65 th Annual Tinicum Arts Festival * July 12 & 13 2014 Letter to Crafters & Artists The Tinicum Civic Assoc. is pleased to announce that it is sponsoring the 65th Tinicum Arts Festival Saturday, July 12th and Sunday, July 13th at Tinicum Park, River Road (Rte.32) in Erwinna, PA. 18920 TO MAINTAIN OUR INTEGRITY AS A PREMIUM MARKET PLACE FOR DISTINCTIVE CRAFTS, THIS IS A JURIED SHOW. • 65th Tinicum Art Festival Hours: 10 AM – 6 PM on Saturday; 11 AM – 5 PM on Sunday • All items sold MUST be handmade by the crafter/artist • Crafters must open during these hours. Early closing Saturday or Sunday is not permitted. • Set up: Friday 1:00-6:00PM, 6:30 – 9:00 AM on Saturday and 8:00 – 10:00 AM on Sunday. • All vehicles must be off the grounds by 9:30 a.m. on Saturday and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. • No vehicles will be allowed back into the park before 6 PM on Saturday and 5 PM on Sunday. • All spaces are outdoors and approximately 12 ft x 12 ft. • No electric service is provided and on-site generators are not permitted. • Spaces will be assigned upon arrival. • Tinicum Park is a beautiful setting providing equal exposure and opportunity for all sites. • For an additional 50% fee, we are able to accommodate small trailers. Space is limited. There is a 50% additional cost added for small trailers and specific spaces will be assigned. • The Tinicum Arts Festival is held rain or shine. In case of rain, the Arts Festival Committee reserves the right to restrict entrance into the park until it is deemed safe for passage. • There can be no refunds after April 1st, 2014, unless you are not accepted. • Each exhibitor is responsible for their display area including furnishings. • Each craft space includes free admission for two adults only. Admission to the Arts Festival is $7.00 per adult. Additional adults will be charged $7.00. • Festival foods and beverages will be available in the park. There will be live entertainment both days. • No Pets, we love them too, but the park requires you leave your pets at home for this event. • To ensure that you are considered, please return the enclosed application no later than April 1st. • Please see the attached application for prices and time-frames. • Applications will not be processed without payment and 2 photos of your craft and 1 of your display. • If you are accepted, you will receive a letter of confirmation no later than April 15. • If you are not accepted, you will be notified by April 15th and your check will be returned. • Any questions or requests please note on your application or e-mail us at [email protected]. • You may leave a message at 610-294-9420. We will get back to you as soon as possible. • We are looking forward to your participation in the 65th Tinicum Arts Festival! 65th Annual Tinicum Arts Festival July 12, & 13, 2014 Crafter & Artist Reservation Application Please complete and return this form with your check or money order by March 18th. Include 2 photos of your craft and 1 photo of your display. Make 2 checks payable to the TINICUM CIVIC ASSOCIATION. Mail this application to: Tinicum Arts Festival 2014 c/o Sue Walsh 68 Gruver Road Pipersville, PA 18947 Applications cannot be processed without complete payment (2 separate checks), photos and completed application Name ___________________________ Phone ________________ e-mail _________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________ ( ) $25.00 Non-Refundable Administrative Fee (Separate Check) ( ) Yes, I will participate with my own hand made art or craft in the Tinicum Arts Festival. Enclosed is $80.00 postmarked on or before March 18th for a 12 ft by 12 ft outdoor space. ( ) Yes, I will participate with my own hand made art or craft in the Tinicum Arts Festival. Enclosed is $120.00 postmarked after March 18th & before April 1st for a 12 ft by 12 ft outdoor space. TRAILER ACCOMMODATION ( ) Yes, I will participate with my own hand made art or craft in the Tinicum Arts Festival, and would like to request additional space for my small trailer. Enclosed is a check for my space including an additional 50% of the fee. Spaces will be assigned. Print your Name and Craft (limited to 65 letters and spaces combined), as you would like it to appear in the program, and on promotional and printed materials. Applications must be postmarked by April 1st. A maximum of 65 characters to list your Name (Artist OR Business) & Art/Craft for the program Name _________________________Art/Craft___________________________________(max 65) Website _______________________________________________________________________ Indicate # of promo cards you would like__________ NOTE: Crafter list with website links will be posted & remain on the Arts Festival Website until the following year See map of Tinicum Park included with this application. Please review the map and