Problems and Answers for Chapter 8 k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 1. In order to better understand the sums of squares of analysis of variance, do the following exercise. Four samples of size 2 are given in the following table: I II III IV 2 4 9 5 3 9 5 3 (a) Express each of the eight observations as the sum of three components, i.e., Xij = X .. + (X i. − X .. ) + (Xij − X i. ). (b) Compute the SSTotal , SSTreat , and SSError terms directly from the components and show that SSTotal is equal to the sum of SSTreat and SSError . (c) Compute the three SS values by the computational formulas and show that the values obtained are the same as those obtained in part (a). 1. (a) X 1. = 3, X 2. = 7, X 3. = 6, X 4. = 4, and X .. = 5. So, for example, X11 = 5 + (3 − 5) + (2 − 3) = 2 X12 = 5 + (3 − 5) + (4 − 3) = 4 X21 = 5 + (7 − 5) + (9 − 7) = 9 (b) SSTotal = 50, SSTreat = 20, and SSError = 30. Use the theoretical formulas to determine the various sums of squares. SSTotal = (Xij − X .. )2 i SSTreat = i SSError = j j i (X i. − X .. )2 j (Xij − X i. )2 Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 66 (c) Use the computational formulas to determine the various sums of squares, for example, SSTotal = i 2 Xij − j T..2 . N 2. Sickle cell anemia is a genetically transmitted disease. Normal human red blood cells are “biconcave discs” meaning that they are shaped like microscopic breath mints. People who are homozygous for the sickle cell gene have “sickled” red blood cells. These cells are curved like a sickle or are irregularly shaped and are often pointed. In the smallest blood vessels sickled cells tend to form clots and hamper normal blood flow. Sickled blood cells are also fragile and rupture easily. Those who are heterozygous for sickle cell anemia may exhibit mild signs of the disease, but these are very rarely serious. As part of a research study on sickle cell anemia and its relation to other diseases, researchers measured hemoglobin levels (g/100 ml) in 30 subjects divided into three groups of 10: normal (control), sickle cell disease (homozygotes), and sickle cell trait (heterozygotes) subjects. Are there significant differences in hemoglobin levels among the three groups? Normal subjects Sickle cell disease Sickle cell trait 13.6 1.6 9.8 1.6 12.7 1.5 Mean St. dev. SSTreat = 78.87 SSError = 66.33 2. The hypotheses are H0 : µN = µD = µT versus Ha : At least one pair of µi ’s are different. From the table below, since 16.03 4.26, reject H0 . There are significant differences in hemoglobin levels among the groups. Source SS df MS F c.v. 78.87 66.33 2 27 39.44 2.46 16.03 4.26 145.20 29 Sickle cell status Error Total Use Bonferroni t tests to separate means. The table below summarizes the results. Bonferroni t P value Normal − Disease Normal − Trait Disease − Trait 5.42 < 0.001 1.28 > 0.20 −4.13 < 0.001 The normal and sickle cell trail subjects are not different, but both of these groups differ from the sickle cell disease subjects in hemoglobin level. 9.8a 12.7b 13.6b . Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 67 3. In a project for a botany class, 15 sunflower seeds were randomly assigned to and planted in pots whose soil had been subjected to one of three fertilizer treatments. Twelve of the seeds germinated and the table below shows the height of each plant (in cm) two weeks after germination. Are there significant differences in heights among treatments? Analyze with ANOVA and Bonferroni t tests, if necessary. Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3 23 27 32 34 26 28 33 35 38 25 26 33 3. The hypotheses are H0 : µ1 = µ2 = µ3 versus Ha : At least one pair of µi ’s are different. The summary data and ANOVA table are given below. Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3 29.0 4 32.0 5 28.0 3 X i. ni N = 12, i Xij = 360, j i 2 Xij = 11046 j Source SS df MS F c.v. Treatments Error 36 210 2 9 18.0 23.3 0.77 4.26 Total 246 11 Since 0.77 < 4.26, accept H0 . The treatments are not significantly different in their ability increase growth in sunflowers. Further analysis is not warranted. 