For Official Use Only Grants to Voluntary Environment, Sustainability and Heritage Organisations (GVESHO) 2013-14 This proposal must be completed by the organisation that is a legal entity able to enter into a funding agreement with the Australian Government – the ‘applicant organisation’ is the legal entity. Completing this form Please read the GVESHO 2013-14 Guide carefully before completing this application form as it contains important information on eligibility requirements and details on how to complete and submit your application. Other useful information, including Frequently Asked Questions, is available at Please complete your application with reference to the GVESHO 2013-14 Guide. To obtain a hard copy application form please contact the Department. Please do not print this document and complete by hand. Essential information will not be available in this format. To enable web links to retrieve information automatically we recommend that you are connected to the internet when filling out the application. You should confirm your ABN (in the Applicant details section), before proceeding with other data entry. Note that the eligibility requirements are mandatory. If your organisation does not meet these requirements, please do not submit an application. ALL QUESTIONS MARKED WITH AN (*) MUST BE COMPLETED FOR YOUR APPLICATION TO BE ASSESSED Before you start your application, the following questions will assist in determining your eligibility. Is the organisation a Government organisation/agency? * Yes No Is the organisation’s principal purpose and/or activity political advocacy? * Yes No Did the organisations have revenue exceeding $5 million for the last completed financial year? * Yes No Answering ‘Yes' to the above question(s) may render you ineligible for funding through this program. Please refer to the guidelines. Does the organisation have a minimum voting and financial membership of 50; or a minimum membership of 5 affiliated bodies with an aggregate membership of 200; or in the case of a trust, demonstrate strong community support? * Yes No Does the organisation prepare annual, audited financial statements? * Yes No Supporting documentation should be attached at the end of this application form and labelled as Financial Statements Is the organisation not-for-profit? * Yes No Yes No Supporting documentation should be attached at the end of this application form and labelled as Not-for-profit Can the organisation provide a copy of the certificate of incorporation or deed of trust? * Supporting documentation should be attached at the end of this application form and labelled as Certificate of Incorporation/Deed of Trust Answering ‘No' to the above question(s) may render you ineligible for funding through this program. Please refer to the guidelines. 1 Applicant details Confirm the organisation’s ABN before proceeding beyond this page. If you do not, you may lose data that has not previously been saved. Name and details of organisation Is the applicant entity applying for funding in its capacity as a trustee of a trust? * Yes No If answered yes, applicant details provided below must be those of the trustee (i.e. not the trust). FOR REFERENCE ONLY – DO NOT SUBMIT Ver. 20130517-0945 v2.4 Page 1 of 9 For Official Use Only ABN Details Does the applicant organisation have an Australian Business Number (ABN)? * Yes No The applicant must be a legal entity able to enter into a funding agreement with the Australian Government. Additional information can be found in the guidelines. If you do not hold a current ABN, you will be required to complete a ‘Statement by a Supplier’ form (available from the Australian Taxation Office) before entering into any funding agreement with the Australian Government. Australian Business Number (ABN) * Legal name * This is the name that appears on all official documents and legal papers. It may be different to your organisation’s trading name. Trading name * Entity type * Is the organisation Incorporated? * Yes Incorporation number * Incorporation date * Is the organisation GST registered? * Yes No No Purpose, objective or mission statement of your organisation: * Limit your response to no more than 250 characters max (approx 40 words). Is the organisation a: * National body State body Regional body Local body Organisational Address Postal address of organisation Is this address a PO Box or Locked Bag? Street number * Street name * Street Type * Suburb/Town * State * Postcode * Email Website Street address of organisation Is the street address the same as the postal address? * Yes No FOR REFERENCE ONLY – DO NOT SUBMIT Ver. 20130517-0945 v2.4 Page 2 of 9 For Official Use Only Street number * Street name * Street Type * Suburb/Town * State * Postcode * Authorised person details Note: This is the person within the applicant organisation who is authorised to sign the funding agreement with the Australian Government. In the case of a trust, nominate the name of the trustee. Title: * Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr First name * Other Last name * Position in organisation