Int J Primatol (2010) 31:159–180 DOI 10.1007/s10764-010-9398-2 Bipedal versus Quadrupedal Hind Limb and Foot Kinematics in a Captive Sample of Papio anubis: Setup and Preliminary Results Gilles Berillon & Guillaume Daver & Kristiaan D’Août & Guillaume Nicolas & Bénédicte de la Villetanet & Franck Multon & Georges Digrandi & Guy Dubreuil Received: 20 February 2009 / Accepted: 16 October 2009 / Published online: 1 April 2010 # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010 Abstract Setups that integrate both kinematics and morpho-functional investigations of a single sample constitute recent developments in the study of nonhuman primate bipedalisms. We introduce the integrated setup built at the Primatology Station of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), which allows analysis of both bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion in a population of 55–60 captive olive baboons. As a first comparison, we present the hind limb kinematics of both locomotor modalities in 10 individuals, focusing on the stance phase. The main results are: 1) differences in bipedal and quadrupedal kinematics at the hip, knee, and foot levels; 2) a variety of foot contacts to the ground, mainly of semiplantigrade type, but also of plantigrade type; 3) equal variations between bipedal and quadrupedal foot angles; 4) the kinematics of the G. Berillon (*) UPR 2147 CNRS, Dynamique de l’Évolution Humaine, 75014 Paris, France e-mail: [email protected] G. Daver Département de Préhistoire, Musée de l’Homme, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 75116 Paris, France K. D’Août Functional Morphology, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium K. D’Août Centre for Research and Conservation, Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium G. Nicolas : F. Multon Laboratoire M2S Mouvement, Sport, Santé (Physiologie et Biomécanique) UFR-APS, Université Rennes 2 – ENS Cachan, Rennes, France B. de la Villetanet LAPP, UMR 5199 PACEA, Université Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, France G. Digrandi : G. Dubreuil Station de primatologie, CNRS, Rousset sur Arc, France 160 G. Berillon et al. foot joints act in coordinated and stereotyped manners, but are triggered differently according to whether the support is bipedal or quadrupedal. Although very occasionally realized, the bipedal walk of olive baboon appears to be a habitual and nonerratic locomotor modality. Keywords bipedalism . foot stance . hind limb . integrated setup . kinematics . olive baboon . quadrupedalism Introduction Kinematics and the functional morphology of nonhuman primates are 2 research fields that provide crucial information that can be used to evaluate early hominid locomotor modes (Coppens and Senut 1991; Crompton and Günther 2004; Franzen et al. 2003; Ishida et al. 2006; Kimura et al. 1996; Meldrum and Hilton 2004; Preuschoft 1970, 1971, 1973; Strasser et al. 1998; this issue). Kinematic investigations regard primates mainly as completely integrated systems and document movements quantitatively. Functional morphological analyses often start from anatomical descriptions —usually no more than 1 or 2 traits— and aim to relate these to function. For technical reasons, these 2 complementary research fields are usually undertaken separately. Doing so has produced a great deal of valuable data, but correlations among form, function, and locomotor output often remain hypothetical. Because kinematic and kinetic data are still relatively scarce, it is often difficult to evaluate functional hypotheses deduced from morpho-functional analyses, usually performed on cadavers, in light of in vivo experimental (motion) data. From a paleoanthropological perspective, Susman and Stern (1991, p. 126) have stated that “until we can understand the relationships between structure and function in living models, we will never be able to place any confidence in our inferences about fossil forms that are represented by fragmentary and incomplete remains.” This holds true also when studying bipedal locomotion, a hot topic in paleoanthropological discussions. Therefore collection of data on both movements and anatomy will improve our understanding of the process of acquisition of bipedality in human evolution. Integrated studies of nonhuman primate bipedalism have been developed since the late 1990s (Aerts et al. 2000; D’Août et al. 2001, 2002; Hirasaki et al. 2004; Nakatsukasa et al. 1995, 2004, 2006; Ogihara et al. 2007; Vereecke and Aerts 2008; Vereecke et al. 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006a, b) and are based on pioneering earlier research (Crompton et al. 1996; Elftman 1944; Jenkins 1972; Ishida et al. 1974; Kimura 1985, 1990; Kimura et al. 1979; Li et al., 1996; Okada 1985; Tardieu et al. 1993; Yamazaki et al. 1979). For historical reasons and because of the typically limited access to primates, these integrated studies have been developed for only a few species, e.g., Hylobates lar, Macaca fuscata, Pan paniscus. In addition, they typically use few individuals and focus on cross-sectional analyses. Despite their limitations, these integrated studies have provided a large amount of original data and have put human and nonhuman bipedalism into a comparative perspective. This can be illustrated by studies of the transverse midtarsal joint in nonhuman primates. In humans, the stability of the transverse midtarsal joint has been associated with an Bipedalism vs. Quadrupedalism in Olive Baboons 161 efficient support for bipedal locomotion, whereas the compliant nonhuman primate foot with a midtarsal break has been associated with inefficient bipedalism (BojsenMoller 1979; Elftman and Manter, 1935a, b; Lewis 1989). As a consequence, it is implicit in the paleoanthroplogical literature that a hominid