Supplemental content for:
Sample Home Exercise Program
Exercises for
flexibility and strength
Perform each exercise
five times a day for the
first week and then
increase gradually to 10
1. Knee bending
Sit on the floor or firm surface. Keep your foot flat and
bend your knee as far as you can until you feel a slight pull
or tension. Hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds.
Breathe normally and relax. Then straighten out your leg
completely and rest in that position for 10 to 30 seconds
before repeating.
2. Knee straightening
Sit on a firm surface with a rolled towel under your knee. If
you feel a pull behind your knee or it is difficult to straighten your knee, lean back slightly to lessen the tension at
the back of your knee. Start by tightening up the muscles
on the front of your thigh, pushing the back of your knee
into the rolled towel and at the same time, raising you
heel slightly up off the surface. Hold for a count of 10.
Once you can do this 10 times comfortably, begin to lift
your knee up off the towel, raising your straight leg up in
the air. Hold for a count of five and relax. It is important to
make sure you get your knee completely straight before
you raise your leg.
3. Knee and hip strengthening
Lean up against a wall with your feet shoulder width apart
and heels about 12 to 14 inches from the wall. Place a
sturdy chair close by or stand close to a counter or table
for support. Slowly slide down the wall, bending your
knees slightly. It is not necessary to bend your knees very
much at first. Never bend them so far that you feel pain or
more than 90 degrees. Hold this lowered position for 10
seconds and then slide back up the wall. Rest and repeat.
Endurance activity
Combine these three exercises done daily with a walking or stationary bicycle program on most days
of the week. Start walking or cycling for five to 10 minutes at a moderate speed. Walk on flat, even
ground and cycle without resistance at 50 to 70 rpm. Your goal can be three 10-minute sessions to
accumulate 30 minutes of activity or to exercise continually for 30 minutes. As you get more
endurance and strength, add some hills or resistance to your program. Walk or cycle at a speed that is
no more than moderate intensity. (Moderate intensity means that you can carry on a conversation
while exercising, your breathing is deeper and a bit faster, you start to feel warm, and you might begin
to sweat after 10 minutes.).
MAY 2008
Treating inflammation with PRICE -
Promoting Health Through Exercise
immediately after injury and for 3-5 days afterwards
Tissue injury usually involves damage to small blood vessels that results in
bleeding at the site of injury. This bleeding leads to the five main signs of
inflammation: heat, redness, swelling, pain and loss of function. The inflammatory reaction is necessary as it is part of the natural healing process. However the
body tends to overreact to sudden traumatic injury and as a result more
inflammatory fluid accumulates than is necessary for healing. This fluid contains
a protein that turns into replacement ‘scar’ tissue. Too much scar tissue may
prevent the structure returning to normal function with reduced flexibility and
increased risk of re-injury. The advice below should be followed for 3-5 days
depending on severity. It can be remembered by the acronym PRICE.
PROTECT - Protect the injured tissue from undue stress that may disrupt
the healing process and/or cause further injury. Make sure the mode of
protection can accommodate swelling.
REST - This reduces the energy requirements of the area, avoids any
unnecessary increase in blood flow, ensures protection of the area and
optimises healing. For example using slings, crutches or static rest (ie.
sitting or lying down).
ICE - The ice helps constrict the blood vessels thereby limiting bleeding
and reducing the accumulation of unnecessary scar tissue. Crushed ice
wrapped in a damp towel (to prevent ice burn) is best (ice cubes can be
wrapped in the cloth and smashed against a wall to crush the cubes).
Ice should be applied immediately after injury for 20 minutes every 3-4
hours or no more than 5-10 minutes at a time on bony areas.
COMPRESSION - Simple off-the-shelf compression bandages such as
Tubigrip™ and adjustable neoprene supports are adequate. It is important to ensure the bandages are not too tight to cause pins and needles
or any loss of feeling around the joint.
ELEVATION - Lowers the blood pressure and helps limit bleeding and
encourage drainage of fluid through the lymphatic system.
When following PRICE it is also important to avoid HARM, hence the saying:
‘Give PRICE and avoid HARM’.
