The workshop on "Spin Chirality and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction" DMI 2011 St.-Petersburg, 25 - 27 May 2011 Sponsored by Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Co-Sponsored by Russian Foundation of Basic Research Program Committee: Chairman: Sergey Maleyev (PNPI, Gatchina, Russia) Alexey Okorokov (PNPI, Gatchina, Russia) Sergey Grigoriev (PNPI, Gatchina, Russia) Dmitry Chernyshov (SNBL at ESRF, Grenoble, France) Vladimir Dmitrienko (Crystallography Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia) Organizing Committee: Chairman: Sergey Grigoriev (PNPI, Gatchina, Russia) Vadim Dyadkin (PNPI, Gatchina, Russia) Nadya Potapova (PNPI, Gatchina, Russia) Evgeny Moskvin (PNPI, Gatchina, Russia) Katy Dyadkina (PNPI, Gatchina, Russia) Cathie Kobylyanskaya (PNPI, Gatchina, Russia) Andrey Chumakov (PNPI, Gatchina, Russia) International workshop «Spin chirality and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction» Lecture Program Wednesday, May 25. DM Interaction in cubic ferromagnets without a center of symmetry Session 1. MnSi and other B20 systems Chairman: Kazuhisa Kakurai 8.00 – 10.00 10.00 – 10.50 10.50 – 11.20 Registration 11.20 11.40 11.40 – 12.00 12.00 – 12.30 12.30 – 12.50 12.50 – 13.10 13.10 – 14.30 «Physical properties of the itinerant magnet MnSi at ambient and high pressure» Sergey М. Stishov Institute for High Pressure Physics RAS, Troitsk, Russia Sergey V. Grigoriev Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Gatchina, Russia «Chiral criticality in Fe-doped MnSi compounds» Coffee break Anatoly Tsvyashchenko Institute for High Pressure Physics RAS, Troitsk, Russia Sergey Demishev General Physics Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia Theodore Monchesky Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada «Magnetic structure of cubic MnGe studies by powder neutron diffraction» Nicholas Porter University of Leeds, England «Growth by MBE and magnetotransport of epitaxial CoxFe1-xSi thin films» Leeds, «Probing of MnSi and Mn1-xFexSi by electron spin resonance» «Magnetic properties of MnSi thin films» Lunch 3 Session 2. Skyrmion lattice or simple spiral domains in B20 structures Chairman: Stefan Bluegel 14.30 – 15.20 15.20 – 15.50 15.50 – 16.20 16.20 – 16.40 16.40 – 17.00 17.00 – 17.50 17.50 – 18.40 18.40 Ulrich Roessler IFW Dresden Dresden, Germany Heribert Wilhelm Oxford Diamond Light Source, UK Eugeny Moskvin Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Gatchina, Russia Andriy Leonov IFW Dresden, Germany «The skyrmion matters» «Precursor Phenomena at the magnetic ordering of the cubic Helimagnet FeGe» «A-phase in FeGe in light of neutron scattering» «Theoretical studies on phase diagrams of chiral magnets» Coffee break Sergey Maleyev Petersburg Nuclear Physics «Spin helices in cubic crystals with Institute Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction» Gatchina, Russia Filipp Rybakov «Three-dimensional solitons in Institute of Metal Physics, Ural incommensurate ferromagnets» div. of RAS, Yekaterinburg Welcome party 4 Thursday, May 26. DM Interaction in antiferromagnets without center of symmetry 9.00 – 9.50 9.50 – 10.40 Session 3. DM Interaction in antiferromagnets Chairman: Vladimir Dmitrienko «Structure and Magnetic Phase Diagram Sebastian Muehlbauer of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Spiral ETH Zürich, Switzerland Magnet Ba2CuGe2O7» «Neutron Scattering Activities on Kazuhisa Kakurai Multiferroic Systems Neutron JAEA, Tokai, Japan Diffraction Experiments on Hexaferrites» 10.40 – 11.00 11.00 – 11.50 11.50 – 12.30 12.30 – 14.30 14.30 – 19.00 18.00 – 22.00 22.00 Coffee break Alexander Ovchinnikov Ural State University, Ekaterinburg, Russia Shuichi Wakimoto JAEA, Tokai, Japan «Spin transfer helimagnet» torque in a chiral «Magnetic chirality and electric polarization in multiferroic YMn2O5» Lunch Excursion through the Gulf of Finland to Peterhof (Tsar's summer residence) Conference dinner in Peterhof Buses to Saint-Petersburg 5 Friday, May 27. DM interaction in nanostructures. Crystal handedness and spin chirality. 9.00 – 9.50 9.50 – 10.40 Session 4. DM interaction in nanostructures Chairman: Ulrich Roessler Dieter Lott «DM at the interfaces of the Rare-Earth Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, multilayer systems» Germany «Spin Spiral States in Low-dimensional Magnets Studied by Low-Temperature Roland Wiesendanger Univ. of Hamburg, Germany Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy» 10.40 – 11.00 11.00 – 11.50 11.50 – 12.40 Coffee break Stefan Bluegel Juelich Forschungszentrum, Germany «Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya driven spin structures in ultrathin magnetic films and chains» «Spontaneous atomic-scale magnetic Stefan Heinze skyrmion lattice in an ultra-thin film: realJuelich Forschungszentrum, space observation and theoretical Germany foundation» Session 5. Crystal handedness and spin chirality Chairman: Sergey Stishov 14.30 – 15.20 15.20 – 15.50 15.50 – 16.10 Vladimir Dmitrienko A.V.Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography RAS, Moscow, Russia Wojciech Slawinski University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland «Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction: How to measure its sign in weak ferromagnets?» «Coupling of the spin and modulations in CaCuxMn7-xO12» lattice Coffee break 6 16.10 – 16.40 16.40 – 17.10 17.10 – 18.00 18.00 Yury Chernenkov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Gatchina, Russia Vadim Dyadkin Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Gatchina, Russia Sergey Maleyev Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Gatchina, Russia «Antichiral multiferroic YMnO3» «Structure and spin chirality in B20 structures» «Can parity non-conserving weak interaction affect crystal chirality?» Summary and Closing 7 Physical properties of the itinerant magnet MnSi at ambient and high pressure. Sergei M. Stishov Institute for High Pressure Physics, Troitsk 142190 Russia. The intermetallic compound MnSi acquired a long period helical magnetic structure at T≈ 29 K . First experiments on the influence of high pressure on the phase transition in MnSi showed that the transition temperature decreased with pressure and tended to zero at about 1.4 GPa . This feature of MnSi promised the opportunity of observation of quantum critical behavior. Since then, quite a number of papers has been devoting to high pressure studies of the phase transition in MnSi. The existence of a tricritical point at the phase transition line of MnSi was claimed on the basis of the evolution of the AC magnetic susceptibility of MnSi (χAC) with pressure. Later on a theory was developed that declared generic nature of first order character of phase transitions in ferromagnets at low temperatures. Meanwhile, studies of the AC magnetic susceptibility of MnSi at high pressure using fluid and solid helium as a pressure medium were carried out. It was concluded that the radical change of the AC magnetic susceptibility of MnSi with pressure, observed earlier, could be influenced by non-hydrostatic stresses, developing in a frozen pressure medium. New studies of thermodynamic and transport properties of a high quality single crystal of MnSi at ambient pressure suggested also a first order nature of the corresponding magnetic phase transition that questioned the early proposed phase diagram. A review of recent experiments on physics of MnSi at high pressure will be given as well. 8 Chiral criticality in Fe-doped MnSi compounds S.V. Grigoriev1, S.V. Maleyev1, V.A. Dyadkin1, E.V. Moskvin1, D. Menzel2, H. Eckerlebe3 1 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, 188300 Gatchina, St-Petersburg, Russia 2 Techinsche Universitat Braunschweig, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany 3 Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany The cubic B20-type (space group P213) compounds Mn1-yFeySi with y [0 ’ 0.15] order in a spin helix structure with a small propagation vector 0.36 ≤ k ≤ 0.70 nm-1. The spin helix structure is well interpreted within the Bak-Jensen (B-J) hierarchical model. The hierarchy implies that the spin helix appears as a result of the competition between the ferromagnetic spin exchange and antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) caused by the lack of inverse symmetry in arrangement of magnetic Mn atoms. The critical temperature of the compounds TC decreases with the Fe doping and approaches zero, discovering the quantum phase transition at yC ≈0.15. Additionally, the value of the helix wave vector increases significantly upon doping. This study is aimed to follow the changes of the thermal phase transition on its way to the quantum critical point at yC. The critical spin fluctuations in doped compounds Mn1-yFeySi have been studied by means of ac-susceptibility measurements, polarized neutron small angle scattering and spin echo spectroscopy. The temperature dependence of susceptibility, χ, for the sample Mn0.92Fe0.08Si is shown in Fig.1. Here we also plot the first derivative of the susceptibility on the temperature dχ/dT to emphasize the inflection points TC and TDM on the χ(T) dependence. These inflection points divide the temperature scale into the three regions: (i) from low temperatures to 9 maximum of dχ/dT; (ii) between maximum and minimum of dχ/dT; and (iii) from minimum of first derivative dχ/dT to the higher temperatures (Fig. 1). Yet another characteristic temperature, which should be distinguished (denoted as Tk), corresponds to the minimum of second derivative on the temperature d2χ/dT2 within the range between TC and TDM. To understand what happens in the system at these temperature points we have added data taken by small angle diffraction of polarized neutrons. The crossover points can be identified on the basis of combined analysis of the temperature dependence of ac-susceptibility and polarized SANS data. Fig.1. The temperature dependence χ(T) and dχ/dT in the magnetic field H=50 mT; four different temperature regions Spiral (S – [T<TC]), Highly Chiral Fluctuating (HCF – [TC < T < Tk]), Partially Chiral Fluctuating (PCF - [Tk < T < TDM]) and Paramagnetic (P – [TDM < T]) are shown for Mn0.92Fe0.08Si compound. 10 From the ac-susceptibility measurements, supported by polarized SANS data, we have established three specific temperature points (TC, Tk and TDM), which are plotted in Fig.2. The compounds undergo the transition from the paramagnetic (P) phase (with Curie-Weiss dependence at T > TDM) to spiral (S) phase (T<TC) through two intermediate regions of Partially-Chiral Fluctuating (PCF) phase (Tk < T < TDM) and Highly-Chiral Fluctuating (HCF) phase (TC < T < Tk) (Fig.2). We have to stress that the transition is only one at T = TC and the other temperature points correspond to crossovers. Fig.2. Concentration dependencies of the critical temperature TC and the temperatures of crossovers to PCF state TDM and to HCF state Tk for Mn1-yFeySi compounds. The scenario and nature of the phase transition in the Mn1-yFeySi compounds 11 are well described by comparison of the inverse correlation length κ =1/ξ and the spiral wavevector k. In the high temperature range (T>TDM) the critical fluctuations are limited by κ > 2k, or ξ < π/k = d/2, where d is the spiral period. For these fluctuations non-collinearity is not essential and they are close to the fluctuations of the conventional ferromagnet. In turn, the ac-susceptibility demonstrates CurieWeiss behavior at T>TDM. The transition through the inflection point of susceptibility at TDM leads to the Partially Chiral Fluctuating state with k < κ< 2k, or with the correlation length in real space d/2 < ξ< d. The full 2π twist of the helix is not completed yet inside these fluctuations. This results in rather low degree of chirality of such fluctuations. Further down on temperature (TC < T < Tk), when the full 2π twist of the helix is well established within the fluctuations (κ < k), the Highly Chiral Fluctuating phase appears. The temperature dependencies of κ and chirality PS demonstrate the crossover at κ ~ k. The crossover is compatible with the theory [1,2]. The global transition is completed at TC, where the solid spiral structure arises. It is clear that if one neglects the weak crystal anisotropy, then the last transition is of the first order. The temperature crossovers first to Partially Chiral and then to the Highly Chiral fluctuating states are associated with the enhancing influence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moria interaction close to TC. This scenario with two crossovers at TDM, Tk and transformation at TC is clearly reflected in the nonmagnetic properties of these compounds, such as resistivity, etc. References [1] S.V. Grigoriev, S.V. Maleyev, A.I. Okorokov, Yu. O. Chetverikov, R. Georgii, P. Böni, D. Lamago, H. Eckerlebe and K. Pranzas, Phys.Rev. B, v.73, (2005) 134420 - Critical fluctuations in MnSi near TC: A polarized neutron scattering study. [2] S. V. Grigoriev, S. V. Maleyev, E. V. Moskvin, V. A. Dyadkin, P. Fouquet and H. Eckerlebe, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 144413 - Crossover behavior of critical helix fluctuations in MnSi. 12 Magnetic structure of cubic MnGe studies by powder neutron diffraction Anatoly Tsvyashchenko Institute for High Pressure Physics RAS, Troitsk, Russia 13 Probing of MnSi and Mn1-xFexSi by electron spin resonance S. V. Demishev, A. V. Semeno, A. V. Bogach, A. L. Chernobrovkin, V. V. Glushkov, V. Yu. Ivanov, T. V. Ishchenko, N. A. Samarin, and N. E. Sluchanko A.M.Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Vavilov street, 38, 119991 Moscow, Russia The aim of the present work is to apply recently developed experimental technique for studying of the magnetic resonance in strongly correlated metals [1,2] to the case of MnSi. An additional motivation follows from the fact that up to now there is only one work [3] dealing with electron spin resonance (ESR) in this material. The method suggested in [1,2] includes (i) special experimental layout of cavity measurements, which excludes effects of macroscopic inhomogeneity of the magnetic field in the sample due to demagnetization factor; (ii) procedure of absolute calibration of the ESR line in the units of magnetic permeability R; (iii) line shape analysis. Finally it is possible to find full set of spectroscopic parameters, namely oscillating magnetization Mosc, g-factor (hyromagnetic ratio) and line width W (relaxation parameter). Practical realization of the method [1,2] requires measurements of the temperature and magnetic field dependences of the sample resistivity and static magnetization M0, which should accompany the ESR data. Experiments were carried out in the temperature range 1.8-300 K in magnetic field up to 8 T. SQUID magnetometer (Quantum Design) was used for static magnetization measurements. The ESR spectra at 60 GHz were measured by means of original high frequency cavity magneto-optical spectrometer at GPI. Magnetic resonance in the single crystal of MnSi was detected in the temperature 14 range T60 K. At T >60 K, the amplitude of the ESR line decreases so strongly that the magnetic resonance becomes unobservable. As long as the resonant field at 60 GHz was about B~2 T, the ESR was probing phase boundary between paramagnetic (P) phase and spin polarized (ferromagnetic, FM) 1.5 - LMM model - Dyson model (T2/TD=5) 1.4 phase [4]. 1.3 The result of the ESR line shape analysis is shown in Fig. 1. In the whole temperature 1/2 1.2 (R) absolute calibration and line 4.2K 1.1 10K 1.0 0.9 30K 0.8 50K 0.7 range studied the experimental R(B ) curve may be adequately described in the model of localized magnetic 1 2 3 4 B (T) Fig. 1. Magnetic resonance in MnSi. moments (solid lines in fig. 1). Moreover the approximation of the R(B ) data within Dyson model does not meet the experimental case if noticeable spin diffusion (T2/TD>1) is supposed (see dashed lines in fig. 1). More details of the calculation schema can be found in [1,2]. 15 The comparison of the M0 and Mosc that static and magnetization coincide in the diapason T >20 K (fig. 2). At the same time, a systematic discrepancy 0.4 dynamic (although 0.3 M (B/Mn) shows 0.2 - M0 - Mosc 0.1 comparable with the experimental error) 0 10 20 30 between M0 and Mosc is observed for T<20 K, where condition M0>Mosc holds. 40 50 60 T (K) Fig. 2. Static and dynamic magnetization in MnSi. The possible presence of the low T (K) temperature anomaly is supported by 0 temperature dependence of the g-factor equals g 2.06 and is 20 30 40 50 60 a) g-factor (fig. 3,a). While for T >15 K the g-factor 10 2.3 2.2 2.1 temperature independent, it starts to increase below T=15 K and reaches the value g ~2.2 for T=4.2 K. Line width (T) 2.0 b) 0.8 0.6 0.4 width W in MnSi first decreases by ~2 times in the range 30<T<60 K, reaches minimum at T =30 K and than starts to increase (fig. 3,b). This non-monotonous dependence had earlier led to the B )/(0) With lowering temperature the line 1.0 1 0.9 2 0.8 4 6 8 0.7 c) 0.6 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 T (K) hypothesis [4] that spin relaxation in MnSi Fig. 3. g-factor (a), line width (b) and may be described by spin fluctuations magnetoristance (c). In the panel (c) digits near curves correspond to magnetic field in Tesla. magnitude SL2 appearing in the Moriya 16 theory of itinerant magnetism [5]. The computed function SL(T )2 is shown in fig. 3,b by solid line; it is visible that theoretical dependence reproduces the amplitude of the W(T ) only in the interval 15<T<60 K. Below T=15 K the line width increases more rapidly than SL(T )2 and for T=4.2 K the observed value of W is ~1.6 times higher than expected from the spin fluctuations model [4]. Interesting, that the presence of two characteristic temperatures suggested by ESR data T~15 K and T~30 K correlates with the results of the magnetotransport measurements. At T~30 K the minimum of magnetoresistance (B)/(0) occur, whereas in the vicinity of T~15 K a shoulder on the (B)/(0) temperature dependence is found (fig. 3,c). The latter feature becomes more pronounced when magnetic field is increased. Summarizing results of this part of the work it is possible to conclude that, firstly, the physical picture of magnetic resonance in MnSi is completely consistent with the ESR on Heisenberg-type localized magnetic moments. This finding contradicts to widely accepted understanding of the magnetic properties of MnSi based on the models of itinerant magnetism and requires new interpretation of the reduction of the magnetic moment at low temperatures in this material. Secondly, the phase boundary between paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases appears to be complicated and may be described by several characteristic temperatures T~15 K and T~30 K. This behavior is not foreseen by existing theories of magnetism of MnSi and requires further clarification. 17 We have carried out measurements of the magnetic resonance in Mn 1-xFexSi solid solutions. This system demonstrate a quantum phase transition at concentration xc~0.13-0.15, for which magnetic ordering temperature Tc turns to zero [6,7]. It is found that helium temperatures may be detected up to x~0.23 (fig. 4). Above this concentration the absorption line becomes Cavity absorption (arb. units) ESR in Mn1-xFexSi at liquid Mn1-xFexSi T =4.2K x=0.05 x=0.15 x=0.23 too broad to be measured with the help of our 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Magnetic field (T) experimental setup. It is worth noting that no Fig. 4. Magnetic resonance in Mn1-xFexSi. magnetic resonance was found in the case of FeSi (x =1). Therefore it is possible to conclude that spin fluctuations in the row MnSi—FeSi should strongly increase, which could be hardly expected in the Moriya theory [5]. Additionally, the observation of the magnetic resonance in the range x >xc may require clearing up the quantum phase transition nature in Mn1-xFexSi. Authors are grateful to S.M. Stishov and A.E. Petrova for helpful discussions and for providing single crystals of MnSi. We would like to thank S.V. Grigoriev for giving us Mn1-xFexSi samples. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (state program ―Scientific and 18 Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia‖) and by the Russian Academy of Sciences (program ―Strongly Correlated Electrons‖). [1] A.V. Semeno et al., Phys. Rev. B, 79, 014423 (2009). [2] S.V. Demishev et al., Phys. Rev. B, 80, 245106 (2009). [3] M. Date et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 42, 1555 (1977). [4] S.V.Demishev et al., JETP Lett. 93, 213 (2011). [5] T. Moriya, Spin fluctuations in itinerant electron magnetism, Springer-Verlag, 1985 [6] Y. Nishihara et al., Phys. Rev. B, 30, 32 (1984). [7] S.V. Grigoriev et al., Phys. Rev. 79, 144417 (2009). 19 Magnetic Properties of MnSi Thin Films Theodore Monchesky1, Eric Karhu1, Samer Kahwaji1, Michael Robertson2, Helmut Fritzsche3, Brian Kirby4 and Charles Majkrzak4 1 Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3J5 2 Department of Physics, Acadia University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B4P 2R6 3 National Research Council Canada, Canadian Beam Centre, Chalk River Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada K0J 1J0 4 Center for Neutron Research, NIST, Gaithersburg Maryland 20899, USA Chiral magnets have recently attracted the interest of the spintronics community since they present novel opportunities to control electron spin. Heterostructures consisting of thin layers of helical magnets and traditional ferromagnetics would enable injection and control of spin-polarized currents into helical magnets. A spin-polarized current flowing in a helical magnetic system is predicted to induce a torque that would produce new kinds of magnetic excitations. We have grown thin crystalline MnSi films on Si(111) by solid epitaxy (SPE) and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). We find that the magnetic structure of the films is modified by a combination of the epitaxial strain, the demagnetizing field and inhomogeneities in the crystal chirality. In the rougher SPE samples, the elastic constants of the film correlate with a reduction in Curie temperature, TC, below a thickness of 10 nm. Films thicker than 10 nm show an enhanced TC that is 50% larger than bulk. Smoother films grown by MBE enabled the observation of helical magnetic order. Polarized neutron reflectometry shows a reduction in the wavelength of the helix, and the presence of both left and right-handed magnetic chiralities. This is supported by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements, which 20 demonstrate that the crystal structure of the films consists of left and right-handed chiral domains that are a few microns in size. Analysis of SQUID measurements show that the exchange stiffness, A, decreases from 1.1 meV nm2 to 0.80 meV nm2 as the thickness increases from 11 nm to 40 nm, as compared to the bulk value, A = 0.52 meV nm2. [1] The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya coefficient therefore drops from 0.62 meV nm to 0.45 meV nm to give rise to the observed constant 14 nm helical wavelength over his range of thicknesses. [1] Y. Ishikawa, G. Shirane, J. A. Tarvin, and M. Kohgi, Phys. Rev. B16, 4956 (1977). 21 Growth by MBE and magnetotransport of epitaxial CoxFe1-xSi thin films. N. A. Porter1, C. H. Marrows1 1 School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, U. K. Although a simple compound formed from two of the most common elements in the Earth's crust, ε-FeSi possesses an unusual insulating, non-magnetic ground state and temperature induced paramagnetism [1]. In the thermally stable B20 structure ε-FeSi is a narrow gap semiconductor with Kondo-like characteristics [2]. Electron doping of bulk material with cobalt produces the isostructural compound ε-CoxFe1-xSi that has a ferromagnetic ground state with a Curie temperature, TC, peaking at x ~ 0.4 with a value of TC ~ 50 K [3]. This state for x < 0.4 is purportedly highly spin polarised which accounts for the unusual positive linear magnetoresistance (LMR) found below TC [3, 4]. More recently, as a consequence of the non-centrosymmetric nature of the B20 phase, the transition metal monosilicides have demonstrated topologically stable magnetic order comprising a skyrmion crystal lattice [5, 6]. The influence of the skyrmion lattice on carrier transport has been reported in MnSi in the form of a topological addition to the Hall effect [7, 8]. Thus far much of the research on these compounds has been concerned with bulk material growth [3, 4, 9] with post etching or milling to produce sub micron material [6]. We have produced phase-pure epitaxial films of ε-CoxFe1-xSi grown by molecular beam epitaxy for x = 0, 0.3, 0.5 on a reconstructed silicon surface. The films range from 20 - 200 nm in thickness and have been patterned into Hall bars with 40 μm width by photolithography and argon ion milling. X-ray diffraction (XRD) has confirmed the purity of the phase and texture of the films an 22 example of which is shown in figure 1. Vibrating sample magnetometry has demonstrated the onset of ferromagnetic behaviour below 50 K for x = 0.3, 0.5 and temperature induced paramagnetism for x = 0. Magnetotransport down to 2 K of doped films has shown unsaturating LMR that is characteristic of this material. Measurements of the Hall effect imply a significant hysteresis in these epilayers that is not observed in bulk but has previously been reported in polycrystalline films produced by pulsed laser annealling [10]. Differences in magnetotransport of polycrystalline and textured films are reported. Quality thin films of -CoxFe1-xSi are necessary for production of devices such that one can experimentally determine the spin polarisation of this important material or manipulate small numbers of skyrmions using spin transfer torque [11]. [1] G. Shirane et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 351 (1987) [2] G. Aeppli and Z. Fisk, Comments Condens. Matter Phys. 16, 155 (1992) [3] N. Manyala et al., Nature 404, 581 (2000) [4] Y. Onose et al., Phys. Rev. B, 72, 224431 (2005) [5] S. Mühlbauer et al., Science, 323, 915 (2009) [6] X. Z. Yu et al., Nature, 465, 901 (2010) [7] Lee et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 186601 (2009) [8] A. Neubauer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 186602 (2009) [9] M. K. Forthaus et al. Phys. Rev. B, 83, 085101 (2011) [10] N. Manyala et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, 232503 (2009) [11] F. Jonietz, et al., Science 330, 1648 (2010) 23 Figure 1 – XRD of a 50 nm FeSi film grown by MBE. Figure 2 – Transport of x = 0.3, 20 nm thick film at 0 and 8 T. LMR below 100 K suggests a possible high spin polarisation. 