Geology #JPMPHZ AS A2

Exclusively endorsed by OCR for GCE Biology
Exclusively endorsed by OCR for GCE Geology
Debbie Armstrong, Frank Mugglestone,
Ruth Richards and Frances Stratton
with Stephen Davies, Malcolm Fry
and Tony Shelton
Pete Kennedy and Frank Sochacki
Sue Stratton
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In Exclusive Partnership
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D.T., Turner, F.J. and Heard, H.C., in Rock Deformation, eds D.T. Griggs
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29/4/08 15:28:20
UNIT 1 Global Tectonics
Module 1 Earth Structure
Planetary geology
Meteorites and volcanism in the Solar System
Inside the Earth
Direct evidence for the structure of the Earth
Indirect evidence for the structure of the Earth
Magnetic Earth
Module 2 Earthquakes
Module 3 Continental Drift, Sea Floor
spreading and Plate Tectonics
Earthquake waves
Measuring earthquakes
Detecting earthquakes
The effects of earthquakes
Living with earthquakes
Drifting continents
The spreading oceans 1
The spreading oceans 2
Oceans and continents
Patterns of earthquakes
Plate tectonics
Divergent plate margins
Convergent plate boundaries
Plate boundaries
Making plate tectonics happen
Hot spots and mantle plumes
Module 4 Geological Structures
1 Deformation of rocks
2 Recognition of geological structures
3 Faults 1
4 Faults 2
5 Fold characteristics
6 Folds formed by high levels of compression
7 Slaty cleavage
8 Cross-cutting relationships
Examination questions
UNIT 2 Rocks
Module 1 The Rock Cycle
Rocks are linked by the rock cycle
Characteristics of rock forming minerals
The broad classification of rocks
The geological column
Module 2 Igneous Processes and Products 72
1 Igneous rocks
2 Igneous rocks and rates of cooling
3 Igneous textures
4 Identifying silicic and intermediate
igneous rocks
5 Identifying mafic and ultramafic
igneous rocks
6 Where does magma come from?
7 Differentiation of magmas
8 The results of magmatic differentiation
9 Intrusive igneous rocks
10 Differences between intrusive and
extrusive rocks
11 Products of volcanoes
12 Where to find the pyroclasts
13 Volcanic eruptions of mafic magma
14 Explosive volcanoes
15 Predicting volcanic eruptions
16 Living with volcanic activity
Module 3 Sedimentary Processes and
Sediment transport
What can sediments tell us?
Classifying sedimentary rocks
Identifying clastic sedimentary rocks
Identifying clastic and non-clastic sedimentary
Introducing sedimentary structures
Sedimentary structures
Turning sediments into rocks – diagenesis
Glacial environments
Fluvial environments
Hot desert environments
Deltaic environments
Clastic shallow seas
Clear shallow seas
Marine evaporites
Deep marine basin environments
Module 4 Metamorphic Processes and
1 Temperature, pressure and metamorphism
2 Identifying regional metamorphic rocks
3 Identifying metamorphic rocks
4 Metamorphic textures
5 Contact metamorphism 1
6 Contact metamorphism 2
7 Regional metamorphism
8 Regional metamorphic zones
Examination questions
UNIT 3 Practical skills
Practical skills at AS
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UNIT 4 Environmental Geology
Module 1 Water Supply
1 Water storage and movement in rocks
2 Aquifers and artesian basins
3 Groundwater supply and quality
4 Springs
5 Water resources
Module 2 Energy Resources
  1 The origin of oil and natural gas
  2 Traps
  3 Exploration for hydrocarbons
  4 Reserves and recovery of oil and gas
  5 Environment, safety and storage of oil and gas
  6 British oil and gas and the future
  7 The origin of peat and coal
  8 Coal mining
  9 British coal, the environment and the future
10 Geothermal energy
Module 3 Metallic Mineral Deposits
1 Metallic mineral resources
2 Hydrothermal ore deposits
3 Gravity settling and residual ore deposits
4 Placer ore deposits
5 Secondary enrichment and uranium ore
6 Exploration for metals
7 Metals mining, the environment and the future
Module 4 Engineering Geology
1 Building and construction materials
2 Dams and reservoirs – construction
3 Dams and reservoirs – environmental and social
4 Landslip and slumping hazards and road
5 Tunnelling
6 Coastal erosion, flooding and defences
7 Waste disposal in landfill
8 Nuclear waste disposal and environmental
Examination questions
UNIT 5 Evolution of Life, Earth and
Module 1 Formation of Fossils
1 Preservation of fossils
2 Exceptional preservation of fossils
3 Trace fossils and interpreting palaeo-environment
4 Modes of life and fossil assemblages
Module 2 Morphology of Fossils and
Adaptation of Organisms to Live in Different
  1 Trilobites 1
  2 Adaptations of trilobites
  3 Corals
  4 Corals – mode of life
  5 Brachiopods
  6 Adaptations of brachiopods
  7 Echinoids
  8 Regular and irregular echinoids
  9 Bivalves
10 Adaptations of epifaunal bivalves
11 Adaptations of infaunal and nektonic bivalves
12 Gastropods
13 Belemnites
14 Microfossils and evolution
Module 3 Fossil Evidence of the Evolution
of Organisms and Mass Extinctions
1 Graptolites
2 Graptoloid evolution
3 Nautiloids and ammonoids
4 Cephalopod evolution
5 Evolution of amphibians
6 Evolution of dinosaurs
7 Types of dinosaur and the evolution of birds
8 Mass extinctions through geological time
9 Two important mass extinctions
Module 4 Dating Methods, Correlation
Methods and Interpreting Geological Maps274
1 Radiometric dating
2 Relative dating
3 Dating evidence and geological maps
4 The geological column
5 Correlation of rocks
6 Fossil ranges and the stratigraphic column
Module 5 Changing Climate
1 Climate change over geological time
2 Climate change and geology
3 Changing sea levels
4 Sea-level changes and mass extinctions
5 Evidence for palaeoclimatic change
Examination questions
UNIT 6 Practical skills
Practical skills at A2
Examination answers
Spread answers
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How to use this book
In this book you will find a number of features planned to help you.
• Double page spreads filled with information about each topic in the specification.
Module 2
Measuring earthquakes
In San Francisco, everyone is waiting for ‘the big one’. But how big is big? We need an
organised scale.
Earthquake intensity – the Mercalli scale
Key definitions
Intensity is a measure of the surface
damage caused by an earthquake.
The Mercalli scale measures the
intensity of an earthquake and is based
on the effects that are felt in the area.
Magnitude is a measure of the amount
of strain energy released by an
In the days before sophisticated instruments became available, earthquakes were
classified by the noticeable effects of surface vibrations in the area. This depends on:
• the strength of the earthquake at its origin or focus
• the distance from the focus and epicentre
• the nature of the rocks and sediments that the buildings are constructed on
• the standard and design of the buildings.
At the end of the nineteenth century, a scale of intensity was devised by Guiseppi
Mercalli. Mercalli’s ten-point scale was itself modified into the twelve-point scale used
today. It is an arbitrary scale, meaning that it depends on the opinions of the observer
and has no mathematical base. Some witnesses of the earthquake might exaggerate just
how bad things were during the earthquake and you may not find witnesses who agree
on what happened; everybody will say something different!
Figure 1 Earthquake damage to buildings. What is the likely intensity?
Rather strong
Very strong
Very disastrous
Modified Mercalli intensity scale summary descriptions
Not normally felt. Birds and animals uneasy
Felt only by a few persons at rest
Vibrations like large lorry passing. Felt by people at rest
Felt indoors by many. Cars rock
Sleepers wakened. Some windows broken
Small bells ring. Trees sway. Loose objects fall
Difficult to stand up. People run outdoors. Walls crack
Partial collapse of ordinary buildings. Chimneys fall
Ground cracks, buildings shift off foundations. Pipes break
Landslides, buildings damaged. Many buildings destroyed
Few buildings stand, bridges destroyed, landslides
Damage total. Waves formed on ground surface
Likely magnitude
Less than 3.5
Over 8.1
The effect of sub-surface deposits
For a given intensity of earthquake, the amount of damage caused is dependent upon
the nature of the rocks and deposits of an area.
Isoseismal lines
Examiner tip
To draw isoseismal lines, draw a line for
each set of values, for example, 5 so
that all the numbers of less than 5 are
on one side and all the numbers greater
than 5 on the other. The isoseismal lines
should be in a roughly concentric
pattern. Do not play dotto and join the
44 4
Los Angeles
Pacific Ocean
50 km
Unconsolidated sands and gravels can oscillate freely. The L wave amplitude is higher
and damage is greater than on consolidated rock and the intensity is therefore greater.
Earthquake magnitude – the Richter scale
After 1904, more sophisticated seismograms made it possible to assess the amount of
energy released by an earthquake and therefore to design an objective, mathematical
scale to describe the earthquake itself and not its visible effects. The amplitude of the
wave on the seismogram gives a measure of the energy released.
The Richter scale measures the magnitude of the earthquake by recording the
amplitude of the earthquake waves. The range in energy released by different
earthquakes is very large and so the values are converted into a logarithmic scale. Log
scales have some unusual features. On the Richter scale, for example, each increase of
1 in the scale means that the amount of energy released by the earthquake increases by
a factor of around 30. There is no theoretical limit to the amount of energy which an
earthquake can release, and therefore no upper limit for the numbers on the Richter
scale. However, the maximum recorded value so far is 8.9.
Seismic moment magnitude scale
The intensities observed at many different localities are recorded on a map. Isoseismal
lines are then constructed, which join areas of equal intensity. As the waves travel away
from the focus their energy spreads out over a greater and greater area and intensity
decreases. Conversely, intensity is greatest in the centre of the isoseismal line pattern
closest to the epicentre. The focus lies directly beneath the epicentre.
Isoseismal line
Weaker rocks such as clay or poorly cemented sandstone absorb some of the energy
and may therefore be deformed. Buildings built on weaker rock are more likely to suffer
The Richter scale is used by the media and is widely accepted by the general public, though
it is no longer used by seismologists, who now use the seismic moment magnitude scale.
This is more accurate but more complicated, based on the idea of the moment or leverage
developed on the two sides of the fault, which move in opposite directions.
Measuring earthquakes
Solid, competent rock such as granite or limestone allows the vibrations to pass through
easily. They are transferred without causing much damage to the rock or to structures
built on it. The amplitude of L waves is comparatively low.
A new scale known as moment magnitude (MW) was introduced in 1979. In particular,
for very large earthquakes moment magnitude gives the most reliable estimate of
earthquake size. This is because seismic moment is derived from the concept of
moment in physics and therefore provides clues to the physical size of an earthquake –
the size of fault rupture and accompanying slip displacement – as well as the amount of
energy released.
Case study
You can model an earthquake by hitting
a solid object with a hammer and
feeling the vibration. You will get very
different results when hitting concrete,
sand, a metal plate or a wood block. Try
putting model houses on your different
materials and observe the effect.
Case study
The Loma Prieta Earthquake, California,
1989 lasted 15 seconds and measured
6.9 on the moment magnitude scale.
The quake killed 62 people throughout
central California and injured 3756.
The epicentre was in the Santa Cruz
Mountains. It caused severe damage
throughout the San Francisco Bay Area,
95 km away from the epicentre. Major
property damage occurred in the San
Francisco area due to liquefaction of
soil used to fill the ground on which
properties had been built. The worst
affected area was the collapsed doubledecker freeway in Oakland.
An isoseismal map for this earthquake
would show a pattern that is not
concentric around the epicentre.
The local magnitude scale (ML), or Richter scale, is a quantitative logarithmic scale. ML
is obtained by measuring the maximum amplitude of a recording on a seismometer at
a distance of 600 km from the earthquake. It can be affected by saturation at higher
magnitude values – meaning that it underestimates the magnitude of larger events,
above magnitude 6.
Despite the limitations of the older Richter magnitude scale, it is still in wide use, as it can
be calculated rapidly, catalogues of data dating back many years are available, they are
sufficient for the vast majority of observed events, and the public is familiar with them.
