Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research University of Baghdad College of Science Seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis in a Sample of Iraqi Schizophrenic Patients A Thesis Submitted to the counsil of the College of Science University of Baghdad In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master (M.Sc.) In Biology/Zoology By Suhair Dakhil Neamah AL-Maamuri B.Sc. 2009 Under supervision of Prof.Fawzia A. AL-Shinawy June 2014 Prof. Dr. Alice K. Agop Shaaban 1435 ﺑِ ْﺴ ِﻢ اﻟﻠﱠ ِﻪ اﻟ ﱠﺮ ْﺣ َﻤ ِﻦ اﻟ ﱠﺮِﺣﻴﻢ ﺖ ﺑِﻨِ ْﻌﻤ ِ ﻚ ﺑِﻤ ْﺠﻨُ ٍ ﻮن * ﺑ ر ﺔ ﱢ َ ن َواﻟْ َﻘﻠَ ِﻢ َوَﻣﺎ ﻳَ ْﺴﻄُُﺮو َن * َﻣﺎ أَﻧْ َ َ َ َ ﻚ َﻷَ ْﺟﺮا ﻏَْﻴـﺮ ﻣﻤﻨُ ٍ ﻚ ﻟَ َﻌﻠﻰ ُﺧﻠُ ٍﻖ َﻋ ِﻈ ٍ ﻴﻢ * ﻮن * َوإِﻧﱠ َ َوإِ ﱠن ﻟَ َ ً َ َ ْ صدق ﷲ العظيم القلم 4 - 1 Certification of Supervisors We certify that this thesis title (Seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis in a sample of Iraqi Schizophrenic Patients) was prepared under supervision at the College of Science , University of Baghdad, as partial fulfillment of requirement for degree of Master of Science in BiologyZoology . Signature: Prof. Fawzia A. AL-Shinawy Supervisor / /2014 Department of Biology College of Science University of Baghdad Prof. Dr. Alice K. Agop Supervisor / /2014 Department of Biotechnology College of Science University of Baghdad In view of the availablem recommendation , Iforward this thesis for debate by the examining committee . Prof. Dr. Sabah N. Alwachi Head of department Committee of Graduate Studies in Biology University of Baghdad Date: / / 2014 Examination Committee Certification We, the examining committee, certify that we have read this thesis title (Seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis in a sample of Iraqi Schizophrenic Patients) and have examined that student in its contents and that in our opinion it is adequate for awarding Degree of Master of Science in Biology- Zoology. Signature Signature Dr. Khawla H. Zghair Dr. Talib A. Hussein Member (Assist. Prof.) Member (Assist. Prof.) Signature Dr. Abdul Rasul K. Saeed Chairman (Assist. Prof.) Signature Prof. Fawzia A.AL-Shinawy Assist. Prof. Dr. Alice K. Agop Supervisor Supervisor / / 2014 / / 2014 Prof. Dr. Mohammed A. Atiya Dean of College of Science University of Baghdad Date: / / 2014 Declaration This is to certify that the dissertation / thesis entitled: “Seroprevelance of Toxoplasma gondii in schizophrenic patients in Iraq " . Submitted by: Suhair Dakhil Neamah AL-Maamuri Department: Biology College: Science has been linguistically corrected and its language in its present form is acceptable. Name: Enas T. Inssaif Address: Signature Acknowledgement At the prime praise be to (Allah), lord of the Universe, blessing and peace on Muhammad (Allah’s peace and pray be upon him). There are quite a few I would like to thank for their participations, directly or indirectly, in the completion of this thesis: Above all I would like to express my sincere and deep gratitude to both my supervisors, ( Prof. Fawzia A. Al-shinawy) and ( Prof. Dr. Alice K. Agop), for their indescribable help, advice and encouragement throughout all steps of my research. My profound thanks to the Dean of the College of Science – University of Baghdad , the head of Biology department Assist. Prof. Dr. Sabah N. Alwachi . Gratitude is expressed to all staff members of Department of Laboratories in AlRashad Teaching Hospitals for their help during sample collection. My profound thanks owe to all patients and volunteers for their kindly cooperation. My deep respect to both Dr. Nahlah G. Abdul-Majeed and Dr. Leen K. Mustafa in Medical city Teaching Laboratories for helping me . I express my deep sense of gratitude to my family members especially my father for the encouragement and support they offered to me. Finally, I wish to express my thanks to all individuals who cooperated with me, and without their help, this work would not have been accomplished. Suhair The Dedication To all patients who have schizophrenia I dedicate this work I SUMMARY Toxoplasma gondii is a widespread parasite of great importance, and that the disease toxoplasmosis does not show any clinical specific signs .The present study was performed on 200 patient with schizophrenia and 100 healthy individuals, considered as control group. Blood samples were collected from all study groups ( patients and healthy, males and femals) during the period begining from December 2012 until the end of February 2013. The parasite T. gondii antibodies in the sera were detected using Latex test (LAT) and Modified Latex test (MLAT) . Also they were detected using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) compared with the control healthy serum individuals. The concentration of interleukin-12 in the serum was also measured in 40 samples (schizophrenic patients and control) to determine the possible association between schizophrenia and toxoplasmosis infection and one of the immunological markers . The results are summarized as follows : The study revealed that 71.5 % of the schizophrenic patients were positive to T.gondii antibodies detected using LAT test compared to control group (45%) with significant differences between them . whereas during using MLAT test the percentage of schizophrenic patients were 93.7 % for IgG and 6.3% for IgM , while the percentage of healthy individuals were 100% IgG with significant differences between the percentages of infection . Using ELISA test sera of the schizophrenic patients showed 79.7% antiToxoplasma IgG antibodies compared to 73.3% of the healthy individuals with no significant differences. Also detection of IgM in the sera of the schizophrenic patients showed 4.19% anti-Toxoplasma IgM antibodies compared to 0 % of healthy individuals with significant differences between them . II The study indicated significant differences between the percentages of T. gondii infection individuals detected by using ELISA test in relation to level of education , occupation , type of drinking water, presence of cats and other pets , consuming milk , type of consuming meat , age and gender, type of locality . No significant differences were found between the concentration of interleukin -12 (IL-12) in sera of schizophrenic patients with toxoplasmosis infection and healthy individuals (control) with the mean concentrations of (5.79 ± 0.61 pg\ml) and(5.01 ± 0.89 pg\ml) respectively. But when comparing IL-12 level according to gender , a significant differences were found between the two groups. The mean concentration in sera of male patients was (5.626 ± 0.93 pg\ml) compared to healthy control (3.777 ± 0.423 pg\ml), and in female patients (5.976 ± 0.80 pg\ml) compared to healthy control (6.260 ± 1.62 pg\ml) . III LIST OF CONTENTS SUBJECT Page Summary List of Contents I III List of Abbreviations List of Figures List of Tables X VII IX CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURES REVIEW 1-1: Introduction 1-2: Literatures review 1 5 1-2-1:Toxoplasmosis 1-2-2: History of toxoplasmosis 1-2-3: Taxonomy of parasite 1-2-4: Morphology of Toxoplasma gondii 1-2-4-1:Oocyst 1-2-4-2: Tachyzoite 1-2-4-3: Bradyzoite 1-2-5 : Life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii 1-٢-6: Toxoplasma gondii and human toxoplasmosis 1-2-6-1:Epidemiology 1-2-6-2:Transmission of toxoplasmosis 1-2-7: Pathogenesis 1-2-7-1:Acute toxoplasmosis 1-2-7-2: Subacute Infection 1-2-7-3: Latent toxoplasmosis 1-2-8: Clinical syndromes 1-٢-8-1: Toxoplasmosis in the immunocompetent patient 1-2-8-2: Toxoplasmosis in the immunodeficient patient 1-2-8-3: Congenital toxoplasmosis 1-2-8-4 :Ocular toxoplasmosis 1-٢-8-5:Toxoplasmosis role in schizophrenia and behavioral 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 13 13 16 17 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 23 25 IV changes 1-2-9:Immune Response 1-2-9-1:Innate Immune Response 1-2-9-2:Adaptive Immune Response 1-2-9-3:Humoral Immune Response 1-2- 10: Diagnosis 1-2-10-1:Direct methods 1-2-10-1-1:Isolation of the parasite 1-2-10-1-2:Histological diagnosis 1-2-10-2: Indirect methods (Serological tests) 1-2-10-2-1: Sabin-Feldman Dye Test (SFDT) 1-2-10-2-2:Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT) 1-2-10-2-3: Complement Fixation Test (C FT) 1-2-10-2-4:Indirect Haemagglotination Test (IHAT) 1-2-10-2-5: Latex Agglutination Test (LAT) 1-2-10-2-6: Modified Latex Agglutination Test (MLAT) 1-2-١٠-2-7: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbant Assay (ELISA) 1-2-10-2-8:VITEK Immunodiagnostic Assay System (miniVIDAS) 1-2-10-2-9:Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) 26 26 28 30 31 32 32 32 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 35 36 36 1-2-10-2-10:Immunosorbent Agglutination Assay (ISAGA) 37 1-2-10-3: Others 37 1-2-10-3-1:Skin Test 1-2-10-3-2:Polymeras Chain Reaction (PCR) 1-2-10-3-3:Diagnosis by Computerized Tomography (CT and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 37 38 38 CHAPTER TWO Materials and Methods 2: Subjects , Materials and Methods 2-1: Subjects collection 2-1-1: Blood Sample collection 2-2: Materials 2-2-1: Instruments 2-2-2: Equipments 2-2-3: Chemicals, Solutions and Kits 2-3: Methods 2-3-1:Latex Agglutination Test (LAT) 39 39 39 40 40 41 42 42 42 V 2-3-1-1:The principle of the method 2-3-1-2: Techniques 2-3-2:Toxoplasmosis latex agglutination test with 2-Mercaptoethanol (2-ME) (MLAT). 2-3-3: Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA-IgG) 2-3-3-1: The principle of the method 2-3-3-2: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay Reagent 2-3-3-3: Method 2-3-3-4: Calculation and interpretation of results 2-3-4: Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA-IgM) 2-3-5: Determination of Human Interleukin 12 ELISA Kit ( ELISA IL12) 2-3-5-1: Reagent 2-3-5-2: Assay procedure 2-3-5-3: Calculation of results 2-3-6 : Statistical analysis CHAPTER THREE RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3: Results and Discussion 3-1: Demographic presentation of the studied groups 3-2: Serological diagnosis of T. gondii Abs in sera of schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals by using LAT\MLAT Abs tests 3-3: Serological diagnosis of anti-T. gondii Abs in sera of schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals by using ELISA IgG\IgM test 3-4:Frequencies of T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals(control) according to educational level as measured by ELISA-IgG (Abs.) test 3-5:Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals(control) according to occuption as measured by ELISA-IgG (Abs.) test 3-6:Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients according to type of drinking water as measured by ELISA-IgG( Abs.) test 3-7:Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to presence of cats and pets as measured by ELISA-IgG test 42 43 43 44 44 44 45 45 46 47 47 48 49 49 50 50 50 53 57 58 60 62 VI 3-8: Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to consuming milk as measured by ELISA-IgG test 3-9:Frequencies of anti- T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to type of meat (fresh or canned) consumed as measured by ELISA-IgG test 3-10: Frequencies of anti- T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to age and gender groups as measured by ELISA-IgG test 3-11:Frequencies of T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to type of locality as measured by ELISA-IgG test 3-12: Presence of IL-12 in Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals as measured by ELISA-IL 12 kit 69 Conclusions and Recommendations References 77 80 64 66 72 74 VII Figure No. LIST OF FIGURES TITLE Page 1-1 Endodyogeny of T. gondii 10 1-2 Schematic drawings of a tachyzoite (left) and a bradyzoite (right) of T. gondii. The drawings are composites of electron micrographs 11 1-3 Diagram summarising the complete life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii Showing Congenital toxoplasmosis (hydrocephalitis) Active retinitis area adjacent to previous cicatricial foci 12 Development of a model of immunity to T. gondii Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA-IgG) kit use in this study. Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA-IgM) kit use in this study Human Interleukin 12 ELISA (IL-12) kit use in this study The percentage distribution of T.gondii antibodies in ٢٠٠ sample sera of Schizophrenic patients and 100 sample of healthy individuals (control) in Iraq as measured by LAT (Abs) test. The percentage distribution of T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals (control) in Iraq as measured by MLAT(Abs) test The percentage distribution of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals (control) in Iraq as measured by ELISA-IgG (Abs.) test. 28 46 3-4 The percentage distribution of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals (control) in Iraq as measured by ELISA-IgM (Abs.) test. 54 3-5 Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals(control) in Iraq according to educational level as measured by ELISA-IgG (Abs.) test. 57 1-4 1-5 1-6 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 3-2 3-3 23 24 47 49 51 52 53 VIII 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals in Iraq according to occuption as measured by ELISA-IgG (Abs.) test Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients in Iraq according to drinking water type as measured by ELISA-IgG (Abs.) test. Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients in Iraq according to presence of cats as measured by ELISA-IgG test. Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals in Iraq according to presence of pets animals as measured by ELISA-IgG test. Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals in Iraq according to consuming milk as measured by ELISA-IgG test. Frequencies of anti- T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals in Iraq according to type of meat consumed as measured by ELISA-IgG test Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to consumed canned meat as measured by ELISA-IgG test. Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals in Iraq according to age group as measured by ELISA-IgG test. Frequency of anti-T. gondii antibodies in sera o Schizophrenic patients and healthy individual in Iraq according to the sex as measured by ELISA –IgG test. Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients in Iraq according to type of locality as measured by ELISA-IgG test. Concentration of IL-12 in schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals 59 61 62 63 65 66 67 70 70 73 75 IX No. LIST OF TABLES TITLE Page 2-1 2-2 2-3 Instruments used in this study Equipments used in this study Chemical materials and solutions used in this study. 40 41 42 2-4 Reagents 47 X List of Abbreviations Abs Antibodies Ag Antigen AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome APC Antigenic Presenting Cell CD4 Cluster of Differentiation 4 CD8 Cluster of Differentiation 8 CFT Complement Fixation Test DAT Direct Agglutination test DCs Dendritic Cells DHT Delayed Hypersensitivity Test DT Dye Test ELISA Enzyme-Iinked Immunosorbent Assay FR Free-Range Chicken HRP Horse Radish Peroxidase IFAT Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test IFN- γ Interferon gamma IgG Immunoglobulin G IgM Immunoglobulin M IHAT Indirect Haemagglutination Test XI IL-2 Interleukin-2 IL-4 Interleukin-4 IL-5 Interleukin-5 IL-6 Interleukin-6 IL-12 Interleukin-12 IQ Intelligence Questions LAT Latex Agglutination Test MLAT Modified Latex Agglutination Test MØ Macrophages NK Natural Killer NO Nitrogen monoxide PAS Periodic Acid Schiff PO Peroxidase PV Parasitophorous Vacuole SAG1 Surface Antigen 1 SAS Statistical Analysis System TL T lymphocyte Th1 T helper one Th2 T helper two TMB Tetra Methyl Benzidine TNF- α Tumour Necrosis Factor- alpha TMN Tubulovesicular Membranous Network CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURES REVIEW Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 1 1-1:Introduction :Schizophrenia is a serious neuropsychiatric disease of uncertain etiology. Epidemiological and neuropathological studies have indicated that some cases of schizophrenia may be associated with environmental factors, such as exposure to infectious agents. However, specific infectious agents associated with the development of schizophrenia have not been identified (Torrey and Yolken, 2000 ; Tanyuksel et al., 2010). In humans, acute infection with Toxoplasma gondii can produce psychotic symptoms similar to those displayed by persons with schizophrenia (Yolken and Torrey, 2008 ). Consequently, T. gondii may be a candidate infectious agent related to schizophrenia (Tanyuksel et al., 2010). A study by Mortensen et al. (2007) revealed that newborns who have antibodies to T. gondii have an increased risk of later being diagnosed with schizophrenia. Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite found worldwide (Alvarado-Esquivel et al., 2006) that infects all kinds of mammals, including cats, livestock, and human beings. In its life cycle, cats and other felids are the definitive hosts and the other warmblooded vertebrates are intermediate hosts (Daryani et al., 2010). Human response to T. gondii is related to immune status of the infected person, strain of T. gondii and course of infection (Suzuki, 2002). T. gondii invades any type of nucleated cells (Carruthers and Blackman, 2005) and persists intracellularly in brain cells including glia and neurons ( Luder et al., 1999 ; Daryani et al., 2010 ).In immunocompetent subject , primary infection is usually asymptomatic or associated with self limited symptoms such as fever , malaise , and cervical lymphodenopathy (Daryani et al., 2010). Infection acquired during pregnancy is frequently associated with transmission of T.gondii to their fetus, resulting in congenital disease. In immunocompromised women ,reactivation of latent infection can cause life threatening complications ( Montoya and Liesenfeld , 2004). If a pregnant woman contracts toxoplasmosis, it may be passed through the placenta to the fetus, resulting in congenital toxoplasmosis, which is a cause of Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 2 mortality and malformation (Lambert, 2009). Infection in human generally occurs through consuming food or drink contaminated with oocysts and tissue cysts from undercooked meat. Congenital transmission and organ transplantation are also other routes of infection (Dalimi and Abdoli,2012). Most of Toxoplasma infections are asymptomatic to mild and in some infected persons cervical lymphadenopathy, ocular disease (Alvarado-Esquivel et al., 2006); central nervous system manifestation (Bossi et al., 1998) and brain abscess may occur (Silva et al., 2001). In congenital toxoplasmosis the organisms may cross the placenta and infect the fetus. The symptoms of congenital toxoplasmosis include hydrocephaly, microcephaly, intracranial calcifications, damage to the retina, and mental retardation (Torrey and Yolken, 2003). With regard to neurotropism of T. gondii, psychiatric manifestations such as disorientation, anxiety, depression and even psychoses with schizophernia form characters are seen in 60% of immunocompromised individuals with AIDS in whom latent infections are reactivated (Arendt et al., 1999). Similar psychiatric complications and meningoencephalitis can also occur in T. gondii-infected immunocompetent human hosts ( Kaushik et al., 2005), and human studies revealed that latent toxoplasmosis may cause personality changes (Flegr et al., 1996) and decreased IQ (Flegr et al.,2003). However, more recent studies on model animals have suggested that behavioral changes are manifest following infection. Moreover, recent associations have been made between parasite infection and neurological disorders, such as schizophrenia (Kamerkar and Davis, 2012). Studies showed that people with schizophrenia and other mental health problems have a higher incidence of exposure to T. gondii than healthy control, measured by the presence of antibody to the parasite (Alipour et al.,2011). Different methods can be used for the diagnosis of T. gondii including isolation of the parasite and several serological tests that are available for the detection of T. gondii antibodies. In one type, the observer judges the given color of tachyzoites under a microscope, such as with the Dye Test (DT) and Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT), Another depends on the principle of agglutination of Toxoplasma tachyzoites, red blood cells or latex Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review particles, such as with the 3 Direct Agglutination Test (DAT),Indirect Haemagglutination Test (IHAT) and latex Agglutination Test (LAT), respectively. With the Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), the degree of color change defines the quantity of specific antibody in a given solution (Juma and Salman, 2011). Interleukin (IL)-12 consistently proved crucial for both the initiation and maintenance of host-protective immunity against T. gondii .The IL-12 molecule is a heterodimer of 70 kDa consisting of two disulphide-bonded subunits, IL-12 p40 and IL-12 p35, which must be expressed in the same cell to generate bioactive IL-12. Production of IL-12 is restricted to a subset of hematopoietic cells including macrophages, granulocytes, B cells and dendritic cells and is elicited by microbial stimuli or during interaction with T cells via CD40 ligation (Schade and Fischer,2001). Multiple evidence indicates that T. gondii can trigger production of IL-12 in a T cell-independent manner as shown in vivo ( Schulz et al., 2000) and on isolated macrophages, neutrophils or dendritic cells ( Fischer et al., 1999, 2000). Such pathway has been implicated to be pivotal for the establishment of IFNdependent innate resistance (Schade and Fischer,2001). Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 4 Aims of the study This study was designated to determine the prevalence rate of antiToxoplasma antibodies (IgG and IgM ) and IL-12 among local schizophrenic patients compared with healthy individuals. Accordingly the following assessments were achieved : 1- Collection of blood serum from patients with schizophrenia and from healthy individuals used as control. 2 - Detection of the specific T. gondii antibodies in the serum of patients and control individuals using different detecting methods: LAT , MLAT and ELISA. 3 - Estimating the concentration of IL-12 in the serum of patients and in control individuals. Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 5 1-2: Literatures review: 1-2-1: Toxoplasmosis:Toxoplasmosis is considered one of the most important worldwide zoonotic diseases caused by the protozoan T. gondii. Besides vertical infection during pregnancy, humans can get infected post-natally either by peroral uptake of sporulated Toxoplasma oocysts or by ingestion of tissue cysts upon consumption of raw or undercooked meat (Berger-Schoch et al., 2011). T. gondii infection can cause severe neurological ocular disease in the fetus during human pregnancy. Humans acquire their infections from ingestion of oocyst-contaminated soil and water, from tissue cysts in undercooked meat, by through placenta, blood transfusion, laboratory accidents (Schaffner, 2001; Dubey and Jones, 2008).Milk may serve as a potential source for human toxoplasmosis (Asgari et al., 2011). Beside that, tachyzoites of T. gondii were found in the milk of several species, including sheep, goats, cows, mice and cats (Maksimov et al., 2011). Acquisition of direct oral transmission by the parasite was an evolutionary change that has led to wide spread expansion of Toxoplasma (Su et al., 2003 ).T. gondii infection in free-range chickens (FR) is considered important as one of the best indicators for soil contamination with T. gondii oocysts because they feed from the ground, and tissues of infected chickens are considered a good source of infection for cats. Additionally, ingestion of infected chicken meat can be a source of infection for T. gondii infection in humans and other animals. Rarely, toxoplasmosis can cause clinical disease in chickens, direct detection of T. gondii oocysts in soil is difficult. Therefore, chickens have been used as one of the indicators of soil contamination by oocysts. In 2002, initiated a worldwide survey of T. gondii infection in (FR) chickens with the ultimate objective of studying the genetic diversity of T. gondii on a worldwide basis (Lehmann et al., 2006; Dubey and Su, 2009). T. gondii consists of three main genotypes, designated type I, II, and III which differ in virulence and epidemiological pattern. Type I strain is associated with high-level virulence in mice. This type has been recorded in Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 6 patients with ocular toxoplasmosis. Type II is nonvirulent for mice but generate chronic infection with persistence of tissue cysts. This strain is also most commonly associated with human infections in Europe and North America. Type III is nonvirulent for mice and less frequent than type II in Europe and North America. The last types regarded as the most frequent strain from animals. Moreover, type I and II strains have been recorded in patients with congenital disease and AIDS patients (Dalimi and Abdoli, 2012). 1-2-2: History of Toxoplasmosis :Toxoplasmosis was discovered almost a century ago, in 1908 by Nicolle and Manceaux, and the pathogen itself was identified in the North African rodent (Ctenodactylus gundii) (Nicolle and Manceaux,1908), as it was being used for research in the Pasteur Institute in Tunis. In the same year 1908 Splendore published his description of Toxoplasma from a laboratory rabbit at the Italian hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, then in (1909) differentiated the disease from Leishmania and named it T. gondii(Sukthana,2006) .Castellani (1913), described the organism in spleen smear from 14 year old boy with protracted, fever and splenomegaly. Junku (1923) observed the cyst in the retina of a child with hydrocephalus and chorioretinitis in a case of congenital toxoplasmosis but he failed to isolate the organism. The development of serological tests by Sabin and Feldman (1948) led to the recognition of asymptomatic infection in human and animal's populations all over the world. Frenkle(1948) introduced the toxoplasmine skin test. Ocular toxoplasmosis was reported and proved by Wilder (1953). Goldman(1957)used immunofluorescence microscope to study the human immune response . Remington and Kaufman (1960), isolated the parasite from the women uterus in one of nine necrosis and in the three of 34 cases of hysterectomies. Moreover they suggested that the chronic infection with Toxoplasma during pregnancy may facilitate transporting the parasite to the fetus to form congenital toxoplasmosis. The complete life cycle of T. gondii was not examined in its entirety Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 7 until when Frenkle et al. (1970)discovered the sexual stages of life cycle of parasite. It was shown that cats are definitive hosts to the pathogen, and are excreted as oocyst in their feces and they recognized coccidian parasite, while humans and other mammals, as well as birds, are intermediate hosts .Blewett et al. (1983) reported a method of isolation of Toxoplasma tissue cyst (bradyzoite) from foetal ovine brain by simple direct isolation technique . In (1957) Goldman used the immunofluorescent microscope to study the human immune response (Alcamo , 1997) . In Iraq , Machattie (1938) was the first who recorded the parasite by a smear from spleen and lungs of two stray dogs in Baghdad . During the years 1980 and 1990 methods were developed to recognize genetic differences among T. gondii isolates from humans and animals, (Dubey and Jones , 2008). 1-2-3: Taxonomy of parasite :T.gondii is classified according to Keas (1999) as follows:Kingdom …………………………... Protista Phylum ….………………………... Apicomplexa Class ………………………………. Sporozoa Subclass ……………………………Coccidiasina Order ……………………………... Eucoccidiorida Suborder …………………………..Eimeriorina Family ……………………………..Sarcocystidae Subfamily ………………………….Toxoplasmatinae Genus ……………………………... Toxoplasma Species …………………………….. gondii Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 8 1-2-4: Morphology of T. gondii:1- Oocyst which produce sporozoites , are shed in cat feces . 2- Tachyzoite or trophozoite which is the active proliferation form found in any type of host cells except red blood cells (RBCs) . 3- Bradyzoite which is the resting form found in the tissue cysts (Acha and Szyfres, 2003 ; Jones and Dubey ,2010 ). 1-2-4-1:Oocyst :This form of the parasite develops in the epithelial cell of the intestine of the definitive host (cat) by gametogony(sexual reproduction ). It is spherical , about 10-12 µ in diameter . The mature one is transparent , contains two sporocysts , each has four sporozoites infective form . which are released by ingestion in the intestine ( Paniker , 2002 ) . Oocysts of T. gondii are shed during the first infection (in young cats) and the cat is then immune to reinfection . Older cats whose immune system is compromised may also shed oocysts (Thomas, 2005).Contamination of the environment with oocysts of parasite may be due to infected domestic cats or wild felines. After primary infection , a single cat may shed more than 100 million oocysts into the environment (Tenter et al., 2000).Under environmental conditions with sufficient aeration, humidity , and warm temperature , oocysts may sporulate and become infective in less than one day. Depending on the Toxoplasma strain , ingestion of as few as 10 sporulated oocysts may cause an infection in intermediate hosts (Dubey et al.,1996 ) . Sporulated oocysts of Toxoplasma are very resistant to environmental conditions . They survive short periods of cold and dehydration , and remain infective in moist soil or sand for up to 18 months (Frenkel, 2000). Under laboratory conditions, sporulated oocysts survived storage at 4ºC for up to 54 Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 9 months and freezing at - 10ºC for 106 days. However , they are killed within 1-2 min by heating to 55- 60ºC ( Dubey , 1998 ) . 1-2-4-2: Tachyzoite: The term ’tachyzoite‘‘(tachos= speed in Greek) was coined by Frenkel (1973) , to describe the stage that rapidly multiplied in any cell of the intermediate host and in non intestinal epithelial cell of the definitive host . Tachyzoites have also been termed endodyozoites or endozoites (Dubey et al.,1998).The tachyzoite is often crescent shaped approximately 2 by 6 µ. with a pointed anterior (conoidal ) end and a rounded posterior end ( Gutierrez ,2000). Although tachyzoites can move by gliding , flexing , undulating , and rotating , they have no visible means of locomotion such as cilia , flagella , or pseudopodia (Frenkel , 1973) . Tachyzoites are obligate intracellular forms ,which can invade and replicate and multiply in the cytoplasm within parasitophorous vacuole(pv) by endodyogeny within all mammalian cells except a nuclear erythrocytes , they appear rounded enclosed by a host cell membrane called pseudocyst , and intracellular multiplication continues until the host cell lyses or a tissue cyst is formed (Kasper,2005).Tachyzoites enter host cells by actively penetrating through the host cell plasmalemma or by phagocytosis (Bonhomme et al., 1992), after entering the host cell, the tachyzoite becomes ovoid and is surrounded by a parasitophorous vacuole , which appears to be derived from both the parasite and the host cell. Soon after penetration ,a tubulovesicular membranous network (TMN) develops within the PV. Some of the TMN membranes are connected to the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane (Sibley et al., 1985) .Tachyzoites multiply asexually within the host cell by repeated endodyogeny, a specialized form of reproduction in which two progeny form within the parent parasite, consuming it (Melton and Sheffield ,1968) (Figure 1-1).Rarely, tachyzoites of certain strains divide by binary fission (Ferguson and Hutchison, 1981). Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 10 Fig(1-1): Endodyogeny of T. gondii (Wikipedia, 2007). 1-2-4-3: Bradyzoite:The term "bradyzoite" (brady = slow in Greek) was also mentioned by Frenkel (1973) to describe the organism multiplying slowly within a tissue cysts. Bradyzoites are also called cystozoites.Tissue cysts grow and remain intracellular as the bradyzoites divide by endodyogeny (Lambert, 2009). Bradyzoites differ structurally only slightly from tachyzoites. They have a nucleus situated toward the posterior end, whereas the nucleus in tachyzoites is more centrally located. The contents of rhoptries in bradyzoites are usually electron dense, whereas those in tachyzoites are labyrinthine (Saavedra, 2003).However, the contents of rhoptries in bradyzoites vary with the age of the tissue cyst. Bradyzoites in younger tissue cysts may have labyrinthine rhoptries, whereas those in older tissue cysts are electron dense. Also, most bradyzoites have one to three rhoptries, which are looped back on themselves. Bradyzoites contain several amylopectin granules which stain red with Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 11 Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) reagent; such material is either in discrete particles or absent in tachyzoites also bradyzoites are more slender than are tachyzoites and are less susceptible to destruction by proteolytic enzymes than are tachyzoites (Dubey and Odening, 2008)(Figure 1-2). Fig(1-2): Schematic drawings of a tachyzoite (left) and a bradyzoite (right) of T. gondii. The drawings are composites of electron micrographs (Dubey et al., 1998). 1-2-5 : Life cycle of T. gondii :The life cycle of T. gondii has two phases. The sexual part of the life cycle (coccidia like) takes place only in cats, both domestic and wild (family Felidae), which makes cats the parasite's primary host (Johnsen, 2009). The second phase, the asexual part of the life cycle, can take place in other warm-blooded animals, including cats, mice, humans, and birds (Aranda- Lozano, 2011). The hosts in which asexual reproduction takes place is called the intermediate host (De souse, 2009). Tissue cysts or mature oocysts are ingested by a cat. The cysts survive passage through the stomach of the cat and the parasites infect epithelium of the small Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 12 intestine where they undergo asexual reproduction. Asexual form of division occurs first leading to formation of schizonts which contain merozoites. Some of the merozoites are transferred into the sexual stages, initiating gametogony.A macrogamete is fertilized by a motile microgamete resulting in the formation of a zygote (Bruno et al.,2006). The zygote secretes a protective coat and is transformed into oocyst. The oocysts are passed in the feces. Animals and humans that ingest mature oocysts (e.g., by eating unwashed vegetables) or tissue cysts in improperly cooked meat become infected. The parasite enters macrophages in the intestinal lining and is distributed via the blood stream throughout the body (Blader and Saeij, 2009). In the first phase tachyzoites multiply rapidly in many different types of host cells (Benavides et al., 2011).Tachyzoites of the last generation initiate the second phase of development which results in the formation of tissue cysts containing bradyzoites (Munoz et al.,2011), which are the slowly replicating version of the parasite (De souse, 2009) (Figure 1-3). Fig.(1-3):Diagram summarising the complete life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii (Ferguson, 2002). Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 13 1-2-6: T. gondii and human toxoplasmosis :1-2-6-1:Epidemiology T. gondii is among the global major zoonotic diseases (Dubey, 2010). It has been estimated that one third of the world ppopulation has been infected(Zhou et al., 2011). Environmental conditions , differences in the type of food consumed , animal species used in the food industry,and the number of cats are examples of factors that may influence the spread of parasite .Water-born transmission of T. gondii has earlier been considered uncommon ,human outbreaks connected to water reservoirs have been reported(Hill and Dubey , 2002).Toxoplasmosis is a disease affecting 500 million people worldwide. The seroprevalence varies from 5% to 90% depending on geographical location, age, eating habit, raw meat or unwashed fruit and vegetables, and generallevel of hygiene(Al-jebouri et al., 2013).The incidence of infection in humans and animals may vary among countries , within different areas of a country and within the same city ( Dubey,2010 ).Infection is more common in warm climates and at lower altitudes than in cold climates and mountainous (Barbosa et al.,2009).In United States between 2004-2005 national probability sample found that 33.1% of U.S. persons above 12 years of age haveToxoplasma –specific IgG antibodies. This prevalence has significantly increased from the 1999-2000 data (Chatterton et al., 2011). However, there is a large variation among countries, in France, around 88% of the population are carriers probably due to a high consumption of raw and slightly cooked meat. In Germany, Netherlands and Brazil also have high prevalence of toxoplasmosis around 80%, over 80% and 67% respectively (Dabritz and Conrad, 2011). In Britain about 22% are carriers, and south Korea's rate is only 4.3% (De souse, 2009).Individuals in countries such as France, Ethiopia, and Brazil have a high prevalence of antibodies to T. gondii. In France and Ethiopia, the high infection rates are thought to be attributable to the cultural custom of eating undercooked or uncooked meat; in Brazil, the high rate has been attributed to water supplies Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review contaminated with feline oocysts 14 as well as to undercooked meat consumption(Bahia-Oliveira et al., 2003). Though a recent serological survey carried out in 3281 individuals from the northeast and the south of China showed a 12.3% anti-T. gondii IgG positive rate, which indicated the increasing growth in prevalence (Xiao et al.,2010 ).The prevalence of T. gondii in China was still relatively low, comparing with 50-75% seropositive in France, and 20% in UK(Darrel, 2009 ;Zhou et al.,2011 ). In Turkey rate of infection was 39.4 % among women by using Solid-phase enzyme immunoassay (Durmaz et al., 1995).In Iran, Assmar et al., (2000) reported aseroposetive prevalence of 51.8 % using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. In Arabe countries the prevalence rate varied among people from different Arab