Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 Porto, Portugal, 30 June - 2 July 2014 A. Cunha, E. Caetano, P. Ribeiro, G. Müller (eds.) ISSN: 2311-9020; ISBN: 978-972-752-165-4 Prediction of Floor Vibration Induced by Walking Loads using Response Spectrum Approach Jun CHEN1,2, Ruotian XU2 and Mengshi ZHANG2 State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China. 2 Department of Building Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, Chian email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 1 ABSTRACT: A design-oriented acceleration response spectrum approach has been introduced to predict a floor’s response due to a single person walking. More than two thousand measured footfall traces from 61 test subjects were used to generate tensecond peak root-mean-square acceleration response spectra, on which a piecewise mathematical representation is based. The proposed piecewise response spectrum curve covers the frequency range of 1.0 to 10Hz and consists of five parts. The first part is linear line from 1.0 to 1.5Hz, the second part is the first plateau ranging from 1.5 to 2.5Hz, the third part is another linear line from 1.5 to 3.0Hz, the fourth part is second plateau ranging from 3.0 to 5.0Hz, and the final part is a descending curve going from 5.0 to 10Hz. The first and second plateau correspond to, respectively, the first and second harmonics of the walking load. The representative value of each plateau and the mathematical representation for the descending curve were determined statistically for different confidence levels. Furthermore, the effects of factors, such as floor span, occupant stride length, mode shapes and peak acceleration response, on the proposed spectrum have been investigated and a modification measure for each factor is suggested. The proposed spectrum approach has been applied to four existing floors to predict their acceleration responses. Comparison between predicted and field measured responses shows that the measured accelerations of the four floors are generally close to or slightly higher than the predicted values for the 75% confidence level, but are all lower than the predicted values for the 95% confidence level. The suggested spectrum-based approach can be used for predicting a floor’s response subject to a single person walking. KEY WORDS: Vibration serviceability; Human walking loads; Long span floor; Root-mean-square acceleration response spectrum. 1 INTRODUCTION In recent years, long span floors have been increasingly popular in buildings like offices, shopping centers and stadia due to the rapid development of construction techniques and wide spread application of high-strength and light-weight materials. As a result, the vibration serviceability problem has become an important design issue. The problem is that the floor experiences annoying large-amplitude vibration due to the occupants’ daily activities, like walking and jumping. Altering problematic floors to rectify this problem has proved to be very difficult and costly. Thus, the vibration serviceability assessment of long-span floors at the design stage has attracted increasing attention from researchers and engineers. The response spectrum approach, which is very popular in structural seismic design, is well known for its efficient and ability to predict a structure’s maximum response to certain extreme loads. Ungar et al. [1] presented an approach to estimate the walking-induced vibrations of floor using response curve, which describes variation of the peak acceleration or peak RMS acceleration with the floors’ fundamental frequency. An idealized pulse model, which is not very common, for the footfall was adopted in the paper to calculate the response curve. The parameters of the pulse model were determined using footfall records from different literature [2-4] for only three walking rates of 1.25, 1.67 and 2.08Hz. Moreover, the response curve was applicable only for floors with fundamental frequencies in the range 5-20 Hz because the study focused mainly on special floors accommodating vibration-sensitive equipment. Song et al. [5] suggested a frequency-response curve to predict a floor’s peak acceleration response based on the floor’s fundamental frequency. They applied the walking force measurement provided in Ellingwood et al. [6] and theoretical walking load model suggested by Matsumoto et al. [7] to a 6-m simply supported beam to determine three response curves for walking frequencies 1.6, 1.9 and 2.2Hz. By fitting the three calculated curves, two design response curves for damping ration 3% and 5% were obtained for floors whose span was in the range of 6 to 17 meter. Georgakis et al. [8] proposed a response