with some degree of compliancy in the midfoot should not be considered an efficient biped (see Ward 2002 for a complete review of the literature). Researchers have challenged the anatomical basis of midfoot flexibility in some nonhuman primates (DeSilva 2010; Günther 1989; Vereecke et al. 2003), and thanks to an integrated analysis, Vereecke and Aerts (2008) have demonstrated that foot compliance might in fact contribute to a form of propulsion generation in bipedalism in gibbons. This example shows how the analysis of nonhuman-like bipedalism in primates can trigger novel interpretations of functional anatomy and, as a consequence, provide potential new perspectives on bipedalism in early hominids. Our team is currently developing an integrated technical platform that couples motion and anatomical analyses of nonhuman primates at the Primatology Station of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). We are analyzing both the kinematics and the anatomy of bipedal vs. quadrupedal locomotion in baboons. We chose baboons because it has been known since the 1970s that they occasionally but spontaneously walk bipedally in the wild (Hunt 1989; Rose 1976, 1977; Wrangham 1980) as well as in captivity (G. Berillon, pers. obs.). However, the kinematics and kinetics of their bipedal and quadrupedal locomotor behavior are still poorly documented (Ishida et al. 1974; Okada 1985; Shapiro and Raichlen 2005), as is their type of foot contact to the ground (Meldrum 1991; Schmitt and Larson 1995). We aim at filling this gap and have started by describing bipedal kinematics of the main segments of the body (Berillon et al. 2010) and describing an integrated setup for 3D motion capture and anatomical description. In addition, we present the results of the first comparative analysis of bipedal vs. quadrupedal walking in olive baboons of a wide age range, focusing on the sagittal kinematics of the hind limb and the foot. Materials and Methods General Setup The CNRS Primatology Station in Rousset-sur-Arc (France) houses and breeds baboons for scientific investigations. All individuals receive veterinary monitoring from birth on and undergo annual health checks. This baboon population therefore offers an exceptionally valuable basis for joint and long-term motion analysis and anatomical investigations on nonhuman primates. The baboons at the Primatology Station are mainly housed in groups of several tens of individuals. The groups live in open-air enclosures of which the surface areas span between approximately 150 and 500 m², and which are connected to permanent shelters by corridors. We selected the group living in enclosure B2F for our studies because 1) the number of baboons is controlled and maintained at ca. 60 individuals, representing all age classes from newborns (5–6 births per year) to old adults (≤18 years old); 2) many individuals spontaneously walk bipedally; 3) the arrangement of the enclosure and its surface area (ca. 300 m²) are 162 G. Berillon et al. well-suited to the installation of an open-air motion analysis setup within the enclosure and its immediate periphery; and 4) the proximity of the veterinary building, including a pharmacy, a laboratory, and the X-ray machine (Mobil X ray generator SAXO APELEM), allows on-the-spot morphological investigations and thus limits stress when capturing the individuals. The connection between the enclosure and the indoor structure is controlled by several trapdoors, allowing us to adapt the composition of the sample in the enclosure for 2–3 h for specific experiments. Each individual is identified by a numbered collar that is readable on the video footage. We collect data in 2 ways. First, we have constructed a technical platform to analyze locomotion in olive baboons within their living environment and throughout ontogeny. It consists of a motion analysis system with high-speed video, force plates, and pressure plates. The motion capture and analysis setup allows for high-frequency recordings of baboon locomotion along a horizontal surface and was adapted from existing setups (Aerts et al. 2000; D’Août et al. 2001, 2004; Hirasaki et al. 2004; Nicolas et al. 2007; Vereecke et al. 2006a, b). Second, we conduct noninvasive morphological investigations (weighing, external measurements, radiography) of all individuals of the population. We make morphological investigations on anesthetized individuals during scheduled captures. These consist of external measurements, measurements of joint mobility, weighing, and osteoarticular observations based on X-ray imaging. Captures are conducted every 3 mo under veterinary control, and are the only form of physical interaction allowed with the baboons in the enclosure. We capture the baboons individually using a restraining nest box. We then transfer the captured individual to a cage to receive general anesthesia via intramuscular injection of Imalgène (10–15 mg/kg). Anesthesia lasts ≤30 min, the time required to make the external measurements and radiographs, to develop the films, and to weigh the individuals. We perform additional anatomical investigations —dissections, inertial properties, 3D imaging, etc.