countries using different techniques. In Somalia it was 53% (Zardi et al., 1980) . In Libya the rate of infection in pregnant women was 47.4% by using IHAT test (Kassem and Morsy , 1991) . In Tunisia was 58.4% (Bouratbine et al., 2001) . In Egypt was 81.4% (Soliman et al ., 2001) .In Saudi Arabia it was 31.2% of pregnant women attending Abdul -Aziz University Hospital in Jaddah (Basalamach and serbour , 1981), and in Kuwait was 58.2% (AL-Nakib et al .,1983) . In Jordan it was 26% ( Abdel Hafez et al.,1986 ).Other study in Saudi Arabia on women was recorded 25% by using LAT, IHAT, IFAT and ELISA(AL-Meshari et al.,1989).In the United Arab Emirates (UAE) the correlation between toxoplasmosis seropositivity rate and different occupation groups was studied .It was declared that the highest prevalence was among the office workers 33.5% , field farmers 33.3%, domestic workers13% and laborers 22.4% (Mohammad et al .,1997). Other study in UAE in blood donors was 34% (Uduman et al. ,1998). Pappas and Wordrop(2004)commented on high prevalence of foci in the Middle East including Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Kuwait. A general population study in Eastern Saudi Arabia showed a lower prevalence, reaching 25%, similar to pregnant women in Bahrain and to the general population prevalence observed in Qatar. In Asia, high rates were found in Indonesia >60% and Malaysia 49%, but significantly lower rates in China and Vietnam 10–11%. In India, most Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 15 studies showed a rate in excess of 40%.In Iraq, Niazi et al. (1988)and AL-Kalaby (2008) showed that, 39% of the examined women were IgG positive and 60% of Iraqi women of child bearing age were susceptible and might acquire the infection during pregnancy. Mohammed and Al- Nasiry (1996) reported a prevalence rate of 20.4% toxoplasmosis in Iraqi women. Al- Hamdani and Mahdi (1997) reported that, infection had been much more frequently 18.5% in women who are with habitual abortion than in the normal pregnancy group 5.9% by using LAT. Al-Dageli (1998) reported that, the Toxoplasma infection rate in age 16-20 years was 9.4% . Hasson (2004) recorded that, the Toxoplasma infection rate of positive cases in Najaf governorate, was 133 (40.4%) out of the total number of 325 pregnant women, 64 (19.7%) were positive by LAT , 40 (12.3%) were positive by IgM-ELISA and IgG– IFAT respectively. In Duhok, North of Iraq, Razzak et al. (2005) found low Toxoplasma infections of about 0.97%. In Sulaimania, Karem (2007) found out that by using ELISA, the seropositivity was 32.6% in women. In a study carried out in Basrah by Yacoub et al. ,(2006) the prevalence of Toxoplasmosis had been shown to be 41.1 to 52.1%.In Baghdad, Juma and Salman (2011) found that the infection of T. gondii in women was 19.17%. In Tikrit, Al-Doori (2010) showed that the prevalence rate was infection of about 49 to 95% and higher rate of infection lies among those of 25 to 31 years old in the women and their husbands. Al-Jebouri et al. (2013) found that the prevalence of toxoplasmosis among female patients in Al-Hawija was 53% and was 30% in Al-Baiji.The seroepidemiological study of toxoplasmosis among pregnant women in Salah –Aldden where 226 pregnant women that had single or multiple fetal loss were examined and found 29.2% of them had toxoplasmosis (ADdory, 2011). For schizophrenic patients in Iran 80 schizophrenia patients and 99 healthy people were examined for the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies to T. gondii by (ELISA) the highest 10th percentile of IgG titers in schizophrenia individuals was 18.8% which was significantly higher than control group 6.1% (Daryani et al.,2010).The sero-positivity rate among patients with schizophrenia was 67.7% which was Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 16 significantly higher than control group 37.1% ( Alipour et al.,2011).In Iraq Mahmoud and Hasan (2009) investigated the Seroprevalence rate for anti Toxoplasma IgG and IgM antibodies by ELISA in 96 schizophrenic and 96 healthy Individuals(control). The seropositivity rate for anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies among schizophrenic patients was 53% significantly higher than in healthy individuals 23% . Jassam (2010) showed significantly higher positive IgG Ab among schizophrenic group (49%) compared to control group 16% . 1-2-6-2:Transmission of Toxoplasmosis:Transmission of T. gondii may occur through the following :1. Ingestion of raw or partly cooked meat , especially pork , lamb ,or venison containing Toxoplasma tissue cysts .Infection prevalence in countries where undercooked meat is traditionally eaten has been related to this transmission method , tissue cysts may also be ingested during hand-to-mouth contact after handling undercooked meat , or from using knives , utensils , or cutting boards contaminated by raw meat. (Jones and Dubey , 2010).Humans may become infected with this parasite after eating undercooked infected chicken meat (Dubey , 2009). 2. Ingestion fruits and vegetables contaminated by cat feces . This can through hand-to-mouth occur contact following gardening , cleaning a cat's litter box , contact with children's sand pits , or touching any- thing that has come into contact with cat feces (Jones and Dubey , 2010). 3. Drinking water contaminated with Toxoplasma oocyst . 4. Through congenital tachyzoites from transplacental transmission of rapidly replicated mothers who become infected during pregnancy and pass the infection to the fetus . 5. Receiving an infected organ transplant or blood transfusion, although this is extremely rare (Andreoletti et al. ,2007). Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 17 1-2-7: Pathogenesis T. gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite existing in three forms: the oocyst, shed only in cat feces,the tachyzoite (a rapidly dividing form observed in the acute phase of infection ) , and the bradyzoite (a slow growing form observed within tissue cysts) .During a primary infection a cat can shed millions of immature oocysts daily for a period of one to three weeks . These oocysts may remain infectious for over a year (Montoya and Liesenfeld, 2004) . T. gondii is released from either tissue cyst or oocyst by digestive process in the gastrointestinal tract, invading the intestinal enterocyst. Tachyzoites then disseminate via the blood stream or lymphatic to a variety of organs, particularly lymphatic tissue, skeletal muscle, myocardium, inside monocyte and granulocyte (Markall et al., 1999). Necrosis in intestinal and mesenteric lymph nodes may occur before other organ becomes severely damaged. Focal areas of necrosis may develop in many organs. T.gondii does not produce a toxin, necrosis is caused by intracellular multiplication of tachyzoites(Gazzinelli et al.,1993). An unusual feature of toxoplasmosis is that the organisms persist in cyst in various organs for the remainder of the infected person's life (Larry and John ,2002).Toxoplasamosis is generally a self-limited ,asymptomatic disease in immunocompetent patients , although infection can reactivate at a later time if the patient becomes immunosuppressed (Montoya et al.,2004).Toxoplasmosis is considered harmless for a non-pregnant woman ,but it is potentially harmful during pregnancy , especially at first trimester . Primary maternal infection during pregnancy can be transmitted to the fetus and result in serious sequel (Giannoulis et al., 2008 ).Acute infection in adult humans goes unrecognized in as many as 90% of cases, because either it is subclinical or symptoms are nonspecific and it is falsely takenas a viral illness (Montoya and Rosso ,2005). During acute infection, the tachyzoites invade every kind of host cell except non-nucleated red blood cells. The host cell invasion is a major step in its biological cycle and in pathogenesis. Tachyzoites enter host cells by actively penetrating through the host cells plasmalemma or by phagocytosis. They Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 18 multiply intracellular causing host cell disruption, the liberated parasites invade and destroy adjacent cells, producing progressively larger focal lesions. If the initial infection occurs when the host is pregnant, the tachyzoites associated with the acute phase can cross the placenta and infect the fetus, which can result severe birth defects, including hydrocephaly, calcification, neurological defects and chorioretinitis, which may be recurrent. However, with the onset of the host immune response, a subpopulation of tachyzoites in the brain, undergo stage conversion to bradyzoites which multiply slowly to form large tissue cysts with numerous bradyzoites that are capable of persisting for the life of the host (Montoya and Liesenfeld ,2004;Waree, 2008). Even though subclinical disease is the rule , signs present at birth may include fever,a maculopapular rash, hepatosplenomegaly, microcephaly ,seizures,jaundice ,thrombocytopenia ,and rarely generalized lymphadenopathy. The so-called classic triad of congenital toxoplasmosis consists of chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus and intracranial calcifications (Berrebi et al., 2007).Toxoplasma is a frequent cause of intracerebral focal lesions resulting in toxoplasmic encephalitis (Kappagoda et al., 2011). If left untreated, toxoplasmic encephalitis can be fatal (El-Beshbishi et al., 2011). 1-2-7-1:Acute Toxoplasmosis :During acute toxoplasmosis, symptoms are often influenza-like: swollen lymph nodes, or muscle aches and pains that last for a month or more. Rarely, a patient with a fully functioning immune system may develop eye damage or nasal lesions from toxoplasmosis (Paul, 1999). Symptomatic infection is usually characterized by lymphadenopathy and reticular cell hyperplasia(Montoya and Liesenfeld , 2004;Dalimi and Abdoli, 2012). Young children and immunocompromised patients, such as those with HIV/AIDS, those taking certain types of chemotherapy, or those who have recently received an organ transplant, may develop severe toxoplasmosis. This can cause damage to the brain (encephalitis) or the eyes (necrotizing retinochoroiditis). Only a small percentage of infected newborn babies have serious Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 19 eye and brain damage or nasal malformations at birth (Paul, 1999). Enlarged lymph nodes will resolve within one to two months in 60% of patients. However, a quarter of patients take 2–4 months to return to normal and 8% take 4–6 months. A substantial number of patients (6%) do not return to normal until much later (Remington and Desmonts, 1976). 1-2-7-2: Subacute Infection:During (1-3) weeks the antibodies start to appear after infection leading to cessation of parasitaemia and decreased in number of organism in viscera characterized by general lymphadenopathy without fever, irregular fever is lasting for a few days, low blood pressure, leucopenia with lymphocytosis and sometime spleno and hepatomegaly (Slutaker et al., 1999). Damaged may be more extensive in the central nervous system(CNS) than in unrelated organs because of lower immunocompetence in these tissues (Remington and Desmonts, 1976). 1-2-7-3: Latent toxoplasmosis Most patients who become infected with T. gondii and develop toxoplasmosis do not know it. In most immunocompetent patients, the infection enters a latent phase, during which only bradyzoites are present, forming cysts in nervous , brain, retina, skeletal and cardiac muscles. Most infants who are infected while in the womb have no symptoms at birth but may develop symptoms later in life (Parker, 2003). In immunocompromised patients such as AIDS, toxoplasmosis almost always happens as a result of reactivation of chronic infection. In these patients, clinical symptoms consist of mental status changes, seizures, sensory abnormalities, cerebellar signs, movement disorders, and neuropsychiatric findings (Montoya and Liesenfeld , 2004 ;Dalimi and Abdoli, 2012). Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 20 1-2-8: Clinical syndromes:1-٢-8-1: Toxoplasmosis in the immunocompetent patient:Infection with Toxoplasma rarely causes severe disease in an immunocompetent individual . Acquired Toxoplasma infection is asymptomatic in approximately 80 % of individuals . A considerable number of cases with mild symptoms are either ignored by the patients or the nonspecific symptoms are not attributed to a Toxoplasma infection. Usually, clinical symptoms occur 10-14 days after infection and consist primarily of mild , local to generalized , self limiting lymphadenopathy. Chronic active toxoplasmosis is rare and suspected when clinical symptoms and high antibody concentrations persist for several months or even years . Life-threatening cases of pneumonia due to Toxoplasma infection , have recently been described in immunocompetent individuals from South America and may be associated with genetically atypical and highly virulent strains of the parasite ( Alapatt et al.,2009). 1-2-8-2: Toxoplasmosis in the immunodeficient patient:In contrast to the relatively favorable course of toxoplasmosis in almost all immunocompetent individuals, immunologically impaired patients usually develop a dreadful and often life-threatening disease. Immunocompromised patients at higher risk for toxoplasmosis include those with hematologic malignancies (particularly patients with lymphoma), bone marrow transplant, solid organ transplant (including heart, lung, liver, or kidney), or AIDS. Toxoplasmic encephalitis is the most common presentation of toxoplasmosis in immunocompromised patients (Israelski and Remington,1993). The most frequent cause of focal CNS lesions in AIDS patients . It is unclear whether T. gondii penetrates the brain more easily than other organs or whether it is more difficult for the brain, as an immunologically privileged site, to eradicate the organism during the initial acute Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 21 infection and once residual infection has been established (Montoya and Remington,1997). A wide range of clinical findings, including altered mental state, seizures, weakness, cranial nerve disturbances, sensory abnormalities, cerebellar signs, meningismus, movement disorders, and neuropsychiatric manifestations are observed in patients with toxoplasmic encephalitis (Liesenfeld et al., 1999). Other organs commonly involved in immunocompromised patients with toxoplasmosis are the lungs, eyes, and heart. In the vast majority of immunocompromised patients, Toxoplasmosis results from reactivation of a latent infection. In contrast, in heart transplant patients and in a small number of other immunocompromised patients, the highest risk of developing disease is in the setting of primary infection (i.e., a seronegative recipient who acquires the parasite from a seropositive donor via a graft(Deroun et al., 1986) . Contrary to the situation in adults , toxoplasmosis of the central nervous system is not a common opportunistic infection in children infected with HIV. Rather , severe congenital toxoplasmosis seems to be more frequent among such children( Abrams , 2000) . 1-2-8-3: Congenital toxoplasmosis:Congenital toxoplasmosis occurs whenT. gondii , an obligatory intracellular protozoan , reaches the fetus transplacental. More than 90% of pregnant women who acquire a primary infection during gestation are asymptomatic (Montoya and Rosso , 2005) .Acute primary maternal toxoplasmosis if acquired during the first trimester of pregnancy can cause significant morbidity and mortality in developing fetuses (Singh , 2003 ; Thiebaut et al ., 2007). Congenital infection of the fetus in women infected just before conception is extremely rare , and even during the first few weeks of pregnancy, the maternal-fetal transmission rate is low ( Press et al., 2005; Emna et al., 2006). Mother-to-child transmission rates have been found to be around 20-50% (Jones et al., 2001) . In several studies there are reports that point towards a more serious disease when the mother is infected during the first trimester ( Montoya and Liesenfeld Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review , 2004) . The presentation 22 of congenital toxoplasmosis varies widely from subclinical to severe cases , including fetal or neonatal death. Recent findings indicate that type II strains of Toxoplasma can cause both benign and complicated whereas the severity of infection is primarily related period of maternal infection and to the to the parasite concentrations in the amniotic fluid (Romand et al., 2004). Infection during early pregnancy may cause fetal death and abortion or severe damage like chorioretinitis, intracranial calcification, hydrocephalus or microcephalus (Figur 1٤-) . Infection during late pregnancy is often subclinical in the newborn with manifestations such as retinochoroiditis or , rarely, neurological disorders. Manifestations are found in approximately 5% of infected newborns (Syrocot , 2007) . The prevalence of T. gondii risk factors and of previous infections varies from country-to-country (Noorbakhsh et al., 2012).Congenital toxoplasmosis occurs almost exclusively as a result of primary maternal infection during pregnancy. Rarely reactivation of infection in immune compromised woman during pregnancy can result in congenital toxoplasmosis. Most maternal infections are asymptomatic or result in mild illnesses (Kravetz and Federman,2005; Noorbakhsh et al., 2012). The ELISA is capable of detecting 85% of cases of congenital toxoplasmosis infections in the first few days of life. Most important fact for the clinician is that patients with a positive IgG titre and a positive IgM IFA or ELISA titre must be presumed to have a recently acquired infection with T. gondii(Del Castillo ,2004; Noorbakhsh et al., 2012). Prevention of congenital toxoplasmosis is needed by treatment of active T. gondii infection in pregnant women .In congenital infection; treatment in the first year of life is associated with diminished occurrence of this complication (Wallon et al., 2004 ; Noorbakhsh et al., 2012). Prenatal diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis validated by PCR in amniotic fluid against Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Assay in mothers. Analysis of amniotic fluid by polymerase chain reaction for prediction of congenital toxoplasmosis is useful (Neto et al.,2004). Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 23 Fig (1-٤):- Congenital toxoplasmosis (hydrocephalitis) (Dubey and Beattie , 1988). 