spectrum approach to calculate the peak acceleration response of a footbridge subjected to crowd people walking. A reference response spectrum was first developed by a series of Monte Carlo simulation using a probabilistic walking load model available in the literature. The prediction value from the reference response spectrum was then modified to account for factors as the real bridge span length, structural damping ratio, pedestrian walking frequency and flow rate. The response was further adjusted to represent specific return period. Recently, Mashaly [9] used the response spectrum approach to predict the vertical acceleration response of footbridges subjected to walking load. They used the walking load model provided by Murray et al. [10] for only three walking frequencies as 1.1, 1.5 and 2.2Hz. The pedestrian load was assumed stationary at the mid-span of the footbridge and the pedestrian’s weight was assumed as fixed value of 1103 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 2 WALKING LOADS FOR DEVELOPING RESPONSE SPECTRUM Walking load experiments were conducted on seventy-three test subjects using two fixed force plates and threedimensional motion capture technology (Vicon System). Each subject completed seven test cases, which were: walking at fixed paces (guided by a metronome) of 1.5, 1.75, 2.0 and 2.25Hz, and walking freely at self-chosen slow, normal and fast speeds. For each test case, the subject walked six or seven times. A summary of the body statistics of all the test subjects is given in Table 1. Table 1 Statistics of test subjects Gender Male Female Number 57 16 Weight (39-88kg) 65.4 51.6 9.85 6.87 Height (1.55-1.85m) 1724.8 1616.9 146.71 30.81 In each test, thirty-nine reflective markers were attached to the test subject. When the subject performed the test, the spatial trajectories of all of the markers were monitored by a Vicon Motion Capture System with ten cameras. Figure 1a shows the experimental setup and Figure 1b shows a typical 1104 experimental record of walking load. The two dashed lines in Figure 1b are the footfall force measured by each force plate and the solid blue line is the resultant force curve for two continuous steps. The footfall trace in Figure 1 was already normalized by the test subject’s weight. Hereafter, we refer to the resultant force curve as the single footfall trace. A detailed description of the experimental setup, test procedure and data processing can be found in Chen et al.[11,12] a. Experimental setup 1.5 Vertical force/ Weigth 700N. Plots of response spectra, without a mathematical representation, were provided in the study for design purpose for three damping ratios 0.01, 0.02 and 0.03. The response spectrum predictions were claimed to be more accurate than the results obtained using the equation in AISC standards (AISC Design Guideline #11). It is well known that real earthquake records, rather than synthetic earthquake waves, should be used for developing earthquake response spectra. In all the above researches, however, numerical walking load models, which are tenable only for certain walking frequency range or several specific walking frequencies, have been adopted. Moreover, the suggested mathematical representations, if any, of the response spectra were generally determined by curve fitting thus had not clear physical/mechanical meaning. A design-oriented response spectrum approach for calculating floor response under occupant walking is still not available. This paper presents an approach based on acceleration response spectrum to predict the acceleration response of a floor due to one person walking. Initially, walking load experiments were conducted on sixty-one test subjects resulting in more than two thousand footfall traces with different step frequencies ranging from 1.3 to 3.0Hz. Each recorded footfall trace was then applied to a generalized single degree of freedoms system to calculate the 10 second peak root-mean-square acceleration response spectrum, on which a piecewise mathematical representation has been suggested. The effects of the following key factors on the reference spectrum have been investigated: floor span, occupant stride length, higher modes of vibration, boundary conditions and different vibration assessment indexes. Finally, the proposed spectrum approach was applied to four existing floors. The applicability and feasibility of the approach is shown by comparing the spectrum predictions of four floors with their field test results. 