— on cadavers when available. In conclusion, our research facilities enable us to monitor quantitatively the morphological, functional, and behavioral development, i.e., in a longitudinal study approach of each individual in the enclosure with limited stress for the subjects. Our experiments have been approved by the Regional Ethics Committee for animal experimentation of the Midi-Pyrénées Region (Letter MP/01/15/02/08, dated February 20, 2008). Materials To date, we have recorded 320 quadrupedal gait sequences. These were performed by all of the individuals >6 mo old, sometimes several times and in some cases at several stages of ontogeny. In addition, we recorded 90 bipedal gait sequences performed by young individuals (6 mo–6 yr old) in several stages of ontogeny. For this initial comparison of bipedal and quadrupedal kinematics, we selected 10 Papio anubis for which we recorded both bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion at equivalent stages in their development, which allows us to limit the effect of individual variation when comparing the characteristics of bipedal and quadrupedal gaits. We give general information on these 10 individuals in Table I; ages ranged from 0.55 to 5.39 yr and masses from 2.7 kg to 15.2 kg. Bipedalism vs. Quadrupedalism in Olive Baboons 163 Table I Composition of bipedal (2P) and quadrupedal (4P) samples used in the study Name Identification tag Code Sex Chris 854 V792BA M Chantal Babar Alf Vinci Voltarelle Vernie 139 632 643 568 604 638 V908I V916F V894G V896F V915F V903D F M M M F F Victoire 406 V896E F Volga 411 V916D F Tassadite 606 V893E F Gait Age (yr) Mass (kg) 2P 0.67 2.9 4P 0.55 2.7 2P 1.09 4.1 4P 1.09 4.1 2P 1.58 5.4 4P 1.88 6.1 2P 2.38 7.1 4P 2.39 7.1 2P 3.14 8.3 4P 3.27 8.5 2P 3.28 7.3 4P 3.12 7.1 2P 3.28 6.3 4P 3.15 6.1 2P 3.82 10.3 4P 3.63 9.9 2P 3.95 12.5 4P 4.09 12.5 2P 5.39 15.2 4P 5.09 14.5 Methods The Motion Capture Setup The motion capture setup is based on a multicamera high-speed video recording system. The recording zone is in the southeastern part of the open-air enclosure B2F (Fig. 1). To guide the baboons along a regular path, we built an elevated, horizontal walkway around which we set up the video cameras. The walkway (podium) is a concrete structure, 80 cm wide, 30 cm high, and 5 m long, with ramps at each end to maintain continuity with the ground in the enclosure. The walkway runs east to west, parallel to and 3 m away from the southern edge of the enclosure. Two free spaces are supplied for force plates and pressure pads (FootScan). We mounted 4 high-speed digital video cameras (Basler 602fc) outside the fence on tripods and swivel arms. We equipped each camera with a C-Mount manual lens (8–48 mm F/1.0). We use the three cameras located in the southern part of the observation area for 3D motion capture within a 2 m-wide field: 1 camera is horizontally oriented, perpendicular to the long axis of the walkway, at a distance of 3.5 m from the center of the recording field and at a height of 40 cm above the top of the walkway; 2 cameras are obliquely oriented on either side of the previous camera, ca. 2.5 m away from it, at a height of 1.40 m above the top of the walkway and 4.5 m distant from the centre of the recording field. The fourth camera is placed opposite to the first camera, perpendicular to the long axis of the walkway, at a 164 G. Berillon et al. Fig. 1 Plans of the motion capture system as installed in enclosure B2F (a) and of the motion capture area (b). DVC = digital video camera; FP = force plate; FSc = foot scan. distance of 9 m from the center of the recording field and covers a 4 m-wide field of view. We use this camera to record longer sequences —walking, running, transitions, jumping, etc.— and to make a posteriori measurements of speed variations over several strides. Each camera is connected to a workstation by means of 10-m long firewire cables and an acquisition chart. The workstation is a purpose-built Streamstation. We control the digital settings of the cameras, their synchronization, and the video recording periods with Streampix 4.13.1 (Norpix). Synchronous recording by the 4 cameras is triggered by a single manual signal. We record four 5-s sequences, i.e., the maximum duration, simultaneously to the workstation’s random access memory. Next, we select the exploitable portion of the recorded locomotion after visualization and store it as 4 separate sequences of equal sizes on the hard drive in the original uncompressed software format (.seq). We then convert these sequences to AVI files using motion analysis software, thanks to an automatic exportation procedure in Streampix. Bipedalism vs. Quadrupedalism in Olive Baboons 165 The Streamstation is set up in a wooden shelter built in line with the walkway from which the movements of the baboons can be observed easily. We attract the baboons to the platform by means of a 0.5-m² mirror positioned at its eastern end, outside the enclosure. We record different modes of locomotion, including walking, running and transitions. For this study we selected video sequences containing at ≥2 complete walking cycles performed at constant speed at the subject’s own pace; we selected bipedal gaits when the baboon’s hands were hanging free and it was not carrying a load. Owing to the baboon’s activity rhythm and the local climate, we made video recordings from spring to autumn, preferably in the mornings. The winter break is relatively short and does not cause significant gaps in the longitudinal monitoring of immature individuals. We made video recordings at a frame rate of ≥100 fps and a resolution of 656× 490 pixels. We kept exposure as short as possible, with a shutter ideally <250, depending on the available natural light. The Multisegment Model On each video frame, we digitized 19 anatomical reference points, of which we used 9 to construct a 6-linked segment model to analyze the kinematics of the hind limb in a sagittal plane (Fig. 2a). We performed the entire procedure of digitizing reference points and calculating motion parameters with Fig. 2 The anatomical landmarks and their osteological correspondence as seen in lateral view on x-ray imaging of individual 854 in a resting position (a) and the sagittal joint angles as calculated from these anatomical landmarks (b). 