Automated Workflows from Sample to Result Sample & Assay Technologies HVbeaZY^hgjei^dc Ejg^ÃXVi^dc 9ZiZXi^dc VcYVcVanh^h 6hhVnhZije QIAGEN provides cutting-edge automated solutions that cover each step of the life science or molecular diagnostics research laboratory workflow — from sample to result. Regardless of whether you work in academic, clinical, or commercial research, in vitro diagnostics, or standardized testing, automated sample and assay technologies standardize your workflow and deliver highquality, reliable data. We provide innovative automated solutions to suit all your application requirements and daily throughput needs — from sample disruption to analysis and detection. Purification of nucleic acids or proteins followed by analysis is labor-intensive and involves numerous tedious and time-consuming steps. Our award-winning automated solutions with fully integrated, proven QIAGEN® kits enable rapid, standardized purification of target molecules from a wide variety of starting materials. Dedicated solutions with optimized chemistries for assay setup and detection and analysis deliver the high-quality results you need in your downstream applications. Our automated solutions can be seamlessly integrated into your complete workflow, eliminating manual handling errors and enabling you to free up your time. Furthermore, QIAGEN automated solutions are easy to use and can be operated by all lab personnel — from the automation novice to the expert. In addition to Swiss precision and quality, we provide comprehensive support services to assure fast startup and continued success of your automated applications. QIAGEN Field Service provides a wide range of flexible support agreements tailored to your needs. Automated workflows from sample to result HVbeaZY^hgjei^dc Ejg^ÃXVi^dc 6hhVnhZije 9ZiZXi^dcVcYVcVanh^h I^hhjZAnhZg>> I^hhjZA AnhZg>> n 7^dGdWdiJc^kZghVaHnhiZbVcY7^dGdWdiB9m 7^dGdWdiJc^kZghVaHnhiZbVcY7 ^dGdWdiB9m Gdidg"<ZcZF Gdidg "< <ZcZF =dbd\Zc^oVi^dcjh^c\ =dbd\Zc^oVi^dcjh^c\ WZVYh >chigjbZcih[dgcjXaZ^XVX^Yejg^ÃXVi^dc >chigjbZcih[dgcjXaZ^XVX^Yejg^ÃXVi^dcjh^c\h^a^XV"bZbWgVcZ cjh^c\h^a^XV"bZbWgVcZ iZX]cdad\nVcYhjWhZfjZciVhhVnhZije iZX]cdad\nVcYhjWhZfjZciVhhVnhZije e GZVa"i^bZ GZVa"i^bZE8GXnXaZgVcY ZE8GXnXaZgVcY ]^\]"gZhdaji^dcbZai^c\ ]^\]"gZhd daji^dcbZai^c\ =GBVcVanh^h =GBVc cVanh^h GZVa"i^bZE8G F>6hnbe]dcn HE VcY 6H F>6hnbe]dcnHEVcY6H >chigjbZci[dgcjXaZ^XVX^YVcYegdiZ^cejg^ÃXVi^dcjh^c\ >chigjbZci[dgcjXaZ^XVX^YVcYegdiZ^cejg^ÃXVi^dcjh^c\ bV\cZi^X"eVgi^XaZiZX]cdad\nVhlZaaVhVcVhhVnhZijebdYjaZ bV\cZi^X"eVg i^XaZiZX]cdad\nVhlZaaVhVcVhhVnhZijebdYjaZ A^fj^8] A^fj^8]^e'%% ]^e'%% Ldg`hiVi^dc L d dg`hiV Vi^dc :O&6YkVcXZY :O&6YkVcXZYMA I^hhjZGjeidg =VcY]ZaYgdidg¶hiVidg ]dbd\Zc^oZg A^fj^8]^e A^fj^8]^eGZVYZg[dg eGZVYZg[dg bjai^eaZmWZVY"WVhZYVhhVnh bjai^eaZm mWZVY"WVhZYVhhVnh jh^c\mB6EiZX]cdad\n jh^c\mB B6EiZX]cdad\n CjXaZ^XVX^Yejg^ÃXVi^dc CjXaZ^XVX^Yejg^ÃXVi^dc hdaji^dcjh^c\bV\cZi^X" eVgi^XaZiZX]cdad\n eVg i^XaZiZX]cdad\n F>6XjWZ F>6XjWZ >chigjbZci[dg9C6!GC6! >chigjbZci[dg9C6!GC6! 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The TissueLyser II provides fast, medium- to high-throughput disruption of up to 2 x 96 samples of tissue, plant material, yeast, or bacteria in less than 5 minutes. I Rapid and efficient disruption of a wide range of sample types I Minimized risk of cross-contamination I Reproducible, standardized disruption I Seamless integration with QIAGEN sample purification technologies Key features TissueRuptor TissueLyser II Sample throughput Single sample Up to 48 or 192 samples in parallel. Adapter Sets for flexible sample throughput (2 x 24, 2 x 96) Disruption technology Rotor–stator; disposable probes Bead mill; steel, tungsten carbide, or glass beads Disruption time >30 seconds <5 minutes A Skin RNAlater Frozen Liver RNAlater Frozen Muscle RNAlater TissueLyser II B Frozen Efficient disruption and homogenization of animal tissues. Tissues (20 mg) were either frozen (Frozen) or stabilized in RNAlater® RNA Stabilization Reagent (RNAlater), and then disrupted using the TissueLyser II (2 x 2 minutes for liver and muscle; 2 x 5 minutes for skin). RNA was purified using the RNeasy® Mini Kit (liver), RNeasy Fibrous Tissue Mini Kit (skin), or RNeasy Lipid Tissue Mini Kit (muscle). A Analysis on a 1.2 % formaldehyde agarose gel shows sharp ribosomal RNA bands, indicating intact RNA. B RNA yields were quantified by A260 nm absorbance measurements. M M Reproducible DNA purification from animal tissue. The heart was excised from a single rat and cut into 96 x 25 mg pieces, which