66 5
4 5 5 6 6 7 7
Palm Springs
7 6 6
5 6
5 5 6
5 5 5
4 5
4 4
San Diego
Figure 2 Isoseismal lines around the epicentre
1 How much more energy is released by a magnitude 8 earthquake than a magnitude 3
2 Find the magnitude of a number of recent earthquakes.
3 Within the same area there may be cemented sandstones and unconsolidated sands.
Will the intensity of an earthquake be the same or different on the two rock types? Why?
4 What are the differences between earthquake intensity and magnitude?
• End of module examination questions. These have been selected to show you the
types of question that may appear in your examination.
Unit 1
Unit 1
Examination questions
Global Tectonics
Examination questions
The diagram below shows a cross-section through the
Structure that offsets a section of mid-ocean ridge
Section of the ocean floor that links the
continental shelf with the abyssal plain
An area of shallow sea, less than 200 m in depth
A linear area of the crust bounded by two normal
Submarine mountain
(d) Draw a cross-section across an oceanic–continental
convergent plate margin and label the following
features: trench, Benioff zone, volcanoes, batholiths,
fold mountains and the direction of movement.
Total 21
(OCR 2831 May 02)
(a) (i) The cross-section diagram below shows a fault
displacing beds.
Seismogram of waves at C
100 km
Seismogram of waves at D
Figure 1
(b) Earthquakes occur along well defined zones in the
Earth’s crust.
(i) Describe two plate tectonic settings where
earthquakes frequently occur.
(ii) Name one tectonic setting where earthquakes are
very unlikely to occur.
(c) Describe two measures designed to reduce the impact
of the effects of earthquakes on buildings.
Total 16
(OCR 2831 May 04)
Key definitions
(a) (i) On the cross-section of the Earth in Figure 2, label
• mantle
• outer core
• path of an L wave from the epicentre at A
• path of a P wave from the focus at B
(ii) Describe the pattern of seismic waves and arrival
times on seismogram C compared to seismogram
(iii) Name the zone between epicentral angles 103º and
(iv) Explain why this zone exists.
Figure 2
Age of the Average
Average Density
composition thickness g/cm3
(b) Explain how evidence from meteorites helps us to infer
the nature of the inner and outer core.
(c) (i) What is the increase in temperature with depth
(ii) State one reason why the asthenosphere has a lower
earthquake wave velocity than the rest of the
(iii) Name the rock that is believed to form the
(d) (i) Name two other planets that are believed to have a
dense metallic core like Earth’s.
(ii) Explain why all the inner planets are believed to
have a similar structure.
Total 18
(OCR 2831 January 03)
Rift zone
(a) (i) Copy the diagram in Figure 1 and label the Moho,
continental crust and oceanic crust.
(ii) Complete the table to show the characteristics of
oceanic and continental crust.
(OCR 2831 May 06)
(b) (i) What name is given to the type of plate margin
shown on the map of Iceland.
(a) (i) Define the term earthquake focus.
(ii) Define the term seismogram.
(b) Sites A and B are both 15 km from the epicentre of an
At Site A the earthquake intensity was 3 (III)
At Site B the earthquake intensity was 7 (VII)
The earthquake was magnitude 4.6.
(i) Describe how earthquake intensity is measured. [1]
(ii) Describe how earthquake magnitude is measured.
(iii) Suggest why the intensity varies between Sites A
and B.
(c) Describe how earthquakes may be predicted by seismic
gap theory.
Total 8
(a) For each of the tectonic features G to K, write the
number of the correct description.
Tectonic feature
G Seamount
H Rift valley
Continental slope
K Transform fault
F fault
Figure 5
Figure 3
Name the type of fault shown and explain how it
(ii) Measure the angle of dip of the fault.
(b) (i) Name the material shown within the fault zone.
Explain how the angular blocks form.
(ii) State the technical term for the polished surfaces
and striations that are found along the fault planes.
Describe how they form.
(c) (i) Draw and fully label a cross-section diagram of an
overfold with cleavage planes.
(ii) Draw and fully label a cross-section diagram of a
recumbent fold cut by a thrust.
Total 12
(OCR 2831 May 04)
200 km
(ii) Describe where the youngest rocks are found and
the direction of movement.
(iii) The rocks in the north-east part of Iceland have
been displaced by a major fault. What type of fault
is it? Measure the amount of displacement.
(c) (i) The diagram below shows the results of a magnetic
survey of the ocean floor to the south-west of Iceland.
400 km
Normal polarity
Reversed polarity
Figure 4
With the aid of diagrams describe the nature and formation
of: tectonic joints, cooling joints, angular unconformities
and slaty cleavage.
Describe four pieces of evidence for the movement of
continents by continental drift.
(OCR 2831 May 04)
A sample of rock recovered 300 km from the ridge
has been dated at 9 Ma. Calculate the rate of
spreading in centimetres per year.
(ii) Identify where the axis of the ocean ridge is on the
diagram and give a reason for your choice.
(iii) Explain why the junctions between the regions of
normal and reversed polarity are irregular.
Within each double page spread you will find other features to highlight important points.
• Key Definitions. These are the terms that appear in the specification. You must know
the definitions and how to use them.
• Terms in bold. These draw attention to terms that you are expected to know. These
are important terms used by geologists.
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• Examiner tips. These are selected points to help you avoid making common errors in
the examinations.
Examiner tip
• Worked examples. These are examples to show you how calculations should be set
Worked example
• How Science Works. This book has been written in a style that reflects the way that
scientists work. Certain sections have been highlighted as good examples of How
Science Works.
How science works
• Case Studies. In some spreads there are case studies describing specific examples.
• Questions. At the end of each topic are a few questions that you should be able to
answer after studying that topic.
Case study
The examination
It is useful to know some of the language used by examiners. Often this means little more
that just looking closely at the wording used in each question on the paper.
• Look at the number of marks allocated to a part question – ensure you write enough
points down to gain these marks. The number of marks allocated for any part of a
question is a guide to the depth of treatment required for the answer.
• Look for words in bold. These are meant to draw your attention.
• Labelled diagrams and drawings often communicate your answer better than trying
to explain everything in sentences.
Look for the action word. Make sure you know what each word means and answer
what it asks. The meanings of some action words are listed below.
• Define: only a formal statement of a definition is required.
• Explain: a reasoned answer is required using geological background.
• State: a concise factual answer without supporting argument.
• List: a number of points with no elaboration. If you are asked for two points then give
only two!
• Describe: state in words, using diagrams where appropriate, the main points of the
topic. It requires more technical terms than a list where single words will be sufficient.
• Discuss: a detailed account of the points involved in the topic.
• Calculate: a numerical answer is required. In general, working should be shown.
• Sketch: often used for diagrams where you are simplifying the geology of a fossil or
fold or from a photo. Sketches should be fully labelled using technical terms and label
lines must end exactly at the feature to be labelled. Scales are vital to make sense of a
Finally, when you first read the question, do so very carefully and do not ignore the
introductory sentence. Once you have read something incorrectly, it is very difficult to get
the incorrect wording out of your head! If you have time at the end of the examination,
read through your answers again to check that you have answered the questions that
have been set.
Reinforce your learning and keep up to
date with recent developments in
science by taking advantage of
Heinemann’s unique partnership with
New Scientist. Visit www.heinemann. for
guidance and discounts on
01_018 geology.prelims.indd 1
29/4/08 15:28:34
Meteorites and volcanism in the
Solar System
Most meteorites come from the asteroid belt, but a few are thought to come from the
Moon and perhaps Mars. Meteorites can be identified as coming from the Moon
because they have a composition and age similar to rock samples brought back from the
Moon. Hopefully, future missions to Mars will be able to confirm which meteorites come
from there.
The table below summarises the main types of meteorites found on the Earth.
Figure 1 Cross-section of an iron nickel
Composed of an alloy of iron and nickel
6% of known meteorites are of this type
Thought to represent the core of a small planetlike object, which formed early in the history of
the Solar System
Composed of silicate minerals including olivine,
pyroxene and plagioclase feldspar
93% of known meteorites are of this type
Thought to represent the mantle of a small
planet-like object, which formed early in the
history of the Solar System
• Carbonaceous
A type of stony meteorite which contains water
and organic compounds
Similar in composition to the Sun but with fewer
Evidence for impact craters
Figure 2 Craters of the Earth’s moon
There is clear evidence that asteroids have collided with many planets and moons in the
Solar System. The impact forms distinctive craters, which you can see, on the surface of
the Moon, with a pair of binoculars. The craters all have a circular depression with a rim
of broken rock and they cover most of the Moon’s surface.
The Earth’s surface does not show such extensive craters though there are some,
including the 50 000-year-old Meteor Crater in Arizona. There is no reason to assume
that the Earth is less prone to impacts than the Moon so there must be another reason.
The key difference is the amount of activity affecting the Earth’s surface. The Earth’s crust
is subjected to weathering, erosion and long-term recycling by plate tectonics, all of
which destroy craters.
The graph below shows the relationship between the size of impacts and their frequency.
The K-T impact event of 65 Ma was the one that contributed to the extinction of the
dinosaurs. So what are your chances of being killed by a meteorite impact? You are
much more likely to be killed in a car accident in the next 2 years (1 in 5000) than by a
Approximate frequency of impacts/years
“Annual event” �20 kilotons
Meteor crater
10 thousand
100 thousand
1 million
Global catastrophe
10 million
K-T impact
100 million
Figure 3 Meteor Crater in Arizona and frequency of meteorite impacts
Megatons TNT equivalent energy
02_018 geology_U1_M1.indd 4
29/4/08 15:53:40
Module 1
Earth Structure
Meteorites and volcanism in the
Solar System
The diagrams in Figure 4 show the later stages of the formation of a crater. The impact
• material to be ejected and quartz grains to be violently shocked and even melted
• rock strata to be tilted
• material at depth to be brecciated (broken up)
• the ejected material falls back to the surface but the sequence of rocks is
inverted because material closer to the surface is ejected first and falls
back to the surface earlier.
The explosive energy of the Meteor Crater event has been likened to a 40
megaton explosion. The meteorite which made it was composed almost
entirely of nickel-iron, suggesting that it may have originated in the interior of a
small planet. It was 45 m across, weighed roughly 300 000 tons, and was
travelling at a speed of 12 km per second. It would have devastated an area
about 80 km in diameter.
Volcanic activity in the Solar System
Volcanic activity is clearly seen on Mars with the huge shield volcanoes like Olympus
Mons. It is not surprising that Venus has volcanoes as well. These inner planets have a
core and rocky mantle like the Earth, so volcanic activity as a result of heat from the core
is to be expected.
It was when fly-bys of the outer gas giants took place in the 1980s that volcanism was
discovered on their moons. The most interesting of the moons is Io, which is extremely
volcanic with evidence of lava flows covering craters formed earlier in its history. Io is too
small to have its own heat source for the volcanic activity and the heat is thought to be
generated by tidal heating – the result of the enormous gravity field of Jupiter.
Dating the planets
The generally accepted age for the Earth and the rest of the Solar System is about 4550
million years (plus or minus about 1%). Unfortunately, the age cannot be measured
directly from material on the Earth as the surface was initially molten. Then the processes
of erosion and crustal recycling destroyed the original surface.
The oldest rocks, which have been found so far on the Earth, date to about 3800 to
3900 Ma. Some of these rocks are sedimentary, and include minerals as old as 4200 Ma.
Rocks of this age are rare, but have been found on North America, Greenland, Australia,
Africa and Asia.
The method used to date the rocks is radiometric dating, which uses the decay of radioactive
isotopes. To determine the age of an object, we need to know two important values:
• the rate at which the radioactive isotope decays – the half-life – which is determined in
a laboratory
• the amount of the radioactive isotope that was incorporated into the object when it
One of the methods used by geologists studying the planets is radiometric dating by
Rubidium-87 (87Rb), which decays to Strontium-87 (87Sr), with a half-life of 4.88 × 1010 years.
Dating rocks is a complex process, so radiometric dates are quoted with a degree of
uncertainty, which is usually less than 1%. For example, a lunar (from Earth’s Moon)
basalt from the Sea of Tranquillity has been dated as 3650 ± 50 Ma.