4. In a study of lead concentration in breast milk of nursing mothers, subjects were divided into five age classes. Determine if there was a significant difference in the mean lead concentration (in µg/dl) among the classes. Analyze the summary data below using ANOVA and appropriate mean separation techniques if necessary. (Based on data reported in Bassam Younes et al., “Lead concentrations in breast milk of nursing mothers living in Riyadh,” Annals of Saudi Medicine, 1995, 15(3): 249–251.) Age Class ≤ 20 21–25 26–30 31–35 ≥ 36 Total ni Xi si Ti 4 0.515 0.14 2.060 19 0.777 0.41 14.763 13 0.697 0.31 9.061 3 0.832 0.33 2.496 8 1.315 0.65 10.520 47 0.828 38.900 Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 68 4. The hypotheses are H0 : Mean concentrations are identical in all age classes versus Ha : at least one pair of µi ’s are different. Test with α = 0.05. Using Formula 8.5, (ni − 1)s2i = 3 × 0.142 + 18 × 0.412 + 12 × 0.312 + 2 × 0.332 + 7 × 0.652 = 7.413. SSError = i Using Formula 8.4, SSAge = T2 i. ni − T..2 = 2.562. N Source SS df MS F c.v. Age Error 2.562 7.413 4 42 0.6405 0.1765 3.63 2.61 Total 9.975 46 Since 3.63 > 2.61, reject H0 . At least some of the age classes have 5 different lead concentrations. Use Bonferroni t tests to separate the means. There are 2 = 10 comparisons to make. To compare the first two age classes, the hypotheses would be H0 : µ≤20 = µ21–25 versus Ha : µ≤20 = µ21–25 . The others are similar. The test statistic is X i. − X j. Bonferroni t = . 1 1 MSE ni + nj Test at the α = 0.05 10 = 0.005 level with ν = N − k = 47 − 5 = 42. From Table C.4, the critical values of the test statistic are ±2.963. The table below summarizes the results. We see that the mean lead concentration in the ≥ 36 age class is significantly different from the concentration in the ≤ 20, 21–25, and 25–30 age classes. Comparison µ≤20 and µ21–25 µ≤20 and µ25–30 µ≤20 and µ30–35 µ≤20 and µ≥36 µ21–25 and µ25–30 µ21–25 and µ30–35 µ21–25 and µ≥36 µ26–30 and µ30-35 µ26–30 and µ≥36 µ30–35 and µ≥36 Bonferroni t Result −1.134 −0.758 −0.988 −3.110 0.529 −0.211 −3.038 −0.502 −3.274 −1.698 Accept H0 Accept H0 Accept H0 Reject H0 Accept H0 Accept H0 Reject H0 Accept H0 Reject H0 Accept H0 5. The laughing kookaburra, Dacelo novaguineae, is a large terrestrial kingfisher native to eastern Australia. Laughing kookaburras live in cooperatively breeding groups of two to eight birds in which a dominant pair is assisted by helpers that are its offspring from previous seasons. These helpers are involved in all aspects of clutch, nestling, and fledgling care. Does increased group size lead to an increase in mean fledging success? Use the data below to determine whether there was a significant difference in the mean number of fledgings among groups of different Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 69 sizes. Use mean separation techniques if required. (Based on data interpolated from Sarah Legge “The effect of helpers on reproductive success in the laughing kookaburra,” Journal of Animal Ecology, 2000, 69: 714–724.) Group size 2 3 4 5 X s n 1.15 1.16 46 1.43 1.09 28 1.66 1.55 29 1.67 0.73 15 SSTreat = 5.81 SSTotal = 173.17 5. The hypotheses are H0 : µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = µ4 versus Ha : At least one pair of µi ’s are different. Source SS df MS F c.v. Group size Error 5.81 167.36 3 114 1.94 1.47 1.32 2.70 Total 173.17 117 Since 1.32 < 2.70, accept H0 . There is no evidence for a significant difference in fledging success for breeding groups of various sizes. The researcher suggests two possible reasons for this: (1) Helpers may be unable to prevent early siblicide which often occurs shortly after hatching and (2) if provisioning young is costly, then the benefits of reducing workloads as group size increases may outweigh the benefits of fledging more young. 