166 G. Berillon et al. Kwon3D software (Visol). The 9 reference points are as follows: sagittally and dorsally, the points corresponding to the base of the neck and the base of tail, and then on the right side, the greater trochanter, the most anterior point of the patella, the assumed axis of the ankle joint and most posterior point of the heel, 2 plantar points corresponding to the cuboid and the lateral metatarsophalangeal joint, and the tip of the third toe. Because the midfoot of a baboon is not rigid during the stance phase (Okada 1985; Meldrum 1991; Schmitt and Larson 1995), it was necessary to measure, as far as technically feasible, the relative movements of the proximal tarsus on the lower leg (taking place in the talocrural joint, essentially), and of the midfoot (the distal tarsus and the metatarsus) against the proximal tarsus. This proved possible by identifying ≥1 anatomical point between the talocrural joint and the metatarsophalangeal joint; both are classic reference points in the literature. Vereecke and Aerts (2008) recently applied this principle to the highly compliant gibbon’s foot; they used the tarsometatarsal joint on the assumption that motion essentially takes place at this level, as proposed by recent experimental analysis (DeSilva 2010; Hirasaki and Kumakura 2003); sagittal motion at the midtarsal joint level has already been demonstrated for other locomotor modes such as leaping (Günther 1989). Our own radiological observations and manipulations of cadavers and anesthetized individuals confirm that foot compliancy occurs in the tarsometatarsal and transverse midtarsal joints. For the moment, however, it is impossible to assess the relative importance of the mobility of each joint, and to discern the exact position of these 2 joints in the video recording. Therefore, as a first approximation, we selected the point located on the plantar face of the foot corresponding to the intersection of the axis of the proximal foot —represented by the plantar face of the heel— with the midfoot axis represented by the plantar face of the metatarsus. We digitized this point directly in the frames, where it appears to be located just behind the tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal bone. We transformed the 20 original sets of 2D coordinates into 20 calibrated sets of coordinates, i.e., coordinates that are explained in a single common reference frame, in this case based the walkway, for each sequence with the KwonCC calibration procedure. This involves digitizing reference points located on a calibration frame (1 m long, 1 m high, and 0.7 m wide) that was placed in the video recording field at the beginning of each recording session. The DLT calibration procedure in the KwonCC module produced an average reconstruction error of 0.79 mm. Spatiotemporal Parameters and Joint Angles From the calibrated reference point coordinates, we calculated absolute and dimensionless spatiotemporal parameters as well as the joint angles of the lower limb following the procedure described in Berillon et al. (2010). We computed the spatiotemporal parameters absolute stride length (m), stride duration (s), stride frequency (s–1; we define a stride as one complete gait cycle from touchdown of a foot to the next touchdown of the same foot) and speed (m s–1), the duty factor, and dimensionless speed. We incorporated available spatiotemporal parameters and values for hip and knee angles associated with the bipedal gait (Berillon et al. 2010) into the full data set, including quadrupedal spatiotemporal parameters, quadrupedal hip and knee joint kinematics, and quadrupedal and bipedal joint kinematics of the foot. With regard to the foot Bipedalism vs. Quadrupedalism in Olive Baboons 167 angles, in addition to the classical ankle joint angle, we computed the talocrural joint angle, the metatarsophalangeal joint angles, and the midfoot angle (Fig. 2b). We first present charts of the average movement over time, expressed as a fraction of cycle duration, of the bipedal and quadrupedal hip, knee, and ankle joints and their variation at key events in the complete cycle: maximum and minimum, local maximum and minimum, at right and left foot contacts and at right and left toe-off. For the stance phase of the foot, we present the average and individual movements of the foot joints over time, expressed as a fraction of the stance phase duration. We tested differences between bipedal and quadrupedal joint angles at gait events using a covariance analysis procedure (ANCOVA, Statistica 6.0), with the joint angles as dependent variable, the gait as independent variable, and the dimensionless speed as covariate. Results Spatiotemporal Parameters Table II shows individual and average values, SD, and the range of calculated spatiotemporal parameters. During quadrupedal walking, the stance phase is relatively short compared to bipedal walking, representing 66.4±0.3% of the cycle duration (vs. 69.9±0.3% when the gait is bipedal); the stride length and stride duration are much greater (0.67±0.15 m vs. 0.52±0.03 m, and 1.05±0.05 s vs. 0.69± 0.16 s) and the absolute speed is lower (0.64±0.15 ms–1 vs. 0.79±0.19 ms–1). Joint Angles of the Lower During a Stride Table III and Fig. 3 summarize the changes of average hip, knee, and ankle angles and their variations during bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion over time expressed as a fraction of a cycle. Generally speaking, bipedal movements are more variable than quadrupedal ones, in terms of values as well as the timing of occurrences. Considering the joints successively, we observed that the hip is always bent, but significantly less so at any time in the bipedal than the quadrupedal cycle (Table IV). This is related to the position of the trunk, which is tilted sharply forward during quadrupedal locomotion. The peak of flexion is reached at ca. 58% of the cycle in both