1-2-8-4 :Ocular toxoplasmosis:Ocular toxoplasmosis leads to permanent loss of vision in affected eyes in nearly 25 % of patients (Bosch-Driessen et al., 2002). Ocular disease occurs in a large percentage of congenitally infected patients , but the classical explanation that most cases were due to congenital infection has been challenged ( Gilbert and Stanford , 2000) .At birth , infants infected in utero may have ocular disease broadly defined as retinochoroiditis or inflammation of the retina and choroid with associated vitritis ( Mcleod et al ., 2006). New ocular lesions can occur at any age after birth in untreated and some treated children . Whilst severity of disease is influenced by trimester in which infection is acquired by the mother(Remingtone et al.,2005) . Recurrent posterior uveitis is the typical form of this disease, characterized by unilateral, necrotizing retinitis with secondary choroiditis, occurring adjacent to a pigmented retinochoroidal scar and associated Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 24 with retinal vasculitis and vitritis. Multiple atypical presentations are also described, and severe inflammation is observed in immunocompromised patients. Histopathological correlations demonstrate focal coagulative retinal necrosis, and early in the course of the disease, this inflammation is based in the inner retina. For typical ocular toxoplasmosis, a diagnosis is easily made on clinical examination. In atypical cases, ocular fluid testing to detect parasite DNA by polymerase chain reaction or to determine intraocular production of specific antibody may be extremely helpful for establishing aetiology. Given the high seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in most communities, serological testing for T. gondii antibodies is generally not useful. Despite a lack of published evidence for effectiveness of current therapies, most ophthalmologists elect to treat patients with ocular toxoplasmosis that reduces or threatens to impact vision (Butler et al., 2013 ).Ocular toxoplasmosis can heal spontaneously after two to three months even in the absence of therapy (Silveira et al., 2002) (Fig. 1-٥ ). Fig (1-٥): Active retinitis area adjacent to previous cicatricial foci (Guex-Crosier ,2009). Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 25 1-2-8-5:Toxoplasmosis role in schizophrenia and behavioral changes:Studies that have been conducted showed the Toxoplasma parasite may affect behavior and may present as or be the causative or contributory factor in various psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety and schizophrenia (Henriquez et al ., 2009 ) . In prospective studies, an increase in IgG antibodies against T. gondii has been found in mothers of infants who later develop schizophrenia (Brown et al., 2005 ; Zhou et al., 2011) . Many reports revealed that Toxoplasma might represent a major pathogen in some cases of psychosis. It has been proven that the parasite infection could increase the dopamine level in brains (Huber et al., 2007 ; Zhou et al., 2011) . Behavioral changes associated with T. gondii infection may contribute to serious neurological disorders in humans. Several studies have observed an association between T. gondii seroprevalence with schizophrenia (Brown and Derkits, 2010). Since T. gondii infection has been found to last throughout the lifetime of the host, seroprevalence is likely to reflect chronic infection (Dubey, 2010). Dopamine dysregulation is proposed to play a central role in schizophrenia, potentially in combination with glutamate metabolism. How dopamine dysregulation plays a role in schizophrenia, however, is still unknown. The principal antipsychotic drug that has been used to treat schizophrenia, dopamine antagonist haloperidol, can also block the development of behavior changes in T. gondii infected rodents. It is possible that the increased dopamine accumulation and release observed during T. gondii infection may contribute to T. gondii associated schizophrenia. Dopamine metabolite concentration have been inversely correlated with gray matter volume in schizophrenia patients(Prandovszky et al., 2011 ). Dopamine plays a key role in psychosis cases such as schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder (Zhou et al., 2011). The predilection of T. gondii for the CNS places it in a privileged position to manipulate host behavior (McConkey et al., 2013).Lately work at the University of Leeds has found that the parasite produces an enzyme with tyrosine hydroxylase and phenylalanine hydroxylase activity ,this enzyme may contribute to the behavioral changes Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review observed in toxoplasmosis 26 by altering the production of dopamine , a neurotransmitter involved in mood , sociability, attention, motivation and sleep patterns . Schizophrenia has long been linked to dopamine deregulation (Jaroslav , 2007 ). Correlations have been found between latent Toxoplasma infections and various characteristics : Decreased novelty-seeking behaviour . Slower reactions . Lower rule-consciousness and greater jealousy (in men) . Promiscuity and greater conscientiousness (in women) ( Jaroslav ,2007). 1-2-9:Immune Response:1-2-9-1:Innate Immune Response:Toxoplasma gondii is able to trigger the nonspecific activation of macrophage, natural killer (NK) cells and the other cells such as fibroblasts, epithelial or endothelial cells during the earliest stages of infection ,this activation is for limiting parasite proliferation because of its direct or indirect cytotoxic action and to activate a specific immune response in order to the presentation of Toxoplasma antigens.This non-specific immune response reacts immediately after the first contact between the parasite and the host, its peak at the end of the first week, and then slowly reduces until absent in the second week of the beginning of infection. In mice, the activation of macrophages cytokine interferon gamma (IFN-γ) in the presence of co-signals, such as tumour necrosis factor- α (TNF- α) is necessary to trigger the cytotoxic activity of the macrophages against T. gondii (Filisetti and Candolfi, 2004).Macrophage ,NK cell and cytokines are the main components involved in the innate immune response against T.gondii . In the acute phase of the infection , tachyzoites stimulate macrophage to produce interleukin 12 (IL12) , which acts on NK cells to start producing interferon gamma(IFN-γ).The Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 27 latter stimulates macrophages killing the phagocytosed tachyzoites ( Bhopale , 2003 ) . The standard view of neutrophils is that they rapidly home to sites of infection, phagocytose pathogens, release anti-microbial granules, and undergo apoptosis. However, neutrophils can also release immunoregulatory cytokines and chemokines, suggesting that they may also participate in shaping immunity (Nathan, 2006). There is evidence that neutrophils are important in recruiting and activating dendritic cells in response to microbial pathogens including Toxoplasma (Bennouna et al., 2003).Recently, these cells have been found to release chromatin and granuleassociated Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NET) that ensnare and kill microbes. Originally described as a response to bacterial and fungal pathogens, new studies indicate that NET release also occurs in response to protozoan pathogens,including Toxoplasma (Abi-abdallah et al.,2012). Both human and mouse neutrophils undergo a vigorous parasite strain-independent NET response during tachyzoite co-culture, and entrapment within NET could in principle interfere with the ability of T. gondii to find safe harbor within host cells. In addition , activated CD+4 T cell produce IL-2 , an important T cell mitogen. Together , these events result in the convergence of large numbers of parasite-specific CD+4 and CD+8 cell that produce IFN-γ at the site of parasite invasion (Fig. 1-٦) (Taylor et al.,2007; Elia and Christopher, 2009).Thus, macrophages and NK cell function cooperatively to destroy tachyzoites and to minimize the spread of the parasite ( Filisetti and Candolfi,2004). Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review Fig. (1-٦) : Development of a model of 28 immunity to T. gondii (Elia and Christopher , 2009). 1-2-9-2:Adaptive Immune Response:The non-specific macrophages and immune response B- Lymphocyte has led to differentiation of into antigenic presenting cell (APC) . The effector cells are stimulated by dendrite cells presenting the antigen to TLymphocyte (TL) T-cell receptors . However , this mechanism requires a close interaction between the APC and the TL (Reichmann et al., 2000) . These effector cells , which are involved in resistance to Toxoplasma infection , then exert their function via a cytotoxic activity and / or the secretion of cytokines involved in the regulation of immune response (Hunter et al. ,1994). Recognition of infection elicits a rapid and strong Th1- polarized immune response that is necessary for host survival and long- term parasite persistence (Denkers and Gazzinelli ,1998 ). In the context of chronic infection , characterized by presence of parasite cysts in tissues of the central nervous system Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 29 and skeletal muscle, IFN-γ-producing CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes are required to maintain quiescent infection ( Gazzinelli et al. ,1992). The most dramatic evidence underlining this concept is found during Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) progression , where cyst reactivation may occur as T cell numbers decline, often with devastating consequences ( Montoya and Liesenfeld ,2004). The specific protective immunity is predominantly a cell-mediated immune response. This is because the T. gondii is an intracellular parasite. The cytokine, IFNγ is mainly secreted by T-cells (Tan et al.,2011). In addition, many studies showed that normally avirulent strains of T. gondii become highly virulent in T-lymphocytedeficient animals. The macrophages and NK cells are primary cells of defense against the parasite during the early infectionus stage ( Sher and Sousa 1998; Waree, 2008). Interleukin 12 (IL-12), which is major cytokine produced by the macrophages(MØ) and the DC during antigen stimulation, appears to play a major anti-Toxoplasma role during the acute phase of the infection (Butcher et al., 2011). Indeed, it activates the production of IFN-γ by NK cells and T-lymphocyte (CD4+ and CD8+) cells. The CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocyte are the main players involved in resistance of the host to Toxoplasma infection. In mice, mature CD4+ TL are divided into T helper 1 (Th1) and 2 (Th2). This distinction is based on the list of cytokines secreted following stimulation, the Th1 cells produce IL-2 and IFN-γ while the Th2 cells produce IL-4, IL-5, IL-6 and IL-10 (Debierre-Grockiego and Schwarz, 2010). Both the proliferation of CD8+ cells and the maturation of NK cells also induce the pro-increasing of IFN-γ production. (Khan and Kasper,1996 ; Waree, 2008). Based on information from various studies, the cytokines involve in the immune process against T. gondii infection include IL-2, IL-12, IFN-γ and TNF- α and possibly IL-6. It appears that IFN-γ and TNF α -are the critical mediators in the cell mediated immune response against T. gondii infection (Fung and Kirschenbaum,1996). IL-10 is considered to be an inhibitor of Th1 , Th2 and immune responses (Moore et al ., 2001; O’Garra and Vieira ,2007). It is produced by macrophages , monocytes, dendritic cells , B cells , and CD4+ and CD8+ T cells , and acts broadly on Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 30 accessory cells to down regulate pro inflammatory cytokine production and Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and costimulatory molecule expression . The role of IFN-γ in T. gondii infection, the mechanisms of action of the cytokines is as follows: IFN-γ activates the macrophages by enhancing their oxidative metabolism, releasing hydrogen peroxide that kills the parasites. Nonoxidative mechanisms, represented mainly by the production of Nitrogen Monoxide (NO) by macrophages activated by IFN-γ with NO also involved during the chronic phase in inhibition of intracerebral parasite proliferation ( Schluter et al., 1991). IFN-γ also increases the activity of indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase, resulting in the breakdown of tryptophan, which is required for growth of the parasite (Flávio et al. ,2011 ; Nascimento et al., 2011 ). 1-2-9-3:-Humoral Immune Response Humoral immune response which appears to play a minor role for the host ability to control T. gondii infection , but is essential for the serological diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in humans ( Lappalainen and Hedman , 2004 ) .IgM antibodies may appear within the first week of infection and generally decline within a few months , IgG antibodies appear within one to two weeks of infection, peak in six to eight weeks and then decline over the next two years; they remain detectable for life(Giannoulis et al., 2008).There are four unequal proportions during subclasses which appear in toxoplasmosis . IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 are thought to be predominant . They also enable cytotoxicity or opsonization , through antibody dependent cell binding to fragment creystallizable receptors existing on the monocyte macrophages and the polynuclear cells or to cytolysis mediated by the complement or by NK cells . They play a role in protection of the fetus because they are capable of crossing the placenta . The main target antigens of IgG are the surface antigens of the parasite (Pinon et al. 1996). Until the early 1990 , the presence of IgM antibodies against toxoplasmosis was Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 31 interpreted as diagnosis of the acute form of the disease.However, introduction of highly sensitive immune enzymatic tests to detect IgM revealed that low levels are able to persist for many months , even years, after acute infection. Such IgM antibodies are called residuals and their presence does not indicate recent infection ( Marcel et al.,2008) .In general , anti- Toxoplasma IgM antibodies disappear at an early period ( 3-5 week) after the onset of infection , but occasionally a low IgM titer may persist for a year or even more ( Nazan-Dalgic ,2008) . Recent improvements in sensitivity of IgM tests has made IgM detection an extremely protracted acute phase marker , and IgG avidity evalution test became necessary . Observations has shown that a correlation can be established between IgM levels and avidity percentages , suggesting that frequently the avidity test may be necessary ( Leite et al. ,2008). Since maternal IgM antibodies usually do not cross the placental barrier and the fetus is able to develop IgM antibody , the demonstration of Toxoplasma IgM antibody in the neonate reflects acute congenital toxoplasmosis ( Correa et al.,2007). 1-2-10:- Diagnosis Clinical signs of toxoplasmosis are non-specific and not sufficiently characteristic for a definite diagnosis , and in fact mimic several other infectious diseases ( Foulon et al. ,1999 ) . In general , diagnosis of toxoplasmosis can be achieved by serological methods or by direct detection of the parasite , its proteins or its nucleic acid . Different diagnostic strategies exist for the detection of an acute or chronic Toxoplasma infection in the immunocompetent, immunocompromised, pregnant or newborn organism (Remington et al .,2004). Another, more direct form of diagnosis is through the staining of body fluid samples such as blood or cerebrospinal fluid. This method is not used as frequently as serological testing due to various technical difficulties. Various molecular techniques are being developed to detect the presence of the parasite's DNA in the Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 32 affected body fluid. These procedures can be useful in identifying the presence of T. gondii in the fetus by testing the amniotic fluid(Linda et al.,2008). 1-2-10-1:-Direct methods 1-2-10-1-1:-Isolation of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii can be isolated from the placenta , umbilical cord, or infant blood by inoculation into mice or cell culture (Boyer , 2001). Tachyzoites may be detected in various tissues and body fluids by cytology during acute illness .Tachyzoites are rarely found in blood , cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) , fine needle aspirates, and transtracheal or bronchoalveolar washings, but are more common in the peritoneal and thoracic fluids of animals developing thoracic effusions or ascites (Dubey et al. , 2009). The isolation of T . gondii from blood or body fluid establishes that the infection is acute . Attempts to isolate the parasite can be performed by inoculation of specimens secretions, excretions body fluids , tissues taken by biopsy and tissues with macroscopic lesions taken postmortem in the peritoneal cavities of laboratory animals or tissue-cell cultures of virtually any human tissue or body fluid . Using such specimens , one may not only attempt the isolation , but may search for T.gondii microscopically using traditional histochemical stains or by immunohistochemical staining of the parasite (Fleck,1989). After ( 1-2 week ) , drow samples from inoculated laboratory animals from peritoneal cavities then tested to detection tachyzoites . Left for two month then taken tissues section from brain , heart ,muscles ,and lung for histological diagnosis , to bradyzoites observation ( Dubey and Thulliez , 1993) . 1-2-10-1-2:- Histological diagnosis Tachyzoites in tissue sections or smears of body fluid (e.g., CSF, amniotic fluid) establishes the diagnosis of acute infection (Nissapatorn et al, 2011). Multiple tissue cysts near an inflammatory necrotic lesion probably establish the diagnosis. It is Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 33 often difficult to show tachyzoites in stained tissue sections (Cenci-Goga et al , 2011). Fluorescent antibody staining may be useful, but often yields nonspecific results. The immunoperoxidase technique, which uses antisera to T. gondii, has proved sensitive and specific result (Fauquenoy et al., 2011). Tachyzoites can also be detected in impression smears from the same organs by Giemsa staining or immunofluorescence . A rapid and detection of T. gondii technically simple used method is the in air –dried , Wright or Giemsa-stained slides of centerifuged sediment of CSF and a brain aspirate , or in impression smears of biopsy tissues ( Press et al.,2005). 1-2-10-2:- Indirect methods (Serological tests) Diagnosis of acute or chronic toxoplasmosis is generally performed by serological assays , followed by confirmatory parasitological tests of fetal T. gondii infection ( Carvalheiro et al., 2005). There are numerous serological procedures available for the detection of humoral antibodies . 1-2-10-2-1:- Sabin-Feldman Dye test (SFDT) Is the so-called ‘gold standard’ serological test for Toxoplasma antibodies in humans (Cenci-Goga et al., 2011). Live Toxoplasma tachyzoites are incubated with a complement-like accessory factor and the test serum at 37°C for 1 hour before methylene blue is added. Specific antibody induces membrane permeability in the parasite so that the cytoplasm is able to leak out and the tachyzoite does not incorporate the dye and so appears colourless. Tachyzoites not exposed to specific antibody (i.e. a negative serum sample) take up the dye and appear blue (Dixon, 2010). The DT is both specific and sensitive in humans, but may be unreliable in other species ( Dubey, 2010). Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 34 1-2-10-2-2:- Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT) The test is based on the use of anti globulins labeled with fluorescent dyes, the fluorochrome emit visible light after excitation by ultraviolet light (Gutierrez and Little, 1991). The antibodies ( Abs) that are detected by IFAT act mainly against the cell wall of the parasite similar to the Dye test Abs, but do not need live parasites. The test can detect both IgM and IgG in serum. This test is simple and easy to apply in comparison with the Dye test and the results are parallel to those of the Dye test (Willis et al., 2002). 