6. An instructor in a second-term calculus course wishes to determine whether the year in college has any effect on the performance of his students on their final exam. The table below lists the exam grade (out of 150) for students categorized by year. Are there significant differences in performance among years? Analyze with ANOVA and Bonferroni t tests, if necessary. First year Sophomore Junior 122 111 104 118 113 98 129 111 127 117 97 113 123 130 72 91 71 72 96 121 6. The hypotheses are H0 : µ1 = µ2 = µ3 versus Ha : At least one pair of µi ’s are different. The summary data and ANOVA table are given below: X i. ni First year Sophomore Junior 114.8 9 116.0 5 87.2 6 Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance N = 20, i Xij = 2136, j i 70 2 Xij = 234, 852. j Source SS df MS F c.v. Years Error 3308.8 3418.4 2 17 1654.41 201.08 8.23 3.52 Total 6727.2 19 Since 8.23 > 3.52, reject H0 . There are significant differences in the final exam grades by year. Use Bonferroni t tests to separate means. The table below summarizes the results. Bonferroni t P value First year − Sophomore First year − Junior Sophomore − Junior −0.15 > 0.50 3.69 < 0.005 3.35 < 0.005 The first year and sophomore are not different, but both of these classes differ from the juniors in final exam grades. 87.2a 114.8b 116.0b . 7. To test the effectiveness of various denture adhesives, an instrument called the TA.XT2i Texture Analyzer made by Texture Technologies Corp. was used to measure the amount of force required to separate dentures from a mouth and gum cast. The force required for separation was recorded in decigrams. The adhesives were: A) karaya, B) karaya with sodium borate, C) carboxymethylcellulose sodium (32%) and ethylene oxide homopolymer, and D) carboxylmethylcellulose sodium (49%) and ethylene oxide homopolymer. Are there any significant differences among these denture adhesives holding abilities? Analyze with ANOVA and DMRT, if necessary. Ti. Xi s2i CSSi A B C D 71 79 80 72 88 66 76 70 90 80 76 82 75 81 60 66 74 58 80 82 91 95 84 72 456 76 62 310 474 79 46 230 414 69 83.2 416 504 84 66.8 334 Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 71 7. The hypotheses are H0 : µA = µB = µC = µD versus Ha : At least one pair of µi ’s are different. Test with α = 0.05. (1848)2 SSTotal = 144294 − = 1998 24 CSSi = 1290 SSError = i SSTreat = 1998 − 1290 = 708 Source SS df MS F c.v. Adhesives Error 708 1290 3 20 236.0 64.5 3.66 3.10 Total 1998 23 Since 3.66 > 3.10, reject H0 . At least some of the denture adhesives are significantly different. Use a Duncan’s multiple range test to locate these differences. MSE 64.5 = = 3.28. n 6 Number of means rp SSRp 2 3 4 2.950 9.676 3.097 10.158 3.190 10.463 Adhesives C, A, and B are not significantly different. A, B, and D are not significantly different. Only C and D are significantly different. C A B D 69a 76ab 79ab 84b 8. Zonation can be observed in microhabitats such as the intertidal shoreline of a bay. A study was conducted on the distribution of the common gastropod Bembecium at various levels about three meters apart in the intertidal zone at Polka Point. Several 0.25 m2 quadrats were placed along zones 1, 2, and 3 (zone 2 is mean water level) and the number of Bembecium in each were counted. Zone 1 Rank Zone 2 Rank Zone 3 0 2 12 16 16 21 23 29 33 38 43 47 54 67 4 6 16 27 41 Sum Sum Sum Rank Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 72 (a) State the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for these data. (b) Rank all the observations (use midranks when necessary) and compute the sums of the sample ranks Ri . (c) Compute the Kruskal-Wallis test statistic H for these data and determine whether H0 should be rejected. (d ) If necessary, carry out paired comparisons. 