RESUSPENSION OF ALLERGEN-CONTAINING PARTICLES UNDER MECHANICAL AND AERODYNAMIC DISTURBANCES FROM HUMAN WALKING - INTRODUCTION TO AN EXPERIMENTAL CONTROLLED METHODOLOGY C. Gomes1,*, J. Freihaut1,*, W. Bahnfleth1 1 Indoor Environment Center, Architectural Engineering Department, Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802, USA ABSTRACT Epidemiological evidence indicates that common environmental allergens found in building reservoirs are strongly associated with the development of bronchial hyper-reactivity (BHR) or asthma, affecting up to half the population in North America and Europe. Although they are rarely life threatening, these diseases cause much distress and lost time from school and work. These diseases are believed inhalation sensitized and developed, suggesting an aerobiological pathway of allergen-containing carrier particles from reservoir to occupant respiration. This study presents and develops a controlled and characterized method to explore the influence of human walking on the aerosolization of allergen-containing particles. Time resolved particle size distribution and allergen content are measured for particles resuspended from representative samples of flooring materials and for different sets of floor disturbances in an environmentally controlled experimental chamber. Initial results, when placed in the context of previous investigations, indicate the method can be utilized to develop a database for particle resuspension rates. INDEX TERMS Particle resuspension, Resuspension rates & factors, Allergens, Bio-aerosols, Asthma INTRODUCTION Epidemiological studies indicate continuing significant increases in health care and hospitalization of patients for respiratory system related diseases such as asthma. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Anon), approximately 6% of all Americans suffer from asthma and approximately 5,000 people die each year of asthma or related complications. The economic burden of this illness in the United States is estimated at $12.7 billion dollars per year (Anon A). Symptoms of asthma may be triggered in genetically predisposed individuals and developed in non-atopic individuals by exposure to allergens. Common indoor allergens are found in cat and dog fur or saliva, cockroach and dust mite droplets and body parts. After disintegrating, these materials adhere to inert dust in carpets, upholstery, and other reservoir surfaces making allergens available for secondary aerosolization when disturbed by human activity (walking, vacuum cleaning, etc.). Specific allergens associate with different ranges of carrier particle sizes (NAS 2000) and, after reentrainment, can stay airborne for relatively long periods of time as respirable particles. • Corresponding author email: [email protected], [email protected] The first studies examining the impact of human activity on particle resuspension were conducted in the 1960’s with radioactive material from the floor of nuclear facilities. The resuspension factors from these studies and from more recent ones were summarized by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC 2002) and ranges from 6x10-8 to 7x10-4 m-1. Sehmel (1980) presented a summary of particle resuspension factors caused by mechanical disturbance from indoor human activities (walking and sweeping) and outdoor activities (pedestrian walking and vehicular traffic), ranging from 1x10-10 to 3x10-2 m-1. Until the 1990’s, occupancy-related particle resuspension in residential and offices buildings was seldom explored. Extrapolated resuspension values from the previously nuclear material studies had very limited application. More recently, due to the increase of particulate-related respiratory diseases (in particular asthma) and the emergence of CBW attacks on civilian populations, several studies on indoor particle resuspension have been performed (Table 1, Weis et al. 2002, Matsumoto 2003). Table 1 summarizes relevant findings. Table 1. Summary of Particle Resuspension Studies Source Hambraeus et al. 1978 Thatcher et al. 1995 Location Hospital Operation Room V=112 m3, A=35 m2 Residential Bldg 1st floor V=360 m3 A=150 m2 Floor Type Vinyl Carpet Wood Vinyl Karlsson et al. 1996 Experimental Room A=20 m2 NR Karlsson et al. 1999 Experimental Room V=45 m3 A=15 m2 PVC Buttner et al. 2002 Experimental Room Resemb. residentl 4.0x4.0x2.2 m Single family home Vinyl Com. carpet Resid carpet Ferro el al. 2004 Wood Rug Ambient Conditions T=NR RH=NR Ventl=off No air leakge T=NR RH=NR Dust Bacteria-carrying particles dp=3-6 µm ρ=NR Inert dust ρ=1 g/cm3 (assm) Floor Load 1.5x103 1.6x103 3.4x104 cfu/m2 Average 39 µg/cm2 Grass Pollen 6x4 µm dm=6.3 µm ρ=1 g/cm3 (assm) Freeze dried spores Bacillus Subtilus 1.8x0.9 µm davg,aglom=12 