Figure 4 Ejecta around a crater
xford Wycombe
Brentwood Billerucay
Maidenhead Slough
Crown Copyright 2007
Figure 5 Map showing the area which
would be affected if a meteorite 45 m
across impacted on the centre of London
Figure 6 Volcanic eruption on Io
1 How do meteorites provide evidence for the internal structure and composition of the
2 Research the evidence for the Tunguska event of 1908.
3 Research volcanic activity on Venus, Mars and the moons of Jupiter. Describe the type
of activity and the relative scale of the volcanoes.
02_018 geology_U1_M1.indd 5
29/4/08 15:53:46
How Science Works
Predicting volcanic eruptions
Until recently, volcanologists had to risk their lives by going into volcanoes to collect data, such
as levels of gas emissions. Improvements in remote sensing and technology of equipment
designed to give continuous data sent direct to laboratories, is making it easier and safer to
obtain high-quality data.
Volcanologists can only predict eruptions if they:
• have a good knowledge of the eruptive history of a volcano
• have instrumentation on and around a volcano well in advance of an eruption
• can continuously monitor and interpret data coming from the equipment.
Even then, volcanologists can only offer probabilities that an event will occur. They can never
be sure how severe a predicted eruption will be, exactly when it will occur or how long it will
Methods of predicting volcanic activity
Historic pattern of activity
Figure 1 Instrumentation on Teide,
Tenerife to detect gases and seismic
Key definitions
An active volcano has shown eruptive
activity within recorded history.
Currently there are about 600 active
volcanoes and each year 50 to 60
actually erupt.
An extinct volcano has not shown any
historic activity and is usually deeply
A dormant volcano is one that has not
shown eruptive activity within recorded
history, but shows geological evidence
of activity within the geologically recent
Some volcanoes erupt regularly, so by studying the frequency of eruptions it may be possible to
predict when an eruption is due. For example, ‘during the past 4000 years the Soufrière volcano
has had an average of one explosive eruption every 100 years’. Analysing the composition,
distribution and volume of dated pyroclastic deposits and lavas helps to predict the pattern and
size of future eruptions.
Ground deformation
Swelling of the volcano suggests that magma is moving up under the volcano. The rate of
swelling is measured using tiltmeters and GPS that can accurately measure both vertical and
horizontal movements to a millimetre. Thermal monitoring using infrared band satellite imagery
can also detect magma movement to just below the volcano’s surface. Localized ground
displacement on steep volcanoes may indicate slope instability, which could lead to mass
Gas emissions
As magma nears the surface and its pressure decreases, gases escape. This is like what
happens when you open a bottle of fizzy drink and carbon dioxide escapes. Sulfur dioxide is
one of the main components of volcanic gases, and increasing amounts being released
suggests that magma is nearing the surface. There may also be changes in gas composition
in the ratio of CO2 /SO2. Changes in fumarole gas composition, or in the emission rate of SO2
and other gases, may indicate variation in magma supply rate or a change in magma type.
Case study
Case study
The deformation of Mt St Helens prior to
the May 18, 1980 eruption showed the
north side of the volcano bulging
upwards as magma was building up
On May 13, 1991, an increasing amount of sulfur dioxide was released from Mt Pinatubo in the
Philippines. This was a volcano that had not erupted for 600 years. By May 28, sulfur dioxide emissions
had increased to 5000 tonnes, 10 times the earlier amount. Mt Pinatubo later erupted on June 12, 1991.
Before the Mt Pinatubo eruption, sulfur dioxide emissions dropped to a low level. The successful
prediction of its eruption led to 300 000 people being evacuated, which saved thousands of lives and
millions of dollars worth of military equipment at the nearby Clark Air Force Base.
Changes in groundwater
Borehole and well measurements are increasingly used to monitor changes in a volcano’s
subsurface gas pressure and thermal regime. Increased gas pressure will cause water levels to
rise and suddenly drop right before an eruption, and the increased local heat flow can reduce
flow in aquifers.
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30/4/08 08:08:59
Module 2
Igneous Processes and Products
Predicting volcanic eruptions
Earthquakes commonly provide the earliest warning of a volcano preparing to erupt, and
earthquake swarms immediately precede most volcanic eruptions. Seismic observations use
seismographs to monitor increased seismicity of three types:
• Short-period earthquakes are caused by the fracturing of brittle rock as magma forces its way
• Long-period earthquakes are believed to indicate increased gas pressure in a volcano’s magma
• Harmonic tremors are the result of magma vibrating in the vent as it moves upwards.
Risk analysis
Studies of the geological history of a volcano are essential to make an assessment of the types of
hazards and the frequency at which these hazards have occurred in the past. Geologists examine
sequences of pyroclastic deposits and lava flows and their age and characteristics to determine
the past behaviour of a volcano.
Case study
In December 2000, scientists predicted
an eruption within two days at
Popocatépetl, on the outskirts of Mexico
City. Their prediction used increasing
long-period earthquakes as an indicator
of an imminent eruption. The
government evacuated tens of
thousands of people; 48 hours later, the
volcano erupted as predicted. It was
Popocatépetl’s largest eruption for
1000 years, yet no one was injured.
This information is then combined with knowledge about the present topography of the volcano
to make volcanic hazard maps. These are used by public officials to create contingency plans for
evacuations, rescue and recovery if another eruption is predicted. It can go wrong, such as in
1976 when an eruption of the Soufrière volcano, Guadeloupe was predicted and 70 000 people
were evacuated for 3 months – and nothing happened! Forecasts of likely future eruption
scenarios provide local officials with information for land use planning or even to change
patterns of habitation, to construct artificial barriers for protection from lahars and lava flows
and to construct evacuation routes.
Hazard maps show zones of danger expected from specific hazards for each volcano:
• Lava flows generally move slowly so rarely kill, but they destroy property and agricultural land.
• Blast damage can be very destructive for areas close to volcanoes, with people in the danger
zone killed, trees flattened and buildings destroyed.
• Ash falls can affect areas far from volcanoes, causing damage to property as the weight of ash
causes roofs to collapse.
• Pyroclastic flows are very hot and travel rapidly, but are mostly confined to valleys. They are
responsible for many deaths as they are unpredictable.
• Lahars (mudflows) can be generated by pyroclastic flows or debris avalanches that become
‘wet’ from rivers or rain, by hot volcanic products that land on snow, by eruptions out of
crater lakes or when eruptions occur under ice. They can move rapidly, and may be very
destructive and though limited to valleys may affect areas far from the volcano.
Lava flows
Danger area affected by
pyroclastic flows
Pyroclastic flows
Area in danger from
pyroclastic flows and bombs
Area affected by lahars
pop. 500,000
Main rivers
Merapi crater
10 km
Figure 2 Hazard map for Merapi, the most active volcano in Indonesia,
which produces more ­pyroclastic flows than any other volcano on Earth
Figure 3 Geologists measuring the lava
dome on Mt St Helens
07_018 geology_U2_M2.indd 101
30/4/08 08:09:04
Unit 3
Practical skills for AS
Practical tasks in geology assess skills in measurement, observation and recording of
data. You will use geological maps, photographs and diagrams as well as laboratory or
field data to complete the tasks.
The geological data you will be working with will be both quantitative (using numeric
measurements and results) and qualitative (using descriptive observations). If you are
studying a sedimentary rock then you will measure the grain size, the bed thickness and
the dip, and describe from your observations the colour, grain shape, composition and
any fossil content.
Whether your practical task is in the laboratory or in the field the same types of
observations will be needed. Once you have enough data you will be able to evaluate by
drawing conclusions from the data. This could be determining the environment of
deposition of rocks and sediments or a sequence of events.
Using the scales on photographs or thin
section drawings are essential for
making correct measurements. Some
scales use ×1, meaning that the size
shown is the same as the actual size.
A scale of ×0.5 means the feature
shown is half size and ×3 means that
the feature is three times larger.
Alternatively, a scale bar in mm, cm, m
or km is used. An easy way to read a
bar scale correctly is to mark the edge
of a piece of paper to mark the length of
the crystal or feature and then hold it
against the bar scale. This is a method
that saves the calculations!
Centre based task
Laboratory practical
You will need to carry out a practical task to show accurate measurements and
observations. Many geological
tasks in the laboratory are simulations becauseSouth
it is
impossible to carry out experiments under the high pressures and temperatures and long
time periods seen in nature.
The accuracy of an observation or measurement depends on the experimental or
fieldwork techniques used, the skill of the person taking the measurements and the
equipment used. Removing or minimising sources of error improves accuracy.
Decisions about the precision with which observations or measurements are made may
take into account the nature of the investigation and an assessment of the sources of
error. If observations or measurements are repeated, then the closeness of the repeated
results is a way of judging reliability. The reliability of a set of observations or
measurements depends on the number and accuracy of the individual observations or
Interpreting photographs
Photographs like those used throughout the book are very useful for observations and
measurements and can be used to practice field sketches.
300 cm
Figure 1 Recumbent fold and annotated sketch to show the main features
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30/4/08 08:50:45
Module 1
Practical skills
You may be given photographs showing:
• sedimentary structures such as ripples, cross bedding and graded bedding
• structures like dykes, xenoliths, folds, faults, joints and cleavage
• textures in rocks such as porphyritic, vesicular, schistosity, porphyroblasts, oolitic and
You may also be working with thin section drawings which are used for making
measurements and for the interpretation and identification of rocks.
Photographs show too much detail so that your first step should be to make a sketch to
highlight the main geological features (see Figure 1). Your sketch needs to be annotated
with labels for all the key features and with suitable measurements. The measurements
could be dips of beds or faults, grain size, crystal size or bed thickness. Use all the terms
you can from the structural geology spreads in unit 1.
Evaluative task
The evaluative tasks provide data obtained either from a practical experiment in the
laboratory or from field measurements. The data will be analysed using graphs or
calculations. You may use line graphs, histograms, cumulative frequency curves or rose
diagrams (circular graphs) to plot the data. These methods can be used to analyse
sediments and sedimentary structures (see spreads 2.3.3 and 2.3.8 for details).
Practical skills for AS
Safety in the field or laboratory
You will need to consider safety issues in
the laboratory as you would in any other
scientific experiment. However risk
assessments in the field are far more
varied depending on the locality.
Wherever there is a possibility of falling
rocks in quarries or cliffs it is essential to
wear a hard hat. If you are at a coastal
exposure you should be aware of the
times of the tides. Obeying the geological
code of conduct is important. If you do
use a hammer in the field than beware of
possible dangers to others around you
and damage to the environment. It is not
possible to use a hammer at many
localities, so check before you arrive.
Whether the data has been collected in the field or in the laboratory there are sources of
error that can cause the data to be inconsistent or to have anomalies. Field data are
often inconsistent due partly to so much natural variation even in a small area. Measuring
the dip of beds or faults is not exact because the reality is that they are irregular. Even
with repeated measurements there can still be a range of readings when each person
measures slightly differently. Dip and strike is measured using a clinometer and compass
which can be combined as a compass clinometer.
Figure 2 A compass clinometer used for
measuring angles and direction of dip
Flute casts as palaeocurrent indicators
The data on flute casts were collected from the bottom surfaces of a series of beds of greywacke. The
orientation of each flute cast was measured using a compass. The current flows from the rounded end
where the scouring action removes sediment creating a hollow on the bedding plane.
Orientation (degrees
from north)
Number of cross
bedding readings
Orientation (degrees
from north)
Number of cross
bedding readings
Palaeocurrent direction
Figure 3 Flute casts and
table of palaeocurrent
direction data
1 Plot a rose diagram to show the
flute cast orientation data. Use
individual readings for each 30º
2 Determine the main
palaeocurrent direction and
explain what could cause the
pattern of palaeocurrents.
3 Describe the environment of
deposition for the greywackes
with flute casts and the
interbedded black shales.
4 Explain with the aid of diagrams
why the flute casts are found on
the base of the greywacke beds.
10_018 geology_U3_M1.indd 157
30/4/08 08:50:50
Tunnels – a brief history of use
Case Study
The historic city of Istanbul in Turkey
lies at the crossroads of Europe and
Asia. The city is divided in half by the
Bosporus Strait, one of the busiest
shipping lanes in the world. At present
two heavily congested road bridges
connect the two halves of the city.