24 The skyrmion matters Ulrich K. Rößler IFW Dresden, P.O.B. 270116, D-01171 Dresden, Germany. Existence of chiral skyrmions in magnetism was predicted and investigated theoretically by Bogdanov, starting in 1989 [1]. At that time, these nonlinear localized configurations of a magnetic order-parameter field have been called ‗vortices‘, the term ‗skyrmion‘ was introduced in this context only in 2002 [2]. The break-through by Japanese researchers in direct microscopic observations of such states in nano-layers of magnetic B20 metals (Fe,Co)Si and FeGe [3] leave little doubt that chiral Skyrmions can exist in magnetic materials [4]. The elementary mechanism stabilizing these states has been worked out in the earlier theoretical work of Bogdanov and co-workers [1,5,6]. The mechanism explains these recent experiments including the reason for their thermodynamic stability [4]. The chiral two-dimensional skyrmion spin-configuration can be realized in noncentro-symmetric magnets with a fixed azimuthal angle that depends on the crystal symmetry. These magnetic configurations have the distinctive features of 25 topological solitons. The field configuration is both topologically and physically stable, i.e. chiral Skyrmions have a smooth defect-free core and a definite diameter fixed by the materials parameters. In Dzyaloshinskii‘s seminal work on non-centroysmmetric magnets and their inhomogeneous magnetic states, only one-dimensionally magnetic spiral states had been identified [7]. Bogdanov‘s major achievement is the recognition that the field equations of Dzyaloshinskii‘s theory allows true solitonic solutions that destroy the homogeneity of magnetic states. Helices as one-dimensional modulations in Dzyaloshinskii‘s theory are also only successions of localized domain-walls, i.e., helical kinks. Existence of such localized states, and the mechanism of phase transformations by their nucleation as fixed (infinite size) mesoscale object are ruling principles of all continuum systems described by an energy including Lifshitz invariants [7,8,9]. Therefore, and more impressively, the magnetic state built up from Skyrmions decomposes into an assembly of molecular units. Depending on small energy differences owing to additional effects, different extended textures with variable arrangements of the Skyrmion cores may arise, just as in a molecular crystal. In three-dimensional magnets (3D), hence, in any magnetic crystal with Lifshitz invariants in the magnetic free energy, the skyrmions form tubular string-like solitonic objects with a fixed diameter and a stable core structure. Thermodynamic stability of skyrmionic condensed phases relative to helices can become favourable in cubic chiral helimagnets near the magnetic ordering transitions [10] where the magnitude of the order parameter (the local magnetization) becomes inhomogeneous. Here, spin-structures twisted into the localized configuration of the baby-skyrmion have simultaneously strongly varying 26 magnetization density. This picture is now rendered more precisely by a confinement effect of solitons. Near the magnetic ordering transition, when directional and longitudinal degrees of freedom start to couple [9 and talk by A. Leonov], localized chiral modulations begin to interact in an attractive manner. This confinement is in contrast to the major part of the H-T-phase diagram in chiral magnets where kink modulations and Skyrmions have repulsive soliton-soliton interactions. In this temperature range the condensed phases like helicoids or Skymion lattices are stable due to the negative formation energy of the chiral solitonic units overcoming the repulsion. A transformation of these condensed phases takes place by setting free these units as in a crystal-gas resublimation. Hence, the radius of the isolated Skyrmion diverges at such nucleation transitions [8]. This process has been seen in recent direct microscopic observations of Skyrmions and Skyrmion lattices at low temperatures in nanolayers of B20 metals [3]. Above a definite temperature which we call confinement temperature, below the magnetic ordering temperature T_cf < T_N, the soliton-soliton interactions become oscillatory and attractive for certain separations between solitons. Magnetic states in that temperature region, therefore, display strong longitudinal modulations, clustering behavior of localized states, frustration effects, and the ability to form mesophases [9]. The puzzling magnetic anomalies in chiral helimagnets, like MnSi and other B20 metals near the magnetic ordering transition, must be rooted in this mechanism as it is generic to non-centrosymmetric magnets. In the talk, I will discuss present theoretical understanding of the basic mechanism that has led to the prediction of Skyrmionic matter in non-centrosymmetric magnets in connection with the experimental evidence. At low temperatures (i) the microscopic observations [3] clearly reveal the existence of Skyrmions and 27 condensates of Skyrmions in layers of cubic helimagnets with B20 structure. Indications of Skyrmionic phases exist also in other magnetic materials. (ii) The situation in the confinement region, however, is less clear in spite of a wealth of experimental results. In the temperature region near magnetic ordering, the solitonic nature of all chiral modulations and the inherent frustration of their couplings induce a novel and very complex type of magnetic ordering [9,10]. Along the way, I will discuss some controversial points in the debate, such as the so-called triple-q structure of Skyrmion condensed phases, inconsistence of claims about existence and the sign of the topological charges of Skyrmion lattices in the A-phase region of B20 metals, and the distinction between magnetic bubbles domains and Skyrmions [11]. [1] A. N. Bogdanov, D. A. Yablonsky, Sov. Phys. JETP 68, 101 (1989). [2] A. N. Bogdanov, U. K. Rößler, M. Wolf, and K.-H. Müller, Phys. Rev. B 66, 214410 (2002). [3] X. Z. Yu, Y. Onose, N. Kanazawa, J.H. Park, J.H. Han, Y. Matsui, N. Nagaosa, Y. Tokura, Nature 465, 901 (2010). [4] U.K. Rößler, A. A. Leonov, A. N. Bogdanov, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. in press (2011) [arXiv:1009.4849]. [5] A. Bogdanov and A. Hubert, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 138, 255 (1994). [6] A. B. Butenko, A.A. Leonov, U.K. Rößler, A.N. Bogdanov, Phys. Rev. B 83, 052403 (2010). [7] I. E. Dzyaloshinskii, Sov. Phys. JETP 19, 960 (1964). [8] P.G. de Gennes, Fluctuations, Instabilities, and Phase transitions, ed. T. Riste, NATO ASI Ser. B, vol. 2 (Plenum, New York, 1975). [9] A. A. Leonov, U.K. R, arXiv:1001.1992, unpublished, 2010. [10] U.K. Rößler, A. N. Bogdanov, C. Pfleiderer, Nature 442, 797 (2006). [11] N.S. Kiselev, A. N. Bogdanov, R. Schäfer, U.K. Rößler, arXiv:1102.2726. 28 Precursor Phenomena at the Magnetic Ordering of the cubic Helimagnet FeGe Heribert Wilhelm1, Michael Baenitz2, Marcus Schmidt2, Sergey Grigoriev3, Evgeny Moskvin3, Vadim Dyadkin3, Helmut Eckerlebe4, Andrey A.Leonov5, Alex N. Bogdanov5, and Ulrich K.Rößler5 1 Diamond Light Source Ltd., Chilton, Didcot, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom 2 MPI CPfS, Noethnitzer Str. 40, 01187 Dresden 3 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Saint-Petersburg, 188300, Russia 4 GKSS Forschungszentrum, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany 5 IFW Dresden, P.O. Box 270116, D-01171 Dresden, Germany Cubic FeGe (B20 structure type) shows helical order below Tc=278.3K. Depending on temperature and magnetic field a complex sequence of cross-overs and phase transitions in the vicinity of Tc has been observed in magnetization and acsusceptibility measurements in fields parallel to the [100] direction [1]. In a narrow temperature range below Tc several magnetic phases have been found before the field-polarized state occurs. Of particular interest is the so-called A-phase. It splits in at least two distinct areas, A1 and A2. This has been confirmed by small-angle neutron scattering data. These data also yield a hexagonal scattering pattern, the fingerprint of a Skyrmion lattice, within the A1 and A2 regions. Precursor phenomena found above Tc display a complex succession of temperature-driven cross-overs and phase transitions before the paramagnetic phase is reached at T 0. The low-field state for Tc<T<T0 is probably characterized by some kind of magnetic correlations concluded from nuclear forward scattering data. They revealed that this phase exists up to about 27GPa, although the helical order is already suppressed at 19GPa. No signatures of magnetic order have been observed above 30GPa. Within a phenomenological model for chiral ferromagnets, which 29 includes magnetic anisotropy, Skyrmionic phases and 'confined' chiral modulations were obtained. The observed precursor phenomena are then a general effect related to the confinement of localized Skyrmionic excitations. [1] H. Wilhelm, M. Baenitz, M. Schmidt, U.K.Rößler, A.A.Leonov, and A.N.Bogdanov, arXiv:1101.0674v1 30 A-phase in FeGe in light of neutron scattering E. Moskvin,1 S. Grigoriev,1 S. Maleyev,1 V. Dyadkin,1 H. Wilhelm,2 M. Baenitz,3 M. Schmidt,2 and H. Eckerlebe4 1 2 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Saint-Petersburg, 188300, Russia Diamond Light Source Ltd, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom 3 Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, 01187 Dresden, Germany 4 GKSS Forschungszentrum, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany Small angle polarized neutron scattering was used to study the magnetic structure of the single crystal of the cubic polymorph of FeGe in the A-phase – a small pocket in the (H,T) phase diagram [1]. The magnetic field was applied either along the scattering vector, H || Q = k'-k – transverse geometry, or along the neutron beam, H || k – longitudinal geometry. The sample orientation was along equivalent directions: [100], [110] and [111]. In the transverse geometry, H || Q, a single Bragg peak corresponding to the spiral with ks = 0.009 Å-1 along [100] appears. When the field increases, at the H ~ 23 mT, the spiral propagation vector, ks, flips perpendicular to H. At H ~ 40 mT ks jumps back. On further field increase, at H ~ 60 ’ 80 mT, depending on temperature, this peak vanishes. Such a behavior occurs only in a small pocket of the (H,T) phase diagram just below Tc = 278.9 K. This pocket is known as the Aphase. It has been found first for isostructural compound MnSi [2]. For longitudinal geometry, H || k, the scattering picture is rather different. Instead of one single peak it contains six peaks. Peak positions correspond to the same ks. Field and temperature values, where this scattering occurs, correspond to the A-phase. Such a scattering picture has first been observed in MnSi [3] and it was interpreted as a fingerprint of skyrmionic texture. We think it is more likely a result of superposition of three spiral modulated structures turned by 120º. 31 This work was performed within the framework of a Federal Special Scientific and Technical Program (Projects No.02.740.11.0874). E. Moskvin, S. Grigoriev S. Maleyev, and V. Dyadkin thank for partial support the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (Grant No 10-02-01205). [1] H. Wilhelm, M. Baenitz, M. Schmidt, U. K. Rößler, A. A. Leonov, and A. N. Bogdanov. Precursor phenomena at the magnetic ordering of the cubic helimagnet FeGe. arXiv:1101.0674v1, (2011). [2] B. Lebech, P. Harris, J. S. Pedersen, K. Mortensen, C. I. Gregory, N. R. Bernhoeft, M. Jermy, and S. A. Brown. Magnetic phase diagram of MnSi. