Engineering technology 2010 Sample assessment instrument and student responses Technical engineering report: gantry project This sample is intended to inform the design of assessment instruments in the senior phase of learning. It highlights the qualities of student work and the match to the syllabus standards. Dimensions assessed • Knowledge and application • Investigative and analytical processes • Evaluation and technical communication Assessment instrument The sample is an extract from a student response to an assessment task and is not the complete student response. Design challenge (Year 11 assessment instrument) Design, construct and test a model gantry using the available resources according to the specifications given. The structure has to support a maximum load of 10 kg positioned 400 mm out and 400 mm up from the edge of a table. A medium-density fibreboard (MDF) base (150 mm x 150 mm x 16 mm) will be provided for you to attach the structure. The base will then be clamped to a table when the structure is loaded. You are required to construct the framework to hang the sign from the given point using any material. Certain materials will be provided such as balsa wood (10 lengths maximum of 6.5 mm x 6.5 mm square cross-section), cardboard (unlimited), glue (unlimited), general wood, metal, plastics and string (unlimited). These materials are intended to simulate beams and wires. You may use flat, boxed, laminated beams of balsa wood and cardboard, angled strips of the cardboard, etc. This is meant to be a lightweight structure and it is intended that you only use minimal amounts of material. It is intended that you find insightful ways of using the materials in an efficient manner. For example, using: • cardboard where tensile forces are apparent • laminations of balsa wood and cardboard • cardboard as a gusseting material • string as a tensile support. The gantry success will be measured by calculating the following: • Performance index = Load supported at failure (maximum 10,000 g)/ Mass of structure (g). A higher performance index is better as it would reflect a better strength-to-weight ratio. Report overview The report should be succinct, have information presented in the most appropriate mode, and demonstrate technical and special literacy by using a wide variety of literacy forms. Typically the report would contain: • a title page – Include your name, full title of the project, subject, subject teacher, due date. • a table of contents • an introduction – Write a brief summary of your project from beginning to end. This should enable someone to briefly understand the project without having to read the whole report (one paragraph, written in past tense and third person). • an investigation – For compression and tension in structures, use labelled diagrams and notes to explain the difference between a structure’s ties and struts, and the difference between tension and compression (one page). • design ideas – Sketch and illustrate all your ideas for your gantry design and add associated notes. Hypothesise on their possible strength/weight ratios, sideways stability, force distribution upon the table, compression and tension in members, the supporting of the load, difficulty of construction, etc. These sketches should show a breadth of different ideas as well as depth or fine detail on joining techniques (four pages of sketches and notes minimum). • a final solution – Create an orthographic drawing that: includes the front and top views; is scaled, dimensioned and rendered; and has a title block (one page). – Draw an isometric, rendered 3-D sketch (one page). – Make a model and include the photograph of the final model (one page). • test results – Draw a table showing the relative performance indexes of all the models (one page, descending order of indexes, show a title, label column headings, highlight your own results to show their relative performance). – Construct a figure (bar chart) showing the relative performance indexes of all the models (one page, descending order of indexes, title, label axes, highlight your own results to show its relative performance). – Construct a simplified two-dimensional side view or free-body diagram of your model to show your force analysis. Calculate and show the working when finding the reactions at the front and rear of the base. Estimate the centre of gravity of the gantry mass, and also use the mass held by the gantry successfully when making your calculations (one page). • conclusions and recommendations – Use sketches and notes to explain why your model did or didn’t perform, and why. Where possible, comment on its strength/weight ratio, sideways stability, force distribution upon the table, compression and tension in members, the supporting of the loading pad, difficulty of construction (two pages with a photo and comments to illustrate, add positive comments as well as negative ones). – Comment on at least two of the other models and explain why they did or why they didn't perform well (two pages with a photo and comments to illustrate). – Suggest future improvements for your design (one page with a photo and comments to illustrate). • references • appendixes. 