Construction of the Marmaray rail tunnel
began in 2006. It will pass within 16 km
of one of the world’s most active faults,
the North Anatolian Fault. In the past 70
years, there have been 7 earthquakes of
magnitude 7 or higher on the Richter
scale along the fault. The most recent
one in 1999, struck the port of Izmit, 80
km east of Istanbul, killing over 18 000
people and causing more than $10
billion damage.
The tunnel has been designed to be
earthquake-proof as an Istanbul
earthquake is inevitable:
• It will be a submerged flexible tube
sitting in a trench on the seabed.
• It will have flexible joints made from
thick rubber rings reinforced by steel
• There will be floodgates at both
ends, which can be closed if the
middle part of the tunnel floods.
• Foundations will extend 16 m below
the seabed and mortar will be
injected below that to prevent the
problem of soil liquefaction.
Tunnels are used for many purposes – road, rail, water, sewage, power and
communication. The Romans created the most extensive network of tunnels in the
ancient world, mainly to carry water. In the seventeenth century, many tunnels were
constructed for canals, which at the time were Britain’s main transport system. With
improvements in technology and the coming of trains in the nineteenth century, there
was a tremendous expansion of tunnel building, including the Thames Tunnel finished in
1841 and the Severn Tunnel in 1886 – both are still in use. Today Britain is criss-crossed
with many road and rail tunnels.
Geological factors affecting the construction of tunnels
As in all construction projects, ideally there needs to be a lack of seismic activity in the
area. An earthquake could cause a tunnel to collapse. Many of the world’s major cities lie
on active fault lines and it has been necessary to dig tunnels in less than ideal places.
Tunnels specially designed and engineered to withstand earthquakes are very expensive
to construct.
The history of quakes
along the North Anatolian
fault suggests Istanbul is
due for a big one.
Tunnelling through this
earthquake zone demands
a specialised design.
Bolu 1944
Duzce 1999
Izmit 1999
Erbaa 1942
Kursunlu 1951
Fault lines
6.9 Earthquake
Path of earthquakes
since 1942
Mudurnu 1967
Tosya 1943 Niksar 1942 Erzincan 1939
and 1992
7.9 and 6.5
Abant 1957
Right-lateral strike-slip fault
Bingol 1971
Karliova 1949
Gerede 1944
Varto 1966
Total length 76.3 km
(European side)
Sections of tunnel are floated into place and
sunk into a pre-cut trench. Immersed tube
tunnels can be engineered to withstand major
earthquakes. For the Marmaray tunnel,
11 sections, each 135 metres long, will be
lowered into position and joined with flexible
rubber seals
(Asian side)
Maximum depth
of tunnel 56 m
Bored tunnel
Sunken concrete sections
49.5 km
1.4 km
Figure 1 The Marmaray rail tunnel, Istanbul
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30/4/08 09:22:53
Module 4
Engineering Geology
Rock type
Tunnelling may be through hard rock, soft rock or unconsolidated material. All require
different approaches:
• Crystalline igneous and metamorphic ‘hard rocks’ are very strong and tunnels dug
through them can sometimes be left unsupported. Usually the only method of
tunnelling through hard rocks is drilling and blasting, which is slow and expensive.
The amount of explosives used has to be carefully calculated, otherwise problems of
overbreak or underbreak can occur. At depth in hard rock tunnels, the high confining
pressure can cause dangerous rock bursts.
• Soft rocks are cheap and relatively easy to tunnel through but require lining with
concrete or steel ribs. A specially designed tunnel boring machine can achieve
tunnelling rates of 30 m a day in soft rocks. Sandstone, limestone and chalk are all
fairly strong and can make ideal tunnelling materials.
• Weak rocks such as clay and shale and unconsolidated materials such as sands and
gravels are very difficult to tunnel through. They are prone to collapse and leakage.
Lateral variation and changes in rocks types make tunnelling difficult, as the rocks may
have different strengths. Weathering weakens rocks and variations in compaction and
cementation also cause problems. Porous and permeable rocks allow water seepage
into tunnels and the possibility of flooding.
Attitude of the strata
• Flat lying, competent, uniform strata are best for tunnelling.
• If the beds are dipping, then different rock types may be encountered along the length
of the tunnel. Also slippage along dipping bedding planes may lead to rock falls into
the tunnel.
Geological structures
The presence of structures can create some of the biggest challenges in tunnelling:
• Faults are zones of weakness as they may have breccias and fault gouge clay along
them. They are zones of permeability that may allow the tunnel to flood. There may be
different rock types on either side of the fault and, in the event of an earthquake,
movement may cause the tunnel to collapse.
• Joints are also zones of weakness and permeability. They are often more closely
spaced than faults and can be even more problematic. Loose blocks of rock between
joints may fall out of the tunnel roof.
• Other linear structures, such as bedding planes in sedimentary rocks and foliation in
metamorphic rocks, are also planes of weakness and may allow slippage or leakage
of water along them.
• Folded rock sequences make tunnelling difficult due to changing angles of dip and
slippage may occur on the fold limbs. However, if the fold is a gentle syncline it is
possible to follow the dip of the fold and stay in one bed.
If the tunnel is below the water table then flooding may occur:
• Water may be free-flowing through unconsolidated sediments.
• Strong flows may occur along joints in limestone.
• Sandstones can develop high pore fluid pressures.
• Saturation of clays can lead to mobilisation and failure by slumping.
Ground improvement methods to prevent collapse and flooding
of tunnels
Strategies to prevent tunnel collapse include:
• Lining with concrete segments or steel ribs.
• Use of rock bolts to secure loose blocks (see spread 4.4.4).
Strategies to prevent tunnel flooding include:
• Grouting the surrounding rocks (see spread 4.4.2).
• Using rock drains (see spread 4.4.4).
Key definitions
Overbreak is when too much rock is
Underbreak is when too little rock is
Case study
At 50.45 km long, the Channel Tunnel is
the second longest rail tunnel in the
world. It actually consists of three
tunnels – two for trains, with a smaller
service tunnel in between that acts as
an emergency escape route.
It was technically possible to construct
the tunnel well before it finally was.
In 1881, engineers started digging trial
tunnels from either side of the Channel,
but progress came to a halt in 1883 due
to British fears of an invasion from
It was not until 100 years later that
geologists started to investigate the
underlying geology, using geophysical
surveys and boreholes. The structure
was found to be a gentle syncline cut by
a few faults. This allowed 85% of the
tunnel to be dug in the Chalk Marl –
chalk with mudstone mixed in. This
proved to be an ideal tunnelling
material – soft, but strong, with low
It took nearly 8 years for tunnel boring
machines from France and England to
cut their way through the Chalk Marl
and meet in the middle. The total cost
was over £10 billion – an 80%
1 Describe the likely problems that
would be encountered during
tunnelling through (a) granite, (b)
limestone, and (c) sand and
2 Describe how the leakage of
water into a tunnel could be
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30/4/08 09:22:55
Types of dinosaurs and the
evolution of birds
Diplodocus (Saurischia, Sauropoda)
Key definitions
Olfactory lobes are part of the brain
that can process smell. The larger this
area, the more acute the sense of smell.
Sauropoda is a division of the
Saurischia, ‘reptile hip’ dinosaurs.
Therapoda is a division of the
Saurischia, ‘reptile hip’ dinosaurs.
Diplodocus was a Sauropod herbivore common in the Jurassic and the Cretaceous. It had a
long slender skull, which was small compared to the rest of its body. It also had an extremely
long neck, which it carried parallel to the ground. This allowed it to reach vegetation in forests
where most other Sauropods could not venture due to their large size. Its long neck could
have also helped it to search for foliage in wetlands. Peg-like teeth are only found to the front
of the jaw and unlike many other herbivores’ teeth, are not differentiated into grinding and
tearing teeth, suggesting that it bit off vegetation and swallowed it whole. This would have
made digesting plant material difficult, so it is believed that bacterial action and swallowed
stones (gastroliths) aided the digestion of its food. Its body was long but lightly built. The
spine had extra bones underneath it, these bony protrusions running both forwards and
backwards (anvil-shaped), providing support and extra mobility of the neck and tail. Its tail
was long and whip-like, which could have been used for defence.
Figure 1 Diplodocus
Tyrannosaurus (Saurischia, Therapoda)
Figure 2 Tyrannosaurus
The largest of all terrestrial predators, the Tyrannosaurus,
was a Therapod carnivore and walked the Earth in the
late Cretaceous. Was the Tyrannosaurus a predator or a
scavenger? There are many arguments against them
being predators; for example, they had small eyes while
large eyes are more suitable to spot prey. It had small
arms, not suitable for grasping onto prey. The back legs
on which it walked were huge, indicating slow
movement, which once again is not ideal in a predator.
What these large legs did prove was that it was capable
of walking large distances, an adaptation of a scavenger.
As well as this, the Tyrannosaurus had large olfactory
lobes, another adaptation to scavenging.
However, there are arguments against scavenging.
Many predators today are happy to scavenge meat if it
is readily available, but most prefer it fresh. Also, many
predators are successful hunters without having to use
their forelimbs. Whether or not the Tyrannosaurus was a
slow animal is difficult to determine as few traces can
be identified as made by Tyrannosaurus. It could have
been a predator, a scavenger or both. It was a meat
eater as its teeth were relatively large, curved and
jagged, making them ideal for tearing flesh from the
Figure 3 Iguanodon
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Module 3
Fossil Evidence
Iguanodon (Ornithischia, Ornithopoda)
Types of dinosaurs and the
evolution of birds
Iguanodon appeared in the late Jurassic and was in the class known as Ornithopoda. It was
a large, heavily built creature with heavy shoulders and forelimbs. Its skull was large with a
horse-like snout ending in a horny toothless beak, which was used to crop vegetation. It
could then mince its food with a long series of leaf-shaped cheek teeth (resembling the teeth
of living iguanas), due to a hinged upper jaw which was able to flex from side to side. This
meant that the upper teeth could grind down on the lower as it bit down hard on vegetation.
Its hands had three digits (fingers), which ended in hooves and had a large, conical thumb
spike, thought to be a weapon or used to obtain food. The most outstanding feature of the
Iguanodon was its ability to be quadrupedal, in which it used its tail as a counter balance,
and bipedal to run or to rear up and swing its spike-like thumb in defence.
Key definitions
Bipedal means to walk on two hind
Dinobird is a dinosaur with feathers.
Ornithopoda is a division of the
Ornithischia, ‘bird hip’ dinosaurs.
Quadripedal means to walk on all four
Evolution of birds
Coelurosaurs are a type of Therapod
most closely related to birds.
There are several theories to explain the evolution of birds, all based on flimsy evidence.
The most accepted of these it that birds are thought to have evolved from Therapod
dinosaurs in the Jurassic. Therapod dinosaurs are thought to be the closest relatives of
birds and the first birds had many skeletal similarities to coelurosaurs. For example:
• Hollow thin-walled bones, to make the bones lighter
• S-shaped curved neck
• Elongated arms and forelimbs, and clawed hands
• The pubis shifted from an anterior (forward position) to a posterior (backward position)
• Large orbits (eye sockets in the skull)
• Hinged ankles (reduces rotation of the ankle).
Sternum is the breast bone.
Furcula is a wishbone, an adaptation in
birds for laying eggs.
Pubis is the pubic bone.
Archaeopteryx is the first known bird-like fossil. It is believed to be intermediate between
birds and reptiles. This was a semi-arboreal animal (a creature that lived in trees) capable
of gliding and sustaining flight, although some believe it had poor flight and simply glided
(Figure 2). These are groups that show characteristics of dinosaurs and birds, known as
Sharp teeth
Reptillian teeth
Long tail
Long forelimbs
with wing-like
No teeth
Long bony tail
1st toes
• Long, bony lizard-like tail
• Three digits (fingers) on the wings, each
digit had a claw
• Snout with developed reptilian teeth
• Reptilian skull and brain
• The sternum was not bony or keeled
• Gastralia (‘belly ribs’) were present
• S-shaped curved neck
Metatarsel not
Figure 4 Comparison of skeletons: a Therapod; b Archaeopteryx; c modern bird
Reptilian/dinosaur-like features (Compsoynathus)
3-clawed hand
Bird-like features (Archaeopteryx)
• Wings for flight
• Feathers
• Hollow bones
• Legs directly underneath the body
• A furcula was present
• Reversed big toe
1st toe
1st toe
1 In what ways are birds,
Archaeopteryx and Therapods
2 Compare how Diplodocus and
Tyrannosaurus are adapted to
different modes of life.
