar Rah Mon Ven Ket Ari Pis Vir Lib Sco 29:44:11 00:15:49 00:15:49 29:44:11 16:24:11 Krittika P.Bhadra. U.Phalg. Vishakha Anuradha 1 4 2 3 4 Upagraha Chart (Beginning Time) Upagraha Chart Mr Cp Ar Ym 7 8 Uk Ka Gk 5 4 Ko Mr Cp Ar Ym 7 8 Uk 10 11 Pr Pv As 6 9 3 12 Vy 1 Dh 2 10 11 (Ending Time) Pr Pv As 6 9 3 12 Vy Ka Gk 5 4 Ko 1 Dh 2 Special Lagnas and Points Bhava Lagna Hora Lagna Ghatika Lagna Indu Lagna Beeja Sphuta Birth chart/Navamsha Vir 11:15:58 Gem 06:51:45 Leo 23:39:06 Ari 15:00:00 Vir 25:35:13 even/odd 50% (medium) Yogi Point 14:06:55 Can Yogi Sa Avayogi/Duplicate Yogi Mo/Mo 64th Navamsha (Moon/Asc)Taurus/Scorpio 22nd Dreshkana (Asc/Moon) Sagittarius/Libra Sarpa Dreshkana MoRa PAE2500 • 26 ¬ SAMPLE Jaimini System J aimini System Chara Karakas Navamsha AK AmK BK MK PK GK DK Ven Mon Sun Sat Jup Mar Mer 25:24 24:22 16:24 15:28 13:46 10:28 06:13 7 6 As Su Ra 8 Ve 9 5 As Me Su 9 4 Mo 5 2 JuR Me 11 Mo Ve 1 Ma Sa 12 JuR 2 1 Ke Karakamsha (in Birth Chart) Swamsha (in Navamsha) Ke Ma 1 12 Ke JuR 2 3 10 11 5 4 Mo 8 9 Su Me Ra Ve 6 As 7 Sa Ma 1 12 Mo Ve JuR Me 2 3 10 Sa 4 Ra Jaimini Aspects Aspects between Planets in dual signs: Su-Me Aspects between Planets in movable and fixed signs: Mo-Ju, Mo-Ve, Mo-Ra, Mo-Ke, Ma-Ju, Ma-Ve, Ma-Ra, Ma-Ke, Sa-Ju, Sa-Ke 10 Ke Pada Chart 4P 7 8 6 3 12 Ma 10 11 3 8 1 J an 2013 01:00:00 hr s., New Delhi, Delhi, India Sa 7 Ra 4 9 6 3 12 1P 2P 9 10 11 9P 3P 10P 7 8P 7P 6P Upapada Lagna Ma 10 11 Ra Ve 8 Me Su 7 Sa 9 12 6 3 6 4 2 1 5P 11P 12P 11 8 5 As Su 5 As 1 2 Ke JuR As 5 4 Mo Special Points Jaimini Hora Lagna Varnada Lagna Pranpada Lagna Karakamsha(in Nav) Arudha Lagna Upapada Yogi Ava Yogi Dagdha Rashis Brahma Maheshwara Rudra : : : : : : : : : : : : Pisces 15:01:21 Libra Capricorn 18:19:56 Aquarius Pisces Sagittarius Sa Mo Tau,Aqu Mars Venus Mars PAE2500 • 27 SAMPLE Tue 1 Jan 2013 01:00:00 City : New Delhi State : Delhi Country : India Birth Chart Pada Lagnas Sa Ra Ve 8 4P 7 5 As Me Su 9 6 12 4 Mo 3 Ma 10 11 1 2 JuR Ke Navamsha (spouse) 7 6 28. Jaimini padas and lagnas Ishtakal : 44:15:57 Sunrise : 31 Dec 12 07:17:37 Sunset : 31 Dec 12 17:30:22 Ayanamsha : -24:02:34 Lahiri Timezone: -5:30:00 Daylightsaving : 0 Longitude: 77E12'00 Latitude: 28N36'00 As Su 8 7 5 As 6 1P 2P 9 10 11 9P 3P 10P 12 4 8P 7P Jaimini Lagnas: Hora Lagna Indu Lagna: Pis 15:01:21 Aries 2 1 5P 11P 12P Jeeva/Deha Ra 4P 12P 8P 4 6 4 5P 7 Vir 11:15:58 Gem 06:51:45 Leo 23:39:06 6P 3 Navamsha Pada 3 Bhava Lagna Hora Lagna Ghatika Lagna 10P As AK AmK BK MK PiK PK GK DK 3 3P Ra Ve Mo Su Sa 2 JuR Me 11 Mo Ve 1 Ma Sa 12 8 9 10 5 Ke D10 (great successes) Ke 10 Me 11 Sa Ve 12 1 2 Su JuR 9 3 9 8 11 2 1P 10 12 2P 9P 6P 1 11P Dashamsha Pada Mo Ma As 7P 5 8 7 6P 12P 10 11 8P 6 4 Ra 5 3P 1 2 2P Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to 9P 8 As 12 9 3 7 7P 1P 6 5 11P 4 5P 4P 10P Jeeva Gem Deha Tau Lifespan: 83yrs Ju Ma Me ¬ SAMPLE Vimshottari MD and AD Vimshottari Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth Dasha at the time of birth : Mercury 7y 2m 1d : Me-Ra-Ra-Mo-Ju Mer cur y (17y) Ketu (7y) Venus (20y) From 0 yrs. to 7y2m From 7y2m to 14y2m From 14y2m to 34y2m Antar Beginning Ending Beginning Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu 03-03-2027 02-07-2030 02-07-2030 03-07-2031 03-07-2031 02-03-2033 02-03-2033 02-05-2034 02-05-2034 02-05-2037 02-05-2037 01-01-2040 01-01-2040 03-03-2043 03-03-2043 01-01-2046 01-01-2046 03-03-2047 Beginning Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu 01-01-2013 18-03-2015 Jupiter 18-03-2015 23-06-2017 Saturn 23-06-2017 02-03-2020 Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury 02-03-2020 29-07-2020 29-07-2020 28-09-2021 28-09-2021 03-02-2022 03-02-2022 04-09-2022 04-09-2022 01-02-2023 01-02-2023 19-02-2024 19-02-2024 25-01-2025 25-01-2025 06-03-2026 06-03-2026 03-03-2027 Sun (6y) Moon (10y) Mar s (7y) From 34y2m to 40y2m From 40y2m to 50y2m From 50y2m to Antar Beginning Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus 03-03-2047 20-06-2047 20-06-2047 20-12-2047 20-12-2047 26-04-2048 26-04-2048 21-03-2049 21-03-2049 07-01-2050 07-01-2050 20-12-2050 20-12-2050 26-10-2051 26-10-2051 02-03-2052 02-03-2052 02-03-2053 Ending Ending Antar Antar Antar Beginning Ending Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun 02-03-2053 01-01-2054 01-01-2054 02-08-2054 02-08-2054 01-02-2056 01-02-2056 02-06-2057 02-06-2057 01-01-2059 01-01-2059 01-06-2060 01-06-2060 31-12-2060 31-12-2060 01-09-2062 01-09-2062 03-03-2063 Beginning Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon 03-03-2063 30-07-2063 30-07-2063 16-08-2064 16-08-2064 23-07-2065 23-07-2065 01-09-2066 01-09-2066 29-08-2067 29-08-2067 25-01-2068 25-01-2068 26-03-2069 26-03-2069 01-08-2069 01-08-2069 02-03-2070 J upiter (16y) Satur n (19y) From 57y2m to 75y2m From 75y2m to 91y2m From 91y2m to Beginning Ending Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars 02-03-2070 12-11-2072 12-11-2072 08-04-2075 08-04-2075 12-02-2078 12-02-2078 31-08-2080 31-08-2080 19-09-2081 19-09-2081 19-09-2084 19-09-2084 13-08-2085 13-08-2085 12-02-2087 12-02-2087 02-03-2088 Antar Beginning Ending Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu 02-03-2088 20-04-2090 20-04-2090 31-10-2092 31-10-2092 06-02-2095 06-02-2095 13-01-2096 13-01-2096 13-09-2098 13-09-2098 02-07-2099 02-07-2099 01-11-2100 01-11-2100 08-10-2101 08-10-2101 03-03-2104 57y2m Antar Rahu (18y) Antar Ending Ending 110y2m Antar Beginning Ending Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter 03-03-2104 06-03-2107 06-03-2107 13-11-2109 13-11-2109 23-12-2110 23-12-2110 22-02-2114 22-02-2114 04-02-2115 04-02-2115 04-09-2116 04-09-2116 14-10-2117 14-10-2117 20-08-2120 20-08-2120 03-03-2123 PAE2500 • 29 SAMPLE Dasha System Vimshottari Dasha calculation method:by degree Me-Ra-Ra Wed 29 Aug 2012 Ke-Mo-Mo Me-Ra-Ju Wed 16 Jan 2013 Ke-Mo-Ma Me-Ra-Sa Mon 20 May 2013 Ke-Mo-Ra Me-Ra-Me Mon 14 Oct 2013 Ke-Mo-Ju Me-Ra-Ke Sun 23 Feb 2014 Ke-Mo-Sa Me-Ra-Ve Fri 18 Apr 2014 Ke-Mo-Me Me-Ra-Su Sun 21 Sep 2014 Ke-Mo-Ke Me-Ra-Mo Thu 6 Nov 2014 Ke-Mo-Ve Me-Ra-Ma Fri 23 Jan 2015 Ke-Mo-Su Me-Ju-Ju Wed 18 Mar 2015 Ke-Ma-Ma Me-Ju-Sa Tue 7 Jul 2015 Ke-Ma-Ra Me-Ju-Me Sun 15 Nov 2015 Ke-Ma-Ju Me-Ju-Ke Fri 11 Mar 2016 Ke-Ma-Sa Me-Ju-Ve Thu 28 Apr 2016 Ke-Ma-Me Me-Ju-Su Tue 13 Sep 2016 Ke-Ma-Ke Me-Ju-Mo Tue 25 Oct 2016 Ke-Ma-Ve Me-Ju-Ma Mon 2 Jan 2017 Ke-Ma-Su Me-Ju-Ra Sun 19 Feb 2017 Ke-Ma-Mo Me-Sa-Sa Fri 23 Jun 2017 Ke-Ra-Ra Me-Sa-Me Sun 26 Nov 2017 Ke-Ra-Ju Me-Sa-Ke Sat 14 Apr 2018 Ke-Ra-Sa Me-Sa-Ve Sun 10 Jun 2018 Ke-Ra-Me Me-Sa-Su Wed 21 Nov 2018 Ke-Ra-Ke Me-Sa-Mo Wed 9 Jan 2019 Ke-Ra-Ve Me-Sa-Ma Mon 1 Apr 2019 Ke-Ra-Su Me-Sa-Ra Wed 29 May 2019 Ke-Ra-Mo Me-Sa-Ju Wed 23 Oct 2019 Ke-Ra-Ma Ke-Ke-Ke Mon 2 Mar 2020 Ke-Ju-Ju Ke-Ke-Ve Wed 11 Mar 2020 Ke-Ju-Sa Ke-Ke-Su Sun 5 Apr 2020 Ke-Ju-Me Ke-Ke-Mo Sun 12 Apr 2020 Ke-Ju-Ke Ke-Ke-Ma Sat 25 Apr 2020 Ke-Ju-Ve Ke-Ke-Ra Sun 3 May 2020 Ke-Ju-Su Ke-Ke-Ju Tue 26 May 2020 Ke-Ju-Mo Ke-Ke-Sa Mon 15 Jun 2020 Ke-Ju-Ma Ke-Ke-Me Wed 8 Jul 2020 Ke-Ju-Ra Ke-Ve-Ve Wed 29 Jul 2020 Ke-Sa-Sa Ke-Ve-Su Thu 8 Oct 2020 Ke-Sa-Me Ke-Ve-Mo Fri 30 Oct 2020 Ke-Sa-Ke Ke-Ve-Ma Fri 4 Dec 2020 Ke-Sa-Ve Ke-Ve-Ra Tue 29 Dec 2020 Ke-Sa-Su Ke-Ve-Ju Wed 3 Mar 2021 Ke-Sa-Mo Ke-Ve-Sa Thu 29 Apr 2021 Ke-Sa-Ma Ke-Ve-Me Mon 5 Jul 2021 Ke-Sa-Ra Ke-Ve-Ke Sat 4 Sep 2021 Ke-Sa-Ju Ke-Su-Su Tue 28 Sep 2021 Ke-Me-Me Ke-Su-Mo Tue 5 Oct 2021 Ke-Me-Ke Ke-Su-Ma Sat 16 Oct 2021 Ke-Me-Ve Ke-Su-Ra Sat 23 Oct 2021 Ke-Me-Su Ke-Su-Ju Thu 11 Nov 2021 Ke-Me-Mo Ke-Su-Sa Sun 28 Nov 2021 Ke-Me-Ma Ke-Su-Me Sat 18 Dec 2021 Ke-Me-Ra Ke-Su-Ke Thu 6 Jan 2022 Ke-Me-Ju Ke-Su-Ve Thu 13 Jan 2022 Ke-Me-Sa Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to Dashas Thu 3 Feb 2022 Mon 21 Feb 2022 Sun 6 Mar 2022 Wed 6 Apr 2022 Thu 5 May 2022 Wed 8 Jun 2022 Fri 8 Jul 2022 Wed 20 Jul 2022 Thu 25 Aug 2022 Sun 4 Sep 2022 Tue 13 Sep 2022 Wed 5 Oct 2022 Tue 25 Oct 2022 Fri 18 Nov 2022 Fri 9 Dec 2022 Sun 18 Dec 2022 Thu 12 Jan 2023 Thu 19 Jan 2023 Wed 1 Feb 2023 Thu 30 Mar 2023 Sat 20 May 2023 Thu 20 Jul 2023 Tue 12 Sep 2023 Thu 5 Oct 2023 Fri 8 Dec 2023 Wed 27 Dec 2023 Sun 28 Jan 2024 Mon 19 Feb 2024 Thu 4 Apr 2024 Tue 28 May 2024 Tue 16 Jul 2024 Mon 5 Aug 2024 Mon 30 Sep 2024 Thu 17 Oct 2024 Fri 15 Nov 2024 Thu 5 Dec 2024 Sat 25 Jan 2025 Sun 30 Mar 2025 Mon 26 May 2025 Thu 19 Jun 2025 Mon 25 Aug 2025 Mon 15 Sep 2025 Sat 18 Oct 2025 Tue 11 Nov 2025 Sun 11 Jan 2026 Fri 6 Mar 2026 Sun 26 Apr 2026 Sun 17 May 2026 Fri 17 Jul 2026 Tue 4 Aug 2026 Thu 3 Sep 2026 Thu 24 Sep 2026 Tue 17 Nov 2026 Tue 5 Jan 2027 SAMPLE Dashas Dasha balance at birth Me-Ra-Ra-Mo-Ju Mer cur y MAHADASHA, AGE -9-8 Me-Me Age: -9 Me-Ke Age: -7 Me-Ve Age: -6 Me-Su Age: -3 Me-Mo Age: -2 Me-Ma Age: -1 Me-Ra Age: 0 Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun Mon Mar 16-01-13 20-05-13 14-10-13 23-02-14 18-04-14 21-09-14 06-11-14 23-01-15 Me-Ju Age: 2 Jup 18-03-15 Sat 07-07-15 Mer 15-11-15 Ket 11-03-16 Ven 28-04-16 Sun 13-09-16 Mon 25-10-16 Mar 02-01-17 Rah 19-02-17 Me-Sa Age: 4 Sat 23-06-17 Mer 26-11-17 Ket 14-04-18 Ven 10-06-18 Sun 21-11-18 Mon 09-01-19 Mar 01-04-19 Rah 29-05-19 Jup 23-10-19 Ketu MAHADASHA, AGE 7-14 Ke-Ke Age: 7 Ket 02-03-20 Ven 11-03-20 Sun 05-04-20 Mon 12-04-20 Mar 25-04-20 Rah 03-05-20 Jup 26-05-20 Sat 15-06-20 Mer 08-07-20 Ke-Ve Age: 7 Ven 29-07-20 Sun 08-10-20 Mon 30-10-20 Mar 04-12-20 Rah 29-12-20 Jup 03-03-21 Sat 29-04-21 Mer 05-07-21 Ket 04-09-21 Ke-Su Age: 8 Sun 28-09-21 Mon 05-10-21 Mar 16-10-21 Rah 23-10-21 Jup 11-11-21 Sat 28-11-21 Mer 18-12-21 Ket 06-01-22 Ven 13-01-22 Ke-Mo Age: 9 Ke-Ma Age: 9 Ke-Ra Age: 10 Mon 03-02-22 Mar 04-09-22 Rah 01-02-23 Mar 21-02-22 Rah 13-09-22 Jup 30-03-23 Rah 06-03-22 Jup 05-10-22 Sat 20-05-23 Jup 06-04-22 Sat 25-10-22 Mer 20-07-23 Sat 05-05-22 Mer 18-11-22 Ket 12-09-23 Mer 08-06-22 Ket 09-12-22 Ven 05-10-23 Ket 08-07-22 Ven 18-12-22 Sun 08-12-23 Ven 20-07-22 Sun 12-01-23 Mon 27-12-23 Sun 25-08-22 Mon 19-01-23 Mar 28-01-24 Venus MAHADASHA, AGE 14-34 Ke-Ju Age: 11 Jup 19-02-24 Sat 04-04-24 Mer 28-05-24 Ket 16-07-24 Ven 05-08-24 Sun 30-09-24 Mon 17-10-24 Mar 15-11-24 Rah 05-12-24 Ke-Sa Age: 12 Sat 25-01-25 Mer 30-03-25 Ket 26-05-25 Ven 19-06-25 Sun 25-08-25 Mon 15-09-25 Mar 18-10-25 Rah 11-11-25 Jup 11-01-26 Ke-Me Age: 13 Mer 06-03-26 Ket 26-04-26 Ven 17-05-26 Sun 17-07-26 Mon 04-08-26 Mar 03-09-26 Rah 24-09-26 Jup 17-11-26 Sat 05-01-27 Ve-Ve Age: 14 Ven 03-03-27 Sun 22-09-27 Mon 22-11-27 Mar 02-03-28 Rah 12-05-28 Jup 11-11-28 Sat 22-04-29 Mer 01-11-29 Ket 22-04-30 Ve-Su Age: 17 Sun 02-07-30 Mon 21-07-30 Mar 20-08-30 Rah 10-09-30 Jup 04-11-30 Sat 23-12-30 Mer 19-02-31 Ket 11-04-31 Ven 03-05-31 Ve-Mo Age: 18 Mon 03-07-31 Mar 22-08-31 Rah 27-09-31 Jup 27-12-31 Sat 17-03-32 Mer 22-06-32 Ket 16-09-32 Ven 21-10-32 Sun 31-01-33 Ve-Ma Age: 20 Ve-Ra Age: 21 Ve-Ju Age: 24 Mar 02-03-33 Rah 02-05-34 Jup 02-05-37 Rah 27-03-33 Jup 14-10-34 Sat 09-09-37 Jup 30-05-33 Sat 09-03-35 Mer 10-02-38 Sat 26-07-33 Mer 29-08-35 Ket 28-06-38 Mer 01-10-33 Ket 01-02-36 Ven 24-08-38 Ket 01-12-33 Ven 05-04-36 Sun 02-02-39 Ven 26-12-33 Sun 04-10-36 Mon 23-03-39 Sun 07-03-34 Mon 28-11-36 Mar 12-06-39 Mon 28-03-34 Mar 27-02-37 Rah 08-08-39 Sun MAHADASHA, AGE 34-40 Ve-Sa Age: 26 Sat 01-01-40 Mer 02-07-40 Ket 13-12-40 Ven 19-02-41 Sun 30-08-41 Mon 27-10-41 Mar 01-02-42 Rah 09-04-42 Jup 30-09-42 Ve-Me Age: 30 Mer 03-03-43 Ket 27-07-43 Ven 26-09-43 Sun 16-03-44 Mon 07-05-44 Mar 01-08-44 Rah 01-10-44 Jup 05-03-45 Sat 21-07-45 Ve-Ke Age: 32 Ket 01-01-46 Ven 26-01-46 Sun 07-04-46 Mon 28-04-46 Mar 02-06-46 Rah 27-06-46 Jup 30-08-46 Sat 26-10-46 Mer 01-01-47 Su-Su Age: 34 Sun 03-03-47 Mon 08-03-47 Mar 17-03-47 Rah 24-03-47 Jup 09-04-47 Sat 24-04-47 Mer 11-05-47 Ket 27-05-47 Ven 02-06-47 Su-Mo Age: 34 Mon 20-06-47 Mar 06-07-47 Rah 16-07-47 Jup 13-08-47 Sat 06-09-47 Mer 05-10-47 Ket 31-10-47 Ven 10-11-47 Sun 11-12-47 Su-Ma Age: 34 Mar 20-12-47 Rah 27-12-47 Jup 16-01-48 Sat 02-02-48 Mer 22-02-48 Ket 11-03-48 Ven 18-03-48 Sun 09-04-48 Mon 15-04-48 Su-Ra Age: 35 Su-Ju Age: 36 Su-Sa Age: 37 Rah 26-04-48 Jup 21-03-49 Sat 07-01-50 Jup 14-06-48 Sat 28-04-49 Mer 03-03-50 Sat 28-07-48 Mer 14-06-49 Ket 21-04-50 Mer 18-09-48 Ket 25-07-49 Ven 11-05-50 Ket 04-11-48 Ven 11-08-49 Sun 08-07-50 Ven 23-11-48 Sun 29-09-49 Mon 25-07-50 Sun 17-01-49 Mon 13-10-49 Mar 23-08-50 Mon 02-02-49 Mar 07-11-49 Rah 12-09-50 Mar 01-03-49 Rah 24-11-49 Jup 03-11-50 Moon MAHADASHA, AGE 40-50 Su-Me Age: 37 Mer 20-12-50 Ket 02-02-51 Ven 20-02-51 Sun 13-04-51 Mon 28-04-51 Mar 24-05-51 Rah 11-06-51 Jup 28-07-51 Sat 07-09-51 Su-Ke Age: 38 Ket 26-10-51 Ven 03-11-51 Sun 24-11-51 Mon 30-11-51 Mar 11-12-51 Rah 18-12-51 Jup 07-01-52 Sat 24-01-52 Mer 13-02-52 Su-Ve Age: 39 Ven 02-03-52 Sun 02-05-52 Mon 20-05-52 Mar 20-06-52 Rah 11-07-52 Jup 04-09-52 Sat 22-10-52 Mer 19-12-52 Ket 09-02-53 Mo-Mo Age: 40 Mon 02-03-53 Mar 28-03-53 Rah 14-04-53 Jup 30-05-53 Sat 10-07-53 Mer 27-08-53 Ket 09-10-53 Ven 27-10-53 Sun 16-12-53 Mo-Ma Age: 40 Mar 01-01-54 Rah 13-01-54 Jup 14-02-54 Sat 14-03-54 Mer 17-04-54 Ket 17-05-54 Ven 30-05-54 Sun 04-07-54 Mon 15-07-54 Mo-Ra Age: 41 Rah 02-08-54 Jup 23-10-54 Sat 04-01-55 Mer 01-04-55 Ket 17-06-55 Ven 19-07-55 Sun 19-10-55 Mon 15-11-55 Mar 31-12-55 Mo-Ju Age: 43 Mo-Sa Age: 44 Mo-Me Age: 45 Jup 01-02-56 Sat 02-06-57 Mer 01-01-59 Sat 05-04-56 Mer 01-09-57 Ket 15-03-59 Mer 22-06-56 Ket 22-11-57 Ven 14-04-59 Ket 30-08-56 Ven 26-12-57 Sun 10-07-59 Ven 27-09-56 Sun 01-04-58 Mon 04-08-59 Sun 17-12-56 Mon 30-04-58 Mar 17-09-59 Mon 10-01-57 Mar 17-06-58 Rah 17-10-59 Mar 20-02-57 Rah 21-07-58 Jup 02-01-60 Rah 20-03-57 Jup 16-10-58 Sat 11-03-60 Mar s MAHADASHA, AGE 50-57 Mo-Ke Age: 47 Ket 01-06-60 Ven 14-06-60 Sun 19-07-60 Mon 30-07-60 Mar 17-08-60 Rah 29-08-60 Jup 30-09-60 Sat 28-10-60 Mer 01-12-60 Mo-Ve Age: 47 Ven 31-12-60 Sun 12-04-61 Mon 12-05-61 Mar 02-07-61 Rah 06-08-61 Jup 06-11-61 Sat 26-01-62 Mer 02-05-62 Ket 28-07-62 Mo-Su Age: 49 Sun 01-09-62 Mon 10-09-62 Mar 25-09-62 Rah 06-10-62 Jup 02-11-62 Sat 27-11-62 Mer 26-12-62 Ket 21-01-63 Ven 31-01-63 Ma-Ma Age: 50 Mar 03-03-63 Rah 11-03-63 Jup 03-04-63 Sat 23-04-63 Mer 16-05-63 Ket 06-06-63 Ven 15-06-63 Sun 10-07-63 Mon 17-07-63 Ma-Ra Age: 50 Rah 30-07-63 Jup 25-09-63 Sat 15-11-63 Mer 15-01-64 Ket 09-03-64 Ven 01-04-64 Sun 04-06-64 Mon 23-06-64 Mar 25-07-64 Ma-Ju Age: 51 Jup 16-08-64 Sat 01-10-64 Mer 24-11-64 Ket 11-01-65 Ven 31-01-65 Sun 29-03-65 Mon 15-04-65 Mar 13-05-65 Rah 02-06-65 Ma-Sa Age: 52 Ma-Me Age: 53 Ma-Ke Age: 54 Sat 23-07-65 Mer 01-09-66 Ket 29-08-67 Mer 25-09-65 Ket 22-10-66 Ven 07-09-67 Ket 22-11-65 Ven 12-11-66 Sun 02-10-67 Ven 15-12-65 Sun 12-01-67 Mon 09-10-67 Sun 21-02-66 Mon 30-01-67 Mar 22-10-67 Mon 13-03-66 Mar 01-03-67 Rah 30-10-67 Mar 16-04-66 Rah 22-03-67 Jup 22-11-67 Rah 09-05-66 Jup 16-05-67 Sat 12-12-67 Jup 09-07-66 Sat 03-07-67 Mer 04-01-68 Rahu MAHADASHA, AGE 57-75 Ma-Ve Age: 55 Ven 25-01-68 Sun 05-04-68 Mon 27-04-68 Mar 01-06-68 Rah 26-06-68 Jup 29-08-68 Sat 25-10-68 Mer 31-12-68 Ket 02-03-69 Ma-Su Age: 56 Sun 26-03-69 Mon 02-04-69 Mar 12-04-69 Rah 20-04-69 Jup 09-05-69 Sat 26-05-69 Mer 15-06-69 Ket 04-07-69 Ven 11-07-69 Ma-Mo Age: 56 Mon 01-08-69 Mar 19-08-69 Rah 31-08-69 Jup 02-10-69 Sat 31-10-69 Mer 04-12-69 Ket 03-01-70 Ven 15-01-70 Sun 20-02-70 Ra-Ra Age: 57 Rah 02-03-70 Jup 28-07-70 Sat 07-12-70 Mer 12-05-71 Ket 29-09-71 Ven 25-11-71 Sun 07-05-72 Mon 26-06-72 Mar 16-09-72 Ra-Ju Age: 59 Jup 12-11-72 Sat 09-03-73 Mer 26-07-73 Ket 27-11-73 Ven 17-01-74 Sun 13-06-74 Mon 26-07-74 Mar 07-10-74 Rah 28-11-74 Ra-Sa Age: 62 Sat 08-04-75 Mer 20-09-75 Ket 14-02-76 Ven 15-04-76 Sun 06-10-76 Mon 27-11-76 Mar 21-02-77 Rah 23-04-77 Jup 26-09-77 Ra-Me Age: 65 Mer 12-02-78 Ket 24-06-78 Ven 17-08-78 Sun 20-01-79 Mon 07-03-79 Mar 24-05-79 Rah 17-07-79 Jup 04-12-79 Sat 06-04-80 J upiter Ra-Ke Age: 67 Ra-Ve Age: 68 Ket 31-08-80 Ven 19-09-81 Ven 23-09-80 Sun 21-03-82 Sun 26-11-80 Mon 14-05-82 Mon 15-12-80 Mar 14-08-82 Mar 16-01-81 Rah 17-10-82 Rah 07-02-81 Jup 30-03-83 Jup 06-04-81 Sat 23-08-83 Sat 27-05-81 Mer 12-02-84 Mer 27-07-81 Ket 17-07-84 MAHADASHA, AGE 75-91 Ra-Su Age: 71 Sun 19-09-84 Mon 05-10-84 Mar 01-11-84 Rah 21-11-84 Jup 09-01-85 Sat 22-02-85 Mer 15-04-85 Ket 31-05-85 Ven 20-06-85 Ra-Mo Age: 72 Mon 13-08-85 Mar 28-09-85 Rah 30-10-85 Jup 20-01-86 Sat 03-04-86 Mer 29-06-86 Ket 15-09-86 Ven 16-10-86 Sun 16-01-87 Ra-Ma Age: 74 Mar 12-02-87 Rah 07-03-87 Jup 03-05-87 Sat 23-06-87 Mer 23-08-87 Ket 16-10-87 Ven 08-11-87 Sun 11-01-88 Mon 30-01-88 Ju-Ju Age: 75 Jup 02-03-88 Sat 14-06-88 Mer 15-10-88 Ket 02-02-89 Ven 20-03-89 Sun 28-07-89 Mon 05-09-89 Mar 09-11-89 Rah 24-12-89 Ju-Sa Age: 77 Sat 20-04-90 Mer 13-09-90 Ket 22-01-91 Ven 17-03-91 Sun 19-08-91 Mon 04-10-91 Mar 20-12-91 Rah 12-02-92 Jup 30-06-92 Ju-Me Age: 79 Mer 31-10-92 Ket 25-02-93 Ven 15-04-93 Sun 31-08-93 Mon 11-10-93 Mar 19-12-93 Rah 05-02-94 Jup 10-06-94 Sat 28-09-94 Ju-Ke Age: 82 Ju-Ve Age: 83 Ju-Su Age: 85 Ket 06-02-95 Ven 13-01-96 Sun 13-09-98 Ven 26-02-95 Sun 23-06-96 Mon 28-09-98 Sun 24-04-95 Mon 11-08-96 Mar 22-10-98 Mon 11-05-95 Mar 31-10-96 Rah 08-11-98 Mar 08-06-95 Rah 27-12-96 Jup 22-12-98 Rah 28-06-95 Jup 22-05-97 Sat 30-01-99 Jup 18-08-95 Sat 29-09-97 Mer 17-03-99 Sat 03-10-95 Mer 02-03-98 Ket 27-04-99 Mer 26-11-95 Ket 18-07-98 Ven 14-05-99 Satur n MAHADASHA, AGE 91-110 Ju-Mo Age: 86 Mon 02-07-99 Mar 12-08-99 Rah 09-09-99 Jup 21-11-99 Sat 25-01-00 Mer 12-04-00 Ket 20-06-00 Ven 19-07-00 Sun 08-10-00 Ju-Ma Age: 87 Mar 01-11-00 Rah 21-11-00 Jup 11-01-01 Sat 26-02-01 Mer 21-04-01 Ket 08-06-01 Ven 28-06-01 Sun 24-08-01 Mon 10-09-01 Ju-Ra Age: 88 Rah 08-10-01 Jup 16-02-02 Sat 13-06-02 Mer 30-10-02 Ket 03-03-03 Ven 23-04-03 Sun 17-09-03 Mon 30-10-03 Mar 11-01-04 Sa-Sa Age: 91 Sat 03-03-04 Mer 24-08-04 Ket 26-01-05 Ven 31-03-05 Sun 30-09-05 Mon 24-11-05 Mar 24-02-06 Rah 29-04-06 Jup 11-10-06 Sa-Me Age: 94 Mer 06-03-07 Ket 24-07-07 Ven 19-09-07 Sun 01-03-08 Mon 19-04-08 Mar 10-07-08 Rah 05-09-08 Jup 31-01-09 Sat 11-06-09 Sa-Ke Age: 96 Ket 13-11-09 Ven 07-12-09 Sun 13-02-10 Mon 05-03-10 Mar 08-04-10 Rah 01-05-10 Jup 01-07-10 Sat 24-08-10 Mer 27-10-10 Sa-Ve Age: 97 Ven 23-12-10 Sun 04-07-11 Mon 31-08-11 Mar 05-12-11 Rah 11-02-12 Jup 02-08-12 Sat 03-01-13 Mer 06-07-13 Ket 16-12-13 Sa-Ma Age: 103 Mar 04-09-16 Rah 28-09-16 Jup 27-11-16 Sat 20-01-17 Mer 26-03-17 Ket 22-05-17 Ven 15-06-17 Sun 21-08-17 Mon 10-09-17 Sa-Ra Age: 104 Rah 14-10-17 Jup 19-03-18 Sat 05-08-18 Mer 17-01-19 Ket 13-06-19 Ven 13-08-19 Sun 02-02-20 Mon 25-03-20 Mar 20-06-20 Sa-Ju Age: 107 Jup 20-08-20 Sat 21-12-20 Mer 17-05-21 Ket 25-09-21 Ven 18-11-21 Sun 21-04-22 Mon 06-06-22 Mar 22-08-22 Rah 15-10-22 Parashara's Light 7.0.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to Sa-Su Age: 101 Sun 22-02-14 Mon 11-03-14 Mar 09-04-14 Rah 29-04-14 Jup 20-06-14 Sat 06-08-14 Mer 30-09-14 Ket 18-11-14 Ven 08-12-14 Sa-Mo Age: 102 Mon 04-02-15 Mar 24-03-15 Rah 27-04-15 Jup 23-07-15 Sat 08-10-15 Mer 07-01-16 Ket 29-03-16 Ven 02-05-16 Sun 06-08-16 ¬ SAMPLE Ashtottari MD and AD Ashtottari Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth Dasha at the time of birth Sun (6y) Moon (15y) From 0 yrs. to 0y7m From 0y7m to Antar Beginning Ending Antar : Sun 0y 7m 19d : Su-Ve-Ma-Mo-Ju Mar s (8y) 15y7m Beginning From 15y7m to 23y7m Ending Antar Beginning Ending Sun Moon Mars Mercury Saturn Jupiter Rahu Venus 01-01-2013 - 20-08-2013 Moon 20-08-2013 - 19-09-2015 Mars 19-09-2015 - 29-10-2016 Mercury29-10-2016 - 11-03-2019 Saturn 11-03-2019 - 30-07-2020 Jupiter 30-07-2020 - 21-03-2023 Rahu 21-03-2023 - 18-11-2024 Venus 18-11-2024 - 20-10-2027 Sun 20-10-2027 - 19-08-2028 Mars 19-08-2028 - 24-03-2029 Mercury24-03-2029 - 27-06-2030 Saturn 27-06-2030 - 24-03-2031 Jupiter 24-03-2031 - 19-08-2032 Rahu 19-08-2032 - 10-07-2033 Venus 10-07-2033 - 29-01-2035 Sun 29-01-2035 - 10-07-2035 Moon 10-07-2035 - 19-08-2036 Mer cur y (17y) Satur n (10y) J upiter (19y) From 23y7m to 40y7m From 40y7m to 50y7m From 50y7m to 69y7m Antar Beginning Ending Antar Mercury19-08-2036 - 23-04-2039 Saturn 23-04-2039 - 18-11-2040 Jupiter 18-11-2040 - 16-11-2043 Rahu 16-11-2043 - 06-10-2045 Venus 06-10-2045 - 25-01-2049 Sun 25-01-2049 - 05-01-2050 Moon 05-01-2050 - 16-05-2052 Mars 16-05-2052 - 19-08-2053 Beginning Ending Saturn 19-08-2053 - 23-07-2054 Jupiter 23-07-2054 - 26-04-2056 Rahu 26-04-2056 - 06-06-2057 Venus 06-06-2057 - 17-05-2059 Sun 17-05-2059 - 06-12-2059 Moon 06-12-2059 - 26-04-2061 Mars 26-04-2061 - 22-01-2062 Mercury22-01-2062 - 20-08-2063 Antar Venus (21y) From 69y7m to 81y7m From 81y7m to 102y7m Beginning Ending Rahu 19-08-2082 - 19-12-2083 Venus 19-12-2083 - 19-04-2086 Sun 19-04-2086 - 19-12-2086 Moon 19-12-2086 - 19-08-2088 Mars 19-08-2088 - 09-07-2089 Mercury09-07-2089 - 30-05-2091 Saturn 30-05-2091 - 09-07-2092 Jupiter 09-07-2092 - 19-08-2094 Antar Ending Jupiter 20-08-2063 - 22-12-2066 Rahu 22-12-2066 - 01-02-2069 Venus 01-02-2069 - 12-10-2072 Sun 12-10-2072 - 01-11-2073 Moon 01-11-2073 - 22-06-2076 Mars 22-06-2076 - 18-11-2077 Mercury18-11-2077 - 15-11-2080 Saturn 15-11-2080 - 19-08-2082 Rahu (12y) Antar Beginning Beginning Ending Venus 19-08-2094 - 19-09-2098 Sun 19-09-2098 - 19-11-2099 Moon 19-11-2099 - 20-10-2102 Mars 20-10-2102 - 10-05-2104 Mercury10-05-2104 - 30-08-2107 Saturn 30-08-2107 - 10-08-2109 Jupiter 10-08-2109 - 20-04-2113 Rahu 20-04-2113 - 20-08-2115 *Condition of Applicability of Ashtottari Dasha : Except in Lagna, Rahu in Kendra or Trikona from Lagna lord.. Birth during day-time in Krishna Paksha or night-time in Shukla Paksha. In your hor oscope Ashtottar i dasha doesn't apply. PAE2500 • 32 ¬ SAMPLE Yogini (Short) MD and AD #1 Yogini Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth : Bhramari 8y 8m 7d The dates are given for dasha beginning dates. *Running age is given for dasha beginning dates. Bhr amar i (4y) Beginning Ending Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Mar Mer Sat Ven Rah Mon Sun Jup Siddha (7y) Beginning Ending Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Ven Rah Mon Sun Jup Mar Mer Sat Pingala (2y) Beginning Ending Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Sun Jup Mar Mer Sat Ven Rah Mon 0 yrs.* Bhadr ika (5y) 08-09-2014 Beginning Ending 01-01-2013 17-02-2013 08-01-2014 18-02-2014 10-05-2014 Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari 12y8m Sankata (8y) 08-09-2025 08-09-2032 Beginning Ending 08-09-2025 18-01-2027 08-08-2028 18-10-2028 09-03-2029 09-10-2029 20-07-2030 10-07-2031 Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha 28y8m Mer Sat Ven Rah Mon Sun Jup Mar Rah Mon Sun Jup Mar Mer Sat Ven Dhanya (3y) 08-09-2041 08-09-2043 Beginning Ending 08-09-2041 19-10-2041 18-12-2041 10-03-2042 19-06-2042 19-10-2042 10-03-2043 19-08-2043 Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Jup Mar Mer Sat Ven Rah Mon Sun 1y8m 08-09-2014 09-09-2019 Beginning Ending 08-09-2014 20-05-2015 19-03-2016 10-03-2017 19-04-2018 09-06-2018 19-09-2018 18-02-2019 Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika 19y8m 09-09-2019 08-09-2025 Sat Ven Rah Mon Sun Jup Mar Mer Mangala (1y) 08-09-2032 08-09-2040 Beginning Ending 08-09-2032 19-06-2034 08-09-2034 18-02-2035 19-10-2035 08-09-2036 19-10-2037 18-02-2039 Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata 30y8m 6y8m Ulka (6y) 09-09-2019 08-09-2020 08-11-2021 10-03-2023 10-05-2023 09-09-2023 09-03-2024 08-11-2024 27y8m 08-09-2040 08-09-2041 Mon Sun Jup Mar Mer Sat Ven Rah 08-09-2040 18-09-2040 08-10-2040 08-11-2040 18-12-2040 07-02-2041 09-04-2041 19-06-2041 Bhr amar i (4y) 33y8m 08-09-2043 08-09-2046 Beginning Ending 08-09-2043 09-12-2043 09-04-2044 08-09-2044 09-03-2045 08-10-2045 09-06-2046 09-07-2046 Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya 08-09-2046 08-09-2050 Mar Mer Sat Ven Rah Mon Sun Jup 08-09-2046 18-02-2047 08-09-2047 09-05-2048 17-02-2049 08-01-2050 17-02-2050 09-05-2050 PAE2500 • 33 ¬ SAMPLE Yogini (Short) MD and AD #2 Yogini Mahadasha and Antardashas The dates are given for dasha beginning dates. *Running age is given for dasha beginning dates. Bhadr ika (5y) Beginning Ending Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Mer Sat Ven Rah Mon Sun Jup Mar Sankata (8y) Beginning Ending Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Rah Mon Sun Jup Mar Mer Sat Ven Dhanya (3y) Beginning Ending Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Jup Mar Mer Sat Ven Rah Mon Sun 37y8m* 08-09-2050 08-09-2055 Beginning Ending 08-09-2050 20-05-2051 19-03-2052 09-03-2053 19-04-2054 09-06-2054 18-09-2054 17-02-2055 Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika 55y8m Sat Ven Rah Mon Sun Jup Mar Mer Mangala (1y) 08-09-2068 07-09-2076 Beginning Ending 08-09-2068 19-06-2070 08-09-2070 17-02-2071 19-10-2071 08-09-2072 18-10-2073 17-02-2075 Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata 66y8m 42y8m Ulka (6y) Siddha (7y) 08-09-2055 08-09-2061 Beginning Ending 08-09-2055 08-09-2056 08-11-2057 10-03-2059 10-05-2059 08-09-2059 09-03-2060 07-11-2060 Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka 63y8m Beginning Ending Mon Sun Jup Mar Mer Sat Ven Rah 07-09-2076 18-09-2076 08-10-2076 07-11-2076 18-12-2076 07-02-2077 09-04-2077 19-06-2077 Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Bhr amar i (4y) 69y8m 08-09-2079 08-09-2082 Beginning Ending 08-09-2079 09-12-2079 08-04-2080 07-09-2080 09-03-2081 08-10-2081 09-06-2082 09-07-2082 Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Mar Mer Sat Ven Rah Mon Sun Jup 08-09-2061 08-09-2068 Ven Rah Mon Sun Jup Mar Mer Sat Pingala (2y) 07-09-2076 08-09-2077 48y8m 08-09-2061 18-01-2063 08-08-2064 18-10-2064 09-03-2065 08-10-2065 19-07-2066 09-07-2067 64y8m 08-09-2077 08-09-2079 Sun Jup Mar Mer Sat Ven Rah Mon 08-09-2077 18-10-2077 18-12-2077 09-03-2078 19-06-2078 19-10-2078 10-03-2079 19-08-2079 Bhadr ika (5y) 73y8m 08-09-2082 08-09-2086 Beginning Ending 08-09-2082 17-02-2083 08-09-2083 09-05-2084 17-02-2085 07-01-2086 17-02-2086 09-05-2086 Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari 08-09-2086 08-09-2091 Mer Sat Ven Rah Mon Sun Jup Mar 08-09-2086 20-05-2087 19-03-2088 09-03-2089 19-04-2090 09-06-2090 18-09-2090 17-02-2091 PAE2500 • 34 ¬ SAMPLE Kala Chakra Dasha – MD and AD Kala Chakra Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth : Pisces 6y 11m 19d • Jeeva Rashi : Gemini • Deha Rashi : Taurus Pis (10y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib Can (21y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo Sco (7y) Beginning Ending 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 0y 0m* 20-12-2019 01-01-2013 20-04-2013 19-02-2014 20-12-2014 20-10-2015 20-08-2016 20-06-2017 21-04-2018 19-02-2019 29y 11m Ar i (7y) Beginning Ending 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir Leo (5y) 20-12-2019 20-12-2026 20-12-2019 20-07-2020 18-02-2021 19-09-2021 21-04-2022 20-11-2022 21-06-2023 20-01-2024 20-08-2024 21-03-2025 20-10-2025 21-05-2026 38y 11m 20-12-2051 19-12-2072 20-12-2051 19-09-2053 20-06-2055 21-03-2057 20-12-2058 19-09-2060 20-06-2062 20-03-2064 19-12-2065 20-09-2067 20-06-2069 21-03-2071 Beginning Ending 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 19-12-2072 19-12-2077 19-12-2072 20-05-2073 19-10-2073 21-03-2074 20-08-2074 19-01-2075 20-06-2075 19-11-2075 20-04-2076 19-09-2076 18-02-2077 20-07-2077 73y 11m Sag (10y) 89y 11m 20-12-2102 20-12-2109 20-12-2102 21-07-2103 20-02-2104 20-09-2104 21-04-2105 20-11-2105 21-06-2106 20-01-2107 21-08-2107 21-03-2108 20-10-2108 21-05-2109 Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 20-12-2109 21-12-2119 20-12-2109 20-10-2110 21-08-2111 20-06-2112 21-04-2113 19-02-2114 20-12-2114 21-10-2115 20-08-2116 20-06-2117 21-04-2118 19-02-2119 Tau (16y) 6y 11m Gem (9y) 13y 11m Beginning Ending 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 20-12-2026 20-12-2042 20-12-2026 20-04-2028 20-08-2029 20-12-2030 20-04-2032 20-08-2033 20-12-2034 20-04-2036 20-08-2037 20-12-2038 20-04-2040 20-08-2041 Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 20-12-2042 20-12-2051 20-12-2042 20-09-2043 20-06-2044 21-03-2045 20-12-2045 20-09-2046 20-06-2047 20-03-2048 19-12-2048 19-09-2049 20-06-2050 21-03-2051 59y 11m Lib (16y) 64y 11m 19-12-2077 20-12-2086 19-12-2077 19-09-2078 20-06-2079 20-03-2080 19-12-2080 19-09-2081 20-06-2082 21-03-2083 20-12-2083 19-09-2084 20-06-2085 21-03-2086 Beginning Ending 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 20-12-2086 20-12-2102 20-12-2086 20-04-2088 19-08-2089 19-12-2090 19-04-2092 19-08-2093 19-12-2094 19-04-2096 19-08-2097 19-12-2098 20-04-2100 20-08-2101 Vir (9y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib Cap (4y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 96y 11m 21-12-2119 20-12-2123 21-12-2119 20-04-2120 20-08-2120 20-12-2120 20-04-2121 20-08-2121 20-12-2121 21-04-2122 20-08-2122 20-12-2122 21-04-2123 21-08-2123 Aqu (4y) Beginning Ending 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 106y 11m 20-12-2123 20-12-2127 20-12-2123 20-04-2124 20-08-2124 20-12-2124 20-04-2125 20-08-2125 20-12-2125 21-04-2126 20-08-2126 20-12-2126 21-04-2127 21-08-2127 * The dates are Dasha beginning dates * PAE2500 • 35 ¬ SAMPLE Jaimini Chara Dasha #1 Jaimini Chara Dasha The dates are given for dasha beginning dates. • Running age is given for beginning of dasha. Virgo (9y) Beginning Ending 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 0y0m* Libra (1y) 9y0m 01-01-2013 01-01-2022 01-01-2013 01-10-2013 02-07-2014 02-04-2015 01-01-2016 01-10-2016 02-07-2017 02-04-2018 01-01-2019 02-10-2019 02-07-2020 02-04-2021 Beginning Ending 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 01-01-2022 01-01-2023 01-01-2022 31-01-2022 03-03-2022 02-04-2022 02-05-2022 02-06-2022 02-07-2022 02-08-2022 01-09-2022 02-10-2022 01-11-2022 02-12-2022 Capricorn (3y) Beginning Ending 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap Taurus (6y) Beginning Ending 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 21y0m 01-01-2034 31-12-2036 01-01-2034 02-04-2034 02-07-2034 02-10-2034 01-01-2035 02-04-2035 02-07-2035 02-10-2035 01-01-2036 01-04-2036 02-07-2036 01-10-2036 46y0m 01-01-2059 31-12-2064 01-01-2059 02-07-2059 01-01-2060 02-07-2060 31-12-2060 02-07-2061 31-12-2061 02-07-2062 01-01-2063 02-07-2063 01-01-2064 02-07-2064 Aquarius (3y) Beginning Ending 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu Gemini (6y) Beginning Ending 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 23y11m 31-12-2036 01-01-2040 31-12-2036 02-04-2037 02-07-2037 01-10-2037 01-01-2038 02-04-2038 02-07-2038 02-10-2038 01-01-2039 02-04-2039 02-07-2039 02-10-2039 51y11m 31-12-2064 01-01-2071 31-12-2064 02-07-2065 31-12-2065 02-07-2066 01-01-2067 02-07-2067 01-01-2068 01-07-2068 31-12-2068 02-07-2069 31-12-2069 02-07-2070 Scorpio (6y) Beginning Ending 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco Pisces (10y) Beginning Ending 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis Cancer (12y) Beginning Ending 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 10y0m Sagittarius (5y) 15y11m 01-01-2023 31-12-2028 01-01-2023 03-07-2023 01-01-2024 02-07-2024 31-12-2024 02-07-2025 01-01-2026 02-07-2026 01-01-2027 03-07-2027 01-01-2028 02-07-2028 Beginning Ending 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 31-12-2028 01-01-2034 31-12-2028 02-06-2029 01-11-2029 02-04-2030 01-09-2030 31-01-2031 03-07-2031 02-12-2031 02-05-2032 01-10-2032 02-03-2033 01-08-2033 27y0m Aries (9y) 37y0m 01-01-2040 01-01-2050 01-01-2040 31-10-2040 01-09-2041 02-07-2042 03-05-2043 02-03-2044 31-12-2044 01-11-2045 01-09-2046 02-07-2047 02-05-2048 02-03-2049 Beginning Ending 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 01-01-2050 01-01-2059 01-01-2050 01-10-2050 02-07-2051 01-04-2052 31-12-2052 01-10-2053 02-07-2054 02-04-2055 01-01-2056 01-10-2056 02-07-2057 02-04-2058 58y0m 01-01-2071 31-12-2082 01-01-2071 01-01-2072 31-12-2072 31-12-2073 01-01-2075 01-01-2076 31-12-2076 31-12-2077 01-01-2079 01-01-2080 31-12-2080 31-12-2081 Leo (8y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 69y11m 31-12-2082 31-12-2090 31-12-2082 01-09-2083 01-05-2084 31-12-2084 31-08-2085 02-05-2086 31-12-2086 01-09-2087 01-05-2088 31-12-2088 31-08-2089 02-05-2090 PAE2500 • 36 ¬ SAMPLE Sthira Dasha Sthira Dasha The dates are given for dasha beginning dates. *Running age is given for dasha beginning dates. Capr icor n (7y) 0yrs.* Beginning Ending 01-01-2013 01-01-2020 Can Gem Tau Ari Pis Aqu Cap Sag Sco Lib Vir Leo 01-01-2013 02-08-2013 03-03-2014 02-10-2014 03-05-2015 02-12-2015 02-07-2016 31-01-2017 01-09-2017 02-04-2018 01-11-2018 02-06-2019 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Taur us (8y) 31yrs Beginning Ending 01-01-2044 01-01-2052 Tau Ari Pis Aqu Cap Sag Sco Lib Vir Leo Can Gem 01-01-2044 01-09-2044 02-05-2045 01-01-2046 01-09-2046 03-05-2047 01-01-2048 01-09-2048 02-05-2049 01-01-2050 01-09-2050 02-05-2051 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Vir go (9y) 63yrs Beginning Ending 01-01-2076 31-12-2084 Vir Leo Can Gem Tau Ari Pis Aqu Cap Sag Sco Lib 01-01-2076 01-10-2076 02-07-2077 02-04-2078 01-01-2079 01-10-2079 01-07-2080 01-04-2081 31-12-2081 01-10-2082 02-07-2083 01-04-2084 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 Aquar ius (8y) 7yrs Beginning Ending 01-01-2020 01-01-2028 Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap 01-01-2020 01-09-2020 02-05-2021 01-01-2022 01-09-2022 03-05-2023 01-01-2024 01-09-2024 02-05-2025 01-01-2026 01-09-2026 03-05-2027 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gemini (9y) 39yrs Beginning Ending 01-01-2052 31-12-2060 Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco 01-01-2052 01-10-2052 02-07-2053 02-04-2054 01-01-2055 02-10-2055 02-07-2056 02-04-2057 31-12-2057 01-10-2058 02-07-2059 01-04-2060 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Libr a (7y) 71yrs Beginning Ending 31-12-2084 01-01-2092 Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir 31-12-2084 01-08-2085 02-03-2086 01-10-2086 02-05-2087 01-12-2087 01-07-2088 30-01-2089 31-08-2089 02-04-2090 01-11-2090 02-06-2091 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pisces (9y) 15yrs Beginning Ending 01-01-2028 31-12-2036 Vir Leo Can Gem Tau Ari Pis Aqu Cap Sag Sco Lib 01-01-2028 01-10-2028 02-07-2029 02-04-2030 01-01-2031 02-10-2031 02-07-2032 02-04-2033 01-01-2034 02-10-2034 02-07-2035 01-04-2036 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 Cancer (7y) 47yrs Beginning Ending 31-12-2060 01-01-2068 Can Gem Tau Ari Pis Aqu Cap Sag Sco Lib Vir Leo 31-12-2060 01-08-2061 02-03-2062 01-10-2062 02-05-2063 01-12-2063 02-07-2064 31-01-2065 01-09-2065 02-04-2066 01-11-2066 02-06-2067 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Scor pio (8y) 79yrs Beginning Ending 01-01-2092 01-01-2100 Tau Ari Pis Aqu Cap Sag Sco Lib Vir Leo Can Gem 01-01-2092 31-08-2092 02-05-2093 31-12-2093 01-09-2094 02-05-2095 01-01-2096 31-08-2096 02-05-2097 31-12-2097 01-09-2098 02-05-2099 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Ar ies (7y) 23yrs Beginning Ending 31-12-2036 01-01-2044 Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir 31-12-2036 01-08-2037 02-03-2038 02-10-2038 03-05-2039 02-12-2039 02-07-2040 31-01-2041 01-09-2041 02-04-2042 01-11-2042 02-06-2043 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 Leo (8y) 55yrs Beginning Ending 01-01-2068 01-01-2076 Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap 01-01-2068 31-08-2068 02-05-2069 31-12-2069 01-09-2070 02-05-2071 01-01-2072 31-08-2072 02-05-2073 31-12-2073 01-09-2074 02-05-2075 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sagittar ius (9y) 87yrs Beginning Ending 01-01-2100 01-01-2109 Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco 01-01-2100 02-10-2100 02-07-2101 02-04-2102 01-01-2103 02-10-2103 02-07-2104 02-04-2105 01-01-2106 02-10-2106 03-07-2107 02-04-2108 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PAE2500 • 37 ¬ SAMPLE Niryaana Shoola Dasha #1 Niryaana Shoola Dasha The given dates are given for dasha beginning. • Running age is given for dasha beginning dates. Taurus (6y) Beginning Ending 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem Gemini (6y) Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco Cancer (12y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 0y0m* 01-01-2013 01-01-2019 01-01-2013 02-07-2013 01-01-2014 02-07-2014 01-01-2015 03-07-2015 01-01-2016 02-07-2016 01-01-2017 02-07-2017 01-01-2018 02-07-2018 23y0m 01-01-2036 01-01-2042 01-01-2036 02-07-2036 31-12-2036 02-07-2037 01-01-2038 02-07-2038 01-01-2039 02-07-2039 01-01-2040 02-07-2040 31-12-2040 02-07-2041 52y11m 31-12-2065 31-12-2077 31-12-2065 01-01-2067 01-01-2068 31-12-2068 31-12-2069 01-01-2071 01-01-2072 31-12-2072 31-12-2073 01-01-2075 01-01-2076 31-12-2076 Cancer (12y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo Virgo (9y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib Taurus (6y) Beginning Ending 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 6y0m Libra (1y) 18y0m 01-01-2019 01-01-2031 01-01-2019 01-01-2020 31-12-2020 01-01-2022 01-01-2023 01-01-2024 31-12-2024 01-01-2026 01-01-2027 01-01-2028 31-12-2028 01-01-2030 Beginning Ending 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 01-01-2031 01-01-2032 01-01-2031 31-01-2031 03-03-2031 02-04-2031 03-05-2031 02-06-2031 03-07-2031 02-08-2031 01-09-2031 02-10-2031 01-11-2031 02-12-2031 29y0m 01-01-2042 01-01-2051 01-01-2042 01-10-2042 02-07-2043 01-04-2044 31-12-2044 01-10-2045 02-07-2046 02-04-2047 01-01-2048 01-10-2048 02-07-2049 02-04-2050 64y11m 31-12-2077 01-01-2084 31-12-2077 02-07-2078 01-01-2079 02-07-2079 01-01-2080 01-07-2080 31-12-2080 02-07-2081 31-12-2081 02-07-2082 31-12-2082 02-07-2083 Sagittarius (5y) Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco Gemini (6y) Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 38y0m 01-01-2051 01-01-2056 01-01-2051 02-06-2051 01-11-2051 01-04-2052 31-08-2052 31-01-2053 02-07-2053 01-12-2053 02-05-2054 01-10-2054 03-03-2055 02-08-2055 71y0m 01-01-2084 31-12-2089 01-01-2084 01-07-2084 31-12-2084 02-07-2085 31-12-2085 02-07-2086 31-12-2086 02-07-2087 01-01-2088 01-07-2088 31-12-2088 02-07-2089 Capricorn (4y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo Pisces (10y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib Pisces (10y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 19y0m 01-01-2032 01-01-2036 01-01-2032 02-05-2032 01-09-2032 31-12-2032 02-05-2033 01-09-2033 01-01-2034 02-05-2034 01-09-2034 01-01-2035 03-05-2035 01-09-2035 43y0m 01-01-2056 31-12-2065 01-01-2056 31-10-2056 01-09-2057 02-07-2058 02-05-2059 02-03-2060 31-12-2060 01-11-2061 01-09-2062 02-07-2063 02-05-2064 02-03-2065 76y11m 31-12-2089 01-01-2100 31-12-2089 01-11-2090 01-09-2091 01-07-2092 02-05-2093 02-03-2094 31-12-2094 01-11-2095 31-08-2096 02-07-2097 02-05-2098 02-03-2099 PAE2500 • 38 ¬ SAMPLE Drig Dasha #1 Drig Dasha The given dates are given for dasha beginning. • Running age is given for dasha beginning dates. Taurus (6y) Beginning Ending 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem Gemini (6y) Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco Cancer (12y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 0y0m* 01-01-2013 01-01-2019 01-01-2013 02-07-2013 01-01-2014 02-07-2014 01-01-2015 03-07-2015 01-01-2016 02-07-2016 01-01-2017 02-07-2017 01-01-2018 02-07-2018 23y0m 01-01-2036 01-01-2042 01-01-2036 02-07-2036 31-12-2036 02-07-2037 01-01-2038 02-07-2038 01-01-2039 02-07-2039 01-01-2040 02-07-2040 31-12-2040 02-07-2041 52y11m 31-12-2065 31-12-2077 31-12-2065 01-01-2067 01-01-2068 31-12-2068 31-12-2069 01-01-2071 01-01-2072 31-12-2072 31-12-2073 01-01-2075 01-01-2076 31-12-2076 Cancer (12y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo Virgo (9y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib Taurus (6y) Beginning Ending 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 6y0m Libra (1y) 18y0m 01-01-2019 01-01-2031 01-01-2019 01-01-2020 31-12-2020 01-01-2022 01-01-2023 01-01-2024 31-12-2024 01-01-2026 01-01-2027 01-01-2028 31-12-2028 01-01-2030 Beginning Ending 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 01-01-2031 01-01-2032 01-01-2031 31-01-2031 03-03-2031 02-04-2031 03-05-2031 02-06-2031 03-07-2031 02-08-2031 01-09-2031 02-10-2031 01-11-2031 02-12-2031 29y0m 01-01-2042 01-01-2051 01-01-2042 01-10-2042 02-07-2043 01-04-2044 31-12-2044 01-10-2045 02-07-2046 02-04-2047 01-01-2048 01-10-2048 02-07-2049 02-04-2050 64y11m 31-12-2077 01-01-2084 31-12-2077 02-07-2078 01-01-2079 02-07-2079 01-01-2080 01-07-2080 31-12-2080 02-07-2081 31-12-2081 02-07-2082 31-12-2082 02-07-2083 Sagittarius (5y) Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco Gemini (6y) Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 38y0m 01-01-2051 01-01-2056 01-01-2051 02-06-2051 01-11-2051 01-04-2052 31-08-2052 31-01-2053 02-07-2053 01-12-2053 02-05-2054 01-10-2054 03-03-2055 02-08-2055 71y0m 01-01-2084 31-12-2089 01-01-2084 01-07-2084 31-12-2084 02-07-2085 31-12-2085 02-07-2086 31-12-2086 02-07-2087 01-01-2088 01-07-2088 31-12-2088 02-07-2089 Capricorn (4y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo Pisces (10y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib Pisces (10y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 19y0m 01-01-2032 01-01-2036 01-01-2032 02-05-2032 01-09-2032 31-12-2032 02-05-2033 01-09-2033 01-01-2034 02-05-2034 01-09-2034 01-01-2035 03-05-2035 01-09-2035 43y0m 01-01-2056 31-12-2065 01-01-2056 31-10-2056 01-09-2057 02-07-2058 02-05-2059 02-03-2060 31-12-2060 01-11-2061 01-09-2062 02-07-2063 02-05-2064 02-03-2065 76y11m 31-12-2089 01-01-2100 31-12-2089 01-11-2090 01-09-2091 01-07-2092 02-05-2093 02-03-2094 31-12-2094 01-11-2095 31-08-2096 02-07-2097 02-05-2098 02-03-2099 PAE2500 • 39 ¬ SAMPLE Navamsha Dasha #1 Navamsha Dasha The given dates are given for dasha beginning. • Running age is given for dasha beginning dates. Leo (4y) Beginning Ending 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 0y0m* 01-01-2013 01-01-2017 01-01-2013 02-05-2013 01-09-2013 01-01-2014 03-05-2014 01-09-2014 01-01-2015 03-05-2015 02-09-2015 01-01-2016 02-05-2016 01-09-2016 Sagittarius (5y) 10y0m Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 01-01-2023 01-01-2028 01-01-2023 02-06-2023 01-11-2023 02-04-2024 01-09-2024 31-01-2025 02-07-2025 01-12-2025 02-05-2026 02-10-2026 03-03-2027 02-08-2027 Aries (9y) 34y0m Beginning Ending 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 01-01-2047 01-01-2056 01-01-2047 02-10-2047 02-07-2048 02-04-2049 01-01-2050 01-10-2050 02-07-2051 01-04-2052 31-12-2052 01-10-2053 02-07-2054 02-04-2055 Virgo (3y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 4y0m Libra (1y) 7y0m 01-01-2017 01-01-2020 01-01-2017 02-04-2017 02-07-2017 01-10-2017 01-01-2018 02-04-2018 02-07-2018 02-10-2018 01-01-2019 02-04-2019 03-07-2019 02-10-2019 Beginning Ending 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 01-01-2020 31-12-2020 01-01-2020 01-02-2020 02-03-2020 02-04-2020 02-05-2020 01-06-2020 02-07-2020 01-08-2020 01-09-2020 01-10-2020 01-11-2020 01-12-2020 Capricorn (9y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo Taurus (6y) Beginning Ending 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 15y0m 01-01-2028 31-12-2036 01-01-2028 01-10-2028 02-07-2029 02-04-2030 01-01-2031 02-10-2031 02-07-2032 02-04-2033 01-01-2034 02-10-2034 02-07-2035 01-04-2036 43y0m 01-01-2056 31-12-2061 01-01-2056 02-07-2056 31-12-2056 02-07-2057 31-12-2057 02-07-2058 01-01-2059 02-07-2059 01-01-2060 02-07-2060 31-12-2060 02-07-2061 Aquarius (8y) Beginning Ending 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap Gemini (6y) Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 23y11m 31-12-2036 31-12-2044 31-12-2036 01-09-2037 02-05-2038 01-01-2039 01-09-2039 02-05-2040 31-12-2040 01-09-2041 02-05-2042 01-01-2043 01-09-2043 02-05-2044 48y11m 31-12-2061 01-01-2068 31-12-2061 02-07-2062 01-01-2063 02-07-2063 01-01-2064 02-07-2064 31-12-2064 02-07-2065 31-12-2065 02-07-2066 01-01-2067 02-07-2067 Scorpio (2y) Beginning Ending 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem Pisces (2y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib Cancer (12y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 7y11m 31-12-2020 01-01-2023 31-12-2020 02-03-2021 02-05-2021 02-07-2021 01-09-2021 01-11-2021 01-01-2022 03-03-2022 02-05-2022 02-07-2022 01-09-2022 01-11-2022 31y11m 31-12-2044 01-01-2047 31-12-2044 02-03-2045 02-05-2045 02-07-2045 01-09-2045 01-11-2045 01-01-2046 02-03-2046 02-05-2046 02-07-2046 01-09-2046 01-11-2046 55y0m 01-01-2068 01-01-2080 01-01-2068 31-12-2068 31-12-2069 01-01-2071 01-01-2072 31-12-2072 31-12-2073 01-01-2075 01-01-2076 31-12-2076 31-12-2077 01-01-2079 PAE2500 • 40 ¬ SAMPLE Narayana Dasha #1 Narayana Dasha The given dates are given for dasha beginning. • Running age is given for dasha beginning dates. Virgo (9y) 0y0m* Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 01-01-2013 01-01-2022 01-01-2013 01-10-2013 02-07-2014 02-04-2015 01-01-2016 01-10-2016 02-07-2017 02-04-2018 01-01-2019 02-10-2019 02-07-2020 02-04-2021 Libra (1y) 25y0m Beginning Ending 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 01-01-2038 01-01-2039 01-01-2038 31-01-2038 02-03-2038 02-04-2038 02-05-2038 02-06-2038 02-07-2038 02-08-2038 01-09-2038 02-10-2038 01-11-2038 01-12-2038 Scorpio (5y) Beginning Ending 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 50y0m 01-01-2063 01-01-2068 01-01-2063 02-06-2063 01-11-2063 01-04-2064 31-08-2064 31-01-2065 02-07-2065 01-12-2065 02-05-2066 01-10-2066 02-03-2067 02-08-2067 Capricorn (4y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 01-01-2022 01-01-2026 01-01-2022 02-05-2022 01-09-2022 01-01-2023 03-05-2023 01-09-2023 01-01-2024 02-05-2024 01-09-2024 31-12-2024 02-05-2025 01-09-2025 Aquarius (2y) Beginning Ending 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 26y0m 01-01-2039 31-12-2040 01-01-2039 03-03-2039 03-05-2039 02-07-2039 01-09-2039 01-11-2039 01-01-2040 02-03-2040 02-05-2040 02-07-2040 01-09-2040 31-10-2040 Sagittarius (5y) Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9y0m 55y0m 01-01-2068 31-12-2072 01-01-2068 01-06-2068 31-10-2068 01-04-2069 01-09-2069 31-01-2070 02-07-2070 01-12-2070 02-05-2071 02-10-2071 02-03-2072 01-08-2072 Taurus (6y) Beginning Ending 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem Pisces (10y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib Aries (10y) Beginning Ending 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 13y0m 01-01-2026 01-01-2032 01-01-2026 02-07-2026 01-01-2027 03-07-2027 01-01-2028 02-07-2028 31-12-2028 02-07-2029 01-01-2030 02-07-2030 01-01-2031 03-07-2031 27y11m 31-12-2040 01-01-2051 31-12-2040 01-11-2041 01-09-2042 02-07-2043 02-05-2044 02-03-2045 01-01-2046 01-11-2046 01-09-2047 02-07-2048 02-05-2049 02-03-2050 59y11m 31-12-2072 31-12-2082 31-12-2072 31-10-2073 01-09-2074 02-07-2075 02-05-2076 02-03-2077 31-12-2077 01-11-2078 01-09-2079 01-07-2080 02-05-2081 02-03-2082 Gemini (6y) Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco Cancer (12y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo Leo (8y) Beginning Ending 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 19y0m 01-01-2032 01-01-2038 01-01-2032 02-07-2032 31-12-2032 02-07-2033 01-01-2034 02-07-2034 01-01-2035 02-07-2035 01-01-2036 02-07-2036 31-12-2036 02-07-2037 38y0m 01-01-2051 01-01-2063 01-01-2051 01-01-2052 31-12-2052 31-12-2053 01-01-2055 01-01-2056 31-12-2056 31-12-2057 01-01-2059 01-01-2060 31-12-2060 31-12-2061 69y11m 31-12-2082 31-12-2090 31-12-2082 01-09-2083 01-05-2084 31-12-2084 31-08-2085 02-05-2086 31-12-2086 01-09-2087 01-05-2088 31-12-2088 31-08-2089 02-05-2090 PAE2500 • 41 ¬ SAMPLE Lagna Kendradi Rashi Dasha #1 Lagna Kendradi Rashi Dasha The given dates are given for dasha beginning. • Running age is given for dasha beginning dates. Virgo (9y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib Leo (8y) Beginning Ending 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap Cancer (12y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 0y0m* 01-01-2013 01-01-2022 01-01-2013 01-10-2013 02-07-2014 02-04-2015 01-01-2016 01-10-2016 02-07-2017 02-04-2018 01-01-2019 02-10-2019 02-07-2020 02-04-2021 30y0m 01-01-2043 01-01-2051 01-01-2043 01-09-2043 02-05-2044 31-12-2044 01-09-2045 02-05-2046 01-01-2047 01-09-2047 02-05-2048 31-12-2048 01-09-2049 02-05-2050 51y0m 01-01-2064 01-01-2076 01-01-2064 31-12-2064 31-12-2065 01-01-2067 01-01-2068 31-12-2068 31-12-2069 01-01-2071 01-01-2072 31-12-2072 31-12-2073 01-01-2075 Gemini (6y) Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco Taurus (6y) Beginning Ending 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem Aries (10y) Beginning Ending 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 9y0m 01-01-2022 01-01-2028 01-01-2022 02-07-2022 01-01-2023 03-07-2023 01-01-2024 02-07-2024 31-12-2024 02-07-2025 01-01-2026 02-07-2026 01-01-2027 03-07-2027 38y0m 01-01-2051 31-12-2056 01-01-2051 02-07-2051 01-01-2052 02-07-2052 31-12-2052 02-07-2053 31-12-2053 02-07-2054 01-01-2055 02-07-2055 01-01-2056 02-07-2056 63y0m 01-01-2076 31-12-2085 01-01-2076 31-10-2076 01-09-2077 02-07-2078 02-05-2079 02-03-2080 31-12-2080 31-10-2081 01-09-2082 02-07-2083 01-05-2084 02-03-2085 Pisces (10y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 15y0m 01-01-2028 01-01-2038 01-01-2028 01-11-2028 01-09-2029 02-07-2030 03-05-2031 02-03-2032 31-12-2032 01-11-2033 01-09-2034 02-07-2035 02-05-2036 02-03-2037 Aquarius (2y) Beginning Ending 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 31-12-2056 01-01-2059 31-12-2056 02-03-2057 02-05-2057 02-07-2057 01-09-2057 01-11-2057 31-12-2057 02-03-2058 02-05-2058 02-07-2058 01-09-2058 01-11-2058 Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco Scorpio (5y) 25y0m 01-01-2038 01-01-2043 01-01-2038 02-06-2038 01-11-2038 02-04-2039 01-09-2039 01-02-2040 02-07-2040 01-12-2040 02-05-2041 01-10-2041 02-03-2042 02-08-2042 46y0m Beginning Ending 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 01-01-2059 01-01-2064 01-01-2059 02-06-2059 01-11-2059 01-04-2060 31-08-2060 31-01-2061 02-07-2061 01-12-2061 02-05-2062 01-10-2062 03-03-2063 02-08-2063 72y11m Libra (1y) 76y11m 31-12-2085 31-12-2089 31-12-2085 02-05-2086 01-09-2086 31-12-2086 02-05-2087 01-09-2087 01-01-2088 01-05-2088 31-08-2088 31-12-2088 02-05-2089 31-08-2089 Beginning Ending 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 31-12-2089 31-12-2090 31-12-2089 31-01-2090 02-03-2090 02-04-2090 02-05-2090 01-06-2090 02-07-2090 01-08-2090 01-09-2090 01-10-2090 01-11-2090 01-12-2090 Capricorn (4y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 43y11m Sagittarius (5y) PAE2500 • 42 ¬ SAMPLE Shoola Dasha Shoola Dasha The given dates are given for dasha beginning. • Running age is given for dasha beginning dates. Virgo (9y) Beginning Ending 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 0y0m* Libra (9y) 9y0m 01-01-2013 01-01-2022 01-01-2013 01-10-2013 02-07-2014 02-04-2015 01-01-2016 01-10-2016 02-07-2017 02-04-2018 01-01-2019 02-10-2019 02-07-2020 02-04-2021 Beginning Ending 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 01-01-2022 01-01-2031 01-01-2022 02-10-2022 03-07-2023 02-04-2024 31-12-2024 01-10-2025 02-07-2026 02-04-2027 01-01-2028 01-10-2028 02-07-2029 02-04-2030 Capricorn (9y) Beginning Ending 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu Taurus (9y) Beginning Ending 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 35y11m 31-12-2048 31-12-2057 31-12-2048 01-10-2049 02-07-2050 02-04-2051 01-01-2052 01-10-2052 02-07-2053 02-04-2054 01-01-2055 02-10-2055 02-07-2056 02-04-2057 71y11m 31-12-2084 31-12-2093 31-12-2084 01-10-2085 02-07-2086 02-04-2087 01-01-2088 01-10-2088 02-07-2089 02-04-2090 31-12-2090 01-10-2091 01-07-2092 01-04-2093 Aquarius (9y) Beginning Ending 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap Gemini (9y) Beginning Ending 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 44y11m 31-12-2057 01-01-2067 31-12-2057 01-10-2058 02-07-2059 01-04-2060 31-12-2060 01-10-2061 02-07-2062 02-04-2063 01-01-2064 01-10-2064 02-07-2065 02-04-2066 80y11m 31-12-2093 01-01-2103 31-12-2093 01-10-2094 02-07-2095 01-04-2096 31-12-2096 01-10-2097 02-07-2098 02-04-2099 01-01-2100 02-10-2100 02-07-2101 02-04-2102 Scorpio (9y) Beginning Ending 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag Pisces (9y) Beginning Ending 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari Cancer (9y) Beginning Ending 4 Can 3 Gem 2 Tau 1 Ari 12 Pis 11 Aqu 10 Cap 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Lib 6 Vir 5 Leo 18y0m Sagittarius (9y) 27y0m 01-01-2031 01-01-2040 01-01-2031 02-10-2031 02-07-2032 02-04-2033 01-01-2034 02-10-2034 02-07-2035 01-04-2036 31-12-2036 01-10-2037 02-07-2038 02-04-2039 Beginning Ending 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 01-01-2040 31-12-2048 01-01-2040 01-10-2040 02-07-2041 02-04-2042 01-01-2043 02-10-2043 02-07-2044 02-04-2045 01-01-2046 01-10-2046 02-07-2047 01-04-2048 54y0m Aries (9y) 63y0m 01-01-2067 01-01-2076 01-01-2067 02-10-2067 01-07-2068 01-04-2069 31-12-2069 01-10-2070 02-07-2071 01-04-2072 31-12-2072 01-10-2073 02-07-2074 02-04-2075 Beginning Ending 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 01-01-2076 31-12-2084 01-01-2076 01-10-2076 02-07-2077 02-04-2078 01-01-2079 01-10-2079 01-07-2080 01-04-2081 31-12-2081 01-10-2082 02-07-2083 01-04-2084 90y0m 01-01-2103 02-01-2112 01-01-2103 02-10-2103 02-07-2104 02-04-2105 01-01-2106 02-10-2106 03-07-2107 02-04-2108 01-01-2109 02-10-2109 03-07-2110 03-04-2111 Leo (9y) Beginning Ending 5 Leo 6 Vir 7 Lib 8 Sco 9 Sag 10 Cap 11 Aqu 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem 4 Can 99y0m 02-01-2112 01-01-2121 02-01-2112 01-10-2112 02-07-2113 02-04-2114 01-01-2115 02-10-2115 02-07-2116 02-04-2117 01-01-2118 02-10-2118 03-07-2119 02-04-2120 PAE2500 • 43 ¬ SAMPLE Tribhagi Dasha #1 Tribhagi Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth : Mercury 4y 9m 11d Dasha at the time of birth : Me-Ra-Ra-Mo-Ju Mer cur y (11y) Antar Beginning Ketu (4y) Ending Venus (13y) Antar Beginning Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu 01-01-2013 22-06-2014 Jupiter 22-06-2014 26-12-2015 Saturn 26-12-2015 12-10-2017 Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury 12-10-2017 19-01-2018 19-01-2018 30-10-2018 30-10-2018 23-01-2019 23-01-2019 14-06-2019 14-06-2019 22-09-2019 22-09-2019 04-06-2020 04-06-2020 17-01-2021 17-01-2021 14-10-2021 14-10-2021 12-06-2022 Sun (4y) Moon (6y) Antar Beginning Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus 12-10-2035 24-12-2035 24-12-2035 24-04-2036 24-04-2036 18-07-2036 18-07-2036 22-02-2037 22-02-2037 05-09-2037 05-09-2037 24-04-2038 24-04-2038 17-11-2038 17-11-2038 11-02-2039 11-02-2039 12-10-2039 Ending Rahu (12y) Ending Beginning Ending Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars 10-02-2051 29-11-2052 29-11-2052 06-07-2054 06-07-2054 30-05-2056 30-05-2056 10-02-2058 10-02-2058 24-10-2058 24-10-2058 23-10-2060 23-10-2060 30-05-2061 30-05-2061 31-05-2062 31-05-2062 10-02-2063 Beginning Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu 12-06-2022 01-09-2024 01-09-2024 02-05-2025 02-05-2025 12-06-2026 12-06-2026 23-03-2027 23-03-2027 23-03-2029 23-03-2029 01-01-2031 01-01-2031 10-02-2033 10-02-2033 01-01-2035 01-01-2035 12-10-2035 Ending Mar s (4y) Antar Beginning Ending Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun 12-10-2039 02-05-2040 02-05-2040 21-09-2040 21-09-2040 21-09-2041 21-09-2041 12-08-2042 12-08-2042 01-09-2043 01-09-2043 11-08-2044 11-08-2044 31-12-2044 31-12-2044 10-02-2046 10-02-2046 12-06-2046 J upiter (10y) Antar Antar Antar Beginning Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon 12-06-2046 19-09-2046 19-09-2046 02-06-2047 02-06-2047 15-01-2048 15-01-2048 11-10-2048 11-10-2048 10-06-2049 10-06-2049 17-09-2049 17-09-2049 28-06-2050 28-06-2050 21-09-2050 21-09-2050 10-02-2051 Ending Satur n (12y) Antar Beginning Ending Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu 10-02-2063 14-07-2064 14-07-2064 23-03-2066 23-03-2066 26-09-2067 26-09-2067 10-05-2068 10-05-2068 18-02-2070 18-02-2070 01-09-2070 01-09-2070 23-07-2071 23-07-2071 06-03-2072 06-03-2072 11-10-2073 Antar Beginning Ending Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter 11-10-2073 14-10-2075 14-10-2075 30-07-2077 30-07-2077 26-04-2078 26-04-2078 05-06-2080 05-06-2080 22-01-2081 22-01-2081 12-02-2082 12-02-2082 09-11-2082 09-11-2082 03-10-2084 03-10-2084 12-06-2086 PAE2500 • 44 ¬ SAMPLE Tribhagi 40 Dasha #1 Tribhagi 40 Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth : Mercury 2y 4m 22d Dasha at the time of birth : Me-Ra-Ra-Mo-Ju Mer cur y (5y) Antar Beginning Ketu (2y) Ending Venus (6y) Antar Beginning Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu 01-01-2013 26-09-2013 Jupiter 26-09-2013 29-06-2014 Saturn 29-06-2014 23-05-2015 Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury 23-05-2015 12-07-2015 12-07-2015 01-12-2015 01-12-2015 12-01-2016 12-01-2016 23-03-2016 23-03-2016 12-05-2016 12-05-2016 17-09-2016 17-09-2016 09-01-2017 09-01-2017 24-05-2017 24-05-2017 21-09-2017 Sun (2y) Moon (3y) Antar Beginning Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus 22-05-2024 28-06-2024 28-06-2024 28-08-2024 28-08-2024 09-10-2024 09-10-2024 27-01-2025 27-01-2025 04-05-2025 04-05-2025 28-08-2025 28-08-2025 09-12-2025 09-12-2025 21-01-2026 21-01-2026 23-05-2026 Ending Rahu (6y) Ending Beginning Ending Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars 21-01-2032 15-12-2032 15-12-2032 03-10-2033 03-10-2033 15-09-2034 15-09-2034 23-07-2035 23-07-2035 28-11-2035 28-11-2035 27-11-2036 27-11-2036 16-03-2037 16-03-2037 15-09-2037 15-09-2037 21-01-2038 Beginning Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu 21-09-2017 01-11-2018 01-11-2018 03-03-2019 03-03-2019 22-09-2019 22-09-2019 11-02-2020 11-02-2020 10-02-2021 10-02-2021 01-01-2022 01-01-2022 21-01-2023 21-01-2023 01-01-2024 01-01-2024 22-05-2024 Ending Mar s (2y) Antar Beginning Ending Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun 23-05-2026 01-09-2026 01-09-2026 11-11-2026 11-11-2026 13-05-2027 13-05-2027 22-10-2027 22-10-2027 02-05-2028 02-05-2028 21-10-2028 21-10-2028 31-12-2028 31-12-2028 22-07-2029 22-07-2029 21-09-2029 J upiter (5y) Antar Antar Antar Beginning Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon 21-09-2029 10-11-2029 10-11-2029 18-03-2030 18-03-2030 09-07-2030 09-07-2030 21-11-2030 21-11-2030 22-03-2031 22-03-2031 11-05-2031 11-05-2031 30-09-2031 30-09-2031 11-11-2031 11-11-2031 21-01-2032 Ending Satur n (6y) Antar Beginning Ending Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu 21-01-2038 08-10-2038 08-10-2038 12-08-2039 12-08-2039 14-05-2040 14-05-2040 05-09-2040 05-09-2040 26-07-2041 26-07-2041 01-11-2041 01-11-2041 12-04-2042 12-04-2042 04-08-2042 04-08-2042 23-05-2043 Antar Beginning Ending Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter 23-05-2043 23-05-2044 23-05-2044 16-04-2045 16-04-2045 29-08-2045 29-08-2045 18-09-2046 18-09-2046 12-01-2047 12-01-2047 24-07-2047 24-07-2047 06-12-2047 06-12-2047 17-11-2048 17-11-2048 21-09-2049 PAE2500 • 45 ¬ SAMPLE Shodashottari Dasha Shodashottari Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth : Mars 5y 0m 21d Dasha at the time of birth : Ma-Mo-Sa-Ve-Su Mar s (12y) Antar Mars Jupiter Saturn Ketu Moon Mercury Venus Sun Beginning J upiter (13y) Ending 01-01-2013 20-04-2013 20-04-2013 23-01-2015 23-01-2015 03-12-2016 03-12-2016 22-01-2018 Ketu (15y) Satur n (14y) Antar Beginning Ending Jupiter Saturn Ketu Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars 22-01-2018 08-07-2019 08-07-2019 31-01-2021 31-01-2021 07-10-2022 07-10-2022 23-07-2024 23-07-2024 19-06-2026 19-06-2026 25-06-2028 25-06-2028 18-09-2029 18-09-2029 22-01-2031 Moon (16y) Antar Beginning Ketu Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn 22-01-2045 31-12-2046 31-12-2046 25-01-2049 25-01-2049 08-04-2051 08-04-2051 05-08-2053 05-08-2053 07-01-2055 07-01-2055 26-07-2056 26-07-2056 01-04-2058 01-04-2058 22-01-2060 Ending Venus (18y) Beginning Ending Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn Ketu Moon Mercury 21-01-2093 08-11-2095 08-11-2095 23-07-2097 23-07-2097 03-06-2099 03-06-2099 10-06-2101 10-06-2101 12-08-2103 12-08-2103 10-12-2105 10-12-2105 03-06-2108 03-06-2108 23-01-2111 Beginning Saturn Ketu Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter 22-01-2031 01-10-2032 01-10-2032 24-07-2034 24-07-2034 28-06-2036 28-06-2036 17-07-2038 17-07-2038 18-09-2040 18-09-2040 16-01-2042 16-01-2042 29-06-2043 29-06-2043 22-01-2045 Ending Mer cur y (17y) Antar Beginning Ending Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn Ketu 22-01-2060 08-04-2062 08-04-2062 11-08-2064 11-08-2064 04-02-2067 04-02-2067 11-08-2068 11-08-2068 07-04-2070 07-04-2070 22-01-2072 22-01-2072 28-12-2073 28-12-2073 22-01-2076 Sun (11y) Antar Antar Antar Beginning Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn Ketu Moon 22-01-2076 20-07-2078 20-07-2078 10-03-2081 10-03-2081 20-10-2082 20-10-2082 23-07-2084 23-07-2084 19-06-2086 19-06-2086 07-07-2088 07-07-2088 18-09-2090 18-09-2090 21-01-2093 Ending Mar s (12y) Antar Beginning Ending Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn Ketu Moon Mercury Venus 23-01-2111 08-02-2112 08-02-2112 29-03-2113 29-03-2113 23-06-2114 23-06-2114 21-10-2115 21-10-2115 23-03-2117 23-03-2117 28-09-2118 28-09-2118 09-05-2120 09-05-2120 23-01-2122 Antar Beginning Ending Mars Jupiter Saturn Ketu Moon Mercury Venus Sun 23-01-2122 21-04-2123 21-04-2123 24-08-2124 24-08-2124 04-02-2126 04-02-2126 25-08-2127 25-08-2127 20-04-2129 20-04-2129 23-01-2131 23-01-2131 03-12-2132 03-12-2132 22-01-2134 PAE2500 • 46 ¬ SAMPLE Dwadashottari Dasha Dwadashottari Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth : Ketu 4y 7m 20d Dasha at the time of birth : Ke-Sa-Ju-Ma-Ke Ketu (11y) Antar Ketu Mercury Rahu Mars Saturn Moon Sun Jupiter Beginning Mer cur y (13y) Ending 01-01-2013 02-01-2014 02-01-2014 25-01-2016 25-01-2016 02-10-2016 02-10-2016 21-08-2017 Mar s (17y) Rahu (15y) Antar Beginning Ending Mercury Rahu Mars Saturn Moon Sun Jupiter Ketu 21-08-2017 23-02-2019 23-02-2019 20-11-2020 20-11-2020 11-11-2022 11-11-2022 25-01-2025 25-01-2025 04-07-2027 04-07-2027 26-04-2028 26-04-2028 12-05-2029 12-05-2029 21-08-2030 Satur n (19y) Antar Beginning Mars Saturn Moon Sun Jupiter Ketu Mercury Rahu 21-08-2045 21-03-2048 21-03-2048 07-02-2051 07-02-2051 16-04-2054 16-04-2054 09-05-2055 09-05-2055 19-09-2056 19-09-2056 22-05-2058 22-05-2058 12-05-2060 12-05-2060 21-08-2062 Ending Sun (7y) Beginning Ending Sun Jupiter Ketu Mercury Rahu Mars Saturn Moon 22-08-2102 29-01-2103 29-01-2103 22-08-2103 22-08-2103 29-04-2104 29-04-2104 20-02-2105 20-02-2105 28-01-2106 28-01-2106 21-02-2107 21-02-2107 29-04-2108 29-04-2108 22-08-2109 Beginning Rahu Mars Saturn Moon Sun Jupiter Ketu Mercury 21-08-2030 24-08-2032 24-08-2032 04-12-2034 04-12-2034 20-06-2037 20-06-2037 12-04-2040 12-04-2040 21-03-2041 21-03-2041 04-06-2042 04-06-2042 24-11-2043 24-11-2043 21-08-2045 Ending Moon (21y) Antar Beginning Ending Saturn Moon Sun Jupiter Ketu Mercury Rahu Mars 21-08-2062 10-11-2065 10-11-2065 04-06-2069 04-06-2069 11-08-2070 11-08-2070 20-02-2072 20-02-2072 02-01-2074 02-01-2074 17-03-2076 17-03-2076 03-10-2078 03-10-2078 21-08-2081 J upiter (9y) Antar Antar Antar Beginning Moon Sun Jupiter Ketu Mercury Rahu Mars Saturn 21-08-2081 29-07-2085 29-07-2085 20-11-2086 20-11-2086 29-07-2088 29-07-2088 21-08-2090 