Phone (business hours) * Phone (mobile) Facsimile Email Contact person Is this contact person the same as the one above? * Yes No Preferred Contact Title: * Mr Mrs Miss Ms First name * Dr Other Last name * Position in organisation Phone (business hours) * Phone (mobile) Facsimile Email Details of office bearers President / Chair / CEO: * Vice President / Deputy Chair: * Treasurer: * Secretary: * FOR REFERENCE ONLY – DO NOT SUBMIT Ver. 20130517-0945 v2.4 Page 3 of 9 For Official Use Only Trustee Delete Add trustee 2 General eligibility requirements Membership information Is your organisation: Made up of at least 50 individual financial members, with voting rights? * Yes No Yes No Number of members: * Minimum membership of 5 affiliated bodies with an aggregate membership of 200. * If the organisation’s membership is comprised, in whole or part, of affiliated bodies, the name, address and membership numbers of each of these bodies is to be provided in an attachment at the end of this application form labelled Affiliated Body A trust, with strong community support? * Yes No Detail the level of this support below, including information on community involvement together with membership and volunteer activity. * Limit your response to no more than 1000 characters max (approx 150 words). Program Priorities Select the organisations principle objective/s. * To provide for the protection of the environment, especially those aspects of the environment that are matters of national environmental significance. To promote ecologically sustainable development through the conservation and ecologically sustainable use of natural resources. To promote the conservation of biodiversity. To provide for the protection and conservation of heritage. To promote a co-operative approach to the protection and management of the environment involving governments, the community, land-holders and indigenous peoples. To assist in the co-operative implementation of Australia’s international environment responsibilities. To recognise the role of Indigenous people in the conservation and ecologically sustainable use of Australia’s biodiversity. To promote the use of Indigenous peoples’ knowledge of biodiversity with the involvement of, and in co-operation with, the owners of the knowledge. To support decision-making processes that effectively integrate both long-term and short-term economic, environmental, social and equitable considerations. To ensure that the conservation of biological diversity and ecological integrity is a fundamental consideration in decision-making. To promote improved valuation, pricing and incentive mechanisms to support the principles of ecologically sustainable development. To support the principle of inter-generational equity – that the present generation should ensure that the health, diversity and productivity of the environment is maintained or enhanced for the benefit of future generations. Supporting documentation that supports your organisations principle objective should be attached at the end of this application form and labelled as Objective Track record of achievement Demonstrate how your organisation has been effective in meeting these objectives by providing information on significant outcomes that the organisation has achieved/delivered over the past three (3) years. * FOR REFERENCE ONLY – DO NOT SUBMIT Ver. 20130517-0945 v2.4 Page 4 of 9 For Official Use Only Limit your response to no more than 2000 characters max (approx 300 words). Track record of community involvement Demonstrate your organisations record of community involvement over the past three (3) years. * Limit your response to no more than 2000 characters max (approx 300 words). 3 Current activities and the program priorities Protecting endangered and threatened native species, including protecting and restoring the habitat of these species, threatened ecological communities and migratory species. Reversing the long-term decline in the extent and quality of Australia’s native vegetation. Protecting and restoring significant fresh water, marine and estuarine ecosystems, including improving water quality in coastal, estuarine and inland waters. Protection and conservation of water resources other than significant freshwater, marine and estuarine ecosystems. Assisting in the implementation of Australia’s international environmental responsibilities. Preventing or controlling the introduction and spread of feral animals, aquatic pests, weeds and other biological threats to biodiversity. Protection, conservation or rehabilitation of the natural environment and ecosystems, including waste management or protected area management. Reducing or offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. Taking an integrated approach that considers the three dimensions of sustainability - environmental, social and economic. Promoting resilience to future changes – for e.g. climate, population, economic. Promoting an innovative approach to improving sustainability, for e.g. through education, research and/or training. Contributing to behaviour change and/or a better