Para informes tocantes al proceso de votación, favor de llamar al teléfono 600-VOTE por cobrar 1-800-742-1011 El plazo para empadronarse a votar en esta elección vence: EL DÍA 18 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2010 ELECCIÓN GENERAL ESTATAL MARTES, 2 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2010 y Folleto del Elector Boleta de Muestra For Voting Information Call 600-VOTE or Toll Free 1-800-742-1011 or Compilada por Victor E. Salazar, Oficial del Registro Civil/Registro de Votantes del Condado de Fresno. SÍ USTED VOTA POR CORREO, SU BOLETA VOTADA DEBE SER RECIBIDA POR LOS OFICIALES DE ELECCIONES DEL CONDADO DE FRESNO NO MAS TARDAR DE LAS 8:00 DE LA NOCHE DEL DÍA DE LA ELECCIÓN. LAS URNAS SE ABREN A LAS 7:00 DE LA MAÑANA Y SE CIERRAN A LAS 8:00 DE LA NOCHE. EL SITIO DE SU URNA ESTA INDICADA AL DORSO DE SU BOLETA EJEMPLAR. MARQUE SUS VOTOS EN ESTA BOLETA DE MUESTRA Y USELA EN LA URNA ELECTORAL. Compiled by Victor E. Salazar Fresno County Clerk/Registrar of Voters IF VOTING BY MAIL, YOUR VOTED BALLOT MUST BE RECEIVED BY FRESNO COUNTY ELECTION OFFICIALS NO LATER THAN 8:00 P.M. ON ELECTION DAY. POLLS OPEN AT 7:00 A.M. AND CLOSE AT 8:00 P.M. THE LOCATION OF YOUR POLLING PLACE IS SHOWN ON BACK COVER MARK YOUR VOTES AND USE THIS AT THE POLLS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2010 & Voter’s Pamphlet STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION Sample Ballot Last day to register to vote in this election: OCTOBER 18, 2010 NOTICE y h a ve ma n g p la ce lli o p ver. Yo u r See back co d. ge an been ch AVISO ad o un rs e ef ec tu ci ón be ha ta vo P ue de de el si tio ca m bi o en om pr ue be su si tio C de us te d. al do rs o. de vo ta ci ón ★★ ★ INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS ) • Do not initial your ballot, even if you make a change. • Do not make extraneous markings, such as distinct drawings or numbers. You will receive your ballot in the mail within the next two weeks. Please do not apply again for a vote by mail ballot. PERMANENT VOTE BY MAIL VOTERS: • No coloque sus iniciales en la boleta electoral, aun si realizó algún cambio. • No haga marcas extrañas, tales como dibujos distintivos o números. Recibirá su boleta por correo postal durante las próximas dos semanas. Por favor no solicite nuevamente una boleta de votante de voto por correo. VOTANTES DE VOTO POR CORREO PERMANENTES: Al terminar de votar, quite usted el talón y coloque su boleta en el sobre de devolución; y después firme el sobre y apunte la fecha. Sin su firma en el sobre, su boleta no se contará. Devuelva el sobre de acuerdo con las instrucciones adjuntas a su boleta. VOTANDO POR CORREO: Al terminar de votar, coloque usted su boleta en el sobre de confidencialidad provisto y deposítela dentro de la urna electoral. VOTANDO EN EL SITIO DE VOTACIÓN: Para votar sobre una propuesta, LLENE USTED EL ÓVALO al lado de la palabra “Sí” o al lado de la palabra “No”. Para votar por un candidato elegible cuyo nombre no consta en la boleta, LLENE EL ÓVALO y escriba el nombre de la persona en el espacio en blanco provisto para el efecto a continuación de los nombres de los otros candidatos al mismo cargo. Si usted desea saber los nombres de los candidatos cuyos nombres no constan en la boleta, llame a la oficina del Oficial del Registro Civil/Empadronador de Electores al (559) 600-VOTE. Para votar por un candidato cuyo nombre consta en la boleta, LLENE USTED EL ÓVALO al lado del nombre del candidato. Si han de ser elegidos dos o más candidatos al mismo cargo, LLENE EL ÓVALO al lado de los nombres de todos los candidatos por los que usted desee votar, sin exceder, sin embargo, el número de candidatos por ser elegidos. • No escriba su nombre ni firme en ninguna parte de la boleta electoral. Se prohíbe toda marca distintiva o borrón, y éstos tendrán el efecto de anular su boleta. Si usted marca, rompe, o mutila su boleta sin querer, devuélvala y obtenga otra. O INSTRUCCIONES AL ELECTOR: UTILICE USTED UNA PLUMA O BOLÍGRAFO DE TINTA NEGRA O AZUL, O BIEN UN LÁPIZ N 2, PARA LLENAR COMPLETAMENTE EL ÓVALO AL LADO IZQUIERDO DE SU PREFERENCIA. LLENE EL ÓVALO COMPLETAMENTE, PARA QUE SU VOTO SEA CONTADO CON SEGURIDAD. (VOTE ASÍ ) ESTE PANFLETO DE LA BOLETA ELECTORAL contiene las herramientas que usted necesitará para participar completamente en esta elección. Observe las páginas siguientes de la boleta electoral de muestra. INSTRUCCIONES AL ELECTOR After you have completed voting, remove the stub and place your ballot in the return envelope, and sign and date the envelope. The envelope must have your signature on it or the ballot will not be counted. Return the envelope according to the instructions you received with your ballot. VOTING BY MAIL: After you have completed voting, place your ballot in the secrecy holder and deposit the ballot into the ballot box. VOTING AT THE POLLING PLACE: To vote on any measure, FILL IN THE OVAL next to the word “Yes” or next to the word “No.” To vote for a qualified write-in candidate, FILL IN THE OVAL and write the person’s name in the blank space provided for that purpose after the names of the other candidates for the same office. If you would like the names and offices of qualified write-in candidates, call the Fresno County Clerk/Elections office at (559) 600-VOTE. To vote for a candidate whose name appears on the ballot, FILL IN THE OVAL next to the candidate’s name. Where two or more candidates for the same office are to be elected, FILL IN THE OVAL next to the names of all candidates for the office for whom you desire to vote, not to exceed, however, the number of candidates to be elected. • Do not sign or print your name anywhere on the ballot. Any distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongly mark, tear or deface your ballot, you should return it and obtain another ballot. OF YOUR CHOICE. FILL IN THE WHOLE OVAL, OR YOUR VOTE MAY NOT BE COUNTED. (VOTE LIKE THIS INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: YOU MUST USE A BLACK PEN, BLUE PEN, OR A NO. 2 PENCIL TO COMPLETELY FILL IN THE OVAL TO THE LEFT THIS SAMPLE BALLOT BOOKLET contains the tools you will need in order to participate fully in this election. Look at the sample ballot pages that follow. Dear Registered Voter: On Tuesday, November 2, 2010, Fresno County will conduct the November General Election. Numerous statewide and local offices will be on the ballot as well as statewide propositions and local measures. You have an important opportunity to voice your opinion by selecting your choices on the ballot items before you. To assist you with the choices, the Fresno County Elections Department is providing this Sample Ballot and Voters Pamphlet. It contains a copy of your ballot. It is important that you take time to read this informational pamphlet and become aware of the items before you in this election. Also, the location of your polling place or your method of voting is contained on the back cover. I trust you will find this material to be informative and helpful. However, if you have any questions regarding the voting process, you may contact our office at 600-VOTE. Our experienced staff will be available to assist you. Victor E. Salazar Fresno County Clerk/Registrar of Voters FR 235-001 Vote for One GAIL K. LIGHTFOOT Retired Nurse BARBARA BOXER United States Senator Libertarian Democratic Green Party Democratic Republican Libertarian Peace And Freedom UNITED STATES SENATOR DUANE ROBERTS Community Volunteer Write-In CHRIS PARKER Tax Professional/Educator GEORGE RUNNER Taxpayer Advocate/Senator WILLARD D. MICHLIN CPA/Businessman TOBY MITCHELL-SAWYER Security Officer Republican Democratic FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT, BERT LEVY be elected to the office for the term provided by law? NO YES FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT, CHUCK POOCHIGIAN be elected to the office for the term provided by law? NO YES FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT, JENNIFER DETJEN be elected to the office for the term provided by law? NO YES FOR PRESIDING JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT, BRAD R. HILL be elected to the office for the term provided by law? NO YES FR 235-002 Sample Ballot JOHN CHIANG Controller Democratic Republican DAMON DUNN Small Business Owner CONTROLLER Vote for One Green Party ANN MENASCHE Civil Rights Attorney Write-In American Independent Democratic Peace And Freedom Libertarian MERTON D. SHORT Aviator DEBRA BOWEN Secretary of State MARYLOU CABRAL Community Volunteer CHRISTINA TOBIN Voting Rights Advocate SECRETARY OF STATE Vote for One NO YES FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE CARLOS R. MORENO Green Party be elected