3 Explain how the Iguanodon is
adapted to its mode of life on
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Unit 5
Examination questions
(a) (i) Descriptions are given below for different types of
fossil preservation. Match the terms (1–5)
to the
descriptions A–E.
A Heat changes plant
matter into carbon films
by loss of volatiles
during burial
1 Replacement
B Porous shells are
replaced by SiO2 from
2 Carbonisation
C Original shell is changed
forming new crystals
3 Silicification
D Impressions of soft or
hard parts, usually when
original minerals have
dissolved away
1 Recrystallisation
E Minerals deposited in
pore spaces of shells,
commonly CaCO3 or
iron minerals
5 Moulds
(a) Fossil G shows a dorsal and ventral view of a benthonic
Dorsal view
Ventral view
(ii) Replacement by iron pyrites is called pyritisation.
What environmental conditions are needed for this
to occur?
(iii) Aragonite often forms the shells of organisms.
Explain why aragonite does not occur in fossils
older than the Cainozoic.
(b) The likelihood of a fossil being preserved in any
environment is called the preservation potential.
Explain how fine grained sediment, high-energy
conditions and early diagenesis will affect the
preservation potential of an organism.
(c) Describe the exceptional preservation of organisms in
amber and tar.
(OCR June 2006)
Total 18
Figure 1
(i) Label the following morphological features on the
appropriate diagram.
• genal angle
• glabella
• mouth
• pleuron
(b) The diagram below shows a cross-section through the
thoracic segment shaded on fossil G.
Figure 2
(i) Draw and label the position of the gills and legs on
the above diagram.
(ii) Give two pieces of evidence to support the
hypothesis that fossil G is an arthropod.
(c) Describe and explain the changes in morphology
that trilobites developed to enable them to adopt
the following modes of life: nektonic, infaunal and
(d) Fossils J and K are trace fossils formed by trilobites.
Figure 3
(i) Explain how trilobites formed these trace fossils.
(ii) What evidence do these trace fossils give us about
the conditions on the sea floor at the time of their
(OCR June 2006)
Total 18
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Unit 5
Evolution of Life, Earth and Climate
Examination questions
3 (a)Fossil A is an echinoid. The diagrams below show two
different views of fossil A.
Aboral view
Oral view
4 (a)Here is a list of six common geological terms.
1 biostratigraphy
4 Mesozoic
2 Cainozoic
5 Palaeozoic
3 era
6 period
Select the most suitable term to match each description.
A Began 65 Ma ago, until the present day
B Began around 590 Ma ago
C Palaeozoic is an example
E Time unit defined by specific rock and fossil types
Figure 4
(i)Name the group of echinoids to which fossil A
(ii)Describe, using technical terms, the type of
symmetry shown by fossil A.
(iii)On the appropriate diagram, label the following
morphological features.
anterior groove plastron position of the mouth
(b)The diagram below shows a close-up view of part of
fossil A.
D Dating of rocks using fossil remains
Figure 5
(i)Identify the morphological features 1 and 2.
(ii)Explain the function of morphological feature 1.[2]
(i) Describe how regular echinoids feed.
(ii) Describe how irregular echinoids feed.
(iii)Explain the function of the fasciole and plastron,
features found in some echinoids.
(OCR January 2006)
Total 17
(b)Explain how the relative ages of rocks can be
determined using the following methods. Use diagrams
to illustrate your answers.
(i) Way up structures.
(ii) Cross cutting relationships.
(iii)Included fragments.
(c) (i)Name one method of radiometric dating of rocks.
(ii)Explain how absolute dates can be determined
using radiometric methods.
(iii)Explain why sedimentary rocks are difficult to date
using radiometric methods.
(iv)Explain why metamorphism causes problems with
radiometric dating.
(OCR January 2006)
Total 19
5 (a) (i)Describe and explain how plate tectonics and the
position of the continents can affect the global
temperature. [4]
(ii)Changes in global temperatures can also be
explained by Milankovitch cycles.
Describe a Milankovitch cycle. [2]
(iii)One factor that controls Milankovitch cycles is
thought to be eccentricity. Describe and explain
how eccentricity can affect climate. [4]
Total 10
6Describe the morphological changes that occurred in
ammonoids as a result of evolution throughout the
Palaeozoic and Mesozoic.
(OCR June 2005)
7Describe and explain the morphological changes and
evolution of graptolites in the Lower Palaeozoic.
(OCR January 2005)
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Unit 6
Practical skills for A level
Practical tasks in geology will assess skills in measurement, observation and recording of
data in the same way as Unit 3 for AS. You will again use geological maps, photographs
and diagrams as well as laboratory or field data to complete the tasks.
Geological maps and graphic logs can be used in the centre based tasks, the field or the
evaluative task. Economic geology can provide good sources of data for analysis. A
suitable site for extraction of oils or metals can be identified from geophysical or
geochemical field data. Photographs and data on building stone or roadstone can be
used to identify a suitable material for the purpose.
Symbols on graphic log
Using standard symbols is a real help
when drawing a log, making it simple
for others to interpret. Dots are used for
sand and sandstone – large for coarse
sand and small for fine sand. Open
circles are used for pebbles. Dashes are
used for clay or mudstone – dash dots
for siltstone and continuous lines for
shales. A brick effect is used for
Interpreting maps for the centre based task
Geological maps show a range of beds which may have been folded, faulted, intruded
and/or eroded. You may be asked to describe the sequence of events that took place.
Spread 1.4.8 explains how to analyse a map.
Using cross-cutting relationships to determine the youngest and oldest events is the key
to working out the order of events and therefore the geological history of the map. Where
a feature such as a dyke or fault cuts through or displaces beds it must be the younger.
Using the rules of folded beds from Unit 1 structural geology means that
• the youngest beds will always be found in the centre of a syncline
• the oldest beds will always be found in the centre of an anticline.
An unconformity will form on older, eroded beds that are usually at a different angle to
the younger unconformable beds.
Always start your geological history with the oldest event and describe the order of
deposition of the beds and each event in turn. Plenty of detail to describe the type of
structure or intrusion is needed rather than a list. Don’t forget erosion – it does not form a
feature but must be present before an angular unconformity.
Evaluative task
The evaluative task will test the ability to analyse and evaluate geological data from either
the laboratory or the field. The data will rely on both the AS units and the A level units so
will include using rocks, minerals and fossils.
Drawing and evaluating graphic logs
Plant roots
Flood plain clay
cross bedding
cross bedding
cross bedding
Mud Silt f m c Gravel
Figure 1 Graphic log of a fluvial
A graphic log is a graphical method of recording observations and measurement of a
sequence of sedimentary rocks often in a cliff or quarry face. When measuring for a log,
start at the base of the outcrop and, where possible, record the following information for
each bed:
• Composition of both grains and cement or matrix.
• Grain size, sorting and shape with colour, and the degree of cementation or
• Identification of the sedimentary rock.
• Thickness of beds in cm and describe any lateral variation.
• Nature of bedding planes as uneven, erosional or gradational where one bed gradually
changes to another.
• Record any sedimentary structures presentation and measurements of them.
• Any fossils should be identified and variations in size, abundance, distribution and
orientation recorded.
The grain size controls the graph. The bottom scale is used to draw a bed to extend out
to the correct grain size. So a conglomerate will extend to the right further than a fine
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Module 1
Practical skills
Practical skills for A level
Drawing a graphic log and using it to interpret palaeoenvironments
1 Complete a graphic log for the beds A (oldest) to G (youngest) described below. Take the complete
height of the section and choose an appropriate scale to represent this cliff section.
2 Plot each bed on a graphic log blank, starting with the oldest at the bottom of the page.
3 Show each bed at the correct grain size and with the correct symbol. The cross bedding symbol of
curved lines is drawn on top of the sandstone symbol.
4 Where the base of a bed is eroded show it as an uneven line on your log.
5 Add descriptive details of the beds in the right hand column – colour, composition, sedimentary
structures, bedding details and fossil content.
6 A bed may change from bottom to top, so use a combination of symbols from the edge of the bed up
to show a change from one grain size to another.
7 Interpret all the evidence to describe the changing environments in which beds A to G formed.
Anomalous data
When individual readings fall outside
the main set of the data these results
are anomalous (not typical, or different
from expected). There are various
possible reasons for these anomalous
points and explaining them is a key part
of evaluating results. Anomalies could
be due to:
• experimental error so that the points
are wrong
• errors in measuring
• natural variation where
measurements vary, e.g. on fossils
as there are always some organisms
outside of the normal range.
Bed A is a purple siltstone with thin beds (laminations), contains muscovite mica and is 12 cm thick.
Bed B is 52 cm thick and is a red, medium sandstone, well sorted with large scale cross bedding.
Bed C is cross cutting and uneven at the base and is a conglomerate with pebbles up to 27 mm across.
The matrix is a red silt and the bed is 18 cm thick.
Bed D is a pebbly sandstone with all the pebbles at the base and grading up into a brown, coarse
sandstone 32 cm.
Bed E is a fine sandstone, yellow–white in colour, 28 cm thick.
Bed F is a mud, light grey in colour with black, carbonaceous roots 42 cm thick.
Bed G is a medium sandstone nearly white in colour with small brachiopods. It is 15 cm thick.
Evaluating fossil data
Width axis
Width axis
In some areas large numbers of fossils can be found and either
collected or measured in the field. Data can then be used to
analyse the nature of the assemblages by observing the
orientation of fossils, whether they are whole, broken or
disarticulated, and the sizes of the fossils. Where there are many
fragmented fossils it is likely to be a death assemblage where
fossils have been transported and then deposited. The graphs in
Figure 2 show two populations of fossils that can be analysed.
15 10
Umbo axis
Umbo axis
(b) 35
Width axis
Width axis
The aim of geoconservation is to promote the conservation of
our Earth heritage and to ensure that we pass it on in good order
to future generations for investigation, education and enjoyment.
It encourages care and conservation of Earth heritage sites and
the rocks, minerals and fossils found. Collecting should always be
responsible so that exposures are not damaged. Where fossils are
relatively common, or the sites are coastal cliffs that are being
eroded or quarries that are being actively worked, then collecting
is not a problem as long as you have permission. Collecting fossils
that might otherwise be destroyed can be beneficial to science,
provided that they are properly documented and made available
for study. Responsible fossil collecting can be a valuable activity
and safeguards our fossil heritage.
15 10
Umbo axis
10 2 Graph a shows two different species of a brachiopod.