understanding of sustainable practices. Conservation of places of historic significance. Promotion of Australia’s historic heritage including education, research and training. Protecting Australia’s moveable historic heritage. Recognising the role of Indigenous people in the conservation and ecologically sustainable use of Australia’s biodiversity. Promoting the use of Indigenous peoples’ knowledge of biodiversity with the involvement of, and in co-operation with, the owners of the knowledge. Other – You must provide supporting evidence for the justification of these activities Supporting evidence Briefly outline below information on how the organisation intends to engage in and/or support natural environmental conservation and/or enhancement activities. * Limit your response to no more than 2000 characters max (approx 300 words). Do you wish to supply any supporting documentation? * Yes No FOR REFERENCE ONLY – DO NOT SUBMIT Ver. 20130517-0945 v2.4 Page 5 of 9 For Official Use Only Supporting documentation should be attached at the end of this application form and labelled as Current Activities 4 Geographic funding priorities Which of the following funding priorities does your organisation fall into? * National environment organisation with large membership; a broad coverage of a wide range issues relating to the Program Priorities; an acknowledged leadership role; the capacity to provide effective support and policy development or to undertake or coordinate on-ground improvement and/or conservation activities; or an organisation whose activities relate to heritage of national significance. State or Territory organisation that has a broad focus covering a number of issues across the state/territory; are representative of a broad range of groups from across the state/territory; are a resource centre for community action across the state/territory; demonstrate effectiveness in relation to the organisation’s objectives; have a high level of community support and participation; or an organisation whose activities relate to heritage of national significance. Regional organisation that have a broad focus covering a number of issues across the region; are representative of a broad range of groups from across the region; acknowledged as a resource centre for community action across the region; demonstrate a high level of community participation; have demonstrated effectiveness in relation to the organisation’s objectives; or an organisation whose activities relate to heritage of national significance. Local organisations with a track record of information; on-ground activity; education; research and/or training; and a relative degree of community support. Outline the basis for the organisations’ claim that it meets one of the nominated funding priority categories. * Limit your response to no more than 2000 characters max (approx 300 words). 5 Total administration budget of organisation Please provide estimates of the total costs that are expected by your organisation this financial year 2013-14. Include all administrative expenses GST Exclusive. Activities that will not be undertaken should contain a zero (0) rather than being left blank. Activity Details Estimated cost $ Administrative salaries & on costs (identify position & salary) Accommodation (rent only - do not include mortgage repayments) Office expenses including utility charges Office equipment Travel, domestic or international (please specify) Training Other Delete Total estimated administrative cost: $0 Add other activity FOR REFERENCE ONLY – DO NOT SUBMIT Ver. 20130517-0945 v2.4 Page 6 of 9 For Official Use Only 6 GVESHO Funding Administration and/or Capital item funding request Grants will be offered for administrative assistance. Capital Funding allocations will be incorporated into the total grant amount received by successful organisations for capital items that will assist with the ongoing operation of your organisation. Identify how much support is being sought through the GVESHO Program for the 2013-14 financial year. If you are applying for multiyear funding for 2013-14, 2014-05 and 2015-16, please enter amounts under those years. Is organisation applying for multi-year funding for 2013-14, 2014-05 and 2015-16 * Yes No Is organisation applying for capital item assistance? * Yes No Administrative and/or capital item assistance requested $ (GST exclusive) $ (GST inclusive) 2013-14 ($) $0.00 2014-15 ($) $0.00 2015-16 ($) $0.00 Total estimated administrative funding requested $0.00 $0.00 Administrative assistance - explain how the requested funds will assist to meet the administration costs of the organisation. For example, they might be spent on administrative staff salaries, utilities and office rental. * Limit your response to no more than 2000 characters max (approx 300 words). Multi-year funding - Applicants for multi-year funding are expected to be a well-established group with a long track record of significant environmental or heritage outcomes and considerable experience in managing government grants. Provide details of why multi-year funding is necessary