1-2-10-2-3:- Complement Fixation Test (C FT) The test was employed for the first time in diagnosis of Toxoplasma by Warren and Russ in 1948 (Warren and Russ,1948) . This test uses a soluble parasite antigen in contrast to whole organisms used in the DT, the CFT becomes positive after the DT becomes positive ,reverts to negative within several years, and reach high titers only in patients who have high titers, as determined by other procedures .Results may vary greatly and are dependent on the antigen preparation. Because of technical difficulties associated with this test in general and its lack of sensitivity in comparison with other tests, the CFT test is rarely used today (Kistiah, 2009). 1-2-10-2-4:-Indirect Haemagglotination Test (IHAT) This IHAT test was first used in 1958 for the serological diagnosis of T. gondii by Jacobs and Lunde. The test uses animal red blood cell sensitized with Toxoplasma antigens of a cytoplasmic origin to react with serum specimen (Elliot et al.,1985).These erythrocytes react with specific antibodies present in human or animal serum , thus forming a homogeneous network in the plate ( positive reaction ). In case specific antibodies are not present , erythrocytes settle forming a neat button in the plate ( negative reaction ) ( James , 1996) . The major disadvantages should not be used for detection of congenital and newborn Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 35 infection and also variation of RBC quality and variation in antigen (Wilson et al., 1990). 1-2-10-2-5:- Latex Agglutination Test (LAT) In this test patient’s serum is reacted without treatment with sensitized latex particles. If Toxoplasma specific antibodies are present, agglutination takes place. The LAT has been considered useful for IgG screening purposes. A small percentage of false positive reactions do take place and have been attributed to non specific IgM reactions. The LAT is also simple, easy to perform, inexpensive and can be used in both human beings and animals (Antoniazzi et al., 2008). 1-2-10-2-6:-Modified Latex Agglutination Test (MLAT) This test is used for detection of T. gondii IgG antibodies in patient serum , in this test T . gondii IgM antibodies will distracted by using 2Mercaptoethanol component , immunoglobulin IgM antibodies bond will distracted and IgG antibodies remain without any effect . In this test the presence of agglutination means that result is IgG positive , in the other hand if no agglutination occure the result is positive for IgM ( Parker and Cubitt , 1992). 1-2-10-2-7:- Enzyme Linked ImmunoSorbant Assay (ELISA) Firstly this technique was used in 1971 by Van Weaman and Shrurus. This assay was applied to Toxoplasma, by Voller (Voller et al.,1976). ELISA automated samples , and in routine and thus are suited to test large numbers of screening . Some ELISA have been shown to be can both be highly sensitive and specific when compared to IFAT . Recently , a commercial ELISA for the detection of antibodies to Toxoplasma has also been validated in swine (Gamble et al., 2005 ) . Subsequently ,it is found that the validated ELISA is the most sensitive test for the analysis of sera . An IgG-avidity ELISA which may help in the identification of active or recent T . gondii Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 36 infections , has been described (Hill et al., 2006) . The IgM-ELISA detects recently acquired acute congenital toxoplasmosis (Ghoneim et al., 2010). In these tests , the patients antibodies are attached to plastic wells , and Toxoplasma antigen labeled with an enzyme , usually horseradish peroxidase , is then added to the wells containing the patients antibodies . The wells are then rinsed to remove antigen that has not been bound by the patients antibodies . A substrate for the peroxidase is then added , and the bound Toxoplasma antigen can be detected by the enzymatic activity (Koneman et al ., 1992 ). 1-2-10-2-8:-VITEK Immunodiagnostic Assay System (miniVIDAS) The miniVIDAS T. gondii IgG Assay (TXG) , was performed by using the VIDAS instrument according to the direction of the manufacturer. Solid -phase receptacles (SPRs) , pipette tip-like disposable devices , serve both as the solid phase as well as the pipettor for the assay . The interior surface of each SPR is coated with inactivated tachyzoites of the RH strain of T. gondii from peritoneal extracts of infected mice . All of the assay steps are performed automatically by the miniVIDAS TXG module in less than 60 min. Anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies that may be present in the test serum bind to the T. gondii antigens that coat the SPRs ,while unbound sample components are washed away . The detector antibody conjugate (goat anti-human IgG conjugated to alkaline phosphate ) is then cycled in and out of the SPRs to attach to any serum IgG bound to the antigen on the SPR wall . The final well , is an optically clear cuvette containing a fluorescent substrate , 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate . The intensity of fluorescence is measured by the miniVIDAS optical scanner . Results are subsequently analyzed automatically by the computer interface (Sandin et al.,1991). 1-2-10-2-9:Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) A wide range of EIA-based assays are available for the detection of Toxoplasmaspecific immunoglobulins, in particular, IgG, IgM, and IgA classes, although assays Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 37 detecting IgE are also used successfully by some laboratories. In some immunoglobulin class-specific assays, the patient's antibody is captured onto the well of a microtitre plate, usually by a class-specific monoclonal antibody (e.g. antihuman IgG, IgA, or IgM) that has been previously attached chemically to the well. Toxoplasma antigen that has been labeled with a suitable enzyme (e.g. with horseradish peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase, biotin, etc.) is added to the well and is bound by any Toxoplama-specfic antibody in the patient's serum. After washing to remove unbound antigen, bound antigen is detected colorimetrically by addition of the appropriate enzyme substrate or biotin-detection system. Measurement of the amount of colored product formed permits quantification of the amount of Toxoplasma-specific antibodies in the patient's serum(Joynson and Wreghitt,2001). 1-2-10-2-10:Immunosorbent agglutination assay (ISAGA) This is a commercial assay (bio-Merieux) for the detection of Toxoplasmaspecific IgM (ISAGA-M) and IgA (ISAGA-A) that is typically significantly more sensitive than standard EIA methods. This increased sensitivity can be a major advantage in clinical scenarios where low levels of antibodies might be expected, e.g. HIV infection, immunosuppression, in neonates, etc. (Joynson and Wreghitt,2001). 1-2-10-3: Others 1-2-10-3-1:-Skin Test This test is also known as Delayed Hypersensitivity Test (DHT). It was first described by Frenkel in (1948) , and it is one of the useful methods used in population surveys ( Frenkel ,1991). The reaction is measured 48 hours after antigen administration . A positive skin test means that the patient has been in contact with T. gondii , but the negative result does not always indicate the absence of antibodies or infection (Fleger et al .,1996). Chapter One Introduction and Literatures review 38 1-2-10-3-2:-Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) A milestone in the field of molecular biology was set in the 1980 with the development of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) ( Saiki and Scharf , 1985 ; Jalal and Nord , 2004 ). Several polymerase chain reaction ( PCR) assays , including real-time PCR , targeted to different genes of Toxoplasma have been described ( Hurtado et al., 2001) . They can be highly specific , but the small size of the sample required for the tests may limit their sensitivity , since the distribution of the tissue cysts is random , and the density of the parasite in affected tissues can be low ( Hill et al., 2006). Today the PCR is frequently employed to detect T. gondii DNA in clinical samples , and is performed by direct detection of the parasite DNA , while the results do not depend on the immunological status of the patient ( Peterson and Edvinsson , 2006). Since its introduction , PCR has been very much refined , and at present low amounts T. gondii DNA can be detected ( Edvinsson and Jalal , 2004 ) . The sensitivity and specificity of the PCR depend on multiple factors , such as the DNA extraction protocol , the characteristics of the DNA sequence that is amplified , and the optimization of the reaction conditions , but the main problem is the lack of a standardized protocol ( Martino and Bretagne, 2005 ) .Three different PCR principles for the detection of T. gondii DNA have been described , which are conventional PCR, PCR oligochromatography and real-time PCR (Edvinsson and Lappalainen , 2006). 1-2-10-3-3:- Diagnosis by Computerized Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) It is the most methods which is used for the diagnosis of any infections like encephalitis , which caused by T . gondii or other causative agent. The MRI is more sensitive than Computerized Tomography (CT) scan , so that it is used for diagnosis of infection by T. gondii in susceptible patient ( Warrant , 1993 ) . CHAPTER TWO MATERIALS AND METHODS 39 Chapter Two Materials, and Methods 2-Materials and Methods: 2-1: Subjects : This study, concerned schizophrenic patients performed in Iraq admitting :Al-Rashad Teaching Hospitals during the period the first of December 2012 until the end of February, 2013. In this study, 300 blood samples were collected, 200 of them from schizophrenic patients( 100 men and 100 women) and 100 of them from ordinary healthy people (50 male and 50 female) use as a control for comparison . Blood serum was detected for specific T.gondii antibodies. Questionnaire sheet regarding information about the patients was filled for each person (appendix 18) . 2-1-1: Blood Sample collection:A volume of 5 ml of basilic vein blood were collected from each male and female . The blood sample was placed in a plain tube and left standing for 20 minutes at room temperature to clot . Then the tube was centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes to collect the serum . The obtained serum was divided into 3 portions for different serological tests to avoid repeated freezing and thawing of the samples which is not recommended because this may affect the quality of the results . All sera were stored at -20Cº until being analyzed for Toxoplasma antibodies . Detection of parasite antibody was achieved by using LAT , MLAT and (ELISA - IgG and ELISA- IgM ). IL-12 was also detected to perform its effect during toxoplasmosis infection. 40 Chapter Two Materials, and Methods 2-2: Materials: 2-2-1: Instruments: Instruments used in this study are present in table (2-1) Table (2-1) : Instruments used in this study. Instruments Origin Centrifuge Germany Deep freeze Turkey ELISA reader Germany ELISA washer Germany Incubator Turkey Refrigerator Europe Sensitive balance Water bath Japan Germany 41 Chapter Two Materials, and Methods 2-2-2: Equipments: Equipments used in this study are shown in table (2-2) . Table (2-2): Equipments used in this study Equipment Origin Beakers England Centrifuge glass tube 10 ml Germany Cool box India Disposable plastic tubes Jordan Disposable syringes 5 ml Turkey Eppendorf- tubes Germany Filter paper Germany Gloves U.S.A Graduated glass cylinder 500 ml England Pipette (1,5,10 )ml Germany Pipette tips England Rack England Serological micro pipette Germany Tourniquet Syria 42 Chapter Two Materials, and Methods 2-2-3: Chemicals, Solutions and Kits : Chemicals , solution and kits used in this study are shown in table(2-3) Table (2-3) :- Chemicals and solutions used in this study. Chemical and solution Company Origin Phosphate buffer saline Roche Germany 2-Mercaptoethanol Roche Germany Human Toxo IgM ELISA BioCheck Europe Human Toxo IgG ELISA BioCheck Europe Linear Spain CusaBio China Humatex Toxo latex Human Interleukin 12 2-3:- Methods 2-3-1:-Latex Agglutination Test (LAT) The latex agglutination test kit ( Toxo-Latex ) was used. A direct agglutination test performed on a card for serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis . 2-3-1-1:-The principle of the method The Toxo latex reagent is a suspension of polystyrene coated with soluble T. gondii antigen . By mixing sera containing anti-Toxoplasma antibodies in sufficient concentration with Toxo latex reagent, a distinct agglutination will occur . Latex particles allow a visual observation of the antigen -antibody reaction . If the reaction occurs , latex suspension changes and a clear agglutination becomes evident , due to the presence of Toxoplasma antibodies . 43 Chapter Two Materials, and Methods 2-3-1-2:- Techniques Reagent and specimens were brought to room temperature before use. Gently the latex toxo reagent was shaked ,to disperse the latex particles. The reagent was checked against the positive and negative controls. A quantity of 50µ of the sample serum was placed into circle of the slide . A quantity of 50µ of the toxo latex reagent was added the next to the serum . Both drops were mixed spreading them over the full surface of the circle, the slide was rotated for 5 minutes . The presence or absence of visible agglutination was noticed within this period of time .A homogenous mixture indicates negative reaction which mean the absence of Toxoplasma antibodies,while a clear agglutination (positive reaction ) indicates the presence of Toxoplasma antibodies . 2-3-2:-Toxoplasmosis latex agglutination test with 2-Mercaptoethanol (2-ME) (MLAT). This test was used to increase specificity and sensitivity of the agglutination test by using 2-Mercaptoethanol component, the chemical composition is 2-Hydroxy Ethylmercaptan ,B-Mercaptoethanol , which acts to reduce the disulphate which bound five units formation to immunoglobulinm (IgM) and remain the IgG . In this method the infection can be diagnosed as acute or chronic infection. A volume of 50µl positive serum previously detected using LAT was mixed with 50µl of 2-ME then incubated at 37ºC for 1 hour then 50µl of the mixture was transferred into the circle of the slide, then 50µl of the toxo latex reagent was added to it , mixed well and spread over the full surface of the circle. The slide was rotated for 5 minutes and the presence or absence of visible agglutination in this period of time was recorded . A homogenous mixture means (positive reaction) which indicates the presence of Toxoplasma IgM antibodies, while a clear agglutination (negative reaction ) means the absence of Toxoplasma antibodies IgM . Chapter Two 44 Materials, and Methods 2-3-3:Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA-IgG) :The bioChek Toxoplasma IgG ( BC-1085) kit determines quantitatively IgG antibodies against Toxoplasma (Fig. 2-1)(Turune et al., 1983). 2-3-3-1: The principle of the method Purified T. gondii antigen is coated on the surface of microwell. Diluted serum sample was added to the well, and the T. gondii IgG specific antibody, if present, binds to the antigen. All unbound materials are washed away. HRP-conjugate is added, which binds to the antibody-antigen complex. Excess HRP-conjugate is washed off and a solution of TMB Reagent was added . The enzyme conjugate catalytic reaction was stopped at a specific time. The intensity of the color generated is proportional to the amount of IgG and IgMspecific antibody in the sample. 2-3-3-2:Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay Reagent Microtiter plate :Toxoplasma antigen-Coated wells (12x8 wells). Enzyme conjugate reagent(red color): 1 vial (12 ml). Sample diluents (green color): 1 bottle (22 ml). Negative calibrator : 01 IU/ml. natural cap (100 µL /vial). Cut-off calibrator:32 IU/ml. yellow cap (100 µL /vial). Positive calibrator : 100 IU/ml. red cap (100 µL /vial). Positive calibrator : 300 IU/ml. red cap (100 µL /vial). Negative control: range state on lable. Blue cap(100 µL /vial). Positive control: range state on lable. Purple cap(100 µL /vial). Wash buffer Concentrate(20x): 1 bottle (50 ml). TMB reagent (one-step): 1 vial (11 ml). Stop solution : 1 N HCL : natural cap. 1vial(11 ml). Chapter Two 45 Materials, and Methods 2-3-3-3: Method:The manufacturer instructions of the procedure was as follows: 1- The desired number of coated well was placed into the holder. 2- Test samples, negative control, positive control and calibrator were prepared in 1: 40 dilution by adding 5 µL of the sample to 200 µL of diluent, mixed well. 3- A volume of 100 µL of each diluted sera, calibrators and controls were dispensed into the appropriate wells. For the reagent blank, dispense 100 µL Sample diluents in 1A well positive. The holder was tapped to remove air bubbles from the liquid and mixed well. 4- The wells were then incubated at 37°C for 30 minutes. 5- At the end of incubation period, the liquid was removed from all wells. Rinsed and flickd the microtiter wells 4 times with diluted wash Buffer (1x) and then one time with distilled water. 6- A volume of 100 µL of enzyme conjugate was dispensed into each well, mixed gently for10 sec. and incubated at 37٠C for 30min. in humid chamber. 7- Enzyme conjugate was removed from all wells. Rinsed and flicked the microtiter wells 4 times with diluted Wash Buffer (1x) and then one time with distilled water. 8- A volume of 100 µL of TMB Reagent was dispensed into each well. Mixed gently for 10 seconds. 9- The wells were then incubated at 37 °C for 15 minutes. 10- A volume of 100 µL of stop solution (1N HCL) was added to stop reaction and mixed gently for 30 seconds. It is important to determine that all the blue color changes to yellow color completely. 11- The O.D was read at 450 nm within 15 minutes by ELISA reader. 2-3-3-4: Calculation and interpretation of results: The mean of duplicate cut-off (32 IU/ml) calibrator value Xc. was calculated The mean of duplicate positive control (Xp), negative control (Xn) and patient sample (Xs) was calculated. The Toxoplasma IgG Index of each determination obtained by dividing the mean values of each sample by calibrator value Xc. 46 Chapter Two Materials, and Methods Negative : Toxo G index less than 0.90 indicated absence of prior exposure to Toxoplasma (< 32 IU/ml). Equivocal : Toxo G index between 0.91-0.99 is equivocal, sample should be retested. Positive : Toxo G index of 1.00 or greater, or WHO IU/ml value greater than 32 IU/ml is seropositive. Fig. (2-1): ELISA-IgG kit used in this study. 2-3-4: Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA-IgM): The bioChek Toxoplasma IgM ( BC-1085) kit determines quantitatively IgM antibodies against Toxoplasma, In this test the same procedure and the same calculation and interpretation of results were used as in (ELISA-IgG). (Section 2-3-3)(Fig. 2-2)(Turune et al., 1983) 47 Chapter Two Materials, and Methods Fig. (2-2): ELISA-IgM kit used in this study 2-3-5:Determination of Human Interleukin 12 ELISA Kit : This immunoassay kit (CSB-E04598h) allows for the In vitro quantitative determination of human IL-12\P40 concentration in serum (Fig. 2-3). 