Graph b 10
shows a single species
with individuals
of all growth
stages 30
from small young brachiopods to larger, older ones. Two of the fossils
Umbo axis
measured are anomalous
Figure 3 Brachiopod fossil
showing where measurements
were taken
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Numbers in bold indicate figures or tables.
abrasion 106, 122, 124, 194
abyssal plain 30, 117, 136, 137
acid rain 92, 201
adaptation 238, 246, 250, 265
adaptive radiation 230, 238, 271
Africa 24, 34, 36, 39, 81, 92
agglomerate 82, 93, 98, 111
aggregate 67, 202–3, 205, 209
algae 111, 115, 133–5, 137, 234, 241, 273,
alluvial fan 112, 113, 125, 281
aluminium 140, 148–9, 153, 189, 192–3,
ammonites 71, 221, 273, 279, 281–2, 293
ammonoids 226, 250, 260–3, 284–5
amphibians 262, 264–5, 268, 272–3
amphibole 79, 84, 85
anaerobic conditions 120, 128–9, 221–2
andalusite 90, 143, 146, 148–9, 153
andesite 38, 40, 43, 79, 82, 84, 87, 93–5,
anoxic conditions 168–9, 180, 196, 221,
227, 257, 285, 293
Antarctica 39, 45, 216, 286, 292
anthracite 121, 180–1, 185
anticline 54–61, 170, 179, 185, 204–5, 215,
aquifers 100, 113, 121, 160–7, 169, 186–7,
aragonite 114, 121, 133, 220
archaeopteryx 223, 269
arid conditions 113, 116, 125
arkose 112–13, 125
arsenic 163, 200–1, 204, 217
artesian basin 161–2, 167
arthropods 223, 225, 228–9
articulated 22, 237–8, 244
aseismic areas 31–2, 34
ash 82, 93–5, 98–9, 101–3, 272, 280–1
asthenosphere 6–7, 10, 33–4, 36, 39, 42–4,
Atlantic Ocean 24, 43, 87, 89, 135
opening 178, 291
atmosphere 2, 6, 103–4, 160, 199
pollution 176, 201
atolls 133, 234, 235
attrition 106, 124, 127, 130, 194
augite 69, 73, 79–80, 85, 192
axial plane 48, 54, 57, 61, 144
axial plane trace 49, 56, 58, 60, 278
axial rift 27, 33, 36–7, 82, 96
bacteria 103, 163, 197, 221, 268, 293
anaerobic bacteria 169, 180, 214
baked margin 86, 90–1, 146, 192, 279
basalt 3, 7–8, 28, 38, 40, 43–5, 76–80,
86–8, 98, 139, 203, 208
flood basalts 25, 83, 272
lava 82, 84, 92, 95–6
pillow lavas 27, 29, 32, 36–7, 75, 97
batholith 38, 40, 43, 52, 82–3, 88–90,
146–8, 191
beaches 118, 130, 195, 213, 290
intertidal zone 135
bed 57, 61, 106, 128–9, 131, 207, 283
bedding plane 46, 49, 57, 88, 104, 114,
116, 191, 204–5, 208–9, 211–12, 276
graded 56, 116–17, 119, 122, 136–7,
149, 276
belemnite 133, 226, 252, 260–3, 273, 287
Benioff zone 33, 39
benthonic 226, 230–1, 243, 246, 254, 257,
282, 286, 287, 291
bilateral symmetry 232–3, 236, 240, 242
bioclastic rock 110–11, 115, 132–3, 253
biogeochemical pathways 217
biostratigraphic correlation 282–3
biotite 84–5, 140, 143, 148, 152–3, 274
biotite mica 66, 69, 74, 77–8, 141, 145–6,
bioturbation 129, 224–5
bird evolution 269
bituminous coal 121, 180–1
bivalves 115, 128, 132–3, 220–4, 237–9,
244–5, 250–2, 260, 273, 284, 287, 294
epifaunal and infaunal 226, 230–1, 243,
blasting 94, 101, 182, 200, 202–3, 211
boreholes 8–9, 22, 100, 160–1, 166–7, 173,
186–7, 224–5, 277, 282
Bowen’s Reaction Series 84–5, 113
brachiopods 115, 132, 133, 222, 236–9,
244–7, 248, 249, 254, 272–3, 284–5
breccia 110–12, 125, 211
Britain 11, 89, 122, 130, 135, 161–2, 166,
energy resources 178–80, 184–5
northward drift 294–5
brittle rock 46–7, 49–50, 54, 89, 101, 114
burial 64–5, 68, 120, 171, 180, 220, 222
burrowers 105, 129, 131, 133, 224–6, 231,
236, 242–3, 246, 248–9
calcareous plates 115, 133, 137, 252, 253
calcite 66–7, 69, 76, 104, 114–15, 121, 127,
131–4, 142–3, 151, 188, 228, 240
calcium 84–5, 127, 163, 254, 275
calcium carbonate 76, 104, 110–11,
114–15, 121, 132–3, 137, 203, 220–2,
caldera 98–9
Cambrian 51, 70–1, 150, 223, 228, 230,
232, 236, 244, 254, 262, 284–5, 294
Canozoic era 70
cap rock 168–71, 175, 178–9, 196
carbon 14, 92, 120, 146, 180, 203, 274, 287
compensation depth (CCD) 137, 254–5,
carbon dioxide 2, 103–4, 137, 179–81, 187,
206, 221, 234, 265, 272, 286–7, 288
carbonate 69, 104, 133–4, 136–7
Carboniferous 25, 70, 122, 132, 160, 165,
180, 184, 191, 239, 262, 280, 284–5,
cement 68, 112–15, 120–1, 127, 133, 142,
149, 158, 169, 175, 204–5, 211, 215, 275
cephalopods 250, 252, 260–3, 267, 272,
chalk 111, 115, 133, 160–1, 169, 178, 203,
208, 211, 254, 292–3, 295
chemical reactions 179, 190, 193, 196, 200,
chert 111, 254
chlorite 141, 144, 152–3, 163
chromite 86, 192–3, 217
classification of rocks 69, 73, 85, 110–12,
clasts 25, 68, 91, 110–14, 122–6, 130, 136,
clay 49, 106, 110–11, 120–3, 125–9, 147,
152, 159, 161, 193, 203–4, 289, 295
minerals 57–9, 69, 104, 113–14, 131,
cleavage planes 58–9, 66–7, 114, 144, 202
climate 96, 103–5, 108, 122–3, 128, 180–1,
change 166, 267, 272, 286–90, 292–3
tropical 25, 193, 291, 294–5
coal 25, 111, 120–1, 168, 179–81, 203,
coal mine 8, 70, 128–9, 182–3
coalfield 184–5, 283
coarse grain 108, 112–13, 121, 125–6,
128–30, 136–7, 140, 158
coastlines 24, 130, 212–13
compaction 65, 68, 120, 158, 169, 178,
180, 211, 222, 281
compass and clinometer 12–13, 157
competent rock 17–18, 46, 49, 53, 58–9,
204, 208–9, 212
compression 33–4, 38–42, 47–51, 54–8, 99,
concentration factors 188–9, 192, 194, 196
concrete 202–7, 209–11, 213
conductivity 17, 44, 280
conglomerate 48, 60, 110–12, 125–6,
130–1, 136, 197, 276, 279, 283
contact metamorphism 69, 88, 90, 106,
138–9, 142–6, 148–53, 279
continental crust 7–8, 11, 34, 36, 38–40, 83,
continental drift 24–6, 33–4, 42, 176, 267,
continental plates 9, 33, 35, 38–9, 139, 150,
continental shelf 30, 130–1, 136, 234, 272
continental slope 30, 36, 117
continents 24, 31–2, 186, 289–90
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convection 12, 26–7, 36, 42, 83, 87, 99,
176, 288
cooling 49, 74–6, 84, 88–90, 97–8, 103,
272, 275
history 72, 191–2
rates 78, 86–7, 280
copper 37, 75, 103, 188–1, 196–7, 200–1
coprolites 224–5, 266
coral 115, 121, 133, 220, 222, 232–5, 272,
284–5, 291, 294–5
core 2–6, 11–12, 28, 43–4, 82–3, 89, 139,
country rock 9, 86–90, 139, 146–8, 190–2,
craters 2, 4–5, 92–3, 99, 101, 273
Cretaceous 70, 161, 227, 239, 242, 252,
255, 262–3, 267–8, 285, 291–2, 295
crinoids 115, 121, 132, 133, 240, 252–3
cross bedding 116–19, 125–31, 136, 149,
cross-cutting 46, 60, 71, 276, 277–9, 281,
crust 6–9, 14, 20, 26–8, 32–3, 37, 47, 64–5,
82–3, 89, 99, 150, 188
extension 4, 51, 178, 292
crustal abundance 188–9
crystalline 58, 69, 140, 148, 169, 170, 211,
crystallisation 49, 59, 64–5, 75, 84–8, 135,
148, 152, 191–2, 220, 275
crystals 66, 68–9, 74–5, 85–7, 90, 140, 144
grain size 72, 78–80, 84
interlocking 76, 142, 149
cyclothem 129, 184
Dalradian rocks 144, 150, 152–3
dams and reservoirs 166–7, 204–7, 209
Darwin, Charles 255
dating 71, 122, 161, 274–5, 291
absolute dating 278–9, 281, 283
radiometric 2, 5, 12, 24, 28, 45, 60, 277,
relative dating 276–9, 283
deformation 18, 22, 46, 47, 100, 150, 152,
delta 128–9, 171, 180, 183–5, 281, 283
deposition 64–5, 68, 110, 116, 124–6, 136,
194, 212, 277, 281
desert sandstone 112–13, 119, 127, 158,
169, 179, 295
desiccation cracks 116, 118–19, 125, 127,
Devonian 70, 160, 165, 191, 239, 255, 257,
262, 264, 270, 279, 284
diagenesis 64–5, 68, 120–1, 129, 138–40,
158, 180, 220, 222
diamond 8–9, 67, 80, 194
diapir see mantle plume
dinosaurs 264–9, 271, 273
diorite 79, 84, 86, 89
dip 46, 48, 54–9, 60, 90, 117–19, 147, 171,
182, 204–9, 211–12, 215, 277–9
disarticulated 222, 227, 244, 246, 253
displacement 21, 33–4, 37, 50–2, 150
dolerite 7, 45, 68, 80, 86, 88, 203
dolomites 111, 134
downthrow 50–1, 61
dredging 195, 200, 203, 234
drilling 26, 28, 173, 198–203, 211, 254
dunes 116, 127
dyke 42, 49, 61, 99, 146, 164, 195, 198,
dolerite 29, 36, 52, 82, 89
Earth 2, 5–7, 11–12, 19, 31, 42, 90, 186,
age 274, 280–1
outer core 6, 9, 15, 19, 82
earthquake 6, 10, 14–19, 32–5, 99, 101,
136–7, 204, 207, 210–11, 273
damage 16–17, 20–3, 177
focus 27, 31, 37, 39, 40–1
echinoid 133, 222, 240–3, 252, 284–5
ecological niche 263, 266, 271, 273, 281,
ecosystems 185, 200, 206, 213, 265, 294
eggs, amniotic 265–6, 269
energy resource 102, 179, 186, 197
England 9, 43, 88–9, 122, 148, 185, 187
environment 46, 48, 58, 108, 110, 122,
128–30, 134, 177, 255, 262, 284, 285
deltaic 180, 227
fluvial 124–5, 282–3
hot desert 126, 266
marine 176, 203, 234, 293
Environment Agency 162, 200
environmental impact 179, 193, 195, 201
environmental protection 178, 216, 230, 237
Eocene 36, 223
epicentre 15–17, 19–21, 40, 137
equigranular 76, 78–80
erosion 4, 8–9, 24, 31, 44–9, 64–5, 86–8,
116, 125–6, 128, 183, 212–13, 276–9,
eruption 5, 37, 42, 64, 82–3, 92–9, 100–3,
110, 186–7, 208, 283
eruption interval 87, 272–3
evaporates 67, 111, 127, 134–5, 169–70,
177, 179, 203, 216, 295
evaporation 108, 116–18, 134, 287
evolution 46, 223, 228, 254–5, 257–9,
262–7, 271, 277, 280–2, 285
exceptional preservation 222–3, 228
exfoliation 104–5
extinction 4, 230, 254, 262, 266, 270–3,
281–2, 284, 286, 293
extrusion 36, 64–5, 69, 74, 76, 90, 275
eyes 228–31, 249, 265, 268
fault 16–18, 22–3, 32–8, 43, 46–8, 52, 71,