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 Time( sec) 1.5 2 b. A typical walking load curve measured (male test subject, walking frequency 2.0Hz) Figure 1. Walking load experiment using force plates and 3D motion capture technology and typical experimental records Quality checks have been made on the original experimental records and 2204 qualified single footfall trace from 61 subjects were adopted in this study. The distribution of the actual step frequencies of all the records is shown in Figure 2. It roughly follows a normal distribution with a mean value of 1.937 Hz and a variance of 0.296 Hz. From the marker’s trajectories, the Vicon system can identify the start and end time of each gait cycle of a test subject in the walking test. Assume that the walking load curve in every gait cycle is the same as the one measured by the force plate, the measured single footfall trace can then be extended into a continuous force curve. Figure 3 shows conceptually the procedure to extend the single footfall curve into a continuous one using the motion capture data. In-depth discussion on the footfall curve extension can be found in Chen et al. [13] in which the accuracy, applicability and parameter sensitivity of four commonly used extension methods are compared. 4 2 Gaussian fit 4.1 1.5 =1.937Hz =0.296Hz 1 0.5 0 1.5 2 2.5 Step frequency(Hz) 3 Figure 2. Distribution of the step frequency of 2204 records. Figure 3. Extended continuous walking load. 3 STANDARD SPECTRUM RESPONSE SPECTRUM FOOTFALL TRACES FROM Consider the vertical dynamic response of a simply-supported rectangular floor when a person walks along the floor’s central line. Using the model decomposition theory, the dynamic response of the floor can be decomposed as summation as single degree of freedom system, whose equation of motion is (1) Where a jref is the ratio of pedestrian’s weigh to the modal (2) Suppose S jk max is the peak or peak root-mean-square (RMS) acceleration response spectrum for GSDF, then the maximum response in Eq. 2 will be (3) For convenience, S jk max for GSDF is termed the standard acceleration response spectrum. The next step is to use the measured footfall traces to generate S jk max and find it a proper mathematical representation. RESPONSE The acceleration response spectrum for each of the 2204 extended walking loads is determined by the following three steps. Firstly, for a measured walking load f (t) with the associated pedestrian’s weight G, the generalized force Fj t can be constructed. In the calculation, the stride length L is selected as 0.75m, the walking distance (i.e. the floor’s span) is taken as 42m and the first vibration mode is considered. Secondly, apply Fj t to Eq. 2, the dynamic responses can be calculated for a given frequency and damping ratio. The running 10-second RMS curve of the time-history of acceleration responses is then computed and the peak value of the RMS curve, denoted as max_ a10sec RMS ( ) , is taken as the representative value for the current frequency and damping ratio. Thirdly, change the frequency of GSDF (Eq. 2) from 0.05 to 10Hz with steps of 0.05 Hz, the 10-second peak RMS acceleration response spectrum (hereafter the 10s-RMS spectrum) can be constructed by connecting the representative values max_ a10sec RMS ( ) at each frequency. Five structural damping ratios, 0.01 to 0.05 with an interval of 0.01, are considered. Therefore, each recorded footfall trace will have five response spectra. Figure 4 shows a typical 10s-RMS spectrum for walking force record at a frequency of 2.3Hz with a damping ratio of 0.01. RECORDED mass of the (j,k) th vibration mode of the target floor, Fj t is the generalized force which is calculated by the measured footfall curve and the mode shape. Define the generalized single degree of freedom system (GSDF) whose equation of motion is given in Eq. 2. ACCELERATION Root-mean-square Acceleration Response Spectrum Peak 10s RMS acceleration( m/s 2) Probability density function Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 Structure frequency( Hz) 10 Figure 4. A typical 10s-RMS spectrum for walking at 2.3Hz (damping ratio 0.01) 4.2 Standard RMS Acceleration Response Spectrum Since each test subject contributed several walking loads at different walking frequencies in the experiment, there are multiple response spectrum curves associated with the same test subject. The envelope curve of all 10-s RMS spectra for the same subject is taken as the representative spectrum for this subject. Therefore, we have sixty-one representative spectrum curves that are depicted in Figure 5 together with two curves covering 75% and 95% of sixty-one representative values at each frequency. 