Identification of groundwater recharge areas for improving regional water conservation: application example of water use funds in Brazil N.W. Dias*, C.E. Anjos**, H.N. Diniz***, M.S. Targa**** *Professor, Graduate Program in Environmental Science, Universidade de Taubaté, Est. Dr. Jose Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Taubaté, SP, Brazil CEP 12081-010, Email [email protected] **Director of MC Geologia e Meio Ambiente Ltda., Alameda Harvey C. Weeks, 14, S. 01, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil, CEP 12223-080, Email [email protected] ***Geologist, Geologic Institute of the State of São Paulo Secretary of the Environment, Av. Miguel Stéfano, 3.900, São Paulo, Brazil, CEP 04301-903, Email [email protected] ****Professor and Director, Graduate Program in Environmental Science, Universidade de Taubaté, Est. Dr. Jose Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Taubaté, SP, Brazil CEP 12081-010, Email [email protected] Abstract: This article presents the results of a research project funded by the Paraiba do Sul Hydrographic Basin Committee with funds obtained through charging water users in this basin. The objective of this project is to develop a series of geospatial geologic information layers and a sequence of hydrogeologic analysis to determine the location of groundwater recharge areas in the basin for future conservation purposes. The results indicate eleven areas with most interaction among lineament characteristics, fracture bundles, and higher fracture densities. These areas should be considered as having higher percolation quality and infiltration capacity, therefore areas with higher potential for groundwater recharge. The results also show that the sedimentary region is the most important groundwater recharge area in the Paraiba do Sul river valley. Keywords: Groundwater recharge; hydrogeology; water conservation. INTRODUCTION Brazil holds one of the world’s largest freshwater reserves, both surface and underground, which accounts for approximately 12% of the planet’s available freshwater. In the last 50 years the country experienced fast urban and population growths that were coupled with devastating impacts on water resources (notably in the south and southeast regions). This degradation is mainly caused by pollution associated with untreated sewage and industrial discharges, as well as land use and land cover changes. During the 1980s, the Federal Government tried to cease this devastating process by creating new policies, laws and regulations. Most of those top-down initiatives had little effect. The most important outcome of that period was the new Constitution of 1988, which determined in its Articles 20 and 26 that water resources are a public good. This article in Brazil’s Constitution closed any possibility of privatizing water resources in the country. Another important initiative was the National Council of the Environment (CONAMA) resolution number 20 of 1986 that established a hierarchical classification of water bodies and a set of limiting concentrations of water quality parameters. These water quality standards were revised in CONAMA’s resolution 357 released in 2005. Even though these official top-down measures came accompanied with high hopes of government officials, they caused little impact in terms of changing the way the Brazilian society and its leaders related to the natural resources. As a result, water resource degradation continued its accelerating track well over the 1990s. However, during that same decade Brazil initiated a wide process of decentralizing government at all levels (federal, state, and local). Important effects were observed toward the end of last century on the economy, environment, and society. One of those positive effects was the creation of Hydrographic Basin Committees after that the National Water Resource Policy law came into effect in 1997. Paraiba do Sul Hydrographic Basin Committee (CBH-PS) was the first established in the country and today is still viewed as model to other committees recently created or still under development. The main characteristic of such committees is its representation structure to motivate wide community participation. All of them should have up to 40% of government representation, up to 40% of water users’ representation, and at least 20% of civil society representation. The main tasks of these committees are to develop a Hydrographic Basin Plan Water Practice & Technology Vol 3 No 3 © IWA Publishing 2008 doi: 10.2166/WPT.2008066 (usually valid for 3 years then renewed) and to manage a trust fund derived from moneys transferred from the Federal Government and derived from charging water use in federal rivers. This water use charge system became effective in 2002 primarily charging private and government water supply service companies that utilize water from rivers that cross more than one state (those are considered federal rivers). But only those that utilize water from the main channel can be charged, since all of their tributaries are considered state rivers state rivers and can only be regulated by state governments. As a result, in 2005, the State of São Paulo passed its water use charge law that expanded the possibility of charging water use to all rivers in the state as well as groundwater reserves. After creating a water user database during 2006, the charging system started in 2007 in the Paraiba do Sul Hydrographic Basin. This basin committee already established specific categories for funding allocation based on what determines the hydrographic basin plan. Allocation of these funds is determined by an annual Request for Proposals reviewed and evaluated by thematic sub-committees. In the first five years funding has been allocated to the following areas: local government interventions (sewage collection and treatment), state government infra-structure expansion (sewage treatment plants and riparian forest plantation), research and development (mapping, water quality monitoring, hydrologic characterization), and environmental education. Most people question issues associated with transparency and corruption in systems where institutions that involve government officials, private company leaders, and community representatives, get together to decide money expenditures. Reality shows that in the top-down environmental policy strategies adopted by the government in the 1980s actual results were insignificant due to such evasive behaviors. The reason for such bad performance was that empowerment remained in the hands of government officials, the only individuals responsible for enforcing new rules through law suits, fees, and other instruments. The more recent experiences, after the creation of hydrographic basin committees, has shown that once empowerment gets shifted to the hands of a wider representative structure, transparency increases and corruption decreases. In order to improve such system it would be recommended that more incentives should be created to those that comply with the goals determined by the Committee via its Hydrographic Basin Plan. This article focuses on the results obtained from a project funded by the Paraiba do Sul Hydrographic Basin Committee, called Identification of Groundwater Recharge Areas in the São Paulo State’s Portion of Paraiba do Sul River Basin. This project was designed to implement a sequence of hydrogeologic analysis derived from existing data and the interpretation of Landsat TM data. Intensified industrial activities and urban population growth in the second half of the last century caused increased water resource degradation. According to Coimbra et al. (2003), this degradation is the result of one billion litters of non-treated sewage released daily to Paraiba do Sul River, since 90% of the municipalities in this basin have no sewage treatment plants capable of reducing this organic load to the river. On top of the urban load, there is also 150 tons of BOD (Biologic Oxygen Demand) released daily by organic industrial discharges. Total organic load of the entire Paraiba do Sul River basin is estimated at 330 tons of BOD per day, 55% percent from urban and 45% from industrial discharge. As a result, the Paraiba do Sul Hydrographic Basin Committee negotiated, in 2004, with all water managing organizations responsible for determining the river flow, a minimum flow amount of 36 m3/s, since it was observed three years earlier (during a dramatic drought) that flows below that level would reduce the river natural dilution capacity of the organic load. The combination of surface water quality degradation and increased demand for quality water sources by the industry and city water supply companies has put additional pressure on groundwater reserves. Due to this fact, there was a need to identify and describe the most significant groundwater recharge areas within the basin limits in order to develop more adequate plans for both preservation and conservation of those critical areas. A reasonable amount of existing records derived from hydrogeologic data obtained during well perforation done by private companies and assembled by the Department of Water and Energy of the State of São Paulo (DAEE) made possible to implement the methods utilized in this study. The method can be briefly described as a geographic overlap of several layers of geospatial information produced from well recorded hydrogeologic data and satellite derived geologic information obtained from visible and infrared (Landsat TM) image interpretation. The geologic context of this basin is reasonably well known, since there are several published articles derived from previous field surveys and applied research. “The Middle Valley of Paraiba do Sul River shows geologic and hydrogeologic important anomalies if compared to the rest of the State of São Paulo. Taubaté basin, formed by neotectonic reactivations, is the main responsible for such characteristics. 2 These aquifers are heterogeneous and anisotropic. The hydro fluxes percolate in the direction of Paraiba do Sul River main channel. In this area, the flow is interrupted by the hydrogeologic abrupt contrast in the fractured border of the horst, causing accumulation and mixing of water. These characteristics are enhanced by the potentiometric gradient of groundwater exploration” (Anjos et al., 2006). The objective of this research is to identify the location and geographic distribution of groundwater recharge areas in the São Paulo portion of Paraiba do Sul River Valley. In order to achieve this broader objective the following specific objectives were set: develop a physic characterization of the study area based on visual interpretation of Landsat TM scenes; generate a morphostructural and a hydrogeologic conditionings map of the area; generate a map of structural lineaments; generate a slope map of the area; evaluate the hydrogeologic characteristics of the area based on existing well perforation records; and integrate all results to identify the recharge areas located in the study area. DATA AND METHODS Image interpretation was performed in two Landsat TM scenes acquired on 28/SET/2000 with path/roll coordinates 219/076 and 218/076. Altimetry data was obtained from the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) acquired in 2000 for the following quadrants: S23ºW45º, S23ºW46º, S24ºW45º, S24ºW46º. Additional information was obtained from topographic maps (published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE); existing geology, geomorphology, and hydrogeology charts; and existing data reprocessed by the following software packages SPRING 4.1, ARCVIEW 3.2, AUTOCAD MAP 2000, SURFER 8.0, VISUAL GROUNDWATER, and BALASC. All data compiled from existing sources were adjusted to the study’s cartographic scale of 1:100,000. Additional existing data were added to the analysis including geologic data from Kurdkdjian (1992) and IBGE (1986), geotechnical and