8. (a) H0 : All three zones have the same median numbers of Bembecium per quadrat. Ha : At least one zone has a different median number of Bembecium per quadrat. (b) See the table below. Note that N = 19. Zone 1 Rank Zone 2 Rank Zone 3 Rank 0 2 12 16 16 21 23 1 2 5 7 7 9 10 29 33 38 43 47 54 67 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 4 6 16 27 41 3 4 7 11 15 Sum 41 Sum 109 Sum 40 Ave. rank 5.86 Ave. rank 15.57 Ave. rank 8.00 (c) ν = df = k − 1 = 2. If α = 0.05, then the c.v. = 5.99. From the table above, k Ri N + 1 2 12 ni − N (N + 1) ni 2 i=1 12 7(5.86 − 10)2 + 7(15.57 − 10)2 + 5(8 − 10)2 = 11.29. = 19(20) H= Since H > 5.99, reject H0 . There is evidence that the median distance moved by at least one group of snails is different from the others. (d ) Comparisons are required since H0 was rejected. n1 = n2 = 7, n3 = 5, and N = 19. The = 0.0167. average ranks are listed in the table above. k = 3. Let α = 0.05, so α = 0.05 (32) α So 1 − 2 = 0.9917. Thus, for all comparisons the c.v. = 2.40. For all 3 comparisons the hypotheses are H0 : The median numbers of Bembecium in the ith and jth zones are the same versus Ha : The median numbers of Bembecium in the ith and jth zones are different. Comparing zones 1 and 2: R1 R2 n1 − n2 |5.86 − 15.57| 9.71 = 3.23. z12 = =√ = 19(20) 9.0476 1 1 N (N +1) 1 1 + 12 7 7 12 n1 + n2 z12 > 2.40, so reject H0 : There is evidence that the median numbers of Bembecium in zones 1 and 2 are different. Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 73 Comparing zones 1 and 3: |5.86 − 8.00| 2.14 = 0.65. z13 = =√ 19(20) 1 10.8571 1 12 7 + 5 z13 < 2.40, so accept H0 : There is no evidence that the median numbers of Bembecium in zones 1 and 3 are different. Comparing zones 2 and 3: |15.57 − 8.00| 7.57 = 2.30. z23 = =√ 19(20) 1 10.8571 1 + 12 7 5 z23 < 2.40, so accept H0 : There is no evidence that the median numbers of Bembecium in zones 2 and 3 are different. 9. The silver content (%Ag) of a number of Byzantium coins discovered in Cyprus was determined. Nine came from the first coinage of the reign of King Manuel I, Comnenus (1143–1180); seven came from a second coinage minted several years later; four from a third coinage; and another seven from a fourth coinage. The question is whether there were significant differences in the silver content of the coins minted at different times during King Manuel’s reign. (HSDS, #149) I 5.9 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.2 7.7 Rank II 6.6 6.9 8.1 8.6 9.0 9.2 9.3 Rank III 4.5 4.6 4.9 5.5 Rank IV Rank 5.1 5.3 5.5 5.6 5.8 5.8 6.2 (a) State the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for these data. (b) Rank all the observations (use midranks when necessary) and compute the sums of the sample ranks, Ri . (c) Compute the Kruskal-Wallis test statistic H for these data and determine whether H0 should be rejected. (d ) If necessary, carry out paired comparisons. 9. (a) H0 : All 4 coinages have the same median silver content. Ha : At least one of the coinages has a different median silver content. (b) See the table. Note that N = 27. Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance I Rank II Rank III Rank IV Rank 5.9 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.2 7.7 11 12.5 14 15.5 17 18.5 20 21 22 6.6 6.9 8.1 8.6 9.0 9.2 9.3 15.5 18.5 23 24 25 26 27 4.5 4.6 4.9 5.5 1 2 3 6.5 5.1 5.3 5.5 5.6 5.8 5.8 6.2 4 5 6.5 8 9.5 9.5 12.5 Sum 151.5 Sum 159 Sum 12.5 Sum 55 Ave. rank 16.83 Ave. rank 22.71 Ave. rank 3.13 Ave. rank 7.86 74 (c) df = k − 1 = 3. If α = 0.05, then the c.v. = 7.81. Using the table above, k Ri N + 1 2 12 H= ni − N (N + 1) ni 2 i=1 12 = 9(16.83 − 14)2 + 7(22.71 − 14)2 + 4(3.13 − 14)2 + 7(7.86 − 14)2 27(28) = 21.28. Since H = 21.28 > 7.81, reject H0 . There is evidence that at least one of the coinages has a different median silver content. (d ) n1 = 9, n2 = 7, n3 = 4, n4 = 7, and N = 27. The average ranks are given in the table. α = 0.05 k = 4 and α = 0.05 so α = 0.05 6 = 0.0083. So 1 − 2 = 0.9958. Thus, for all (42) comparisons the c.v. = 2.64. For all comparisons we have H0 : The median silver content in the ith and jth coinages are the same versus Ha : The median silver content in the ith and jth coinages are different. Comparing coinages 1 and 2: |16.83 − 22.71| 5.88 z12 = = √ = 1.47. 