to office for the term provided by law? Libertarian Peace And Freedom BD OF EQUALIZATION NO. 2 Vote for One Republican ABEL MALDONADO Senator/Businessman/Farmer Write-In DINA JOSEPHINE PADILLA Injured Worker Consultant Democratic GAVIN NEWSOM Mayor, City and County of San Francisco Write-In CLAY PEDERSEN Retail Manager MIKE VILLINES Businessman/State Assemblyman American Independent Libertarian DAVE JONES Member, California State Assembly WILLIAM BALDERSTON Teacher/Union Organizer NO YES FOR CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, THIRD APPELLATE DISTRICT, TANI CANTIL-SAKAUYE be elected to the office for the term provided by law? JUDICIAL FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, MING W. CHIN be Libertarian elected to office for the term provided by law? Green Party American Independent INSURANCE COMMISSIONER Vote for One RICHARD S. BRONSTEIN Licensed Insurance Broker Write-In PAMELA J. BROWN Economics Professor JIM KING Real Estate Broker C.T. WEBER Retired Government Analyst Green Party Peace And Freedom TIMOTHY J. HANNAN Attorney/Arbitrator/Mediator Peace And Freedom LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Vote for One JAMES "JIMI" CASTILLO Cultural Spiritual Advisor Write-In CARLOS ALVAREZ Retail Worker American Independent KAMALA D. HARRIS Democratic District Attorney, City and County of San Francisco Democratic JERRY BROWN Attorney General of California CHELENE NIGHTINGALE Business Owner PETER ALLEN Environmental Energy Attorney Libertarian DALE F. OGDEN Business Consultant/Actuary Peace And Freedom ROBERT J. EVANS Criminal Defense Lawyer Republican MEG WHITMAN Businesswoman Republican STEVE COOLEY District Attorney, County of Los Angeles American Independent Green Party DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN Attorney/RE Broker ATTORNEY GENERAL Vote for One LAURA WELLS Financial Systems Consultant GOVERNOR Vote for One STATE FILL IN OVAL LIKE THIS INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: You must use a black pen, blue pen or No. 2 pencil to completely fill in the oval to the left of your choice. Fill in the whole oval, or your vote may not be counted. OFFICIAL BALLOT STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION, NOVEMBER 2, 2010, FRESNO COUNTY BT-235--F BT-235--F SECRETARY OF STATE Vote for One TREASURER Vote for One Democratic BILL LOCKYER California State Treasurer Write-In 16TH STATE SENATE Vote for One STATE SENATOR Republican BRANDON SHOEMAKER Fraud Investigator/Businessman Write-In Democratic Democratic Republican Republican Democratic HENRY T. PEREA Fresno City Councilmember 31ST ASSEMBLY Vote for One MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY Write-in MICHAEL J. RUBIO County Supervisor TIM THIESEN Farmer/Business Owner Write-In ANDY VIDAK Businessman/Farmer JIM COSTA Farmer/Representative 20TH CONGRESS Vote for One Republican American Independent UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE Write-In EDWARD C. NOONAN Computer Store Owner CARLY FIORINA Business Executive Peace And Freedom Libertarian Democratic Green Party Democratic Republican Libertarian SCHOOL Write-In JOSE DOMINGUEZ Kerman Unified School District Board Member KEITH EUBANKS County Board of Education/Farmer BOARD OF EDUCATION NO. 1 Vote for One Write-in TOM TORLAKSON Teacher/California Legislator LARRY ACEVES Retired School Superintendent SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Vote for One NO YES FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT, BERT LEVY be elected to the office for the term provided by law? NO YES FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT, CHUCK POOCHIGIAN be elected to the office for the term provided by law? NO YES FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT Shall ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT, JENNIFER DETJEN be elected to the office for the term provided by law? NO YES FR 235-003 Sample Ballot FRONT Card 482 RptPct 1234-10 "0000835D" English TURN OVER AND VOTE BOTH SIDES IF APPLICABLE American Independent Republican MIMI WALTERS Businesswoman ROBERT LAUTEN Green Party Libertarian Peace And Freedom CHARLES "KIT" CRITTENDEN Retired Professor EDWARD M. TEYSSIER Business Owner/Attorney DEBRA L. REIGER Retired Technology Manager Write-In Peace And Freedom Republican TONY STRICKLAND State Senator/Businessman KAREN MARTINEZ Retired Libertarian Green Party MARSHA FEINLAND Retired Teacher American Independent BARBARA BOXER United States Senator GAIL K. LIGHTFOOT Retired Nurse ANDREW "ANDY" FAVOR Certified Public Accountant ROSS D. FRANKEL Accountant LAWRENCE G. BELIZ Independent Businessman JOHN CHIANG Controller Vote for One UNITED STATES SENATOR DUANE ROBERTS Community Volunteer Write-In CHRIS PARKER Tax Professional/Educator GEORGE RUNNER Taxpayer Advocate/Senator WILLARD D. MICHLIN CPA/Businessman Peace And Freedom BD OF EQUALIZATION NO. 2 Vote for One TOBY MITCHELL-SAWYER Security Officer Write-In Democratic Republican DAMON DUNN Small Business Owner CONTROLLER Vote for One Green Party ANN MENASCHE Civil Rights Attorney Write-In American Independent Democratic Peace And Freedom Libertarian Republican MERTON D. SHORT Aviator DEBRA BOWEN Secretary of State MARYLOU CABRAL Community Volunteer CHRISTINA TOBIN Voting Rights Advocate Write-In ABEL MALDONADO Senator/Businessman/Farmer BT-235--F FRESNO IRRIGATION DIV 3 Vote for One DISTRICT 19. LEGALIZES MARIJUANA UNDER CALIFORNIA BUT NOT FEDERAL LAW. PERMITS LOCAL GOVERNMENTS TO REGULATE AND TAX COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION, AND SALE OF MARIJUANA. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Allows people 21 years old or older to possess, STATE MEASURES MEASURES SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS Write-In RYAN N. JACOBSEN Agricultural Representative/Farmer PAUL H. GARCIA Retired Case Manager Write-In PAUL DICTOS Certified Public Accountant CAROLE T. LAVAL State Certified Appraiser ASSESSOR-RECORDER Vote for One 25. CHANGES LEGISLATIVE VOTE REQUIREMENT TO SCHOOL NEWLY UNIFIED NO. 7 Vote for One Write-In DONALD G. SMITH, SR. Food Service STEVEN BARRA Sales MARLENE M. GEORGE Legal Secretary PEACHES A. COLEMAN Cosmetologist/Administrator NO YES W. Newly Unified Shall the territory of the American Union Elementary School District and the Washington Union High School District be unified, with Orange Center, Pacific Union, Washington Colony, West Fresno and West Park elementary school districts excluded from the unification, and be governed by a seven member Board of Trustees elected by trustee area? NO YES 27. ELIMINATES STATE COMMISSION ON REDISTRICTING. CONSOLIDATES AUTHORITY FOR REDISTRICTING WITH ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT AND STATUTE. Eliminates 14-member redistricting commission. Consolidates authority for establishing state Assembly, Senate, and Board of Equalization districts with elected representatives who draw congressional districts. Fiscal Impact: Possible reduction of state redistricting costs of around $1 million over the next year. Likely reduction of these costs of a few million dollars once every ten years beginning in 2020. FR 235-004 Sample Ballot NO YES 24. REPEALS RECENT LEGISLATION THAT WOULD ALLOW BUSINESSES TO LOWER THEIR TAX LIABILITY. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Fiscal Impact: Increased state revenues of about $1.3 billion each year by 2012-13 from higher taxes paid by some businesses. Smaller increases in 2010-11 and 2011-12. NO YES 23. SUSPENDS AIR POLLUTION CONTROL LAWS REQUIRING MAJOR POLLUTERS TO REPORT AND REDUCE GREEHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS THAT CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING UNTIL UNEMPLOYMENT DROPS TO 5.5 PERCENT OR LESS FOR FULL YEAR. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Fiscal Impact: Likely modest net increase in overall economic activity in the state from suspension of greenhouse gases regulatory activity, resulting in a potentially significant net increase in state and local revenues. NO CYNTHIA A. STERLING Fresno City Councilwoman Write-In YES SUPERVISOR NO. 1 Vote for One COUNTY PHIL LARSON Fresno County Supervisor/Farmer Write-In Write-In Write-In E.W. "JOHN" MUSSON, JR Incumbent 22. PROHIBITS THE STATE FROM BORROWING OR TAKING FUNDS USED FOR TRANSPORTATION, REDEVELOPMENT, OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROJECTS AND SERVICES. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Prohibits State, even during severe fiscal hardship, from delaying distribution of tax revenues for these purposes. Fiscal Impact: Decreased state General Fund spending and/or increased state revenues, probably in the range of $1 billion to several billions of dollars annually. Comparable amounts of increased funding for transportation and redevelopment. NO ROXANN (WILLIAMS) SAMFORD Mortgage Lending Manager BEVERLY MCCRAY Child Care Provider YES 21. ESTABLISHES $18 ANNUAL VEHICLE LICENSE SURCHARGE TO HELP FUND STATE PARKS AND WILDLIFE PROGRAMS. GRANTS SURCHARGED VEHICLES FREE ADMISSION TO ALL STATE PARKS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Exempts commercial vehicles, trailers and trailer coaches from the surcharge. Fiscal Impact: Annual increase to state revenues of $500 million from surcharge on vehicle registrations. After offsetting some existing funding sources, these revenues would provide at least $250 million more annually for state parks and wildlife conservation. FRANK BUTTERFIELD, JR. Incumbent STEVEN BARRA Sales MARLENE M. GEORGE Legal Secreatry JIM CURTIS Incumbent JASON K. TOMPKINS Logistics Officer TERESA "TERRY" RUIZ Small Business Owner WASHINGTON UNION HS Vote for no more than Three BT-235--B BT-235--B FRESNO IRRIGATION DIV 3 Vote for One DISTRICT NO YES 20. REDISTRICTING OF CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Removes elected representatives from process of establishing congressional districts and transfers that authority to recentlyauthorized 14-member redistricting commission comprised of Democrats, Republicans, and representatives of neither party. Fiscal Impact: No significant net change in state redistricting costs. NO YES 19. LEGALIZES MARIJUANA UNDER CALIFORNIA BUT NOT FEDERAL LAW. PERMITS LOCAL GOVERNMENTS TO REGULATE AND TAX COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION, AND SALE OF MARIJUANA. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Allows people 21 years old or older to possess, cultivate, or transport marijuana for personal use. Fiscal Impact: Depending on federal, state, and local government actions, potential increased tax and fee revenues in the hundreds of millions of dollars annually and potential correctional savings of several tens of millions of dollars annually. STATE MEASURES MEASURES SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS Write-In RYAN N. JACOBSEN Agricultural Representative/Farmer PAUL H. GARCIA Retired Case Manager Write-In PAUL DICTOS Certified Public Accountant CAROLE T. LAVAL State Certified Appraiser Write-In DONALD G. SMITH, SR. Food Service STEVEN BARRA Sales MARLENE M. GEORGE Legal Secretary PEACHES A. COLEMAN Cosmetologist/Administrator FR 235-005 Sample Ballot BACK Card 482 RptPct 1234-10 "0000835D" English TURN OVER AND VOTE BOTH SIDES IF APPLICABLE NO YES 26. REQUIRES THAT CERTAIN STATE AND LOCAL FEES BE APPROVED BY TWO-THIRDS VOTE. FEES INCLUDE THOSE THAT ADDRESS ADVERSE IMPACTS ON SOCIETY OR THE ENVIRONMENT CAUSED BY THE FEE-PAYER’S BUSINESS. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Fiscal Impact: Depending on decisions by governing bodies and voters, decreased state and local government revenues and spending (up to billions of dollars annually). Increased transportation spending and state General Fund costs ($1 billion annually). NO YES 25. CHANGES LEGISLATIVE VOTE REQUIREMENT TO PASS BUDGET AND BUDGET-RELATED LEGISLATION FROM TWO-THIRDS TO A SIMPLE MAJORITY. RETAINS TWO-THIRDS VOTE REQUIREMENT FOR TAXES. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Legislature permanently forfeits daily salary and expenses until budget bill passes. Fiscal Impact: In some years, the contents of the state budget could be changed due to the lower legislative vote requirement in this measure. The extent of changes would depend on the Legislature’s future actions. NO YES 24. REPEALS RECENT LEGISLATION THAT WOULD ALLOW BUSINESSES TO LOWER THEIR TAX LIABILITY. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Fiscal Impact: Increased state revenues of about $1.3 billion each year by 2012-13 from higher taxes paid by some businesses. Smaller increases in 2010-11 and 2011-12. NO YES Fiscal Impact: Likely modest net increase in overall economic activity in the state from suspension of greenhouse gases regulatory activity, resulting in a potentially significant net increase in state and local revenues. BT-235--B CONTRALOR Vote por uno Demócrata Republicano GAIL K. LIGHTFOOT Enfermera Jubilada BARBARA BOXER Senadora de Estados Unidos DUANE ROBERTS Voluntario Comunitario Vote por uno Libertario Demócrata Verde Demócrata Republicano Libertario Paz y Libertad SENADO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS Voto Escrito CHRIS PARKER Profesional tributario/Educador GEORGE RUNNER Defensor del contribuyentes/Senador WILLARD D. MICHLIN Contador público certificado/Empresario TOBY MITCHELL-SAWYER Oficial de seguridad Voto Escrito Paz y Libertad Ind. Americano MIEMBRO DE LA DIRECTIVA DE IMPUESTOS SOBRE VENTAS, USO Y OTROS, DISTRITO 2 Vote por uno DINA JOSEPHINE PADILLA Consultora de trabajadores lesionados CLAY PEDERSEN Gerente de ventas al por menor Republicano Demócrata Verde Libertario Libertario Demócrata Verde Paz y Libertad Republicano Ind. Americano PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION “¿Debe el Juez Asociado, Corte de Apelación, Quinto Distrito de Apelación, BERT LEVY ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? No Si PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION “¿Debe el Juez Asociado, Corte de Apelación, Quinto Distrito de Apelación, CHUCK POOCHIGIAN ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? No Si PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION “¿Debe el Juez Asociado, Corte de Apelación, Quinto Distrito de Apelación, JENNIFER DETJEN ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? No Si PRESIDENTE DE LA CORTE DE APELACIÓN, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACIÓN “¿Debe el Juez Asociado, Corte de Apelación, Quinto Distrito de Apelación, BRAD R. HILL ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? No Si PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, DEL LA CORTE SUPERIOR “¿Debe la Juez Asociado, de la Corte Superior CARLOS R. MORENO ser electa al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? No Si PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, DEL LA CORTE SUPERIOR “¿Debe la Juez Asociado, de la Corte Superior MING W. CHIIN ser electa al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? No Si PARA EL JEFE DE JUSTICIA DE LA CORTE SUPREMA “¿Debe el Juez Asociado, Corte de Apelación, Tercer Distrito de Apelación, TANI CANTIL-SAKAUYE ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? JUDICIAL FR 235-006 Boleta Ejemplar JOHN CHIANG Contralor Voto Escrito DAMON DUNN Propietario de pequeña empresa Verde Ind. Americano MERTON D. SHORT Aviador ANN MENASCHE Abogada de derechos civiles Demócrata Paz y Libertad Libertario Republicano Demócrata DEBRA BOWEN Secretaria de Estado MARYLOU CABRAL Voluntaria comunitaria CHRISTINA TOBIN Defensora del derecho al voto SECRETARIO DE ESTADO Vote por uno Voto Escrito ABEL MALDONADO Senador/Empresario/Agricultor GAVIN NEWSOM Alcade, Ciudad y condado de San Francisco Libertario MIKE VILLINES Empresario/Asambleista del Estado Ind. Americano JIM KING Corredor de bienes raices PAMELA J. BROWN Profesora de economia DAVE JONES Miembro, Asamblea del Estado de California WILLIAM BALDERSTON Maestro/Organizador sindical Paz y Libertad Verde RICHARD S. BRONSTEIN Corredor de seguros autorizado COMISIONADO DE SEGUROS Vote por uno Voto Escrito TIMOTHY J. HANNAN Abogado/Árbitro/Mediador KAMALA D. HARRIS Fiscal Ciudad y Condado de San Francisco PETER ALLEN Abogado ambiental y de enerigia ROBERT J. EVANS Abogado de defensa penal STEVE COOLEY Fiscal, Condado de Los Angeles DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN Abogada/Corredora de bienes raíces PROCURADOR GENERAL Vote por uno C.T. WEBER Analista gubernamental jubilado JAMES "JIMI" CASTILLO Asesor espiritual cultural VICEGOBERNADOR Vote por uno Paz y Libertad CARLOS ALVAREZ Trabajador de ventas al por menor Voto Escrito Ind. Americano Demócrata JERRY BROWN Procurador General de California CHELENE NIGHTINGALE Propietaria de empresa Libertario Republicano Verde DALE F. OGDEN Consultor de empresas/Actuario MEG WHITMAN Empresaria LAURA WELLS Consultora de sistemas financieros GOBERNADOR Vote por uno ESTADO LLENE EL ÓVALO ASI INSTRUCCIONES AL ELECTOR: Utilice usted una pluma o bolígrafo de tinta negra o azul, o bien un lápiz No. 2, para llenar completamente el óvalo al lado izquierdo de su preferencia. Llene el óvalo completamente, para que su voto sea contado con seguridad. BOLETA OFICIAL ELECCION GENERAL ESTATAL 2 DE NOVIEMBRE 2010, CONDADO DE FRESNO BT-235--F BT-235--F CONTRALOR Vote por uno TESORERO Vote por uno Voto Escrito ROBERT LAUTEN BILL LOCKYER Tesorero del