Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 Porto, Portugal, 30 June - 2 July 2014 A. Cunha, E. Caetano, P. Ribeiro, G. Müller (eds.) ISSN: 2311-9020; ISBN: 978-972-752-165-4 Response assessment of an existing building designed for earthquake loading Araliya Mosleh1, Humberto Varum1, Hugo Rodrigues1, Aníbal Costa 1 Department of Civil Eng., Faculty of Engineering, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 1 ABSTRACT: Recent earthquakes confirm the significant seismic vulnerability of existing building specially those designed according to the older codes. This paper investigates the seismic performance of the 6-story building, representative of common new reinforce concrete building in Portugal. Twelve different artificially generated time history records are used with increasing peak ground acceleration (PGA) values. The frame structure is evaluated by using both a nonlinear static (push-over) and time history analysis with 3-D models in longitudinal and transversal directions. The assessment of seismic performance is based on both global and member level criteria. For global response: maximum inter-story drift, displacement and rotation are considered, however for member level an earthquake with 2000-year return period are selected and the biaxial demand of four columns namely :corner, center, facadein X direction and facade in Y direction is studied. KEY WORDS: RC buildings; Seismic vulnerability; Non linear analyses; Variation of axial load 1 INTRODUCTION In recent years, the widespread damage to older buildings in different earthquake (e.g. Northridge-1994 in California, and Kobe-1995 in Japan, Laquila-2009, Emilia Romagna-2012 in Italy, Lorca-2011 in Spain) [1-5], revealed the importance of taking action to prevent damage to existing structures in future earthquakes. The trend of seismic performance of reinforce concrete (RC) have illustrated by previous researchers. Rodrigues et al. proposed an experimental and numerical simulation to represent the non-linear response of reinforced concrete members due to biaxial bending combined with a constant axial load [6-8]. Panagiotakos and Fardis are proposed two methods for yielding rotation and quantifying ultimate. The first one considers the plastic hinges, however empirical in character, based on the multiple regression of a database composed by about 1300 tests results on beamcolumn sections is considered in the second method [9]. Ciro Faella et al. evaluated displacement based procedures for assessing seismic behavior of structures according to both EuroCode 8 (EuroCode 8, 2003) and the recent Italian Seismic Provisions (New Italian Seismic Code, 2003) [10]. The seismic demand of reinforce concrete special momentresisting frame according to IBC 2003 proposed by Kim and Kim [11]. Chaulagain et al. conducted a numerical investigation on the seismic performance of four- story RC building [12]. Varum et al. evaluated numerical tools for the assessment and redesign of concrete buildings capable of estimating the optimum distribution of strengthening needs for a specific performance objective [13]. In this research an existing concrete building as a representative of common RC in Portugal which is designed with existent codes is chosen and proposed for nonlinear analyses in longitudinal and transversal direction. The building responses are analyzed in terms of max displacement, inter-story-drift, and floor rotation for each story for global response. For member level, an earthquake with 2000 (yrp) is selected and the response of the columns are studied. 2 2.1 CASE STUDY BUILDING Description of the 6-storey RC building The 6-storey RC building is considered as a represent a typical residential RC building in urban area in the center of Portugal. The mentioned building has three bays in the transversal (Y) direction and six bays in the longitudinal (X) direction. The global dimension in X direction is 32.5 (m), and in Y direction is 17.6 (m). The total structure height is 20.8 m, with a first story height of 5.4 m and 3.06 m story heights for the middle stories and 3.16m for the upper one. The strong axis of the rectangular columns is in longitudinal direction. The cross section of largest column which is located in the first story is (0.8*0.4) m2 with 18Φ25. The smallest column is located in the 6th story with the damnation (0.5*0.25) m2 with 12 Φ16. 