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 140144, 119 (1995). [3] S. Mühlbauer, B. Binz, F. Jonietz, C. Pfleiderer, A. Rosch, A. Neubauer, R. Georgii, and P. Böni. Skyrmion lattice in a chiral magnet. Science, 323, 915 (2009) 32 Theoretical studies on phase diagrams of chiral magnets Andrey A. Leonov, Alexei N. Bogdanov, Ulrich K. Rößler IFW Dresden, Postfach 270116, D-01171 Dresden, Germany In non-centrosymmetric magnetic systems, Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions [1] (DMI) stabilize two-dimensional chiral modulations (Skyrmions) [2,3]. These solitonic states may exist either as localized countable excitations (Fig. 1 (a), inset) or condense into multiply modulated phases - Skyrmion lattices [3-5]. Recently, such Skyrmionic textures have been visualized by Lorentz microscopy in nanolayers of FeGe and Fe0.5Co0.5Si in a broad temperature range far lower the Curie point (Tc) [7]. The experimentally observed helical and Skyrmionic states [7] are in a close agreement with earlier predictions [1,3] and recent theoretical findings on these "low-temperature" chiral modulations [5,11,12]. Near the ordering temperature, however, chiral modulations of cubic helimagnets are characterized by numerous physical anomalies, known as "precursor" and "A-phase" phenomena (see e.g. [6,9,10,13]). During last years precursor and A-phase anomalies have become a subject of intensive investigations [6,11,14] motivated by the expectations to identify Skyrmionic states [4,5,12]. In the present contribution we give a short overview of the chiral helical and Skyrmion states near the ordering temperature [4,5,12]. We describe the unique properties of ‖high-temperature‖ Skyrmions which distinguish them from their ‖low-temperature‖ counterparts. The equilibrium chiral modulations in cubic helimagnets near the ordering temperature have been derived by minimization of the phenomenological magnetic 33 energy [1,8] written in the reduced form [11]: W d 3 x [ grad m m rotm h (n m) am2 m4 f a (m)] 2 (1) Functional (1) includes three internal variables (components of the rescaled magnetization vector m M / M 0 , M 0 k / a2 ) and two control parameters, the magnetic field h H / H 0 ( H 0 kM 0 ) with amplitude h and the "effective" temperature a a1 / k J (T Tc) / k . Here, k D2 / (2 A) is expressed via coefficient A of isotropic exchange (first term in (1)) and D – constant of DMI (second term). a1 and a2 are coefficients of Landau expansion near the ordering temperatures (third and forth terms). The first five terms in the energy functional (1) are the necessary (primary) interactions that are essential to stabilize Skyrmions and helical phases and to describe their properties near magnetic ordering. The last term fa collects short-range anisotropic contributions that are crucial to determine the global minimum of the energy functional (1). Fig. 1. (a) Phase diagram of Skyrmion solutions on the plane (a,h). (b), (c) Solutions for isolated Skyrmions as profiles ( ) and m( ) . ac is Curie ferromagnetic temperature, point B has parameters (aB , hB ) The structure of isolated Skyrmions near the ordering temperature is characterized 34 by the dependence of the polar angle ( ) and modulus m( ) on the radial coordinate (we introduce here spherical coordinates for the magnetization (m, , ) and cylindrical coordinates for the spatial variables ( , , z) ). On the basis of exponential asymptotics ( Δm m m0 exp exp , exp( ) [3], m0 is the magnetization in the homogeneous phase) one can find three distinct regions in the magnetic phase diagram on the plane (a, h) with different character of Skyrmion-Skyrmion interactions (Fig.1 (a)): repulsive interactions between isolated Skyrmions occur in a broad temperature range (area (I)) below the confinement temperature aL. In this region the interactions are characterized by real values of the decay of parameter , the magnetization in such Skyrmions has always ‖right‖ rotation sense. At higher temperatures, a>aL (area (II)), SkyrmionSkyrmion interaction changes to attractive character and has complex values (II); finally, in area (III) near the ordering temperature, aN = 0.25, only strictly confined Skyrmions exist and is purely imaginary. The typical solutions as profiles ( ) , m( ) for isolated Skyrmions in each region are plotted in Fig. 1 (c). Due to the coupling between two order parameters – modulus m and angle – the profiles display antiphased oscillations in the region II (Fig. 1 (c)). The solutions for isolated Skyrmions exist only below a critical line h0(T) (Fig. 1 (a)). As the applied field approaches this line, the magnetization in the Skyrmion center gradually shrinks (Fig. 1 (b)), passes through zero, and the Skyrmion collapses. The coupling of angular and longitudinal order parameters may be so strong, that oscillations in the asymptotics of isolated Skyrmions are not damped. This is the region of confinement (III in Fig. 1 (a), −0.5 < a < 0.25) welldefined from the major part of the magnetic phase diagram with regular modulations by the confinement temperature aL. 35 Fig. 2. (a), (b) -Skyrmion lattices with the magnetization in the center of the lattice cell opposite or along the field; (c) square half-Skyrmion lattice. In the region of confinement Skyrmions exist only as bound states in the form of square half-Skyrmion (Fig. 2 (c)) and ± hexagonal lattices (Fig. 2 (a), (b)). Their properties differ drastically from the ‖low-temperature‖ Skyrmions of the region I (Fig. 1 (a)): (i) Due to the ‖softness‖ of the magnetization modulus the field-driven transformation of the Skyrmion lattices evolves by distortions of the modulus profiles m( ) both in the hexagonal and square Skyrmion lattices [11], while the equilibrium periods of the lattices do not change strongly with increasing applied field. (ii) At zero field with increasing temperature a the modulus m in hexagonal and square lattices gradually decreases to zero at the ordering temperature aN = 0.25. Nevertheless, the lattices retain their symmetry and the arrangement of axisymmetric Skyrmions up to the critical point. This is an instability-type nucleation transition into the paramagnetic phase [11]. (iii) For temperatures aB < a < aN the clusters of Skyrmions are more stable than the isolated Skyrmions. For aL<a < aB the isolated Skyrmions condense into the lattice by a first-order phase transition below the line hc. For higher temperatures a > aB isolated Skyrmions exist as a distinct branch of solutions and disappear in field h0 which is weaker than the field hn where the continuous transition occurs between the lattice and homogeneous state. Therefore, the metastable Skyrmion lattice as the densest 36 infinite cluster is more stable than isolated Skyrmions at high temperatures. The confinement effects of chiral Skyrmions strongly change the picture of the formation and evolution of chiral modulated textures and shed new light on the problem of precursor states observed as blue phases in liquid crystals and in chiral magnets [4, 5, 6, 11,12]. The relative stability of Skyrmion states over one-dimensional modulations depends crucially on other additional effects, such as magnetic anisotropy, dipolar couplings, thermal fluctuations, quenched defects etc. Owing to the formation of mesophases with attractively coupled Skyrmions in the confinement region of the phase diagram one cannot expect a clear hierarchy of magnetic couplings to rule a simple sequence of magnetic phases near magnetic ordering. [1] I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, Sov. Phys. JETP 19, 960 (1964). [2] A.N. Bogdanov and D.A. Yablonsky, Sov. Phys. JETP 68, 101 (1989). [3] A. Bogdanov, A. Hubert, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 138, 255 (1994). [4[ U. K. Rößler et al., Nature 442, 797 (2006). [5] U. K. Rößler et al., arXiv:1009.4849, (2010); [6] C. Pappas et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 197202 (2009); C. Pappas et. al. arXiv:1103.0574v1 (2011), Phys. Rev. B, in press. [7] X.Z.Yu et al., Nature, 465, 901 (2010); Nature Mater. 10, 106 (2011). [8] P. Bak and M. H. Jensen, J. Phys.C: Solid State Phys. 13, L881 (1980). [9] B. Lebech et al., J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 140, 119 (1995). [10] S. Muhlbauer et al., Science, 323, 915 (2009). [11] A. A. Leonov et al., arXiv: 1001.1992v3 (2010). [12] A. B. Butenko et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 052403 (2010). [13] H. Wilhelm et al. arXiv:1101.0674v1 (2011). 37 Spin helices in magnets with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction S.V. Maleyev Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, 188300 Gatchina, St-Petersburg, Russia The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) is responsible for the spin helical structure in different types of materials including cubic B20 metals (MnSi etc), multiferroics (RMn2O3) and two dimensional surface monolayer (Fe on W etc). In all cases the DMI destroys conventional ferro- or antiferrimagnetic structure giving rise to incommensurate helix with period d ~ J/D, where J and D are exchange and DM interactions, respectively. In cases of the multiferroics or the surface monolayers the DMI gives rise to cycloidal order. The DMI mixes spin-waves (SW) with momenta q and q k and gives rise to the spin-wave gap , which appears as a result of the spin-wave interaction in the Hartree-Fock approximation [1]. The magneto-elastic interaction contributes to the gap too. As a result we have Int Me where the second term is 2 2 2 negative one. A competition between these two terms leads to the quantum phase transition under pressure, which is observed in MnSi and FeGe [2]. The classical energy depends on the field component along k only. Perpendicular field component leads to the similar SW mixing along with the SW Bose condensation at q nk , where n=1, 2,…. In the simplest case of B20 magnets due to abovementioned phenomena the spin-wave energy at q k is given by [1,2]: q Ak (q||2 3q4 / 8k 2 2 3H 2 / 8)1/ 2 38 where || and denote components along and perpendicular to k and A is the spinwave stiffness at q k. This strong SW anisotropy leads to infra-red divergences in the 1/S expancion for the energy at H 8 / 3 HC 2 . As a result a conventional umbrella state in the field becomes unstable at H HC1 HC 2 and the helix vector k turns perpendicular to H . This so called A-Phase exists in a narrow field range HC1 H HC 2 and then the umbrella state is restored up to the 2 transition to ferromagnetic state at H C Ak . Really this A-Phase is very narrow and can be observed near TC only, where it becomes broader due to critical slowing down. Rough estimations are in qualitative agreement with experimental data for MnSi [3]. In general case of the helical structure there are tree critical fields H || and two different perpendicular components given rise rather complex magnetic field phase diagram. References [1] S.V.Maleyev, Phys.Rev.,B73 (2006) 174402.. [2] S.V.Maleyev, J. Phys. Condensed Matter 21 (2009) 141001. [3] S.V.Maleyev, ArXiv: 1102.3524. 39 Three-dimensional solitons in incommensurate ferromagnets A B. Borisov, F.N. Rybakov Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg 620990, Russia. In certain magnetic crystals with significant effect of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction the different long-periodic structures can exist [1]. For such structures the periods are incommensurate with crystal-chemical ones. In such materials can also exist planar topological excitations [2,3], including skyrmions and their lattices [4,5,6]. Three-dimensional solitons in these magnetic materials have not been studied before now [7]. According to the Hobart-Derrick (HD) theorem [8,9], stable static 3D solitons do not exists for usual ferromagnets and only dynamical ones are allowed [10,11,12]. It was shown [13] that the energy functional with DM energy term does not fall under the prohibition of the HD theorem. In this work we firstly present three-dimensional static magnetic solitons with finite energy in magnetic crystals and investigate their features and stability. Let us consider the energy functional, which is proposed in [14,13]: E 2 M dr 2 i 2 2 M x M y dr 2 D M M dr H 0 M 0 M z dr (1) Energy includes exchange energy term ( Eexch ), uniaxial magnetic anisotropy energy ( Eanis ), Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya energy ( EDM ) and Zeeman energy in an external magnetic field ( EH ). Magnetization modulus M M 0 is constant at the low temperature. We parametrize the magnetization vector M in terms of the angular variables and , as 40 M M 0 m M 0 (sincos sinsin cos) (2) The energy functional is invariant with respect to simultaneous spatial rotations by an arbitrary angle the spatial coordinates and the magnetization vector, to (3) where is the polar angle of a cylindrical coordinate system (r z) . Thereby, we shall study solitons with an axially symmetric distribution of the polar angle of the magnetization and a vortex structure for the azimuthal angle: (r z) (r z) (4) In models with the three-component unit vector field m (m1 m2 m3 ) , where m2 1 , for localized structures the field m asymptotically approaches the ground state value m0 (0 01) as r . Such fields map the R3 {} space to the twodimensional sphere S 2 and are classified by the homotopy classes 3 (S 2 ) Z and characterized by the integer-valued Hopf index H 1 (8 )2 F A dr (5) where Fi ijk m ( j m k m) and ( A) 2F . The expression for the Hopf index H of the fields (4) simplifies [15]: H 1 4 0 sin ( r z z r )drdz (6) 41 (a) Figure 1. A shape of the calculated static toroidal topological soliton with (b) H 1 . (a) - distribution of magnetization; (b) - contours of the constant values of the polar angle which parameterize the magnetization vector. To determine the structure of three-dimensional solitons, we used advanced algorithm for minimizing energy functional, previously used in [16]. Fig.1 shows a calculated configuration of the field M for Hopf soliton (hopfion) with H 1 . Toroidal surfaces correspond to the constant values of the polar angle: const ( Fig.6 ). The index H , as shown on Fig.2, admits the simple geometric interpretation as the linking number of two preimage closed curves corresponding to an arbitrary pair of points on the S 2 sphere. 