27(28) 1 16 1 12 9 + 7 z12 < 2.64, so accept H0 . There is no evidence that the median silver content in coinages 1 and 2 are different. Comparing coinages 1 and 3: |16.83 − 3.13| 13.70 = 2.87. z13 = =√ 27(28) 1 22.75 1 12 9 + 4 z13 > 2.64, so reject H0 . There is evidence that the median silver content in coinages 1 and 3 are different. Comparing coinages 1 and 4: |16.83 − 7.86| 8.97 z14 = = √ = 2.24 27(28) 1 16 1 12 9 + 7 Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 75 z14 < 2.64, so accept H0 . There is no evidence that the median silver content in coinages 1 and 4 are different. Comparing coinages 2 and 3: |22.71 − 3.13| 19.58 z23 = = 3.94. =√ 27(28) 1 24.75 1 12 7 + 4 z23 > 2.64 so reject H0 , There is evidence that the median silver content in coinages 2 and 3 are different. Comparing coinages 2 and 4: |22.71 − 7.86| 14.85 z24 = = 3.50. = √ 27(28) 1 18 1 12 7 + 7 z24 > 2.64, so reject H0 . There is evidence that the median silver content in coinages 2 and 4 are different. Comparing coinages 3 and 4: |3.13 − 7.86| 4.73 z34 = = 0.95. =√ 27(28) 1 24.75 1 12 4 + 7 z34 < 2.64, so accept H0 . There is no evidence that the median silver content in coinages 3 and 4 are different. 10. (a) The data below are steady-state hemoglobin levels (g/100 ml) for patients with different types of sickle cell disease, these being HB SS, S/-thalassemia, and HB SC. Is there a significant difference in median steady-state hemoglobin levels for patients with different types of sickle cell disease? (HSDS, #310) (b) If appropriate, carry out a set of paired comparisons. HB SS 7.2 7.7 8.0 8.1 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.8 10.1 10.3 Rank HB S/-thalassemia 8.1 9.2 10.0 10.4 10.6 10.9 11.1 11.9 12.0 12.1 Rank HB SC 10.7 11.3 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 12.0 12.1 12.3 12.6 13.3 13.3 13.8 13.9 Rank Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 76 10. (a) H0 : All three populations have the same median versus Ha : At least one of the population medians is different from the others. Use the Kruskal-Wallis test. The rank sums and rank averages are given in the table below. df = k − 1 = 2. If α = 0.05, then the c.v. = 5.99. Using the table below, k R2 12 i − 3(N + 1) H= N (N + 1) ni i=1 (152.5)2 (220.5)2 (447)2 12 − 3(40 + 1) = + + 40(40 + 1) 16 10 14 12 = (20, 587.6) − 123 = 27.64. 1640 Since H = 27.64 > 5.99, reject H0 . There is evidence that at least one population has a significantly different median. HB SS 7.2 7.7 8.0 8.1 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.8 10.1 10.3 Rank HB S/-thalassemia Rank HB SC Rank 8.1 9.2 10.0 10.4 10.6 10.9 11.1 11.9 12.0 12.1 4.5 16 17 20 21 23 24 30 31.5 33.5 10.7 11.3 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 12.0 12.1 12.3 12.6 13.3 13.3 13.8 13.9 22 25 26 27 28 29 31.5 33.5 35 36 37.5 37.5 39 40 447 1 2 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10 11 13 13 13 13 15 18 19 R1 152.5 R2 220.5 R3 Ave. rank 9.53 Ave. rank 22.05 Ave. rank 31.93 (b) Comparisons are required since H0 was rejected. n1 = 16, n2 = 10, n3 = 14, and N = 40. = 0.0167. The average ranks are listed in the table above. k = 3. Let α = 0.05, so α = 0.05 (32) α So 1 − 2 = 0.9917. Thus, for all comparisons the c.v. = 2.40. For all 3 comparisons the hypotheses are H0 : The medians of the ith and jth populations are the same versus Ha : The medians of the ith and jth populations are different. Comparing HB SS and HB S/-thalassemia: R 1 R2 n1 − n2 |9.53 − 22.05| 12.52 z12 = = 2.65. = = 40(41) 4.71 1 1 N (N +1) 1 1 + 12 16 + 10 12 n1 n2 Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 77 z12 > 2.40, so reject H0 . There is evidence that the medians for HB SS and HB S/thalassemia are different. Comparing HB SS and HB SC: |9.53 − 31.93| 22.40 z13 = = = 5.23. 4.28 40(41) 1 1 + 12 16 14 z13 > 2.40, so reject H0 . There is evidence that the medians for HB SS and HB SC are different. Comparing HB S/-thalassemia and HB SC: |22.05 − 31.93| 9.88 z23 = = 2.04. = 4.84 40(41) 1 1 + 12 10 14 z23 < 2.40, so accept H0 . The medians for HB S/-thalassemia and HB SC are not different. 