µm ρ=1.3 g/cm3 Penicillium Chrysogenum Spores 1.8x3.5 µm NR 2.6x107 #/m2 T=NR RH=NR 1 person walking at 0.7 m2 table 1 hour 1x108 #/m2 or 120 mg/m2 T=NR RH=NR 1 person walking 4 persons walking 75 steps/min 1x106 cfu/m2 1x107 cfu/m2 HVAC, HEPA 5 Pa pressz T=NR RH=NR T≈20°C RH=NR Walking in prescribed pattern 1 minute NR Activity 4 persons walking, 30 min Mopping, 10 min Hair dry jet, 10 min 4 persons walking and Sitting Walking on wood Vacuum on wood Dance on wood Resuspension Resusp. Part. Size 2.5x10-3 m-1 2.0x10-4 m-1 1.2x10-3 m-1 1.65x10-8 min-1 7.33x10-9 min-1 3.00x10-7 min-1 1.38x10-6 min-1 6.33x10-6 min-1 5.67x10-7 min-1 8.0x10-2 m-1 7.8x10-2 min-1 3-6 µm 3-6 µm 3-6 µm 0-0.5 µm 0.5-1.0 µm 1-5 µm 5-10 µm 10-25 µm >25 µm 6.3 µm 6.3 µm 1.8x10-5 min-1 2.45x10-5 min-1 12 µm 12 µm Vinyl, Comm Crpt 10-5-10-4 m-1 Resitl carpet 10-3-10-2 m-1 mg/( PM2.5 1.27x10-1 3.05x10-1 2.00x10-2 2-3 µm 2-3 µm PM5 4.93x10-1 5.45x10-1 1.00x10-1 NR - Not reported; assm - assumed Allergen concentrations on home floors as well as allergen concentration in the air for quiescent and disturbed conditions have also been measured and their ranges are represented in Table 2 (Blay et al. 1997, Custovic et al. 1997, Custovic et al. 1999, Lidia and Salthammer 2003). Table 2. Reservoir and air allergen concentration However, the absence of controlled parameters in the experiments of previous studies limits their application in the health risk assessment. Environmental conditions, such as humidity, were rarely considered or controlled to isolate their importance in particle resuspension. Systematic parametric variation, such as floor type, dust type and load, contaminant concentration in dust load, have not been performed, leading to difficulties in interpreting available data. Although it is generally accepted that floor disturbance mechanisms are mechanical, aerodynamic and electrostatic in nature, there is no consensus, explanatory theory for particle resuspension that can predict the effects of floor surface disturbances on particle re-entrainment. This report describes the development of an experimental and analytical methodology to examine particle surface-to-air aerosolization when reservoirs are subjected to human-related disturbances. The purpose is to establish a data bank detailing particle resuspension as a function of floor vibrations and transient near surface air flows, characteristic of human walking. This methodology was tested by conducting a set of resuspension experiments using carpet and linoleum flooring loaded with reference quartz and German roach dusts. RESUSPENSION CHAMBER METHOD Experiments are conducted in a constructed experimental chamber (400x200x200 mm) with temperature and relative humidity control. Dust samples are prepared containing various types of allergen (Bla g 1, Bla g 2, Der p 1, Der p 2, Can f 1 and Fel d 1) separated into precise particle size (8 bins from 0.4 to >9.0 µm) and allergen concentration ranges. The prepared dust is uniformly deposited on typical building floor samples (size: 90x90 mm) using designed particle disperser equipment. The selected surface samples are subjected to computer controlled levels of aerodynamic and mechanical disturbances, simulating the disturbance conditions associated with human walking. Resuspended particles are carried by a particle-free cross air flow and sampled by both optical particle counters (Sensors Inc., Semtech PM-300) and a Cascade Impactor (Andersen Mark II, Series 20-800). This air flow sample provides time resolved particle size distribution and size resolved samples to be tested for allergen concentration using ELISA assay techniques (Chapman et al. 2000). The aerodynamic disturbance was simulated with the impingement of six small air jets over the flooring sample. To understand the walking-related airflow motion nearby the floor, experiments were developed in a close environmental chamber using CO2 vapor released over the floor (Gomes 2004). These experiments provided the range of horizontal air velocity and the visualization of large scale air turbulence resulting from a human walking. The mechanical disturbance was simulated with a system that replicates field collected floor vibration data caused by human walking. Floor vibration acceleration generally falls between 0 and 5% of g (gravitational acceleration) with frequencies ranging from 4 to 20 Hz (Hurst and Lezotte 1970, Chui and Smith 1988, Hanagan et al. 1996, Hanagan et al. 2003). However, it is not uncommon to find accelerations higher than 70% of g (Hu et al. 1994). Electrostatic built-up voltage caused by the shoes/floor interaction can reach values higher than 10,000 volts (Robinson-Hahn 1995) and can potentially interfere with surface-to-air particle