Estado de California MIMI WALTERS Empresaria CHARLES "KIT" CRITTENDEN Profesor jubilado EDWARD M. TEYSSIER Propietario de empresario/Abogado DEBRA L. REIGER Gerente de tecnología jubilada Voto Escrito Ind. Americano Demócrata Republicano Verde Libertario Paz y Libertad Paz y Libertad Republicano TONY STRICKLAND Senador estatal/Empresario Verde DISTRITO 16 Vote por uno SENADOR ESTATAL Ind. Americano Republicano Paz y Libertad Libertario Demócrata Republicano Republicano Demócrata Demócrata Republicano ESCOLAR Voto Escrito JOSE DOMINGUEZ Miembro de la Junta del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Kerman KEITH EUBANKS Junta de Educación del Condado/Granjero Voto Escrito MIEMBRO DE LA JUNTA DE FIDEICOMISARIOS DE ESCUELAS DEL CONDADO DE FRESNO DISTRITO NO. 1 Vote por uno TOM TORLAKSON Maestro/Legislador de California LARRY ACEVES Superintendente escolar retirado SUPERINTENDENTE DE INSTRUCCIÓN PÚBLICA Vote por uno No Si PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION “¿Debe el Juez Asociado, Corte de Apelación, Quinto Distrito de Apelación, BERT LEVY ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? No Si PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION “¿Debe el Juez Asociado, Corte de Apelación, Quinto Distrito de Apelación, CHUCK POOCHIGIAN ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? No Si PARA JUEZ ASOCIADO, CORTE DE APELACION, QUINTO DISTRITO DE APELACION “¿Debe el Juez Asociado, Corte de Apelación, Quinto Distrito de Apelación, JENNIFER DETJEN ser electo al cargo por el período provisto por la ley? No Si FR 235-007 Boleta Ejemplar FRONT Card 482 RptPct 1234-10 "0000835D" Spanish VOLTEE Y VOTE AMBOS LADOS SI APLICA Voto Escrito BRANDON SHOEMAKER Investigador de fraudes/Empresario HENRY T. PEREA Concejal municipal de Fresno DISTRITO 31 Vote por uno MIEMBRO DE LA ASAMBLEA DEL ESTADO Voto Escrito MICHAEL J. RUBIO Supervisor de Condado TIM THIESEN Agricultor/Propietario de empresa Voto Escrito ANDY VIDAK Empresario/Agricultor JIM COSTA Agricultor/Representante DISTRITO 20 Vote por uno Verde Demócrata REPRESENTANTE DE ESTADO UNIDOS Voto Escrito EDWARD C. NOONAN Propietario de Tienda de Computación CARLY FIORINA Ejecutiva empresaria MARSHA FEINLAND Maestra Jubilada Ind. Americano BARBARA BOXER Senadora de Estados Unidos DUANE ROBERTS Voluntario Comunitario Vote por uno Demócrata Republicano Libertario Paz y Libertad SENADO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS Voto Escrito CHRIS PARKER Profesional tributario/Educador GEORGE RUNNER Defensor del contribuyentes/Senador WILLARD D. MICHLIN Contador público certificado/Empresario TOBY MITCHELL-SAWYER Oficial de seguridad GAIL K. LIGHTFOOT Enfermera Jubilada Libertario KAREN MARTINEZ Jubilada Voto Escrito MIEMBRO DE LA DIRECTIVA DE IMPUESTOS SOBRE VENTAS, USO Y OTROS, DISTRITO 2 Vote por uno Demócrata Republicano ANDREW "ANDY" FAVOR Contador público certificado ROSS D. FRANKEL Contador LAWRENCE G. BELIZ Empresario independiente JOHN CHIANG Contralor Voto Escrito DAMON DUNN Propietario de pequeña empresa Verde Ind. Americano MERTON D. SHORT Aviador ANN MENASCHE Abogada de derechos civiles Demócrata Paz y Libertad Libertario Republicano DEBRA BOWEN Secretaria de Estado MARYLOU CABRAL Voluntaria comunitaria CHRISTINA TOBIN Defensora del derecho al voto SECRETARIO DE ESTADO Vote por uno Voto Escrito ABEL MALDONADO Senador/Empresario/Agricultor BT-235--F DISTRITO 19. LEGALIZA LA MARIHUANA SEGÚN LA LEY DE CALIFORNIA, PERO NO LA LEY FEDERAL. PERMITE QUE LOS GOBIERNOS LOCALES REGULEN Y GRAVEN LA PRODUCCIÓN COMERCIAL, DISTRIBUCIÓN Y VENTA DE MARIHUANA. LEY POR INICIATIVA. Permite que las personas ESTADO PROPUESTAS SOMETIDAS A LOS ELECTORES Voto Escrito RYAN N. JACOBSEN Representante de Agricultura/Granjero PAUL H. GARCIA Administrador de Caso Jubilado IRRIGACION FRESNO DIV 3 Vote por uno Voto Escrito PAUL DICTOS Contador Público Titulado CAROLE T. LAVAL Tasadora Certificada del Estado TASADOR-REGISTRADOR Vote por uno 25. CAMBIA EL REQUISITO DE VOTO LEGISLATIVO PARA ESCOLAR UNIFICADO NEWLY NO. 7 Vote por uno Voto Escrito DONALD G. SMITH, SR. Servicio de Comida STEVEN BARRA Ventas MARLENE M. GEORGE Secretaria Legal PEACHES A. COLEMAN Cometóloga/Administradora No Si W. Unificado de Newly ¿Debe el territorio del Distrito de Escuelas Primarias Unión de América y el Distrito de Escuelas Secundarias Unión de Washington, unificarse con los distritos de escuelas primarias del Centro de Orange, Pacific Union, Washington Colony, West Fresno y West Park excluidos de la unificación, y ser gobernado por una Junta de Síndicos de siete miembros elegida por un área de síndicos? No Si 27. ELIMINA LA COMISIÓN ESTATAL DE REDISTRIBUCIÓN DE DISTRITOS. CONSOLIDA LA AUTORIDAD DE REDISTRIBUCIÓN DE DISTRITOS EN REPRESENTANTES ELEGIDOS POR VOTACIÓN. ENMIENDA CONSTITUCIONAL Y LEY POR INICIATIVA. Elimina la comisión de 14 miembros de redistribución de distritos. Consolida la autoridad de establecer distritos para la Asamblea estatal, el Senado y la Directiva de Impuestos sobre Ventas, Uso y Otros en representantes elegidos por votación encargados de trazar distritos del Congreso. Impacto fiscal: Posible reducción de los costos del estado de redistribución de distritos de cerca de $1 millón a lo largo del próximo año. Probable reducción de estos costos de varios millones de dólares una vez cada diez años a partir de 2020. FR 235-008 Boleta Ejemplar No Si 24. DEROGA LEGISLACIÓN RECIENTE QUE PERMITIRÍA QUE LAS EMPRESAS REDUJERAN SU OBLIGACIÓN TRIBUTARIA. LEY POR INICIATIVA. Impacto fiscal: Mayores recaudaciones estatales de unos $1,300 millones anuales para 2012-13 provenientes de impuestos más elevados que pagarían algunas empresas. Menores aumentos en 2010-11 y 2011-12. No Si 23. SUSPENDE LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE LA LEY DE CONTROL DE LA CONTAMINACIÓN DEL AIRE (AB 32) QUE REQUIERE QUE LAS PRINCIPALES FUENTES DE EMISIONES REPORTEN Y REDUZCAN LAS EMISIONES DE GASES DE EFECTO INVERNADERO QUE CAUSAN EL CALENTAMIENTO GLOBAL HASTA QUE EL DESEMPLEO BAJE AL 5.5 POR CIENTO O MENOS POR UN AÑO COMPLETO. LEY POR INICIATIVA. Impacto fiscal: Probablemente un aumento neto modesto de la actividad económica general en el estado proveniente de la suspensión de la actividad de regulación de los gases de efecto invernadero que podría resultar en un aumento neto significativo de las recaudaciones estatales y locales. No CYNTHIA A. STERLING Concejala municipal de Fresno Voto Escrito Si SUPERVISOR NO. 1 Vote por uno CONDADO PHIL LARSON Supervisor del Condado de Fresno/Agricultor Voto Escrito Voto Escrito Voto Escrito E.W. "JOHN" MUSSON, JR Titular 22. PROHÍBE QUE EL ESTADO TOME EN PRÉSTAMO O SE APODERE DE FONDOS DESTINADOS A TRANSPORTE, REURBANIZACIÓN O PROYECTOS Y SERVICIOS DE GOBIERNOS LOCALES. ENMIENDA CONSTITUCIONAL POR INICIATIVA. Prohíbe que el Estado, incluso en épocas de grandes dificultades fiscales, aplace la distribución de recaudaciones impositivas para estos fines. Impacto fiscal: Menor gasto del Fondo General del estado y/o mayores recaudaciones impositivas del estado, probablemente de entre $1,000 millones a varios miles de millones de dólares anuales. Aumentos de financiamiento comparables para programas de transporte estatales y locales y la reurbanización local. No ROXANN (WILLIAMS) SAMFORD Gerenta de Préstamos Hipotecarios BEVERLY MCCRAY Proveedora de Ciudado de Niños Si 21. ESTABLECE UN RECARGO ANUAL DE $18 SOBRE LAS MATRÍCULAS DE LOS VEHÍCULOS PARA AYUDAR A FINANCIAR LOS PARQUES ESTATALES Y LOS PROGRAMAS DE VIDA SILVESTRE. CONCEDE ENTRADA GRATUITA A TODOS LOS PARQUES ESTATALES A LOS VEHÍCULOS QUE PAGARON EL RECARGO. LEY POR INICIATIVA. Exime del recargo a los vehículos comerciales, los remolques y los cámper. Impacto fiscal: Aumento anual de las recaudaciones del estado de $500 millones proveniente del recargo sobre las matrículas de los vehículos. Después de contrarrestar algunas fuentes de financiamiento existentes, esas recaudaciones proporcionarían al menos $250 millones anuales más para los parques estatales y la conservación de la vida silvestre. FRANK BUTTERFIELD, JR. Titular STEVEN BARRA Ventas MARLENE M. GEORGE Secretaria Legal JIM CURTIS Titular JASON K. TOMPKINS Funcionario de Logística TERESA "TERRY" RUIZ Propietaria de Negocio en Pequeña Escala SECUNDARIA UNION WASHINGTON Vote por no mas de tres BT-235--B BT-235--B DISTRITO No Si 20. REDISTRIBUCIÓN DE DISTRITOS DEL CONGRESO. ENMIENDA CONSTITUCIONAL POR INICIATIVA. Retira a los representantes elegidos por votación del proceso de establecer distritos del Congreso y transfiere esa autoridad a la comisión de 14 miembros recientemente autorizada a redistribuir distritos, formada por demócratas, republicanos y representantes