2-3-5-1: Reagent : Reagents used are demonstrated in table ( 2-4). Table (2-4) : Reagent used : Reagent Quantity Assay plate 1 Standard 2 Sample Diluent 1 x 20 ml Biotin-antibody Diluent 1 x 10 ml HRP-avidin Diluent 1 x 10 ml Biotin-antibody 1 x 120 µL HRP-avidin 1 x 120 µL 48 Chapter Two Materials, and Methods Wash Buffer 1 x 20 ml (25 x concentrate) TMB Substrate 1 x 10 ml Stop Solution 1 x 10 ml 2-3-5-2:Assay procedure: Reagents and samples were brought all to room temperature before use. It is recommended that all samples, standards, and controls be assayed in duplicate. All the reagents should be added directly to the liquid level in the well. The pipette should avoid contacting the inner wall of the well. An aliquot (100μl) of Standard, Blank, or Sample was dispersed per well cover with the adhesive strip incubate for 2 hours at 37°C. The liquid was removed from each well, without washing. A volume of 100μl of Biotin-antibody working solution was added to each well. Incubated for 1 hour at 37°C. Biotin-antibody working solution was add may appear cloudy. Warmed up to room temperature and mixed gently until solution appears uniformed. Each well was aspirated and washed, the process was repeated three times for a total of three washes. Washing was determined by filling each well with wash buffer (200μl) and let it stand for 2 minutes, then the liquid was removed by flicking the plate over a sink. The remaining drops were removed by patting the plate on a paper towel. Complete removal of liquid at each step was essential to good performance. A volume of 100μl of HRP-avidin working solution was added to each well. The microtiter plate was coverd with a new adhesive strip incubated for 1 hour at 37°C. The aspiration was repeated and washed five times as mentioned earlier . A volume of 90μl of TMB Substrate was added to each well incubated for 10-30 minutes at 37°C. Aliquot of 50μl of Stop Solution was added to each well where the first four wells contained the highest concentration of standards develop obvious blue color. If color change does not appear uniformed, tap gently the plate to ensure thorough mixing. 49 Chapter Two Materials, and Methods The optical density of each well was determined within 30 minutes, using a microplate reader set to 450 nm. 2-3-5-3:Calculation of results: Duplicate reading for each standard, control, and sample were averaged and subtracted from the averaged zero standard optical density. A standard curve was created by reducing the data using computer software capable of generating a four parameter logistic (4-pl) curve-fit. Fig. (2-3): Human Interleukin 12 ELISA (IL-12) kit used in this study 2-3-6: Statistical Analysis The Statistical Analysis System- SAS (2010) was used to effect of difference factors in study parameters. Chi-square test was used to significant compare between percentage of this study. CHAPTER THREE RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Chapter Three Results and Discussion 50 3: Results and Discussion 3-1:Demographic presentation of the studied groups: The results presented in this study were based on analysis of data determined from detection of specific antibodies for T.gondii in the serum of individuals collected from a total of 300 cases : 200 schizophrenic patients (100 males and 100 females ) with different age groups (10 - > 60 )years , and 100 heathy individuals used as controls ( 50 males and 50 females ) with matched age groups. Also based on information collected from the investigated subjects (Appendix 18 ) and characterize them demographically in terms of age , gender, educational status, location , presence of pets or breeding animals , consuming milk ,different types of fresh meat or canned meat and using sterile or tap water . 3-2:Serological diagnosis of T. gondii antibodies in sera of schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals using LAT\MLAT tests The results observed from detecting sera of schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals for the presence of T.gondii antibodies by LAT test , showed 143(71.5%) seropositive for the patients and 45(45%) for the healthy individuals (Figure 3-1 ) and appendex (1). Chapter Three Results and Discussion % of anti-T.gondii Abs 80 51 +Ve -Ve 71.5 70 55 60 45 50 40 28.5 30 20 10 0 Schizophrenic patient Control Fig. (3-1) :- The percentage distribution of T.gondii antibodies in the sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals (control) as measured by LAT (Abs) test. The statistical analysis showed significant (p<0.05) differences between LAT detected antibodies between Schizophrenic patient and healthy individuals . Serum positive individuals detected using LAT (188 serum positive ) were further checked using MLAT to determine the presence of IgM and IgG which indicates acute or chronic infections with toxoplasmosis (Figure 3-2) appendix (2). The results revealed 134 (93.7%) seropositivity for IgG in schizophrenic patients and 45(100%) in healthy individuals, which revealed 9(6.3%) seropositivity for IgM in patients compared to zero % in healthy individuals with no significant differences (p<0.01) but with significant differences between IgG and IgM in the same group. Chapter Three Results and Discussion 52 +Ve… -Ve… 100 % of anti- T.gondii Abs 100 93.7 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 6.3 0 10 0 Schizophrenic patient Control Fig. ( 3-2): The percentage distribution of T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals (control) as measured by MLAT(Abs) test. In this study, the use of LAT(Abs) testing was a preliminary examination to determine antibodies of the parasite T.gondii in the patients serum whereas the use of MLAT was used for screening to indicate the type of antibodies in the serum whether being of type IgG or IgM Antibodies . Others (Choi et al., 1983 ; Shin et al., 2009; AL- Mayahi ,2011; ALObeady, 2011 ; AL-Saadii ,2013) used the same methods determining the percentage of the patients antibodies in the serum with some difference.These differences might be explained by differences in assay systems, the characteristics of the surveyed populations, and the location of the sample populations. According to our data and a previous work (Ajioka and Soldati ,2007), the increase of infection rate in Latex test is due to decrease of it's specificity, also the false positive samples were increased in this test ( Oshima , 1982). When comparing the seropositivities of Latex with ELISA, the difference in seropositivity according to assay method may have resulted partly from different antigenic determinants ( epitopes ) being recognized in each method, and partly from different limits of sensitivity of each test (Evans et al., 2002). Chapter Three Results and Discussion 3-3: Serological diagnosis 53 of anti-T. gondii antibodies in sera of schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals by using ELISA IgG\IgM tests :The results of ELISA - IgG\IgM Abs tests for 143 serum samples of schizophrenic patients and 45 from healthy individuals positive in LAT is shown in figures (3-3) and (34), (appendix 3 and 4 ). The number of serum positive test for IgG ELISA was 114(79.7%) in schizophrenic patients and 33(73.3%) in healthy individuals and the number of positive test in IgM ELISA was 6(4.19%) in schizophrenic patients and Zero in healthy individuals. The statistical analysis revealed that there were no significance differences in seropositive individuals but found significant differences in seronegative subjects . % of anti-T.gondii Abs +Ve (IgG) 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -Ve (IgG) 79.7 73.3 26.7 20.3 Schizophrenic patients Control Fig.(3-3): The percentage distribution of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals (control) as measured by ELISA-IgG (Abs) test. Chapter Three Results and Discussion 54 100 % of anti-T.gondii Abs 95.81 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 +Ve (IgM) -Ve (IgM) 4.19 0 Schizophrenic patient Control Fig .( 3-4):The percentage distribution of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals (control) as measured by ELISA-IgM (Abs.) test. In this study, prevalence of anti-T. gondii Abs in schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals was 79.7% , 73.3% (IgG) and 4.19%, 0% (IgM) respectively and the difference was not statistically significant. This study results conferms the result of Saraei- Sahnesaraei et al. (2009) and Daryani et al.(2010) studies in Iran, showed seropositive for IgG specific antibodies to T. gondii and the differences were not statistically significant. Prevalence of T. gondii in both studies carried out in Iran showed the same results in both patients and control group. Some researchers such as Cook and Derrick (1961) in Australia; Garrido and Redondo (1968) in Spain; Qiuying et al. (1999) in China; Boronow et al. (2002) in the United States, Torrey and Yolken (2003) in Ireland ;Emelia et al. (2012) in Malaysia reported that the differences between the two groups were not statistically significant. In contrast, other researchers showed that the differences between the two groups were statistically significant (Gu et al., 2001 in China; Yolken et al., 2001 in Germany; Leweke et al., 2004 in Germany; Alvarado-Esquivel et al., 2006 in a northern Mexican city; Cetinkaya et al., 2007 in Turkey; Mahmoud and 2011 in Iran ) . Hasan 2009 ;Jassam 2010 in Iraq; Alipour et al. Chapter Three Results and Discussion 55 IgM antibodies in this study showed no significant differences between the groups. This is due to the fact that IgM is an indicator of recent infection and becomes negative within 4–12 weeks, hence presumably is not associated with the increased risk of schizophrenia (Hamidinejat et al., 2010). Generally IgM antibodies are detected within the first 2 weeks of infection and reduce to negligible levels within 6 months after exposure. However, in toxoplasmosis, IgM titres can remain elevated up to a year or even more. Thus, the mere presence of IgM antibodies is not diagnostic of an acute toxoplasmosis infection. However, a negative IgM antibody test rules out recently acquired infection unless the serum is tested too early after exposure so that antibodies have not as yet developed. A single positive IgG antibody test indicates chronic infection, which might have been acquired before conception, thus posing no risk to the foetus (Subasinghe et al., 2011) . Because antibody titers to Toxoplasma IgG may remain elevated for significant periods of time, an increase in IgG antibody may reflect an active primary infection, reactivation of infection, or a persistent immune response to a dormant infection(Remington et al., 2001). Increased IgG titers to Toxoplasma have been associated with both severe and subtle neuropsychiatric abnormalities (Sever et al., 1988). Different results in various studies may be due to many reasons which include geographical conditions, using only serological tests with no DNA detection, selection of control group, source of infection (oocyst or tissue cyst), differences in genetic susceptibility, timing of the infection, different strains of Toxoplasma and consumption of antischizophrenia drugs, in some studies there was an association between T. gondii infection and schizophrenia. It may be because of certain circumstances how the infection occurs or because of secondary manifestation (Daryani et al.,2010). In Spain, schizophrenia patients showed a high rate of seropositivity to T. gondii because they worked in the hospital garden that had been faecally contaminated by the hospital’s cats (Garrido and Redondo, 1968). On the other hand, institutionalized schizophrenia patients may be fed undercooked meat, thereby increasing their exposure to T. gondii (Daryani et al.,2010). Alternatively, in some instances increased T. gondii antibodies in schizophrenia patients are secondary to immune system abnormalities, such as in individuals infected with HIV, a pathogen which is a primary agent of schizophrenia, Chapter Three Results and Discussion 56 causing reactivation of T. gondii tissue cysts in different organs and generation of antibody to T. gondii which is a secondary manifestation (Torrey et al., 2006). Horacek et al. (2012) found that the gray matter density in the brain of schizophrenia patients who latently infected with T. gondii was significantly reduced than Toxoplasma negative schizophrenia patients in the caudate, median cingulate, thalamus and occipital cortex and in the left cerebellar hemispheres. Torrey et al. (2007), in their meta-analysis of 11 studies, showed that individuals with schizophrenia have an increased prevalence of antibodies to T. gondii and suggested that this, as well as genetic and environmental factors, could be associated with a large number of cases of schizophrenia. One study showed that mothers having antibodies to T. gondii late in pregnancy, even though the infection was not necessarily recent, had an increased risk of giving birth to offsprings who later were diagnosed with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder (Mortensen et al., 2007). In this study no significant association revealed between the precence of T. gondii antibodies and schizophrenia, some possible reasons including the fact that more than 9٥% of patients in the present study received anti-schizophrenia treatment. Leweke et al. (2004) a study on three groups including schizophrenia patients receiving antischizophrenia treatment, those who had never received any drug and those of the control group, they showed that the antibody levels for the treated group were intermediate between the levels of the never-treated group and those of the control group, it suggests that anti-schizophrenia medication may have decreased the antibody levels. It is noted that in terms of the possible effect of medications some of the therapeutic agents commonly employed for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder have the ability to inhibit the replication of T. gondii tachyzoites in cell culture (Jones-Brando et al., 2003). The difference in seropositivity according to assay method (LAT,ELISA) may have resulted partly from different antigenic epitopes being recognized by each method, and partly from different limits of sensitivity for each test (Rigsby et al., 2004). Chapter Three Results and Discussion 57 3-4:Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals(control) according to educational level as measured by ELISAIgG (Abs.) test: The study results showed the percentage differences in seropositive IgG antibodies according to educational levels as follows: illiterate (88.57 %),primary school (77.55 %),secondary school (79.41 %), institute and college (66.67 %) , with significant differences between studied groups at (p<0.01).Figure (3 - 5), (appendex 5). 90 88.57 77.55 80 -Ve 66.67 70 % of anti-T.gondii Abs +Ve 79.41 60 50 33.33 40 30 20 22.45 20.59 11.43 10 0 Illiterate Primary school Secondary school Vocation(Institute ,College) Fig. (3-5): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals(control) according to educational level as measured by ELISA-IgG test. The results were in agreement with several studies (AL-Qurashi, 2004 ; Ertug et al., 2005 and AL-Obeady, 2012). Mohamed et al. (2012) from Sudan showed that women who were uneducated were more expected to infection than women who learn at any level with significant differences . Although, 90% of women participated in his study were educated but uneducated women still are more suspected to infection by Toxoplasma gondii. This might be due to the fact that uneducated women were unaware of the ideal health conditions to be followed in eating and drinking or may be not caring about that. But there Chapter Three Results and Discussion 58 are disagreement with several studies that recorded no significant differences between the education status and infection by toxoplasmosis ( Karem, 2007; AL-Mayahi, 2011) .This may be due to the method of transmission and how to avoid the infection and because they studied aborted women in Sulaimania , Kut cities . AL-Shikhly, (2010) showed that the number of infected educated females with toxoplasmosis was higher than uneducated women , who concluded that the lower levels of education with an increased risk for toxoplasmosis, moreover, lower levels of education are associated with socioeconomic status and may be related to employment in jobs with greater soil exposure. These differences may be due to variation in the specimens used by each study and their variable conditions and time of study, or the use of different laboratory methods in addition to sample size, time of sampling and to geographical location which plays an important role in difference of seroprevalence rate of toxoplasmosis (AL-Mayahi, 2011). 3-5:Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals(control) according to occupation as measured by ELISA-IgG (Abs.) test: The result showed that the percentage of T. gondii infection was 54 (75%) seropositive employed individuals out of 72 individual tested , while it showed the percentage between unemployed individuals was 93 (80.17%) seropositive out of 116 individual tested .( Figure 3-6) , ( appendix 6) . The present study showed that the number of unemployed individuals infected with T. gondii was higher than employed individuals, but with no significant differences between both groups, but found significant differences between seropositive and seronegative in the same group at (p<0.01). Chapter Three Results and Discussion 59 90 % of anti-T.gondii Abs 80 +Ve -Ve 80.17 75 70 60 50 40 25 30 19.83 20 10 0 Employed Unemployed Fig. (3-6): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to occupation as measured by ELISA-IgG (Abs.) test. The results were in agreement with several previous studies ( AL-Qurashi , 2004 ;Karem , 2007 ; AL-Mayahi, 2011) , and were in disagreement with others (AL-Obeady, 2012 ; AL-Saadii ,2013). In Iran Mohraz et al., (2011) revealed that the seroprevalence of toxoplasmsis were clerks (20%) merchant (58.6%) students (33.3%) unemployed (50%) other jobs (48.91%). Zhou et al.,(2009) in China showed that some occupations required people to have contact with animals and meats and these frequently posses higher risk of infection with the parasite, such as dairy workers (45.0%) slaughter house workers (25.6%) veterinarians (12.5%), meat processing workers (13.7%) meat sellers and cooks (29.7%). Another investigators demonstrated that out of the 200 fruit and vegetable workers, 15(7.5%) of them, and 31(7.8%) of the 400 controls were positive for antiToxoplasma IgG antibodies while, anti-Toxoplasma IgM, antibodies were found in 2(1%) of the dealing with fruit and in 11(2.8%) of the control subjects (Alvarado-Esquivel et al., 2011). In Mexico Alvarado-Esquivel et al. (2011) revealed (7%) of the 124 butchers and 22 Chapter Three Results and Discussion 60 (9%) of the 248 controls were positive for anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies with no statistically significant differences in the IgG seroprevalences . Alvarado-Esquivel et al. (2008) showed an association between T. gondii infection and consumption of unwashed fruits was found in workers occupationally exposed to water, sewage, and soil .Many important roles in determining seroprevalence ratio of factors toxoplasmosis such play as , wearing the gloves when cutting meat and gardening or touching soil or sand because of possible presence of cat feces , washing cutting border , dishes , counters hands with hot soapy water after being and in contact with raw meat , poultry or seafood or with unwashed fruits or vegetables . Frequent consumption and type of meat (pig , sheep , and goat) were identified as the principle risk factor in several studies of T. gondii infection in human (Baril et al. , 1999). 