were then disrupted using the TissueLyser II (2 x 15 seconds). Automated DNA purification was carried out on the QIAcube using the DNeasy® Blood & Tissue Kit (with Reagent DX to minimize lysate foaming). Analysis of 48 samples on an agarose gel showed consistent amounts of DNA from each sample. M: GelPilot® Lambda HindIII marker. Automation Brochure 01/2009 Sample & Assay Technologies 3 Automated Solutions for Purification Ejg^ÃXVi^dc QIAcube® The award-winning QIAcube simplifies sample prep by enabling walkaway automation of trusted QIAGEN spin-column kits. All steps in the purification procedure are automated, and up to 12 samples can be processed per run. The continuously expanding range of protocols has now grown to almost 80 standard protocols. For an up-to-date list of protocols, visit the QIAcube Web Portal at I Purification of DNA, RNA, or proteins I Automation of trusted QIAGEN spin-column kits QIAcube I Elimination of manual processing steps I More free time with affordable automated processing I Standardized results and increased productivity New QIAxtractor The QIAxtractor is a compact instrument that provides walkaway purification of nucleic acids from 8–96 samples per run. The easy-to-use, economical system comprises instrument, reagents, plasticware, and optimized protocols, enabling purification of nucleic acids from a wide range of sample types. The instrument has low tip consumption, reducing waste and improving cost-efficiency. I Fully automated purification in 96-well format I Fast processing of 96 samples in 96 minutes I Compact benchtop instrument QIAxtractor I Economical sample preparation I Pre- and post-run documentation BioRobot® Universal System The BioRobot Universal System integrates all the instrumentation, software, purification technologies, and enzyme technologies that are required for medium- to high-throughput applications in 96-well format. Standardized, highly reproducible nucleic acid purification and reaction setup at the front-end of your molecular biology applications ensure consistent, reliable results that can be compared across experiments and projects. I Reproducible, standardized results between experiments and labs BioRobot Universal System I Fast startup and immediate results with optimized, ready-to-run protocols I Comprehensive service agreements tailored to your needs I Widest range of applications in 96-well format I Nucleic acid purification and subsequent assay setup 4 Automation Brochure 01/2009 Automated Solutions for Purification Ejg^ÃXVi^dc EZ1® Advanced instruments The EZ1 Advanced* and EZ1 Advanced XL* enable rapid purification of nucleic acids from 1–6 samples and 1–14 samples, respectively, using proven magnetic-particle technology. New features enable effortless data management and provide secure user environments. The combination of easy-to-use instrument with error-free protocol selection and worktable setup makes nucleic acid purification easy. I High-quality genomic DNA and RNA from a broad range of sample materials I Viral nucleic acids from serum, plasma, and CSF I Effortless data management with full traceability I UV decontamination for a safe user environment I Flexible throughput by connecting multiple units EZ1 Advanced and EZ1 Advanced XL QIAsymphony® SP The QIAsymphony SP,† the first module in the QIAsymphony product line, meets the demand for flexible sample preparation of nucleic acids and 6xHis-tagged proteins from a wide range of starting materials. Up to 96 samples — in batches of up to 24 samples — can be processed per run, with sample volumes up to 1 ml. The broad range of applications combined with the exceptional purification efficiency and process safety of the QIAsymphony SP place it at the cutting edge of laboratory automation for all disciplines in molecular biology, including in vitro diagnostics.† The QIAsymphony SP can be seamlessly integrated with the QIAsymphony AS assay setup module (page 7), and is compatible with real-time PCR applications on the new Rotor-Gene Q (page 8), enabling automation of your entire workflow — from sample to result. I Easy-to-use with built-in touchscreen and novel, prefilled reagent cartridges QIAsymphony SP I Purification of DNA, RNA, viral and bacterial nucleic acids, 6xHis-tagged proteins I In-process sample loading and queuing enables flexible system use I Remote Service (QDM) and data management via network or USB I Workflow extension with the QIAsymphony AS module * Available for in vitro diagnostics applications. Not available in all countries; please