2.2 Material properties The mentioned building is designed by National codes and other applicable technical documents, including: Safety Regulations and Actions for Buildings and Structures Bridges, Regulation of Structures Concrete and Prestressed, Regulation of Steel Structures for Buildings, Eurocode 2, Reinforced Concrete - Efforts normal and bending (REBAP-83) - LNEC, CEB-FIP Model Code 1990. The materials properties are assumed for the construction is the following: concrete compressive strength, f′c=30 MPa; reinforcing steel yield strength, fey = 400 MPa; for the first story: live load=4kN/m2 (30% for earthquake), dead load=1.5 kN/m2; for 1-5 stories: live load=2 kN/m2(30% for earthquake), dead load=2.5 kN/m2; roof live load =0.7 kN/m2 (Nil for earthquake); roof dead load = 1.5kN/m2. The total dead load for beams, columns and floors are calculated by the software and the total weight of stories due to difference dead and live loads in each floor is between (410-470) Ton. The 3-D view of the six-story building is shown in Figure 1. 537 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 3.2 Static pushover analysis The push over analysis was considered in order to assess the seismic capacity of the structure in longitudinal and transversal directions. It is a series of incremental nonlinear static analyses carried out to find the damage pattern and lateral deformation during inelastic range of behavior. It could be performed as either displacement control or force controlled. The First approach is used when the building expected to lose its strength, or when specified drifts are examined where the amount of the applied load is not known [20]. However, the second one is used when the load is known and the structure expected to support the load [24]. In this paper the first approach is used and the validity of pushover method is verified based on the result of time history analysis. Capacity curves for the building in the longitudinal and transversal directions are presented in Figure 2. 11000 Figure 1. The 3-D view of the six-story building (m). 10000 2000-yrp 9000 3.1 ANALYTICAL MODEL Modeling accepts and calibration The finite element (FE) structural analysis program SAP2000 [14] was used to perform the push-over and time history analyses with different earthquake records, in two directions. In the following section the assumption considered for the analysis are briefly described. Time period corresponding to modal analysis is presented in Table 1. 7000 Time (s) 1.68 1.2 1.02 4000 X EQ-Y 975-yrp 2000-yrp 3000 475-yrp 2000 73-yrp 1000 0 0 3.3 (1) (2) In Esqs. (1) and (2), Lp: plastic hinge length, H: section depth, L: critical distance from the critical section of the plastic hinge to the point of contra flexure, fye: expected yield strength and dbl: diameter of longitudinal reinforcement. 538 73-yrp Y 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Figure 2. Capacity curves in longitudinal (X) and transversal (Y) direction. For modeling shear wall three different methods were proposed by previous researchers, namely: a) Equivalent Frame Model [15-17], b) Braced Frame Analogy [18] and c) Two – Column Analogy [19], in this paper first method is used. Every shear wall is modeled as an idealized frame structure with rigid beams at the floor levels. The PMM plastic hinges with axial force-moment interaction were assigned at the wall ends and shear hinges were assigned at the mid-height level of walls. Since the structure is modeled with the loads, section properties and steel content, therefore default hinges are assigned to the columns as PMM, and to the beams as M3 in order to FEMA-356 code [20]. Plastic hinge length is used to obtain ultimate rotation values from the ultimate curvatures. Several plastic hinge lengths have been proposed with previous researchers, [2123]. In this research two equations as bellow are considered, which is recommended by (i.e. ATC-32 [20]) Lp 0.08L 0.022 f ye dbl 0.044 f ye dbl EQ-X 475-yrp 5000 Roof displacement (cm) Frequency (HZ) 0.59 0.83 0.98 Lp 0.5H 975-yrp 6000 Table 1. Time period and frequency of the building Mode 1st mode(X direction) 2nd mode (rotation) 3rd mode (Y direction) Transversal direction (Y) Longitudinal direction (X) Yield point 8000 Base shear (kN) 