42 Figure 2. Two preimages of the points on the perspective. Blue curve correspond to S 2 sphere for calculated hopfion with H 1 , different (11 ) (07 0) , orange curve - to (2 2 ) (01 15 ) . For 3D toroidal solitons (4) was founded an asymtotic behavior formula [7]: Q(r, z ) : (1 + g r 2 + z 2 ) r eg r2 + z2 (| r |® Ґ ), (7) H0 D h l0 M0 2 (8) (r 2 + z 2 )3/ 2 where 1 h (4 2 2 ) l0 The critical value 0 corresponds to the boundary between homogeneous magnetization state and conical phase [14]. Points which are plotted in Fig.3 correspond to positive calculations results for hopfions ( H 1 ) and for H 0 solitons. It turned out that all the solitons which were found are stable with respect to scaling perturbations [7], but any criteria for the rigorous stability of 3D solitons of the model (1) has not been found yet. 43 Figure 3. Phase diagram and results of the numerical calculations. Each circle corresponds to a successful computational cycle, i.e., to establishing the existence of a soliton and determining its structure. [1] Yu. A. Izyumov, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 144, 439 (1984) [Sov. Phys. Usp. 27, 845 (1984)]. [2] A. B. Borisov, V. V. Kiselev, Physica D. 31, 49 (1988). [3] A. B. Borisov, V. V. Kiselev, Physica D. 111, 96 (1998). [4] A. N. Bogdanov, D. A. Yablonsky, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 95, 178 (1989) [JETP 68, 101 (1989)]. [5] A. Bogdanov, A. Hubert, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 186, 527 (1994). [6] U.K. Roessler, A.N. Bogdanov, C. Pfleiderer, Nature 442, 797 (2006). [7] A. B. Borisov, F. N. Rybakov, Low Temp. Phys. 36, 766 (2010). [8] R. H. Hobart, Proc. Phys. Soc. 82, 201 (1963). [9] G. M. Derrick, J. Math. Phys 5, 1252 (1964). [10] A. M. Kosevich, B. A. Ivanov and A. S. Kovalev, Phys. Rep. 194, 117 (1990). [11] N. R. Cooper, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1554 (1999). [12] A. B. Borisov, F. N. Rybakov, Pisma v Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 90, 593 (2009) [JETP Lett. 90, 544 (2009)]. [13] A. Bogdanov, Pisma v Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 62, 231 (1995) [JETP Lett. 62, 247 (1995)]. [14] V. G. Bar‘yakhtar, E. P. Stefanovsky, Fiz. Tverd. Tela 11, 1946 (1969) [Sov. Phys. Solid State 11, 1566 (1970)] [15] A. Kundu and Y. P. Rybakov, J. Phys. A 15, 269 (1982). [16] A. B. Borisov, F. N. Rybakov, Pisma v Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 88, 303 (2008) [JETP Lett. 88, 264 (2008)]. 44 Structure and Magnetic Phase Diagram of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Spiral Magnet Ba2CuGe2O7 S. Mühlbauer1, S. Gvasaliya1, E. Pomjakushina2, A. Zheludev1 1 2 Institute for Solid State Physics, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland Laboratory for Developments and Methods, Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, Villigen, Switzerland. We have used neutron diffraction and measurements of the susceptibility in canted fields to re-investigate the magnetic phase diagram of the tetragonal antiferromagnetic (AF) insulator Ba2CuGe2O7. Below a transition temperature of TN = 3.2 K, non-centrosymmetric Ba2CuGe2O7 exhibits an incommensurate, almost AF cycloidal magnetic structure, caused by the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction. For a magnetic field applied along the tetragonal c-axis the almost cycloidal spin structure distorts to a soliton lattice [1,2]. For increasing field the distance between solitons increases until an incommensurate/commensurate phase transition is observed at Hc = 2.4 T. An extended intermediate phase of prior unknown origin observed close to the transition field [3,4], has been indentified as new phase with an AF cone structure. The AF cone is characteristic of a 2k structure: (i) A large AF commensurate component is aligned perpendicular to the magnetic field. (ii) A small, incommensurate, rotating component of the spins is oriented perpendicular to the commensurate component. The AF cone phase was only found to be stable for the magnetic field applied almost parallel to the c-axis. For a large misalignment of the magnetic field a smooth crossover to a distorted soliton phase was observed instead. [1] A. Zheludev et al., Phys. Rev. B, 56, 14006 (1997) [2] A. Zheludev et al., Phys. Rev. B, 59, 11432 (1999) [3] A. Zheludev et al., Phys. Rev. B, 57, 2968 (1998) [4] A. N. Bogdanov and A. A. Shestakov, Low Temp. Phys., 25, 76, (1999) 45 Neutron Scattering Activities on Multiferroic Systems - Neutron Diffraction Experiments on Hexaferrites K. Kakurai1, S. Wakimoto1, S. Ishiwata2, D. Okuyama3, M. Nishi4, Y. Tokunaga5, Y. Kaneko5, T. Arima6, Y. Taguchi3 and Y. Tokura2,3,5 1 Quantum Beam Science Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan 2 Department of Applied Physics and Quantum-Phase Electronics Center (QPEC), University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan. 3 Cross-Correlated Materials Research Group (CMRG) and Correlated Electron Research Group (CERG), RIKEN, Advanced Science Institute, Wako, 351-0198, Japan 4 Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba, 2778581, Japan 5 Multiferroics Project, ERATO, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan 6 Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, Sendai 9808577, Japan The discovery of magnetoelectric (ME) effects caused by a cycloidal spin order has initiated an intense research on new class of ME materials [1]. Among them one interesting class of materials is the hexaferrites such as Y-type (A2Me2Fe12O22: Me=transition metal) , M-type (AFe12O19: A=Pb, Ca, Sr, Ba, etc.), where types of elementary blocks and their stacking order are different [2]. These materials show a variety of complex magnetic ordering. In this contribution we report recent neutron diffraction experiments on multiferroic hexaferrites performed at the JRR-3 Neutron Science Facility of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) located in Tokai. The spins in Ba2Mg2Fe12O22 are known to be ferrimagnetically ordered with large magnetic moment and the smaller moments in two kinds of alternating block layers containing Fe ions. Neutron diffraction studies revealed the collinear-spin ferrimagnetic structure below 553K and proper screw below 195K in zero 46 magnetic field [3]. Recent magnetization measurements have indicated a transition to a longitudinal conical spin state below about 50K, where the magnetic field induced ferroelectric polarization is observed up to a field of 4 Tesla. Beyond this field value the system becomes paraelectric [4]. We report extensive neutron diffraction experiments to clarify the magnetic structures in the field induced ferroelectric phases. By using the polarized neutron diffraction technique, we have demonstrated that the ferroelectric phase with the largest electric polarization P with k0 =(0,0,3/2) has a transverse conical spin structure. The spin-current model does qualitatively describe the field dependence of the observed P and the disappearance of P in the collinear ferrimagnetic phase above 4 T. Thus the foundation of the magnetization-electric polarization coupling principle in the conical magnet has been firmly established using polarized neutron scattering experiments [5]. To realize high-Tc multiferroics a search for a hexaferrite system with a conical magnetic structure at higher temperatures, even at room temperature (RT), was undertaken. We report magnetization and neutron diffraction measurements on Mtype barium hexaferrites revealing that by tuning the Sc concentration the longitudinal conical state is stabilized up to above RT. Magnetoelectric measurements have shown that a transverse magnetic field can induce electric polarization at lower temperatures and that the spin helicity is non-volatile and endurable up to near the conical magnetic transition temperature. Thus the M-type barium hexaferrites with optimized Fe-site substitution is confirmed to be promising candidates of multiferroic materials for the RT operation [6]. 47 Acknowledgments This work was in part supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientic Research on Priority Areas ‖Novel States of Matter Induced by Frustration‖ (Grant Nos. 19052004 and 20046017) from the MEXT, Japan and by Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology (FIRST Program) from JSPS. References [1] T. Kimura, T. Goto, H. Shintani, K. Ishizaka, T. Arima, Y. Tokura, Nature 426, 55 (2003). [2] J. Smit and H. P. J. Wijn, Ferrites (Philips Technical Library, Eindhoven, 1959), p. 177-190. [3] N. Momozawa, Y. Yamaguchi, and M. Mita, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 55, 1350 (1986). [4] S. Ishiwata, Y. Taguchi, H. Murakawa, Y. Onose and Y. Tokura, Science 319, 1643 (2008). [5] S. Ishiwata, D. Okuyama, K. Kakurai, M. Nishi, Y. Taguchi and Y. Tokura, Phys. Rev. B 81, 174418 (2010). [6] Y. Tokunaga, Y. Kaneko, D. Okuyama, S. Ishiwata, T. Arima, S. Wakimoto, K. Kakurai, Y. Taguchi, and Y. Tokura, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 257201 (2010). 48 Spin transfer torque in a chiral helimagnet A.S. Ovchinnikov1, J. Kishine2, I.V. Proskurin1 1 2 Ural State University, 620083 Ekaterinburg, Russia Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu 804-8550, Japan. We derive a current-driven sliding conductivity of the magnetic kink crystal (MKC) in chiral helimagnet under weak magnetic field applied perpendicular to the helical axis. For this purpose, we discuss the correlated dynamics of quantummechanical itinerant spins and the MKC which are coupled via the sd exchange interaction [1,2]. The itinerant spins are treated as fully quantum-mechanical operators whereas the dynamics of the MKC is considered within classical Lagrangian formalism. By appropriately treating elementary excitations around the MKC state, we construct coupled equations of motion for the collective coordinates (the center-of-mass position and quasi-zero-mode coordinate) associated with the sliding motion of the MKC. By solving them, we demonstrate that the correlated dynamics is understood through a hierarchy of two time scales: Boltzmann relaxation time τel, when a nonadiabatic spin-transfer torque appears, and Gilbert damping time τMKC, when adiabatic spin-transfer torque comes up. As a notable consequence, we found that the terminal velocity of the sliding motion reverses its sign depending on the band-filling ratio of the conduction electron system. [1] J. Kishine, A.S. Ovchinnikov, Phys. Rev. B 81, 134405 (2010). [2] J. Kishine, A.S. Ovchinnikov, I.V. Proskurin, Phys. Rev. B 82, 064407 (2010). 49 Magnetic chirality and electric polarization in multiferroic YMn2O5 S. Wakimoto1, H. Kimura2, M. Fukunaga2, Y. Sakamoto2, K. Kakurai1, Y. Noda2 1 QuBS, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan 2 IMRAM, Tohoku University, Katahira, Sendai, Japan. 1. Introduction RMn2O5 (R = rare earth, Y, Bi) shows generally magnetic phase transition from paramagnetic phase to commensurate antiferromagnetic phase (CM phase) at ~40K, and exhibits concomitantly spontaneous electric polarization. Then at lower temperature (< 20K) system transforms into incommensurate antiferromagnetic phase (LT-ICM phase) in which the electric polarization is reduced as weak ferroelectric phase[1]. In addition, in the LT-ICM phase, a wide variety of magneto-electric (ME) effect has been reported[2,3,4]. As the origin of the magnetic-driven electric polarization in the RMn2O5 system, two models have been proposed; one is the inverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya mechanism[5] expressed by P ∝ Si × Sj, and the other is the exchange striction model[6] expressed by P ∝ Si ∙Sj. The crystal structure of RMn2O5 contains chains of Mn4+O6 octahedra, which is connected by Mn3+O5 pyramids. The Mn4+ spins forms cycloid structure[7] which contribute to the inverse DM mechanism. On the other hand, magnetic exchange along Mn4+-Mn3+ chains contributes to the exchange striction mechanism. Distinguishing these two mechanisms is important to understand the ME effects in this system. 