Sample Teacher’s Edition Level D 1-1 How do I Blend Consonants with the Long Vowel a and Endings? Long-Vowel-Word Endings ce de ke te me se pe re Choose endings from the box to make long vowel words that you know. Long Vowel Words 3. b - a base 4. d - a date 5. b - a bake 6. f - a fate fake fade fame face 7. h - a hate 8. l - a lake late lame 9. m - a make mate made 10. n - a name 11. p - a page pace © 2008 by, 818 Willis Mill Road, Atlanta GA 30311 1 Level D 1-2 How do I Blend Consonants with the Short Vowel a and Endings? Short-Vowel-Word Endings b d g m n p s t x Choose endings from the box to make short vowel words that you know. Short Vowel Word 3. b - a bad 4. b - a bag ban bat ban 5. d - a dab dad dam Dan 6. f - a fad fan fat fax 7. g - a gag gap gas 8. h - a had ham has hat 9. j - a jab jam 10. c - a cab cam can cap cat 11. l - a lab lad lag lax 12. m - a mad man mat 13. n - a nab nag 14. p - a pad pan pat Pat Pam © 2008 by, 818 Willis Mill Road, Atlanta GA 30311 2 Level D 1-3 How do I Blend Consonants with the Vowel a and Endings? Short Vowel Word Endings b d g m n p s t x Long Vowel Word Endings ce de ge ke te me pe re se Choose endings from the box to make short and long vowel words. Short Vowel Words Long Vowel Words 1. r - a rag ran ram rat r - a race rage rake rate rare 2. r - a rag ran ram rat r - a race rage rake rate rare 3. s - a sat sad sag sat Sam s - a sage sake same 4. s - a sat sad sag sat Sam s - a sage sake same 5. t - a tab tag tad tam tax t - a take tame tape 6. t - a tab tag tad tam tax t - a take tame tape 7. w - a wag wax w - a wake wade wage VISUALIZING Fill in the blanks. 8. The boy saves stamps. paves waves saves 9. She will wade into the water. made wade jade © 2008 by, 818 Willis Mill Road, Atlanta GA 30311 3 How do I Blend Consonants with the Vowel e and Endings? Level D Lesson 1 - 4 Short Vowel Word Endings: d g m n r t xz Blend to make words by adding endings from the box then add an s to make the word plural. Singular Words Plural Words 1. b - ĕ bed beg bet beds begs bets 2. b - ĕ bed beg Ben bet beds begs bets 3. j ĕ jet - jets CONNECTING Write sentences using two of your above words and underline them. 1. sentences will vary 2. ANTONYMS Directions: Write the opposite of the words in the box. 1. The opposite of women is men. wet men 2. The opposite of dry is wet. © 2008 by, 818 Willis Mill Road, Atlanta GA 30311 4 How do I Blend Consonants with the Vowel e and Endings? CVC Level D 1-5 Short Vowel Word Endings: d g l n p s t Blend to make words by adding endings from the box then add an s to make the word plural. Do not write words where the X appears. Singular Words Plural Words 1. l - ĕ leg led let legs lets 2. l - ĕ leg led let legs lets 3. m - ĕ men met X 4. m - ĕ men met X 5. n - ĕ net nets 6. p - ĕ peg pen pet pep pegs pens pets peps 7. p - ĕ peg pen pet pep pegs pens pets peps ANTONYMS Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word opposites. 8. The opposite of no is yes 9. The opposite of dry is wet © 2008 by, 818 Willis Mill Road, Atlanta GA 30311 5 Level D1-6 How do I Blend Consonants with the Vowel e and Endings? Short Vowel Word Endings: b d n p s t Blend to make words by adding endings from the box then add an s to make the word plural. Singular Words Plural Words 1. t - ĕ 2. w - ĕ Ted ten tens web wed wet weds 3. r - ĕ red reds 4. s - ĕ set sets CONNECTING Write two above words and rhyme them. 1. Ted red wed 2. wet set Directions: Write Al’s story title then write it without the consonants. al’s egg is off us aeiou © 2008 by, 818 Willis Mill Road, Atlanta GA 30311 6 Level D 1-7 How do I Blend Consonants with the Vowel i and Endings? Choose the endings from the boxes to make short and long vowel words Short Vowel Word Endings b d g m n p t x z Long Vowel Word