FMA-80 Fluorescence Mercury Analyzer MILESTONE w w w. m i l e s t o n e s r l . c o m H E L P I N G C H E M I S T S The new Milestone FMA-80 The mercury problem A wide range of mercury analyzers Milestone offers a wide range of mercury analyzers. The DMA-80 and the DMA-1 are direct mercury analyzers, which are based on the principles of sample thermal decomposition, mercury amalgamation and atomic absorption detection. With over 1300 units installed in 80 different Countries worldwide, the DMA series is the most successful direct mercury analyzer in the market. The new FMA-80 represents the latest addition to our portfolio, and it is based on an innovative and unique combination of CV-AFS, Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy, and CV-AAS, Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy technologies. Mercury is recognized as a chemical of global concern due to its long-range transport in the atmosphere, its persistence in the environment, its ability to bio-accumulate in ecosystems and its significant negative effect on human health. Mercury comes from a range of natural sources such as volcanoes, soils, undersea vents, mercury-rich geological zones and forest fires, as well as from fresh water lakes, rivers and the oceans. However, human activity has increased the amount of mercury in the environment in several ways, including through a variety of combustion and industrial processes like coal-fired power generation, metal mining and smelting and waste incineration. DMA-80 DMA-1 FMA-80 advantages FMA-80 The FMA-80 detects mercury contents in solutions by atomic fluorescence (AFS). Mercury is converted to its gaseous state by reduction of the dissolved cation with SnCl2 and separated from the solution. The gaseous mercury is then carried by an argon gas flow to the fluorescence or absorption measuring cells. AFS is the technology of choice for trace mercury detection, because of its inherent linear range of measurement and excellent detection limits. This technique differs from the more conventional AAS technique in that it is more sensitive, more selective, and is linear over a wide range of concentrations. However, any molecular species present in the carrier gas will quench the fluorescence signal and for this reason, the AFS technique is most commonly used with an inert carrier gas such as argon. AFS has better linearity and more stable baseline than AAS. • • • • • • • High sensitivity Wide dynamic range High sample throughput Fast analysis time Full automation Flexibility Easy maintenance AAS instead works better for more complex matrices, as it suffers less from interferences. The FMA-80 is a very flexible working platform as it can be chosen in different configurations: AFS only or combination of AFS and AAS, depending on your application. Major Applications are: drinking water, surface water, ground water, waste water. Food: cereals, flour, fish, meat, baby food, sugar, etc. Environmental samples: sediments, soil, waste water, ashes, sludge, etc. Chemicals: oil products, resins, glues, plastics, solvents, etc. Minerals, geological samples: ores, metals, alloys, coal, etc. The FMA-80 is fully compliant to the following standard methods: EPA 245.1, EPA 245.2, EPA 245.5, EPA 245.7, EPA 1631, EN 1483, EN 12338, EN 13806 and ISO 17852. FMA-80 main components Auto-sampler »» Built-in »» 36 or 89 positions »» Dosing volume from 0,2 to 50 mL Autosampler Reduction section Reduction section »» Gas valve »» Reaction mixing block »» Gas liquid separation »» High sensitivity »» Small death volume »» Short purge time »» Easy maintenance »» Gas purification system Peristaltic pump »» Single unit for reagent, rinsing solution and waste »» Pump time from 5 to 250 seconds »» Extremely precise and reproducible »» Variable speed pump »» Up to 30% of maximum speed for sample volume up 1 mL »» Up to maximum speed for sample volume of 1 to 50 mL Detector Mercury inlet Measuring cell Atomic fluorescence spectrophotometer Atomic fluorescence spectrophotometer CV-AFS takes advantage of the unique characteristic of mercury that allows vapor measurement at room temperature. Free mercury atoms in a carrier gas are excited by a ultraviolet light source at 253,65 nm. The excited atoms re-radiate their absorbed energy (fluoresce) at this same wavelength and are detected using a photomultiplier tube. Advantages of the use of a small cell: »» High atoms concentration »» High fluorescence light yield »» Lower detection limit and noise level FMA-80 user interface The FMA-80 is operated via a compact control terminal with easy-to-read, bright, full-color, touch screen display or by a Windows-based computer. The terminal is provided with multiple USB and RS-232 ports for direct printouts of methods and runs. The terminal runs Milestone’s EasyCONTROL software, providing simple and intuitive, but extremely flexible and powerful control over the analytical process. All parameters (method profiles, absorbance signals, results, and calibrations) are saved. They can be viewed, transferred using a USB pen drive or integrated to LIMS. EasyCONTROL software includes the unique AutoBLANK feature. If, following the analysis of a sample with very high mercury content, the pre-set blank level is exceeded; EasyCONTROL will automatically run blank cycles until the pre-set blank level is achieved. EasyCONTROL software is fully compliant with FDA regulations 21 CFR Part 11. 