inquire. † Instrument will be available for in vitro diagnostics applications; please inquire. Automation Brochure 01/2009 Sample & Assay Technologies 5 Automated Solutions for Purification Ejg^ÃXVi^dc BioRobot MDx The BioRobot MDx* provides the same high-quality purification as manual QIAGEN procedures, but with automated high-throughput processing of up to 96 samples per run — and up to 300 preps per day. Highly pure nucleic acids are ready in 2–3 hours (depending on the sample type and nucleic acids purified). The BioRobot MDx provides fully automated, high-throughput purification of DNA and RNA from a range of human sample types using trusted QIAamp® and PAXgene® Kits. BioRobot MDx It is particularly well-suited for high-throughput human molecular diagnostics applications such as studies of infectious disease, genetic testing, genotyping, and oncology research. I Secure sample and data management I Easy to use and highly reliable error-free processing I Flexible throughput and applications I Optimized and customized protocols using proven chemistries I Process safety through full bar code and sample tracking Autopure LS® The Autopure LS enables automated purification of genomic DNA from sample volumes of 1–10 ml using proven Puregene® chemistry. Purified DNA is highly stable and well-suited for archiving. For increased convenience and flexibility, samples can be processed in batches of 8 or 16. I Yields of up to 350 µg DNA per 10 ml fresh whole blood I DNA from a broad range of sample types and sizes I Proven Puregene chemistries with 16 years of DNA stability data I Purification of highly stable DNA ready for use or archiving I Streamlined, efficient workflow Autopure LS * Available for in vitro diagnostics applications. Not available in all countries; please inquire. 6 Automation Brochure 01/2009 Automated Solutions for Assay Setup 6hhVnhZije New QIAsymphony AS The QIAsymphony AS* extends the capabilities of the QIAsymphony SP (page 5) to include automated assay setup. The new module interfaces with the QIAsymphony SP and is operated via the same easy-to-use, intuitive software. For integrated operation, samples processed on the QIAsymphony SP can be transferred to the QIAsymphony AS, reducing manual handling steps and documentation. The QIAsymphony AS provides active cooling of reagents, eluates, and assays, enabling safe and reproducible assay setup. The QIAsymphony AS enables setup of multiple assays per run or sample and supports artus® products and other QIAGEN products for PCR.* Extend your automation workflow with the new QIAsymphony AS and reduce hands-on time for nucleic acid purification and assay setup. The QIAsymphony series of instruments can also be combined with QIAsymphony AS the new Rotor-Gene Q (page 8), enabling automation of complete workflows — from sample to result. I Automated, integrated assay setup module complements the QIAsymphony SP I Convenient, easy-to-use sample-oriented software I Reduced hands-on time and convenient electronic documentation I Customization service for in-house assays I Seamless integration with QIAGEN sample and assay technologies New QIAgility™ The new QIAgility is a compact benchtop instrument that enables automated PCR setup in a wide range of formats, including PCR assays for the Rotor-Gene Q (page 8). The high precision of the QIAgility delivers the reproducible results you need in your quantitative PCR assays, from sample to sample and experiment to experiment. Automated PCR setup is rapid and reliable and eliminates manual pipetting steps that can be prone to human error. The unmatched versatility of the QIAgility means that almost all tube and plate formats are supported, as well as rotors for the Rotor-Gene Q. For increased ease of use, the software reflects the setup of the instrument worktable. Optimized protocols assure fast startup and immediate results. The flexibility of the software enables the user QIAgility to develop software protocols to suit specific application requirements, allowing the QIAgility to easily be adapted to changing research needs. I Automated PCR setup in all formats I Convenient, easy-to-use software I Standardized results and increased productivity I Elimination of manual pipetting steps I Seamless integration with QIAGEN sample technologies * For information about product and protocol availability, please inquire. Instrument will be available for in vitro diagnostics applications; please inquire. Automation Brochure 01/2009 Sample & Assay Technologies 7 Automated Solutions for Detection and