de ninguno de esos dos partidos. Impacto fiscal: Sin cambios netos significativos para el estado en los costos de redistribución de distritos. No Si 19. LEGALIZA LA MARIHUANA SEGÚN LA LEY DE CALIFORNIA, PERO NO LA LEY FEDERAL. PERMITE QUE LOS GOBIERNOS LOCALES REGULEN Y GRAVEN LA PRODUCCIÓN COMERCIAL, DISTRIBUCIÓN Y VENTA DE MARIHUANA. LEY POR INICIATIVA. Permite que las personas de 21 años de edad o mayores posean, cultiven o transporten marihuana para uso personal. Impacto fiscal: Dependiendo de los actos gubernamentales federales, estatales y locales, posible aumento de las recaudaciones impositivas y de cargos de cientos de millones de dólares anuales y posibles ahorros para correccionales de varias decenas de millones de dólares anuales. ESTADO PROPUESTAS SOMETIDAS A LOS ELECTORES Voto Escrito RYAN N. JACOBSEN Representante de Agricultura/Granjero PAUL H. GARCIA Administrador de Caso Jubilado IRRIGACION FRESNO DIV 3 Vote por uno Voto Escrito PAUL DICTOS Contador Público Titulado CAROLE T. LAVAL Tasadora Certificada del Estado Voto Escrito DONALD G. SMITH, SR. Servicio de Comida STEVEN BARRA Ventas MARLENE M. GEORGE Secretaria Legal PEACHES A. COLEMAN Cometóloga/Administradora FR 235-009 Boleta Ejemplar BACK Card 482 RptPct 1234-10 "0000835D" Spanish VOLTEE Y VOTE AMBOS LADOS SI APLICA No Si 26. REQUIERE QUE CIERTAS CUOTAS ESTATALES Y LOCALES SEAN APROBADAS POR EL VOTO DE LAS DOS TERCERAS PARTES. LAS CUOTAS INCLUYEN LAS QUE ESTÁN DIRIGIDAS A IMPACTOS ADVERSOS SOBRE LA SOCIEDAD O EL MEDIO AMBIENTE CAUSADOS POR LAS ACTIVIDADES COMERCIALES DE LOS QUE PAGAN CUOTAS. ENMIENDA CONSTITUCIONAL POR INICIATIVA. Impacto fiscal: Dependiendo de las decisiones de los organismos gubernamentales y de los votantes, menores recaudaciones y gastos de los gobiernos estatal y locales (de hasta miles de millones de dólares anuales). Mayores gastos en transporte y mayores costos del Fondo General del estado ($1,000 millones anuales). No Si 25. CAMBIA EL REQUISITO DE VOTO LEGISLATIVO PARA APROBAR EL PRESUPUESTO Y LEGISLACIÓN RELACIONADA CON EL PRESUPUESTO DE LAS DOS TERCERAS PARTES A UNA MAYORÍA SIMPLE. MANTIENE EL REQUISITO DE LAS DOS TERCERAS PARTES DEL VOTO PARA IMPUESTOS. ENMIENDA CONSTITUCIONAL POR INICIATIVA. La Legislatura pierde permanentemente salario diario y gastos hasta que aprueba el proyecto de ley presupuestaria. Impacto fiscal: En algunos años el contenido del presupuesto del estado podría cambiar a causa del requisito de voto legislativo reducido de esta medida. El alcance de los cambios dependería de los actos futuros de la Legislatura. No Si 24. DEROGA LEGISLACIÓN RECIENTE QUE PERMITIRÍA QUE LAS EMPRESAS REDUJERAN SU OBLIGACIÓN TRIBUTARIA. LEY POR INICIATIVA. Impacto fiscal: Mayores recaudaciones estatales de unos $1,300 millones anuales para 2012-13 provenientes de impuestos más elevados que pagarían algunas empresas. Menores aumentos en 2010-11 y 2011-12. No Si CALENTAMIENTO GLOBAL HASTA QUE EL DESEMPLEO BAJE AL 5.5 POR CIENTO O MENOS POR UN AÑO COMPLETO. LEY POR INICIATIVA. Impacto fiscal: Probablemente un aumento neto modesto de la actividad económica general en el estado proveniente de la suspensión de la actividad de regulación de los gases de efecto invernadero que podría resultar en un aumento neto significativo de las recaudaciones estatales y locales. BT-235--B P-34 14 29 State Assembly District State Senator Office Party Democrat Democrat Candidate Name Larry Johnson Michael J. Esswein IMPORTANT VOTER NOTICE FR 235-010 01-03 Existing Charter language to be deleted is in strikeout type. New Charter language proposed to be added is underlined. THE TEXT OF THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL IS PRINTED AS FILED WITH THE FRESNO COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE This pamphlet may not contain a complete list of candidates. A complete list of candidates appears on the Sample Ballot. Each candidate’s statement in this pamphlet is volunteered by the candidate and is printed at the expense of the candidate unless otherwise determined by the governing body. ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF OR IN OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED LAWS ARE THE OPINIONS OF THE AUTHORS CANDIDATES’ STATEMENTS together with BALLOT MEASURES, ANALYSES, ARGUMENTS AND STATEMENT OF GROUNDS The following pages contain VOTER’S PAMPHLET FR 235-011 FR 235-012 You don’t have to look hard to realize our country is on the wrong track. Like you, I’ve had enough. Our Valley’s families have been hard hit by loss of jobs and water. Congress continues to pass laws making it almost impossible for businesses to create new jobs. Bay Area liberals continue to dictate who gets water in California and who doesn’t. This year, our farms were initially given just 5% of their water, even though reservoirs all across California were overflowing and whole communities stood jobless in food lines. Now that it’s an election year, our representatives in Congress are scrambling to appear to be fighting for us. Where have they been for the past decade as problems accumulated? Congress is out of touch. They don’t listen to our voice or act on our behalf. They let federal spending get out of control, mismanaged the economy leading to continued high unemployment, and seem content with tough times for our families. They’ve ignored our pleas, and allowed our Valley communities to dry up, even in wet years. I’m a farmer, business owner, and Valley resident, just like you. I’m running for Congress to get our Valley working again and am willing to work with anyone who shares my focus on solving California’s job and water problems. Your government should listen and work for you. But, that begins with real representation. As your Congressman, I will be available, I will listen, and I will be your voice in Washington DC. I am an optimist. Our Valley continues to face a real crisis. But we have turned a corner. Things will get better. We confronted the woolly-headed bureaucrats who were cutting off our water. We stood up to the bully tactics of the zealots whose agenda ignores our families and our future. After years of hard work, our fight has broken through. We have made progress. More precious water is flowing to our Valley. It is a beginning. For us. And for our economy. But we must keep their feet to the fire. We must fight Washington's bad decisions. Our very survival is at stake. Getting a fair share of water will impact every one of our lives. Jobs will return – both in and out of agriculture. Our economy will rebound. This is our fight. That’s why I am running. That’s what this election is all about. As a family farmer and life long resident of the San Joaquin Valley, I know how important this struggle is. I will continue working on critical district issues like crime and gangs, air quality and education. My local offices will stay busy helping people one-on-one. But my top priority is jobs and our local economy, and that starts by making sure we have the water we need – now and in the future. We will overcome this crisis. We will win this fight. STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR TH MEMBER, 20 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT ANDY VIDAK Occupation: Farmer/Businessman STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR TH MEMBER, 20 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT JIM COSTA Occupation: Farmer/Representative CS-1240-1 STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER, STATE SENATE DISTRICT 16 Age: 55 I’m a farmer and small business owner, not a politician. Yet my commitment to our community has lasted a lifetime. I was born here. My wife and I raised our family here and now I run my business here. It is not too long ago when I could remember children being able to play outside until dark. We all knew they were safe to play, would have a good school to attend, and a job when they graduated. Now our community is suffering. Our streets aren’t safe, schools are struggling, and jobs are being eliminated. Every single day in the Senate I will think about the good honest people that are out of work. My goal is to eliminate government waste and take actions that will bring jobs to our community. After jobs the two policy areas that drive me are public safety and education. People should be able to take a walk in the evening without fearing for their safety. I am willing to make the tough choices so that people have that sense of freedom. My wife Barbara and I have been married for 24 years. She has spent 19 of those years working in public schools. I see the value of a good education and what it means for young people today. My experience as a father, businessman, and farmer