164, 177–8, 185, 191, 205–8, 210–11
movement 20–1, 27, 53, 60–1, 88
plane 15, 50–1, 171–2, 183
thrust 40–1, 56–7, 151, 292
feldspar 66–9, 72–4, 77–8, 85, 104, 125,
140–1, 145, 274
fine grain 79, 108, 114, 122, 127, 129–30,
140, 144, 169, 179–80
floods 161, 167, 182–3, 204–7, 210–13
flash flood 126–7, 281
flood plain 124–5, 129, 283
fold 47–9, 54–7, 65, 119, 139, 150, 170,
182,185, 215, 238, 277, 292
limbs 57–8, 60–1, 204, 211, 278–9
mountains 25, 31, 33–5, 38, 40–3, 51, 83,
foliated rock 69, 140, 143–5, 211
fossil 12, 24–5, 47, 60, 68, 70, 114, 123,
133, 135, 144, 220–3, 225, 262–3, 276
assemblages 226–7, 252, 257, 274, 277,
fragments 121, 132, 138, 142, 149, 221,
fuels 168, 179–81, 186–7
groups 226, 278, 284–5
plants 120, 125, 129, 131, 197, 272, 294
record 71, 222, 236, 255, 271, 283,
traces 125, 129, 197, 224, 263
fracture 47–9, 51, 67, 104, 122, 159, 191,
fumaroles 92, 100, 103
gabbro 7, 29, 36, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86
gangue minerals 188, 191, 194–5, 201
garnet 66, 69, 140–2, 144–5, 152–3
gases 22, 92, 95–8, 100, 103, 168–71,
175–9, 206, 217, 221, 265, 272, 275, 286
gastropod 132–3, 220, 250–1
geochemical analysis 44, 165, 198–9, 217
geological column 70–1, 280–1, 285
geological record 277–9, 294, 298
geological structures 60, 205, 208, 211, 215
geophysical exploration 172–3, 198, 217
geothermal energy 99, 102, 165, 186–7
geothermal gradient 8, 40, 82–3, 87, 138,
150, 153, 171, 186–7, 190, 280
Gilbert, William 12
glaciation 3, 24–5, 122–3, 272, 283, 286–9,
gneiss 41, 140–1, 145, 152, 202
Gondwanaland 24–5, 36, 39, 43, 286, 292
grain shape 107, 108, 110, 112–13, 127,
size 94, 109, 111, 117, 137, 144, 148
well rounded 131, 169
well sorted 125, 130–1
granite 7, 17, 22, 49, 66, 74, 78–9, 83–6,
88–90, 202–3, 208, 216–17, 279
granoblastic 140, 142–3, 145–6, 149
granodiorite 78–9, 89
graphic log 125–7, 129, 136, 298
graptolites 136, 221–2, 226, 256–9, 281–5
gravity anomalies 26–7, 35, 172, 186, 198,
Greenland 87, 103, 216, 286, 292
greywacke 112–13, 117, 136–7, 202, 281
ground improvement strategies 11, 182,
205, 209, 211, 215
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ground movement 50, 61, 100, 208, 261,
groundwater 100, 134–5, 158–9, 166–7,
186–7, 190–2, 197, 217, 220, 222
pollution 160–3, 178, 185, 193, 201, 215
Gutenberg Discontinuity 6, 9, 11, 14, 44
half-life 161, 186, 216, 274–5
halite 66, 111, 117, 127, 134–5, 170
Hawaii 44–5, 83, 92–3, 96, 98
heat energy 65, 69, 180, 275, 289
heat exchanger 44, 186–7, 267
heat flow 27, 32, 35, 37–8, 42, 44, 100
Hess, Harry 26, 34
high energy environment 115–18, 126–7,
130–3, 227, 234, 238–9, 241, 246, 251,
253, 285
Holmes, Arthur 42
hornblende 69, 73, 79, 84–5, 274
hornfels 90, 145–6, 148–9, 279
hot desert 126–7, 187, 295
hot spot 4, 44–5, 82–3, 96
hot springs 99, 102, 186–7
hydraulic gradient 159, 162
hydrocarbons 168–9, 173, 176–9, 223
hydrochloric acid (HCl) 111, 114, 127,
hydrogen 2, 92, 180
hydrostatic pressure 159–62, 164–5, 174
hydrothermal mineral vein 190–1, 194–5,
hypabyssal rock 74, 76
Iapetus ocean 43, 150, 152
ice age 123, 177, 179, 286
ice sheet 2, 25, 64, 106–9, 122, 216, 287,
Iceland 27, 36–7, 82, 87, 92, 96–7, 102,
123, 186
igneous rock 7–9, 29, 31, 46, 49, 58, 64–9,
72–6, 78–9, 81, 84–5, 90, 138–9, 158,
164, 166, 193, 198, 202, 211, 215, 272,
imbricate structure 116–17, 125
impermeable rock 58, 114, 160–1, 164–9,
170–1, 177, 186, 202–7, 215
included fragments 71, 145, 276, 278
incompetent rock 18, 46, 49, 55–9, 182,
204, 212
index minerals 148, 152–3
infaunal 226, 230, 231, 243, 248
infill 117–19, 130, 182, 185, 203, 203, 224
insects 272
intermediate rock 72, 79, 84, 85–6
intrusion 48, 52, 64–5, 68–9, 71, 83–90,
98–9, 138–9, 146–50, 164, 171, 190–3,
196–8, 274–9
Ireland 203, 208
iron 6, 11–12, 28, 37, 73, 76, 84–6, 111,
146, 188–91, 193, 200
minerals 113, 121, 126–7, 131, 193, 196,
pyrites 66, 221
irregular echinoids 242–3, 285
island systems 33, 38, 40, 43–5, 83, 133,
isostatic changes 129, 290, 292
joints 47, 59, 88–9, 104, 132, 158–9, 175,
182, 191, 193, 202–5, 208–11, 215
columnar 49, 97
Jurassic 24, 70–1, 115, 203, 238–9, 243,
252, 266–9, 284, 289, 292, 295
limestone 160, 221, 223
Lower Jurassic 178, 285
Middle Jurassic 133
K feldspar 73–5, 79, 85, 113, 141
kerogen 168, 179
Kimberlite pipes 9, 80–1
kyanite 141, 148–9, 152–3
L waves 15, 17, 19, 20
lahars 94–5, 101, 208
landfill waste disposal 203, 214–16
landslide or slip 17, 20, 23, 95, 116, 207–13
lava 2, 5, 12–13, 49, 64–5, 72, 75–6, 79, 82,
91–102, 281
layering 87, 114, 168, 172, 289
leachate 214–15, 196, 201
lead 66, 103, 188–91, 200–1, 204, 217
Lehmann Discontinuity 6, 9, 11
lignite 121, 125, 180–1
limestone 31, 17, 46, 60, 114, 121, 129,
132, 142, 149, 151, 165, 173, 202–4,
279, 289
oolitic 111, 115, 133, 143
porosity 158, 159
lithification 120, 122, 129, 281
lithosphere 6, 7, 26, 29, 33–9, 42–5, 83, 151
lithostratigraphic correlation 282–3
littoral zone 130, 131, 227, 248
longshore drift 130, 212, 213
low energy environment 114, 125, 129, 131,
169, 222, 224, 230, 243, 246, 251, 257,
macrofossil 132–3, 254
mafic minerals 67, 73, 79, 140–1, 145
mafic rocks 37, 72, 79–80, 82, 84–6, 88
magma 8–9, 26–9, 38, 44, 64–5, 78–9,
86–9, 92–4,
100–1, 146–7, 186, 190–1, 279, 290
mafic magma 40, 82–3, 96, 192–3, 198
magma chamber 36, 75, 82–5, 96–9,
rising 32–3, 39–42, 76, 89, 151
ultramafic magma 37, 80–1
magnesium 73, 84–6, 163
magnetic anomaly 26, 28, 36–7, 198
magnetic field 12, 13, 22, 24–5, 198
reversal 13, 27–8, 28
magnetite 12, 86, 192–3, 198
mantle 5–7, 9, 26–7, 36, 39, 42, 80–1, 99,
mantle plume 44–5, 82–3, 17, 272, 292
maps 94, 100–1, 152, 156, 172, 198,
278–9, 298
marble 66, 69, 142–3, 145, 147–9, 151,
202, 279
margins, chilled or baked 86–8, 90–1, 192
marine organisms 232, 250, 272, 284, 290
marine sediments 112–15, 128–31, 178,
284, 294
marine transgression and regression 129,
medium grained 112, 136, 140, 143, 148
Mercalli scale 16, 20
Mesozoic 70, 178, 238, 254, 260, 262, 273,
metals 5–6, 8, 11, 37, 66–7, 86, 188–93,
high grade ore 190–1, 192–7, 217
mineral exploration 103, 198–9
metamorphic 7–8, 31, 38–41, 64–9, 72,
140–4, 150–3, 164, 166, 275, 281
aureole 90, 139, 146–9, 279
metamorphism 43, 58, 138, 190, 265
meteorite 3–6, 10–11, 272–3, 283, 293
methane 2, 169, 179–83, 206, 214, 221,
mica 58–9, 66–7, 73, 106, 113–14, 125,
muscovite mica 69, 75, 78, 85, 152,
microfossils 8, 28, 123, 132–3, 136–7, 220,
254–5, 272–3, 282, 285, 287, 293
assemblage 277, 291
mid-ocean ridge (MOR) 8, 26–30, 32–7,
42–4, 51–2, 82, 96, 102–3, 290, 292
migration 168–9, 171
Milankovich cycles 288–9
mineral 5, 7, 12, 22, 37, 40, 46, 60, 82–5,
103, 127, 138, 147, 203, 220
crystals 112, 114, 120, 134–5, 139–40,
deposits 53, 65, 76, 87, 188–91, 194, 217
metallic minerals 24, 66, 79–81
platy minerals 58–9, 114, 140, 144
solution 50, 104, 121, 163
mining 181–3, 189, 191, 195, 201, 205,
209, 280
opencast mines 193, 197, 203
spoil heaps 185, 200
Moh’s scale of hardness 67
Mohorovicic Discontinuity (Moho) 7, 9–10,
36, 39, 83, 151
Moon 3–5, 274
Morgan, W Jason 44
mountains 27, 37, 44, 57, 81, 83, 292
Andes 31, 33, 38, 40, 89
Caledonian mountain system 43, 15,
51–2, 152
Himalayan mountain range 38–9, 150
mudstone 46, 49, 58, 111, 114, 120, 125–7,
131, 159, 169, 173, 187, 203–4, 221
nappe 40, 56–7
natural disaster 212, 216
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natural gas 168–71, 174, 176–7, 179–80
natural resources 174, 188, 217
nautiloids 260–3, 284–5
nektonic 226, 231, 248, 252–3, 261, 285
Neogene system 70
nitrates 217, 234
nitrogen 2, 103, 180, 261
non-renewable resources 168, 179, 185,
North America 34–5, 43
North Sea 122, 135, 178–9, 212
nuclear power 14, 21, 216, 273
nuée ardente 82, 93, 98
obsidian 72, 75, 78
ocean 26, 29–32, 36–7, 42, 46, 103, 123,
136–7, 179, 254, 288–90, 292
oceanic crust 7–11, 20, 28–9, 33–44, 81–3,
oceanic plate 35, 40, 98, 136
oil and natural gas 8, 113, 121, 129, 168–9,
170–81, 174–6, 202, 215, 291
older rocks 46, 48, 60, 71, 276, 278–9
Oldham, Richard 11
Oligocene 36, 223
olivine 69, 72–3, 80–1, 84–7, 192
ooliths 47, 115, 133
ophiolite 9, 37, 38, 41, 43, 81
Ordovician 70, 122, 230, 238–9, 253,
255–9, 270, 281, 284–5
ore minerals 37, 66, 188–92, 194–8
organic material 4, 110, 114, 125, 148, 171,
197, 237, 293
organic rich rock 168–9, 231
organisms 121, 129–33, 137, 220, 224, 227
original horizontality 71, 276
orogenic belts 38, 150, 292
orthoquartzite 112–13, 130, 142, 147, 149,
outcrop 50, 60–1, 89, 184, 199, 278, 279
overlying rock 88, 91, 98, 139, 162, 170,
Owen, Richard 266
oxygen 2, 79, 92, 120, 123, 196–7, 220–1,
257, 287, 289–91, 294
P wave 6–7, 9–11, 14, 19, 22, 44, 99
Pacific Ocean 30, 34, 83, 98
palaeo-channel sediments 197
palaeocurrent 116–18, 252, 257
palaeoenvironment 116–17, 224–7, 254–5,