11. In order for Banksia serrata to germinate, fire is required to open its seed cones. The frequency and severity of fire at a hillside site at Brown Lake on North Stradbroke Island varies by location on the hill. In order to determine the relative densities of B. serrata at various positions, a small study was conducted. At the hilltop, along the east-facing slope, and in a level control area, several 100-meter transects were laid out. Every ten meters along these transects, the species of the nearest tree in each quarter was recorded and the number of B. serrata along each transect was determined. These data are given in the first three columns in the table below. The median girths (in cm) of the B. serrata were also determined for each transect. These data appear in the last three columns of the table Number of trees Median girth (cm) Hilltop Slope Control Hilltop Slope Control 10 11 12 12 14 14 13 14 15 16 19 21 4 6 7 7 11 12 15 39 45 51 54 57 59 33 37 41 46 47 58 44 56 65 67 77 81 102 (a) Determine whether there is a significant difference in the median numbers of trees at the three locations. If appropriate, carry out a set of paired comparisons. (b) Determine whether there is a significant difference in the median girths of trees at the three locations. If appropriate, carry out a set of paired comparisons. 11. (a) H0 : All 3 locations have the same number of B. serrata versus Ha : At least one of the locations has different numbers of B. serrata. The rank sums and rank averages are given in the table below. df = k − 1 = 2. If α = 0.05, then the c.v. = 5.99. Using the table Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 78 below, k Ri N + 1 2 12 H= ni − N (N + 1) ni 2 i=1 12 6(9.25 − 10)2 + 6(15.58 − 10)2 + 7(5.86 − 10)2 = 9.79. = 19(20) Since H = 9.79 > 5.99, reject H0 . There is evidence that at least one location has a different number of B. serrata. Number of trees Hilltop Rank Slope Rank Control Rank 10 11 12 12 14 14 5 6.5 9 9 13 13 13 14 15 16 19 21 11 13 15.5 17 18 19 4 6 7 7 11 12 15 1 2 3.5 3.5 6.5 9 15.5 R1 55.5 R2 93.5 R3 41 Ave. rank 9.25 Ave. rank 15.58 Ave. rank 5.86 Paired comparisons are required since H0 was rejected. n1 = n2 = 6, n3 = 7, and N = 19. The average ranks are listed in the table above. k = 3. Let α = 0.05, so = 0.0167. So 1 − α2 = 0.9917. Thus, for all comparisons the c.v. = 2.40. For all α = 0.05 (32) 3 comparisons the hypotheses are H0 : The median numbers of B. serrata along transects in the ith and jth locations are the same versus Ha : The median numbers of B. serrata along transects in the ith and jth locations are different. Comparing Hilltop and Slope: R1 R 2 n1 − n2 |9.25 − 15.58| 6.33 z12 = = = 1.95. = 19(20) 3.25 1 1 N (N +1) 1 1 + 12 6 + 6 12 n1 n2 z12 < 2.40, so accept H0 : There is no evidence that the median numbers of B. serrata along transects on the Hilltop and Slope are different. Comparing Hilltop and Control: |9.25 − 5.86| 3.39 z13 = = = 1.08. 3.13 19(20) 1 1 12 6 + 7 z13 < 2.40, so accept H0 : There is no evidence that the median numbers of B. serrata along transects on the Hilltop and Control are different. Comparing locations Slope and Control: |15.58 − 5.86| 9.72 z23 = = = 3.11. 3.13 19(20) 1 1 12 6 + 7 Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 79 z23 > 2.40, so reject H0 : There is evidence that the median numbers of B. serrata along transects on the Slope and Control are different. (b) H0 : All 3 locations have the same median girth B. serrata versus Ha : At least one of the locations has a different median girth. The rank sums and rank averages are given in the table below. df = k − 1 = 2. If α = 0.05, then the c.v. = 5.99. Using the table below, H= 12 6(9 − 10)2 + 6(5.83 − 10)2 + 7(14.43 − 10)2 = 7.82. 19(20) Since H = 7.82 > 5.99, reject H0 . There is evidence that at least one location has a different median girth. Median girth (cm) Hilltop Rank Slope Rank Control Rank 39 45 51 54 57 59 3 6 9 10 12 14 33 37 41 46 47 58 1 2 4 7 8 13 44 56 65 67 77 81 102 5 11 15 16 17 18 19 R1 54 R2 35 R3 101 Ave. rank 9.00 Ave. rank 5.83 Ave. rank 14.43 Comparisons are required since H0 was rejected. As in (a), the c.v. = 2.40. For all 3 comparisons the hypotheses are H0 : The median girths of B. serrata in the ith and jth locations are the same versus Ha : The median girths of B. serrata in the ith and jth locations are different. Comparing Hilltop and Slope: Making use of calculations in (a), z12 = |9.00 − 5.83| = 0.98. 