for your organisation. * Limit your response to no more than 2000 characters max (approx 300 words). Capital item assistance – list the capital items you wish to purchase, the full purchase price and the amount of assistance requested. Note at best 50 per cent of full cost may be provided. * Please provide information as to the benefits/necessity of each capital item for your organisation. Limit your response to no more than 1000 characters max (approx 150 words). Copies of quotes capital items are required and should be attached at the end of this application form labelled as Capital Item Quotes Please Note: As funding for this program is highly competitive, it is unlikely that you will be awarded funds to the total amount that you have requested. Funds approved may be used on any of the items identified in the ‘GVESHO Funding, Administration and/or Capital item funding request’ Section, or the ‘Total estimated administration budget of organisation’ Section of this application unless otherwise specified in the funding agreement, that is, where an ineligible item has been identified. FOR REFERENCE ONLY – DO NOT SUBMIT Ver. 20130517-0945 v2.4 Page 7 of 9 For Official Use Only All grants received over the last 5 years Information on all grants received form the Australian Government and all other sources (i.e. not just GVESHO or Department of the Sustainably, Environment, Water, Population and Communities programs) by the organisation over the last 5 years should be provided. This includes the following financial years: 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13. When filling out this section, applicants should identify the name of the Department or authority issuing the grant, the program, the purpose of the grant and the amount (GST exclusive). Name of Department or Agency Name of Program Purpose Financial Year Amount (GST exclusive) Delete Add Grant Other grants being sought Information on all grants that have been and/or will be applied for is required. If you are applying for multi year funding provide details for all three financial years (2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16). Otherwise, only details for 2013-14 are required. When completing this section you should identify the Department/Authority issuing the grant, the grant program, the financial year and amount of funding (GST exclusive). Name of Department/Authority Name of Program Financial Year Amount (GST exclusive) Delete Add Grant Other sources of income Include details of income from trusts, membership fees, donations, etc. Name of Source eg membership fees, donations etc Financial Year Amount (GST exclusive) Delete Add other source of income Applicant conflict of interest Applicants are required to advise the Department in writing where any actual, apparent or potential conflict of interest exists in relation to their application that may impact on it, or any funding agreement it may enter into with the Department. Is there any actual, apparent or potential conflict of interest in relation to your application? * Yes No Written declaration detailing the conflict of interest must be provided to the department as an attachment at the end of this application form labelled as Conflict of Interest 7 Declaration and submission You may attach documentation to this form to support your application. Please use the ‘Add’ button to browse your local computer and attach your chosen files. Each file can be up to 2 MegaBytes in size. Document Name Objective Financial Statements Document Type .pdf, .jpg, .docx, .doc, .zip .pdf, .jpg, .docx, .doc, .zip Req'd Filename File Size (KB) Yes 0 Yes 0 FOR REFERENCE ONLY – DO NOT SUBMIT Ver. 20130517-0945 v2.4 Page 8 of 9 For Official Use Only Document Name Not-for-profit Certificate of Incorporation/Deed of Trust Affiliated Body Current Activities Capital Item Quotes Conflict of Interest Document Type .pdf, .jpg, .docx, .doc, .zip .pdf, .jpg, .docx, .doc, .zip .pdf, .jpg, .docx, .doc, .zip .pdf, .jpg, .docx, .doc, .zip .pdf, .jpg, .docx, .doc, .zip .pdf, .jpg, .docx, .doc, .zip Req'd Filename File Size (KB) Yes 0 Yes 0 Yes 0 Yes 0 Yes 0 Yes 0 Total file size (MB): 0 Declaration I, the undersigned, certify that: I have completed all questions in this application in consultation with the GVESHO 2013-14 Guide; and The information contained in this application and its supporting material is true and correct to the best of my knowledge; and I understand that providing false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) section 137.1; and I understand that the information provided in this application may be disclosed to various parties as described within the GVESHO 2013-14 Guide; and I acknowledge that my application will not be accepted if it is late, faxed or incomplete, including not having all required supporting material attached; and I have the approval and authority of my organisation in submitting this application. Date * Full Name * Position in Organisation * FOR REFERENCE ONLY – DO NOT SUBMIT Ver. 20130517-0945 v2.4 Page 9 of 9
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