2 | Engineering technology 2010 Sample assessment instrument and student responses Instrument-specific criteria and standards Student responses have been matched to instrument-specific criteria and standards; those which best describe the student work in this sample are shown below. For more information about the syllabus dimensions and standards descriptors, see Standard A Knowledge and application Investigative and analytical processes Evaluation and technical communication The student work has the following characteristics: • critical elements of the gantry design are clearly identified and prioritised • discerning selection and correct, efficient application of engineering knowledge (statics and data) to the gantry design problem. The student work has the following characteristics: • effective interpretation and thorough analysis of relevant engineering data • efficient, validated engineering solutions based on engineering principles and techniques are proposed • solutions are analysed in depth and detail from multiple perspectives to identify relevant engineering principles • an optimal model that validates the solution is developed and refined. The student work has the following characteristics: • comprehensive evaluation of solutions in relation to the critical elements of the gantry design • valid, well-reasoned conclusions and recommendations based on investigations and justified by relevant engineering knowledge and data • effective organisation and succinct presentation of information in the most appropriate modes relevant to engineering situations. Note: Colour highlights have been used in the table to emphasise the qualities that discriminate between the standards. Key: Quality descriptors Cognitive elements Queensland Studies Authority May 2012 | 3 Student response — Standard A The annotations show the match to the instrument-specific standards. Note: Not all parts of the student response are shown. Comments Knowledge and application Discerning selection and correct, efficient application of engineering knowledge (statics and data) to the gantry design problem Investigative and analytical processes Solutions are analysed in depth and detail from multiple perspectives to identify relevant engineering principles Efficient, validated engineering solutions based on engineering principles and techniques are proposed 4 | Engineering technology 2010 Sample assessment instrument and student responses Comments Knowledge and application Discerning selection and correct, efficient application of engineering knowledge (statics and data) to the gantry design problem Investigative and analytical processes Solutions are analysed in depth and detail from multiple perspectives to identify relevant engineering principles Efficient, validated engineering solutions based on engineering principles and techniques are proposed Queensland Studies Authority May 2012 | 5 Comments Knowledge and application Discerning selection and correct, efficient application of engineering knowledge (statics and data) to the gantry design problem Investigative and analytical processes Effective interpretation and thorough analysis of relevant engineering data Solutions are analysed in depth and detail from multiple perspectives to identify relevant engineering principles 6 | Engineering technology 2010 Sample assessment instrument and student responses Comments Evaluation and technical communication Effective organisation and succinct presentation of information in the most appropriate modes relevant to engineering situations Queensland Studies Authority May 2012 | 7 Comments Investigative and analytical processes An optimal model that validates the solution is developed and refined 8 | Engineering technology 2010 Sample assessment instrument and student responses Comments Evaluation and technical communication Effective organisation and succinct presentation of information in the most appropriate modes relevant to engineering situations Investigative and analytical processes Effective interpretation and thorough analysis of relevant engineering data Queensland Studies Authority May 2012 | 9 Comments Evaluation and technical communication Effective organisation and succinct presentation of information in the most appropriate modes relevant to engineering situations 10 | Engineering technology 2010 Sample assessment instrument and student responses Comments Knowledge and application Critical elements of the gantry design are clearly identified and prioritised Discerning selection and correct, efficient application of engineering knowledge (statics and data) to the gantry design problem Queensland Studies Authority May 2012 | 11 Comments Investigative and analytical processes Solutions are analysed in depth and detail from multiple perspectives to identify relevant engineering principles Evaluation and technical communication Comprehensive evaluation of solutions in relation to the critical elements of the gantry design 12 | Engineering technology 2010 Sample assessment instrument and student responses Comments Investigative and analytical processes Solutions are analysed in depth and detail from multiple perspectives to identify relevant engineering principles Evaluation and technical communication Comprehensive evaluation of solutions in relation to the critical elements of the gantry design Queensland Studies Authority May 2012 | 13 Comments Investigative and analytical processes Solutions are analysed in depth and detail from multiple perspectives to identify relevant engineering principles Evaluation and technical communication Comprehensive evaluation of solutions in relation to the critical elements of the gantry design 14 | Engineering technology 2010 Sample assessment instrument and student responses Comments Investigative and analytical processes Solutions are analysed in depth and detail from multiple perspectives to identify relevant engineering principles Evaluation and technical communication Comprehensive evaluation of solutions in relation to the critical elements of the gantry design Queensland Studies Authority May 2012 | 15 Comments Evaluation and technical communication Valid, wellreasoned conclusions and recommendations based on investigations and justified by relevant engineering knowledge and data Acknowledgments The QSA acknowledges the contribution of St Peter’s Lutheran College in the preparation of this document. 16 | Engineering technology 2010 Sample assessment instrument and student responses
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