3-6: Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients according to drinking water as measured by ELISA-IgG( Abs.) test: The result noticed that the rate of toxoplasmosis infection between individuals who used tap water for drinking was higher [102(91.89%)] from those who used the sterile water [12(37.5%)], with a significant difference between them at ( p<0.01), (Figure 3-7) and (appendix 7). Chapter Three Results and Discussion 61 91.89 100 % of anti-T.gondii Abs +Ve -Ve 90 80 62.5 70 60 50 37.5 40 30 20 8.11 10 0 Minerals water Tap water Fig. (3-7): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and control according to drinking water type as measured by ELISA-IgG (Abs.) test. The results appeared were in agreement with AL-Obeady ( 2012) and AL-Shikhly ( 2012) but disagree with AL-Mayahi(2011). This finding may be due to low levels of education between men and women concerning the risk of T. gondii infection and method of transmission from environment to the women and may be due to that most of the study groups were uneducated or with primary education levels, in other hand most of the families depends on a water reservoir kept upside the roofs as a source of drinking water that may be not well covered which make it in exposure to direct contact with air or contamination with cat or chiken feces (AL-Obeady, 2012) . Oocysts of T.gondii can remain viable for long periods of time in water and can resist freezing and moderately high water temperatures (Lindsay and Dubey , 2009). They are not killed by chemical and physical treatments currently applied in water treatment , including chlorination and ozone treatment (Dumetre et al ., 2008). Robert-Gangneux and Darde (2012) observed a positive correlation between the consumption of unboiled well water and the presence of Chapter Three Results and Discussion 62 Toxoplasma antibodies, especially in farms with poor-hygiene conditions surrounding shallow wells. 3-7:Frequencies of T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to presence of cats and pets as measured by ELISA-IgG test: The results showed that the presence of T.gondii antibodies in the individuals lived with the presence of the cats 107 (88.43%) have higher seropositivity than those who do not have cats 40 (59.7%) . Breeding different animals ( chicken, sheep and rabbit) in the study revealed elevated number of individuals who were seropositive for T. gondii [110(91.67%)] compared to individuals who did not[37(54.41% )].With significant difference between them (P<0.05) Figures (3-8),(3-9) and (appendix 8, 9). +Ve -Ve 88.43 %of anti-T.gondii Abs 90 80 70 59.7 60 50 40.3 40 30 20 11.59 10 0 Presence of cats No Presence of cats Fig. (3-8): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients according to the presence of cats as measured by ELISA-IgG test. Chapter Three Results and Discussion 63 +Ve -Ve % of anti-T.gondii Abs 100 91.67 90 80 70 54.41 60 45.59 50 40 30 20 8.33 10 0 Chicken, sheep ,rabbit No breeding animals Fig. (3-9): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to presence of pets animals as measured by ELISA-IgG test. The results observed were in agreement with several studies ( Frenkel and Ruiz ,1980 ; AL-Najjar , 2005 ; Karem , 2007 ; AL-Mayahi, 2011; AL-Obeady ,2012 ) which showed the risk of T . gondii infection in women increased by increasing contact with animals . While the results were in disagreement with previous other studies (AbdelHameed , 1991 ; AL-Wattari , 2005 ; AL-Shikhly, 2010 ) that recorded no significant difference between infected women depending on contact with animals. AL-Shikhly (2012) found no significant differences between students contact with animals in different universities , that revealed high rate of infection between women not in contact with animals , the owners and transmission of breeders of animals did not have the active role in infection , but the infection may happened by exposure to the million of oocysts by the cat feces that contaminated the environment (Lopez et al. , 2010) . Stanford et al.(1990) showed that keeping cats as pets in the general population revealed high prevalence of T. gondii antibodies, an increase in Toxoplasma antibodies in patients with schizophrenia may be less apparent. In contrast Remington et al.(2001) in Chapter Three Results and Discussion 64 China showed that keeping cats is uncommon and prevalence of T.gondii antibodies was low and higher prevalence of antibodies in patients with schizophrenia may be apparent . This difference can be attributed that most of samples were collected from women who had direct contact with animals through having pets , Or indirect by ingestion of vegetable or fruits contaminated with oocyst by cat feces that may be encountered in gardens (Qublan et al ., 2002 ; Jones and Dubey, 2010) . Individuals with occupations requiring contact with soil in environments frequented by cats are significantly more likely to contract toxoplasmosis (Jones et al., 2001). However, the more significant risk factor is in contact with cats and cat litter. Cats infection may be asymptomatic, increasing the likelihood of accidental infection (Elmore et al., 2010 ; Lilly and Wortham, 2013 ). 3-8: Frequencies of anti- T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to consuming milk as measured by ELISA-IgG test: The observed results noticed that the rate of toxoplasmosis infection between individuals who consume milk were [133(81.60%)] and[14(56%)] with non consuming milk with a significant difference between them at (p>0.01) (Figure 3-10) and ( appendix 10). Chapter Three Results and Discussion 90 65 +Ve -Ve 81.6 % of anti-T.gondii Abs 80 70 56 60 44 50 40 30 18.4 20 10 0 Consuming milk non consuming milk Fig. (3-10): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to consuming milk as measured by ELISA-IgG test. The results showed significant differences between milk consumer and non milk consumer patients with schizophrenia and healthy individuals , this may be due to the contamenated tools used for drinking milk or the milk itself by T. gondii . In Norway, consumed undercooked goat meat and unpasteurized goat milk are potential sources of T. gondii infection (Stormoen et al., 2012). Milk may serve as a potential source for human toxoplasmosis (Asgari et al., 2011). The association between infection and unpasteurised milk or milk products was unexpected, T. gondii tachyzoites have been isolated from goats' milk and cows' colostrum(Dubey, 1988). But are destroyed within minutes by gastric juices (Remington et al., 1995). Chapter Three Results and Discussion 66 3-9:Frequencies of T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to type of meat (fresh or canned) consumed as measured by ELISA-IgG test: The results demonstrated that the rate of toxoplasmosis infection between individuals who consume different types of meat showed seropositivity percentage of (86.24%), (70.42%),(37.50%), for chicken, sheep and beef consuming meat respectively . On the other hand the results found different percentages of seropositivity between individuals who consumed canned meat 125( 82.24%) and 22(61.11%) who do not consume canned meat , with a significant difference between them ( p<0.01), (Figure 3-11 , Figure 3-12 )and ( appendix 11, 12). 90 +Ve -Ve 86.24 % of anti-T.gondii Abs 80 70.42 70 62.5 60 50 37.5 40 29.57 30 20 13.76 10 0 Chicken Sheep Beef Fig.(3-11): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to type of meat consumed as measured by ELISA-IgG test. Chapter Three Results and Discussion 67 +Ve -Ve 90 82.24 % of anti-T.gondii Abs 80 70 61.11 60 50 38.89 40 30 17.76 20 10 0 Consuming canned meat Non consuming canned meat Fig. (3-12):Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to consumed canned meat as measured by ELISA-IgG test. From the results mentioned , it was observed there is a relationship between the presence of T.gondii antibodies and type of meat consumed by the individuals. Asgari et al.(2011) presented the total prevalence of Toxoplasma infection as 33.3 % among 22 goats (22.7 %) and 56 sheep (37.5 %) by PCR. Ghorbani et al.(1983) have reported the Serological prevalence of toxoplasmosis in sheep in Kuzestan (southwest of Iran), Mazandaran and Gilan (North of Iran) which showed 12.6 %, 32.5-35.8 % and 29-31 % respectively . It has been assumed that infected sheep, will remain persistently infected for their whole life (Uggla and Buxton , 1990). Sharif et al.(2007) found 30 %, 35 % sero-positivity in goats and sheep respectively by IFA test from Mazandaran Province . These altered results indicate that animals were exposed to different environmental contamination with T. gondii oocytes. Rahdar et al.(2012) found 4 % of cattle were positive for T. gondii and the infection was more frequent in sheep compared with cattle. Dubey and Thulliez (1993) have reported that Toxoplasma infection in cattle does not usually cause clinical symptoms because of high natural resistance to the parasite . These results indicate that meat products probably have low importance as a source of infection for human toxoplasmosis in the Chapter Three Results and Discussion 68 studied region. Warnekulasuriya et al.,(1998) detected one positive sample out of 67 cured meat samples, including dried and semi-dried sausages and hams using PCR in UK. In Fallah et al., (2011) study, samples (sausages, hamburgers) have been selected from the factories in Tabriz province. Despite the dramatic differences in pollution levels in different areas of Iran due to different weather conditions, especially favorable temperature for the maintenance of parasite oocytes, it seems that high pollution in his study is justifiable. Besides, beef supplies are used more in the preparation of these products and based on studies in Iran and the world, contamination of cattle is much lower than that sheep. Among food animals, pigs are considered to be the major source of T. gondii for humans, this probably is one reason for different results, in different regions, could be using meat products that contain pork meat (Dubey , 1994). These findings may be related to various ways of infection prevalence in meat-producing animals, or different eating habits; it has also been indicated that T. gondii is killed by salting, curing, freezing, or heating procedures that are used in meat processing, these products are not a likely source of human exposure to the infection. It is difficult to find T. gondii tissue cysts in large animal species for several reasons, including sampling bias and preferred parasite sites. Dubey et al. (1996) has estimated that less than 1 tissue cyst/50 g of tissue is likely to be found in T. gondii-infected pigs . The seropositivily rate of T.gondii is very high in countries such as France and Ethiopia , where undercooked or raw meat is regularly consumed , yet schizophrenia had not been found to be unusually prevalent in these countries , possible explanations include the fact that transmission by eating tissue cysts in undercooked meat is a more benign mode of infection (Ledgerwood et al., 2003). The results in this study showed , a high rate of infection with T. gondii for persons who consume chicken meat, Chickens are considered one of the most important hosts in the epidemiology of T. gondii infection because they are an efficient source of infection for cats that excrete the environmentally resistant oocysts and because humans may become infected with this parasite after eating undercooked infected chicken meat (Dubey , 2010 ). Chickens play an important role in the epidemiology of T. gondii in the rural environment, perhaps more than rodents, because the chickens are clinically resistant to T. gondii and live longer than rodents. Cats fed naturally infected chicken tissues can shed millions of Chapter Three Results and Discussion 69 oocysts (Dubey et al., 2002 ). Chickens fed T. gondii oocysts were killed 1–2 weeks later and their tissues were fed to cats. Cats fed tissues of chickens that had been infected 10 days earlier shed oocysts (Ruiz and Frenkel, 1980). Chickens can harbour mouse-virulent T. gondii without showing any clinical signs (Dubey et al., 2002). In many instances, especially in developing countries, these chickens are killed at home or in unsupervised slaughter facilities and the viscera are left for scavengers or are improperly disposed off, T. gondii infection can be transmitted if care is not taken to wash hands thoroughly after cutting meat and during cooking of meat (Dubey ,2010 ). In this study it was found that the potential risk of the disease transmission by consumption of contaminated meat should still be considered as a public health problem. Based on the obtained results, it is suggested that not only schizophrenic patient and immunocompromised patients should be addressed but also the whole population should be informed on how to prevent infection. 3-10: Frequencies of anti- T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to age and gender group as measured by ELISA-IgG test The results by ELISA-IgG seropositive for T. gondii were 1(50%) ,7 (38.89%), 28(80%), 76(85.39%), 25(78.13%), 10(83.33%) for (10-20 ), (21-30), (31-40), ( 41-50), (51-60), (>60) years age groups in Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals , which indicated increase in anti-T. gondii seropositivity by age progression with significant difference (P<0.01) between IgG levels in different age groups. The results showed seropositive percentages for both men and women Schizophrenic patients were 53(76.8%) and 61(82.43%) respectively, and healthy individuals(control) the seropositivity in men and women were 9(56.2%) and 24(82.76%) respectively, with significant differences between men in both groups but with no significant differences between women in both groups (p>0.01). Figure (3-13),(3-14) and( appendix 13, 14). Chapter Three Results and Discussion 90 +Ve -Ve % of anti-T.gondii Abs 80 70 60 70 85.39 83.33 80 78.13 61.11 50 50 50 38.89 40 30 21.87 20 16.67 14.61 20 10 0 10-20. 21-30. 31-40. 41-50. 51-60. <60. Fig. (3-13): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to age group as measured by ELISA-IgG test. 80 Schizophrenic patients Control 82.76 82.43 90 76.81 % of ant-T.gondii Abs 70 60 56.25 43.75 50 40 23.19 30 17.57 17.24 20 10 0 +ve -ve Men +ve -ve Women Fig. (3-14) :Frequency of anti-T. gondii antibodies in sera o Schizophrenic patients and healthy individual according to gender as measured by ELISA –IgG test. Chapter Three Results and Discussion This study was disagree with 71 Emelia et al., (2012) which observed that the highest positivity rate in schizophrenic patients for anti-T. gondii IgG antibody was seen in those aged >40 years old by a percentage of 37(25.7%) using ELISA BioRAD kit , and with ALObeady (2012) who found high percentages of seropsitive IgG in women detected by LAT test were13 (13 %), 9(9%) ,6(6%), 4(4%) for age groups 20-24 , 25-29 , 30-34 and 35- 39 years respectively, with significant differences between groups .And also with AL-Saadii (2013) who showed the highest positive percentage of 30 (24.79%) in ELISA IgG test at age group of both (18-25) and (26-33) years whereas the lowest one was 7(5.78%) as noticed at the age group of (50-57) years . While, a previous study by Jasim (1979) indicated that the incidence of toxoplasmosis increases with age not exceeded 50 years whereas Williams et al., (2005) pointed that the incidence increases with age but to a peak of 34 years. The seroprevalence of T. gondii infection increased significantly with age (Alvarado-Esquivel et al., 2011 ). In contrast this study agreed with Jassam (2010) who found that the lowest positive rates for Anti-Toxoplasma IgG Ab determined by ELISA test, were recorded in age groups of schizophrenia patients it was (20-29) years with the rates of (28.6%), while the age groups of (30-39) , (40-49), (≥ 50) years with the rates of (48.6%), (44%), (58.1%) respectively, with no significant differences . The variation in the results may be because samples of her study were taken from men only . Other study results showed no significant difference with age factor but the highest infection rate occurred in age group (31-35) years (Fernands,2010). In relation with gender , this study disagrees with Khademvatan et al., (2013) who found no significant difference in prevalence of IgG positivity between men and women this differences may be due to the samples taken from students of Medical Science University in Iran. while, Lindová et al.(2006) reported higher seroprevalance in male compared to female students .Also, a higher prevalence in males than in females, were found by Xiao et al.(2010). Chapter Three Results and Discussion 72 Some studies have reported higher rates of schizophrenia among the relatives of female patients with schizophrenia than among the relatives of male patients. (Kendler and Walsh, 1995 ) . Jablensky and Eaton ( 1995) found no support for such differences. Finding of an excess number of male with schizophrenia is consistent with the results of other registerbased studies. The effects of the risk factors included in were identical for male and female (Mortensen et al., 1999). Ochoa et al.(2012) found differences in age of onset are the most replicated finding in studies into gender differences in schizophrenia male usually develop the illness at age 18–25 years while in female, the mean age of onset is 25–35 years. Furthermore, the onset distribution curves for males and females are not isomorphic. Female seem to have two peaks in the age of onset of disease: the first after menarche and the second once they are over 40 years. However, Castle et al.(1998) found that earlyonset age distribution is similar between male and female . The major prevalence of female once they are over 40 years could be explained by the reduction of estrogens after menopause according to the estrogenic hypothesis of schizophrenia (Riecher- Rossler et al., 1994). However, a number of studies found no gender difference in the age of onset (Naqvi et al., 2005; Ochoa et al.,2012). These differences between previous results and current result may be due to the differences in the specificity and sensitivity of detecting methods used for diagnosis and response of each host to the strain of the parasite, the variation in parasite strains may play an important role in the stimulation of host immune response against the parasite (Suzuki and John, 1994). And also the differences may be due to different samples , gender, geographical location , season of sample collection ,and also because of the fact that most of the age groups in this study are of ages of >30 years. 