Application A28 DOC042.52.00605.May03 May 03 >> LANDFILL LEACHATE Sample preparation & analysis Analysis of landfill leachates Recommended sample preparation Parameters: In short Î Ammonium / Nitrate / Nitrite Due to their complex composition, landfill leachates differ considerably from municipal and Î COD / TOC / Total nitrogen industrial wastewater. The often very high inorganic and organic loads can complicate analysis or make Î Total phosphate suitable sample preparation necessary. In many cases, simply diluting the sample before the Î Chloride analysis suffices, as this also dilutes the potential interference matrix. Î Sulphate >> LANDFILL LEACHATE Sample preparation & analysis Ammonium nitrogen NH4N Î LCK 303 247 mg/l Expected Recommended Potential interference concentration dilution factors LCK 303 50 mg/l 1:2 pH Adjust with H2SO4 / NaOH 100 mg/l 1:4 Temperature Thermostat water sample to 20 +/- 2°C ... ... Colour Sample-specific blank value (Appl. 130) 1000 mg/l 1:40 Turbidity Filter water sample Precautionary measures Blue colour (indicates that concentration exceeds MR, even though the dis- Dilute water sample played result is within MR) Chloride Cl Î LCS 311 70 1000 mg/l Expected Recommended Potential interference Precautionary measures concentration dilution factors LCS 311 1000 mg/l 1:2 Strong coloration Sample-specific blank value (Appl. 130) 2000mg/l 1:4 Turbidity Filter water sample ... ... 5000 mg/l 1:10 COD Î Î Î Î Î LCK LCK LCK LCK LCK 014 514 114 614 314 1000 – 1000 mg/l 100 – 2000 mg/l 150 – 1000 mg/l 50 –300 mg/l 15 – 150 mg/ll Potential interference Precautionary measures factors (all COD tests) Chloride content >1000 mg/l and >1500mg/l Tip Homogenize water sample beforehand. Do not filter! Dilute water sample >> LANDFILL LEACHATE Sample preparation & analysis Nitrate nitrogen NO3N Î LCK 339 0,23 – 13,5 mg/l Expected Recommended Potential interference Precautionary measures concentration dilution factors LCK 339 10 mg/l 1:2 Colour Sample-specific blank value (Appl. 130) 20 mg/l 1:5 Turbidity Filter water sample ... ... COD > 200 mg/l Dilute water sample 100 mg/l 1:25 Nitrite > 2 mg/l Add amidosulphonic acid (0.05g/5ml) Chloride > 500 mg/l Sample clean-up set LCW 921 Calcium > 50 mg/l Addition of EDTA prevents turbidity Warning Sample preparation with active carbon is not recommend as the carbon also adsorbs nitrate ions Nitrite nitrogen NO2N Î LCK 341 0,015 – 0,6 mg/l Î LCK 342 0,6 – 6 mg/l Potential interference Precautionary measures factors LCK 341 /342 Colour Sample-specific blank value (Appl. 130) Turbidity Filter water sample pH Adjust with H2SO4 / NaOH High-bias results Low-bias results Do not leave sample to stand for longer than 3 h Do not leave sample to stand for longer than 3 h Total phosphate phosphorus PO4P Î LCK 349 0,05 – 1,5 mg/l Î LCK 348 0,5 5,0 mg7l Î LCK 350 2,0 – 20 mg/ Potential interference Precautionary measures factors phosphate Tip Homogenize water sample. Do not filter! Colour Sample-specific blank value (Appl. 130) Turbidity For orthophosphate, filter water sample DOC042.52.00605.May03 >> LANDFILL LEACHATE Sample preparation & analysis Total organic carbon TOC Î LCK 383 5 –5 0 mg/l Î LCK 384 50 500 mg/l Potential interference Precautionary measures factors TOC pH Adjust with H2SO4 / NaOH Chloride > 100 mg/l Dilute water sample > 1000 mg/l NH4– N > 100 mg/l Dilute water sample > 1000 mg/l Ca/Mg > 200 mg/l Dilute water sample Contamination by Work carefully, quickly and cleanly ambient air Total nitrogen LatoN Î LCK 338 20 –100 mg/l Potential interference Precautionary measures factors LatoN Colour after digestion Sample-specific blank value (Appl. A130) Turbidity after digestion Filtration Chloride > 5000 mg/l Dilute water sample COD > 2500 mg/l Dilute water sample Sulphate SO42 Î LCK 353 150 – 700 mg/l Expected Recommended concentration dilution 1000 mg/l 1:2 Literature: Prof. Georg Schwedt, Institut für 2000 mg/l 1:4 Anorganische und Analytisch Chemie der TU ... ... Clausthal-Zellerfeld: Photometrische Küvetten Tests 5000 mg/l 1:10 für Sickerwässer, Boden und Abfall, ENSORGA – Magazin 12/94 DR. BRUNO LANGE GMBH & CO. KG Willstätterstraße 11 D-40549 Düsseldorf Tel. +49 (0)211-52 88-0 Fax +49 (0)211-52 88-143 [email protected] DR. BRUNO LANGE GES. MBH Industriestraße 12 A-3200 Obergrafendorf Tel. +43 (0)2747-74 12 Fax +43 (0)2747-42 18 [email protected] DR. BRUNO LANGE AG Juchstrasse 1 CH-8604 Hegnau Tel. +41 (0)1-945 66-10 Fax +41 (0)1-945 66-76 [email protected]
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