1105 Peak 10s RMS acceleration( m/s 2) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 I 15 II III probability P . The quantile (inverse cumulative distribution) function for the Weibull distribution is 95%confidence level 75%confidence level rms ln P 1/ k Fitting the Eq. 5 to the curves shown in Figure 6 we can get the proper distribution model parameters. Table 2 summarizes the fitted and 1/ k values for five damping ratios for the two harmonic plateaus. The final expression for rms for the two harmonic plateaus is as Eq. 6. 10 5 0 1 3 5 Structure frequency( Hz) 0.20 rms 0.20 0.76 ln 1 P 0.194 0.226 0.18 sub 0.70 ln 1 P rms 0.11 10 Figure 5. The representative spectrum curves for the sixty-one subjects. Figure 5 shows that the first and second harmonics of the walking load dominate the amplitude of the response spectrum. As a result, the response spectrum can be broadly divided into three bands, marked as I, II and III in Figure 5. The first band I covers 1.5 to 2.5 Hz and it actually corresponds to the first harmonic of walking load. The second band II is from 3.0 Hz to 5.0Hz and it corresponds to the second harmonic of walking load. The third band III is the range above 5.0Hz where the amplitude of spectrum decreases gradually with increasing structural frequency. Furthermore, the spectrum amplitudes in the first and second band vary significantly among different test subjects. Therefore a statistical representative is needed for each band. Close observation shows that all the spectrum curves broadly form a plateau in the first band as well as in the second band, which is named the first harmonic plateau and the second harmonic plateau. For each harmonic plateau, a representative value with a given confidence level will be selected. Based on all the above observations, the proposed 10s-RMS spectrum curve consists of the following five parts: part 1, an ascending line from 1.0 to 1.5Hz; part 2, the first harmonic plateau ranging from 1.5 to 2.5Hz); part 3, a descending line ranging from 2.5 to 3.0Hz; part 4, the second harmonic plateau ranging from 3.0 to 5.0Hz; and part 5, the descending curve ranging from 5.0 to 10Hz. 4.3 4.3.1 P f ( x)dx 1-exp(( rms k ) ) (4) Where k> 0 is the shape parameter and λ > 0 is the scale parameter of the distribution. rms is the value for given (6) f 3.0 Hz,5.0 Hz sub level P , the representative peak RMS values rms and rms of the first and second resonant platform can be directly determined by Eq. 6. 4.3.2 Descending curve An exponential function as Eq. 7, which is very popular in seismic response spectrum, is adopted to represent the descending curve ranging from 5 to 10Hz. That is 5 f 3 sub rms f rms f 5Hz,10 Hz (7) where f is the natural frequency of the floor. The parameter in Eq. 7 is affected by the peak RMS values at f 5.0Hz and f 10Hz , the damping ratio and the confidence level. Extensive calculations have been conducted on three confidence levels 95%, 75% and 50% and five damping ratios. The results demonstrate that varies in a relatively small range for all the cases considered. Therefore, the average value of for all the computed cases is adopted; which is 1.48 . The final expression for the descending curve is therefore 3 rms f , , P Representative value for each harmonic plateau f 1.5Hz, 2.5Hz Therefore, for any given damping ratio and confidence 1.48 5 f Statistical Analysis of Spectrum Parameters Statistical analysis was conducted in the first and second harmonic plateaus to determine the probability desirubiton of all the peak RMS values in the two bands. The resulting cumulated probability function is shown in Figure 6 for the first harmonic plateau for five damping rations, i.e. 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5%. It is found that Weibull distributions fit the calculated distributions quite well. For Weibull distribution, its cumulative probability function is shown in Eq. 4 1106 (5) 0.11 0.70 ln 1 P 0.226 0.18 (8) f [5Hz,10 Hz ] 4.4 The Proposed (1Hz~10Hz) 10s-RMS Response Spectrum From the above analysis, the response spectrum can be completed by connecting the functions in part I, II and III with straight lines. The final piecewise mathematical representation of the spectrum is given in Eq. 9. Figure 7 shows the proposed spectrum for the 95% confidence level with 0.01 damping ratio. Figure 8 compares the proposed 10s-RMS response spectrum with the 61 representative response spectra. Peak 10s RMS acceleration( m/s 2) Peak 10s RMS acceleration( m/s 2) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 15 rms 10 sub rms 5 0 (5/f)1.48 sub rms 1 1.5 2.5 3 5 Structure frequency( Hz) 10 15 95%confidence level 75%confidence level 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 Structure frequency( Hz) Figure 8. Comparison of the proposed spectrum for different confidence levels with representative spectra for the measured footfall traces Figure 7. The proposed acceleration spectrum