make me uniquely qualified to serve our community. To learn more about my campaign visit It would be an honor to have your vote. Tim Thiesen TIM THIESEN Occupation: Farmer/Business Owner CS-1310-1 FR 235-013 STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR ST MEMBER, 31 ASSEMBLY DISTRICT When will our legislature get serious about fixing our economy, creating jobs, and stopping the state’s runaway spending? Our State’s unemployment rate remains among the highest in the nation, and here in the Valley it’s even worse. Yet our legislature continues to drive jobs and businesses out of our State by raising taxes and heaping new regulations on small businesses. We need to get serious about creating jobs and fixing our economy. Here in the Valley, that starts with providing more water for our farms and families. I’m running for Assembly to fight for increased water for our communities. That means balancing our water laws rather than allowing the Bay Area liberals to dictate who gets water and who doesn’t. I will also work to suspend the heavy regulations that are driving businesses out of our state. Instead, let’s turn California into one-big enterprise zone and attract jobs back to our Valley. I will fight to balance the state budget and make Sacramento live within its means like you and I must do every day. And, I will oppose attempts to raise taxes on the hard working families of our Valley. It’s time for real, decisive leadership in the Assembly. I’m not a career politician. Instead, I’m a husband, father, public safety officer, and business owner who believes, like my neighbors, that things are seriously off track in our State. It’s time that we turned our state around. I would be honored to have your support. Please visit: BRANDON SHOEMAKER Occupation: Fraud Investigator/Businessman CS-1340-1 FR 235-014 STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR FRESNO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION DISTRICT 1 I believe I am the most qualified candidate for the position of Fresno County Board Member, District 1. I am currently President of the Fresno County Board of Education, and have served as a trustee for eight years. The Board is responsible for the education of Special Education students, ROP Students, Migrant students and Court and Community School students and also oversees 34 school districts and 29 charter schools in Fresno County. I served for 6 years on the Tranquility Union High School Board; am President of the Tranquility Chamber of Commerce and am also an appointed advisor for the Citizen’s Advisory Committee, representing unincorporated towns in Fresno County. This position calls for an experienced candidate who can step in on Day One. I am that candidate. Thank you for the opportunity to serve our county, our schools and our students. Keith Eubanks, Candidate Fresno County Board, District 1 KEITH EUBANKS Occupation: Board of Education/Farmer CS-2021-1 FR 235-015 I have worked with Washington Union High School on a variety of committees these last two years. I have realized that I could offer my leadership skills in a greater capacity. Our students, teachers and staff at Washington Union need the leadership to continue to move in positive direction. I would like to be a part of that leadership as a School Board Member. I have two children currently attending WUHS. I also am an alumnus from Pacific Union and WUHS. I am willing to walk the hallways and listen to what is needed for our children in order for them to succeed in life. We need to give the students the tools needed to become productive citizens. We have the opportunity to impact our children during their high school years. Our students need to st be equipped to compete in the 21 century. All our students at WUHS should have the choice to attend college. As a small business owner for 15 years in Easton, I am an active member in our community. I can offer the input as a parent, community member and alumni. Please vote “Terry Ruiz” for your school board TERESA “TERRY” RUIZ Occupation: Small Business Owner STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER, WASHINGTON UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT CS-3431-1 FR 235-016 As your County Supervisor, I have a proven record of supporting public safety, working to create jobs, and protecting water for the people of Fresno County. I have been a strong supporter of public safety since I’ve been on the Board. I am proud to have the endorsement of Sheriff Mims and the Fresno Deputy Sheriffs’ Association. Further, I’m on record against the early release of prisoners and voted this year to ensure the Sheriff’s Department did not layoff any Deputies. To protect water flow to Fresno County, I’ve testified before a Congressional subcommittee against the Miller-Bradley law… a bill that jeopardized the Agriculture industry and the jobs that go along with it. Simply stated: WATER = FOOD = JOBS THE FRESNO BEE reported that SEIU, “a union representing Fresno County workers has spent almost $500,000” to defeat me in June. Why? Because they want to control the Board. Despite these attacks, I will not compromise my position on fiscal responsibility, protecting families, and protecting Fresno County taxpayers. I have always voted for what I believe is right and in the best interest of Fresno County residents. Your concerns are important to me. You may contact me at (559)288-9287 or PHIL LARSON Occupation: Fresno County Supervisor/Farmer STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR FRESNO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRICT NO. 1 CS-4001-1 FR 235-017 STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR FRESNO COUNTY ASSESSOR-RECORDER Age: 62 I am the only candidate who is a state licensed appraiser. For 37 years, I have worked as an appraiser and realtor throughout Fresno County. For five years I was employed in the Fresno County Assessor's Office and for 32 years I have run an appraisal business. I am the only candidate with appraisal experience, who holds advanced appraisal credentials, and is also qualified as a real estate expert in the courts. I serve on the Board of the Northern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute overseeing laws and regulations affecting the appraisal profession. As a wife and mother of three, I know the importance of assessments to the funding of schools, public services and safety. The county of Fresno and its cities are in fiscal crisis. An efficient and fair Assessor/Recorder’s office is essential to managing this crisis. I will use my skills to achieve fair, accurate and timely property appraisals. I will improve communication between the Assessor/Recorder’s office and other government offices, and to make services more accessible to the public. I will bring management and leadership skills from my work in the private sector and history of service on community and professional boards. Please vote for Carole Laval. CAROLE LAVAL Occupation: State Licensed Appraiser and Real Estate Broker CS-4010-1 FR 235-018 The Assessor-Recorder is responsible for fairly evaluating taxable property, ensuring equal treatment for all homeowners, businesses, and agricultural taxpayers. As Fresno County’s primary funding source for road repairs, schools, parks, police, fire and much more, you deserve an Assessor-Recorder who brings private sector productivity to the Office. One who will practice fiscal responsibility by maintaining a balanced budget. One that will do more with less. I possess the qualifications and experience to ensure that the Assessor’s appraisals, valuations, and assessments are accurate, and the Recorder’s office functions properly. With 38 years of experience as a CPA, I have conducted numerous public and private sector audits, recommending improvements and developing financial control systems that benefit government, industry, and the general public. County and State officials have criticized the operations of the retiring Assessor-Recorder – I’ll improve office management while prioritizing potential improvements in accordance with budgetary limitations. One of my first orders of business will be to replace the 44 year-old Cobolst based computer system to bring the tracking of your assessments into the 21 Century. My supporters ( symbolize my commitment to honesty, integrity and independence. They trust my judgment and ability to do this job. Together we ask for your vote. PAUL DICTOS Occupation: Certified Public Accountant-Dictos Accountancy Corp.