3 Dynamic time history analysis The twelve of ground motion data were carried out in this study by considering the similarity of the soil type for the selected ground motion and building site. The selected ground motion records were scaled to different maximum PGA levels (0.09g to 0.44g). According to the FEMA code, a PGA of 0.09g corresponds to earthquakes having probability of exceedance of about 50% in 50 years, and a PGA of 0.41g corresponds to a probability of exceedance of about 2% in 50 years. Artificially generated PGA for various return periods and PGA value are presented in Table 2 [25]. Table 2. Hazard curves for European scenario [25]. PGA (g) 0.09g 0.11g 0.14g 0.18g 0.22g 0.26g 0.29g 0.33g 0.38g 0.44g PGA (m/s2) 0.889 1.06 1.402 1.796 2.18 2.543 2.884 3.265 3.728 4.273 Return period (years) 73 100 170 300 475 700 975 1370 2000 3000 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 4 RESULTS ANALYSES Building global response 6 73-yrp 100-yrp 170-yrp 300-yrp 475-yrp 700-yrp 975-yrp 1370-yrp 2000-yrp Storey 4 o Y 2 X EQ-Y 0 0 5 10 15 20 (b) Figure 3. Max. displacement profile for earthquakes in: (a) longitudinal direction, (b) transversal direction. 7 6 5 73-yrp 100-yrp 170-yrp 300-yrp 475-yrp 700-yrp 975-yrp 1370-yrp 2000-yrp 3000-yrp 4 3 EQ-X 2 o Y 1 X 0 0 1 2 3 4 IS-drift (%) longitudinal direction (a) 7 6 5 73-yrp 100-yrp 170-yrp 300-yrp 475-yrp 700-yrp 975-yrp 1370-yrp 2000-yrp 4 3 o 2 Y 1 X EQ-Y 0 6 25 Max. displacement - transversal direction (cm) Storey The results of the time history analyses and push over analyses were analyzed in terms of: max displacement, interstory drift and inter-story rotation for global response. For member-level the biaxial demand in four columns namely: center, corner, facadeX, facadeY for PGA=0.38g in longitudinal direction is considered. Figure 2 presents the results of the pushover analysis for both directions: longitudinal and transversal. By applying the triangular load pattern, the first exceedance of yield displacement occurred at base shear 2208 kN and 4996 kN for longitudinal and transversal direction respectively. The corresponding PGA is between 0.11g-0.14g for both directions. Before 0.11g the structure remain in linear region, but after 0.14g the building follows a nonlinear behavior in both directions. The push over curve and Figure 3 show that the maximum displacement in longitudinal direction is about 2 times more than the transversal direction. It is shows that the building has a higher initial stiffness and strength in transversal direction. To evaluate seismic performance inter-story drift is important factor, because it is directly related to level of structural damage. Inter-story drift IDR is computed as the difference in lateral displacement IDR= (δi _ δi_1)/hi between two adjacent floor levels, divided to story height. Figure 4 shows inter story drift for mentioned building in two directions. The magnitude and distribution of inter-story drift in longitudinal and transversal direction shows the stiffness and strength in the transversal direction and longitudinal direction is more flexible. The maximum inter-story drift is 1.57% and 3% for transversal and longitudinal direction respectively as expected. Figure 5 shows the comparison of IDR in both directions. Figure 6 illustrates the maximum inter-story acceleration in terms of maximum acceleration. It can be seen that for longitudinal direction the building follows a linear behavior. However for transversal direction, up to 975-year return period structure shows the same pattern. From 975 to 1370 years return period the graph represents a jump from 0.0058 to 0.0181 (degree/m) which follows by a slight reduction to 0.0157 (degree/m) on 2000-year return period. Based on the above discussion, the maximum rotation happens in 1370-year return period on the 6th floor. Storey 4.1 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 IS-drift (%) transversal direction 73-yrp 100-yrp 170-yrp 300-yrp 475-yrp 700-yrp 975-yrp 1370-yrp 2000-yrp 3000-yrp Storey 4 EQ-X o Y 2 X 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (b) Figure 4. Max. IS-drift in: (a) longitudinal direction, (b) transversal direction. 