modes, before the toe-off and shortly after contact of the opposite foot. The total range of motion during a quadrupedal cycle (52.8°±4.8) is larger than during a bipedal cycle (34°±7.1). The knee is also always bent in the quadrupedal gait cycle, but significantly less than in the bipedal gait. Minimum flexion is reached at initial foot contact and the peak of flexion occurs at ca. 75% of the cycle in both modes, well after toe-off in the quadrupedal gait cycle. The range of knee flexion is large but significantly smaller during quadrupedal locomotion than in bipedal locomotion (50.5°±6 vs. 65.1°±8.3). In quadrupedal locomotion, knee flexion increases in 2 phases: 1) from the initial foot contact to the contralateral toe-off and 2) from the contralateral foot-contact to its maximum, after toe-off; between both phases, knee flexion varies very little. In 168 G. Berillon et al. Table II Individual and average (mean±SD) lower leg length and spatiotemporal parameters Individual (medal) Lower leg length (m) 854 0.12 139 632 643 0.13 0.14 0.15 568 0.17 604 0.15 638 0.16 406 0.20a 411 0.19a 606 0.20a Mean±SD a 0.16±0.03 Gait (2P/4P) Stride length (m) Stride duration (s) Stride frequency (1/s) Absolute speed (m/s) Dimension less speed Duty factor 2P 0.52 0.51 1.96 1.02 0.94 0.67 4P 0.42 1.04 0.96 0.40 0.41 0.67 2P 0.45 0.76 1.32 0.60 0.52 0.72 4P 0.49 1.04 0.96 0.47 0.41 0.69 2P 0.56 0.60 1.67 0.94 0.82 0.73 4P 0.64 0.98 1.02 0.65 0.56 0.64 2P 0.50 0.83 1.20 0.60 0.49 0.73 4P 0.65 1.17 0.85 0.56 0.43 0.71 2P 0.54 0.53 1.89 1.02 0.79 0.68 4P 0.65 1 1.00 0.65 0.49 0.65 2P 0.50 0.58 1.72 0.87 0.72 0.64 4P 0.63 1.03 0.97 0.61 0.50 0.67 2P 0.50 0.61 1.64 0.83 0.66 0.67 4P 0.67 1.03 0.97 0.65 0.52 0.65 2P 0.56 0.68 1.47 0.83 0.60 0.68 4P 0.83 1.06 0.94 0.78 0.62 0.62 2P 0.55 0.74 1.35 0.75 0.55 0.73 4P 0.82 1.09 0.92 0.75 0.60 0.63 2P 0.50 1.05 0.95 0.47 0.34 0.72 4P 0.93 1.04 0.96 0.89 0.62 0.66 2P 0.52 ± 0.03 0.69± 0.16 1.52 ± 0.32 0.79± 0.19 0.64± 0.18 0.699± 0.3 4P 0.67± 0.15 1.05± 0.05 0.96± 0.05 0.64± 0.15 0.52 ± 0.08 0.664± 0.3 Calculated from video recordings. bipedal locomotion, the knee flexion gradually increases from the initial foot contact to its maximum. Finally, in both the bipedal and quadrupedal gait cycles, there is less variation in the knee angle than in those observed for the hip and the ankle. With regard to the ankle joint, angles in bipedal and quadrupedal gaits follow similar profiles and their values differ only slightly; in quadrupedal locomotion, the values are significantly lower around the foot contact. Two main phases of extension and flexion are separated by a peak of minimum flexion at toe-off. There is remarkable variation in the time of the first peak of flexion, both in bipedal and in quadrupedal gaits. The Foot During the Stance Phase We paid special attention to the foot during stance phase in both bipedal and quadrupedal locomotions. 19.4±6.5 98.8±9.5 131.8±8.1 116.6±5.8 85.5±6.1 105.0±5.6 144.9±14.1 150.8±11.4 165.1±5.9 178.3±5.6 173.5±5.7 164.0±6.9 178.0±5.1 176.5±6.2 Metatarsophalangeal 2P angle 4P 137.0±5.5 154.4±5.4 148.9±9.1 132.9±7.8 4P 137.5±7.8 99.5±7.2 105.0±8.0 93.5±9.2 149.0±3.6 136.2±8.2 128.8±6.6 97.1±7.3 114.2±4.8 4P 95.9±8.7 51.2±2.6 50.8±2.3 89.5±11.7 100.0±13.6 84.3±7.8 124.4±6.4 109.9±6.8 103.3±8.4 90.5±6.2 34.6±10.0 31.2±8.8 2P 119.6±8.0 112.4±9.1 2P 4P 124.8±6.6 102.9±5.8 134.5±3.9 117.7±2.9 2P 65.9±4.2 4P 59.1±4.0 104.8±9.8 110.2±8.3 16.4±2.6 Minimum Opposite ankle angle foot strike 2P Midfoot angle Talocrural angle Ankle angle Knee angle 4P 2P 4P Hip angle 0±0 0±0 Time of occurrence 2P Gait Initial foot Opposite contact toe off 69.9±3.4 66.4±2.3 65.6±2.6 67.5±4.2 119.6±7.1 149.5±7.1 156.6±8.1 119.6±7.4 150.5±7.7 146.7±10.1 153.5±12.9 137.3±10.5 149.5±7.4 156.7±7.7 118.2±6.3 117.0±10.5 119.9±11.0 118.7±6.5 86.9±6.4 63.7±8.8 76.5±2.0 74.7±3.1 162.2±4.8 179.4±27.4 145.5±6.8 144.4±4.2 95.1±5.6 103.6±6.7 90.1±7.3 100.8±7.6 83.1±3.2 84.3±3.4 Range of motion 164.2±6.0 164.8±6.9 152.4±5.8 148.3±4.7 114.7±4.8 125.0±6.0 115.2±5.5 122.0±8.7 137.1±5.5 127.1±8.4 62.4±6.2 48.2±11.1 71.5±40.1 30.5±7.1 32.4±7.7 29.6±7.5 30.5±6.8 37.9±9.3 42.1±7.6 50.5±6.0 65.1±8.3 52.8±4.8 105.9±10.8 34.0±7.1 100±0 100±0 Maximum Minimum Final minimum Final foot ankle angle knee angle ankle angle contact 122.1±12.1 124.1±13.0 102.4±4.3 66.8±9.0 110.9±5.0 103.8±4.6 134.6±9.4 124.5±11.5 58.6±2.6 57.9±3.2 Maximum Toe Off hip angle Table III Time of occurrence of characteristic events of the stride (expressed as a fraction of cycle duration) and average angles at characteristic events (mean±SD) Bipedalism vs. Quadrupedalism in Olive Baboons 169 170 G. Berillon et al. Fig. 3 Comparison of mean changes of the hind limb angles and the events through a bipedal and a quadrupedal stride. IFC = initial foot contact; OTO = opposite toe off; OFC = opposite foot contact; TO = toe off; FFC = final foot contact). Open symbols = bipedal walking; solid symbols = quadrupedal walking. Type of Foot Contact with the Ground In most cases the foot touches the ground in a rather horizontal position in both bipedal and quadrupedal gaits. It is placed forward, in front of the hip; the knee and the ankle joint appear to be at their maximum extension and plantarflexion respectively. We observed 3 main patterns of foot contact with the ground (Fig. 4): 1) The foot comes into contact with the ground at its middle part, from the distal tarsus to the metatarsophalangeal joint. Toe contact occurs later, while the heel is raised and never touches the ground. During quadrupedal locomotion, a slight and temporary drop of the proximal foot is almost systematically observed immediately after the initial contact, but the heel never touches the ground. This is the most frequent pattern in both gaits (7/10 quadrupedal and 8/10 bipedal). 