geomorphologic from IPT (1981), and hydrogeologic from DAEE (1979). The study area stream network layer was produced from several existing digital maps in the 1:50,000 scale, followed by a process to reconstitute stream channel connections and build the final network for the entire basin. An interdisciplinary procedure was implemented in the final stage of the research with the purpose of identifying and characterizing the recharge areas. This procedure involved the selection of specific information associated with the characteristics and dynamics of the physical environment, such as geology, geomorphology, hydrology, and geotectonic. This information, once integrated and interpreted, led to the identification and characterization of the different compartments and environments that encompass the area of intervention and the adjacent areas. The study followed and interdisciplinary approach with both analytical (diagnostic) and systemic (integration, prognostic, and synthesis) emphasis that sought to perceive the dynamic that rises from the interdependence of the different components. Image interpretation follow a logic and systematic analysis of the texture elements as described by Veneziani et al. (1982), where metric and geometric relations are considered, along with the structuring degree and order of the textural elements associated with relief and drainage, and analyzed by inductive and deductive processes (Coelho Neto, 2003). The detailed characterization of the study area for the aspects associated with geomorphology, morphodynamic characteristics, regional geology, structural geology, hydrogeologic conditioning morphostructures is available in Anjos et al. (2006). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fracture density map is presented in Figure 1. This map was produced from the tracing of fractures identified in the drainage network map. This information was generated from GIS (Geographic Information System) analysis on a 1:100,000 scale base map utilizing 25 km² areas for developing this analysis. This map shows concentrated areas, or zones, with similar secondary relative porosity and groundwater recharge/discharge potentials. Density value was calculated based on the number of fracture traces found in a 5 x 5 km cell. The calculated value was then applied to central node of the sampled cell. Density calculations and cell node attributed values were repeated for same size cells until the entire study area was covered. Then a GIS interpolation analysis was performed with a total of 48,000 traces applying kriging. Four relative fracture density classes were produced along with contour line generation. The analysis of 3 relative fracture density data was the basis for identifying the axes of maximum fracturing. Additional refinement of this analysis was implemented by categorizing the fracture trace population into six tectonic directions: N15º - 35ºW; N35º - 55ºW; N45º- 65ºE; N80ºW - N80ºE; N10ºE- N10ºW; and N15º- 35ºE. The recharge areas and groundwater flow map was produced from the interpretation of preliminary maps, such as the map of hydrogeologic conditionings generated from the analysis of both drainage map and structural lineament map. The map was designed based on the identification of symmetric relations between consequent and obsequent drainage channels and the delineation of structural contour lines without known level in the study area. A second map was generated to illustrate groundwater flow by following the technique described by Veneziani et al. (1993). In this technique the association between flexural folding and distensive movements can provide information about the distribution of groundwater along the structural heights and lows indicating some aspects of the groundwater flow behavior in a specific region. The final map is presented in Figure 2. Based on this map a relative synthesis of morphostructural recharge areas was developed. The result was the identification of the main recharge areas (divergent discordant flow), discharge areas (convergent discordant flow), and concordant (unidirectional flow). A total of 16 recharge areas were identified through this procedure. These areas are elongated portions of the area with main direction oriented toward NE, parallel to the structuring of the area and to the elongated lithostructural units. Figure 1: Density fracture map shown in density intervals. And map showing the location of the study area (bottom right corner). 4 Figure 2: Map showing the location of recharge areas and groundwater flow patterns. Hydrogeologic analysis of perforated wells’ records was divided in two sub-regions of the study area due to the spatial concentration of wells in the southwestern portion of the area. A total of 368 wells data located in the Taubaté sedimentary basin were used for this analysis. Potentiometric level was obtained by the difference between the well level and the water table. The water table of all wells recorded at local municipality offices were interpolated using Surfer 8.0. An equal-potential contour line map (Figure 3) was generated for the entire study area taking into account differences of sampling densities in both compartments. The map shown in Figure 3 demonstrates that groundwater flow tends to converge toward Paraiba do Sul main channel from the surrounding higher elevation areas (Mantiqueira Mountain Chain in the north and Jambeiro and Quebracangalha Mountain Chains in the south). The average groundwater level at Paraiba do Sul river valley municipalities of São José dos Campos, Jacareí, and Caçapava is approximately 540 m. In the municipality of Lorena (northeastern portion downstream) the average level is 510 m. The analysis of equal-potential contour lines shows that the river channel presents water table below the river’s base level. This finding indicates that the river influences groundwater recharge by providing surface water to the aquifer when the river water level is higher than the aquifer surface level and, where the river bed is made of permeable material. These results are similar to the findings of DAEE (1977) and reinforce the theory that when the river is an influent agent in groundwater recharge in most of its course near the municipality of São José dos Campos as well as near Lorena in the northeastern portion of the study area. Influent rivers such as Paraiba do Sul are common in semi-arid regions; therefore this behavior is not expected in the southeastern region of Brazil. This behavior indicates that groundwater pumping through deep tubular wells in operation in the Paraiba do Sul river valley, since the 1930s, may be inducing groundwater recharge from surface watercourses that infiltrate water in their beds and further percolates supplying additional water to the sedimentary aquifer. 