Harry Gregg Foundation Sample Online Application Applicant Information

Harry Gregg Foundation
Sample Online Application
Applicant Information
Name of person who the grant is for
Please enter: last name, first name
Doe, John
Street and Mailing Address
1 Verney Drive
Zip/Postal Code
Main Phone
e-mail address
[email protected]
Name and contact information of case manager
If applicant is served by a case manager, enter name, organization and contact information of applicant's case manager
including phone number and e-mail address.
Mary Helper
Helping Organization
1 Helper Way
Greenfield, NH 03047
[email protected]
Age of applicant and date of birth
Age: 10
DOB: 6/21/99
Description of disability
In order to be eligible for Harry Gregg Foundation funds, applicants must have a disability.
Cerebral Palsy
Household Information
Enter number of adults in household
Enter number of minors in household (under age 21)
Total number of people in household
This number must equal the total of household members listed above.
Income Information
Please review the funding and income guidelines section on the web site to determine your income eligibility for Harry
Gregg Foundation funds. Verification may be requested. If the applicant is a minor (until age 21) or claimed as a
dependent, the income of his or her parents must be reported. If married, income of spouse must be included. Please
provide a breakdown of all sources of GROSS monthly income as requested in the following questions. If you do not
receive income from a source listed, please enter "none" in the box.
Monthly GROSS income from all employment
If a two parent family, are both parents employed?
If employed, please indicate if jobs are part time or full time.
one parent employed part time
Please list your occupation(s)
Monthly unemployment benefits
Please list monthly income from Worker's Compensation or other disability insurance
Please list monthly income from Social Security benefits
Include all SS, SSI, SSD income for all family members
$1200 SS
Please list monthly income from child support
Please list monthly income from TANF
Please list monthly subsidized housing/Section 8 benefit
Please list monthly income from all other sources, ie, pensions, rental income, etc.
Please list your total MONTHLY GROSS income
This number must match the total of income sources listed above.
Contact Information
Contact Prefix
Name of primary contact or person who should receive correspondence regarding this request, ie, parent, case manager
or other person responsible for submission of this application.
Contact First Name
Contact Last Name
Contact title or relationship to applicant
Contact Phone
Contact Phone Extension
Contact Fax
Contact E-mail
[email protected]
Proposal Information
Request Date
June 23, 2009
Describe the equipment, service or activity requested in this application.
Please review the project guidelines on this web site to be certain your project is one that is funded by the Harry Gregg
Foundation. A written estimate must be uploaded with all home modification requests.
adaptive bicycle
Amount you are requesting from the HGF
Harry Gregg Foundation grants are limited to $1200, but are rarely that much due to the number of requests we
receive. Requests can be no more than $1200. Recreation grants are limited to $300. Recreation grant requests cannot
exceed $300.
Other available funds
Please list all other funds available for this project and sources including funds requested or pending from other
foundations or organizations, insurance, Medicaid/Medicare contributions, applicant or applicant family contribution,
HCBC funds or other sources. If no other funds are available please enter "none."
$500 request pending from First Hand Foundation
$200 Partners in Health
Project Budget
List the total cost of your project
Request Narrative
Please write a short narrative describing the service, equipment or activity you are requesting funds for, and how it will
help you. Please include any information you feel would be helpful to the Trustees as they consider your request.
John wants so badly to play with his neighborhood friends on their terms. A bicycle would
certainly make that possible while providing him with much needed independence and
confidence, as well developing core strength and balance.
Medical Diagnosis
File Name
clshist boyd r.pdf