-President/CEO STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE FOR FRESNO COUNTY ASSESSOR-RECORDER PR-9037-1 The creation of a unified school district will enhance both educational and extracurricular opportunities for all students grades K-12. Existing programs such as the Health Institute can be expanded. Extracurricular activities such as sports and performing arts can be coordinated in the same manner as the curriculum, increasing opportunities for students. The purpose of changing the organizational structure of the Districts is to help students. The creation of a unified school district will increase educational effectiveness by coordinating and integrating the educational curriculum from th Kindergarten through 12 grade. A coordinated curriculum is particularly important as students transition from elementary to high school. A unified district can best support students during these key educational transitions. A coordinated curriculum increases the quality of the educational program and will increase student performance. ARGUMENT IN FAVOR The American Union Elementary School District and the Washington Union High School District should become a single unified school district. The creation of a unified school district will benefit our schools and our students. Unification will provide increased revenue of approximately one million dollars annually and will not increase costs to taxpayers or raise taxes. s/Kevin B. Briggs County Counsel At the same election, there will be a governing board election to elect seven (7) qualified trustees, by trustee area, to serve as the board of trustees of the newly created unified school district, held in the territory proposed for unification. This governing board election of trustees shall be effective only if the school measure on unification passes. Trustees shall be elected by the voters of each respective trustee area. The Resolution, Order of Election, Specifications of the Election Order and Formal Notice of Election, adopted by the County Superintendent of Schools, Fresno County, on June 30, 2010, a copy of which is on file in the Fresno County Elections Office, depicts the seven (7) respective trustee areas, and specifies provisions for creating staggered terms for such trustees, and resolving tie votes, at this initial election. s/Calvin Freeman Past American Union Board President s/Gene Silveira Past American Union Board President FR 235-019 s/Jennifer Huntress American Union Board Member/Past President As you consider this proposal, before casting your ballot, it is imperative that you look more deeply at the many promised outcomes and the likelihood that they will be achieved by unification. We must not let the public discussion about it be one-sided. A true understanding of what we’re voting for or against will be the key to a fair election on this issue. True democracy depends on informed voters. Please refer to the website noted above for more facts. REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT IN FAVOR According to the California Department of Education (CDE) District Reorganization Handbook ( the state funding for salary/benefit differences is the ONLY new funding for a district that reorganizes. All other changes are revenue neutral, which means that there will be NO additional funding for programs for children. The new unified school board would have the power to increase OR decrease salaries, therefore effectively eliminating any possible additional funding. The cost of living adjustment (COLA) is reduced for newly unified districts, and there is a “deficit factor” which will also reduce any amount to be received by the district. With the current budget crisis, loss of COLA funding, and the deficit factor, any speculation as to $1,000,000 more annually cannot be verified, and is simply clouded wishful thinking! According to the Fresno County Office of Education and the CDE, “approval of a reorganization proposal is no guarantee of any specific revenue limit level.” s/Jim Mattos President, Governing Board of American Union Elementary School District s/Jim Curtis President, Governing Board of Washington Union High School District On behalf of the Governing Boards of the American Union Elementary School District and the Washington Union High School District, we ask that you vote in favor of unification. Unification will not increase costs to taxpayers or raise taxes. Unification will allow us to educate our students more efficiently and ultimately provide enhanced opportunities in their education. The Governing Boards of American Union and Washington Union voted to seek the creation of a new unified school district. The Governing Boards of the Orange Center, Pacific Union, Washington Colony, West Fresno, and West Park Elementary School Districts have consented to allow a vote on the unification of Washington Union and American Union. The unification process was approved by the Fresno County Committee on School District Organization. The Fresno County Office of Education performed an independent analysis of the unification and determined that it would be beneficial to both Districts. The unified school district will consist of the American Union Elementary School District and the Washington Union High School District. There are five additional elementary school Districts within the Washington Union High School District boundary: Orange Center, Pacific Union, Washington Colony, West Fresno, and West Park Elementary School Districts. Each of these five Districts will remain independent. FULL TEXT OF MEASURE Shall the territory of the American Union Elementary School District and the Washington Union High School District be unified, with Orange Center, Pacific Union, Washington Colony, West Fresno and West Park elementary school districts excluded from the unification, and be governed by a seven member Board of Trustees elected by trustee area? IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS BY COUNTY COUNSEL Voter approval of this measure on school unification will authorize the unification of the territory of American Union Elementary School District and the Washington Union High School District in a unified school district, while excluding from that unification other elementary school districts, namely, the Orange Center, Pacific Union, Washington Colony, West Fresno, and West Park elementary school districts. The creation of a unified school district will save money by reducing operating costs. Economies of scale will apply in many areas including administration, staffing, maintenance, transportation, capital purchases and supplies. WASHINGTON UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT AND AMERICAN UNION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT UNIFICATION MEASURE W PR-9037-2 Unification will enhance student learning. Curriculum coordination involves more than state standards. A unified school district provides coordinated staff development and allows for a K-12 learning community that will result in higher student achievement. The creation of a unified school district will increase revenues by approximately one million dollars annually. This is a fact supported by independent financial conclusions reached by both the Fresno County Committee on School District Organization and the Fresno County Office of Education. In addition to increased revenue, unification creates economies of scale. The bottom line is that a unified school district will receive more funding and can provide more student opportunities than two separate districts. REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT AGAINST The majority of the Governing Boards of both American Union and Washington Union support unification. The Governing Boards have carefully analyzed whether unification is in the best interests of both school districts and have determined that they should become a single unified school district. s/Calvin Freeman Past American Union Board President s/Gene Silveira Past American Union Board President For information on unification go to: American Union historically has one of the highest test scores of all of the WUHS feeder schools, as well as the most up-to-date technology, a modernized campus, and a stable budget. Why change what’s working and in turn loose majority representation to districts outside of ours? The five remaining elementary feeder districts have elected to opt-out of this unification agreement. Unless and until all area districts are willing to unify, it is difficult to imagine that unification would be beneficial in our area. Curriculum consolidation is already happening. The state of California has adopted state standards which all school districts must follow. These standards are designed to ensure that a student who goes from one school district to another does not miss an academic stop along the way. All state-approved curriculum