2. Experiment 50 As motivated above, we have prepared YMn4+(Mn1-xGax)3+O5 where non-magnetic Ga3+ ions dilute Mn3+ spins. should weaken mechanism. the This doping exchange striction The T-x phase diagram of YMn4+(Mn1-xGax)3+O5 is shown in Fig.1. Note that the YMn2O5 system, as temperature decreases, transforms firstly into a high temperature incommensurate antiferroFig.1. T-x phase diagram. magnetic (HT-ICM) phase which is paraelectric. For x < 0.12, the system still exhibits phase transitions in the order of HT-ICM, CM and LT-ICM phases on cooling, whereas for x > 0.12 the system transforms from HT-ICM to LT-ICM directly. We have used single crystals of YMn4+(Mn1-xGax)3+O5 with x = 0.047 and 0.12 to measure the relation between the spin chirality and the electric polarization by polarized neutron diffraction. Polarized neutron experiments were done at the TAS-1 spectrometer installed at the JRR-3 reactor in JAEA, Tokai. We kept the incident neutron unpolarized and analyzed the polarization of the diffracted neutrons by a Heusler analyzer with a spin flipper in front of the analyzer. A guide field around the sample was kept parallel to the momentum transfer Q by a Helmholtz coil. With this configuration, the difference in the intensities between the spin-flip and non-spin-flip channels is a direct measure of the spin chirality Si × Sj 3. Results and discussion 51 Fig.2. Electric polarization (upper pannels) and spin chiralirty (lower pannels) as a function of temperature. Solid line and filled symbols are data taken with electric field of +1kV applied on the sequence of field cooling (FC) shown at the top of each figure, while dashed line and open symbols are taken with -1kV. I, II, and III corresponds to the HT-ICM, CM, and LT-ICM phases, respectively. Figure 2 summarizes the electric polarization (P) and spin chirality in various cooling conditions. For the data of the x = 0.12 sample with field cooling (FC) indicate that P appears concomitantly with the spin chirality. For the x = 0.047 sample, we performed measurements under two conditions: one is to pole the sample in the CM phase (Fig. 2 (b)), while the other is to pole the sample in the LT-ICM phase (Fig. 2 (c)). It is remarkable that in Fig. 2 (b) the sign of P changes on crossing the CM-LTICM transition, whereas the sign of spin chirality does not. This implies that the mechanisms of magnetically-driven ferroelectricity in the CM and LT-ICM phases are different. On the other hand, in Fig. 2 (c), temperature dependences are rather similar to those of Fig. 2 (a). These results can be accounted for by assuming that the Si ∙Sj mechanism is dominant in the CM phase and the Si × Sj mechanism is dominant in the LT-ICM phase. When poling the x = 0.047 sample at the CM phase, one aligns the Si ∙Sj poling domains. However, this Si ∙Sj domain has Si × Sj which potentially gives 52 opposite polarization. Since this domain information is preserved on crossing the CM-LTICM phase transition in zero-field, the sign of P changes as shown in Fig. 2 (b). The Si × Sj mechanism requires the cycloid structure of spins. In this case, the polarization direction can be controlled by the direction of cycloid surface, which should be favorable to the ME effect. Probably this is the reason why a wide variety of ME effect is observed in the LT-ICM phase of RMn2O5. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Y. Noda, H. Kimura, M. Fukunaga, S. Kobayashi, I. Kagomiya, and K. Kohn, J. Phys.: Condes. Matter 20, 434206 (2008). H. Hur, S. Park, P.A. Sharma, J.S. Ahn, S. Guha, and S-W. Cheong, Nature (London) 426, 55 (2003). D. Higashiyama, S. Miyasaka, and Y. Tokura, Phys. Rev. B 72, 064421 (2005). M. Fukunaga, Y. Sakamoto, H. Kimura, Y. Noda, N. Abe, K. Taniguchi, T. Arima, S. Wakimoto, M. Takeda, K. Kakurai, and K. Kohn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 077204 (2009). H. Katsura, N. Nagaosa, and A.V. Balatsky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 057205 (2005). L. C. Chapon, P. G. Radaelli, G. R. Blake, S. Park, and S.-W. Cheong. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 097601 (2006). H. Kimura, S. Kobayashi, Y. Fukuda, T. Osawa, Y. Kamada, Y. Noda, I. Kagomiya, and K. Kohn, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 76, 074706 (2007). 53 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction at the interfaces of the Rare-Earth multilayer System D. Lott1, S. V. Gigoriev2, Yu. O. Chetverikov2, E. V. Tartakovskaya3, A. T. D. Grünwald1, R. C. C. Ward4, A. Schreyer1 . Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany. 2 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, 188300 Gatchina, St-Petersburg, Russia 3 Institute for Magnetism of National Ukrainian Academy of Science, 03142 Kiev, Ukraine 4 Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University, South Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3PU, United Kingdom 1 The observation of non-collinear magnetic structures in magnetic multilayer structures (MML) can be the result of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction induced by the broken symmetry at the interfaces between magnetic and nonmagnetic layers, as it was theoretically predicted in [1,2]. The DM interaction, similar to the biquadratic exchange coupling, promotes the non-collinear arrangement of the spin planes in the MMLs. In favour of the DM interaction, if it is present in the system, is the fact that the spin arrangement in MML possesses a certain chirality. In MMLs with ferromagnetic intra-layer coupling, however, it is in general difficult to detect and study the chirality since the range of interaction for the DM is usually only present for very few atomic layers from the interfaces which does not allow to establish a clear spiral structure. MMLs with spiral arrangements of the spins inside the magnetic layers (Dy, Ho, etc.) on the other hand are prime candidates to study this effect since the DM interaction causes, directly or indirectly, an imbalance of the population for either handedness [3]. Our previous measurements [8] with polarized neutrons have demonstrated that Dy/Y MML structures posses a coherent helical spin structure over many bilayers with a predominant chirality induced by the in-plane applied magnetic field. It is therefore suggested that the interplay of the RKKY and the Zeeman interactions helped to reveal the anti-symmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction since the 54 observed chirality is a fingerprint of the DM interaction resulting from the lack of the symmetry inversion at the interfaces [1,4]. Furthermore we have studied the conditions when the interplay between RKKY and Zeemann interactions in the Dy/Y MMLs leads to a considerable change of their chirality. The variation of the interactions was achieved by either changing the thicknesses of the Y layers or the Dy layers resulting in a drastic modification of the strength of the RKKY interaction or the Zeeman interaction, respectively. We demonstrated by means of polarized neutron scattering that the chirality of the helix induced by the in-plane applied magnetic field upon cooling depends on the value of the RKKY versus Zeemann interactions [5]. These results indicate that the DM interaction play an important role in the magnetic behavior of these Dy/Y multilayer structures. [1] A.N. Bogdanov, U.K. Rossler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 037203 (2001). [2] A. Crepieux, C. Lacroix, J.Magn.Magn.Mat. 182, 341 (1998). [3] S.V.Grigoriev, Yu.O. Chetverikov, D.Lott, A. Schreyer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 197203 (2008) [4] I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, Zh. Exp. Teor. Fiz. 46, 1420 (1964) [Sov.Phys. JETP 19, 960 (1964)]. [5] S.V.Grigoriev, D. Lott, Yu. O. Chetverikov, A. T. D. Grünwald, R. C. C. Ward, and A. Schreyer, Phys. Rev. B 82, 195432 (2010) 55 Spin Spiral States in Low-dimensional Magnets Studied by Low-Temperature Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy R. Wiesendanger, K. von Bergmann, A. Kubetzka, S. Meckler, M. Menzel, and O. Pietzsch Institute of Applied Physics, University of Hamburg, D-20355 Hamburg, Germany [email protected], Magnetism in low-dimensions is a fascinating topic: Even in apparently simple systems – such as homoatomic monolayers – the nearest neighbor distance, the symmetry and the hybridization with the substrate can play a crucial role for the magnetic properties. This may lead to a variety of magnetic structures, from the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic state to much more complex spin structures. Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (SP-STM) [1] combines magnetic sensitivity with high lateral resolution and therefore grants access to such complex magnetic order with unit cells on the nanometer scale. Different previously inconceivable magnetic structures are observed in pseudomorphic homoatomic 3d monolayers on late 5d transition metal substrates. As shown previously for the Mn monolayer on W(110) [2] the broken inversion symmetry due to the presence of the surface can induce the formation of spin spirals where the spin rotates from one atom to the next resulting in a nanometer sized magnetic period. The driving force for the canting of adjacent magnetic moments leading to such magnetic states is the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction and a unique rotational sense is found. To investigate whether the DM interaction is generally to be considered when studying thin film magnetism we looked at other sample systems. Cr monolayers also grow pseudomorphically on W(110). The spin-resolved images show stripes very similar to the ones observed 56 in [2] indicating local antiferromagetic order. The stripes observed in large-scale images show a modulation along the [001] direction. We interpret this observation as a spin spiral propagating along the [001] direction. Though ab-initio calculations are lacking for this system this indicates that again we have a cycloidal spin spiral with unique rotational sense due to the DM interaction. The propagation direction is perpendicular to that observed for the Mn monolayer which indicates a different easy magnetization axis for this system [3]. To study the influence of the symmetry of the atomic lattice on spin spiral states we investigated the pseudomorphic Mn monolayer on W(001) which has a four-fold symmetry. We again observe a spin spiral in spin-resolved measurements which has atoms with magnetization components in the surface plane. On larger sized images one can see a labyrinth pattern due to spin spirals propagating along the two equivalent [110] directions of the surface. This gives rise to four spots in the Fourier transform. Note that in addition to the magnetic signal we obtain atomic resolution for this sample system, which has proven to be very difficult for other systems studied so far. Ab-initio calculations have confirmed that the spin spirals have a unique rotational sense due to the DM interaction [4]. The spin spirals of Mn monolayers on W(110) [2] and W(001) [4] are homogeneous, i.e. the angle between any two neighboring magnetic moments is constant along the propagation direction. In contrast, the magnetic pattern of the Fe double layer (DL) on W(110) consists of a regular sequence of out-of-plane magnetized domains separated by domain walls [5–7]. The average distance between two walls amounts to about 20 nm. The pattern shows a unique sense of rotation and can also be described as a spin spiral propagating along the [001] 57 direction. In contrast to the spirals described in Refs. [2, 4] the spin canting does not occur at a fixed angle in this case, but is smaller in the domains and larger in the domain walls, the spiral thus being highly inhomogeneous. As for the spin spirals in the Mn monolayers on W(110) and W(001), the rotational sense of the spiral in the Fe DL on W(110) could not be measured so far because in the respective SP-STM experiments the azimuthal component of the tip magnetization was unknown. For the same reason it remained an open question whether the spiral is helical or cycloidal, i.e whether the domain walls are of Bloch- or Néel-type. Starting from phenomenological Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya vectors [8] Monte-Carlo simulations showed that the unique rotational sense can be explained as a consequence of DMI [9]. By density functional theory combined with micromagnetic calculations the DM vector was determined from first principles [10]. Two domains of opposite magnetization induced in this system by appropriate boundary conditions were shown to be separated by right-rotating, in contrast to left-rotating, Néel-type domain walls extending along the [110] axis. It has been shown that the type of spin spiral and its sense of rotation can be measured directly by SP-STM experiments performed in a triple axes vector magnet. The spin spiral in the Fe DL on W(110) is determined to be a rightrotating inhomogeneous cycloid. The non-collinear ground state is a consequence of interplaying Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and dipolar energy contributions [11]. In this case, the SP-STM experiments were performed under ultra-high vacuum conditions at T = 4.7 K in the magnetic field of a superconducting triple axes magnet [12]. Using this magnet to align the tip magnetization it is possible to do SP-STM experiments with the tip magnetization direction being well defined. An 58 external magnetic field was applied along different in-plane directions to align the tip magnetization accordingly. The magnetic field B = 150 mT was chosen such that it is weak enough not to affect the magnetic structure of the sample but strong enough for the alignment of the tip magnetization. The experimental results obtained allow the conclusion of a right-rotating cycloidal spin spiral propagating along the [001] axis. In summary, the sense of rotation of a spin spiral, which so far had to be extracted from theoretical calculations, was for the first time determined directly from a SP-STM experiment in a triple axes vector magnet. By reducing the dimensionality of the system from quasi-2D to quasi-1D, the DM interaction becomes even more important. As an example, we will show spin spiral states in biatomic Fe chains grown on Ir(001) substrates and discuss the role of the DM interaction for the observation of complex spin states in atomic magnetic wires. In particular, we will show the advantage of using SP-STM for directly revealing non-collinear spin states in atomic magnetic wires which has not been possible by other competing techniques, such as spin excitation spectroscopy [13]. 