40 Max. displacement - longitudinal direction (cm) (a) 539 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 4.5 3.5 o EQ-X Y 3.0 My 400 EQ-X Intraction Surface 300 o Y X EQ-Y Mx X 200 100 2.5 M (kN.m) y Max. IS-drift (%) 500 Transversal direction (Y) Longitudinal direction (X) 4.0 2.0 0 -100 1.5 -200 1.0 -300 0.5 -400 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 -500 -1000 -800 -600 -400 2 Max. acceleration (m/s ) -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Mx (kN.m) (a) 500 Figure 5. Max. IS-drift in different earthquakes. My 400 Intraction Surface EQ-X 300 0.018 Transversal direction (Y) Longitudinal direction (X) EQ-X 0.014 Y 0.012 X 100 M (kN.m) y Max. IS-rotation (degree/m) 0.016 X EQ-Y 0 -100 0.010 -200 0.008 -300 0.006 -400 0.004 -500 -1000 -800 -600 -400 0.002 -200 200 400 600 800 1000 (b) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 2 500 Max. acceleration (m/s ) My 400 Figure 6. Max. IS-rotation in different earthquakes. EQ-X Intraction Surface Y 300 Mx X 200 First story column response 100 M (kN.m) y For member level, an earthquake with 2000-year return period and with PGA=0.38g in longitudinal direction is selected. Figure 7 shows the biaxial demand of four columns which are located in 1st storey namely: center, corner, façade (x) and (y) with corresponded interaction surpasses. The most important biaxial demand happens in the corner column while for the center column the lower demand is represented. In façade columns, only uniaxial behavior was stated. However, it is assumed that the earthquake force applied in the longitudinal direction, so it is expected that Mx should be greater than My, but for interior column in X direction the analysis results it is reverse. Hence, it could be concluded that torsion happened in the building. Since the response of the columns is stayed in the middle of interaction surface, the columns are in elastic area during this earthquake. 540 0 Mx (kN.m) 0.000 4.2 Mx Y 200 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -1000 -800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 Mx (kN.m) (c) 400 600 800 1000 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 500 [4] My 400 Intraction Surface EQ-X Y 300 [5] Mx X 200 [6] M (kN.m) y 100 0 -100 [7] -200 -300 -400 -500 -1000 [8] -800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Mx (kN.m) (d) [9] Figure 7. The interaction Mx-My in: (a) center, (b) corner, (c) facadeX, (d) facadeY columns (PGA=0.38g). [10] 5 [11] SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The seismic performance of the 6-story building, representative of common reinforces concrete building in Portugal was studied. The frame structure is evaluated by using both a nonlinear static (push-over) and time history analysis with 3-D models in longitudinal and transversal directions. Based on the results of non-linear analyses the following conclusions can be drawn: For global response push-over and time history analesys show that the building is more flexible in the longitudinal direction, while it is more sttiff in the transversal direction. Rotation in longitudinal direction is followed by linear pattern. The maximum rotation is occered in transversal direction conreresponded to the 6th story in 1370-year returen period. By considering the local response for four chosen colums, corner and facade columns show higher demand, but the center column represents the lower demand. Since the initional axial load in corner column in less than the other, so as it is expect the most important biaxial demand happens in corner column.The intraction surfaces show all the columns staied in elastic area. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This paper reports research developed under financial support provided by “FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia,” Portugal, of the first author through the research project PTDC/ECM/102221/2008. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] M. D.Trifunac, M.Todorovska, A note on the power of strong ground motion during the January 17, 1994 earthquake in Northridge, California, Soil Dynamic sand Earthquake Engineering 52, 13–26, 2013. Q. Huang, G.A. Sobolev, T. Nagao, Characteristics of the seismic quiescence and activation patterns before the M=7.2 Kobe earthquake, January 17, 1995, Tectonophysics, Volume 337, Issues 1–2, Pages 99– 116, 2001. G. Brandonisio, G. Lucibello, E. Mele, and A. 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