SampleA. Sample 128MainStreet Anytown, L2M6'LZBL Ameritech January 22, L998 S E L E C T SampleA. Sample 123Main Street Anytown, I2U5-I234 r?i a i" i:: l l :l r , ; ,i a i i ,, i Do :1 3 ' ii Dear SampleA. Sample, I'd like to thank you for being one of our best customers.As I mentionedw-henI wrote to you last October,;iou are now'a member of the Ameritech Selectprogram. The Ameritech Selectprogram has many valuablebenefits. Among them is a team of speciallytrained customer service professionalsavailableto you24 hours a day,7 days a week, to answer questionsabout any Ameritech product or service. You can reach them directly by calling, 5-3287). toll-free, 1-888-SELECTS (1-888-73 But I'm not only writing to tell what you get from the Ameritech Select program. I'm also writing to ask you what you want That's why I'd like you to answer the brief questionnaireenclosedwith this letter. And to thank you in advancefor responding,I'm sendingyou a gift-a free, one-yearmembershipin the Quest program. It's designedfor peoplelike you who want to make their money go further when they travel. Flip through the enclosedQuest Directory and you'll,find nearly 100 pagesof choicehotels coastto coastwhere you'll enjoy big savings. You'll alsoreceivesubstantialdiscountson Carnival Cruises, Northwest Airlines, car rentals, and fine dining. We've even enclosed your Quest membershipcard, so you can begin saving right now. Best of all, your membershipis absolutelyfree. -.--So please take a moment to a-nswerthe enclose-dquesiionnaireand --return it in the envelopeprovided. Your answerswill help us provide you with the products and servicesthat meet your needs. Onceagain,thank you. With your valuableinput, we can make the Ameritech Select program a lot more rewarding for you. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Bruce Chatterley Vice President Ameritech ConsumerServices P.S. Pleasebe sure to answer the enclosedsurvey. It'll only take you a few minutes, and it will help us make the Ameritech Select program more valuableto you. e4M Ameritech 9;li I s?l r",+r .9J1i'' $; ,s) E ; "."";; " E L C T : l9 9999999999999 SampleA. Sample 123Main Street Anytown, \ZUS-LZU Youranswerswill help us createthe Ameritech Selectprogramthat thanks you in the way you want to be thanked.So pleasetake a moment to completethis form and return it in the enclosedenvelope. arLthnL apptu l. Which of the following do you have?Ghpck ) ! Cante I onrine Service I Modem I Fax Machine ! cuuuta" or PCSPhone 2. How would you like to receiveAmeritech Selectprograminformation?6cnear,allthatopptu ) ! Telephone ! fax E Uait I n-mait (Pleaseproui.d,e e-mni.tadd,ress: (Please prouicte ntunber: ) L-l Send no information one.) 3. What is your opinion of Ameritech'scustomerservice?(ch,eck E Poor I rair I Satisfactory I Good I Excellent 4. In terms of quality,value,and easeof use,how do you rate Ameritechproducts and services?Gneatsne) I Poor E nair I Satisfactory ! Gooa I Excellent 5. Usinga scaleof 1 to 5 (1=Not at all interested;5=Veryinterested),pleasetell us how interestedyou are in receivingdiscountsor couponson the followingretail servicesor products? Not at aLL'interested Airline travel Car rental Major hotel chains Grocerystores Book stores Gasstations qlereq Qtqt!41g Fast-foodrestaurants Full-servicerestaurants Video rentals Movietheater passes Verui,nterested 2345 2345 2345 2345 2345 2345 -123452345 2345 2345 2345 6. Us-g a scale of 1 to 5 (l=Not at all interested; 5=Very interested), how interested are you in receiving information on the following phone-related servicesor products? Notat aII i,nterested service I 2 3 fromAmeritech) Americast (cable I 2 3 card) Ameritech Complete Card 1acreditcardthatisalsoyourcalling I 2 3 service fromAmeritech)'* 1or'lir,e Vety'interested 4 5 4 5 4 5 7, Do you run a businessfrom your home?eheckone) f Yes I },lo 8. What age group are you tn?enect,one.) E rs-g+ I gr-r+ Z ss-z+ I under 18 ! 75or older ailthntawla.) 9. If you have children living in your home,what agegroup(s) are they in? Qr,ecn 18 Ie"voverage fNone Eeovunderage4 Ie"v a1e4-I2 Ie"vage 13-18 Thank you for your time and your answers.As always,we appreciateyour business. R AV E L the QuestDirectoryis constantly Because behg updated,its listingsaresubjectto to confirm Pleasecall 1-800-742-3543 change. or merchant whetherthe hotei,restaurant, youplanto visitis currentlylisted. S AV IN GS B EN EF IT S elect
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