2) The foot contact is initiated simultaneously by the plantar surfaces of the midfoot and the toes; we observed this in the 2 youngest subjects of the sample during bipedal locomotion (Ind. 854 and Ind. 139), and in 1 individual during quadrupedal locomotion (Ind. 638). 3) The foot contact is simultaneously initiated by the plantar face of the heel and the midfoot and 0.0044 0.037 0.89 Metatarsophalangeal angle 0.167 Ankle angle Midfoot angle 0 Knee angle Talocrural angle 0.0016 Hip angle Initial foot contact Table IV p values for ANCOVA analyses 0.327 0.014 0.002 0.009 0 0 Opposite toe off 0.067 0.321 0.047 0.074 0 0 Minimum ankle angle 0.574 0.789 0.126 0.268 0 0 Opposite foot strike 0.588 0.78 0.461 0.732 0 0 Maximum hip angle 0.305 0.043 0.92 0.255 0 0 Toe off 0.079 0.046 0.591 0.187 0 0 Maximum ankle angle 0.107 0 0.024 0 0 0 Minimum knee angle 0.067 0.321 0.047 0.074 0 0 Final minimum ankle angle 0.491 0.258 0.001 0.031 0 0.038 Final foot contact Bipedalism vs. Quadrupedalism in Olive Baboons 171 172 G. Berillon et al. Fig. 4 Lateral views of the 3 observed modalities of foot contact to the ground. continues by the entire sole of the foot; this describes a plantigrade stance phase with no heel-strike. Very soon after the initial contact, the proximal foot moves upward. We observed this in 2 quadrupedal sequences (Ind. 411 and Ind. 568, respectively, a 4-yr-old female and a 3-yr-old male), but not in any instance of bipedal locomotion. To summarize, during both bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion in olive baboons, the foot usually contacts the ground in a semiplantigrade manner. Nevertheless, variants exist up to plantigrade support in quadrupedal locomotion, which has not been described in the literature. Pedal Joint Angles During the Stance Phase Table III and Fig. 5 show the changes of average foot angles and their variations for bipedal and quadrupedal walking over time expressed as a fraction of stance phase duration. Variation in the bipedal and quadrupedal angles at each event is similar, in contrast to what is observed for the ankle angle. The talocrural angle in both bipedal and quadrupedal gaits is >90° during the stance phase, which means that the talocrural joint is kept slightly extended; talocrural extension is at its maximum at the beginning and end of the Bipedalism vs. Quadrupedalism in Olive Baboons 173 Fig. 5 Comparison of mean changes of the foot angles and the events through a bipedal and a quadrupedal stance phase. IFC=initial foot contact; OTO=opposite toe off; MAA=maximum ankle angle; OFC=opposite foot contact; TO=toe off. Open symbols=bipedal walking; solid symbols=quadrupedal walking. stance phase and reaches its minimum around midstance. The extension of the talocrural joint is more pronounced in bipedal than quadrupedal mode, and significantly so during the first half of the stance phase (Table IV). The midfoot is bent dorsally concave, with flexion at its maximum at approximately midstance. This flexion is significantly higher in a bipedal gait cycle at the beginning of the stance phase. This tendency is then progressively reversed, with the midfoot significantly more bent during the quadrupedal gait at toe-off. Thus, at the beginning of the stance phase of a bipedal gait cycle, the proximal foot is raised in a relatively more elevated position than in quadrupedal locomotion. We observed no significant difference between the bipedal and the quadrupedal profiles of the metatarsophalangeal joints. After a short period of dorsiflexion at the initial contact, this joint quickly reaches its neutral 180° position. On average, during the second half of the stance phase, the joint dorsiflexes up to a peak at the end of the stance phase, with dorsiflexion then decreasing at toe-off. These average profiles illustrate a general 174 G. Berillon et al. increase in the dorsiflexion of the tarsometatarsal complex during the first half of the stance phase; this movement is then reversed while the metatarsophalangeal joints starts dorsiflexing. To understand the variation observed, we now focus on the way the joints of the individual study subjects behave (Fig. 6). In general, for each type of locomotion, we observed that individual movements follow a rather similar pattern but the relative duration of the different periods varied widely among the individuals in the sample. The foot kinematics during the bipedal stance phase can be described as follows: & & The touchdown period: The metatarsophalangeal dorsiflexion quickly returns from a dorsiflexed posture to reach full extension at 10–15% of the stance phase, while the talocrural joint and the midfoot gradually dorsiflex. The loading period: The dorsiflexion of the talocrural joint and the midfoot increases to maximum flexion at 35–70% of the stance phase depending on Fig. 6 Individual changes over time of the foot angles through a bipedal (a) and a quadrupedal (b) stance phase. Bipedalism vs. Quadrupedalism in Olive Baboons & & 175 individuals. No movement occurs at the metatarsophalangeal joint. At the end of the loading period, the plantar surface of the proximal tarsus is in an elevated position. The tarsometatarsal rise period: The metatarsophalangeal joint dorsiflexes leading to a regular lifting of the tarsometatarsal segment; simultaneously, the dorsiflexion of the talocrural joint and the midfoot decreases. The peak of maximum metatarsophalangeal dorsiflexion and the peaks of minimum talocrural and midfoot dorsiflexion are reached simultaneously at 85–95% of the stance phase. The push-off period: The metatarsophalangeal dorsiflexion quickly decreases while the talocrural joint and the midfoot begin a second period of dorsiflexion. The foot kinematics during the quadrupedal stance phase can be described as