Analysis 9ZiZXi^dcVcYVcVanh^h New Rotor-Gene™ Q The unique centrifugal rotary design of the Rotor-Gene Q* makes it the world’s most precise and versatile real-time PCR instrument. Each tube spins in a chamber of moving air, which keeps all samples at each step of the cycling program at exactly the same temperature. Optical detection is equally precise since each sample rotates past the excitation and detection optics. This unique design delivers sensitive and fast PCR analysis and eliminates the variation that typically occurs in block-based cyclers. With up to 6 channels spanning UV to infrared wavelengths, the Rotor-Gene Q Rotor-Gene Q delivers the greatest optical range of any real-time cycler. Interchangeable rotors enable analysis in different sample volumes and tube formats, which are all fully supported by the QIAgility (page 7) for automated PCR setup. With the Rotor-Gene Q, you have the choice of a broad range of proven QIAGEN kits and assays for gene expression analysis, pathogen detection, veterinary diagnostics, genotyping, epigenetics, and miRNA research. Advanced instrument design enables performance of demanding applications such as high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis, allowing, for example, reliable detection of single base changes. The comprehensive software enables state-of-the art real-time PCR and HRM analysis. I Outstanding thermal and optical performance I More applications than any other real-time cycler I Unmatched optical range with up to 6 channels I Robust design enables easy setup and minimal maintenance I Compatible with the QIAgility for automated PCR setup Rotor-Gene Q cycler. Heating/cooling is achieved by rapid airflow in the reaction chamber. Tubes spin past the excitation/detection optics every 150 milliseconds. High-speed data capture is provided by a highly sensitive photomultiplier detector. QIAxcel™ System The QIAxcel is a multicapillary electrophoresis system designed to overcome the bottlenecks of gel electrophoresis. The fully automated system can process up to 96 samples per run. The optimized system, including gel cartridge and BioCalculator software, delivers reliable results in a wide range of applications, and provides unrivaled resolution, speed, and throughput in DNA and RNA analyses. I Automated analysis of DNA fragments and RNA I Analysis of 12 DNA samples in less than 10 minutes QIAxcel I Safety and convenience with ready-to-use gel cartridges I Accurate analyses with resolution down to 3–5 bp I Standardized processing with digital data collection and documentation * Available for in vitro diagnostics applications. Not available in all countries; please inquire. 8 Automation Brochure 01/2009 Automated Solutions for Detection and Analysis 9ZiZXi^dcVcYVcVanh^h PyroMark Q24 The PyroMark Q24* uses proven Pyrosequencing® technology for real-time, sequence-based detection and quantification for genetic testing and epigenetic methylation analysis. The unique PyroMark system combines reliable quantification and sequencing results in minutes. The PyroMark Q24 is therefore highly suited for the discovery and analysis of rare mutations and methylation sites. The PyroMark Q24 system provides a sequencing instrument, sample preparation workstation, and reagents and controls, as well as comprehensive and flexible analysis software. The versatile PyroMark Q24 seamlessly integrates into epigenetics and genetic analysis workflows, and complements QIAGEN’s advanced technologies for sample preparation, bisulfite conversion, and PCR amplification. I Highly accurate results in epigenetics and cancer research PyroMark Q24 I Reliable quantification of allele representation and methylation status I Sequence information enables discovery of rare mutations and CpG sites I Methylation analysis can be combined with SNP typing in one assay I 1–24 samples can be analyzed in parallel in as little as 15 minutes LiquiChip® 200 Workstation The LiquiChip 200 Workstation is used to analyze bead-based interaction assays, including detection of pathogens using QIAplex® Panels and also protein-based interaction assays. A system of bead color-coding enables up to 100 separate interactions to be analyzed simultaneously within a single sample. QIAplex Panels are specifically developed for the LiquiChip Workstation and allow multiplex detection of molecular targets including nucleic acids specific for respiratory pathogens. Ease of use is provided by the QIAplex MDD Software, which provides a convenient user interface. I Multiplexing provides more