aerosolization, in particular organic or organic-containing material. This phenomenon is not presently incorporated on this research, but will be include in the near future. RESULTS Calibrated quartz particles (Particle Technology Limited, Crushed Quartz #10, United Kingdom) of known density, size distribution and composition are used to establish a basis of comparison for resuspension behavior with laboratory-produced, German roach dust particles. Two types of flooring, plastic carpet (100% olefin) and linoleum, were utilized. The floor samples were uniformly loaded with ≈50 mg of the two types of dust. The temperature was kept in between 26°C and 28°C and the relative humidity kept constant at 45%. Three sets of floor disturbance were implemented: (1) floor vibration, (2) air puff and (3) combination of both. For comparison, clean flooring samples were tested to the same set of disturbance and revealed no particle resuspension. Figure 2 shows the vibration and aerodynamic floor disturbance signal used. Floor Disturbance Signals Floor acceleration x 9.807 [m/s 2] 0.2 0.15 Person approximating Person passing 0.1 Person w alks aw ay Air Puff Floor Vibration 0.05 0 -0.05 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 Tim e (sec) -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 Vibration -0.25 Vibration & Air puffs Vibration Figure 2. Floor vibration and air puff disturbance signals The dust utilized had the characteristics represented on Table 3. Table 3. Quartz and German roach dust properties The disturbance lasted 10 minutes, but significant particle resuspension occurred only for the first two minutes. After the disturbance had begun, a practically instantaneous burst of resuspended particles was observed. As the disturbance continues, the resuspended particle count decreased exponentially for about two minutes, returning to the chamber background particle concentration values. Beyond the second minute, even with dust over the floor samples, there was little further particle resuspension. Figure 3 shows the peak and average resuspension factors (RF) and rates (RR) measured. 1.0E-02 1.0E-04 Quartz-Carpet 1.0E-05 Quartz-Linoleum 1.0E-06 Roach-Carpet 1.0E-07 Roach-Linoleum Peak RR [min -1] Peak RF [m -1] 1.0E-03 1.0E-08 Quartz-Carpet 1.0E-04 Quartz-Linoleum 1.0E-05 Roach-Carpet 1.0E-06 Roach-Linoleum 1.0E-07 Vibration Air-puff Vib+Air Vibration 1.0E-04 Air-puff Vib+Air 1.0E-03 1.0E-05 Quartz-Carpet 1.0E-06 Quartz-Linoleum 1.0E-07 Roach-Carpet 1.0E-08 Roach-Linoleum 1.0E-09 Avg RR [min-1] Avg RF [m-1] 1.0E-03 1.0E-04 Quartz-Carpet 1.0E-05 Quartz-Linoleum 1.0E-06 Roach-Carpet 1.0E-07 Roach-Linoleum 1.0E-08 Vibration Air-puff Vib+Air Vibration Air-puff Figure 3. Peak and average RF and RR Results Vib+Air The average RF and RR are values integrated over every second of the measuring period for two minutes after the disturbance started. The peak RF and RR are values determined for the period of one second when the highest particle concentration was observed by the OPC. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Peak RF and RR measured in these experiments ranged from 10-6 to 10-3 m-1 and 10-5 to 10-2 min-1, while average RF and RR ranged from 10-8 to 10-4 m-1 and 10-7 to 10-3 min-1, respectively. Despite the four order of magnitude range, these values fall between field measured values found in the literature review. The main observations derived from the experiments performed were: (1) for a continuous disturbance, resuspension was only observed during the first two minutes with an initial burst of particle reentrainment followed by an exponential decrease to undetectable value; (2) airpuff disturbances had a much higher impact on dust resuspension than the vibration disturbances; (3) particles were more easily resuspended from linoleum flooring than from carpet flooring; (4) German roach dust was more easily resuspended by air streams than quartz dust. The methodology presented has been demonstrated and proven to be a valuable tool to gather reliable information on particle resuspension. The controlled environmental and disturbance conditions, the flexibility to generate different types of disturbances (including a future electrostatic disturbance), the broad range and flexibility of air sampling, the flexibility to use different flooring and different dust such as allergen containing dust and surrogate CBW dusts make it a potential useful tool for particle resuspension research and thereby contribute to the development of exposure risk models. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank the Pennsylvania State University Institutes of the Environment and the Indoor Environment Center for financial support. 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