5 Figure 3: Potentiometric map of the study area showing groundwater levels in relationship to Paraiba do Sul river level. In other portions of the study area, such as near the municipalities of Taubaté and Tremembé, the equal-potential contour lines show higher base level values, indicating that the river receives water from the aquifer. This is a more common behavior in humid climates, such as in the southeastern region of Brazil. The areas of high fracture density were analyzed in terms of their general density and specific directions (identifying axes of maximum fracturing). They were then correlated to Riedel (1929) deformation model that defines bundles of fracturing. The correlation of areas with high fracture densities and the frequency of fracture bundles allowed describing the 16 previously selected recharge areas in terms of their hydrogeologic potential. A total of 11 areas were identified as having high density. These areas were further divided by the number of fracture bundles existing in each area. A weighting scale using weights 1, 2, and 3 was adopted for classifying each area. The areas with most interaction among lineament characteristics (lineament density and crossings), fracture bundles, and higher fracture densities, should be considered as areas with higher percolation quality and infiltration capacity, therefore areas with higher potential for groundwater recharge. Figure 4 shows the result of this final analysis. 6 Figure 4: Map showing the final recharge areas selected as priority areas for future conservation initiatives. FINAL REMARKS The analysis implemented in this research, based on the convergence of evidence and on the integration of information derived from different spatial correlations, generated results that permit identify areas that show attributes highly associated with recharge and discharge properties in the Paraiba do Sul river valley in the State of São Paulo. The correlation between recharge areas and high fracture density identified portions of the study area with higher potential to be considered groundwater recharge areas. The methods utilized presented opposite results for the two main regions, crystalline rocks and sedimentary rocks. In the crystalline rock region the method adopted (interpretation of remote sensing data) showed a better performance in terms of generating significant information about structural and tectonic geology and the physical characterization (relief, drainage, and slope attributes) of the study area leading to a straight forward identification of recharge and discharge areas. However, determining the hydrodynamic behavior in this region was limited due to the fast spatial variation of geologic and structural parameters and characteristics. This variation did not allow the determination of significant hydrogeologic correlations at a regional scale. In the sedimentary rock region there is a low dependency of groundwater recharge to fracture systems due to the predominance of more homogeneous units with large lateral extent. This characterization, however, is optimized by the analysis of deep well records. The results indicate that the sedimentary rock region is the most important groundwater recharge area in the Paraiba do Sul river valley. Funding for this research was provided by the Paraiba do Sul Hydrographic Basin Committee in a competitive Request for Proposals released in 2003. This RFP was one of the first funded by money transferred by the Federal Government from revenues obtained from water use charging fees. The results obtained by this project will be used to support water resource management decisions made by the Committee as well as support a series of community activities, especially in environmental education. This project illustrates how funds are been spent by this newly developed hydrographic basin management system supported by a high level of community participation and leading to a more transparent and wiser use of public funding for water resource conservation in Brazil. 7 References Anjos, C.E. e Diniz, H.N. 2006. Caracterização de Áreas de Recarga com Análise Integrada de Dados Orbitais TM Landsat e Dados Hidrogeológicos: Região do Médio Vale do Rio Paraíba do Sul, Estado de São Paulo. MC Geologia e Meio Ambiente Ltda., São José dos Campos,160 p. Coelho Netto, A.L., 2003. Evolução de cabeceiras de drenagem no médio Vale do Rio Paraíba do Sul (SP/RJ): a Formação e o crescimento da Rede de Canais sob Controle Estrutural. Revista Brasileira de Geomorfologia, 2: 69-100. Coimbra, R. M.; Freitas, M. A. V., 2003. O estado das águas na bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul. Electronic document: DAEE – Departamento de Águas e Energia Elétrica, 1977. Estudo de águas subterrâneas: Região Administrativa 3 – S.J. dos Campos e faixa litorânea. Enco/DAEE, São Paulo, v.1, 112 p (texto). IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, 1986. Levantamentos de Recursos Naturais. Vol. 26. IPT – Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo, 1981. Mapa geomorfológico do estado de São Paulo. 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