Palaeogene System 70
palaeolatitude 294–5
Palaeozoic 70, 260, 262, 272, 285
Upper Palaeozoic 253, 284
Pangaea 43, 184, 266, 272
parent rock 140–2, 144, 148
partial melting 7, 29, 36, 38–40, 43–4, 64–5,
68, 82–3, 89, 99, 151
peat 120–1, 129, 180–1, 183, 222, 294
pegmatite 75
pelagic 137, 226, 230, 257, 285, 287
peridotite 6–7, 9, 29, 36, 36, 80–4, 86
permeability 120–1, 147, 158–60, 164, 169,
175, 182–3, 186, 193, 204–7, 211, 215
Permian 25, 70, 134–5, 178, 230, 239, 262,
272, 284, 293, 295
Permo-Triassic 160, 167, 254, 266, 272,
petroleum 16, 168–9, 171, 176, 181
unconventional petroleum 179
Phanerozoic 281, 293
phenocrysts 72, 77, 91, 145
placer minerals 125, 194–5
plagioclase 69, 74, 77–80, 84–7, 153, 192
plane of fracture see fault plane
plankton 29, 168–9, 226, 230–1, 254–7,
285, 293
plants 25, 64, 105, 120, 123, 128, 180, 267,
pollen 254–5, 294
plasticity 18, 46, 47, 114, 181
plate 34–5, 39–40, 45, 135
articulated plates 92, 228
boundaries 36–8, 41, 43
collision 9, 33, 43, 89
movement 42, 45, 52, 122
plate margin 34–6, 41, 43–4, 52, 82–3, 150,
convergent 38–40, 42, 89, 98, 139
destructive 54, 78–9
divergent 36, 42–4, 96
plate tectonics 4, 7, 25, 82–3, 150, 292
plutonic rock 74–6, 79, 88–9
polar wandering curves 13, 25
pollution 167, 185, 193, 200–1, 214, 217,
poor sorting 112, 113, 122–3, 126
pore fluid pressure 207–8, 211
pore spaces 104, 120–1, 162–3, 168–9,
191, 196
porosity 113, 158–60, 171, 173, 175, 178,
porous rock 126, 161, 164, 166, 186, 208
porphyritic 77–80, 145, 196
porphyroblasts 140, 144–6, 152
porphyry 88, 196–7
potassium 85, 127, 131, 134–5, 186, 275
Precambrian 25, 70, 80–1, 144, 150, 277
late Precambrian 122, 255
Precambrian rock 31, 51, 152, 254, 295
predators 230–1, 260–1, 268
preferred alignment 68–9, 139–41, 144
preservation of fossils 220, 223
pressure 2, 6, 10, 19, 40–2, 47, 54, 57–9,
65, 69, 88, 138, 144, 180
changes 36, 44, 56, 82–3, 98–9, 104,
139, 186
gradient 138, 159, 169, 186
high 9, 11, 26, 38, 49, 68, 83, 150, 153
pumice 76, 78, 93, 99
pyrite 145, 188–9, 221
pyroclast 64–5, 82, 92–4, 110
pyroclastic material 76, 93, 95–6, 98–101,
pyroxene 79, 80–1, 84–5, 87
quarries 182, 202–3, 214
quartz 5, 22, 66–9, 72–4, 77–9, 85, 106,
112–14, 121, 125–7, 140–5, 149, 151–3,
188, 193, 202
quartzite 142–3, 145, 147, 149–9, 151
Quaternary 122, 161, 202, 294
radioactive decay 173, 186, 217, 274–5,
radioactivity 5, 8, 22, 42, 71, 186–7, 197,
201, 216–17, 274–5, 281, 288
rainwater 94, 160, 166–7, 196, 206–8, 214
recrystallisation 58, 64–5, 68–9, 90, 138,
140, 143, 146–9, 152
reducing conditions 196–7, 201
reef 111, 132–3, 198, 226, 234–5, 253,
regional metamorphism 138–46, 148–3,
153, 171
relict bedding 140, 143–4, 148
renewable resources 167, 186–8
reptiles 25, 266, 269, 273
reserves 174, 178–9, 188–9, 201
reservoir rock 168–71, 173–5, 178
residual deposits 192–3, 196
resistivity 22, 173, 198, 212
rhyolite 78–9, 82, 84, 87, 93, 95, 98
Richter scale 17, 19, 22, 41, 177, 207
rift systems 30–1, 33–7, 41–3, 51, 82, 87–9
ripple marks 116, 118–19, 127, 130–1, 136
river 112, 114, 122–5, 128, 167, 171, 195,
sediment survey 199, 217
transport 106, 108–10, 130, 195
roots 105, 225, 276–7
rounded grains 107, 109, 130, 144
S waves 6, 7, 9–11, 14, 19, 44, 99
sabkhas 134–5
salinity 126, 134–5, 162, 187, 234, 254,
272, 280
salt 173, 177
salt pseudomorphs 116–17, 127
sandstone 25, 46, 58–60, 110–13, 130–1,
136, 142–3, 171–3, 183, 215, 239, 278,
poorly cemented 160, 169
sapropel 168–9
saturation 159, 207, 208, 211
schist 41, 139–41, 144, 150, 152
Scotland 43, 51–2, 89, 150–2, 202–3, 290,
scree 104, 105, 112, 125, 125
sea floor 24, 129, 135–6, 203, 237–8, 257
spreading 26–8, 33–4, 36–7, 42, 290–2
sea level (eustatic) changes 2, 129, 131,
272, 283, 290–3
secondary recovery 174–5
sediment 12, 24–5, 28–9, 36–40, 82–3,
107–9, 220, 230, 255, 277, 292
deep sea 136, 139, 169, 216, 291
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sediment – continued
structures 116, 118, 127, 137, 149
transport 106, 131, 204, 212
sedimentary basins 168, 178, 181, 185–7
sedimentary rock 5–8, 31, 110–15, 160,
sequences 71–2, 108, 125, 130, 172,
227, 282–3
sedimentation 64–9, 120–4, 128–31, 184,
190, 194–5, 273–6, 280–1
seismic activity 32, 41, 100–1, 107, 208,
seismic wave 6, 10, 11, 14–15, 18, 44, 99,
seismograph 10, 16–19, 101
Shackleton, Sir Nicholas 288
shadow zone 11, 14, 19, 99
shale 68, 90–1, 111, 114, 120, 129, 136,
140–3, 146–8, 152, 159, 191, 203–4,
221–3, 279
black shale 169, 173, 217, 281, 293
shallow seas 130–1, 130, 133, 293, 295
shear 14, 20, 23, 47, 50, 52, 55
shell 115, 121, 131, 134, 244, 236, 254,
259, 266, 285, 287, 294
coiling 250–1, 261, 263
structure 252, 260, 262
shield volcanoes 2, 5, 44, 82, 96
shocked quartz 273
silica 72–3, 78, 80–1, 84–6, 96, 98, 113,
131, 137, 203, 222, 255
silicates 2, 4, 6, 38, 66, 68–9, 190–3, 220
silicic magma 39–40, 44, 82–3, 89, 93, 98,
147, 190–1, 198
silicic rock 72, 77–9, 84–8, 93
sill 49, 82, 86, 88, 90–1, 146, 278–9
sillimanite 141, 148–9, 149, 152–3
silt 91, 111, 118, 125, 129, 136, 200, 206,
Silurian 70, 180, 255, 257–9, 281, 284–5,
skeleton 22, 132, 137, 222, 228–9, 232,
236, 254–7, 265, 269, 285 see also test
slate 41, 58–9, 68, 140–1, 143, 148, 152,
slaty cleavage 58–9, 140–4, 148
slickensides 53
slope 182, 208, 213
slump 98, 208–9, 211–12
Smith, William 70
soft tissues 221, 222, 234, 236, 250, 255
solar radiation 286, 288, 293
solution 75, 106, 110, 127, 134–5, 197, 201
solution cavities 205, 215
sorting 46, 108–9, 122, 131, 158, 194
source rock 168–9, 178–9
South America 24, 30, 34, 36, 89
Solar System 2–3, 5
spotted rock 90, 143, 146, 148–9, 279
springs 164–6
strata 46, 51, 170, 205, 211–12, 276, 277
stratigraphy 254–5, 274, 276–7, 272, 281,
strato-volcano 40, 82, 96, 98–9
stress 18, 22, 33, 46–7, 51, 58, 150
striations 25, 53, 122–3
subduction 33–4, 38–43, 81–3, 98, 139,
150, 292
sub-rounded grains 107, 109, 113, 125–6
subsidence 20, 129, 161–2, 176, 180,
182–3, 185, 200, 205, 214, 235, 290,
sulfur 2, 37, 92, 98, 103, 221
sulfur dioxide 96, 100, 192, 201, 272
supercontinent 43, 184, 266, 272, 292
surface water 158, 166–7, 199, 209, 217,
pollution 185, 195, 200–1
suspension 106, 122, 125, 131
sustainability 167, 187, 179, 217
syncline 54–7, 60–1, 185, 204–5, 211, 278
tailings 193, 200–1
tar pits 169, 179, 223
tectonics 18, 32, 34, 49, 64–5, 135, 139,
temperature 47, 68, 84, 104, 138–9, 169,
192–3, 199, 294–5
high 84, 140, 146, 150, 153, 178
variation 143, 166, 171, 272, 286–8, 290,
tensional forces 42, 47, 49–51
Tertiary 87, 89
test 240, 242–3, 254
texture 9, 76, 78–9, 90, 113, 144
thermal gradient 148–9, 169
tillite 25, 122–3, 295
tilt 5, 22, 60, 100, 276, 279
trace fossil 220, 224–5
tracks 224–5, 266
transgression 131, 290–3
transport 64, 68, 106–12, 116, 124, 130–1,
136–7, 194, 199, 201, 212, 220, 227
mechanisms 8, 94, 118, 122, 126–7, 133
traps 45, 96, 168–9, 171–2, 178–9, 272–3,
trench 26, 30, 34–5, 38–40, 44–5, 83,
Triassic 25, 70, 86, 118, 187, 262, 266–7,
270, 279, 284, 290–1, 295
trilobite 43, 71, 133, 226–33, 254, 272,
trough 54, 118
tsunami 20–1, 99, 273
tuff 93, 95, 98, 102, 111, 283
tunnels 183, 210–11
turbidite 113, 135–7, 283
turbidity conditions 116–18, 136–7, 281–2
ultramafic rock 44, 72, 81, 84, 86
unconformity 48, 60, 164, 171, 271, 277,
279, 281, 283, 290, 298
unconsolidated material 17, 20, 120–1, 158,
194–5, 203, 211–12
unfoliated rocks 142–3, 145, 146
uplift 49, 64–5, 104, 135, 170, 290
upper mantle 6–9, 14, 29, 32–3, 42, 64–5,
upthrow 50–1, 61
upward fining 125, 136
uranium 8, 22, 168, 186, 190, 196–7, 201,
vagrant 226, 246, 254
valves 236–7, 246, 249, 254
varves 122–3, 282
vegetation 101–3, 180, 197–200, 209,
velocity 10, 14–15, 124, 125
vent 9, 45, 88, 92, 94, 96, 98–9, 103
vesicular 76, 79–80, 90–1, 97
viscosity 38, 80, 83, 89, 93–8, 108, 175,
volcanic activity 5, 31, 76, 89, 93, 98,
100–3, 171, 190, 272–3, 279, 293
Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) 97
volcanic rock 38, 74, 79–80, 160, 216
volcano 2, 8–9, 13, 20, 27, 29, 34–7, 38–40,
81–3, 87–8, 92–4, 96–7, 110, 151, 187
dormant or extinct 44–5, 98–100
Mt St Helens 94–5, 101, 103
waste disposal 186, 202, 214, 217, 265
water 3–4, 20–2, 37, 50, 64–5, 82, 85,
102–8, 121, 138, 166–7, 173, 175, 208,
recycling 185–7
source 190–3, 206, 223, 265
water table 22, 100, 158–67, 183, 196, 203,
way-up structure 56, 97, 116–19, 276
weathering 64, 68, 102–5, 112, 182, 199,
208, 211–15, 224, 275
chemical 110, 192–4, 196–7
mechanical 125–7, 202
Wegener, Alfred 24, 42
wells 100, 160–2, 166, 174
geothermal 165, 186–7
Wentworth-Udden scale 107
Wilson Cycle 34, 43
wind systems 94, 126, 118, 132, 288
xenoliths 9, 89, 89, 91, 276
X-ray 72, 114
Zechstein sea 135
zone fossils 257, 260, 277, 281–2, 284–5
zooids 256–7, 259
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