follows: & & & & The touchdown period: The talocrural joint quickly dorsiflexes while the midfoot moves in the opposite direction; the dorsiflexion of the metatarsophalangeal joint lessens until it is fully extended. This period ends at 10–20% of the stance phase. The loading period: no significant motion occurs at the talocrural joint, while the midfoot dorsiflexes. The metatarsophalangeal joint remains in its slightly extended position. The peak of maximum midfoot flexion is reached at the moment when metatarsophalangeal dorsiflexion begins, at 40–75% of the stance phase. The tarsometatarsal rise period: talocrural and midfoot dorsiflexion both lessen, while the metatarsophalangeal joint dorsiflexes simultaneously; these peaks of minimum (for the talocrural joint and the midfoot) and maximum (for the metatarsophalangeal joint ) dorsiflexion are reached at 85–95% of the stance phase. The push-off period: the metatarsophalangeal dorsiflexion quickly lessens while the talocrural joint and the midfoot begin a second phase of dorsiflexion. Individual variation is important, as highlighted by the characteristics of the touchdown to tarsometatarsal rise periods of individual 139 in quadrupedal locomotion. Although touchdown is immediately followed by a rapid decreasing of the metatarsophalangeal dorsiflexion until it reaches its neutral position, which is observed in all other individuals of our sample, it is as well immediately followed by a dorsiflexion of the midfoot. In the other individuals, the dorsiflexion of the midfoot remains constant or more often decreases, at this time of the stance phase. In addition, the metatarsophalangeal joint, after reaching its neutral position, immediately dorsiflexes until it reaches its maximum. This dorsiflexion is usually initiated later in the other individuals, whereas almost no motion occurs at the talocrural and midfoot level during that period. To summarize, the kinematics of the talocrural joint, the midfoot and the metatarsophalangeal joints act in a coordinated manner, but are triggered differently according to whether the support is bipedal or quadrupedal. In bipedal locomotion, the tarsometatarsal complex dorsiflexes gradually as soon as the foot touches the ground, while in quadrupedal locomotion, the stance phase starts with a decreasing of the midfoot dorsiflexion; as a consequence, the posterior foot slightly collapses at the initiation of the quadrupedal touchdown. We did not observe this difference at the ankle kinematics level; this could be explained by the method of measuring the ankle angle, which combines both talocrural and midfoot kinematics. 176 G. Berillon et al. Discussion and Conclusion Baboons are conventionally described as committed quadrupedal primates (Fleagle 1988; Rose 1973). They are also known to occasionally and spontaneously walk bipedally (Hunt 1989; Rose 1976, 1977; Wrangham 1980). However, precise kinematics of both locomotor modes remain rare and include few individuals (Ishida et al. 1974; Okada 1985; Shapiro and Raichlen 2005). As far as lower limb and foot kinematics and stance phase descriptions are concerned, a total of 4 individuals have been observed (Meldrum 1991; Okada 1985; Schmitt and Larson 1995). We are currently documenting movements of unrestricted animals and testing their mobility in passive manipulation and X-ray imaging. We have provided original data from an initial sample of 10 Papio anubis, focusing here on lower limb and foot kinematics in bipedal vs. quadrupedal locomotion. We describe the trunk and hind limb bipedal kinematics elsewhere (Berillon et al. 2010). As far as the foot stance phase is concerned, Okada (1985) noted that bipedal and quadrupedal locomotor modes were very similar and of semiplantigrade type for 1 individual (Papio hamadryas). This type of semiplantigrade foot contact was also highlighted for 3 other baboons (1 Papio ursinus and 2 Papio anubis) in quadrupedal locomotion (Meldrum 1991; Schmitt and Larson 1995). Our observations of a larger sample in both bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion demonstrate a variety of foot contacts, from semiplantigrady, which we observed most frequently in our sample, to full-fledged plantigrady, observed only in quadrupedal locomotion. Our qualitative observations are supported by the data concerning foot kinematics during the stance phase.The multisegment anatomical model allows a quantitative decomposition of both bipedal and quadrupedal stance phases at an individual level. This approach is based on observations of midfoot flexibility in many nonhuman primates, demonstrated early on in the chimpanzee (Elftman and Manter 1935a, b), and later described in a variety of nonhuman primates (D’Août et al. 2002; Gebo 1992; Günther 1989; Meldrum 1991; Schmitt and Larson 1995; Vereecke and Aerts 2008; Vereecke et al. 2005). Researchers have evaluated this midfoot flexibility anatomically (Bojsen-Moller 1979; Lewis 1989), although some have challenged its anatomical origin (Günther 1989; DeSilva 2010). In several analyses of bipedal and quadrupedal hindlimb kinematics of nonhuman primates, researchers have modeled the foot as a rigid segment, as it is in human (D’Août et al. 2002; Hirasaki et al. 2004; Yamazaki et al. 1979). One reason for this methodological choice could relate to the available recording tools: relatively low speed and resolution recording did not provide frames of sufficient quality that would allow digitization of landmarks other than the usual, well-identified ones. In addition, as far as the evolution of the ankle joint angle through a stride is concerned, one can make a direct comparison with humans. Okada (1985) was the first to propose a quantified kinematic analysis of the compliant foot, based on the virtual division