21-08-2090 27-01-2093 27-01-2093 21-11-2095 21-11-2095 28-01-2099 28-01-2099 22-08-2102 Ending Ketu (11y) Antar Beginning Ending Jupiter Ketu Mercury Rahu Mars Saturn Moon Sun 22-08-2109 13-05-2110 13-05-2110 01-04-2111 01-04-2111 16-04-2112 16-04-2112 30-06-2113 30-06-2113 11-11-2114 11-11-2114 22-05-2116 22-05-2116 28-01-2118 28-01-2118 22-08-2118 Antar Beginning Ending Ketu Mercury Rahu Mars Saturn Moon Sun Jupiter 22-08-2118 20-09-2119 20-09-2119 30-12-2120 30-12-2120 21-06-2122 21-06-2122 21-02-2124 21-02-2124 02-01-2126 02-01-2126 26-01-2128 26-01-2128 03-10-2128 03-10-2128 21-08-2129 PAE2500 • 47 ¬ SAMPLE Dwisaptatisama Dasha Dwisaptatisama Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth : Moon 3y 9m 16d Dasha at the time of birth : Mo-Ve-Ma-Ma-Me Moon (9y) Antar Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Sun Beginning Mar s (9y) Ending 01-01-2013 03-06-2013 03-06-2013 19-07-2014 19-07-2014 02-09-2015 02-09-2015 17-10-2016 J upiter (9y) Mer cur y (9y) Antar Beginning Ending Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Sun Moon 17-10-2016 02-12-2017 02-12-2017 17-01-2019 17-01-2019 03-03-2020 03-03-2020 18-04-2021 18-04-2021 03-06-2022 03-06-2022 19-07-2023 19-07-2023 02-09-2024 02-09-2024 18-10-2025 Venus (9y) Antar Beginning Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Sun Moon Mars Mercury 18-10-2034 03-12-2035 03-12-2035 17-01-2037 17-01-2037 03-03-2038 03-03-2038 18-04-2039 18-04-2039 02-06-2040 02-06-2040 18-07-2041 18-07-2041 02-09-2042 02-09-2042 18-10-2043 Ending Rahu (9y) Beginning Ending Rahu Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn 17-10-2061 02-12-2062 02-12-2062 17-01-2064 17-01-2064 03-03-2065 03-03-2065 18-04-2066 18-04-2066 03-06-2067 03-06-2067 18-07-2068 18-07-2068 02-09-2069 02-09-2069 17-10-2070 Beginning Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Sun Moon Mars 18-10-2025 02-12-2026 02-12-2026 17-01-2028 17-01-2028 03-03-2029 03-03-2029 18-04-2030 18-04-2030 03-06-2031 03-06-2031 18-07-2032 18-07-2032 02-09-2033 02-09-2033 18-10-2034 Ending Satur n (9y) Antar Beginning Ending Venus Saturn Rahu Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter 18-10-2043 02-12-2044 02-12-2044 17-01-2046 17-01-2046 04-03-2047 04-03-2047 18-04-2048 18-04-2048 02-06-2049 02-06-2049 18-07-2050 18-07-2050 02-09-2051 02-09-2051 17-10-2052 Sun (9y) Antar Antar Antar Beginning Saturn Rahu Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus 17-10-2052 02-12-2053 02-12-2053 17-01-2055 17-01-2055 03-03-2056 03-03-2056 18-04-2057 18-04-2057 03-06-2058 03-06-2058 18-07-2059 18-07-2059 01-09-2060 01-09-2060 17-10-2061 Ending Moon (9y) Antar Beginning Ending Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 17-10-2070 02-12-2071 02-12-2071 16-01-2073 16-01-2073 03-03-2074 03-03-2074 18-04-2075 18-04-2075 02-06-2076 02-06-2076 18-07-2077 18-07-2077 02-09-2078 02-09-2078 18-10-2079 Antar Beginning Ending Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Sun 18-10-2079 02-12-2080 02-12-2080 16-01-2082 16-01-2082 03-03-2083 03-03-2083 17-04-2084 17-04-2084 02-06-2085 02-06-2085 18-07-2086 18-07-2086 02-09-2087 02-09-2087 17-10-2088 PAE2500 • 48 ¬ SAMPLE Shastihayani Dasha #1 Shastihayani Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth : Mars 4y 8m 26d Dasha at the time of birth : Ma-Sa-Ma-Ve-Ve Mar s (10y) Antar Mars Moon Mercury Venus Saturn Rahu Jupiter Sun Beginning Moon (6y) Ending 01-01-2013 29-05-2013 29-05-2013 29-05-2014 29-05-2014 28-01-2016 28-01-2016 27-09-2017 Venus (6y) Mer cur y (6y) Antar Beginning Ending Moon Mercury Venus Saturn Rahu Jupiter Sun Mars 27-09-2017 04-05-2018 04-05-2018 10-12-2018 10-12-2018 17-07-2019 17-07-2019 21-02-2020 21-02-2020 27-09-2020 27-09-2020 27-09-2021 27-09-2021 27-09-2022 27-09-2022 28-09-2023 Satur n (6y) Antar Beginning Venus Saturn Rahu Jupiter Sun Mars Moon Mercury 27-09-2029 04-05-2030 04-05-2030 09-12-2030 09-12-2030 17-07-2031 17-07-2031 16-07-2032 16-07-2032 16-07-2033 16-07-2033 16-07-2034 16-07-2034 21-02-2035 21-02-2035 28-09-2035 Ending J upiter (10y) Beginning Ending Jupiter Sun Mars Moon Mercury Venus Saturn Rahu 28-09-2047 28-05-2049 28-05-2049 27-01-2051 27-01-2051 27-09-2052 27-09-2052 27-09-2053 27-09-2053 27-09-2054 27-09-2054 27-09-2055 27-09-2055 27-09-2056 27-09-2056 27-09-2057 Beginning Mercury Venus Saturn Rahu Jupiter Sun Mars Moon 28-09-2023 04-05-2024 04-05-2024 09-12-2024 09-12-2024 16-07-2025 16-07-2025 20-02-2026 20-02-2026 21-02-2027 21-02-2027 21-02-2028 21-02-2028 20-02-2029 20-02-2029 27-09-2029 Ending Rahu (6y) Antar Beginning Ending Saturn Rahu Jupiter Sun Mars Moon Mercury Venus 28-09-2035 04-05-2036 04-05-2036 09-12-2036 09-12-2036 09-12-2037 09-12-2037 09-12-2038 09-12-2038 10-12-2039 10-12-2039 16-07-2040 16-07-2040 20-02-2041 20-02-2041 27-09-2041 Sun (10y) Antar Antar Antar Beginning Rahu Jupiter Sun Mars Moon Mercury Venus Saturn 27-09-2041 04-05-2042 04-05-2042 04-05-2043 04-05-2043 04-05-2044 04-05-2044 04-05-2045 04-05-2045 09-12-2045 09-12-2045 16-07-2046 16-07-2046 20-02-2047 20-02-2047 28-09-2047 Ending Mar s (10y) Antar Beginning Ending Sun Mars Moon Mercury Venus Saturn Rahu Jupiter 27-09-2057 29-05-2059 29-05-2059 26-01-2061 26-01-2061 27-01-2062 27-01-2062 27-01-2063 27-01-2063 27-01-2064 27-01-2064 26-01-2065 26-01-2065 27-01-2066 27-01-2066 27-09-2067 Antar Beginning Ending Mars Moon Mercury Venus Saturn Rahu Jupiter Sun 27-09-2067 28-05-2069 28-05-2069 28-05-2070 28-05-2070 29-05-2071 29-05-2071 28-05-2072 28-05-2072 28-05-2073 28-05-2073 28-05-2074 28-05-2074 27-01-2076 27-01-2076 27-09-2077 PAE2500 • 49 ¬ SAMPLE Shattrimshatsama Dasha #1 Shattrimshatsama Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth : Venus 2y 11m 13d Dasha at the time of birth : Ve-Ju-Mo-Ra-Ma Venus (7y) Antar Venus Rahu Moon Sun Jupiter Mars Mercury Saturn Beginning Rahu (8y) Ending 01-01-2013 13-01-2013 13-01-2013 24-10-2013 24-10-2013 14-10-2014 14-10-2014 14-12-2015 Sun (2y) Moon (1y) Antar Beginning Ending Rahu Moon Sun Jupiter Mars Mercury Saturn Venus 14-12-2015 24-09-2017 24-09-2017 14-12-2017 14-12-2017 25-05-2018 25-05-2018 24-01-2019 24-01-2019 14-12-2019 14-12-2019 23-01-2021 23-01-2021 25-05-2022 25-05-2022 14-12-2023 J upiter (3y) Antar Beginning Sun Jupiter Mars Mercury Saturn Venus Rahu Moon 14-12-2024 23-01-2025 23-01-2025 25-03-2025 25-03-2025 14-06-2025 14-06-2025 24-09-2025 24-09-2025 23-01-2026 23-01-2026 14-06-2026 14-06-2026 24-11-2026 24-11-2026 14-12-2026 Ending Mer cur y (5y) Beginning Ending Mercury Saturn Venus Rahu Moon Sun Jupiter Mars 14-12-2033 24-08-2034 24-08-2034 25-06-2035 25-06-2035 14-06-2036 14-06-2036 25-07-2037 25-07-2037 13-09-2037 13-09-2037 24-12-2037 24-12-2037 25-05-2038 25-05-2038 14-12-2038 Beginning Moon Sun Jupiter Mars Mercury Saturn Venus Rahu 14-12-2023 24-12-2023 24-12-2023 14-01-2024 14-01-2024 13-02-2024 13-02-2024 25-03-2024 25-03-2024 15-05-2024 15-05-2024 14-07-2024 14-07-2024 23-09-2024 23-09-2024 14-12-2024 Ending Mar s (4y) Antar Beginning Ending Jupiter Mars Mercury Saturn Venus Rahu Moon Sun 14-12-2026 15-03-2027 15-03-2027 15-07-2027 15-07-2027 14-12-2027 14-12-2027 14-06-2028 14-06-2028 13-01-2029 13-01-2029 13-09-2029 13-09-2029 14-10-2029 14-10-2029 14-12-2029 Satur n (6y) Antar Antar Antar Beginning Mars Mercury Saturn Venus Rahu Moon Sun Jupiter 14-12-2029 25-05-2030 25-05-2030 14-12-2030 14-12-2030 15-08-2031 15-08-2031 25-05-2032 25-05-2032 14-04-2033 14-04-2033 25-05-2033 25-05-2033 14-08-2033 14-08-2033 14-12-2033 Ending Venus (7y) Antar Beginning Ending Saturn Venus Rahu Moon Sun Jupiter Mars Mercury 14-12-2038 14-12-2039 14-12-2039 12-02-2041 12-02-2041 14-06-2042 14-06-2042 14-08-2042 14-08-2042 14-12-2042 14-12-2042 15-06-2043 15-06-2043 13-02-2044 13-02-2044 13-12-2044 Antar Beginning Ending Venus Rahu Moon Sun Jupiter Mars Mercury Saturn 13-12-2044 25-04-2046 25-04-2046 14-11-2047 14-11-2047 24-01-2048 24-01-2048 14-06-2048 14-06-2048 13-01-2049 13-01-2049 24-10-2049 24-10-2049 14-10-2050 14-10-2050 14-12-2051 PAE2500 • 50 ¬ SAMPLE Panchottari Dasha Panchottari Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth : Moon 7y 2m 1d Dasha at the time of birth : Mo-Sa-Sa-Ve-Sa Moon (17y) Antar Beginning J upiter (18y) Ending Sun (12y) Antar Beginning Moon Jupiter Sun Mercury Saturn 01-01-2013 24-02-2015 Mars 24-02-2015 30-07-2017 Venus 30-07-2017 02-03-2020 Jupiter Sun Mercury Saturn Mars Venus Moon 02-03-2020 03-04-2023 03-04-2023 24-04-2025 24-04-2025 17-07-2027 17-07-2027 09-12-2029 09-12-2029 05-07-2032 05-07-2032 03-04-2035 03-04-2035 03-03-2038 Mer cur y (13y) Satur n (14y) Antar Beginning Mercury Saturn Mars Venus Moon Jupiter Sun 02-03-2050 11-10-2051 11-10-2051 05-07-2053 05-07-2053 15-05-2055 15-05-2055 07-05-2057 07-05-2057 15-06-2059 15-06-2059 06-09-2061 06-09-2061 03-03-2063 Ending Venus (16y) Ending Beginning Ending Venus Moon Jupiter Sun Mercury Saturn Mars 02-03-2092 09-08-2094 09-08-2094 12-03-2097 12-03-2097 09-12-2099 09-12-2099 08-10-2101 08-10-2101 02-10-2103 02-10-2103 19-11-2105 19-11-2105 03-03-2108 Beginning Sun Mercury Saturn Mars Venus Moon Jupiter 03-03-2038 16-07-2039 16-07-2039 09-01-2041 09-01-2041 17-08-2042 17-08-2042 04-05-2044 04-05-2044 03-03-2046 03-03-2046 10-02-2048 10-02-2048 02-03-2050 Ending Mar s (15y) Antar Beginning Ending Saturn Mars Venus Moon Jupiter Sun Mercury 03-03-2063 12-01-2065 12-01-2065 13-01-2067 13-01-2067 02-03-2069 02-03-2069 08-06-2071 08-06-2071 01-11-2073 01-11-2073 08-06-2075 08-06-2075 02-03-2077 Moon (17y) Antar Antar Antar Beginning Mars Venus Moon Jupiter Sun Mercury Saturn 02-03-2077 24-04-2079 24-04-2079 06-08-2081 06-08-2081 10-01-2084 10-01-2084 06-08-2086 06-08-2086 23-04-2088 23-04-2088 02-03-2090 02-03-2090 02-03-2092 Ending J upiter (18y) Antar Beginning Ending Moon Jupiter Sun Mercury Saturn Mars Venus 03-03-2108 03-12-2110 03-12-2110 01-11-2113 01-11-2113 12-10-2115 12-10-2115 19-11-2117 19-11-2117 24-02-2120 24-02-2120 31-07-2122 31-07-2122 03-03-2125 Antar Beginning Ending Jupiter Sun Mercury Saturn Mars Venus Moon 03-03-2125 03-04-2128 03-04-2128 24-04-2130 24-04-2130 16-07-2132 16-07-2132 10-12-2134 10-12-2134 06-07-2137 06-07-2137 03-04-2140 03-04-2140 03-03-2143 PAE2500 • 51 ¬ SAMPLE Satabdika Dasha Satabdika Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth : Venus 4y 2m 19d Dasha at the time of birth : Ve-Ma-Ju-Sa-Sa Venus (10y) Antar Venus Mercury Jupiter Mars Saturn Sun Moon Beginning Mer cur y (10y) Ending 01-01-2013 20-03-2013 20-03-2013 20-03-2016 20-03-2016 19-09-2016 19-09-2016 20-03-2017 Mar s (20y) J upiter (20y) Antar Beginning Ending Mercury Jupiter Mars Saturn Sun Moon Venus 20-03-2017 21-03-2018 21-03-2018 20-03-2020 20-03-2020 21-03-2022 21-03-2022 20-03-2025 20-03-2025 19-09-2025 19-09-2025 21-03-2026 21-03-2026 21-03-2027 Satur n (30y) Antar Beginning Mars Saturn Sun Moon Venus Mercury Jupiter 21-03-2047 21-03-2051 21-03-2051 20-03-2057 20-03-2057 20-03-2058 20-03-2058 21-03-2059 21-03-2059 20-03-2061 20-03-2061 21-03-2063 21-03-2063 20-03-2067 Ending Moon (5y) Beginning Ending Moon Venus Mercury Jupiter Mars Saturn Sun 21-03-2102 20-06-2102 20-06-2102 20-12-2102 20-12-2102 20-06-2103 20-06-2103 20-06-2104 20-06-2104 20-06-2105 20-06-2105 20-12-2106 20-12-2106 21-03-2107 Beginning Jupiter Mars Saturn Sun Moon Venus Mercury 21-03-2027 21-03-2031 21-03-2031 21-03-2035 21-03-2035 20-03-2041 20-03-2041 20-03-2042 20-03-2042 21-03-2043 21-03-2043 20-03-2045 20-03-2045 21-03-2047 Ending Sun (5y) Antar Beginning Ending Saturn Sun Moon Venus Mercury Jupiter Mars 20-03-2067 20-03-2076 20-03-2076 19-09-2077 19-09-2077 20-03-2079 20-03-2079 20-03-2082 20-03-2082 20-03-2085 20-03-2085 20-03-2091 20-03-2091 20-03-2097 Venus (10y) Antar Antar Antar Beginning Sun Moon Venus Mercury Jupiter Mars Saturn 20-03-2097 19-06-2097 19-06-2097 18-09-2097 18-09-2097 20-03-2098 20-03-2098 19-09-2098 19-09-2098 19-09-2099 19-09-2099 19-09-2100 19-09-2100 21-03-2102 Ending Mer cur y (10y) Antar Beginning Ending Venus Mercury Jupiter Mars Saturn Sun Moon 21-03-2107 20-03-2108 20-03-2108 21-03-2109 21-03-2109 21-03-2111 21-03-2111 21-03-2113 21-03-2113 20-03-2116 20-03-2116 19-09-2116 19-09-2116 21-03-2117 Antar Beginning Ending Mercury Jupiter Mars Saturn Sun Moon Venus 21-03-2117 21-03-2118 21-03-2118 20-03-2120 20-03-2120 21-03-2122 21-03-2122 21-03-2125 21-03-2125 19-09-2125 19-09-2125 21-03-2126 21-03-2126 21-03-2127 PAE2500 • 52 ¬ SAMPLE Chaturshitisama Dasha Chaturshitisama Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth : Sun 5y 0m 21d Dasha at the time of birth : Su-Ju-Ju-Sa-Mo Sun (12y) Antar Beginning Moon (12y) Ending Mar s (12y) Antar Beginning Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter 01-01-2013 19-08-2014 Venus 19-08-2014 06-05-2016 Saturn 06-05-2016 22-01-2018 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun 22-01-2018 10-10-2019 10-10-2019 28-06-2021 28-06-2021 16-03-2023 16-03-2023 01-12-2024 01-12-2024 19-08-2026 19-08-2026 06-05-2028 06-05-2028 22-01-2030 Mer cur y (12y) J upiter (12y) Antar Beginning Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars 22-01-2042 10-10-2043 10-10-2043 27-06-2045 27-06-2045 16-03-2047 16-03-2047 01-12-2048 01-12-2048 19-08-2050 19-08-2050 06-05-2052 06-05-2052 22-01-2054 Ending Satur n (12y) Ending Beginning Ending Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus 22-01-2078 10-10-2079 10-10-2079 27-06-2081 27-06-2081 15-03-2083 15-03-2083 30-11-2084 30-11-2084 19-08-2086 19-08-2086 06-05-2088 06-05-2088 22-01-2090 Beginning Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon 22-01-2030 10-10-2031 10-10-2031 27-06-2033 27-06-2033 16-03-2035 16-03-2035 01-12-2036 01-12-2036 19-08-2038 19-08-2038 06-05-2040 06-05-2040 22-01-2042 Ending Venus (12y) Antar Beginning Ending Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury 22-01-2054 10-10-2055 10-10-2055 27-06-2057 27-06-2057 15-03-2059 15-03-2059 01-12-2060 01-12-2060 19-08-2062 19-08-2062 06-05-2064 06-05-2064 22-01-2066 Sun (12y) Antar Antar Antar Beginning Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter 22-01-2066 10-10-2067 10-10-2067 27-06-2069 27-06-2069 15-03-2071 15-03-2071 30-11-2072 30-11-2072 19-08-2074 19-08-2074 06-05-2076 06-05-2076 22-01-2078 Ending Moon (12y) Antar Beginning Ending Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn 22-01-2090 10-10-2091 10-10-2091 27-06-2093 27-06-2093 15-03-2095 15-03-2095 30-11-2096 30-11-2096 18-08-2098 18-08-2098 07-05-2100 07-05-2100 23-01-2102 Antar Beginning Ending Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun 23-01-2102 11-10-2103 11-10-2103 28-06-2105 28-06-2105 16-03-2107 16-03-2107 01-12-2108 01-12-2108 19-08-2110 19-08-2110 06-05-2112 06-05-2112 23-01-2114 PAE2500 • 53 ¬ SAMPLE Krishnamurti Paddhati - Chart Krishnamurti Paddhati 1 January 2013 • 01:00 hrs. • New Delhi, Delhi, India Planet R/C Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Uranus Neptune Pluto C R Sign Degr ee Nakshatr a Pada RL NL SL SS Vir Sag Can Cap Sag Tau Sco Lib Lib Ari Pis Aqu Sag Chitra Poorvashadha Ashlesha Shravana Moola Rohini Jyeshtha Swati Vishakha Krittika Uttarabhadra Shatabhishak Poorvashadha 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 Ve Ra Ju Sa Sa Ma Ve Ve Ra Ju Me Ju Me 23:55:47 16:30:12 24:28:44 10:34:27 06:19:43 13:52:54 25:30:09 15:34:22 29:39:39 29:39:39 10:49:14 07:07:30 15:22:06 Birth Chart Sa Ra 7 Ve 8 Me Su Me Ju Mo Sa Ju Ve Ma Ve Ve Ma Ju Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Ke Mo Me Ra Ju Su Sa Ra Ve Ma Mo Ra Mo Ra Ra Ra Ve Mo Ra Su Ra Ve Cuspal Chart Ra As 9 Ma 10 11 5 4 Mo Me Su Ve 6 3 12 Sa As Ma 1 Ke Mo 2 JuR JuR Ke Bhava Details (Placidus System) House cusp Sign Degr ee Nakshatr a Pada RL NL SL SS 1.First 2.Second 3.Third 4.Fourth 5.Fifth 6.Sixth 7.Seventh 8.Eighth 9.Ninth 10.Tenth 11.Eleventh 12.Twelfth Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Chitra Vishakha Jyeshtha Poorvashadha Dhanishta Poorvabhadra Revati Bharani Rohini Punarvasu Ashlesha Uttara Phalg. 1 1 2 4 2 3 3 3 4 2 4 1 Ve Ve Ke Mo Me Su Ve Ke Sa Mo Me Ju 23:55:47 22:32:48 23:05:15 24:49:43 26:42:37 26:57:24 23:55:47 22:32:48 23:05:15 24:49:43 26:42:37 26:57:24 Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Ju Me Ve Mo Ju Me Su Ma Sa Mo Me Ju Ve Ma Sa Su Me Ju Su PAE2500 • 54 ¬ SAMPLE Krishnamurti Paddhati - Significators Krishnamurti Paddhati Significations of the Houses House Planets in nak. of occupants 1. First 2. Second 3. Third 4. Fourth 5. Fifth 6. Sixth 7. Seventh 8. Eighth 9. Ninth 10. Tenth 11. Eleventh 12. Twelfth Sa Ke,Mo,Ve,Su Occupants Sa Ra Su,Me,Ve Ma Planets in nak. of cusp sign lor d Mo,Ve Su Ra Ra Ra,Me Ju,Ke Ma,Ju Mo Su Mo,Ve Ma,Ju Ke Cusp sign lor d Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Houses Signified by Planets Planet Planets as significator s of houses Ver y str ong Str ong Nor mal Weak significator significator significator significator Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu 3 10 3 4 10 3 8 8 10 3 1 2 2 8 3 8 2 9 12 1 11 3 8 11 1 10 4 7 11 1 2 9 10 5 6 4 7 12 Ruling Planets Day lord Lagna lord Lagna Nak Lord Lagna Sub Lord Moon Rashi lord Moon Nak. lord Moon Sub lord : : : : : : : Moon Mercury Mars Mars Moon Mercury Rahu Fortuna Bal. of dasha KP Ayanamsha : Tau 01:54:20 : Mercury 7y 0m 15d : -23:56:34 PAE2500 • 55 ¬ SAMPLE Classics : Houses and Planets Effects of the 1st house (Tanu Bhava) Indications of first house: physique, appearance, intellect (or the organ of intelligence, i.e. brain), complexion of the body, vigour, weakness, happiness, grief, and innate nature are all to be guessed through the ascending sign. BP 12-1. Physical comforts: Should the ascendant lord be conjunct with a malefic or be in 6th, 8th or 12th house, physical felicity will diminish. BP 12-1. If the ascendant lord is in an angle or trine there will be at all times comforts of the body. BP 12-1. If the ascendant lord is in debilitation, combustion, or enemy's sign, there will be diseases. BP 12-1. Ascendant lord with a benefic in an angle or trine, all diseases will disappear. BP 12-1. Angles from the ascendant (i.e. 4th, 7th, or l0th house) or its trine (5th, 9th) containing a benefic is a powerful remedy for all related to health. BP 12-3. Felicity of the body will be enjoyed if the ascendant is aspected by or conjunct with a benefic. BP 12-4. If the ascendant lord, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus be in an angle or in a trine, the native will be long lived, wealthy, intelligent and liked by the king. BP 12-7. If Mercury, Jupiter or Venus be in 4th, 7th or 10th from the ascendant or be in the company of the Moon in the ascendant, the native will enjoy royal fortunes. BP 24-4. If the ascendant lord is in 4th house, the native will be endowed with paternal and maternal happiness, will have many brothers, be lustful, virtuous and charming. BP 25-3. If Parivesha is in the 1st house, the native will be learned, truthful, peaceful, rich, endowed with sons, pure, charitable, and dear to elders. SA 34-5. If Jupiter aspects the ascendant one will be interested in religious observations, be honoured by the king, be famous and will be endowed with (the company of) virtuous people, elders and guests. Effects of the 2nd house (Dhana Bhava) Indications of 2nd house: Wealth, grains (food etc.), family, death, enemies, metals, precious stones etc. are to be understood through the second house. BP 13-1. A malefic in 2nd house will destroy wealth. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 56 SAMPLE ¬ BP 24-15. If lord of the 2nd house is in 3rd house, the native will be valorous, wise, virtuous, lustful, and miserly; all these when related to a benefic. If related to a malefic, the native will be a heterodox. BP 25-11. If Indrachapa is in 2nd house, the native will speak affably, be very rich, modest, learned, charming, and religious. SA 30-75. Satur n in the 2nd house: If Saturn occupies the 2nd house, the native will have an ugly face, will enjoy worldly prosperity, be devoid of his own men, will render justice, will later on (i.e. in the course of his life) go to other countries and will earn money and conveyances. HS 21-83. If Saturn occupies 2nd house, the native will not have any money left by his father. He will have self respect, courage, wealth, and be learned. GH 55. If Libra happens to be the 2nd house or an angle and is occupied by a malefic, the native only faces sheer poverty. He will not prove a good augury for his own people. Effects of the 3r d house (Sahaj Bhava) Indications of third house: From the third house, know of the following: valor, servants (attending, etc.), brothers, sisters, etc. initiatory instructions (Upadesh), journey, and parent's death. BP 14-1. Should 3rd house be conjunct with or aspected by a benefic, the native will be endowed with co-born and be courageous. BP 14-6. Happiness in this respect will come to pass if Mars or lord of the 3rd house is in an angle or in a trine or in exaltation, or friendly divisions. BP 24-29. If lord of the 3rd house is in 5th house, the native will have sons, and be virtuous. BP 24-29. If lord of the 3rd house is in 5th house conjunct with or aspected by a malefic, the native will have a formidable wife. BP 25-19. If Upaketu (Dhwaja) is in 3rd house, the native will be miserly, cruel acts, thin-bodied, poor, and will incur severe diseases. SA 30-63. Venus in the 3r d house: If Venus occupies the 3rd house, the native will be happy, rich, conquered by women, be vile, little enthusiastic and will be bereft of luck and paraphernalia. HS 21-69. One will join base women for the sake of sensual pleasures if Venus is placed in 3rd house. He will not have wealth and luxuries. Effects of 4th house (Bandhu Bhava) Indications of 4th house: Conveyances, relatives, mother, happiness, treasure, lands and buildings are to be consulted through 4th house. BP 15-2. Miscellaneous: Should lord of the 5th house be in his own house, or in own Navamsha or in exaltation, the native will be endowed with comforts related to lands, conveyances, houses, etc., and musical instruments. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 57 SAMPLE ¬ BP 15-16. Should a benefic be in 4th, aspects 4th, or in conjunct with the lord of 4th, or an aspect on the lord of 4th house, then the native will be happy with conveyances and be free from accidents and dangers. BP 15-17. Should a malefic be in 4th, aspects 4th, or in conjunct with the lord of 4th, or an aspect on the lord of 4th house, one will experience losses concerning vehicles and reduce one to severe accidents. BP 24-45. If lord of the 4th house is in 9th house, the native will be dear to one and all, be devoted to God, be virtuous, honourable, and endowed with every land of happiness. SA 30-4. The Sun in the 4th house: Should the Sun be in the 4th house the native will be devoid of conveyances and relatives, will suffer heart diseases, will destroy paternal house and wealth and will serve a bad king. SA 30-40. Mer cur y in the 4th house: If Mercury is in the 4th house, the native will be endowed with money and relatives, be fortunate, will have conveyances, all paraphernalia and relatives and be very learned. HS 21-10. One who has the Sun in 4th house will not have money of his own, will be distressed, wise, and valorous. HS 21-48. In 4th house he will be scholarly and learned. SA 31-6. If the Sun and Mercury are in the 4th, the native will be equal to a king, be famous, will keep up his promise, will be endowed with riches equal to that of Kubera (the God of Wealth in Hindu Mythology) and will have a corpulent body and crooked nose. GH 410. The Sun, Mercury in the 4th house: The native will suffer from windy and phlegmatic diseases, will have few sons, be insulted by enemies, attached to wicked people and interested in his own country. Effects of the 5th house (Putr a Bhava) Indications of 5th house: The learned should deduce from 5th house amulets, sacred spells, learning, knowledge, sons, royalty (or authority), fall of position, etc. BP 16-16. If lord of the 5th house is exalted or be in 2nd, 5th, or 9th house, or be conjunct with or aspected by Jupiter, obtainment of children will be there. BP 16-28. If 5th house has a malefic in it or if Saturn is in the 5th from Jupiter the native will beget offspring only through his second or third wife. BP 24-50. If lord of the 5th house is in 2nd house, the native will have many sons and wealth, be a pater familiaris, be honourable, be attached to his spouse, and be famous in the world. BP 25-35. If Pranapada is in 5th house, the native will be happy, will do good acts, be kind, and very affectionate. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 58 SAMPLE ¬ SA 30-29. Mar s in the 5th house: If Mars occupies the 5th house, the native will be devoid of happiness, wealth and sons, be fickle minded, be a talebearer, will incur evils, be wicked, distressed and mean. HS 21-37. Mars in the 5th house, makes a person grieved, ill-natured, and quite intelligent. SA 34-32. Issuelessness: If the 5th house falls in a malefic's sign and be occupied by strong malefics without benefic's aspect, the native will be childless. Effects of the 6th house (Ar i Bhava) Indications of 6th house: Maternal uncle, doubts about death, enemies, ulcers, step-mother, etc., are to be estimated from 6th house. BP 17-4. As regards, Rahu and Ketu, they do not own any house in the normal context. Hence, their position in 6th or 8th house, or the situation that they are joining lord of the 6th house need only be considered. Rahu or Ketu in the 6th or 8th house will cause stomachial disorders. BP 24-62. If lord of the 6th house is in 2nd house, the native will be adventurous, famous among his people, will live in alien countries (or places), be happy, be a skilful speaker, and be always interested in his own work. Effects of the 7th house (Yuvati Bhava) Indications of 7th house: Wife, travel, trade, loss of sight, death, etc., be known from 7th house. BP 18-5. Conversely, if 7th lord is in fall or is combust or is in an Enemy's sign, one will acquire sick wives and many wives. BP 18-6. Plurality of Wives : If 7th lord is in a sign of Saturn or of Venus and be aspected by a benefic, there will be many wives. BP 18-13. Should Venus be in a Navamsa of Mars or in a sign of Mars or receive an aspect from or be conjunct with Mars, the native will "kiss" the private parts of the female. BP 18-14. If Venus is so related to Saturn, the native will "kiss" the private parts of the male. BP 24-81. If lord of the 7th house is in 9th house, the native will have union with many women, be well-disposed to his own wife and will have many undertakings (or assignments). BP 25-44. If Vyatipata is in 7th house, the native will be bereft of wealth, wife and sons, will subdue to females, be miserable, sensuous, shameless, and friendly to others. SA 34-44. Should Mars and Venus be together in the 5th or 7th or 9th, the native will beget a languid or deformed wife. Effects of the 8th house (Randhr a Bhava) Indications of 8th house: 8th house indicates longevity, battle, enemies, forts, wealth of the dead, and Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 59 SAMPLE ¬ things that have happened and are to happen (in the past and future births). BP 24-89. If lord of the 8th is in 5th house, the native will be dull witted, will have limited number of children, be long-lived, and wealthy. BP 25-44. If Dhooma is in 8th, the native will be bereft of courage, but be enthusiastic, be truthful, disagreeable, hardhearted, and selfish. Effects of the 9th house (Bhagya Bhava) Indications of 9th house: Fortunes, wife's brother, religion, brother's wife, visits to shrines, etc., be known from 9th house. BP 24-99. If lord of the 9th house is in 3rd house, the native will be endowed with fraternal bliss, be wealthy, virtuous, and charming. SA 30-57. J upiter in the 9th house: If Jupiter is in the 9th house, the native will be attached to divine and paternal duties, be learned, fortunate, be a king's minister or a leader and be chief. HS 21-65. Jupiter in 9th house will make one enjoy all kinds of happiness. The native will be learned, splendorous, virtuous, and wealthy. SA 32-1. If the 9th house is aspected or occupied by its own lord, the native will make his fortunes in his own country. SA 32-2. The native will be extremely lucky if a planet lends full aspect to the 9th from the 3rd, 5th or ascendant. The planet in question should be strong in the process. SA 32-3. If Jupiter is placed in the 9th, the native will become a minister. SA 32-3. If Jupiter is in the 9th and is aspected by Venus one will have quadrupeds, conveyances and wealth. SA 32-10. If a planet is exalted in the 9th, an excellent person is born with plentifulness of wealth and gold. And if a benefic aspects the exalted planet in question, the native will be a supreme ruler, destroyer of the band of his enemies, will possess divine splendour and great fame. SA 32-84. If the 9th is occupied by planets, without the company of Mercury or Jupiter , the native will be sickly, ugly, void of relatives, be troubled by imprisonments and will suffer penury. Effects of the 10th house (Kar ma Bhava) Indications of 10th house: Royalty (authority), place, profession (livelihood), honour, father, living in foreign lands and debts are to be understood from 10th house. BP 24-112. If the lord of the 10th house is in 4th house, the native will be happy, be always interested in his mother's welfare, will lord over conveyances, lands and houses, be virtuous, and wealthy. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 60 SAMPLE ¬ Effects of the 11th house (Labha Bhava) Indications of 11th house: All articles, son's wife, income, prosperity, quadrupeds, etc., are to be understood from 11th house. BP 22-2. Should lord of the 11th house be in 11th itself or be in an angle or in a trine from the ascendant, there will be many gains. BP 24-131. If lord of the 11th house is in 11th house, the native will gain in all his undertakings while his learning and happiness will be on the increase day by day. SA 30-23. The Moon in the 11th house: Should the Moon occupy the 11th house, the native will be wealthy, will have many sons, be long-lived, will have attendants to serve, be intelligent, sharp, valorous and splendorous. HS 21-30. Should the Moon be in 11th house, one will be rich and a good scholar. He will possess cows, be acceptable to the king and be modest. SA 34-51. Should the Moon be in the 11th house or her division so related to the 11th house the native will gain through females and through sales of elephants. If the Moon is declining, these are not much but an increasing Moon increases these gains greatly. SA 34-58. If the 11th house is aspected by (or associated with) all the planets, advent of wealth will be in several ways. The strongest of those will have the highest influence. Effects of the 12th house (Vyaya Bhava) Indications of 12th house: From 12th house, one can know about expenses, history of enemies, one's own death, etc.. BP 23-4. If he be in an angle or trine, the native will beget a spouse. BP 24-136. If lord of the 12th house is in 4th house, the native will be devoid of maternal happiness and will day by day accrue losses with respect to lands, conveyances, and houses. BP 25-77. If Gulika is in 12th house, the native will indulge in base deeds, be sinful, defective-limbed, unfortunate, indolent, and will join mean people. Effects of the Sun SA 22-39. The Sun in Sagittar ius: If the Sun at birth is in Sagittarius, one will be endowed with wealth, be dear to king, learned, will respect gods and Brahmins, be skillful in rendering training in use of weapons and arrows and breeding of elephants, be fit to deal with, be honorable, be always peaceful, be rich, will possess a broad and beautiful physique, be helpful to relatives, and be energetic. SA 22-45. If Saturn aspects the Sun in Pisces or Sagittarius, the native will be unclean, will eat other's food, will join bad men and will breed animals. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 61 SAMPLE ¬ Effects of the Moon SA 23-23. The Moon in Cancer : If the Moon is in Cancer at birth, the native will be fortunate, valorous, be endowed with residence, friends, journeys and astrological knowledge, be sensuous, grateful, be a minister, be truthful, will live abroad, be passionate, hairy bodied, fond of water and flowers, interested in construction of houses, wells etc., and will have a prominent neck. SA 23-25. If the Moon in Cancer is aspected by Mars, the subject will be valorous, be deformed, will prove ominous to his mother and be skillful in his jobs. SA 23-29. Should Saturn aspect the Cancer-posited Moon, he will be of wandering disposition, be miserable, very poor, be a liar, a sinner and be mean. SA 45-3. The Moon in her own sign denotes one virtuously disposed, who is very intelligent and beautiful. Effects of Mar s SA 25-10. Mar s in Capr icor n: If Mars is posited in Capricorn at birth, one will be wealthy (or fortunate), be endowed with happiness and pleasures, be wealthy, will have an excellent disposition, be famous, be an army chief or a king, will possess a good wife, be successful in war, will live in his own country, be independent, be a protector, be virtuous and will be interested in various procedures. SA 25-19. Should Mars be in Capricorn or Aquarius and be aspected by the Moon, one will be fickle minded, be not well disposed towards his mother, be fond of beautification, be charitable, be not firm in friendship, and be rich. SA 25-19. Should Mars be in Capricorn or Aquarius and be aspected by Jupiter, the native will be very beautiful, will possess kingly qualities, will fulfill his undertakings, be long-lived and be endowed with relatives. Effects of Mer cur y SA 26-9. Mer cur y in Sagittar ius: Should Mercury be in Sagittarius, the native will be famous, liberal, will have knowledge of Vedas and Shastras, be valorous, will practice abstract meditation, be a minister, or family priest, be chief among his race-men, will be very rich, be interested in performing yagnas and teaching (Vedas etc.), be a skillful speaker, be charitable, and be an expert in writing and fine arts. SA 26-18. If Saturn aspect Mercury in Sagittarius/Pisces, the native will be intent upon living in forests, will eat much, be wicked, dirty and will be unsuccessful in all his undertakings. SA 45-6. If Mercury be placed in a sign that is ruled by his enemy, the subject will be devoid of intelligence, will experience many miseries and will be very poor. Effects of J upiter Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 62 SAMPLE ¬ SA 27-2. J upiter in Taur us: Should Jupiter be in Taurus, one will be endowed with a broad body, be corpulent, will honor Brahmins and Gods, be splendorous, fortunate, attached to his wife, be endowed with good appearance, profession, cows and abundant wealth; will possess good articles and ornaments, be distinguished in speech, intelligence and skill; will have political/judicial wisdom, be modest, be endowed with medical accomplishments and be skillful in experiments. SA 27-14. If Jupiter occupies a house of Venus and is aspected by Venus, the native will be very attractive, affluent, will wear excellent ornaments, be merciful and will enjoy excellent sleeping comforts and excellent robes. SA 45-6. If Jupiter is placed in a sign owned by his enemy, one will be a eunuch and be devoid of justice and wealth. GH 18. There will be no Arishtas (evils) if Jupiter is in an angle or in a trine, or in own house/exaltation house as the Ascendant. This will be so throughout the life. GH 19. There will be no evils whatsoever if one of Jupiter, Venus and Mercury is in an angle and with positional strength. Effects of Venus SA 28-8. Venus in Scor pio: If Venus occupies Scorpio, the subject will be jealous, be very malicious, be not religious, be argumentative, be crafty, be not attached to brothers, be not fortunate, will be troubled by enemies, be distressed, will be inimical to unchaste women, be skillful in killing, will incur heavy debts, will suffer penury, be proud and will contract venereal diseases. SA 28-13. If Venus is in Aries or Scorpio and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be endowed with beautiful eyes, will have a charitable wife, will possess a beautiful and long body, and will have many sons. SA 45-4. If Venus be in a friendly sign the native will be fond of friends, rich and adventurous. Effects of Satur n SA 29-7. Satur n in Libr a: Saturn posited in Libra at birth indicates that the subject will be rich, soft-spoken, will earn money and honours from foreign countries, be a king or a scholar, will have his wealth protected by his relatives, be senior in the circle, will attain a high status owing to his gracious speech in an assemblage, be good and will join corrupt females dancers and prostitutes. SA 45-1. Saturn's exaltation denotes association with royal assignment, leadership over villages and towns, gain of forest-born grains and mean females. SA 45-8. If two planets are simultaneously exalted at birth, the native will be rich and famous. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 63 SAMPLE ¬ Avasthas of Planets SA 45-11. If the Sun is in Prakash Avastha, the native will be liberal in disposition, will have plenty of wealth, will be a significant speaker in the assembly, will perform many meritorious acts, will be greatly strong, and will be endowed with charming beauty. SA 45-23. If the Sun is in Prakash Avastha, the native will be meritorious, religious, and liberal; he will enjoy pleasures, will be equal to a prince, and will enjoy the status of Kuber, the God of wealth. SA 45-101. If Jupiter is in Prakash Avastha, the native will enjoy virtues; he will be happy, splendorous, and will visit holy places devoted to Lord Krishna. SA 45-131. If Saturn is in Bhojan Avastha, the native will enjoy tastes of food; he will be weak-sighted and he will be fickle-minded due to mental delusion. SA 45-151. If Ketu is in Netrapani Avastha, the native will contract eye diseases, and will have fear from wicked people, snakes, enemies, and people of royal family. SA 45-162. If a malefic is in Bhojan Avastha, everything (related to the house concerned) will be destroyed and there is no need of a second thought. Mar ak (Killer ) Planets SA 44-8. Rahu and Ketu as Marakas: If Rahu or Ketu are placed in 1st, 7th, 8th, or 12th house, or happen to be in the 7th from a Marak lord, or are placed with such a planet, they acquire powers of killing in their major or sub periods. SA 44-14. Jupiter in 3rd house or giving an aspect to 3rd house will cause death by swelling or tumours. SA 44-14. Urinary diseases will cause death if Venus is in, or gives an aspect to 3rd house. SA 44-16. If 3rd house is occupied by a benefic, death will be in an auspicious place (like a shrine); SA 44-18. Consciousness will prevail at the time of death if Jupiter or Venus are placed in 3rd house. Effects of the Moon in a Nakshatr a HS 28-9. The native who has Aslesha as ruling Nakshatra will be cruel (or of malefic tendencies), fickleminded, eloquent, will lead mean, be bestowed with wisdom, will have a lot of money, will have income in multiple ways, will have sons, and will be cunning. Effects of the Moon in a sign HS 29-4. One with the Moon in Cancer will be very intelligent, of good qualities, superior of his Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 64 SAMPLE ¬ relatives, will be troubled by windy complaints, and fire, be talkative, will possess a strong body, be steady in quarrels, very strong, will have few issues, many houses, will be a Jyotishi,, will be fast (in action), happy, will have declined wealth, will obtain secret sons (i.e. from women other than his wife), be wise, be never lonely, will have lot to speak, and acquire wealth through kings. Effects of the Moon in Navamsha SA 24-7. If the Moon is in Capricorn/Aquarius Navamsha and is aspected by the Sun, the native will have a few children, be miserable with diseases and be ugly. Effects of Bir th in the Sever al Amshas HS 30-5. The native who has Leo Navamsha at birth will live in a manless zone, be very self-respected, will have thin belly, will have knowledge of everything in the world, will have weak teeth, be strong, and will be aggrieved. Mentionable evils should be expected in the 20th year, 10th year, 30th year, or the 60th year of age. Effects of Hor as SA 49-14. The (good effects) due to a Hora will come to pass in full measure if either the Sun or the Moon is strong in aspect to the ascendant lord or if the ascendant lord is himself in an angle. Effects of Decanates Effects of Navamshas SA 51-6. Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Eighth Navamsha: The native will be very beautiful, fair in complexion, tall in stature, will have charming eyes, be fierce, honorable and will have long and stout arms and brown hair. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 65 ¬ SAMPLE Classics: Planetary Yogas Gener al Yogas SA 35-4. If all planets are in 6 signs, Daam Yoga occurs. SA 35-16. Vajr Yoga: One born in Vajra Yoga will be happy in the beginning and at the end of life, be valorous, charming, devoid of desires, and fortunes and be inimical. SA 35-32. Daamini Yoga: One born in Daamini Yoga will be courageous, red-lettered, very affluent, famous, helpful to others and will have righteously earned wealth, many sons and gems. Many other Yogas SA 36-9. Shankh Yoga: If the ascendant's lord is strong, while the lords of 5th and 6th house are in mutual angles, then, what is known as Shankh Yoga is produced. Alternatively, if the ascendant's lord along with lord of the 10th house is in a movable sign, while lord of the 9th house is strong, Shankh Yoga occurs. One born with Shankh Yoga will be endowed with wealth, spouse and sons; he will be kindly disposed, propitious, intelligent, meritorious, and long lived. Multi Planetar y Yogas SA 15-3. SUN-MERCURY YOGA: If the Sun and Mercury are in one house, the native will be in service, will have unsteady wealth, be sweet in speech, will have fame and money, will be noble, dear to the king and good people and will possess strength, beauty and learning. The Moon' s Yogas SA 37-8. If a single benefic is there, the wealth will be negligible. The Sun' s Yogas SA 38-1. Veshi, Voshi, and Abhayachari Yogas: Barring the Moon, if a planet among Mars etc. be in the 2nd from the Sun, Veshi Yoga is formed; SA 38-1. Barring the Moon, if a planet among Mars etc. be in the 12th from the Sun, Vosi Yoga is formed; SA 38-1. And barring the Moon, if a planet among Mars etc. be in both the 2nd and the 12th from the Sun Ubhayachari Yoga is caused. SA 38-2. Effects of Veshi, Voshi, and Ubhayachari Yogas: One born in Veshi Yoga will be even sighted, truthful, long bodied, indolent, happy, and endowed with negligible wealth. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 66 SAMPLE ¬ SA 38-3. One born with Voshi Yoga will be skilful, charitable, and endowed with fame, learning and strength. SA 38-3. The Ubhayachari native will be a king or a equal to a king and will be happy. SA 38-4. Benefics causing Veshi, Voshi, or Ubhayachari Yogas will give the above mentioned effects, while malefics will produce contrary effects. Raja Yogas SA 35-2. According to Yavanas, if only malefics are exalted, the native will become a king indulging in cruel deeds. But as per Jeevasharma, such planets will make one valorous but not a king. One with such a Yoga (according to Kalyanavarma) will be honored and will become the head of a region. Similarly, malefics in the 3rd and 6th from ascendant's lord or from Atma Karaka sign will make one a king. SA 39-4. One will be related to royal circles if Venus is the Karakamsha, or in the 5th there from, or in ascendant, or in Arudha ascendant receiving an aspect from, or conjunct with Jupiter or the Moon. SA 39-5. Even if a single planet gives an aspect to the natal ascendant or Hora ascendant or Ghatika ascendant, the native will become a king. SA 39-14. If the Atma Karaka planet is in a benefic's sign/Navamsha, the native will be wealthy. SA 39-15. If there are benefics in angles from Karakamsha ascendant, he will become a king. SA 39-34. If one or two or three planets are in exaltation, one of a royal scion will become a king, while another will be equal to a king or be wealthy. Yogas for Royal Association SA 40-4. If Atma Karaka is strong and is with a benefic or Amatya Karaka is in its own house or in exaltation, one will surely become a king's minister. SA 40-5. Should malefics be in the 3rd and the 6th from Atma Karaka, or from Arudh ascendant, or in 3rd and 6th house, one will become an army chief. Combinations for Wealth Combinations for Penur y SA 42-6. if the ascendant's lord is conjunct with the lord of 6th, 8th, or 12th house, or with Saturn, and if the ascendant's lord is devoid of an aspect from a benefic the native will be penniless. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 67 SAMPLE ¬ SA 42-9. The lord of the Navamsha occupied by the Moon, joining a Marak planet or occupying a Marak house will make one penniless. Longevity SA 43-32. If Saturn or ascendant's lord is conjunct with any exalted planet, long life will result. Pancha-Mahapur suha Yogas Ar ishtas HS 5-1. Should the Sun receive aspect from malefics and join them or remain in their clutches hemmed between them, then evil is portended to the father of the child thus born. Nabhash Yogas BP 35-12. Vajr Yoga is caused by all benefics in ascendant and 7th house, or all malefics in 4th and 10th house. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 68 ¬ SAMPLE Classics: Jaimini System House Padas BP 29-1. If the 11th from ascendant Pada is occupied or receives an aspect from a planet, the native will be happy and rich. BP 29-2. A malefic will confer wealth through questionable means. BP 29-3. If the planet in question (i.e. the one so related to the 11th from ascendant Pada) be in exaltation or in its own sign, etc., there will be plenty of gains and plenty of happiness. BP 29-7. Pada and Financial Losses: (up to sloka 21): If the 12th from ascendant Pada receives an aspect from or is conjunct with both benefics and malefics, there will be abundant earnings but plenty of expenses. The benefic will cause earnings through fair means, malefic through unfair means and mixed planets through both fair and unfair means. BP 29-16. Whether a benefic or a malefic, if it be exalted in the 7th from ascendant Pada, the native will be affluent and famous. BP 29-22. If the Dara Pada (i e. the Pada of 7th house) falls in an angle or in a trine counted from ascendant Pada or if ascendant Pada and Dara Pada both have strong planets, the native will be rich and be famous in his country. BP 29-22. If the Dara Pada falls in the 6th/ 8th/12th from ascendant Pada, then the native will be poor. BP 29-23. If these be in mutually 6th/8th/12th, doubtlessly mutual enmity will crop up. O Brahmin, similarly, mutual relationship, or gain, or loss through son, etc., be known based on ascendant Pada and the relative house Pada. Upa Pada BP 30-2. Should the Upa Pada be in a malefic's sign or receives an aspect from or is conjunct with a malefic, one will become an ascetic and go without a wife. BP 30-3. Effect from the 2nd from Upa Pada: If the 2nd from Upa Pada is a benefic sign or receives an aspect from or is conjunct with a benefic, the same good results (as for wife and sons) will come to pass. BP 30-5. If the said occupant be in its exaltation sign, or Navamsha or receives an aspect from another planet, there will be many charming and virtuous wives. BP 30-10. O Brahmin, if the 2nd from Upa Pada is related to a benefic, the wife will be beautiful, fortunate, and virtuous. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 69 SAMPLE ¬ BP 30-27. Co-born from ascendant Pada (up to sloka 36): Rahu and Saturn in the 3rd or the 11th from ascendant Pada will destroy the co-born of the native. Rahu and Saturn in the 11th will indicate the destruction of elder brothers and/or sisters, and in the 3rd younger ones. BP 30-31. If Saturn is alone in one of the said houses, the native will be spared, while the co-born will die. BP 30-35. If Mercury is in ascendant Pada, the native will lord over a whole country, BP 30-37. One will surely become a thief if the lord of the 2nd from Upa Pada is in 2nd house, and is conjunct with a malefic planet. Effects of Kar akamsha BP 33-13. If it is Aquarius Navamsha holding Atma Karaka, the native will construct tanks, etc.. BP 33-15. while that of a malefic will cause no good. BP 33-18. Otherwise, the contrary will prevail (i.e. the native will not go to others wives). BP 33-27. If Ketu be in Karakamsha, one will deal in elephants and be a thief. BP 33-47. Effects of the 3rd from Karakamsha: A malefic in the 3rd from Karakamsha will make one valorous, BP 33-51. while Jupiter in the 4th from Karakamsha denotes a house made of wood. BP 33-62. Rahu in the 5th from Karakamsha denotes a machinist. BP 33-66. Venus in Karakamsha or in the 5th from there will make one an ordinary writer. BP 33-41. Saturn in Karakamsha or in the 5th from there indicates that one is dull-witted in the assembly. BP 33-43. The Moon in Karakamsha or in the 5th from there denotes a follower of Sankhya philosophy (of Maharishi Kapila who enumerated 25 true principles with emphasis on final bliss), and indicates that one is versed in rhetorics and singing. BP 33-43. Ketu or Rahu in Karakamsha or in the 5th from there denotes that one is a Jyotishi. BP 33-45. Effects of the 6th from Karakamsha: If the 6th from Karakamsha is occupied by a malefic, the native will be an agriculturist. BP 33-50. The Sun in the 7th from Karakamsha will give a wife who will be confined to domestic chores, BP 33-68. If a malefic is in the 11th from Karakamsha the native will gain by questionable means, be famous and valorous. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 70 SAMPLE ¬ BP 33-71. If the 12th from Karakamsha is vacant, then also good effects (in respect of expenses) will follow. BP 33-81. Rahu, the Sun, and Mars respectively in these places denote a machinist, a knife user, and a spear or arrow user. BP 33-85. The Moon in Karakamsha or the 5th from there denotes a Sankhya Yogi, a rhetoric, or a singer. BP 33-87. Ketu in the 5th from Karakamsha will make one a mathematician and skilful in Jyotish. Should Jupiter be related to the said Ketu, these learnings will be by inheritance. All these as well apply to 2nd and 3rd from Karakamsha and to the Karakamsha itself apart from applying to the 5th from Karakamsha. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 71 ¬ SAMPLE Classics : Curses & Evils Childlessness / No Male Issue Adver se Combinations Evils at Bir th SA 9-53. Evils to Mother : Malefics in the 6th, the 8th, or the 4th from the Moon will be adverse for the mother. SA 9-50. Evils to Father: Should the Sun receive an aspect from one or more malefics or be hemmed between them, this will cause evils to father. SA 9-51. Evils to Father: Should the Moon receive an aspect from one or more malefics or be hemmed between them, this will cause evils to father. SA 9-52. Evils to Father: Malefics in the 6th, the 8th, or the 4th from the Sun will bring inauspicious results about the father. Antidotes for Evils SA 10-2. Should one among Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus be in an angle from ascendant, all evils are destroyed as the Sun eliminates darkness. SA 10-6. It will prove auspicious for the mother as well as the native if Mars joins or is aspected by Jupiter. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 72 SAMPLE ~ Nature and Temperament ~ 1 - The ruler of the Virgo Lagna is Mercury who is a lover of change, therefore the person will also like change - he will keep changing his house, work, work-place etc. 2 - He will be intelligent and logical; he will have the ability to analyze the truth. 3 - He will be careful and alert in his work. To ensure the accuracy of the task, he will verify it two to three times. 4 - He will expect others to speak less while he himself will give detailed explanations about everything, no matter how disinterested others might be. 5 - He will be faultfinding, that is to say, he will be an expert in finding defects in others' work. 6 - He will be shy and reserved in nature. 7 - He will be critical since birth; he will take pleasure in finding out mistakes and will always assess the smallest and insignificant matter very minutely. 8 - He will complete his work in a systematic and organized manner. He will obey the instructions carefully and completely. 9 - He will have a real interest in education. He will have a natural tendency to learn new subjects. 10 - Since he will be intelligent, he will love learned and thoughtful persons. 11 - He will have knowledge in various arts such as comedy, music and singing, playing musical instruments and sports. He will be well known for dressing well and his artistic interests. 12 - He will be boastful and will have a tendency of displaying more than what he actually has. 13 - His personality may have certain weaknesses - teasing and annoying to others by being unnecessarily critical, nervousness, self-doubt and too much analysis over simple things. Your main Sentence I analyze. Your biggest Talent Skillfulness in work. Your biggest Weakness Shyness and hesitation. Your Ambition Popularity and stability. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 PAE2500 • 73 SAMPLE ¬ According to the Shastras Lord of Cancer is Moon, so the person will be tall, have a mediocre physique, a fat neck, a line in the middle of the forehead, slim figure, small head with a lot of hair, thick voice, wide waist, high thighs, black mole in the armpit, on the leg or in the inner side of the leg. He will be philanthropic, talented, pious, friendly, skilled in collecting things, devoted to parents, teachers and good natured people, interested in astrology, an efficient worker, minister or secretary of the king, engrossed in love, very sensuous, fond of ponds or gardens, fond of sea journeys, very thirsty, fond of sea travel, fluctuating finances, endowed with good friends, interested in house construction work, endowed with more than one house, enjoying a loving relationship with brothers, having many sons one of whom will be outstanding, an unhappy childhood, happy in youth, religiously inclined in old age, keen to go on pilgrimages, migrating, staying far away from home, unattached to the house, wicked, capable of bringing fame to his family through his own efforts. He may suffer from pain or illness in the hand, fear of fire in the left limbs, fear of water, fear of falling from height, fear of heart disease and ailments of the blood. According to the Modern Viewpoint A person born under Cancer rashi will be very sensitive, very emotional, imaginative, flexible and will be hard from outside but gentle inside. He will be faithful to his dear ones and elders and will be loyal to his duties. He will be interested in singing and will be happy in listening to music. His mind may be unstable but he will be endowed with intuitive powers. He will have a loving relationship with his family especially with his mother. He will be fearful of being insulted. Sometimes he will be very strict and at times he will be very vulnerable. He will be fond of eating sweats. He will be fond of travelling and inspite of being patriotic, he will be interested in travelling abroad. He will appear to be open-hearted and outspoken but in reality he will hide a lot of things. Some of his main drawbacks will be impatience, flexibility, hypersensitiveness and indolence and being short-tempered. Physical Characteristics 1. He will either be tall or will have a mediocre height. 2. He will have black eyes and thick eyebrows. He will have a sweet voice. 3. He will look younger than his age. 4. He will have chubby cheeks and a prominent nose. 5. His face will have a trace of women-like tenderness. 6. His face will be shaped like a betel leaf. 7. He will have a slow gait and will use a lot of hand gestures while walking. PAE2500 • 74 ¬ SAMPLE Nakshatra Interpretations You have been born in the third pada of Ashlesha nakshatra. Therefore, your birth rashi is Cancer and the lord of the rashi is Moon. According to the Avakahada chakra Caste - Brahmin Vashaya - Jalachara (Water being) Yoni - Marjara Gana - Rakshasa Nadi - Antya Your birth name should start with the letter "Dey". Accor ding to the Shastr as The interpretations for persons born in the Ashlesha nakshatra are as follows 1- According to Brihat Jataka- 'kBloZHk{kiki% Ñr?u/kwrZ'p HkkStUxsA 2- According to Jataka Parijaat- lkisZ ew<+efr% Ñr?uopu% dksih nqjkpkjoku~A 3- According to Maansagri- loZHk{kh Ñrkar'p Ñr?uks oapd% [ky%A vk'ys"kk;ka ujks tkr% ÑrdekZ fg tk;rsAA 4- According to Jatakabharan- o`FkkVu% L;knfrnq"Vps"V% d"Vçn'pkfi o`Fkk tukuke~A lkisZ lnFkksZ fg o`FkkfiZrkFkZ% daniZlarIreuk euq";%AA A person born in the Ashlesha nakshatra is cruel natured, destroyer of all, ungrateful, short tempered, prone to troubling others, used to wandering aimlessly, waster of money, sensuous, ill behaved and a performer of his own deeds. Accor ding to the Moder n Viewpoint A person born in the Ashlesha nakshatra is clever, imaginative, dynamic, wavering, easily appeased, pleasant natured, fluent, imitative of others in talking, having artistic interests, fond of literature and music, fond of travelling, passionate, occasionally involved in theft, lazy, selfish and prone to sudden assaults. Inter pr etations for Pada (paya) Birth in the Ashlesha nakshatra is considered to be in the silver paya which is considered to be the best and auspicious. Health The Ashlesha nakshatra controls the lings, abdomen, lower part of food pipe & liver and these are afflicted with ailments when inauspicious grahas influence. Ashlesha is a "Mool Sangyaka" nakshatra and the fruits for the third pada signify fear for mother or mother-in-law. Remedy The Sarpa (Snake) Lord, Taksha, is the Lord of the Ashlesha nakshatra. In order to appease him, on the day of the Ashlesha nakshatra, one should make a golden idol of the Sarpa (Snake) couple, establish it ritually and worship it with kumkum (saffron), incense sticks, flowers, dhoop, ghee (butter clarified by boiling and straining) lamp and rice. One should mix ghee and sugar in the sacrificial mixture and recite the following mantra 108 times - ¬ ueksLrq lIisZH;ks ;s ds p i`fFkoh euq% ;s vUrfj{ksfnforsH;% lIisZH;ks ue%A ¬ r{kds'ojk; ue%AA Inter pr etations for the Br ahmin Caste Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 75 ¬ SAMPLE Lo/keZdeZfujr% 'kkL=k/;;urRij% fouhr% loZdk;Z"kq czão.kZHkoks uj%AA (Jatakotam) A person born in the Brahmin caste is engrossed in religious deeds and the practice of Shastras and conducts all his work politely. Inter pr etations for the Rakshasa Gana mUeknh Hkh"k.kkdkj% loZnk dygfç;%A iq#"kks nqLga cwzrs çesgh jk{kls x.ksAA (Maansagri) A person born in the Rakshasa Gana is pleasure loving, quarrelsome, a speaker of harsh words and the possessor of a fearful appearance. Inter pr etations for the Mar jar a Yoni 'kwj% Lodk; n{k'p fe"BkUuikuHk{kd%A fuHkZ;ks nq%LoHkko'p ujks ektkZj;ksfut%AA (Maansagri) A person born in the Marjara Yoni is brave, capable of doing his own work, fond of sweets, fearless and wicked natured. Mar r iage, Fr iendship and Par tner ship People born in the following are ideal: Ashwini, fourth pada of Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra and first and second pada of Dhanishtha. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 76 ¬ SAMPLE Health Influence of Grahas on Physiology Sookshma Scheme Planet Body Par t Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Right side Left testicle Right Heart Right nostril Left heart Right testicle/ovary Right Shoulder Generative organs Left calf Sthoola Scheme Planet Body Par t Body Par t Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Thighs Heart Knees Thighs Face Generative organs Space below navel Space below navel Head Heart Ankles Stomach Heart Thighs Arms Face Face Generative organs Nakshatr a Scheme Planet Nakshatr a Opinion 1 Opinion 2 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Poorvashadha Ashlesha Shravana Moola Rohini Jyeshtha Swati Vishakha Krittika Both thighs Nails -Both feet Both legs Tongue Teeth The two arms Waist Both thighs Nails -Both feet Both legs Tongue Teeth The two arms Waist PAE2500 • 77 ¬ SAMPLE ~ Useful Information ~ Your main Sentence I analyze. Your biggest Talent Skillfulness in work. Your biggest Weakness Shyness and hesitation. Your Ambition Popularity and stability. Lucky Day Wednesday and Friday are very favorable. Lucky Colour White and Green are lucky. Red will be unlucky. Lucky Number 5, 2, 7, 6 and 3 will be very lucky numbers. Lucky Stone Emerald and Diamond. Lucky Upr atna Onyx, White Topaz and Moonstone. Inauspicious Month and Dates January of every year, 6,9,18,27 of every month and black clothes are unlucky. Inauspicious Tithi Pratipada, Saptami, Dwadashi are not lucky. Auspicious Rashi Leo, Gemini and Libra are very lucky and Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are moderate. Auspicious Day Tuesday is auspicious, Wednesday is not auspicious. Inauspicious Per iod According to Yavanaacharya, month of Vaisakha, Shukla Paksha, Dwadashi, Wednesday, Hasta Nakshatra, midday are inauspicious. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 PAE2500 • 78 ¬ SAMPLE Life Interpretation Report for SAMPLE You are a righteous crusader with a love of philosophy and a magical ability for making the world reflect your beliefs. You can be a leader of an educational or spiritual organization or a globetrotting author. You are naturally fortunate, often having wishes fulfilled quickly. You have a good character and a pleasant nature. You have personal magnetism. You are an outgoing individual. You are friendly. You are social. Friendliness is an important part of your personality. You are humane. You try to involve as many people as possible in your undertakings for their benefit. You are self-sufficient. You have an unerring sense of what your public wants to see and hear and know, and so you could get hugely rewarded. You are utilitarian and trustworthy in all your undertakings for others. You are persistent. You are sincere and diligent. You will learn to wait for the fulfillment of your aspirations, because you rarely will find immediate results. You are quieter than most people of your type. You do not overlook details. Politically, you have a traditional mindset. You are incapable of uttering a lie cogently and coherently or cheating anybody successfully. If you attempt to lie, when you meet the person again you will be caught trying to cover yourself. Your personality is pure, harmless, easy going, and forgiving. You have a virtuous personality. You are clever. You are logical and you have a high I.Q. Your innate sense of what is right makes you a wise person. You are discriminative, pragmatic and have a systematic approach to working out the minute details. You are independent minded. You are best off when you can follow your own counsel and not take the advice that others are ever ready to give you. You always want to be the center of attention. You can be arrogant. You will rise to any challenge. You are often drawn into battles of wits. You are able to win in most confrontations. You are a dreamer. You are weird. Your way of getting around in the world is unique. You are very conceited at times. You may do some selfish deeds, caring little about acting gently. You are a greedy person. You are strong and firm in your purpose. Your secret deep desires may lead you to undertake some activity that you prefer to keep hidden. You may lack vitality to a certain extent and may be prone to lethargy and laziness. Your dominant personality makes it hard to get along. You consider yourself to be superior, Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 79 SAMPLE ¬ be unfriendly or condescending. You are self-centered. It would be good for you to guard against expecting too much from others, fretting over small matters, or nagging. A sense of insecurity in relationships may cause feelings of possessiveness and jealousy. You are aggressive and untrustworthy. You are a jealous person. You are an aggressive person. You can be quite critical of others. You are not very ambitious or overly assertive. You could be the retiring type. It is important to understand that deep inside yourself, you approach opportunities with a restrictive attitude, by trying to force the gains into a structure you have predetermined. Then again, what you want may not be in your reach at all, it might be another person's property. You may often be frustrated because you cannot get what you want. When conditions are poor, you can be totally blown off track. You may find it hard to gain respect, and you may experience some humiliation in life. You are not easily affected by negativity. You are a good-looking person. You have broad shoulders. You have short to medium stature. You have soft hair. Your hair may be dark brown. You have a good complexion. You have a clear complexion. You have a dull complexion. You have a swarthy complexion. Gold and yellow are complimentary colors for you. You are sweet spoken. You are a blunt speaker. You are a communicative person. There is a touch of professionalism to your speech; you can speak with authority. Your speech may be sarcastic. As a child, you were slow to learn to speak or had some quirks in language. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 80 SAMPLE ¬ Often you can be seen with your nose in a book or newspaper. You have a strong mind. Your thinking is bold and result oriented. Your mind is intelligent, and capable of great optimism and valor. You have a quick grasp, and retentive memory. You tend to be fickle-minded and your success can vary enormously depending on the changing balance between your inner psychology and events in the outer world. You have a vacillating and indecisive mind. Your mind is active, comprehensive, and perceptive. You have a long-distance viewpoint. You are a visionary, able to facilitate the ending of disputes, litigation, and warfare. Your mind has a critical faculty that could possibly be used to research, explore, and uncover things. You are a traditionalist in beliefs and philosophy. Spending too much time alone may lead to suffering from uneasy emotions and mental distortion. Mentally you are often vulnerable to annoying irritation. You will suffer if your duties do not have any mental challenges. You have a strong sense of ethics and morals. You feel close to the divine aspect of yourself. Some connections may prove confusing to you. Sometimes, it may feel as if your hopes have been destroyed and you go through a period of agony, but usually they reemerge in a new form better suited to your real capabilities. You experience unusual feelings and states of mind almost every day. Sometimes you are stuck in congestion. Your emotions are tied to health. You are endowed with an intelligent mind. You are shrewd and although not literary or particularly humanistic. You are interested in intellectual pursuits. In general, you are fond of reading and writing, and are well informed. You will try to get more advantages through the variety of your wisdom. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 81 SAMPLE ¬ You are following an impressive learning curve. Chances are that you will achieve at least one bachelor's degree from an accredited school. You are able to make technical advances through your studies. You tend to plan your career carefully, including education and other related matters. You are endowed with higher learning, wisdom, and good moral values. You will go in for higher studies and succeed. Some teacher has made a lasting impression on you. Your teacher may not be in your life for very long. You are interested in the study of science, philosophy, literature, astrology, designing, commerce, and are good with numbers and letters. Education as a basis for a successful career will come easily to you. It is likely that you may not get the education that you desire. Frequent changes cause disruptions. Your education may be spread over different schools. You have knowledge of many areas. You enjoy learning. You will learn how to cure diseases. You will learn how to progress using diplomacy. You may receive distinction for your learning. You are extraordinarily skillful when you put your mind to a job. You excel in one or another activity and are renowned for it. Through your skill, you will meet success in your undertakings. You may be an author or have some other evidence of your skills. When you face opponents, you are able to isolate them and win over them because their alliances fall apart. You can easily overcome obstacles. You may gain profound understanding of many of the ailments and irritations that plague people in general. When it comes to achieving your goals, you will use methods of negotiating and mediating, and prior mental consideration. You are a skilled wordsmith. You have excellent communication skills that you can apply well in the area of the profession. You know how to strategize for yourself and others. You have unusual insights and can foresee matters such as your own time of death. Opportunities keep coming, which you can make pay off. You have the ability to heal yourself and others. A warm, helpful touch gives you the ability to help Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 82 SAMPLE ¬ people in distress, or those who are facing specific problems and need help. Healing skill may be seen: perhaps as a massage therapist, physical therapist or even as a surgeon. A basic imbalance in your ability to manifest intimate relationships will produce situations where a mutual loving experience is very difficult. It's hard for you to establish the proper connections needed to allow for successful undertakings. A tendency to pay attention to details and problems may keep you from enjoying the holistic value of life, and reduce the level of happiness you experience. You are talented. You have a natural talent for neutralizing enmity and obstacles in your life. You are versatile and skilled at various arts, like drawing, and painting, music and dance, interior decoration, and sculpture etc. If you suffer mechanical problems, they will most often be resolved quickly. You are very industrious and powerful, although you may harbor some fear of failure and weakness. You have a practical attitude. You have energy to devote to your purposes. You are hard working and steady in your gradual progress. You perform well as part of a team. You may not be congenial socially and may seem lacking in charm to your spouse's relatives. You are not aggressive in collecting debts. You have religious inclinations, which could be expressed as respect for other religious or spiritual practitioners. You can work behind the scenes or in secret, and you may plot some clever schemes. You are righteous, responsible, and truthful. You have healthy moral standards and you attempt to be righteous in conduct. You will perform notable and distinguished acts and gain respect of many. You have a giving disposition. There is a chance that you may find that your desires will be fulfilled as you help and motivate others to fulfill theirs. You are helpful to those who belong to your own group. You are truthful and interested in the events affecting society. You participate in community life with wholehearted enthusiasm. You are magnanimous and big-hearted, looking out for the best interests of those you deal with. Your own family or country may feel you have abandoned them, but you have done this in the interest of a larger harmony and justice. You may be fanatical or overly insistent on your views. You can be drawn to the bad-guy role. You are not averse to inventing stories that help advance you in your work or using deceitful and unlawful means Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 83 SAMPLE ¬ to take advantage of others. You are not nearly as mellow as people would first think. You may have a short fuse. You may be a sharp critic of mistakes that exist at the organizational level. Your first instinct may be to deceive those you answer to or deal with. You prefer an unostentatious life and stay away from superficial things. You appreciate the wilderness and nature. You have an interest in espionage, even if just in books or movies about spies. You may enjoy an inheritance. You are probably fond of horses and horseback riding. You have a liking for water. You like fishes or fishing. You are interested in naturopathy, herbal medicines, and all spiritual and alternative holistic methods of healing. You are likely to spend time in foreign countries. You have an interest in philosophy, law, and spiritual knowledge. You enjoy knowing and dealing with secret matters. Your interest in hidden things will bring you to explore, research and trace secret kinds of knowledge. You love to experience life deeply and in unusual ways. There is a tendency to wander about in unknown areas. You enjoy contests and combat. You always like to seek out new avenues of experience and gain. You love a good fight. Adventurous and sports activities are pursued with zeal. You enjoy spending time alone or away from the mainstream. You like to get results quickly. You are religious and love tradition, pomp. You are freedom loving and the relationship with your spiritual guides will be stormy at times. Sometimes you will seek peace. You love money and you are earthbound concerning money and possessions; you like them too much. You dislike taking orders. You may do recreational drugs. Physical exercise and open air do wonders for you. You are naturally interested in health, diet, and Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 84 SAMPLE ¬ hygiene and can be a natural healer. Your physical health appears good, although you may have had some health complaints as a child. Your physical body demands a lot of attention and respect, for good or bad. You may have some health problems, or help others with theirs. You may develop diseases that are hard to diagnose. Physical focal points for you include the solar plexus, and the thighs; the solar plexus is the seat of the instinct of self-preservation. Succumbing to irritation can lead to bad health. Being frequently aggravated and indulging in nagging can cause indigestion, acidity, and nerves due to the negative emotion caused by the desire to perfect others. Internal weaknesses may develop in stressful times. Your digestive power may be somewhat sluggish and low. You should be careful of ingesting unhealthy or toxic substances. There may have been disturbing factors in your sexual development. There may be health problems relating to the reproductive system, the eyes, or the blood sugar. The reproductive system may suffer some disorder, and medical intervention or even surgery could be possible. Lower back pain may trouble you. The question of longevity is of interest to you in general. Accidents may cause injuries. It may be easier to communicate with mother than to your father, although this may not be your preference. You may have altercations with your father or mother concerning finances. It is hard to explain your personality or philosophy to your parents, as it seems unconventional to them. Your mother has excellent social skills and well-thought out financial policies. Much of her life is carefully analyzed and ordered for highest effectiveness. She is an astute psychologist, soothing and subtly suggestive as she goes about remedying people's hurts. Optimistic and fully conscious of the big picture, she is highly appreciative of others, valuing each one's unique contributions. She is a spiritual seeker and may work in an environment dedicated to healing or spiritual growth, or in foreign countries. She gains renown effortlessly by just being her sincere self. Allowing time for seclusion, retreat or pilgrimage is wise. Your mother can oversee projects up until their conclusion. She feels like a friend to the common person and takes to heart the issues of the downtrodden masses. Not so much out for herself, her prosperity comes slowly, but her family life may experience tension because of her devotion to social issues. She is drawn to places of healing and spiritual seclusion like hospitals, asylums, retirement homes, ashrams, and prisons. Often she has to hold down two jobs or at least work on several projects at once, as her generosity to friends and associates can negatively affect her cash flow. Your mother can bring confusion into formerly quiet or secluded communities. She sails the waters because of an urge for financial benefits or promoting her own family or communal values even in the face of native resistance. Threatening others with penalties and punishments she draws the same on herself. Bad habits, unpleasant diet, the effects of addiction, can gang up to distract and divert her from getting to the real issues. Spiritual calm is the best defense. Saying nice things about people will get her far. Under any of her confusion are the longing to belong and the craving for something to believe in. Keen, ambitious, and fully energetic, your mother may be disbelieving at times. Your mother always seems to be busy taking part in some project. So fertile is your mother's imagination she sometimes has difficulty Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 85 SAMPLE ¬ distinguishing reality from the people of her concepts. There is a tendency in your mother to postpone final decisions and decisive actions for later. Your mother can be self-repressive, or passive and defensive. There is a possibility that your mother will suffer from a medical or mental complaint. Your mother's imaginative powers are very fertile but acting assertively to realize her dreams is not her strongest side. Contemplative and sensitive, your mother can become either sentimental or psychic. Your mother is drawn to asylums, ashrams, sanatoriums, clinics, hermitages, prisons, and out of the way places. Your mother often approaches her friends for advice but later makes no use of it. Your mother may have assisted you toward attaining your goals. Your mother's family is supportive of you and your good works are gratifying to your mother and community. You tend to be skeptical of your mother's intentions. Your mother may have a hard time in life and your relations with her may be strained. Things materialize very quickly once your father imagines them and invests emotional power in them. He is open to the highest levels of knowledge and interprets anything chaotic or surprising in life in terms of its ultimate meaning. Although he may have some inspiring teachers in life, he may be separated from them or from his father more than he would like. He has a multifaceted and unusual career and may draw on his capacity to develop higher states of consciousness. His self-identity may be less strong than the average person's and there may be a tendency for him to disappear from his employers' radar screens if he does not call notice to himself. Your father is oddly analytical in his attitudes even to those he loves, although he may not always show it. Your father's analytical faculties are lightning fast. Your father is a warrior with scant affinity for feminine things. Your father loves freedom but dislikes impertinence. Your father may have attained good success in life. Having to follow orders promulgated by others makes your father miserable; in extreme cases, your father would choose poverty and discomfort over having to accept favors that would oblige him to follow someone's commands. Your father is an able organizer and administrator. With a strong sense of form, line, and detail, your father makes a good craftsperson or draftsman. Your father may go through career disruptions. Your father prefers to act with decorum and on a majestic scale. Aware of his self-importance, your father is good at exaggerating it. Your father does not waste energy in idle chatter although he can explain himself in detail when necessary. Occasionally your father may undergo spells of lethargy and leave his work undone. Your father can be aggressive. Your father may get severely ill. Your father can become angry with those who pierce his projection of selfless concern for society's welfare. Your father has tremendous influence on you. Several times, there might be conflicts of 'will' between you and your father. You are separated from your father by your father's failure to remain in consistent support of you, yet you continue to stay in communication with him as much as possible. Your father may not be in your life for very long. Soon after your birth, your family may have gone through a reversal of fortunes. Your early family life may have involved divorce by your parents and a change of parents to a stepmother. You might experience some loss of happiness with your birth family. There may be skeletons in your Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 86 SAMPLE ¬ family closet. Your siblings may prove to be the source of guidance and higher knowledge for you. Siblings, relatives, children, and others are all financially helpful for you. If you have an older sibling, your relationship with him or her is constrained. You may have siblings or dependents that are extravagant and deplete your assets. Take care to avoid financial transactions with female friends or older siblings. Your brothers and sisters may do well in life. You are likely to have several siblings. Older siblings may be few or nonexistent. An older sibling of yours may have taught you an important lesson in life. Older siblings suffer problems. You may not see eye to eye with an elder sibling. You get along better with your younger sibling if you have one. On your mother's side, the family is dealing with some challenges. You will be the loser with regard to your maternal grandfather's family. You will experience some sense of loss in your maternal grandfather's family. One of your maternal uncles might be involved in a scandal or other problem. There may be tendency to indulge in secret relationships. Your marital relation is a most important factor in your life and you can be positively obsessed with your partner. Allowing your spouse plenty of freedom, you expect the same for yourself. Marital relations may not be smooth. You may marry early in life. Marriage may be delayed or your spouse may be separated from you prematurely. Your luck will improve considerably after marriage. Your spouse may withdraw from marriage. There may be some painful experiences in your life with regards to love or sexuality. You show your love to your spouse by attempting to control him/her. Your desires and his/hers are many times at odds. You are likely to get close to your spouse's family. You will benefit financially through relationships, and your marriage will be quite affluent. Your spouse may be involved in your career. It is quite likely that you meet your spouse in a workplace and the marriage could be oriented around work, status, success, and reputation. The progress of your career is the most important issue in your marriage. Communicating quickly is your wife's forte and she can seize opportunities on the fly. She has a mechanical bent and burns on mental energy primarily. She maps out battle plans that demand high expenditures of energy over short periods of time. She may have interests in health technologies or life extension and she is good at making detailed reports about hidden matters. Assertive and able to get the Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 87 SAMPLE ¬ most out of employees, she has a clever, legalistic mind along with good resistance to disease. Your wife has an exalted ability for mental processes and can carry on several complex trains of thought simultaneously. She is firmly grounded in the needs of here and now, like a calculating machine comes up with many answers, and remedies instantaneously. Her mind is clear, powerful, and even inexorable in its logical processes and though her accomplishments are in the worldly sphere, they have a mystical or exceptional lucidity. She has a peculiar sense of humor and attracts foreigners and isolated geniuses into her circle. You enjoy a good rapport with your partner's relatives. Your spouse is glamorous, attractive and a person of substance. Meeting people, traveling here and there are your wife's diversions. Your wife can be as noble in human relationships as she is in mind. Your spouse is devoted to you. Your wife analyzes her activities and breaks them into logical steps. Due to your wife's inquisitive and analytical nature, she conceives of going into the depths of existence as though it was a research project. Your spouse will be intelligent. In argument your wife is most formidable, because she can skip from one facet of a subject to another seemingly at random yet never losing sight of the main argument, which she returns to after having led her opponent through devious paths and into traps. Your wife likes hot-air balloons, circuses, games and other amusements. Boxes, chests, receptacles, and any gadget with contents intrigue your wife. Your wife is interested in words, reading, writing, speech, media, computers and communications. Your spouse is attached to the children. Your wife has a quick mind. Your husband's mental ability is prominent; interestingly enough, his brain can follow both masculine and feminine trends of thought. Your wife's mental ability is prominent; interestingly enough, her brain can follow both masculine and feminine trends of thought. Your wife's imagination is captured by the glory of the past or the promise of the future, keeping her heart elsewhere. Living in a mental world, your wife shrinks from physical contact and injury and can be intimidated by a show of violence. The conflicts your wife experiences concern the differing levels of intellectual judgments different people make according to their stages of development. Your spouse's career may shape your career. Your wife has expertise in trade and business. Not only is your spouse well placed in his/her professional sphere but she/he also has a positive impact on your happiness and your work. Your wife is prone to speedy and thorough changes of viewpoint. It can be hard for your wife to maintain concentration on one thing for very long. Conflicts between polarized ideologies and interests, demands and aspirations, make it difficult for your wife to stick to one project, and therefore others may see her as fickle or not deeply caring. Making a final decision quickly can be a real challenge for your wife. You have a thoughtful spouse but may not communicate as easily with your children. You may feel that you are the more accomplished one in your marriage. Your wife has the tendency to start a new task without accomplishing the previous one. Your wife adheres to no rules and no habits. Your domestic life can be stormy and involve much turmoil for your spouse. Your spouse's longevity can be studied only from the special makeup of your own horoscope. Everyone who associates with your wife doesn't forget her, because your wife has a special ability to influence people. Your spouse earns well. You are likely to find a devoted wife or husband, whose employment may contribute to the family income. Your spouse could be a great help in enhancing your career. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 88 SAMPLE ¬ You may have proteges or students or just younger friends who look to you for guidance. You have influential friends. Amongst the people you typically associate with, there are some dynamic and strong individuals. You may befriend wicked and rough persons, while opposing noble and virtuous ones. Maintaining deep friendships can be problematic as your life is busy. You like to spend money on your friends, but sometimes their problems create trouble for you. You have few individuals that you deal with as your friends, and perhaps some of the people you would like to be close to are distant or not receptive. You typically associate with people older than yourself. Friends belonging to a low class may prove to be your downfall. You have affinity towards powerful and career-oriented individuals. You have allies both among your family members and from others. You may be too busy to spend as much time with friends as you'd like. You may have a tendency to attract opponents in life and you may suffer from confrontations with others. You may have many enemies or competitors and friends may be untrustworthy. Persons who you thought would support you may turn out to be opponents in disguise. You have many opponents. You have formidable enemies and may encounter swindlers, cheats or thieves. You can defeat your opponents. You can benefit from competitive situations. There will be difficulties from enemies, opponents or competitors, which will oppress you, but you will come out victorious after struggles and strives. Enemies and opponents are often troubling to you. There is something very distinctive about your body which determines part of the response people have towards you. People in power may seek your advice. People have pride in you and your accomplishments, and regard you as an asset in their lives. People defer to you wherever you go. You will be quite popular. You may be famed and honored for your expertise and knowledge. You are a person of good repute. You are well liked by the public and you will attain a moderate amount of fame in your life. You are well thought of in your community. You are admired for your beauty and appealing looks. You will acquire a good reputation, honor, be well liked and even gain fame for your good deeds. In a group of people you will sometimes be instrumental to get everyone excited about a common goal. You can communicate ideas to the public, through speeches, writing or publishing. There will often be support when you end up in a vulnerable position. There may be arguments with relatives or co-workers, but they start to dispute among themselves and abandon their negative actions toward you. Foreign dealings can perplex you at times. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 89 SAMPLE ¬ You work hard for victory over your opponents. You take your status for granted and it gives you a huge advantage in trying to accomplish the ambitious goals you have set before you. You are very true to your career aspirations and faithfully follow up on them until you succeed. An ability to deal with details will be important in your work. You are qualified for many types of work because of a natural sophistication. You will manage your affairs properly after getting a balance of gains and expenditure. You may be engaged in competitive endeavors with other people in your field. You are aiming for a wide audience for your work. You will employ many complicated strategies and technologies to reduce your expenses with some success. There may be a number of different projects to which you attend, each requiring a short learning curve to get going. You are sometimes able to help the people you meet in your work. You will be skillful in all aspects of your career and unafraid to explore new ventures to enhance your success. You can talk on the phone, chew gum, write and get your job done, all in good style and all at the same time. Your profession will have a varied nature, and it requires adaptive skills. If employed in teaching, you like the idea of going independent. You are likely to work and live in a foreign environment. Your work may connect with foreign countries. You are engaged in business, which may be widespread, but does not generate large profits. You can be very speculative and have a keen business sense. You have an entrepreneurial spirit, eager to take advantage of opportunities. You go for the jugular in your business activities. You are an excellent trader. Business partnerships work favorably for you. You may have partners who deal in property or vehicles and who are not trustworthy associates. Partners may not be very open about their personal life. Partnerships play an important part in your life and career. You are a natural salesman. Your boss may think of you as indispensable. Employers depend on your faithful assistance. Subordinates are loyal and supportive allies. You may become a workaholic. You are transformed through the experiences you meet at work. Careful thinking makes and helps you succeed in all your enterprises and gains the support of governing powers. One can count on you for getting assistance and reliable service. You prefer to keep to the main point rather than wasting time going into the underlying reasons for everything. There is a sense of building something to a climax in your approach to your projects. You can be hardboiled when it comes to your business interests. Poor vision, inefficiency and inability to project yourself may cause problems at work and obstruct promotions. Some nurturing or caring aspect will be part of your work, and likely you will be involved with the public or groups of people. You have a strong feeling for others' values and can be an excellent psychologist or counselor. You may attain fame. Your strength and connections will make you a powerful figure in your Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 90 SAMPLE ¬ community. Needless to say, your reputation and status play an important role in your life, and you are bound to get far, attain power and influence and good relationship with the ruling powers. You are appreciated by people in power. You are bound to gain some success and even fame. Your career will be successful and you will be well respected in your chosen field of occupation. Your efforts bear fruits and opportunities are converted into successful ventures. There will be success in debates and arguments. Mostly before the age of 36, there may be setbacks in career or challenges to your good name. Your work may go through frequent breaks and discontinuities. Advancement in career is irregular and marked by large changes. Although your enterprises may meet with obstacles, you will succeed and achieve the goal. There are obstacles and challenges in your activities. In your career, you have some important job changes for the better. You may have challenges to face in acquiring or maintaining the position you want. You may be rejected by academia and have to work from outside the mainstream. You may follow methods that do not work. Good relationships with authorities or government will develop. Legal matters of elders may keep you engrossed. You may rationalize why you cut the corners you do, but run into opposition from the law and government agencies that force you back into line. You are prosperous. When it is necessary to increase your budget, you will work harder even if it is not comfortable. You acquire wealth through your expertise. Luck, friends, children, opportunities, partners all contribute positively to your income generating activities. You look to your friends for ideas about income sources. You may get windfall profits from unexpected sources, such as from unclaimed lands, properties lost to taxes, or tax refunds. You will be blessed with any required resources when you need them. You will use your intelligence for acquiring income. You will usually get necessary resources in time. Beautiful opportunities will present themselves and you will benefit from them financially. You will try hard to the increase your wealth. You acquire valuable possessions, whether material or informational, and share them helpfully with friends. Your discipline and perseverance in seeking out prosperous opportunities will bring you good income and eventually, property. But your financial resources may be a source of profound vulnerability on your part. There will be situations were money is made quite quickly, but you may have to scramble for it or go through litigation. There may be loss of opportunities and money. Efforts are financially fruitful. You are fairly good at earning money and very good at saving it. Even if you live in humble and modest circumstances, you still always think of ways to keep money circulating for you and your friends, whether through barter and cooperatives, or network marketing. If you maintain an optimistic attitude and manage your resources, your wealth will always increase steadily. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 91 SAMPLE ¬ Income generation is problematic, but you may make money from foreign contacts and activities of a charitable and spiritual nature. You may be tempted to skirt the laws of man or Nature to gain financial stability and meet your expenses. Whatever idea you seize on, you have a good chance to make a go of it and accumulate lots of money. Sometimes, enterprises you have embarked on, with the hope of gains, turn out to bring losses. You will attain ownership of real estate or other property, helping you to lead a comfortable life. This can cause anxiety or trouble for you sometimes. You can meet your expenses with careful planning and some courage. You may employ creative and subtle strategies to increase your expenses. You may become an expert in spiritual practices involving breathing techniques. You have a deep sense of abiding the law, and true spiritual aspirations. There is a desire to be spiritual but it is difficult for you to stick to spiritual discipline. You have highly developed insight or intuitive power. You are God fearing. You worship in private and secret. You may be spiritually inclined and may have religious inclinations. In a house, you might gravitate to the topmost room; you also like to be near the stove. Your home may be a short commuting distance from your job. You usually live in rented premises. You are ready to travel at a moment's notice. Long distance business travels yield favorable results. You may undertake long distance travels. There will be a long-term distant travel that will bring you much Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 92 SAMPLE ¬ happiness. Foreign countries call to you and you will visit them. You move frequently in connection with your work. Once you get something, it tends to be of lasting value. You are sophisticated and thorough in your approach to life. There are key times in your life where your goals suffer delay or profound transformations. You will often experience delays and obstacles, but the truth is that it just takes time to get what you want. You may encounter all kinds of obstacles and irritants, which are only resolved over a lapse of time. You may find it problematic to settle into a comforting and secure lifestyle. Many of the opportunities for the fulfillment of your ambitions may get lost, or prove to be dead-ends, yielding disappointment on your part. Some scandal, a death in the family, a financial loss, a defeat in a competition or election, an illness, a career setback, any of these can surprisingly derail the plans you had formulated. Nature has bestowed you with success and wealth, although your fortunes will fluctuate. You have exceptional good fortune, something you have earned in previous lives. Luck will favor you in business partnerships. You'll be lucky in life, financially fortunate, and will gain great happiness from your siblings and your grand-children. You have the good fortune of having a spouse and children, friends, and relatives. You don't need to be on a constant lookout for new resources; the opportunities will seek you out and be presented to you by others. Stay away from places like nightclubs, bars and strip joints. Maybe you should try to be of service to others by finding solutions for previously unsolved problems and putting the pieces together. Try to curtail your desire to get revenge. Diamonds are not your best friend; try rubies instead. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 93 ¬ SAMPLE Interpretations of Planetary Dispositions a The Sun a In the Fourth Bhava Auspicious Results : The Sun is in the fourth bhava, and one may get a lot of happiness from one's mother. Friends also give a lot of benefits and happiness. One may get name and wealth from the royal family. A position of power or a government service may be attained. Important positions are attained. Popularity and fame increases. One is soft at heart. One is fond of vocal and instrumental music. One fights in the forefront during battles and never shows one's back. One is blessed with a spouse and plenty of wealth. One will have a spouse, a few children, a good job and a vehicle will be acquired in middle age. In one's 22nd year, every thing becomes settled and one acquires fame too. In middle age (28 to 50 years) the position is good, one constructs a house with one's earnings and owns a vehicle. During one's later years, one will attain fame. One will also give happiness to one's father. Auspicious results are felt because of good planetary positions. Inauspicious Results : One may be worried, hard hearted, destructive of one's father's wealth, enmical towards brothers, secretively fond of studies and deprived of the comfort of a vehicle. One's body may remain warm and one may be physically handicapped. One will be proud and always fighting with others. One may be weak, harsh and in the company of wicked people. One may not be able to impress anyone with one's personality. One will always be worried, suspicious, mentally unhappy and in pain. One may not be pleasant natured. One may be infatuated by prostitutes, lacking happiness and wandering aimlessly. One may be involved in disputes with one's friends and brothers and deprived of their company. One may face defeat during conflicts with enemies and one's pride suffers. One tends to oppose one's father. One's mind is unstable and heart is never at ease. One is always fearful and disturbed. One is always gripped by anxiety due to destruction of one's father's accumulated wealth. One may have to travel a lot, even abroad, in connection with earning a living. One does not stay permanently in one's own house and is always roaming around. Because of this, one is deprived of domestic happiness. One does not stick to one place and wanders abroad aimlessly. One lacks the company of human beings, friends, land and friends. One may be destructive of one's domestic life and one's wealth, and, lacks wealth, property and the happiness of prosperity. One stays in the shelter of a characterless king. One loses one's father or mother during one's childhood. One faces many hardships during one's childhood. One's old age is painful but one's death comes fast and peacefully. General interpretations for Sun in the fourth house are as follows: Unhappiness in the first part, happiness in the middle followed by unhappiness in the end. One may suffer from heart ailments. One may be deprived of a good vehicle and a plot of land, and, one may have to live in another person's house. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 94 ¬ SAMPLE b The Moon b In the Eleventh Bhava Auspicious Results : A person born during the day when the Moon is in the eleventh bhava is wealthy, famous, entertaining and socially active. One of the children, brothers or sisters may cause pain, may be ill charactered and useless and may have to spend one's entire life in the house due to some deformity. There may not be many children. At the most there will be four to five children. One will be long lived. One will be fortunate, good-looking, valiant, shy and will follow the dutiful path. One will be fearless and clever at talking. One will always be happy. One will be thoughtful, intelligent, knowledgeable, soft spoken and will work faultlessly. One will be imaginative and lively. One will be charitable, liberal, good looking, talented and knowledgeable about mantras. One will have acquired the knowledge of the shastras by listening to them and will know many arts. One will favor others. One will rear many people. One may be skilled at state affairs and may be the treasurer of the state. One may have got authority from the state and may be honored by the state. One may get name, power and beautiful clothes from the state. One will be blessed with a beautiful spouse and plenty of wealth. One will be endowed with many comforts. One's fame will be well spread and established. One will be popular, luminous and renowned. One may be respected by great people. One will perform pious deeds and people will praise him for these benevolent acts of public interest. One will be wealthy and will gain in every way. One will profit in the business of various things. One will be prosperous and wealthy. One will attain wealth in many ways and will enjoy the pleasures which money brings. One will be contented with one's gains. One will attain precious metals like silver. One may attain hidden treasure buried in the Earth such as money, diamonds pearls and jewelry. One will have very good friends. One will have all sorts of vehicles at one's disposal. One will enjoy the best things of life. One may also have good servants. Planets signify more feminine children. One will have masculine children. A son may be born in the 50th year, which helps him to be free from the debt of one's ancestors. One will have many sons. One will acquire knowledge through hearing, thinking and practicing. There are many shastras. All of them cannot be read but one can learn a lot through listening. Therefore, listening has been given importance. One will own agricultural land. One will attain good worldly happiness. One may be the leader of a local organization. One will perform social work along with one's business. Inauspicious Results : Work done by him does not succeed. One's efforts will be in vain. One will have feminine children Inauspicious results might be eperienced. One will be deprived of happiness. One will be ailing, foolish and dull. There will be more of masculine children. One will be loving towards them. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 95 ¬ SAMPLE c Mars c In the Fifth Bhava Auspicious Results : Mars in fifth in feminine rashi (except for Capricorn) gives auspicious results. When Mars is in the fifth bhava, the person's hunger becomes strong, digestion becomes strong and one's hunger is never satisfied. If Mars is in the fifth bhava then one's abdominal hunger increases or one eats a lot of food and digests it. One will profit in speculation. One will be blessed with a spouse. One will be wise, practical, worldly and with a sharp brain. One will attain wealth, children and faith. One will be pleasure loving and wealthy. One will be aggressive, lacking brains, energetic, cruel, wicked, with bad habits, ailing, suffering stomach ailments, ailing from cough, gastric problems, weakness and venereal diseases, lively and troubled by children, lacking happiness, wealth, sons, friends and spouse. One will be a wanderer and will adopt another's religion, be unjust, wicked and lowly. One will do well in races, lottery and speculation. There will be a son who will be lean and weak. Inauspicious Results : One may have an abortion. One may be deprived of the blessing of a son. Mars in the fifth bhava can alone destroy a child whether born or in the womb. The male child may not survive. If one survives one will be ailing. One will be deprived of the happiness of a son. Mars in the fifth bhava denotes that the children may not be good. If there is a child, he may die. There may be great unhappiness when a child dies immediately after birth. One's gastric problem may become acute. Inspite of eating a lot, one may not be robust in physique. Mars in the fifth bhava from birth lagna signifies agony due to cough and gas. There may be abdominal ailments. One may always be ailing. One may be assaulted by a weapon or from fire in the right leg. One will be very aggressive and aroused very easily. One may lose one's senses and perform ill deeds without any hesitation whenever one is aroused. One may be mentally destructive of the work of others. One's desires increase, there is no satisfaction and one burns internally like milk on a slow fire. One's mental agony and intelligence are both high. One may not accumulate wealth, may always be poor and face a shortage of money. One may be deprived of spouse and friends. One may not be intelligent and will be a tell tale. One may be inimical towards friends and very poor. One will suffer on account of spouse, friends and enemies. According to Parashara, it might cause the death of the father. One might be poor, deprived of a son and the object of state anger. One may have bad habits and addictions. Enemies will cause pain. One's mind may become unstable. One may acquire very little wealth but fame will be attained. Business of speculation will cause losses. One may deal in the business of wine. There will be unrest in the family. One will have an extravagant nature and migration may be there. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 96 ¬ SAMPLE d Mercury d In the Fourth Bhava Auspicious Results : One's body will be healthy and eyes large. One will be a good advisor and skilled at debates. One will be patient, knowledgeable about law, law-abiding and scholarly. One will be skilled at talking. One is cultured, truthful and endowed with good taste. One is scholarly. One will speak in order to please others and will be skilled at sucking up. One will have a sharp memory and internal knowledge. One will be fond of song and dance, music and will be sweet spoken. One will be charitable, liberal, scholarly and a writer. One may envy one's friends. One will succeed in the work undertaken. One gets the comfort of a vehicle. One will enjoy land, agricultural produce and wealth. There are chances of accumulating wealth through one's own efforts. One may not have any paternal inheritance. One would be lucky in the matter of a house. One's house may be attractive like a picture. One will benefit from one's parents and enjoy their blessings. One will be a natural mathematician. One's friends will be excellent and one may make friends with the best people in the world. One may be the lord or a leader of a vast group of people or a high official. One may have special authority over other government employees. One will be authoritative and may benefit financially through state matters. One may have many servants. One attains respect in the state, in the friend's circle and in society. One will be endowed with wealth, ornaments and good clothes and is happy and wealthy. One will be established and famous in society. One's family members will respect one's words. One may be having excellent friends and will love one's friends. One will enjoy the bliss of good friends. One will be blessed with a spouse. One will have few sons but will enjoy their bliss. One will be fortunate in the matter of a father. One is easy going, pleasure loving and consumer of good food. According to astrologers, auspicious results will be experienced. One is educated but one will have to struggle with obstacles. Inauspicious Results : One will be lean in physique and have an unhealthy childhood. One will be very lazy. One will be lively, energetic and shameless. One may not be true to one's word and may not act as one speaks. One may have to bear the sorrow of a son. One may be very worried about the world. One may lose money in the 22nd year. One may have to stay in the house of others. One may be fatal for one's brother. One is angry, solitude loving and may desire harm for others. One may have false arrogance, ungratefulness, and stinginess as a part of one's nature. One may be inimical to one's mother. Wealth is not acquired and good friends are not made. There may be a loss due to theft or traitorous behaviour. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 97 ¬ SAMPLE e Jupiter e In the Ninth Bhava Auspicious Results : One is religious, truthful, judicious, thoughtful and respected. One will be calm, well behaved and a person of high thinking. One will have faith in pilgrimages, performs pious deeds and respects elders, teachers and Brahmins. One would try to stay in the company of sages and be a devotee, a yogi, a person free of any desires and knowledgeable about vedas, shastras and Brahma. One will be knowledgeable, scholarly and true to one's family traditions. One will bring fame to one's name and will be knowledgeable about the Shastras. One will be fully conversant with all the shastras and arts and devoted to God, one's father and may practice fasting. One will be interested in pilgrimages and religious work. One will be valiant, famous, fortunate, saintly in nature and best among men. One may perform many yagyas and may perform the Deva Yagya in the 35th year. Jupiter in the ninth bhava signifies spiritual knowledge, practice of the Yogas and instinctive knowledge. Jupiter is auspicious for legal work, writing etc. One will possess a house. One may have four courtyards or may have four floors in one's house. One's house may be four storied and yellow, red or green in color. One may be loved by the king and the king may be very favorable towards him. One may be the king's secretary, recognized by the king, a leader or a head and may feed many people. One may be a progressive teacher. One may be in business. One may be narrow minded and selfish in temperament. One may be honored by the state and society and be famous. One will be wealthy and moneyed and one's prosperity will increase and be equal to that of a king. One will attain lifelong happiness and be dear amongst the opposite sex. One's father will have a long life, will perform good deeds and attain respect and honor. Jupiter in the ninth bhava signifies the comforts of vehicles. One will be blessed with relatives and servants. who will be polite. One may gain from legal work, the work of a clerk, religious issues, vedanta and from migration. One will attain bliss from new relatives formed through marriage. Jupiter in the ninth does not signify unity. If together, both the brothers will not progress. One may acquire degrees like MSc., etc in science related subjects. There may be many children. Inauspicious Results : One may abandon any work before completion. Acquiring partial knowledge and then abandoning the same halfway due to laziness may be part of one's nature. One may be indifferent towards religion due to laziness and may be lazy in the matter of daily rituals and prayers. Jupiter in the ninth bhava causes anxiety for the son. One may have a daughter and will be constantly anxious about a son. The son may not survive and anxiety prevails. The son may survive but may be opposing, lowly and cause for anxiety. The son will be well educated but may be ill behaved. According to Brihadvanjataka, Jupiter in the ninth house is the father's house and the mother may expire. There is a possibility of both the mother and father expiring. There may be children but they may not survive. There may be many siblings but there may not be much affection amidst them and frequent quarrels many prevail. Some inauspicious results will also be felt. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 98 ¬ SAMPLE f Venus f In the Third Bhava Auspicious Results : One is well behaved, very polite, happy and enthusiastic. One will love to travel and be soft spoken. One will be skilled at arts, knowledgeable about languages and will be a poet a singer or an artist. One will be an artist or scholar. One will not be aggressive but will be capable of protecting himself. One will remain successfully adhered to the mental resolutions. One will be interested in studying. One will be fortunate and prosperous. One will be healthy, valiant and wealthy and respected by the state. One will enjoy worldly comforts. One will gain financially in the 29th year. One will maintain amicable relations with brothers and friends and will be surrounded by relatives. One may have three brothers. One will have many fair complexioned sisters. This person will desire many sons and will always be discontented on this account. One will get good help from friends, neighbors and others. Migration will be a happy one and will bring him in contact with new acquaintances. Friendship will increase and marriage will be fixed through letters. One may be the leader of an army. Work will progress fast. One will be respected and may get the acquaintances released from bondage. One will wear good clothes. One will always wander around beautiful people of the opposite sex like a bee flutters over pretty flowers. One may be indifferent to one's spouse and might be attracted to other people of the opposite sex. One will not be attracted towards other people of the opposite sex. Inauspicious Results : The planetary position is inauspicious especially in matters related to marriage. There may be obstacles in marriage, enmity towards spouse, more than one marriage; spouse may be from another caste, marriage with an already married person or financial problems after marriage. Due to the influence of Venus one may prefer an older spouse and may be passionate in nature. One may desire sexual fulfillment during the daytime also. Remarriage after death of the first spouse may be delayed. The opposite sex may always be suspicious. This may effect one's sexual satisfaction. One will be lazy and greedy. One may be bitter and angry in speech. One may be weak bodied, insistent, uncultured, untruthful, quarrelsome, defeated by enemies and fond of sleeping with the opposite sex. One may be incapable of facing struggles. One will be uncharitable and cowardly. One will be miserly in donation and cowardly at battles. One will be miserly in the use of wealth for good purposes and may lack enthusiasm. One will always suffer from ailments and fear. One may be weak bodied, miserly, poor, wicked, sensuous, and may work negatively trying to harm good people. One may have many enemies and one's wealth may decrease. One will be ordinary in appearance. One will be much attached to materialistic things. One may suffer from eye ailments. One may be deprived of the bliss of spouse and wealth. One may be unpopular. One's son may be ill charactered and one's spouse may be infertile. One may not have younger brothers. The spouse may be very ordinary and ill behaved. One will be content with the spouse. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 99 ¬ SAMPLE g Saturn g In the Second Bhava Auspicious Results : One will be soft-spoken and judicious. One will travel far and wide with one's family and acquire all comforts and the best of things in life. In the later part of life, one may leave home, settle elsewhere and enjoy wealth, vehicles and the comforts of life. One may be the king's favored and may attain state honors. One will be thrifty, clever and far-sighted. As such one invests one's money in the development of a big and cautious business venture. This helps to multiply one's wealth. One will be dissatisfied with food. One will get one's work done easily by talking sweetly. One will be indifferent to one's spouse and domestic quarrels will prevail. One will spend money for people and keep them under control. One earns well for a living. One may marry twice or more. The work of finance is appropriate from the point of view of business. The planets are favorable for dealing with the following: coal, wood, iron metals minerals and stone, lime and sand. One will be very successful in the business of iron. One will not fear enemies. One may be the head of a religious temple. One will get inauspicious results in one's native country and auspicious results outside the country. The wedding may be delayed, there may be 2 spouses and few children and one may be a professional moneylender. One will start earning after the age of 22-24. The northern direction is beneficial for changing country. Inauspicious Results : One may not be good looking but one's eyes are lively. One may be lacking in character, misbehaved, inimical towards saints and greedy. One may be restless, outraged and may not believe in God. One may uselessly utter harsh words and rude speech. One may not be sweet spoken and may be harsh and rough in speech. One may be accumulative and dutiful by nature. One may be untruthful, lively and fraudulent. One may attain wealth through ill deeds. One may have a scar or wound on the eye due to assault from a wooden thing. One may also suffer from eye ailments. One may suffer from mouth and dental ailments. One may suffer from gastric problems and cough, cold and ailments of the bones. One may have a disfigured face. When Saturn is weak or tainted, one may have to remain poor all one's life. One may face financial problems and it may be difficult to make both ends meet. Business and trade may always be harmful. Inspite of great efforts one may not gain any benefits. One may suffer business losses and loss of wealth. Wealth is destroyed painfully. One may be poor due to the king's anger. One may be very selfish and may even become violent in order to attain one's selfish interests. One's family members and friends may desert him and one may have to live in some one else's house. One may not attain any happiness from one's family. One may practice the lowly arts. One's sister's children may not survive and one's sister may have miscarriages. One may follow the wrong path and be poor. Problems and people may be troublesome. One may not have a younger brother and may be deprived of a brother. One maybe deprived of all pleasure. One may marry twice. One may not help anyone. In one's fifteenth and twentieth year, a leading member of the family may expire. One may not have much agricultural income. One may suffer harm due to friends. One may defraud the opposite sex. One may have the tendency of usurping the wealth of others. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 100 ¬ SAMPLE h Rahu h In the Second Bhava Auspicious Results : The planet gives mixed results. One has a strong physique and is fearless. One may have a big nose and a mark on the chin. One will attain respect and fame. One will be well behaved and trust worthy. One will be wealthy. One will attain wealth from the king and be happy. One will attain and accumulate wealth from abroad. One will destroy the enemies. One will be fond of travelling far and wide. Whenever one takes up any work, there will be great obstacles in the way and great efforts will have to be put in order to become successful. One will profit in rearing cows and buffaloes and in trading in a related business. One will possess many cows. One will have few children. Inauspicious Results : One may have crooked and unsymmetrical teeth. One may leave one's own work, and be selfish. One may be dominated by others, be arrogant, violent and prone to thieving. One may be untruthful, speak uselessly and unpleasantly, have a harsh voice and may be talkative. One may speak in a confused manner and may be unable to put one's thoughts across clearly. One's wealth will be destroyed which will make the person poor. One may lose money due to theft and be extremely unhappy. One may lose paternal wealth. One may be born in prosperity and yet become poor and wonder aimlessly. One may be as wealthy as Kuber, the lord of wealth, and still be poor. One's family may be destroyed and one may witness the death of one's relatives. One may fear weapons and these may be the cause of one's death. One may attain punishment due to wicked people. One may attain wealth through trading in fishes. One may sell leather and nails to earn one's living. One may attain wealth through theft. One may suffer from dental ailments. One may suffer from ailments of the mouth and eyes. One may be unhappy due to the demise of one's son. One's good fortune may begin after the death of one's father. One may have two spouses. Money may come but may be spent. There may be obstacles in acquiring money. One may use the money belonging to others and attain a bad name. One may be unhappy in one's native place. But may become wealthy when one goes abroad. One may stay in the house of lowly people. One may stay under the influence of wicked people. One may not heed the advice of friends. One may face a lot of opposition. One may not have wealth accumulated by one's ancestors. If it exists, it may be disputable or may be destroyed by oneself. One may suddenly acquire wealth unjustly and it may become permanent. However one's sons and grandson may face the ill effects of this. One's entire family may be destroyed. One may marry thrice. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 101 ¬ SAMPLE i Ketu i In the Eighth Bhava Auspicious Results : One will be valiant and constantly enterprising. One will enjoy the best of everything in work, happiness, character, sports and ornaments. The person will have financial gain. One will have excessive gains. The planets will give auspicious results to one. It is definite that one will attain wealth from the royal family. Inauspicious Results : There will be many inauspicious results. One has a wicked mind, lacks enlightenment, is sinful, cruel, inimical of the opposite sex, bad charactered, shy, very greedy and in the service of wicked persons. One will never hesitate in harming someone. One may be ailing. One may suffer from septic infection, broken limbs and pain in the kidney and adjoining areas. One may have internal ailments and diseases of the teeth and limbs. One may not die a natural death. One may be short lived. One may be poor. There may be obstacles in recovery of money given to others. One may be infatuated towards the spouses of others and money of others. One may be fearful of falling from horses or other vehicles. The fear of injury from vehicle may prevail. One also has the danger of animals. One may be separated from dear friends, there may be quarrels, assault due to weapons and opposition at work. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 102 ¬ SAMPLE Interpretations for Bhavesh The lor d of the fir st house in the four th house According to Lomesh Samhita– yXus'ks n'kes rq;sZ fir`ekr`lq[kkfUor%A cgqHkzkr`;qr% dkeh xq.klkSUn;Zla;qr%AA According to Manasagari– yXus'kLrq;Zxrks u`ifiz;a izpqjthfora dq#rsA layC/kfirj fi=ksHkZDrecgqHkstua dq#rs AA According to Yavana Jataka– lq[kxrs ruqirs ruqrs lq[ka fofo/kHk{;foykllqiwftre~A u`ifriwT;rea tuuhlq[ka xtjFkk'olq[ka lqjlkf'ue~AA When the lord of the first house is in the fourth house, paternal happiness is there, one has elder brothers, one is sensuous, good looking and talented. There will be benefits from the father and a tremendous source of earnings. One will be a devotee of parents and will have frugal eating habits. Happiness, varied food articles, comfortable living, recognition by government, mother's blessings, horses, elephants, chariots and vehicles and sumptuous food for consumption are attained. One is respected and will have a long life, many friends, will get many benefits and will attain wealth, house and agricultural land. Experience: If Mercury is the Lagna lord then one will have happiness and will enjoy varied benefits. The lor d of the second house in the thir d house According to Lomesh Samhita– /kus'ks r`rh;s rq;sZ foØeh efreku~ xq.khA ij nkjkfHkxkeh p fu'pyks nsoHkfDr;qd~AA According to Manasagari– /kuis lgtxrs cU/kksHknks u oftZrs ØwjsA lkSE;s jktfojks/kh Hkwru;s rLdj% iq#"kAA According to Yavana Jataka– /kukf/kis Hkzkr`xrs [ky% L;kr~ lks}sx;qx~ Hkzkr`lq[ksu ghu%A lw;ksZHnos Hkzkr`xrs fojks/kh pkSj% dqts pkdZlqrs focU/kq%AA According to Garga Samhita– lgtxrs rq /kus'ks O;olk;h dfydjks dykghu%A pkSj'oapyfoRrh Hkofr ujks fou;u;jfgr%AA When the lord of the second house is in the third house, then one is full of valor, is talented, intelligent, stable and religious but has relationship with the opposite sex. If the lord of the second house is inauspicious and in the third house then one will not oppose one's relatives. If it is auspicious then one will oppose the king and if it is Mars then one will be a thief. One may be wicked, fearful, and deprived of brothers. If Sun is in this place, then one will oppose one's brothers. If Mars is present then one will be a thief. If Saturn is present, one Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 103 SAMPLE ¬ will be devoid of relatives. One may be in business and may be quarrelsome, unskilled in art, prone to stealing, extravagant, overbearing and an unjust person. Experience: If Venus is the second lord then auspicious results will be experienced. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 104 ¬ SAMPLE The lor d of the thir d house in the fifth house According to Lomesh Samhita– r`rh;s'ks lq[ks desZ iapes ok lq[ka lnkA vfrØwjk Hkosn~ Hkk;kZ /kuk<+îks efreku~ Hkosr~AA According to Yavana Jataka– lgtis lqrxs cgqckU/koS% lqrlgksnjiky/kuh lq[khA fo"k;Hkqd ijdk;Zij% {keh yfyrewfrZjlkS fpjthfor%AA According to Garga Samhita– ;gh 'yksd fn;k gSA When the lord of the third house is in the fifth house, one is always happy, wealthy and very cruel. One will have a long life, will be good looking, forgiving, helpful, will enjoy materialistic pleasures, be happy, will rear one's brothers and sons. One will be devoted to God, will gain fame due to one's intelligence and one's sons will be full of valor. One will have pious thoughts. Experience: If Mars is the third lord then the above mentioned inauspicious results are experienced. The lor d of the four th house in the ninth house According to Lomesh Samhita– rq;sZ'ks iapes HkkX;s lq[kh loZtufiz;%A fo".kqHkfDrjrks ekuh LoHkqtkfrZfouk'kd`rAA According to Yavana Jataka– uoexs lq[kis cgqHkkX;oku~ fir`/kukFkZlqâUeuqtkf/ki%A Hkofr rhFkZdjks ozroku~ {keh lqu;u% ijns'klq[kh uj%AA According to Garga Jaataka– lqd`rs rqrZirkofrlRlaxh leLrfo|koku~A fir`/keZlaxzgd`r fir`/kekZis{kdks euqt%AA When the lord of the fourth house is in the ninth house one will be happy, popular, devoted to God and arrogant and will be capable of solving one's problems through one's own efforts. One may stay in the company of good people and will be a scholar and a follower of one's father footsteps. One may be religiously devoted to one's father, may be fortunate, may attain wealth from one's father and may be able to keep a command over one's friends and other people. One may undertake religious trips , may be forgiving, endowed with beautiful eyes and may attain pleasure abroad. One may neglect one's father. One will go against one's parents and may not benefit.One may earn wealth through one's own efforts and enjoy Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 105 SAMPLE ¬ happiness. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 106 ¬ SAMPLE The lor d of the fifth house in the second house According to Lomesh Samhita– lqrs'ks pk;qf"k foRrs cgqeS=ks u l'k;%A mnjO;kf/kla;qDr% Øks/k;qDrks /kukfUor%AA According to Yavana Jataka– lqrs'ks xrs nzO;Hkkos uj% L;kr~ dqys'kkIrfor% dqVqEcs fojks/khA Hkos)kfudkjh tuks HkksxlDr% 'kqHkSthZoiq=ks Hkosn~ nzO;ukFkAA According to Garga Jataka– iapeifr/kZuLFk% Øwj% [kpjks /kuksfT>ra dq#rsA xhrkfndkO;dfyr d"VHkqta LFkku izpqj p AA When the lord of the fifth house is in the second house, one may have many friends, may suffer from stomach ailments, be short tempered but wealthy. One gets wealth from one's father but revolts against one's family and harms it. One is engrossed in materialistic pleasures. If the graha is a benefic, it is auspicious and then one is blessed with a son and is wealthy. When the lord of the fifth house is a malefic and in the second house, then one is poor, is a poet or singer, may have to face difficulties and achieves stability after a lot of efforts. As per Navatheji: One will be scholarly and always eager to acquire knowledge. One will be an intellectual and achieve fame. Experience: If Saturn is the fifth lord then the above mentioned inauspicious results are experienced. The lor d of the sixth house in the second house According to Lomesh Samhita– "k"Bs'ks deZfoRrLFk lkglh dqyfoJqr%A ijns'kh 'kqfpoaDrk Lo/kesZ"osdfu"Bd%AA According to Yavana Jataka– fjiqirkS nzfo.ks prqjks uj% dfBurk /kulxzg.k{ke%A futinizojkS fofnr'pyks xn;qr% d`'kxk=;qrks uj%AA According to Garga Jataka– "k"BirkS nzfo.kL;s nq"V'prqjks fg laxzgoku~A LFkkuizojks fofnr% lO;kf/kLruqtâfoRr%AA When the lord of the sixth house is in the second house, one is bold, famous in one's family, travels abroad, is pure, speaks well and strongly adheres to one's religion. One is clever, able to accumulate wealth and is strong. One occupies a high position, is famous, energetic, lean and ailing. One's children usurp one's wealth and one's friends cause him monetary losses. As per Navatheji: One creates enmity amongst one's family members. There are disputes regarding one's paternal wealth and one does not get proper food to eat. Experience: If Saturn is the sixth lord then the above mentioned results related to wealth are experienced. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 107 ¬ SAMPLE The lor d of the seventh house in the ninth house According to Lomesh Samhita– |wus'ks uoes foRrs ukukL=hfHk% lekxe%A vkjEHkh nh?kZlw=h p L=h"kq fpra fg dsoye~AA According to Yavana Jataka– enifruZoes ;fn 'khyoku~ [ky[kxSdqa#rs fg uiqalde~A rifr rstfl lqizfFkrks uj% izen;k fut;k lg oSjd`rAA According to Garga Jataka– lqd`rxrs je.kh'ks rstLoh f'kYioku~ fiz;kI;soe~A Øwjs rq p.M:ik yXus'k ohf{krs ri% izoy%AA When the lord of the seventh house is in the ninth house, one has illicit relations with the opposite sex, makes big plans after starting any work and is always engrossed, in the opposite sex. One is cultured and famous because of one's enlightenment and meditation but is enmical towards one's spouse. If a malefic is there, one may be impotent. One and one's spouse are enlightened and knowledgeable in arts. If a malefic accompanies, then one's spouse has a strong nature. If the aspect of the lord of the first house is on the lord of the seventh house then one may be a staunch ascetic. One undertakes long journeys, one's spouse is pure and religious and fortunate for him/her and one respects her/him. Experience: If Jupiter is the seventh lord then the above mentioned auspicious results are experienced. The lor d of the eighth house in the fifth house According to Lomesh Samhita– v"Ves'ks lqrs ykHks d`rs o`f)% iztk;rsA nzO;a u LFkh;rs xsgs flFkjo`f)HkZosPp uAA According to Yavana Jataka– ej.kHkkoifrLru;s fLFkrLru;uk'kdj'p lnSo fgA ;fn [kySj 'kqHka l p /kwrZjkV~ 'kqHk[kxS'p 'kqHka lqro`f)Hkd~AA According to Garga Jataka and Manasagari– fNnzirkS ru;LFks ikis lqrfojfgr% 'kqHks llqr%A tkrksfi uSo thofr thoR;fi fdrodeZjr%AA When the lord of the eighth house is in the fifth house, one will progress but this will not be stable and one is unable to retain one's money for long. One is blessed with many sons. If it is a malefic then there will be a loss of sons and one is deceitful. If the lord of the eighth house is auspicious then one will not be blessed with a son. If it is a benefic, one will be blessed with sons, but they will be short-lived and if they survive then they will be gamblers. According to Navatheji: One will be busy in speculation and gambling, one's sons will have a bad character and one will be desirous of earning a lot of wealth very fast. Experience: If Mars is the eighth lord then one will be blessed with a son and wealth. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 108 ¬ SAMPLE The lor d of the ninth house in the thir d house According to Lomesh Samhita- HkkX;s'ks lgts foRrs lnk HkkX;kuqfpUrd%A /kuoku~ xq.koku~ dkeh if.Mrks tuoYyHk%AA According to Yavana Jataka- lqd`ris lgtLFkyxs rFkk Hkofr :i;qrks tuoYyHk%A LotucU/kqtuizfrikydks fofnrdeZdjks ;fn thofr%AA According to Garga Jataka and Manasagari- lgtxrs lqd`rirkS :iL=hcU/kqoRly% iq#"k%A cU/kqL=hj{k.kd`n~ ;fn thofr cU/kqfHk% lfgr%AA When the ninth lord is in the third house then one will always be thoughtful about one's fortune. One is talented, wealthy, sensuous, learned and famous. One will be handsome, popular, supports one's relatives and perform famous deeds. One will be beautiful, loving to spouse and brothers and will support them and will live with one's relatives. According to Navatha Ji, one will progress with one's own efforts and help of brothers too. One may gain popularity through one's work. Experience: If Venus is the ninth lord then the above mentioned auspicious results are experienced and one will be wealthy. The lor d of the tenth house in the four th house According to Lomesh Samhita- n'kes'ks lq[ks deZ Kkuoku~ lgfoØehA x`ánsokpZujrks /kekZRek lR;la;qr%AA According to Yavana Jataka- n'keis·Ecqxrs furjka lq[kh firfj ekrfj iks"k.krRij%A ldyyksdn'kkefi rkid`r~ u`ifrlaHkoykHkfoHkwf"kr%AA According to Garga Jataka and Manasagari- ;outkrd dk gh o.kZu gS] flQZ+ vfi rkid`r~ dh txg ve`rk;rs bruk fHké 'kCn fn;k gSA When the lord of the tenth house is in the fourth house, one is a scholar, endowed with valor, a religious soul, devoted to truthfulness and may secretly worship some God. One will be happy. One will support one's parents, tolerate hardships, suffer harm inflicted by others and will benefit from the king/queen. One will be loved and blessed by parents, will attain the prosperity of a king/queen and will earn one's living through agriculture. Experience: If Mercury is the tenth lord then the above mentioned auspicious results are experienced. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 109 ¬ SAMPLE The lor d of the eleventh house in the eleventh house According to Lomesh Samhita– ykHks'ks lafLFkrs ykHks l okXeh tk;rs /kqzoe~A iakfMR;a dfork pSo o/kZrs p fnus fnusAA According to Yavana Jataka– cgqythfor eqX/ktukfUor% 'kqhkoiq% [kyq iqf"V;qr% lnkA vfrlq:ilqokguoL=;qd~ Lox`gxs HkoHkkoirkS uj%AA According to Garga Jataka and Manasagari– ;outkrd tSlk o.kZu gS] flQZ cgqr iq=andikS= gksuk bruk Qy vf/kd crk;k gSA When the lord of the eleventh house is in the eleventh house or in the eleventh house, then one is skilled at speaking. One's genius and poetic sense increases day by day. One lives a long life and is good looking and strong. One will associate with good people and will be endowed with vehicles and clothes. One will make continuous gains and will find happiness and respect. The lor d of the twelfth house in the four th house According to Lomesh Samhita– O;;s'kks rq;Zxks ;L; fir`lkS[;a Hkosé fgA cU/kqghu% iq=ghuks f}Hkk;ksZ efreku~ lq[khAA According to Yavana Jataka– dfBudeZ;qr% 'kqHkdeZd`r~ O;;irkS lq[kxs p lq[kfUor%A lqrtukUej.ka p n`ozrh fnfopjs l Hkosnqidkjd%AA According to Garga Jataka and Manasagari– rq;Zxrs O;;ukFks d`i.kks jksxksfT>r% lqdekZ pA e`frekIuksfr fg lqrr% lrra euqtks egknq%[khAA When the lord of the twelfth house is in the fourth house, one is deprived of the father, friends and son. One may marry twice and be intelligent and happy. One may do difficult and good deeds, strictly follow rules, may be benevolent, and reside elsewhere. One may be miserly, healthy, performer of good deeds and always sad. One may die without any ailment. One's relatives may destroy one's wealth and one may also suffer losses in the business of cars and horses. Experience: If Sun is the twelfth lord then the above mentioned results are experienced better. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 110 ¬ SAMPLE ~ Inter pr etations for Bhavesh ~ The lor d of the fir st house in the four th house When the lord of the first house is in the fourth house, paternal happiness is there, one has elder brothers, one is sensuous, good looking and talented. There will be benefits from father, tremendous source of earnings and one will be a devotee of parents and will have frugal eating habits. Happiness, respect, varied food articles, comfortable living, recognition by government, mother's blessings, horses, elephants, chariots and vehicles and sumptuous food for consumption are attained. One will have a long life, will have many friends, will get many benefits and will attain wealth, house and agricultural land. Experience: If Mercury is the Lagna lord then one will have happiness and will enjoy varied benefits. The lor d of the second house in the thir d house When the lord of the second house is in the third house, then one is full of valour, is talented, intelligent, stable and religious but has illicit relationship with the opposite sex. If the lord of the second house is inauspicious and in the third house, then one will not oppose one's relatives. If it is auspicious then one will oppose the king/queen and if it is Mars then one will be a thief. One may be wicked, fearful, and deprived of brothers. If Sun is in this place then one will oppose one's brothers. If Mars is present then one will be a thief. If Saturn is present, one will be devoid of relatives. One may be in business and may be quarrelsome, unskilled in art, extravagant, overbearing and a thief and an unjust person. Experience: If Venus is the second lord then auspicious results will be experienced. The lor d of the thir d house in the fifth house When the lord of the third house is in the fifth house, one is always happy, wealthy and very cruel. One will have a long life, will be good looking, forgiving, helpful, will enjoy materialistic pleasures, be happy, will rear one's brothers and sons, and will have many brothers. One will be devoted to God, be famous on the strength of one's intelligence and one's sons will be full of valor. One will have pious thoughts. Experience: If Mars is the third lord then the above mentioned inauspicious results are experienced. The lor d of the four th house in the ninth house When the lord of the fourth house is in the ninth house one will be happy, popular, devoted to God,arrogant and will be capable of solving problems through one's own efforts. One may stay in the company of good people and will be a scholar and will follow in one's father footsteps. One may be religiously devoted to one's father, may be fortunate, may attain wealth from one's father and may be able to keep a command over one's friends and other people. One may undertake religious trips , may be forgiving, endowed with beautiful eyes Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 111 SAMPLE ¬ and may attain pleasure abroad. One may neglect one's father. One will go against one's parents and may not benefit.One may earn wealth through one's own efforts and enjoy happiness. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 112 SAMPLE ¬ The lor d of the fifth house in the second house When the lord of the fifth house is in the second house, one may have many friends, suffer from stomach ailments, be short tempered but wealthy. One gets wealth from one's father, but revolts against one's family and harms it. One is engrossed in materialistic pleasures. If the graha is a benefic, then one is blessed with a son and is wealthy. When the lord of the fifth house is a malefic and in the second house, then one is poor, is a poet or singer, may have to face difficulties and achieves stability after a lot of efforts. As per Navatheji: One will be scholarly and always eager to acquire knowledge. One will be an intellectual and achieve fame. Experience: If Saturn is the fifth lord then the above mentioned inauspicious results are experienced. The lor d of the sixth house in the second house When the lord of the sixth house is in the second house, one is bold and famous in one's family. One travels abroad, is pure of heart, speaks well and strongly adheres to one's religion. One is clever, able to accumulate wealth and is strong, famous, energetic, lean and ailing. One may be occupying a high position. One's children usurp one's wealth and one's friends cause him monetary losses. As per Navatheji: One creates enmity amongst one's family members. There are disputes regarding one's paternal wealth and one does not get proper food to eat. Experience: If Saturn is the sixth lord then the above mentioned results related to wealth are experienced. The lor d of the seventh house in the ninth house When the lord of the seventh house is in the ninth house, one keeps illicit relations with the opposite sex, makes big plans after starting any work and is always engrossed with the opposite sex. One is cultured and famous because of one's enlightenment and meditation, but is enmical towards one's spouse. If a malefic is there, one may be impotent. One and one's spouse are enlightened and knowledgeable in arts. If a malefic accompanies then one's spouse has a strong nature. If the aspect of the lord of the first house is in the lord of the seventh house, then one may be a staunch ascetic. One undertakes long journeys, one's spouse is pure and religious and fortunate for him/her and one respects her/him. Experience: If Jupiter is the seventh lord then the above mentioned auspicious results are experienced. The lor d of the eighth house in the fifth house When the lord of the eighth house is in the fifth house, one will progress but one's progress will not be stable and one is unable to retain one's money for long. One is blessed with many sons. If it is a malefic then there will be a loss of sons and one becomes deceitful. If the lord of the eighth house is auspicious then one will not be blessed with a son. If it is a benefic, one will be blessed with sons, but they will be short-lived and if they survive then they will be gamblers. According to Navatheji: One will be involved in speculation and gambling, one's Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 113 SAMPLE ¬ sons will have a bad character and one will be desirous of earning a lot of wealth very fast. Experience: If Mars is the eighth lord then one will be blessed with a son and wealth. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 114 SAMPLE ¬ The lor d of the ninth house in the thir d house When the ninth lord is in the third house then one will always be careful about one's fortune. One will be talented, wealthy, sensuous, learned and famous. One will be handsome, popular, support one's relatives and perform famous deeds. One will be good looking, loving towards spouse and brothers and will be supportive of them. One will live with one's relatives. According to Navatha Ji, one will progress with one's strength and the help of brothers. One will perform deeds that make him popular with people. Experience: If Venus is the ninth lord then the above mentioned auspicious results are experienced and one will be wealthy. The lor d of the tenth house in the four th house When the lord of the tenth house is in the fourth house, one is a scholar, endowed with valor, a religious soul, devoted to truthfulness and may secretly worship some God. One will be happy. One will support one's parents, tolerate the hardships inflicted by others and benefit from the king/queen. One will be blessed by one's parents, will attain the prosperity of a king/queen, will earn one's living through agriculture and will be loved by one's parents. Experience: If Mercury is the tenth lord then the above mentioned auspicious results are experienced. The lor d of the eleventh house in the eleventh house When the lord of the eleventh house is in the eleventh house or in the eleventh house, then one is skilled at speaking. One's genius and poetic sense enhances day by day. One lives a long life and is good looking and strong. One will associate with good people and will be endowed with vehicles and clothes. One will make continuous gains and will find happiness and respect. The lor d of the twelfth house in the four th house When the lord of the twelfth house is in the fourth house, one is deprived of a father, friends and a son. One may marry twice and be intelligent and happy. One may perform difficult and good deeds, follow rules strictly, be benevolent, and reside elsewhere. One may be miserly, healthy, performer of good deeds and always sad. One may die without any ailment. One's relatives may destroy one's wealth and one may also suffer losses in the business of cars and horses. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 115 SAMPLE ¬ Experience: If Sun is the twelfth lord then the above mentioned results are experienced better. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 116 ¬ SAMPLE Applicable Benefic Yogas Yogas related to Personality and Appearance Yogas related to Nature and Temperament Yogas related to Charity Yogas related to Different Areas of Life Ubhayachari Yoga Any planets, other than Moon, occupy the 2nd and the 12th house from Sun. Result : The person has a strong physique, equal to a king, capable of shouldering great responsibility, great learning, balanced outlook, wealthy, handsome and blessed with numerous objects of pleasure. This is particularly the results if benefics form this Yoga. Kahala Yoga Lords of the 4th and the 9th in mutual Kendras, and the lord of Lagna is strong. Result : The person is aggressive, courageous, ignorant, commander of an army, owner or ruler of several villages. The person has material possessions, and ownership of land, houses and vehicles. Shankha Yoga The 5th Lord and the 6th lord in mutual Kendras, and the Lagna lord is strong. Result : The person is kind-hearted, virtuous, learned, blessed with a spouse and children, morally sound, versed in sacred scriptures, owns lands, enjoys prosperity and lives up to 81 years. The person has the authority to discipline or punish. Surya-Budha Yoga Sun and Mercury are conjunct in the same house (also known as Budhadhiya Yoga). Result : The person is sweet tongued, clever, scholarly, virtuous and will have learning, wealth, progeny and self-control, earns wealth by serving others. Also said to be highly intelligent, skillful in all works with a good reputation (Still a very common Yoga). Yogas related to Education Yogas related to Profession Karmajiva Yoga Moon aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna or Sun (Brihat Jataka). Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support other combinations indicating a profession connected Moon, connected to Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 117 ¬ SAMPLE agriculture, watery products, coral, pearls, shells, and dependence upon women. Karmajiva Yoga Mars rules the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka). Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support other combinations indicating a profession of Mars, connected to minerals, fire (fireworks, kitchen, engine driving or any work connected to heat or fire), weapons, adventures and physical strength. Karmajiva Yoga Mercury rules the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka). Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support other combinations indicating a profession connected to Mercury, like a mechanic, painter, sculptor, engraver, architect or scent-maker. Karmajiva Yoga Jupiter aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka). Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support other combinations indicating a profession connected Jupiter, like involvement with educated classes, knowledge, law, religion, temples, charities, discipleship, pilgrimage and spiritual pursuits. Karmajiva Yoga The lord of the Navamsha occupying the 10th lord is Venus (Brihat Jataka 10/3). Result : Wealth and livelihood will come to the person through gems, silver, cows, buffaloes, or anything of great value or sensory pleasure or relates to beauty. The person's income or source of wealth might come from a woman or a spouse (Venus). Karmajiva Yoga Saturn aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka). Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support other combinations indicating a profession connected to Saturn, like labor, such as carrying loads, and low trades that go against family tradition. Yogas related to Marriage and Spouse Satkalatra Yoga Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 118 ¬ SAMPLE The lord of the 7th or Venus are conjunct or aspected by Jupiter or Mercury (original source unknown). Result : The spouse (or wife) of the person will be noble and virtuous. Yogas related to Children Aurasaputra Yoga The 5th house contains a benefic or the 5th house is identical to a benefic sign or is aspected by benefics (Saravali 34/25). Result : The person will have a child that is legitimately his/her own (with a legitimate spouse). Aurasaputra Yoga Jupiter aspects Lagna, Sun or Moon (Saravali 35/26). Result : The person will have a child that is legitimately his/her own. Yogas related to Parents and Siblings Matrudirgayur Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign holding the 4th house lord is strong and is located in a Kendra from Lagna or Moon (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/132). Result : The mother of the person will have a long life. Bhratruvriddhi Yoga The 3rd house lord, or Mars, or the 3rd house itself is conjunct or aspected by benefics and strong in other ways (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/16). Result : The person will have good luck with his brothers (or siblings) who will be very well off. Yogas related to Health and Longevity Sarira Sukhya Yoga The Lagna lord, Jupiter or Venus are placed in a Kendra (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/98). Result : Longevity, wealth from and alignment with political powers are bestowed upon the person. Purnayu Yoga The lord of the 8th house is exalted in a Kendra or a Trikona, associated with benefics. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 119 ¬ SAMPLE Result : This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years. Special Astrological Yogas Yogas related to Wealth Dhana Yoga There is a relationship between the Lagna lord on the one hand and the 2nd, or 5th, or 9th or 11th lord on the other hand. Result : The person will be wealthy. Vahana Yoga The Lagna lord is placed in the 4th house, the 9th house or the 11th house (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/162). Result : The person will come to own vehicles and other material comforts. Yogas related to Status and Achievement Raja Yoga A mutual relationship exists between the lord of the 4th house on the one side and the lord of the 5th or 9th on the other. Result : This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognition and status. Raja Yoga A mutual relationship exists between the lord of the 7th house on the one side and that of the 9th on the other. Result : This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognition and status. Raja Yoga Venus occupying the Lagna, and aspected by or associated with the Moon or Jupiter (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 41/11). Result : The person will be related to royal circles. Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this means a high governmental status). Raja Yoga The Moon is brilliant with white luster (full) and is aspected by a planet disposed in Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 120 ¬ SAMPLE Result : The person, though possibly born of common people, will become a ruler. Bhagya Yoga Lagna, 3rd house or the 5th house hold a strong and a benefic planet, which aspects the 9th house (original source unknown). Result : The person will enjoy extreme fortune, wealth and pleasures. Yogas related to Cancellation Kalpadruma-Bhanga Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, there are planets in a Kendra from Lagna. Result : This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga and bestows all comforts on the person. Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, there are planets in a Kendra from Moon. Result : This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga. Arishta-Bhanga Yoga Strong Mercury, Jupiter or Venus located in any Kendra. Result : This combination cancels or neutralizes Balarishta Yoga which threatens death to the newborn child. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 121 ¬ SAMPLE Applicable Mixed Yogas Yogas related to Personality and Appearance Yogas related to Nature and Temperament Yogas related to Different Areas of Life Chandra-Mangala Yoga Moon is conjunct Mars (or they exchange mutual aspects). Result : The person deals with drinks, earthen jars, crude instruments and women. There is disobedience to the mother. This is a combination for good earnings and accumulation of wealth, although the means to achieve these ends may not necessarily be legitimate,or be appealing to the base-needs of men, unless this configuration achieves an aspect from Guru. Yogas related to Profession Yogas related to Marriage and Spouse Yogas related to Parents and Siblings Yogas related to Health and Longevity Madhyayu Yoga The Lagna and the Hora Lagna, both occupy a Dvisvabhava sign, or one in a Chara sign and the other in Sthira sign. Result : This combination is an indication of a medium life span up to 70 years. Madhyayu Yoga Location of malefics in houses 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 11. Result : This combination is an indication of a medium life span up to 70 years. Vataroga Yoga Mars is in the 5th, 9th or the 7th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/53). Result : The person is vulnerable to a Vata disorder or imbalance (Ayurvedic diagnosis). This can range between nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, constipation, lack of fluid in the body, cold, depression, etc. Yogas related to Status and Achievement Uttamadi (Dhana) Yoga Moon is in a Panaphara (2,5,8,11) from Sun. Result : The person's wealth, learning, efficiency and fame will be (madhya) medium. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 122 SAMPLE Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . ¬ PAE2500 • 123 ¬ SAMPLE Sadhesati of Satur n According to Jyotish Tatva Prakash }kn'ks tUexs jk'kkS f}rh;s p 'kuS'pj%A lk/kkZfu lIr o"kkZf.k rFkk nq%[kS;qZrks Hkosr~AA The seven and a half year period during which Saturn transits in the twelfth, first and second houses from the birth rashi (Moon sign) is called the Sadhesati of Saturn. Your birth rashi is Cancer therefore the period during which Saturn transits in Gemini, Cancer and Leo is called Sadhesati of Saturn One Sadhesati is made up of three periods of approximately two and half years each, because Saturn travels in one rashi for two and half years. Normally in the lifetime of a person, the Sadhesati of Saturn occurs three times. The following table shows the beginning and end of each Sadhesati. Sadhesati Cycle Tr ansit of Satur n Beginning Date Ending Date Dur ation Yr -Mn-Dy Ashtakavar ga Satur n Sar va Fir st Cycle of Sadhesati First Dhayya (Twelfth from birth rashi) Gemini Gemini 30-05-2032 12-07-2034 2-1-12 -- 3 23 Second Dhayya (On birth rashi) Cancer Cancer 12-07-2034 27-08-2036 2-1-15 -- 3 29 Third Dhayya (Second from birth rashi) Leo Leo 27-08-2036 05-04-2039 22-10-2038 12-07-2039 2-1-25 0-3-7 2 27 Second Cycle of Sadhesati First Dhayya (Twelfth from birth rashi) Gemini Gemini 10-07-2061 06-03-2062 13-02-2062 24-08-2063 0-7-3 1-5-18 3 23 Second Dhayya (On birth rashi) Cancer Cancer 24-08-2063 09-05-2064 05-02-2064 12-10-2065 0-5-11 1-5-3 3 29 Third Dhayya (Second from birth rashi) Leo Leo 12-10-2065 03-07-2066 03-02-2066 30-08-2068 0-3-21 2-1-27 2 27 Thir d Cycle of Sadhesati First Dhayya (Twelfth from birth rashi) Gemini Gemini 18-09-2090 20-05-2091 25-10-2090 02-07-2093 0-1-7 2-1-12 3 23 Second Dhayya (On birth rashi) Cancer Cancer 02-07-2093 02-07-2093 18-08-2095 18-08-2095 2-1-16 2-1-16 3 29 Third Dhayya (Second from birth rashi) Leo Leo 18-08-2095 02-05-2098 11-10-2097 19-06-2098 2-1-23 0-1-17 2 27 PAE2500 • 124 ¬ SAMPLE Remedies for Sadhesati of Saturn and Dhayya To alleviate the ill-effects of Sadhesati of Saturn and Dhayya, the following are prescribed 1. Mantr a (a) 125,000 times recitations of Mahamrityunjaya mantra should be done (daily 10 malas for 125 days). ¬ =;Ecde~ ;tkegs lqxfU/ka iqf"Vo)Zua A mokZ#dfeo cU/kukUe`R;kseqZ{kh; eke`rkr~ AA (b) The following mantra of Saturn should be recited 23,000 times in 21 days - ¬ 'kéksnsohjfHk"V; vkiks HkoUrq ihr;s A 'ka;ksjfHkòoUrq u%A ¬ 'ka 'kuS'pjk; ue% AA (c) An ancient mantra of Saturn - ¬ uhykatulekHkkla jfoiq=a ;ekxzte~ A Nk;kekrZ.MlEHkwra ra uekfe 'kuS'pje~ AA 2. Stotr a The ‘Dashratha stotra' or the following stotra of Saturn should be recited 11 times - dks.kLFk% fiaxyks cHkzq% d`".kks jkSnzks·Urdks ;e% A lkSfj% 'kuS'pjks eUn% fiIiyknsu laLrqr% AA rkfu 'kfu&ukekfu tisn'oRFklfé/kkS A 'kuS'pjd`rk ihMk u dnkfpn~ Hkfo";fr AA lk<+slkrh ihM kuk'kd Lrks= & fiIiykn mokp & ueLrs dks.klaLFk; fia³~xyk; ueksLrqrs A ueLrs cHkzq:ik; d`".kk; p ueksLrq rs AA ueLrs jkSnznsgk; ueLrs pkUrdk; p A ueLrs ;elaKk; ueLrs lkSj;s foHkks AA ueLrs ;enlaKk; 'kuS'oj ueksLrqrs A izlkna dq# nsos'k nhuL; iz.krL; p AA 3. Gems and Metals On Saturday, wear an iron ring which has been made from the bottom of a boat or a horse's bridle, on the middle finger. 4. Vr atta (Fasting) Observe Vratta on Saturdays. Worship Lord Saturn with kavacha, stotra and mantra. It is beneficial to recite the Saturday Vratta Katha. On the day of Vratta, consume milk, curd and fruit juice during the day time and in the evening pay a visit to the temple of Lord Hanuman or Bhairavji. Take sweet halwa (sweet dish) made of Urad pulse or salted Khichari (dish prepared from rice and Urad pulse boiled together). 5. Medicine Every Saturday bathe with surma, black sesame seeds, saunf (anise), nagarmotha (the sweet smelling grass Cyprus) and lodha (the tree Symploce racemoze). 6. Donation To appease Lord Saturn, donate urad (a type of pulse), oil, sapphire, sesame seeds, kulathi (a horse bean), buffalo, iron, money and black clothes. 7. Other Remedies (a) Wrap a raw cotton thread seven times round a peepal tree (the holy fig tree) on a Saturday evening and recite the mantra for Saturn. Light a lamp with mustard oil under the tree and seek forgiveness for any misdeed done knowingly or unknowingly in the past. (b) Measure a black thread equal to 19 times the length of your hand and wear it like a garland. (c) Ruse: On Saturday bury in an un-tilled place a sweet made of urad pulse, sesame, oil and jaggery. (d) For the appeasement of Saturn, on a Saturday wear the tail of a Scorpion wrapped in a black thread. PAE2500 • 125 SAMPLE ¬ Result of Sadhesati Since ancient times, there has been a general belief among the masses that the Sadhesati of Saturn is usually painful and problematic from the mental, physical and financial point of view. The moment people hear about Sadhesati of Saturn, they get worried and fearful. During the Sadhesati of Saturn the person may experience laziness, mental stress, disputes, problems due to ailments and enemies, losses due to theft and fire and death of elders in the family might occur. Classics describe the results of Sadhesati in the following words – dY;k.ak [kyq ;PNfr jfolqrks jk'kkS prqFkZ"V esa O;kf/k cU/kqfojks/kns'kxeua Dys'kap fpUrkf/kde~ AA jk'kkS }kn'k'kh"kZtUeân;s iknkS f}rh;s 'kfuukZukDys'kdjks·fi nqtZuHk;a iq=ku~ i'kwu~ ihMue~AA gkfu%L;kUej.ka fons'kxeua lkS[;a p lk/kkj.ke~ jkekfj/;fouk'kua izdq#rs rq;kZ"Ves okFkok AA In other words, when Saturn in transit is in the fourth or eighth house from the Moon sign, it is a period for illness, quarrels with brothers, foreign stay, hardships and anxiety. During Sadhesati, Saturn in the first or second house causes ailments related to the head, heart and legs, fear from the wicked and hardships for sons and cattle. In general experience it is not seen that the entire period of seven and half years is painful. In fact, during Sadhesati, some auspicious events may still occur like, marriage, birth of children, promotion at work, business, victory in election and foreign travel. Results of Fir st Cycle of Sadhesati – From (30-05-2032 to 12-07-2039) The first cycle of Sadhesati of Saturn is extremely intense and during this period you may experience physical pain. There would be obstacles and hardships of various kinds. During this period of Sadhesati, there may also be some troubles to your parents. Results of Second Cycle of Sadhesati – From (10-07-2061 to 30-08-2068) In the second cycle of Sadhesati, Saturn exerts mediocre influence compared to first cycle. During this period you succeed through physical struggle and labour. Despite mental unrest, your worldly progress continues. You may suffer separation or loss of parents or other elders in the family. Results of Thir d Cycle of Sadhesati – From (18-09-2090 to 19-06-2098) In the third cycle of Sadhesati, Saturn inflicts extremely harsh results. During this period you may face tremendous physical hardships. There will be illness and even fear of death. During this period only fortunate persons survive. PAE2500 • 126 ¬ SAMPLE Results of the Dhayya of Sadhesati It has been generally seen that out of the three Dhayyas of Sadhesati, one gives auspicious results. This can be decided according to the number of auspicious lines found in the Ashtaka and Sarvashtaka Varga of Saturn. Saturn gives mixed results when Saturn has 4 points in the Ashtakavarga and 28 points in the Sarvashtaka Varga. If the points exceed this number the results are auspicious and if they fall below this number they are inauspicious. If in the birth horoscope, Saturn is strong (exalted or placed in own rashi) or it is a Yogakaraka or it is the lord of the Rashi then the bad effects for the person are comparatively lesser than for others. Results dur ing Fir st Dhayya of Sadhesati – First Cycle from 30-05-2032 to 12-07-2034 and from to Second Cycle from 10-07-2061 to 13-02-2062 and from 06-03-2062 to 24-08-2063 Third Cycle from 18-09-2090 to 25-10-2090 and from 20-05-2091 to 02-07-2093 During this period Saturn transits in the twelfth house from Moon sign and has its full aspect on the second, sixth and ninth house. During the first dhayya, Saturn resides on the head. There would be fall in mental and physical happiness. There is a possibility of eye ailments or weakness of vision and use of spectacles. There may be sudden financial losses. There may be unwanted and extra expenditure. You may face financial problems. The expenditure will exceed the income. There may be a separation from the family. Domestic unrest may prevail. Father may suffer ailments. The relations with your father might get tense and fortune might decline a little. Work may be delayed or problems may arise. Efforts do not yield results. People are unhelpful and government officials may give trouble. Your interest in spiritualism increases. There may be fear of an accident. You may wander uselessly. You may also travel to distant places which may cause hardships. This position of Saturn is eighth from the fifth house, therefore is inauspicious for children. Results dur ing Second Dhayya of Sadhesati – First Cycle from 12-07-2034 to 27-08-2036 and from to Second Cycle from 24-08-2063 to 05-02-2064 and from 09-05-2064 to 12-10-2065 Third Cycle from 02-07-2093 to 18-08-2095 and from 02-07-2093 to 18-08-2095 During this period, Saturn travels in the Moon rashi and its full aspect falls on the third, seventh and tenth bhavas. Saturn is placed in the abdominal area during this period. Therefore there is a possibility of ailments in the entire middle part of the body. Physical energy is affected. The mind does not function and wrong decisions are taken. There may be disputes with brothers and with partners in business. One's spouse may suffer physical pain or there may be a quarrel with her. Financial problems persist. At the mental level, there is a strong rebellion. Useless fears cause anxiety. No work is according to one's desires and incomplete work makes one unhappy. Obstacles continue. Family and business life is unstable and some relative may die. Travels to distant lands may be undertaken, enemies may inflict harm and here may be separation from near ones. Diseases, loss of wealth, decline in social standing, shortage of friends and hurdles in work are the highlights of this period. Results dur ing Thir d Dhayya of Sadhesati – Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . First Cycle from 27-08-2036 to 27-08-2036 and from 05-04-2039 to 12-07-2039 Second Cycle from 12-10-2065 to 03-02-2066 and from 03-07-2066 to 30-08-2068 Third Cycle from 18-08-2095 to 11-10-2097 and from 02-05-2098 to 19-06-2098 PAE2500 • 127 SAMPLE ¬ During this period, Saturn travels in the second house from the rashi and has its full sight upon fourth, eighth and eleventh bhava. In the receding Sadhesati, Saturn stays in the legs and therefore during this period the legs may suffer from ailments. From the physical point of view, there may be weakness. One may feel inactive and physically lazy. Happiness faces hurdles, useless disputes occur,unnecessary conflicts with relative arise and they may suffer either from a serious ailment or pain equivalent to death. Happiness is destroyed and position suffers. Expenses increase. Money comes but it is spent as soon as it comes. Lowly people give troubles. Due to its aspect on the eighth house, one's life span is influenced. Due to its sight upon the fourth house, domestic happiness, happiness of mother, vehicles and other physical comforts face obstacles. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 128 SAMPLE ¬ Results of Laghu Kalyani Dhayya and Kantaka Saturn Results of Satur n' s Dhayya of four th House (Kantaka Satur n) First Cycle from to and to 02-11-2014 Second Cycle from 27-01-2041 to 06-02-2041 and 26-09-2041 to 11-12-2043 Third Cycle from 04-11-2070 to 05-02-2073 and 31-03-2073 to 23-10-2073 When Saturn transits in the fourth house from Moon sign, its full aspect is on the Moon lagna, the sixth and tenth house from the Moon lagna. There may be a change of place or transfer. Housing may become a problem. Heart problems may occur. Blood pressure may not be stable. There may be separation from relatives. Family happiness suffers. There may be opposition both from the public and government. Saturn's full aspect is on the tenth house, therefore there are obstacles in the work sphere. Saturn's aspect on the Moon lagna causes mental fear. Results of Satur n' s Dhayya of seventh house (Kantaka Satur n) First Cycle from 24-01-2020 to 29-04-2022 and 12-07-2022 to 17-01-2023 Second Cycle from 06-03-2049 to 09-07-2049 and 04-12-2049 to 24-02-2052 Third Cycle from 14-01-2079 to 11-04-2081 and 03-08-2081 to 06-01-2082 When Saturn transits in the seventh house from the birth rashi its full aspect is on the Moon lagna & the fourth and ninth house from the Moon lagna. One's wife may suffer from ailments of the urinary organs. Mental anxiety increases. Due to its aspect on the ninth house, there are obstacles in favorable fortune, father may suffer, name and honor suffer and there are upheavals in the work-sphere. Due to its aspect on the fourth house, mother's health may suffer. Vehicle related problems occur. One may have to leave home, stay away for long periods and travel a lot. There may be hardships in travelling. Results of Satur n' s Dhayya of eighth House First Cycle from 29-04-2022 to 12-07-2022 and 17-01-2023 to 29-03-2025 Second Cycle from 24-02-2052 to 14-05-2054 and 01-09-2054 to 05-02-2055 Third Cycle from 11-04-2081 to 03-08-2081 and 06-01-2082 to 19-03-2084 When Saturn transits the eighth house from the Moon, its full aspect is on the second, fifth and tenth house from the Moon sign. There is a possibility of long term ailments and accidents. There is a fear of being insulted. There may be fear of pain from government servants. There is a chance of change in work-sphere. Work/business may suffer. Wealth may be diminish. Children may suffer pain and there are possibilities of separation from children. Results of Satur n' s Dhayya of tenth house (Kantaka Satur n) First Cycle from 02-06-2027 to 20-10-2027 and 23-02-2028 to 08-08-2029 Second Cycle from 07-04-2057 to 27-05-2059 and to Third Cycle from 21-05-2086 to 09-11-2086 and 08-02-2087 to 18-07-2088 When Saturn transits the tenth house from the Moon sign, its full aspect is on fourth, seventh and twelfth houses from Moon. There may be hurdles in business. Your source of income may be upset. You may face failure in business or defame due to ill deeds. Unnecessary expenditure may be undertaken.There may be disputes or separation from your spouse. There may be worries regarding home and wealth. PAE2500 • 129 ¬ SAMPLE Laghu Kalyani Dhayya and Kantaka Saturn Transit of Saturn in fourth and eighth house from the Moon sign is called Laghu Kalyani Dhayya. dY;k.kha iznnkfr oS jfolqrks jk'ks'prqFkkZ"Ves A Your birth rashi is Cancer. Therefore, in transit when Saturn is in Libra – the fourth house, and in Aquarius – the eighth house from the Moon, this period is called the Laghu Kalyani Dhayya. Transit of Saturn in the fourth, seventh and tenth house from the Moon is called Kantaka Saturn. Your Moon sign is Cancer. Therefore, the period during which Saturn transits in Libra, Capricorn and Aries is the period of Kantaka Saturn. The period of Laghu Kalyani Dhayya and Kantaka Saturn are as follows – Tr ansit of Satur n Begining date Ending Date Inter val Ashtakvar ga Yr -Mn-Dy Satur n Sar va. Fir st cycle of Dhayya Kantaka Saturn in fourth house and Laghu Kalyani Dhayya Libra Libra -1-10-1 5 35 02-11-2014 Kantaka Saturn in seventh house Capricorn Capricorn 24-01-2020 12-07-2022 29-04-2022 17-01-2023 2-3-5 0-6-5 1 21 Laghu Kalyani Dhayya in eighth house Aquarius Aquarius 29-04-2022 17-01-2023 12-07-2022 29-03-2025 0-2-13 2-2-12 2 32 Kantaka Saturn in tenth house Second cycle of Dhayya Kantaka Saturn in fourth house and Laghu Kalyani Dhayya Aries Aries 02-06-2027 23-02-2028 20-10-2027 08-08-2029 0-4-18 1-5-15 2 28 Libra Libra 27-01-2041 26-09-2041 06-02-2041 11-12-2043 0-0-9 2-2-15 5 35 Kantaka Saturn in seventh house Capricorn Capricorn 06-03-2049 04-12-2049 09-07-2049 24-02-2052 0-4-3 2-2-20 1 21 Laghu Kalyani Dhayya in eighth house Aquarius Aquarius 24-02-2052 01-09-2054 14-05-2054 05-02-2055 2-2-20 0-5-4 2 32 Kantaka Saturn in tenth house Thir d cycle of Dhayya Kantaka Saturn in fourth house Laghu Kalyani Dhayya Aries Aries 07-04-2057 27-05-2059 2-1-20 -- 2 28 Libra Libra 04-11-2070 31-03-2073 05-02-2073 23-10-2073 2-3-1 0-6-22 5 35 Kantaka Saturn in seventh house Capricorn Capricorn 14-01-2079 03-08-2081 11-04-2081 06-01-2082 2-2-27 0-5-3 1 21 Laghu Kalyani Dhayya in eighth house Aquarius Aquarius 11-04-2081 06-01-2082 03-08-2081 19-03-2084 0-3-22 2-2-13 2 32 Kantaka Saturn in tenth house Aries Aries 21-05-2086 08-02-2087 09-11-2086 18-07-2088 0-5-18 1-5-10 2 28 PAE2500 • 130 ¬ SAMPLE Recommendations for Gem Stones The wearing of gems is an important consideration that can potentially change and alter many areas of your life. As this is a classical science, we give below the views of the ancient Indian astrologers. ekf.kD;a rj.ks% lqtkR;eeya eqäkQya 'khrxksekZgs;L; p foæqeks fuxfnr% lkSE;L; xk#Rera A nsosT;L; p iq"ijkxelqjkpk:;Zl; otza 'kusuhZya fuEeZyeU;;ksÜp xfnrs xksesnoSnw¸;Zds AA “Ill Planets and how to propitiate them by bestowal of gems: When the Sun is hostile, a pure ruby; when the Moon, a good pearl; when Mars, a coral; when Mercury, an emerald; when Jupiter, a topaz; when Venus, a diamond; when Saturn, a (blue) sapphire; when Rahu, a gomedha; when Ketu, a cat' s-eye, should be given.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 79 /kU;a ;'L;ek;q";a Jhen~ O;lulwnua A g"kZ.ka dkE;ekstL;a jRukHkj.k/kkj.ka AA xzgn`f"Vgja iqf"Vdja nq%[kç.kk'kua A ikinkSHkkZX;'keua jRukHkj.k/kkj.ka AA “The wearing of gem studded ornaments brings respect, fame, longevity, wealth, happiness, strength and fruition. Over and above this, it wards off evil astral influences, makes the body healthy, removes misery and fortune and washes away sin.”– Mani Mala, Part II, 121-122. Life Stone The gem for the lagna lord is a good stone to wear at all times. It gives health, vitality, general success and wellbeing. Wearing it supports all other areas of life. Your lagna lord is Mercury, therefore wearing Mercury' s stone will be beneficial. The stones for Mercury are : Emerald, Peridot and Jade. “The emerald is cool, good in poisoning, sweet and purgative, helps digestion, cures biliousness, removes disrelish, is nutritious, and wards off spectral influence.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 70. “Such emeralds cleanse men of all sin.” – Mani Mala, Part I, 375. “According to the authorities the emerald causes increase of wealth, brings about success in war, cures cases of poisoning and renders successful the rites performed according to the Atharva-Veda.” – Mani Mala, Part I, 376. Wear ing instr uctions: The gem for Mercury is best set in gold. If a ring, it should be worn on the little Mantra to purify and energize Mercury' s gem: ¬ caq cq/ kk; ue%A “Aum bum Budhaya namah.” PAE2500 • 131 ¬ SAMPLE Punya (Lucky) Stone The gem for the fifth lord is particularly lucky, while also being good for creative energy, and children. Your fifth lord is Saturn, therefore wearing Saturn's stone will be beneficial. The stones for Saturn are : Blue Sapphire, Blue Spinel, Lapiz Lazuli and Amethyst. “The (Blue) sapphire is bitter, warm and good in cold and biliousness, and alleviates the rage of Sani (Saturn) when worn.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 68. “The man who wears a (blue) sapphire of spotless chastity, finds favor with Narayana and acquires longevity, family dignity, fame understanding and wealth.” – Mani Mala, Part I, 419. “The lapis lazuli is tender, deliciously cool, and curative of biliousness and is auspicious.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 69. Wear ing instr uctions: The gem for Saturn is best set in gold, alternately iron can be used. If a ring, it should be worn on the middle finger. Begin to wear it on a Saturday 2 hours and 40 minutes before sunset. Mantra to purify and energize Saturn's gem: ¬ 'ka 'kuS'pjk; ue%A “Aum sham Shanaiscaraya namah.” Bhagya (For tune) Stone The gem for the ninth lord particularly brings fortune. Your ninth lord is Venus, therefore wearing Venus' stone will be beneficial. The stones for Venus are : Diamond, White Zircon, White Topaz and Clear Quartz. “The diamond contains all the six tastes, cures every kind of disease, is good in indigestion, is a blessing, and brings robustness” – Mani Mala, Part II, 67. “The man who carefully keeps about him a sharp pointed, spotless and genuine diamond is blessed with life-long possession of riches, good fortune, sons, corn, kine and other beasts.” – Mani Mala, Part I, 102. “A man who wears a sterling Rock Crystal (quartz) set on gold acquires success in life.” – Mani Mala, Part I, 447. Wear ing instr uctions: The gem for Venus is best set in platinum, white gold, or silver. If a ring, it should be worn on the middle or small finger. Begin to wear it on a Friday at sunrise. Mantra to purify and energize Venus's gem: ¬ 'kqa 'kqØk; ue%A Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . “Aum shum Shukraya namah.” PAE2500 • 132 ¬ SAMPLE Gener al Instr uctions Generally it is always best to purchase the best quality gemstones that you can afford. The stones of lesser potency have been found to work very well and are less costly, though they need to be worn in a larger size in order to give the same strength of effects. To derive the best effects of a gem, begin to wear it after cleansing it in fresh milk and rinsing it in purified water. Then, holding and concentrating on the gem, perform the mantra given 108 times. Gems should generally be worn on the right for men and the left for women. Gems may be worn either on the appropriate finger as a ring, or on the upper arm as a bangle. Alternately the gem can be worn around the neck, but this has the disadvantage of the gem swinging and not maintaining skin contact. Most important is that the Gem is set so as to touch the skin. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 133 ¬ SAMPLE Dasha Interpretations Mercury Maha Dasha: 3 Mar 2003 to 2 Mar 2020 Interpretation of the Maha Dasha of Mercury Gener al Inter pr etations General effects which are felt during the Maha Dasha of Mercury are as follows – – One may acquire money through contacts with big people, various enterprises, friends and family members. – Excellence in education, skills in speech and crafts and love for music may prevail. – Interest in agriculture and progress in business is foreseen. – Love and respect for teachers, elders and scholars may increase. – Interest in construction and gain of new clothes and ornaments is possible. – Money may be attained through trading in gold. – Opportunities for acting as an arbitrator or middleman may arise. – Life will be passed happily in humor, fun and play. – Public importance and fame may increase. – Happiness from spouse and children may be derived. – Gastric problems may persist. Specific Inter pr etations Interpretations based on the condition of the planet and other influences in the birth chart and divisional charts are as follows – Destruction of auspicious deeds and the advent of sorrow and unhappiness are foreseen. – There may be obstacles in celebrating festivities, opposition with dear ones and lack of enterprise. – Inclination towards sinful deeds and harm to wealth, land, agriculture and cows may occur – Trouble may come in many forms. There is mental unhappiness, enmity with the family and state, and public criticism. Eye ailments are possible – One may have to suffer food problems, separation from friends, loss of position, foreign travel, a very inferior job and conflicts related to the job. – Friendship with kings, wealth, prosperity, conflicts, bliss of children, fame due to performing yagyas, etc. are foreseen. – Attaining good food, clothes and ornaments is foreseen. – Bliss due to house and immovable assets prevails. – There is a possibility of problems in business, service, and earning a living. – One may have to face defame and other problems. – Maternal relatives may be harmed or transferred. – One may become a minister and dominate over many people. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 134 ¬ SAMPLE – One may be friendly with people and attain leadership and the authority to govern. – Wealth may be acquired through agriculture, and fame may be enhanced. Mercury-Rahu : 29 Aug 2012 to 18 Mar 2015 Effects of the Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Maha Dasha of Mer cur y Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Maha Dasha of Mercury - One may be mentally upset and there may be a sudden loss of wealth. - There may be conflicts with dear ones, sudden trouble may be caused and an inclination towards untruthful behaviour may be there. - There may be cause for occasional defame. - There may be fear of fire poison, water and pain in the abdomen, eyes and head. - Effects like reverence from the king (government), good reputation, gain of wealth, visits to sacred shrines, performance of religious sacrifices and oblations, recognition, gain of clothes, etc. - There will be some evil effects at the commencement of the Antar Dasha, but all will be well later. - There will be an opportunity to have conversation or a meeting with the king (high dignitaries). - There will be a visit to a new king (dignitary). - Pressure of hard work as a government functionary, loss of position, fears, imprisonment, diseases, agony to self and kinsmen, heart disease, loss of reputation and wealth, will be the results. - There will be fear of premature death. - The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects, are recitation of mantras of Goddess Durga and Goddess Lakshmi in the prescribed manner and giving a tawny coloured cow or female buffalo in charity. Mercury-Rahu-Rahu : 29 Aug 2012 to 16 Jan 2013 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Rahu in the Antar Dasha of Rahu, there is a possibility of bondage, fear of ailments, and harm of many types. – Friends may cause trouble. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 135 ¬ SAMPLE Mercury-Rahu-Jupiter : 16 Jan 2013 to 20 May 2013 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Jupiter in the Antar Dasha of Rahu, there will be an acquisition of elephants, horses, and vehicles. – One will attain respect from everywhere. – One will gain wealth. Mercury-Rahu-Saturn : 20 May 2013 to 14 Oct 2013 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Saturn in the Antar Dasha of Rahu, there may be terrible bondage, and destruction of happiness. – There may be gastric trouble. Mercury-Rahu-Mercury : 14 Oct 2013 to 23 Feb 2014 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury in the Antar Dasha of Rahu, there will be special gains from women – Benefits of many types occur and success comes from travelling abroad. Mercury-Rahu-Ketu : 23 Feb 2014 to 18 Apr 2014 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Ketu in the Antar Dasha of Rahu, there is the possibility of loosing prudent thoughts, and fear. – There are obstacles, loss of wealth and conflict everywhere.\> – There may be unrest. Mercury-Rahu-Venus : 18 Apr 2014 to 21 Sep 2014 Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 136 ¬ SAMPLE – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Venus in the Antar Dasha of Rahu, there is the possibility of fear from yoginis, and the destruction of horses. – One gets only ordinary food to eat. – Women are destroyed, and there is mourning in the family. Mercury-Rahu-Sun : 21 Sep 2014 to 6 Nov 2014 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of the Sun in the Antar Dasha of Rahu, there may be high and tremendous fevers, conflicts among sons and grandsons. – Fear from death and carelessness are present. Mercury-Rahu-Moon : 6 Nov 2014 to 23 Jan 2015 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of the Moon in the Antar Dasha of Rahu, there may be unrest, conflict, anxiety, tremendous fear. – Fame may be lost. – There may be physical hardship or ailments for one's father. Mercury-Rahu-Mars : 23 Jan 2015 to 18 Mar 2015 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mars in the Antar Dasha of Rahu, there may be pain due blood aiments and infection. – There will be loss of wealth and tremendous mental agony. Mercury-Jupiter : 18 Mar 2015 to 23 Jun 2017 Effects of the Antar Dasha of J upiter in the Maha Dasha of Mer cur y Antar Dasha of Jupiter in the Dasha of Mercury - One may be inclined towards pious deeds, spiritual knowledge may increase. - There may be gain in status, honors may be received from the state and pious habits like modesty and purity may be enhanced. - Children and wealth may increase. Wife and son may cause bliss. - Elders and friends may be troubled. There may be conflicts with parents. - Effects like physical felicity, gain of wealth, beneficence of the king, celebration of auspicious functions like marriage etc., at home, availability of sweetish preparations, increase in cattle wealth, attending discourses on Puranas (religious scriptures), etc., devotion to deities and the preceptor, interest in religion, charities, etc., worship of Lord Shiva, etc. - Discord with king and kinsmen, danger from thieves, etc., death of parents, disgrace, Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 137 ¬ SAMPLE punishment from government, loss of wealth, danger from snakes and poison, fever, losses in agricultural production, loss of lands etc. - There will be happiness from kinsmen and from one's son, enthusiasm, increase in wealth and name and fame, giving grains, etc., in charity. - Agony, anxiety, danger from diseases, antagonism with wife and kinsmen, wrath of the king (government), quarrels, loss of wealth, danger from Brahmins (wrath of Brahmins). - There will be physical distress. - The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are recitation of Shiva Sahasranam and giving a cow and gold in charity. Mercury-Jupiter-Jupiter : 18 Mar 2015 to 7 Jul 2015 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Jupiter in the Antar Dasha of Jupiter, there will be gain of gold, increase in wealth and well being. – Favourable fortune may rise. Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn : 7 Jul 2015 to 15 Nov 2015 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Saturn in the Antar Dasha of Jupiter, there will be the acquisition of cows, land, and gold. – Accumulation of all types of comforts, food etc. are possible Mercury-Jupiter-Mercury : 15 Nov 2015 to 11 Mar 2016 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury in the Antar Dasha of Jupiter, there will be a gain of education,and knowledge. – Clothes and pearls will be gained. – There will be affectionate pleasure on the arrival of friends. Mercury-Jupiter-Ketu : 11 Mar 2016 to 28 Apr 2016 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of ketu in the Antar Dasha of Jupiter, there is the fear of water, theft, bondage, conflict and death. Mercury-Jupiter-Venus : 28 Apr 2016 to 13 Sep 2016 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Venus in the Antar Dasha of Jupiter, many skills will be learnt, much work will be accomplished. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 138 ¬ SAMPLE – Clothes and gold will be attained. – There will be contentment and well being. Mercury-Jupiter-Sun : 13 Sep 2016 to 25 Oct 2016 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of the Sun in the Antar Dasha of Jupiter, one may gain from those in authority, friends, father and mother. – One will attain respect everywhere. Mercury-Jupiter-Moon : 25 Oct 2016 to 2 Jan 2017 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of the Moon in the Antar Dasha of Jupiter, all conflicts will be resolved, one will acquire pearls and horses. – There will be gain, and all work will be accomplished. Mercury-Jupiter-Mars : 2 Jan 2017 to 19 Feb 2017 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mars in the Antar Dasha of Jupiter, there may be fear from weapons, pain in the kidneys and burning sensations and indigestion. – Enemies may cause pain. Mercury-Jupiter-Rahu : 19 Feb 2017 to 23 Jun 2017 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Rahu in the Antar Dasha of Jupiter, there may be opposition from wicked persons and loss of wealth on their account. – One suffers pain, diseases and fear from enemies. Mercury-Saturn : 23 Jun 2017 to 2 Mar 2020 Effects of the Antar Dasha of Satur n in the Maha Dasha of Mer cur y Antar Dasha of Saturn in the Maha Dasha of Mercury - There may be an increase in valor and arts and crafts may be profitable. - Love of friends, wealth, sympathy, religion and pious deeds may be enhanced. - Laziness may increase and there may be an inclination towards other women and secretive and sinful deeds. - Happiness may be derived from simple people. There may be agricultural losses and pain due to gastric ailments. - Effects like well-being in the family, acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), enthusiasm, increase in cattle wealth, gain of a position, Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 139 ¬ SAMPLE visits to sacred shrines, etc. - Danger from enemies, distress to wife and children, loss of thinking power, loss of kinsmen, loss in ventures, mental agony, journeys to foreign lands, and bad dreams. - There will be fear of premature death. - The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to regain sound health, are performances of Mrityunaya Japa and giving a black cow and female buffalo in charity. Mercury-Saturn-Saturn : 23 Jun 2017 to 26 Nov 2017 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Saturn in the Antar Dasha of Saturn, there may be physical agony, and fear of conflict. – Many types of pain may reveal themselves. Mercury-Saturn-Mercury : 26 Nov 2017 to 14 Apr 2018 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury in the Antar Dasha of Saturn, there may be loss of mental prudence, fear of conflict, and enemies. – Food, betel leafs, and wealth are lost. Mercury-Saturn-Ketu : 14 Apr 2018 to 10 Jun 2018 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Ketu in the Antar Dasha of Saturn, there may be bondage by enemies, excessive thoughts and mental impurity. Mental agony, fear and unrest prevail. Mercury-Saturn-Venus : 10 Jun 2018 to 21 Nov 2018 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Venus in the Antar Dasha of Saturn, there will be well being among relatives. – Ones desired objects will be obtained. - Efforts will be successful. Mercury-Saturn-Sun : 21 Nov 2018 to 9 Jan 2019 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of the Sun in the Antar Dasha of Saturn, there is the possibility of fever, and domestic conflict. – One may acquire authority and power like king. – Diseases cause pain. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 140 ¬ SAMPLE Mercury-Saturn-Moon : 9 Jan 2019 to 1 Apr 2019 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of the Moon in the Antar Dasha of Saturn, intelligence and elightenment increase. – Big projects are started and expenditure increases. – One may have relations with many women. Mercury-Saturn-Mars : 1 Apr 2019 to 29 May 2019 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mars in the Antar Dasha of Saturn, enlightenment and power decreases. – Harm may be inflicted upon one's son. – There may be fear due to fire and enemies and pain arising from gastric problems. Mercury-Saturn-Rahu : 29 May 2019 to 23 Oct 2019 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Rahu in the Antar Dasha of Saturn, there may be loss of wealth, clothes, land, and fear in general. – One may travel abroad. – Fear of death may also prevail. Mercury-Saturn-Jupiter : 23 Oct 2019 to 2 Mar 2020 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Jupiter in the Antar Dasha of Saturn, there may be domestic breakdown due to a female, and the inability to look after the family. – Conflicts and mental unrest prevails. Ketu Maha Dasha: 2 Mar 2020 to 3 Mar 2027 Interpretation of the Maha Dasha of Ketu Gener al Inter pr etations General effects which are felt during the Maha Dasha of Ketu are as follows – – During the Maha Dasha of Ketu, there is a lack of happiness. – Physical hardships may increase and ailments are possible. – There may be an interest in sinful deeds arising out of conflicts, lack of prudence and mental restlessness. – There may be hardships caused by those in positons of authority, and fear of theft, poison, water, Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 141 ¬ SAMPLE fire, weapons and friends. – Life is painful and unhappy and there may be lack of bliss from spouse and children. – There may be obstacles in the acquisition of education and wealth, accident or fall from a vehicle, migration abroad and losses in agriculture are foreseen. Specific Inter pr etations Interpretations based on the condition of the planet and other influences in the birth chart and divisional charts are as follows – – During the Maha Dasha of Ketu, happiness will prevail and a lot of wealth will be attained. – Physical pain, asthma, cough, tuberculosis, etc. may persist and cause pain. – There may be pain due to the company of wicked people, unfavourable financial circumstances and poverty. – One's father may be harmed and may suffer pain equivalent to death. – During the Maha Dasha of Ketu, there may be monetary gains, fame, health and sudden gains. Ketu-Ketu : 2 Mar 2020 to 29 Jul 2020 Effects of the Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Maha Dasha of Ketu Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Maha Dasha of Ketu - Prudence and intelligence may be disturbed and public criticism is possible. - There may be conflicts with wicked women, harm to son and wife or fear of death. - Wealth and happiness are destroyed and there may be pain due to fire and enemies. - Happiness from wife and children, recognition from the king (government), but mental agony, gain of land, village. - Heart disease, defamation, destruction of wealth and cattle, distress to wife and children, instability of mind, etc. - There will be danger from diseases, great distress and separation from kinsmen. - The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are performance of Durga Saptashati Japa and Mrityunjaya Japa. Ketu-Ketu-Ketu : 2 Mar 2020 to 11 Mar 2020 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Ketu in the Antar Dasha of Ketu, there may be sudden problems, one may have to travel in one's own country. – There may be loss of wealth. Ketu-Ketu-Venus : 11 Mar 2020 to 5 Apr 2020 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Venus in the Antar Dasha of Ketu, there may be fear from the wicked, or loss of wealth due to them. – Ailments of the eye, mental agony and loss of cattle present themselves. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 142 ¬ SAMPLE Ketu-Ketu-Sun : 5 Apr 2020 to 12 Apr 2020 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of the Sun in the Antar Dasha of Ketu, there may be opposition with friends. – One may face failure, and loose the power of reasoning. – There is a chance of even coming close to death. – Conflicts and mental agony prevail. Ketu-Ketu-Moon : 12 Apr 2020 to 25 Apr 2020 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Moon in the Antar Dasha of Ketu, there may be loss of food, and fame. – Physical pain presents itself, and there is a loss in the power of reasoning. – Increases in gastric problems are possible. Ketu-Ketu-Mars : 25 Apr 2020 to 3 May 2020 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mars in the Antar Dasha of Ketu, there may be assault from weapons, pain due to fire or fall. – Fear from the low, and suspicion of the enemy are possible. Ketu-Ketu-Rahu : 3 May 2020 to 26 May 2020 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Rahu in the Antar Dasha of Ketu, there may be fear from women, and a rise of enemies. – Trouble from lowly shudras presents itself. Ketu-Ketu-Jupiter : 26 May 2020 to 15 Jun 2020 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Jupiter in the Antar Dasha of Ketu, there may be the loss of wealth, and loss of clothes. – There is tremendous rebellion and the loss of freinds. – Conflict prevails everywhere. Ketu-Ketu-Saturn : 15 Jun 2020 to 8 Jul 2020 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Saturn in the Antar Dasha of Ketu, there may be physical pain, and murder of a friend. – Very little gain may be attained. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 143 ¬ SAMPLE Ketu-Ketu-Mercury : 8 Jul 2020 to 29 Jul 2020 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury in the Antar Dasha of Ketu, one may lose ones power of reasoning, there may be great anguish, loss of knowledge, and tremendous fear. – Obstacles in the continuous accomplishment of work are possible. Ketu-Venus : 29 Jul 2020 to 28 Sep 2021 Effects of the Antar Dasha of Venus in the Maha Dasha of Ketu Antar Dasha of Venus in the Maha Dasha of Ketu - Moderate amount of wealth may be attained. - Wife and children may be ailing, there may be conflicts with them, bliss of wife may be disturbed and there is a possibility of separation. - Friends and dear ones may be harmed and there may be disagreements with them. There may be fear of demotion. - Ailments caused by heat and fever may cause pain. - Beneficence from the king, good fortune, gain of clothes etc., recovery of lost kingdom (reinstatement in a high position in government), comforts of conveyances, etc., visits to sacred shrines, and gain of lands and villages by the beneficence of the king (government). - There will be dawn of fortune. - Sound health, well-being in the family, and gains of good food and conveyances, etc. - There will be quarrels without any cause, loss of wealth, distress to cattle. - There will be quarrels with kinsmen, headaches, eye troubles, heart disease, defamation, loss of wealth, and distress to cattle and wife. - Physical distress and mental agony will be caused. - The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects, are performance of Durga Path and giving a tawny coloured cow or female buffalo in charity. Ketu-Venus-Venus : 29 Jul 2020 to 8 Oct 2020 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Venus in the Antar Dasha of Venus, one may acquire the company of a white horse, one may also get white clothes, pearls, gold and jewels. – One may acquire the company of a beautiful lady. Ketu-Venus-Sun : 8 Oct 2020 to 30 Oct 2020 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of the Sun in the Antar Dasha of Venus, one may suffer from fever, headache, and anguish caused by those in authority and enemies. – There may be some gain as well. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 144 ¬ SAMPLE Ketu-Venus-Moon : 30 Oct 2020 to 4 Dec 2020 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of the Moon in the Antar Dasha of Venus, a daughter may be born. – There may be some gain from those in authority, and the acquisition of clothes, and ornaments. – There may be gain from government authorities as well. Ketu-Venus-Mars : 4 Dec 2020 to 29 Dec 2020 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mars in the Antar Dasha of Venus, there may be ailments related to blood and acidity, as well as conflicts. – There will be great disputes, including physical assault. Ketu-Venus-Rahu : 29 Dec 2020 to 3 Mar 2021 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Rahu in the Antar Dasha of Venus, there may be conflicts with women, sudden fear and problems from those in authority. – Problems from the enemies are foreseen. Ketu-Venus-Jupiter : 3 Mar 2021 to 29 Apr 2021 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Jupiter in the Antar Dasha of Venus, there may be a gain of considerable wealth, clothes, pearls, ornaments, horses,and elephants. – There may be a gain of an important position. Ketu-Venus-Saturn : 29 Apr 2021 to 5 Jul 2021 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Saturn in the Antar Dasha of Venus, one may gain animals like donkeys, camels and goats. – One may benefit from iron pulses and sesame seeds. – There may be some physical pain as well. Ketu-Venus-Mercury : 5 Jul 2021 to 4 Sep 2021 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury in the Antar Dasha of Venus, there may be a gain of knowledge and wealth. – Acquisition of power from those in authority and a resulting gain of wealth due to it. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 145 ¬ SAMPLE Ketu-Venus-Ketu : 4 Sep 2021 to 28 Sep 2021 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Ketu in the Antar Dasha of Venus, there may be a fear of death. – There is travelling from one nation to another. – Some gain in-between may be attained. Ketu-Sun : 28 Sep 2021 to 3 Feb 2022 Effects of the Antar Dasha of Sun in the Maha Dasha of Ketu Antar Dasha of Sun in the Maha Dasha of Ketu - There may be pain due to state displeasure because of enmity with some officials. - There may be obstacles in work and business, migration and happiness may be disturbed. - Father or some elderly person may suffer harm, there may be opposition with dear ones and sudden problems may arise. - Physical pain and ailments caused by cough and fever may strike. - The effects like gains of wealth, beneficence of the king, performance of pious deeds, and fulfillment of all ambitions. - Danger from the king (government), separation from parents, journeys to foreign lands, distress from thieves, snakes, and poison, punishment by government, antagonism with the friends, sorrows, danger from fever, etc. - There will be physical fitness, gain of wealth or the birth of a son, success in performance of pious deeds, headship of a small village, etc. - Obstacles in availability of food, fears, and loss of wealth and cattle. - There will be distress at the commencement of the Antar Dasha with some mitigation at its end. - There will be fear of premature death. - The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to regain comforts by the beneficence of Sun, is to give a cow and gold in charity. Ketu-Sun-Sun : 28 Sep 2021 to 5 Oct 2021 – Rebellion, loss of wealth, pain caused by women, headache, mental agony, argument with brahmins and similar painful effects are possible. Ketu-Sun-Moon : 5 Oct 2021 to 16 Oct 2021 – There is a possibility of the destruction or loss of precious jewels like pearls, etc. Ketu-Sun-Mars : 16 Oct 2021 to 23 Oct 2021 Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 146 ¬ SAMPLE – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mars in the Antar Dasha of the Sun, there may be trouble from the those in authority and enemies, bondage, and great difficulties. – There may be pain from fire and enemies. Ketu-Sun-Rahu : 23 Oct 2021 to 11 Nov 2021 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Rahu, in the Antar Dasha of the Sun, there is loss of employment, great difficulties, loss of wealth, fear from enemies and suffering due to ailments. – There is also the possibility of mental agony. Ketu-Sun-Jupiter : 11 Nov 2021 to 28 Nov 2021 – In the pratyantar dasha of Jupiter, in the Antar Dasha of the Sun, there may be aquisition of clothes, gold and ornaments. - Enemies may be destroyed and one may be victorious and progressive. – There are chances of acquiring a vehicle. Ketu-Sun-Saturn : 28 Nov 2021 to 18 Dec 2021 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Saturn in the Antar Dasha of the Sun, there may be loss of wealth, pain for animals, mental unrest, and great suffering. – Inauspicious results in every field are foreseen. Ketu-Sun-Mercury : 18 Dec 2021 to 6 Jan 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury in the Antar Dasha of the Sun, one acquires education, mixes with friends and relatives, and gets good food. - There is a gain of wealth. – One receives honors from the government and religious benefits are attained. Ketu-Sun-Ketu : 6 Jan 2022 to 13 Jan 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Ketu in the Antar Dasha of Sun, there are chances of quarrels with enemies, fear of life, fear from the government. - One may incur huge losses. – There are chances of great conflicts. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 147 ¬ SAMPLE Ketu-Sun-Venus : 13 Jan 2022 to 3 Feb 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Venus in the Antar Dasha of the Sun, the results are moderate. This period leads to moderate gains and wealth. - Happiness is acquired. Ketu-Moon : 3 Feb 2022 to 4 Sep 2022 Effects of the Antar Dasha of Moon in the Maha Dasha of Ketu Antar Dasha of Moon in the Maha Dasha of Ketu - Inspite of great efforts the gains may be limited. - Happiness and unhappiness may be attained, wealth may be acquired and both auspicious and inauspicious events may occur. - Wife, children and servants may be overcome by laziness and lethargy, One's son may be harmed and the mind may be disturbed. - Effects like recognition from the king (government), enthusiasm, well being, enjoyments, acquisition of a house, lands, etc. - Abnormal gains of food, clothes, conveyances, cattle, etc., success in business, construction of reservoirs, etc., and happiness to wife and children. - The beneficial results will be realized fully if Moon is waxing. - Unhappiness and mental agony, obstacles in ventures, separation from parents, losses in business, destruction of cattle, etc. - There will be the acquisition of a cow or cows, land, agricultural lands, meeting kinsmen and the achievement of success through them, increase in cows milk and curd. - Cordial relations with the king (government) in the middle portion of the Antar Dasha - Danger from the king (government) foreign journey or journeys to distant places in the end of Antar Dasha. - Loss of wealth, anxiety, enmity with kinsmen and distress to brother. - There will be fear of premature death. - The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above effects are recitation of mantras of Moon and giving in charity things connected with Moon. Ketu-Moon-Moon : 3 Feb 2022 to 21 Feb 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Moon in the Antar Dasha of the Moon, one acquires land, good food and wealth. – One acquires great happiness, great benefits and good female company. Ketu-Moon-Mars : 21 Feb 2022 to 6 Mar 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mars in the Antar Dasha of the Moon one attains great honors, increase in Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 148 ¬ SAMPLE wealth and intelligence. – Enemies may cause fear. – One also attains the pleasurable company of friends. Ketu-Moon-Rahu : 6 Mar 2022 to 6 Apr 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Rahu in the Antar Dasha of the Moon, one is benefited, acquires wealth, and gets money from the government. Ketu-Moon-Jupiter : 6 Apr 2022 to 5 May 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Jupiter in the Antar Dasha of the Moon, one acquires clothes. – Enlightenment increases and knowledge of Brahma is imparted by a reputed teacher. – One will acquire ornaments and assets. Ketu-Moon-Saturn : 5 May 2022 to 8 Jun 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Saturn in the Antar Dasha of the Moon, there may be suffering due to gastric and related ailments. – There may be loss of wealth, comforts and name. Ketu-Moon-Mercury : 8 Jun 2022 to 8 Jul 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury in the Antar Dasha of the Moon, one is blessed by a son, one acquires knowledge. – One becomes progressive. – One acquires white clothes and food. Ketu-Moon-Ketu : 8 Jul 2022 to 20 Jul 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Ketu in the Antar Dasha of the Moon, one will have conflicts with brahmins, loss of peace, and even death or near death. – One faces troubles in all fields. Ketu-Moon-Venus : 20 Jul 2022 to 25 Aug 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Venus in the Antar Dasha of the Moon, one will acquire wealth, attain Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 149 ¬ SAMPLE great happiness, and good food. – A daughter may be born. – Auspicious happenings and love towards all may prevail. Ketu-Moon-Sun : 25 Aug 2022 to 4 Sep 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Sun in the Antar Dasha of Moon, one acquires good food, clothes and happiness. – Enemies are destroyed, and one is always victorious. Ketu-Mars : 4 Sep 2022 to 1 Feb 2023 Effects of the Antar Dasha of Mar s in the Maha Dasha of Ketu Antar Dasha of Mars in the Maha Dasha of Ketu - One may attain defame in work involving courage and there is a possibility of quarrels with neighbors. - Work and business may suffer losses and the company of wicked persons may cause pain. - There may be enmity towards wife, son, younger brother and family members. - There may be physical pain due to ailments, poison and burning sensation. - The king may cause pain and friends may be destroyed. - Effects like acquisition of land, village, etc., increase in wealth and cattle, laying out of a new garden, gain of wealth by the beneficence of the king. - There will be gain of land and enjoyment. - There will be recognition from the king, great popularity and reputation and happiness from children and friends. - There will be fear of death or disaster during a foreign journey, diabetes, unnecessary troubles and danger from thieves and the king and quarrels. - High fever, danger from poison, distress to wife, mental agony and fear of premature death. - There will be enjoyment and gain of property. - Remedial measure, a bull is given in charity. Ketu-Mars-Mars : 4 Sep 2022 to 13 Sep 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mars in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there is a fear of enemies, tremendous opposition, and excessive bleeding. – There is the fear of death. Ketu-Mars-Rahu : 13 Sep 2022 to 5 Oct 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Rahu in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there is fear of bondage, loss of wealth Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 150 ¬ SAMPLE and position. – There are conflicts, and fear of enemies. – One is deprived of good food. Ketu-Mars-Jupiter : 5 Oct 2022 to 25 Oct 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Jupiter in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there is degeneration of wisdom, greif, agony and mental agony. Ketu-Mars-Saturn : 25 Oct 2022 to 18 Nov 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Saturn in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there is the possibility of the destruction of one's employer. – One may have good relations with father. – Loss of wealth, great difficulties and fears prevail. – Restlessness, conflict and agony are foreseen. Ketu-Mars-Mercury : 18 Nov 2022 to 9 Dec 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there may be a loss of mental prudence, and suffering caused by fever. – There may be loss of wealth, clothes, food, and friends. Ketu-Mars-Ketu : 9 Dec 2022 to 18 Dec 2022 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Ketu in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there is a possibility of laziness, mental agony, and disease born out of sins. – Fear from the government, fear of the death and harm from weapons may prevail . Ketu-Mars-Venus : 18 Dec 2022 to 12 Jan 2023 – In the Pratyantar Dasha of Venus in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there may be danger from wicked people, and fear from those in authority. – There may be trouble from weapons. – Septic infection and other ailments are possible. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 151 ¬ SAMPLE Transit Interpretations Tr ansit of Moon in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (1 J an 2013 11:44:45 to 3 J an 2013 19:49:21) Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary. Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation. Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue. Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase. Tr ansit of Moon in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (3 J an 2013 19:49:21 to 6 J an 2013 01:19:49) Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the possibility of some recognition from others. This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues, attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture. On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food, clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them. Tr ansit of Venus in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (4 J an 2013 17:16:38 to 28 J an 2013 14:59:54) During this period, Venus will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This may bring some trying times for you. This period sees you going through a lot of trouble in your endeavour. There is a chance that your enemies will increase and you may even get involved in fights with your business partner. You may have to compromise with your enemies against your will as well. Avoid any kind of arguments with your wife and children particularly during this phase. It is advised that you avoid travelling long distance, as you are susceptible to face with an accident during this time. Health would require your extra attention, as you are likely to suffer from ill health, mental unrest, anxiety, fear and an untimely rise in sexual desires. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 152 SAMPLE ¬ Hold on to your respect in the society and your honour at workplace as these could be at risk during this particular time. Otherwise you may have to face humiliation, useless discussions and litigations. Tr ansit of Moon in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (6 J an 2013 01:19:49 to 8 J an 2013 04:09:17) The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time. Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief, unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect your venture. Be careful with your money. This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament. Tr ansit of Moon in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (8 J an 2013 04:09:17 to 10 J an 2013 04:52:07) Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles. If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your trip. This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings. However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself. Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some money or may incur loss in your venture. Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack. Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that may affect the same. Tr ansit of Moon in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (10 J an 2013 04:52:07 to 12 J an 2013 04:53:57) The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 153 SAMPLE ¬ that object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and recognition in society. You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex. Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period would see you in a happy mood. Tr ansit of Moon in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (12 J an 2013 04:53:57 to 14 J an 2013 06:12:18) Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies happiness and success in your endeavours. Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and enjoyment of exotic cuisine. This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life. Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy period. Tr ansit of Sun in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (14 J an 2013 05:20:39 to 12 Feb 2013 18:21:34) The Sun's position in the seventh house gives a tendency for travel, but such travel will tend to be tiring and troubled. You need to be extra careful not to challenge your seniors or superiors at the workplace, as they are likely to oppose you, resulting in enmity and humiliation. Even the relationship with your partner and neighbours may be a bit strained at this time. Your level of enthusiasm may be at a low, resulting in an inability to overcome obstacles that come in the way of achieving your dream objectives or goals during this particular time. This period may take you through some set backs in your professional activities, will a general lack of progress and success. Your health would require your care and attention, as you are more susceptible to health problems, particularly discomfort in the stomach, blood related problems, fever, and fatigue. Be extra cautious with your diet to avoid indigestion, food poisoning and food allergies. The health of your wife and children may also be under pressure. Tr ansit of Moon in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (14 J an 2013 06:12:18 to 16 J an 2013 10:43:17) Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 154 SAMPLE ¬ This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period may bring along peril and untoward happenings. Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements with them. You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with anybody particularly at this time. Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time. Tr ansit of Ketu in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (14 J an 2013 18:05:44 to 13 J ul 2014 21:11:58) During this period, Ketu will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This brings in mixed results which also depends on the waxing and waning of the moon. During the waxing moon period, your income may rise with the help of some otherwise depraved people. You may also expect to progress in your field of work and gain further monetary gain during this time. However, during the waning moon period, most of you may face loss of money as well as material riches due to some wrong company. You are also likely to suffer from mental agony, which could also be due to loss in trade or lack of progress in your field of work. Generally, this position of Ketu signifies an increase in your enemy and health problem of your parents. There could also be some function at your place of residence during this period. You are also likely to establish a good rapport with some important influential people through whom you are likely to be benefited. Some of you may also experience sudden rise in profit in your field of work. You may also look forward to a rise in position in your profession, which would bring in more responsibility as well as respect to you. Tr ansit of Rahu in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (14 J an 2013 18:05:44 to 13 J ul 2014 21:11:58) During this period, Rahu will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This would see you going through a troubled time. You will have to be extra careful in matters related to your landed property as this journey of Rahu denotes loss of the same. You may also have to change your place of residence at this time. It would be a good idea to avoid any kind of property related litigations during this phase. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 155 SAMPLE ¬ Your health may require some extra care, as you are susceptible to developing diseases during this time. Take good care of your spouse and children's health as well. Mentally you may remain worried and unenthusiastic about everything around. Your mother's health could also become a matter of concern for you, as she is likely to develop bodily pain and mental unrest. Moreover, you may also have to mourn over the loss of a relative or friend. You may have to consciously put effort to keep negative thinking at bay, as you are likely to develop an urge to do unlawful deeds during this particular time. Avoid travelling during this time. Travel of any kind may lead to an accident where you may lose your vehicle or your valuables. At home, you would have to make that extra effort to keep the atmosphere conducive for peaceful living. Beware of your enemies during this time, as they are likely to add some more trouble in your life. However, some of you may even expect some reconciliation with your foes. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (15 J an 2013 21:37:56 to 2 Feb 2013 11:48:52) During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This may bring in some trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience physical pain and bodily weakness during this phase. Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental perplexity and misunderstanding with the family is also indicated during this time. You may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and communication gaps while dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you may have to face humiliation. You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles in your endeavours. Travel plans, if any, may not yield the expected result and could be troublesome. Tr ansit of Moon in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (16 J an 2013 10:43:17 to 18 J an 2013 19:23:34) The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work harder than usual in your work place or trade. Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome chest. You may also suffer from insomnia. Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic. However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society. A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 156 SAMPLE ¬ monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of them. Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away from you. Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer from anxiety and may feel overburdened. Tr ansit of Moon in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (18 J an 2013 19:23:34 to 21 J an 2013 07:26:42) The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you and your family would generally be happy and content. This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at the workplace. Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time. If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going through an abortion if at all applicable. However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights during this period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (21 J an 2013 07:26:42 to 23 J an 2013 20:28:33) The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period. On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time. This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at home. Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (23 J an 2013 20:28:33 to 26 J an 2013 Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 157 SAMPLE ¬ 08:13:14) Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period. Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections, particularly during this phase. Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority. On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour. Tr ansit of Mar s in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (25 J an 2013 17:18:50 to 4 Mar 2013 22:26:12) During this period, Mars will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly denotes physical danger to you. This period demands a strict watchfulness on any and all the developments related to your life, health and physique. Stay clear from diseases and all kind of addictions to maintain sound health. Some of you are likely to develop blood related disorders like, anaemia, haemorrhage, deficiency diseases etc. This period also needs you to stay away from weapons and disguised foe. Avoid undertaking any task that might prove to be life risking for you. Finances would require proper vigilance during this particular period. Most of you are likely to face some steep decline in your finances if not handled carefully. However, avoid going for any loan and try and keep yourself debt free. At work, you may have to put in extra effort to see success in your endeavours. Keep up your hope and work on. Hold on to your position and honour at work, as this low phase shall also pass. Most of you are also likely to go on foreign trips and may even have to stay away from your family for a considerable time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (26 J an 2013 08:13:14 to 28 J an 2013 17:46:47) This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more easily. It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse. Overall, you will be happy. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 158 SAMPLE ¬ Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured. This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in your feelings than what is good for you. This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings. Tr ansit of Venus in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (28 J an 2013 14:59:54 to 21 Feb 2013 12:00:25) During this period, Venus will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a troublesome period caused mostly by women. Stay away from any litigation involving women and try and maintain a good rapport with your wife. Moreover, this phase also indicates ill health of the female whose birth chart is housing Venus in the seventh house. Your wife may suffer from various gynaecological diseases, bodily pain, mental anxiety and so on. Financially a not-so-good period and it would be better to stay away from dealing with women to avoid monetary loss. You may also realise that you have some wicked friends who would try to harm you. Involvement with unnecessary womenfolk may create grief during this particular time. Chances are, you may even create new enemies due to some conflict related to a woman. This period may also see you suffer from mental agitation, distress and anger. Take care of your health, as you are likely to suffer from venereal diseases, urinary tract disorder and other minor diseases. Professionally this period could not be regarded as conducive. Avoid wicked colleagues as they might create obstacles in your progress. However, you are likely to get honour from the higher authority in your field of work or the government. Tr ansit of Moon in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (28 J an 2013 17:46:47 to 31 J an 2013 01:16:29) Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary. Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation. Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue. Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 159 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Moon in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (31 J an 2013 01:16:29 to 2 Feb 2013 07:02:37) Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the possibility of some recognition from others. This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues, attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture. On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food, clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them. Tr ansit of Moon in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (2 Feb 2013 07:02:37 to 4 Feb 2013 11:06:25) The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time. Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief, unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect your venture. Be careful with your money. This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (2 Feb 2013 11:48:52 to 18 Mar 2013 05:53:38) During this period, Mercury will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies wealth and success. It indicates success in all your work and projects. During this period you may expect financial stability and gain in financial ventures. Socially you would see a rise in your status. People would respect you more and your popularity would increase. This period may also let you acquire a comfortable lifestyle. You are also likely to gain happiness from your children. You are likely to receive happiness with a newborn member in the family. Your children would also remain happy and content during this particular period. This period sees a more alert and clever you. You would be able to use your intuition and intellect to Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 160 SAMPLE ¬ make right decisions. Your enemies are likely to be defeated and will be mellowed down by your aura. Moreover, you may also expect help from all the sides. However, your health would require your attention, as you are susceptible to fall sick. Take care of your food intake and keep your spirits high to keep gloominess and unnecessary fears at bay. Tr ansit of Moon in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (4 Feb 2013 11:06:25 to 6 Feb 2013 13:32:48) Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles. If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your trip. This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings. However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself. Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some money or may incur loss in your venture. Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack. Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that may affect the same. Tr ansit of Moon in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (6 Feb 2013 13:32:48 to 8 Feb 2013 14:58:31) The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and recognition in society. You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex. Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period would see you in a happy mood. Tr ansit of Moon in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (8 Feb 2013 14:58:31 to 10 Feb 2013 16:44:54) Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies happiness and success in your endeavours. Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 161 SAMPLE ¬ could be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and enjoyment of exotic cuisine. This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life. Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Feb 2013 16:44:54 to 12 Feb 2013 20:40:05) This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period may bring along peril and untoward happenings. Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements with them. You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with anybody particularly at this time. Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time. Tr ansit of Sun in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (12 Feb 2013 18:21:34 to 14 Mar 2013 15:06:04) The Sun's journey through the eighth house could incur loss and bodily suffering in general. Be extra careful to avoid unnecessary expenses and avoid making important decisions about finances. Support from your community, family members and even partner may seem absent to you. There could be a change in the work you do, possibility forcing you to let go of your current position, or there could be a lot of travel, which may turn out stressful. Consciously avoid getting involved in any kind of quarrel with your enemies or anyone else, as it is likely to be totally fruitless. Take care of your health as you may develop physical ailments like stomach disorder, blood pressure and piles, causing you discomfort. You may develop needless fear; especially fear of death or loss of honour, meaningless anxiety and a restless mind during this phase. It is wise to avoid activities that involve any kind of risks with your life and that of your family. A relative's issue may come up unexpectedly causing you some worries. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 162 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Moon in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (12 Feb 2013 20:40:05 to 15 Feb 2013 04:09:03) The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work harder than usual in your work place or trade. Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome chest. You may also suffer from insomnia. Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic. However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society. A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of them. Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away from you. Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer from anxiety and may feel overburdened. Tr ansit of Moon in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (15 Feb 2013 04:09:03 to 17 Feb 2013 15:17:43) The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you and your family would generally be happy and content. This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at the workplace. Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time. If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going through an abortion if at all applicable. However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights during this period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (17 Feb 2013 15:17:43 to 20 Feb 2013 Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 163 SAMPLE ¬ 04:11:33) The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period. On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time. This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at home. Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (20 Feb 2013 04:11:33 to 22 Feb 2013 16:05:42) Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period. Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections, particularly during this phase. Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority. On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour. Tr ansit of Venus in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (21 Feb 2013 12:00:25 to 17 Mar 2013 12:24:46) During this period, Venus will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This signifies good times. During this particular period you may expect to gain physical comforts and overcome all your previous miseries. You may consider acquiring landed property or a house as well. If an eligible bachelor or maiden lady, you may also expect to get a good match who could also bring in good fortune. During this period, Venus will move through your first house from the Moon. This may also expect the company of pleasant and beautiful women during this particular time. Health is expected to remain good at this time. If a student, you would be more progressive. Your brilliance will be noticed and you would command more respect and honour in your social circle. Professionally a good time. Trade and business is expected to flourish with the help of well-wishers and Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 164 SAMPLE ¬ friends. There is a possibility of meeting a higher government authority. Tr ansit of Moon in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (22 Feb 2013 16:05:42 to 25 Feb 2013 01:19:55) This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more easily. It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse. Overall, you will be happy. Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured. This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in your feelings than what is good for you. This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings. Tr ansit of Moon in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (25 Feb 2013 01:19:55 to 27 Feb 2013 07:55:38) Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary. Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation. Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue. Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase. Tr ansit of Moon in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (27 Feb 2013 07:55:38 to 1 Mar 2013 12:42:35) Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the possibility of some recognition from others. This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues, attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 165 SAMPLE ¬ On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food, clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them. Tr ansit of Moon in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (1 Mar 2013 12:42:35 to 3 Mar 2013 16:28:42) The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time. Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief, unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect your venture. Be careful with your money. This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament. Tr ansit of Moon in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (3 Mar 2013 16:28:42 to 5 Mar 2013 19:37:22) Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles. If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your trip. This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings. However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself. Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some money or may incur loss in your venture. Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack. Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that may affect the same. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 166 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Mar s in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (4 Mar 2013 22:26:12 to 12 Apr 2013 18:50:48) During this period, Mars will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings mostly due to ailments. This period makes you suffer from minor to major physical ailments and bodily pain. During this time, you are susceptible to dehydration and weakness or decayed physical power. You may also suffer from muscle pain and wounds caused by some weapon. Mentally you may feel worried and disappointment most of the time. Some of you may also have to go to a foreign land to experience a temporary painful living. Finances would need better care and guarding, as you are likely to lose some during this particular time. Your professional life would require proper handling and more hard work. Some of you may also have to work in an uncomfortable work environment for a while. Work hard to maintain your position and respect at work or in your field of profession. Maintain peace and harmony at home and keep an eye for disguised foes within your near and dear ones. Some of you may also develop an urge to perform some activities that may not be acceptable in your religious confines. Tr ansit of Moon in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (5 Mar 2013 19:37:22 to 7 Mar 2013 22:26:01) The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and recognition in society. You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex. Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period would see you in a happy mood. Tr ansit of Moon in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (7 Mar 2013 22:26:01 to 10 Mar 2013 01:32:38) Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies happiness and success in your endeavours. Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and enjoyment of exotic cuisine. This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life. Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 167 SAMPLE ¬ would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Mar 2013 01:32:38 to 12 Mar 2013 06:04:20) This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period may bring along peril and untoward happenings. Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements with them. You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with anybody particularly at this time. Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (12 Mar 2013 06:04:20 to 14 Mar 2013 13:18:06) The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work harder than usual in your work place or trade. Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome chest. You may also suffer from insomnia. Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic. However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society. A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of them. Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away from you. Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer from anxiety and may feel overburdened. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 168 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Moon in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (14 Mar 2013 13:18:06 to 16 Mar 2013 23:44:04) The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you and your family would generally be happy and content. This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at the workplace. Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time. If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going through an abortion if at all applicable. However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights during this period. Tr ansit of Sun in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (14 Mar 2013 15:06:04 to 13 Apr 2013 23:12:45) Sun in the ninth house has some significant results in your life. This period could mean blame games, change of place and lack of mental peace. Take extra care at your work place to avoid disappointing your employer. You may feel humiliated and chances are that some false charges would be imposed on you. Avoid any tricky situation during this time. Financially this period could be taxing on you. You may also find it difficult to recover pending dues from others. Be extra careful to avoid unnecessary expenses. Misunderstandings, disagreements may occur between you and your teacher, or spiritual/religious leader. Opinions of your family and friends may clash with that of yours leading to fights and discontentment. Health would require your attention as you may develop physical and mental discomforts at this time. You may also feel more tired and mentally depressed than usual. However, you may also consider doing some virtuous deeds, as you are more likely to accomplish this successfully. Travel would be on the cards. Tr ansit of Moon in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (16 Mar 2013 23:44:04 to 19 Mar 2013 12:20:00) The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period. On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 169 SAMPLE ¬ opposite sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time. This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at home. Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time. Tr ansit of Venus in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (17 Mar 2013 12:24:46 to 10 Apr 2013 17:34:52) During this period, Venus will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies the onset of a new wardrobe. Moreover, it also denotes bodily or material comfort and happiness. Financial gain and indulgence in precious jewellery is also indicated during this period. Businessmen will find this period to be a smooth one with satisfactory profits. Success in education is also indicated during this time. Health would remain in good shape. At home, your siblings would be more cooperative and affectionate than ever. Some auspicious deeds are likely to be performed at your home and you may also decide on your own marriage if eligible. During this time you are likely to get a match of your choice, who would also bring in fortune for you. A socially conducive period could also be expected where you are likely to make new friends. You may also get a mentor to show you the spiritual path. Your interest in the artistic field would increase during this time. Your good qualities and virtuous deeds would be noticed and would bring in good reputation in the society. This time could see your desires fulfilled and enemies defeated. If you get involved in any kind of discussion, you are likely to be winning the same. You may even consider going on a long journey during this period. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (18 Mar 2013 05:53:38 to 27 J an 2014 01:56:45) During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This may bring in some trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience physical pain and bodily weakness during this phase. Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental perplexity and misunderstanding with the family is also indicated during this time. You may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and communication gaps while dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you may have to face humiliation. You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles in your endeavours. Travel plans, if any, may not yield the expected result and could be troublesome. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 170 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (18 Mar 2013 06:53:38 to 8 J an 2014 11:47:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag of positive and negative happenings. This particular period indicates success, stability and progress in your personal life. Your plans and projects will be successfully accomplished and you would also gain from the same. You are also likely to do better in the work front. You may expect progress in all your undertakings. This period also indicates your popularity in the society. Your status in the society is also likely to be heightened. Health should be fine and you would also have mental peace and contentment. However, for some, this movement of Mercury may bring in worries and troubles from enemies. You may have to be extra careful with your finances. Avoid any kind of arguments with your employer. It is better you stay away from activities involving risk to your health. However, body heat may trouble you during this particular period. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (18 Mar 2013 07:53:38 to 20 Dec 2013 22:00:26) During this period, Mercury will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a troubled personal life. During this particular period you must try and avoid getting involved in any kind of arguments with your wife, children and other members of the family. This is not a conducive period for you to be headstrong and opinionated while dealing with friends as well. Be extra careful while handling your loved ones. Health could be a matter of concern at this particular point of time. Take care of your food, as you are likely to suffer from heat stroke or body heat during this time. Do not undertake any activity, which would put a risk to your life. Mentally you may feel agitated and all drained out. This period may also give you some bodily pain leading to much discomfort. There may also occur troublesome and difficult circumstances in the work front. If you are a student, you need to be more determined and focused in your studies to avoid any kind of distraction. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (18 Mar 2013 08:53:38 to 20 Oct 2013 18:18:38) During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be honoured. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 171 SAMPLE ¬ Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex. At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make your mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the family. You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (18 Mar 2013 09:53:38 to 25 Sep 2013 08:06:51) During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings. Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life. Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any loss of wealth. This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress and unexpected hassles in your endeavours. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (18 Mar 2013 10:53:38 to 6 Sep 2013 01:04:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies pecuniary gain and growth of income especially to those who deal in precious gems. This period is also likely to bring in happiness to you in the form of success in learning and attainment of knowledge. This period also brings in the company of good people and gives you an opportunity to savour exotic culinary delights. However, for some, this particular period may bring in sufferings, bad name in the society and your enemy could also be more harmful than usual. This phase also indicates a probable loss of one of your relatives or a near friend. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (18 Mar 2013 11:53:38 to 21 Aug 2013 04:58:52) During this period, Mercury will move through your first house from the Moon. This may bring in some negative results in your life. This mostly brings in a situation where you may have to serve someone unwillingly. You are also susceptible to face oppression of some kind. Take care to avoid facing a haul over the coals and the lashes of unsympathetic words from others. Keeping a low profile and doing your Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 172 SAMPLE ¬ task best should be the focus during this time. You may also have to watch out for unnecessary expenditure as this may cause a big hole in your wallet. Be cautious with your spending and pay attention to the safety of your finances. You are also likely to befriend some bad personalities who may cause harm. Watch your words while dealing with your near and dear ones. Your insensitivity may create some unnecessary enemies within your circle. Avoid any kind of lawsuits and bad company. Be careful not to do anything that may make you lose your self worth. You would always need your good fortune, so, save it. Take advantage of your education and experience to avoid any glitch in your life. Be flexible during this period, as you may have to make some last minute changes in your plan, project or ideas due to pressure from different quarters or due to some anticipated fear. Obstructions may crop up related to your foreign residence if applicable. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious work at home. Take care of your family and yourself as you may become susceptible to deception particularly during this phase. Avoid travel if possible as you may not get the desired pleasure or expected result out of it. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (18 Mar 2013 12:53:38 to 26 J un 2013 05:32:02) During this period, Mercury will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes expenses for you. You may have to spend more than expected in order to live a comfortable life. Stay away from litigations as this may also cause some loss of money. Moreover, you may also have to work extra hard to accomplish any of the task undertaken by you. Beware of your enemies and stay out of their way in order to avoid any humiliation. Hold on to your respect and try and keep your honour in the society. You could be mentally disturbed due to several reasons. You are susceptible to worries and restlessness during this particular time. You are also likely to be distressed and feel discontented during this phase. You are likely to lose interest in food and conjugal life. A feeling of sickness and suffering may trouble you during this particular point of time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (18 Mar 2013 13:53:38 to 28 May 2013 01:14:23) During this period, Mercury will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This indicates achievement and monetary gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to receive higher monetary gains from different sources. Your personal endeavours, businesses and investments are likely to bring in higher financial gains and more profits. If you are a professional or employed, you are likely to be more successful during this particular period. You are likely to prosper in your field of activity especially during this time. Health should be good. You are likely to be at peace with yourself. You may become more soft-spoken and very cordial in your behaviour. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 173 SAMPLE ¬ At home, you may expect a good time. Your spouse and children will also be happy and cordial. You may also expect to get some favourable news. You are likely to be surrounded by material comfort. Socially this is a good phase as well. You would be able to command more respect in the society. Pleasant company of the opposite sex would also surround you. Your wit and pleasant nature would also make people flock around you. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (18 Mar 2013 14:53:38 to 13 May 2013 07:58:00) During this period, Mercury will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This denotes contentment and good times for you. You would be happy and successful in all your endeavours. Professionally a very good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off the work given to you successfully on time. Happiness at home is also indicated during this time. You could also expect to meet someone interesting during this time. Some of you may also expect to spend some passionate time with someone new of the opposite sex. Possibility of gain from this person is also indicated during this particular time. Financially, this could be a good time for you. The success in your endeavours will be gainful for you and you may expect other monetary gain as well. This period may also bring in a rise in your status in the society. You are likely to be honoured and may command more respect in the society. You may become socially more active and may get involved in social welfare work. Mentally peace and calmness is indicated. Your enemies are likely to be defeated with ease and you would find calmness in life during this particular time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (18 Mar 2013 15:53:38 to 28 Apr 2013 19:35:19) During this period, Mercury will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings from diseases. This particular phase may bring in obstruction and interruptions in your field of work. Take care to keep your respect and position in the workplace intact. Make sure you don't have to regret any of your actions done at this time. Watch out for probable hurdles before venturing into something new. Mentally you may feel hassled, over burdened, and unstable due to several reasons. Beware of your enemies as they could harm you more during this particular phase. Avoid any arguments with your family and relatives as this may lead to unnecessary quarrels. During this period you are susceptible to become irritable and may try to find out faults in matters related to religion, common belief etc. This period may also demand more labour from you in order to accomplish any task undertaken. However, a feeling of lack of interest may stop you from working hard. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 174 SAMPLE ¬ Avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired result. Take care of your food habits and try and keep yourself in a positive frame of mind. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (18 Mar 2013 16:53:38 to 10 Apr 2013 01:04:03) During this period, Mercury will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies wealth and success. It indicates success in all your work and projects. During this period you may expect financial stability and gain in financial ventures. Socially you would see a rise in your status. People would respect you more and your popularity would increase. This period may also let you acquire a comfortable lifestyle. You are also likely to gain happiness from your children. You are likely to receive happiness with a newborn member in the family. Your children would also remain happy and content during this particular period. This period sees a more alert and clever you. You would be able to use your intuition and intellect to make right decisions. Your enemies are likely to be defeated and will be mellowed down by your aura. Moreover, you may also expect help from all the sides. However, your health would require your attention, as you are susceptible to fall sick. Take care of your food intake and keep your spirits high to keep gloominess and unnecessary fears at bay. Tr ansit of Moon in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (19 Mar 2013 12:20:00 to 22 Mar 2013 00:36:37) Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period. Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections, particularly during this phase. Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority. On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour. Tr ansit of Moon in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (22 Mar 2013 00:36:37 to 24 Mar 2013 10:15:29) This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more easily. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 175 SAMPLE ¬ It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse. Overall, you will be happy. Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured. This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in your feelings than what is good for you. This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings. Tr ansit of Moon in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (24 Mar 2013 10:15:29 to 26 Mar 2013 16:35:07) Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary. Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation. Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue. Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase. Tr ansit of Moon in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (26 Mar 2013 16:35:07 to 28 Mar 2013 20:18:39) Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the possibility of some recognition from others. This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues, attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture. On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food, clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them. Tr ansit of Moon in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (28 Mar 2013 20:18:39 to 30 Mar 2013 Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 176 SAMPLE ¬ 22:45:08) The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time. Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief, unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect your venture. Be careful with your money. This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament. Tr ansit of Moon in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (30 Mar 2013 22:45:08 to 2 Apr 2013 01:03:04) Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles. If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your trip. This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings. However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself. Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some money or may incur loss in your venture. Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack. Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that may affect the same. Tr ansit of Moon in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (2 Apr 2013 01:03:04 to 4 Apr 2013 03:57:58) The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and recognition in society. You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 177 SAMPLE ¬ Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period would see you in a happy mood. Tr ansit of Moon in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (4 Apr 2013 03:57:58 to 6 Apr 2013 08:00:19) Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies happiness and success in your endeavours. Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and enjoyment of exotic cuisine. This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life. Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (6 Apr 2013 08:00:19 to 8 Apr 2013 13:39:24) This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period may bring along peril and untoward happenings. Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements with them. You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with anybody particularly at this time. Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (8 Apr 2013 13:39:24 to 10 Apr 2013 21:29:28) The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work harder than usual in your work place or trade. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 178 SAMPLE ¬ Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome chest. You may also suffer from insomnia. Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic. However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society. A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of them. Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away from you. Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer from anxiety and may feel overburdened. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Apr 2013 01:04:03 to 28 Apr 2013 19:35:19) During this period, Mercury will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings from diseases. This particular phase may bring in obstruction and interruptions in your field of work. Take care to keep your respect and position in the workplace intact. Make sure you don't have to regret any of your actions done at this time. Watch out for probable hurdles before venturing into something new. Mentally you may feel hassled, over burdened, and unstable due to several reasons. Beware of your enemies as they could harm you more during this particular phase. Avoid any arguments with your family and relatives as this may lead to unnecessary quarrels. During this period you are susceptible to become irritable and may try to find out faults in matters related to religion, common belief etc. This period may also demand more labour from you in order to accomplish any task undertaken. However, a feeling of lack of interest may stop you from working hard. Avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired result. Take care of your food habits and try and keep yourself in a positive frame of mind. Tr ansit of Venus in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Apr 2013 17:34:52 to 5 May 2013 02:01:28) During this period, Venus will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This brings in mental anguish, agitation and restlessness. Physical health also suffers during this particular time. You may have to be extra careful with your finances and try to avoid any kind of loans, as you are likely Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 179 SAMPLE ¬ to be under debts during this particular phase. Beware of your enemies and avoid unnecessary and useless, discussions, as it might lead to quarrels increasing the number of your enemies. Be careful to avoid defamation and humiliation in the society. Be cautious while handling your relatives and women folks as a silly misunderstanding may add on to the number of your enemies. Avoid all kinds of arguments with your spouse to maintain the healthy equilibrium in the marriage. You are likely to face trouble caused by higher authority of your chosen field or by the government. You may have to put in extra hard work to meet with success in all your endeavours. Tr ansit of Moon in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Apr 2013 21:29:28 to 13 Apr 2013 07:51:06) The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you and your family would generally be happy and content. This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at the workplace. Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time. If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going through an abortion if at all applicable. However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights during this period. Tr ansit of Mar s in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (12 Apr 2013 18:50:48 to 23 May 2013 08:34:01) During this period, Mars will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This signifies a ruffled path to success. You are likely to face a lot of trouble ranging from misbehaviour of your superiors, failure in efforts, sorrow, disappointments, exhaustion and so on. However, you are also likely to meet with success in your field of work at the end. Some of you would be able to perform better than ever at work. You may also have to undertake some hopping about around places, as your work is likely to demand the same. This period is likely to bestow a rise in your prestige, position and authority at work. You are also likely to get scripted in the good books of your superiors and enlarge your circle of good friends. Your glory is also likely to bring in some new friends into your life. Health however, would require your attention. Keep note of what you are eating and keep up your mental health as well. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 180 SAMPLE ¬ Some of you may also feel relieved of your worries and would win over your enemies. However, never under estimate your enemies and stay away from weapons. Tr ansit of Moon in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (13 Apr 2013 07:51:06 to 15 Apr 2013 20:13:50) The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period. On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time. This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at home. Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time. Tr ansit of Sun in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (13 Apr 2013 23:12:45 to 14 May 2013 19:29:10) This is a favourable period. It denotes gains, promotions, progress and success in all your endeavours. You may expect a promotion at the work place. Favour of your seniors, honour from the authorities and even more opportunities could be expected during this time. This period also denotes success in your endeavour and favourable culmination of any stuck up deals. Socially you may expect an even more respectable position. Your social circle will get widened, meaning more positive and gainful interactions particularly with the opposite sex, honour from your circle of friends and acquaintances. You may even expect to be honoured by the highest of authorities. You could expect more gains from unexpected quarters as well. Your health will be at its best during this time. Overall happiness would surround you. Tr ansit of Moon in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (15 Apr 2013 20:13:50 to 18 Apr 2013 08:51:30) Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period. Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections, particularly during this phase. Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 181 SAMPLE ¬ indulge in doing unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority. On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour. Tr ansit of Moon in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (18 Apr 2013 08:51:30 to 20 Apr 2013 19:24:34) This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more easily. It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse. Overall, you will be happy. Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured. This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in your feelings than what is good for you. This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings. Tr ansit of Moon in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (20 Apr 2013 19:24:34 to 23 Apr 2013 02:24:38) Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary. Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation. Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue. Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase. Tr ansit of Moon in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (23 Apr 2013 02:24:38 to 25 Apr 2013 05:59:41) Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the possibility of some recognition from others. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 182 SAMPLE ¬ This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues, attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture. On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food, clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them. Tr ansit of Moon in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (25 Apr 2013 05:59:41 to 27 Apr 2013 07:21:09) The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time. Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief, unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect your venture. Be careful with your money. This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament. Tr ansit of Moon in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (27 Apr 2013 07:21:09 to 29 Apr 2013 08:06:55) Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles. If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your trip. This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings. However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself. Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some money or may incur loss in your venture. Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack. Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 183 SAMPLE ¬ that may affect the same. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (28 Apr 2013 19:35:19 to 13 May 2013 07:58:00) During this period, Mercury will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This denotes contentment and good times for you. You would be happy and successful in all your endeavours. Professionally a very good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off the work given to you successfully on time. Happiness at home is also indicated during this time. You could also expect to meet someone interesting during this time. Some of you may also expect to spend some passionate time with someone new of the opposite sex. Possibility of gain from this person is also indicated during this particular time. Financially, this could be a good time for you. The success in your endeavours will be gainful for you and you may expect other monetary gain as well. This period may also bring in a rise in your status in the society. You are likely to be honoured and may command more respect in the society. You may become socially more active and may get involved in social welfare work. Mentally peace and calmness is indicated. Your enemies are likely to be defeated with ease and you would find calmness in life during this particular time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (29 Apr 2013 08:06:55 to 1 May 2013 09:46:22) The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and recognition in society. You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex. Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period would see you in a happy mood. Tr ansit of Moon in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (1 May 2013 09:46:22 to 3 May 2013 13:23:58) Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies happiness and success in your endeavours. Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and enjoyment of exotic cuisine. This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 184 SAMPLE ¬ for you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life. Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (3 May 2013 13:23:58 to 5 May 2013 19:30:52) This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period may bring along peril and untoward happenings. Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements with them. You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with anybody particularly at this time. Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time. Tr ansit of Venus in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (5 May 2013 02:01:28 to 29 May 2013 12:00:36) During this period, Venus will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This mostly signifies financial security and relief from debts. You may also expect solutions to your other economic problems as well. This period also brings in success in your endeavours. Your popularity increases and your reputation would also see an upward move during this period. You are likely concentrate on acquisition of material comfort, means of pleasure, good food, clothing, jewels and other exotic accessories. You may consider owning a house as well. Socially a bright period could be predicted. You could expect a rise in your status and prestige in the society and cooperation of your friends. You may also expect good times with the members of the opposite sex. If married you are likely to savour conjugal bliss with your spouse. Tr ansit of Moon in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (5 May 2013 19:30:52 to 8 May 2013 04:08:26) Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 185 SAMPLE ¬ The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work harder than usual in your work place or trade. Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome chest. You may also suffer from insomnia. Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic. However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society. A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of them. Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away from you. Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer from anxiety and may feel overburdened. Tr ansit of Moon in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (8 May 2013 04:08:26 to 10 May 2013 14:57:54) The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you and your family would generally be happy and content. This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at the workplace. Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time. If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going through an abortion if at all applicable. However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights during this period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (10 May 2013 14:57:54 to 13 May 2013 03:21:36) The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 186 SAMPLE ¬ On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time. This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at home. Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (13 May 2013 03:21:36 to 15 May 2013 16:09:29) Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period. Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections, particularly during this phase. Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority. On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (13 May 2013 07:58:00 to 28 May 2013 01:14:23) During this period, Mercury will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This indicates achievement and monetary gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to receive higher monetary gains from different sources. Your personal endeavours, businesses and investments are likely to bring in higher financial gains and more profits. If you are a professional or employed, you are likely to be more successful during this particular period. You are likely to prosper in your field of activity especially during this time. Health should be good. You are likely to be at peace with yourself. You may become more soft-spoken and very cordial in your behaviour. At home, you may expect a good time. Your spouse and children will also be happy and cordial. You may also expect to get some favourable news. You are likely to be surrounded by material comfort. Socially this is a good phase as well. You would be able to command more respect in the society. Pleasant company of the opposite sex would also surround you. Your wit and pleasant nature would also make people flock around you. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 187 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Sun in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (14 May 2013 19:29:10 to 15 J un 2013 01:30:50) This transit of the Sun mostly means monetary gains, improved economic and social status. This is a suitable time for you to approach your boss/employer for any favors such as asking for a promotion. You will rise in your position at the work place, and get unexpected benefits from your superiors or authorities. You could also expect profit in trade and attainment of wealth during this time and even gains from your friends. Your social prestige would see a rise and you would gain more honour in your neighbourhood. Health would remain fine during this time and your sound health could be a happy occasion for the family. This period also signifies the commencement of some spiritual constructive deed at your home leading to even more happiness. Merrymaking, distribution and indulgence of good food and sweets at home could also be expected during this time. Overall, a comfortable period is denoted for you and your family leading to familial peace during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (15 May 2013 16:09:29 to 18 May 2013 03:34:21) This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more easily. It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse. Overall, you will be happy. Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured. This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in your feelings than what is good for you. This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings. Tr ansit of Moon in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (18 May 2013 03:34:21 to 20 May 2013 11:52:17) Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 188 SAMPLE ¬ expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary. Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation. Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue. Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase. Tr ansit of Moon in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (20 May 2013 11:52:17 to 22 May 2013 16:24:10) Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the possibility of some recognition from others. This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues, attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture. On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food, clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them. Tr ansit of Moon in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (22 May 2013 16:24:10 to 24 May 2013 17:46:04) The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time. Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief, unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect your venture. Be careful with your money. This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament. Tr ansit of Mar s in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (23 May 2013 08:34:01 to 5 J ul 2013 01:54:34) Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 189 SAMPLE ¬ During this period, Mars will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This brings in happy times for you and your family. This period bestows you with landed property, and profit in your field of business or trade. Some of you are also likely to gain from your siblings during this time. This could also prove to be a good time for those who are employed. Some of you may expect a rise in your income or position at this time. Moreover, all your endeavours are likely to succeed bringing you more gains. This could be regarded as a time when you would see improvement in not only your professional life but also in your personal day-to-day life. You may also expect an upward move in your social status, prestige and respect during this time. Your personality would glow reflecting your accomplishments. Some of you may also expect the birth of a new member in your family bringing you more happiness and domestic peace. Your children and siblings would bring you more happiness. Health sector should be fine keeping you hale and hearty, free from diseases. You are also likely to feel more fearless than ever. Tr ansit of Moon in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (24 May 2013 17:46:04 to 26 May 2013 17:31:18) Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles. If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your trip. This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings. However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself. Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some money or may incur loss in your venture. Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack. Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that may affect the same. Tr ansit of Moon in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (26 May 2013 17:31:18 to 28 May 2013 17:34:10) The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and recognition in society. You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 190 SAMPLE ¬ Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period would see you in a happy mood. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (28 May 2013 01:14:23 to 26 J un 2013 05:32:02) During this period, Mercury will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes expenses for you. You may have to spend more than expected in order to live a comfortable life. Stay away from litigations as this may also cause some loss of money. Moreover, you may also have to work extra hard to accomplish any of the task undertaken by you. Beware of your enemies and stay out of their way in order to avoid any humiliation. Hold on to your respect and try and keep your honour in the society. You could be mentally disturbed due to several reasons. You are susceptible to worries and restlessness during this particular time. You are also likely to be distressed and feel discontented during this phase. You are likely to lose interest in food and conjugal life. A feeling of sickness and suffering may trouble you during this particular point of time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (28 May 2013 17:34:10 to 30 May 2013 19:42:07) Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies happiness and success in your endeavours. Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and enjoyment of exotic cuisine. This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life. Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy period. Tr ansit of Venus in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (29 May 2013 12:00:36 to 23 J un 2013 00:03:18) During this period, Venus will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag of positive and negative happenings. On one hand this period signifies financial gain and on the other, it also denotes some unforeseen losses of wealth and clothing. This period also indicates unnecessary expenditure and wastage of money on a trip to a foreign country. This period would see you indulging in good attire of which you may also lose some. Take extra care to avoid any theft in the house particularly during this time. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 191 SAMPLE ¬ However, at home you would enjoy conjugal bliss. If unmarried, you may expect to savour some sensual pleasure with member of the opposite sex. Friends would be good to you and would be cooperative and helpful towards you. Try to stay away from sharp weapons and doubtful people. If you are involved with agriculture, you may have to take extra care to avoid any loss during this particular time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (30 May 2013 19:42:07 to 2 J un 2013 01:04:07) This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period may bring along peril and untoward happenings. Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements with them. You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with anybody particularly at this time. Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time. Tr ansit of J upiter in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (31 May 2013 09:05:35 to 19 J un 2014 10:56:41) During this period, Jupiter will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This indicates expenditure for you. The outflow of money is expected to be greater than the inflow. Above all, you may also find difficulty in trade and business, especially related to the cattle business. However, you are also likely to spend some money on auspicious occasions and on long distance travels. This period may force upon you a phase in which you may have to stay away from your native place and away from your children. If employed, hold on to your position and rank at work as this period may put a risk to these as well. Mental and physical health may suffer and you may experience mental affliction, grief and fear. Avoid undertaking any task that involves life risk. During this period you are susceptible to go astray and behave in a way that is not usual of you. Your good conduct may vanish temporarily during this phase and you may be negative in your attitude while approaching your near and dear ones. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 192 SAMPLE ¬ The society may go against you and you may also be humiliated and defamed on the social front. Avoid being caught in any unpleasant situations. However, some of you are likely to earn some extra money with which you may consider buying a vehicle of your choice. Tr ansit of Moon in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (2 J un 2013 01:04:07 to 4 J un 2013 09:48:09) The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work harder than usual in your work place or trade. Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome chest. You may also suffer from insomnia. Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic. However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society. A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of them. Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away from you. Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer from anxiety and may feel overburdened. Tr ansit of Moon in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (4 J un 2013 09:48:09 to 6 J un 2013 21:04:38) The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you and your family would generally be happy and content. This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at the workplace. Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time. If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going through an abortion if at all applicable. However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 193 SAMPLE ¬ delights during this period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (6 J un 2013 21:04:38 to 9 J un 2013 09:40:44) The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period. On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time. This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at home. Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (9 J un 2013 09:40:44 to 11 J un 2013 22:28:06) Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period. Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections, particularly during this phase. Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority. On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour. Tr ansit of Moon in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (11 J un 2013 22:28:06 to 14 J un 2013 10:16:47) This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more easily. It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse. Overall, you will be happy. Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 194 SAMPLE ¬ from your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured. This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in your feelings than what is good for you. This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings. Tr ansit of Moon in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (14 J un 2013 10:16:47 to 16 J un 2013 19:46:24) Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary. Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation. Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue. Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase. Tr ansit of Sun in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (15 J un 2013 01:30:50 to 16 J ul 2013 12:13:18) This particular period signifies monetary challenges. You would have to take extra care while handling finances during this period. If employed, you may find yourself having a bit of a hard time with your employer. He will tend to not appreciate your work and you may feel a threat of being given less responsibilities or less pay. Do not get disheartened if your efforts and hard work do not give you the desired result at this time. If you are into trade, you may have to go through a few setbacks. Be careful in your dealings. This period may also take you through a rough weather socially. Avoid arguments with anybody, as quarrels with friends and seniors could not be ruled out during this phase. You may also have to go on long trips, which may not bring in the desired result. Avoid activities that involve physical risks and make safety your first priority. Take care of your health and that of your family during this time as you may develop fever, stomach trouble and some discomfort in the eyes. Discontentment during this particular time may affect peace and harmony at home. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 195 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Moon in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (16 J un 2013 19:46:24 to 19 J un 2013 01:50:02) Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the possibility of some recognition from others. This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues, attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture. On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food, clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them. Tr ansit of Moon in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (19 J un 2013 01:50:02 to 21 J un 2013 04:20:29) The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time. Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief, unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect your venture. Be careful with your money. This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament. Tr ansit of Moon in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (21 J un 2013 04:20:29 to 23 J un 2013 04:16:44) Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles. If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your trip. This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings. However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself. Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some money or may incur loss in your venture. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 196 SAMPLE ¬ Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack. Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that may affect the same. Tr ansit of Venus in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (23 J un 2013 00:03:18 to 17 J ul 2013 17:36:43) During this period, Venus will move through your first house from the Moon. This mostly signifies material and sensual comfort for you. You may expect a lot of happenings on the personal front. If eligible, you are likely to find your perfect match during this time. Some of you may also expect the arrival of a new member in the family. Socially, this is a good period to meet new people and enjoy the company of the opposite sex. You would be honoured and your status is also likely to be heightened in the society. You would also get plenty of opportunity to enjoy and would also indulge in exotic culinary dishes. This period would also let you acquire sensuous material and accessories to enrich your life. You are likely to indulge in clothes, perfumes, cosmetics and vehicles as well. Financially, you would sail through smoothly during this period. Your economic condition would also improve during this particular time. If you are a student, this could prove to be a very good period for you to succeed in your field of learning. You may also expect the annihilation of your enemies during this time. Stay away from any influence that might create a negative outburst in you. Tr ansit of Moon in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (23 J un 2013 04:16:44 to 25 J un 2013 03:29:01) The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and recognition in society. You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex. Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period would see you in a happy mood. Tr ansit of Moon in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (25 J un 2013 03:29:01 to 27 J un 2013 04:03:57) Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies happiness and success in your endeavours. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 197 SAMPLE ¬ Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and enjoyment of exotic cuisine. This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life. Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy period. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 05:32:02 to 21 Aug 2013 04:58:52) During this period, Mercury will move through your first house from the Moon. This may bring in some negative results in your life. This mostly brings in a situation where you may have to serve someone unwillingly. You are also susceptible to face oppression of some kind. Take care to avoid facing a haul over the coals and the lashes of unsympathetic words from others. Keeping a low profile and doing your task best should be the focus during this time. You may also have to watch out for unnecessary expenditure as this may cause a big hole in your wallet. Be cautious with your spending and pay attention to the safety of your finances. You are also likely to befriend some bad personalities who may cause harm. Watch your words while dealing with your near and dear ones. Your insensitivity may create some unnecessary enemies within your circle. Avoid any kind of lawsuits and bad company. Be careful not to do anything that may make you lose your self worth. You would always need your good fortune, so, save it. Take advantage of your education and experience to avoid any glitch in your life. Be flexible during this period, as you may have to make some last minute changes in your plan, project or ideas due to pressure from different quarters or due to some anticipated fear. Obstructions may crop up related to your foreign residence if applicable. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious work at home. Take care of your family and yourself as you may become susceptible to deception particularly during this phase. Avoid travel if possible as you may not get the desired pleasure or expected result out of it. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 06:32:02 to 6 Sep 2013 01:04:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies pecuniary gain and growth of income especially to those who deal in precious gems. This period is also likely to bring in happiness to you in the form of success in learning and attainment of knowledge. This period also brings in the company of good people and gives you an opportunity to savour exotic culinary delights. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 198 SAMPLE ¬ However, for some, this particular period may bring in sufferings, bad name in the society and your enemy could also be more harmful than usual. This phase also indicates a probable loss of one of your relatives or a near friend. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 07:32:02 to 25 Sep 2013 08:06:51) During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings. Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life. Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any loss of wealth. This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress and unexpected hassles in your endeavours. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 08:32:03 to 20 Oct 2013 18:18:38) During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be honoured. Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex. At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make your mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the family. You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 09:32:03 to 20 Dec 2013 22:00:26) During this period, Mercury will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a troubled personal life. During this particular period you must try and avoid getting involved in any kind of arguments with your wife, children and other members of the family. This is not a conducive period for you to be headstrong and opinionated while dealing with friends as well. Be extra careful while handling your loved ones. Health could be a matter of concern at this particular point of time. Take care of your food, as you are likely to suffer from heat stroke or body heat during this time. Do not undertake any activity, which would Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 199 SAMPLE ¬ put a risk to your life. Mentally you may feel agitated and all drained out. This period may also give you some bodily pain leading to much discomfort. There may also occur troublesome and difficult circumstances in the work front. If you are a student, you need to be more determined and focused in your studies to avoid any kind of distraction. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 10:32:03 to 8 J an 2014 11:47:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag of positive and negative happenings. This particular period indicates success, stability and progress in your personal life. Your plans and projects will be successfully accomplished and you would also gain from the same. You are also likely to do better in the work front. You may expect progress in all your undertakings. This period also indicates your popularity in the society. Your status in the society is also likely to be heightened. Health should be fine and you would also have mental peace and contentment. However, for some, this movement of Mercury may bring in worries and troubles from enemies. You may have to be extra careful with your finances. Avoid any kind of arguments with your employer. It is better you stay away from activities involving risk to your health. However, body heat may trouble you during this particular period. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 11:32:03 to 27 J an 2014 01:56:45) During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This may bring in some trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience physical pain and bodily weakness during this phase. Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental perplexity and misunderstanding with the family is also indicated during this time. You may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and communication gaps while dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you may have to face humiliation. You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles in your endeavours. Travel plans, if any, may not yield the expected result and could be troublesome. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 12:32:03 to 7 Feb 2014 06:11:05) Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 200 SAMPLE ¬ During this period, Mercury will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies wealth and success. It indicates success in all your work and projects. During this period you may expect financial stability and gain in financial ventures. Socially you would see a rise in your status. People would respect you more and your popularity would increase. This period may also let you acquire a comfortable lifestyle. You are also likely to gain happiness from your children. You are likely to receive happiness with a newborn member in the family. Your children would also remain happy and content during this particular period. This period sees a more alert and clever you. You would be able to use your intuition and intellect to make right decisions. Your enemies are likely to be defeated and will be mellowed down by your aura. Moreover, you may also expect help from all the sides. However, your health would require your attention, as you are susceptible to fall sick. Take care of your food intake and keep your spirits high to keep gloominess and unnecessary fears at bay. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 13:32:03 to 20 Apr 2014 18:48:42) During this period, Mercury will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings from diseases. This particular phase may bring in obstruction and interruptions in your field of work. Take care to keep your respect and position in the workplace intact. Make sure you don't have to regret any of your actions done at this time. Watch out for probable hurdles before venturing into something new. Mentally you may feel hassled, over burdened, and unstable due to several reasons. Beware of your enemies as they could harm you more during this particular phase. Avoid any arguments with your family and relatives as this may lead to unnecessary quarrels. During this period you are susceptible to become irritable and may try to find out faults in matters related to religion, common belief etc. This period may also demand more labour from you in order to accomplish any task undertaken. However, a feeling of lack of interest may stop you from working hard. Avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired result. Take care of your food habits and try and keep yourself in a positive frame of mind. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 14:32:04 to 4 May 2014 20:59:59) During this period, Mercury will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This denotes contentment and good times for you. You would be happy and successful in all your endeavours. Professionally a very good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off the work given to you successfully on time. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 201 SAMPLE ¬ Happiness at home is also indicated during this time. You could also expect to meet someone interesting during this time. Some of you may also expect to spend some passionate time with someone new of the opposite sex. Possibility of gain from this person is also indicated during this particular time. Financially, this could be a good time for you. The success in your endeavours will be gainful for you and you may expect other monetary gain as well. This period may also bring in a rise in your status in the society. You are likely to be honoured and may command more respect in the society. You may become socially more active and may get involved in social welfare work. Mentally peace and calmness is indicated. Your enemies are likely to be defeated with ease and you would find calmness in life during this particular time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 15:32:04 to 23 May 2014 05:50:30) During this period, Mercury will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This indicates achievement and monetary gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to receive higher monetary gains from different sources. Your personal endeavours, businesses and investments are likely to bring in higher financial gains and more profits. If you are a professional or employed, you are likely to be more successful during this particular period. You are likely to prosper in your field of activity especially during this time. Health should be good. You are likely to be at peace with yourself. You may become more soft-spoken and very cordial in your behaviour. At home, you may expect a good time. Your spouse and children will also be happy and cordial. You may also expect to get some favourable news. You are likely to be surrounded by material comfort. Socially this is a good phase as well. You would be able to command more respect in the society. Pleasant company of the opposite sex would also surround you. Your wit and pleasant nature would also make people flock around you. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 16:32:04 to 21 J ul 2013 18:08:42) During this period, Mercury will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes expenses for you. You may have to spend more than expected in order to live a comfortable life. Stay away from litigations as this may also cause some loss of money. Moreover, you may also have to work extra hard to accomplish any of the task undertaken by you. Beware of your enemies and stay out of their way in order to avoid any humiliation. Hold on to your respect and try and keep your honour in the society. You could be mentally disturbed due to several reasons. You are susceptible to worries and restlessness Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 202 SAMPLE ¬ during this particular time. You are also likely to be distressed and feel discontented during this phase. You are likely to lose interest in food and conjugal life. A feeling of sickness and suffering may trouble you during this particular point of time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 17:32:04 to 21 Aug 2013 04:58:52) During this period, Mercury will move through your first house from the Moon. This may bring in some negative results in your life. This mostly brings in a situation where you may have to serve someone unwillingly. You are also susceptible to face oppression of some kind. Take care to avoid facing a haul over the coals and the lashes of unsympathetic words from others. Keeping a low profile and doing your task best should be the focus during this time. You may also have to watch out for unnecessary expenditure as this may cause a big hole in your wallet. Be cautious with your spending and pay attention to the safety of your finances. You are also likely to befriend some bad personalities who may cause harm. Watch your words while dealing with your near and dear ones. Your insensitivity may create some unnecessary enemies within your circle. Avoid any kind of lawsuits and bad company. Be careful not to do anything that may make you lose your self worth. You would always need your good fortune, so, save it. Take advantage of your education and experience to avoid any glitch in your life. Be flexible during this period, as you may have to make some last minute changes in your plan, project or ideas due to pressure from different quarters or due to some anticipated fear. Obstructions may crop up related to your foreign residence if applicable. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious work at home. Take care of your family and yourself as you may become susceptible to deception particularly during this phase. Avoid travel if possible as you may not get the desired pleasure or expected result out of it. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 18:32:04 to 6 Sep 2013 01:04:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies pecuniary gain and growth of income especially to those who deal in precious gems. This period is also likely to bring in happiness to you in the form of success in learning and attainment of knowledge. This period also brings in the company of good people and gives you an opportunity to savour exotic culinary delights. However, for some, this particular period may bring in sufferings, bad name in the society and your enemy could also be more harmful than usual. This phase also indicates a probable loss of one of your relatives or a near friend. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 19:32:05 to 25 Sep 2013 08:06:51) Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 203 SAMPLE ¬ During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings. Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life. Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any loss of wealth. This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress and unexpected hassles in your endeavours. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 20:32:05 to 20 Oct 2013 18:18:38) During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be honoured. Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex. At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make your mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the family. You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 21:32:05 to 20 Dec 2013 22:00:26) During this period, Mercury will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a troubled personal life. During this particular period you must try and avoid getting involved in any kind of arguments with your wife, children and other members of the family. This is not a conducive period for you to be headstrong and opinionated while dealing with friends as well. Be extra careful while handling your loved ones. Health could be a matter of concern at this particular point of time. Take care of your food, as you are likely to suffer from heat stroke or body heat during this time. Do not undertake any activity, which would put a risk to your life. Mentally you may feel agitated and all drained out. This period may also give you some bodily pain leading to much discomfort. There may also occur troublesome and difficult circumstances in the work front. If you are a student, you need to be more determined and focused in your studies to avoid any kind of distraction. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 204 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 22:32:06 to 8 J an 2014 11:47:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag of positive and negative happenings. This particular period indicates success, stability and progress in your personal life. Your plans and projects will be successfully accomplished and you would also gain from the same. You are also likely to do better in the work front. You may expect progress in all your undertakings. This period also indicates your popularity in the society. Your status in the society is also likely to be heightened. Health should be fine and you would also have mental peace and contentment. However, for some, this movement of Mercury may bring in worries and troubles from enemies. You may have to be extra careful with your finances. Avoid any kind of arguments with your employer. It is better you stay away from activities involving risk to your health. However, body heat may trouble you during this particular period. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (26 J un 2013 23:32:06 to 27 J an 2014 01:56:45) During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This may bring in some trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience physical pain and bodily weakness during this phase. Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental perplexity and misunderstanding with the family is also indicated during this time. You may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and communication gaps while dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you may have to face humiliation. You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles in your endeavours. Travel plans, if any, may not yield the expected result and could be troublesome. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 00:32:06 to 7 Feb 2014 06:11:05) During this period, Mercury will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies wealth and success. It indicates success in all your work and projects. During this period you may expect financial stability and gain in financial ventures. Socially you would see a rise in your status. People would respect you more and your popularity would increase. This period may also let you acquire a comfortable lifestyle. You are also likely to gain happiness from Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 205 SAMPLE ¬ your children. You are likely to receive happiness with a newborn member in the family. Your children would also remain happy and content during this particular period. This period sees a more alert and clever you. You would be able to use your intuition and intellect to make right decisions. Your enemies are likely to be defeated and will be mellowed down by your aura. Moreover, you may also expect help from all the sides. However, your health would require your attention, as you are susceptible to fall sick. Take care of your food intake and keep your spirits high to keep gloominess and unnecessary fears at bay. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 01:32:07 to 20 Apr 2014 18:48:42) During this period, Mercury will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings from diseases. This particular phase may bring in obstruction and interruptions in your field of work. Take care to keep your respect and position in the workplace intact. Make sure you don't have to regret any of your actions done at this time. Watch out for probable hurdles before venturing into something new. Mentally you may feel hassled, over burdened, and unstable due to several reasons. Beware of your enemies as they could harm you more during this particular phase. Avoid any arguments with your family and relatives as this may lead to unnecessary quarrels. During this period you are susceptible to become irritable and may try to find out faults in matters related to religion, common belief etc. This period may also demand more labour from you in order to accomplish any task undertaken. However, a feeling of lack of interest may stop you from working hard. Avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired result. Take care of your food habits and try and keep yourself in a positive frame of mind. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 02:32:07 to 4 May 2014 20:59:59) During this period, Mercury will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This denotes contentment and good times for you. You would be happy and successful in all your endeavours. Professionally a very good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off the work given to you successfully on time. Happiness at home is also indicated during this time. You could also expect to meet someone interesting during this time. Some of you may also expect to spend some passionate time with someone new of the opposite sex. Possibility of gain from this person is also indicated during this particular time. Financially, this could be a good time for you. The success in your endeavours will be gainful for you and you may expect other monetary gain as well. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 206 SAMPLE ¬ This period may also bring in a rise in your status in the society. You are likely to be honoured and may command more respect in the society. You may become socially more active and may get involved in social welfare work. Mentally peace and calmness is indicated. Your enemies are likely to be defeated with ease and you would find calmness in life during this particular time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 03:32:07 to 23 May 2014 05:50:30) During this period, Mercury will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This indicates achievement and monetary gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to receive higher monetary gains from different sources. Your personal endeavours, businesses and investments are likely to bring in higher financial gains and more profits. If you are a professional or employed, you are likely to be more successful during this particular period. You are likely to prosper in your field of activity especially during this time. Health should be good. You are likely to be at peace with yourself. You may become more soft-spoken and very cordial in your behaviour. At home, you may expect a good time. Your spouse and children will also be happy and cordial. You may also expect to get some favourable news. You are likely to be surrounded by material comfort. Socially this is a good phase as well. You would be able to command more respect in the society. Pleasant company of the opposite sex would also surround you. Your wit and pleasant nature would also make people flock around you. Tr ansit of Moon in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 04:03:57 to 29 J un 2013 07:52:02) This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period may bring along peril and untoward happenings. Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements with them. You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with anybody particularly at this time. Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 207 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 04:32:08 to 21 J ul 2013 18:08:42) During this period, Mercury will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes expenses for you. You may have to spend more than expected in order to live a comfortable life. Stay away from litigations as this may also cause some loss of money. Moreover, you may also have to work extra hard to accomplish any of the task undertaken by you. Beware of your enemies and stay out of their way in order to avoid any humiliation. Hold on to your respect and try and keep your honour in the society. You could be mentally disturbed due to several reasons. You are susceptible to worries and restlessness during this particular time. You are also likely to be distressed and feel discontented during this phase. You are likely to lose interest in food and conjugal life. A feeling of sickness and suffering may trouble you during this particular point of time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 05:32:08 to 21 Aug 2013 04:58:52) During this period, Mercury will move through your first house from the Moon. This may bring in some negative results in your life. This mostly brings in a situation where you may have to serve someone unwillingly. You are also susceptible to face oppression of some kind. Take care to avoid facing a haul over the coals and the lashes of unsympathetic words from others. Keeping a low profile and doing your task best should be the focus during this time. You may also have to watch out for unnecessary expenditure as this may cause a big hole in your wallet. Be cautious with your spending and pay attention to the safety of your finances. You are also likely to befriend some bad personalities who may cause harm. Watch your words while dealing with your near and dear ones. Your insensitivity may create some unnecessary enemies within your circle. Avoid any kind of lawsuits and bad company. Be careful not to do anything that may make you lose your self worth. You would always need your good fortune, so, save it. Take advantage of your education and experience to avoid any glitch in your life. Be flexible during this period, as you may have to make some last minute changes in your plan, project or ideas due to pressure from different quarters or due to some anticipated fear. Obstructions may crop up related to your foreign residence if applicable. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious work at home. Take care of your family and yourself as you may become susceptible to deception particularly during this phase. Avoid travel if possible as you may not get the desired pleasure or expected result out of it. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 06:32:08 to 6 Sep 2013 01:04:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies pecuniary gain and growth of income especially to those who deal in precious gems. This period is also likely to bring in happiness to you in the form of success in learning and attainment of Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 208 SAMPLE ¬ knowledge. This period also brings in the company of good people and gives you an opportunity to savour exotic culinary delights. However, for some, this particular period may bring in sufferings, bad name in the society and your enemy could also be more harmful than usual. This phase also indicates a probable loss of one of your relatives or a near friend. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 07:32:08 to 25 Sep 2013 08:06:51) During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings. Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life. Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any loss of wealth. This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress and unexpected hassles in your endeavours. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 08:32:08 to 20 Oct 2013 18:18:38) During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be honoured. Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex. At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make your mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the family. You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 09:32:08 to 20 Dec 2013 22:00:26) During this period, Mercury will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a troubled personal life. During this particular period you must try and avoid getting involved in any kind of arguments with your wife, children and other members of the family. This is not a conducive period for you to be headstrong and opinionated while dealing with friends as well. Be extra careful while Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 209 SAMPLE ¬ handling your loved ones. Health could be a matter of concern at this particular point of time. Take care of your food, as you are likely to suffer from heat stroke or body heat during this time. Do not undertake any activity, which would put a risk to your life. Mentally you may feel agitated and all drained out. This period may also give you some bodily pain leading to much discomfort. There may also occur troublesome and difficult circumstances in the work front. If you are a student, you need to be more determined and focused in your studies to avoid any kind of distraction. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 10:32:08 to 8 J an 2014 11:47:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag of positive and negative happenings. This particular period indicates success, stability and progress in your personal life. Your plans and projects will be successfully accomplished and you would also gain from the same. You are also likely to do better in the work front. You may expect progress in all your undertakings. This period also indicates your popularity in the society. Your status in the society is also likely to be heightened. Health should be fine and you would also have mental peace and contentment. However, for some, this movement of Mercury may bring in worries and troubles from enemies. You may have to be extra careful with your finances. Avoid any kind of arguments with your employer. It is better you stay away from activities involving risk to your health. However, body heat may trouble you during this particular period. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 11:32:08 to 27 J an 2014 01:56:45) During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This may bring in some trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience physical pain and bodily weakness during this phase. Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental perplexity and misunderstanding with the family is also indicated during this time. You may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and communication gaps while dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you may have to face humiliation. You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles in your endeavours. Travel plans, if any, may not yield the expected result and could be troublesome. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 210 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 12:32:08 to 7 Feb 2014 06:11:05) During this period, Mercury will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies wealth and success. It indicates success in all your work and projects. During this period you may expect financial stability and gain in financial ventures. Socially you would see a rise in your status. People would respect you more and your popularity would increase. This period may also let you acquire a comfortable lifestyle. You are also likely to gain happiness from your children. You are likely to receive happiness with a newborn member in the family. Your children would also remain happy and content during this particular period. This period sees a more alert and clever you. You would be able to use your intuition and intellect to make right decisions. Your enemies are likely to be defeated and will be mellowed down by your aura. Moreover, you may also expect help from all the sides. However, your health would require your attention, as you are susceptible to fall sick. Take care of your food intake and keep your spirits high to keep gloominess and unnecessary fears at bay. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 13:32:08 to 20 Apr 2014 18:48:42) During this period, Mercury will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings from diseases. This particular phase may bring in obstruction and interruptions in your field of work. Take care to keep your respect and position in the workplace intact. Make sure you don't have to regret any of your actions done at this time. Watch out for probable hurdles before venturing into something new. Mentally you may feel hassled, over burdened, and unstable due to several reasons. Beware of your enemies as they could harm you more during this particular phase. Avoid any arguments with your family and relatives as this may lead to unnecessary quarrels. During this period you are susceptible to become irritable and may try to find out faults in matters related to religion, common belief etc. This period may also demand more labour from you in order to accomplish any task undertaken. However, a feeling of lack of interest may stop you from working hard. Avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired result. Take care of your food habits and try and keep yourself in a positive frame of mind. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 14:32:08 to 4 May 2014 20:59:59) Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 211 SAMPLE ¬ During this period, Mercury will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This denotes contentment and good times for you. You would be happy and successful in all your endeavours. Professionally a very good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off the work given to you successfully on time. Happiness at home is also indicated during this time. You could also expect to meet someone interesting during this time. Some of you may also expect to spend some passionate time with someone new of the opposite sex. Possibility of gain from this person is also indicated during this particular time. Financially, this could be a good time for you. The success in your endeavours will be gainful for you and you may expect other monetary gain as well. This period may also bring in a rise in your status in the society. You are likely to be honoured and may command more respect in the society. You may become socially more active and may get involved in social welfare work. Mentally peace and calmness is indicated. Your enemies are likely to be defeated with ease and you would find calmness in life during this particular time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (27 J un 2013 15:32:08 to 23 May 2014 05:50:30) During this period, Mercury will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This indicates achievement and monetary gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to receive higher monetary gains from different sources. Your personal endeavours, businesses and investments are likely to bring in higher financial gains and more profits. If you are a professional or employed, you are likely to be more successful during this particular period. You are likely to prosper in your field of activity especially during this time. Health should be good. You are likely to be at peace with yourself. You may become more soft-spoken and very cordial in your behaviour. At home, you may expect a good time. Your spouse and children will also be happy and cordial. You may also expect to get some favourable news. You are likely to be surrounded by material comfort. Socially this is a good phase as well. You would be able to command more respect in the society. Pleasant company of the opposite sex would also surround you. Your wit and pleasant nature would also make people flock around you. Tr ansit of Moon in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (29 J un 2013 07:52:02 to 1 J ul 2013 15:41:51) The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work harder than usual in your work place or trade. Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome chest. You may also suffer from insomnia. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 212 SAMPLE ¬ Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic. However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society. A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of them. Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away from you. Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer from anxiety and may feel overburdened. Tr ansit of Moon in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (1 J ul 2013 15:41:51 to 4 J ul 2013 02:52:24) The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you and your family would generally be happy and content. This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at the workplace. Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time. If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going through an abortion if at all applicable. However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights during this period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (4 J ul 2013 02:52:24 to 6 J ul 2013 15:38:09) The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period. On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time. This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 213 SAMPLE ¬ home. Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time. Tr ansit of Mar s in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (5 J ul 2013 01:54:34 to 19 Aug 2013 02:01:55) During this period, Mars will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This signifies body pain and general sufferings. This period may prove to be taxing for you if care is not taken in time. Pay attention to any health related issues, as you are likely to develop discomforts or ailments particularly related to eyes and stomach. Take care of your feet as well. This is the time when you must stay away from activities that might be risky to your life. Some of you may even suffer from nightmarish dreams or dream disorders. Your work life could also be strenuous and you may also have to put in loads of hard work to see the face of success in your projects. If measures are not taken, some of you may even risk your position at work and be humiliated and dishonoured. Take care of finances and avoid any kind of unnecessary expenditure. At home, maintain a congenial relationship with your wife, children, sibling and relatives. Avoid any kind of arguments with them. Stay away from further conflicts with your enemies and be cautious enough not to create some new ones. This period may bring in some opportunities for you to travel abroad. However, some of you may not get the desired result from travelling and may end up wandering aimlessly. Tr ansit of Moon in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (6 J ul 2013 15:38:09 to 9 J ul 2013 04:21:12) Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period. Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections, particularly during this phase. Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority. On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour. Tr ansit of Moon in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (9 J ul 2013 04:21:12 to 11 J ul 2013 16:02:10) This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more easily. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 214 SAMPLE ¬ It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse. Overall, you will be happy. Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured. This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in your feelings than what is good for you. This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings. Tr ansit of Moon in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (11 J ul 2013 16:02:10 to 14 J ul 2013 01:57:11) Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary. Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation. Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue. Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase. Tr ansit of Moon in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (14 J ul 2013 01:57:11 to 16 J ul 2013 09:16:51) Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the possibility of some recognition from others. This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues, attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture. On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food, clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them. Tr ansit of Moon in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (16 J ul 2013 09:16:51 to 18 J ul 2013 13:25:00) Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 215 SAMPLE ¬ The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time. Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief, unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect your venture. Be careful with your money. This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament. Tr ansit of Sun in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (16 J ul 2013 12:13:18 to 16 Aug 2013 21:08:45) The Sun's transit through the first house has a noticeable influence on your work as well as personal life. There could be a permanent or temporary change of place, difficulty at the work place, or a ruffled time with your superiors at work or your employer. You need to take extra care to avoid getting a bad reputation at the workplace, as you may feel more irritable, tired and prone to have disagreements. To complete the tasks on hand or to meet your set objectives may take more effort than usual. There is a heightened chance for going on long trips, which may not bring the desired result, or may turn out not to have been necessary in the first place. During this period you could feel more tired than usual. Your health would need extra attention as you are susceptible to stomach problems, disturbed bowel movement, discomfort in the eyes and heart related problems during this time. Avoid activities that are physically risky, as there is a tendency toward accidents. On the home front, you need to put extra attention on avoiding disputes among family and friends, and make sure you get the extra rest to minimise irritability and mental tension. Disagreements may crop up between you and your spouse, and may affect your married life. Overall harmony and peace at home could also be challenged during this time. Tr ansit of Venus in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (17 J ul 2013 17:36:43 to 11 Aug 2013 20:01:44) During this period, Venus will move through your second house from the Moon. This mostly denotes pecuniary gain for you. Moreover, this period also sees you having a great time with your spouse and other family members. If applicable, you can also expect a baby in your family. Financially you would be comfortable and the prosperity of your family in general is expected to be on the upward move. Personally, you are likely to acquire great attire and accessories including precious gems for yourself. Your interest in art and music would increase. You may also expect some favour from the higher authorities or the government. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 216 SAMPLE ¬ Health is expected to be fine and you may consider improving your present look as well. Tr ansit of Moon in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (18 J ul 2013 13:25:00 to 20 J ul 2013 14:37:36) Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles. If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your trip. This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings. However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself. Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some money or may incur loss in your venture. Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack. Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that may affect the same. Tr ansit of Moon in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (20 J ul 2013 14:37:36 to 22 J ul 2013 14:12:16) The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and recognition in society. You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex. Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period would see you in a happy mood. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (21 J ul 2013 18:08:42 to 23 May 2014 05:50:30) During this period, Mercury will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This indicates achievement and monetary gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to receive higher monetary gains from different sources. Your personal endeavours, businesses and investments are likely to bring in higher financial gains and more profits. If you are a professional or employed, you are likely to be more successful during this particular period. You are likely to prosper in your field of activity especially during this time. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 217 SAMPLE ¬ Health should be good. You are likely to be at peace with yourself. You may become more soft-spoken and very cordial in your behaviour. At home, you may expect a good time. Your spouse and children will also be happy and cordial. You may also expect to get some favourable news. You are likely to be surrounded by material comfort. Socially this is a good phase as well. You would be able to command more respect in the society. Pleasant company of the opposite sex would also surround you. Your wit and pleasant nature would also make people flock around you. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (21 J ul 2013 19:08:43 to 4 May 2014 20:59:59) During this period, Mercury will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This denotes contentment and good times for you. You would be happy and successful in all your endeavours. Professionally a very good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off the work given to you successfully on time. Happiness at home is also indicated during this time. You could also expect to meet someone interesting during this time. Some of you may also expect to spend some passionate time with someone new of the opposite sex. Possibility of gain from this person is also indicated during this particular time. Financially, this could be a good time for you. The success in your endeavours will be gainful for you and you may expect other monetary gain as well. This period may also bring in a rise in your status in the society. You are likely to be honoured and may command more respect in the society. You may become socially more active and may get involved in social welfare work. Mentally peace and calmness is indicated. Your enemies are likely to be defeated with ease and you would find calmness in life during this particular time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (21 J ul 2013 20:08:43 to 20 Apr 2014 18:48:42) During this period, Mercury will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings from diseases. This particular phase may bring in obstruction and interruptions in your field of work. Take care to keep your respect and position in the workplace intact. Make sure you don't have to regret any of your actions done at this time. Watch out for probable hurdles before venturing into something new. Mentally you may feel hassled, over burdened, and unstable due to several reasons. Beware of your enemies as they could harm you more during this particular phase. Avoid any arguments with your family and relatives as this may lead to unnecessary quarrels. During this period you are susceptible to become irritable and may try to find out faults in matters related Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 218 SAMPLE ¬ to religion, common belief etc. This period may also demand more labour from you in order to accomplish any task undertaken. However, a feeling of lack of interest may stop you from working hard. Avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired result. Take care of your food habits and try and keep yourself in a positive frame of mind. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (21 J ul 2013 21:08:43 to 7 Feb 2014 06:11:05) During this period, Mercury will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies wealth and success. It indicates success in all your work and projects. During this period you may expect financial stability and gain in financial ventures. Socially you would see a rise in your status. People would respect you more and your popularity would increase. This period may also let you acquire a comfortable lifestyle. You are also likely to gain happiness from your children. You are likely to receive happiness with a newborn member in the family. Your children would also remain happy and content during this particular period. This period sees a more alert and clever you. You would be able to use your intuition and intellect to make right decisions. Your enemies are likely to be defeated and will be mellowed down by your aura. Moreover, you may also expect help from all the sides. However, your health would require your attention, as you are susceptible to fall sick. Take care of your food intake and keep your spirits high to keep gloominess and unnecessary fears at bay. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (21 J ul 2013 22:08:43 to 27 J an 2014 01:56:45) During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This may bring in some trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience physical pain and bodily weakness during this phase. Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental perplexity and misunderstanding with the family is also indicated during this time. You may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and communication gaps while dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you may have to face humiliation. You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles in your endeavours. Travel plans, if any, may not yield the expected result and could be troublesome. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (21 J ul 2013 23:08:43 to 8 J an 2014 11:47:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag of positive and negative happenings. This particular period indicates success, stability and progress in Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 219 SAMPLE ¬ your personal life. Your plans and projects will be successfully accomplished and you would also gain from the same. You are also likely to do better in the work front. You may expect progress in all your undertakings. This period also indicates your popularity in the society. Your status in the society is also likely to be heightened. Health should be fine and you would also have mental peace and contentment. However, for some, this movement of Mercury may bring in worries and troubles from enemies. You may have to be extra careful with your finances. Avoid any kind of arguments with your employer. It is better you stay away from activities involving risk to your health. However, body heat may trouble you during this particular period. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 00:08:44 to 20 Dec 2013 22:00:26) During this period, Mercury will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a troubled personal life. During this particular period you must try and avoid getting involved in any kind of arguments with your wife, children and other members of the family. This is not a conducive period for you to be headstrong and opinionated while dealing with friends as well. Be extra careful while handling your loved ones. Health could be a matter of concern at this particular point of time. Take care of your food, as you are likely to suffer from heat stroke or body heat during this time. Do not undertake any activity, which would put a risk to your life. Mentally you may feel agitated and all drained out. This period may also give you some bodily pain leading to much discomfort. There may also occur troublesome and difficult circumstances in the work front. If you are a student, you need to be more determined and focused in your studies to avoid any kind of distraction. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 01:08:44 to 20 Oct 2013 18:18:38) During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be honoured. Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex. At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 220 SAMPLE ¬ your mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the family. You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 02:08:44 to 25 Sep 2013 08:06:51) During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings. Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life. Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any loss of wealth. This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress and unexpected hassles in your endeavours. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 03:08:44 to 6 Sep 2013 01:04:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies pecuniary gain and growth of income especially to those who deal in precious gems. This period is also likely to bring in happiness to you in the form of success in learning and attainment of knowledge. This period also brings in the company of good people and gives you an opportunity to savour exotic culinary delights. However, for some, this particular period may bring in sufferings, bad name in the society and your enemy could also be more harmful than usual. This phase also indicates a probable loss of one of your relatives or a near friend. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 04:08:44 to 21 Aug 2013 04:58:52) During this period, Mercury will move through your first house from the Moon. This may bring in some negative results in your life. This mostly brings in a situation where you may have to serve someone unwillingly. You are also susceptible to face oppression of some kind. Take care to avoid facing a haul over the coals and the lashes of unsympathetic words from others. Keeping a low profile and doing your task best should be the focus during this time. You may also have to watch out for unnecessary expenditure as this may cause a big hole in your wallet. Be cautious with your spending and pay attention to the safety of your finances. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 221 SAMPLE ¬ You are also likely to befriend some bad personalities who may cause harm. Watch your words while dealing with your near and dear ones. Your insensitivity may create some unnecessary enemies within your circle. Avoid any kind of lawsuits and bad company. Be careful not to do anything that may make you lose your self worth. You would always need your good fortune, so, save it. Take advantage of your education and experience to avoid any glitch in your life. Be flexible during this period, as you may have to make some last minute changes in your plan, project or ideas due to pressure from different quarters or due to some anticipated fear. Obstructions may crop up related to your foreign residence if applicable. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious work at home. Take care of your family and yourself as you may become susceptible to deception particularly during this phase. Avoid travel if possible as you may not get the desired pleasure or expected result out of it. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 05:08:45 to 4 Aug 2013 21:53:28) During this period, Mercury will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes expenses for you. You may have to spend more than expected in order to live a comfortable life. Stay away from litigations as this may also cause some loss of money. Moreover, you may also have to work extra hard to accomplish any of the task undertaken by you. Beware of your enemies and stay out of their way in order to avoid any humiliation. Hold on to your respect and try and keep your honour in the society. You could be mentally disturbed due to several reasons. You are susceptible to worries and restlessness during this particular time. You are also likely to be distressed and feel discontented during this phase. You are likely to lose interest in food and conjugal life. A feeling of sickness and suffering may trouble you during this particular point of time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 06:08:45 to 23 May 2014 05:50:30) During this period, Mercury will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This indicates achievement and monetary gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to receive higher monetary gains from different sources. Your personal endeavours, businesses and investments are likely to bring in higher financial gains and more profits. If you are a professional or employed, you are likely to be more successful during this particular period. You are likely to prosper in your field of activity especially during this time. Health should be good. You are likely to be at peace with yourself. You may become more soft-spoken and very cordial in your behaviour. At home, you may expect a good time. Your spouse and children will also be happy and cordial. You may also expect to get some favourable news. You are likely to be surrounded by material comfort. Socially this is a good phase as well. You would be able to command more respect in the society. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 222 SAMPLE ¬ Pleasant company of the opposite sex would also surround you. Your wit and pleasant nature would also make people flock around you. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 07:08:45 to 4 May 2014 20:59:59) During this period, Mercury will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This denotes contentment and good times for you. You would be happy and successful in all your endeavours. Professionally a very good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off the work given to you successfully on time. Happiness at home is also indicated during this time. You could also expect to meet someone interesting during this time. Some of you may also expect to spend some passionate time with someone new of the opposite sex. Possibility of gain from this person is also indicated during this particular time. Financially, this could be a good time for you. The success in your endeavours will be gainful for you and you may expect other monetary gain as well. This period may also bring in a rise in your status in the society. You are likely to be honoured and may command more respect in the society. You may become socially more active and may get involved in social welfare work. Mentally peace and calmness is indicated. Your enemies are likely to be defeated with ease and you would find calmness in life during this particular time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 08:08:45 to 20 Apr 2014 18:48:42) During this period, Mercury will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings from diseases. This particular phase may bring in obstruction and interruptions in your field of work. Take care to keep your respect and position in the workplace intact. Make sure you don't have to regret any of your actions done at this time. Watch out for probable hurdles before venturing into something new. Mentally you may feel hassled, over burdened, and unstable due to several reasons. Beware of your enemies as they could harm you more during this particular phase. Avoid any arguments with your family and relatives as this may lead to unnecessary quarrels. During this period you are susceptible to become irritable and may try to find out faults in matters related to religion, common belief etc. This period may also demand more labour from you in order to accomplish any task undertaken. However, a feeling of lack of interest may stop you from working hard. Avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired result. Take care of your food habits and try and keep yourself in a positive frame of mind. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 09:08:45 to 7 Feb 2014 Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 223 SAMPLE ¬ 06:11:05) During this period, Mercury will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies wealth and success. It indicates success in all your work and projects. During this period you may expect financial stability and gain in financial ventures. Socially you would see a rise in your status. People would respect you more and your popularity would increase. This period may also let you acquire a comfortable lifestyle. You are also likely to gain happiness from your children. You are likely to receive happiness with a newborn member in the family. Your children would also remain happy and content during this particular period. This period sees a more alert and clever you. You would be able to use your intuition and intellect to make right decisions. Your enemies are likely to be defeated and will be mellowed down by your aura. Moreover, you may also expect help from all the sides. However, your health would require your attention, as you are susceptible to fall sick. Take care of your food intake and keep your spirits high to keep gloominess and unnecessary fears at bay. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 10:08:45 to 27 J an 2014 01:56:45) During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This may bring in some trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience physical pain and bodily weakness during this phase. Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental perplexity and misunderstanding with the family is also indicated during this time. You may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and communication gaps while dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you may have to face humiliation. You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles in your endeavours. Travel plans, if any, may not yield the expected result and could be troublesome. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 11:08:46 to 8 J an 2014 11:47:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag of positive and negative happenings. This particular period indicates success, stability and progress in your personal life. Your plans and projects will be successfully accomplished and you would also gain from the same. You are also likely to do better in the work front. You may expect progress in all your undertakings. This period also indicates your popularity in the society. Your status in the society is also likely to be heightened. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 224 SAMPLE ¬ Health should be fine and you would also have mental peace and contentment. However, for some, this movement of Mercury may bring in worries and troubles from enemies. You may have to be extra careful with your finances. Avoid any kind of arguments with your employer. It is better you stay away from activities involving risk to your health. However, body heat may trouble you during this particular period. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 12:08:46 to 20 Dec 2013 22:00:26) During this period, Mercury will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a troubled personal life. During this particular period you must try and avoid getting involved in any kind of arguments with your wife, children and other members of the family. This is not a conducive period for you to be headstrong and opinionated while dealing with friends as well. Be extra careful while handling your loved ones. Health could be a matter of concern at this particular point of time. Take care of your food, as you are likely to suffer from heat stroke or body heat during this time. Do not undertake any activity, which would put a risk to your life. Mentally you may feel agitated and all drained out. This period may also give you some bodily pain leading to much discomfort. There may also occur troublesome and difficult circumstances in the work front. If you are a student, you need to be more determined and focused in your studies to avoid any kind of distraction. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 13:08:46 to 20 Oct 2013 18:18:38) During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be honoured. Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex. At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make your mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the family. You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 14:08:46 to 25 Sep 2013 08:06:51) Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 225 SAMPLE ¬ During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings. Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life. Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any loss of wealth. This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress and unexpected hassles in your endeavours. Tr ansit of Moon in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 14:12:16 to 24 J ul 2013 14:08:38) Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies happiness and success in your endeavours. Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and enjoyment of exotic cuisine. This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life. Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy period. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 15:08:46 to 6 Sep 2013 01:04:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies pecuniary gain and growth of income especially to those who deal in precious gems. This period is also likely to bring in happiness to you in the form of success in learning and attainment of knowledge. This period also brings in the company of good people and gives you an opportunity to savour exotic culinary delights. However, for some, this particular period may bring in sufferings, bad name in the society and your enemy could also be more harmful than usual. This phase also indicates a probable loss of one of your relatives or a near friend. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 226 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 16:08:46 to 21 Aug 2013 04:58:52) During this period, Mercury will move through your first house from the Moon. This may bring in some negative results in your life. This mostly brings in a situation where you may have to serve someone unwillingly. You are also susceptible to face oppression of some kind. Take care to avoid facing a haul over the coals and the lashes of unsympathetic words from others. Keeping a low profile and doing your task best should be the focus during this time. You may also have to watch out for unnecessary expenditure as this may cause a big hole in your wallet. Be cautious with your spending and pay attention to the safety of your finances. You are also likely to befriend some bad personalities who may cause harm. Watch your words while dealing with your near and dear ones. Your insensitivity may create some unnecessary enemies within your circle. Avoid any kind of lawsuits and bad company. Be careful not to do anything that may make you lose your self worth. You would always need your good fortune, so, save it. Take advantage of your education and experience to avoid any glitch in your life. Be flexible during this period, as you may have to make some last minute changes in your plan, project or ideas due to pressure from different quarters or due to some anticipated fear. Obstructions may crop up related to your foreign residence if applicable. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious work at home. Take care of your family and yourself as you may become susceptible to deception particularly during this phase. Avoid travel if possible as you may not get the desired pleasure or expected result out of it. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (22 J ul 2013 17:08:47 to 4 Aug 2013 21:53:28) During this period, Mercury will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes expenses for you. You may have to spend more than expected in order to live a comfortable life. Stay away from litigations as this may also cause some loss of money. Moreover, you may also have to work extra hard to accomplish any of the task undertaken by you. Beware of your enemies and stay out of their way in order to avoid any humiliation. Hold on to your respect and try and keep your honour in the society. You could be mentally disturbed due to several reasons. You are susceptible to worries and restlessness during this particular time. You are also likely to be distressed and feel discontented during this phase. You are likely to lose interest in food and conjugal life. A feeling of sickness and suffering may trouble you during this particular point of time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (24 J ul 2013 14:08:38 to 26 J ul 2013 16:32:38) This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period may bring along peril and untoward happenings. Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 227 SAMPLE ¬ dues and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements with them. You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with anybody particularly at this time. Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (26 J ul 2013 16:32:38 to 28 J ul 2013 22:56:34) The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work harder than usual in your work place or trade. Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome chest. You may also suffer from insomnia. Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic. However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society. A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of them. Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away from you. Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer from anxiety and may feel overburdened. Tr ansit of Moon in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (28 J ul 2013 22:56:34 to 31 J ul 2013 09:17:10) The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you and your family would generally be happy and content. This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at the workplace. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 228 SAMPLE ¬ Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time. If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going through an abortion if at all applicable. However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights during this period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (31 J ul 2013 09:17:10 to 2 Aug 2013 21:54:01) The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period. On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time. This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at home. Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (2 Aug 2013 21:54:01 to 5 Aug 2013 10:33:23) Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period. Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections, particularly during this phase. Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority. On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (4 Aug 2013 21:53:28 to 21 Aug 2013 04:58:52) During this period, Mercury will move through your first house from the Moon. This may bring in some negative results in your life. This mostly brings in a situation where you may have to serve someone unwillingly. You are also susceptible to face oppression of some kind. Take care to avoid facing a haul Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 229 SAMPLE ¬ over the coals and the lashes of unsympathetic words from others. Keeping a low profile and doing your task best should be the focus during this time. You may also have to watch out for unnecessary expenditure as this may cause a big hole in your wallet. Be cautious with your spending and pay attention to the safety of your finances. You are also likely to befriend some bad personalities who may cause harm. Watch your words while dealing with your near and dear ones. Your insensitivity may create some unnecessary enemies within your circle. Avoid any kind of lawsuits and bad company. Be careful not to do anything that may make you lose your self worth. You would always need your good fortune, so, save it. Take advantage of your education and experience to avoid any glitch in your life. Be flexible during this period, as you may have to make some last minute changes in your plan, project or ideas due to pressure from different quarters or due to some anticipated fear. Obstructions may crop up related to your foreign residence if applicable. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious work at home. Take care of your family and yourself as you may become susceptible to deception particularly during this phase. Avoid travel if possible as you may not get the desired pleasure or expected result out of it. Tr ansit of Moon in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (5 Aug 2013 10:33:23 to 7 Aug 2013 21:52:36) This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more easily. It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse. Overall, you will be happy. Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured. This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in your feelings than what is good for you. This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings. Tr ansit of Moon in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (7 Aug 2013 21:52:36 to 10 Aug 2013 07:26:01) Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary. Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 230 SAMPLE ¬ out of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation. Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue. Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase. Tr ansit of Moon in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (10 Aug 2013 07:26:01 to 12 Aug 2013 15:01:15) Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the possibility of some recognition from others. This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues, attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture. On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food, clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them. Tr ansit of Venus in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (11 Aug 2013 20:01:44 to 6 Sep 2013 10:08:56) During this period, Venus will move through your third house from the Moon. This denotes happiness and contentment for you. You may expect an upward move in your financial condition giving you financial security. This could also be a professionally good period for you and you may also expect a rise in position. You may also expect a gain in authority. Your ventures are likely to earn profits as well. Socially this should be a good time for you, as you are likely to overcome all your fears and worries. Your colleagues and acquaintances would be cooperative and helpful towards you. You are also likely to widen your circle of friends and win over your enemies during this particular time. Your rapport with your immediate family would be cordial and your siblings are also likely to enjoy good times with you. Moreover, you may also indulge in good clothes and great food during this time. Your interest towards religion would rise and an auspicious happening may cheer you up as well. Health is likely to be in good shape. If eligible, you may also consider marriage, as this seems to be a good time to find the perfect match. Some of you may also expect a new member in your family. However, this period may not be as good. Some of you are susceptible to face loss in trade and finances. Your enemies may also create problem for you during this time. Stay away from all kinds of arguments and misunderstandings. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 231 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Moon in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (12 Aug 2013 15:01:15 to 14 Aug 2013 20:17:31) The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time. Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief, unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect your venture. Be careful with your money. This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament. Tr ansit of Moon in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (14 Aug 2013 20:17:31 to 16 Aug 2013 23:05:18) Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles. If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your trip. This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings. However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself. Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some money or may incur loss in your venture. Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack. Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that may affect the same. Tr ansit of Sun in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (16 Aug 2013 21:08:45 to 16 Sep 2013 22:00:32) The Sun's transit through the second house could prove to be a monetarily challenging for you. This period mostly portends absence of expected result or profit in trade and decline in wealth. If you deal in agriculture or trading, this period may bring you some setbacks. This is the time when you are more susceptible to fears than usual. You may feel at risk of being cheated, Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 232 SAMPLE ¬ or experience anxiety for no apparent reason at all. As a result, you may find it difficult to handle ordinary affairs of your life as smoothly as you would otherwise do. You may find yourself not so happy and getting irritated easily even at your near and dear ones, and you may feel less compassion and flexible than usual. If you are susceptible to headaches or problems with your eyes, this is a time were the symptoms may surface. Tr ansit of Moon in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (16 Aug 2013 23:05:18 to 19 Aug 2013 00:00:45) The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and recognition in society. You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex. Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period would see you in a happy mood. Tr ansit of Moon in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (19 Aug 2013 00:00:45 to 21 Aug 2013 00:30:11) Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies happiness and success in your endeavours. Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and enjoyment of exotic cuisine. This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life. Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy period. Tr ansit of Mar s in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (19 Aug 2013 02:01:55 to 5 Oct 2013 17:30:17) During this period, Mars will move through your first house from the Moon. This mostly connotes difficulties. This period may take you through a bumpy road in matters of your business or profession. You may find it difficult to finish your projects successfully on time. It is better not to start anything new during this particular period. If employed, try and avoid any kind of arguments and misunderstanding with your seniors, employers and government departments. Some of you may also see a change of your Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 233 SAMPLE ¬ position during this time. Keep an eye on your enemies as they may create more problems for you at this time. Your finances would also require proper attention, as you are likely to lose on undesired expenses. Cut down on your urge to spend money. This period also brings in ample opportunities or reasons to travel. Moreover, this period may also keep you away from your near and dear ones. Those who are married may have to stay away from your spouse and children, if any. Your health needs proper attention during this period. You are likely to feel lacklustre and be unenthusiastic about everything in life. You are also susceptible to developing fever and some ailments related to blood and the stomach. Stay away from sharp weapons, fire, poisonous animals and from everything that might risk your life. You must keep up your spirits at this time, as you may suffer from bouts of depression, bewilderment and may develop unnecessary fear. Tr ansit of Moon in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (21 Aug 2013 00:30:11 to 23 Aug 2013 02:28:36) This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period may bring along peril and untoward happenings. Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements with them. You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with anybody particularly at this time. Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (21 Aug 2013 04:58:52 to 6 Sep 2013 01:04:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies pecuniary gain and growth of income especially to those who deal in precious gems. This period is also likely to bring in happiness to you in the form of success in learning and attainment of knowledge. This period also brings in the company of good people and gives you an opportunity to savour exotic Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 234 SAMPLE ¬ culinary delights. However, for some, this particular period may bring in sufferings, bad name in the society and your enemy could also be more harmful than usual. This phase also indicates a probable loss of one of your relatives or a near friend. Tr ansit of Moon in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (23 Aug 2013 02:28:36 to 25 Aug 2013 07:41:51) The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work harder than usual in your work place or trade. Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome chest. You may also suffer from insomnia. Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic. However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society. A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of them. Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away from you. Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer from anxiety and may feel overburdened. Tr ansit of Moon in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (25 Aug 2013 07:41:51 to 27 Aug 2013 16:52:48) The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you and your family would generally be happy and content. This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at the workplace. Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time. If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going through an abortion if at all applicable. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 235 SAMPLE ¬ However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights during this period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (27 Aug 2013 16:52:48 to 30 Aug 2013 04:58:48) The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period. On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time. This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at home. Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (30 Aug 2013 04:58:48 to 1 Sep 2013 17:37:11) Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period. Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections, particularly during this phase. Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority. On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour. Tr ansit of Moon in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (1 Sep 2013 17:37:11 to 4 Sep 2013 04:45:20) This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more easily. It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse. Overall, you will be happy. Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 236 SAMPLE ¬ from your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured. This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in your feelings than what is good for you. This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings. Tr ansit of Moon in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (4 Sep 2013 04:45:20 to 6 Sep 2013 13:39:46) Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary. Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation. Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue. Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (6 Sep 2013 01:04:47 to 25 Sep 2013 08:06:51) During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings. Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life. Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any loss of wealth. This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress and unexpected hassles in your endeavours. Tr ansit of Venus in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (6 Sep 2013 10:08:56 to 2 Oct 2013 18:19:51) During this period, Venus will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This mostly denotes financial growth for you. You could also expect a rise in your prosperity. If you deal in agriculture, this could prove to be a good time bringing you profit in your agricultural venture. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 237 SAMPLE ¬ At home, you are likely to spend quality time with your spouse and children discussing matters of importance. Moreover, you would also enjoy good food, gorgeous attire and perfumes. The social aspect of your life would be full of happenings. Your popularity would increase and you are most likely to acquire new friends. The company of your old and new friends would give you much happiness and you may even consider staying away from home having fun. This period is also likely to see you enjoying the company of the opposite sex. Health should remain fine and you would feel more energetic than ever. Acquisition of material comfort could also become a priority for you during this particular period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (6 Sep 2013 13:39:46 to 8 Sep 2013 20:33:00) Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the possibility of some recognition from others. This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues, attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture. On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food, clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them. Tr ansit of Moon in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (8 Sep 2013 20:33:00 to 11 Sep 2013 01:43:31) The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time. Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief, unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect your venture. Be careful with your money. This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament. Tr ansit of Moon in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (11 Sep 2013 01:43:31 to 13 Sep 2013 05:21:25) Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 238 SAMPLE ¬ obstacles. If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your trip. This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings. However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself. Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some money or may incur loss in your venture. Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack. Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that may affect the same. Tr ansit of Moon in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (13 Sep 2013 05:21:25 to 15 Sep 2013 07:41:50) The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and recognition in society. You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex. Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period would see you in a happy mood. Tr ansit of Moon in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (15 Sep 2013 07:41:50 to 17 Sep 2013 09:32:21) Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies happiness and success in your endeavours. Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and enjoyment of exotic cuisine. This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life. Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy period. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 239 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Sun in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (16 Sep 2013 22:00:32 to 17 Oct 2013 10:42:17) This transit of the Sun brings a positive boost in your professional and personal life. You are likely to progress in your career with an increased recognition from the employer or authorities. There is an increased chance for promotion or better employment. You feel energetic and enthusiastic, and will experience a heightened ability to overcome obstacles, resolve problems, and overcome possible obstruction from adversaries. Your work is most likely to be successful and bear fruit. This will result in financial gains, and absence of money related worries You will do well socially, and feel successful, respected, and appreciated. Friends, family and acquaintances will love you and you have a chance to spend time with them. Your mind is at peace, and you feel happy and comfortable with your life. If you have children, you will enjoy parenthood. Your heightened mental and physical fitness will come along with sound health, and absence of diseases. Tr ansit of Moon in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (17 Sep 2013 09:32:21 to 19 Sep 2013 12:11:56) This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period may bring along peril and untoward happenings. Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements with them. You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with anybody particularly at this time. Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (19 Sep 2013 12:11:56 to 21 Sep 2013 17:09:45) The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work harder than usual in your work place or trade. Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 240 SAMPLE ¬ chest. You may also suffer from insomnia. Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic. However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society. A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of them. Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away from you. Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer from anxiety and may feel overburdened. Tr ansit of Moon in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (21 Sep 2013 17:09:45 to 24 Sep 2013 01:30:33) The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you and your family would generally be happy and content. This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at the workplace. Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time. If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going through an abortion if at all applicable. However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights during this period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (24 Sep 2013 01:30:33 to 26 Sep 2013 12:54:33) The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period. On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 241 SAMPLE ¬ during this time. This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at home. Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (25 Sep 2013 08:06:51 to 20 Oct 2013 18:18:38) During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be honoured. Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex. At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make your mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the family. You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with. Tr ansit of Moon in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (26 Sep 2013 12:54:33 to 29 Sep 2013 01:30:23) Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period. Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections, particularly during this phase. Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority. On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour. Tr ansit of Moon in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (29 Sep 2013 01:30:23 to 1 Oct 2013 12:52:20) This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more easily. It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 242 SAMPLE ¬ kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse. Overall, you will be happy. Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured. This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in your feelings than what is good for you. This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings. Tr ansit of Moon in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (1 Oct 2013 12:52:20 to 3 Oct 2013 21:34:15) Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary. Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation. Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue. Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase. Tr ansit of Venus in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (2 Oct 2013 18:19:51 to 30 Oct 2013 19:31:11) During this period, Venus will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This signifies a time mostly spent being entertained. This period also denotes a good time financially, as you would be able to increase your funds. If you are taking any examination under any government department during this time, you are most likely to be successful. If employed you are also likely to get promoted during this time. Moreover, you may also expect a rise in position in the society. Your friends, elders and teachers are also expected to be good to you during this particular period. Relationships are expected to go smoothly and you may expect intense and sensuous times with your beloved. You may also enjoy conjugal bliss or the physical company of someone special of the opposite sex. You may also expect to meet someone new in your family or may even bring in someone new into the family. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 243 SAMPLE ¬ Health should be fine during this time. This period also sees you enjoying delicious food and gain of wealth and objects that you desire. Tr ansit of Moon in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (3 Oct 2013 21:34:15 to 6 Oct 2013 03:35:03) Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the possibility of some recognition from others. This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues, attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture. On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food, clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them. Tr ansit of Mar s in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (5 Oct 2013 17:30:17 to 26 Nov 2013 20:17:12) During this period, Mars will move through your second house from the Moon. This mostly suggests a period of loss. Take good care of your finances and focus on the safety of your valuables as you may suffer some losses due to theft during this period. You may also face a rutted phase at your work place due to several unpleasant happenings. Keep yourself away from arguments. Watch your words before uttering them to anybody. Your work or profession may see a very low phase during this time and some of you may even lose your position if not handled carefully. Beware of your old enemies and avoid creating new ones. You may develop the negative emotion of jealousy towards others during this time. Beware of any wrath of the government or the state authority. During this particular period, you are also likely to befriend some wicked people and get involved in quarrels with your family and dear ones. Tr ansit of Moon in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (6 Oct 2013 03:35:03 to 8 Oct 2013 07:40:23) The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time. Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief, unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect your venture. Be careful with your money. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 244 SAMPLE ¬ This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament. Tr ansit of Moon in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (8 Oct 2013 07:40:23 to 10 Oct 2013 10:43:12) Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles. If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your trip. This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings. However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself. Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some money or may incur loss in your venture. Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack. Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that may affect the same. Tr ansit of Moon in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Oct 2013 10:43:12 to 12 Oct 2013 13:25:53) The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and recognition in society. You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex. Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period would see you in a happy mood. Tr ansit of Moon in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (12 Oct 2013 13:25:53 to 14 Oct 2013 16:24:00) Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies happiness and success in your endeavours. Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and enjoyment of exotic cuisine. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 245 SAMPLE ¬ This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life. Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (14 Oct 2013 16:24:00 to 16 Oct 2013 20:19:17) This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period may bring along peril and untoward happenings. Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements with them. You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with anybody particularly at this time. Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (16 Oct 2013 20:19:17 to 19 Oct 2013 02:01:24) The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work harder than usual in your work place or trade. Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome chest. You may also suffer from insomnia. Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic. However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society. A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of them. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 246 SAMPLE ¬ Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away from you. Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer from anxiety and may feel overburdened. Tr ansit of Sun in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (17 Oct 2013 10:42:17 to 16 Nov 2013 10:48:00) The period when the Sun travels through the fourth house may connote decline in your present social status and difficulty in maintaining your position at the workplace. It would be better to avoid any arguments with your seniors, mentors or well wishers during this time. This period could prove to be distressful, prone to experiencing grief and a time of misery. Your mind may have a hard time staying focussed on constructive thoughts, and instead be drawn to find an escape in something of an addictive nature, compensating for it's restless state. Married life during this particular period may become tense and there could also be a considerable decline in conjugal ecstasy. Don't let the disturbance in your mind project itself in creating any kind of quarrels with your family, or the peace at home may suffer. Overall, you may experience a dip in your happiness in the domestic and social realm. On the health front, your mental disturbance may reflect in some physical complaints or even ailments. Plans for journeys may face obstacles, and when you do travel you may have problems being comfortable, such as lack of food. Tr ansit of Moon in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (19 Oct 2013 02:01:24 to 21 Oct 2013 10:15:48) The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you and your family would generally be happy and content. This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at the workplace. Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time. If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going through an abortion if at all applicable. However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights during this period. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (20 Oct 2013 18:18:38 to 21 Sep 2014 Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 247 SAMPLE ¬ 05:28:03) During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings. Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life. Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any loss of wealth. This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress and unexpected hassles in your endeavours. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (20 Oct 2013 19:18:38 to 29 Aug 2014 14:56:18) During this period, Mercury will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies pecuniary gain and growth of income especially to those who deal in precious gems. This period is also likely to bring in happiness to you in the form of success in learning and attainment of knowledge. This period also brings in the company of good people and gives you an opportunity to savour exotic culinary delights. However, for some, this particular period may bring in sufferings, bad name in the society and your enemy could also be more harmful than usual. This phase also indicates a probable loss of one of your relatives or a near friend. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (20 Oct 2013 20:18:38 to 12 Aug 2014 21:32:40) During this period, Mercury will move through your first house from the Moon. This may bring in some negative results in your life. This mostly brings in a situation where you may have to serve someone unwillingly. You are also susceptible to face oppression of some kind. Take care to avoid facing a haul over the coals and the lashes of unsympathetic words from others. Keeping a low profile and doing your task best should be the focus during this time. You may also have to watch out for unnecessary expenditure as this may cause a big hole in your wallet. Be cautious with your spending and pay attention to the safety of your finances. You are also likely to befriend some bad personalities who may cause harm. Watch your words while dealing with your near and dear ones. Your insensitivity may create some unnecessary enemies within your circle. Avoid any kind of lawsuits and bad company. Be careful not to do anything that may make you lose your self worth. You would always need your good fortune, so, save it. Take advantage of your education and experience to avoid any glitch in your life. Be flexible during this period, as you may have to make some last minute changes in your plan, project or Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 248 SAMPLE ¬ ideas due to pressure from different quarters or due to some anticipated fear. Obstructions may crop up related to your foreign residence if applicable. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious work at home. Take care of your family and yourself as you may become susceptible to deception particularly during this phase. Avoid travel if possible as you may not get the desired pleasure or expected result out of it. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (20 Oct 2013 21:18:38 to 7 J un 2014 18:11:19) During this period, Mercury will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes expenses for you. You may have to spend more than expected in order to live a comfortable life. Stay away from litigations as this may also cause some loss of money. Moreover, you may also have to work extra hard to accomplish any of the task undertaken by you. Beware of your enemies and stay out of their way in order to avoid any humiliation. Hold on to your respect and try and keep your honour in the society. You could be mentally disturbed due to several reasons. You are susceptible to worries and restlessness during this particular time. You are also likely to be distressed and feel discontented during this phase. You are likely to lose interest in food and conjugal life. A feeling of sickness and suffering may trouble you during this particular point of time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (20 Oct 2013 22:18:38 to 23 May 2014 05:50:30) During this period, Mercury will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This indicates achievement and monetary gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to receive higher monetary gains from different sources. Your personal endeavours, businesses and investments are likely to bring in higher financial gains and more profits. If you are a professional or employed, you are likely to be more successful during this particular period. You are likely to prosper in your field of activity especially during this time. Health should be good. You are likely to be at peace with yourself. You may become more soft-spoken and very cordial in your behaviour. At home, you may expect a good time. Your spouse and children will also be happy and cordial. You may also expect to get some favourable news. You are likely to be surrounded by material comfort. Socially this is a good phase as well. You would be able to command more respect in the society. Pleasant company of the opposite sex would also surround you. Your wit and pleasant nature would also make people flock around you. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (20 Oct 2013 23:18:38 to 4 May 2014 20:59:59) During this period, Mercury will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This denotes Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 249 SAMPLE ¬ contentment and good times for you. You would be happy and successful in all your endeavours. Professionally a very good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off the work given to you successfully on time. Happiness at home is also indicated during this time. You could also expect to meet someone interesting during this time. Some of you may also expect to spend some passionate time with someone new of the opposite sex. Possibility of gain from this person is also indicated during this particular time. Financially, this could be a good time for you. The success in your endeavours will be gainful for you and you may expect other monetary gain as well. This period may also bring in a rise in your status in the society. You are likely to be honoured and may command more respect in the society. You may become socially more active and may get involved in social welfare work. Mentally peace and calmness is indicated. Your enemies are likely to be defeated with ease and you would find calmness in life during this particular time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (21 Oct 2013 00:18:38 to 20 Apr 2014 18:48:42) During this period, Mercury will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings from diseases. This particular phase may bring in obstruction and interruptions in your field of work. Take care to keep your respect and position in the workplace intact. Make sure you don't have to regret any of your actions done at this time. Watch out for probable hurdles before venturing into something new. Mentally you may feel hassled, over burdened, and unstable due to several reasons. Beware of your enemies as they could harm you more during this particular phase. Avoid any arguments with your family and relatives as this may lead to unnecessary quarrels. During this period you are susceptible to become irritable and may try to find out faults in matters related to religion, common belief etc. This period may also demand more labour from you in order to accomplish any task undertaken. However, a feeling of lack of interest may stop you from working hard. Avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired result. Take care of your food habits and try and keep yourself in a positive frame of mind. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (21 Oct 2013 01:18:38 to 7 Feb 2014 06:11:05) During this period, Mercury will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies wealth and success. It indicates success in all your work and projects. During this period you may expect financial stability and gain in financial ventures. Socially you would see a rise in your status. People would respect you more and your popularity would increase. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 250 SAMPLE ¬ This period may also let you acquire a comfortable lifestyle. You are also likely to gain happiness from your children. You are likely to receive happiness with a newborn member in the family. Your children would also remain happy and content during this particular period. This period sees a more alert and clever you. You would be able to use your intuition and intellect to make right decisions. Your enemies are likely to be defeated and will be mellowed down by your aura. Moreover, you may also expect help from all the sides. However, your health would require your attention, as you are susceptible to fall sick. Take care of your food intake and keep your spirits high to keep gloominess and unnecessary fears at bay. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (21 Oct 2013 02:18:38 to 27 J an 2014 01:56:45) During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This may bring in some trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience physical pain and bodily weakness during this phase. Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental perplexity and misunderstanding with the family is also indicated during this time. You may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and communication gaps while dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you may have to face humiliation. You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles in your endeavours. Travel plans, if any, may not yield the expected result and could be troublesome. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (21 Oct 2013 03:18:38 to 8 J an 2014 11:47:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag of positive and negative happenings. This particular period indicates success, stability and progress in your personal life. Your plans and projects will be successfully accomplished and you would also gain from the same. You are also likely to do better in the work front. You may expect progress in all your undertakings. This period also indicates your popularity in the society. Your status in the society is also likely to be heightened. Health should be fine and you would also have mental peace and contentment. However, for some, this movement of Mercury may bring in worries and troubles from enemies. You may have to be extra careful with your finances. Avoid any kind of arguments with your employer. It is better you stay away from activities involving risk to your health. However, body heat may trouble Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 251 SAMPLE ¬ you during this particular period. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (21 Oct 2013 04:18:38 to 20 Dec 2013 22:00:26) During this period, Mercury will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a troubled personal life. During this particular period you must try and avoid getting involved in any kind of arguments with your wife, children and other members of the family. This is not a conducive period for you to be headstrong and opinionated while dealing with friends as well. Be extra careful while handling your loved ones. Health could be a matter of concern at this particular point of time. Take care of your food, as you are likely to suffer from heat stroke or body heat during this time. Do not undertake any activity, which would put a risk to your life. Mentally you may feel agitated and all drained out. This period may also give you some bodily pain leading to much discomfort. There may also occur troublesome and difficult circumstances in the work front. If you are a student, you need to be more determined and focused in your studies to avoid any kind of distraction. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (21 Oct 2013 05:18:38 to 10 Nov 2013 17:44:46) During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be honoured. Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex. At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make your mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the family. You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with. Tr ansit of Moon in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (21 Oct 2013 10:15:48 to 23 Oct 2013 21:10:16) The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period. On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 252 SAMPLE ¬ during this time. This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at home. Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (23 Oct 2013 21:10:16 to 26 Oct 2013 09:40:48) Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period. Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections, particularly during this phase. Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority. On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour. Tr ansit of Moon in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (26 Oct 2013 09:40:48 to 28 Oct 2013 21:36:43) This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more easily. It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse. Overall, you will be happy. Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured. This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in your feelings than what is good for you. This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings. Tr ansit of Moon in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (28 Oct 2013 21:36:43 to 31 Oct 2013 06:54:08) Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 253 SAMPLE ¬ Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary. Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation. Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue. Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase. Tr ansit of Venus in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (30 Oct 2013 19:31:11 to 5 Dec 2013 15:59:35) During this period, Venus will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This may bring some trying times for you. This period sees you going through a lot of trouble in your endeavour. There is a chance that your enemies will increase and you may even get involved in fights with your business partner. You may have to compromise with your enemies against your will as well. Avoid any kind of arguments with your wife and children particularly during this phase. It is advised that you avoid travelling long distance, as you are susceptible to face with an accident during this time. Health would require your extra attention, as you are likely to suffer from ill health, mental unrest, anxiety, fear and an untimely rise in sexual desires. Hold on to your respect in the society and your honour at workplace as these could be at risk during this particular time. Otherwise you may have to face humiliation, useless discussions and litigations. Tr ansit of Moon in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (31 Oct 2013 06:54:08 to 2 Nov 2013 12:45:17) Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the possibility of some recognition from others. This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues, attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture. On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food, clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them. Tr ansit of Moon in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (2 Nov 2013 12:45:17 to 4 Nov 2013 15:49:34) Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 254 SAMPLE ¬ The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time. Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief, unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect your venture. Be careful with your money. This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament. Tr ansit of Moon in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (4 Nov 2013 15:49:34 to 6 Nov 2013 17:26:13) Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles. If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your trip. This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings. However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself. Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some money or may incur loss in your venture. Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack. Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that may affect the same. Tr ansit of Moon in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (6 Nov 2013 17:26:13 to 8 Nov 2013 19:03:03) The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and recognition in society. You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 255 SAMPLE ¬ Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period would see you in a happy mood. Tr ansit of Moon in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (8 Nov 2013 19:03:03 to 10 Nov 2013 21:50:27) Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies happiness and success in your endeavours. Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and enjoyment of exotic cuisine. This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life. Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy period. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Nov 2013 17:44:46 to 20 Dec 2013 22:00:26) During this period, Mercury will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a troubled personal life. During this particular period you must try and avoid getting involved in any kind of arguments with your wife, children and other members of the family. This is not a conducive period for you to be headstrong and opinionated while dealing with friends as well. Be extra careful while handling your loved ones. Health could be a matter of concern at this particular point of time. Take care of your food, as you are likely to suffer from heat stroke or body heat during this time. Do not undertake any activity, which would put a risk to your life. Mentally you may feel agitated and all drained out. This period may also give you some bodily pain leading to much discomfort. There may also occur troublesome and difficult circumstances in the work front. If you are a student, you need to be more determined and focused in your studies to avoid any kind of distraction. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Nov 2013 18:05:29 to 8 J an 2014 11:47:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag of positive and negative happenings. This particular period indicates success, stability and progress in your personal life. Your plans and projects will be successfully accomplished and you would also gain Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 256 SAMPLE ¬ from the same. You are also likely to do better in the work front. You may expect progress in all your undertakings. This period also indicates your popularity in the society. Your status in the society is also likely to be heightened. Health should be fine and you would also have mental peace and contentment. However, for some, this movement of Mercury may bring in worries and troubles from enemies. You may have to be extra careful with your finances. Avoid any kind of arguments with your employer. It is better you stay away from activities involving risk to your health. However, body heat may trouble you during this particular period. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Nov 2013 18:26:11 to 27 J an 2014 01:56:45) During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This may bring in some trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience physical pain and bodily weakness during this phase. Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental perplexity and misunderstanding with the family is also indicated during this time. You may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and communication gaps while dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you may have to face humiliation. You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles in your endeavours. Travel plans, if any, may not yield the expected result and could be troublesome. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Nov 2013 18:46:54 to 7 Feb 2014 06:11:05) During this period, Mercury will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies wealth and success. It indicates success in all your work and projects. During this period you may expect financial stability and gain in financial ventures. Socially you would see a rise in your status. People would respect you more and your popularity would increase. This period may also let you acquire a comfortable lifestyle. You are also likely to gain happiness from your children. You are likely to receive happiness with a newborn member in the family. Your children would also remain happy and content during this particular period. This period sees a more alert and clever you. You would be able to use your intuition and intellect to make right decisions. Your enemies are likely to be defeated and will be mellowed down by your aura. Moreover, you may also Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 257 SAMPLE ¬ expect help from all the sides. However, your health would require your attention, as you are susceptible to fall sick. Take care of your food intake and keep your spirits high to keep gloominess and unnecessary fears at bay. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Nov 2013 19:07:36 to 20 Apr 2014 18:48:42) During this period, Mercury will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings from diseases. This particular phase may bring in obstruction and interruptions in your field of work. Take care to keep your respect and position in the workplace intact. Make sure you don't have to regret any of your actions done at this time. Watch out for probable hurdles before venturing into something new. Mentally you may feel hassled, over burdened, and unstable due to several reasons. Beware of your enemies as they could harm you more during this particular phase. Avoid any arguments with your family and relatives as this may lead to unnecessary quarrels. During this period you are susceptible to become irritable and may try to find out faults in matters related to religion, common belief etc. This period may also demand more labour from you in order to accomplish any task undertaken. However, a feeling of lack of interest may stop you from working hard. Avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired result. Take care of your food habits and try and keep yourself in a positive frame of mind. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Nov 2013 19:28:19 to 4 May 2014 20:59:59) During this period, Mercury will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This denotes contentment and good times for you. You would be happy and successful in all your endeavours. Professionally a very good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off the work given to you successfully on time. Happiness at home is also indicated during this time. You could also expect to meet someone interesting during this time. Some of you may also expect to spend some passionate time with someone new of the opposite sex. Possibility of gain from this person is also indicated during this particular time. Financially, this could be a good time for you. The success in your endeavours will be gainful for you and you may expect other monetary gain as well. This period may also bring in a rise in your status in the society. You are likely to be honoured and may command more respect in the society. You may become socially more active and may get involved in social welfare work. Mentally peace and calmness is indicated. Your enemies are likely to be defeated with ease and you would find calmness in life during this particular time. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 258 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Nov 2013 19:49:01 to 23 May 2014 05:50:30) During this period, Mercury will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This indicates achievement and monetary gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to receive higher monetary gains from different sources. Your personal endeavours, businesses and investments are likely to bring in higher financial gains and more profits. If you are a professional or employed, you are likely to be more successful during this particular period. You are likely to prosper in your field of activity especially during this time. Health should be good. You are likely to be at peace with yourself. You may become more soft-spoken and very cordial in your behaviour. At home, you may expect a good time. Your spouse and children will also be happy and cordial. You may also expect to get some favourable news. You are likely to be surrounded by material comfort. Socially this is a good phase as well. You would be able to command more respect in the society. Pleasant company of the opposite sex would also surround you. Your wit and pleasant nature would also make people flock around you. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Nov 2013 20:09:44 to 7 J un 2014 18:11:19) During this period, Mercury will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes expenses for you. You may have to spend more than expected in order to live a comfortable life. Stay away from litigations as this may also cause some loss of money. Moreover, you may also have to work extra hard to accomplish any of the task undertaken by you. Beware of your enemies and stay out of their way in order to avoid any humiliation. Hold on to your respect and try and keep your honour in the society. You could be mentally disturbed due to several reasons. You are susceptible to worries and restlessness during this particular time. You are also likely to be distressed and feel discontented during this phase. You are likely to lose interest in food and conjugal life. A feeling of sickness and suffering may trouble you during this particular point of time. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (10 Nov 2013 20:30:26 to 12 Aug 2014 21:32:40) During this period, Mercury will move through your first house from the Moon. This may bring in some negative results in your life. This mostly brings in a situation where you may have to serve someone unwillingly. You are also susceptible to face oppression of some kind. Take care to avoid facing a haul over the coals and the lashes of unsympathetic words from others. Keeping a low profile and doing your task best should be the focus during this time. You may also have to watch out for unnecessary expenditure as this may cause a big hole in your wallet. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 259 SAMPLE ¬ Be cautious with your spending and pay attention to the safety of your finances. You are also likely to befriend some bad personalities who may cause harm. Watch your words while dealing with your near and dear ones. Your insensitivity may create some unnecessary enemies within your circle. Avoid any kind of lawsuits and bad company. Be careful not to do anything that may make you lose your self worth. You would always need your good fortune, so, save it. Take advantage of your education and experience to avoid any glitch in your life. Be flexible during this period, as you may have to make some last minute changes in your plan, project or ideas due to pressure from different quarters or due to some anticipated fear. Obstructions may crop up related to your foreign residence if applicable. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious work at home. Take care of your family and yourself as you may become susceptible to deception particularly during this phase. Avoid travel if possible as you may not get the desired pleasure or expected result out of it. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (10 Nov 2013 20:51:09 to 29 Aug 2014 14:56:18) During this period, Mercury will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies pecuniary gain and growth of income especially to those who deal in precious gems. This period is also likely to bring in happiness to you in the form of success in learning and attainment of knowledge. This period also brings in the company of good people and gives you an opportunity to savour exotic culinary delights. However, for some, this particular period may bring in sufferings, bad name in the society and your enemy could also be more harmful than usual. This phase also indicates a probable loss of one of your relatives or a near friend. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (10 Nov 2013 21:11:51 to 21 Sep 2014 05:28:03) During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings. Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life. Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any loss of wealth. This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress and unexpected hassles in your endeavours. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Nov 2013 21:32:34 to 1 Dec 2013 Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 260 SAMPLE ¬ 10:22:15) During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be honoured. Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex. At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make your mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the family. You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with. Tr ansit of Moon in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Nov 2013 21:50:27 to 13 Nov 2013 02:28:42) This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period may bring along peril and untoward happenings. Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements with them. You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with anybody particularly at this time. Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (13 Nov 2013 02:28:42 to 15 Nov 2013 09:13:16) The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work harder than usual in your work place or trade. Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome chest. You may also suffer from insomnia. Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic. However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 261 SAMPLE ¬ A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of them. Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away from you. Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer from anxiety and may feel overburdened. Tr ansit of Moon in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (15 Nov 2013 09:13:16 to 17 Nov 2013 18:05:16) The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you and your family would generally be happy and content. This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at the workplace. Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time. If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going through an abortion if at all applicable. However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights during this period. Tr ansit of Sun in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (16 Nov 2013 10:48:00 to 16 Dec 2013 01:22:41) This particular time mostly denotes a period of monetary challenges, and decline in mental peace. On the work front, you have to take extra care not to get into the bad books of your seniors. Avoid arguments with your employer or senior staff at your workplace. You may have to deal with some obstacles, which could be related to competitors, authorities or people you have unfriendly relations with. If you express your mental anxiety, you are likely to loose goodwill amongst friends and children. Health would require your attention, as you may feel sick and lethargic. Mental anguish, fear and restlessness may cast their spells on you, and make you're more prone to be offended by others. You may also become unstable in your temperament. Issues related to children may become a matter of concern for you. Avoid discussing anything at this time, as you are likely to cause disagreements between you and your son. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 262 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Moon in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (17 Nov 2013 18:05:16 to 20 Nov 2013 04:59:45) The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period. On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time. This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at home. Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (20 Nov 2013 04:59:45 to 22 Nov 2013 17:23:47) Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period. Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections, particularly during this phase. Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority. On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour. Tr ansit of Moon in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (22 Nov 2013 17:23:47 to 25 Nov 2013 05:51:42) This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more easily. It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse. Overall, you will be happy. Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 263 SAMPLE ¬ This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in your feelings than what is good for you. This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings. Tr ansit of Moon in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (25 Nov 2013 05:51:42 to 27 Nov 2013 16:17:58) Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary. Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation. Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue. Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase. Tr ansit of Mar s in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (26 Nov 2013 20:17:12 to 4 Feb 2014 12:21:17) During this period, Mars will move through your third house from the Moon. This brings in good times and could be regarded especially well for financial gains. During this time, you are likely to make money in your trade and profession. You are also likely to acquire valuable ornaments during this phase. Work should be on a smooth sail and you are likely to succeed in matters of importance. Your new endeavours would also see success. If employed, you are likely to be promoted to a position of greater authority and honour. Your success would boost your self-confidence and strengthen your will power during this time. Health would remain good and you would shine with health and vigour. Your enthusiasm is likely to be at its top and you would be relieved from all the past confusion or obstacles. This time also sees you indulging in exotic culinary delights. Your enemies would be defeated and you would be at peace with your mind. Avoid any trip abroad as it may not bring in the desired result during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (27 Nov 2013 16:17:58 to 29 Nov 2013 23:07:04) Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the possibility of some recognition from others. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 264 SAMPLE ¬ This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues, attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture. On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food, clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them. Tr ansit of Moon in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (29 Nov 2013 23:07:04 to 2 Dec 2013 02:13:44) The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time. Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief, unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect your venture. Be careful with your money. This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (1 Dec 2013 10:22:15 to 20 Dec 2013 22:00:26) During this period, Mercury will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a troubled personal life. During this particular period you must try and avoid getting involved in any kind of arguments with your wife, children and other members of the family. This is not a conducive period for you to be headstrong and opinionated while dealing with friends as well. Be extra careful while handling your loved ones. Health could be a matter of concern at this particular point of time. Take care of your food, as you are likely to suffer from heat stroke or body heat during this time. Do not undertake any activity, which would put a risk to your life. Mentally you may feel agitated and all drained out. This period may also give you some bodily pain leading to much discomfort. There may also occur troublesome and difficult circumstances in the work front. If you are a student, you need to be more determined and focused in your studies to avoid any kind of distraction. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 265 SAMPLE ¬ Tr ansit of Moon in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (2 Dec 2013 02:13:44 to 4 Dec 2013 02:49:32) Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles. If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your trip. This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings. However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself. Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some money or may incur loss in your venture. Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack. Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that may affect the same. Tr ansit of Moon in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (4 Dec 2013 02:49:32 to 6 Dec 2013 02:47:28) The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and recognition in society. You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex. Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period would see you in a happy mood. Tr ansit of Venus in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (5 Dec 2013 15:59:35 to 7 J an 2014 21:24:48) During this period, Venus will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a troublesome period caused mostly by women. Stay away from any litigation involving women and try and maintain a good rapport with your wife. Moreover, this phase also indicates ill health of the female whose birth chart is housing Venus in the seventh house. Your wife may suffer from various gynaecological diseases, bodily pain, mental anxiety and so on. Financially a not-so-good period and it would be better to stay away from dealing with women to avoid monetary loss. You may also realise that you have some wicked friends who would try to harm you. Involvement with unnecessary womenfolk may create grief during this particular time. Chances are, you may even create new enemies due to some conflict related to a woman. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 266 SAMPLE ¬ This period may also see you suffer from mental agitation, distress and anger. Take care of your health, as you are likely to suffer from venereal diseases, urinary tract disorder and other minor diseases. Professionally this period could not be regarded as conducive. Avoid wicked colleagues as they might create obstacles in your progress. However, you are likely to get honour from the higher authority in your field of work or the government. Tr ansit of Moon in the 7th house fr om Natal Moon (6 Dec 2013 02:47:28 to 8 Dec 2013 04:01:48) Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies happiness and success in your endeavours. Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and enjoyment of exotic cuisine. This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life. Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 8th house fr om Natal Moon (8 Dec 2013 04:01:48 to 10 Dec 2013 07:56:29) This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period may bring along peril and untoward happenings. Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements with them. You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with anybody particularly at this time. Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time. Tr ansit of Moon in the 9th house fr om Natal Moon (10 Dec 2013 07:56:29 to 12 Dec 2013 14:56:30) The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 267 SAMPLE ¬ harder than usual in your work place or trade. Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome chest. You may also suffer from insomnia. Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic. However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society. A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of them. Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away from you. Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer from anxiety and may feel overburdened. Tr ansit of Moon in the 10th house fr om Natal Moon (12 Dec 2013 14:56:30 to 15 Dec 2013 00:32:05) The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you and your family would generally be happy and content. This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at the workplace. Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time. If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going through an abortion if at all applicable. However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights during this period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 11th house fr om Natal Moon (15 Dec 2013 00:32:05 to 17 Dec 2013 11:52:34) The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 268 SAMPLE ¬ On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time. This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at home. Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time. Tr ansit of Sun in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (16 Dec 2013 01:22:41 to 14 J an 2014 11:53:26) The period brings success in every aspect of life. You will find yourself overcoming obstacles easily, and it's a great time for successful problem solving. If anyone gets in your way, you will be able to deal with it easily, with a minimal of aggravation. It is a good time to complete any unfinished projects, and you are likely to succeed in whatever you put your efforts in. Financially you will also do well, and will find it easy to gain in general. Your mental and physical health will be excellent. Your body will stay healthy and your mind will be free of too much stress and anxiety. It's a time to enjoy comforts and social relations, especially friendship with people in powerful positions. There are good chances for promotion and honour, especially from authorities or government related people Tr ansit of Moon in the 12th house fr om Natal Moon (17 Dec 2013 11:52:34 to 20 Dec 2013 00:15:49) Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period. Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections, particularly during this phase. Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority. On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour. Tr ansit of Moon in the 1st house fr om Natal Moon (20 Dec 2013 00:15:49 to 22 Dec 2013 12:52:42) This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 269 SAMPLE ¬ you more easily. It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse. Overall, you will be happy. Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured. This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in your feelings than what is good for you. This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings. Tr ansit of Mer cur y in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (20 Dec 2013 22:00:26 to 8 J an 2014 11:47:47) During this period, Mercury will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag of positive and negative happenings. This particular period indicates success, stability and progress in your personal life. Your plans and projects will be successfully accomplished and you would also gain from the same. You are also likely to do better in the work front. You may expect progress in all your undertakings. This period also indicates your popularity in the society. Your status in the society is also likely to be heightened. Health should be fine and you would also have mental peace and contentment. However, for some, this movement of Mercury may bring in worries and troubles from enemies. You may have to be extra careful with your finances. Avoid any kind of arguments with your employer. It is better you stay away from activities involving risk to your health. However, body heat may trouble you during this particular period. Tr ansit of Moon in the 2nd house fr om Natal Moon (22 Dec 2013 12:52:42 to 25 Dec 2013 00:17:29) Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary. Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 270 SAMPLE ¬ Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue. Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase. Tr ansit of Moon in the 3r d house fr om Natal Moon (25 Dec 2013 00:17:29 to 27 Dec 2013 08:43:36) Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the possibility of some recognition from others. This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues, attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture. On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food, clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them. Tr ansit of Moon in the 4th house fr om Natal Moon (27 Dec 2013 08:43:36 to 29 Dec 2013 13:09:27) The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time. Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief, unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time. Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect your venture. Be careful with your money. This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament. Tr ansit of Moon in the 5th house fr om Natal Moon (29 Dec 2013 13:09:27 to 31 Dec 2013 14:05:25) Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles. If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your trip. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 271 SAMPLE ¬ This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings. However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself. Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some money or may incur loss in your venture. Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack. Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that may affect the same. Tr ansit of Moon in the 6th house fr om Natal Moon (31 Dec 2013 14:05:25 to 2 J an 2014 13:13:52) The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and recognition in society. You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex. Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period would see you in a happy mood. Parashara's Light 7.0.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to . PAE2500 • 272
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