information using less sample LiquiChip 200 Workstation I Flexible system allows easy and rapid assay development I Most up-to-date xMAP® instrumentation * Available for in vitro diagnostics applications. Not available in all countries; please inquire. Automation Brochure 01/2009 Sample & Assay Technologies 9 QIAGEN Field Service — Your Partner in Continued Success HVbeaZY^hgjei^dc Ejg^ÃXVi^dc 6hhVnhZije 9ZiZXi^dc VcYVcVanh^h Peace of mind through unrivaled instrument and application support QIAGEN Field Service provides comprehensive support services for laboratory instruments, in life science research and in vitro diagnostics laboratories, to ensure the continued success of your automated applications. I Worldwide service I Expertise in automation and application support I Quick response times QIAGEN Field Service offers a wide range of flexible Service Support products, giving you peace of mind and letting you enjoy complete coverage and cost control. We work in partnership with you to establish proven QIAGEN applications on your system. Our Application Services and Training Programs give you the freedom and flexibility to adapt your system to specific or changing research needs. With ISO 9001/ISO 13485 certification and an international team of highly qualified and experienced Support Specialists, we deliver the high-quality service that you deserve and that your applications demand. I Flexible Service Support Agreements for coverage tailored to your needs I Repairs and upgrades with all parts certified and guaranteed I Application Services for creating and optimizing applications I Preventive Maintenance to assure optimal performance and maximum productivity I Qualification Services with full documentation and performance of IQ/OQ* I Warranty Extensions to give you complete coverage and cost control * Not available for all systems; please contact your local Instrument Service Department for more information. 10 Automation Brochure 01/2009 The QIAcube, EZ1 Advanced, EZ1 Advanced XL, QIAsymphony SP, QIAxcel System, QIAxcel Fast Analysis System, and PyroMark Q24 are intended to be used only in combination with QIAGEN kits indicated for use with the QIAcube, EZ1 Advanced, EZ1 Advanced XL, QIAsymphony SP, QIAxcel System, QIAxcel Fast Analysis System, or PyroMark Q24 for the applications described in the respective kit handbooks. The QIAxtractor is intended for molecular biology applications. This product is neither intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease, nor has it been validated for such use either alone or in combination with other products. Therefore, the performance characteristics of the product for clinical use (i.e., diagnostic, prognostic, therapeutic, or blood banking) is unknown. The BioRobot MDx is intended for laboratory use. No claim or representation is intended for its use to provide information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease. The BioRobot MDx DSP is intended for in-vitro diagnostic use in Europe. The Autopure LS instrument is intended to be used only in combination with Autopure Reagents for applications described in the Autopure LS User Manual. The QIAgility, TissueRuptor, TissueLyser II, BioRobot Universal System, and LiquiChip 200 Workstation are intended for molecular biology applications. These products are neither intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease, nor have they been validated for such use either alone or in combination with other products. The Rotor-Gene Q, if used in combination with QIAGEN kits indicated for use with the Rotor-Gene Q instrument, is intended for the applications described in the respective QIAGEN kit handbooks. If used with kits other than QIAGEN kits, it is the user’s responsibility to validate the performance of such product combination for any particular application. The QIAsymphony AS will be available soon. “RNAlater®” is a trademark of AMBION, Inc., Austin, Texas and is covered by various U.S. and foreign patents. Visit and find out how to automate your workflow — from sample to result! Trademarks: QIAGEN®, QIAamp®, QIAcube®, QIAgility™, QIAplex®, QIAsymphony®, QIAxcel™, artus®, Autopure LS®, BioRobot®, EZ1®, DNeasy®, GelPilot®, LiquiChip®, Puregene®, Pyrosequencing®, QuantiTect®, RNeasy®, TissueRuptor® (QIAGEN Group); PAXgene® (PreAnalytiX GmbH); Rotor-Gene® (Corbett Research); SYBR® (Molecular Probes, Inc.); xMAP® (Luminex Corporation). The QIAGEN silver logo is exclusively licensed to Corbett Research. NOTICE TO PURCHASER: The purchase of this product (Rotor-Gene