0,08 1,00 Emission EasyCONTROL allows the operator to designate certain samples as reference, or QC samples. Once a sample is designated as a reference, a known concentration value is entered. If the analysis of that sample yields a concentration outside the acceptable range specified by the operator, EasyCONTROL can be pre-set to either continue, stop, or pause the analysis of the remaining samples. 1,20 + Emission Absorbance 0,06 0,80 CV-AFS 0,04 0,60 + 0,40 0,02 0,20 CV-AAS + + 0,00 0,00 0,20 0,40 Hg [ng] 0,60 0,80 Calibration for low range 0-10 ppb 3 9 12 4 8 12 16 20 CV-AFS at 10 ppt is 100 times more sensitive than CV-AAS. CVAFS peak well defined thanks to gold amalgamator. the blank value cycles until 0.01ng If Hg [ng] is below FMA-80 analytical performance Afte 3 cycles After maximum Continue AutoBLANK feature 0,60 If Hg [ng] is above 1.0ng the blank value cycles until the blank value cycles until 3 cycles After maximum Continue 0,10 0,20 0,00 0,10 0 0,50 10 15 Out of range Auto Blank SampleOut of range measurement Auto Blank 1,00 1,00 0,60 0,80 Emission 0,80 0,40 3 cycles Sample measurement 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,20 0,00 5 10 Continue 0 Time 1,00 5 Continue Auto Blank 2 10ppt 50% 15 5 10 Time 1ppb Auto Blank 1 0 Emission 0,30 0,40 Reduce sample to 0,20 0,30 After maximum Emission Emission of measurement Out of range Auto Blank 0 15 2 0,60 0,40 0,20 Continue Continue 0,40 Continue 0,00 3 cycles Time 1ppb Auto Blank 1 0,60 Auto Blank1ppb 2 Automatic repeat 10ppt Auto Blank 1 0,50 0,50 Automatic reduction of sample volume Automatic blank 3 0,20Reduce sample to cycles 50% 3 cycles After maximum Automatic repeat of measurement 0,30 0,10After maximum 0.01ng If Hg [ng] is below 0,80 After maximum 1.0ng Hg [ng] is above If Hg [ng] isIfbelow 0.01ng 0,60 0,60 Emission Automatic blank value cycle 1,00 Emission AutoBLANK is an important feature to avoid analytical issue between a high and low mercury content sample. It is possible select the number of cycles and amount of mercury. After 1 ppb and two automatic blanks, the FMA-80 is capable of detecting 10 ppt without any significant carry over effect. value cycle An important feature of the FMA-80 software is the automatic reduction 1.0ng If Hg [ng] is above of sample volume: from out range to sample measurement. the blank value cycles until No need of auto-dilution module. If Hg is below It is possible to [ng] select the percent0.01ng of sample volume and number of cycles. 3 cycles After maximum 1ppb Automatic repeat 0,50 of measurementAuto Blank 1 Auto Blank 2 0,40 10ppt Reduce sample to 50% Automatic blank value cycle 4 0 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 Time 4 6 8 Time 10 12 14 16 0 Accuracy Precision Certified Material Replicates Certified Value (µg/Kg) Found Value (µg/Kg) Sample type Replicates Average + SD (ng/L) RSD (%) Serum L-1 10 0.73 ± 0.1 0.68 ± 0.02 Drinking water 10 4.21 ± 0.1 2.51 Nist 1568 10 5.8 ± 0.55 5.95 ± 0.207 Ground water 10 4.62 ± 0.11 2.38 Dorm-4 10 410 ± 55 430 ± 21 Surface water 10 11.7 ± 0.3 2.16 Nist 2709 10 1400 ± 80 1446 ± 33 ppt 10 5.5 5.0 4.5 0 Long term stability at 5 ng/L ppt 10 20 5.5 5.0 4.5 11.0 10.0 9.0 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Average(ng/L): 5.19 SD(ng/L): 0.13 n: 50 ppt RDS(%): 2.6 20 n Short term stability at 10 ng/L ppt 0 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 n 0 1 Average(ng/L):10.50 SD(ng/L): 0.09 n: 5 RDS(%): 0.86 2 3 4 5 n Milestone FMA-80 Application fields Major Applications are: drinking water, surface water, ground water, waste water. Food: cereals, flour, fish, meat, baby food, sugar, etc. Environmental samples: sediments, soil, waste water, ashes, sludge, etc. Chemicals: oil products, resins, glues, plastics, solvents, etc. Minerals, geological samples: ores, metals, alloys, coal, etc. MILESTONE H E L P I N G C H E M I S T S UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008 CERTIFIED MILESTONE Srl Via Fatebenefratelli, 1/5 - 24010 Sorisole (BG) - Italy Tel: +39 035 573857 - Fax: +39 035 575498 - email: [email protected] MILESTONE INC. 25 Controls Drive - Shelton, CT 06484 - USA Tel: (203) 925-4240 - Toll-free: (866) 995-5100 - Fax: (203) 925-4241 - email: [email protected] The FMA-80 is fully compliant with the following standard methods: EPA 245.1, EPA 245.2, EPA 245.5, EPA 245.7, EPA 1631, EN 1483, EN 12338, EN 13806, ISO 17852. MLS GmbH Auenweg 37 D-88299 Leutkirch im Allgau - Germany Tel: +49 (0)7561 9818-0 - Fax: +49 (0)7561 9818-12 - email: [email protected] In Your Country: CAT345EN-001 Standard methods compliance MILESTONE GENERAL K.K. KSP, 3-2-1, Sakado - Takatsu-Ku, Kawasaki 213-0012 - Japan Tel: +81 (0)44 850 3811 - Fax: +81 (0)44 819 3036 - email: [email protected]
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