3.25 z12 < 2.40, so accept H0 : There is no evidence that the median girths of B. serrata on the Hilltop and Slope are different. Comparing Hilltop and Control: z13 = |9.00 − 14.43| = 1.73. 3.13 z13 < 2.40, so accept H0 : There is no evidence that the median girths of B. serrata on the Hilltop and Control are different. Comparing locations Slope and Control: z23 = |5.83 − 14.43| = 2.75. 3.13 z23 > 2.40, so reject H0 : There is evidence that the median girths of B. serrata on the Slope and Control are different. Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 80 12. Workers at a tree farm decided to test the efficacy of three fertilizer mixtures on the growth of Norway maple seedlings, Acer platanoides. The table below contains the heights of seedlings (in feet) for the three fertilizer treatments. Determine if there are significant differences in the heights among the three treatments. Fertilizer mixture Ti. CSSi si i 2 Xij = 203.49, A B C 2.0 2.1 2.4 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.7 3.8 4.1 2.3 2.9 1.5 1.2 1.9 1.9 3.4 2.1 2.6 2.4 3.1 1.5 2.2 2.9 1.7 2.1 2.8 1.5 2.8 2.2 30.1 4.61 0.72 22.2 3.82 0.61 22.8 3.20 0.60 T.. = 75.1, SSTotal = 15.49 j 12. The hypotheses are H0 : µA = µB = µC versus Ha : At least one pair of µi ’s are different. CSSi = 11.63 SSError = i SSTreat = 15.49 − 11.63 = 3.86 Source SS df MS F c.v. Fertilizer mixtures Error 3.86 11.63 2 27 1.93 0.43 4.49 3.35 Total 15.49 29 Since 4.49 > 3.35, reject H0 . At least one treatment mean is significantly different from the others. Use DMRT to locate the differences. MSE 0.43 = = 0.21. n 10 Number of means rp SSRp 2 3 2.919 0.613 3.066 0.644 Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 81 Treatment A is significantly different from treatments B and C. B C A 2.22a 2.28a 3.01b 13. A topic of recent public health interest is whether there is a measurable effect of passive smoking on pulmonary health, that is, exposure to cigarette smoke in the atmosphere among nonsmokers. White and Froeb studied this question by measuring pulmonary function in a number of ways in the following six groups: Nonsmokers (NS): People who themselves did not smoke and were not exposed to cigarette smoke either at home or on the job. Passive Smokers (PS): People who themselves did not smoke and were not exposed to cigarette smoke in the home, but were employed for 20 or more years in an enclosed working area that routinely contained tobacco smoke. Noninhaling Smokers (NI): People who smoked pipes, cigars, or cigarettes, but who did not inhale. Light Smokers (LS): People who smoked and inhaled 1–10 cigarettes per day for 20 or more years. (Note: There are 20 cigarettes in a pack.) Moderate Smokers (MS): People who smoked and inhaled 11–39 cigarettes per day for 20 or more years. Heavy Smokers (HS): People who smoked and inhaled 40 or more cigarettes per day for 20 or more years. A principal measure used by the authors to assess pulmonary function was forced midexpiratory flow (FEF) and it is of interest to compare FEF in the six groups. Analyze appropriately. (Based on data reported in James White and Herman Froeb, “Small-airways dysfunction in non-smokers chronically exposed to tobacco smoke,” New England Journal of Medicine, 1980, 302: 720–723.) FEF data for smoking and nonsmoking males Group Mean FEF (liters/sec) St. dev. FEF (liters/sec) ni NS PS NI LS MS HS 3.78 3.30 3.32 3.23 2.73 2.59 0.79 0.77 0.86 0.78 0.81 0.82 200 200 50 200 200 200 Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 82 13. The hypotheses are H0 : µNS = µPS = µNI = µLS = µMS = µHS versus Ha : At least one pair of µi ’s are different. X i. n SSError = HS MS LS PS NI NS 2.59 200 2.73 200 3.23 200 3.30 200 3.32 50 3.78 200 (ni − 1)s2i i = 199(0.79)2 + 199(0.77)2 + 49(0.86)2 + 199(0.78)2 + 199(0.81)2 + 199(0.82)2 