3-11:Frequencies of anti- T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to type of locality as measured by ELISA-IgG test The distribution percentage of anti-T. gondii antibodies in Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals who live in city (urban area ) and country side (rural) was 106 (80.92%) and 8(66.67) seropositive . The study noticed the rate of infection by toxoplasmosis between individuals living in city was higher than the ones live in Chapter Three Results and Discussion 73 country side , figure (4-15) and ( appendix 15) , with significant differences between both groups at (p>0.01) . 90 +Ve -Ve 80.92 80 % of ant-T.gondii Abs 66.67 70 60 50 33.33 40 30 19.08 20 10 0 City Country side Fig. (3-15):Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients according to type of locality as measured by ELISA-IgG test. This study agrees with AL-Saadii (2013) in which had noticed significant difference and high percentage of toxoplasmosis in males inhabited rural area which where 111(91.73%) compared to10 (8.26%) urban residents. The result was disagreed with several previous studies ( Karem , 2007; AL-Mayahi,2011) that indicated no significant difference of infection by T. gondii between women lived in urban and rural areas but the seropositive women in rural area were more than that in the urban areas , The reason for this difference may be because their study concerned aborted women sera in Sulaimania and Kut respectively . Other studies in Iraq by Al-Jubori (2005) regarding the residency of the patients and its relation with seropositive Toxoplasma Abs showed no significant difference between Toxoplasma Abs distribution on both urban and rural areas, through which the rate were (33.98%) and (32.08%) respectively. Sroka et al. , (2010) in Poland also showed that human living in Chapter Three Results and Discussion 74 farms had significantly greater percentage of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies with (59%) compared to urban dwellers (41.0%) .The prevalence of schizophrenia is higher in urban areas than in rural areas (Takei et al., 1995). The difference has been ascribed to selective migration from rural to urban areas before the onset of schizophrenia, but this hypothesis does not explain the finding of a higher risk among people born in urban areas. Other possible explanations include increased exposure to infections during pregnancy and childhood because of more crowded living conditions or more perinatal complications in urban areas (Mortensen et al., 1999). The difference between different studies in city (urban area ) and country side (rural)) may be due to the hygiene and the difference in samples and races, frequent ready-made foods , eat more in restaurants in the city from the countryside, and also the fact that specimens in this study, most of them were from city residents compared to rural areas. 3-12: Presence of IL-12 in Schizophrenic patients with toxoplasmosis infection and healthy individuals as measured by ELISA-IL 12 kit In this study the concentration of interleukin-12 was measured in the serum of patients with schizophrenia and healthy individuals (mean ± SE) was (5.79 ± 0.61 pg\ml) and (5.01 ± 0.89 pg\ml) respectively and found non-significant differences between both groups . whereas when results separated according to gender , significant differences were found between the two groups studied for both sexes at (p<0.05). Figure (3-16) and ( appendix 16 ,17). Chapter Three Results and Discussion 75 Mean Concentration of IL-12 pg\ml 5.79 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.01 5 4.8 4.6 Patients Control Fig. (3-16):Mean concentration of IL-12 in schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals. IL-12 which is secreted by the macrophages and DCs during antigen stimulation, appears to play a major anti-Toxoplasma role during the acute phase of the infection. Indeed, it activates the production of IFN-γ by NK cells and CD4+, CD8+ TL , the administration of IL12 combined with the recombinant T. gondii SAG1 (surface antigen 1) surface protein directs the immune response towards predominantly type-1 profile, associated with high IFN-γ production, this modulation of the immune response is linked to a reduction in cerebral parasite load (Letscher-Bru et al., 1998). IL-12 is also essential during the chronic phase of the infection, when it is responsible for maintaining a long-term immune response (Filisetti and Candolfi, 2004). Mashayekhi et al.(2011) showed that the CD8α+ DCs were the only cells within the innate immune system whose IL-12 production was required for resistance to acute T. gondii infection. Miller et al.(2009) observed that IL-12 production by DCs is rapid within a few hours of infection.Yap et al.(2000) showed that endogenous IL12 is required for the long-term maintenance of a protective type 1 T cell response against the intracellular pathogen, T. gondii. Nevertheless, for a 2-week period after IL-12 withdrawal, pathogen-specific T cells retain the capacity to produce IFN-γ and mediate Chapter Three Results and Discussion 76 control of infection. The eventual loss of IFN-γ synthesis and host resistance is likely to result from the exit of these terminally differentiated effectors from lymphoid organs into brain tissue, where they recognize their targets and die in situ . Because T. gondii is never cleared by the immune response, recruitment of T cells into the effector pool continues (Ford et al., 1996). Hunter et al.(1995) highlight the importance of the protective activity, rather than the suppressive activity, of IL-12 in toxoplasmosis. In this study, there was no any significant differences between the seropositive patients with schizophrenia and healthy individuals , contrary to the results obtained by Abdul-Lateef et al.(2012) who showed high level of IL-12 in both male and female with asymptomatic toxoplasmosis in comparison with control group . Kareem (2008) results revealed a significant difference between female infected with T. gondii and apparently healthy woman in IL-12 level. The reason for this contradictory results may be due to the small sample size difference and the difference in the samples used the study patients were schizophrenic and the control group have serum antibodies from chronic and not acute infection. CONCLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Conclusion and Recommendation 77 CONCLUSIONS: In the light of the current study it is concluded that : 1.LATtest can be used to determine the seropositivity of the schizophrenic patients for T.gondii antibodies .While MLAT test revealed higher seropositivity(93.7% IgG and 6.3% IgM ) than that when detected using ELISA (79.7% IgG and 4.19% IgM ). 2.Illiterate patients are more susceptible toT.gondiiinfections(88.57%) more than of somewhat educated patients ( primary school 77.55% , secondary school 79.41% , college level 66.67% ). 3. No differences appeared between employed and unemployed schizophrenic study individuals concerning susceptibility for T. gondii. 4. The use of sterile drinking water protected the study individuals from toxoplasmosis ( 12 (37.5%) compared with those who use tap water (102 (91.89%). 5. Living with cats or other animals (chicken , sheep or rabbit )keepers become more exposed to toxoplasmosis than those who do not live with pets. 6.Individuals who consumed contaminated milk have higher seropositivity for T.gondiiIgG than those who do not consume milk . 7. Concerning different type of meat (chicken, sheep, beef) consumers : chicken meat consumers are more susceptible for T.gondii infection (86.24%), followed by sheep meat were (70.42%). Moreover canned meat consumers also showed higher seropositivity (82.24%) than those who prepare fresh meat . Conclusion and Recommendation 78 8.All age study groups were susceptible for infection withT.gondii . In addition individuals living in the city (80.92 %) were more susceptible for the infection than those who lived in the country side (66.6%) . 9. According to the gender , schizophrenic females shows higher seropositivity for T.gondiiIgG that the males(76.8%) . But it must be noticed than the healthy control women showed seropositivity similar to those of the schizophrenic women 10. No difference appeared in the meanconcentration serum IL-12 between (schizophrenic patients and control individuals)with toxoplasmosis.While when patients separated according to their gender , females show higher mean concentration of IL-12 than the males. Conclusion and Recommendation 79 RECOMMENDATION : 1. Special attention and hygiene care should be taken into consideration when adopting cats or any other pets . moreover abandoned cats should be prohibited in the hospitals and restaurants. 2.Detection ofT. gondii antibodies is very important for pregnantwomen and women of child-bearing age. This is an effective way to find the infection, and then to provide treatment. 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APPENDICES Appendix (1):The percentage distribution of anti-T.gondii antibodies in 300 sample sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals (control) as measured by LAT test: Test - LAT ChiSample square Total +Ve -Ve No. Percentage No. Percentage value (%) (%) Schizophrenic 200 143 71.5 57 28.50 10.54 ** patient Control 100 45 45.00 55 55.00 4.092 * Total 300 188 --١١٢ ----Chi-square ----7.946 ** --7.946 ** --value * (P<0.05), ** (P<0.01). (2):The percentage distribution of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals (control) as measured by MLAT test: Test - MLAT ChiSample square Total +Ve (IgG) -Ve (IgM) No. Percentage No. Percentage value (%) (%) Schizophrenic 143 134 93.7 9 6.3 13.289 patien ** Control 45 45 100.0 0 0.0 14.500 ** Total 188 179 --٩ ----Chi-square ----1.603 NS --1.603 NS --value ** (P<0.01). Appendix (3):The percentage distribution of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals (control) in as measured by ELISAIgG test: Test - ELISA-IgG ChiSample square Total +Ve (IgG) -Ve (IgG) No. Percentage No. Percentage value (%) (%) Schizophrenic 143 114 79.7 29 20.3 12.783 patien ** Control 45 33 73.3 12 26.7 11.471 ** Total 188 ١٤٧ --٤١ ----Chi-square ----1.583 NS --1.583 NS --value ** (P<0.01). (4):The percentage distribution of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals (control) as measured by ELISA-IgM test: Test - ELISA-IgM ChiSample square Total +Ve (IgM) -Ve (IgM) No. Percentage No. Percentage value (%) (%) Schizophrenic 143 6 4.19 137 95.81 13.012 patien ** Control 45 0 0.00 45 100 14.500 ** Total 188 6 --182 ----Chi-square ----0.873 NS --0.873 NS --value ** (P<0.01). Appendix (5): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals(control) according to educational level as measured by ELISAIgG test: Test - ELISA-IgG ChiEducation level square Total +Ve -Ve No. Percentage No. Percentage value (%) (%) Illiterate 35 31 88.57 4 11.43 11.57 ** Primary school 49 38 77.55 11 22.45 10.45 ** Secondary school 68 54 79.41 14 20.59 11.39 ** Vocation(Institute 36 24 66.67 12 33.33 9.52 ,Collage) ** Total 188 147 --41 ----Chi-square value ----4.83 * --4.83 * --* (P<0.05), ** (P<0.01). (6): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to occuption as measured by ELISA-IgG test: Test - ELISA-IgG ChiOccupation square Total +Ve -Ve No. Percentage No. Percentage value (%) (%) Employed 72 54 75.00 18 25.00 11.69 ** Unemployed 116 93 80.17 23 19.83 11.86 ** Total 188 147 --41 ----Chi-square ----1.034 NS --1.034 NS --value ** (P<0.01). Appendix (7): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients according to water type drinking as measured by ELISA-IgG test: Test - ELISA-IgG ChiWater type square Total +Ve -Ve drinking No. Percentage No. Percentage value (%) (%) Minerals 32 12 37.50 20 62.50 9.05 ** water Tap water 111 102 91.89 9 8.11 12.48 ** Total 143 114 --29 ----Chi-square ----10.43 ** --10.43 ** --value ** (P<0.01). (8): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals in according to presence of cats as measured by ELISA-IgG test: Test - ELISA-IgG ChiPresence of square Total +Ve -Ve cats No. Percentage No. Percentage value (%) (%) Presence of 121 107 88.43 14 11.5٧ 12.09 ** cats No Presence of cats 67 40 59.70 27 40.30 7.83 ** Total Chi-square value 188 --- 147 --- --8.23 ** 41 --- --8.23 ** ----- ** (P<0.01). Appendix (9): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to presence pets animals as measured by ELISAIgG test: Test - ELISA-IgG ChiPresence pets square Total +Ve -Ve animals No. Percentage No. Percentage value (%) (%) Chicken, 120 110 91.67 10 8.33 12.43 ** sheep ,rabbit No breeding animals 68 37 54.41 31 45.59 4.75 * Total Chi-square value 188 --- 147 --- --8.34 ** 41 --- --8.34 ** ----- * (P<0.05),** (P<0.01). (10): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals according to consuming milk as measured by ELISA-IgG test: Test - ELISA-IgG ChiConsuming square Total +Ve -Ve milk No. Percentage No. Percentage value (%) (%) Consuming 163 133 81.60 30 18.40 11.36 ** milk Non 25 14 56.00 11 44.00 5.19 * consuming milk Total 188 147 --41 ----Chi-square ----8.31 ** --8.31 ** --value * (P<0.05), ** (P<0.01). Appendix (11): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals in according to type of consuming meat as measured by ELISA-IgG test: Test - ELISA-IgG ChiType of square Total +Ve -Ve consuming No. Percentage No. Percentage value meat (%) (%) Chicken 109 94 86.24 15 13.76 12.65 ** Sheep 71 50 70.42 21 29.57 10.54 ** Beef 8 3 37.50 5 62.50 9.39 ** Total 188 147 --41 ----Chi-square ----9.43 ** --9.43 ** --value ** (P<0.01). (12): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals in Iraq according to consuming canned meat as measured by ELISA-IgG test: Test - ELISA-IgG ChiConsuming square Total +Ve -Ve canned meat No. Percentage No. Percentage value (%) (%) Consuming 152 125 82.24 27 17.76 11.58 ** canned meat Non 36 22 61.11 14 38.89 7.91 ** consuming canned meat Total 188 147 --41 ----Chi-square ----7.13 ** --7.13 ** --value ** (P<0.01). Appendix (13): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals in Iraq according to age group as measured by ELISA-IgG test: Test - ELISA-IgG ChiAge group square Total +Ve -Ve (year) No. Percentage No. Percentage value (%) (%) 10-20 2 1 50.00 1 50.00 0.00 NS 21-30 18 7 38.89 11 61.11 9.35 ** 31-40 35 28 80.00 7 20.00 11.25 ** 41-50 89 76 85.39 13 14.61 12.76 ** 51-60 32 25 78.13 7 21.87 11.04 ** >60 12 10 83.33 2 16.67 12.37 ** Total 188 147 --41 ----Chi-square ----9.71 ** --9.71 ** --value ** (P<0.01). (14): Frequencies of T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals(control) according to gender as measured by ELISA-IgG test: Test - ELISA-IgG Sample sex Men Women Total +ve -ve +ve -ve T NO. (%) N (%) T N (%) NO (%) O. O. . Schizophrenic 143 69 53 76.8 16 23.1 74 61 82.43 13 17.5 patients 1 9 7 control 45 16 9 56.2 7 43.7 29 24 82.76 5 17.2 5 5 4 Total 188 85 62 --- 23 --- 103 85 --18 --Chi-square value ----8.31 -- 8.31 --- 0.35 -- 0.35 ** ** NS NS ** (P<0.01). Appendix (15): Frequencies of anti-T.gondii antibodies in sera of Schizophrenic patients according to type of locality as measured by ELISA-IgG test: Test - ELISA-IgG ChiType of square Total +Ve -Ve locality No. Percentage No. Percentage value (%) (%) City 131 106 80.92 25 19.08 11.36 ** Country side 12 8 66.67 4 33.33 9.75 ** Total 143 114 -29 ---Chi-square ----7.12 ** --7.12 ** --value ** (P<0.01). (16): Mean Concentration of IL-12 in Schizophrenic patients with toxoplasmosis and healthy individuals(control) Concentration of IL-12 (mean ± SE) Group Patients 5.79 ± 0.61 Control 5.01 ± 0.89 T-test 0.433 NS NS: Non-significant. Appendix (17): Compare between Iraqi Schizophrenic patients with toxoplasmosis infection and healthy individuals(control) in concentration of IL-12 Group Mean ± SE LSD Value Male Female Patients 5.626 ± 0.93 5.976 ± 0.80 Control 3.777 ± 0.423 6.260 ± 1.62 1.734 * LSD Value 0.893 * --- 0.722 * * (P<0.05). 0.509 NS Appendix (18):Questionnaire sheet used for each individuals included in this study . Questionnaire Age …………. Locality: City..... Country side..... Sex: Female ……….. Male ……. Contact with animals: (Cat , Sheep, Chicken, Rabbit) Cat…… others animals........ No contact…… Pets animals:( Cat , Sheep, Chicken, Rabbit) Yes........ No...... Source of drinking water: Minerals water……… Tap water…….. Education level: Illiterate….. Primary school…. Vocation(Institute, Collage)...... Secondary school..... Appendix Occuption : Employed…… Unemployed…… Consuming milk: Yes...... No....... Type of consuming meat: Chicken .... Sheep..... Beef .... Consuming canned meat: Yes...... No....... الخالصة االصابة بداء المقوسات الكوندية Toxoplasma gondiiواسعة االنتشار وذات اھمية كبيرة ,وان مرض داء المقوسات ال يظھر اي عالمات سريرية معينة ,اجريت ھذه الدراسة على 200شخص مصابين بمرض انفصام الشخصية و100من االشخاص االعتيادين الذين اعتمدوا كعينات سيطرة وتم جمع عينات الدم للفترة من بداية شھر كانون االول 2012لغاية نھاية شھر شباط 2013وكانت العينات تشمل الذكور واالناث .تم استخدام اختبار LAT\MLATوتقنية االمتزاز المناعي المرتبط باالنزيم ELISAلتحديد االضداد الخاصة بالطفيل نوع IgGو IgMفي المصول وعالقتھا بالعديد من العوامل التي تؤثرعلى االصابة وكما تم قياس مستوى االنترلوكين12 - لمعرفة تركيزه في مصول 40عينة لتحديد العالقة بين االصابة بانفصام الشخصية وداء المقوسات الكوندية كأحد المؤشرات المناعية ,ولقد لخصت نتائج ھذه الدراسة كاالتي : النسبة المئوية لالمصال الموجبة لتالزن المقوسة الكوندية من المجموع الكلي في مصل الدم الوريدي لمرضى االنفصام واالشخاص االعتيادين باستخدام اختبار LATبلغت %45, %71.5على التوالي وكانت ھناك فروق معنوية بين نسب االصابة .بينما اختبار MLATكانت النسب المئوية لمرضى االنفصام ھي %93.7لل IgGو IgM %6.3بينما النسبة المئوية لالشخاص االعتياديين كانت %100 IgGوكانت ھناك فروق معنوية بين نسب االصابة . النسبة المئوية لالمصال الموجبة لتالزن المقوسة الكوندية من المجموع الكلي في مصل الدم الوريدي لمرضى االنفصام باستخدام اختبار ELISAمن نوع IgGكانت %79.7بينما كانت النسبة المئوية لالشخاص االعتيادين ھي %73.3ولم توجد اي فروق معنوية بين نسب االصابة . النسبة المئوية لالمصال الموجبة لتالزن المقوسة الكوندية من المجموع الكلي في مصل الدم الوريدي لمرضى االنفصام باستخدام اختبار ELISAمن نوع IgMكانت %4.19ولم توجد اي اصابة لالشخاص االعتيادين . كانت ھناك فروق معنوية بين نسب االصابة بطفيلي المقوسات الكوندية للعينات حددت باستعمال اختبار االليزا وكانت ھذه النسب لھا عالقة بمستوى التعليم ,الوظيفة ,نوع مياه الشرب ,وجود القطط ,تربية الحيوانات االليفة , شرب الحليب ,نوع اللحوم المتناولة ,العمر ,الجنس ,مكان السكن . ال توجد فروق معنوية لتركيز االنترلوكين 12-في مصول مرضى االنفصام واالشخاص االعتيادين )السيطرة ( حيث كانت متوسطات تراكيزھم ) . ( 5.01 ± 0.89 pg\ml),(5.79 ± 0.61 pg\mlلكن عند فصل الذكور عن االناث احصائيا وجدت فروق معنوية بين متوسطات التراكيز وكانت متوسطات الذكور لمرضى االنفصام واالشخاص االعتيادين ) . ( 3.777 ± 0.423) , ( 5.626 ± 0.93بينما متوسطات نساء المصابات باالنفصام ونساء السيطرة كانت ) (6.260 ± 1.62) ,(5.976 ± 0.80على التوالي . جمھورية العراق وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي جامعة بغداد /كلية العلوم األنتشار المصلي لداء المقوسات الكوندية في عينة من مرضى أنفصام الشخصية العراقيين دراسة مقدمة إلى مجلس كلية العلوم _ جامعة بغداد كجزء من متطلبات الحصول على شھادة الماجستير في علوم ألحياة /علم الحيوان قدمت من قبل سھيرداخل نعمة المعموري بكلوريوس علوم حياة-جامعة بغداد 2009 ألمشرفين أالستاذ فوزية أحمد ألشنوي كلية العلوم _جامعة بغداد شعبان 1435 االستاذ الدكتور أليس كريكور أغوب كلية العلوم_ جامعة بغداد 2014حزيران
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