circle your area of preference. A-1 A-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 By returning this application I acknowledge that the Tinicum Civic Association, its officers and volunteers, and the Bucks County Department of Parks and Recreation will not be held responsible for any accident or damage to myself, my assistants or to any equipment, tools, stock or supplies that I may bring or cause to be brought to the Arts Festival. I also acknowledge that all items are displayed or stored at my own risk of loss or damage, and that no responsibility will be accepted by the Tinicum Civic Association or the Parks Department for any items left unattended during the Festival or overnight. No pets are allowed on the festival grounds. Applicant Signature ___________________________________________________________ Signature signifies that all items are handmade by me. River Road Stage B-3 B - Area Vehicle Exit B-3 B-2 Toilet Parking for Crafters B-1 Art Barn Food Court Striped areas are the Crafter and Artist spaces. Please choose one area only; Crafts A-1, A-2,Food B-1, B-2, or B-3 A-2 B-1 A-1 Main Entrance Waiting Area for Crafter & Artist Entrance 4 3 2 1 A-1 Toilet A - Area Vehicle Exit A - Area Vehicle Exit Dear Crafter or Artist: Welcome to the 65 TH T INICUM A RTS F ESTIVAL . Here is information we hope you will find helpful before and during the festival. PROMOTION We are increasing our promotional opportunities this year. Details are on our website TinicumArtsFestival.org in the Crafter Page. Please take full advantage of the following in order to spread the word about this wonderful community event. ►Tinicum Arts Festival Poster is available to print in 8.5 x11 format. Find .PDF Poster link on the left hand side of the Crafter Page ►Tinicum Arts Festival Postcards complete with entertainment schedules for both days are available to print on the left hand side of the Crafter Page. If you are able to promote the event at shows to potential participants, please request an appropriate quantity to be mailed to you on your Application or contact [email protected]. ►Website Links - Once accepted, your name and website information will be added to the Tinicum Arts Festival Website. It will remain there until the following year. ►Facebook – YES! We have a FACEBOOK PAGE! www.facebook.com/TinicumArtsFestival Please encourage your customers and friends to “Like” us! FESTIVAL HOURS: Saturday - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday - 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. PARTICIPANT STICKERS: Your packet includes two free “Participant” Stickers per space. These will allow you and another person to re-enter the park without paying the entrance fee. Please take one with you whenever you leave the festival grounds. Should you need more stickers, please purchase them from the people at the front gate. PARKING: We have reserved a special area to the right of the main park entrance road to be set aside for crafter/artist parking only. For security purposes, please remember that once you have parked your vehicle in the crafter/artist parking area, you must use the front gate entrance to gain access to the park. Please do NOT scale the fences that surround the festival area. This compromises everyone’s safety. SET UP ►Friday Night Set up. Back by popular demand! Early set up is available on the Friday night before the Festival (July 11th) between the hours of 1 & 6 p.m. The crafter/artist committee will be there to meet you at the gate. Please do not set–up until you have your packet with your assigned area in hand. ►Surveyor flags have been used to mark off the 12 by 12 foot spaces. ►Please set up between these flags. ►Set up time is between 6:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on Saturday and between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on Sunday ►Only one car per crafter space is allowed to park at any one time. ►You must keep the roads clear for others to pass you while setting up. ►To minimize congestion, it is important that you unload your vehicle and take it to the crafter parking area as soon as you are finished. ►All cars must be off of the park grounds by 9:30 a.m. on Saturday and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. COFFEE! ►Coffee and Danish will be available under the pavilion each morning for the crafters and their helpers. This is being provided by Mike Shebest owner of The Tohickon Tavern. Donations are appreciated and will go toward The Tinicum Civic Association. TAKE DOWN You may begin to pack your things during the last act on Saturday beginning at 5:00 and the last act on Sunday beginning at 4:00 No cars can be allowed onto the Park grounds before 6:00 p.m. on Saturday and 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.
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