SSTreat = 663.87. (Ti. )2 (T.. )2 = − ni N i (200 × 3.78)2 (200 × 3.30)2 (200 × 2.59)2 + + ··· + 200 200 200 (200 × 3.78 + 200 × 3.30 + · · · + 200 × 2.59)2 − 1050 = 184.38. = Source SS df MS F c.v. Group Error 184.38 663.87 5 1044 36.88 0.64 57.63 2.27 Total 848.25 1049 Since 57.63 2.27, reject H0 . At least one pair of µi ’s are not equal. Number of means rp SSRp 2 3 4 5 6 2.800 2.240 2.947 2.358 3.045 2.436 3.116 2.493 3.172 2.538 6! There are 2!4! = 15 possible comparisons. We list a few below. Comparing NS to NI, there is a significant difference because 2 · 200 · 50 |3.78 − 3.32| = 4.112 > 2.240. 200 + 50 Comparing NI to PS, there is no significant difference because 2 · 50 · 200 = 0.179 < 2.240. |3.32 − 3.30| 50 + 200 Comparing PS to LS, there is no significant difference because 2 · 200 · 200 = 0.990 < 2.240. |3.30 − 3.23| 200 + 200 Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance 83 Comparing LS to MS, there is a significant difference because 2 · 200 · 200 |3.23 − 2.73| = 7.071 > 2.240. 200 + 200 Comparing MS to HS, there is no significant difference because 2 · 200 · 200 |2.73 − 2.59| = 1.980 < 2.240. 200 + 200 And so on. NS is significantly different from all others. NI, PS, and LS are not significantly different from each other, but are different from the other three. MS and HS are not significantly different from each other, but are different from the other four. 2.59a 2.73a 3.23b 3.30b 3.32b 3.78c 14. To obtain a preliminary measure of plant species richness in various habitats, 64 m2 quadrats were used at three locations on North Stradbroke Island: Brown Lake, 18-Mile Swamp, and Pt. Lookout. The number of different species in each quadrat were recorded. (a) Is there a significant difference in median plant species richness among these locations? Brown Lake 18-Mile Swamp Pt. Lookout 14 15 18 19 20 23 11 12 12 13 14 17 16 20 22 24 29 (b) Carry out a set of paired comparisons at the α = 0.05 level or explain why it is inappropriate to do so. 14. (a) H0 : Median plant species richness is the same at all three locations versus Ha : At least one location has a different median from the others. Use the Kruskal-Wallis test. The rank sums and rank averages are given in the table below. df = k − 1 = 2. If α = 0.05, then the c.v. = 5.99. Using the table below, k R2 12 i − 3(N + 1) H= N (N + 1) ni i=1 (61)2 (24.5)2 (67.5)2 12 − 3(17 + 1) = + + 17(17 + 1) 6 6 5 12 = (1631.46) − 54 = 9.98. 306 Since H = 9.98 > 5.99, reject H0 . There is evidence that at least one location has a significantly different median. Problems and Answers for Chapter 8. k-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: The Analysis of Variance Brown Lake Rank 18-Mile Swamp 14 15 18 19 20 23 5.5 7 10 11 12.5 15 11 12 12 13 14 17 R1 61 Ave. rank 10.17 Rank Pt. Lookout Rank 1 2.5 2.5 4 5.5 9 16 20 22 24 29 8 12.5 14 16 17 R2 24.5 R3 67.5 Ave. rank 4.08 Ave. rank 13.5 84 (b) Comparisons are required since H0 was rejected. n1 = n2 = 6, n3 = 5, and N = 17. The = 0.0167. average ranks are listed in the table above. k = 3. Let α = 0.05, so α = 0.05 (32) α So 1 − 2 = 0.9917. Thus, for all comparisons the c.v. = 2.40. For all 3 comparisons the hypotheses are H0 : The median species richness of the ith and jth locations are the same versus Ha : The median species richness of the ith and jth locations are different. Comparing Brown Lake and 18-Mile Swamp: R1 R 2 n1 − n2 |10.17 − 4.08| 6.09 = z12 = = 2.09. = 17(18) 2.92 1 1 N (N +1) 1 + + 1 12 6 6 12 n1 n2 z12 < 2.40, so accept H0 . Medians at Brown Lake and 18-Mile Swamp are not significantly different. Comparing Brown Lake and Pt. Lookout: |10.17 − 13.5| 3.33 z13 = = = 1.09. 3.06 17(18) 1 1 + 12 6 5 z13 < 2.40, so accept H0 . Medians at Brown Lake and Pt. Lookout are not significantly different. Comparing 18-Mile Swamp and Pt. Lookout: |4.08 − 13.5| 9.42 z23 = = = 3.08. 3.06 17(18) 1 1 + 12 6 5 z23 > 2.40, so reject H0 . Plant species richness is significantly different at 18-Mile Swamp and Pt. Lookout.
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