H – Heat (eg. hot bath,
A – Alcohol
R – Running
M - Massage
these are counterproductive to PRICE
Exercises for osteoarthritis of the knee
back of patella
with OA
Lipping of bone
(osteophyte or ‘spur’)
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease of the
joint cartilage associated with secondary
changes in the underlying bone which may
cause pain and compromise the function of
the affected joint. OA is the result of aging
and general wear and tear.
Exercise is important in order to maintain a
full range of movement at the knee,
improve strength and preserve joint
function. Be careful not to over-exercise as
this may cause increased pain. Controlled
rehabilitation exercises have been proven
to increase leg muscle strength and
decrease disability without increasing pain
in patients with OA of the knee.
SportEX Medicine magazine
The Organisation of Chartered
Physiotherapists in Private Practice
General Osteopathic Council
The Sports Massage Association
The Osteopathic Sports Care
Your rehabilitation programme
This exercise programme has specific exercises
to help maintain your range of joint
movement, and strengthen the muscles around
your knee. In order to achieve these goals it is
important to ensure the exercises are
performed with a good technique. The following leaflet includes some exercises to help in
your rehabilitation.
Warm up and warm down
It is important that you warm up if possible
with a gentle pain free walk for 3-4 minutes
before you start your exercises. This increases
your circulation and helps prepare your
muscles for the activity to come.
When you have finished your exercises it is
also important to allow your heart rate to slow
down gradually by ending the session with a
gentle walk for a few minutes.
General guidelines
Exercises for osteoarthritis of the knee
Early rehabilitation
Quadriceps stretch – Lie on the floor (or
bed if the floor is difficult) with your knee
straight, slowly bend the affected knee as
far as possible (moving your ankle as close
to your bottom as possible). When you feel
a stretch in the thigh muscle hold the
position for 10 seconds then return to a
straightened position and hold again for 10
seconds. Repeat 10 times.
Quadriceps tense – Remain lying on your
back with your legs straight and place a
rolled up towel under the knees. Tighten
the front thigh muscle (quadriceps) by
pushing the knee in to the towel. Hold for
10 seconds and then release for 20
seconds. Repeat this process 10 times.
your knee with your hands but slowly lean
forward until you feel a stretch at the back
of the thigh. Hold the stretch for 20
seconds. Repeat 5 times.
Inside thigh muscles
and gluteal muscles
tense – Sit on a chair,
place a towel or ball
between the thighs,
tighten buttocks and
squeeze thigh muscles
together. Hold for 10
seconds. Repeat 5 times.
Later rehabilitation
Straight leg raise – Lie on your back, lean
on forearms with the knee of the affected
leg straight and foot pulled up (bend the
knee of the unaffected leg for balance). Lift
During acute attacks, rest will help by
decreasing inflammation but you’re likely also
to experience increased stiffness and reduced
muscle power.
When attempting the following exercises there
should be no pain but it is relevant to work
the muscles as hard as feasible. If the
exercises cause pain and swelling then you
should allow a period of time, perhaps two
days, for the irritation to settle.
All exercises should be performed gently,
slowly and ideally little and often.
slowly to the sitting position again without
using your arms. Repeat 10 times.
Quadriceps strengthening - step down – Place
the affected leg on a
shallow step about 3
inches high. Step down
with the good leg (slowly), taking 3-4 seconds to
complete the step. Repeat
7 times. You can hold on
to a bannister for support.
strengthening minisquats - Using a
chair, squat down
bending both knees
but keeping the back
straight. The squat
should be to approximately 45 degrees.
Repeat 10 times.
Additional exercises
Hamstring stretch
(tight hamstrings
are a common
finding in OA) –
Stand upright and
place the foot of
your affected leg on
a stool or chair. Try
not to push down on
the straight leg about 4-6
inches off the ground and
hold for 10 seconds.
Repeat 10 times.
Swimming and cycling may be appropriate for
certain individuals as mobility, strength and
aerobic capacity can be increased without too
much stress to the joint.
Quadriceps strengthening
– Sit on a chair with your
arms folded, slowly stand
up without using your
arms. When upright, return
The information contained in this leaflet is intended as general guidance and information only and should not be relied upon as a basis for planning individual medical care or as a substitute for specialist medical advice in each individual case. To the extent permissable by law, the publisher, editors and contributors accept no
liability for any loss, injury or damage howsoever incurred (including negligence) as a consequence, whether directly or indirectly, of the use of any person of the contents of this leaflet.