for 95% confidence level and damping ratio 1% =0.02 real data Gaussian fit Weibull fit 0.8 Gaussian fit =5.239m/s =3.335m/s 2 2 0.6 0.4 Weibull fit =6.666m/s 2 0.2 0 Cumulative probability Cumulative probability =0.01 1 k=2.024m/s 0 5 2 10 real data Gaussian fit Weibull fit 1 0.8 = 3.364m/s 2 =1.763m/s 2 0.4 Weibull fit 0.2 =4.060m/s 2 0 15 k=2.334m/s 2 0 2 4 Cumulative probability Cumulative probability =0.04 real data Gaussian fit Weibull fit Gaussian fit =2.475m/s 2 =1.167m/s 2 0.6 0.4 Weibull fit =2.922m/s 2 0.2 k=2.535m/s 2 0 1 2 3 8 (b) Damping ratio 2% =0.03 0 6 10s RMS acceleration( m/s2) (a) Damping ratio 1% 0.8 Gaussian fit 0.6 10s RMS acceleration( m/s2) 1 10 4 5 0.6 real data Gaussian fit Gaussian fit 2 =5.239m/s Weibull fit =3.335m/s 2 Weibull fit 0.4 k=2.024m/s 2 1 0.8 Gaussian fit =1.969m/s 2 =0.861m/s 2 =6.692m/s 2 =2.310m/s 0 6 =6.692m/s 2 2 k=2.024m/s 2 k=2.267m/s 2 0 1 2 2 3 4 =5.239m/s 2 =3.335m/s 2 Weibull fit Weibull fit 0.2 Gaussian fit 5 10s RMS acceleration( m/s2) 10s RMS acceleration( m/s ) (c) Damping ratio 3% (b) Damping ratio 4% Cumulative probability =0.05 real data Gaussian fit Weibull fit 1 0.8 Gaussian fit =1.639m/s 2 =0.683m/s 2 0.6 0.4 Weibull fit =1.889m/s 2 0.2 0 k=2.813m/s 2 0 1 2 3 4 10s RMS acceleration( m/s2) (e) Damping ratio 5% Figure 6. Comparison of Gaussian and Weibull distributions with the probability distribution of peak RMS acceleration in the frequency range 1.5 to 2.5Hz 1107 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 f 1 rms ( , P) f [1.0 Hz,1.5Hz ] 0.5 rms ( , P) f [1.5Hz, 2.5Hz ] f 2.5 sub sub ( rms ( , P) rms ( , P)) rms ( , P) f [2.5Hz,3.0 Hz ] ( f , , P) 0.5 sub rms ( , P) f [3.0 Hz,5.0 Hz ] 5 sub ( )1.48 rms ( , P) f [5.0 Hz,10 Hz ] f 4.5 Factors affecting the spectrum This section investigates the influence of several key factors, including higher vibration modes, boundary conditions, floor span and walking step length, on the proposed spectrum. Accordingly, a modification procedure for each factor is suggested. 4.5.1 Mode shape The model shape is used to determine the generalized force in Eq. 2. Only the first vibration mode is adopted in above calculations. It is therefore necessary to learn the effect of higher vibration mode and the effect of boundary conditions on the vibration mode shape. Extensive calculation shows the proposed response spectrum function in Eq. 9 is tenable for higher vibration modes and for different boundary conditions and will give conservative predictions [14]. For real applications it is convenient to use the same response spectrum for different vibration modes. For computational convenience, it is also suggested that the same function as Eq. 9 should be used for different boundary conditions. 4.5.2 Floor Span and stride length It is found that the effect of floor and stride length can be addressed together by the flowing equation 1 e ( 0.075 L) dl (10) where, dl is real stride length and L is the floor span in unit meters. 4.5.3 a peak 2.0a10sec RMS (11) APPLICATION PROCEDURE FOR THE PROPOSED RESPONSE SPECTRUM The key steps for calculating the total response of a floor using the proposed response spectrum are summarized as follows: 1108 Step 1: calculate the natural frequency f jk and modal mass M jk of the target floor by the finite element method (FEM), or use the modal properties from field measurement, where subscribe jk means the (j,k)th mode of vibration. Step 2: calculate the generalized 10s RMS acceleration response value ( f , , P) for each mode of vibration by the proposed spectrum function in Eq. 9 for the given floor frequency f jk , damping ratio and confidence level P. Step 3: calculate the 10s RMS value for the jkth mode using Eq. 12 a jk ,rms wjk jk a jkref f , , P (12) Where wjk is the maximum mode shape value along the walking route, it is unity if the pedestrian walks along the central line of the floor; jk is the value of the (j,k)th mode shape at a specific floor point for the vibration analysis. The parameter is introduced to account for the situation that other location rather than the central point is considered; a jkref G M jk is the reference acceleration, G is the person’s weight, M jk is the modal mass. Step 4: use the method of square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) to predict the floor response for all modes. arms a 2jk ,rms (13) Step 5: use Eq. 11 to estimate the peak acceleration response if necessary. 6 ASSESSMENT OF THE RESPONSE SPECTRUM METHOD Peak response Sometimes peak response rather than 10s-RMS acceleration is adopted as an index to evaluate the vibration performance of a floor. To this end, peak response spectra have been calculated and compared with the 10s RMS acceleration response spectrum. Statistical analysis shows that the peak response spectrum can be approximately obtained by the following equation. 