Endings ce ke te me le ne re Short Vowel Word Endings d m p s t x Long Vowel Word Endings ce de ke me re Short Vowel Words Long Vowel Words 1. b - i bib bid big bin bit b - i bike bite 2. b - i bib bid big bin bit b - i bike bite 3. d - i did dig dip dim din d - i dice dime dine 4. d – i did dig dip dim din d - i dice dime dine 5. f - i fib fig fin fit fix fiz f - i file fine fire 6. f - i fib fig fin fit fix fiz f - i file fine fire pile 7. My home is one mile away. it’s alike mile didn’t 8. I made a castle with a pile of sand. 9. The twins look a lot alike. © 2008 by, 818 Willis Mill Road, Atlanta GA 30311 7 Level D 1-8 How do I Blend Consonants with the Vowel i and Endings? Choose endings from the box to make short and long vowel words. Short Vowel Words Long Vowel Words 1. h - i hid him hip hit h - i hide hike hire 2. h - i hid him hip hit h - i hide hike hire 3. l - i lid lip lit l - i lice like lime line 4. l - i lid lip lit l - i lice like lime line 5. m - i mid mig mit mix m - i mice Mike mile 6. m - i mid mig mit mix m - i mice Mike mile Choose b d h r t to begin the underlined words. Al took a ride on his bike with a flat tire. It was when he rode it too close to a bee hive. He began to hurt, because of the bee sting that felt like a bite. Then, he rode to the nearest pool and took a dive in the water. © 2008 by, 818 Willis Mill Road, Atlanta GA 30311 8 Level D 1-9 How do I Blend Consonants with the Vowel o and Endings? Choose endings from the boxes to make short and long vowel words. Short Vowel Word Endings b d g m n p t Long Vowel Word Endings ce de le ne ze me se pe re Short Vowel Words 1. p - i pig pip pit pin Long Vowel Words p - i pike pine pile pipe 2. p - i pig pip pit pin p - i pike pine pile pipe 3. r - i rib rid rif rig rim rip r - i rice ride rile ripe rise rime 4. r - i rib rid rif rig rim rip r - i rice ride rile ripe rise rime 5. r - i rib rid rif rig rim rip r - i rice ride rile ripe rise rime 6. r - i rib rid rif rig rim rip r - i rice ride rile ripe rise rime ANTONYMS: Fill in the blanks with the correct word opposites. 1. The opposite of little is big. 2. The opposite of her is him. 3. The opposite of miss is hit or mister. 4. The opposite of big is little. © 2008 by, 818 Willis Mill Road, Atlanta GA 30311 9 Level D 1-10 How do I Blend Consonants with the Vowel o and Endings? g m n p t x z de fe te le ne ze me pe re se Choose endings to make short and long vowel words. Short Vowel Words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. s–i s–i t–i t–i w–i w–i sin sip sit six sin sip sit six tin tip tin tip wig win wit wig win wit Long Vowel Words side site size side site size tide tile time tire tide tile time tire wide wife wine wipe wire wise wide wife wine wipe wire wise Directions: Circle the spelling sound you have at the beginning of the word. 5 th f 9 n th f n 7. He needs to try on a different size. (size wise rise) © 2008 by, 818 Willis Mill Road, Atlanta GA 30311 10 How do I Blend Consonants with Vowels and Endings TEST Level D Unit 1 Lesson 11 Choose endings to make short and long vowel words. b c d f g h j k l m n p s t v x z be ce de ge ke le me ne pe re se Short Vowel Words bad Long Vowel Words bake 1. ma mad mam man map mat 2. ti Tim tin tip tide tile mace made make male mane mare mate maze time tire tile tide 3. ra rag ram rap rat ran race rage rake rape rare 4. pa pad pal Pam pan Pat pace page pale pane 5. di did dig dim din dip dice dike dime dire 6. bi bid big bit bin diz bite bike 7. wi wig win wit wide wife wine wipe wire wise wile 8. ta take tale tame tape 9. pi tad tab tam tan tap tax tat tag pig pin pip pit 10. wa wag wax wade wage wake ba pike pile pine pipe © 2008 by, 818 Willis Mill Road, Atlanta GA 30311 11
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