Q, Rotor-Disc) includes a limited, non-transferable license to certain patents (see details below) surrounding rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods and instrumentation, the use of SYBR® Green I in PCR reactions, melting curve analysis, analysis methods of DNA melting data, specifically high resolution melting (HRM) and others. The purchase of this product (Rotor-Gene Q, Rotor-Disc) includes a limited, non-transferable license to one or more of US Patents Nos 6,787,338; 7,238,321; 7,081,226; 6,174,670; 6,245,514; 6,569,627; 6,303,305; 6,503,720; 5,871,908; 6,691,041; 7,387,887; and U.S. Patent Applications Nos. 2003-0224434 and 2006-0019253 and all continuations and divisionals, and corresponding claims in patents and patent applications outside the United States, owned by the University of Utah Research Foundation, Idaho Technology, Inc., and/or Roche Diagnostics GmbH, for internal research use or for non-in vitro diagnostics applications. No right is conveyed, expressly, by implication or estoppel, for any reagent or kit, or under any other patent or patent claims owned by the University of Utah Research Foundation, Idaho Technology, Inc., and/or Roche Diagnostics GmbH, or by any other Party. For information on purchasing licences for in-vitro diagnostics applications or reagents, contact Roche Molecular Systems, 4300 Hacienda Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588, USA. ADDITIONAL NOTICE TO PURCHASER IN USA, EUROPE, AND AUSTRALIA ONLY: Practice of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process may require a license depending on the reagents and methods applied. Purchase of this instrument (Rotor-Gene Q) does not itself convey to the purchaser a complete license or right to perform the PCR process. The use of this instrument (Rotor- Gene Q) with Authorized Reagents such as Authorized QIAGEN kits and assays provides a limited PCR license in accordance with the label rights accompanying such reagents. Further information on purchasing licenses to practice the PCR process may be obtained by contacting the Director of Licensing at Applied Biosystems, 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, California 94404, USA and/or Roche Molecular Systems, 4300 Hacienda Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588, USA. No right is conveyed expressly, by implication or by estoppel under any other patent claim, such as claims to apparatus, reagents, kits, or methods such as 5' nuclease methods. 1054489 01/2009 © 2009 QIAGEN, all rights reserved. Automation Brochure 01/2009 Sample & Assay Technologies 11 Australia Austria Orders 0800/28-10-10 I Belgium Brazil Orders 0800-79612 I Orders 0800-557779 I Canada China Orders 03-9840-9800 I Fax 800-713-5951 I I I Finland Orders 0800-914416 I Fax 0800-914415 Orders 01-60-920-920 I Fax 01-60-920-925 France I I Germany Italy I Japan Orders 800 933 965 I Orders 1800 555 049 I Orders 02-33430-420 Korea (South) Luxembourg I I Norway Sweden I I I USA I I Orders 020-790282 I I Technical 01-60-920-930 I I I I I Technical 800 930 425 Technical 1800 555 061 I Technical 03-6890-7300 Technical 1544 7145 I Technical 01-800-7742-639 I Technical 0800-0229602 Technical 800-18712 I Fax 020-790582 I Technical 02103-29-12400 Technical 8002-2067 Fax 65-67785177 Orders 055-254-22-11 I Fax 0800-0229593 Fax 91-630-5145 I I Fax 01-800-1122-330 I Technical 800-988-0325 Technical 800-787980 Fax 1544 7146 Fax 800-18817 Orders 65-67775366 I Fax 8002-2073 I I Technical 0800-914413 I Fax 02103-29-22000 Orders 0800-0229592 Orders 91-630-7050 Switzerland UK I Orders 800-18859 I Singapore I I I Technical 800-DNA-PREP (800-362-7737) Technical 80-885942 Fax 03-5547-0818 I Orders 01-800-7742-639 I I Fax 02-33430-426 Orders 8002-2076 I Fax 1800 555 048 Orders 1544 7145 The Netherlands Spain I I I Technical 0800-557779 I Fax 800 930 439 I Telephone: 03-6890-7300 I Mexico Fax 80-885944 Orders 02103-29-12000 I Hong Kong Ireland I Technical 0800/28-10-11 Fax 0086-21-3865-3965 Denmark Orders 80-885945 I Technical 0800-79556 Fax 55-11-5079-4001 I Orders 0086-21-3865-3865 I I Technical 1-800-243-066 I Fax 0800/28-10-19 I Fax 0800-79611 I Orders 800-572-9613 I Fax 03-9840-9888 I I Technical 65-67775366 Technical 91-630-7050 I Technical 020-798328 Fax 055-254-22-13 I Technical 055-254-22-12 Orders 01293-422-911 I Fax 01293-422-922 I Orders 800-426-8157 I Fax 800-718-2056 Technical 800-DNA-PREP (800-362-7737) I 1054489 01/2009 I Technical 01293-422-999 Sample & Assay Technologies
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