teaches the same standards to students across the board. Duplicated cost savings from consolidating transportation will only be realized if we are willing to put our tiniest students on buses with high school students. It is not always safe to have 5-year olds on a bus with 18-year olds, while the only supervision is a bus driver who must watch the road. ARGUMENT AGAINST The proposed unification of Washington Union and American Union is flawed. There are seven voting areas in the newly proposed district which will create a seven member board. Only one of those board members will live in American Union area. Why would we want to turn American Union over to a board with only one representative from our area? There are six schools which feed into Washington Union, each with their own school board, yet they will also have a representative who will oversee American Union, which would no longer have it’s own board. s/Jim Mattos President, Governing Board of American Union Elementary School District s/Jim Curtis President, Governing Board of Washington Union High School District FR 235-020 Unification will allow American Union and Washington Union to go from “good” to “great.” American Union is a good school district. Washington Union is a good school district. The two school districts have petitioned together for the creation of a unified school district to enhance the educational and extracurricular opportunities for their students. Each member of the newly unified school board will represent the entire unified school district. Voting by trustee areas meets the requirements of law and assures that American Union will have guaranteed representation on the new governing board. Other Services Accessible Voting Equipment is available at every polling place on Election Day that allows voters with disabilities to vote independently and privately. Vote in Person 29 Days before the Election You can come in to the County Clerk/Elections Department, located at 2221 Kern Street, Fresno and vote in person at the office or obtain a ballot and take it home. Permanent Vote by Mail Voting or One-Time Voting by Mail Use the application on the back cover and apply by the deadline for a vote by mail ballot to be mailed to you for this one election or for all future elections. To arrange for this service, it is important that the voter call the Elections Department at (559) 488-1620 to coordinate a time and place on Election Day where the poll worker will meet the voter. Or, if the curbside voter has someone with them, that person may enter the polling place and request the curbside voting service. Curbside Voting Any voter may request to vote at an accessible place as near as possible to the polling place, including the voter’s car. The poll worker will qualify the person to vote, and return the voted ballot to the polling place. Accessible Polling Places On the back cover of your Sample Ballot and Voter Information Pamphlet it indicates if the polling place where you are assigned to vote is accessible to voters with disabilities. Mitigation measures such as temporary thresholds, ramps, signage, cones, and door props, are used to improve access to the facility. You may also consider the following options: SERVICES FOR VOTERS WITH SPECIFIC NEEDS FR 235-021 FR 235-022 FR 235-023 APPLICATION TO SERVE AS A PRECINCT OFFICER IN FRESNO COUNTY FAX: MAIL: DELIVER CALL: (559) 488-3279 2221 Kern St., Fresno, CA 93721-2600 2221 Kern St., Fresno, CA 93721-2600 (559) 488-1620 1. Name: ___________________________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY 2. Address: _________________________________________ Date Received: ____________________ 3. City and Zip: ______________________________________ AFF #: ___________________________ 4. Date of Birth: ______________________________________ ID #: _____________________________ 5. Social Security Number: _______-______-________ Home Precinct: ___________________ 6. Telephone Number Language Code: ___________________ Home: ______________________________________ Work: ______________________________________ 7. Are you fluent in any language other than English? ____ Yes ____ No Specify ________________ 8. Would you volunteer to work as a precinct officer without pay? ____ Yes ____ No 9. Could we use your home as a polling place: ____Yes _____No 10. How did you learn of this job opportunity? Please check: ___ Newspaper (Identify) ___________ ___ Radio ___ T.V ___ Other? __________________________ I am a registered voter in the State of California and can read and write English. All the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Dated: __________ Signature: __________________________________________________ 01-07 FR 235-024 PLACE FIRST CLASS POSTAGE HERE COLOQUE UNA ESTAMPILLA DE PRIMERA CLASE AQUI SEPÁRESE AQUI ▼ Before Mailing, Sign Application on Reverse ▼ SEPARATE HERE REMOVE THIS STRIP BEFORE MAILING DESPEGUE ESTA TIRA ANTES DE ENVIAR POR CORREO From: (Remitente:) Antes de Enviar la Solicitud por Correo Firmela al Reverso FRESNO COUNTY CLERK REGISTRAR OF VOTERS 2221 KERN ST FRESNO CA 93721-2600 FRESNO COUNTY CLERK/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS 2221 KERN ST • FRESNO CA 93721-2600 ▼ SEPARATE HERE SEPÁRESE AQUI ▼ CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED PAID NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE FRESNO, CA PERMIT NO. 1287 ESTA SOLICITUD DEBE SER RECIBIDA EN LA AGENCIA DEL OFICIAL DEL REGISTRO CIVIL/EMPADRONADOR DE ELECTORES DEL CONDADO DE FRESNO A MÁS TARDAR PARA LAS 5:00 DE LA TARDE DE LA FECHA: 26 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2010 POSTMASTER DELIVER TO If you are a Permanent Vote by Mail Voter, do not return this application. No regrese está aplicación si usted es un votante Permanente que Vota por Correo. APPLICATION MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE ELECTIONS OFFICE NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. on: OCTOBER 26, 2010 APPLICATION FOR VOTE BY MAIL BALLOT Zip: (Código postal:) Yo soy EL ELECTOR/LA ELECTORA NOMBRADO/A ARRIBA y solicito por ésta una boleta de elector de voto por correo para SOLICITUD DE BOLETA DE ELECTOR DE VOTO POR CORREO I am the VOTER NAMED ABOVE and I request a vote by mail ballot for the: NOVEMBER 2, 2010, STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION 2 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2010 ELECCIÓN GENERAL ESTATAL EL ELECTOR MISMO DEBE DE COMPLETAR EN SU PROPIA ESCRITURA. MUST BE COMPLETED IN VOTERS OWN HANDWRITING. State: (Estado:) CON LETRA DE MOLDE su dirección de correo si es diferente a la de arriba. PRINT MAILING ADDRESS if different from your address above. Address: (Dirección:) City: (Ciudad:) ➧ I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Yo declaro bajo pena de perjurio bajo las leyes del Estado de California que lo siguiente es cierto y correcto. SIGNATURE OF VOTER NAMED ABOVE: FIRMA DEL ELECTOR/DE LA ELECTORA CUYO NOMBRE CONSTA ARRIBA: Marque usted aquí para convertirse en Elector de Voto por Correo Permanente. PERMANENT VOTE BY MAIL VOTER ❏ ELECTOR DE VOTO POR CORREO PERMANENTE ❏ Check here to become a Permanent Vote by Mail Voter. SEPÁRESE AQUI ▲ ▲ SEPARATE HERE SU SITIO DE VOTACION YOUR POLLING PLACE ACCESSIBLE HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE A LOS MINUSVÁLIDOS PERMANENT VOTE BY MAIL VOTER – State Law now allows any voter who so requests to be a Permanent Vote by Mail Voter. If you check the box, a vote by mail ballot will automatically be sent to you for future elections. Failure to vote in two consecutive statewide general elections will cancel your Permanent Vote by Mail Voter Status and you will need to reapply. If you have questions concerning voting by Vote by Mail Ballot, telephone (559) 600-VOTE. ELECTOR DE VOTO POR CORREO PERMANENTE – La Ley del Estado ahora permite que cualquier elector que lo solicite se convierta en Elector de Voto por Correo Permanente. Si usted marca para indicar que sí, se le enviará automáticamente una boleta de elector de voto por correo para elecciones futuras. Pero, si usted deja de votar en dos elecciones generales estatales, perderá la condición de Elector de Voto por Correo Permanente, y tendrá que solicitarla de nuevo. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el particular, llame al teléfono (559) 600-VOTE. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION TELEPHONE FRESNO COUNTY CLERK/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS: (559) 600-VOTE PARA MÁS INFORMES, FAVOR DE LLAMAR A LA AGENCIA DEL OFICIAL DEL REGISTRO CIVIL/EMPADRONADOR DE ELECTORES DEL CONDADO DE FRESNO: (559) 600-VOTE INTERNET -
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