of the foot into several “blocks”. This study was very innovative, although its approach might not be trivial to implement in a highly reproducible manner. More recently, Vereecke and Aerts (2008) proposed an approach using high-speed video sequences and their analysis based on the identification of anatomical referenced points for gibbons (Hylobates lar): they calculated the position of the tarsometatarsal joint from highly reproducible external Bipedalism vs. Quadrupedalism in Olive Baboons 177 referenced points via a triangulation procedure, assuming that the flexion mainly occurs at this level and that it is thus negligible at the midtarsal joint (DeSilva 2010; contra Bojsen-Moller 1979 and Elftman and Manter 1935a, b). In baboons, our manipulations of captured and anethesized individuals of the sample and of cadavers showed that nonnegligible motion occurred at both the transverse midtarsal joint and the metatarsophalangeal joint level, although it was not possible to measure their relative importance at this stage. Unfortunately, we could not identify these 2 joints on the video sequences by proper external reference points. We thus chose to build a point at the midfoot level that represents the intersection of 2 visible axes, those of the proximal foot and of the metatarsus. The angle thus represents the total flexion that occurs in the joints of the tarsometatarsal complex. Whatever the methodology, use of a multisegment anatomical model of the foot provides innovative results. Vereecke and Aerts (2008) showed that the midfoot dorsiflexes during the stance phase in gibbons and that “this midfoot dosiflexion will stretch the tendons and ligaments running across the plantar side of the foot, potentially storing elastic energy and eventually contributing to propulsion generation at push-off.” In olive baboons, we show that the dorsiflexion of the midfoot increases from the touchdown phase to the initiation of the metatarsophalangeal dorsiflexion, as in gibbons, favoring the rising of the tarsus while the metatarsus and the toes remain on the ground. Could this mechanism potentially contribute to storing elastic energy? Kinetics for baboons must be measured to evaluate this point. Nevertheless, we observed that this increasing dorsiflexion usually stops earlier than in gibbons (50% and 80%, respectively), and at very variable fractions of the stance phase (from 35% to 70%). This seems to imply a distinctive form of foot mechanics involved during the bipedal gait in baboons. Because baboons are highly adapted quadrupedal primates, one could expect that quadrupedal kinematics, especially at the foot level, would be less variable than those of the less frequently used bipedal locomotor mode. D’Août et al. (2004) used this hypothesis to explain the higher variability in bipedal vs. quadrupedal hindlimb kinematics in the bonobo. Although bipedal kinematics of the hip and knee are more variable than those in the quadrupedal locomotion of olive baboons, our data do not support this hypothesis due to the similarity in variation for bipedal and quadrupedal foot kinematics. Moreover, our analysis of the individual joint angle trajectories demonstrates that joint kinematics are synchronized for both bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion; they follow very similar modalities from one individual to the other but the timing is very variable. Finally, significant differences between bipedal and quadrupedal kinematics of the talocrural joint and the midfoot exist. In particular, in quadrupedal locomotion the stance phase is initiated by a phase of decreasing of the midfoot dorsiflexion. Thus, it seems that motions involved in bipedal and quadrupedal locomotions of olive baboons act in 2 well-coordinated and stereotyped manners. Terrestrial bipedal walking in baboons must be seen as a proper and not erratic locomotor mode, even though the species is adapted to another type of locomotion, i.e., terrestrial quadrupedalism. We suggest that the same might hold true for the very early hominids, in which terrestrial bipedalism should be seen as a usual locomotor modality, although their anatomy retained several or many traits that would fit better to arboreal habits (Senut et al. 2001; White et al. 2009). 178 G. Berillon et al. Acknowledgments We thank the editors of this volume and organizers of the symposium on Functional Morphology in Primates in Durham for inviting us to introduce our ongoing program on baboon locomotion; this contribution is based on this introductory presentation. We also thank the other members of the Primatology Station, especially Valérie Moulin, for her permanent help. The entire motion capture system was set up with the collaboration of P. Trannois (Opto France, France); the Streamstation was configured with the help of T. Lemaire. This research is supported by the Fyssen Foundation (Research Grant), and the Groupement de Recherche GDR 2655 of the CNRS (Dir. L. Rosetta). Finally, we thank E. Hirasaki and 2 anonymous reviewers who provided numerous and very constructive comments on previous versions of the manuscript as well as Joanna M. Setchell, who contributed to the revision of the English and the editing of the final version of the manuscript. References Aerts, P., Van Damme, R., Van Elsacker, L., & Duchene, V. (2000). Spatio-temporal gait characteristics of the hind-limb cycles during voluntary bipedal and quadrupedal walking in Bonobos (Pan paniscus). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 111(4), 503–517. Berillon, G., D’Août, K., Daver, G., Dubreuil, G., Multon, F., Nicolas, G., et al. (2010). In what manner do quadrupedal primates walk on two legs? Preliminary results on olive baboons (Papio anubis). In E. 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