5 (9) To validate the proposed response spectrum approach for predicating floor’s response, it has been applied to four real floors, which are denoted as Floor A[15], B[16], C[17] and D[18]. These floors are selected because they have fieldmeasured acceleration responses due to a single person walking. Details of the four floors are summarized in Table 3 including source, natural frequencies, modal mass and field measured acceleration response. The predicted acceleration responses are then compared with the field measurements. Figure 9 compares the measured RMS values with the calculated values for the 95% and 75% confidence levels. For Floors B, C and D, the length modification was considered Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 Table 2 and 1/ k for the first and second resonant platforms First resonant platform Damping ratio(ξ) 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Second resonant platform 1/ k 1/ k 6.666 4.060 2.922 2.310 1.889 0.494 0.428 0.394 0.375 0.355 2.824 1.759 1.314 1.064 0.908 0.508 0.452 0.420 0.398 0.381 Table 3 Structural parameters of the four selected floors Floor Number A B C Prestressed concrete floor[15] Concrete floor[16] Concrete floor[17] Composite floor[18] Peak 10s RMS acceleration( % g) D Floor type Floor span(m) Natural frequency(Hz) Damping ratio Modal mass(103Kg) Measured acceleration(%g) 30 2.22,2.82,3.23,4.13 0.015,0.015,0.015,0.015 891, 992, 898, 1024 0.052(10s RMS) 42 4.67,5.11,6.10,7.51 0.02,0.02,0.02,0.02 1140,1210,1190,1350 0.013(10s RMS) 12.7 6.20 0.03 20.6 0.70(Peak) 9.2 7.57 0.0025 20 3.57(Peak) Measured response 75%confidence level 95%confidence level 0.026 0.076 0.052 0.053 Floor A 0.019 0.865* * 0.013 Floor B 0.700 * 0.623 Floor C Floor number 3.57* 4.07* 2.46* Floor D Figure 9. Measured accelerations and calculated acceleration responses for the selected floors using Eq.10, and for Floors C and D the peak responses were determined by Eq.11. Results in Figure 9 demonstrate that for all the four floor the measured acceleration responses are close to, or slightly larger, than the predicted values with 75% confidence level, but all are lower than the predicted values for the 95% confidence level. Therefore, the proposed response spectrum gives conservative result and can be used at design stage to predict the peak 10s-RMS acceleration responses due to a single person walking. 7 CONCLUSIONS This study proposes a 10 second peak root-mean-square acceleration spectrum for predicting a floor’s response subject to a single person walking with given structural damping ratio and response confidence level. Experimentally measured footfall traces have been used in developing the response spectrum. The suggested spectrum has three main parts The first harmonic plateau, the second harmonic plateau and a descending curve. Each part has a clear physical meaning and corresponds to, respectively, the contribution of the first, second and higher harmonics of the walking load. The representative values for each plateau and the curve for the descending part are statically determined using the experimental data for various confidence levels, damping ratios and structural frequencies. A piecewise mathematical expression of the proposed spectrum is given along with modification measures to consider the effect of the floor’s span, boundary conditions, higher vibration modes, the persons stride length and different vibration assessment 1109 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 indexes. The proposed spectrum has been used to calculate the responses of four existing floors whose actual acceleration responses to single person walking have been measured. Comparison between the calculated responses and the field measured responses proves the applicability of the proposed spectrum-based approach. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Joint financial support for this paper from the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC, No. 51178338) and Shanghai Natural Science Foundation (11ZR1439800) is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7]. [8]. [9]. [10]. [11]. [12]. [13]. [14]. [15]. [16]. [17]. [18]. 1110 Ungar EE, Zapfe JA, Kemp JD. Predicting footfall-induced vibrations of floors. Journal of Sound and Vibration 2004; 38(11): 16-22. Ungar EE. Vibration criteria for sensitive equipment. Transactions, Inter-Noise. 1992. p.737-742. Galbraith FW, Barton MV. Ground loading from footsteps. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1970; 48(2): 1288-1292. Mouring SE. 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