59 References [1] R. Wiesendanger, Rev. Mod. Phys. 81, 1495 (2009). [2] M. Bode, M. Heide, K. von Bergmann, P. Ferriani, S. Heinze, G. Bihlmayer, A. Kubetzka, O. Pietzsch, S. Blügel and R. Wiesendanger, Nature 447, 190 (2007). [3] B. Santos, J. M. Puerta, J. I. Cerda, R. Stumpf, K. von Bergmann, R. Wiesendanger, M. Bode, K. F. McCarty, and J. de la Figuera, New J. Phys. 10, 13005 (2008). [4] P. Ferriani, K. von Bergmann, E.Y. Vedmedenko, S. Heinze, M. Bode, M. Heide, G. Bihlmayer, S. Blügel, and R. Wiesendanger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 027201 (2008). [5] M. Bode, O. Pietzsch, A. Kubetzka, S. Heinze, and R. Wiesendanger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2142 (2001). [6] A. Kubetzka, M. Bode, O. Pietzsch, and R. Wiesendanger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 057201 (2002). [7] A. Kubetzka, O. Pietzsch, M. Bode, and R. Wiesendanger, Phys. Rev. B 67, 020401(R) (2003). [8] I. E. Dzyaloshinskii, Sov. Phys. JETP 5, 1259 (1957); T. Moriya, Phys. Rev. 120, 91 (1960). [9] E. Y. Vedmedenko, L. Udvardi, P. Weinberger, and R. Wiesendanger, Phys. Rev. B 75, 104431 (2007). [10] M. Heide, G. Bihlmayer, and S. Blügel, Phys. Rev. B 78, 140403 (2008). [11] S. Meckler, N. Mikuszeit, A. Preßler, E. Y. Vedmedenko, O. Pietzsch, and R. Wiesendanger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 157201 (2009). [12] S. Meckler, M. Gyamfi, O. Pietzsch, and R. Wiesendanger, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 023708 (2008). [13] C. F. Hirjibehedin, C. P. Lutz, and A. J. Heinrich, Science 312, 1021 (2006). 60 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya driven spinstructures in ultrathin magnetic films and chains Stefan Blügel Peter Grünberg Institut (PGI) and Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH and JARA, D-52425 Jülich, Germany. The surface and interface is distinguished from ordinary bulk physics by the presence of spin-orbit interaction in a structure inversion asymmetric environment, which gives rise to the well-known Rashba effect [1,2], or an unconventional scattering at magnetic and non-magnetic impurities [3] that leads to chiral spin textures and homochiral magnetic structures [4-6], which had been overlooked in the past. These magnetic structures bear similarities with cycloidal spirals found in multiferroic materials and exhibit a very rich magnetic phase diagram [7]. I focus in my talk on the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction caused by spin-polarized electrons in the structure inversion asymmetric environment of Cr, Mn, Fe metal films on W substrates. We found that due to the large spin-orbit interaction of the W substrate the Dzyaloshinskii interaction exceeds a critical strength and competes with the exchange interaction and causes homochiral magnetic structures. Even if the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is not strong enough to create new ground states, we show that it can be still visible in the formation of domain walls [6] or dynamical quantities such as magnons. The investigation is extended to one dimensional systems such as magnetic metallic chains at step edges. The work calculations have been carried out with the FLEUR code [8] extended to treat noncollinear magnetic structures in the presence of spin-orbit interaction [9]. 61 Homochiral magnetic order in a one-atomic layer thick film of Mn atoms on a W(110) surface. The local magnetic moments at Mn atoms shown as red and green arrows are aligned antiferromagnetically between nearestneighbor atoms. Superimposed is a spiral pattern of unirotational direction. The top picture shows a left-rotating cycloidal spiral, which was found in nature. The bottom picture shows the mirror image, a right rotating spiral, which does exist [4]. Acknowledgement: In part, this work was carried out in collaboration with Gustav Bihlmayer, Paolo Ferriani, Marcus Heide, Stefan Heinze, Samir Lounis, Benedikt Schweflinghaus, Bernd Zimmermann from the theory side and Matthias Bode, Andre Kubetzka, Kirsten von Bergmann, Matthias Menzel of the Wiesendanger group from the experimental side. 62 [1] Yu. M. Koroteev, G. Bihlmayer, J. E. Gayone, E. V. Chulkov, S. Blügel, P. M. Echenique, and Ph. Hofmann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 046403 (2004). [2] T. Hirahara, T. Nagao, I. Matsuda G. Bihlmayer, E.V. Chulkov, Yu.M. Koroteev, P.M. Echenique, M. Saito, and S. Hasegawa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 146803 (2006). [3] J.I. Pascual, G. Bihlmayer, Yu. M. Koroteev, H.-P. Rust, G. Ceballos, M. Hansmann, K. Horn, E. V. Chulkov, S. Blügel, P. M. Echenique, and Ph. Hofmann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 196802 (2004). [4] M. Bode, M. Heide, K. von Bergmann, S. Heinze, G. Bihlmayer, A. Kubetzka, O. Pietzsch, S. Blügel, R. Wiesendanger, Nature 447, 190 (2007). [5] P. Ferriani, K. von Bergmann, E.Y. Vedmedenko, S. Heinze, M. Bode, M. Heide, G. Bihlmayer, A. Kubetzka, S. Blügel, R. Wiesendanger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 027201 (2008). [6] M. Heide, G. Bihlmayer, and S. Blügel, Phys. Rev. B 78, 140403 (R) (2008). [7] M. Heide, G. Bihlmayer, and S. Blügel, Physica B 404, 2678 (2009). [8] For the description of the code see [9] M. Heide, G. Bihlmayer, and S. Blügel, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 11, 1 (2011). 63 Spontaneous atomic-scale magnetic skyrmion lattice in an ultra-thin film: real-space observation and theoretical foundation Stefan Heinze Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany Skyrmions are topologically protected field configurations with particle-like properties that play an important role in various fields of science. They have been predicted to exist also in bulk magnets and in recent experiments it was shown that they can be induced by a magnetic field. A key ingredient for their occurrence is the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) which was found to be strong also in ultrathin magnetic films on substrates with large spin-orbit coupling [1]. In these systems the DMI stabilizes spin-spirals with a unique rotational sense propagating along one direction of the surface [1,2]. Here, we go a step beyond and present an atomic-scale skyrmion lattice as the magnetic ground state of a hexagonal Fe monolayer on Ir(111). We develop a spin-model based on density functional theory that explains the interplay of Heisenberg exchange, DMI and the four-spin exchange as the microscopic origin of this intriguing magnetic state. Experiments using spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy confirm the skyrmion lattice which is incommensurate with the underlying atomic lattice. [1] M. Bode et al., Nature 447, 190 (2007). [2] P. Ferriani et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 027201 (2008). 64 Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction: How to Measure Its Sign in Weak Ferromagnets? Vladimir E. Dmitrienko1, Elena N. Ovchinnikova2, Jun Kokubun3, Kohtaro Ishida3 1 2 A.V. Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Moscow, 119333 Russia Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia 3 Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Chiba 278-8510, Japan. It is shown that diffraction on antiferromagnetic crystals with weak ferromagnetism can be used for experimental determination of the sign of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) and its relation with the sign of the local chirality of crystal structure. In this type of crystals, the canting of atomic moments can be considered as a result of alternating right-hand and left-hand rotations of moments in accordance with alternating local chirality inside the crystal unit cell. Three different experimental techniques sensitive to the DMI sign are discussed: neutron diffraction, Mössbauer γ-ray diffraction, and magnetic (resonant or non-resonant) x-ray scattering. In particular, it is demonstrated that the DMI sign can be directly extracted from interference between magnetic X-ray scattering, sensitive to the phase of antiferromagnetic order, and charge scattering, sensitive to the crystal structure. Classical examples of hematite (α-Fe2O3) and FeBO3 crystals are considered in detail (see [1] for preliminary consideration). This interference distorts strongly the azimuthal dependence of forbidden reflections and was recently observed in hematite [2]. However, the results of [2] cannot be directly used for the sign determination because the orientation of the weak ferromagnetic moment was indefinite in that work. The application of external magnetic field, fixing the orientation of the weak ferromagnetic moment and (owing to the DMI) fixing the phase of antiferromagnetic order relative to crystal structure, is crucial for these 65 experiments. The expected details of azimuthal dependence were simulated using FDMNES codes [3] for x-ray scattering amplitude the near absorption edges of magnetic atoms. We hope that the DMI sign of FeBO3 will be measured in July at XMAS beamline in Grenoble. Results for a more complicated case of the DMI in crystals of La2CuO4 type will be also presented. Two other possible techniques, neutron diffraction and Mössbauer γ-ray diffraction, sensitive to the DMI sign, are discussed in comparison with magnetic x-ray scattering. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 10-02-00768) and by the Program of Fundamental Studies of Prezidium of Russian Academy of Sciences (project 21). [1] V.E. Dmitrienko, E.N. Ovtchinnikova, J. Kokubun, K. Ishida, JETP Lett. 92, 383 (2010). [2] J. Kokubun, A. Watanabe, M. Uehara, Y. Ninomiya, H. Sawai, N. Momozawa, K. Ishida, V.E. Dmitrienko, Phys. Rev. B 78 115112 (2008). [3] Y. Joly, Phys. Rev. B 63 125120 (2001); FDMNES codes can be found at 66 Coupling of the spin and lattice modulations in CaCuxMn7-xO12 W. Sławiński 1, R. Przeniosło 1, I. Sosnowska 1, and M. Bieringer 2 1 Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Warsaw, 69 Hoża Str, 00-681 Warsaw, Poland 2 Department of Chemistry, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, R3T 2N2, Canada The mixed manganese oxide CaMn7O12 is a multiferroic material [1] with a distorted perovskite structure [2]. The crystal structure [3] and the magnetic ordering [4] of CaMn7O12 have been studied by using high resolution SR diffraction and high resolution neutron diffraction. These diffraction studies show a modulation of the atomic positions in CaMn7O12 at temperatures below 250K and magnetic structure modulation below TN = 90K [5,6]. The modulation of atomic positions has been described by using a quantitative model with a propagation vector (0,0,qp) [5,6]. The modulation of the magnetic structure is described with a propagation vector (0,0,qm). The present neutron diffraction studies of CaCuxMn7−xO12 (x = 0.0 and 0.1) confirm the quantitative model describing the atomic position modulations in as derived from [5]. Neutron diffraction studies confirm the relation between the atomic position modulation length Lp and the magnetic modulation length Lm = 2Lp between 50 K and the Neel temperature TN. CaCuxMn7−xO12 (x = 0.1 and 0.23) shows a magnetic phase transition near 50 K associated with considerable changes of the magnetic modulation length and the magnetic coherence length, similar to that observed in the parent CaMn7O12. The temperature dependence of the modulation vectors qp and qm is shown in Fig. 1. 67 Fig. 1 Temperature dependence of the magnetic modulation vector length q m for CaCuxMn7−xO12 (x = 0.0 (open circles), 0.1 (gray circles) and 0.23 (black circles)) measured on neutron diffractometer D20 (ILL). Two additional points show qm values obtained on neutron diffractometer D2B for CaMn7O12 (crosses). The temperature dependence of atomic position modulation vector qp for CaCuxMn7−xO12 (x = 0.0 (open triangles) and 0.1 (gray triangles)) measured by synchrotron radiation diffractometer ID31 (ESRF) and for x = 0.0 (asterisk) measured with neutron diffractometer D2B. References [1] M. Sánchez-Andújar, S. Yáñez-Vilar, N. Biskup, S. Castro-García, J. Mira, J. Rivas, M. Señarís-Rodríguez, ―Magnetoelectric behaviour in the complex CaMn7O12 perovskite‖, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 321 (2009) 1739-1742. [2] B. Bochu, J. L. Buevoz, ―Bond lengths in [CaMn3][Mn4]O12 ―A new Jahn-Teller distortion of Mn3+ octahedral‖, Solid State Communications 36(2) (1980) 133–138. [3] W. Sławinski, R. Przeniosło, I. Sosnowska, M. Bieringer, I. Margiolaki, A. N. Fitch, E. Suard, „Phase coexistence in CaCuxMn7−xO12 solid solutions‖ Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179(8) (2006) 2443–2451. [4] R. Przeniosło, I. Sosnowska, D. Hohlwein, T. Hauß, I. O. Troyanchuk, „Magnetic ordering in the manganese perovskite CaMn7O12‖, Solid State Communications 111(12) (1999) 687–692. [5] W. Sławiński, R. Przeniosło, I. Sosnowska, M. Bieringer, I. Margiolaki, E. Suard, ―Modulation of atomic positions in CaCuxMn7-xO12 (x ≤ 0.1)‖ Acta Crystallogr. B65 (2009) 535-542. [6] W. Sławiński, R. Przeniosło, I. Sosnowska, M. Bieringer, „Structural and magnetic modulations in CaCuxMn7−xO12‖ J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22 (2010) 186001-6. 68 Antichiral multiferroic YMnO3 V. Plakhty1, Yu. Chernenkov1, J. Kulda2, S. Gvasaliya3, B. Roessli4, M. Janoschek5 1 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, St-Petersburg, Russia 2 Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France 3 Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland 4 Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland 5 Technische Universitat Munchen, Garching, Germany The ferroelectric YMnO3 (TC = 913 K) has the P63cm symmetry, and its spontaneous polarization is along z axis. A triangular ordering of the Mn3+ spins in the (001) planes occurs at TN = 72.3 K. YMnO3 differs from the other triangular antiferromagnets by the opposite chirality (C) of the spins in the planes at z = 0 and at z = 1/2. Therefore, the chirality of the unit cell is equal to zero as has been found in our experiment performed on IN20 at ILL. In this sense one may consider YMnO3 as a member of the new class of antichiral magnets. The chiral fluctuations should exist, since the exchange interaction between the layers is very weak. However, its behavior has been never studied either theoretically or experimentally before our experiments at PSI on the three axis neutron spectrometer TASP. A chiral scattering given by the difference of the intensity of scattered neutrons with opposite polarization, along +z and –z, that coincides with the chirality vector C, has been definitely observed above the Néel temperature at the energy transfer ~ 0.1 meV. However, materials, like YMnO3, order magnetically while being in the ferroelectric state. It is known that a coupling between the ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic order takes place in YMnO3 near the Néel temperature, i.e. YMnO3 behaves as a two-order-parameter compound. Our experiment proves that YMnO3 is antichiral multiferroic. 69 Structure and spin chirality in B20 structures V.A. Dyadkin1, S.V. Grigoriev1, E.V. Moskvin1, S.V. Maleyev1, D. Menzel2, D. Chernyshov3, V. Dmitriev3, H. Eckerlebe4 1 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia, [email protected] 2 Institut fuer Physik der Kondensierten Materie, TU Braunschweig, Germany 3 Swiss-Norwegian Beamlines at the ESRF, Grenoble, France 4 Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Geesthacht, Germany The crystallographic and magnetic chirality of the B20 (space group P2 13) solid solutions Fe1-xCoxSi and pure MnSi grown by the Czochralski method has been studied. To measure the spin chirality γ we use small angle scattering of polarized neutrons and determine it as P0γ = (I+–I-)/(I+ + I-), (1) where I+ and I- are the intensities of scattered neutrons with the incident polarization P0 along and opposite to the guiding magnetic field measured at the same point of Fourier space [1]. We show that the magnetic chirality is unequivocally connected with the crystallographic handedness which is by-turn defined as the chirality of the silicon sublattice [2]. To define the crystallographic chirality we measure the absolute structure by the single crystal diffraction of the synchrotron radiation taking into account the Flack parameter x [3]. The possibility to determine presence of inversion twins of the chiral system is based on the breaking of the Friedel's law: having the wave length close to the absorption border the chiral system produces the difference of intensities of opposite Bragg peaks 0 ≠ I(h k l) – I(-h -k -l) = (1-2x)[|F(h k l)|2 – |F(-h -k -l)|2] (2) Here F is the scattering amplitude. The responsible term for the intensity difference is the imaginary contribution into the scattering amplitude: 70 F(Q) = Σ(fj + ifj'') exp(iQr) (3) The measured x close to zero shows that the structure is chiral and it is correctly determined. If x is in-between 0.3 and 0.7 than the system with an inversion centre in the system or it is a racemic mixture of chiral objects. If x is close to 1 then the structure must be inverted. In our experiments x was equal 0.00(6) which together with low R factors (R1 = 1.8%, wR = 4.3%) confirm that the absolute structure has been defined correctly. Having samples of Fe1-xCoxSi with well defined chirality, we use them as left handed and right handed seeds to grow three series of Fe1-xCoxSi compounds of different concentration and two series of pure MnSi samples. In 90% cases the grown sample has been found to be enantiopure and to inherit the crystallographic chirality of its seed crystal. In 10% cases undefined circumstances flip the chirality over for the next progeny or produce a racemic sample. The spin chirality of these systems has been found to be congruent to the crystallographic handedness for MnSi and flipped for Fe1-xCoxSi that implies different signs of the DzyaloshinskiiMoriya interaction constituting the helix structure in these two systems [2]. [1] S.V. Maleyev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 (1995) 4682. [2] S.V. Grigoriev, D. Chernyshov, V.A. Dyadkin et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (2009) 037204. [3] H.D. Flack, Acta Cryst. 39 (1983) 876. 71 Can parity non-conserving weak Interaction affects crystal chirality? Maleyev S.V Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, 188300 Gatchina, St-Petersburg, Russia It is generally accepted that two enantiomers have exactly equal energy density. Hence they should have equal population in nature. It is a result of the parity conservation of the nuclear and electro-magnetic interactions. However, the weak Interaction breaks this conservation law and leads to very weak energy splitting of the two enantiomers. This effect gives rise heavy atoms optical activity and chiral contribution to the Van der Waals Interaction of order of 1013 1014 eV [1]. It may be shown that this energy splitting holds for the Ion pairs with different symmetry axes only, for example for MnSi and CsCuCl3. This very small quantity may be important just below the first order transition temperature Tf where volume of the critical seed is proportional to τ3 = (1 - T/Tf)3. For sufficiently small τ the chiral part of the seed energy may be of order of T and the transition would occur into single chiral state. [1] O.L. Zizimov and I.B.Khriplovich, Sov.Phys.JETP 82, 1026 (1982) 72 Chirality of polycrystalline MnSi: polarized SANS study N.M. Potapova,1 S. V. Grigoriev, 1 V. A. Dyadkin,1 D. Menzel,2 E. V. Moskvin,1 H. Eckerlebe,3 S. V. Maleyev 1 1 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, 188300 St-Petersburg, Russia. 2 Technische Universitat Braunschweig, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany. 3 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany. E-mail: [email protected]. The X-ray and polarized neutron diffraction are used to determine the crystal handedness and magnetic chirality of the series of high-purity MnSi single crystals and mixed compounds crystals of Mn1-xFexSi and Fe1-xCoxSi grown by Czochralski methods [1,2]. We demonstrate that (i) the magnetic chirality of all Mn1-xFexSi crystals follows its crystallographic counterpart [1], (ii) the opposite coupling between the crystal handedness and the spin chirality has been found for Fe 1-xCoxSi compounds [2]. Knowing the rigid coupling between the structural handedness and magnetic chirality we used the polarized neutron diffraction to indirectly determine the average handedness of six different polycrystalline samples of MnSi with large number of crystallites (100 crystals per cm3). These six large MnSi polycrystalline samples were left over after the Czochralski single crystal growth process. The samples were prepared as the stoichiometric mixture of Mn and Si which was molten in the argon atmosphere (pressure was about 2.5 bars) by the tri-arc method. The seed crystal with the defined chirality (see Table Ошибка! Источник ссылки не найден.) was submerged into the melt and a new single crystal was pulled out by the Czochralski technique. After the new single crystal was taken out from the liquid, the temperature was abruptly decreased and the 73 liquid has crystallized. Such obtained MnSi polycrystal, which was a rest round lump with the diameter about 10 mm within the crucible, had been used for the measurements. The average chirality of these polycrystals deviates unexpectedly high from zero. This high deviation of the chirality can be explained under the assumption that these polycrystals consist of rather large monocrystalline domains. The surface photograph of the MnSi, shown in Fig. 1, has confirmed that the polycrystals contain grains with the size of about 2×2×2 mm. We have summed up the average values of the chirality for all samples and have obtained the value of overall = -0.09 0.02. We note that this error bars are based on the neutron statistics. This indeed allows one to measure the chirality of all six samples with acceptable accuracy. The estimated number of crystallites inside all six samples is roughly 6×100=600 and the statistical error is of the order of 0.04. Thus, this net chirality is maybe related to the yet poor statistics in the numbers of the left or right crystallites inside the polycrystals. Fig. 1. Photograph of the surface of the MnSi polycrystal. 74 [1] S. V. Grigoriev, D. Chernyshov, V. A. Dyadkin, V. Dmitriev, S. V. Maleyev, E. V. Moskvin, D. Lamago, Th. Wolf, D. Menzel, J. Schoenes, and H. Eckerlebe, Phys. Rev. B, 2010 81, 012408. [2] S. V. Grigoriev, D. Chernyshov, V. A. Dyadkin, V. Dmitriev, S. V. Maleyev, E. V. Moskvin, D. Menzel, J. Schoenes, and H. Eckerlebe, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2009, 102, 037204. 75 Name Organization Email Stishov Sergei Institute for High Pressure Physics Moscow, Russia Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Gatchina, Saint-Petersburg, Russia HPPI RAN, Troitsk, Russia A.M.Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS Moscow, Russia Dalhousie University Physics and Atmospheric Science Halifax, Canada University of Leeds Condensed Matter, School of Physics and Astronomy Leeds, England IFW Dressden Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics Dresden, Germany Diamond Light Source Ltd. Chilton, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom PNPI RAS NRD Gatchina, Russian Federation IFW Dresden Dresden, Germany PNPI Theoretical dep Gatchina, Saint-Petersburg Russian Federation Institute of Metal Physics, RAS Laboratory of Theory of Nonlinear Phenomena Yekaterinburg, Russia ETH Zürich Institute for Solid State Physics Zürich, Switzerland [email protected] Grigoriev Sergey Tsvyashchenko Anatoly Demishev Sergey Monchesky Theodore Porter Nicholas Rößler Ulrich K. Wilhelm Heribert Moskvin Evgeny Leonov Andriy Maleyev Sergey RYBAKOV PHILIPP Mühlbauer Sebastian [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] i [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 76 Kakurai Kazuhisa Ovchinnikov Alexander Wakimoto Shuichi Lott Dieter Wiesendanger Roland Blügel Stefan Heinze Stefan Dmitrienko Vladimir E. Slawinski Wojciech Chernenkov Yury Dyadkin Vadim Chetverikov Yury Potapova Nadezhda Grigoryeva Natalia Kobylyanskaya Ekaterina Chumakov Andrey Japan Atomic Energy Agency Quantum Beam Science Directorate Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan Ural State University Ekaterinburg, Russia Japan Atomic Energy Agency Quantum Beam Science Directorate Tokai Japan Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht WPN Geesthacht, Germany University of Hamburg Dept. of Physics Hamburg, Germany Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Jülich, Germany University of Kiel Kiel, Germany Institute of crystallography Theoretical Department Moscow, Russia University of Warsaw Faculty of Physics Warsaw, Poland PNPI NRD Gatchina, Russia PNPI Gatchina, Russia PNPI DCMI Gatchina, Russia PNPI Gatchina, Russia Saint-Petersburg State University Faculty of Physics Saint-Petersburg, Russia PNPI Gatchina, Russia PNPI RAS OIKS ONI Gatchina, Russia [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 77 Dyadkina Ekaterina Chernyshov Dmitry Moskvin Alexander Popova Svetlana Sizanov Alexey Syromyatnikov Arseny Tarnavich Vladislav Ivashevskaya Svetlana CAMPO Javier Przenioslo Radoslaw Bogdanov Alexei Piyadov Vasya Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Neutron Research Department Gatchina, Russia SNBL at ESRF Grenoble, Franse Ural State University Department of Theoretical Physics Ekaterinburg, Russia The Ufa State Technological University chair The Technological Machines and equipment Ufa, Russia PNPI Theory Division Saint-Petersburg, Russia PNPI Gatchina, Russia Voronezh state technical university Voronezh, Russia Karelian Research Centre RAS Institute of Geology Petrozavodsk, Russia Spanish Research Council Phys Condens Matter Zaragoza, Spain University of Warsaw Faculty of Physics Warsaw, Poland IFW-Dresden Dresden Germany PNPI RAS Gatchina Russia [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 78
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